#Stonathan headcanons
Stonathan headcanons to brighten your day pt. 2 ✨
You can read part 1 here | part 3 here
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✨ It took some time for them to refer to each other as boyfriends - especially Steve. He never knew he would one day call a boy his boyfriend;
✨ But after some time, Steve would always refer to Jonathan as his boyfriend (to his close friends, of course);
— "I don't know, Henderson... I need to ask my boyfriend first."
— "You mean Jonathan?"
— "That's what I said. My boyfriend."
— 🙄.
✨ You can't blame the guy for being happy. His last relationship was a disaster, and Steve thought he would never date again. But his current relationship with Jonathan is just perfect! He's never been happier!
✨ Compared to Steve, Jonathan uses the word "boyfriend" sparingly, but every time he does refer to Steve as his boyfriend, the other boy feels like he's going to explode (of happiness, of course!);
✨ Golden Retriever and Black Cat boyfriends. Steve is always full of energy, always wanting to do something, like going to the mall, the movies, the park, or anything, whereas Jonathan only wants to stay indoors and listen to music or watch a movie in the comfort of his room;
✨ No pet names, it's just 'Steve' and 'Jonathan/Jon';
✨ But one time Jonathan accidentally called Steve 'sweetheart'. He was taking a nap and Steve was trying to wake him up;
— "C'mon, Jon, wake up! It's the middle of the day. Let's go do something!"
— "Hmph... No."
— "Pleaseee!"
— "Five more minutes, sweetheart..."
— "... What?"
✨ Poor Jonathan was embarrassed as hell, while Steve was smiling like a kid on Christmas day;
✨ Jonathan definitely has a picture of Steve wearing his stupid Scoops Ahoy uniform (or a bunch of them...);
✨ Steve never says 'no' to Jonathan, and the kids take advantage of it - whenever they, primarily Dustin, want something from Steve, they would ask Jonathan to ask Steve;
✨ It's not a rare occurrence to see Steve walking around the Byers' house - he practically lives there!
— "Why are you here, Steve? Don't you have a house to live in?"
— "Don't you have a basement to crawl back into, Wheeler?"
— "I'm here because Will invited me!"
— "And I'm here because my boyfriend invited me!"
✨ Meanwhile, Will & Jonathan are just: 😑😑.
✨ Steve likes to stay at the Byers' when his parents are away on some business trip - either Jonathan invites him to stay or Joyce refuses to let him stay all alone in that big house. But the bedroom door has to be left open;
— "You boys better keep the door open!"
— "MOM!"
✨ Jonathan has insecurity issues. Look at him! Why would Steve ever want to date him of all people?!
✨ Didn't like it when Steve flirted with the girls at Scoops Ahoy, even though he understood he had to do that to 'keep appearances';
✨ But when Steve found out Jonathan didn't like his purposely bad flirts towards the girls at Scoops, he immediately stopped;
✨ Steve himself was jealous of Jonathan working with Nancy Wheeler. His ex-girlfriend working together with his current boyfriend?! Geez...
✨ On their first Valentine's Day, Jonathan gave Steve a photo of them together in a beautiful dark blue frame. It was just a simple photo, taken by Joyce, of them sitting on the couch and laughing. The average Hawkins resident would look at that picture and think 'just two good friends spending some time together'. And Steve gave him... A teddy bear and a bouquet of flowers;
— "I panicked! I don't know how to give gifts to boyfriends. I know how to give gifts to girlfriends! And your gift was so sweet... And mine is so shitty..."
— "It's alright, Steve! Really. I loved it. Thank you."
✨ He really did love the gift, but decided to only keep the teddy bear and gave the flowers to his mom;
✨ Steve wanted to make it up for his shitty Valentine's Day gift, so he asked Will;
— "What does your brother like?"
— *shrugs* "I don't know."
— "You don't know? How can you not know? He's your brother!"
— "How can you not know? He's your boyfriend."
✨ He ended up giving Jonathan a box of chocolates;
— "I really suck at giving you gifts..."
— "It's alright, Steve. It's the thought that matters."
✨ Steve has the habit of forgetting some of his sweaters and jackets at Jonathan's house. Jonathan has the habit of not returning them and pretending to not know where they are;
✨ Will ate most of the chocolates, by the way...
✨ Physical touch is Steve's love language - he's always hugging Jonathan, resting his head on his shoulders, and kissing his cheeks;
✨ Jonathan is not as clingy, but he's always close to Steve, their arms always touching. Sometimes he likes to hold hands with him - this is his first relationship, okay? He needs some time to get used to things like this;
✨ When Robin found out Steve was dating Jonathan, she made a mark on the 'You Rule | You Suck' board: 1x6;
— "Can't you write a '10x6' instead? I mean, have you seen Jonathan? He's a 10, Robs!"
— "That's not how it works, Popeye..."
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lovipop2049 · 2 years
Stonathan Headcanons
Favorite ship ever so here we go. Some of these are angsty because I LIVE for Stonathan angst sorry
-They are both protective of each other but in different ways. Steve is more of the yelling "If you say anything about my boyfriend i will beat u up" and then irrationally attempting to beat the shit out of that person (probably failing, but he tried) while Jonathan would talk shit to that person, but not try to start a fight unless he felt like he needed to.
-Jonathan desperately doesn't want his family to find out. Steve understands why he doesn't want to make it public, cuz its the 80s, but he doesn't understand why Jonathan would want to keep it from his family. They both agree that Jonathan's family would be supportive, but Jonathan is worried it'll somehow get out to his dad and he'll go through everything again but worse.
-Jonathan keeps his feelings in all the time. Steve can totally tell and always reminds him that he can vent whenever he needs to, but Jonathan refuses.
-They cuddle all the time, and usually Steve is the big spoon
-Robin is definitely Steve's wingman and she also mocks Steve gushing about Jonathan all the time. I think Robin and Jonathan would also be friends but I'll post about that another time. Also Robin probably told Jonathan lots of times "I don't get how you like this dingus"
-Jonathan makes Steve's lunch for work everyday and visits him all the time.
-Steve can sometimes be way too concerned about Jonathan but it comes from a good place and Jonathan feels bad.
-Jonathan rambles about absolutely everything for like 20 minutes but then apologizes after he realizes he's been rambling even though Steve loves listening to him talk
-Jonathan was the first one to say 'I love you'
-They go on lots of star gazing dates and just talk for hours. Sometimes they even fall asleep together in the grass
-They definitely smoke together and Steve would do some stupid shit like naming the bong they share 💀 Also Steve is prolly giggly af when high and Jonathan's just kinda. there.
-Once they're out to some people Jonathan gushes about Steve. Steve gushes about Jonathan too, and whenever Steve talks about cuddling or lovey dovey stuff Robin acts like she's gonna throw up to get him to shut up.
-Jonathan prefers to give homemade gifts like mixtapes, crafts, photos, while Steve doesn't really know how to do that kinda stuff and just likes to buy Jonathan things. Jonathan doesn't mind though, he still loves the gifts.
-Jonathan is always tired and Steve sleeps with him (not in that way😩 😩 😩 ) even when he's not tired at all.
-Jonathan hates crying and Steve hates seeing him in pain, because Steve really does know whenever Jonathan's hurting. Sometimes he can't hold it in anymore and just sobs into Steve's shoulder. Steve tries to find a therapist for him and tries to make enough money to get him one, even though Jonathan tries to insist he doesn't need one.
-Steve was the one to confess because Jonathan was prolly going through internalized homophobia
-Steve loves horror movies because he thinks its adorable when Jonathan gets scared and cuddles up next to him. That doesn't happen too often though.
-They love giving each other kisses, whether its on the cheek, lips, or full on makeout session
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@magazineswithmyself it’s honestly a mixture of random silly things, and then pretty neat things- the obvious enemies to friends to lovers, that usually has me weak, the potential they have to become much closer friends, them having to sorta move past high school, so the awkwardness, their jigs with kids (dustin for steve, will for jon)
the way Steve was the one who bought Jonathan another camera- even, as small as this is, the way Steve’s iconic bat was made by Jonathan, both their urges to protect close ones, putting others before themselves, Jonathan ESPECIALLY, Steve’s six nuggets dream, and how Jonathan’s main thing is family, the obvious trauma bonding (not saying that’s the only requirement for a relationship, but it’s sorta what kickstarted Jancys) and i’ll privally make a longer post about how amazing it is to me after rewatching some more or looking at an old slideshow i have on Stonathan
when Jonathan showed up in the van, Steve stole him IMMEDIATELY to do his hair, he’s always wanted to do Jonathan’s hair, but now it’s longer and messier, and Steve just will not stand for that (no offense to Jon’s hair, i like it)
jonathan tries weekly to ‘fix’ steve and his music taste
he’s made/given steve several mixtapes with some of Jon’s favorites to listen to, but on Steve’s birthday, Jon gives Steve a tape of all his favorite music, and Steve is beyond excited because he got his own tape with his own things- and even more so, Jonathan KNOWS what he likes! jonathan is the first person to know what Steve likes, so he’s a happy lol boy
when/if Jon ever opened up about his past, or at least the having to be a parent, and having no childhood at ALL, steve makes it a point to take him to do something fun every week, to fill in the missing parts
Steve let’s jon and his family take movies for free, that’s another small way of Steve apologizing to Jonathan and trying to let Jonathan have more fun for free
at one point Jonathan stole Steves “Scoops Ahoy” hat and made fun of him
steve said he’d make Jonathan pay double for ice cream if he didn’t stop
jon ended up getting free ice cream for a weak
Jonathan is actually used to cuddling, he’d do it with his brother and sometimes his mom if she was there, he was usually big spoon, but Steve is touch starved, so when he’s little spoon to Jonathan, he MELTS
jon also loves being big spoon because it makes him feel like he’s protecting whoever he’s cuddling
but one time Steve was big and Jon was little, and Jon cried some, because he’s NEVER been held before and HOLY SHIT
one time when Jon was high he decided to put pink glitter in one of Steve’s MANYY hair bottles
Steve has now a full head of sparkly pink hair
jonathan could NOT stop laughing. he was LITERALLY rolling on the floor, clutching his sides, dying.
one time steve tried doing a ‘hot’ pose for jonathan for his pictures, he ended up falling and spraining his ankle
Jonathan has at least three books on the Victorian flower language and picks steve flowers according to their meaning
whenever jon does get flowers, their hand picked from the ground, not bought
jon and steve went as werewolves together one time for Halloween
jon is actually a very talented puppeteer, he loves making little puppet shows for his family
steve has a pet turtle he named Jomatham
steve likes it when Jonathan reads books to him, Jon does different voice for each character
both jonathan and steve tend to punch people if they sneak up on them, like Zed and Addison from Zombies
generally one of them has a bloody or busied nose every other week
they have a specific first aid kit with the stuff they use for the noses
because jon never really had people to talk to, whenver he gets excited, if it actually shows, he gets all rambling and quick like Robin
neither of them can sleep with the curtains open, so before they sleep, one makes sure to go and shut all the blinds/curtains
jonathan can’t sleep in the dark, and steve can’t sleep in the light, so jonathan buys him a bright pink eye mask with eyelashes
it actually works
i’ll add more soon!
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Steve and Jonathan go setup the cabin before they start unpacking.
Steve opens the windows, takes off the couch covers and dusts off the coffee tables while Jonathan takes care of toiletries and then they get the bed sets and start making the two bunks and the big bed in the main room.
Steve has mostly shaken off his freak out about Eddie saying all that stuff about him and Steve reacting by practically shoving his fingers in his mouth.
Robin helped. She always does.
She's been telling him to make a move on Eddie for months, but Steve keeps overthinking it.
He likes Eddie so much, it just feels impossible Eddie could like him that way too.
So, whenever Eddie says something like what he said in the car, Steve's head cannot compute it.
It doesn't make sense. Steve came out to them all ages ago. If Eddie thought of him like that, surely he'd have made a move by now, right?
He's the loudest, most unashamed person Steve has ever met, he's so unapologetically himself, he sticks by the stuff he likes no matter what, of course he would've made a move.
But he hasn't. And so he doesn't, Eddie doesn't like Steve like that. He's just nice.
He's so nice.
Of course he's not gonna make a big deal of what Steve did in the car. Steve's still a little embarrassed but he knows Eddie would never give him a hard time over something so silly.
Robin reminded him of that too, as soon as they got out of the car and Steve made mortified eyes at Eddie's back as he watched him go stand by the lake.
"You're kinda drowning in a glass of water there, man," Robin said, ruffling his hair.
Steve laughed, escaping her hand and glaring at her.
"I bet he didn't even think twice of it!" she offered, then when he didn't look convinced, she added "He said a bunch of stuff about you, did you think it was weird?"
Steve shook his head "Of course not. it doesn't have to mean anything"
"Exactly." Robin agreed then, rubbing his back. Steve sighed, leaning his head on her shoulder.
So, Steve is mostly over it now. Robin is right.
But, that doesn't stop Steve from stealing glances at the grill through the bedroom windows, where Eds and Nance are making hot dogs, as him and Jonathan make the beds.
Jon must notice, because when they switch to the second bunk, he comments "You know, you can let him down easy. it doesn't have to be a big deal"
Steve immediately drags his eyes away from Eddie and looks at Jonathan.
"What?" he asks,
"Eddie" Jonathan presses, Steve stammers,
"Oh come on, he obviously has a crush on you, man." Jon says, "And it's fine if you don't feel the same you know? you can talk to him as your friend, he's a cool dude- I don't think he'd be-"
Steve finally finds his words and interrupts Jonathan.
"Wait, no. Back up. Eddie doesn't have a crush on me." Steve states.
Jonathan scoffs but when he looks at Steve's face his half smile fades,
"Are you serious?" he asks,
Steve looks around them like his answer is written on the walls.
"Didn't you hear what he said in the car?" Jonathan demands "I thought that was the whole reason you were freaking out!"
"I'm not- I'm not freaking out." Steve excuses "And he doesn't have crush on me, if he did he would have made a move by now" he explains.
Jonathan gapes at him for a bit before he answers.
"Okay, one: you have not stopped looking at him since we got out of the car;" Jon notes, "And two: you flirt with all of us except him, you shut him down when he gives you a compliment and you always refuse to dance with him when we go out. Why would he make a move?"
Steve feels his eyes go wide and his stomach drop.
"Shit. Do I?" he asks "No, I don't flirt with you guys" he adds,
Jonathan snorts and gives him a non-plussed look.
Fuck. Okay maybe he does, it's a past-time of his, sue him.
"I-" Steve scrambles "How do I shut down his compliments? I don't do that" he tries,
"You cough and redirect or you laugh and deflect," Jonathan supplies, apparently had those at the ready, damn.
"I didn't do that in the car" Steve counters,
"Robin changed the topic. And you two share a brain" Jonathan states,
Steve covers his eyes with a hand. He hoped it hadn't been that obvious.
"Ohmygod. Fuck. And I do refuse to dance with him" Steve remembers, he's afraid Eddie will figure him out if that ever happens,
"Uh huh, but you dance with us," Jonathan reminds him,
So Eddie had made a move. Several, if Jon's to be believed.
"Fuck. Fuck. Eddie thinks I don't like him," Steve realizes, "Eddie might be attracted to me and he thinks I don't like him at all" Steve despairs,
"I mean," Jonathan placates, "you do spend a lot of time together, I'm sure he knows you like him"
With this realization, at the sight of the tiniest possibility, Steve feels his despair dissolve every excuse he's ever had to hide his feelings.
"No," Steve explains, dragging his hand down his face "No, he thinks I don't like him like that. He doesn't know I'm attracted to him!"
"Wait. You are?"
"Yeah!" Steve confirms, "It's the reason I freak out around him! I can't trust I won't throw myself at him if we dance and I'm always embarrassed of my reactions to him flirting or complimenting me cause I don't want him to find out. I don't wanna ruin our friendship" Steve explains
"Oh." is Jon's helpful reaction.
"Yeah, oh." Steve says,
"How are you so sure he has a crush on me?" he asks Jonathan after a bit,
"Well," Jonathan starts " First of all, who doesn't?"
Steve laughs despite himself "Shut. Up!" he says, balling up the sheet in his hands and throwing it at Jonathan's head, he dodges it easily and picks it back up.
"Second of all," Jon continues, like there was no interruption, "everything Eddie said in the car. And third, just how he generally acts with you." Jonathan shrugs, like it's so obvious, "He shares his songs with you first, he always lets you pick the movie, he cooks your favorite meals, he makes us buy your favorite dessert, I could go on, it's no very hard to tell,"
"And yet-" Steve interjects, laughing a tad bitterly.
"Give yourself a break, Steve." Jonathan tells him, "Nobody thinks straight when they have a crush,"
"Har har" Steve deadpans at the pun.
"That was completely unintended, I swear." Jonathan defends, "I meant it's not hard to tell from the outside. I bet if you really thought of it you could come up with signs you've missed too",
"I don't wanna assume-" Steve muses,
"Then don't." Jonathan tells him, "That was more or less what I was gonna tell you anyways, only now its the opposite"
Steve gives him a confused look.
"Just- You don't have to go ask him out this second," Jonathan explains, "you can just start letting him see that you find him attractive. You said your reactions embarrass you, you keep hiding them, I bet he'd love to see them if we're right about how he feels." Jonathan goes on,
Steve thinks about all the redirecting and hiding he does with Eddie, just so he doesn't find out Steve feels this way about him. If he has a chance to be with Eddie he knows exactly where to start.
"And if we're wrong he won't be an asshole about it." Jonathan says, "I'm 100% sure of that. You can have a big conversation if you want but I know that can be hard, so you can do easier stuff first"
"Like flirt with him" Steve supplies, maybe a little too excited by the prospect.
"Exactly." Jonathan smiles, "Helps that you're not bad at that",
"I'm not the only one" Steve shoots back with a wink.
Jonathan laughs, "There it is" he says, throwing the balled up sheet back at Steve.
Steve chuckles and catches it easily, "Okay. Alright, then. This- I can do this" he states.
"Yeah." Jonathan agrees, "Don't think of it like a huge change, just remember you're only letting him in a little bit, trying to figure out if he feels the same, and if he doesn't, that's cool," he reminds him.
"Yeah." Steve repeats, "Yeah you're right. That makes sense." he agrees,
"I mean it doesn't." Steve adds, "I can't believe he might be attracted to me but- thanks, man. I really appreciate it"
Jonathan smiles and reaches out to clap his shoulder "Anytime, dude. You're my friend, you can talk to me whenever, I'll be happy to listen." he says. Steve can't help thinking Will is so lucky to have him as a brother.
"You're really good at this." Steve tells him, "But, you know, I'm here for you too man, anytime." he offers.
"Thanks, Steve" Jonathan smiles,
Steve smiles back and untangles the bedsheet in his hands, and then they get back to work on the second bunk.
part 4
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Eddie and Jonathan bonded over- actually, their first meeting was a fight. They were fighting over the newest Motley Crue album, and the only one left, at the record store and almost beat each other up, until they realized they were both didn't have enough money for it. So they decided to pool their money together and share it, clearly not thinking the process through because they kept it at Eddie's house and that meant every time Jonathan wanted to borrow it, he ended up just getting high with Eddie and listening to music with him for hours
That is how they became friends
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I so believe in bisexual steve but gay steve who has gone through extreme comphet is so special to me
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messrsbyler · 1 year
i think steve, who’s dated around, likes to use the little trick of taking the girl he’s dating to the ferris wheel whenever the fair is in town because most of his dates don’t like heights (or pretend not to) and they cling to him.
when steve tries this with jonathan though, it doesn’t go as expected. first of all, because jonathan seems unfazed by heights. second of all, because it’s a windy day and oh shit their cart is swinging a little and since when does the ferry wheel go so high? shit shit shit. and now steve is the one clinging to jonathan while jonathan rolls his eyes and hides a smile.
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
stranger things autism squad hcs
- the squad consists of jonathan, eddie, robin, steve (and will but i’ll talk abt him with the rest of the party’s hcs)
the rest of them are also neurodivergent, mainly adhd or anxiety and obviously they all have ptsd
- eddie robin and steve also have adhd (and steve has dyslexia)
- steve and jonathan tend to get overstimulated by the same things, same with eddie and robin
- eddie and jonathan have music playing 24/7 so their thoughts don’t get too loud
- steve is hyper-empathetic to the ppl around him and tends to mimic stims and tics from the others
a lot of times robin and steve end up mimicking the same stuff back at each other until one of them gets distracted (which is usually pretty fast)
- jonathan is touch averse, can only handle being touched by family/very close friends
- steve is touch starved and finds physical affection grounding (and eddie and robin are happy to oblige bc they do too)
- steve has a super high pain tolerance
- eddie does not understand the concept of personal space
- steve has excellent hand-eye coordination (basketball!) but that’s about it, he’s almost as clumsy as robin most days
- eddie has lived off of solely spaghettio’s and chicken nuggets for 19 years
- jonathan can’t drink any beverage other than water
- the only food steve knows how to make is his and robins comfort foods (his is mac and cheese, robin’s is pancakes)
- the four of them are completely clueless when people try to subtly hint or imply things to them. they will not get it unless it is explicitly stated
- steve and eddie have a good sense of direction but mess up left and right, jonathan and robin are the opposite, they get lost constantly but make fun of steve and eddie for having to do the L thing (iykyk) to figure out left/right
- eddie ends up chewing on paper a lot and has accidentally swallowed a bunch
- eddie and steve are incapable of doing homework and are terrible test-takers
- steve and robin are perfectionists but in different ways. steve will start organizing peoples rooms subconsciously and has a bunch of random little rules for himself (tie left shoe first, check locks three times, etc.) robin is a perfectionist about her grades/band/how she looks/etc.
- jonathan and steve hate making eye contact, eddie makes too much eye contact and robin doesn’t even look up from her book when people talk to her
- eddie and robin accidentally eavesdrop a lot but end up getting a bunch of town gossip and tell steve about it. they’re all really invested in mr. clarke’s love life
- eddie and jonathan have synesthesia
- jonathan has a lack of facial expressions while eddie and robin over-exaggerate theirs. steve masks the most so he has “normal” facial expressions
- steve has trouble expressing himself a lot of the time, he’ll usually ask robin for certain words to describe things and bc she loves big words and vocabulary she always has one
- robin is a terrible liar and steve finds it hilarious
- they all tend to recharge on their own after a lot of socializing, or they all go to steve’s and just like. exist together
- steve keeps a very strict schedule and gets really anxious/upset when it’s messed up
- robin and eddie tend to overshare
- jonathan and steve talk pretty monotone (jonathan more so) while robin and eddie talk in super energetic or dramatic tones (they’re both former theatre kids i can feel it in my bones)
- steve has auditory processing issues, often asks people to repeat what they said (overtime he also starts to lose his hearing so he ends up learning to read lips)
- when they’re anxious robin and eddie usually go hyperverbal, while steve and jonathan tend to go nonverbal
- steve and eddie have echolalia and both used to get super frustrated with themselves before they met and were like “oh im not the only one thank fuck”
- jonathan and robin have photographic memories, steve and eddie have trouble remembering what they had for breakfast
- robin is pretty blunt but steve appreciates it because she gets straight to the point and calls him out if he does something stupid (aka smth King Steve would do)
- steve’s main mask is, obviously, king steve. his parents didn’t like the way he acted when he was younger, they wanted a “normal” child. so they trained him to be one. he still falls back into old habits some days but robin or eddie snap him out of it and comfort him after
- steve and robin mask the most, but steve does wayyy more than all of them combined. robins parents are autistic so she only really masks around people in public
she does around steve until they get closer and she feels comfortable enough to unmask (though she doesn’t really know why,,) and steve notices and is like “…you can… take it off?” and robin realizes oh he’s like me
- joyce is an amazing mother and jonathan only ever felt the need to mask around lonnie. once he leaves (aka joyce kicks him out with hopper’s help) will and jonathan rarely mask at home unless they’re really anxious or upset
- eddie masked most of his childhood. when he grows up he masks around his dad, but not anyone else. he thought if anyone hated him they could go fuck themselves. wayne is also autistic so they never feel the need to mask around each other. he still doesn’t give a shit what other people think of him (and tries to help the others feel that way too)
their special interests:
- jonathan’s is photography
- eddie’s are dnd and metal music
- robins are cryptography and linguistics
- steve’s are hair care and marvel comics
steve infodumps to dustin and robin about them but doesn’t tell anyone else (besides will) because it’s “nerdy” lmao. and yes when eddie finds out he falls even harder for him
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Stonathan headcanons to brighten your day pt 3 ✨
You can read part 1 here | part 2 here
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✨ Steve loves to hear Jonathan's laugh, so he's always making silly things or telling stupid jokes to try and make him laugh. His success rate is inferior to 20%, though;
✨ Truth is, Jonathan thinks Steve is really funny, but tries his hardest not to laugh because he doesn't want to encourage this silly behavior - Steve is already silly enough;
✨ Jonathan made some mixtapes for Steve - that's his love language, music. Steve keeps them all in the glove compartment of his car;
✨ Steve is always the one initiating physical contact (holding hands, hugging, kissing, and stuff) because Jonathan (initially) was just too shy to start them himself;
✨ The first physical contact Jonathan initiated was when they were taking Chester (the Byers' dog) for a walk. Steve was holding the leash in one hand and felt something in his other one - it was Jonathan intertwining his pinky finger with his own. He looked at Jonathan with wide eyes. His boyfriend was staring at the ground as his cheeks turned pink. Steve didn't say anything, just smiled and pressed a kiss to Jonathan's hair;
✨ The kids make fun of their relationship;
— "Oh Steve, I love you so much!"
— "Cut it out, Sinclair!"
— "I love you even more, Jonathan!"
— "Henderson!"
✨ Jonathan doesn't like it when people make fun of Steve, like when the kids insult his intelligence - he knows how bratty they can be sometimes;
✨ Steve is secretly afraid of losing Jonathan. After all, Jonathan's dream is going to NYU and studying photography. And Steve? He's not even sure a college will accept him in the first place! So he thinks Jonathan's going to break up with him;
✨ And Jonathan is secretly afraid of losing Steve. After all, Steve Harrington could have any girl (or guy) from the state of Indiana to Connecticut. Why would he choose to date Jonathan Byers of all people?
✨ Jonathan hates it when Steve calls him 'Johnny' - Steve does it just to annoy him, actually;
— "Hey Jonny, can you come here for a sec?"
— "Do not call me that."
— "Sure thing, Jonny-boy."
— "Steven."
✨ They like to watch each other sleep. Steve thinks it's cute that Jonathan sleeps on his stomach, and Jonathan thinks it's cute that Steve mumbles softly in his sleep (sometimes he even mumbles Jonathan's name);
✨ Joyce and Will were the first people Jonathan told he was dating Steve. Needless to say, how happy they were for him;
✨ They didn't tell the rest of the kids they were dating, but they accidentally found out. Dustin was furious that Steve didn't tell him;
✨ The first person he actually told was Robin - but she already suspected;
— "So that's why Jonathan's always coming here and you two keep looking at each other like two idiots."
— "Gee... Thanks for your support."
✨ Jonathan likes to give Steve homemade gifts, like photos and mixtapes - one time he even helped his mom knit a sweater to give him as a Christmas present;
✨ They are so protective of each other. Steve's the type of guy to shout threats at everyone who even dares to look at Jonathan in a strange way. Jonathan is more discreet, glaring at anyone who starts making fun of Steve, and he certainly won't hesitate to start a fight with the bastard who dares to lay a finger on his boyfriend;
✨ Steve sometimes offers to watch over Will. Initially, it was just to make Jonathan and Joyce happy, since they are still a little overprotective of Will, but Steve soon started to take a liking to the kid. Will is quiet and polite (although sometimes he does act like a little shit, but in an amusing and funny way), unlike the other kids, who are loud, rude, and bratty;
✨ Jonathan is really talkative with Steve. He talks about his job, school, the new photos he took, new music he heard on the radio, anything. And Steve loves hearing him talk - he could listen to Jonathan talk all day;
✨ 'Movie night' is code for laying down on the sofa and cuddling together (and falling asleep in the middle of the film).
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kiirotoao · 2 months
The sneak peeks of all this homey and comfortable long-sleeved clothes makes me think that it’s chilly in Hawkins, which might be obvious for the season, but guys…
Unless Dmitri and Yuri let Joyce take a meandering stop at California or the government brought everything with them or something, the Byers are back in Hawkins with only the clothes off their back. Which means they’re probably sharing clothes with others right now.
Byler sharing clothes please, please, please be real.
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lovipop2049 · 2 years
I think jonathan would be a back seat driver and steve hates it so much
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nancyqueerer · 14 days
Stonathan being awkward couple after fighting over Nancy, they didn't expect they are gonna be the endgame
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willow-lark · 1 year
i bet you can’t guess who i am. anyhow, any stonathan x byler headcanon? (as in how the both couple interact and stuff)
heyhey!! >:) ohhhhh. oh this is a good one. literally for yeeears before i finally got a tumblr i was always like. i'm gonna share ALLL my headcanons. and now that i have one i literally have not done it enough. so, without further ado:
byler headcanons:
mike is really clingy to will before they get together, but once they do the switch flips and it's will who is literally always hanging off him
mike drives, will controls the aux
will draws/paints mike whenever he needs to get out of artblock
mike writes will these super long love letters
will is the flirt, mike is the one who gets flustered
mike confesses/kisses will first
as adults they create graphic novels together
will never stops with the "you made out with my sister" jokes. ever. even when they're married
when they first come out to the byers fam as dating, hop sits mike down, who thinks he's gonna get the shovel talk AGAIN but actually hop is like. call me first if you ever have problems at home
mike actually gets really into planning their wedding. he and karen have it totally handled
stonathan headcanons:
jonathan cooks, steve cleans the kitchen
they r both soooo aggressive parental figures to the party
steve was incredibly dramatic about realizing that he was into guys, it was a whole thing he wouldn't shut up about to robin, whereas jonathan figured it out and was like. yeah that checks out. and moved on with his life
they bond over steve making jonathan watch all of his favorite (bad, but funny) movies, and jonathan making steve listen to all his (pretentious, but good) music
steve calls jonathan "dude" romantically until finally jonathan's like. cut that out. and then he switches to the sappiest pet names imaginable
there's one time that steve n mike r both sneaking out of their respective byers brothers' rooms at the same time and it results in an extremely awkward car ride of steve dropping mike off at the wheeler house
steve is jonathan's muse. he's literally soooo photogenic, okay?
nancy and robin were the ones to set them up, with help from argyle
they would both just. be really good parents if they had any kids. i love them
ask me things on anon!!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 days
I'm pretty sure sometime after Steve and Nancy get back together after season one, Steve tried to befriend Jonathan and then some. . .but Nancy and Jonathan probably thought it was a joke because sometimes it really seemed like it, especially when Steve wanted Jonathan to teach him about photography. He even tried to get Jonathan to join them on their dates. He could see that Nancy was clearly interested, and he was interested too, but maybe he just accidentially ended up pushing Nancy more towards Jonathan. I hope in season 5 there's some proper communication between the three of them, and Steve finally says the words that he actually wanted all three of them to be together.
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Meet the Byers siblings:
Jonathan- Major Tom
Will- Ziggy
El- Lady Stardust
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catharusustulatus · 2 years
Imagine the most interesting pair-ups of the ST gang for season 5. Imagine Steve, Jonathan, and Argyle are separated from the rest of the group and Steve starts freaking out (he's away from Robin and the kids) and Argyle is like "chill my handsome new friend. Take a puff!" Steve is like no, I don't smoke anymore, once you've been drugged against your will being high is less fun, plus I mostly gave it up to drive the brats around, blah blah blah....and Jonathan is like??? When were you drugged against your will again?? And Steve remembers they haven't really hung out or been on the same page since that night with the Demogorgon. Cue them all becoming friends as they try to find a way around the steaming hell-scape that was once downtown, sharing their life stories and trauma. By the time they reach the rest of the gang, Steve's braided Argyle's hair, Jonathan and Steve have made true peace...everyone is so confused.
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