hnymon · 1 year
jake sully relationship hc !
an first time writing 4 avatar ^_^ lmk how you like it
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- it takes a while for you both to confess to each other but once you do, he’s the best bf nd mate
- protective asf can and will get in a fight if someone talks bad abt you
- loves watching the stars nd sunsets with you, he lets his tail settle on your hips as you lay on his chest
- you made him a small bracelet out of grass as a gift when you first met; he hasn’t taken it off since
- he likes flying with you, seeing the wind blow through your hair never gets old
- you both are almost always touching, wether it be holding hands, him holding your waist, etc
nsfw incoming ! !
- the most passionate lover
- when you two first mate it’s like a switch in him is flipped
- he worships you like a god, kissing you everywhere he can reach as his hands trace the marks on your neck and back
- each thrust has you seeing stars and he pushes into you deeper and deeper each time
- as you’re getting close, he stops and cradles you close
- he stares into your eyes before picking up the pace, faster this time as he says
“oel ngati kameie”
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hnymon · 1 year
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Jake Sully x Avatar Reader
A/N: This is not part on any request. I just had sudden wave of inspiration and decided to write something short for Avatar. Hope that ones who will read it have fun with it.
Please remember english is not my native language , so be aware of any mistakes. Work contains smut , minors do not interact.
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hnymon · 1 year
jake sully x female omaticaya reader (jake sully smut bc this man is too fine to not have pages of it)
| you are the daughter of the leaders of the omaticaya, the olo’eyktan and the tsahik. By the grace of Eywa, he was saved from your bow, but you became unfortunate enough to be the one to teach him your ways. |
[fluff, smut, Tsu’tey appearance]
*my story is true to a lot of the lines from the movie, but with a happier twist that doesn’t include the destruction of hometree — hope you enjoy :)
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You were out in the forest when the rustling of leaves made your ears twitch, stirring your attention. Quickly taking refuge in the vastness of the trees, you quietly walked atop the branches, skillfully keeping your balance as you followed the sound.
Then you saw him. A Na’vi. But he was no one you knew, his clothes and his way of being betraying any connection to your beloved clan. He was one of them, an alien, a demon in a false body who you only associated with death and destruction. Controlling your breath, you pulled your bow back, aiming carefully at him, your eyes focused at his every move. But then, so gently, a seed from the Tree of Souls landed on the tip of your arrow. Ewya, for whatever reason you could not fathom, wanted this alien to live. But, you trusted in Her sign, withdrawing your arrow.
You continued to follow him, watching his actions intently. They were odd actions, stupid, ignorant actions that made you wonder what was going on through his head. Yet, there was one thing about him that radiantly shined through, despite how idiotic he was, or perhaps that was what characterized his actions as such.
He had no fear.
When night finally fell, the forest fell dark, the only light coming from the torch he made from a nearby tree’s sap. The fire attracted a pack of the forest’s obsidian-colored wolves, the nantang, vicious creatures who never run from their prey. He waved the torch at the pack warningly, growing impatient as they circled him. Yelling at them to charge, one of them finally jumped at him and he fought them off with a vigorous courage, even when one of them pounced ferociously, sending his back into the foliage of the forest’s rough earth.
Watching this from above, your eyes widened and you hurried down the tree you were hiding in, quickly aiming your bow at the nantang on top of the alien, shooting it with an arrow. You fought the pack off, killing some and injuring others, baring your teeth aggressively. Stunned, the nantang finally ran off, and you took a breath. You hung your head low as you observed the unnecessary carnage around you, hearing the whimper of one of the wolves, your heart breaking as you walked toward it. Kneeling down, you spoke to it, calling on Ewya in your language before killing it. In the distance, you could hear the alien you saved speaking to you, but you did not care. You walked off, paying no mind to him as he followed you.
“Look, wait up, I just wanted to thanks for killing those things.” He let out, grabbing onto your arm.
You swung your bow at him, hitting him as fell to the ground, “Damn!”
“Don’t thank.” You said angrily, pointing your bow at him. “You do not thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only.”
“Okay, okay. Whatever I did I am sorry.” He looked at you, putting his hands up in defeat.
“All this is your fault. They did not need to die.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you, “My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?”
You remained firm in your stance, pushing your bow at him again, “Your fault!” You’re like a baby, making noise, don’t know what to do.”
He figured quickly you would not back down, but he was still confused by you. Cautiously, he got up, his hands in the air as he spoke, “Fine. Fine. If you love your little forest friends, why not let them kill my ass? What’s the thinking?”
You watched him, your eyes roaming every part of him as you mulled over his words. You did not like that he was challenging you, but you admired his courage.
“Why save you?”
He nodded, “Yeah, yeah. Why save me?”
He looked different to you at a closer glance, attractive even. He had good features, and from what you could see from what his ripped shirt had exposed, his arms were toned, muscular. His hair was straight, disheveled, strands of it hung over part of his face messily and the way he talked was foreign to you, but the tone of his voice was deep and strong.
“You have a strong heart. No fear.”
He raised his eyebrows, not expecting such a deep answer, suddenly feeling his heart beat a little faster as he continued to look at you.
Still frustrated at his wayward actions, you yelled out, But stupid! Ignorant like a child.”
Taking one final glance at him, you turned again, determined to go back home. Alone.
It took him back, but he liked the sudden fire in your voice, smiling slightly before walking again to follow you.
He wanted you to teach him, but you knew better than to believe in such a shallow request. Sky people never came to learn. They did not understand the way of your people. They could never See. You refused him over and over and over again, but he was insistent, petulant like a child.
“Go back.”
He walked forward, closing the space between you, “No.”
You pushed him, your eyes deadly as you spoke again, “Go back.”
But the presence of Ewya descended upon you and him, the seeds from the Tree of Souls gently landing all over the alien, silencing your aggression and sparking awe within you.
If you were doubtful that this man in front of you held no purpose, Ewya proved you wrong. You took his arm, urging him to come with you to your Hometree, where his fate would be decided by your parents.
It was painfully obvious that he was not one of you, the others in your clan eyeing him wearily. He was of the Sky people, and that made him instantly isolated, even though he appeared to be one of you. Still adhering to his ways, he unknowingly was insolent toward your father, the clan, like a huge wave, moved forward with agression, but you pushed them back, the voice of Tsahik silencing them all. She inspected him, her eyes skeptical as she observed.
“What are you called?” Her voice did not hide her curiosity, nor her suspicion, but it was confident and loud enough for the rest of the clan to hear.
“Jake Sully.”
“Why have you come to us?”
“I came to learn.”
“We have tried to teach the Sky people. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.”
“Well, my cup is empty. Trust me.”
“Just ask Dr. Augustine. I’m no scientist.”
Dr. Augustine. Grace. She once had a school for the children, but when the sky people turned violent, she was forbidden from coming back.
“What are you?”
“I was a Marine…A warrior from the…Jarhead clan.”
“A warrior?” You turned your head at the voice, Tsu’tey, the next in line for Ol’okeytan, was readying himself to charge at Jake, but your father stopped him.
Jake was a marvel to the two leaders, a different pace from the scientists who came to study them, sparking their inquisition about him. It was decided that his nature must be explored.
“My daughter,” Your mother approached, “You will teach him our way to speak and walk the way we do.”
You protested, stomping your foot, but she put her hand up to silence you, making you grunt in annoyance.
Turning back to him, her look was fierce, “Learn well, Jake Sully. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured.”
Tsu’tey hated that you were the one who had to teach Jake, walking over to you as you both approached, Jake now wearing the Na’vi garb.
He smirked at you, sending Jake a dirty look before ignoring him completely. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he spoke in your language lightheartedly, “It is going to be a lot of work teaching this moron.”
You rolled your eyes, paying no mind to his lingering touch, “Don’t rub it in.”
Jake watched your interaction, wondering what the relationship between the two of you could be.
After Jake endured the judgemental stares as you all ate together, you led him into the columns of your hometree, navigating through the thick branches until you reached your bed, a seemingly thin canopy that hung between two of the branches. He watched you as you jumped into it, settling yourself in a comfortable position. He took the one beside you, struggling slightly as the material swayed slightly underneath him. Jake’s eyes stayed fixed on yours for a moment, and you let yourself take one long look at him before turning over you, sleep overtaking you.
When Jake woke up in the pod, he was surrounded by other scientists, asking him if he was alright, asking what had happened to him. The story sent envy and awe into the whole team, and he couldn’t help but feel satisfied with himself. He finally started asking questions, self-serving ones, but still, he was asking questions.
“This guy,” He said, pointing at a picture of Tsu’tey on her tablet, which Grace was holding, “Who is he?”
“Tsu’tey. He is next in line for the position of chief. Ol’okeytan.”
He grunted, “Yes, I know that but,” He began swiping, trying to find a picture of you, Grace swatting his hand lightly, hating that he was touching the tablet so haphazardly. When he finally found your picture, his voice was eager, “But who is he to her?”
Grace clicked her tongue in her mouth, suddenly unamused, “You have been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in a beautiful, complicated culture and you want to find out if the chief’s daughter is single?”
“What is it that you’re always going on about? That they have customs and traditions that we don’t understand? How can I understand if I don’t know how their relationships work?” He played off proudly, crossing his arms.
“Spare me the bullshit, Marine. I can see right through you.” Grace, although annoyed, shook her head in defeat as she continued on, “Since they will both be taking on responsibilities of leadership, they will naturally become a mated pair.”
Jake was slightly disappointed hearing that, but he figured it was that way when Tsu’tey had approached you before dinner. Grace caught the flint of disappointment in his eyes, taking the opportunity to annoy him back. “Looks like you’re shit out of luck, horn dog.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” He managed, letting out a weak laugh, “Just tell me more about what to expect so I can get you back in with the people, yeah?”
Everything that Grace told him he kept in mind, but putting it to practice was harder than he thought.
“Shahaylu. It is the bond we make with our animals.” You said, stroking the direhorse in front of you. Jake got on, making the bond, the sensation tingly as he could feel everything that the horse was feeling.
“Feel her, and you will be able to tell her where to go.” You instructed, stepping back and watching as he made his command, the direhorse bolting forward, his grip on her slipping out of his fingers and sending him flying back into the mud.
You put a hand to your mouth, unable to contain your laughter. Jake quickly got up, his whole body caked in mud. You ran to him, “It is okay. We try again.” You reassured, managing a small smile, which he returned to you.
The stomping of nearby direhorses rang from a nearby area, getting louder as two warriors approached, one of them being Tsu’tey. The sight of Jake stirred a maniacal laugh from his mouth as he turned to you, “This moron will never be able to learn our ways. Look at him.”
You were suddenly insulted, giving him a stern look that he didn’t expect. If you failed to teach him, then you would be failing your mother, your father. It was a burden you wished you did not have to carry, but you would see it through with all you had.
You put your arm in front of Jake protectively, “He will. In time.”
Tsu’tey scoffed, riding off with the other warrior.
Jake looked at you, confused, “What was he saying?”
You turned, “He does not think you can learn.”
Jake who was behind you, stepped a little closer, talking as a coy smirk formed on his mouth, “I don’t know. I’d put my bets on my teacher. She’s pretty determined.”
You smiled to yourself, before focusing your mind on the next task, “Let us go.”
You said, walking away from the forest’s clearing and into the dense green brush of the forest.
“Wait, where are we going?” He yelled after you, catching up and taking his place on your right.
“You need a bath.”
The walk to the river was not too far, and you carefully walked through the foliage, observing all that was around you. Your eyes took notice of everything, the whistle of the wind as it brushed against the trees, the scattering of tracks in the soft dirt, the rustling of the varieties of bushed that you would pass, until finally you could hear the flow of the river’s current, crashing into the half submerged rocks that were spread around the riverbed.
He looked at you hesitantly before you nudged him into the water. Submerging himself in the river, he washed the mud caked onto him quickly, before surfacing back up. You waited for him on the shore, keeping watch of everything around you. When Jake came back, you turned your attention to him, his body dripping with water as he walked out.
“Okay. All clean.” He walked to you, pushing the strands of hair in front of his face back, then spinning slowly around for you.
As he did, it seemed as if he had gotten all the mud off, but once his chest faced you once more, you caught sight of a spot he missed.
“No, not all clean.” You muttered, leaning down to wet your hand and place it on the skin above his rib cage. You rubbed the mud off gently, focusing as you were able to make it disappear, revealing blue skin again.
“There.” You said, satisfied, looking at him. But, he was already looking at you, his mouth slightly parted as his eyes followed your every movement. The way his eyes were on you made you blush, and the feeling of the heat on your cheeks startled you internally. You backed away suddenly, clearing your throat and smacking him on the shoulder, “Follow.” You commanded, maneuvering away from him and back toward the forest.
For the next four months, you spent every waking moment with Jake. Every day was a new day with him and what you had once dreaded, you began to enjoy. You were tough on him, but no matter how hard you made things, he did them confidently, with everything he had. He began to take to your language, to trust his body when you would jump from tree to tree, to make connections with all the living things around you.
And he was making a connection with you.
Your fierceness was the first thing he liked about you and it was what kept him going as you challenged him beyond his limits. He let himself fall for you. He let himself stare at you just a little too long, let himself linger beside you just a little too close, let himself be immersed in everything you were. He was changing things for you, changing how you viewed the sky people. Because of him, Grace was allowed back in the village, the children welcoming her again. You had never noticed how much the children enjoyed being around her. He had given you a sense of hope, and you cherished that.
When you decided he was ready to initiate himself as a hunter, you told him what needed to be done. All hunters had to go through taming an ikran, and so he would as well. Tsu’tey, who still was scorned by Jake’s presence was overly eager about it, marveling at the thought of him failing what he thought was too difficult a feat, at least for an alien like Jake.
Jake and the other warriors set off to the home of the ikran in the Floating Mountains. The trek was long and arduous, and once you arrived, the hope for a break was far from possibility, Tsu’tey electing for Jake to go first. You arrived in time on your ikran, unmounting and following Jake, gently coaching him on what to do.
“How will I know if it’s chosen me?”
“He will try to kill you.” You said simply, walking carefully along the edge of the rocks.
“Outstanding.” Jake let out, which made you laugh.
Tsu’tey was enjoying himself as he watched Jake struggle on the ikran, laughing along with the other warriors, who were only matching his behavior to please him.
When the ikran sent Jake flying over the edge, you didn’t hesitate running toward him, calling his name. But, this was Jake, no fear in his eyes or his heart. He pushed himself back up, flinging himself onto the ikran and finally making the bond.
You breathed, grinning proudly at Jake, “The first flight seals the bond. Hurry! You cannot wait. Think “fly,” You urged, pushing the ikran forward.
“Fly?” Jake asked, sparking the bond and sending him off the ledge.
You called for your ikran excitedly, following after Jake, much to the dismay of Tsu’tey, who looked at you and him with distaste.
Once you found Jake, he was laughing, his expression shrouded in an excited disbelief over the feeling of flying. Catching sight of you, his smile seemed to get bigger and he looked at you, his eyes dripping with a loving affection you didn’t quite notice, the happiness you felt being in the air shielding you.
You weren’t sure how long you and Jake were in the air for but each moment sent ripples of irrevocable joy to your entire body. The two of you flew so in sync, your movements complementing one another as you both would work against the wind, dodging everything in your path and even doing tricks along the way. Once the two of you landed, Jake turned your way, his eyes sparkling at you. You were laughing so jovially, and hearing it, Jake felt like his heart was going to melt.
“You’re totally into her.” Norm blurted, taking a bite of his eggs as he gave Jake a mischievous grin.
“Okay, fine, I am, but is that so wrong?” Jake admitted nonchalantly, taking a big bite of his breakfast before leaving the table and heading to his pod.
Norm followed after him, “Actually, yes, it is. Did you forget she’s the chief’s daughter? She is basically betrothed to that other guy.”
Jake shook his head, “Why aren’t they a mated pair yet then?” Norm opened his mouth to protest, but the question stumped him, stopping him in his tracks
Jake let out a laugh, opening his pod and lifting himself into it, “See? Now would you stop standing there and help me get back? I wouldn’t wanna miss my birthday.”
The Na’vi say that people are born twice. The second time is when you are accepted as one of The People. Forever.
You helped Jake before his initiation, painting his body carefully. When you reached his heart, you looked up at him and he smiled, sending butterflies to your stomach. You shyly looked away, continuing to paint. You both remained silent, taking in each other’s presence and just savoring the moment alone. When you painted over his lips, you let your hand linger for a moment, a twinge of temptation creeping through your body, heat finding itself within you. Looking up, Jake was eyeing you hungrily, that same temptation laying its rest onto him. Removing your fingers, you wiped your hands off onto the edge of the bowl, getting up.
“It is time.”
Watching as your mother and father welcomed him, you began to cry, but you quickly wiped your tears as Jake approached, the ceremonial laying of the hands beginning as he approached. Your father, placing his hands on Jake’s shoulders announced he was a son of the Omaticaya, and you placed your hand on his heart, causing him to turn to you. You gave him an adoring smile and your mother, placing her hands on him, smiled at him too. Altogether, the Omaticaya welcomed Jake and as he took in the scene, he turned to you again, gratefulness fully evident as he stared at you.
Night fell by the time you began your journey to the Tree of Souls, laughing along the way when Jake would playfully mess with your tail as he trailed behind, trying to keep up with you. As you approached, the ground glowed with every step, the colorful luminescence of the tree, brightening the darkness around you. Taking his hands into yours, you guided him into the heart of the tree.
“This is a place for prayers to be heard.” You paused, letting go of his hand and taking hold of the tree’s purple hanging leaves, “And sometimes answered.” You said, connecting your queue with them, closing your eyes as you could hear your ancestors.
“We call these trees Utraya Moktri. Tree of Voices. The voices of our ancestors.”
Jake did the same, pure awe in his expression, “I can hear them.” Disconnecting the bond, you walked over to him.
“They live Jake,” You said proudly, “Within Ewya.”
“You are Omaticaya now.” You began, placing your hand on his chest, “You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree.” You paused, the next part was suddenly difficult for you to say, “And you may choose a woman.” You maintained your gaze for a moment staring into his eyes, uncertainty and sadness flickering as you searched for any indication that maybe he felt as you did. But, you could not decipher his expression, so you turned away.
“We have many fine women.” You let out, “Ninat is best singer.”
Jake’s eyes never left your figure, his eyes exploring every inch of you, “But I don’t want Ninat.”
You smiled, “Beyral is good hunter.”
“Yeah, she is a good hunter.” You quickly faced him, surprise flashing in your eyes that quickly turned to a sadness. He must like Beyral, you thought.
“I’ve already chosen,” Jake spoke softly, and you looked up, your lips turning upright as his gaze casted away your doubt. He stepped forward, “But this woman must also choose me.”
You smiled widely, your eyes turning to crescent moons, “She already has.”
Jake’s eyes went straight to your lips, slowly taking your cheek into his hand as he leaned in. Softly, he connected his lips with yours, the touch igniting the fire which already burned for you. He pulled you back in, the passion in your kiss, once embers, now hot flames as he took grip of your waist, pulling you closer to him, his tongue exploring the inside of your mouth, yearning for bliss as you tightened one of your hands onto his neck, your other hand undoing the cloth around his waist. He did the same for you, letting the cloth fall to the ground as he lovingly let his hands brush down from the top of your back to the base of your tail. He took hold of your thighs firmly, a moan escaping from your mouth in response. Breathlessly, he pulled away from your lips, lowering himself onto the luminescent earth underneath you. As he sat himself down with you on top of him, he took in every inch of you, taking off your chest piece and nuzzling his face there, kissing the space that lay exposed in front of him. You tousled his hair, moans escaping as he let his tongue brush against your nipples, the sensation sending endless tingles down to your core. He let his kisses cascade upward to your neck, his hands inching further past your navel and to your folds, which seeped with pools of arousal.
He let his fingers slip through, sending a shot of ecstasy that made you lift yourself from his lap.
“Jake.” You moaned, gripping onto his back tighter as he kept going.
“You like that?” His voice was husky and deep, deeper than usual and when you looked into his eyes, you saw the hunger, the mixture of love and lust in his irises as he pushed his fingers in further, his thumb, rubbing on your prepuce, shooting bursts and bursts of pleasure through your entire body.
“Mhm.” Was all you could manage as you touched your forehead to his, moving your hips in rhythm with his fingers as he worked in and out. You stayed like this for a little, on the verge of bliss with every movement, until finally you reached it, Jake connecting your lips with his as your moan escaped you.
Laying you down, he kept his lips connected to yours and you reached down, ghosting your fingers on his chest until you reached his phallus, stroking it slowly, lovingly, the motion prompting Jake to groan. You smiled into his kiss, satisfied with his response as you brought your hands to his back again. Lowering himself further, closing the already nonexistent space between the two of you, he pushed into you, your toes curling as he took control of the pace, slowing at first before letting his impassioned hunger take over, the fire reignited once again as he pushed in and out of you, proving with every motion how much he desired you, and only you. Your heat could not be tamed either, building and building as he pushed in you, your own hunger taking a stand, finally taking over as you pushed him onto his back, catching him off guard. You leaned in, kissing and sucking at his neck as you let your hips take over, rocking sinfully on top of him, your hands tracing over his arms as you moved.
“Y/n,” he moaned breathlessly, keeping a firm grasp on your backside as he watched your body move up and down, the feeling of bliss ebbing and flowing in a perfect harmony that could only be achieved with you.
You felt it in you too, your threshold to continue slowly emptying, the rapture between the two of you almost fulfilled with every sway in your hips. Not wanting things to end so soon, you slowed down, pressing your lips onto his, gently this time, and as you did, it was this that sent Jake to his euphoric rapture, the change in pace taking over his body as he released into you. You laid silent, hearing each other’s breath as he wrapped his arms tightly around you.
“Jake.” You breathed, your voice amorous.
He sat up slowly, his eyes fixated on you.
“Yes?” He was starry-eyed looking at you, his eyes filled with so much love for you that it seemed as if it could spill out and still have so much left.
You placed your forehead to his, the touch enlightening your very being, “I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for life.”
“You mated with this woman?” Tsu’tey spat, sending fiery glares to Jake. The Omaticaya clan all gathered, disbelief rang through as whispers were spoken underneath the Hometree.
“Is this true?” Your mother asked, her shock coated on her voice.
“We are mated before Ewya. It is done.”
“Brother, I—“ Jake began, putting his hands up to make peace. But, Tsu’tey was too angry.
“I am not your brother.” Charging at Jake and pushing him to the ground and taking his knife out.
You grabbed onto Tsu’tey, throwing him off Jake and taking your stance to protect him.
“You will not touch him.” You warned.
The voice of your father echoed through the silence of the crowd. “You have brought great shame to us, to your people!”
You looked at Jake, whose expression was apologetic as he looked back at you, but you knew what you wanted. What you wanted was him, and you were not going to allow the others to shame you after they accepted him as one of their own.
“Jake is Omaticaya. He is one of us.” You yelled out, keeping your eyes on Tsu’tey who scoffed.
He shot a disgusted look at you, “How could you? Knowing what he is. What his kind have done to our people?”
Again, he approached forward, but you hissed at him. Looking around cautiously for anyone else who wanted to challenge you.
“Y/n.” The sound of Jake’s gentle voice stirring your aggression.
You looked over your shoulder at him, only for your eyes to be taken above you, You saw the seeds of the Tree of Souls descending once again, this time adorning the both of you. You dropped your knife as countless of them floated gracefully onto you and your Jake, your mother and father wonderstruck at the sight.
“You see?” You cast your eyes on the seeds that landed on you, “Jake is one of us.”
Unexpectedly, your parents approached him, looking at one another. Your father’s gaze on Jake, softening, “I see you, Jake Sully” then turning to you, he smiled, “And I see you, my daughter.”
The seeds, almost as if they were waiting for those words, began to float away, graciously taking their leave as the eyes of the Omaticaya followed.
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hnymon · 1 year
In the forest where no one can see (Jake sully x F!reader) ((NSFW warning))
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Pandora was your dream, it always has been, to get away from earth and explore something new. And now you got that chance. You have studied nature on earth for so many years, you even got an award for it, so when you got an offer to come with and study pandora, you of course agreed.
Working with the team was a blessing, you meet so many nice people before you left for your base inside pandoras forests. However, at the time, one of your friends found your base and decided to stay for a bit, the only difference is that he is now very big, and very blue. What could ever happen?
This takes place slightly before the main events of Avatar, jake sully has still gotten his na'vi body, and it may feel bad for some, but jake falls in love with you and not neytiri, however, they remain friends, and just maybe she falls for you too 🤭
Also this is a old chapter just posted here cause why not, my writing skills have improved and won't be cringe 😔✋️
Also this is a nsfw of His na'vi form and you, but as a human, so if that's not your cup of tea then scroll ❤️
Back when you were a child, you were always told you would fail, that what you would learn would not matter in the future.You decided to shove those thoughts up their asses and prove them otherwise.
The soft humming from the outside made you sit up in your bed, the air felt humid despite the planet you were on, it was still dark in the room as you stood up, the soft blanket sliding off your body as you made your way to the sealed shut window. Once your feet made contact with the floor, the hair on your arms stood up, you could feel your arms getting cold now but you leaned forward to look outside. It was yet morning, and the glowing plants you had planted outside on the small window seal glowed so very pretty against your window. Back when you were a child, being on a planet like pandora would be a dream only, but here you are. Creatures were flying around outside, their small voices were muffled out due to the window, but your eyes would follow their movements with a smile, how beautiful.
Your attention was snapped back to reality as you heard the beeping of your computer in the other room, turning your head slightly, your gaze drifted onto the screen that could be barely seen from where you stood. You recognize that face even if it's tiny. It was Dr grace.
You quickly grabbed the blanket on the floor and tied it around your wrist, hiding your underwear from the world, once done, you quickly made your way to the bed and threw over the other blanket on the floor, making the bed look decent. once finished, you started to speed walk into the small living room and quickly sat down in front of the grey computer, unlike some people. holograms never were your thing, you enjoyed the comfort of a typical computer. With quick use of your fingers on the keyboard, graces face popped up with a cheery smile, she quickly said your name before she put down what looked to be a lot of papers on her desk, and you could see some people in the background passing by, giving grace a good morning, guess they all got woken up early aswell
“Sorry for calling out of nowhere, I could use some company when I write these papers” She stated as you sat down, holding your arms on your knees, a simple smile was given from you “That's fine, glad I was the first person you decided to call,” you said while you looked down under the table, taking out a hairbrush. Grace simply laughed at you, a sweet laugh, however.
“don't tell me you just woke up, shouldn't you write those assignments, you know we need more information about site 32” She said while pushing the stack of papers to the side, tilting closer to the screen “And here I thought you were gonna write Your papers miss, but I assure you, I will be heading out to the site later today, I just deserved a small break this morning, was a tough day yesterday” you said with a sigh as the brush combed its way in your hair. “Tough day? don't tell me..do you intend on befriending that creature?” She said with a slightly raised voice, not angry but confused, you only stared back at her before you tilted your head to the side.
“I mean, it's going better now, it's not often a thanator gets close to you and doesn't Immediately attack you, I just gave it some food, no big deal, I had a way to escape so it worked out just fine,” You said with a small laugh, your eyes going over her face, despite her age, you found her still beautiful, as she kept saying minor curses that you should be careful and everything, your eyes would focus on the window, the forest was so pretty, you could never get over that. Your chat with grace lasted for a while as the sun started to light up the forest, aswell as your room. Grace had mentioned that they showed some of the new walkers their avatars the other day and that she was currently writing some stuff about it.
At this point you were laying down on the couch, chewing on some fruits you managed to pick from the forest, non-lethal of course, with a small sigh you scooted up on your sidearm and looked at the screen, Grace was writing on her notes while drinking some coffee, you both enjoyed to keep each other company even if none spoke, it was a comfort that you both enjoyed, just knowing someone is there for you.
A loud shake rattled out in your base, causing you to sit up straight with wide eyes, the teacup you had earlier almost spilled over the table, making you attempt to catch it, only to hold your hands in the air. Grace noticed your sudden movements and put down her pen, looking at the screen closer “Deary what's wrong? you alright?” Grace asked, worry hitting her eyebrows as you looked around, the sounds stopped so you looked down at your computer again, moving closer to it “I apologize to grace, I just heard something, I call you back later alright,” you said as you leaned over and closed the video call, despite graces words that you should not. Standing up, you secured the blanket closer to your body, making it look like a long skirt as you walked away from the couch, it was silent, did you mishear something?
No, you definitely heard something, the ground shaked under you before. You moved towards the corner of the room, picking up a machete that was leaning against one of the wooden boxes with food, the machete you were given by the soldiers before you left, they told you to only use it if necessary. Feeling its heavyweight in your hand gives you a small kind of comfort.
Your hands tightened around it as you walked towards the sealed shut door, feeling a part of your legs shiver, was it a beast? maybe the thanator that followed after you yesterday, once you got close to the door, you double checked it, the door consisted of two parts, airtight to make sure the air you had inside would not get out, the chamber serving as a break to close the first door, then the last one, the one you stood next to, leading into your base.
The first door started to make noise, making you hold the machete tighter, soon it started to crack open, which caused you to half stumble back. Fingers were pulling it open before you could progress what just happened, you were staring back at a na’vi, it was slightly hard to see but from the looks of it, the na´vi was struggling with the door, it pushed the door fully open resulting in light shining in. The na´vi wore clothes like humans, this caused you to lower your machete onto the ground with a sigh, feeling a small ache in your knuckles from holding it so hard.
It was one of your team then. The na’vi was struggling to fit in the small space betwine both doors, it was almost cruel to watch as he tried to gather his long legs, and it was not long until he looked towards you, the glass hiding you with a blurry image. Moving to the keypad next to the door, you typed in the password, allowing the door to slide open with ease. The na’vi looked at you now that you were in view before he climbed past, well, crawled you would say.
“Do forgive me but why are you here? Shouldn't you be at the base?” You questioned the man in front of you as you put away the machete back in the corner. His eyes connected with yours before he let a big toothy smile come out, this made you squint your eyes slightly, but once your name left his lips you looked stunned “Jake?” You questioned as you went closer to him, oh lord was he tall, grace never mentioned he was the one who got into his avatar yesterday.
If he wanted to, he could very easily pick you up with zero effort. “Sorry for bursting in here out of nowhere, look! I can walk” He stated in a very happy voice, his tail swaying behind him, you only laughed slightly as you walked towards him, jake had to crouch down onto his knees to fit in your living room. "yeah I noticed that you are soo big!" You laughed out as you stood next to him, putting your hand next to his shoulder.
"Yeah this is awesome, man you should have seen it! I was able to do so much" he stated as he shifted to the side slightly, however in doing so, his tail accidentally knocked down one of the containers of plants you collected before, and the ruckus snapped you out from comparing his arm to your own as you watched some of the seeds you collected scramble over the floor. "I'm so sorry, still getting used to this body" jake said with a small innocent chuckle as he watched the seeds roll on the floor.
you waved your hand with a small smile, signaling that it was fine before you quickly tried to get around him, but so did he, as you stood next to the fallen container and the seeds, he tried to move around to help, but he does more harm than good, before you could even pick up the container to begin collecting the seeds, he has accidentally knocked you over, making a sorry sound as he tried to grab you before you meet the floor, but alas, he was too late.
You felt pain as your ass meet the hard floor, and a loud hiss came out from your lips “oh lord that fucking hurt,” You said as your eyes shifted up to jake, however, something was wrong, he just sat there, his yellow eyes looking at you “dude what's wrong? you can't just move around like that, this place is meant for humans normally, not big blue cat men” You said before your hands went around to grab the container, the silence was almost confusing for you, as your eyes landed back on jake, you noticed how he quickly avoided eye contact “jake, is something wrong” you asked, making him look at your face for a moment before his hand pointed downwards, confused, you looked down. The blanket.
Heat raised onto your cheeks as you quickly scrambled down to pick up the blanket, curse your laziness to put on clothes, and cursed blankets for being so comfy to have around your body. “You saw nothing! You hear me!” You shouted out as your cheeks felt like they were on fire, with some quick movements, you placed all the seeds in the container, avoiding eye contact with the avatar next to you. The container was placed back on its spot as you half ran to the side of the room, pressing a few buttons.
The blanket was held tightly against your body as the floor opened in a corner of the room, once it beeped out twice, you quickly started to push jake towards the opened entrance in the floor “Just! just go down there! It’s bigger than this place so you should be able to fit” You blurted out, Jake muttered a small apology as he started himself to crawl over to the entrance, the entrance is a tad small but he could squeeze in rather easy so it did not take long before he jumped down into a much larger room, with a loud thump on the floor, he looked up at you with his ears pointed downwards, but you paid no attention to that as you left him there and sprinted to your room to get dressed. - Jake felt like a fool, he could still feel his heartbeat pounding against him, he did not intend on knocking you down, nor did he intend to stare for so long, his hands went to his neck as he tried to calm down. Sure he always liked you but seeing you like that made his head spin, his eyes glanced down noticing his tail swaying left and right, causing him to grip it and hold it still. Once it stopped moving, He held his hands on his face, dragging them along his face and making tired noises.
It was good that his body could hide his blush. his attention soon went to look around, his head tilting up at the lights on the roof, then down to the normal area. it was a decently large room, big enough so he could stand up, the number of boxes made sense to him as this looked to be a storage room, his eyes looking at different containers. it did not take long before he walked over to a few of them, with a few strides with his long legs, he got up to a shelve with different size containers. jake started to look at them all, turning a few of the upside-down. his fingers started to trace over the surface of one container with a blue lid. Eiry flowers were the label on it, his curiosity got the better of him. As they say, curiosity killed the cat, well, in this case, curiosity killed the blue cat.
He sat down on the floor in front of the shelf, holding the small container in his large hands, it was hard to get up, but only due to how big his fingers were. His legs started to feel slightly cold from the metal floor, however, his mind was focused on the container. His ears twitched slightly as he attempted to open it once again, but it popped open with a little effort, he was strong after all. His eyes scanned the inside, but the only thing he saw was a ball-looking thing, not very flowery according to him.
Hesitantly, he looked closer before he carefully grabbed it, the soft texture felt like a balloon from earth, it had a pretty color aswell, a pink tone mixed with a blue hue. He grabbed the container again from the floor and attempted to put it back, but he accidentally pressed too hard on the flower, causing it to burst. A yellow-looking powder shot out from it and into the air, his mouth widen slightly as he leaned backward and he soon squinted his eyes fast before the powder struck him in the eyes, however, he accidentally inhaled it, causing him to cough out a few times.
He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, some of the powder falling off his face. His eyes looked down at the flower, it was destroyed, he felt a slight panic rise up in his chest before he placed the destroyed flower back and closed the lid, some yellow powder falling off his shirt as he did. With a few nervous glances around the room, he moved to stand up.
His eyes would glance down to his legs as he attempted to stand up, however, he noticed that his legs wobbled once he stood up. a pain shot its way into his head, causing him to stumble forward, almost dropping the container. His tail swayed around with the occasional twitching as he held his head tightly with both hands, his body felt warm, he looked around the storage room before he tried to make his way back to the ladder leading up to your base. Forgetting the container he left on the floor - While jake was down in the storage, doing his own thing, sounds could be heard from the bedroom you owned. Oh look at that, you were laying on the bed breathing in as you attempted to put on some jeans, you were positive these fitted and you know very well you had not gained any weight. They finally snapped together making you breathe out and stand up. your hands were still on your hips as adjusted the jeans slightly, and the black shirt you still wore would remain on your body.
Your mind tried to ignore the feeling you got when he looked at you back then, I mean, you always liked jake, you truly have, however it is still embarrassing to let him see everything accidentally. With a sigh, you left your bedroom wearing some easy soft shoes you found and headed towards the entrance you left jake at. The shoes made a few squeaking noises as you walked on the hard surface, and it did not take long before you stood before the entrance. You felt your body twist slightly as you looked down.
That's odd, jake is no longer right under it, had he moved away from there? Slowly sitting down on the edge, you gripped the ladder and started to go down, one step at a time. you could hear the engines working on the side of the room, good, that means your oxygen would not run out yet. a small thud sounded in the room as you jumped down the last bit, and you soon turned around. You did not see him right away, but after walking a few steps forward, you spotted him by some of your containers.
Your mind drifted to the incident before, and you did not want him to accidentally knock down the containers, or even worse, the whole shelf “hey! be careful around those, I thought you knew better than to explore the stuff I collect- jake?” your voice changed slightly in the end as you got closer, there was jake, standing tall before you, however, he acted oddly, his ears were pointed downwards and his tail was wagging very fast, what caught your interest the most was how his fangs could be seen while he held his mouth open, and drool coming out from his mouth. your posture slightly shrunk under his gaze as you looked behind him, your eyes looking down on the floor, noticing the container with the signature flower marking. The Eiry flowers, oh lord.
Your head instantly shot up and looked at him, you had to tilt it a lot to be able to look at him now “Listen to me, I just assume you touched those flowers, very bad” You stated as he crouched down in front of you, your eyes noticing how his muscles shifted under his blue skin “What do you mean by bad? why do I feel like this?” he stated, his dilated pupils looking right at you, or right through you. This flower, it’s not poisonous in say, but it still is very bad.
Your tongue pressed down slightly against your jaw as your fingers scratched the side of your cheek “Not bad like that, its, these flowers are like an aphrodisiac, however, they don't actually control your own thoughts, it enhance already existing feelings, however, it can still make your body feel things” You stated as you turned around, not wanting to look at him.
You could already feel your heartbeat start to pound harder against your chest “I have the antidote in one of the boxes, please, just wait here” You stated quickly as your legs started to move towards a small area in the corner, but something stopped you, looking behind, jake had grabbed your arm, not hard, but a firm grip. “Don't go, just stay for a moment” He choked out as he pulled you backward, now, a normal person would have freaked out if an alien started to pull them down with them on the floor, you, however, always had a small thing for aliens, but not only that, this was jake, the person you been in love with for a very long time now.
The blush crept up on your face as he placed you on his lap, his arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled into your neck. You let out a few noises of surprise as you relaxed onto his chest, it was like laying on a bed, warm.
This felt absurd, he is so much bigger than a normal human, and you could feel your legs starting to tingle. As you looked to the side, you noticed how his head was still nuzzling into your neck, but the notice of his tail caught your attention, it smacked against some of the containers, not enough for them to fall down but enough to make you worry. Your thoughts soon disappeared as you could feel how he purred against you, making your hair stand up on every part of your body. “jake, listen, you need to calm down” You stated as you tried to get out of his grip, your body felt like it was on fire.
However, his grip only tightened around you, before he laid down on his back, still holding you so very close to his body “don't go...I love you so much” He said, his eyes now looking into your own, they seemed to have returned to normal, but the effects are still on him. but only one thought echoed inside your mind, he loved you back. soon you slowly gave up and scooted so you laid on top of him, your chest pressing up against his body as you hugged him back, hiding your face on his chest.
He was so very warm, you glanced back up at him “I love you too, but please, you need the antidote, I don't want you to do something against your own will-” You tried saying, however, he only looked at you before his hands softly grabbed your head, their grasp almost covering your entire head “This is all on me, there is no flower telling me what my feelings are, I have loved you for over a year, please, help me” he whined out before his lips crashed themself onto yours, shock drove over you. The kiss was confusing but welcomed, his hands caressed your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. it was an odd feeling, you won't lie, his lips are slightly bigger than yours and on occasion, you would feel his sharp teeth scrape against your lips.
You closed your eyes as you shifted your position, your arms going around his neck, he softly released your lips from his as his eyes just looked at you, for him, you looked devine, he felt no regrets. His intention to come here in the first place was after all to ask you out, but now, he believes it might go somewhere else. His hands wandered down to your hips as his lips traveled down to your neck, you let out a small yelp as he licked the left side of your flesh, your blush was over your entire face, which he thought was cute, however, his attention went somewhere else. Your hands gripped onto his over arms as he pressed you down slightly against him.
for a moment he whispered your name before he bit your shoulder softly, his canine teeth not fully breaking the skin, but enough to leave a mark. You could feel your insides churning around, you were getting aroused from this, but thoughts began to shove their way into your mind.
How would this even work, do they even have a.. your thoughts were interrupted as you started to feel something press against your clothed sex, and a small groan came from jake as his tail kept smacking against the floor. Oh, well that answered your question, he wanted this aswell, he told you so. You bit your lip slightly as you moved forward, and then back again, grinding yourself on whatever had poked you.
The friction made you let out a small moan, and soon his hot breath against your neck increased instantly “please- don't tease me” he whispered as one of his hands moved up again along your body, but this time, it went under your shirt, you felt yourself growing more and more curious, so you let him. His large hand soon found its way to your breasts, gripping it slightly, while the other hand sneaked its way into your jeans, however, it seemed to have a small issue as they were tight against your flesh.
The sound of your jeans button popping off made you flinch, but once his hand sneaked down your pants, the button was no longer a concern. it was like electricity shot from you as you let out a small moan, which only caused jake to bite your shoulder again, his tongue pressing against your skin each time his teeth rasped against you, his arms held you firmer pushing you closer to him. No more words were said at this point, only soft panting and small moans that came from both of you.
His fingers would tweak your nipple at times, his large hand switching from mound to mound while his other hand held a tight grip on the side of your ass. You had your head nuzzled up against the side of his head, your breath echoing next to his ears. You had to do something to feel any kind of friction, at this point your mind was going insane, the feeling of his large hands on your body made you want more, so you started to grind on his clothed member slightly harder.
The first thing you noticed was how wet you actually were, however, it was an annoying feeling how you could only sense a little part of him against you, with some trembling hands you pushed yourself closer to him, kissing the side of his ears your words echoed into his mind, making him shiver under you “jake..take them off..please” You half begged as you moved your arm downwards to your own pants, but his hold on you made it tough. A small chuckle from his lips made your cheeks flare up once again, as his eyes looked into yours “of course love, I just need to-” he said before he removed his hands from your body, making you whine as they left you, however, they returned soon enough, only to flip you down on your back and with him on top of you.
His size alone made you excited, a normal person would be terrified, you, you have never been normal. His hands gripped his own shirt as he tore it off, his body looked slightly different from a human, but it still held a few humanoid qualities, which on its own was attractive to look at. He shook his hair slightly as he leaned to the side slightly, using his large hands to lift you up and close to his chest, almost like you were a newborn child. A small yelp left your lips as he held you close "easy now.." Jake said with a small chuckle as he moved the shirt down onto the floor, with a few tweaks with his hand, it looked like a blanket enough for your body to lay on.
He kissed your forehead before he laid you down on his shirt, he stretched his arms slightly before he sat on his knees above you. He looked down on you again, with so much love in his eyes as he slowly inched his hands closer to your own shirt, he hovered them over the fabric, waiting for your permission.
Your excitement was above the roof, and with a quick nod from you, he pulled off the soft fabric from your body, you have never been a person to enjoy a bra in the first place, he knew that from way back so it was not a surprise for him to see your bare chest, after all, just moments ago he had fondled with them.
He soon returned to his original missions, the fabric that was holding a part of your body hostage that he so deeply needed. he leaned down and softly kissed you again, pressing his tongue slightly against your lips, you allowed him, kissing him back as good as you could, he was so careful to make sure you did not choke on his tongue.
His fingers had squeezed their way into your jeans, hooking the edge of your underwear and jeans at the same time, and as you both kissed, he slowly tried to get them off you, but they still holder a tight grip on your thighs, making him slightly growl at the annoying fabric. Breaking the kiss, you moved your legs up to assist him, making it easier for him to remove your clothing, and soon enough, your body was on display for him.
His eyes wandered down and he could feel his entire body burning with lust, and the aching feeling from his cock only made him pant in excitement “Listen..I need you, so bad” he stated as his hands made their way to your exposed pussy, spreading it apart, you ached your back slightly, you were so sensitive. "That's fine, just..be careful" You stated after you relaxed again. His ears flicked slightly at your sounds as he soon pushed his finger inside you, bigger than a normal finger, it caused you to moan out slightly. It was obvious why he was doing this. he was preparing you.
After a few thrusts with his middle finger, he quickly inserted another finger, enough for him, but for you, it felt like four fingers were inside of you, slick wetness started to make noise around the storage room as he moved his two fingers around inside you, while his third focused on the sensitive nub that caused the main pleasure.
Your hands would grip his shoulders as you moaned out, the odd feeling inside felt wonderful, the way his fingers curled up against your walls, reaching in places your own hands could not and god was he gorgeous to look at, the way his eyes were focused on your own the entire time, the way his sharp teeth showed themself after every pant he made. it did not take long before you ached your back up, you could feel an orgasm starting to form. With some pants and moans, you began to grind yourself on his fingers, jake took notice of this and removed his fingers from inside you, making you whine out in annoyance. He only laughed slightly at you before he put the fingers inside his mouth.
You stared in awe as you witnessed him cleaning his fingers of your arousal, his tail making an odd movement at the same time. His braid fell forward as he removed his fingers from his mouth "I won't lie, you taste good" he said with a smirk, you felt your breath hitch as his teeth with that smirk appeared. He climbed back above you, his shadow covering your entire body. His eyes glanced down slightly before his hand went towards his own pants. You could hear how he fiddled with the buttons and then the zipper. Your breath almost stopped as he slowly pulled out what you would assume, would be a na’vis reproductional organ, or in human terms, a dick.
You made a slight laugh, causing him to return his gaze towards your face “What so funny?” he questioned as he used one of his hands around his cock, and the other one to lift your lower body up slightly “nothing, just never even knew you would have one of those” you said, your eyes scanning it, it was hard to see fully due to the slight darkness of the room, but you could tell it was blue and pointy, which is something you were not used to.
He only laughed himself as he moved you closer to him, the tip teasing your folds slightly, making you groan at the friction, stopping yourself from grinding on it “Yeah neither did I, but kinda glad I got one that I can use” He said before he pressed his forehead against you, a sweet gesture, for a moment you held his cheeks with your hands, with a small effort you kissed his nose "I love you" You said with a small smile, your eyes connecting with his own. He looked so happy and he truly was.
You were both still at the shelf, but during your moving around on the floor, things had turned darker around you. it was almost like his skin was glowing. Your arms went around his neck as you nodded slightly, giving him the alright to continue. You could feel how he shifted above you as he lowered himself down just a tiny bit, making his cock push itself past your folds, the tip entering your walls, you closed your eyes slightly, it would fit, you were not too tight, after all, you wanted and were aroused by every move he made.
Jake kissed your cheeks as he slowly pushed more of him inside you, kissing up any tear that fell out, he knew this would hurt slightly at the start, but he would make sure you were alright. You, on the other hand, felt like your entire body would break, you tried large toys before back on earth, but nothing is fully like the real thing, you felt how it pulsated inside you, making you let out small moans as your nails dug themself into his skin “You are doing great love” he reassured you as his tail wrapped itself around your leg, a calming gesture once again. Once fully inside you, he stayed still, allowing you to breathe for a few minutes. You both laid there in the storage room, his words were the only thing that entered your ears, after a few minutes you breathed out one last time with your eyes closed.
You opened them again and nodded your head, He smiled slightly before he leaned down once again, bringing your lips to his own as he slowly pulled out of you, before he thrust back inside, your body was rocked forward as he held you in place, his kiss kidnapping any moan that left your mouth. His hand held your body flush against his as he started to thrust at a steady pace, your walls clenching around him causing him to release his mouth from yours. Moans left both you and him, even if he tried to stop his own from coming out, the flower made him so sensitive.
Your eyes wandered onto his face, he had his eyes closed and an open mouth, once in a while you noticed how his ears would twitch each time you let out a moan. Your breasts were bouncing slightly back and forth as his thrust started to increase, and he soon wrapped his arms around your entire body, pulling you up slightly. With the new position, you could feel him hit your cervix, the feeling making your moans louder.
The sounds you both made echoed out in the storage room, you could hear everything so clearly, and so could he. You started to beg him to go faster, panting it out close to his ears, if you weren't so deeply focused on his cock thrusting inside your body, you would have heard how much he was purring, however, it was drowned out by the sounds of your own moans.
His hands traveled around your body as he started to speed up his thrusts, you could feel how your orgasm was closing in as your walls tightened against him. The feeling of him pushing against your walls every second made you squirm around in his grasp, as one of your hands gripped his hair slightly making him groan against your flesh.
You pulled him closer to your neck as your moans increased “I’m close- jake, more..ah” you moaned out louder, you could feel the bubble growing inside of you, Jake sat down onto his knees, moving you with him until you were bouncing on top of him together with his upward thrusting, this angle made both of you moan even louder, his tail had let go of your legs, as it was wagging behind him fast.
You did not have much time to think, you wanted him inside you so you wrapped your legs around him and locked themself together. jakes panting next to your ear was erotic, and not long after he started burry his face onto your shoulder, his moves started to get sloppier by the second, and soon enough, you could feel him shoot his warm seed inside you. "good girl..you take me so well" He moaned out as he thrusted slightly faster against your cervix.
The hot seed filled you up, splashing against your walls and cervix, this caused your own orgasm to take place. He bit into your other shoulder as he rode out his orgasm with your own, his large arms wrapped around your body. Soon, you were both panting, you felt so very tired, you could barely keep your eyes open as he slowly slid out of your hole. The cum dripping out of you, the feeling of it sliding against your skin made you moan slightly again
“man... I sure hope the na’vi and humans don't have close enough DNA to make the other one pregnant” you muttered out slightly as you nuzzled your face against his neck, kissing his perfect blue skin, jake layed down again with you on the floor, he was panting hard with closed eyes, before his smile returned, showing his teeth “I doubt that” he said before he laid on his back, pulling you on top of him.
You both looked into each other eyes, no words needed to be said, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it over your naked body, and together with it and his body, you started to get sleepy. He himself had felt the flower effects disappear a long time ago, he just wanted you for a bit longer. He stared up at the ceiling, his ears twitching slightly as the machine in the corner of the room kept making a buzzing noise. Soon enough, you were laying with your head on his shoulders with closed eyes, sleeping soundly. Jake decided that he could stay here for a bit longer before he woke you up from your sleep, you needed it.
He chuckled for himself before he nuzzled into your hair, breathing in your scent “I love you” he said before he closed his own eyes, just resting, not enough to pull him back to his human body, but enough so he could regain some energy. The storage room was silent now, the occasional snoring from you was the only thing making a sound alongside the buzzing of the oxygen machine. Oh how things can go on this planet. And none of you complained about it.
// Full fanfic and chapters will be posted on Ao3 first!
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hnymon · 1 year
authors note; PLEASE note that i started this with the vision of something else happening entirely. but i figured i wouldn't ruin the cute moment with something bad happening, so i'll save it for some other time.
i am not american, my mother tongue is NOT english!!
she/her used, will continue to be used unless requested otherwise.
theme; star gazing with Jake
warning; very corny starter
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our love was so great and rare, that it could simply not exist in any other dimension or universe. we were meant to be in a way that cannot be taught.
it cannot be recreated.
i was born into this world and jake was not. it was so strange, but it was so right. i never looked for love until i was staring at it - staring at him.
it was currently night. not too cold, not too hot. a perfect mixture of something in-between, as we were lying on the ground to look at the stars. well, one can argue that there isn't any stars on the sky and they would be correct – but it was still something we wanted to do, regardless of what you want to call it.
"Have you done this before?" Jake asked me as we layed down in the grass, looking over at me. I shook my head, following his lead down on the ground.
"No. I have never been bored enough." I said, smiling. it's true, i had not been bored enough to look up at the sky for hours and hours with no end. I'd grown up with this sky, i knew how beautiful it was. yes, it was very beautiful, and i loved it - watched it too - but never unless i was in bed looking up. Jake told me that didn't count as "sky gazing" - i laughed in his face. he had a way of getting the last word and finding a way around the fact to be correct.
"It doesn't move much, huh?" Jake said after we'd been lying there for a couple of minutes. I shook my head, though he wouldn't see it.
"No. But it is still very beautiful, don't you think?" I asked, still looking up. It was strange - i didn't usually like being still for too long. I preferred doing stuff. Move. however, I felt very safe around Jake. like nothing could harm us in any way. we were in our own bubble of safety when we were together. i protected him and he protected me.
In the cornor of my eye, I saw him turning his head to the side, looking at me.
"yeah." he began, "very beautiful."
with that, i turned my head to look at him too. i slowly let my head fall to the side he was on, quickly noticing the little space between us. but it had not startle me at all, or make me back up like i'd done before when we'd gotten very close.
when i turned, my eyes had been placed to look at his lips. though i was not one to complain, i slowly adjusted them to look him in the eye - but he was already looking into mine, causing my heart to skip a beat.
we just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, trapped in our own little world. we didn't always have to speak - the silence was comfortable and warm.
after a moment of silence, you could see jake's lip corners turning upwards and i couldn't help but follow his lead and do the same. Pretty soon we were smiling at each other like two dorks.
Then, a soft but very genuine laugh i was no longer able to keep away escaped through my teeth. as i laughed, i covered my face with my hands and looked up again – but jake did not laugh. he just kept grinning at me. As i slowly stopped, I looked over at him again. My smile slowly faded as i looked into his eyes and realised why i'd began laughing in the first place. i'd gotten nervous. jake sully had made me nervous by just looking into my eyes. so nervous, i hadn't even realised until it gotten a moment away.
Jake's smile slowly faded with mine, leaning his head forward. Automatically, I leaned mine towards his, shutting my eyes slowly.
Our bodies knew where to stop before we hit each other and broke the moment, our foreheads resting on each others now. it felt so comfortable and intimate. I felt his warm hand being put on my cheek, his thumb moving very slowly back and forward. I felt my blood rush to where he was holding on both sides of my face – if i wasn't blue, i'd be red.
very carefully, i leaned my jaw upward. i leaned it far enough up to reach his lips, kissing him ever so softly.
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i have gotten my first ever request from my last avatar ff, which i am so grateful for! for the person who wrote it: i am working something out to bring your suggestion justice 👾
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hnymon · 1 year
syulang -
pairing jake sully x human scientist reader (afab)
wc 1k
warnings p in v, size kink mentions, stomach bulge, s3x pollen
based off a req from @oyasumimosura <3
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after the war, you were one of the scientists allowed to stay back and continue studying pandora. you had gotten your own lab that was deeper in the forest so you could continue studying what you loved most, plants. as a botanist and biologist the world of pandora amazed you, even after a few years you would never cease to be starstruck at what you saw.
jake would occasionally stop by to visit. his insights as he became more knowledgeable on the forest were invaluable, but you also just liked seeing him. as he dropped by more, you could feel yourself falling for him more and more. it was futile though, you knew he would choose a na’vi woman eventually, especially as he became more settled in as the new olo’eyktan.
during one of his routine visits, you both climbed on top of your lab to watch the stars. he pointed various constellations out and rambled on about their symbolism. a few hours later, you were coming back down into your lab. while the lab could fit na’vi people in, the boxed space did make them prone to small accidents. you shouldn’t have been surprised when jake knocked off a jar as he was walking to the door. you laughed as you bent down to grab the jar and froze. of course. of course the one jar that would actually have consequences was the one knocked down.
“jake you should- you should leave, i don’t know how long it takes for this plants effects to fully wear off” you pressed your eyes shut, hoping he could leave before you embarrassed yourself
“jake you should- you should leave, i don’t know how long it takes for this plants effects to fully wear off” you pressed your eyes shut, hoping he could leave before you embarrassed yourself
“jake you should- you should leave, i don’t know how long it takes for this plants effects to fully wear off” you pressed your eyes shut, hoping he could leave before you embarrassed yourself
as you heard the door close you breathed a sigh of relief and opened your eyes only to see jake towering over you. he knelt down and raised a hand to cup your cheek, it almost covered half your skull. he brought you closer and brought his head to the crook of your neck. you could feel him inhale your scent and your eyes almost rolled back, you don’t know how long you could take it. it was too much. he was too much.
he pulled back and stared at you again, his face came closer before his lips brushed yours
“do you want me as much as i want you?” he whispered
you didn’t give him a verbal response, opting to instead grab his face and kiss him. you couldn’t help it, his voice, his face, his hands, it was all intoxicating. he kissed you back, quickly gaining dominance as he swiped his tongue on your bottom lip. when you whimpered he slipped his tongue in, you moaned as you felt him in your mouth, you couldn’t wait anymore. you both broke apart, panting. he grabbed at your shirt, you started unbuttoning it but he got impatient and ripped it. he tore off your bra and sighed as he laid you on the floor and started leaving kisses down your neck, making sure to leave marks, as he went down your chest and stomach he left a slew of purple and pink blotches. you were his and he was going to make sure everyone knew. eventually he got down to your stomach and you lifted your hips to help him take off your pants. he stepped out of his and youre eyes widened. he was big. too big. how was it going to fit? you’d come this far and now you wouldn’t even be able to go through with it. you were going to loose your mind.
his hands on your jaw broke you out of your minor panic, bringing you up so you could stare into his eyes.
“i’ve got you, don’t worry”
that was all you needed to relax again, you nodded and laid back as he started kissing your neck again. while doing that he began to tease your folds, sliding up and down before eventually pushing one in. you threw your head out and repressed a moan. he added another and started gently scissoring you open, once he felt your walls start to clamp down and your breathing become erratic, he pulled his fingers out. he brought them up to your mouth
you did what you were told, barely getting half of his finger in as you began to taste yourself. once he was satisfied, he took them out and pulled you on top of him. he aligned himself with your entrance and began pulling you down slowly. you felt a burning sensation as you began to descend, once you bottomed out the pain started fading into pleasure. you looked up at him, and saw he was glancing down. following his gaze you looked down to your stomach. his length was kissing your cervix, and bulging out. you could see the impression on your stomach. you grabbed his arm and looked at him, he started to move.
as he started pushing in and out you started seeing stars. he pulled all the way out only to slam back in. you’d never felt this full, he picked up the pace and put a hand on your waist, it wrapped all the way around. you couldn’t focus on anything besides the feeling of him inside your walls, you pushed your head into his neck, hoping to stifle your moans.
he caught on to what you were doing, and changed positions to where you were on the floor, hips never stilling. he came down to your ear, you felt his warm breath as he whispered
“don’t hold out on me, i wanna hear how good i make you feel” you arched your back, and started letting go. he started to move even faster, each thrust hitting your cervix, you felt your toes curl and let go. the pulsing of your walls caused him to finish not long after, and he pumped you full before pulling out.
you both caught your breath on the cool floor. as you turned over you began to laugh
“that’s some syulang”
(syulang = flower)
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hnymon · 1 year
「 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬. 」
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jake sully x na’vi/fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: nsfw(18+), minors dni. clit play, handjob, vaginal sex, really soft and passionate jake.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you find yourself falling in love with a dream walker: mating with him under the tree of voices.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is my first jake sully fic. the scenes are a bit tweaked just to make this a bit shorter but overall, it goes along with the script. i hope you all enjoy! reblogs & feedback are always appreciated, thank you so much
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jake sully was never on your to-do list. you would’ve never expected for him to ever even come close to the thing.
he was a dream walker and you were pure na’vi.
you were strictly his mentor, his guidance, ever since eywa had picked him. you taught him the skills of your people: to hunt, bond, and learn.
it wasn’t long until he picked up on your wave. sometimes, you’d think that he’d be better off mentoring you instead.
he was filled with determination, even with, what felt like the world, weighing on him.
“jake,” you whispered quietly, resting a hand onto his shoulder. he tensed up at the warmth of your palm, turning his head to face you.
his grip was still tight on the bow, but his focus stayed completely onto you. “nìk'ong.” your hand slid down his arm, angling the bow right at the target.
hovering beside his head, you let out the breath you were holding right as he let go of the string, piercing it right through the yerik.
whimpering away, jake quickly caught up to its bleeding body, thanking it for its sacrifice as his first kill on pandora.
a hand was softly placed on the creature’s limb before he dug the blade into its heart, letting eywa take hold of its spirit at last.
“oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo. ngari hu eywa salew tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu na'viyä hapxì.”
observing him closely, you watched as he slid the knife back into the sheath, letting out a quiet sigh of exhaustion.
“a clean kill,” you spoke, rubbing the yerik’s head, laying it on your lap. “you are ready, jake.”
pulling out the arrow from its heart, you reach for his hand, grazing it ever so slightly. you felt his eyes on you, burning holes into you.
“come, follow me.”
grabbing his hand, you jumped from branch-to-branch, keeping him close. you were on the tips of your toes, you’ve never felt so alive.
you ran across the forest, jake following shortly behind as your footsteps illuminated a pathway for him.
“slow down,” he laughed, trying to match your pace. you ignored his wishes, going even quicker.
“you need to be faster.” you shot back jokingly, turning around to tease him. “come on, we’re close.”
admiration was one of the many things jake sully had felt for you ever since he laid his eyes on you.
the way you’d smile to yourself whenever he made a stupid mistake trying to speak na’vi, the way you’d still manage to protect even as an outsider; a dream walker.
the way you’d scowl at his horrible earthling jokes that nobody ever laughed at, but you were the only one that paid attention to them.
“a bad reaction is still a reaction” as jake would say to you before you rolled your eyes at him.
but it wasn’t just your beauty, it was your wit. your strong beliefs, intentions to spread love outside and within yourself.
playing with the children, introducing him to them and being completely accepted like one of your own. it was like a big family he had earned back again. it felt like home.
you felt like home whenever he was around you, but those feelings could never be let out
or so you thought.
you finally made your way to utral aymokriyä (tree of voices), walking slowly through the bright, shining lights of the tree.
“we call these trees utral aymokriyä: the tree of voices.” you brought a string of leaves to your cheek, closing your eyes.
“the voices of our ancestors.”
the whispering of ancient na’vi voices could be heard as you continued to talk amongst them, acknowledging their presence in attendance.
jake stands closer to you now, brushing the tendrils away from your face to see you clearer.
clearing your throat, you turn yourself back around to avoid anything else to happen between the two of you. “you are omaticaya now. you may make your own bow from the wood of hometree.”
“and you may choose a woman.” your voice going dry, teary at most. your chest felt heavy, your heart nearly dropping to the bottom of your stomach.
“we have many fine women. ninat is the best singer-“
an expression of confusion can only make up jake’s face as he interrupts you before you could finish.
“i don’t want ninat.” he states strongly.
the attention was back onto you, struggling to come up with another reply. “there is beyral, she is a good hunter.” you said with your back faced towards him, refusing to show the sadness in your eyes.
he reached his hand out, intertwining his fingers into yours. “i’ve already chosen.”
“but this woman must also choose me.”
peering from your shoulder, you smile cheekily. squeezing his hand gently and pulling him into you. “what if i told you.”
you looked into his eyes, to his lips, down to your intertwined hands. was this really happening?
“she already has.”
sparks of happiness shot around like fireworks as he pulled you closer to his chest, gently sitting you onto his lap.
jake makes the first move, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. your hands explored his body, feeling up on the structure of his back.
his hands slipped down to the curve of your backside. you returned the favor, only kissing him even deeper.
the eagerness between the kisses shared were merely starved. he’s always loved you and he was longing to show you how much he really did love.
“kissing is very good, but we have something better.” you whispered against his lips, trailing kisses along his jawline.
you slowly pull away from his lips, already missing them. “closer, jake.”
taking the end of your queue, you raise it to him. he follows, doing the same.
you close your eyes, the feeling sending you nearly over the edge already.
the moss beneath your bodies glew, acknowledging the two souls that had finally connected to each other under its tree.
“y/n, kiss me.” jake licked his lips, wanting, needing to feel your lips against his again.
you obeyed his wishes, wrapping your arms around his neck and continuing where you left off.
quiet moans were shared as your tongues explored each other’s mouths, deciding whether or not to take it further.
his hips proved it positively, moving under you begging for some type of release.
“don't be afraid to touch me.” you mumbled, grabbing ahold of his wrist. you placed his fingers closer to your core, brushing against it.
a groan was heard by him, barely escaping. you were wet, he could feel it through the fabric.
the smell of your arousal only making him need you more.
his bulge grew harder beneath you, pressing up on your core as well. a faint moan fell from your lips at the feeling, rocking yourself on him.
“let me feel you.” you slipped your hand lower, wrapping your hands around his member.
he dug his face into your neck, hiding the volume of his pleasurable noises.
jerking him slowly, you swiped your thumb over the tip, collecting his pre-cum. “tell me,” you inched closer to his ear, licking the lobe. “tell me how much you want this, jake.”
kisses were left around the crown of his head, your other hand resting on the back of his neck. “tell me you want this as much as i do.”
his only response to you was barely words, just noises of pure bliss. it was the pure need for you to touch him, to feel you wrapped around him. he wanted to make love to you.
“y/n,” he managed to plead out, “i want this.” looking up at you, resting his arms around your waist.
you lined up his tip at your entrance, sinking down onto him slowly. his lips became a perfect fit with yours as they connected once again, tasting each other.
he sat inside of you perfectly, a perfect match of a puzzle piece. molded together out of love.
“jake.” you threw your head back in ecstasy, crying out for him.
his hands slid down to your hips, helping you ride yourself out on him. “damn,” he murmured, watching your body bounce on top of his.
sweat beading down your forehead. your knees digging into the moss as the rhythm of your pace quickened, his moans growing louder with each stroke.
your thighs started to tremble the faster you went, you could feel his nails digging into the flesh of your thighs. you swore you could touch the end of the universe, reach past the stars.
you could tell his release was nearing; profanities were heard besides your own noises, signaling for you to finish him off.
“tìyìng me ngeyä tìyawn.”
your nails left marks on his back as you felt your release chasing after his shortly.
clenching around him, you slowed down; savoring the moment.
wood sprites circle around their bodies, illuminating the scene.
their release hitting the highest of its peak about to collapse on top of each other. “give it to me.”
riding out the high, your breaths become short in time.
“oeng ulte oe, tì'i'avay krrä.”
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hnymon · 3 years
Reblog to send every single person who has read one of your stories a forehead kiss
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hnymon · 3 years
anxiety comfort.
cho sangwoo x gn!reader
a/n: wrote this idea i had bc my severe anxiety has been getting bad recently due to school stress. i picked sangwoo to write about, i believe he was a softie before the games :]
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your chest felt tighter and heavier with every shakey breath you took. it felt like the world was caving in on you and you were surrounded, left with nowhere to go. you hated this feeling. you wanted to claw at your chest, hoping it would relieve some of the weight from your chest. all you wanted as to be with your lover.
you hated getting this way when he wasn’t around; he was one of the only thing that could truly distract you and calm you. you were so caught up in your moment of vulnerability, you didn’t hear the front door unlock and open, nor the footsteps coming towards you. it wasn’t until you felt a familiar hand on your shoulder that you looked up. you were met with the man you love; cho sangwoo. he moved a few stray strands of hair from your face and tucked them behind your ears.
“my love, what happened?” that voice; that deep, raspy voice that could calm you and send you to sleep within minutes. you shook your head, not feeling well enough to discuss your distress at that moment. he decided to bridal carry you to your shared bedroom, laying you on the bed and soon following after. as soon as he was under the sheets, you went to cuddle up into his strong chest. he took a deep exhale, troubled to see his love in such a stressed state. “i’m here with you, baby. you know i’ve always got you. we’ll be okay.” how gentle he was with you made butterflies fill your stomach, no matter how often he held you like this. you began to feel your breathing return to normal again when one of his hands stayed in your hair to massage your scalp, the other hand rubbing your back. he leaned his head down to press a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
you finally felt calm enough to speak again. “i’m sorry, sangwoo. you shouldn’t have to see me like this.” you could swear you felt his chest just barely rise with a small chuckle. “now, sweetheart, you know you don’t have to apologize for what you can’t control. anytime you feel this way, please come to me. i’m more than happy to calm my darling down.” you smiled ever so slightly at his words. he always knew exactly what to say. the two of you finally pressed your lips together for a proper kiss, letting it deepen and linger for a few moments. when you both pulled away, he removed his shirt and put on more comfortable pants. once he was laying down again, you lowered your head back to his now bare chest. you loved to trace his muscular torso with your fingers. his fingers found their way back to your hair while he leaned to the bedside table, grabbing his lighter and a cigarette. he took a few puffs before realizing you gad fallen asleep on top of him; he could almost feel his heart grow three sizes. “sleep well, baby. i’ve got you. don’t worry your pretty little head, love.”
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hnymon · 3 years
saebyeok relationship headcanons
kang saebyeok x gn!reader
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she’s a very gentle lover, which may seem shocking to others due to her cold exterior
but you’re lucky, only you get to see her in her most vulnerable and loving moments
in my opinion, her love languages would be quality time and physical touch
there’s nothing on earth she loves more than spending alone time with you
she could be reading a book and you’ll lay your head in her lap, she’ll show a soft smile and run her fingers through your hair as she reads to you
another way of spending quality time together would be dancing. at any opportunity, she’s grabbing your hand and yank you to dance with her while ballroom piano music plays
she loves to cook and bake with you. another great way to spend quality time with you would be making meals throughout the day together and desserts for after dinner
the two of you love to bathe together. not ever really in a sexual way, but as a way to be as close as possible to each other
you two would wash each other’s hair and lather your bodies in soap, and take the time to sit there and admire the comfortable silence
she’s not opposed to pda, but she likes keeping it lowkey
locking pinkies with you, rubbing her thumb on the back of your hand, kissing your cheek or forehead
she’s a very big cuddle bug. after a tiring day, the first thing she’ll wanna do is flop on top of you and fall asleep
she loves to be little spoon. she’ll feel warm and safe with your arms engulfing her
on rainy nights, the two of you will cuddle up together on the couch, drinking tea, basking in the presence of each other and the calming sounds of rain
she’d always make sure you’re drinking water and eating all three meals, with snacks inbetween
she cares so much about your wellbeing, you sometimes have to remind her to take care of herself too. but you’re more than happy to care for her
she wants to keep you safe and make you feel loved more than anything. you are her everything and she’ll do whatever to make you know how much she loves you
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hnymon · 3 years
soft ganyu headcanons [ganyu x gn!reader]
a/n: i haven’t written anything for my cryo gf yet. im currently saving up and farming for her for whenever she has a rerun i don’t have her yet </3 also this is kinda short cuz i was tired when i wrote this LOL
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i have a feeling she really loves stargazing
on random nights she’ll grab a blanket and your hand to drag you outside so you two can look at the stars and constellations
she’d be kinda minimal on pda
she’ll hold your hand and kiss your cheek from time to time
yk that thing where they hold pinkies instead of hands ? yea y’all do that
she’ll brush her hand against yours and link your pinkies together <3
she’s very observant of you and can usually tell you’re down or having an off day without you saying anything to her
when you’re upset she’ll cuddle you, unless you want space, and get you anything you need
she’s a cuddle bug
when you two spoon, she loves being the little spoon
it’s a very comforting feeling to her when she’s wrapped in your arms
it makes her feel protected and safe
she blushes and gets red easily
you’ll regularly bring her a few qingxin flowers you picked
she’s blushes every time no matter how much you do it
give her all the forehead kisses she loves them
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hnymon · 3 years
comfort. [zhongli x gn!reader]
a/n: my depression has been pretty severe lately and this drabble is kinda a vent of how i feel. zhongli is my comfort character i just want him to take care of me
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the only word that could describe how you felt was empty. your room was slowly becoming more and more messy each day. it was so hard for you to do simple everyday tasks. all you wanted to do was lay in bed and cry. your boyfriend, zhongli, was becoming even more worried about you. he knocked on your bedroom door and opened it when he heard a small “come in” from you. as soon as he walked in, he felt his heart break. “oh, darling.” he hated seeing you in such a state. he sat next to you on the opposite side of the bed, reaching a hand out to rub your head. “would it be alright if i laid here with you?” you nodded your head at his question; his presence was naturally soothing and comforting and always took your mind off any troubles. he buried himself under the blankets next to you, wrapping his strong arms around your body. your face went into his chest, his beating heart thumping in your ear. you let out a sigh of relief as your boyfriend ran his large hands up and down your back. his lips pressed gentle kisses across your forehead and cheeks, then finally finding their way to your lips. his kisses were always so warm. they were your favorite thing in the entire world. you grew sleepier and sleepier with each minute that passed. zhongli noticed how your eyelids became droopy and your breathing started to slow. a small smile formed on his beautiful face, pressing one last kiss to your forehead. “sleep, my love. you deserve to have a good nights rest.” with that, you finally let your tiredness win and drifted off to sleep in zhongli’s arms. zhongli stayed awake a little while longer, just to make sure you were okay and safe. he admired your features that seemed to become even more beautiful to him while you were asleep. he could swear he saw a little smile on your face that formed in your sleep. his fingers tucked lose strands of hair behind your ear. “i know you’re asleep and can’t hear me, but i love you so much, darling. i’ll always be here to help you whenever you feel this way. you’re the light of my life, i never want to see that light go out.” he pressed one final kiss on your cheek before he finally drifted to sleep himself.
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