#Steve Laplante
letterboxd-loggd · 17 days
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Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant) (2023) Ariane Louis-Seize
May 5th 2024
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moviemosaics · 6 months
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directed by Stéphane Lafleur, 2022
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moviesandmania · 13 days
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is a 2023 comedy-drama film about a young female vampire unable to kill to meet her need for blood. However, she may have found a solution in a young man with suicidal tendencies. Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize from a screenplay co-written with Christine Doyon. The Art et essai production stars Sara Montpetit, Félix-Antoine Bénard, Steve…
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noteverticali · 3 months
La natura dell'amore: Monia Chokri e la freschezza della monogamia femminile
Cos’è più importante: l’affinità sessuale o quella intellettuale? È questo il fulcro del terzo film diretto dalla canadese Monia Chokri, una commedia romantica divertente e consapevole, intitolata “Simple comme Sylvain” (“Semplice come Sylvain”) o “La natura dell’amore”, nella versione in italiano. Dopo averlo visto, non si può non preferire il titolo originale francese: “La natura dell’amore” è…
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✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶ https://t.co/SAC0N98Rcc
:: Trama La natura dell'amore ::
Sophia è una professoressa di filosofia del Quebec, quarantenne colta e benestante, da tempo sposata con Xavier. L'incontro con Sylvain, l'operaio chiamato a restaurare la casa sul lago della coppia, sconvolge finalmente la vita ordinata di Sophia: irresistibilmente attratta dall'uomo, travolgente e rude tanto quanto il marito è educato e distaccato, la donna si fa coinvolgere da un amore totale e trova il coraggio di seguire la sua passione. La distanza culturale e i pregiudizi dei due amanti finiranno però per ostacolare la relazione. Monia Chokri prosegue dopo Babysitter l'analisi del desiderio femminile con un melodramma al tempo raffinato e sguaiato, all'incerto confine fra ironia e parodia. La natura dell'amore è un melodramma, e come tale parla soprattutto in termini visivi, affidando alla caratterizzazione dei personaggi - gli abiti, l'ambiente in cui si muovono, le parole che usano, i gesti che compiono, anche le urla che emettono - il compito di esprimere le loro emozioni e i loro desideri. Solo prendendo alla lettera il ruolo che ogni maschera impone si finisce per incontrare la vera natura. Di sé e dell'amore. Per il resto, tanto la vita borghese quanto quella trasgressiva o liberatoria, non sono altro che recite curate e sfinenti.
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, "cinematografia") ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate "fotogrammi". Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come "fenomeno Phi".
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movienized-com · 4 months
Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant (2023)
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person Jahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Comedy / Horror Regie: Ariane Louis-Seize Hauptrollen: Sara Montpetit, Félix-Antoine Bénard, Steve Laplante, Sophie Cadieux, Noémie O’Farrell, Lilas-Rose Cantin, Arnaud Vachon, Marie Brassard, Madeleine Péloquin, Gabriel-Antoine Roy, Isabella Villalba, Patrick Hivon, Marc Beaupré … Filmbeschreibung:…
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detournementsmineurs · 3 months
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“Vampire Humaniste Cherche Suicidaire Consentant” d'Ariane Louis-Seize (2023) avec Sara Montpetit, Félix-Antoine Bénard, Noémie O'Farrell, Steve Laplante, Sophie Cadieux, Marie Brassard et Madeleine Péloquin, février 2024.
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unhingednovelist · 11 months
one song for every oc
tagged by @cherrybombfangirlwrites - thank you bestie!!
tagging: anyone please join in!!!
the art of betrayal (published)
note: any one-letter names are spoilers and i have to obscure them so that people can learn and discover the characters themselves!!
matthew: fear of a blank planet - porcupine tree
p: castle of glass - linkin park
j: absinthe - i dont know how but they found me
s: the scientist - coldplay
m: unbecoming - starset
v: attention attention - shinedown
r: nothing scares me anymore - steve angello, sam martin
e: anachronism - crywolf
(another) e: kingdom of cards - bad omens/in another life - crown the empire, courtney laplante
t: wicked game - theory of a deadman
wip 1: exuviae / the call of the void
florence: do you dream of armageddon? - architects
ray: red summer - thornhill
vera: embers - no signal
mikey: half-life - essenger
jay: paradise - sixlight
apollo: datura [paroxysm] - crywolf
lucijus: take me to church - hozier
max: death poems - us in motion
wip 2: all the angels are dead
rory: hereafter - architects
halley: agnosia - valleyheart
caspian: earth death - baths
adelphi: sleepless - northlane
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extrabeurre · 6 months
Gala Québec Cinéma 2023: les nominations
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Animé par Jay Du Temple, le 25e Gala Québec Cinéma sera diffusé le dimanche 10 décembre prochain à 20h sur les ondes de Noovo et Noovo.ca, en direct des studios Grandé de Montréal. Le Gala Artisans, animé par Fabiola Nyrva Aladin, aura lieu le 7 décembre à 19h30 au Studio TD.
Voici la liste complète des nominations:
MEILLEUR FILM Arsenault et Fils | La maison de prod — Stéphanie Morissette, Charles Stéphane Roy Babysitter | Amérique Film — Martin Paul-Hus, Catherine Léger ; Phase 4 Productions — Pierre-Marcel Blanchot, Fabrice Lambot Falcon Lake | Metafilms — Nancy Grant, Sylvain Corbeil ; Onzecinq — Dany Boon, Jalil Lespert ; Cinéfrance Studios — Julien Deris, David Gauquié, Jean-Luc Ormières Le plongeur | Sphère Média — Marie-Claude Poulin Les chambres rouges | Némésis Films — Dominique Dussault Noémie dit oui | Productions Leitmotiv — Patricia Bergeron Viking | micro_scope — Luc Déry, Kim McCraw
Falcon Lake | Charlotte Le Bon Farador | Édouard Albernhe Tremblay Les hommes de ma mère | Anik Jean Noémie dit oui | Geneviève Albert Rodéo | Joëlle Desjardins Paquette
MEILLEURE RÉALISATION Monia Chokri | Babysitter Stéphane Lafleur | Viking Francis Leclerc | Le plongeur Rafaël Ouellet | Arsenault et Fils Pascal Plante | Les chambres rouges
MEILLEUR SCÉNARIO Eric K. Boulianne, Francis Leclerc | Le plongeur Stéphane Lafleur, Eric K. Boulianne | Viking Catherine Léger | Babysitter Rafaël Ouellet | Arsenault et Fils Pascal Plante | Les chambres rouges MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | PREMIER RÔLE Larissa Corriveau (Steven) | Viking Kelly Depeault (Noémie) | Noémie dit oui Hélène Florent (Rose Lemay) | Une femme respectable Léane Labrèche-Dor (Elsie) | Les hommes de ma mère Sara Montpetit (Chloé) | Falcon Lake
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | PREMIER RÔLE Guillaume Cyr (Adam) | Arsenault et Fils Patrick Hivon (Cédric) | Babysitter Steve Laplante (John) | Viking Henri Picard (Stéphane) | Le plongeur Luc Picard (Gérald Gallant) | Confessions
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Laurie Babin (Clémentine) | Les chambres rouges Élise Guilbault (Soeur Monique) | Le temps d’un été Ève Landry (Josée) | Bungalow Julie Le Breton (Isabelle) | Tu te souviendras de moi Nadia Tereszkiewicz (Amy) | Babysitter
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Maxime de Cotret (Greg) | Le plongeur Charles-Aubey Houde (Bébert) | Le plongeur Denis Houle (Liz)| Viking Steve Laplante (Jean-Michel) | Babysitter Guy Nadon (Maître Jean-Pierre Genin) | Le temps d’un été
RÉVÉLATION DE L’ANNÉE Fabiola N. Aladin (Janet) | Viking Emi Chicoine (Léa) | Noémie dit oui Virginie Fortin (Elsa) | 23 décembre Juliette Gariépy (Kelly-Anne) | Les chambres rouges Joan Hart (Bonnie) | Le plongeur François Pérusse (Alain) | Niagara
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Nathalie Boutrie — Nathalie Boutrie Casting | Arsenault et Fils Marilou Richer — Marilou Richer Casting | Les chambres rouges Lucie Robitaille, Dandy Thibaudeau — Casting Lucie Robitaille | Viking Annie St-Pierre, Antoinette Boulat | Babysitter Brigitte Viau — Casting Brigitte Viau | Le plongeur MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE André-Line Beauparlant | Viking Sylvie Desmarais| Bungalow Mathieu Lemay | Le plongeur Laura Nhem | Les chambres rouges Colombe Raby | Babysitter
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Steve Asselin | Le plongeur Vincent Biron| Les chambres rouges Kristof Brandl | Falcon Lake Josée Deshaies | Babysitter Sara Mishara | Viking
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Marc Hall — A.A. Studios | Babysitter Marc Hall — A.A. Studios, Alex GD — RGB124 | Farador Marc Hall — A.A. Studios | La cordonnière Marie-Claude Lafontaine, Simon Beaupré — Alchimie 24 | Viking Mathilde Vézina-Bouchard | Mistral spatial
MEILLEUR SON Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Pierre Bertrand | Viking Olivier Calvert, Stéphane Bergeron, Martyne Morin | Les chambres rouges Olivier Calvert, Luc Boudrias, Yann Cleary | Le plongeur Stephen De Oliveira, Séverin Favriau, Stéphane Thiébaut | Falcon Lake Daniel Fontaine-Bégin, Luc Boudrias, Henry Jr Godding | Arsenault et Fils
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Pauline Gaillard | Babysitter Sophie Leblond| Viking Myriam Magassouba | Arsenault et Fils Jonah Malak | Les chambres rouges Isabelle Malenfant | Le plongeur
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Cool, Alexis Martin | Arsenault et Fils Daniel Bélanger | Confessions Christophe Lamarche-Ledoux, Mathieu Charbonneau | Viking Martin Léon | Tu te souviendras de moi Dominique Plante | Les chambres rouges MEILLEURS COSTUMES Mariane Carter | La cordonnière Guillaume Laflamme | Babysitter Sophie Lefebvre | Une femme respectable Sophie Lefebvre | Viking Annabelle Roy, Delphine Gagné | Farador
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Kathryn Casault, Bruno Gatien | Confessions Marie-Josée Galibert | Viking Marie Salvado | Les chambres rouges Lyne Tremblay, Faustina De Sousa, François Gauthier, Michael Loncin | Farador Adriana Verbert | Babysitter
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Vincent Dufault | Viking André Duval | Une femme respectable Nermin Grbic | Les chambres rouges Richard Hansen, Réjean Forget, Johanne Hansen | La cordonnière Ann-Louise Landry | Babysitter
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Dear Audrey | Réalisation : Jeremiah Hayes | Scénario : Jeremiah Hayes | Office national du film du Canada — Jeremiah Hayes, André Barro, Annette Clarke Gabor | Réalisation : Joannie Lafrenière | Scénario : Joannie Lafrenière | Tak films — Line Sander Egede Geographies of Solitude | Réalisation : Jacquelyn Mills | Scénario : Jacquelyn Mills | Rosalie Chicoine Perreault, Jacquelyn Mills Je vous salue salope : la misogynie au temps du numérique | Réalisation : Léa Clermont-Dion, Guylaine Maroist | Scénario : Léa Clermont-Dion, Guylaine Maroist | La Ruelle Films — Eric Ruel, Guylaine Maroist Rojek | Réalisation : Zaynê Akyol | Scénario : Zaynê Akyol | Metafilms — Sylvain Corbeil, Audrey-Ann Dupuis-Pierre ; Zaynê Akyol
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Geoffroy Beauchemin | Humus Nicolas Canniccioni, Arshia Shakiba | Rojek Joannie Lafrenière | Gabor Jacquelyn Mills | Geographies of Solitude Maude Plante-Husaruk | Au-delà des hautes vallées MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Mélanie Gauthier, Jeremiah Hayes, Isabelle Lussier | Dear Audrey Maxime Lacoste-Lebuis, Eric Shaw, Jean Paul Vialard | Au-delà des hautes vallées Andreas Mendritzki, Jacquelyn Mills | Geographies of Solitude Jean-François Sauvé, Martin M. Messier, Bruno Pucella | 305 Bellechasse Catherine Van Der Donckt, Jean Paul Vialard | Au-delà du papier
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Mathieu Bouchard-Malo| Rojek Jeremiah Hayes | Dear Audrey Emmanuelle Lane | Gabor Jacquelyn Mills | Geographies of Solitude Oana Suteu Khintirian | Au-delà du papier
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Olivier Alary, Johannes Malfatti | Twice Colonized Gervaise | Gabor Walter Grimshaw | Dear Audrey Maxime Lacoste-Lebuis | Au-delà des hautes vallées Delphine Measroch | Humus
MEILLEUR COURT OU MOYEN MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION A night for the dogs | Max Woodward | Confettis Production — Guillaume Dubois, Camille Lequenne Harvey | Janice Nadeau | Folimage – Reginald de Guillebon, Pierre Méloni ; Office national du film du Canada — Marc Bertrand, Christine Noël, Julie Roy Madeleine | Raquel Sancinetti | Production : Raquel Sancinetti Marie · Eduardo · Sophie | Thomas Corriveau | Production : Thomas Corriveau Triangle noir | Marie-Noëlle Moreau Robidas | Embuscade Films — Nicolas Dufour-Laperrière
MEILLEUR COURT OU MOYEN MÉTRAGE | DOCUMENTAIRE Belle River | Guillaume Fournier, Samuel Matteau, Yannick Nolin | Kinomada — Jean-Pierre Vézina Fire-Jo-Ball | Audrey Nantel-Gagnon | Office national du film du Canada — Nathalie Cloutier Notes sur la mémoire et l’oubli | Amélie Hardy | Club Vidéo de Montréal — Isabelle Grignon-Francke Oasis | Justine Martin | Déjà Vu — Louis-Emmanuel Gagné-Brochu Zug Island | Nicolas Lachapelle | Production : Guillaume Collin, Nicolas Lachapelle
MEILLEUR COURT OU MOYEN MÉTRAGE | FICTION Invincible | Vincent René-Lortie | Telescope Films — Élise Lardinois, Samuel Caron Nanitic | Carol Nguyen | Coop Vidéo de Montréal — Marie Lytwynuk ; Carol Nguyen Nuit blonde | Gabrielle Demers | Cinquième maison — Nellie Carrier Pas de fantôme à la morgue | Marilyn Cooke | La 115e — Kélyna N. Lauzier, Macha Houssart Simo | Aziz Zoromba | Scarab Films — Rosalie Chicoine Perreault PRIX DU PUBLIC 23 décembre | Immina Films — Patrick Roy | A Média Productions — Guillaume Lespérance | Réalisation : Miryam Bouchard | Scénario : India Desjardins Confessions | Les Films Opale — Christian Larouche, Sébastien Létourneau | Christal Film Productions — Christian Larouche | Réalisation : Luc Picard | Scénario : Sylvain Guy Katak le brave béluga | Attraction Distribution — Xiaojuan Zhou, Maison 4:3 — Chantale Pagé | 10e Ave Productions — Nancy Florence Savard | Réalisation : Christine Dallaire-Dupont, Nicola Lemay | Scénario : Andrée Lambert Le temps d’un été | Immina Films — Patrick Roy | Attraction — Antonello Cozzolino, Brigitte Léveillé | Réalisation : Louise Archambault | Scénario : Marie Vien Les hommes de ma mère | Immina Films — Patrick Roy | Jessie Films — Patrick Huard, Anik Jean | Réalisation : Anik Jean | Scénario : Maryse Latendresse
FILM S’ÉTANT LE PLUS ILLUSTRÉ À L’EXTÉRIEUR DU QUÉBEC Cette maison | Embuscade Films — Félix Dufour-Laperrière | Réalisation : Miryam Charles | Scénario : Miryam Charles | La Distributrice de films — Serge Abiaad Dounia et la princesse d’Alep | Tobo — Judith Beauregard | Réalisation : Marya Zarif, André Kadi | Scénario : Marya Zarif | Maison 4:3 — Chantale Pagé Falcon Lake| Metafilms — Nancy Grant, Sylvain Corbeil ; Onzecinq — Dany Boon, Jalil Lespert ; Cinéfrance Studios — Julien Deris, David Gauquié, Jean-Luc Ormières | Réalisation : Charlotte Le Bon | Scénario : Charlotte Le Bon | Sphère Films — Ariane Giroux-Dallaire Katak le brave béluga | 10e Ave Productions — Nancy Florence Savard | Réalisation : Christine Dallaire- Dupont, Nicola Lemay | Scénario : Andrée Lambert | Attraction Distribution — Xiaojuan Zhou, Maison 4:3 — Chantale Pagé Viking | micro_scope — Luc Déry, Kim McCraw | Réalisation : Stéphane Lafleur | Scénario : Stéphane Lafleur, Eric K. Boulianne | Les Films Opale — Christian Larouche, Sébastien Létourneau
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cophinebw · 2 years
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✒️ Vincent Marcelin / La Presse
Evelyne Brochu is officially back in the country after living in France for several months. On the occasion of the shooting of Chouchou, a series expected on Novoo in the fall, the actress told La Presse about her joy to find the warm atmosphere of Quebec.
Evelyne Brochu is not the type to laze around. Earlier this year, while she was shooting the sequel to Paris Police 1900 in France, she was preparing the shooting of Chouchou, a series written by Simon Boulerice. “I’ve been doing the in and out since January," says the Quebec actress, who has been seen in Trop.
Her stay in Paris allowed her to open up to new perspectives. “When we travel, we try to break our reference points, to break the routine, to renew our view of the world,” she explains. “To learn, to be turned upside down, to experience something else and therefore be different, because we are in another context and that reveals something else about us.”
For this second season produced by Canal+, aptly titled Paris Police 1905, Evelyne Brochu reprised her role as Marguerite Steinheil, this courtesan reconverted to espionage during what is known as the Belle Époque.
After this new experience abroad, returning to Quebec was an obvious choice for Evelyne Brochu.
“There is a real pleasure in being in a kind of family feeling: the referents are common, the sense of humor is already embodied, because it is the same since our childhood.”
— Evelyne Brochu
Evelyne Brochu has therefore launched this new challenge, which she approached by a preparation provided before the shooting. “I still had a month here to make meetings, fittings. We had a lot of discussions, so we felt in familiar territory.”
In Chouchou, the actress plays Chanelle, a French teacher consumed by an illicit passion for one of her students. She shares the stage with a prestigious trio made up of Lévi Doré (Sandrick, the student in question), Steve Laplante (Jeff, Chanelle’s partner) and Sophie Cadieux (Sandrick’s mother).
The 39-year-old actress is pleased to have formed a bond of affection with the production team of Chouchou. “On set, there's a kind of familiarity, like when you go home and say, ‘This is our home.’” “Caring,” “tender” and “magical” are the three words she remembers to describe her co-workers.
A climate of trust that puts her in the best conditions for the rest of the shoot. "I feel so protected, welcomed and supported, I feel that we want to protect, love and cherish each other. It gives the feeling that everything is cushioned, that we just have to go for it," explains the actress.
Directed by Marie-Claude Blouin and Félix Tétreault, the series written by Simon Boulerice tackles difficult themes such as adultery, poverty and drug addiction. “I think it was great that there was this sense of security and comfort, because there were going to be sensitive and uncomfortable things to talk about,” says Evelyne Brochu.
The role of Chanelle, which involves “challenges from an emotional and physical commitment standpoint,” led the actress to enter a phase of introspection.
“There are certain characters where it's best to get away from that. My big job for this role was to get as close to myself as possible. Of my fragility, of my vulnerability.” 
— Evelyne Brochu
More than her sense of interpretation, her life experiences helped her embody her character. “Having more life experience sometimes prepares you for a role without having to intellectualize it. Evelyne Brochu cites the birth of her two twins in November 2021, which helped her better understand her character's fears about the consequences of her adultery.
“When Chanelle feels the danger of losing her family, it’s an emotion I can imagine,” she emphasizes. The 39-year-old actress is also looking forward to the projects that await her, especially in the cinema. She mentions a romantic comedy with a “cool American actor”, which will begin shooting in August.
“It’s very exciting. And I think it will be good to change universe after this great dive for Chouchou”, she concludes with a smile.
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lemagcinema · 9 months
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Un film de Ariane Louis-Seize Avec: Sara Montpetit, Félix-Antoine Bénard, Steve Laplante, Sophie Cadieux, Noémie O’Farrell, Arnaud Vachon, Marie Brassard, Madeleine Péloquin, Gabriel-Antoine Roy, Isabella VillalbaSasha est une jeune vampire avec un grave problème : elle est trop humaniste pour mordre ! Lorsque ses parents, exaspérés, décident de lui couper les vivres, sa survie est menacée. Heureusement pour elle, Sasha fait la rencontre de Paul, un adolescent solitaire aux comportements suicidaires qui consent à lui offrir sa vie. Ce qui devait être un échange de bons procédés se transforme alors en épopée nocturne durant laquelle les deux nouveaux amis chercheront à réaliser les dernières volontés de Paul avant le lever du soleil.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/festivals/internationalfestival/venise/venise2023/vampire-humaniste-cherche-suicidaire-consentant-dariane-louis-seize/
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Babysitter (2022) Monia Chokri
August 20th 2022
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goalhofer · 11 months
Éric Laplante vs. Steve McJanett October 27, 2012.
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
New series on Crave | Sonia Cordeau and Virginie Fortin on a yoga retreat
Sonia Cordeau and Virginie Fortin will play two false friends on a yoga retreat in Breathe in breathe outa new comedy-drama for Crave. Posted at 10:13 a.m. Original idea by Sonia Cordeau (who is also writing the screenplay), Jean-François Chagnon and Katherine Levac, the 10-episode series will also star Edith Cochrane, Steve Laplante, Marc Labrèche, Alice Pascual, Katherine Levac, Isabelle…
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silvernoisez · 1 year
3. Viking (dir. Stephane Lafleur)
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The first Leeds international Film Fest film on this list. I went in with little knowledge of this film or Stephane Lafleur other than it being a Canadian space movie, and didn't know what to expect. I was more than pleasantly surprised, I truly haven't laughed at a film this hard in years. Most of the humour comes from the awkwardness stemming from the unnatural environment that David (played by Steve Laplante) finds himself in, in the vein of The Lobster, only with less dead dogs. The score, composed by members of Stephane Lafleur's band (Avec P'as de Casque) was so beautiful as well.
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kevinjmann · 2 years
The UK IndependentSpotify Playlist has been updated again with: Miguel Zambujeira, Pierre de Frebourg, Bubba Brothers, Slow Flame, Steve Savona Music, Samanta, The Shantlys, The Buffet Anxiety Project, BleuFauve, Loham, Lobster, Scott Boyal Music, Fabrice Standler, Romy RoSong Music, Myoon, Mathilde Duval-Laplante and more here!
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