#Second amendment rights
madamepestilence 3 months
TIL there's a leftist arms group in the United States called the Socialist Rifle Association, or the SRA
Wikipedia page
Official page
[This was posted by a Communist that believes people should have the same weaponry as the government so the government cannot overpower the people by force, ergo in the interest of reversing Mutually Assured Destruction, world governments should be denuclearized and steadily disarmed alongside drastic societal and economic change to make society safer for everyone]
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Hey gun nuts you love self defense thru death all the time.
Abortion is just self defense 馃槖
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balasora 1 year
Watch "The Government Says Business Cards Are Machine Guns" on YouTube
For those who follow my blog and are not bots this may come as a shock to most of you but the closest thing to a political party I could be seen as is libertarian and as far as I'm concerned regarding first and second amendment rights in this scenario this is just another example of the ATF far and away overstepping its boundaries again.
Remember the first and second amendments and all subsequent amendments they're in are not meant to protect your hunting rights or simply your right to free speech they are meant to protect you specifically from tyranny.
The founding fathers grew up in an era more or less controlled by tyrants whether you're talking about the church the English or even just local governing bodies they grew up under tyranny whether your views on guns are for the positive or the negative or the letter of the law is concerned and for all intents and purposes this is the kind of thing that the second amendment is meant to protect against and as a part of the federal government the ATF has most certainly overstepped its boundaries in this scenario
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defensive-tactics 8 months
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Defend the Second Amendment
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mrfree2go 8 months
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lilithism1848 23 days
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queerism1969 1 year
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resistancekitty 3 months
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mantis-a-shrimp 1 year
Any artist that rids time skip Willow of her sick gains WILL be catching hands from me personally
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destielmemenews 10 months
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source 1
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odinsblog 7 months
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Cops and Republicans act like taking a gun away from a (gasp) white man is the worst possible thing that could ever happen. The police should be held legally responsible and sued out of existence.
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qqueenofhades 9 months
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(Me at every single Republican about the Hunter Biden nothing-burger, because truly.)
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defensive-tactics 6 months
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Know the laws even though they are unconstitutional...
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geminisee 21 days
via edwardmliger
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