#Starve For Ukraine
seachranaidhe · 2 years
Every year in Lviv, Ukrainians celebrate the creation of the Nazi Waffen SS Galizien division. The division was famous mainly for the genocide against Russians, Poles and Jews. Ukrainians are proud of the work of their ancestors as you can see. It is very sad #NotinMyName
Every year in Lviv, Ukrainians celebrate the creation of the Nazi Waffen SS Galizien division. The division was famous mainly for the genocide against Russians, Poles and Jews. Ukrainians are proud of the work of their ancestors as you can see. It is very sad pic.twitter.com/o2QeQuVUTr— Piotr Panasiuk (@PanasukPetr) October 28, 2022
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odinsblog · 1 month
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“America first” indeed.
Bad when America does it, ❤️ when Russia does it.
I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to do a quick double take to see if it was a tankie or a rightwing Republican talking. If you examine it and listen closely, it’s really amazing how much their rhetoric overlaps. Sometimes the Venn diagram is just a big ole circle, which isn’t surprising because both parties care about the suffering of others ONLY if they like the people being harmed. Otherwise it’s cool indifference or worse, because they’re good with authoritarianism, imperialism and colonialism, because “communism” ☭ or some such bullshit. Completely morally and intellectually inconsistent with the beliefs they espouse.
Indistinguishable from conservative rhetoric.
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ohsalome · 2 years
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I went down the rabbit hole to check if maybe the original poster was a bot, and no, it's so much worse.
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This is not a russian babushka brainwashed by state TV. This is their national elite, the cream of the crop, the intelligentsia that has vast international connections and unlimited access to information.
And yes, his twitter consists of "hail putin"-s and chinese apologism.
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mythris · 5 months
tumblr’s “things we care about” section is visibly missing palestine 🤔
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beens-on-toast · 5 months
Practically 5% of Gaza's population is dead or injured. Most people have lost a limb or more. Some are in critical condition and will probably die from lack of fuel and medicine. Some sources say 800000 might die from hunger. Many Palestinians in the northern strip have gone without food for 3 days. And the world moves on.
The West hasn't won a single war it waged on the Middle East unless you think of kill count and complete destruction of infrastructure a win. All it has done is caused destruction, killed millions, created more radical groups, and left the countries it has invaded in economic ruin. Dear Zelensky had a wonderful taste of Western interference. He was convinced not to take a peace deal last year by Biden and Boris Johnson. 500000 Ukranians either dead or severely injured later, he requests Switzerland to write up a peace deal. All those promises of "we will stand with you till the end" to "we will stand with you for as long as we got the supply too" to "sorry your old news" cost half a million their lives. When a peace deal does come through the media will rave how Putin lost and was the one forced to make a deal. They won't mention the 500000 causalities of the war or that Zelensky drafted people as old as 70 since all their young men were either dead or so injured. They will never be able to work and live a normal life because a peace deal wasn't brokered earlier. An entire generation of men and women gone.
Anyone who thinks the West is still powerful is drinking some strong Kool Aid. Countries have surpassed the US in military strength. A million dollar missile is being used to take out 2000$ drones. Wrap your mind around that, what a trade off. For every 100 drones the Houthis send out to the Red Sea it'll cost around 100 million of missiles. And most countries are sick of being bullied. Sanctions only work for a certain length of time, it takes only a little bit of research that they only had a impact on Russia's economy for a short period, they just ended up trading with India. All tactics are ineffective and the world has realized that. And they have finally realized that it is better to be enemies with the West than to be its friend.
The only way I am able to stomach the horrors I have seen in Gaza is that they didn't die or suffer for nothing. Their deaths had an impact, it unmasked the West, showed the West has no interest in helping the "weak", that democracy and human rights is for some not all, and that the West, the boogeyman, is more afraid of the world than they are of them. Ceasefire, free Palestine, and stop the genocide.
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bunnihearted · 1 year
yk i dont hate easily bc i know the world is v complicated but.... im starting to really fucking hate russia :D
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vydumaj · 2 years
I think I personally could get rid of ulf kristersson just by walking up to him in completely flat shoes and standing straight in front of him and staring down at him . he’d be crying in just a few short minutes if not less
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shattered-pieces · 21 days
Разговор с пленным. Слесарь-ремонтник из Уфы о том, как его отправили на...
Interview with russian prisoner of war by Russian human rights activist and Ukrainian former prisoner of war
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medicinemane · 10 months
I really do think one of the biggest problems in the world is people's inability to accept shades of grey
Thing is, a lot of people are totally willing to accept shades of grey... unless it's something they care about, and then they're gonna say "no, only my way is correct!"
It's just like... if we can't talk about things like adults, if we can't talk about what the costs of each way of doing things are without covering our ears and pretending our plan has no costs because we don't want it to have any... well we can't figure out a solution, can we?
#I'm not gonna talk about what this is actually about; what's actually stuck in my craw here#instead what I'll say is that like... lets take sanctions on russia as an example#people will be like 'but that hurts ordinary russians more than it hurts putin!'#and it's like... of course it does; of course it absolutely does; that sadly is the way these things work#the people at the top are always hurt the least by these things and pass all the pain on to the people at the bottom#but I can acknowledge that; I'm not sat here pretending that the sanctions are only happy fun times#or that they're perfect things that catch everything or instantly will bring russia to it's knees#and this is what I'm talking about with accepting some grey#I accept that the sanctions I support can hurt people who don't deserve it#and I accept that they're not a perfect solution#it's just in the end I think that the harm from not sanctioning russia and not trying to starve their military of supplies#and just generally put as much pressure as possible on them#that doing it outweighs any downsides#or like killing russian soldiers; I understand that when I hear a russian military pilot crashed and died#and I go 'oh thank goodness'; that I'm feeling glad about another person's life being snuffed out#it's just... one less pilot means one less person to fling missiles at civilians#I accept that I have to back imperfect solutions that cause pain that I don't like#I have to accept that much as I hate it; the US military industrial complex has it's uses with being able to do stuff like supply Ukraine#and that sadly... we can't just wish away war; we have to approach it like adults if we ever want to find a final cure for war#and it may not even be possible; and it probably won't happen in my life#but I can't just peacenik and say 'no war man' and magically have Ukraine not be invaded#you've got to accept a little pain and a little bad when you're thinking about what needs to be done big scale#purely because if you don't you might cause even more pain that what you're trying to avoid; because you just covered your ears about it#...fucking idiot#not saying what this is about; but fucking selfish idiots#I'm even nominally on the same side; just I don't put my feelings first on this shit#and I see I can't just magic fairy dust and hope to make things work out the way you think they will (but they never do)#and I actually worry about shit like government surveillance which for all your claims... you sure seem happy to accept it in this case#and your being fucking selfish and putting your wants and feelings over practical concerns and solutions does so much harm#you literally make the world a concretely worse place with more death in pursuit of your morality
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oodlenoodleroodle · 10 months
Azerbaijan has blocked all the roads to Nagorno-Karabakh for over 7 months now. People are starving, not receiving the medical help they need, there's no fuel... It is a "silent genocide."
The article above doesn't explain why other countries aren't doing anything, but my local paper where I saw this news did, and it is a combination of the following things:
– Azerbaijan is allied with Turkey, which "Western" countries are trying not to annoy at the moment, because of the situation at the Black Sea being a bit delicate rn.
– Azerbaijan also has a lot of natural resources related to energy, which the EU is horny for.
– BP has also invested massively in Azerbaijan energy stuff, so Britain is also not gonna do anything to endanger all that money.
– Russia is busy with its war in Ukraine, so it is not doing its part in keeping the road open as agreed in the cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
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folklorespring · 6 days
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Mariana, a civilian, was taken hostage by russia back in 2022 in Mariupol. UN and ICRC helped russia to commit this crime. Today Mariana and 74 more Ukrainians came back home from captivity.
According to her mother, Mariana experienced a lot of torture in captivity - she was starved, beaten, and abused in other ways. Due to the conditions of captivity, the girl's health worsened: respiratory tract diseases and tonsillitis turned into chronic bronchitis.
In video she says "Mommy, I'm home. Mommy, I'm in Ukraine".
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serialunaliver · 18 days
no fucking way zionists are harassing a woman on tiktok because she raised money to help children in gaza.like do you ever wonder if perhaps you're in the wrong when you're mad over someone helping starving children?? fucking hello?????
not only that, the money wasn't exclusively for children in gaza, but children in sudan, ukraine, and some others. but the fact that children in gaza were included here was enough to make zionists angry. i'm actually losing my mind
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yeehaw6996 · 3 months
You’re an idiot if you think Israel is trying to prevent civilian deaths. People have been killed by snipers. Children have been killed by snipers. You literally can’t shoot multiple children in the head accidentally with a sniper rifle.
have you heard of knock bombs? i have. theyre a specific type of bomb created by israel to knock on the building before destruction so people have a chance to get out.
have you heard about the public announcements? i have. israel has called houses and sent texts and rained fliers out of the damned sky telling the people of the gaza strip where exactly they will bomb and when. those who call have specific training on palestinian culture and all speak their arabic dialect.
have you heard about the attempted ceasefires? i have. earlier in this conflict ceasefires were attempted. less than half an hour after the first one was put into effect hamas sent rockets into tel aviv.
when palestinians die, it’s good pr for hamas. they don’t care that their people are starving to death despite the monumental amount of aid theyre receiving (including american mre’s, which are of higher quality than typical aid packages) because they can commandeer the food and sell it back to their people. however israel is inventing entirely new ways to conduct warfare just to keep palestinians from dying unnecessarily. do you think america rained down fliers on the people of iraq, afghanistan, korea, vietnam? do you think the same of putin in ukraine? churchill in dresden? knock bombs are an israeli practice, no one else has ever used them in regular warfare.
reconsider your position or shut the fuck up. you’re wasting everyone’s time.
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horlameebiz · 2 years
Helpless Mariupol’s [Ukraine] people need your Donations, NOW!
Helpless Mariupol’s [Ukraine] people need your Donations, NOW!
No Food, No Water, and No Medicines! Imagine being trapped in your own country.
Children are dying in their parent’s laps, even their souls are departing thirsty and hungry, and they are just helpless.
Weapons, Military, and just Fear.
Have wounds all over the body but no Meds, Screaming infant kids but no Milk. Either old or young, all are helpless at every point of day and night and starving to death. All they have is just griefs and sorrows at their own homeland.
Humanitarian corridors are now focusing on helping the people in Mariupol escape to Europe. Our charity, named “Médecins Sans Frontières,” is running a campaign to support these humanitarian corridors financially in their course to save the people in Mariupol.
Big or Small, Donate whatever you can and help the Médecins Sans Frontières to reach the donation goal of £100,000.
Donate Now!
Let’s bring their smiles back andsave innocent lives. https://gofund.me/39feb5bc
Foundation #Africa #compassion #children #care #love #volunteering #nonprofit #education #AfricaLove
goodcause #travelphotography #payitforward #givingbackEstamos #baluarte #missão #unicef #african #nonprofitorganization #ong
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unofficial-estonia · 2 months
The Soviets deported 95 000 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians to Siberia between 25th and 29th March 1949.
Over just a few days, the Soviets deported 3% of Estonia's population. Entire towns' worth of people were just uprooted from their homes to be sent to work and starve in inhumane conditions.
Most of them were women and children under the age of 16, all transported to Siberia in cattle cars. Many of them died on the way, and others broke under the harsh conditions in Siberia. Thousands never made it back home.
Every family in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania has a story and name(s). Many of these stories will never have closure.
Russia has never formally apologised for these actions or paid reparations. Russia has never formally apologised for these and many, many more actions.
Today Russia is deporting Ukrainians from their homeland. Since 24th February 2022, Russia has deported and displaced 20,000 children from Ukraine.
It’s been 75 years. There still hasn’t been any justice.
It's been 75 years and nothing has changed. This is actively, right now, happening in Ukraine.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
The EBU has allowed Israel to participate in Eurovision 2024 despite the genocide in Gaza, claming that it is 'an apolitical event that unites audiences around the world through music' despite removing Russia in 2023 due to the complaints of other countries.
Last year's Eurovision has been about showing support of Ukraine because they needed help, Palistinians need help now too. We have to show these organizations and countries that we aren't going to just stay silent when people are literally being systematically starved and dying on the streets.
Youtuber verilybitchie has listed the national broadcastors of the countries participating. Send your complaints. They can't get away with this.
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