#Seriously my boy is a little underappreciated imo
kjpurplepineapple · 1 year
Been thinking about this LU update a lot, and I see a lot of people talking about how everyone seems to be talking about Wind and Legend and how those two had the cutest expressions.
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But can we just take a moment to appreciate the real MVP right here.
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This. This is the face of a man who's proud to see that all his hard work paid off and his efforts weren't in vain. Twilight is alive. His friend is alive because of his healing. He finally feels like he accomplished something.
And for a character who's self worth is literally through the floor... That's huge, even if he's in the background and trying not to show it. Twilight is alive and everyone is happy, and Hyrule actually did something.
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diorkyeom · 4 months
THE @diorkyeom / @fairyhaos AO3 FIC REC LIST: PART 3
masterlist. part one. part two.
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part three of all the ao3 fics that i've read for seventeen which i've loved, kudosed, and proceeded to download so i'll always have with me! lots of these are fics that have been in my library for a while that i just never got round to reccing, so expect a lot of verkwan in this haha
(list is in order of titles!)
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By Any Other Name - bapilli
verkwan, omegaverse, oneshot
i don't even read omegaverse so idk how i even ended up reading this in the first place but. it's actually sooo so sweet. their dynamic is just sososo gentle and hansol just Likes seungkwan SO MUCH and it's So obvious and it makes me want to sob in my hands a little bit. this fic gets bonus points for its hurt/comfort elements and the gentle reassurance it has.
Give Me A Chance To Be Yours - lillupon
meanie, uni au, pining, chaptered
listen guys. there is So Much stuff in the meanie tag that if i rec a meanie fic, you just know it's the best of the best. the whole best-friends-who-act-like-theyre-dating thing is delicious But add that with oblivious mingyu and pining wonu and a confession not taken seriously and jealousy and you have an absolutely stellar fic. and wow, guess what, that's exactly what this fic is
Green (With Leaves) - kaiteki
soonhoon, plant shop au, chaptered (but short)
no bc why is literally the gentlest, sweetest, fondest soonhoon characterisation ever and why is it so accurate???? i Love dramatic soonyoung and dry humour jihoon and their fun little dynamic put into the loveliest friends to lovers plot ever. y'all know that i prefer strangers/ friends to lovers over e2l for soonhoon any day and this fic does it rly well
i'm all about you - checkyeshoshi
verkwan, football (soccer), chaptered
honestly seungkwan as a firecracker of a football coach is something ive Never thought about before but it also makes so much sense???? and hansol just being The Guy dragged into the team's shenanigans is so adorable and very much him imo. also seungkwan basically just gawking at hansol's muscles the entire time >>>
Insomnia - Mistehri
soonhoon, canon au, ib insomnia zero 1, oneshot
soooo soft and soooo sweet!!! i love little canon fics bc theyre always so self indulgent and i love that for the author. also adorable jihoon who can't sleep without soonyoung?? that's absolutely adorable and i cried a bit bc my heart was Melting at how soft they are
pack off the sunset glow - orphan_account
verkwan, roadtrip, non-idols au, oneshot
*clenches fists* i love these gay little boys so so much. it's so chaotic and fun and you literally can imagine everything that happens here and seungkwan being a dramatic mess as usual makes everything soo so much better
PEACH. - petitseok
seoksoo, non-idols, age regression, twoshot
honestly ive never even read those caregiver + regressor fics before but this one :((( instantly the best one of those types of fics ever like. i don't even know what made me click on it but it's So sweet and devastating and regressor!seok now has my heart bc of course this lovely man with big doe eyes should get to act like a 3 year old every now and then to relax
The Tiger On The Mountain - natigail
soonhoon, magical realism, shapeshifter hoshi, chaptered
hnnghghfh listen. people really underappreciate the potential for hybrid fics and shapeshifter fics that hoshi's tiger agenda brings, but this uses it really well! i love the interleaving of fantasy into Totally Normal Lee Jihoon's life and dude,,, the cliché tropes r all just so good
What's In A Name - thanku4urlove
verkwan, non-idols, fluff, crack, oneshot
seungkwan is so!!! himself!!! in this fic and i literally even have one section of this fic screenshotted bc i screamed about it to my friend since it was such an on-point seungkwan characterisation. also user thanku4urlove literally writes the best verkwan fics. i think i've recced their fics in every list so far
your name is a triangle - universefactory(jaeminjeno)
soonhoon, idolverse, established relationship, oneshot
mild misunderstandings and soft relationships. that's it, that's the fic. soonyoung is Sad and Sulking but jihoon is there to knock some sense into him and all is fine once again :D okay but also the way that the members r just so caring in the fic is vv sweet too
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I did a list like this for BTD (edit: and BTD2), so I figured I'd do one for TPOF too even though I think you all know my thoughts already 🙃 again, in order of fondness:
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I mean. I think we know where I stand with this one. That place being:
Bark growl bark bark woof woof meow purr
Large man, splendid frame. Older w/ some silver in his hair. Some kind of drawl apparently? Easygoing, doesn't take himself too seriously, and - most importantly imo - he seems to value ferocity and independence in his... s/o? plaything? idk but I love it.
Like seriously, during the auction scene when I'm giving my characteristic feisty answers and he just keeps bidding and bidding....... be still my heart. That's romance babes 😘
First ending: "you visited the cabin"
Favorite ending: either "you lost your head" or "your smoke gave you away"
<grabby hands> gimme gimme gimme 10/10
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She's competent, overworked, and underappreciated, with anger issues to boot. I can relate.
She's tough and pretty! She takes good care of her "pets" (as long as they behave, which isn't great for me as a natural brat, but I'd be inclined to behave for her) and gives them cute nicknames 🥰
Want to give her a massage and play with her hair so maybe she can relax a bit. Paint her nails for her.
First ending: "you were stripped"
Favorite ending: "you ran away together" obvi
8/10 would gladly murder her stupid husband and run away with her, we'd be the best power couple the world has ever seen
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Gets his own section because I'm half-inclined to call him daddy and I practically never feel that way about a man
Gruff, primal, lethal, and proper dilf age to boot. He even bites, and we know how I feel about that 😳
Personality probably sucks up close but at least he's sexy
7/10, so glad we were given a few opportunities to play with him
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Ugh 🙄
I keep going back and forth on how I feel about him. He was never really my thing, between his personality and the fact that he looks like a teenager, but I could at least kinda see the appeal at first.
Since then, though, my interest has pretty much bottomed out. He's a little too sadistic for me - and what's worse, he's a brat about it. I took one look at him and said "hm, an entitled little rich boy" and I wasn't wrong.
Two things associated with him are scorpions and the color red, both of which are my things actually 😒 I'd rather kill him than share
I am really trying to think of something positive to say but nothing's coming to me lol
First ending: "you volunteered for first blood"
Favorite ending: "you were caught by Jack" (no surprise there.) "you were sacrificed" is a close runner-up
none of the endings I like even involve him, literally everyone else in his route is preferable to him, 0/10.
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s-oulpunk · 1 year
I brought the IT novel today because of the quotes I've seen posted under gifsets. Big fan of your blog by the way! Can you talk about Bill for a bit? Less headcanons and shippy stuff, but just talk about how awesome and underappreciated Bill is as a person. He's so brave and so kind and so selfless and I think that all the Losers we're at least a little bit in love with him, even in an admiring sense. I'd love to talk about Big Bill all day and I love hearing your takes
Aaaaaaaa you’re so sweet I hope you enjoy the novel!!!🫶Its A Lot and I won’t pretend like it’s not lol. But I love it so much, I think Stephen King is a genius and IT is an insane masterpiece.
As for Bill❤️❤️❤️my son. I adore him so so much, and I wish he was appreciated more. I think a lot of the movie fans didn’t like him bc they watered down his character A Lot in the movie. You only really get a glimpse of the real Bill (novel Bill imo) in IT 2017&2019. The movies watered down all of the characters (which is a whole separate conversation — I could probably have a rant like this for each of the Losers) but it’s especially a shame with Bill since he’s the main character and the audience misses out on so many of his key traits.
The novel makes a point of making sure the reader knows Bill would die protecting his friends and that all the Losers are in this together. They all actively want to kill It and want to protect each other. One of my biggest problems with the movie is how much the Losers fight and how at times they don’t even seem to like each other?? It literally counteracts all of their characters traits in the novel and what’s important about their friendship.
I do think the fandom has grown to love & appreciate Bill more since when I first joined. The Bill hate used to be sooo bad, but it seems to have died down mostly. I don’t think he deserves the hate he gets. And tbh I think a lot of people would have liked him more if the movies did a better job of actually showing his personality and not giving him such a bad case of main character syndrome. I actually think it’s so funny bc every time I talk to someone irl who likes IT they always adore book Bill but they’re always like “yeah idk why the movies fucked him over so bad??” Bc in the movies you don’t see ANY of his personality if it doesn’t directly support the plot (finding Georgie, convincing his friends to go after It) whereas in the book he has so much personality and so much bravery and charisma. I also wanna be clear I love movie Bill!! I just think the writing did him a hugeee disservice.
And anon I loveee the hc that all the Losers are in love with Bill I think it’s so so so funny bc Bill is 100% oblivious to it. All the Losers are watching him like wowww🥰he’s so brave and handsome look at our fearless leader. Meanwhile Bill is like guys look at this cool frog I found do you wanna hold the frog. Heart of gold. Dumb of ass. But seriously, even if the losers love for him wasn’t romantic, I do think they loved him and looked up to him. And I think he loved them and looked up to all of them just as much. The losers love for each other is such a core part of the story, it’s what makes the story so beautiful. It’s this wonderful mix of horror and love and childlike wonder and the harsh realities of the world.
Anyway idk if this is the kind of rant you were wanting/expecting but tytyty for this ask I Always loveee talking about my boy🫶
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grlsgen · 3 years
my favorite 2020 kpop songs
there were some bangers this year... this includes title tracks & bsides and everything else under the sun.
i always got shit to say and i always see youtube videos like this but i simply can’t edit so here we are
you never know - blackpink
okay yeah i didn’t really fw hylt or lovesick girls when i first heard them but when i listened to the album you never know really stuck with me... i never get sick of it. definitely the best track off the album imo. rosé’s prechorus has made me cry a few times ngl
alien - lee suhyun
alright miss thing... i was obsessed with this song when i first heard it... the pre chorus with the ooo ooo ooo and the switch to the chorus is so good it gets me every time. she’s cute i like her... while we’re here i’ll also mention i really liked her ost in your time for it’s okay to not be okay.. i loved that drama and that’s my fav ost from it.. but anyway
lalalilala - april
They Served. Big time. the music video is so pretty and the song was stuck in my head for 6 months straight... they really did the damn thing with this. kinda sounds like an apink song but that’s a compliment... overall this whole comeback was really good and deserved better. honorable mention : the bside on this ep you.zip is so good too
open your eyes - iz*one
this is all i listened to for months after bloomiz dropped... izone’s music is really a hit or miss for me and i didn’t really vibe with fiesta but i’m so glad i gave the album a chance because open your eyes is definitely in my top 5 releases of this year. their other bside dreamlike is really good too
the book of us : the demon - day6 album
now where do i start with this... to this day i am still obsessed with 1 to 10... like that’s gotta be the best off this album imo. zombie was so good and i really liked the lyrics. the album as a whole was really really good. i sound like a broken record
children - bvndit
oh boy... another one of my top 5 releases from this year. not only is the overall sound of this amazing but i love the lyrics too. these girls deserve so much better
d-2 - agust d/yoongi/suga mixtape
my king. i shit myself when this dropped ngl... i don’t even know how to elaborate on how much i love this. daechwita was stuck in my head for the longest time.. i think the highlights off this for me have to be people, honsool & dear my friend. this mixtape was really a moment.. i love yoongi y’all
love again - baekhyun / underwater - baekhyun
alright alright .. i put these two together since they’re from the same album idk but it took a while for candy to grow on me but i’ve loved these since i first heard them... i was Obsessed. the final bridge/chorus whatever the hell thing he does in love again put me into shock for 3 months straight and the beat in underwater is heavenly
the dream chapter : eternity - txt ep
this serve. has to be my favorite from txt yet... rookies with the best discography fr. i love dark concepts and really like that they did something different with this. can’t you see me was Amazinggg. fairy of shampoo has to be one of the best songs i’ve ever heard it’s insane. i also really liked eternally, who else has that range... Nobody. top to bottom this ep is really good, i hope they do another dark concept like this again soon bc this hit big time
eight - iu & suga
it took a while for this to grow on me but whew...when it did... kinda makes me feel like i’m in a coming of age movie and i like that, makes me nostalgic for that. eight soty, they both did great on this
# - loona ep
Now... Cmon. so what was either a hit or miss for a lot of people but something i think everyone can agree on is that the bridge is godsent. like that shit makes me cry sometimes. the music video was really good, i always come back to the subway/train scene. number 1 is also so damn good. overall i really loved this ep. they really ate with this one
eyes wide open - twice album
when i first heard this album i didn’t like it That much but it’s really grown on me lately. the whole retro trend was fun and then it got a little overdone so i was tired of it by the time this dropped but actually.. some of the bsides are insanely good. behind the mask is definitely a highlight for me, mina’s bridge is heavenly. i love mina so bad. but anyway, i can’t stop me took some time to grow on me as well but it always gets stuck in my head. i also really like up no more & depend on you, they’re cute
maybe - gidle
Y’all... i love this song. it’s short and simple but it was so addicting to me. i really like that one part in the last two choruses if you know what i’m talking about (i’m not sure who sings it ? some people say soyeon some say shuhua idk, shuhua my queen btw) and soojin’s verse in the bridge hits. to this day i’m still obsessed with this song
a song written easily - oneus
this is so underappreciated, this is easily one of my favorite title tracks released all year. i’m not a huge fan of beat drops but this one was really nice imo, i also liked the lead in before the drop and the final chorus. this was really good and i never get sick of it
wannabe - itzy
CUT THE DAMN CAMERAS.... no fr this is my #1 favorite song released this year. talented brilliant incredible amazing... itzy seriously ate up everyone with this. i keep going back to this song it’s insane. iconic choreo good mv good styling amazing song.. like everything here lined up. i don’t know how they’ll ever top this for me. definitely my soty (next to psycho)
black swan - bts
this is excellent idk what else to say. i thought it was just okay when i first heard it but it’s seriously so good, me being yoongi biased i loved that he got multiple verses but i love the do your thing with me now breakdown part too. the choreo is one of my favorite from them and the mv was really pretty. black swan is one of my favorite movies so the comparisons with it made me love this song more. overall, probably my favorite off mots7
my time - jungkook of bts
jungkook always has the best album solos fr. i loved this the second i heard it, kinda justin bieber esque but it’s so good. i love the lyrics and transition it takes thru the song. the chorus hits man.. this song always makes me a little sad but he really did amazing on this
monster - red velvet irene & seulgi ep
my queens what can i say. i was so excited for this unit and they did not disappoint. monster still hits, aged like wine. the best track is fr feel good, i still have it on repeat.. insanely good. seulgi really delivered with uncover, it’s so beautiful. i think sm’s intention was always to have a subunit this year but i thought it was smart to do while wendy was recovering, hoping for ot5 soon y’all..
never gonna dance again : act 2 - taemin album
taemin my king wtf!!! i loved criminal so i was really excited for this and of course... he always delivers. top to bottom i loved this album, he really did amazing on it. identity might be the best song i’ve ever heard... and of course i loved the collab with wendy 🙏 overall such a good album, taemin always serves the best
pporappippam - sunmi
what can i say i love a little retro tune. even though i just said earlier i was sick of it idc i loved this. sunmi always shows up, i don’t know what else to say. this song never gets old
dystopia : the tree of language - dreamcatcher album
i didn’t expect to love this album as much as i did... i don’t listen to it as often anymore but i can’t deny that scream was a major serve. every time i hear it it’s like the first time... their bside jazz bar was so good. dreamcatcher’s bsides always hit what can i say
12:00 - loona ep
Yes. why not is not necessarily my favorite title from them ever (it’s butterfly, btw) but it’s always stuck in my head... obviously i loved voice/star, was obsessed for weeks and i was happy they decided to promote it a little. styling on those stages were so cute btw. i also loved fall again from this ep, chuu sounds angelic on it. loona had some amazing cbs this year
la di da - everglow
Obsessed. i watched every stage as they dropped and listened to this every 5 seconds, Amazing. sihyeon really owned this era for me and shes my bias so of course i ate this whole thing up. this was definitely one for the books, what more can i say
literally everything gfriend released this year
this might be their best year yet for releases imo, i really liked how they tried out different concepts and sounds this year, i’ve always loved their music but the switch was refreshing yknow. crossroads was so good, i loved that mv. here we are is still on repeat almost a year later... and now APPLE. apple was so mf good. i love that they decided to do a dark concept, this song really fit them well, still obsessed w it. mago might be my least fave out of the 3 but it’s still so good. don’t even get me started on yuju in the mv.. Queen. i liked the subunits on walpurgis night, especially better me. gfriend had a really good year imo, they deserved more for it.
Anyways. that was my 2 cents.
wannabe & psycho soty
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mizufae · 7 years
@brinnanza here is a list of CR shows that I think you might enjoy, as listed when I scroll by it on their shows by popularity page:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - I suspect you’ve already seen this, or maybe the previous non-brotherhood anime. IMO it is a large improvement on the first anime although not by as much as some people say, though the finale is a thousand times better and much more integrated into the show as a whole, and there is so much less filler thank goodness. Anyway it has a lot of blood and violence and death and existential scary shit so YMMV but if you are up to that you will likely enjoy.
Fairy Tail - look it’s a hugely long running ridiculous shonen show with entire episodes where people just power up BUT it has a huge cast of colorful characters with some good humor and some interesting fantasy concepts and if you are looking for some Background Anime then by gum you’ve got it. Also has talking, flying cats and dragons who are also your mom
Log Horizon - an actually good show that investigates the question “what if real people got sucked into a MMORPG and had to live actual lives there” and there’s some good stuff about personhood and self determination and some really geeky stuff and also friendship!!!!
Toriko - an even more inexplicable shonen show all about bizarre food and hunting for rare ingredients in insane fantasy lands and the freaky society that has developed around this strange priority system. It is like, if you took that phase when kids draw impossible made up animals and plants and animated it and wrote a whole world around them taking them very very seriously, plus a large dash of EXTREME FRIENDSHIP between the very muscly blue haired protagonist and his best friend the teeny tiny skinny chef and their adventures, all while getting reeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyyy high
Cowboy Bebop - I’m gonna assume you’ve watched bebop, if not, what’s the matter with you go do that
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash - super solid high fantasy show with great character writing, sadly too short, based on a series of light novels so maybe there will be more
Sound! Euphonium - Band Camp The Anime but more extra than that, delightful girls being awesome and playing large brass instruments
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun - wonderfully funny show about an obviously autistic manga-ka and the girl who is into him and the dorks he bases his characters on and it’s just so funny and defies summaries and is one of those rare instances of humor that is entirely good hearted
Gurren Lagann - there was a whole year where i was OBSESSED with this sketchy giant robot show
Digimon Adventure - do you want to cry about your late 90s childhood? Well do I have the throwback for you
SKET Dance - if iCarly were an anime. no but srsly it is a cute comedy show about teens who have to do a club activity so they make a club whose purpose is “to hang out and help other clubs with their issues” which leads to Shenanigans. Large cast of cute characters and silliness but also genuine Feels about growing up and friendship and stuff.
Cardcaptor Sakura - if you havent watched CCS then what are you doing even talking to me
Tegami Bachi Letter Bee - a weird little show with some very interesting concepts about love and metaphors and stuff, also monster girls who are actual girls and a disabled character who refuses to be woobified
Bodacious Space Pirates - this is a show for queer girls, don’t let the title fool you. it is hella funny and also strange and the space pirates are indeed pretty bodacious
Symphogear - badass magical girl show about fighting monsters with the power of POUNDING BEATS AND PURE POP SOUNDS, also some v. v. compelling baby gay girls being like I LOVE YOU no I LOVE YOU and also like wonky world building secret not so secret organization stuff and it’s all neon bright and girlfriends, idk, i love symphogear and feel it is highly underappreciated
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - Gorgeous giant robot show about what happens if you took transcendental humanism and fucking ran with it and also mixed with waterworld only good and also AI vs AI and also a show where everyone doesnt conveniently just speak japanese and it’s pretty great! and also there’s a moral about treating disabled people like people and also some great female characters with power. CAVEAT there is some really shitty stuff about trans people but it’s only a couple minutes in the whole show and I TRIED to get the translator to mitigate it in english but if anything it’s worse than the original ugh ugh ugh. But seriously other than that it’s a really good show :/
RIN-NE - an adorable show about dead people, but don’t worry it’s so cute you wont even notice! But seriously it is charming and beautiful in a cartoonish way and the characters are so funny and it has some stuff about crappy parents being crappy and also love and friendship and ghosts who do funny stuff and demons who are sooooo extra and it’s just great fun, why didnt this show get more traction, what is wrong with everyone
Silver Spoon - An anime about learning about farming! It’s great, no, seriously, it’s SO GREAT
Time of Eve - DO YOU WANT TO CRY ABOUT ROBOTS? CRYING ABOUT ROBOTS ALREADY AND NEED TO BE HEALED? WATCH TIME OF EVE. NO, SERIOUSLY, DO IT. Time of Eve should be considered one of the finest pieces of contemporary science fiction out there today and i dont understand how or why everyone isn’t talking about it and including it in college courses and shit. it’s so good, like solidly fantastically good, and the creator of it is such a huge nerd, wow, it really shows it’s SO GOOD.
Kids on the Slope - a beautiful period piece about jazz and Japan as a nation recovering from war and it’s incredible, Required Viewing imo
Library War - when this show came out it was a bizarre concept: what if librarians had to become soldiers to defend knowledge? like with guns and stuff? NOWADAYS it’s almost too scary and on-point. Fuck fuck fuck. Anyway it’s good though, I should rewatch it. Y’know, like how everyone is reading 1984 these days.
Galaxy Express 999 - Do you like trains? Do you like space? Do you like trains in space?? No but seriously Galaxy Express 999 is in my top ten favorite shows of all time. Not favorite animes. Favorite shows. It’s got EVERYTHING I love all in one thing and every episode is different and beautiful and it’s just... siiiigh. Retro classic, if you watch it you will see examples of so many things that became tropes because of it. And the leading lady is one of the best characters ever. God, I love Galaxy Express 999
Rose of Versailles - A classic shoujo show about a girl who was raised as a boy. It’s just... pearls and flowers and French “history” and fashion and dueling and y’alllllll classic gay girl stuff
OKAY THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR CRUNCHYROLL i have Mixed Feelings about Funi so idk if i am up to doing a rundown of their offerings even though they host a lot of good shows because, well. Reasons I can’t and won’t get into that also cause me to have anxiety flashbacks SO you know how it is. But like, yeah. Some Shows For You To Enjoy
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lhugbereth · 7 years
An Unapologetic Ardyn Appreciation Post
So, let me start out by saying: I LOVE THE HELL OUT OF ARDYN IZUNIA
I’ve loved him since I first saw his character in Kingsglaive, and despite his slightly altered appearance in the game, loved him every step of the way there, too. He is a creepy motherfucker through and through, with a tragic backstory and an amazing voice actor (Note: I have only heard his English VA, Darin De Paul, who is brilliant imo). i
Ardyn gets a lot of hate on Tumblr, especially from Prompto fans - but I’m here to prove that YES! You CAN love them both! 
(This is pretty long.....)
Ardyn in Kingsglaive
If you haven’t seen the movie GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW! But seriously, this is where we get our first look at Eos’ Number One Asshole(c) as a seemingly underappreciated and overpowered right-hand man to Emperor Iedolas 
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He’s just the right mix of fun and crazy in this movie! The tension he creates when he strolls right into Regis’s throne room, voice dripping with dark humor, and looks around like he’s planning to REDECORATE THE PLACE (spoiler alert?) - I mean, DAMN. Dude has got some serious balls. 
We also get some hints that he will play a much bigger role in the game, particularly at the end when, as Iedolas watches Insomnia fall to ruin from his ship, Ardyn laments the “waste” of it all. How fitting a line for a man who knows the value of patience.... 
Ardyn in the beginning of FFXV
We actually get to meet Ardyn fairly early on in the game, right as you arrive at the resort at Gauldin Quay. If you’re like me, you might have been a little disappointed at the differences in appearance between the movie and the game: 
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(Wait... burgundy hair? I thought he was paler?? HE LOOKS TOO PRETTY)
I still prefer his slightly aged, more realistic features from Kingsglaive, but I have to admit the red hair is a bit more iconic as far as Final Fantasy villains go. So I accept both versions and move on. 
Now, when Noct and company first get to hang out with this “mystery man” (seriously? Iggy knows literally everything but he doesn’t recognize the fucking chancellor of fucking Nifilheim?) he basically spends the whole trip to the Disc of Cauthiss complaining about camping and flirting with Prompto. 
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Y’all think I’m kidding.... Prompto also spends much of the game acting like Ardyn’s fanboy, if you didn’t notice. (Hell yeah I ship it fuck you) 
Right, so, where was I.... 
Okay, those of us who saw Kingsglaive first obviously knew he was up to no good, and so it’s hardly surprising when he shows up at the Leviathan battle and *stabby stabby stab* Bye-bye Luna. What IS surprising at this point is the little conversation they have before she dies. Why is he so conflicted when she talks of him someday learning peace? Why does he flinch from her light?? 
Oh, this guy is just starting to get interesting....
Ardyn after Chapter 9
The next time we meet our creepy sexpot is on the train, and he does a pretty good job of fucking with all our heads when he gets inside Noct’s. Is it Ardyn? Is it Prompto? Who’s got the gun? Oh, shit, there goes our best boy.... 
(Okay, I make light of this now, but you have no idea how distraught I was when Prompto fell from that train. I was like IGGY YOU MAKE THEM TURN THIS THING AROUND RIGHT NOW MY BABY NEEDS ME D8 )
But thanks to our hero running off to save his bestie, we get to learn of the true fate of Nifilheim - an entire empire, armies, citizens, Iedolas himself, wiped off the map like they were NOTHING. (And despite popular opinion, I LOVE how the game handled this part of the story: there is no lead up, no dramatic cut scenes - just the player’s imagination to put together the pieces, and all the natural shock and emotion that comes with it. But I digress...) SO YEAH, in one fell swoop the entire shape of the game changes, and we learn that Ardyn not only planned this from the beginning, but that he intended to LET NIFILHEIM DESTROY THEMSELVES. Stealing the crystal? Yeah, that’s gonna fuck you over later. Making hordes of demon-based soldiers? You’re definitely gonna regret that one. 
Then, after we rescue Prompto from that bondage device (seriously Ardyn is in to some freaky shit), we finally learn about his backstory. 
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(Okay. Let’s stop for a second here and just APPRECIATE THIS FACE. It gives me chills in all the right ways ifyaknowwhattamean)
I won’t go into his backstory here, mostly because it still confuses the fuck outta me, but here are some more random things that I LOVE about Ardyn!
He is super flamboyant (like, seriously)
Luna, Regis, and yes, even Nyx hanging from the ceiling of the throne room (I cried, yes, but from a badass villain standpoint, that was darker than dark)
He secretly (or not) loves Moogles (antenna-topper, hello.) 
His arm thing in Kingsglaive like what was that even supposed to be? I dunno but it was fun
Fedora. FE-DO-RA.
His theme music, it’s very creepy-circus-esque
He’s a bad guy, yes, but he wasn’t always so. He tried to be a good person, got shafted for it, and spent millenia letting the bitterness consume him. Honestly, I think he just needed a good hug.... 
Basically, I love this man, and I hope you agree with me. Even if you don’t, I hope you can at least enjoy hating him - and appreciate the many layers to him as a character. 
Thanks for reading! 
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ereans · 7 years
souharu for 002 and rin and makoto for 003 :>
when or if I started shipping it: Pretty much right after discovering it existed I liked the idea of it, then I think I found Shatter My Illusion of You and I was hooked.
my thoughts: Underappreciated ship that has the potential of being as good and pure and sweet as any other. Two people that have exactly the right personalities to bring the best out of each other even in the worst times. 
what makes me happy about them: That we got to see a friendship come about in canon.
what makes me sad about them: That we got 0.03 seconds of that previously-mentioned friendship in canon.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Can we lay off the fucking abuse of one to the other please I am so tired. 
things I look for in fanfic: Clear respect being shown to the other, picking on each other in ways that are lighthearted and endearing, helping one another out, just caring about each other in general.
my kinks: Calmness between them, staying in bed and saying nothing, or saying quiet somethings, Haru drawing on Ssk, Ssk counting the number of times Haru smiles at him, I could go on.
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I ship Haru with anyone, but obv I have a preference for Rin. I’d be comfortable with Sousuke ending up with Gou, Kisumi, and circumstantially others such as Makoto or Rin.
my happily ever after for them: Old geezers holding hands in a nursing home, taking the piss out of each other in the jello line. “I think you dropped your hairline back in 2020.” “What was that?” “I said---” “Sorry, can’t hear you over your rusty metal shoulder. Oil it.”
how I feel about this character: Is there a single person who follows my that doesn’t know how I feel about Rin?? Uh. I love him. A lot. I would go to the end of the earth for this kid. Seriously.
all the people I ship romantically with this character: Literally everyone except for Gou. I’m scrolling through every character I can think of right now and I ship him with all of them. 
my non-romantic OTP for this character: I guess RinRei? I mean, I do ship them romantically, but I also just really love their friendship. 
my unpopular opinion about this character: Is anything unpopular for him anymore? Just let the boy live.
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’ve said this before but I wish we’d gotten more for what was in between seasons one and two. The building of friendships again and whatnot.
my het ship: RinAki? It’d be cute as fuck.
my fem/slash ship: Fem!RinHaru is such a weakness. Hoo boy.
my OTP: RinHaru~
my OT3: SouRinHaru, lord.
my cross over ship: I can’t think of one. :0
my kink: He’s pretty versatile in regards to sex, but is very, very stubbornly the little spoon when sleeping. Fight me.
a head cannon fact: He likes women’s clothing. A lot.
my gender bend: As in ... headcanons for fem!Rin? For some reason I headcanon her as pretty short, idk why. Long, long hair though. Like, to her hips long. A lot of people draw fem!Rin with short hair, which is cute!! But I figure if Rin has long hair as a guy, imagine how long it’d be as a girl. Also I just really like long hair. :| Killer at makeup and carries way too much stuff in her cleavage.
how I feel about this character: A character heavily misunderstood and ruined by fanon imo. Layered and complex and honestly in real need of a hug. Lemme at ‘im.
all the people I ship romantically with this character: Rin, Gou, sometimes Sousuke and Haru, very few instances I’ll ship him with the others.
my non-romantic OTP for this character: MakoHaru. Damaged, wonderful friends.
my unpopular opinion about this character: Pls stop treating him like he is all-wise and a mother hen and Perfect™ he is literally a human teenage boy who is allowed to make mistakes and not be right, so let him do those things. He is flawed and still wonderful. 
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish they’d expanded on his realization that he was jealous of Rin. To this day I don’t know for sure what he meant by that (though I have my suspicions) and I would have loved to see some growth behind that. We got to see him expose a part of himself he clearly doesn’t like all that much, and that could have been great for him and his own journey.
my het ship: MakoGou!
my fem/slash ship: Fem!MakoRin, good God.
my OTP: Makoto/some goddamn rest. 
my cross over ship: Maybe Makoto/Allura?
my kink: Likes to cuddle but does not know how. Doesn’t know where to put his hands or position his body. His partner’s always gotta maneuver him.
a head cannon fact: Can be a morning person if he is ready to wake up. If he is not willing to get up you better Prepare Yourself.
my gender bend: Gonna go with the hc thing again! Probably has no idea what to do with makeup but tries anyway. Long hair. Very tall, larger frame, muscles that she doesn’t know what to do with, and, my ever-lasting fem!headcanon, that when fem!Haru is annoyed or upset by something she will turn and drop her face into Makoto’s chest. Bc Haru is 100% flat and Makoto is ,,,,,,, not.
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