#Safety Indicators
Four Signs Your CDJR Vehicle Needs New Headlights
Nov 24, 2023
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1. Flickering
Flickering headlights are an early warning sign that your exterior lights are having issues. Typically, flickering lights can be attributed to a wiring problem, such as a damaged connection between the headlight wire and the battery. Sometimes, other internal wiring issues can cause flickering headlights, such as a dying battery.
2. Dimness
Dim headlights are commonly a sign that headlights are about to burn out. When headlights are dim, it means that the bulb can no longer emit the same level of light. You may notice visibly dim headlights days or weeks before your headlights finally burn out. It’s important to schedule service quickly for dim headlights, so you don’t experience complete headlight failure at night. 
3. Haziness
Hazy headlights are also a cause for concern. Much of the time, hazy headlights are caused by dirty or yellowed headlight lenses. While cleaning these lenses might resolve the haziness, sometimes the underlying cause of hazy headlights might be related to another issue. If you clean your headlight lenses, but your headlights are still cloudy, you might need to replace the lenses or the headlight altogether. 
4. Unresponsive
Finally, you may notice that certain headlight features are no longer functioning. It’s common for your daytime running lights to work fine even if your high beam lights are dead; likewise, your high beams may be the only functional headlights on your vehicle because the bulbs for other lights have burned out. You may also notice that your fog lights or projector headlights aren’t working. 
Should You Change All Your Exterior Lights at Your Chrysler Dealer?
If your headlights have gone out, then it’s likely the other exterior lights on your vehicle are up next. If your vehicle is equipped with basic halogen bulbs and the cause of your headlight issue is a burnt-out bulb, then replacing your high beams, turn signal indicators, and brake lights when you replace your headlights can save you an extra trip to the dealership. 
If the cause of your headlight issues is related to wiring, then you should ask a mechanic to check all of your other exterior lights to ensure there aren’t additional issues. Sometimes, a mechanic may find that the underlying cause for your LED headlight issues is related to the battery or an incorrect installation.
It’s important to schedule a service appointment as soon as you notice headlight issues. Contact Freedom Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram North By Ed Morse to book an appointment today. 
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davey-in-a-minivan · 1 year
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making isabel lovelace themed safety signs with the safety sign generator
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Index Of Writings on Safety & Consent
Included in this list will be some adjacent posts that aren't explicitly about safety or consent. I will put them in a "related content" section below to separate them out, as they are information, education or opinion-related topics related to kink in general without being overtly sexual, but aren't specifically about either safety or consent.
... okay okay okay they are mostly about other stuff right now but I will fill that out in due course...
Writings on Safety and Consent:
On Trust: A writing about the place of trust in the hypnokink community, and specifically about the idea of proximal trust (read for more), and whether I want you to trust me implicitly (I do not), and where I think accountability lay for abuse (with abusers).
Towards a Safe(r) Hypnokink: a prelude to the second post on this list, it details a number of the Best Practices that the second post elaborates on even further.
Layered Best Practices in Erotic Hypnosis: This is exactly what it sounds like, covering a whole array of best practices starting from the very beginning going to the very end to keep you and your partner safe and make sure you have as enjoyable a time as possible in your hypnokinky scene.
Five Lessons: Five Lessons gained while I was having active discussions with people, putting myself out there as a hypnotist specifically focused on doing trances for safety suggestions and to help ameliorate the effects of hypnokink scenes gone awry.
Making Dreams Come True: Dropped By A Stranger: In this writing I talk about how to feasibly and safely make the fantasy of being dropped and used by strangers into a reality. It's not exactly the same as the version that people often envision, but this one comes with 100% fewer internet randos deciding to use you in ways you did not consent to being used!
Writings on Safety and Consent by Other Hypnokinksters
Here are some of the better and more comprehensive writings on the subject by other hypnokinksters. I will add to this list as I run across other posts on the subject, and people are free to send some to me as well.
"They Must Have Wanted It": A post about arousal non-concordance (that is, how physical arousal does not correlate with or imply consent and how that disconnect happens) and how that applies to hypnokink as well, and can be broadened to more phenomena than just sex. (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Can a Hypnotist Make You Do Things You Don't Want?: Answering, essentially, the question right there on the tin. This delves into the somewhat layered answered to whether a hypnotist can do that, and why they both can and can't in different scenarios, and the complexities of consent. (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Hypnosis Ethics: Setting Aside the Myths: Ethical Hypnotists Use Safeties - A post discussing how intrinsic safeties - that is, safeties that work within the trance itself and are laid down in the trance itself - are not by themselves enough to minimize the risk from hypnokink. I also added a bit at the end. (originally by @sweetsurrenderdoll)
Hypnosis Ethics & Safe Practice Advocates: Be Careful Who You Listen To - A short primer on the idea that you should be careful who you listen to in the hypnokink safety and consent space, and make sure that you are consciously judging and scrutinizing the advice you receive to be sure it is good. I added my own thoughts at the end, also. (originally by @sweetsurrenderdoll)
Resources to Avoid and Deprogram from Cult Thinking: A multi-author post that is exactly what it sounds like, an extensive list of resources and tools to prevent and break people out of cult-like thinking and avoid it yourself, as well as that discusses some stuff around Gen Z and TikTok. (By several contributing authors)
Guidance on Reality-Altering Hypnokink and Psychosis: This post focuses on the "Goncharov" fake fandom as a lens through which to talk about the potential impact that blurring the line between reality and unreality can have on people, especially people with psychosis (ex: schizophrenia). (Originally by @misscammiedawn)
Shutting Down a Scene: A short guide on a set of circumstances in which a Dom would want to stop a scene, when it is clear that their partner has lost the capacity to provide ongoing, meaningful consent. (Originally by @instructor144, though his blog has since been deleted)*
How to use self hypnosis to change or remove hypnotic suggestions on yourself: Exactly what it sounds like, a guide on how to use self-hypnosis to remove adverse suggestions in your own mind without any outside assistance (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Safety Thoughts from Vulnerable Experiences: Starting with a bit about NNPP, Yoyo talks about subject agency and reclaiming yourself after your limits have eroded because of abusive hypnotists and unsafe hypnokink practices. (Originally by @yoyomindloops )
The Hypnofetish Trust Pyramid: This lays out a model for trust and rapport in hypnokinky relationships, that encompasses the explicitly consensual, dubiously consensual, CNConsensual, and others, as well as discussing aftercare and out-of-scene interactions and the importance of having and building a healthy dynamic. (Originally by @fallinginward)
Unethical Files, Content Warnings, and Dubious Consent: A rather lengthy breakdown of some of the potential dangers of some free files, and things to watch out for if listening to them. (Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Patterns of a Predatory Hypnotist: This is another lengthy breakdown on dangers in the hypnokink community, this time the general patterns of behavioral escalation to look out for to keep yourself safe. (Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Signs of Hypnotic Abuse: And this is the third file in RTD's safety set, this one on the signs to look out for in yourself which can indicate to you that you are in a potentially unhealthy dynamic. (again, Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Thoughts on Consent - Best Practices, and When Those Aren't Necessary: Like a lot of other articles here, it's exactly what it says on the tin. It describes some best practices of consent in hypnokink - or kink in general, really - and some cases where those best practices aren't really necessary. Life is complicated, and you don't always need to play with the absolute highest level of safety as you would with a new, first-time partner. (Originally by @daja-the-hypnokitten)
How to do Kink as a Disabled Person / Spoonie: A long list of tips from multiple creators on how to do various kinks and sexual practices if you are a disabled person, and for various meanings/iterations of disability.
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the trend of people being really open with information one should probably be more hesitant to share is also present in real life, which is terrifying. I met a kid the other day, 13, who started casually talking about various mental disorders and diagnoses he'd received after knowing me for less than an hour. with no prior mention or discussion to indicate my thoughts, because we'd been talking about other things. because we'd just met. I mean them no harm, but like, he is putting a lot of faith in me without further verifying my intentions. so please not only be careful with what you share online but what you share in person as well because you don't know who is safe
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antirepurp · 6 months
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if anyone ever makes a hack for these games that gets rid of this goofy-ass guardrail-invoking outfit i will kiss them on the mouth sloppy style
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moth--knight · 1 year
sometimes I am like "WHY do people think I am upset/miserable/angry all the time without talking to me" and then I realize that if I am not actively trying to emote I look like I am on the verge of chainsmoking a pack of marlboro reds after having dumped a body in the hudson
for ex: me awkwardly trying to take a selfie bc I liked my fit vs my actual resting face
help 😭😭😭💀💀💀 I HATE IT HERE
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twst-beam · 8 months
here he is!! make way for the dearest darlingest part-of-the-top-50 scarabia fireworks boy!!
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how do we like him? 👀
tagging the same mootmoots from da poll :3 @officialdaydreamer00 @dove-da-birb @taruruchi @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @cookiesandbiscuits
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
hello!! i love your colorful plushies and would love to order one but i am worried. i am closeted and im not ready to come out yet. so does the packaging have pride flags or anything?
hi there! I am so happy you like the puppies! everything about them is meant to be discreet, from the design to my website to the packaging (each plushie is packed in a pink poly bag, and the packing slip, if included just has the name of the puppy, Sadie, Beau, etc.) the only place I mention pride related things is on social media, usually on this account or my twitter very occasionally.
that being said, it's important to be cautious still even when buying super discreet pride items. at the end of the day they are still the pride colors and some people may recognize them as such. safety is always a priority!
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stepperbox · 2 months
most american driving is easy mode at least. bigass roads. automatic cars. every new-ish car having reverse cameras because that’s easier to legislate than “look before reversing into a child”.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
Hundreds of children die every year of accidental gun shootings. Parents keep saying "he/she knew not to touch it". It's never okay to have a gun around a kid not locked up. Ever. You can find that scene entertaining and cool but in reality it would be extremely irresponsible to have a gun not be locked up in a household with a kid.
Did you read any of the comments on that post? Did you participate in that conversation in any way? Did you consider that we don't actually know if there was a lock on that door? Seriously. We didn't see her open it from outside we do not know if she had to unlock it first. You decided it must have been unlocked. You decided the ammo must have been in the same place, or easily accessible - it would have to be to make the gun a risk, since it's unloaded when Olivia pulls it out. Do you actually know she was being unsafe or did you jump to the conclusion you wanted to jump to bc outrage is comfortable for you?
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if they actually do give willow THAT haircut in a timeskip then no they didnt <3 <3 <3 her actual future haircut is the haircut she has in her beta design. or she puts it in one big braid. i will not have my girl get her head vacuum sealed thank you very much the owl house has gone too far with the haircuts that look significantly worse than the original
#toh#the owl house#shut up pandora#watching and dreaming#toh leaks#just to be safe#willow park#she is iconic for her floof! where is it?????#give me back her flooffy hair!!!!!!!!!#she looks like someone traced an actual screenshot of the show#she looks like detective conan#she looks like one of those bratz dolls they sold in the 2010s with removable wigs and someone removed her wig#amity 🤝 hunter 🤝 willow now apparently#getting a new hairstyle that removes one of your most iconic features and looks significantly worse to denote character development#the leaf headband is cute tho#otherwise the only upside to this style is that it looks exactly like luz and hunter after they gave themselves impromptu haircuts#so this implies after they defeat belos or maybe even during the episode#willow had a mental breakdown and also cut her hair at 3 am with a pair of safety scissors#further continuing the willow park depression arc ive been wanting so bad#idk about willow but yes for amity and hunter i recognize the character development indicated in them changing their hair#and i approve of this writing decision its just that they should have made their new hair not look horrible#like the clawthorne sisters new hairstyle looks great! so do luz and camillas#and for camilla it does come from character development#but amitys iconic top ponytail? hunters hair skrungly? and now willows braids?#rip my beloveds you will be missed#i wont post the screenshot btw but youre welcome to dm me to ask for it if you promise not to post it#bc after i saw it i heard it was a leak?
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wonder-worker · 7 months
Elizabeth Woodville and her daughters being harassed by “repeated intercessions and dire threats” to leave sanctuary and submit to Richard III should be talked about a lot more than it is, tbh.
#elizabeth woodville#like they were in sanctuary for almost a year so this would've happened for AT LEAST a few months during that time#the entire neighborhood being fortified and under armed guard to keep them from escaping should also be talked about a lot more than it is.#especially because there WAS a plot to spirit some of her daughters overseas but fortification prevented that possibility#the way armed soldiers were present during the time she was compelled to give up her 9-year old youngest son should also be talked about#Also her list of requirements to Richard before exiting sanctuary - that her daughters wouldn't be hurt/ravished and no one would#be imprisoned - such a damning indication of what she thought during that time#and the fact that the council was deeply unhappy by Richard's disregard and disrespect shown to Elizabeth's 'dignity and safety'#is also so striking - especially because this was BEFORE he crowned himself king. Can you imagine what they thought after?#idk I just feel like historians and people talk about their tenure in sanctuary so casually when it must have been terrible for them#especially because we know Elizabeth was literally penniless and dependent on sanctuary's charity#and the fact that her entire family (sans her sisters) was either murdered imprisoned or exiled#AND the fact that they had no foreign protection so it's not like they could depend on any powerful connections to help them#like the defeated Lancastrians were helped in the 1460s (obviously Louis XI's support was dependent on his own aims but that doesn't really#matter - at the end of the day they could set up a court in exile with a pension thanks to Margaret's father. Elizabeth and her children's#vulnerability and lack of options were startlingly acute in comparison. It's not a situation any former queen would have ever been in.)#again: people love to discuss Elizabeth's status and nationality in theory#very little attention is paid to how it affected her in practical terms - and this is a striking example of that#even from a broader perspective - we don't know if Richard would have even attempted what he did had Elizabeth birth status (and thus#active foreign connections) been different#*Elizabeth's
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serkonans · 2 years
i’m going to say something extremely unpopular
#oisín.txt#physical abuse tw#i don’t think cheating is always morally wrong or indicative of a someone being a terrible person#i understand why it’s such a hair trigger topic for people#and i think like. it’s never acceptable to harm someone in that way when you can easily communicate and like#either resolve whatever is driving you toward something so drastic or choose to leave the relationship altogether#i certainly feel that in most cases cheating is absolutely abhorrent#but#i also feel#that there are people who have been through really shitty stuff and make selfish and impulsive decisions from a place of deep rooted fear#and those people are acting in a way thats morally wrong and should be held accountable but are not necessarily like#evil people who can never grow and be better#and i feel like there are abuse situations that make cheating a form of escape and a source of safety for the cheater#if someone faces physical threat from their partner and cheats as an escape (figurative or literal) i honestly don’t think that’s wrong#personally i cheated twice on the same person when i was in hs and the first time was right after i agreed to date him#this was a guy who had bullied me and spread malicious lies about me for YEARS. and the person i cheated with was my ex who was literally#stalking and threatening me. i was terrified of them both in different ways and i acted without regard for either of them but i don’t feel#like that makes me a bad person. i did a bad thing. but even now 10+ years later people see me as less trustworthy for it#it’s frustrating honestly. people are complicated and so by nature relationships will be too#and i just don’t feel that cheating is Always black and white#even some forms of physical violence are grey areas#i’ve hit a partner before. does it make me abusive? does your answer change if the reason i hit him was bc he’d locked me in a room#and pinned me down so that i couldn’t escape and i was trying to get away?#anyway this wasnt prompted by anything personal actually lmao#i just am watching love is blind and matt gives me abuser red flags like crazy and i have to wonder if he’s like this bc his ex cheated#OR if she cheated bc he’s like this
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totopopopo · 1 year
Ladies it is not looking good on the family front
#the problematic family member isn’t even here but the drama… the drama his existence brings is here and very loud#I was gonna try and make a silly haha joke aboht it but no it just sucks#it just really sucks to. to find out? to confirm? to realize? to know that a man I loved and looked up to and cared about#that he doesn’t. idk. doesn’t respect me or. care about me or think that people like me deserve. idk. rights. safety. respect#it really really sucks.#it keeps happening and I’m not surprised but like I also am#I’m mad at myself for being surprised#and it doesn’t even matter bc it’s not like I’m even really out to my extended family#like for gender or sexuality#like I’m only ever a she her to them and I don’t think they know there’s a different gender going on.like#if they suspect it they don’t think about it#and my parents are aware on an intellectual level that I am not cis but they’re not really any deeper in then that#still sheher to them#and like. I don’t mind she her from ppl who know that it’s not indicative of womanhood but#that’s not true of my family#I kind of want to be theythem to them like make them face the fact that I’m not a girl make them face the fact that I’m something else#want them to look at it#that’s how I’ve always felt with extended family though not just w gender. I want them to look at me and see me challenging them#challenging things#maybe this is just another link in a long chain#I want to be theythemmed I want to be other#because the truth is I use multiple pronouns I like she I like he I don’t mind any pronouns at all but again#WITH the caveat that it’s KNOWN that that’s not all there is. that it’s something else. that I’m a girl AND a boy AND neither AND both#which is why generally for cis ppl I prefer theythem. to make them look at it. to make them conscious of it#and I’m starting to feel like. I want that applied to family too. extended family too. I want to be defiant.#but I also am tired and I don’t want. idk.#LIKE IT JUST SUCKS KNOWING THERES SOME ASSHOLE BIGOT WHO DOESNT#WHO LIKE. IDK. who I can’t be that to safely. who I can’t be that to because that would make me a threat. because I dont want him to hate me#at least not any more than he already does#I’m tired I’m tired I’m tired. this went in forty different directions but my brain is scattered right now and I’m tired. this is so much
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shoutout to that one time where i made some ink out of berries that may or may not have been toxic (research has proven insubstantial and a conclusion is currently unable to be drawn) simply because i got some juice on my hand and i went ‘oooooh pretty pink i must have’
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soon-palestine · 4 months
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More profound when you consider that Doctors Without Borders rarely makes political statements.
In #UNSC mtg on Middle East, @MSF SG Christopher Lockyear says: "Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. And now for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence. Our colleagues in #Gaza are fearful that as I speak to you today, they will be punished tomorrow."
He adds: "The humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion. A convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. Calls for humanitarian assistance have echoed across this chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less every day, less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety."
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