#Sangwoo fluff imagine
ahsxual · 6 months
Hi! Your writing is wonderful, and I wanted to wish you the best of luck on your exams in advance 🥰 could you imagine the stoic Sang-woo proposing to his girlfriend? Idk the idea of him being in a relationship and coming to terms with his emotions fascinates me. Thanks!
Sweet Proposal
Pairing: Cho Sang-woo x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,2k
A/N: Awww thank you, dear anon! I truly appreciate your kind words, it means the world to me 🥺💓 I have to say that I agree with you and I absolutely loved your idea for this request! I hope you enjoy my writing and I wish you the best <33 I wrote this request a long time ago and never posted it idk why, but here goes (my apologies🥺)
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You and Sang-woo have been dating a few years now: you met him through his mother, the woman who you visited everytime you passed by her store and who you always bought something fresh to eat. Her products were of great quality, besides the fact that she was the kindest woman you have ever met in your entire life. She treated you like her own daughter/son, and since you lived by yourself in south korea, you really appreciated having someone who you could count on. Whenever you had a bad day, you would tell her and she would help you by giving you the best advices from her life experience, so your relationship was pretty close. Until one day, her son visited her, and that's when you met the love of your life.
"Good morning, miss Cho!" you greeted your second mother as you liked to call her, only for her to turn to you with the biggest smile and bright eyes on her face, as always. However, this time she had company.
"Oh, my sweet Y/N! Come here sweetie, please let me introduce you my wonderful son, Cho Sang-woo!" she seemed so excited, in contrast to her son who seemed pretty serious and uncomfortable with the all situation.
"Hey." he simply said with a low, yet neutral tone, making you realize that he was quite the opposite from his mother: she shined even in the darkest days, while he somehow brings darkness wherever he goes to. But the fact that he had such a hard personality to deal with and understand, instead of pushing you away, only made you even more curious about that mysterious man. Besides the fact that he is incredibly handsome, but that's another story.
"Hey there! I'm L/N Y/N, nice to meet you." you put your hand in front of him so you wouldn't be just standing there looking awkwardly at each other. He looked at it for a second, before taking it and shaking it gently, like he was afraid to break your way smaller hand.
"I'm so happy you finally met my son! I'm sure you two will get along just perfectly!" her joy was contagious, yet her own son didn't seem to let his mother's charm get him. You heard her talking about her amazing son so many times, saying how he was a kind man, and extremely intelligent and responsible. Yet, here he is, looking like his life was a complete chaos.
"Yeah, I'm sure we will." you answered shyly, only for him to look at you with a surprised expression. You simply smiled at him, making him blush slightly at your cuteness.
Now you are in the bed with your soulmate by your side, watching him sleep peacefully: who would have known you two would get here? Together?? You didn't know the right answer for that as well, but the truth is that life can really surprise you.
You were Sang-woo’s first love: the only person who stood with him no matter how many problems he had, both professionally and psychologically. You would never give up on him, and that's what made him realize you were the love of his life, the soulmate he was unconsciously looking for so desperately. No one would ever guessed, but one of Sang-woo’s main goals in his life is creating a family who loved and supported him until the end, to feel the happiness and comfort of waking up every day next to his significant other. However, before meeting you, his problem was that he never had the patience or motivation to find love or to continue to please his possible partner until they fell for him. No, he wanted to focus on his professional career first, the rest just being mere details. What made him fall for you, was your dedication to be with him and build a promising life by his side, supporting him and helping him whenever he needed: you were also the first and only person who he told about his fears, insecurities and feelings about certain topics, but only after a few, long months of building trust and courage. And you did the same: you considered him your best friend, because he always helped you with the most racional advices, which were the best in your opinion.
After a few minutes of analyzing lovingly every feature that you knew so well of your loved one, you noticed him moving slightly and groaning from waking up from his precious sleep.
"Good morning, tough guy." you joked, only to receive a confused expression from him just before he rolled his reddish eyes and laugh at the nickname.
"Good morning, babe." his voice was so deep that it made you have inappropriate thoughts, however you knew he was too tired for it right now. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I actually did. As for you, I think I don't even have to ask." you laughed at his still sleepy state, before putting your legs over him and hug his long torso. He pulled you closer, closing the space that separated your hungry lips before kissing you slowly, yet with the perfect amount of passion and love.
"Yeah, I really needed to rest my mind and body from yesterday." you shyly laughed at him before hitting his arm when he reminded you from your passionate love session from the night before.
"You silly!" the moment you called him that, he rolled you over so he could be on top.
"Call me that again and see what happens." he warned you with a serious face, yet you knew him better. He was obviously messing with you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't like his demanding behavior.
"Can you join me in the shower, babe? Please?" you decided to change the subject, giving him the pleading look that you knew he couldn't resist.
"Yeah, sure." he smiled before giving you a quick kiss on the lips. "Just wait for me, I'll be right back."
"Ok, I'll wait for you." you gave him a last peck on his lips, before making your way to the bathroom, unconscious of what was coming for you.
That day your boyfriend invited you to dinner at a fancy restaurant, so you thought it would be a simple date like the many you've had before. But this time, he had promising plans for you and your future together, something you weren't expecting to happen so soon. It was already 7:30 pm, so he called you to hurry so you could be on time at the restaurant.
"I'm coming!" you warned your handsome boyfriend, before you appeared in front of him dressing your favorite date outfit that he bought you a few days ago.
"You look gorgeous, sweetheart." his eyes were full of love, admiration and pride for you, making your heart melt with happiness. You felt so loved at that moment... you still couldn't believe you were dating that man.
"Thank you, love. Let's go." you thanked him, before leaving your house and walk to get into his expensive black car.
You and Sang-woo arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes earlier, so you took your time to sit at your reserved table. The restaurant was outstanding: everyone was dressed nicely and the environment was peaceful and romantic; it was an expensive and well known restaurant from your city, which made you feel important. You also felt really happy to know that your boyfriend took you on a date at a very welcoming and beautiful place: it meant that he really loved you and makes a real effort to build up your relationship by changing your routine from time to time, which was healthy for both of you.
A few hours passed and you talked about everything and anything: your plans for your future together, funny stories that happened in your childhood that you didn't know about, how work was going and who are the people you like or dislike... it was a really nice, yet nostalgic and interesting conversation. After that, he insisted to pay your dinner. You felt bad, so he promised next time you could pay, which you knew he was lying.
When you left the restaurant, hand in hand, he told you that his plans for that night weren't done yet.
"I need you to do something for me, honey." your future husband said as soon as you entered the car. You looked at him suspiciously, waiting for whatever was coming. "Close your eyes." he simply said.
"What? Why would you-"
"Just trust me, ok? It's not like I'll kidnap you or something." he made sure to use his sarcasm to relax you a little bit, indirectly telling you that he wasn't going to do anything bad.
"I wouldn't mind if you did so." your sassy comment made him laugh quietly, before you closed your eyes and heard his car running.
Minutes passed and you were starting to get bored with having your eyes closed for so long. At least his strong grip on your inner thigh kept you entertained during the car trip. Suddenly, you felt the car stop slowly, and that's when you realized you had finally arrived at your destination. You were about to open your eyes, when you felt a smack on your thigh.
"Ah! I didn't say you could open your eyes already, did I?" his demanding tone made you internally scream and blush hard, but you needed to remain calm to not lead things to another way, since you didn't want to ruin the plans he made for you.
He helped you getting out of the car, before putting his hand on your waist to guide you to the place where he would make the big proposal.
"Open your eyes, love." he whispered into your ear. The moment you opened your eyes, tears instantly made their way to your warm cheeks: you could watch and admire each star on the sky, shining in your direction; it was full moon night, which made you think that Sang-woo chose this specific night for that reason; in front of you, you could also see and hear the calm and relaxing dark-blue sea moving at a slow and therapeutical pace. It was the most romantic moment you ever had and even imagined. You were too focus on the ocean and the brilliant stars above you, that you didn't even notice what was written on the sand: "Will you marry me, Y/N?" was written in huge and well marked letters. This made your heart beat at an incredibly fast pace and your vision to go blurry due to the emotional warm tears that wanted to escape from your eyes.
"Baby, what's all of thi-" when you turned around in hope that the man of your life would explain what was happening at that moment, even tho you knew already, you saw him kneeling instead, looking at you nervously with a small black box on his hands which contained a shining ring inside.
"L/n Y/n, I know I'm not the best lover sometimes due to my emotionless personality, however you liberate a more loving, caring and passionate side of me that I never knew I could have until I met you. I never thought I could be so in love with someone... and to be honest, I didn't even know what was love before I kissed you for the first time. I'm sorry for all the times I made you upset, but I promise I'll be a better person for you. So... will you marry me, my love?" you never saw your boyfriend being so open with his feelings, not even towards you, so you knew this was extremely hard for him and that all what he was saying was the pure truth. Also for the first time you noticed Sang-woo cry in front of you, even though he remained with a neutral facial expression.
Deep inside, you knew he feels a lot, he just used this "mask" to hide his vulnerability and pretend he is emotionless. But with you, he doesn't feel the need to pretend to be strong all the time. And that's when he realized it was you who he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with.
You couldn't help but cry in front of him, his action caughting you by surprise, in a good sense.
"Of course my love, of course I will marry you!! There is nothing I desire more than to have you as my husband." he smiled until his cheeks started to get sore: this moment was unique and special for both of you. You always made him forget any pain he might feel. He quickly stood up and picked up into his arms, spinning you over and over again until you both felt almost dizzy.
That night was unforgettable for both of you, and now that you had a wedding ring on your finger, you couldn't think about anything else than stepping onto the altar and marry the man of your dreams.
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luvsae · 11 months
does anyone have squid game requests? ill write for anyone !!
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chicken-fifi · 10 months
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KEY: Smut🌶️, Fluff 🥰, Angst 🥺, Violent 🔪, Ships 🚢, Suggestive 😏
-> Oh Inju
-> Oh Inkyung
-> Oh Inhye
-> Ha Jongho
-> Park Jaesang
-> Won Sangah
-> Park Hyorin
-> Won Sangwoo
-> Choi Doil
-> Go Sooim
-> Choi Heejae
-> Open to more characters
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NSFW A-Z Alphabet | Oh Sangwoo
Pairing: Oh Sangwoo x f!reader
Word count: 6.8K
Warnings/contents: Sex, cursing, variety of kinks, very 18+
Notes: Okay, hello everybody. I have a quick note that is relatively important here. This is far from what my typical writing style is like, I really had to access a deeper part of my brain I don’t involve in my writing much and it’s more intense. With that being said, those of you who like Sangwoo and asked for his NSFW Alphabet… enjoy and don’t judge. Please. I beg of you.
Another quick add-on, next I will be writing Seungbae’s NSFW Alphabet! And then I will move on to SFW Alphabets (most likely Sangwoo first and then Seungbae second). And then I have “5 Minutes” and “What it’s Like to Kiss…” as well, no promises that I’ll do Sangwoo first and Seungbae second on those, I think those will be more of a however I’m feeling sort of thing. And I will also write some one-shots eventually! I have a few ideas wrote down and outlined so that I can remember them and eventually post a Killing Stalking one-shot for either Seungbae or Sangwoo.
I’m not sure if you saw, but earlier Yoon Bum was requested for my texting series, so he will be added as well, however I don’t know if I’m going to do any more work for him aside from in the texting series. I won’t say that I won’t write anything else for him, but I also will not promise that I’ll do anything but texting series for him at the same time. With all of this being said, on with the sin.
The masterlist for Sangwoo’s future chapters can be found {here}, Seungbae’s can be found on my masterlist and in his future chapters as well! 
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Sangwoo is shockingly affectionate after everything that he does to you. The nights that he especially goes overboard, he takes special care, going as far as to give you a foot rub if you asked for it— anything you ask for. He’ll tell you that he loves you, running his fingers over the bruises on your hips and kissing the bruises and marks on your neck and collarbone gently, a soft whisper of his supposed love following each gentle kiss until you finally relax and sink into his near bare body. Often times after everything, the two of you would shower or bathe together, but there’s never any knowing whether or not he’s going to try and get back inside of you again in either position. Though there are nights where he feels he takes it too far and instead gives you a good rest, kissing your head and holding you against his chest while the warm water runs down your back. Even when he plays nice, Sangwoo still wants to help you wash your body for one final grope
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
Theirs: His arms, though specifically his biceps. He works on them a lot and he’s very proud of how muscular he is. He knows that he’s extremely attractive, often using that against people as well as you and using it to his advantage. He has no shame in adding that he finds himself attractive either, frequently looking at himself in the mirror while he fucks you, only to see his muscles that he’s worked so hard for shifting. One of his favorite things to do is put you in a light headlock in doggy while you bury your face against his bicep and bite him when it hurts
Yours: As much as he loves to slap your ass until it hurts to sit, he’s almost partial to your breasts. To kiss them, suck on them, leave hickey after hickey on your soft skin, squeeze and grope them too hard to make you whine, tease your nipples and slap your breasts while you’re beneath him. He loves to hold them together and bury his face between them at night when you’re in bed, often falling asleep with your bare breasts in his face even if you wore a shirt before he got into bed and pulled it up to snuggle into you. He’d much rather you be shirtless in bed with him so he can feel your skin against him and kiss or bite you whenever he pleases. Not to mention being able to watch your nipples get hard from teasing them with his fingers just for fun when he can’t sleep, whether you’re awake or not
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
To Sangwoo, you’re his personal cumslut. He would cum inside of you, he would cum on your face, he would cum on your breasts, he would cum on your ass, he would cum on your stomach, he would cum on your thighs— quite frankly, he’ll cum wherever he pleases. One of his favorite things to do is cum in your mouth and make you show him the cum on your tongue and laugh as it slides down your chin, scooping it up with his thumb and making you suck it off. He’ll cum on your cheek frequently and lick it off before shoving it from his mouth and into yours. Sangwoo may, if he so pleased, may cum on your back in doggy, lick it off and roll you over to spit it down into your mouth and make you swallow it. He sees it simply: you’re his, he can cum wherever he pleases. After all, he makes you soak the bed, why wouldn’t you let him do whatever he wanted in return?
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t try and keep anything a secret. If he felt like trying something, he’d say it. If he feels like stopping and changing positions, he says it. If he wants to take a break, rest with you and take a breather on a long night, he won’t keep anything a secret just because he was worried that you might think he’s weird or too intense. He does a lot of things most people wouldn’t and doesn’t care about you not wanting to try something, whether that being he’ll ask again later or simply drop the subject. He feels no shame, openly smelling your underwear while he jerks off even if you enter the room and jerk off to the scent of your pillow frequently when you’re gone
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Sangwoo is very experienced, however you were the first person that he actually cared about and made an effort with. Before you, he did simply whatever it took to get himself off, not caring if the other person got off or not, but after accidentally finding himself falling for your charm, he couldn’t help but want to try. To make you feel good, wanting to make you moan out in agony and pleasure while he touches and overstimulates the sensitive parts of your body that he knows makes your brain go foggy in the best way. He learned everything he could about your body, and you had to hand it to him, he was smart. He learned you fast, amazingly starting to care about pleasing you as much as pleasing himself for once in his life— shocking you since before you had only ever been a glorified sex doll to him for months on end
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He prefers to be in total control, though even in positions like you riding him where you may have the faintest impression of dominance, he has all of the control; hands tight on your hips, leaving bruises with how tightly he grabs you. However with that being said, one of Sangwoo’s favorite positions is doggy style, pushing your head down into the bed and keeping your ass up, back bent uncomfortably while he pounds into you and makes you a near sobbing mess into the bed. He likes to lean over you, pressing heavy down on you while he wraps his arm around your neck and holds you close against him. Something else that Sangwoo likes to do is have you ride him so that he can watch your breasts bounce and suck on them
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He isn’t necessarily goofy, in fact he’s rather far from goofy. However, he likes to joke with you, he likes to be funny, to make you give a giggle or even a full-blown laugh even mid-thrust at one of his jokes. He loves to tease you, to edge you, to make you want to scream for him to finally give you what you’re craving, but you can never even do so much as complain when he makes you feel so good even if he teases you for hours on end. Sangwoo doesn’t take sex as seriously as some might, only ever taking things seriously if you were to piss him off and he thinks you deserve a punishment or if there was simply a quick moment of intense eye contact where there’s no teasing, no kissing, no words needed as he eyes you in a way that frightens you and turns you on
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Sangwoo upkeeps, getting itchy if the hair gets too long and bothers him when he works out so much, however he very rarely if ever actually ends up shaving all of the hair off, instead only trimming it down and washing well to keep up his hygiene. He also cares about you not getting much hair in your mouth, taking it into consideration as he thrusts his hips against your face and makes you choke and gag around him
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He has his nights. His nights where he takes a long time to get you into the mood. He’d make dinner with you, he’d wrap his arms around you and nuzzle against your back while you rinse the dishes off, pressing little kisses along your neck and asking if you wanted to watch a movie with him. He would sit you on his lap, making sure that you’re comfortable, squeezing your inner-thighs and kissing your neck to slowly work you into the right mood for sex. These nights are often nights where he takes things slower even in bed, where he finds himself guilty and tries harder than others to make sure you’re content. This isn’t too frequent, but you always cherish these nights when he’s so slow with you rather than rough as he usually is
J = Jerk off (masterbation headcanon)
He does quite frequently, finding no shame in openly jerking himself off either in front of you or if he was alone. He could jerk himself off only minutes before he finds himself inside of you and able to cum even again. When he’s alone, he’ll do what he pleases to get himself off; smelling your pillow, sniffing your underwear, even staring at photos of you. If you were there and asleep, he may even lay his head on you and give your skin a soft sniff as he jerks himself off, otherwise asking you to either suck his cock or just handling it on his own if you were busy, gone, or simply not in the mood. While he may not be so kind every time, there are nights he would take your unwillingness to suck his cock better than others and leave you be
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Teasing: (Further explained below)
Degrading: He’s more of a sadistic degrader than he is a praiser; he calls you disgusting, a whore, a slut, a bitch, a stupid bitch, a dumb slut, his cumslut— but you’re his dumb slut and he’s the only person who could talk to you this way and you’re only allowed to let him call you these things because you’re only his. Someone else who called you a slut would easily get punched, because as cruel as he can be, Sangwoo is possessive and protect of you because you’re his, though that doesn’t mean every time he’s going to be all that nice to you. Instead, he’d call you a bitch later on, hand on your throat and voice by your ear as he calls you names, asking you if you’re a slut for him and only him, making you repeat it and calling yourself his slut, only to make you repeat it again and again until you’re repeating it on your own without him telling you to
Light praising: While it is nowhere near how he degrades you and how cruel he can be, Sangwoo would give you light praises, however often times his praises come with a backhanded comment following. He’ll tell you that you smell good when you shower and comment about how he likes when you use his favorite body wash and request you use it more. He’ll comment about how good you suck on his cock before thrusting his hips against your face. He would thank you when you make him dinner, however not every time and often only ever simply helping you rinse the dishes and kissing your neck. He’ll call you his good girl in the bedroom, though often following it shortly afterwards with a crude name. He’ll often tell you that you take him so well, complimenting you in a teasing way for being able to take all of his cock so well and calling you a good baby for swallowing his cum every time he came in your mouth
Begging: While there are times it may grate on his nerves and he may not enjoy you begging so much for him, there’s often times that Sangwoo likes you to beg. Slowing down, teasing you, squishing your cheeks in his hand and making you beg. If you don’t beg well enough for him, he’ll slow down, maybe even stop. He takes pleasure out of making you beg, watching your cheeks warm in embarrassment when he looks you in the eye, gives your cheek a light slap and forces you to look at him as you beg for him
Dumbification: Sangwoo is very into overstimulating, fucking you until you can’t even think anymore, until you can think of nothing aside from his cock and his body on yours. Until you can’t even scream his name anymore and instead your words are incoherent babbling and mumbled sobs as you beg for the man beneath your breath to show him how broke you were for him. Until you were completely exhausted and unable to catch your breath, but still wanting more of him and only inflating his ego more. He finds it funny how quickly you find yourself overstimulated and fucked so easily around him. He makes good on his every promise to fuck you until you can’t even think every time the two of you are in bed
Embarrassment kink: He thrives on your embarrassment; every time you look away from him when he’s holding your face in his hands, when you flush and think he can’t see it, when you give soft whines as he teases you— he gets off on it. He likes to fluster you in public, whispering dirty and nasty things in your ear while you’re in the store to make you flush, squeezing your leg beneath the table at the restaurant and maybe even going so far as to rub your clit even as you speak to your friend who’s right across from you, whispering about how you better stay quiet. Sangwoo likes to fuck you in dressing rooms, testing how quiet you can stay and telling you that you better keep your slutty mouth shut unless you want to get caught. He doesn’t even always need to touch you to make you flustered and laughing quickly after at your reactions
Voice kink: Sangwoo gets off on your voice and he knows that you get off on his voice as well. He likes it when you give whimpers when he makes you touch yourself while he watches you, the sound of your moans in his ear while he fucks you, the soft sound of your sleepy moans when he wakes you up in the middle of the night. He loves to hear you, to hear your begging, moaning and praises at him as well. He loves fucking you in public to embarrass you, but he hates how quiet you have to stay with him. There’s times where he needs to hear you, where he has to hear more than your soft whimpers in his ear. He needs to feel just how good he feels inside of you and how you’re going to cum around him
Daddy kink: Sangwoo loves to be called daddy. He loves to be called many things in bed, but daddy is one of his favorites; hearing you scream it while he holds your hands down on the bed and beg for him, mumbling out praises and begs incoherently while he fucks you until you’re numb in the brain. “Daddy” is one of the easiest ways to make him hard after a long day. Sliding your hand along his inner-thigh, kissing his neck and mumbling a soft “I want you, daddy” never fails to make the man ache for you in a way that you know is going to leave your legs shaking in pleasure for the rest of the night
Edging: Sangwoo edges you like no other does. He edges you until you’re sobbing and then he makes fun of you for sobbing. He edges you until you can’t breathe and you’re aching to cum, until your back is arched, toes are curled, face buried into the bed, his shoulder or even your own hands. He’ll edge you as many times as he felt like it, and even if he told you to beg, it may not make him give you what you’re wanting. He’ll make you sob and laugh at your tears in frustration several times in one night
Squirting: As much as he loves to edge you, Sangwoo loves to make you squirt. In his face, on the bed, on his hands. He likes to watch it, making you squirt out until you can no longer cum anymore because he made you squirt too much. Despite being a tease and edging you so much, Sangwoo can make your orgasms feel like nobody else can, making you feel better than you ever thought you could feel and never failing to make you squirt until the bed is soaked beneath you
Marking/biting: Whether it’s biting you until you bleed, leaving teeth marks on your skin, bruising you with his painfully tight grip on your skin or leaving many, many hickeys along your body, Sangwoo loves to mark you up. Often times your body may seem like you’re horribly abused from how he bruises you with his hands and mouth, making it hard for you to sit by slapping your ass so hard you’re red. Your thighs never lack a hickey, a bruise or a bite mark nowadays, your breasts always covered with hickeys. He often likes to admire the marks, tracing his fingers along the deep bruises he leaves on you with his mouth, leaving another in place as soon as it starts to fade. He’ll give you a large hickey on your neck when he gets jealous, telling you not to cover it up in hopes the person who dared to make him jealous would see you again, marked up by Sangwoo. He likes to kiss your hickeys, pressing a soft and lingering kiss to the deepest hickeys and telling you that he loves you
Scent kink: Without a doubt, as much as he gets off to your whimpers and whines, he gets off to your scent. He could jerk off to the lingering smell of you on the pillows or to your underwear, giving a long sniff and burrowing his face between your legs when he goes to eat you out and telling you how good you smell with every deep inhale that makes your cheeks burn. He likes to smell your underwear when he takes them off of you, giving them a lick before he tosses them away or maybe even putting them in your mouth if the two of you were in public. He might even make you hold it in your mouth at home so that when he leans up to fuck you, he can smell you while he’s inside of you. When you wear his favorite perfume, he doesn’t want to leave the house anymore, instead wanting to lay on you and bury his nose against your neck while he just lays there and smells you for hours
Size kink: Your boyfriend is a big guy; he’s tall and he’s muscular. He’s long, thick, veiny. He gets off to how small you are in turn to how big he is, especially when lining himself up with your pussy, teasing your clit with his cockhead before he stretches you out with only the tip. He’ll always say something, groping your chest and teasing you as he places his hand on your stomach while he pushes himself inside of you. He often times asks you if you’re a masochist, telling you that you must be since you’re so willing to let him do as he pleases to you and how you must love to be in pain because of how he fucks you every time
Spanking/slapping: Sangwoo will and does slap you. Whether it be a light tap on your cheek to catch your eye or its a sharp slap that seems to echo around the room, he’ll occasionally leave a red spot on your face from slapping you too hard. If he isn’t slapping your face, he loves to spank your ass. Laying you over his knee and making you moan out as he slaps you, occasionally scolding you as he does or calling you a nasty slut when you moan because he knows that you like it
Hair pulling: While he does like it when you pull his hair even harshly when he’s on top of you and pounding into you, Sangwoo loves to pull your hair in return. Tugging on it to keep you close while he makes you choke on his cock, pulling your head back roughly with a fistful of your hair in hand while you’re in doggy, giving your hair a tug while you suck on his cock or giving it a light tug when he plays with it simply because he felt like it
Choking: Sangwoo has large hands, and with those large hands, he enjoys wrapping them around your neck quite often. Whether you’re making out or having sex, he likes to choke you and make you moan weakly into his mouth; while he won’t do it too roughly, Sangwoo isn’t always gentle. As well as he knows where to hold your neck, he may tease you every now and then just to hear you give a gasp when he moves his hand back from your throat, kissing the fingerprints and soft marks on your neck right afterwards
Spitting: He likes to spit on you and in your mouth, always spitting on your clit when he’s eating you out or spitting into your pussy, spitting onto your breasts while he gropes at you and sucks on your chest. He’ll have you beneath him, legs up on his shoulders and hands holding onto the sheets by your head while he spat down into your mouth, either telling you to open or spitting on your lips. Sometimes he’ll grab your cheeks and open your mouth to spit into your mouth without warning
Cockwarming: Sangwoo would love to use you as his own personal cockwarmer. Making you sit on his lap while the two of you watch a movie, tightly clenching around him since you’re so unready for him and yet taking all of him while you struggle and shift on his lap. He’d lay back, let you sit on him and hold your hips down even as you whine and you’re desperate to cum, teasing you and waiting the longer that you beg for him or whine. He would, after having sex with you, often stay inside of you either a few minutes or the whole night
Blood/knife kink: Whether you be on your period or not, Sangwoo wouldn’t mind still fingering you. Alongside that, when you’re pissing him off, he often likes to involve a sharp knife that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when he points it at you and flails it around so carelessly, occasionally threatening you with it if he felt like it. He’d suck on your clit, fingers inside of you and the other holding the knife up, slowly teasing your stomach and between your breasts with it. Whether he tries to cut you or not, occasionally pressing the knife in harder if you make too much noise when he tells you to be quiet or begs when he tells you not to. He also likes it when you make him bleed, fingernails digging so hard into his back that you break the skin, though if the skin is ever broken on either of your end, it’s part of the aftercare to clean each other up to make sure the little cuts and scars don’t get infected. Something Sangwoo likes to do is hold the knife to your throat while he fucks you, making you hold the knife to his in return when you piss him off, however it isn’t all too frequent since he knew that you were afraid to hurt him in a way that he wasn’t afraid to hurt you
Gun kink: Much like his knife kink, Sangwoo gets off to the thought of holding a loaded gun to your head while you sucked on his cock. He’s shameless, not caring if you were afraid of the gun or if you got off to it as well. He likes to make you gag on his cock, thrusting against your chin and occasionally giving the trigger a slight squeeze that might even make his own palms sweat. He’ll often move his finger off the trigger if he worries too much, however he does like to have you hold the gun to his head while he eats you out as well, giving you the perfect opportunity to shoot him and leave and yet he knows you never will. The gun isn’t a frequent or every day thing, however he does it a lot when you piss him off because he knows you don’t always want it
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
#1: His favorite place is the bedroom. There’s many options, for positions and comfort options, loving to slam you against the wall and then only moments after pressing you hard on the soft bed and pounding you down into the comfortable mattress, nearly making the springs hurt your back. He likes to test your limits in the bedroom, being loud in the room and testing new kinks every now and then
#2: As much as he loves public sex, Sangwoo likes to cause trouble and fuck you in the car, right in the backseat in an abandoned area or a parking lot late into the middle of the night when you’re tired. This often happens after a date of sorts or if he were in a good mood and wanted to stargaze, maybe even after running to the store. Whenever the moment strikes and you don’t turn the thought of car sex down
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going?)
One of the biggest things he need is your voice, listening to you moan his name loudly in his ear with your nails in his back as you struggle and squirm beneath him, either begging him to continue or begging him to stop after such a long time and its all too much. Until you’re a sweaty, panting, broken mess beneath him, Sangwoo could go for hours. He loves to hear the headboard hitting the wall while he fucks you, though not more than the sweet sound of your desperate moans in his ear
N = No (something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
Not much aside from your rejection can turn Sangwoo off, and typically he takes it pretty hard, seeming to think that if you don’t want to have sex with him, you don’t love him anymore. Otherwise, Sangwoo would try a lot of things. A lot of disgusting things you never thought of trying before. If you were to mention it, he would most likely try it with you. Unless what it is that you want to try has something to do with him not being in charge, Sangwoo has no problem with trying every little new kink or new position that comes to mind but he would not let you peg him. However if you asked him to fuck your ass, he would do it with no hesitation. He’d tie you up in any way you want and fuck you stupid
O = Oral (preferences in giving/receiving, skill, etc.)
Shocking you, Sangwoo was quite a giver in bed so long as you give him just as much in return. He loved to eat you out and lay between your legs for damn near hours on end when he thinks you’ve earned it or it’s been a few days. He loves to make you squirm, whine and squirt and one of his favorite ways to do that is to stuff his tongue inside of you and rub fast at your clit to make you squirt on his face. He loves to be between your thighs, biting, kissing and sucking on your inner-thighs, marking them up all pretty for him to see later that night or the next day. When he decides to give you a moment to breathe after making you squirt several times in a row, he would often mark your thighs up, making you whine when he bites you and gives you a hickey by your pussy
Just as he goes down on you every time the two of you are in bed, Sangwoo does expect you to suck on his cock every time you have sex, and even times when the two of you don’t have sex or if he doesn’t touch you. He likes it a lot when he’s driving and you suck on his cock, especially if he didn’t need to ask for it. In that case he would make sure to give it to you extra good when the two of you get home and hold your hips down on his face while you struggle to stay on your knees. Sangwoo often leaves your throat sore when he thrusts his hips against your face and makes you choke on him until you struggle to breathe. At least once his rough thrusts had made you throw up before and he doesn’t care if it happens again, quickly helping you get washed up and then tapping your cheek with the tip of his dick again
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
More than 98% of the time, things aren’t slow with Sangwoo. He eats you out, he fingers you and works on stretching you out with his fingers, but by time he’s lining himself up with you, he wants nothing more than to stuff it all inside of you at once. He may give you a few seconds to adjust if he was feeling generous, though very rarely, instead enjoying watching the tears slide down your cheeks and your body jerk against his on the bed beneath him as he rocks his hips against yours. There are times however when you’ve had a horrible day, whether it be a mental issue, a bad day at work, even a run-in with someone or family issues, and Sangwoo would take it more gentle with you instead. He would kiss you softer, his grasp would be less harsh and rough, he’d give you a bit longer to adjust and take his time with you even if it took all night to make you that much more reliant on him. He would aim to go slower even if it may take every ounce of self-restraint that he has
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He absolutely loves quickies. Whether you be at home or in public, if you were to hint or not stop him from bringing you into a bathroom or dressing room, he would give you everything and more that you’re wanting. He likes to see how quiet you can be with his fingers stuffed inside of you, how hard he can slam himself inside of you with only his fingers in your mouth as he watches your face contort in pleasure and pain and you struggle to stay quiet, how rough he can slam his hips against your chin until you’re choking too loudly on him. Sangwoo also likes to have a quickie with you in the shower, in the kitchen, on the sofa. His fingers inside of you while you watch a movie and shortly after he’s humping you and making you scream. His hips grinding against yours while you cook before he bends you over the counter and slides your pants down. Groping at your breasts from behind in the shower and teasing your nipples before he pushes you against the wall of the shower and fucks you until you’re sore
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He loves to take risks, to try new things even just once, to have sex with you anywhere at least once, he’d go as far as to have sex with you in front of someone if they liked you a little too much or vice versa if some girl seems a bit too interested in him. Sangwoo has no shame in admitting that he’s completely yours so long as you’re always completely his, as if you’d have much of a choice to begin with. He gets off on having sex with you in places where you may get caught, getting off on the rush of adrenalin and knowing that you get off to getting away with it when you’re almost caught as well
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Sangwoo has a stamina that is pretty unmatched by any other. It doesn’t matter if he jerked off only a few minutes ago, it doesn’t matter if he just came inside of you, it doesn’t matter if you’re sobbing and unable to cum again, if he isn’t done, he isn’t going to stop. He’ll give your cheek a pat, catch your eye, tell you he isn’t done and to shut up, softly shushing you and teasing your pouted lips with his thumb and laughing at you. He’ll keep you in bed with him for hours, overstimulating you, draining you of energy and your own cum, filling you up with his cum until he can’t possibly cum anymore, and even after that sometimes a few minutes later he’s ready to go again. He likes to eat you out between the earlier rounds, rubbing your lower back or kissing you gently during the later rounds. He’s a bit too obsessed with how you moan his name out and clench around his cock with desperate whines
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He would use a vibrator on you quite often, making you hold it to your clit while your legs are up on his shoulders and stopping every time your hand lags until you press it back to yourself. A surefire way to get out of him using the vibrator on you some nights is to tease him— to ask if he has to have the vibrator to make you cum, but forewarning that you may regret the overstimulation that follows these taunts and teases, not to mention the shit talking that comes every time you squirt on his face. He’d hold it against you while he shoves his tongue inside of you to see how long it takes him to make you squirt on his face without using his hands. He’d use a dildo on you if he felt like it, just to test you on nights that you piss him off, however he prefers to use his own cock on you. Sangwoo would be enticed by the thought of nipple clamps, though he wouldn’t use them every single time on you. If you were to have your nipples pierced, there would be a lot more nipple play with toys and his mouth because he knows how sensitive they are now. Sangwoo would love to put a bunny tail buttplug in you while you’re in doggy, occasionally rolling it around in you to make you moan out
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease, even for hours on end he would edge you and tease you with his words, with teasing licks to your clit, with soft bites and sucks, making you think that he’s gonna bite you and instead giving you a suck instead. He’s a master with dirty talk, getting you wet without even more than a simple grab at the thigh, whispering about what he’s going to do to you but never giving you anything more than a soft slide of his fingers between your legs, fingering you in public. He wants to make you flustered, he wants you to submit to him every single time before he even gets you in the bed. He wants to tease you, to test you, to see what it’ll take for you to cry in frustration and beg for him like his good girl. However, it’s important to be mindful with your words in such a time; if you complain about how much he teases, Sangwoo will show you what it’s really like to be teased. In addition, he hates to be teased any more than just a second, and only as long as you follow up your light tease with a kiss or touching his dick
V = Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
Sangwoo won’t stay so quiet you can never hear him, though often times he does keep more quiet with his moans and instead only gives grunts as he thrusts inside of you. He likes to keep decently quiet, wanting to hear you instead of himself, however because he has a voice kink, he would get a bit of an ego boost to know that you got off to his voice as well, feeling you getting wetter and clenching around him as he gives moans in your ear and talks to you. Often times he’ll bury his nose against your neck, moaning by your ear so that you can hear him over your own screams
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sangwoo is insanely possessive. Not quite to the extent that he would kill you just if someone else were to flirt with you, however if he catches you letting it happen for too long you will find yourself in trouble and perhaps finding the person who flirted with you dead, either in front of you as he makes you watch it happen or hearing it on the news. Sangwoo will cause a scene, tell the guy off, drag you off by the hand, picking you up and holding you over his shoulder if needed. He doesn’t always blame you for being flirted with, though he will give you a large hickey on your neck and tell you not to cover it up so people know that you’re not single so something like this won’t happen again and he won’t have to punish you for being too nice to strangers. Sangwoo may not hurt you if you get flirted with, however he will if you think about leaving him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sangwoo is thick, veiny, so easy to make hard with just a squeeze of his thigh and a sexual whisper in his ear. He’s 8.8 inches. He’s not all too sensitive, though often giving a soft and shaky breath when you tease beneath his head with the tip of your tongue and slide it around his cockhead. Sangwoo takes care of himself, he stays clean and because he’s in rather good shape and takes care of himself in more ways than washing well, he often has almost a rather sweet taste to his cum with the slightest tang to it
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Because it takes very little to make the man hard and he’s always in the mood to hold you beneath him on the bed, he’s almost always testing the waters after long days or in the morning when you’re half-asleep. He would have sex with you several times every day, all you need to do is ask. He’d never tell you no, even if he teases you for being so needy, his cock is hard as soon as you mention sex or hint that you may want something more than simply snuggling up to his side. He would take a bit of pride if you were to get more engaged in sex with him as time goes on and would enjoy corrupting you, watching you start to enjoy more of the things that he does than you originally did
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It can often depend on the night. After hard days and long hours in bed, Sangwoo can fall straight asleep, face buried between your breasts and his muscular arms around you, holding you tight against his chest. Other nights it can take him awhile, either staring at the ceiling while you sleep soundly on his side or laying on his side watching you, sometimes waiting for you to wake up or occasionally eyeing your body in the dim light, tracing his fingers around the bite marks and bruises he’s given you. Occasionally he may even think— about how real this situation between the two of you is, how much he doesn’t want to love you and yet how much he finds himself loving you even when he tries not to. There’s some nights he even makes himself feel bad when he thinks of how real your pain can be, wondering if it’s too much and finding himself regretting falling for you and hurting you in this way that he damn near couldn’t stop doing
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gothbusterz · 3 years
Intoxicating - Teacher!Sang-Woo x Student!Reader
Sang-Woo can’t help but obsess over his perfect little star student.
Warnings - Jealous Sang-Woo, Smut, age gap (legal), oral (F receiving)
Word count - 3.8k (I may have gotten carried away 👀)
Requested by @14lovez 💚
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Click, clack, click, clack.
The sound of heels rushing down the tiled hallway echoed through the classrooms as she passed, papers falling from her arms and her phone clattering on the floor. Cursing loudly, she scooped everything up and kept running. She’d never been late before, let alone for his class.
Mr Cho’s lecture hall was near empty. 9 AM finance lectures didn’t exactly draw in the numbers, but she made it a point to always be there. It made him feel appreciated in a way he’d never admit out loud. In his eyes, she was the perfect student; attentive, clever and beautiful. Although he’d never admit, the last 3 years he’d had her in his class, he’d had the privilege of watching her become her own woman.
Sang-Woo met her as a fresh-out-of-high-school 18 year old - young, naive and curious - and now she was graduating; moving on and leaving him behind. He couldn’t get used to the thought of not seeing her sweep into his class of a morning, fresh faced and ready to drink in every word that left his lips with such focus that sometimes it felt like they were the only two in the room. He wouldn’t hear her quietly giggle anymore, whenever that stupid little boy that sat next to her cracked jokes that only they could hear. He wouldn’t be able to admire her as he had been for so long now, his eyes taking an extended vacation around the curves of her body underneath the figure-accentuating outfits she chose. Her perfume wouldn’t overwhelm his senses anymore, triggering something dark in his brain as his face hovered so close to hers, quietly explaining something she’d so innocently asked for help with.
Deep down, she drove him crazy; but Sang-Woo knew his place and he knew there were lines he should never cross, so instead he buried the impure thoughts he had about her. Part of him wanted to say something to her, but where would he even begin? The last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable. He felt so sleazy. It’s not as if he’d intended this, but something about her was so… alluring. He couldn’t get her out of his head. She overwhelmed his thoughts even when she wasn’t there with him, and it made him feel an intense guilt. She was barely 21. Barely over the age of consent, and here he was, a grown man fantasising about the youngest possible woman without it being immoral. He hated himself for it, but no matter how hard he tried to ignore her, he simply couldn’t.
The students sitting before him chattered excitedly, paying no mind to the man sitting at his desk, chatting and giggling about the futures that they were about to embark on. The clock finally struck 9, and yet, she was nowhere to be seen. His heart sunk a little; the last lecture of the whole course and she didn’t show up to properly say goodbye. Of course, he’d see her briefly at the graduation ceremony, but after that, he knew he’d never see her again. He cursed himself, reminding his brain that she was off limits anyway. He knew he needed to move on but he was just stuck on a loop. The second he saw her, he knew the walls he built up to separate himself from her would be demolished by his own hand.
Standing up, he greeted his class and congratulated them on making it all the way through their bachelor degrees. Detailing the tasks of his final class, his eyes lingered on the empty seats in the front row - the seats usually home to both his favourite student and the little lap dog that seemed to follow her around, Hwang Jun-Ho. He knew he had no good reason to dislike this boy. He actually was her age, handsome, athletic and he’d already proven he could make her laugh. Jun-Ho was a good student and he’d never done anything to disrespect or cross his professor. It was all pure, untainted jealousy from Sang-Woo.
Neither Y/N or Jun-Ho were present, and Sang-Woo’s mind swam with the possibilities. He couldn’t push through the images in his head of the two of them tangled together, sheets grazing their bare bodies as they actively skipped his lecture to study each other instead. He couldn’t help but envision his hands all over her gentle flesh, his fingers in her hair, her nails digging into his back, her lips wrapped around…
He quickly shook himself out of it, shame flooding through his veins as he noticed all the blood that had rushed south at his musings. The thoughts filled him with rage, even though he knew Jun-Ho would be a better boyfriend than he could ever be. Y/N and Jun-Ho could go out in public and no one would ever bat and eyelid. Her parents would surely be ecstatic for her to bring a young man like him home to them.
Click, clack, click, clack.
The sound drew closer and shook him from his daydreaming, and suddenly his heart fluttered with relief and hope as she barrelled through the doors. She was panting, beads of sweat adorning her forehead as she rasped out an apology for being so late.
She’d really done it today. As soon as he laid eyes in her, he began to salivate. Her blouse was sheer enough to make out the outline of the black bra she wore underneath and her hair hadn’t been brushed before it was thrown into a bun sitting on the top of her head. Her skirt danced against the swell of her ass as she quickly hustled over to her empty seat. He took in the sight in front of him. She was always beautiful, but something about seeing her so disheveled hit him right in the lust he had for her. As she turned her head, exposing a dark purple mark against the skin near her collarbone, white hot rage filled him. Taking a deep breath, he pushed it down and cleared his throat.
“Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.” His voice was colder and harsh, a far cry from the joking tone he’d meant to express it in. It was real now. Someone else had her and it made his stomach drop. Her expression was one of shock and embarrassment, flecks of disappointment in her eyes at the way her normally caring professor greeted her. She mumbled another apology, sitting down and averting her eyes downwards to the quiz sheet he had laid on each table.
Sitting back in his seat, Sang-Woo let out a frustrated sigh. He felt bad for snapping at her, but he couldn’t help but feel a new emotion towards her - betrayal. In his mind, she was already his. It was hard to remember sometimes that it was just his imagination, and this young woman had done nothing to warrant the attraction he had for her. Sure, she’d drop things at seemingly convenient times, her long legs bending as she bent to pick it up, giving Sang-Woo a show in the process. Sure, she stayed back after almost every lecture, as if she relished the time they had alone together as much as he did. To Sang-Woo, none of this meant anything. He could never be truly sure if she was just really that innocent, or if maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way even just a little bit.
He stood from his seat, observing the other students with their heads either down on their paper or buried in their phone screens. Taking a deep breath to muster the courage, he worked his way across the room and leaned his two large hands on the front of her desk, leaning down so that his lips could whisper in her ear without alerting the other students. “You haven’t seen Jun-Ho by chance have you? He didn’t show up today.”
Her body stiffened involuntarily as she shifted her gaze to meet the intense, dark eyes of her professor. He hadn’t said anything of the sort, but she could only take his question as a roundabout way of saying I know what you did. His expression was hard to read. It was something she’d never seen him wear before - irritation. He was always so gentle with her; complimenting her and helping with every problem, no matter how small. Sometimes she’d even pretend to not understand just so that she could have him close to her. What Sang-Woo didn’t realise was that she felt the same way, maybe even stronger.
He walked back to his desk, sitting back down and lowering his gaze to the finished quizzes in front of him. He felt like an absolute piece of shit knowing how uncomfortable he’d just made her. He’d basically attacked her without even saying anything. His hotheaded attitude blinded him from the reality that he held no claim to her. She was just his student. His beautiful, smart, sexy student. But his student nevertheless.
The time passed on and on, students chatting and sharing their plans for the weekend and the afterparty for the graduation. A sadness set deep into Sang-Woo’s chest as he realised that as soon as that clock struck 12, she was no longer his student. Lifting his eyes to lay them on Y/N, his heart broke as he noticed she hadn’t lifted her head since his harsh words. He’d already regretted what he said as soon as the words left his lips, and now he felt like a monster. You don’t tear down someone you love. Whether they love you back or not, it’s not fair. She had and has every right to sleep with Jun-Ho if that’s what she wants, even though it killed him inside.
The other students started to pack their things up as the time drew nearer and nearer. A few students approached his desk to thank him and he wished them the best of luck with a warm smile. He meant it. He wished nothing for the best for all his students, even that stupid fucking Jun-Ho prick. Eventually everyone had filed out of the lecture hall, leaving only Y/N nervously shifting in her seat as she finally raised her eyes to meet his. Sighing sadly, he pulled himself up from his desk and made his way over to her. The few short steps felt like a marathon as the reality that this was it washed over him. He wasn’t ready to let her go.
“I’m sorry I spoke to you like that. It was out of line.” His voice was a whisper as he finally sat down in the seat that Jun-Ho usually occupied. Her arms crossed and he could tell she was making an effort to hide the bruise that had been sucked into her neck. She was timid, not the bubbly self she normally was. “And it was wrong of me to insinuate that about you and Jun-Ho. It’s none of my business…”
He trailed off, his eyes eventually finding their own way down onto the large bruise she was weakly attempting to hide. It fixated him, and even in this moment, all he could think of was sucking and biting bigger and better marks into her neck. Clenching his jaw, he made eye contact with her once more. Her voice was quiet and low, finally mustering up the courage to speak. “It was a mistake… but you were right about Jun-Ho. You didn’t even have to say it… you just knew.”
He forced a small smile, his heart sinking at the admission. He knew. He always knew. But something about it being out in the open hit him right in the guts. Clearing his throat, he chose his next words very carefully. “The way he looks at you is-“
“The way you look at me, sir?” She cut him off, finally finding her voice. Colour drained from his face.
She knew. She fucking knew. My life is over.
Sang-Woo was speechless, his eyes scanning her face for any signs of anger or disgust. He knew he was in trouble now. He knew she could ruin him. Trying to deny it would be pointless. After all, he’d been staring at her blankly for far too long to dispute it now. Slowly reaching over, she brushed her fingers against his, resting on the smaller desk. A jolt of electricity shot from his finger tip all the way down to his cock and he jumped, snapping out of his stressed daydreaming state. His eyes landed on their hands just barely touching. She looked at him with both curiosity and hesitancy, concerned how he’d react.
Taking a deep breath, his fingers barely moved as he brushed back against her fingers before summoning the courage to gently place his hand on top of hers. She didn’t jolt or pull away like he’d secretly expected, not sure if what he was experiencing was a dream or not. Her fingers slowly closed around his hand and he revelled in the touch he’d been craving for the better part of 3 years.
“You’re a good guy, Sang-Woo. I’ve seen the way you look at me and I’ve seen the way you look at Jun-Ho. You don’t have to be jealous anymore…” standing up, she swung one leg over his thighs and wrapped her arms around his tense shoulders, sitting in his lap, face to face with him. His heart began to race as her scent engulfed him. His hips bucked upwards instinctively and his arms snaked their way around her waist so gently that he barely touched her, fingers brushing her skin. One hand gently rested against his cheek, and he leaned into her hand. His eyes remained transfixed with hers until she slowly dipped her head lower and lower, her breath fanning against his neck, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“You don’t need to worry… I’m not your student anymore.”
She punctuated her whisper with a small, gentle nip at his ear and that was it. Sang-Woo’s hand pushed her chin up so that she was face to face with him and, finally, he smashed his lips against hers. A small surprised moan escaped her lips, and he drank it down. His arms held her tightly, pulling her as close as he humanly could. His hands pawed at the skin covered by material, running the perimeter of her back before untucking her blouse from her skirt to let his hands travel up her back, dancing across the warm skin. It sent shivers down her spine, his short nails gently scraping down her body.
His fingers traced the clasp of her black bra, snapping it against her skin and eliciting a delicious moan from her, making her squirm in his lap and gently pushing against the bulge in his black dress pants. He groaned into her mouth at the friction, biting at her bottom lip and pulling it before trailing gentle but urgent kisses down her neck. He pressed several kisses to the broken capillaries forming the bruise on her soft skin. His mouth moved ever so slowly across the front of her neck, down to the collarbone exposed by her shirt, before drawing the line back up the other side of her neck. Her small moans and mewls only spurred him on more.
In one strong motion, he stood from the chair he was seated in and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding her tightly as he lifted her into the air. He reconnected their lips and her hands tangled into his hair at the back, holding herself up against him. Sang-Woo laid her down on the empty row of desks, his large frame hovering over her small body as their lips danced and melted together. The perfume that once overwhelmed him now intoxicated him as he finally gave in to every desire he’d had for her since they first met.
His fingers nimbly popped each button undone before pushing her blouse back and admiring the beauty before him. His fingers then set to work on her skirt, finding the zipper before pulling it all the way down, the skirt falling open and leaving her in just her black bra and panties. His mouth began to water again as he pressed kisses from her collarbone, down the valley of her breasts, tenderly running kisses down the warm flesh of her stomach until he was sitting on his knees at the end of the table, staring up at the woman he’d obsessed over for years. He couldn’t believe it was actually happening. He couldn’t believe she actually wanted him the same way he wanted her. But sure enough, there she was; spread out against the desks, waiting for him to do whatever he pleased with her.
His fingers hooked into her panties and pulled them down, leaving him face to face with her pussy. He wasted no time, diving tongue first as if she was the most delicious meal to a man who’s ravenous. His strong hands pushed her thighs apart further as his tongue flicked and lapped at her clit, her back arching and perfect moans falling from her lips. Her fingers tangled into his hair, pushing him closer. He didn’t need to be told twice, his right hand moving off her thigh. His fingers crept their way up her body until they brushed her lips, asking to be taken in her mouth. She obliged, parting her lips and gently sucking at his fingers. He gently pulled the wet digits out of her mouth, using them to gently run up and down her folds before pushing one in and curling it upwards. Her body jolted, pulling a smirk onto his lips. He knew he was close. He slowly gently curled his finger, searching for the spot that he knew would send her flying, and when he found it, the cry she released was nothing short of heavenly to him.
He gently slipped the other finger in, massaging the spot he found while his tongue worked away at her clit. Her hands pulled and tugged on his hair enough to hurt, but he didn’t care. Her thighs tried to tense around his head but his other hand held her thigh in place as he continued his assault.
Sang-Woo felt her legs start to shake and he knew she was almost there for him. He added pressure to his fingers and quickened his pace and within seconds, a too-loud cry left her lips as she came crashing down around his fingers. He reacted quickly, withdrawing his fingers from her and slipping then between her lips as he covered her mouth with his hand. She whined at the loss but began to realise where it was they were actually doing this. They hadn’t stopped to think for one second. The University was still filled with people and at some point someone was going to have to use this lecture hall, but even with all that danger, the only thing Sang-Woo and Y/N could focus on was each other. There was no way in hell he was going to stop now, though.
She whined as he pulled away, dazed from the intensity of the orgasm he had allowed her to have. Sang-Woo, still fully dressed, quickly picked her up and carried her over to his desk; one more secluded from the line of sight of the door. One swoop of his arm cleared the surface off, and quickly undid her bra before he he laid her down one more time. His fingers made quick work of his shirt buttons, his shirt hanging open and exposing a toned chest and abdomen. Her finger reached over, gently tracing the lines of his gorgeous body as he speedily rid himself of his belt and pushed his dress pants and boxers down hastily, cock springing upwards.
She pulled herself up and slid off the desk onto her knees, but Sang-Woo was far too impatient at this point. He caught her, flipped her around so she was bent over his desk and pressed his body against her so she couldn’t move. “As much as I would love that, I’ve been waiting for this for way too long.” He growled into her ear from behind before lining himself up and pushing himself slowly inside.
She was so tight and wet that his legs almost gave way and he could have cum right there, but he bit his lip and powered through. His hips snapped back and forth, her hands bracing the wooden desk underneath her. He pushed her further onto the desk, pushing one leg up to rest on the table to hit a delicious new angle. Cries and moans left her lips involuntarily, and his hand took its place over her mouth again as his thrusts became more erratic the longer he held out.
Small pants left his lips as he felt the tension building up. His growls became groans the closer he got, and his hands dragged her body back into him in time with his thrusts. A few more thrusts had him filling her up with his cum without even being able to warn her.
He fell forward, both panting as he laid against her back. His head was spinning from how good it felt and he wasn’t ready to pull out just yet. He held her for a couple of minutes, slowly pulling out as his cock softened. Y/N was absolutely shattered. She knew her legs wouldn’t hold her; all she could do was lean against that desk and feel his cum slowly dripping down her thigh. Sang-Woo pressed gentle kisses to her shoulders as he redressed, buttoning his shirt back up after helping her with her clothes.
Gently helping her stand, he turned her around and pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. “I really don’t want this to be a one time thing. I’ve wanted you for so long - I don’t think I can let go now.” His words were a whisper, a smile forming on her exhausted lips as her arms wrap around his waist and her head rests against his shoulder.
A knock at the door startled the pair, jumping apart before another teacher entered the hall to begin his lecture. As they prepared to go their separate ways, she slipped a small piece of paper into his hand. She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before she hastily departed; god forbid someone were to check the security cameras. Sang-Woo watched her walk away, a dopey smile on his face. Unfolding the little piece of paper she gave him, he found her phone number written neatly with a little heart on the end. He pondered, wondering if she may actually be the one for him. It didn’t matter though. Now they were just two people, free to be in love, and Sang-Woo simply couldn’t wait to start.
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barnxsromanxff · 3 years
Working nights | Cho Sangwoo x reader
Do not repost any of my writes without credit to me
Prompt: Sangwoo has been stressed with work lately the time you two share has become less and less… but he makes up for it
Pairing: Cho Sangwoo x f!reader
Warnings: this is smut. 18+ please! do not interact with it you are a minor. smoking, mention of bodily fluids, fingering, teasing, sexual frustration, Sangwoo being dom + switch (sort of)
A/N: this is my first write for squid games! please be kind with your words, constructive criticism is greatly welcomed! also i know sangwoo isn’t the best character however i don’t want any comments abt his actions, these writes will take place either before squid game ever happened or in an AU so remember that.
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° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
His scent lingered on the sheets as you wrapped yourself up in it, your eyes stared at the back of your husband, his shoulders tensed and all the muscles were shown to you. His naked upper half was mouth watering no matter what he was doing. He blew smoke out softly and put out his cigarette quietly, shifting in the seat. The lamp gave a soft glow to the room, leaving it with a warm feeling.
Lately he had been so stressed, completely burnt out from meetings, phone calls and lots of paper work. Not only was it taking a toll on him but also you, the alone time you spent together was less and he was often tired. Of course you completely understood but you couldn’t help but feel a small tinge of sadness, you wanted him all to yourself.
Nights without him were the worst, you longed for his warmth and touch. The way he held you, made you feel safe no matter what. The way he could make you feel, things no one else had ever done for you. Both emotionally and physically.
Your thoughts traveled to the nights of love making you two spent, how he would absolutely ruin you. The way he could touch you inside and out, always knowing what you wanted without you saying. You blushed thinking about the last time you two had done anything, his tongue had swiped all over your body. Worshipping every inch of skin you had, his fingers pumping in and out of you leaving you completely helple-
“Y/n? hello?”
Your eyes opened and you noticed Sangwoo standing right in front of you, your face flushed more and you hummed in response.
“I’m gonna go outside to take a call, i’ll be back in a little.”
You nodded and bit your lip as you watched him walk away, legs striding away.
Your teeth nibbled on your lip as you continued your previous thoughts, laying down on your shared bed you lowered your hand down your sweats. Your finger slid in and out easily, coating them in your juices.
Your moans began to slip out as you imagined him touching you, the way his mouth would be kissing your neck and bare chest, his long fingers pumping in and out. Words of encouragement as well degrading names slipping in between.
Sangwoo rolls his eyes as the call ends between his coworker. Constant problems in business, he shoves his name phone in his pocket and throws the bud of his cigarette on the ground then smashing it under his shoe. He pushed his glasses up and made his way back into their apartment, eyes glossy from lack of sleep.
He pauses his walking when he hears you, your moaning and soft calls for his name. He groans and adjusts the growing bulge in his pants, his boxers suddenly seeming constricting. He walks towards the open door to see you legs spread, pants thrown across the room. Your finger is buried in your pussy beneath your underwear.
Your other hand runs cross your body, going for your mouth to try and stop the pornographic noises coming from you down to your breasts. Sangwoo gulps and quickly rids himself of his pants, the wet spot on his boxers very prominent as well as his boner.
You were unaware of the man in front of you, watching your every move like a lion. Eyes sharp and raking over your skin, his tongue swiping over his lips. His body comes closer to yours, needy to feel you.
“You didn’t tell me how needy you were.”
You smirked and eyes opened, his weight dipped into the bed and his knees were caging your body.
His face came lower and he whispered into your ear as his hand pulled off your underwear.
“I���m here.”
Your body felt electric, your heart raced as his finger tips traced your thighs. Inching closer and closer to your needy core, he nibbled on your ear lobe and began kissing your neck. His hand hovered over your clenching pussy, he traced the outer lips and you bucked your body up.
He smiled softly into your skin and he brought his hand to the hem of your shirt. He lifted it off you and it was discarded somewhere in the room, neither of you cared at the moment. He stared at your bare chest and breathed in. Good thing you didn’t wear a bra today.
“So beautiful, my dirty girl.”
His lips found their way to your nipples, sucking and kneading the skin like dough. His hands traced over your chest as he licked all over them, moaning lightly into them as he felt his bulge brush the mattress.
You tugged on his hair and moaned his name, a plea for more pleasure left your lips. Sangwoo finally dipped his hand down again, tracing our heat once more before slipping a finger into you. Your head leaned back with an airy moan, his movements were slow but deep. You savored ever moment of this, your senses being overloaded.
You came hard, eyes blurry and heart pounding. Your hands were clasping onto him with all your strength, his body pressed against yours.
You gasped and eyes shot open, he pushed his cock into you. His lips hungrily were on yours and he swallowed all the whimpers you made, he slowly sunk himself in inch by inch, making you take it all. His arms were on either side of your body, steadying him as he began to slide in and out.
His pace was slow and teasing, anticipation rang through you and you bit his lip. He pulled his lips off yours, his forehead falling onto yours as he fucked you. His cock burrowing itself in you, reaching every spot you needed it to. He picked up his pace and watched your face contort with pleasure.
“You feel so good, pretty girl making me feel good.”
His voice was barely audible but you heard him loud and clear, the words ran straight down to your core. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he was ruthless, absolutely destroying you. Overwhelming you. His finger was on your clit rubbing circles, tears slipped down your cheeks as you felt your second orgasm strike you. Euphoria spread up and down your body, toes curling as you screamed his name.
Your body was still shaking as you pushed him off you, his body landed with a thud onto the bed. His eyes scanned your body as you rolled into him, your cum spread across his thigh as you rubbed up against him.
His head fell bad as you grabbed his cock, thumb swiping over the top and pumping him slowly. With his eyes closed you sat yourself down onto his throbbing cock. You let yourself adjust, staying still and warming his cock. He groaned and thrusted up without warning, and trailed his hands onto your ass to help you. He quickly swatted his hands away and leaned down.
“Nuh uh, let me.”
His lip twitched up as he watched your body ride him, going up and down. Breasts bouncing as his view, eyes squeezed close and mouth open. To him you looked absolutely perfect, his eyes scanned every little curve and bump on huge body. His hands still made their way to your body and steadily helped you up and down, your head too lost to notice.
“I’m gonna,”
Your voice quivered as your body twitched and began to grow sloppy, Sangwoo grabbed you and pulled you down. Your breasted flush against his chest as he thrusted into you hard, he held you tight as he moaned your name.
“Cum with me, for me.”
His words made you float, warmth spreading across you. Your pussy clenched around his cock, causing his thrust to falter as he came inside you. He painted your walls, mixing with your cum.
You both panted, bodies stuck together with sweat and love. He held you and you held him, bodies connected like puzzle pieces. His cock grew soft inside you, but you left it there. His hands rubbed your back soothingly as your breathing evened out.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been spending so much time working. I should’ve been focused on you.”
You smiled into his chest and traced little shapes on his skin.
“It’s okay Sangwoo, you’ve made it up to me.”
He smiled contently and listened to your breathing slow, your mind was gone and you fell into slumber. His mind continued to race with thoughts, work washed into his mind but he pushed it out. Your smile flooded his mind, your laugh and your body, he breathed in and let his mind wander with thoughts of you.
He fell asleep that night completely immersed with you.
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °
(dm me, reply to any post, or send in a request to be on my taglist! specify if u want a specific character/show)
@edgysewerrat @riddlexonia
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hnymon · 3 years
anxiety comfort.
cho sangwoo x gn!reader
a/n: wrote this idea i had bc my severe anxiety has been getting bad recently due to school stress. i picked sangwoo to write about, i believe he was a softie before the games :]
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your chest felt tighter and heavier with every shakey breath you took. it felt like the world was caving in on you and you were surrounded, left with nowhere to go. you hated this feeling. you wanted to claw at your chest, hoping it would relieve some of the weight from your chest. all you wanted as to be with your lover.
you hated getting this way when he wasn’t around; he was one of the only thing that could truly distract you and calm you. you were so caught up in your moment of vulnerability, you didn’t hear the front door unlock and open, nor the footsteps coming towards you. it wasn’t until you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder that you looked up. you were met with the man you love; cho sangwoo. he moved a few stray strands of hair from your face and tucked them behind your ears.
“my love, what happened?” that voice; that deep, raspy voice that could calm you and send you to sleep within minutes. you shook your head, not feeling well enough to discuss your distress at that moment. he decided to bridal carry you to your shared bedroom, laying you on the bed and soon following after. as soon as he was under the sheets, you went to cuddle up into his strong chest. he took a deep exhale, troubled to see his love in such a stressed state. “i’m here with you, baby. you know i’ve always got you. we’ll be okay.” how gentle he was with you made butterflies fill your stomach, no matter how often he held you like this. you began to feel your breathing return to normal again when one of his hands stayed in your hair to massage your scalp, the other hand rubbing your back. he leaned his head down to press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
you finally felt calm enough to speak again. “i’m sorry, sangwoo. you shouldn’t have to see me like this.” you could swear you felt his chest just barely rise with a small chuckle. “now, sweetheart, you know you don’t have to apologize for what you can’t control. anytime you feel this way, please come to me. i’m more than happy to calm my darling down.” you smiled ever so slightly at his words. he always knew exactly what to say. the two of you finally pressed your lips together for a proper kiss, letting it deepen and linger for a few moments. when you both pulled away, he removed his shirt and put on more comfortable pants. once he was laying down again, you lowered your head back to his now bare chest. you loved to trace his muscular torso with your fingers. his fingers found their way back to your hair while he leaned to the bedside table, grabbing his lighter and a cigarette. he took a few puffs before realizing you gad fallen asleep on top of him; he could almost feel his heart grow three sizes. “sleep well, baby. i’ve got you. don’t worry your pretty little head, love.”
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athenaeum-simps · 3 years
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merlieve · 3 years
Pillow | Cho Sangwoo X Reader
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Fem! Reader
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A/n: This is my first ever imagine for Squid Game, that’s it.
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Fluff | Warning/s: None, please inform me if there are any.
I do not allow my works to be republished in another site so please check in with me or at least give me credit!
It was a Saturday night, and It’s been days since Sangwoo left for his ‘business trip’, and Y/n was getting anxious. She started to think of the worse possible things that happened to him.
'What if something bad happened to him? Or what if he’s cheating on you?' She tried to shove away those images out of her head, but what if it was true? She’ll doesn’t know what happened to him. The only thing she could do was hope for the best.
Then, a thought struck her like lightning. Y/n gripped Sangwoo’s pillow and his shirt. She was getting desperate for his touch, even if it’s some days, she couldn’t wait. She was eager, and she couldn’t wait for him to come back.
Y/n changed the pillow into one of Sangwoo's shirts. A grunt escaped her lips once she lay down on Sangwoo and her shared bed, squeezing the pillow in the process. Y/n felt her eyes flutter as she started to doze off to sleep.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Sangwoo did it, he finally won. He can pay back his debts and live a flawless life. All he could think about is his fiancée, he knew he had to win to give her the best life. Even if Sangwoo pictured a perfect life for his family, he did have trauma because of the games, he couldn't stop remembering everything that occurred in one week. He was desperate, and he had to do what he needed to do to win this game of survival.
When Sangwoo finally arrived at your shared flat, he heard indistinct snores. He chuckled, knowing it was Y/n. He opened the door, it made a creaking noise, hoping Y/n doesn't wake up, so he could surprise her, but it wasn't a surprise that she didn't wake up, after all, she was a deep sleeper.
After he bathed, Sangwoo slowly changed his clothes and applied medicine to his wounds, surprisingly, you haven't woken up. Following that, he went to your bedroom, he was shocked to find a pillow with his shirt on it. He suppressed a chuckle and replaced the pillow with him. Sangwoo swore his heart fluttered when Y/n snuggled close to him. After everything that happened, he needed her right now. Sangwoo knew tomorrow morning he'll be bombarded with questions, but he didn't mind. All he needs is Y/n.
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dazz-linglight · 2 years
Hello! Can I request just b with an idol s/o? I love your writing👉👈
(Heyy thank you 💞)
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Will play your songs during vlive and sing along or post a full cover of your recent single
Will set this image of being your fanboy (which is not a lie) and everybody thinks it's cute
If you happen to be on the same variety show as him he can't contain his smile and the MC's will be like "Geonu, it's the first time you're meeting ______"
And he will be like "Yes"
Later he will search up to see if there's fans shipping the two of you lol
Lim Jimin
Having his previous experience as a soloist, he's better at managing to keep any suspicions away
Will hate if your fans start shipping you with another idol but can't really do anything about except ignoring it
When you get to perform on award shows he will keep his cool and vibe to your song softly, being careful to not show too much reactions
Little public interactions here and there
Him posting a printscreen of his Spotify listening to your song
Probably will be the most obvious one in showing interest in you to the public lol
Will recommend your songs and if you create a challenge on TikTok he will do it
Will pass as a fanboy like Geonu
Boy will be happy if both your fandoms start shipping you together online
Sometimes he will try to tone it down for a while so people don't start actual rumours
When he was in I-land you mentioned to be watching it on your free time and said he was your pick
Who would imagine you would end up dating him
Not that the public knows
If someone asks him what's his idea type he will give a description of you without saying your name, but of course some witty fans will think about it and ship you together
Whenever you release a new song he will post a picture with something subtly related to it
Let's say you both studied at Hanlim
So one picture of the two of you with other friends in school have been posted online
Someone asked him about it on a fansign and he said you're friends so nobody will suspect of your relationship
Now you two have friendly interactions in public and sometimes talk about each other's recent comebacks
The fans be like "oh their friendship is so cute" and he's happy to be able to talk about you and vice versa without it being a problem
This boy will be the most discreet from all of them
He's too scared of getting your relationship exposed
Will try hard to not look at you too much in award shows
But in the backstage when there's no cameras around, baby will be cheering for you and encouraging you
If you appear on the same show he will keep the professional side and only look at you when you're talking
Nobody will suspect how much of a sweet couple you guys are
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ahsxual · 3 years
No, You're not Ok
Pairing: Sangwoo x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You weren't feeling good while you were in line to get food, so you passed out in front of Sangwoo, the one who was behind you. Fortunately, he caught you in time and decided to take care of you.
Requested: Yes
Warnings: Faiting, mentions of anxiety and panic attacks
Word Count: 1.1 k
A/N: @jukasirigatti requested a fic about Sangwoo, so I decided to write this, because I daydreamed this scenario this morning lol. I hope I didn't offend anyone with my description of how the reader reacts to their panic attacks... and I'm so sorry for any mistakes!! I hope you enjoy this, darlings!! <33
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You hated to admit to it, especially to show others your main weakness, but the truth is that you're a really anxious person. Whenever you face danger, your can't think properly and start to have panic attacks, even tho you can control better the ones that aren't so severe.
From the day you were abducted, even tho it was consented lol, to play children games that separated you from life and death in a matter of minutes, your body started to feel extremely weak psychologically, which caused you to feel weak physically.
After the first game "red light, green light", which fortunately you survived, you realized how much in trouble you were. Danger was all over the place: from the mysterious men who dressed in red and had trigonometric shapes on their masks, to the own players who wanted to kill the others in order to win the money. What the human being can do just to get what they want...
Right now, you are waiting for your turn to eat. It's not like you watched more than 200 people die in front of you while screaming in agony, including your own life that was in risk, five minutes ago. It was absolutely terrifying. Your mind was still trying to process the whole situation... in the worst way. Behind you, there was a tall man with dark hair and glasses on, his number being 218. He was processing what happened as well, however he seemed calm and... emotionless. Maybe he was strong enough to not let bad things he can't control affect him. But you're not like that.
"Shit..." you whispered while bouncing a little bit. You started to see everything go blurry and a strong headache coming, so you knew you would faint soon. Sangwoo, the man who was behind you, noticed your stumbling figure, but he was trying to figure out what was happening to you before making a move.
Instead of sitting down and wait until you feel better, you decided to ignore your symptoms and took another step: your body couldn't hold all your anxiety and stress, and so your legs gave up and you felt your body fall onto the ground... or at least that's what you thought that would happen. Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms grabbing you firmly by your waist, stopping you from falling and avoiding you to hurt yourself, and pull you in bridal style before you pass out.
A few minutes after, you woke up on the ground with number 218 brushing your hair out of your face while looking concerned, yet somehow relieved by seeing you finally waking up, and people all around you looking curiously at you. You looked at the man who was taking care of you, but when you diverted your attention to the other players and started to panic, he noticed and tried to calm you down.
"Don't look at them. They are just curious, nothing else. Look at me instead if that helps your anxiety." now you looked at him with a surprised, yet embarrassed look. Was he really that insightful?
"You don't have to tell me anything for me to get to the conclusion that you were having a panic attack." you swallowed hard. Great: a total stranger already knows your weakness in a goddamn survival game. "It's perfectly normal to react that way. Come here, let me help you." he gently said before helping you walk towards his bed. After assuring that you were in a comfortable position, he went to grab food and water for both of you.
"Here. Drink this, it will help you." he offered you a bottle of water, and then watered a random piece of cloth with water from his own bottle to refresh your forehead.
"You don't need to do this, sir. I'm fine, really-" you tried to convince the man that you were fine, but it was useless.
"No, you're not ok." he responded with a serious look and tone. While he was taking care of you, he seemed really focused on what he was doing, so you took the opportunity to analyze all his features minutely: from the color and thickness of his hair, to his jawline and trimmed beard. When you got out of your trance, you noticed him looking at you with an uncomfortable glare, and you immediately apologized.
"I'm-I'm sorry! I was just..." you paused for a moment. The mood between the two of you was tensed, so you had to find the right words to break the ice. "...thinking about how grateful I am for you being the only one who helped me. Thank you for that, I truly appreciate it." you kindly smiled at the handsome stranger, and for a moment you could swear he smiled back at you. He then continued to take a good look at you to see if you weren't as pale as before or detect any other symptoms, but from what he could see, you were getting better.
"You don't need to thank me. This is all very... frustrating for all of us, and the reality is that everyone reacts differently to the same situation." for a moment you could tell he was a man who tried to remain rational and cold, his defense and "mask" that he wears to deal with the consequences... and possibly even his own guilt. But why would you care about his faults when he saved and helped you when no one else cared? You needed to stop judging him without even knowing him, especially after what he did for you.
"I'm L/n Y/n by the way." you introduced yourself so the two of you could relax a little bit and know each other better. After all, you needed to make some "friends" in there so you could survive for a while longer.
"Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm Cho Sang-woo."
"It's a nice name, I like it. And it suits you well." he tried to look at another direction, avoiding eye contact with you, yet you could tell he blushed a little bit because of your compliment.
And that was the day you two started a great friendship: he protected you all the time in all games (in the second game, when the others weren't near you, he suggested you with a lot of firmness that you should choose the triangle figure. You trusted him, so you did what he told you and won) and from others; whenever you felt anxious, he always helped you to calm down (in private) while holding your hand and hugging you. It was until the glass game, when you almost fell if it wasn't him grabbing you at the last second, that he realized how much you mean to him. And that's when he knew: he fell for you. Hard.
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kyuala · 3 years
just b as types of stans
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known for his covers with limji
constantly talking about how important his idol is to him
has an ongoing bet with chuji on who gets the most likes on selca days
"oomf kind of annoying rn? 😶" (oomf is byeonghee)
messy layout honestly he's just here to have a good time
doesnt really know what "oomf" or "moot" mean, doesnt stop saying it anyways
geonu corrects him but he still uses it wrong, now just to annoy him
soft edits & keyboard smashes are his brand
has been noticed by his idol several different times
cute little messages under their posts like "have a nice day 😊" and "don't forget to eat! ❤️"
loves to participate in every tl and ask game
does covers with geonu
absolutely does not interact with his idol directly except for likes
would not know what to do if they noticed him, would prob impulsively deactivate n then come back 3 days later like nothing happened
eats up selca days
"do u guys think i'd have a chance with them be honest"
relatively small account but kind of a cult hit
has a rant account where he goes IN
nice to strangers, mean to his friends (affectionately)
would ratio his idol at least once
either he logs on once in a blue moon or he's just lurking 24/7 there's no in-between
doesnt post a lot but when he does its a hit
rly niche and obscure memes. kind of just doing his own thing at this point tbh
would not ratio his idol but would certainly comment "ratio" under everything they post
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main masterlist | just b masterlist
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
I'm Sorry (Atsumu x Reader)
Summary: Atsumu goes home after practice only to see you standing at the doorstep, with fear in your eyes.
Pair: Atsumu x reader
Warning fluff(?), crack, poor vocabulary
"Babe?" Atsumu couldn't help but mutter as he pulled his feet from his shoes, his eyes on you on the process.
The fear in your eyes, the way your lips pressed, and how your hands are gripping the hem of his hoodie tight made it look like you were on your way on leaving your shared apartment.
"Hey," he cheered before reaching you, hands on your elbow as he kissed the top of your head, "Babe, you alright?" He asked.
You blinked, making your eyes shimmer, "Tsumu, I'm sorry..." You cracked and before Atsumu knew it, you broke into sobs.
Alarmed, he took a step back, bewildered as he stared at your tears rolling down your cheeks, your sobs echoing across the room.
"Tsumu, I'm sorry!" You plead once more before you walked towards him, crashing your head on his chest.
"Babe, babe, hey," he said, trying to hide how he is slowly panicking as well. He pulls you away, lowering his head just so your eyes leveled, "What's wrong? It's alright, you can tell me..."
You look at Atsumu, slightly relaxing with his reassuring words, "I-I can?" You sniffed.
He nodded with a boyish grin, "Of course, Babe."
"Promise you won't get mad?" You asked him, your fingers interlocking with one another.
Atsumu nodded once again, "Promise," he reassured.
You look down, inhaling hard, "I...broke your stuff..."
Your voice was soft, barely audible, but Atsumu was sharp enough to hear you, making him chuckle softly, “You broke my stuff?”
You nodded, tears threatening to roll down once again, “I’m sorry...”
“Oh, you...” Atsumu exclaimed as he run his fingers through his dyed hair, “I thought something bad happened!”
You scratched your eyes, “But..it’s your stuff. It’s important to you-”
“Not as important as you,” Atsumu smoothly cut your sentence off. He placed his backpack down, stretching his arms wide, “Come here, give me a hug, will ya?”
Your heart melts along with your worry as you charge towards his body once again, finding comfort from the scent of his dried sweat (ew).
Atsumu carefully caressed your hair, his chin resting on top of your head, “Hmmm, what did you broke, by the way?”
“Remember the volleyball you received from your favorite player when you were still a kid?”
“The one at the bedroom, yeah?”
“Yeah, I deflated it. I saw this post where you can actually deflate it with a paperclip-”
“You what?” Atsumu pulls you away from his arms.
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Sangwoo’s Birthday Special: Lingerie
Pairing: Oh Sangwoo x f!reader
Word count: 5.1K
Warnings/contents: Smut: Oral/face fucking, squirting, daddy kink, masturbation, use of dildos, clit stimulation, fingering, pussy penetration. Light fluff, strong language, 18+
Notes: Happy birthday to my favorite psychopath 🥰 this is a lot longer than I originally planned to make it, but I kinda lost track of, well, everything as I wrote it, so… I hope you guys enjoy this 😅
This one doesn’t have a great deal of fluff and it starts off almost immediately, so I did put the read line right up here.
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You looked anxiously at yourself in the mirror, fiddling with the straps on the rather revealing lingerie. Somehow, this was worse than being plain naked, though you knew that he was going to love it. The choker around your neck for him to hook his finger in and pull you in, the small heart shaped gap between your breasts, the flowery pattern that left very little to the imagination over your breasts. The red lace that hung loose around your waist and hung open in the back. The panties with a flowery design that barely covered you— but you felt awkward. You very rarely wore lingerie, but your friend said that she thought it’d be a good present for your boyfriends birthday.
A knock on the door shocked you, mainly because Sangwoo wasn’t known to knock in your apartment let alone his own house. He swung open doors, claiming it was his house and he could do as he pleased. The door wasn’t even locked, though you knew he hated locked doors. After all, what would you need to lock the door for and hide from him? He’d touched every inch of your body, his mouth had been on every inch of your body, he deemed it worthy enough to have access to every room you were in.
“You’ve been in there for, like, a year. What are you doing?” He asked, leaning heavily against the door, his hand on the door handle ready to open, and yet you had taken such a long time he was curious if you may be doing something secret in there. He didn’t think your period was going to start quite yet, but what if it had? Damn if that was going to stop him from fucking you tomorrow, but if that was what this was, it could explain why you took your sweet time while he watched tv and waited for you to come back.
“I…” You stole another quick, worried look at yourself in the mirror. “I just… I have something for you, but… I’m nervous.” With a tut of his tongue, Sangwoo turned the handle.
“Why are you nervous?” He asked as he entered the room. You flushed, quickly turning to look at the man as he walked in. His eyes almost immediately fell to your breasts as you crossed your arms beneath them and looked away with flushed cheeks. Sangwoo reached over, gently prying your arms off of your body and giving a soft sound. You looked at him, eyes slightly widening when you saw how quickly he had gotten hard. “I’m gonna ask you again— why are you nervous?” He asked, nearly drooling at the sight of you.
“I, uh…” You mumbled, looking away from the man as he eyed your body.
“You’ve been naked in front of me a million times before.”
“Yeah, but that’s not… this.” You mumbled. “Being naked feels less… revealing.” Sangwoo hummed, his hands cupping your breasts and pushing them together, the soft lingerie blocking your skin from his calloused fingers. “But, uh— happy birthday.”
“It isn’t my birthday until tomorrow.” He said, eyes still staring at your breasts as he played with them how he pleased. He didn’t even shift as his cock twitched, spitting quickly down onto your cleavage and smearing it with his thumb. You bit back a flush and looked at him even if he wasn’t looking at you.
“But I’m gonna be fucking you all night, so… by time we’re finished, it will be your birthday.” Sangwoo gave a soft hum, leaning down and licking slowly along your cleavage.
“Then let’s get to bed,” he said, sending you a small smirk and offering you a hand. You laced your fingers with his, walking along with the man from the bathroom and up the stairs. You wrapped a single arm around yourself, flustered that you were so bare and yet just barely covered by lingerie that left little to the imagination. But you didn’t need much to be covered, Sangwoo had seen every inch, licked and kissed and sucked every inch of your body. There was nothing to hide from him. Nothing to be ashamed of, really, but you couldn’t help it.
Sangwoo brought you to the bedroom, the door wide open behind you as it always was. You were anxious about the door being open for some reason. Despite no neighbors, no pets and nobody else in the house, you had always had sex with the door shut; but when you mentioned shutting it in the past, he had been confused and asked you why and you couldn’t really think of an answer.
Your cheeks were warm as you sat on the bed, back pressed to the pillows and your teeth anxiously biting your lip. Sangwoo sat on the end of the bed, legs stretched out and arms back behind him while he eyed your body. You moved your legs, spreading them for the man as he eyed your thong. He met your worried gaze, brushing aside your anxious thoughts he knew you had.
“Take those off.” He said, looking back to the thong you wore. You did as he said, sliding the underwear off of your legs and tossing them aside. “Rub your clit.” He said, eyes watching as you shifted on the bed and licked your fingers, bringing them down and pushing back the soft lingerie top. Your fingers pressed to your clit, teasing yourself like you knew he wanted with a soft moan.
His eyes never left your pussy, cock twitching in his pants while you rubbed your clit and gave soft little sounds.
“Finger yourself, too.” He said, but he quickly stopped you with more. “Wait— I have a better idea.” You watched as he stood, but he quickly shot you a look. “I didn’t say stop.” You nodded, rubbing your clit again. He watched for a second before turning his back, going to the closet. You knew exactly what he was doing and it flustered you. He came back quickly, tossing the dildo at your feet and sitting on the edge of the bed. “Fuck yourself with it.”
You brought the pink dildo to your mouth, embarrassed as you licked it and brought it down, pressing the tip to your entrance and pushing it inside with a soft whine. It wasn’t as thick as he was, not as long either, but it stretched you out and made you whine as you forced yourself to take it so you didn’t get scolded by the man, starting to immediately move it inside of you. He licked his lips, resting back against the wall and watching as you rubbed your clit and moved the dildo inside of you, breasts lightly bouncing with your movements as you leaned your head back and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Ah, fuck,” you moaned quietly, biting hard on your bottom lip.
“Move it faster.” You did as he asked, moaning out as you moved the dildo faster inside of you, toes curling on the bed while Sangwoo stripped his shirt off. You glanced at the man as he took his sweatpants off as well, meeting your eyes and sending you a smirk. “Moan for me.” You gave a quick moan of his name, making him twitch in his boxers as he tossed his sweatpants off the bed with his shirt. He sighed contently, watching as you fucked yourself with the dildo and moaned out his name again. “You’re such a fucking slut,” he said suddenly, eyes meeting yours. “Rub your clit faster. Make yourself squirt.”
You had a feeling in your gut earlier tonight was going to go somewhat like this, but since it was Sangwoo and on top of that his birthday, you did everything he asked, rubbing your clit faster and moaning out his name as you made yourself squirt, prolonging your orgasm and giving the man a show as he licked his lips. You panted as you stopped, head laid back on the bed and legs shaking. Sangwoo moved, moving your hand off of the dildo.
A moan was quick to leave you as your eyes shot open, meeting his as he quickly moved the dildo inside of you. You gasped, wet hand reaching for his shoulder as you moaned his name out. He licked his lips, leaning in and kissing you. It was a kiss quickly broken by a moan as you clutched at him, head leaning back as you squirted quickly again, the dildo moving too fast and deep inside of you to ignore. He leaned in again, calmly licking and kissing along your neck while you panted and almost screamed his name.
“Yeah, scream just like that,” he said, prolonging your orgasm as long as your body would go with the dildo, not knowing how hard you were clenching around it as your mouth hung open with loud moans that hurt your throat. You worried you may scream your throat sore— again. “Scream like a fucking slut for me.”
Your toes were curled tightly, breasts bouncing with how hard he was pushing the dildo inside of you. Tears were quick to slide down your cheeks as the toy stretched you out, but it wasn’t enough; it never had been, not when you got with him and not before him. There was something so different about a real dick even back when you’d been embarrassed to have sex. Something that just felt… off. And once you felt Sangwoo inside of you, you considered the dildo’s pointless.
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t. As little as you cared for them, Sangwoo quite enjoyed this— making you fuck yourself with it while he watched, occasionally masturbating in front of you, otherwise simply eyeing your body and saying the usual disgusting things to you. And he enjoyed this, as much as it surprised you. Sangwoo liked to fuck you with the dildo rather than putting himself inside of you, but thankfully he didn’t do it every time. Sometimes it was considered a punishment because he knew you didn’t like it as much.
Another orgasm was quick to gush around the soft toy he rammed inside of you, his lips kissing your skin and humming occasionally by your ear. As much as he loved your voice, he knew you loved his. While he wasn’t always vocal, he gave you bits and pieces and made sure you enjoyed yourself as much as he did. In the very least, almost as much as he did. For once, Sangwoo cared about someone else’s enjoyment, shocking both of you, truth be told.
A soft sigh left Sangwoo as he stopped the dildo inside of you suddenly, leaving you panting and giving a quiet whine as he pulled it out of you and tossed it aside on the bed, uncaring about where it landed. He pulled back, meeting your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
“Look at these shaky legs,” he said, giving your thigh a quick pat with his wet hand. “Why don’t you get on them and suck me off. I know you want my cock. Give me a reason to give it to you.” With a flustered whine, you nodded.
“Yes, daddy.” You spoke softly— too softly. Sangwoo squished your cheeks between his fingers and raised an eyebrow at you.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” He loosened his grip on your cheeks to let you speak, though his intense eye contact made it hard for you not to look away in embarrassment.
“I said yes daddy.” With a couple quick pats to your cheek, Sangwoo pulled back. He watched as you moved off of the bed, legs shaking almost pitifully while you eyed the erection in his boxers. You got on your knees, hands shaking as you reached up to slide his boxers down, though quickly pressing a kiss to the bulge. His cock was hard, precum beading up at the tip while he kicked the boxers aside. You leaned in immediately, taking as much as you could of him down your throat and sucking hard. You thought maybe if you did it good enough right from the start, he may not feel the need to ram his cock down your throat like he often did, but you knew you were being too hopeful as he reached down and grabbed tight onto your hair.
A sound came from you as he tugged on your hair, your eyes closing while he gently nudged himself deeper down your throat. He hummed as you gave a soft whine, but clenching your eyes shut when he held your head still.
“Hold still,” he said, rocking his hips gently and gagging you, but you did as he said. He didn’t take his time, starting to thrust his hips quicker into your mouth and welling your eyes back up quickly with tears as you choked around his cock. He was thick, almost too thick to even take into your mouth, making the man give a hiss as your teeth lightly scraped along his shaft. You did your best to keep them out of his way, but your jaw couldn’t open much more and he wasn’t a slow man who let you do as you pleased.
You gasped, gagging quickly afterwards as you squeezed your teary eyes shut. Spit slid down your chin and wet the lingerie you wore, breasts jiggling with his harsh movements. You held tight onto his thighs, gagging so bad you worried you might even throw up. You were good at deep throating Sangwoo’s cock by now, able to take a lot into your mouth, but when he did things like this, it was as if you were back to when you were a virgin with him, unable to take much without gagging. Your resistance was tested now, tears sliding down your cheeks as he groaned and leaned his head back.
You were certain come tomorrow your throat was going to be bruised, your voice was going to be soft and it was going to hurt to speak, but Sangwoo gave soft sounds that made your clit throb for him.
With watery, half-lidded eyes, you peeked up at the man, meeting his eyes as he already watched you. Gently, his thumb stroked your forehead as he gagged you, a soft moan of your name leaving his mouth that made all of this worthwhile, even as you gagged loudly around him and squeezed your eyes shut again.
After one more hard thrust deep into your mouth, Sangwoo came, his warm cum filling your mouth. He pulled back, watching as you swallowed the cum in your mouth and panted pathetically, sinking down onto your legs on the floor and hanging your head. Sangwoo reached down, wiping some of the spit off of your chin before you peeked up at him.
“Come here,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed where he always slept, leaving you the comforting corner to sleep by even as you always ended up in his arms. You moved, sore legs and aching knees as you sat beside him, quickly leaning into the kiss he pressed to your lips. He reached for your shaky hands, holding them both in one of his own before he pulled back and looked back to your breasts. “Mmm, this is so sexy,” he said, easily pressing you back against his side of the bed, almost exactly where you were before.
You panted in anticipation as he got between your legs, hands playing with your breasts while he rubbed his cock against your aching pussy. You bit your lip, glancing down before meeting his eyes.
“Daddy, will you please put it in?” You asked, a begging tone to your voice as you eyed him desperately. “Please, I wanna feel you so bad, daddy.” He seemed to think for a moment, reaching down and aligning himself with your entrance while you spread your legs further for him.
“Well, you have been a good girl,” he said, nudging the tip inside of you, teasing you with less than an inch of movement before he let it slip back out of you. “Why don’t you beg some more? You want it so bad?” You were quick to nod to his question.
“I want you so bad, daddy,” you said, mustering up the most pathetic, desperate look you could. “Please daddy, I want you to fuck me and make me feel so good.”
“You wanna feel so good,” he hummed, barely pushing the tip back in and teasing you again. “You’re such a greedy little slut, aren’t you.” He almost teased, meeting your eyes with a mischievous look in his own as he made you whine and whimper with every tease of his cock inside of your warm pussy that he was aching to feel. “I always knew you were a little cock whore, I just didn’t know you’d get so used to it,” he said, gently brushing a hair back from your face and trailing his fingers along your cheek. “Such a scared little virgin when I met you,” he teased, lightly slapping your cheek and making you give a soft moan as he nudged himself a bit deeper this time. “Now look at you, you’re so desperate for it, you can barely even keep your legs closed.”
You flushed, knowing he was teasing you about earlier. He’d innocently, for once, rested his hand on your thigh on the sofa earlier and you had spread your legs a ways for him. He’d barely stifled a laugh as you closed your legs and hid your face in his arm from embarrassment.
“It’s alright, you know I like it when you’re slutty.” He said simply, pushing all of himself inside of you suddenly and making you nearly scream in shock as he slammed deep inside of you, balls hitting your ass with the harsh movement. “But I like it more when you scream.”
Your toes curled hard as he steadily started to thrust inside of you, mouth open with loud and desperate moans. Your breasts bounced inside of the lingerie from his harsh movements, your hands grasping desperately at the sheets beside you. Sangwoo kept his distance, watching himself move inside of you and giving a soft hum as he slowly trailed his eyes along your body. He looked to your face, eyes rolled back into your head with every harsh, quick thrust from him.
“Why don’t you be a good little slut and squirt around my cock.” He said, his mind on anything but the way your pussy was aching almost painfully from all of the stimulation.
“Mmm— can’t daddy,” you mumbled, tired from how many times you’d already cum tonight, unable to force yourself again so fast. You met his gaze, half-lidded eyes as he raised an eyebrow at you. “It’s too much, I can’t cum anymore.” He seemed to think for a moment, tugging you closer by the legs and making your body jerk as he roughly slammed inside of you, eyes rolling back into your head again as you laid it back on the bed, back arching with each rough movement.
“Then just hold still and let me cum.” He said simply, giving a soft sound as you clenched tight around him. Your body was aching for another orgasm you couldn’t have, pussy sore as you nearly sobbed from the stimulation, eyes clenched tight as he slammed himself inside of you quickly. He watched a tear slide down your cheek, hands clenching tightly onto the sheets. He leaned down a bit, grasping your hands and resting them up by your head on the pillows. You barely peeked your eyes open at him as he held your wrists down on the pillows, eyes not even lagging shut as he eyed you with barely flushed cheeks.
Your lip quivered as he stared at you, intense eye contact that made your heart race. He leaned in, quickly kissing you. Slightly rolling your wrist in his grasp, you were quick to kiss him back, tongue licking his lip. He opened his mouth, letting your tongue in before he sucked on it and left you moaning freely. Your breasts bounced, fingers gripping at your palm while his thumb gently stroked just below them. One of his hands moved, sliding up and pushing his fingers between yours.
You moaned into his mouth, eyebrows furrowed inwards hard as he thrusted inside of you. With a soft hum, he broke the kiss, slowing his movements inside of you. Peeking open your eyes, you saw him looking at you as if he was contemplating.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked quietly, but he didn’t answer your question.
“Come here,” he moved, letting you go and pulling himself out of you. He reached over, grabbing the dildo and sitting back up in front of you, placing it near your mouth with a silent hint you immediately got. You licked it, spit slowly sliding down the toy while he laid back and looked at you.
“Come here.” You moved closer, placing one of your legs on the opposite side of his head, eyes looking at his cock. He was hard, aching for you as you rested over him, breasts pressing to his lower stomach while you took his cock into your mouth. Sangwoo teased your entrance with the dildo, his other hand groping at your ass. You moaned as he pushed the toy inside of you, slowly starting to move it while you sucked on his cock, hands grabbing at the sheets beside his thighs while you moaned around him, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowing inwards. “Suck it harder.” He said, moving the dildo more steadily inside of you while you did as he asked.
You sucked hard on his shaft, bobbing your head the best you could in this position. He twitched in your mouth, his fingers reaching around and rubbing your clit, making you give a blissful moan around his cock and damn near stop sucking on him from the extra stimulation. Shocking you, Sangwoo didn’t say anything, the dildo pushing deep inside of you and slowly working you towards another orgasm that you were sure was going to leave you breathless.
Sangwoo’s fingers rubbed your clit faster, making your eyes roll back into your head. His cock slipped from your mouth as you moaned out, leaning in and pressing your forehead to his body. Again, he kept quiet, moving the dildo faster inside of you and making you give another loud moan.
“Oh, fuck!” You moaned out, reaching up for his thighs and grasping onto them tightly. Sangwoo gave a soft grunt at the feeling, but he didn’t scold you nor did he slow down, instead pumping the dildo quickly and steadily inside of you. “Daddy, fuck! It feels so good!”
“You wanna cum?” He asked, listening to your almost incoherent begging. “Then beg for me to let you cum.” He said simply, and you were quick to do as he asked.
“Please daddy, please— please let me cum, I wanna cum! You’re gonna make me squirt, please daddy!” You begged the man, teeth lightly biting his skin and making the man give a light hiss. “Please daddy, I can’t hold it back for you anymore— daddy— please!” With a content hum, Sangwoo moved his hand quickly on your clit, both of his arms burning from the constant movement as he stimulated you.
“Go ahead and cum then,” he said so simply, as if he hadn’t asked you, or rather told you, to beg for him and instead you’d done it freely.
Nevertheless, you could barely deny the orgasm, moaning out his name and making him throb for you.
You moaned loudly, hands clenching tight onto his thighs, leaving marks in his skin that neither of you worried about. His cock twitched as you pressed your forehead to his hip, toes curling so tight it hurt by his head while Sangwoo quickly moved the dildo inside of you. You couldn’t even think as you finally squirted out, nearly screaming his name against his thigh as he prolonged your orgasm and rubbed your clit quicker, chuckling as you nearly soaked his chest.
When he finally stopped, you were panting and shaking on top of him, hands barely able to hold onto his thighs as his cock twitched by your head. With a soft sigh, Sangwoo helped move you off of him, sitting up and looking at you as you panted, barely peeking your eyes open to meet his before he spoke.
“Come here. I’m gonna fuck you in doggy.” He offered you a hand, one you took gratefully and sat up on the bed, moving onto your knees and resting on your elbows. Sangwoo got behind you, his hands groping your ass, spreading your cheeks and making you give a soft sound in return to his rough gropes. He suddenly slapped your ass— hard, making you give a moan in shock. “Such a slut,” he mumbled to himself, aligning his cock with your entrance and rocking it inside of you easily.
Despite how easy it went in, you were left moaning in almost pain in the new position. You panted, hands grasping the sheets while he seemed to tease you. Before, you were expecting him to slam it all inside of you, but instead he was taking his time, slowly and almost sensually thrusting himself inside of you, letting you feel every inch so slow and making your eyes soon roll back into your head as you moaned in pleasure.
Sangwoo thrusted slowly inside of you, your hands grasping onto the sheets as you looked back, desperately rocking back against the man and making him give a light chuckle, hands groping at your ass and letting you lean back into him, his cock pushing deep inside of you and making you moan out. You were tired from the stimulation, toes curled tight and legs burning, but as he held still, you were desperate for more.
“Such a fucking greedy slut,” he teased, slapping your ass and making you give a soft moan at the sensation. “Hold still,” he said, steadying your hips. He didn’t give you any warning, quickly and roughly slamming himself inside of you this time. Your body jerked, eyes widening and a yell coming from you as the bed creaked with every movement from him inside of you.
Finally, you felt his fingers undoing the clips that held the lingerie in place on your body, glancing back as he let it go.
“Take it off.” You did as he asked without hesitation, carelessly letting the clothing fall to the floor. He pressed your shoulders down, your face pressing to the bed as he tugged your hips closer. It wasn’t all too comfortable, but you were desperate for another orgasm even if you were exhausted and unsure if you could cum again. With a sigh, Sangwoo pulled himself out of you, leaving you clenching for nothing. You quickly looked back and watched him sit back on the bed. “Come ride me.”
You knew this would happen at some point— truthfully you were surprised he’d waited this long. You moved, legs shaking and arms sore, but you easily rested down on his cock. He immediately reached for your bare breasts, squeezing them and pushing them together. He gave a soft hum when you immediately started to move on him, giving soft moans and pants while he played with your nipples.
You hung your head, eyes closed as your legs ached. Sangwoo watched you for a moment, reaching up and gently holding your face. You looked at him, only getting a moment to look into his pretty eyes before he leaned in and kissed you. He reached down, steadying your hips with one hand and starting to thrust up into you almost immediately.
You broke the kiss with a moan, eyes wide and meeting his. He chuckled, reaching back up for your breasts that bounced with his harsh movements. You grasped tight onto his shoulders, pussy clenching around his cock as you nearly sobbed from the overstimulation. Sangwoo gently slapped your cheek, bringing your attention back to him and forcing your eyes back open.
“Tired?” Was all he asked, earning a quick nod from you. He licked his lips, eyes quickly flicking to your breasts before he gave a soft hum. “Make me cum one more time and we’ll take a break.” He promised as your nails dug deeper into his shoulder, barely even making the man bat an eye. You could barely help it, leaning your head in and pressing it down to his shoulder with a whine as the man thrusted up into you.
You were already sore, tired, aching for the blissful stimulation to stop. You squeezed around him, earning a soft sound from the man by your ear. He mumbled out a soft praise in your direction, hands groping at your ass hard as you nuzzled your head into his neck, tears sliding down your cheeks from the intensity of his thrusts inside of you. Desperate to cum but unable to give anything but another tight squeeze around the man.
Sangwoo gave a grunt, sounding almost desperate. With a few more thrusts, you felt him cum inside of you, relaxing back against the bed with soft pants. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close while you clutched tightly onto him. With a sigh, Sangwoo kissed your head, hands gently rubbing your tense shoulders.
“You’re a good girl,” he said softly, pressing another kiss to your head.
“Happy birthday.” You mumbled out almost pathetically. He gave a soft, amused hum and looked at the clock.
“It isn’t my birthday yet.” You bit back a groan, but Sangwoo shocked you, gently helping you off of him and setting you back on the bed. “Come on, I wanna go watch a movie. Let’s get cleaned up.” You frowned lightly in confusion at the outstretched hand he offered you after standing.
“But… it’s not midnight yet.”
“I was gonna fuck you until midnight.” He was quiet for a second before ever-so-slightly wiggling his fingers at you.
“Come on. For my birthday I just wanna be watching a movie with you in my arms.” You reached up, grasping his hand. He brought you with him downstairs to the bathroom and gave a sigh as he turned the water on. “We should shower kinda quick. I’m tired.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your head and stepping in, gesturing for you to follow. You stepped inside of the shower as well, shutting the curtain and getting gently pulled back against his chest.
Sangwoo pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder, nuzzling into you and making you give a small smile.
“I love you.” He whispered so soft you barely heard it over the running water, but you reached down and gently grasped his hands that rested over your stomach.
“I love you, too.”
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moonvyx · 3 years
I think you'd like this story: "○△□" by Isimpforcartoondudes on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/291807529?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Isimpforcartoondudes&wp_originator=IEWA6gLMfRrCkG4cFjD0869r6duBXoZRmuOBP34D5mAE0Puu%2BQC%2BnPqsgT%2Bi1lIco46Sz1ZoSX1KZeue9SsQzcd%2FBsLjv5wonlimx2hs4kIsQLCjdvy%2BvABe9M0c%2By26
I made a fluff and angst book for Squid Game in wattpad :)
And there'll be slow updates because I still have school 😭
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gurlbesimpin · 3 years
Please, Sang Woo being a teacher who falls in love with his student 🙏🏻
Wrong or right? <sangwoo x female reader>
Warnings: teacher's pet, slight smut, fluff, daddy kink, oral sex, handjob, public sex, unprotected sex
(I'll make a male version if requested ;))
prof.sangwoo was your biology and chemistry teacher. Great... the two subjects you suck in... in those subjects you have a hot teacher. Perfect. Every day he showed up in a gray suit dress all fancy. Did he seriously expect nobody would find him hot? you couldn't help it.. you could only imagine him kissing you, treating you like a princess. He may seem cold, but he seems like the kind of guy who is extremely sweet to his sweetheart. Maybe even the kind of guy to-
"y/n?! are you listening?" Your eyes sprung open.
"uhh yes prof.sangwoo" "then rehearse what I just said." he stated. You were silent. "my office 5pm" he said whilst letting out a loud sigh.
"Anyway. Can anyone repeat what I said?" he asked the class. Nobody could fulfill his requests. "the damn periodic table! did anyone listen?" he asked. Wait... the periodic table? *you raise your hand* "y/n" he said nearly giving up completely.
"the periodic table in a list of all the elements such as water, gas etc" you said confidently. "yes. godamn it!" he said. "is y/n the only person who knows anything?" he asked.
After handing out sheets to work on, he came up to you. "good job earlier. All these 19 year old are useless... seriously." he said whilst rubbing your shoulder a bit. he was about to leave but "prof.sangwoo?" you asked. He came back towards you. Now he was directly in front of you leaning over the table. "yes y/n?" he asked with a smile. He stared deep into your eyes. "thank you... nobody ever compliments me..." you said in a shy tone.
"fuck why is y/n so damn sweet and... good looking?"
he thought. "you're welcome y/n. I've been seeing you getting distracted a lot lately. As I stated, i'd like to talk to you around 5 pm in my office alright?" you nodded. *bell ring*
"is it already 12.15?" sangwoo looked at his clock. indeed it was already 12.15. "well then.. see you tomorrow" he said. They still had three hours of school left. Two of them being math and one PE.
Sangwoo walked over to the chalkboard and started to clean it before turning around slightly and seeing y/n leave.
"fuck.. i love y/n.. why is she so sweet... i can't no... no. forget it"
he whispered to himself. Before taking off his glasses and aqusting his black hair.
On your way to his office
Walking through the long halls of your school alone was quite intimidating. When you looked out one of the large windows. There he was.... prof.sangwoo smoking a cigarette.
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"damn he looks so" your thoughts were cut short before he saw you. He stared at you for a seconds before gesturing you to come outside. shit. You walking down the hall a little more until you arrived at the door and pushed it open. "come here y/n" he shouted. You walked towards him. he turned to look at you. Now you were directly next to him. "i..is anything wrong sir?" you asked. "no. maybe it's nicer talking outside." he said. He looked over at you for a brief second. He took a deep breath acting annoyed even if he isn't. "take one" he said whilst holding up his pack of cigarettes. "how do you kn-" "I saw you smoke multiple times. Just didn't say anything about it" he said with an ironic smirk. You slowly raised your hand to take a cigarette from your teacher. He looked down at you grabbing it. "smooth hands..." he thought to himself. He held over his lighter and lit your cigarette. "so.. I've been watching you for awhile. something is going on. you're so... distracted all the damn time." he said whilst taking a draw from his cigarette. "well... yes. but today I said something" you said in a shy tone. "and I appreciate that. But something has to be wrong. tell me"
He said. "I...-" you paused. He looked over at you and stared you up and down. "what are you doing?" you asked with a slight smirk.
he wrapped his arm around your back and pulled you close directly next to him. "tell me what's going on" you blushed and he saw that. "you answer me" you replied. He just looked back at you with a shocked expression. "excuse me?" he said. "yeah. please answer." you said while resting your hand on his thigh. He fake coughed as if nothing was going on. He threw his cigarette on the ground and extinguished it with his foot. He then proceeded to lay his hand on yours. his other hand still on your shoulder. "come with me" he said before removing his hands from you. However, you didn't walk towards the school. No. But towards the parking lot until you arrived at his car. It was a black hyundai. He opened the back door for you. you got in and scooted over. He got in at front and buckled up. "where do you live?" he asked. "what?" "I'm taking you home. I won't let you walk home in these freezing temperatures." he said. "i'd much rather stay in here for a minute." you replied. he turned around and looked at you.
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Then smiled. "fine" he said before turning back away from you. You sighed. "should i be honest?" you asked him. You heard him chuckle a bit. "no need anymore. i know whats going on." You were confused.
"what do you mean sir?" you asked.
"don't play dumb. i hate that. i know you like me" he said with a mirk you could see in the review mirror. "uh.. what?" you asked. He was right but you were still confused.
"i just wanted to see if you'd admit it. I knew this for a while. you keep staring at me, act extremely shy around me but are full of personality towards anyone else. And your action earlier...-" "i...I'm sorry sir" you interrupted. "first off, don'T interrupt me" he said with another smirk.
You nodded.
"second off, don't apologize." He said before crawling over to you in the back. Now he sat there directly next to you. He put his hand on your shoulder then leaned in and whispered into your ear: "I'm not mad. why would i be? i appreciate it lovely" he said brushing some hair out of your face. You couldn't take it anymore. You just turned towards him and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't fend it off. The two of you shared a heartwarming kiss. He slowly put his hands on your chest unbuttoning your shirt. "tell me to stop if you like" he whispered into your mouth. "no" you replied. He continued before he slowly took your shirt off. You did the same slowly taking off his jacket and then unbuttoning his shirt. "I'll keep you my dirty little secret" he whispered.
(lol if you had an emo phase you know what song I'm hinting at)
You nodded slightly before he continued to move down your neck scattering kisses across it. You moaned quietly. He liked that. you could tell. after a few seconds you were both topless facing each other. He moved back a little helping you lie down in front of him. You were only wearing shorts and underwear now. He was still wearing his jeans but you could see his raging boner. This turned you on like crazy. He moved his hands across your chest before moving down to unbutton your shorts, then pulling them down with your underwear.
Now you were completely nude in front of him. He smirked at the sight. He moved his hand towards your thighs and slowly opened them. He slowly leaned in and scattered kisses across your thighs before moving up towards your pussy. He paused to look up at you smiling wide. he responded with a grin before sinking his tongue into your core. You instinctively moved your hips up and gripped his hair while moaning his name. You them became silent. Embarrassed of you actions. "don't feel embarrassed. I want to hear your pretty moans" he said against your thigh before diving back in. Your grip on his scalp and hair became stronger and you moaned again.
"fuck... come here" you whined. You wanted him now.
"damn she's a real freak... iv'e been waiting years for this" he thought. He slowly crawled on top of you and kissed your lips. You moved your hand across his bare chest, then towards his hard dick. It was clearly visible through his jeans. you started to rub it and your action were rewarded with a deep groan from him. "fuck... y/n" he moaned into your ear. "please prof.sangwoo, fuck me" you whispered. He groaned at the request. He removed your hand from his dick so he could take his pants and boxers off. He unbuckled his belt and kicked his jeans off. Now his large erection was visible to you. "fuck...." you whispered. He chuckled. He leaned directly over you and lined himself up with your entrance. "ready?" he asked in a wicked tone. His eyes full of sin and lust. You nodded. "please" you whined. He obliged and slowly entered you. You wrapped your arms around his back and moaned loudly. So did he "fuck... y/n your so tight.." he moaned. He kept a steady and slow pace in the beginning. "p..please harder" you whined. he didn't speed up but trusted harder just as requested. "fuck" you moaned into his shoulder. You looked at his face. He had a droopy smile and lustful eyes staring into your soul whilst fucking you. "fuck..." he whined quietly. he moved one of his hands towards your clit and started massaging it. Sending you into a spiral of pleasure. He knew you won't last long anymore. And he was damn right. After about a minute you whined: "i..i'm coming"
He smiled at that as he continued to fuck you. A few seconds later, and his thrust getting sloppier, you felt yourself reaching your orgasm. You cried out and moaned his name out loud. He groaned at this. He fucked you through your orgasm before pulling out. You looked confused but as he sat down next to you, he gestured you to come over. You sat up and laid down on your stomach facing his dick.
You looked up before taking in the tip. His head fell back and he let out a groan. His hand moved up your back and then laid on your head before gripping your hair and forcing you down. You nearly choked but managed not to. He moved your head up and down his cock slowly. You could feel his dick twitch a little. after only a minute or two he removed his hand from your scalp and let you take control. And you did. In a slow pace you moved up and down his cock. Shortly after his instincts kick in and he involuntarily starts thrusting.
"fuck..i'm-" he can't finish his words before he takes a deep breath and becomes a groaning and moaning mess and he lets out his warm load in your mouth. after his orgasm, you remove yourself from him and he lifts up your chin. You swallow. He smirks. "good girl" he says before putting his clothes back on and handing you your clothes. "now seriously. where do you live? time for you to go home"
He says giving you a slight kiss on the cheek.
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