#Shuskas Stories
askthehiddencaste · 6 months
To those who celebrate and those who do not, happy Yule.
Celebrate with your loved ones be they friends, family, or pets. Keep them close be they on earth or off in Valhalla.
May the solstice bring you closure, and may it bring you hope. May the end of the year bring you back to a stable place in life and a path forward.
Merry meet, marry part, and marry meet again.
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shuskas-story-book · 6 years
4/13/18 ‘Hello’
An EriSol Humanstuck fanfic written off the song 'Hello' By Adele
Hey thith ith Thollux. Thorry I couldn't anthwer your call, tho go ahead and leave a methage after the beep *BEEP*
Eridan sighed softly, listening to the message that he had almost burned into his memory. He felt it was finally time to actually try to talk to Sollux again.
"Hey, Sollux, I-it's me Eridan. I was uh...I was wondering if you'd want to meet up? I know we left off pretty bad all those month's ago, so we can...maybe go over everything" he said softly, taking a deep breath and looking off to the side and sitting the picture of himself and Sollux on a pier . "You know...they say that times supposed to heal you but...I haven't healed much......."
He lifted his head in shock as he heard a sudden click on the other end of his line. "h-hello? Sollux is that you? Can you hear me?" he asked, heart racing and his voice shaking a bit as he heard a deep breath before a sigh on the other end. "Yea...I can hear ya ED" Sollux replied softly. Eridan started to tear up a bit and covered his mouth, a soft whimper escaping him as Sollux spoke up again.
"Lithen ED, I'm home....You caught me in a daydream honethtly. How we uthed to be when we were younger and didn't have tho many thingth holding uth down. Before you dethided to call....I had forgotten how it felt before my world thatered around me" he said softly. Eridan automatically felt his heart drop to his stomach.
Sollux was referring to the night Eridan had gone out to Cronus's Bachelor party and gotten drunk before having sex with a few different people. Granted it was all instigated by Cronus that night, but when Sollux had tried to get Eridan to have sex with him a few nights later, just to make him feel better about accidentally cheating on him, but it all went downhill when Eridan called out another's name. Things had happened so fast and he couldn't do anything to stop the pain he caused with that one word.
Eridan quickly came back to when he heard a soft hello from the other side of the phone. He could partially feel the tears that were rolling down his cheeks as Sollux spoke. "ED? Hello? Can you hear me? ED pleathe I mutht have called your name a thouthand timeth!" he whined softly as Eridan gave a sniffle and nodded. It took a moment before he realized Sollux couldn't see him. "I-i'm sorry Sollux....I just....I-i just called to tell you that I'm....I'm so sorry for everything that I did....that I HAVE done." he replied softly.
"But....Every time I called you you...you were never home I-i just.....I even came to your apartment and banged on the door....just shouting your name from the hall" he continued, sniffling as the tears started to freely roll down his cheeks. "At-at least I can say I TRIED to tell you I was sorry for breaking your heart Sol" he sobbed, looking away from the photo he had been looking at.
He heard a snort from the other end of the line before an overly sarcastic reply was given. "Well it don't matter now doeth it ED? It CLEARLY doethn't tear you up like it doeth me." Eridan couldn't help a soft, almost bitter laugh as it escaped his trembling lips. "Tho....Eridan pleathe.....Letth get thome coffee alright? Fill'th Cafe?" Sollux asked, a small mile in his voice. "Let'th thay in thirty minuteth leave your apartment and we'll meet up like we uthed to."
Eridan agreed and the call ended, quickly going around the apartment and getting himself ready. He paused to catch a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror and he could see the bags under his chocolate brown eyes, the way his clothing just hung on his slim form and the now pale purple puff of hair he had always managed to convince his boss to let him keep. He looked like a mess.
Thinking quickly, he managed to get himself in the shower and actually gel his hair back in the way he knows Sollux likes it and grimaces. When was the last time I did my hair? he asked himself, shaking his head. He got things settled and donned a dark purple shirt and his favorite pair of dark blue jeans before pulling his shoes on. Damn, five minutes late to leave already.
He darted out of the apartment, locking it in his wake and hurriedly walked down the board to the cafe. Fill's Cafe had been the place they met, the place that Sollux had proposed. Eridan's eyes started to water as he ducked his nose down into the red and blue infinity scarf he wore. The wedding would have been set for the next day had Cronus and his own fucking marriage that sent Eridan and Sollux down this path.
Eridan shook his head and tried to hold back the tears as he looked up to the faded green and yellow sign to the cafe. He could hardly think straight as he stepped into the cafe and looked around. Sollux was sitting over in their usual spot, two coffees in front of him and an empty seat. He looked up to Eridan with a small smile, waving him over and watching the younger male.
"Sollux I-i-i'm so sorry I-I was I mess I had to take a shower a-and-" he froze as Sollux raised a hand, moving towards the seat in front of himself. "Hello ED....." he said softly. Eridan nodded and sat down, looking off to the side. "I-I'm sorry Sol.....it's so typical to talk about myself like that......i-i'm so sorry" he whispered, shaking his head before turning a sad smile up to Sollux.
"I-i hope you've been well" he said softly. "Did....you ever make it out of that dead end job?" he asked, tilting his head as he carefully took the cup in his hand. Sollux let out a shaky sigh of his own and nodded, throat tightening at the sight of Eridan's engagement ring still settled neatly on his finger. He reached out and took Eridans hand, pulling it over and turning it over in his own, computer calloused hands. "ED.....ith no thecrete that the both of uth are running out of time....It'th what humanth do, get mad at one another, leave, and grow old with that bitter feeling in their hearth" he said softly, taking a deep breath and looking up to meet Eridans with his own bi-colored eyes. "I'm thorry I broke your heart Eridan" he whispered.
Eridan's heart nearly stopped as Sollux removed the ring. He couldn't put two and two together at this moment. He came here to tell Sollux he was sorry, to beg for forgiveness and yet, Sollux was pulling the ring off his finger. Eridan let the tears he was holding back roll down his cheeks as he softly started to sob. Sollux looks up to him and frowned, moving out of his chair before getting down on his knees with Eridan's hand held to his chest.
"Pleathe don't cry ED, you know I hate theeing you cry" he whispered softly. "I'm not trying to puth you away. Eridan pleathe, give me a thecond chanthe to forgive you. I know thith ith a weird way to do it but....I-i jutht want you to put the ring on a chain.....Give me a chanthe to forgive you properly and we can try thith again later on" he said softly, holding the ring up for a moment before placing the golden band down in Eridans palm.
Eridan watched him closely, putting the ring on the table and nearly jumping into Sollux's lap as he pulled him into a hug. "Thank you sol.....thank you" he whispered, hiding his face against Sollux's neck and let his boyfriend shush him softly and enjoy the feeling of the other's arm around him like they should be.
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aov-comonndor · 5 years
hey nathan, ive been following your little story here and.....I just wanted to let you know that having a grub with someone is a great thing.... maybe you should talk to her and bring her little grub in for a family hug to help her feel better?
Nathan is currently unavailable as he and shuska are on the ship in the crow's nest together after what all has happened to her recently.
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Marina is currently watching over the little grub with the help of tiny Mellow "please excuse them. It will be a bit before shuska calms down enough to even comprehend a serious conversation like that. Thank you for your concern."
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askthehiddencaste · 3 months
El glanced at Shuska as she walked though the door. He had been entertaining Sallom and the other library grubs with a story of his adventures on duty, using various illusions to portray events in a cartoonish fashion. His normally golden visor faded, allowing his pale green hues to lock onto at her. "You look like you had fun. You two didn't 'happen upon' another egg while you were away did you?" An attempt at a little light ribbing, a joke to otherwise take away from the real reason she had left.
Shuska had wandered into the room without thinking, hand settling down on one of the childrens lower bookshelves when she was caught. "I... Yes we had a fun adventure... No other grubs found" she replied, staring at the young trolls and grubs in front of the human still swatting at and playing with the illusions he had created. She nodded and slowly backed out of the room, swallowing thickly and offering him a small smile "well.... you've seem to have this in hand. H-have a good night element. just return sallom to his crib when you're ready to leave" she offered with a nod, glancing off to the side and hurrying herself down the hall.
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askthehiddencaste · 1 year
🤖- How do you feel about drones? Do you try to avoid them when they come around? 🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations? 🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories? For Tannos
🤖- How do you feel about drones? Do you try to avoid them when they come around? "of course i try to avoid them when theyre around. Theyre DRONES after all" 🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations? "nope. The slime inside looks too close to shuska's blood color and that just turns the pit in my stomach. My mate and I sleep together in a comfortable pile of blankets and pillows. 🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories?
"I had one living in my head for fucking sweeps of my life....i know theyre real...."
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askthehiddencaste · 2 years
♡ Shus
Shuska is one who enjoys "parallel play " and will happily sit there and just read while you do something, but with her lovers she will break one of her own rules and come sit in their lap to read the story aloud
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askthehiddencaste · 3 years
something kinda important.....
I'm going to tell you know I don't know how to say this right, and to be saying it at all has been weighing heavily on my mind.......
If everyone remembers, at the beginning of the year, I had a hiatus for a while where I was working on myself and my mental health.
This was due to my husband leaving me.
I have been torn up in a way that I never felt I could recover from and in a way I have not. So I have been in a severe depression that has had me contemplating ending my life on more than one occasion and with the most recent round of anon's going through and telling me I should kill myself, I have never been lower.
My mental health has been declining, my urge to do anything in life has been waning, and I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I am a broken woman and though everyone knows me as a happy bubbly person most of the time, the good feelings anon, the person who leaves paragraphs in your ask box or your DMs reminding you that you deserve love and you deserve to be happy......I'm not.
As I write these words I'm currently crying and forcing myself to go through with typing these things out. with making sure everyone who even cares an inkling about me hears what I've had to say, how I feel.
My depression feels like it is trying to kill me, and the guilt I feel about not being able to remember who I've replied to, where an RP is, or if I was even supposed to write a starter has been dragging me deeper and deeper into the hole that is eating me inside.
I am going to be leaving tumblr by the end of August. I will still have my blog up....still have my characters and our memories where you can see them and what few stories I have posted in Shuska's Storybook, but for all intents and purposes I will be gone.
I am doing this, NOT to hurt myself or kill myself, but for my mental health and the need to move on from things that have been weighing me down.
I will be posting this a few different times, so know that it may show up on your dash more than once and I'm sorry if its a bother to you, but I don't want to just post once and no one see what's going on.....
I'll be making a discord group soon and once it is made I'll link it to this for those who want to stay in contact but I just..... I can't stay here anymore..... not without going under and loosing the battle that I've been fighting for so long
tl;dr : My depression is bad and getting worse and I'm leaving tumblr.
EDIT: Here is the link to the discord if you want to keep in contact https://discord.gg/N4zWvpaYfZ
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askthehiddencaste · 3 years
Can I give Shuska some Aspirin or something for her hangover..? (Also I love her intricate horn design, and how you drew her braid, and just,,, her <3)
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“hmm? I appreciate it but i’ve already taken medication....”
Kanny: thank you so much! Shuska’s horns were MUCH larger before this sprite set which was not drawn by me! Shuska was drawn by @brinytrolls when they were a part of the fandom. ((now they have moved over to @hanghenfil to pursue their story instead!))  and in case he sees it HI FREDDIE! 
I’m still in love with the way he drew Shuska. 
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
evil shuska mentioned abilities? What can shuska do??
you: I like you! actually paying attention to whats written XD
So: Shuska is a lime and as I headcannon them, Limes are short little healers. Natural born mothers and able to carry if the mother grub fails to do so to keep the population around. 
the abilities the Navigator was talking about is the fact that she and Shuska can heal anyone if it isnt a life threatening wound, though at a cost to themselves.
you got shot through the arm? As long as shes touching you, shuska can take the damage onto herself and heal your wound with her own healing over the course of a few minutes to a few hours depending on how bad the wound was! The navigator’s body SHOWS her scars because the wounds were so large or so damaging that she was UNABLE to properly heal herself and hide the damaged areas. Which is why she shows her chest scar so proudly and why shuska hides her own scar from when she was decapitated. ((thats a whole nother story and im not getting into it right now))
so TL;DR Shuska can heal you as long as its not life threatening with no scars on you
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askthehiddencaste · 3 years
I forgot your writing blog name q-q
It's @shuskas-story-book ! I Havent written anything in a while but keep a look out for a few new stories and possibly even chapter 1 of a larger fic coming soon!
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
100 Followers Giveaway!!
Hey there, Kanny here! I first off wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s stayed with me along for the wild ride that has been the past 2 years of me having Shuska and the Blog. 
To celebrate the crest into the triple digits, I want to do a story for one of my followers!
It will be a small drabble, most of the stories i do manage to get around 1-2000 words like the ones here on my Ao3 
In order to get in on the giveaway,  you must:
Be a follower
Name 1 song you would like to use *
Name 1-3 characters to use in the story *
*Put these things in the reblog itself
This will give you up to 3 chances to win!
This will go on until 11:30pm CST on Saturday, March 7th. I will get in touch with the winner (chosen VIA a random number generator) once I get home from work that night!
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
Hey I don't know how many of you know about/care about short stories/fanfiction but I've got a side account called @shuskas-story-book Where I've recently posted all my current stories and where I'll continue to post them when I do finish a writing project.
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
Muerta approaches Shuska's desk, clearing her throat quietly. "Do you happen to have the Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark series? They're some of my favorites."
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"yes we do! But I think you'll have to wrestle them out of Ashoals grasp... Tannos brought them up a bit ago and he's been stuck in his little corner reading and petting a skull like its his cat" she said with a laugh
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askthehiddencaste · 5 years
What happened to shuska in the game, Tannos?
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"none of us really like talking about that damn book she wrote..... Or game or whatever you called it"
How does it feel knowing she died and you couldn't do anything about it??
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"I wanted to protect her... But.... I couldn't....She was beheaded by this separate grouping that was in the story.... And..... It...."
Its because your weak!
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
🌹 🍂 🍄 💐🌿🌳💦 (for tannos and his lil buddy from koyo👀)
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🌹  Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them? “I feel most at home when i’m with my quads... which is now Koyoko... well, there and Shuska’s library! Its quiet and an easy place to just think and read. Home to me means a place I can be with my thoughts!”
your a fucking idiot for liking that library. I’d rather be at the arena you kept swearing up and down we would be training for. but noooooooo you dont want to let a creature do their hobbies
“because your hobbies includes killing things and I’m not about to let that happen 
🍂  Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
“FUCK YEA! Hugs all around! unless theyre koyo then its a dip and a kiss~” he chuckled
I could do without the hugs.....
🍄  What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
“Snacks? just whatever I can get my hands on really. I’m not picky! A comfort food for me though would happen to be my absolute favorite meal would be home made sausage with some oven roasted potatoes and honey glazed carrots..... Hey that reminds me, Heilel help me remember to make that for koyo!” 
How about instead of that nasty sausage we do a pork roast and apricot glaze? everything else could be good but just get rid of that sausage!!! 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
No, hes not getting a chance to answer this one. Tannos is a fucking infant when he gets sick. take it from someone who’s stuck with the fucker!!
“OI! I’m not an infant.....i jsut.....dont like worrying others.... and if someone else is sick then I’m more than happy to dote and care for them”
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
“I always try to bring little treats and presents for those I care for. And for my quads I like to keep touching them. a rub of my hand on their shoulders, fingers through theirs, a kiss to the forehead, etc.”
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
“I love to actually just hit the hotsprings to relax! But a close second is to read. one of my favorites is Frankenstein! It reminds me a lot about myself as funny as it seems.”
hobbies and insterests include training with the clubs and sickles we own but SOMEBODY thinks im too violent 
“because you are!!”
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
// huehuehue no way!!! why I would do that? It’s all there for his story to make the lovable dumbass who he is! //
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askthehiddencaste · 4 years
What does shuska horns originally looks like?
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"oh goodness, really making me get the picture book out are we? " she asked with a playful laugh. "hold on..." she got up and turned to her shelf with a soft smile on her lips. "here we go.... "
"the first one here was after I was brought up in the @aov-comonndor .... I got kind of chubby after being in a slave ship" she said with a fond little laugh.
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"This one however was more.... I was doing some work on a story of my own and Nathan snapped a picture while I wasn't looking" she hummed with a smile
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