tina-aumont · 10 days
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I finally met the great love of my life, the most accomplished, the most complete, the quintessence of all my amorous wanderings. It’s thanks to Tina Aumont, the daughter of illustrious Maria Montez. I was back in France after living in Miami for about seven years. My wife, Nicole, had arranged a home for me with her mother, Jeanne. It was temporary, at least for me. I was in a bad state. I had just narrowly saved my left leg and the treatment had taken over my savings. I had no idea what I was going to do or even what I wanted to do. The only positive point of my forced return to France was to be at home, in my country, in my hometown.
The only one who was delighted to welcome me was Tina who lived in social housing near Belleville. It was an indescribable mess, clothes everywhere, magazines, the sink always full of dirty dishes from several days and the bathroom difficult to use. I was supposed to clean at Grandma Jeanne's house, but ultimately it was at Tina's house. I went to see her every other day and sometimes I even slept on the sofa, after cleaning up. She was delighted, we shared our memories, I sang to her Bob Dylan which she loved and despite her emphysema, she seemed happy.
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Tina has experienced all kinds of tragedy in her life, ups and downs like all of us but hers were very intense. The premature death of her illustrious mother when she was only five years old left her alone in the world. Her father Jean-Pierre was far too busy with his life, his career and later, his new love affair with Marisa Pavan who hated Tina and did everything to keep her away from her father. Then at just senventeen years old she married the worst man, Christian Marquant! It was he who plunged her into the world of drugs. This narcissistic man destroyed all chances for Tina to have a normal life. She became trapped, for lack of love and also to escape her family who had neglected her and left her floating in the wind. This emotional lack certainly favored the excesses to which she indulged throughout her life. Claude Olievenstein who founded the Marmottant hospital wrote in his book that he only knew one person with whom he could do nothing to get her out of the hell of addiction, Tina Aumont! I have seen her transform over the years in a dramatic way.
We were nine years apart and for me she was like a big sister. She came to see us and often spent the night with us, my mother and my two brothers. It was always a great joy for me, she always had a little something to give me, you know how children are, they love being given gifts. My mother loved her very much and did everything to make her life easier. And then, Tina always had stories to tell, her last shoot or the one that was to come. Tina was a tornado in our life, we didn't see each other much because she was always on the move but each visit left me exhilarated.
We lost touch, she was living in London with her horrible husband and her acting career was really starting to take off. We met again when she started her life with Frédéric Pardo, I was twelve years old. I remember coming to their apartment and singing Bob Dylan on Frédéric's guitar. I liked him, firstly because Tina liked him and then his sensitivity touched me. Then they left for Italy and I never saw Frédéric again.
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So I found Tina when I returned from the United States. After all her glory days, her incredible trips, her excessive parties, and all that drugs. She had finally calmed down, she still smoked despite her emphysema and lived almost in poverty. The city had allocated her social housing and a pension, just enough to live on! Fortunately, we were able to offer her a few moments of joy, for example the New Year's Eve dinner in 2002. Blaise, Tina's last companion, brought her to the workshop where I lived with Nathalie. It was an excellent evening with all our friends, we sang, we danced and I think that for one evening she was happy.
Very touching moments in Tina's life explained by someone who was very close to her. I want to thank this person so much for sharing the memories lived with Tina, it's much appreciated. Merci beaucoup!!
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everydayyoungk · 3 years
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My brain just randomly decided to remember this...
And now I can't stop giggling 🤭
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a-dead-fangirl · 6 years
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Mingyu x Yehana (SEVENTEEN x PRISTIN)
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xehunted · 7 years
looking for blogs to follow!
if you post PASTEL stuff along with any of the groups below, please like/reblog this!
red velvet
* please, only PASTEL related blogs
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kpopshippidydooda · 6 years
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Hi love! Can i please get a private selca ship with seventeen, BTS, exo and Monsta x thank you !!
Thank you for requesting and hope you like your ships!
From Seventeen I ship you with: Seungkwan
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From BTS I ship you with: V
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From EXO I ship you with:  Baekhyun
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From Monsta X I ship you with: Kihyun
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key201303 · 4 years
Seventeen Jun with #14 + #49 from fluff list. And thanks in advance for doing this! 💜
Heyy! Here you have it!! ❤❤ Hope you enjoy it ❤❤
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Word count: 356 words
Warnings: None!!
Plot: Just a fluff morning cuddling with Jun, doesn’t it sound perfect?
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“Are you having fun?” You said as you felt your boyfriend’s fingers running through your hair softly. “I like playing with your hair, it is so soft.” He answered smiling widely down at you. He has always enjoyed having your hair intertwined with his fingers and you loved having them as well. It never failed to relax you to the point of even falling asleep. “If you keep doing that you know I will end up falling asleep again.” You said giggling. “It’s okay, we have nothing to do today and I love watching you sleep.” He said placing a soft and cute kiss on your nose. “You look so cute and beautiful in the early morning, do you know that?” He said rubbing his nose with yours making you giggle. 
You stayed there, cuddling in bed for about an hour. He never let go of your hand and never stopped giving you soft and cute pecks. He always says that cuddling you in the morning always makes his days better and you couldn’t deny yours became better too if he hugged you tightly before getting out of bed. “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please.” He begged pouting after you told him you should both get out of bed and start doing productive things. “You’re going to wear away my lips!” You said, making him laugh. “It’s okay, I’ve heard kissing heals damaged lips.” He said laughing and placing another peck on your lips. This time the kiss was a bit longer, Jun not being able to let go of you. “God I’m addicted to you.” He whispered against your lips making you blush. “Aaaaw look at you, are you shy baby?” He said cupping your cheeks and teasing you. “Stop doing that!” You complained, making him laugh. “Doing what? The only thing I’m doing is loving you so much! You want me to stop doing that?” He said with a surprised face. You just slightly slapped his arm laughing. He never failed to make you laugh even with the most stupid comments. You really loved that dork.
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ackrmngirl · 4 years
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✎ 🏷 . . ⇢ woozi icons! ♡
✎ˀ like or reblog if you save
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londonsboy · 4 years
fave songs off heathers?
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jihanlife · 7 years
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cr bornangel1004
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kkkkkpoptrazh · 7 years
List o'kinks
•The sound of choreographed footsteps •King Jinheung era hair •ear lobes on k idols wearing earrings •pudge on k idols •makeup less k idols •weird ass styles •thigh muscles/pudge If you have any more list them.
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txgoldn · 7 years
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• •  Jeonghan • •  •|| request made by anonymous ||•
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pruchan · 7 years
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♡ ♡ Lee Jihoon and his neon hair ♡ ♡
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zhengstin · 5 years
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Can you believe this handsome little bean is gonna be senventeen in less than a month? 😩🥰👏
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Name: Yoon Jeonghan
Stage name: Jeonghan
Age: 22
Birth date: October 4th, 1995
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea
Position: Lead vocalist
Sub-Unit: Vocal
Ideal type: Someone who loves him and buys senventeens albums
Fun fact: Between dating someone younger or older, he prefers someone older
This boy is a God.
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malangtoday-blog · 5 years
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Bikin Merinding, Begini Pengalaman Spiritual Ade Jigo saat Tsunami Banten
MALANGTODAY.NET - Korban tsunami di wilayah Banten dan Lampung saat ini mulai perlahan bangkit dari keterpurukan. Begitupun dengan Ade Jigo yang menjadi korban selamat dalam peristiwa tersebut. Ade kini mulai kembali tampil dalam beberapa acara di televisi. Belum lama ini ia tampil dalam acara Hitam Putih untuk menceritakan pengalamannya menghadapi bencana tersebut.[irp] Tak hanya menceritakan bagaiman perjuangannya menyelamatkan diri, Ade juga menceritakan pengalaman spiritual yang dialaminya selama terjebak dalam gelombang tsunami tersebut. Ade menceritakan dirinya dan sang anak sempat terseret arus selama lima menit. Ia akhirnya berhasil selamat setelah berpegang erat pada seutas tali di sebuah ruangan sempit. Menurutnya, di dalam ruangan itu ia tak hanya bersama sang anak. Ada banyak orang yang saat itu juga terjebak dalam ruangan tersebut. "Di dalam ruangan itu ada banyak kepala yang menghadap ke depan," kata Ade Ade mengatakan bahwa suasana di dalam ruangan kecil itu tidaklah menakutkan, karena tidak ada yang berteriak kesakitan dan sangat tenang. Justru baginya, suasana tersebut terasa seperti saat mendengarkan tausiyah atau ceramah. "Itu kaya lagi orang dengerin ceramah, tidak ada orang kesakitan, tidak ada orang teriak minta tolong," tambahnya. Selain itu, Ade juga merasa heran karena anaknya yang saat itu bersamanya sama sekali tidak menangis. Setelah bertahan selama lima menit, Ade kemudian melihat sebuah pintu kecil terbuka melawan arus. Dan orang-orang keluar secara tertib melalui pintu itu.[irp] "Secara logika, nalar, harusnya kedorong air ke luar. Itu pintu (terbuka) ke dalem. Oh, itu mukjizat untuk gua. Dan yang buat gua aneh nggak ada orang yang berebutan keluar," jelas Ade. Setelah berhasil dievakuasi, diketahui ruangan kecil tersebut adalah ruang kontrol pembuangan air kolam renang. Kabarnya dalam ruangan kecil tersebut pula jenazah istri Ivan senventeen ditemukan.
Penulis : Kistin S Editor : Kistin S
Source : https://malangtoday.net/inspirasi/hiburan/bikin-merinding-begini-pengalaman-spiritual-ade-jigo-saat-tsunami-banten/
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huyenchiishopkpop · 7 years
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Giá 50k
Gồm 30 postcard 30 card và 60 sticker 1 poster
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