#Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream
I Believe...?
Hello, and welcome to part 2 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Cloudy.
Kevin blinked himself awake, eyes adjusting to the blurry light shining through on him. He groaned, feeling as if he hadn't slept at all the night before. Had he? It took him a bit to realize the arms wrapped over his waist. Conner's arms. A monopoly board was on the floor, pieces scattered everywhere. Kevin yawned, about to fall back asleep when he felt the arms around his waist retract and a weight shift in the bed. Conner sat up, yawning and rubbing his eyes. Kevin followed suite, turning to face the other.
"Good morning." He said softly, having forgot the events of the night prior. Conner ran his fingers through his hair.
"Hello." He greeted with a warm smile. Kevin reciprocated the comforting action, stretching.
"Can I ask you something?" Conner asked seemingly out of nowhere
."What is it?" Kevin asked, turning to face Conner better.
"What happened last night?" Conner chuckled, crossing his arms. "What was so funny about your dream?" Kevin felt the heat rise to his face, biting his lip.
"I-It- uh..." Kevin rubbed the back of his neck, ignoring the soft smirk that the other was forming. "Wasn't exactly...funny..."
"It had to have been if you were laughing so much!"
"...You heard that?"
"Everyone did!"
Now it was Conner's turn to laugh. Kevin's face was bright red, hidden in his sleeve.
"You were laughing in your sleep!" He explained, patting Kevin's shoulder.
"I-I was?! Aha...s-sorry..." Kevin mumbled.
"No need to apologize, Pricey!" Conner wrapped an arm around Kevin's waist. "You still didn't explain what happened last night."
"Oh- it was- uh-..." Kevin stammered, trying to word this properly. "It was another...hell dream..."
"Oh." Conner still seemed confused. "A hell dream? What could possibly be funny about a hell dream? Was I in it~?" Kevin's memory of the dream started flowing back to him, causing his face to go a darker shade of red.
"Are you okay?" Conner asked cautiously. Kevin took in a deep breath."
Well...you were in it...as a demon...and you-um-..." Kevin looked away. "...tickled...me..." Conner grinned, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
"Oh really? Huh. Well, I don't think I know of any demons..." Conner pulled Kevin close to him, looping an arm around his waist. "But a monster, on the other hand..."
"...A monster?" Kevin glanced up at Conner, still very on edge. Conner nodded, speaking in a whisper.
"Oh yes, a monster scarier than any demon you can imagine! One that can strike fear into the hearts of any of those who even hear his name." Conner explained, feeling Kevin grow visibly anxious. Kevin pretended not to mind, though absentmindedly pushed himself closer into Conner.
"I don't believe you." Kevin mumbled, rolling his eyes in an attempt to look less nervous.
"What if I showed you some proof?" Kevin's heart skipped a beat. It took him a moment to reply. Right when the words left his mouth, he wished he hadn't spoke.
"...Go ahead." Conner chuckled darkly, holding Kevin close.
"It's called...the..." Conner built up the anticipation, finding amusement in the way Kevin squirmed slightly.
"Wha-? Wait- C-Conner nohohoho!" Kevin melted into a puddle of flustered giggles, pushing vainly at Conner's hands as they squeezed at his sides.
"Quihihit ihihit!"
"Why are you laughing? This monster’s supposed to be scary, not funny!" Conner mocked offense, keeping one hand at Kevin's side while the other scratched lightly at his stomach. Kevin covered his face with his hands, trying to hide his blush and silence his giggling. This didn't help his case, allowing Conner to slip his hands under Kevin's arms. Kevin's arms shot down immediately, his giggling rising a bit.
"Cohonner plehehehease!" Kevin tried to twist away from Conner's hands, though soon came to the realization Conner had pulled him so close to prevent him from that. He was trapped.
"I didn't know you were ticklish!" Conner laughed a bit himself, nuzzling into Kevin's neck. Kevin squeaked, shoulders rising to protect himself. Conner soon got curious, nibbling Kevin's ear. Kevin squealed, weakly pushing at Conner's chest trying to get him off.
"Nahahaha Conneheheher! Pleheheheahaha!" Kevin had given up his attempts to escape, simply curling into a ball. Kevin could feel the heat radiating off the others face. After a few pokes to Kevin's ribs, Conner pulled away.
"Aha, you alright, Pricey?" Conner giggled, ruffling Kevin's hair. Kevin pulled a blanket over his head, whining childishly.
."No." He mumbled, muffled by the blankets. Conner smiled, patting him through the blankets."Tell me if you have more dreams like that, this was fun~ Maybe ill be able to find that feather boa I used to have-"
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Get to know me unconditionally well
So @eatmyshiftsticky tagged me to do this cause they're super cool. Okay let's go, buckle up.
1. What is your middle name? 
It's a name
2. How old are you? 
59283958 years old
3. When is your birthday? 
August 19th
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Black and purple
6. What’s your lucky number?
I don't believe in luck
7. Do you have any pets?
I have one whole cat
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5'5" ish I think
10. What shoe size are you? 
Uh like and 8 and a half
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
A few but I only wear like 3 pairs
12. What was your last dream about? 
I had a dream the other night that I was running through a field with the boys while "falling for you" by Colbie Caillat was playing
13. What talents do you have? 
I can make a bed and do laundry really well.
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
Actually yes (ask me about it if you'd like me to elaborate)
15. Favourite song? 
Oh damn, right now probably Strawberry Shortcake by Melanie Martinez because fuck men saying women can't wear whatever the fuck they want.
16. Favourite movie? 
Lilo and Stitch
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
Someone who would help me commit a crime then hide the evidence
18. Do you want children? 
Hell to the NO
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
I would burst into flames if I walked into a church
20. Are you religious? 
Hell no
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
Too many times
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
Not yet
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
Not to my knowledge
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
invisible ones
26. Have you ever been famous? 
When I was in high school everyone knew me as "Sean's baby sister" if that counts for something
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 
Never. I like my privacy
28. What type of music do you like? 
Most things except country, trash rap, and garbage pop
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
I have actually
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
3, one giant body pillow, one for me, and one for me love
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
Any and all positions, I move around way too much
32. How big is your house? 
Not very, it's got like 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and kitchen. And a spooky basement.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
What's breakfast?
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
Once or twice
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
Not that I recall
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
like 3 days
39. Do you have any scars? 
I have several
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Not to me knowledge
41. Are you a good liar? 
Depends on the lie
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
Oh hell yeah I am
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
Yes, badly
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
I don't think I do, I'm from southeast missouri so it's like not super southern but has that twang. And I put emphasis on certain syllables apparently
45. What is your favourite accent? 
All accents are good accents
46. What is your personality type? 
Too much
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
I don't even know. All my clothes come from antique and thrift shops so there's literally nothing of monetary value there
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
Not that I'm aware of
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
Wouldn't you like to know
50. Left or right-handed? 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
Nope. I'm the designated spider killer at work, literally any time there is a spider at work I'm the one that has to kill it.
52. Favourite food? 
53. Favourite foreign food?
isn't all food foreign?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
Am neat freak
55. Most used phrase? 
"Builds character"
56. Most used word? 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
Anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour or so
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
Not that I know of
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
I don't really eat lollipops
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
Yeah, way too much
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
Uh yeah, someone's got to
62. Are you a good singer? 
63. Biggest Fear? 
Losing the person I love most
64. Are you a gossip? 
I am a human, I guess
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
Age of Adaline
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
Either is fine with me
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
Bitch bye
68. Favourite school subject? 
If music doesn't count then science
69. Extrovert or Introvert? 
Extroverted introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
Never ever
71. What makes you nervous? 
When you have a new guest down for a color and they come in with dark hair and say they wanna be platinum (hashtag hairstylist probs)
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
Not really anymkre
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
Sometimes but not always
74. Are you ticklish? 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
I'm sure I have
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
Yeah actually
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
Uh yeah, everyone has and if they say they haven't then they're lying
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
Sure have
79. Who was your first real crush?
This boy named Cody in kindergarten. I made him a necklace and he gave me a card
80. How many piercings do you have? 
Technically 3
81. Can you roll your R’s?
I can
82. How fast can you type? 
A decent speed
83. How fast can you run? 
I use to be one of the fastest runners in freshman gym class but I suck now
84. What colour is your hair?
Naturally it's a dark brown, artificially I'm a blonde
85. What color is your eyes? 
Green around my pupils and blue around the green
86. What are you allergic to? 
I'm intolerant to fish.
87. Do you keep a journal? 
I do for my tarot readings and witchy things 
88. What do your parents do? 
Mind your business
89. Do you like your age? 
90. What makes you angry? 
Close minded people
91. Do you like your own name? 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I've thought about dog names for when I finally have time for a dog
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I just want a dog, I don't care about gender
94. What are you strengths? 
I can drink an entire big bottle of wine and still be okay
95. What are your weaknesses?
I cannot have more than one and a half entire big bottles of wine and be okay
96. How did you get your name? 
It was the only one my parents could agree on
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
They're dead, why's it matter?
98. Do you have any scars?
See question number whatever this was before
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
Is red
100. Colour of your room? 
Is grey
Tagging: @satans-helper @mountainofthesunn @sammyscherub @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @saywecanart @rubyknoby @jeordinevankiszka @sparrowof-thedawn
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for the fic ask, how about 3?
3. Which is your personal favourite of your fics? (you can pick more than one!) Oooh shoot...hmm...I do like one I just made “Kitty Cat Claws” and there’s a Book of Mormon one I made called “The Worst” that can be found at @spooky-ticklish-hell-dream
Thanks for the ask!!
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3,4,11,20,27,30,38,42,44,50,52,57,65,66 👀,72,77,78,80,83,86,90,94,95,96,99,100,102,118,119,120,123,124,135,138,140,143,147,161,165,166,167,169,174,182,183,186,193,194,200
tino why did you pick s o MANY
3. Do you have any allergies? 
yeah technically I’m allergic to like, pollen, but it doesn’t affect me soooo
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been? 
probably…. as long as it is now???
11. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why? 
tbh I want to go RIGHT BACK to the parts of France that I went my freshman year….. Bring Me Back to Nice!!! Bring Me Back to Avignon!!!! why?? because I miss it THAT’S WHY
20. What is your go-to Starbucks drink? 
white chocolate mocha! slurp
27. Favorite song to sing in the shower? 
any of mine, and it depends on the day
30. Any styles of music you do not like? 
country music, especially pop country….Get That Outta Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
38. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed? 
hhhhhhhhhhh 130, which is how much I weighed when I got home this summer
42. Favorite non-chocolate candy? 
Every Candy. chomp
44. If you could have one superpower, which one would you most like to have?
oof it’s hard for me to pick between flight & invisibility
50. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite? 
not much b/c I don’t tolerate it well lmao *looks at the coke I just downed* yeah. usually root beer is my favorite
52. Spring or autumn?
can I choose both? both. they’re my favorite seasons.
57. Last musical artist you saw live?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well as a music major I go to like Every Music Performance on campus so it was probably someone doing jazz??? but other than campus things it was probably…oh jeez, back when I saw P!ATD two years ago….take me back to that night goddamn
65. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
no lmao
66. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
72. Real or fake Christmas trees?
REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love pine trees
77. Have you ever broken any bones?
nope!!! *knocks on wood*
78. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
I don’t think so?? other than like….when I got my wisdom teeth out
80. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
DAMNED if I know lmao most of my clothes are new since I’ve been revamping my wardrobe
83. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
ooooh that depends on the situation. if I’m good at something I’ll be hella competitive
86. Phrase you say the most?
it honestly changes so much. whatever Relatable Meme I’ve latched onto at the moment probably
90. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl Scout?
I was a girl scout actually hhhhhh when I was a kid
94. Worst habit?
always assuming the worst!!! assuming people will leave me!!! procrastination!!!   
95. Deepest fear?
again with the “assuming people will leave me!!!!” abandonment, isolation
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
at least a little bit!! I like spooky stuff……from a distance
99. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
oh uhhhhhhhh my old friends and I dressed up as the teenage mutant ninja turtles during uhhh I think our sophomore or junior year of high school? I was Donatello :)
100. Favorite store to shop at?
I don’t KNOW I like clothes shopping
102. Favorite Pokémon?
118. Favorite fandom?
lmaooooooo hell if I know!!!! this question is weird bc I don’t know if it’s referring to the content itself or like…. the actual fandom. 
119. Oldest memory?
once my twin brother and I drew all over each other with markers and hid from our parents >:)
120. Have you ever snorted when you laughed?
123. Random boy’s name.
Remus (I’ve got Lupin on the brain)
124. Random girls’ name. 
Sasha (it’s bc of your dog, tino)
135. Describe your sense of humor.
I don’t even know how dhsoifhsfs memes and stupid shit and puns & stuff that really shouldn’t be funny but is??
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
oh!!! my senior year of high school I had a really nice solo in our show choir show (it was a duet technically but I had a little solo part at the beginning of it) and at one of the competitions I was rewarded best female soloist out of everyone :’’’’) I was so shocked & happy
140. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was done?
I don’t think so???
143. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
who hasn’t hdosfhsofs
147. Where on your body are you the most ticklish?
I don’t know :’)
161. Do you like horror movies?
ehhhhh I don’t think I’ve really seen any actually scary ones. like…. I’ve seen two but they weren’t scary?? I don’t think I’d mind horror movies as long as they’re not ones that focus on jumpscares b/c eeeeeeeeee jumpscares & anxiety do not mix
165. Name one item from your bucket list.
I want…. to sing to a stadium of people & have them all singing along to a song I wrote :’) the dream
166. From 1-10, how much do you like children?
….eh….. 3 or 4, maybe
167. Have you ever thought about your wedding?
honestly I’m probably one of the only people on the planet who hasn’t, ever??? which is super weird b/c I’m such a hopeless romantic??? idk man
169. Favorite flower? 
I love daisies!!! but I love any flower tbh
174. What was your favorite toy to play with when you were a child?
I had two beanie babies, cat & lamb, and they were my first two imaginary friends too :’)
182. Do you like karaoke?
I’ve only done it like…..twice, and it was alone so it was kinda sad lol
183. Have you ever written a love letter?
honestly? probably lmaoooo
186. Any guilty pleasures?
does reading fic at 3am count
193. Were you voted a “best” or “most likely to” in high school?
I was actually!!! Me and one of my old friends (who was also the guy I had the show choir duet with, hah) were both voted “most likely to become famous”!!! guess I was known for my voice after all :’) (he’s an amazing artist. seriously. what the FUCK)
194. Have you ever gotten detention? 
nah I’m an angel :)
200. How long have you been on tumblr?
hhhh I joined the day before my junior prom, so…. about 3 years? (I also went to prom that year with the same old friend that I had that duet with, hah. I still have the poster he made me :’) anh, if you’re out there,,,,)
god dammit tino. god fuckin dammit. are you happy???
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vestiges-of-me · 7 years
I'd say 1-100 but I'm not trying to be satan here. But eh, how about 1-100? 😋
Thanks to everyone who inboxed me but Satan wannabe here made sure all questions would be answered soooo…
What is you middle//full name?I’ll give you my first name – Raha How old are you?28What is your birthday?14 October What is your zodiac sign?LibraWhat is your favorite color?Uhh black?? Sometimes white What’s your lucky number?Not sure i have one but apparently my family should beware the number 8? Odd things associated with that number (i.e. major illness, house burning down etc)Interestingly enough my sister was born on the 8th *snickers* says it allDo you have any pets?I wish. I want a kitty.Where are you from?Uhh. I was born in France but live in the UK?How tall are you?5'8What shoe size are you?6How many pairs of shoes do you own?Uhhh 4 or 5What was your last dream about?Um one of my fictional characters What talents do you have?writing? I think haha Are you psychic in any way?I don’t know if it’s psychic but I can see patterns and predict how something will turn out even though it seems far fetched – I’m rarely wrong Favorite song?Not sure i have one but I love Mark Petrie’s music Favorite movie?Oceans Thirteen? A Beautiful Mind? The Hobbit trilogy? I have so many Who would be your ideal partner?Simply put? Someone with a sense of humour, compassion and someone who can be my best friend. I not sure there’s a straightforward simple answer to this one Do you want children?Oh yes I think so Do you want a church wedding?Not a chance Are you religious?My religion is important to me Have you ever been to the hospital?Once or twice yes Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Thankfully no… not yetHave you ever met any celebrities?Not that I can remember? I feel like I have though? Can’t be that famous or I wouldn’t forget Baths or showers?Showers What color socks are you wearing?I’m barefoot you weirdo Have you ever been famous?Does 600 people following me on FB for my writing count?Would you like to be a big celebrity?no thank you!What type of music do you like?Instrumental Have you ever been skinny dipping?O.O no and I don’t intend to How many pillows do you sleep with?Two What position do you usually sleep in?Back, side, stomach – whatever my back allows How big is your house?we have more room than we need but I wouldn’t say it’s bigWhat do you typically have for breakfast?….air?Have you ever fired a gun?Nope!!Have you ever tried archery?Yes and I love it!Favorite clean word?Brilliant Favorite swear word?A variation of fuckWhat’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Just under 72 hours Do you have any scars?I do indeed, several Have you ever had a secret admirer?Yes Are you a good liar?As long as you’re not looking at me lol Are you a good judge of character?I am – I might play along but I rarely get played for a fool Can you do any other accents other than your own?FrenchDo you have a strong accent?I have a unique accent – I get comments on it very often. I’ve had dialect experts say that they can’t place me (in the UK), people say I have Egyptian, French, American tilt?? An odd mix. I am British. What is your favorite accent?French / German What is your personality type?INFJWhat is your most expensive piece of clothing?Lol I have a coat that I bought for an atrocious price but it was worth it Can you curl your tongue?*tries* ….apparently not Are you an innie or an outie?…..Left or right handed?Right Are you scared of spiders?They make me uncomfortable more than they scare me Favorite food?I can eat fries by the bucket load Favorite foreign food?Italian food Are you a clean or messy person?I can be a bit chaotic when I’m busy but I think I am generally an organised person Most used phrased?Are you fucking kidding me Or I told you soMost used word?EpicHow long does it take for you to get ready?Maybe 30 minutes – I’m not an uber fussy person Do you have much of an ego?Lol I doubt it Do you suck or bite lollipops?Lollipops are gross Do you talk to yourself?Does talking to my characters count? Cuz yes. I will often startle people by randomly exclaiming ‘shut up/go away/not now’Do you sing to yourself?noooopeAre you a good singer?NooooopeBiggest Fear?Tornadoes I guess?Are you a gossip?Hell no. I never know what’s going on with anyone. What an awful habit. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?LOTR / The Hobbit??Do you like long or short hair?Short but my hair is getting rather long Can you name all 50 states of America?I can name about 30, maybe 40 on a clear dayFavorite school subject?English LitExtrovert or Introvert?Introvert Have you ever been scuba diving?No but I’d love to give it a try What makes you nervous?New places but I also love travelling to new places Are you scared of the dark?Only when there’s something spooky going on Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the person - I won’t do it to people I don’t know or am not close to Are you ticklish?Yes -.- Have you ever started a rumor?Nope Have you ever been in a position of authority?Yes and it isn’t fun Have you ever drank underage?Nope Have you ever done drugs?NopeWho was your first real crush?Some boy way back when How many piercings do you have?2Can you roll your Rs?Yes I can How fast can you type?Fast enough How fast can you run?Depends on what’s chasing me lol What color is your hair?Naturally? Black What color is your eyes?*are And they’re brown What are you allergic to?MY DOOR BEING LEFT OPENAlso, SundaysDo you keep a journal?I try my hardest to forget things, not chronicle them What do your parents do?Well my mother wakes up earlier than she needs to and starts with the dishes, does the laundry, cooks dinner and then…Do you like your age?It’ll do What makes you angry?Stupid people. Lack of common sense will immediately send me into rage modeDo you like your own name?Yes, I sure do Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I love the name Gavril for a son and Annoria for a daughter Do you want a boy a girl for a child?Can I have one of each please?What are you strengths?I am super fast at learning new things What are your weaknesses?Texting / calling I hate talking on the phone How did you get your name?I changed it because my parents gave me such a weird name and it didn’t stick. I ended up with a dozen different names.Were your ancestors royalty?Yes Color of your room?Grey and black Color of your bedspread?Black Make up your own questionI’m waiting, you devil!
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allyinthekeyofx · 7 years
Fading Light -part 2- 2/6
PART ONE  -  Chapters 1-6 here
PART TWO  -  Chapter one
Scully is sleeping. Not dead, not comatose, not even mildly sedated. And aside from the IVs that snake their way in to her pale skin and the steady beep-beep of the monitors beside her bed, I can almost, almost convince myself that she is going to be fine.
Although, in the short term at least her doctors have assured me that she will be fine. She lost a tremendous amount of blood but missed vacogenic shock by a whisker, and will suffer no immediate ill effects except for increased fatigue for a few days as her battered system regains its equilibrium. I found myself staring blankly at the young intern who had been despatched to speak to me out in the corridor where I had sat looking at my feet for what seemed like an eternity. He congratulated me on my fast response to the situation; that even ten minutes more and the outcome might have been very different. I had no idea how to respond to him, still dressed as I was in Scully’s blood which had dried and hardened against my skin. I could smell it. I think I will probably smell it for a very long time to come. Was I supposed to shake his hand?, to thank him for not letting her die?
I didn’t do either of those things. I just clutched Scully’s necklace in my hand and gazed at him numbly from my seated position; hearing his words but hardly daring to believe them.
“She’s okay?” I’d finally managed through lips that seemed to belong to someone else. Lips that only the night before had been playfully kissing a line along the inside of Scully’s arm as she half heartedly attempted to slap me away. She is incredibly ticklish on the underside of her arms. In fact she is incredibly ticklish all over and she giggles when I kiss her like that. So I kiss her like that as often as I can. If you’d told me even six months ago that Scully was a giggler I would have refused to believe it. But to my delight it turns out that my serious, scientifically minded, straight-laced sceptical partner of seven years can be reduced to a giggling, weakened mess with only minimum effort on my part.
The intern touches my shoulder gently. Under normal circumstances I would probably feel a little awkward, but right now I am grateful for the connection of another human being.
“She’s okay” he affirms although he stresses that she is weak and tired and may sleep a lot over the next couple of days.
I’ll take that. God knows I’ll take it. She can sleep till next week if it means she will come back to me. And it seems like this time at least, she will.
“Can I see her? Sit with her?”
The intern hesitates for just a beat and I ready myself to start arguing. The need to see her is like a physical ache inside of me and not for the first time I wonder how it will feel when one day, that ache will go unchecked and unresolved. I think to be honest that my world will simply cease to be; that my heart will stop beating with the pain of it all. Or at least I hope that it happens that way because a life without Scully isn’t a life worth living. I’m not sure I would even want to try.
But as it turns out, I’ve misunderstood the reasons for his reluctance to allow me in to the room.
“I think maybe first Agent Mulder, we should find you a change of clothes. Let you clean up a bit?”
I smell of Scullys blood.
I nod.
“Thank you”
I haven’t taken my eyes off her for even a second since I finally made it in here. I settled myself in to the uncomfortable chair that stood like a sentry beside her bed, gently curled my fingers around hers and just watched her sleep. She looks incredibly pale in the diffused light that casts shadows across her face but I find myself heartened that she is sleeping so peacefully. I’m not sure how aware she was of the horror show that unfolded beside that tranquil lake, or how long she stayed conscious before the shock of the sudden and violent blood loss sent her system in to freefall. Certainly she was unconscious by the time we made it back to the car park, a dead boneless weight in my arms as the blood continued to flow and I can’t help but hope that for the most part she remained unaware.
She has moved a couple of times; sighing softly before settling back in to sleep and I don’t really expect her to awaken at all tonight. Even when nurses have crept quietly in to record her vitals, she hasn’t stirred. And while I know that sleep is what she needs right now, on a very basic level, I wish she would open her eyes just for a moment so I can affirm that she is really here. That she is simply sleeping and not somewhere else far away from me.
But for the time being I just watch her. I can never get enough of looking at Scully and if she had known just how much I had enjoyed observing her during those early years in our partnership, she would probably have been horrified.
Before she had come strutting in to my office in her ill fitting off- the- rack suit, all red hair and youthful arrogance I had always considered myself to have a type. All the previous women in my life had been tall, leggy, big breasted control freaks who had been firmly in command of the relationship. Without exception they had all been older than me, without exception they had all been brunettes and without exception they had all treated me with a certain amount of casual disdain. I think I’d have been considered a catch if it weren’t for the Spooky. As it was I was merely a passing fad. To be picked up and thrown away when the novelty began to wear off.
I had expected the pattern to carry on repeating in the same manner until I finally accepted that love, or even a lasting companionship, was not going to feature heavily in my future. I’ve wondered often why I gravitated again and again to these kinds of women, unable to explain it in any real way other than a lingering feeling of unworthiness; that my past had made me somehow lacking and that happiness was for others but never for me.
Scully changed all that. And despite all my best efforts to the contrary I allowed her to get under my skin. This fiery redhead with a temper to match who never gave me an inch, a constant source of irritation who tested the boundaries in every way possible during the early months of our partnership with her infuriating knack of finding a rational explanation for everything. I mean hell, how do you hope to argue with a woman who has enough arrogance and self-belief to re-write fucking Einstein? She tested me every single day as she steadfastly refused to blindly believe; becoming the perfect juxtaposition; the Yin to my Yang. And with it she brought something to me I’d thought I’d lost forever – a feeling of worth. That maybe, just maybe, there was something within me that was actually worth fighting for.
And even back then I loved her; I loved her with an intensity that excluded all rational thought. From almost the very beginning I loved her. I loved her for believing in me; for refusing to be played by those who had sent her to me and for never allowing them to break her spirit. And almost immediately I realised I wanted her to stay with me; that to lose her, even so early on was unthinkable.
I once told her that she made me whole; that she had saved me; desperate words that I could barely bring myself to admit to her, but I had admitted them. To prevent her from walking away I had allowed at least some of my barriers to fall away and she had rewarded me by remaining by my side. I often wonder now just how different her life would be if I’d simply let her leave; done the right thing for her even if not for me. But for now I swallow the thought and go back to watching her sleep.
Only she isn’t sleeping.
She is observing me through eyes that are heavy-lidded and dull with a combination of fatigue and the morphine drip that keeps her headache at bay. But despite this, she has never looked more beautiful to me; because she is alive and she is still with me.
“I guess I missed the Birthday cake huh?” her voice is raspy and sweet and just slightly teasing, belying as always the gravity of her situation. And as always I play along, leaning forwards to drop a kiss on her forehead which I’m relieved to find is cool beneath my lips before inclining my face to whisper in her ear.
“Yeah. It had candles and everything.”
“How many candles?”
I smile.
“Lots of candles Scully. Lots and lots of candles.”
She leans in to my face and I can smell the jasmine scent of the shampoo she favours. Her skin though smells like hospitals; a combination of starch, antiseptic and a peculiar slightly unpleasant scent that reminds me of illness.
“Mulder?” she murmurs “Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse?”
“Only in my wildest dreams Scully. Why?”
She sighs, fighting sleep as she fights everything else in her life.
“You look.....mmmmm.....the scrubs. Look good...”
Her voice is slightly slurred and I graze her temple with my lips.
“I’ll wear them for you when we get home. Now go back to sleep.”
And for once she does as I say, closing her eyes even as she reaches out to me, an unspoken request that I immediately understand. I perch awkwardly on the bed and enfold her in my arms, resting my chin lightly on the crown of her head, listening to the sound of her breathing become sweet and even as she falls once more in to sleep. I don’t move until morning.
Continued chapter three.
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thumper-darling · 7 years
Can I ask you all 100 questions??
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
17 (18 in about a month)
3. When is your birthday?
November 21st 
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio aS HECK 
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
5 or 6
7. Do you have any pets?
no :’)
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
5 foot 7 binch 
10. What shoe size are you?
8 ½ to 9??
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
12. What was your last dream about?
Pennywise the motherfuckin clown was hunting me and I cried,,,t’was spooky
13. What talents do you have?
I can juggle, I act a bit,,,is creativity a talent?
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
All-time fave: (If you want it) by Relient K
Current fave: Northwood by Oakhill
16. Favorite movie?
kids movie: “All Dogs Go To Heaven”
coming of age movie: “The Perks of being a Wallflower”
super-hero movie: “Spider-man: Homecoming”
Horror movie: “Scream” or “It”
Rom-Com: “Two Night Stand” or “Love, Rosie”
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
18. Do you want children?
I don’t think so, maybe I’ll change my mind when I’m older. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Not really, I kind of want to elope if I ever get married
20. Are you religious?
No, but I was born into a Catholic family,,,so I’m “supposed” to be but,,,
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Of course
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
No, but I once Tinder matched with a guy who is in my new favorite band,,,so,,,
24. Baths or showers?
Showers plz
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
Uh, no? But I’ve been on the cover of the newspaper in my town a few times
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
I’m not sure I would want to have a big celebrity status, but I’d like to be well-known and successful in what I do.
28. What type of music do you like?
Indie pop or alternative
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
No, but almost a few times??
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I have 3 on my bed, but only use 1
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Curled up with crossed ankles, or sprawled out on my back 
32. How big is your house?
Pretty small. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Peanut butter and jelly or cereal 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
n o 
35. Have you ever tried archery?
It was actually a lesson in my elementary school P.E. class, so yeah, a few times. My family is also really big into hunting, so my dad bought me a bow for Christmas when I was like, 12? I got pretty good at it, but I don’t hunt so,,it went unused.  
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
Heckin ;)
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
30 hours 
39. Do you have any scars?
A few 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
I got pretty good at doing a british accent when I was younger 
44. Do you have a strong accent?
How the heck would I know?? I had an old friend from England who said that my accent was pretty heavy, but she’s my only source 
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
Sweet & stupid
Mainly naive 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
Um,,,a sweartshirt that I snatched from my friend’s brother. But as far as things that I’ve purchased myself, my jeans are the most expensive item of clothing at $36 
(Also, I realize it sounds like I stole the sweatshirt, but I didn’t. My friend let me keep it because her brother didn’t wear it anymore,,,so) 
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
A wee bit 
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
Hmmm, greek spinach and cheese pie 
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
“hecking, what?” or “Wow, I can’t believe ___”
56. Most used word?
Heck and Fuck 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
DEPENDS. Some days, 10 minutes. Others? 2 hours 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
Ewghhh, probably a lil itty bitty bit
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Not usually, in my head mostly 
61. Do you sing to yourself?
On occasion 
62. Are you a good singer?
63. Biggest Fear?
If I’m gonna be serious for a second, my biggest fear is being shot. 
64. Are you a gossip?
I mean,,,,,
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Umm,,,I don’t know dude..UGHHHH, I hate thinking. HMmmmMMMM,,,,,The Perks of being a Wallflower (God bless its heart) is a bit dramatic. So that one counts 
66. Do you like long or short hair?
Personally, I love short hair. But, whatever makes you comfortable is ideal
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, California, New York, Georgia, Nevada, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Maine, Illinois, Indiana, Texas, omg why are there so many states, New Mexico, New Jersey, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kansas, Arkansas, who invented the state system in America bcuz fuck them, oH, Ohio, Idaho, Wisconsin, fuck it I listed 30 off the top of my head so fuck you 
68. Favorite school subject?
English (OBVI not geography)
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
Talking to people without a plan 
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Not always 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Not in most circumstances. 
74. Are you ticklish?
Nah motherhecker
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Definitely not, don’t be rude
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I don’t know, kind of? I’m a co-director for my old school’s theatre program, so that counts technically?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
WHHATTT??? ME?!??? No…
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
I’m not gonna say his name, but he was in my 7th grade class. When I was new to the school, he was one of the few boys who was kind to me. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
None, I used to have my ears pierced, gauged even, but one of the holes closed up so,,,
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
I don’t even know or care
84. What color is your hair?
Dark brown, binch 
85. What color are your eyes?
Hazel (green and brown) 
86. What are you allergic to?
Seafood, bees, and bunnies 
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
My mom is a marketing manager for a candy distributor 
89. Do you like your age?
Yeah, 17 is fun 
90. What makes you angry?
91. Do you like your own name?
I’ve grown into my first name, but I’m thinking of getting my last name legally changed. 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Charlie and Cadence 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
If I ever were to be a mom, I would want a son 
94. What are you strengths?
None. Not a single,,,one. 
95. What are your weaknesses?
96. How did you get your name?
after a country song…
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
lol no 
98. Do you have any scars?
A few
99. Color of your bedspread?
Black and white 
100. Color of your room?
Cream and Orange. My furniture is mainly black with gray accent colors 
Thanks for asking xx
0 notes
Hello, and welcome to part 1 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Rocket.
It wasn’t unusual for Kevin to go to sleep bitter or angry or depressed. It was all a part of his many mood swings. But this was caused from a fight he’d gotten into with Connor, or Elder McKinely. He refused to allow Kevin his coffee and it caused a rather big riff between them. Who cared if that was his 15th cup that day? He needed his coffee! And now look at what happened, he was tired and sleepy. Bitter thoughts about the man stirred in his mind...even leaking into his dreams.
He was conscious, yet it was nothing but darkness all around him. He felt like he couldn’t move. He couldn’t say or do anything, until a voice echoed in the dark.
“Well well well...what do we have here?~” A familiar, yet devious voice cooed. Kevin found himself able to talk as little by little, a landscape began to form around him. Suddenly, the form of Connor McKinely himself appeared, in his red V-neck and red boa. Kevin once again found himself paralysed.
“W-What are you doing here?” He asked, gulping, suddenly feeling hot as his face heated up. The other elder licked his lips, slowly stepping forward.
“You’ve been mean to me. Yelling, name calling, and you’re mad at me.” He hissed with a sly smirk, showing off his slightly sharp teeth. Kevin gulped, still unable to move as Connor straddled his waist, grabbing his tie and pulling it slightly.
“I’m gonna make you pay for what you did, you rude little bastard.” He hissed with a voice that would make just about anybody swoon. He placed his other hand on Kevin’s belly, pressing down slightly to assert  his dominance more. This...didn’t exactly give the reaction Connor had seemed to hope for. Kevin’s face suddenly flared up with an involuntary smile. A couple of giggle escaped him as he twitched. Connor narrowed his eyes with a low growl.
“Don’t you laugh at me! I am being intimidating AND sexy! You have zero reason to laugh at me!” He growled, his hand unintentionally squeezing Kevin’s tummy more, causing him to jump and give a small squeak, followed by high pitched giggling. There wasn’t any mistaking it this time. Kevin closed his eyes for a brief moment, hoping that maybe he hadn’t noticed.
“Why, Pricey!” Connor’s voice went’ back to deviously happy. Kevin felt the other man’s hands on his sides, squeezing slightly.
“You never told me you were ticklish~” Kevin’s eyes opened, his face flushing upon the sight of Connor’s smug face, a face that told him that he was stuck without a way to escape whatever ticklish hell this man was going to bestow onto him. Even though Connor was just barely squeezing his sides, it felt a lot more ticklish than it should have. Kevin was already twitching frantically, yelping with each new movement. It was like his shirt wasn’t even there, and his sensitivity was ramped up to 11.
“Gahahahaha plehehehease nohohoho!” He whimpered, though he knew it wouldn’t get him anywhere. Connor lifted his hands and smirked.
“Oh ho ho, this will be fun!~” He lifted his boa off his neck and turned around slightly, reaching back and removing Kevin’s shoes and socks, promptly throwing them into the dark unknown. After his footwear was removed, Connor began to saw the boa back and forth on Kevin’s soles. The poor boy twitched desperately, his giggling turning into loud laughter.
“Ohohohho gohohohohohohohod pleheheheheheaase!” He squealed, but it never did stop, not even when Connor let go of it to turn back around. He grabbed Kevin’s arms and pushed them above his head. He dragged his long nails slowly down Kevin’s arm, causing him to twitch in anticipation.
“Wait, Elder, please! I-I’ll do anything that you want, any-” His sentence ended in a loud squeal as Connor dug his nails into Kevin’s armpits, swirling them around in circular motions. He couldn’t believe how intense the sensation was, as told by his loud, high pitched laughter. After a minute of that, his nails moved downward towards his ribcage, where he met eyes with the devilish Connor once again.
“Anything I want, eh? Well, you’re doing a pretty good job of it so far. I want to hear you squeal, feel you squirm under my very light movements, hear your begging, see the tears that become of your non-stop laughter. Do that, and you’ll be just fine.~”
With that, Connor dug his nails into Kevin’s ribcage, causing him to nearly scream with his laughter, him barely able to choke out words, the horrible feeling growing more and more intense by the second, not helped at all by the boa still going at his feet.
At first, Elder McKinely tried not to pay much mind to the sleep-talking Price. It wasn’t that abnormal...until he started laughing. It seemed to startle and confuse everybody else as well. A few other Elders gathered and looked upon the twitching, giggling Kevin, glancing at one another, unsure of what to do. None of them could sleep like this, his giggling was far too loud.
“So...should we wake him?” Elder Church asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I dunno, if he’s having that much fun in his dreams, I don’t think that’s fair.” Poptarts pointed out, the rest agreeing, nodding.
“Well, maybe we can play a boardgame to pass the time until he wakes up or stops laughing.” Church suggested and the rest seemed to agree. They all gave one last look, then piled onto one bed as Connor grabbed Monopoly. They seemed pretty content, being able to ignore the Elder...until he screamed. Connor instantly got up, scrambling over to Kevin, trying to shake him awake.
“That’s right Pricey, scream for me!” Connor’s voice laughed. Kevin slowly but surely began to get his movement back. He closed his eyes, and began to squirm around until he felt his arms being grabbed, and the weight around his waist being reapplied. He bucked up and laughed out of anticipation.
“Please, stahahap!” He yelled, opening his eyes...to the room. Elder McKinely, the normal one, sat on his waist, shaking him with a concerned look on his face. The rest of the elders eyed him from the bed they were all on. He finally calmed down, breathing heavily, his face still horribly red. His mind was a blur, all he could remember was Connor...tickles...unable to move….but now he could. His eyes narrowed as he pushed Connor off of him. Before he could speak, Connor found himself being pinned to the bed, a delusioned Elder Price above him.
“You think you can just get away with that?” He asked. Connor pulled against Kevin’s grip, horribly confused.
“What? What did I do?” He asked desperately. He looked at the other elders, who all just shrugged at him. He looked back at Kevin, who was still sleepy looking.
“You’re gonna pay for what you did!” He yelled, digging his fingers into McKinely’s underarms. He jumped and instantly started giggling, trying his best to push Price off of him.
“Whahahat? Whahahat did I dohoho?” He asked. Price just shook his head.
“Don’t play dumb with me, McKinely!” The other man growled, spidering his fingers down to Mckinley’s hips, his giggling only getting faster. With his arms out of the way, Connor finally pushed the sleep man off of him, still giggling slightly. After a moment, Price passed out again.
“So...what did you do?” Poptarts asked from the other bed.
“I still have no idea! He’s weird…” Connor huffed.
“Maybe, but i’m willing to guess he was probably repaying you for whatever happened in his dream.” Church point out with a smirk. Connor glanced back down at Kevin, who looked alot more content than the last time he was sleeping. He smirked and glanced back at Church.
“Yknow what...I think you’re right.  
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Two by Two
Hello, and welcome to part 6 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Cloudy.
Kevin chuckled softly enough so that the others couldn't hear. Conner was actually the first to notice he was awake, even through his frantic state.
"Kehehehevin! Hehehahahalp!" He pleaded, tugging at the arms his fellow elders grasped. Elder church was the first to look up at Kevin, holding onto Conner's right arm. One by one, the elders noticed Kevin was awake. Kevin was sat over the edge of the bed, kicking his legs with a smug smirk on his face. Poptarts eventually scrambled off of his spot on Conner's waist.
"Haha...hah...hi Kevin." Conner giggled, his arms laying loosely over his face. Kevin waved, chuckling softly.
"You okay there, McKinley?" Kevin asked, the smug grin never leaving his face as he outstretched his hand to Conner who was still laying on the floor. Conner sighed, taking Kevin's hand and allowing himself to be pulled up.
"May I ask what was going on?"
"You may not." Conner pat his now very wrinkled shirt down.
"We were interrogating him about-" Poptarts tried to interject, before Conner slapped a hand over his mouth.
"We-" Church tried to finish for him though only got silenced as well. Kevin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.
"I see." Kevin shrugged. He was still lost, but he had a bit of an idea about what they were talking about. He appreciated Conner for keeping the secret, though. He didn't need other people knowing...you know. If that's even what they were talking about. Conner waved off the other elders, who hesitantly stepped out.Kevin and Conner stared each other in the eyes, Conner still sporting a soft pink blush and Kevin still recovering from the dream."So." Kevin began, crossing his legs and leaning on his hand.
"You're ticklish too?"
"Aha..." Conner rubbed the back of his neck. "...Yeah." Kevin pat the bed beside him. Conner, though quite anxiously, sat beside him."...Thanks." Kevin mumbled. Conner smiled.
"For not completely spilling your little secrets? You're welcome~!" Conner chimed, poking at Kevin's side rapidly. Kevin recoiled, swatting at the elders hands.
"Hehey watch it! I can get you back now!" Kevin threatened, wiggling his fingers at Conner. Conner's blush deepened, backing away. He blocked his arms over his torso, narrowing his eyes.
"Don't you dare!" Conner mumbled, nearly falling off the bed from backing up so far. He would've, too, if Kevin hadn't grabbed his hand. Just when Conner was about to thank him, Kevin pulled him forward, skittering his fingers under Conner's arms. Kevin still held onto Conners hand, keeping him from pulling away.
"Ahahahaha Kehehehevin!" Conner whined through frantic giggling. He doubled over best he could, though the sensations always followed him.Kevin smirked devilishly, not letting up for a second. He was about to make a teasy remark, however, he had forgot Conner still had a free hand. He felt a fluttery sensation at his stomach, causing him to release the other.
"Wahahahait Cohohonner!" Kevin drew back, grabbing Conner's wrists. Conner had managed to get the upper hand...again. Conner shook off the ghostly feeling in record time, tickling any part of Kevin's torso he could find.
"Whaaaat?" Conner hummed, stilling his hands at Kevin's sides to rest his head on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin caught his breath, about to retaliate when he felt a weird, buzzing sensation on his neck. It was unfamiliar, but it tickled like hell...literally.
"GAH- Ahahahahahaha Cohohohohonner! Whahahat was that?!" Kevin managed to pull himself away, rubbing his neck.
"What, have you never had a raspberry before?" Conner scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. Kevin shook his head, as he caught his breath. As soon as he did, though, he was back to trying to win this fight. In one swift motion, Kevin took both of Conner's hands and pinned him to the bed. Conner gasped sharply as Kevin sat atop his waist. Huh. This is what if felt like to be the tickler. Kevin's free hand walked across Conner's stomach, pausing when he yipped and tried to pull away. Kevin took a moment to process why Conner had made the noise. He grinned, dragging his fingers down Kevin's stomach. Conner erupted into an explosion of soft giggles.
"Kehehehehehevin! Nohohohot thehehere!" Conner's giggle fit was soft and melodious; practically music to Kevin's ears. His dragging turned to light scratching at the skin, watching in awe as Conner's face lit up a brilliant pink.
"Awe, your tummys ticklish? You're like a puppy! That's so cute!" Kevin cooed, finally letting up a bit. Conner gave up fighting back, even as Kevin rolled off of him and laid beside him.
"Shuhuhut ihihit..." Conner rolled on his side, shutting his eyes. Kevin followed suite, placing his arm over his waist. "At least I won~"
"Yohohou did not!"
"I did so~"
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I Am...stuck.
Hello, and welcome to part 5 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Rocket.
It was hard to work when your mind was going a million miles an hour with millions of thoughts. While he didn’t want to, Connor didn’t want Kevin sleeping so early, so he was put back to work. He tried to do his work, going around to advertise the book, but every little thing made him jump. Small taps to get his attention, even Arnold’s random hugs were oddly tickly when they shouldn’t have been. One major point was haunting his mind; the possibility that he was enjoying every moment. Growing up, he never got tickled too much, but he did have a brother that kept him on his toes. Other than that, he hadn’t had much experience. Especially not the way he was getting it now.
Perhaps it was all just a misunderstanding. It was nothing but a dream, after all. It was all just nonsense! Or at least, that’s what he assured himself. As the night slowly grew closer, he eagerly awaited an opportune moment to leave the conversation the other elders were having and go to bed. He nervously sat on the floor along with the elders who were just chatting and having a nice time.
“And then I told her-”
“Wow, how nice Poptarts, i’m sleepy, goodnight!” Kevin interrupted, hopped up and walked over to his bed, covering himself with the blankets. The elders looked at one another, then all to Elder McKinley.
“What’s up with him lately?” One asked, crossing his arms. Conner shrugged.
“Who knows, it’s Elder Price. It could be anything.” He chuckled. The other elders looked at one another raising eyebrows, but didn’t press it further. Or perhaps they did, Kevin didn’t know cause after that, he fell asleep.
He wasn’t sure when he started running, but Kevin kept running, feeling urgent. He kept it up for what felt like ages, until he was met at a large, rock wall. He scanned it, starting to feel panicked. He spotted a hole in the wall and smiled. He pushed his front half through, but got his ribs stuck.
“Nononono, c’mon!” He urged, twisting himself, trying to get himself unstuck. Finally, felt something press down and pin his legs to the ground.
“Well well well...look at what we have here…all stuck, out of luck.” While it was rather muffled, he could make out the voice. The demon had him once again, due to his own fault. And this time, he couldn’t see a thing.
“And just when finally got a few new toys to play with. Oh well, we can test out your ribs next time. These little feeties of yours haven’t gotten that much attention from me anyways.” Those words made Kevin’s heart both sink and flutter. He could feel the slow process of having each shoe removed and each sock slowly peeled off. In the few moments of nothing, Kevin silently panicked, the anticipation really getting to him. Once contact was made, it scared Kevin and he yelped, followed by frantic laughter. The feeling was almost intensified by the inability to see. Kevin threw his fists against the wall as he failed his upper body around like a fish outta water.
“Hahahahaha, nohoho plehehehehase!” He begged, trying to kick and flail his legs.
“Wow, and these are just my nails! I can’t wait to see how you react to the rest of my toys!” Conner laughed, the tickling stopping momentarily. Kevin caught his breath for a moment, but it started right back up as something a lot softer brushed against his sole. The familiar feel of feathers spun in circles around his sole and up towards his toes, which caused him to squeal, his laughter turning high pitched.
“HehehehHEHEHEAHAHA!” He curled his toes, thrashing his upper body around.
“Heheheahhahahehehehehelp!” He yelled, thought he knew he wouldn’t be getting any help.
“Aww, is someone sensitive?~” Conner cooed. The feathers on his left foot stopped, but was then greeted by something else that felt much, much worse. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was, but the sensation was horribly intense.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOOHO!” He practically screamed, slamming his fists on the walls.
“Ohoho! Pricey doesn’t likey the brushy?” The demon cooed from the other side of the wall. He laughed, removing the feathers while the supposed brush kept going. He hit his fists on the wall harder and harder, laughing frantically.
“Just you wait, Pricey, just you wait. Once i’m done with you, you won’t be able to move!” The demon bragged, followed by an evil laugh. It kept going, going...until he woke up.
Kevin blinked his eyes open, still hearing the evil laugh...except, it didn’t sound evil. It sounded loud and...frantic? He sat up and rubbed his eyes, leaning over the edge of the bed to see what was going on. Conner was on the ground, arms pinned to the ground by the other elders, and what looked like Poptarts on top of him.
“What the heck is going on?!” The blonde demanded, digging his fingers into Conner’s side.
“Hehehehe I dohohohohon’t knohohow! I swehehehehare!” He laughed. Nobody seemed to have noticed that Kevin had woken up. Perhaps they would, perhaps they wouldn’t...oh, who was he kidding? This was a great opportunity, too good to pass up!
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All Ticklish Kevin
Hello, and welcome to part 4 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Cloudy.
Kevin stared at Conner for a while, his face going redder the more the other laughed at him. Eventually, Kevin pulled the covers back over himself and laid back down.
“Goodnight.” He mumbled, shutting his eyes.
“Wait- Kevin!” Conner laughed, sitting on the bed beside him.
“I’m gonna go ahead and guess you had the dream again?”
“Was I laughing again?”
“Yes." Kevin groaned, curling up slightly. "Goodnight.” He repeated himself. Conner scoffed, patting Kevin’s shoulder.
“That desperate to go back, huh?” He joked. He felt Kevin stiffen, before sitting up sharply.
“T-That’s not why!” He said defensively, turning to face Conner. Conner raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms. Kevin relaxed a bit, pursing his lips as the other started laughing at him again.
“I was joking! Why so defensive, buddy?” Conner sang, grinning as Kevin blushed harder. Kevin grit his teeth, laying back down and covering himself up. Conner whined playfully.
“Kevin! It’s only 5:30! You can’t go to hell this early!”
“You hush.” Kevin moaned. Conner smirked, placing his hand on Kevin’s side. Kevin tensed again, only causing Conner’s smirk to widen.
“Hey; if you don’t get up, I’ll have to tiiiickle you uuuup~!” Conner cooed in a whisper directly into Kevin’s ear. Kevin shivered, his lips twitching momentarily.
“Don’t.” Kevin warned, curling up. Conner slipped his hand under the covers, pressing his hand on Kevin’s side. Kevin flinched, squeezing his eyes shut. His smile twitched a bit more.
“What? I’m not even moving my hand! Are you THAT ticklish?” Conner chuckled, beginning to lightly drag his nails over Kevin’s stomach and sides. Kevin squirmed slightly, giggling like a dork. Conner gasped silently, smiling at the sound.
“Awwww~!"Kevin stapled a hand over his mouth, shaking his head.
"Cohohohonner!” Kevin whined, gripping the covers tightly. Conner noted how Kevin wasn’t making a lot of effort to get away. He smiled, slipping his hand under Kevin’s shirt to better trace shapes on his ribs. Kevin yelped, twitching involuntarily.
“Nohohoho nohot theheheahahaha!”
“Oooooh, ticklish ribs, Pricey?” Conner teased, chuckling as Kevin squeaked, covering his bright red face with his arms. He softly ran his fingers across every bone on Kevin’s ribs.
“Nohohohohahahaha!” Kevin tried to very weakly shove at Conner’s hands.
“Ah ah ah!” Conner scribbled his fingers across the bones momentarily, causing the other to squeal and release Conner’s wrist.
“Awww, how cute~! Kitchy kitchy coo!
”“C-Conneheheher plehehehehease! I cahahaha!” Kevin was loosing coherency by the second. Conner sighed jokingly and pulled away, patting Kevin on the head. Kevin tried to sound upset, though he couldn’t seem to stop laughing. The ghost feeling was enough to keep him in a state of giggles. Conner, of course, found this very amusing.
“Shhh, Pricey, I stopped! You can stop giggling now!” Conner chuckled. Kevin couldn’t respond.“Ihi can still fehehell it!” Kevin defended, swatting the air.
“Huh, you must be reeeally ticklish, huh? To still be laughing when nothings there? Can you not take the tickle tickle tickles~?”
“Shuhuhut it!”
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Man Up
Hello, and welcome to part 3 of the Spooky Ticklish Hell Dream series! If the name didn’t inform you, this is a tickle fic series, so if you don’t like that kinda thing, then this isn’t for you. For those who stayed to read, I hope you enjoy!
This part was written by Elder Rocket.
Kevin still couldn’t get the recent past out of his mind. It wasn’t exactly haunting him or anything, but he constantly thought about it, even though after his little scuffle with Connor earlier, it hadn’t been mentioned again. Even as he laid there on his bed, he thought about it as he drifted slowly, unconsciously…
He found himself once again stuck, but not in the perpetual dark like last time. He could very clearly see the spiky rocks and flames of hell. He wasn’t able to move very well, but he could squirm around this time. He twisted his wrists that were tied above his head, feeling an odd softness around them. He could tilt his head enough to see it was the familiar red boa, tied around his wrists and around the stalagmite (or that’s what he assumed). He could see a lot better this time, but in front of him was a small patch of darkness. Within said darkness, two bright eyes suddenly opened and stared at him with a small hissing noise. A sudden burst of fire erupted around them, lighting up the area to reveal the unmistakable figure of the demon he’d seen in his last dream. This time, his eyes were a lot more...cat like and the light reflected upon very large, feathered wings.
After the flames past, the demon slowly crawled over to Kevin on all fours, crawling up the stalagmite to meet face to face.
“Welcome back, Pricey.~” The demon hissed with a smirk, spreading it’s new wings, almost to show off. Kevin gulped, unsure if he should speak or not.
“What, monster got your tongue? Or ear, rather.~” Connor chuckled, grabbing Kevin’s ear and rubbing it between his index finger and thumb. Kevin shrunk away from it, giggling already. Connor chuckled, letting go.
“Wow, laughing at me already?” He cooed, hopping down off of the stalagmite to stand up properly.
“Looks like you’re just that eager to start, eh? Well, i won’t keep you waiting. I’m sure you’ve noticed these two already.” He flaps his wings a couple times, a couple of feathers falling off and floating to the ground.
“You’re going to be my guinea pig. Tell me, how does this feel?” The two wings placed themselves on the sides of Kevin’s torso, covering it from his armpits down to his hips. With careful movement, each feather seemed to move in sync, back and forth. The sensation was intense, but his ribcage seemed to get it the worst. He broke into a crazed laughter, now with more room to squirm around and move.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA OH GOHOHOHOHOHOOD!” He yelled, staring a calm and composed looking Connor in the face.
“I can see that’s really working! I’ll just stay here for a bit then.~” He said with a smirk, checking out his sharp nails.
“You may be bigger than me, but that just means there’s more of you to tickle!” The demon pointed out, only causing Kevin’s red face to get redder. After what felt like an eternity, the wings retracted and Kevin was left a giggling mess. Though, Connor didn’t seem to be in a rush to move on. He just...stared at Kevin for a moment. Then, out of nowhere, the boa around his wrists vanished and kevin collapsed to the floor. He caught his breath for a moment, then looked up to see...nobody. The demon seemed to have left. Or perhaps that was just Kevin’s hope. He stood up and looked around but couldn’t see anything. Before he had a chance to do much else, a light, skittering feeling spidered across Kevin’s ribs and on his belly.
“Hehehehehe!” He gave a delighted squeal and danced around, the feeling following him wherever he went. He eventually collapsed back to the floor, where the feeling stopped. He leaned on his hands, but felt his back meet the floor as the demon pressed his foot on Kevin’s chest, looking as smug as ever.
“If you truly had wanted that to end, you would have tried to block it or fight back. Have you ever thought about that?” Connor asked. Kevin blinked a couple times in confusion.
“If you really wanted that to stop, you would have put more effort into making it happen. You wanna know what I think?” He leaned down closer to Kevin’s face.
“I think you’re having fun with it. You’ve been dreaming about it all day and just couldn’t wait to come back, didn’t you? You’re happy when you see me, you love what I do and can’t wait until next time. Let’s face the facts.” He grabbed Kevin’s chin, forcing his face to stay still.
“You like being tickled.” The demon gave emphasis to each word, everyone making him blush more and more. Did he really? Was that why he thought about it all day? He glanced back up at the demon, narrowing his eyes.
“I may not be able to struggle that hard...but I sure know how to fight back!”
“What-” Demon Connor gasped as he felt wiggling fingers brush against his wings, causing him to fall back. Seizing his chance, Kevin tried to crawl on top of the demon, but was ultimately unsuccessful. He grabbed onto one and ruffled it wherever possible. Connor’s demon laugh was hissy, but still just as cute. He kept going until the other wing smacked him against the nearby wall. Kevin hit it with a bang, and the last thing he saw was the demon leaping straight towards him.
“Pricey!” Kevin shot up from the bed, glancing around frantically. He saw the normal Connor, who was raising an eyebrow at him.
“What are you doing in bed so early? What man goes to bed at 5 in the afternoon?” He asked, laughing. Kevin’s heart sank as he realized what he’d unconsciously done, if he were to believe what the dream demon said. He WAS eager to sleep, he DID enjoy the dream and WANTED to go back to sleep in case he forgot it. For once, the demon was right. He did like being tickled.
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Hello and welcome to a Book of Mormon Au! I’m Elder Cloudy, and I run this blog with Elder Rocket. Let me give a small explanation of this au. It’s Mcpricley based, taking place after the B.O.M events. Kevin has a ‘spooky mormon hell dream’, where he encounters the Demon verson of Conner. This demon is quick to discover one of Kevin’s lesser known secrets. He’s ticklish. However, after finding this out, Kevin finds himself in that hell almost every night. Normal Conner asks what’s happening in his dreams right after he notices Kevin laughing in his sleep. Kevin is hesitent to explain, but maybe it’s not as bad as he initially thought…
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allyinthekeyofx · 7 years
Fading Light 8/24
Fading Light AllyinthekeyofX PART TWO CHAPTER TWO Scully is sleeping. Not dead, not comatose, not even mildly sedated. And aside from the IVs that snake their way in to her pale skin and the steady beep-beep of the monitors beside her bed, I can almost, almost convince myself that she is going to be okay. Although, in the short term at least her doctors have assured me that she will be fine. She lost a tremendous amount of blood but missed vacogenic shock by a whisker, and will suffer no immediate ill effects except for increased fatigue for a few days as her battered system regains its equilibrium. I found myself staring blankly at the young intern who had been despatched to speak to me out in the corridor where I had sat looking at my feet for what seemed like an eternity. He congratulated me on my fast response to the situation; that even ten minutes more and the outcome might have been very different. I had no idea how to respond to him, still dressed as I was in Scully’s blood which had dried and hardened against my skin. I could smell it. I think I will probably smell it for a very long time to come. Was I supposed to shake his hand?, to thank him for not letting her die? I didn’t do either of those things. I just clutched Scully’s necklace in my hand and gazed at him numbly from my seated position; hearing his words but hardly daring to believe them. “She’s okay?” I’d finally managed through lips that seemed to belong to someone else. Lips that only the night before had been playfully kissing a line along the inside of Scully’s arm as she half heartedly attempted to slap me away. She is incredibly ticklish on the underside of her arms. In fact she is incredibly ticklish all over and she giggles when I kiss her like that. So I kiss her like that as often as I can. If you’d told me even six months ago that Scully was a giggler I would have refused to believe it. But to my delight it turns out that my serious, scientifically minded, straight-laced sceptical partner of seven years can be reduced to a giggling, weakened mess with only minimum effort on my part. The intern touches my shoulder gently. Under normal circumstances I would probably feel a little awkward, but right now I am grateful for the connection of another human being. “She’s okay” he affirms although he stresses that she is weak and tired and may sleep a lot over the next couple of days. I’ll take that. God knows I’ll take it. She can sleep till next week if it means she will come back to me. And it seems like this time at least, she will. “Can I see her? Sit with her?” The intern hesitates for just a beat and I ready myself to start arguing. The need to see her is like a physical ache inside of me and not for the first time I wonder how it will feel when one day, that ache will go unchecked and unresolved. I think to be honest that my world will simply cease to be; that my heart will stop beating with the pain of it all. Or at least I hope that it happens that way because a life without Scully isn’t a life worth living. I’m not sure I would even want to try. But as it turns out, I’ve misunderstood the reasons for his reluctance to allow me in to the room. “I think maybe first Agent Mulder, we should find you a change of clothes. Let you clean up a bit?” I smell of Scullys blood. I nod. “Thank you” XXXX I have barely taken my eyes off her since I finally made it in here. I settled myself in to the uncomfortable chair that stood like a sentry beside her bed, gently curled my fingers around hers and just watched her sleep. She looks incredibly pale in the diffused light that casts shadows across her face but I find myself heartened that she is sleeping so peacefully. I’m not sure how aware she was of the horror show that unfolded beside that tranquil lake, or how long she stayed conscious before the shock of the sudden and violent blood loss sent her system in to freefall. Certainly she was unconscious by the time we made it back to the car park, a dead boneless weight in my arms as the blood continued to flow and I can’t help but hope that for the most part she remained unaware. She has moved a couple of times; sighing softly before settling back in to sleep and I don’t really expect her to awaken at all tonight. Even when nurses have crept quietly in to record her vitals, she hasn’t stirred. And while I know that sleep is what she needs right now, on a very basic level, I wish she would open her eyes just for a moment so I can affirm that she is really here. That she is simply sleeping and not somewhere else far away from me. But for the time being I just watch her. I can never get enough of looking at Scully and if she had known just how much I had enjoyed observing her during those early years in our partnership, she would probably have been horrified. Before she had come strutting in to my office in her ill fitting off- the- rack suit, all red hair and youthful arrogance I had always considered myself to have a type. All the previous women in my life had been tall, leggy, big breasted control freaks who had been firmly in command of the relationship. Without exception they had all been older than me, without exception they had all been brunettes and without exception they had all treated me with a certain amount of casual disdain. I think I’d have been considered a catch if it weren’t for the Spooky. As it was I was merely a passing fad. To be picked up and thrown away when the novelty began to wear off. I had expected the pattern to carry on repeating in the same manner until I finally accepted that love, or even a lasting companionship, was not going to feature heavily in my future. I’ve wondered often why I gravitated again and again to these kinds of women, unable to explain it in any real way other than a lingering feeling of unworthiness; that my past had made me somehow lacking and that happiness was for others but never for me. Scully changed all that. And despite all my best efforts to the contrary I allowed her to get under my skin. This fiery redhead with a temper to match who never gave me an inch, a constant source of irritation who tested the boundaries in every way possible during the early months of our partnership with her infuriating knack of finding a rational explanation for everything. I mean hell, how do you hope to argue with a woman who has enough arrogance and self-belief to re-write fucking Einstein? She tested me every single day as she steadfastly refused to blindly believe; becoming the perfect juxtaposition; the Yin to my Yang. And with it she brought something to me I’d thought I’d lost forever – a feeling of worth. That maybe, just maybe, there was something within me that was actually worth fighting for. And even back then I loved her; I loved her with an intensity that excluded all rational thought. From almost the very beginning I loved her. I loved her for believing in me; for refusing to be played by those who had sent her to me and for never allowing them to break her spirit. And almost immediately I realised I wanted her to stay with me; that to lose her, even so early on was unthinkable. I once told her that she made me whole; that she had saved me; desperate words that I could barely bring myself to admit to her, but I had admitted them. To prevent her from walking away I had allowed at least some of my barriers to fall away and she had rewarded me by remaining by my side. I often wonder now just how different her life would be if I’d simply let her leave; done the right thing for her even if not for me. But for now I swallow the thought and go back to watching her sleep. Only she isn’t sleeping. She is observing me through eyes that are heavy-lidded and dull with a combination of fatigue and the morphine drip that keeps her headache at bay. But despite this, she has never looked more beautiful to me; because she is alive and she is still with me. “I guess I missed the Birthday cake huh?” her voice is raspy and sweet and just slightly teasing, belying as always the gravity of her situation. And as always I play along, leaning forwards to drop a kiss on her forehead which I’m relieved to find is cool beneath my lips before inclining my face to whisper in her ear. “Yeah. It had candles and everything.” “How many candles?” I smile. “Lots of candles Scully. Lots and lots of candles.” She leans in to my face and I can smell the jasmine scent of the shampoo she favours. Her skin though smells like hospitals; a combination of starch, antiseptic and a peculiar slightly unpleasant scent that reminds me of illness. “Mulder?” she murmurs “Have you ever thought about becoming a nurse?” “Only in my wildest dreams Scully. Why?” She sighs, fighting sleep as she fights everything else in her life. “You look.....mmmmm.....the scrubs. Look good...” Her voice is slightly slurred and I graze her temple with my lips. “I’ll wear them for you when we get home. Now go back to sleep.” And for once she does as I say, closing her eyes even as she reaches out to me, an unspoken request that I immediately understand. I perch awkwardly on the bed and enfold her in my arms, resting my chin lightly on the crown of her head, listening to the sound of her breathing become sweet and even as she falls once more in to sleep. I don’t move until morning. Continued chapter three. #fanfic #x files #fading light
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Let’s fly, you and me, but mostly me
I am so sorry, I have abandoned my boys, it’s been so long, but WE’RE NOT DEAD! We just got held behind a few months because of my lazy ass. But here we are again! Hope you like the fic!
~Mod Rocket
Kevin wasn’t quite used to falling asleep next to somebody. After being tickled to near death of his own choice, it left one quite tired. He drifting off into the familiar hellscape. It just seemed like typical hell with fire and spiky rocks everywhere. No sign of the dreaded demon just yet. Kevin slowly stepped forward, looking around every corner and turn, glancing around.
“Looking for me, Pricey?~” A voice called from above him. Kevin looked up to see the familiar face sitting upon a high rock.
“If you want tickles, this time, you’ll have to work for it. All you have to do is find your way up here!” He pointed to the ledge beside him. Kevin crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.
“Now, how am I supposed to get up there? It’s not like I can fly!” He pointed out, motioning to Conner’s wings. The demon smirked, raising his hand.
“Oh you can’t?~” He snapped his fingers, and suddenly Kevin was off the ground. He gasped and kicked, trying to lower himself back down, though he just flailed around in the air, looking pretty silly. Conner chuckled, lowering himself off of the ledge to hover beside the flailing man. Kevin managed to push himself slightly upwards and upside down. Conner pushed Kevin’s legs to the right, spinning him around slowly. Kevin kicked his legs in protest, and in pure fear of the demon touching him.
“H-Hey, no stop, don’t!” He yelped. Conner spun him a little bit faster and stepped back, watching as kevin floated around, whining and groaning. The demon found it to be quite humorous, laughing his hissy, yet pleasant sounding laugh.
“D-Don’t laugh at me! Put me down!” Kevin demanded, though he sounded a bit weaker, due to feeling a bit nauseous, as well as scared due to the height.
“Aww, cheer up, Pricey! Flying isn’t so bad!”
“Easy for you to say, you know how to fly!” Kevin retorted. Conner didn’t respond, flying to be behind him. He quickly scribbled his nails over Kevin’s rib cage, teasing the spaces between the bones. Kevin yelped, all four of his limbs flailing around. Conner laughed again, flying circles around him.
“This is SO much better than tying you down! You’re helpless AND you look like a complete idiot!” He giggled, kicking his legs in the air as he laughed. He flew in little patterns in the air, graceful and elegant. Kevin found it interesting at first, then jealous and slightly mad after realizing he was just showing off.
“Are you done yet, Ariel?” Kevin asked, crossing his arms as he floated sideways, as if laying on a bed. Conner raised an eyebrow at him, chuckling lowly.
“Putting on sass today, are we? My, you’re getting more and more eager by the day!” The demon teased, holding Kevin’s face in his hands. Kevin blushed, staring down at the hell floor, which only made him more scared and nauseous. Conner slipped his hands under Kevin’s shirt, walking his fingers on each rib like a stepping stone. Kevin squeaked and tried to flail again, but found he couldn’t move his arms anymore.
“Did I mention I can disable the spell anytime on any body part I wish?” Conner asked, walking his fingers back downwards. Kevin tried to shake his head, but found that didn’t work either. He was mostly paralyzed, pardon his eyes. Conner rolled up Kevin’s shirt and completely slipped it off, watching as the shirt floated to the floor, landing in a fire where it presumably burned. He took a sudden deep breath and blew a long raspberry on his bare rib cage. Kevin’s eyes widened as he yelled with laughed, finding he could move again. Conner dashed away and flew above him, diving back down to flutter his feathers over his ribs. Kevin whipped around right as Conner dashed away again. He did this several times, diving down to jab his ribs or poke his belly button and even managed to grab his sides. Conner turned, and spun kevin quickly. Kevin felt something against his ribs and moved as he spun. It felt soft, and tickly as hell. In reality, Conner held a soft bristled brush in one spot as kevin spun around, so it brushed his ribs as well as part of his chest and back. Kevin wasn’t sure how to feel by the end of it; he was flustered as hell, weak, and incredibly sick to his stomach from all the spinning. Conner grabbed his ankles to hold him still, so he was now upside down again. Kevin glanced up at him worriedly, hoping he wasn’t planning what he thought he was planning. His fears were only confirmed when he saw his shoe fall down to the dark floor below.
“W-Wait, please! I-I can’t take much more…” He breathed, but Conner scoffed.
“Nonsense! You’ll be fine for a few more minutes, right?” Kevin felt Conner’s sharp nails glide across his socked sole and it made him jump and laugh instantly. He squirmed around as they went in different directions and made shapes in his soles. He laughed and snorted, feeling alright until he gagged. He held his hand over his mouth as a wave of nausea hit him like a brick.
“G-God...H-Help…” He almost wheezed, feeling horrible and helpless. Conner glanced down at him and suddenly snapped his fingers. Kevin fell to the ground and instantly woke up. It was in the middle of the night and he wasn’t sure where he was. He forced himself up and felt a sudden urge of adrenaline as he dashed out of his room and only halfway out the door before he fell to his knees and threw up right outside. After that, he got up and lumbered back to his room, falling down onto the bed.
He felt miserable.
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