#because the truth is I use multiple pronouns I like she I like he I don’t mind any pronouns at all but again
aidenlydia · 2 days
I have seen that you are very open about supporting trans people and that your pronouns are they/them. How were you able to understand that you were trans? (If you are.) I've honestly felt so confused lately and don't have anyone I can ask about this. I love your ftm ghost art. I think it is amazing. I just don't know what to do or how I'll ever be able to figure out myself. Totally not your job but was curious if you had advice.
Not sure how helpful this will be, because my trans experience is deeply interlinked with my Dissociative Identity Disorder and Autism, so I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder - Terms and Definitions
Autism and Gender
The reason why I go by they/them is because we're literally multiple people. Our two Hosts Aiden and Lydia (aka the alters interacting most with the world outside of our own head) are a man and a woman. We spend all our time together, sharing a body and the control over it.
We used to go by he/she, but people would only view us as a girl because of our body, so we switched to they/them. It makes more sense and feels better to be acknowledged together instead of Aiden being left out all the damn time.
Now bear with me here.
Though Lydia is a cis women, she grew up never belonging anywhere because we're autistic, so she feels like an imposter and a fraud when trying to connect to her feminity. Most days we barely feel human at all because we've been othered all our life. But she still views herself as a woman - motherhood in particular is a big important part of her.
Aiden is a trans man, but he doesn't mind our feminine body and doesn't plan on getting surgery ever. Testosterone maybe, but even that isn't super important to him at the moment. To him knowing he's a man is enough, passing isn't a priority at all. And because all of our Littles are girls he's rather protective of their body - any kind of medical procedure would cause a lot of fear in them.
He realized he's trans because he preferred a male name for himself, short hair and male clothing. It happened very quickly because exploring gender has never been an issue for us, it's fun and simply felt comfortable.
We do have two Agender Alters, but they don't come out in our regular daily life. They don't feel like anything really, they're deeply connected to nature and just want to exist as genderless beings, so they prefer not taking control of our body. It feels peaceful not being put into a box or defined by gender expectations and whatever other bullshit the world comes up with.
In the past we used to have another trans male Host, but he was suffering deeply from gender dysphoria. He couldn't stand the sight of our body or existing in it and became very self destructive about it. Until one day he just stopped coming out and hasn't been back since.
Before I even realized I had DID, gender wasn't really a concept to me. Same with names, it just didn't make sense to me why someone couldn't just change their name if they didn't like the one their parents gave them for whatever reason. I think of people as people, not boys and girls. Sure there are physical differences, but the meanings/genderroles we attributed to them are completely made up.
Folks love nagging me about how I draw my Ghost, but the truth is he can walk around looking like a cis girl and still be a man, I truly dgaf. So what if he's smaller and more delicate looking next to that big bear of a captain, that doesn't make him any less of a man.
The best advice I can give is you don't need to label yourself if you don't want to. You can experiment and just see what feels good. Maybe you'll find a label or make a plan along the way, but don't feel pressured to.
Common things people do is try out a different name, change their pronouns, create and play as video game characters of the opposite gender/sex (or gender non-conforming in general), listen to trans playlists/musicians, shop clothes/stuff in the other section (including underwear or things like jewelry ect), read books or watch movies about different kinds of trans characters, watch video essays about trans topics, create OCs or sonas, look at trans art and watch/read about other people's trans journeys.
Of course there are "what's my gender identity" tests you can take too, idk how helpful those are but I guess they can give you a bit more insight and maybe make you ask questions that you haven't asked yourself before.
Lastly here's a list of gender identities and definitions that might be beneficial to have a look at, as well as my trans resource list I put together last month about what can be done to change your gender in various ways
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cats-in-the-clouds · 1 year
it’s all been said before but the whole pronouns thing for some people is getting so ridiculous it’s honestly just sad
#just saw a TIF post ‘i’ve decided that in addition to he/they i am now interested in ‘he/they/she. but just as a spicy little extra#only on rare occasion for fun. but please don’t ONLY use she/her for me if you use that please switch it up from time to time!’#like girl can’t you see how meaningless this all is. it’s a consumerist hobby to you it’s a game of playing with masks for fun#it’s literally just about playing pretend and getting excited when your friends play along. it’s a bit#but actors get uncomfortable when the topic lingers on the truth for too long. they’re cool with dancing around it sometimes#but they don’t like being unmasked openly because they don’t like their true selves they like having a persona#this whole trans thing is so insanely dangerous people are straight up encouraging personality disorder type behavior#or like. when people who ‘use multiple pronoun sets’ post stuff like ‘i wish people would actually bother to switch it up sometimes#or use he or she instead of always just they :/‘ like yeah people are avoiding saying anything real because they’re afraid of upsetting you#and catching you on a bad day where that’s not right#or like. they’d prefer a consistent approach to language at the very least instead of fulfilling your ever-changing fantasies#because you can’t make up your mind because you always need more and more attention and can’t just be satisfied with yourself#literally i can remember my own experience with this thing wasn’t ‘maybe i’m actually not a girl’ (this is almost never it)#it was ‘maybe it would be fun to go she/they and put a non-binary flag in my icon and reblog all these cool posts about being trans’#’it looks like it would be a lot of fun to get in on this cool thing and be someone special and have a secret identity in real life’#it is so much fun to play pretend. and it is so damaging to act like these intrusive thoughts actually mean anything about your gender#bc when you spend too much time on the internet and start entertaining the idea of being someone else#it starts to feel weird when people irl refer to you as who you are with all relevant gendered language#dysphoria is being manufactured by overthinking about things while having ideas flow into your mind by a constant social media stream#for a whole generation of people online it is almost never an actual natural thing
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Jade Harley (Homestuck)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
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mismatched-sockss · 3 months
Where I never dared to stand
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» Pairing: purely Spencer Reid x fem!Reader [NO JEID whatsoever] » Wordcount: 4k » Warnings: JJ's POV (3rd person), based on Where I Stood by Missy Higgins, we're staying within the realms of canon with this one - this focuses on JJ's feelings and my own interpretations regarding those, spoilers mentioned for s12!Spencer and 13×01 300, heavy spoilers for 14×15 Truth or Dare, kind of for 15×02 Awakenings too (i used a part of the conversation between JJ and Reid about what happend in 14×15), reader is Garcia's college roommate & friend, no time line mentioned but first meeting of Spencer and Reader is said to happen somewhere after JJ married Will to mid s10 (so somewhere from s8×01 to about s10×12, reader and Spencer are together when s10×13 happens), no mentions of Maeve only a vague mention that the last years have been rough for Spencer), » A/N: multiple mentions about reader being a woman / female, use of she/her pronouns, no body description, no mentions of readers clothes --- pls take a look here for more info about my reader descriptions in general » IMPORTANT!!!: i just want to say that i hated the way the writers where forcing the climax of 14×15 through out the whole s14 both on the characters and us, and i hated just about everything about the whole thing in general tbh, (after making Will such a big part of JJ's life JEID was over and done with, i never liked them as a ship in general; just wait until i'll unleash my hate for JJ in the future (hate only regarding the way she is treating Spencer, otherwise i like her for the most part)).... the only reason this fic happened in the way it is, is because i lost track of my initial plan when i got inspiration from the song, but then i kind of got carried away while writing; i tried to capture and bring out JJ's inner conflicts, the guilt she feels about all of it etc
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Jennifer Jareau liked you from the moment she saw you, no doubt about it. There was something about you, that uplifted the whole room you were in; it was hard to not be in a good mood when you were around.
Penelope had brought you along for a girl's night one evening. You had been her dorm room-mate in college and fate brought you back into each other's lives, when it just so happened that you moved into the same building she was living in. From then on, you joined them for girl's night on most occasions and it was just a matter of time until Penelope invited you to a party where not only the girls would be attending, but also the rest of the BAU team. It so happened to be Penelope's birthday party.
Everyone could see the sparks fly when Spencer and you met each other then. One look at the both of you was enough to see it; that this was a once in a life time, soulmate kind of thing. The kind of love you could only find in movies or books, the stuff all the cheesy romance movies JJ liked to watch were made of.
Something had stirred in her heart when she saw the two of you interact at Penelope's birthday party; a small ache, something she couldn't quite place at the time. So without further thinking about it, she brushed it away, forgetting all about it in the following days. That is, until the next time she saw the two of you. Together.
It was at one of Rossi's dinner parties not too long after Spencer and you met. Everyone was already accounted for in Rossi's backyard, except for Spencer. The doorbell rang and Rossi went to open the door; when he got back a big smile was plastered on his face and he was wiggling his brows suggestively. After him, Spencer walked in. With you. Holding hands.
Then and there the ache found it's way back into her heart, a little more persistent then the last time. This time she knew in an instant what it had been.
Jealousy. She couldn't stand your hands on him.
At the realization she had felt dizzy. Had it been any later in the evening she probably could have blamed the dizziness on the wine. But the glass she held in her hand was her first and she had barely nipped on it. No, it was because she was jealous, and the guilt she felt at the same time collided with it and mixed into an even bigger ugly thing that almost swept her off her feet.
Here she was, standing next to her husband and the father of her child, feeling jealous over another woman holding hands with her friend; a friend who she knew once had a thing for her, a friend who she may have had a thing for herself at one point but never even had went on a date with - actively avoided it even, if you thought about it. A friend, who she shouldn't have any feelings for that would call for her to be jealous when he got romantically involved with someone else.
A friend, she instead should be nothing less than happy for, after all the shit he had to go through in his life. She should be happy, that he finally had something good in his life, something that made him smile, something that made him happy. All she wanted was for him to be happy.
Will had commented that Spencer and you looked good together, that you made a cute couple. No matter who much that jealous part of her hated it, she had to agree.
That night at Rossi's she drank a couple more glasses of wine to flush out her confusing emotions than she maybe should have. When someone said something, she successfully played it off as being able to let go for an evening since her mother was watching Henry for the whole weekend. Luckily Will was okay with it, and even was pampering her the next day when she had a bad case of hangover.
After a short time, when JJ had sorted out her feelings, she really was happy for Spencer. So incredibly happy for him; that he had found his person. His safe haven. His forever.
And everyone could see it. That the two of you were perfect for each other.
She didn't think she had seen him this happy since... Ever, actually. Life had never been exactly easy on Spencer, but the last years had been especially rough for him. You were his rock when Gideon died, were there for him when his mom got worse and additionally stayed with her when he had to leave for a case after he took her in – oh, how much Diana loved you. You were the only person except for Spencer who she would let come close when she had an episode and was chasing the nurses away he hired. After he had been arrested in Mexico you as good as moved into his place to help (the nurse with) Diana. Whenever JJ came to visit her with the boys, she was amazed by the way you cared for Diana, so patient and understanding and affectionate, and how she would let you take care of her.
When Spencer had to go on mandatory leave after prison and the whole shit-show with Cat, JJ watched as you broke down the walls he had build around his heart in those three months he was locked away. She watched as you crumbled them down until you reached him again and then you gave him a new ground to build on, a ground back in safety and trust and love.
You broke his walls down, like JJ would never have been able to. Sometimes she wasn't sure if she could stand the fact, she just knew she should.
Back then, all those years ago when Spencer had sat down next to her on the jet with the Red Skin's tickets in his hand and asked her to go, she was scared. She knew that now, had realized it when Spencer and Penelope had been abducted by Meadows and the Messiah, when Emily spoke with her in the restroom and JJ was going crazy with worry about her best friends. Before, it had never really clicked for her, that maybe that was why she had invited Penelope to come with them to the game. Because a little voice in the back of her head had been whispering to her telling her to run, to turn away from him. She was scared of what could be, of what others might say and think.
Scared of hurting Spencer.
Deep down, she knew even back then, that she wasn't right for him.
And then, a year later, she met Will and the more serious their relationship got, the more any feelings for Spencer became platonic in nature. And it was good the way it was: working with each other, being friends. Maybe even something like best friends. It was enough.
She was happy with Will. She loved Will. She couldn't imagine life without him. The what if's and could have been's about Spencer hadn't been on JJ's mind in a very, very long time. Never really gone if she had to be honest, but not at the forefront of her thoughts all the same.
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And since being honest was the keyword for today, here in this jewellery store forced with a gun pointing at her and Spencer and the other hostage, a rapid back and forth that could spiral more out of control with every passing second, the Truth she had to admit today, could change everything she had in her life.
"Truth." JJ swallowed after she said it and bit on the insides of her cheeks. Stand strong, show no fear; that was what she repeated in her head again and again, trying to fight of the raging panic that kept rising up in her chest ever since the guy had fired a warning shot in Spencer's direction just a moment ago.
"I want you to say something, you're afraid to say", the Unsub spat through gritted teeth. Saliva was pooling at the corners of his lips and the hand he was holding the gun in was shaking uncontrollably, “That you'd never tell anybody. And you better make it good!” He didn't take a step closer, he only shifted his weight from one foot to the other, but with the way he accentuated every word he was screaming with a movement of his hand, she felt like he was coming closer. Like he was placing the barrel of the gun closer to her body with every twitch, until he'd be able to press it right onto her sternum. “'Cause if it's not, it's gonna be the last thing you ever say!”
Her nostrils flared as she took a slow breath in, trying to calm her nerves enough to find an answer and to give him the answer without a waver in her voice.
“What's it gonna be?” This time when he shifted his weight, he did take a small step closer to her.
By the way her nose was aching and her eyes were burning she knew it would only be a matter of moments until the tears would fall. She blinked to keep the tears away a bit longer and avoiding eye contact with the Unsub, only looking at him for a second. When she answered, she cursed herself for how shaky her voice was. “There are only four people it trust in this world.”
“Boring”, he commented in a weird sing-sang before he pointed the weapon down and shot the Judge in the leg. The gun was immediately pointed back at JJ. “Next!”
The gunshot had drowned out the whimper she hadn't been able to hold back. And when the deadly attention was back on her, she immediately went back in to position - stand strong, show no fear. The second part almost wasn't manageable any more for her. “Uhm”, she let out, again racking her brain for an answer, something the would finally accept. What could she say? What was she willing to say?
“My, uhm.” The pained whimpers of the woman in front of her as she slowly slid down the cabinet distracted her, she wasn't sure if she was welcoming the distraction or not. JJ felt bad for even remotely feeling thankful that the woman was in pain. “My baby, I lost, I um-”, she looked around, first meeting the Unsubs gaze, then at a random point at the wall and back to him. The emotions bubbling up in her almost choked her and she had to clear her throat. She didn't want to tell him this, but she had to. “- wanted to name her Maggie.”
“BULL!”, he screamed and JJ jumped. “Come on, you can do better than that!” Again, waving the gun, closer and closer.
Spencer tried to get his attention and pull it away from her, calling out the Unsub's name. “Casey...!”
Now the gun was pointed at Spencers head. “SHUT UP!” And again with the uncontrolled waving and twitching. JJ felt like she couldn't breathe.
She jumped again when Casey suddenly was right in front of her, forcefully grabbing into the hair at the back of her head, pushing her down to her knees with the tight grip and possibly even pulling some strands out. “Okay, okay..”, she mumbled, whimpered. What could she say?
“Last chance! Something you'd never say aloud. Not even to your partner here.” For a moment he waved his gun at Spencer again. “Your deepest, darkest secret. Impress me, or I'll kill him.”
It was the first thing that came to her mind when the Unsub demanded this, and threatened Spencer's life. It was the only thing that fought its way through the panic. The panic that had clouded her mind for anything else but the need for survival. Hers. Spencers.
She couldn't hold back her tears any more. In a desperate attempt to catch Spencer's gaze, she darted her eyes to his direction. At the same time the guilt that was already coming over her and trying to pull her down, before she even said one word and it made her look away from him.
So she said it. Hoping, it would be enough to save their lives. Hoping, her fear of losing her best friend would stay just that. A fear. Hoping, that they would walk out of here alive and that nothing would change between them. That even after saying what she was about to say, they could go on like before, that they would be okay. Selfish as it was, JJ couldn't lose him. She just didn't know who she was without Spencer in her life. Her best friend, her confidant. Her fi-... She knew she should know it, that it made no sense to feel like this. But she couldn't help needing him.
With a shy look on her face, she turned to her friend, took a deep breath.
"Spence, uhm,” she started, shooting him a pained smile to ease his nerves and her own. And he looked at her, waiting for her to continue, with a sad but still vary and concentrated shimmer in his eyes. He was sitting weidly stiff and there was ovment in his shoulders but she wasn't able to focus on anything else than his face.
Or not, because JJ had to look away. She didn't think she could say this while directly looking at him. This was just too...
“I've always loved you", she admits, helplessly shrugging her shoulder as she said it. You meant more to me than anyone I loved before you, before Will.
It took Spencer a moment to understand, what she is saying. How she meant those three words, that they had said a lot of times to each other over the years, in a platonic way.
His eyes slightly widened when the words sink in. The true meaning behind them.
“And I wasjusttooscaredtosay it before.” Her words came out in a blur, almost undistinguishable. She exhaled and looked away, shook the hair out of her face with a quick motion of her head. And as she tried to bite back her tears,she scoffed. “And now, things are just”, the sob leaving her throat almost sounded like a laugh, “far too complicated to say it now.” I am married and have kids, my kids are your godsons. You have a girlfriend, the love of your life waiting for you at home. These are the things she didn't say, didn't need to say. Didn't want to say in front of everyone else in the room.
Maybe she did laugh. The situation was so absurd, so surreal. It almost didn't feel real if there wouldn't be this gun pointed at her.
With tears running down her face she forced herself to look at Spencer. “I'm sorry”, she breathed out. “But you should know.” In case I die here. In case you die here. I had to let you know.
He didn't give away what he was thinking or feeling, had closed off the expressions on his face after the initial shock. The whisper of a sad smile stretched his lips as an acknowledgement when she stopped talking.
The giggle the Unsub let out, made the bile rise into JJ's throat.
“Hot damn”, he laughed, switching between looking at her and Spencer. “That's what I'm talking about.”
Neither of them looked up at the man standing over them, caught in a silent conversation. Did I just destroy everything? - Don't worry. At least that was what she hoped he was saying with his eyes.
“Now those are some last words right there.” Could this guy please, please, please just stop waving the god damn gun around!?
For the fracture of a second, everything fell from JJ's shoulders. The guilt, the sorrow, the fear. She did it, her confessions had been enough. Worthy of saving them. Just when the muscles in her body relaxed, the gun was pointed back right in to her face, mere inches away. “But not good enough to safe your life!” Spit landed on her face.
JJ readied herself, even with the immense fear shooting through her whole body so harsh her body felt numb. The hole of the barrel drew her eyes to it, hypnotized her. For some reason, she started a countdown in her head.
Three, two – BANG!
Casey's legs gave out and he grunted as his weapon fell out of his hand and he helds his stomach. Then, he collapsed, his dead-weight body falling into the space between her and Spencer. Her brain had problems catching up after already checking out, after making some kind of peace with her immediate death.
She looked from the dead body, to Spencer and the gun in his hand, too stunned to ask or think about how he had managed to free his hands and where the gun came from.
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They didn't speak a word to each other after their team burst in, there neither had been the time nor a fitting occasion to talk. They didn't speak until some time later in the evening, after the team made it back, just in time to get cleaned up and celebrate David's & Krystall's marriage.
When they finally shared some words when they both headed to the bar to get something to drink, they didn't talk long.
JJ was nervous. A whole lot of new what if's regarding Spencer were now on her mind. What if he hates me now? What if he wants nothing to do with me any more? What if he leaves me? She hated herself for being so selfish when the last one crossed her mind. She had been prepared to take this secret with her to her grave. But she had needed to say some thing real, something that would not only get the Unsubs attention, but also Spencers. Only then could she have made sure to get a chance at getting them out of there. She was sorry for spilling her secret, for doing this to him and burdening him with it. But now it was out an she couldn't take it back.
“So I, uh, I didn't get a chance to... say it back there, but...”, she started before saying anything else about her confession, having to start the conversation at least somewhere. “Thank you... for saving my life.” She smiled at him.
“You're welcome.” He nodded his head, a small smile stretching in his lips as well. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” She laughed nervously. “So uh, Luke was right, two guns, huh? Since when have you been wearing an ankle holster?”
“Around the time I got out of prison”, Spencer smirked.
“Right.” JJ nodded, then quickly looked away, internally working herself up to get the next words out, the ones she so desperately wanted to ask him. “Look, uh, I... Are- are we, okay?” That was all she could hope for at this point. It was all she wanted. That they were okay.
He smiled at her reassuringly and nodded. “Of course.” His smile and the soft tone his voice held eased her nerves instantly.
She held back a sigh of relief and smiled. “Good.”
They fell silent as they wait, Spencer for his water and JJ for a glass of wine. She softly drummed the tips of her finger on the wood, before she turned around to find where you were standing. When your name fell from her lips Spencers eyes darted to you, not even having to search the room. Like a magnetic pull, something that just came natural to him, knowing where to find you. “She looks beautiful tonight.”
Spencer silently nods as his eyes roam your body, how the fabric of your outfit hugged itself around you. “Yeah”, he breathes out, almost inaudibly. “She is.”
The glass clinking as the drinks were served caught her attention and she turned to take hers into her hand. With her free hand she touched Spencers arm and squeezed lightly. Their gazes met and they shared a smile before she walked away.
Just when JJ got back to the table the music changed into a soft and slow tune. Will took the glass form her hand and pulled her away to dance with her. Happy, she leaned into him, and enjoyed the moment. Enjoyed being in his arms.
She couldn't help but look as Spencer and you found your way to other side of the dance floor. He pulled you so close to him, not even a sheet of paper would have had space between the both of you. He was smiling down at you as you were slowly swaying to the rhythm of the music together and you were smiling up at him just as bright. Lost in each others eyes. Every so often he would lift your intertwined hands from his chest up to plant a kiss to your knuckles, or he would brush the tip of his nose against yours before he stole a quick kiss from your lips. Not for one second losing the bright smile, that all but screamed that he was drunk on love.
Spencer was JJ's first love, and the first love is something special, something you can't just erase out of your heart as if it never had made it's home in there in the first place. He was a big piece of her heart and would always be. But she had never even dared to try and stand where you were standing now. By his side; as his partner, his equal. His other half. His forever.
Even if she wouldn't have Will and her two beautiful boys - and don't get me wrong, she wouldn't trade her life with her family for the world-, the way the two of you were clinging to each other right now, looking like you were deeply sunken into your own little universe where no one else existed; and so full of bliss and love for each other... There was no way she would destroy this, no way she would break you two apart.
There was nothing in the world that could break Spencer and you apart.
JJ couldn't hear what you were whispering about, she could only guess by the way you looked at each other and giggled occasionally. The longer you danced it seemed like you were melting into each other, merging your bodies and souls together to form one.
Emily's speech from earlier ringed in her ears then. Penelope says, that this was fate. That [their marriage] was in the stars. [They] are twin flames. Two souls, that are always meant to be together. […] The thing about twin flames is, that nothing can keep them apart.
It was similar to something she had heard Spencer himself say once: "There's an old Buddhist saying, that, when you meet your soulmate, […] the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making." She thought both descriptions were fitting for what you and Spencer had.
As she let her eyes linger on your swaying forms, she suddenly felt like she was intruding something personal and intimate, so she averted her gaze and turned her head away. She rested her cheek against her husbands chest as she faced the other way and closed her eyes. JJ hugged Will closer and as his own hold on her tightened he rested his chin on the crown of her head.
It wasn't fair that she loved Spencer. Because she loved Will and her two boys too. Her family had made her who she was. But so had Spencer.
It wasn't fair to anyone involved.
She had never meant to hurt him, never. She just wanted him to be happy. And you made him happy.
No matter who much she loves Spencer now, had loved him before and would continue to love him, she could never love him as much as you did; the woman who stood where JJ never even had dared to stand.,
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transmasczeroone · 7 months
On coming out as trans:
I live in a very middle-class, Christian, conservative area, so I was bracing myself for the worst when I decided to come out publically to my co-workers and customers. (I work in a restaurant/bar that attracts a particular demographic: Imagine middle-aged ladies coming to brunch, older men coming for a pint after work, families bringing their children and dogs, most of them white, wealthy, and cishet. For context, I'm also 5 ft 4, and pre-everything, with a gender neutral name that leans towards the girly side, at least in my country.)
The first co-worker I came out to was a low-level supervisor, a gay cis guy in his 20s. He was a bit confused at first, had to ask a lot of questions to understand exactly what was changing, but ever since then he has been unconditionally supportive. He volunteered to tell the other managers that I'm trans, so I didn't need to go through the stress of that conversation multiple times.
The rest of the managers/supervisors (all cishet) at some point or another said that I can go to them if customers or other staff bother me (which hasn't happened at all), and all get my pronouns right most of the time, and are quick to correct themselves when they don't. They even go out of their way to use affirming language - one of my co-workers realised one day that that were no women on shift at the time, turned to me and said something about it being a boys' club and included me in that category. They celebrate my small wins, and the big ones, everything from "nice haircut!" to "ohmygod you're going on testosterone soon?? I'm so happy for you!!"
One of the managers - a cishet woman in her 50s, and the one I expected to have the worst reaction - asked a lot of questions to better understand me and offered to introduce me to her friend, who is also a trans man. This is a big deal to me, because I don't know any other trans men in my area. According to my co-workers, she's better at getting my pronouns right than almost anyone else.
Another cishet guy I work with is in his 60s had to ask what my he/him badge meant when he first saw it, and now he always makes a point of getting my pronouns right, especially in front of other people who she/her me based on my appearance or who need a reminder.
The male customers I serve on the bar tend to ask what the badge means (although some prefer to stare at it in confusion and not comment at all). My usual response is, "It's to remind people that I'm not a girl, since a lot of people think I am," which omits a huge chunk of the truth, but isn't a lie. I've never had a bad response, though.
When I explain, they often say, "Wow, I never would have guessed you were a man" (ouch, dysphoria) and apologise genuinely and quite profusely for calling me "she" or "sweetheart" or whatever earlier in the interaction. They're eager to assure me that they meant no disrespect. Some even notice the badge and apologise without having to ask what it means. Nobody contradicts me, nobody is sarcastic or thinks I'm joking, and nobody has ever said anything transphobic to me or asked invasive questions. Some get confused and sort of gloss over my explanation, but nobody has been hateful. Sometimes they seem to accept me as a cis guy, other times they're clearly aware that I'm trans, but it doesn't affect their response either way.
The worst thing I've encountered is customers who see the he/him badge, blatantly ignore it, and then misgender me throughout the interaction. Not ideal, of course, but far better than what I was expecting.
This entire experience has reminded me of a time I read in a comment somewhere that transphobes are a very vocal minority, that transphobia feels like it's ramping up recently because transphobes know they're losing the war and are screaming in a desperate attempt to be taken seriously. They're scared that all their fearmongering and hatred is, in fact, getting them nowhere. Maybe there's some truth to that.
As I said before, I live in a conservative, middle-class area, and there are no queer bars, bookshops, etc. for miles and miles, but there are at least 3 churches within a 15 minute walk of my house. And in the 5 months I've been out publically, the worst transphobia I've faced from a co-worker or stranger is just them not using my pronouns until corrected.
I'm not saying don't be careful when you come out. I'm not saying that things always go well. Sometimes they go awfully, and I've had my own bad experiences.
What I am saying is that my faith in cis people has been restored to quite an astonishing degree, that sometimes people can surprise you in wonderful ways, that there are people out there willing to accept and respect us, and sometimes you find them where you least expect them.
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cazperx-x · 2 years
You fell out of a van, and into my heart
Gareth Emerson x reader
Note: Reader is assumed to be female and uses she/her pronouns
Part 2 is up!!!
Synopsis: Your older sister (Ellie) has a huuuge crush on Eddie "the freak" Munson. But since your parents both work two jobs to keep food on the table for you and your siblings, and you being only 16 with no drivers license, Ellie ends up having to babysit during hellfire meetings. However, she won't let you sit on meetings, because she swears you'll embarrass her to death. Hell, she wont let you out of the car. You end up breaking a van window to get out during an especially long meeting, only to find a fluffy haired boy staring at you.
2.k words
Warnings: Cursing (not a lot a lot but a decent amount) and I think thats it, lmk if I missed anything
Hope you guys like it! Lmk if you want a part two :)
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“That's it.” You mutter, trying to find something, anything to get yourself out of this godforsaken van. To the average onlooker, it would appear you were either kidnapped (which, wasn’t that far from the truth) or a crazy person trapped in presumably their own van. Maybe the average onlooker would’ve helped you out. But unluckily for you, it was midnight in the parking lot of Hawkins High. 
Your older sister was madly in love with Eddie “the freak” Munson, and since you were 2 years younger than her (you liked to remind her technically it was a year and a half) she refused to let you come to hellfire meetings with her. But your parents both worked multiple jobs in an effort to not get the house taken away, and to provide a decent life for you and your younger siblings. But guess where that left you? Being shoved into your sister's van for “only an hour or two” for one of her hellfire meetings. But one hour quickly turned into 2, which turned into 3, and before you knew it the sun was going down and you thanked the lord your sister left the window cracked. 
After lots of not pg friendly language and looking around, you gave up and just started throwing yourself against the cracked window. Your sister really should be reported for child abuse at this point. In your blind fit to get out of that damned car, you failed to notice the boy with fluffy hair and a hellfire shirt just like your sister wore walking up to his car, which happened to be right next to the one you were trapped in. Greaaat.
After lots of shoves into the window and a very sore and probably very bruised shoulder, you slammed through the window and with a squeal landed on the hot pavement, along with lots of glass. 
“Oh my god-! Are you okay??” 
You looked up at the fluffy haired boy you previously failed to notice right by the car, looking horrified while holding a bag of chips. Shit. 
“I’m fine, a little bruised and probably bleeding somewhere, but overall fine.” You muttered, still laying on a pile of broken glass and hot pavement. But then again, anything is better than that damned van floor. 
“Do you need a hand..?” The boy offered, reaching his hand out to help you up. 
You gladly took it, and after brushing dirt and glass (lots of glass) off your shirt, you thanked him. 
“Sooo, care to tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing breaking out of a van in the Hawkins High parking lot at midnight?” He asked, the words “pretty girl” making your heart do little summersaults.
“Well, my fucking sister locked me in her van for a club meeting that should’ve only taken an hour.” You said, audible spite in your voice. “ Oh, by the way, I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n.” 
“I'm Gareth Emerson. And damn your sister does not sound pleasant. Wanna go back inside to my club? There’s food and water and air conditioning.” He offered, the last offer making your face light up. 
“Oh thank god yes please.” You very quickly said, causing a huge smile to form on the boy's face. 
You both walked back to the school building, but he stopped you from opening the door. He rushed in front of you before dramatically opening it and bowing down. “ M’lady.” He said, causing you to giggle. “ Why thank you my good sir.” was your response. 
When you got into the club room, you immediately noticed someone. 
“You!” You almost screamed, pointing at your sister's face before storming up to her. “ You left me in a fucking van with the window cracked like a fucking dog for five fucking hours you little-” 
You started, before running out of breath and looking around, only to notice that everyone else in the room was dead silent… and a boy. Their jaws dropped as if they’d never seen another girl this close up.
You looked back at your sister, before seeing your sister’s face bright red. She was the first one to break the silence. 
“The hell are you doing here?”
“The hell am I doing here? I broke one of that stupid car’s goddamn windows to get out! And lovely Gareth over here,” You pointed over to where the boy was still standing in the doorway awkwardly, “was nice enough to bring me inside to an air-conditioned room!” 
Your sister groaned. “ Fine, just sit in a corner or something and don’t interrupt,” she muttered. 
Everyone else in the room was still dead silent. 
“Uhh, I got more chips?” Gareth awkwardly said, holding up the bag to the rest of the members. 
After an even more awkward silence, Eddie dramatically stood on the table, being careful not to disturb any of the dnd pieces. “So this is the infamous younger sister I've been told oh so much about. So are you Erin, or Y/n?” 
You recognized the boy as Eddie Munson, the freak of Hawkins high, the boy your sister was madly in love with. Even seeing him up close, you didn’t get what your sister saw in him. Gareth on the other hand..
“Hellooo? Earth to one of Ellie’s younger sisters who I still don't know the name of.” Eddie said, snapping you back to reality. You hadn’t realized you had zoned out.
“I’m Y/n, Erin is my younger sister, she's only like 7. I'm 16, I could legally drive if I wanted to.” You replied, before coming up with a genius plan to get back at your sister. 
“You must be Eddie the-boy-my-older-sister-refuses-to-shut-up-about Munson.” You nearly shouted, just to make sure everyone in the room could hear. “ I’ve seen you around. Honestly, I still can’t tell what my dear sister sees in you. She eve-” 
Before you could finish your sentence, your sister shoved her hand in front of your mouth and gave you a death glare. But it was too late, the damage was already done. Everyone was staring at Ellie, then Eddie, then your sister again. Both Eddie’s and Ellie’s faces were bright red, and when your sister cautiously moved her hand from in front of your mouth, you had the smuggest smile you could muster on. 
“Oopsies, I guess five hours of being trapped in a brain makes you forget to keep secrets secret.” You said, faking an apologetic look and frown.
The tension was so thick in the room you could cut it with a knife. Gareth, again, tried to awkwardly break the silence. “ Well then, how about an introduction? Uhm, Y/n, this is Dustin Henderson, “ He said, pointing to the curly-haired kid with a hat on, “ This is Mike Wheeler,” He pointed to a scrawny kid with black hair, “ And this is Lucas Sinclair, you might recognize him from warming the bench during all the basketball games.” Gareth teased, pointing towards the kid you did recognize from warming the bench during all the basketball games. “ This is Jeff, and lastly we have-” Gareth continued, before being cut off by Dustin.
“You broke through a car window?” He nearly shouted. 
This was the first time you’d heard the boy talk, and he had a huge curious smile plastered on his face. 
“Yep, Gareth saw me do it. Right?” You said, before turning to Gareth, who nodded. 
“It was pretty badass actually.” He chimed in. 
Eddie and your sister were still red, and they had been dead silent looking back and forth between each other and various things in the room. Apparently, your sister loved bare white walls, and Eddie loved the small table set up with various snacks. 
“You know what? Ellie and Eddie, how about you both set up the snack table while the rest of us treat Y/n’s broken glass wounds she probably has from breaking the window, right?” Dustin awkwardly said, looking at you.
“Oh yep yep, losing a lot of blood over here.” You stuttered out, and before anyone else could object or complain, you and Gareth, along with Dustin rushed everyone else except your sister and the Munson boy out before they had even registered what was going on
When everyone was out of the room and the door was closed, you spoke up. 
“Okay but in all seriousness, I think I’m actually bleeding, does anyone care to direct me to a bathroom?” You said, rolling up your long sleeve to reveal a small gash with a bloody piece of glass sticking out. 
“I’ll help.” Gareth volunteered, before getting up and walking with you to the nearest bathroom. 
“Okay, wait here,” he said, before disappearing into the boy's bathroom. A moment later he came back out with a wet paper towel. “ Mind if I-?” He asked, and when you nodded, Gareth knelt and grabbed your arm gently and looked at the cut a bit closer. Even given the circumstances, you couldn’t help but get butterflies in your stomach with his touch. 
He frowned, before pulling a bobby pin out of his hair, which made you raise an eyebrow. 
“You just keep those in your hair, Emerson?” You questioned
“Well, I like to be prepared when pretty girls break through van windows and get cut with glass. And have you seen my hair? Now, this might sting a little bit, so brace yourself.” He said the first part with a chuckle, but you barely paid attention. 
Pretty girl
You could feel your face get hot again, and you were silently thanking the lord Gareth was looking at your arm, not your face.
You snapped back to reality when he started cleaning the cut with the wet paper towel, and you started feeling sharp pains shooting up your arm. You winced and pulled your arm away. 
“Hey hey, I said it was gonna hurt. And it's gonna hurt even more when I try to get that piece of glass out.” Gareth said, looking up at you. 
You turned to face the wall, not wanting him to see your probably red face, before moving your arm back over to him.  He continued cleaning the cut, before using the bobby pin as tweezers to try and get the piece of glass out. 
“Ow ow ow ow ow,” you muttered, before wincing as he tried to wiggle the piece of glass out. 
“Sorry sorry!” he almost shouted, clearly a bit agitated. After a moment of silence, he sighed. “Didn’t mean to sound mad or anything..” he muttered. 
Before you could respond, you felt another sharp pain before Gareth quickly held the still wet paper towel on the cut, before taking a hair tie out of his pocket and using it to keep the paper towel on your arm so the halls wouldn’t be speckled with blood. 
“Ta-daa!” He triumphantly cried out, before standing up and holding up the bobby pin holding a piece of glass covered in blood. You smiled, before looking down at your arm. 
“How much hair supplies do you keep on you Emmerson?” You questioned, a mischievous smirk on your face. 
“Never you mind that L/n. Do you have any other cuts?” He said before a worried frown appeared on his face. 
“Nope, I’m 98.47% sure that was the only one. I think I would be able to tell if I was bleeding somewhere else right now.” You said with a chuckle, before ruffling Gareth's hair. 
“Hey,” He said, grabbing your wrist to stop you from further touching his hair. He looked around the empty hallway cautiously.  “Don’t do that in front of the others. The last thing I need is all of them messing up my hair 24/7.” He said before letting go of your wrist. Your heart dropped a little when he let go, but you smiled when your brain had processed what he just said.
“Oh? So I’m the only one allowed to touch Gareth Emerson’s hair? Jeez, I must be one special gal.” You teased
“You are one special girl Y/n L/n, one special girl indeed.”
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wallacejwriting · 24 days
Writeblr Re-Intro & Pinned
Hello! I'm Lace. Also Wally and Wallace. I love nicknames. It's a trans thing. Remaking this because the old one was long and outdated.
I'm just about thirty, queer as fuck, and use they/them and he/him pronouns. I'm also multiply disabled and chronically ill, and I talk about being autistic and anxious a lot!
In a very long-term relationship with @thetiniestnerd, who I make breakfast for most days.
My Writing
Typically adult or new adult.
Genres: science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, urban fantasy, romance, mystery, thriller, that sorta thing. V much a genre blender.
Currently have two main wips and a third universe sandbox I like to play in a lot: TMI, Starkyda, and Beurkratti in that order. See below.
Focused a lot on queer and disabled characters and narratives
Lots of relationship dynamics, complex relationships, as well as polyamory
The Metahuman Initiative
An urban fantasy/science fiction series focused on people with superpowers, known as metahumans, within a massive, high-tech city specifically designed to study them.
Main characters are Nat Carter, Rini Callaghan, and Marlowe Hierro.
After being released from prison, six months after the murder of their family, Nat is given a new home in the Callaghan Institute, where they race aggressive and suspicious police officers to find the true killer of their family and get the closure they need, whatever it might be, before the cops decide Nat is their real target.
At the Institute, Rini, Professor Callaghan's adoptive daughter, takes poorly to Nat's arrival, and to try and alleviate the problem, the professor assigns Rini to find a mysterious and terrified metahuman that just arrived in the city - Marlowe, who currently has no idea who they are or what to do.
But Veda has a lot more going on than can be seen on the surface, and as the three of them delve deeper, the horrors and truth of Veda City, and how it connects to each of them, begin to show themselves.
A steampunk/science fantasy series focused on multiple groups of people vying for control of a floating island on the edge of the apocalypse. Some groups include dragon riders at a fascist military academy, criminals in the literal underbelly of the city, council members and politicians with their own agendas, and a farmer and midwife who just wants to go home.
Main characters are: many.
For three hundred years, the Blight has pushed out from the massive breach at the bottom of the ocean and infected not just the waters, but the entire world. Now, as the inhabited islands become the next target for the Blight to swallow up, a beacon of hope is appearing on the island closest to destruction: Tairkyda.
Saoirse Cuirc is thirteen years old when she declares to the statues of the gods that she is a girl, not the son so many believe, and becomes the first person in three hundred years to see the Goddess.
And the first person in history to be Chosen to wield the mortal portion of her power.
Now, six years later, at nineteen, Saoirse is entering Tairkyda's mandatory military academy alongside her best friend, Lucian, and their freshly hatched dragons. But Saoirse isn't the only outsider, this year, and it's clear that most of those in power don't want any of them here.
Jules, who found a dragon egg one morning while doing chores, is a midwife and a farmer who just wants to go home, but the rare power of their dragon, and the strength of their bond, means Jules isn't going anywhere. Not if they want to have somewhere to return to, at least.
And Wren Hashimoto, who has spent years fighting against the belief that they are weak and frail, and who takes the opportunity of a dragon and a chance to bear their teeth to show just how ferocious they can be, without help.
Both of them will soon find themselves with far more power than they've ever known, and far more responsibility than they've ever wanted.
The three of them form the triad of Chosen who will lead the rest to save the world. But how do you stop a vicious, alien fungus from the ocean? How do you unite a people who are determined to hate you? How do you save a world that wants to hurt you so they can take your power and save it their way, instead?
And how do you create a home you actually want to return to, rather than the patriarchal, fascist regime that has led Tairkyda for centuries?
A sprawling, epic fantasy with urban fantasy and science fantasy elements - a genre blend of a world inspired by the 80s - taking place in a world of many, fantastic creatures, oodles of queerness, and at least one apocalyptic level threat a month.
Following many characters, Beurkratti is a series about friendship and connection, about mystery and intrigue, and about how the search for information in the past can lead to great things in the future.
We drop into Beurkratti right as the apocalyptic level threats are starting to get worse than usual, and the Wardens, keepers of peace and safety around the world, start trying to bring things down to normal and see what changed.
From this, we follow dozens of characters across many different stories, including Katya, a half-orc Warden with chronic pain and a service shoulder dragon who travels Beurkratti looking for answers to the inevitable decay of the mind all Wardens suffer, as well as helping out wherever she can.
And if she comes across a brothel or two along the way - hey, bonus!
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charcorner · 21 days
Welcome to Char Corner!
Hi there, fellow Char owners! My name is Astra, I use any pronouns but mostly she/they, and I raise Homo aznablii (also known as Chars) for a living! I have worked at multiple Char shelters, and own multiple Chars myself. Here's a quick intro to them!
(Plus, some tips I shared in the comments of a Strange Aeons video about clown husbandry:)
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Male 0079
Age: 4
Mars is a new addition to the family. I picked him up from a Char shelter back in July. He was surrendered to the shelter after his owners couldn't take care of them. PSA: Purebred 0079s are not good starter Chars! They need constant stimulation to keep from engaging in the classic Char pastime of destroying everything in your home, along with 0079s needing to be disciplined regularly, (without force! please do not hit or yell at your char, as they will distrust you and be more likely to indiscriminately attack you. i like to use spray bottles) to actually make them listen to you. If you REALLY like 0079s but don't have any experience raising Chars, get a 0079/Quattro cross. While Mars can have an attitude sometimes and has tried to escape a few times when I let him outside for more than a few minutes, he's a really sweet Char. Fun fact: he's the same 0079 Char from the Garfield story I shared above
Hallie Jr.
Female Quattro/CCA mix
Age: 3
Hallie Jr. is one of the Char pups from the story I shared above. Her mother, a Quattro named Hallie, was one of the first Chars I raised, and was a general sweetheart. Sadly, last May, Hallie was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17, and I had no choice but to end her life in a humane way. I'll never forget the day I took her home from the shelter all those years ago, and how she was so scared on the ride back home... Anyways, Hallie Jr. is chaotic. That's it. I remember when I first took Mars home and Hallie Jr. gave him a nice chomp on the shoulder. What a way to roll in the welcome wagon... She's also given me a few nips, too, and almost attacked another Char at the Char park (my pride and joy as a char owner. /s) Anyways, I always say that Quattros are the ideal starter breed of Char, due to their mostly-docile temperament. CCAs, however, need a great deal of training and socialization, which I know a lot of casual Char owners can't afford to provide. Sadly, this has led to many CCAs turning aggressive and getting the breed as a whole classified as dangerous in a lot of jurisdictions. (They're kinda like the "bully breeds" of dogs.)
Male Full Frontal
Age: 27
While I normally do not condone getting Full Frontals due to the problems with the breed (see above), a friend gave me Meteor because they were moving to a place which did not allow Chars in the lease (an unfortunate truth in many places) and I couldn't say no. Even if he is getting on in the years (the average Char lifespan is 33 years), he is still one of the most amazing Chars I have ever taken care of. However, last month he started to become more lethargic and nipped me when I tried to pet him (an action he usually enjoys). I'm planning to take him to the vet soon to see what's up with him.
Female mutt (with 0079 and CCA features)
Age: 1½ years
Last but not least, Ceres was a stray Char pup who was rejected by her mother. I found her in my front lawn in critical condition and I just had to take her in because I couldn't let a newborn Char die like that, and bottle-fed her and nursed her back to health. She's currently in her "teen phase" (Chars fully mature at 2 years old) and is starting to test her boundaries. She often gets zoomies and even scratched Hallie Jr. once (she's probably learned her lesson now). However, she's still as sweet as the day I took her in!
Random Char facts and tips:
Chars only started being imported to the western world in the past 25 years. Before that, they were popular pets in Japan and other East Asian countries, hitting their stride in the late seventies, although a small portion of Chars were imported to Italy around the early eighties in the hopes of starting a fad, although they never caught on back then.
CHARS AND CLOWNS DO NOT GO TOGETHER!! I've seen so many Chars get surrendered to shelters because they attacked or even killed clowns, one of their NATURAL PREY SOURCES. Come on.
Chars are facultative carnivores. In the wild, they prey on not only clowns, but also deer and other large herbivores. But domesticated Chars will still be as happy eating small animals such as live mice as they would chasing down a deer in the wild.
Please do not keep attack/guard Chars, especially CCAs. The training to turn them into one cannot be done in a way that does not involve abuse. Please get a functioning security system.
You may have noticed that Chars are horny AF. It's a survival strategy: Chars mate with anything and everything as wild mother Chars have a tendency to reject or even eat their offspring. Thankfully for Char breeders, domesticated Chars have had this behavior almost entirely bred out of them.
Chars are pregnant for 6 months and usually give birth to a litter of 4-9 Char pups.
Anyways, good luck in your own Char breeding and owning adventures!
~ Astra
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
that was staring from across the room | goodguyfitz x female reader
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my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
warnings / other notes ↪I'mm aware he's a controversial influence. II couldn't care less whether you support him or not. I personally, enjoy his content and his humor. ↪ she/her pronouns used ↪swearing, drinking, drug use ↪ im aware mason has a gf (if you didnt know, he does) ↪ sexts / mention of sex
prompt ↪ the misfits were having their annual boozy party and you were invited. recently cameron (fitz) and you had gotten into a heated argument over a small thing, so there was a lot of tension in the air whenever you were near him.
A misfits party, it seemed like every other week that the misfits held a party where there were booze, weed and every other recreational drug you could think of.
But, it wasn't every day that they held a party as big as this one, a party for one of their friends. It was Chad's birthday today and of course, being his friend, I was invited.
Stepping into the Misfits house I am welcomed with an overwhelming smell of weed and the familiar sounds of people stuffing their nose with coke, I never did drugs of course. I lived a happy life without them actually.
"y/n!" mason slurred, already wasted off his face, wrapping his arms around my shoulders his breathe reeked of alcohol and ciggies but it was comforting because that was the mason I knew.
"hey macey" I laugh "god well don't you fucking look sexy you fucking dog." he says removing his arm to take a step back and look at my outfit, which was only a simple dress with flats, nothing too interesting for these aussies.
"thanks mason." I smile looking around, the house was crowded and packed "the boys are playing a game do you want to play or anything, its fucking truth or dare." he says pointing into a crowd of people "truth or dare?" I question him "chad the cunt wanted to play." he says "come come" he grabs my hand pulling me along.
Dragging me through the crowded corridors and packed rooms, finally making it to a room where it was just the Misfits and close friends.
Some of the Misfits were out like Matt, Swagger and Cameron.
But shortly after they returned with a fuck ton of alcohol which made the party from the house even more vibrant and loud even though the people in this room literally weren't even apart of that party.
"truth or dare." chad mumbles to me, rubbing his nose I look around. Cameron was staring at me with his judgy eyes, "dare" I grin to Cameron before looking back at chad.
You see days before this party, Cameron and I had gotten into an altercation where he called me some very debatable names resulting in his shit being burnt. He and I were never dating nor did we question what we were but I did have some sort of feelings for him, so thats why his name calling hurt me more than it should've.
"I dare you to kiss mason, on the lips. no side kiss bullshit." the room woo'd at the last part of the dare. I shrug, I wasn't drunk but I also wasn't going to back down from a dare especially when I cockily grinned at Cameron who I swore I'd do everything to make jealous.
Mason laughs "fuck it come here." he says and I get up and walk towards him as he cups my face and kisses me, roughly yet tenderly, the booze taste in every inch of his mouth. I'm not complaining, it was a way to get drunk without actually touching a bottle.
We pulled apart and I sat back down, crossing my legs and the room was now filled with laughters and multiple rounds of applause from everyone except one person, the one person that was staring from across the room.
The one with the blue eyes, who was sat directly across from me. Twirling a silver ring between his long pale fingers effortlessly, crossing my legs I stare directly at him, not moving a single bone in my body "truth or dare" I smirk, he nods. Understanding at what game I was playing.
"dare" was the first word I had heard come out of his mouth in a few days, thats how long it had been since I had heard from him.
But as those words left his mouth, the room fell quiet. Everyone feeling the tension between him and I "guys you pricks had to make it awkward..." toby says, "you heard me... dare." he says leaning forward not moving his eyes from mine.
"send a sext to the seventh person in your messages." I shrug, it wasn't some big dare that was suppose to get him going but I couldn't think of anything when he was staring at me like that. He pulls his phone out of his pocket not moving his eyes from mine "whats with the eyes McKay?".
"alright, guys, come on." Jay says "no, let them go at it." Mason says "if anything these cunts will be fucking by the end of the night." he continues placing a lit ciggie in his mouth.
Cameron scoffs typing a message "done y/l/n" he flips the phone with a smirk. My phone goes off and it was him.
i know you're mad at me, you're hot though and i'd fuck the shit out of you.
"who was it?" Everyone asks Cameron eagerly and I look up from my phone "I need to take this." I lie standing up and walking out of the room, heading straight to the bathroom.
Banging on the door to hear people having sex, I grunt kicking the door angrily before making my way downstairs to the alcohol. Sure there was alcohol upstairs but the message... the message.
I look at the alcohol, it was teasing me "here" a guy says handing me a bottle "thanks" i smile before walking off.
I didn't make it back to the room filled with Misfits, instead I down the bottle and make my way back. Only he had that kind of affect on me. The affect that makes me swoon even when I hate him, that affect that makes the purest of hearts go bad.
Time had passed and I was now 10... 11.... 20 something bottles in. The party hadn't died, infact it was more alive than ever and every single worry had disappeared... including my phone.
In a panic I run back to the place that gave me alcohol "what's the, phone." my words were slurred, of course they were I was drunk. "what?' the man had said "y/n?" a loud voice yelled from the stairs, I spin around and see Cameron.
"shit, shit." I say slowly realising and running out back hoping he wouldnt find me.
Not look where I was going, I run straight into the pool. Swimming back up I scream "FUCK" this night just turned terrible.
Cameron runs out and sees me in the pool, giving me his cocky stare once again. "get up" he says placing his hands on his hips, eventually lifting one up to rub his dome. He was fully sober, sure he had been drinking but he didnt drink enough to be even licked (partly drunk).
"no" I slur, pushing my hair out of my face. "y/n, get out." he says and I stare at him, narrowing my vision to him and only him "what are you going to call me a dish-washing prostitue again." my words continued to be slurred, but they were nothing but the truth.
Everyone outside stops, staring at him and I.
"y/n, i won't repeat myself get the fuck out." he say taking off his shoes and cap, getting in the pool before grabbing me and pulling me towards the edge "let go of me." I try shimmying out of his grip but he was strong. He lifts me up onto the ledge, using his arms as back support as he leaves them wrapped around me.
"i'm sorry." he admits and the party goes back to normal.
He was still standing in the pool "i can't hear you the music is loud." I mumble leaning foward "Im sorry" he says "as you fucking should be." I point to him and he nods.
"KISS" someone yells from above, "who the fuck" "mason" he cuts me off "and don't ever look at me like that again." I slur to him, my mind was on straight after hearing his apology. The words... not so much.
"what?" he says "you fucking staring you mud cunt." I say "I was just admiring you." he shrugs before letting go of me and lifting himself up.
"well, then stare at me like that again."
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aerynwrites · 2 years
Jayce Talis x Female!Reader
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A/N: I FINALLY have en excuse to use a shirtless Jayce Gif 😍 so enjoy Bc I’m sorry but that man didn’t get enough shirtless time 🤣 anyways. Hope you all enjoy!
Synopsis: When a night of you and Jayce hanging out with Caitlyn and Vi reveals that you’ve never had an orgasm before, Jayce makes it his mission to correct that.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! Smut, nsfw content. female reader, she/her/hers pronouns, reader is referred to as “lady” a couple times, Multiple orgasms, oral (f! Receiving), PiV sex, first orgasm(?), very slight praise kink, creampie (wrap it before you tap it folks, this is fiction lol), aftercare, fluff.
Let me know if I missed any tags!!
*no proofreading back up was used. So apologize for any errors!*
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The apartment's living room is filled with warm light and laughter, the sun having set several hours ago and the alcohol flowing steadily. 
Caitlyn and Vi had officially moved in together a few weeks ago and have been trying to get you, Jayce, and Viktor over for a housewarming party as Caitlyn called it. 
You and Jayce had finally found a weekend, but Viktor was unable to join due to visiting his mother. So Vi had insisted the plans continue anyways since it’s been so long. 
So that’s where you are now, seated on the plush carpet in the women's living room, giggles and raucous laughter coming from all of you. The night had dissolved from casual conversation to storytelling, to going around and playing a version of truth or drink. 
The questions had started out innocent. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done, the worst relationship, and so on. If someone didn’t want to answer then they would take a sip of their drink. 
However, the game didn’t stay innocent for long. Everyone was a little buzzed from the alcohol and with this company…you didn’t expect the questions to stay that way.
It was Vi’s turn now and if the shit eating grin on her face was anything to go by, you all were in for a good one. 
The pink haired woman leans back on her hands, legs crossed casually in front of her. 
“Best orgasm you’ve ever had.” She says, absolutely confident in her request. 
The question catches most of the group off guard, but Caitlyn and Jayce quickly recover and you just listen with an entertained smile on your face. 
Caitlyn reveals that her best was, of course, with Vi. A sentiment shared by the pink haired woman. 
When it’s Jayce’s turn you can’t stop the way your face burns as he says that you gave him his - he kindly spares the details. 
So when it comes to you, you shake your head and take a sip of your drink. 
Everyone In the circle groans, even Jayce who gives you a faux wounded look. 
“Come on!” Vi huffs, clearly agitated by the curiosity eating at her about why you won’t share your own story. “We all told ours!” 
Caitlyn nods. “It only seems fair.” She says, sending you a teasing grin. 
“Ugh, fine.” You relent, rolling your eyes. “I drank because I don’t have a story to tell.” You say simply, swirling the wine around in your glass.
Silence follows your revelation and you don’t move to break it. You used to be ashamed of the fact you’ve never had an orgasm, but over the years you’ve just…accepted it. The sex was never bad, and you just started to assume that maybe you couldn’t have one. But you still can’t help but cast a wary look at Jayce, who just looks confused. 
“Wait, hold on.” Vi sits up ramrod straight. “You’ve never had one?”
You shake your head. 
“Like never, ever?” 
A small laugh bubbles from your chest. “No, Vi. Never.” 
She scoffs in disbelief. “And that doesn’t…bother you?” 
You shrug again, this question causing your gaze to fall to the floor and fiddle with a stray carpet fiber. 
“It used to, but no…not anymore. It’s not like it makes sex un-enjoyable, and I could never get myself off either so…I just thought I could never have one.” 
At this Vi huffs, and your own eyes widen when she reaches over and lands an overly hard punch to Jayce’s shoulder. 
That woman really doesn’t know her own strength. 
“Ow!” Jayce cries, one hand coming up to cover the accosted shoulder. “What was that for?” He asks, disbelief lacing his words. 
“What was that-?” Vi gestures violently to you. “For not satisfying your lady, that’s what!” 
She bursts into laughter as she falls onto her back, positively howling in amusement. “Who would have thought that Golden Boy, Jayce Talis can’t even make his partner cu-“ 
“Hey!” Jayce cuts her off, and you don’t miss the way his cheeks have darkened with a warm blush. “That’s not- I didn’t even-“ 
Vi raises a hand above her head, fingers moving like a hand puppet as she mimics Jayce. “I-I didn’t even - I can’t-“
She sits up again, resting casually back on her hands as she smirks at Jayce. 
“Just admit it, Talis. It’s okay, really-“ 
Jayce looks ready to bust, steam metaphorically pouring from his ears. 
“I'm not going to admit to anything-“ 
Vi turns to you, cutting Jayce off yet again as she sends you a wink. 
“If pretty boy over here isn’t performing I can always lend a hand-“ 
“Violet!” Caitlyn explains, smacking her girlfriends shoulder playfully, a smile of her own on her face. 
Vi puts her hands up in mock surrender and you can’t stop the giggles that have been pouring nonstop from your lips. 
“Alright, alright.” The woman relents, before turning her eyes to you again. “Just remember that offer is still there-“ 
“Okay that’s it.” Jayce huffs and stands from his seat on the floor next to you, reaching for your hand to pull you up with him. “We’re leaving.” 
You hear Vi call after him as he heads to the door, only stopping long enough for you to grab your things, sending him a questioning look the whole time. 
“And where are you going? We were just having fun, I didn’t mean it!” You think you see a flicker of regret on Vi’s face as Jayce ushers you out the door. 
But you watch as it quickly melts into a smirk at Jayce’s statement just before he closes the door. 
“I’m going to satisfy my girlfriend!”
The door shuts with a final bang as Jayce leads the way back to your apartment down the street, silence permitting the air between you. 
“Are you okay, Jayce? I’m sorry if that bothered you. I didn’t think…I didn’t think it mattered.” You say, worried that you’ve somehow upset the man next to you. 
“Of course it matters!” Jayce says, voice loud on the otherwise quiet street, and you instinctively reach out To take his hand in yours, an action that calms his obviously perturbed mind. 
He squeezes your hand. “Of course it matters. You should…” he shakes his head. “I feel so stupid for not noticing before.” 
You shrug, but not in a dismissive way, just in a matter of fact way. “It’s not your fault Jayce.” You tell him, a teasing smile coming to your face as he looks at you. “I’ve become kind of an expert at faking it over the years.” 
His brows furrow as you both reach your apartment building and begin the last stretch towards your unit.
“You shouldn’t have to do that.” He says gently once you reach the door. 
You quickly unlock the door, avoiding his gaze as you both enter the small home. “It’s fine, Jayce. The sex is still good, great actually.” You say, setting your purse on the side table as you continue. “It doesn’t matter-“ 
“Will you stop saying that?” Jayce says, finally making you look at him as he places firm hands on your upper arms. 
You sigh and lean against the door. “It’s the truth though-“ 
Jayce cuts you off, leaning in just a little bit more. 
“Have you ever felt unsatisfied after we have sex?” 
His question is blunt, and you find yourself wanting to give an automatic response. But this whole situation seems to really bother him, and you feel the practiced response die on your tongue. 
“I mean, sometimes I guess. But not because of you. Please, understand that.” You admit, heat bubbling to your cheeks again. 
Gentle hands come up to cradle your face as Jayce gazes at you, nothing but love and adoration swimming in hazel eyes. 
“At least let me try?” His request is quiet, whispered into the air between you, and so delicate you can’t find it in you to refuse. 
Not that you’d want to. You basically have a man begging to do whatever it takes to satisfy you. Who would turn that down? 
You smile, finding yourself enamored once more with the gentleman that is Jayce Talis, and nod. 
“Give it your best shot, Golden Boy.”
The only response you get is warm lips crashing into your own. The kiss is firm, full of heat and desperation, as hands begin to wander. 
Jayce pulls away entirely too soon, and you move to pull him back to you. However, before you can, you feel your feet leave the ground as you are lifted into his arms bridal style. 
“Jayce, what are you doing?” You giggle, smiling as he walks you both towards your shared bedroom. 
“Giving you the royal treatment.” He teases, setting you gently on the bed once he’s there. 
Once he steps away from you, you quickly move to kick off your shoes, and go to remove the rest of your clothes as well. 
But before you can do much as lift your shirt over your head, two familiar hands wrap softly around your wrists, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Let me?” 
Jayce looks at you reverently, crawling onto the bed between your legs when you nod your permission.
 He sits on his knees between your legs as his hands replace your own on your shirt. Slowly, much slower than you anticipated, he lifts it higher. His knuckles brush lightly across the skin he exposes, leaving goosebumps in their wake until he finally lifts the garment over your head, dropping it off the side of the bed. 
Then, he pulls his own shirt off before letting his hands fall to your hips. You lift them from the bed slightly, expecting him to rid you of your pants next, but he only presses you back into the mattress firmly. 
You send him a questioning look, but he doesn’t see it as he dips down to press a feather-light kiss just above your waistband. 
He doesn’t stop there. 
Up and up he goes, pressing warm lips to every inch of exposed skin. To your hip, then just below your navel, then further up to your ribs. 
He leaves slightly wet kisses behind as he continues, causing the cool air to feel frigid against the places he lavishes attention to, making a shiver run up your spine. 
Your eyes flutter closed when he noses the bottom of your bra before skipping it completely to leave even more kisses to the swell of your breasts, his lips soft in contrast to the delicate tug of his teeth. 
“Jayce…” his name is drawn out on your tongue, impatience building as he travels up further, nipping at your collarbone. 
You tilt your head back subconsciously, baring even more skin to him as his lips trail up your neck before he worries the delicate skin between his teeth. 
He must hear your silent plea, because while he doesn’t stop his journey, he at least slides a hand beneath you, expertly undoing the clasps of your bra and tossing it to the side. 
“I think…” He rumbles against your skin, “That you’re so focused on the sex, you forget the buildup is the best part.”
He dips back down, retracing his earlier steps. 
“The anticipation.” Lips ghost over your collarbone.
“The excitement.” Lower now, teeth grazing the top of your breast again.
“The exhilaration.” 
Finally, he takes a stiff bud between his lips, his tongue feels molten hot over your already heated skin and you can’t stop the way you arch into his mouth, body seeking more. 
Your hands finally let go of the sheets and instead reach up to thread your fingers through his hair, holding him to you. Sighs of pleasure slip from your lips, begging for more without words, a silent language Jayce has always been good at understanding. 
He switches to give attention to the other breast, rolling the stiff peak between his teeth before releasing it completely. 
Your whine of protest is cut short as he silences you with a kiss, his lips warm and wet and so inviting you melt into him, barely aware of his fingers ghosting across the waistband of your pants. 
Expertly, he thumbs open the button closure and swiftly pulls the zipper down, and you need no more encouragement to assist him. You silently lift your hips, allowing him to pull the last of your clothing off your legs, never breaking the kiss. 
Your hands slide to cradle his cheeks, ready to tell him he’s wearing way too many clothes. But before you can speak he’s pulling away from you, once again trailing delightfully warm lips down your neck, over your chest and tummy, then lower until his lips ghost over the crux of your thigh. 
“Fuck, Jayce, will you stop teasing?” Your words are bordering on whiny, but you don’t even care. You’re aching, it feels like your core is burning and you know beyond a doubt you’re already wet just from him touching you like that. Kissing you like that. 
Mercifully, he relents immediately, and it feels like whiplash with the way the pace changes. 
One moment you can barely feel his hot breath against you and the next your fingers are diving into his hair as he presses his tongue against you. 
The moan he lets out is sinful, and the way his arm wraps around your thigh to hold you in place is enough to make pleasure shoot through you. 
He knows exactly what you like, having done this plenty of times. But it still blows you away just how much he’s mastered it. 
Slow deliberate strokes against your clit before dipping back down to press into your entrance. His nose bumps against your bundle of nerves as he all but devours you, pulling you closer and pressing deeper until you’re sure he can’t breathe. 
You feel that familiar coil begin to form in your belly, low and deep. You feel this every time you and Jayce have slept together, but it never goes beyond this. You never thought it could. It feels good, but you also want more, a feeling you’ve never been able to achieve. And you think this time will be the same. 
But it feels different, like it’s building easier and faster. And when he adds a finger, slowly sliding it in and curling just so, it’s like lightning shoots through your veins. 
His name falls from your lips in a stilted prayer, barely audible with the way it’s whispered into the air. 
It’s not long before he adds a second finger, and this time when he curls them, as If beckoning you closer, he brushes up something devastating. 
The breath is stolen from your lungs as heat blooms in your core, that coil pulling so taut that you think something is wrong. It’s both exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time, and you try to tell Jayce this, pushing at his head weakly. But he only murmurs whispered praises against you so low you can barely understand him. 
“You can do it, just let go. I want to taste you so bad…”
His words and fingers brushing up against you are like flames held to a rope. The tension in your belly snaps in half, both ends frayed by the fire Jayce created as utter euphoria washes over you like a tidal wave. 
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before. 
It’s too much and just enough at the same time. Your eyes clench shut and your hands fist in Jayce’s locks so tight you're surprised you don’t rip any out. 
Your chest heaves as you slowly float down, warm hands there to greet you as you do so. They run up your thighs, over your belly before settling at your ribs, thumbs rubbing soothing patterns. 
“You okay?” He asks, eyes shining as he looks you over.
When all you give him is a lazy nod he smiles. 
“I really hope you didn’t fake that one.” He teases, leaning up to press a kiss to your jaw. 
Your head shifts side to side weakly as you shake your head, hands shaking just slightly as you reach down to rest them over Jayce’s. 
“Definitely didn’t fake it.” You tell him, trying to calm your breathing.
You furrow your brow as Jayce slowly crawls up so his face is level with yours, gently pressing his lips to yours before peppering kisses along your cheeks. 
“If I had any idea It’d feel like that I would have said something sooner.” You joke, hands coming up to cup his cheeks in your hands pulling him into another kiss. 
Jayce happily obliges, resting on his forearms beside your head. This kiss is much slower than the ones shared earlier in the evening. It’s slow, no rush to your actions as you just drink each other in. 
Taking this moment as you continue to come down from your high, you pull Jayce closer. Relishing in the warmth of his chest pressing against your own and the pleasant scratch of stubble against your palms. 
Finally though, Jayce breaks away but doesn’t leave you completely. 
“You think you can keep going?” His lips brush against yours as he speaks, warm breath ghosting over your skin. 
This is completely new territory for you. You’re exhausted, could roll over and go to sleep right now. But the temptation of feeling that again wins out. That and the fact that you can’t very well leave the man you love hanging. Especially not after he made you see stars. 
You nod, smiling up at him before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. 
“Yeah, I think so. I mean - I’d like to try.” 
“Good.” His voice is but a whisper as he places one last peck to the underside of your jaw before sitting up to work on his pants. “I’m gonna take care of you.” 
You know he means them, but you don’t want there to be any doubt about your past encounters. So you sit up with him, hands falling to cover his own stilling his movements. 
Hazel eyes meet yours, a slight question swimming in his gaze, but he stays silent allowing you to speak. 
“You always take care of me Jayce,” you tell him, words filled with conviction. “I never doubted for a second that you didn’t care for me or love me.” 
He nods, hands coming up to cups your cheeks. His thumbs brush softly against your skin and you instinctively lean into his touch. 
“I do love you. So much. So just…let me show you?” 
Once again you find yourself unable to deny him, chest filled with warmth at his words. 
Quickly, Jayce rids himself of his remaining clothes and settles between your thighs, seeking your lips once more. He moves languidly against you, tongue pressing against your lips until you happily grant him access. His breath mingles with yours as you both fill your lungs between kisses, barely getting enough oxygen in your desperation for one another. 
Nimble fingers travel down your sides and over your belly before sliding lower. The jerk of your hips as calloused pads brush your clit is what finally breaks the kiss. Sparks of electricity burst beneath your skin at the sensation, the feeling exponentially more euphoric than before. 
It’s overwhelming, and over sensitive, and you instinctively want to pull away…but your mouth moves before your hands are able. Pleading moans saying the opposite of what you thought you’d want.
“Jayce, please…” Hands resting on his shoulders, you pull him closer, head falling back into the pillow as he trails his lips down over your jaw.
A breathy chuckle leaves him, hot breath washing over dewy skin. “Patience, babe,” he murmurs, tongue laving over your jugular. “I promise it’s worth it.”
You huff, fingers digging into his skin, nails sure to leave marks behind for later. Pressing your hips up into his own, a shudder runs through you as his cock slips through your slicks folds. 
“I’ve waited long enough.” You whine, unashamed to beg. “Please, Jayce.”
Whether it was the brief contact or your out of character begging, Jayce gives in to you, smiling against your skin. One hand slides up to remove one of yours from his shoulder, intertwining his fingers with your own and pressing it into the mattress next to your head. 
A gentle kiss, pressed to the corner of your lips, and a warm hand against your hip keep you grounded as he presses forward, stretching you out slowly. His lips swallow your moans and your hand grips his tightly against the onslaught of pleasure that burns in your core. 
“Fuck.” the word is huffed out against your lips as Jayce’s hips meet your own. “You feel so good - always feel so good.” 
Keening at his words you press up against him, urging him to move. You swallow past the air struggling to get into your lungs and thread your free hand into the cropped locks at the base of his skull.
“ s’ good Jayce.” the words are moaned against his ear as hid head falls to your shoulder. “So big, fuck. P-please move, Jayce, please-”
The answer you receive is physical, the feeling of emptiness as he pulls out of you before thrusting back in with one fluid motion. 
He sets a steady pace from there. Thrusts firm and deep, making your already sensitive nerves sing as he drives you towards the peak once more. 
Breathy moans and groans of pleasure are whispered against glistening skin as you pull him closer, fingers digging into his shoulders desperately. 
Heat pools in your belly as he ruts into you, and just when you think it can’t get any better, Jayce proves you wrong once again. 
Sliding his free arm beneath your hips, he pulls your body flush against him, creating a new angle that has him brushing up against that spot inside you that has you seeing stars. 
“There, right there - oh shit.” The words fall from your lips with abandon, praises and pleas for more followed by his name. 
Finally, he pulls away from your shoulder to look down at you. His normally well styled hair is disheveled now, errant strands falling beside his temples and stick to the sweat that coats his skin. 
He looks almost ethereal above you. Out of breath and disheveled and chasing your pleasure. 
The sight alone is enough for fire to rush through your veins. And with each expert stroke of him within you pulls the coil in your belly coils tighter. 
But you need more somehow. 
His hips start to stutter, and you know he’s close, but you watch him physically hold back, the tendons in his neck straining as he fights with himself. 
“I’m close, I-I’m so close but-“ he curses under his breath, his hand squeezing yours tightly. “What do you need? What can I-“ 
The whine you let out is high pitched, and if you were in any other situation, you’d probably be embarrassed. But right now, you can’t find it in you to care. 
“Touch me, please, Jayce.” You gasp out. 
He obeys. 
Releasing your hand he reaches down, pressing two fingers to your clit to trace right circles against you. 
That’s the final push you need to send you tumbling over the edge head first. It crashes over you with an intensity you didn’t experience with your previous orgasm. This one is amplified, like a pleasurable tingle licking beneath your skin as you chant Jayce’s name like a erotic prayer.
Jayce reaches his own end as yours washes through you. The feeling of your warm walls clenching around him as your release coats his cock is enough to usher in his own euphoria. 
The moan he lets out is sinful, low and deep as it pushes from within his chest. He spends himself inside you, hips pressed snugly against your own as he collapses on top of you.
His name is still on your lips as his weight settles on top of you, pressing you into the mattress and cocooning you in a comforting warmth as you both bathe in post-orgasmic bliss. 
Your hands run mindlessly up and down his back, fingers soothing the crescent indentations your nails left behind. 
“I love you.” You finally manage to say, breaking the silence. 
You can feel Jayce smile against the skin of your neck, his nose nudging just below your ear as he presses soft lips to your jaw. 
“Is that you or the orgasm talking?” 
The sound of your hand hitting his back playfully is loud in the otherwise soft quiet of the room, followed soon after by Jayce’s gentle laughter. 
His body shakes against you with his actions and you can’t help but smile. 
“It was me, you goof.” 
Despite your teasing, you reach up to take his face in your hands, directing him to look at you. You are silent as you study him, taking in the adorable way his brows tug together as he waits for you to say or do something. 
“I mean it.” You say softly. “Thank you. For taking care of me.” 
The smile he gives you is soft, a barely there tug of his lips upwards. Yet somehow it means more than the award winning smile you see so often on stage. 
Leaning down, he presses a few quick pecks to your lips before resting his forehead against your own. 
“Anything for you.” He says, breath warm against your cheek. “I love you too.” 
Nothing else is said for several blissful moments, both of you relishing in the warmth of the others embrace. 
Finally though, you shift against him, cringing when he slips out of you. 
“As much as I really want to just fall asleep right now…” You reach up and brush a stray hair from his forehead. “I think we need to shower. And change the sheets.” 
Jayce lets out a petulant groan, but eventually agrees. Begrudgingly.
You giggle as he shuffles off of you, helping you stand once he finds his own feet. He even lets out a laugh of his own as you struggle to steady yourself on wobbly legs. 
“That good huh?” 
You smack his shoulder, smile still on your face. 
“Oh, hush.” You chastise lightly. “I never should have agreed to this. Now your ego is gonna get even bigger than it already is.” 
Jayce scoffs as he leads you towards the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower before turning back to you. 
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Well I did just give you the best orgasm of your life-“ 
“Those were my only ones!” You argue. “Don’t really have anything else to compare it to.” 
His eyes twinkle with mischief. 
“Then I guess I’ll just have to give you some more experiences. You know, to compare.” 
The laugh you let out echoes around the room as you enter the now steaming shower, Jayce not far behind. 
“You’re terrible.” 
Jayce just hums, lathering soap in his hands before running them over your shoulders, fingers massaging the muscles gently. 
“You know you love me.” He says, pressing a quick peck to your neck before returning to his work, hands sliding over your arms now. 
You smile. 
“I do.” Turning in his arms you wrap your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to be eye level with him. “I love you, Jayce Talis.” 
Then, his lips meet yours. And it’s all the response you need. 
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hijinxensues · 1 year
The Cloaking Brooch Dilemma - Part 11
RotTMNT Donatello x OC!AFAB 
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Synopsis: Donatello considered himself, nay, deemed himself the greatest mind of his generation. He was known for his skills as a scientist, inventor, engineer and was a technological genius. Dare he throw in that he was a damn good brother and held the title of being ¼th ‘Protector of New York City’.
He could barely fathom that he didn’t piece together that the pretty barista he was falling for was simultaneously his gaming buddy (might I add, for the last eight years) and was working for Big Mama.
At this very moment, Donatello was sure of two things in his life. One of them being his life was a joke and the second being that he was fraternizing with the enemy.
All because he decided to run errands whilst donning his cloaking brooch.
Warnings: Aged-Up turtles, fluff, Half-Yokai OC, AFAB OC (does use she/her/they pronouns in writing), swearing
Ch 11 – Iris
“Perf, pick me up at 6pm.” Violet leans against the door frame, one hand on the doorknob.
“That is amenable. It’s a date.” Donatello nods and pulls at his sleeves to adjust them, there were too many seams touching his skin.
“It’s a date! Bye, Donnie!” She waves at him then closes the door behind her leaving him staring at the paint chipped door.  
“Angelo, there was nothing out of ordinary within the interaction, I insist.” Recalling the very last moments with Violet before being very rudely interrupted, all I’s were dotted and all T’s were crossed. Donatello knew Violet like the back of his hand. The way she tugged on a strand of hair near her face when she was nervous, the way she scowled when gave her attitude, there was a certain guffaw she did that was reserved only for Usagi’s memes- Donatello knew there was not a single thing out of place during that interaction. Not an eyebrow raise, a twitch of a finger or tilt of her head to indicate anything out of place when he said the dreaded phase that’s gotten Michelangelo up in arms.
“You can’t seriously believe that Dee! You asked her out! Like on a date.” The orange terrapin sat in a rolling chair across from him using it to spin in circles.
Donatello sighs, “Yes, a date. A hang out, an outing, an activity, to fraternize, to ‘kill time’, to socialize- Mikey, there are many different names that are associated with ‘a date’. I merely asked my friend to go to Albearto’s with me, to spend time together. There isn’t a need to read into this as deeply as you have.”
“Wait, is this the same ‘friend’ you were feeling guilty over? I knew you had a crush on them! Have you told them the truth?”
“I do not have a ‘crush’, I’m not a prepubescent turtle. I was in the middle of the reveal but then I was rudely interrupted!” He glares at his brother who shrugs sheepishly “I’m sorry! We really needed you; it was an emergency!”
“Michael, I say this with the utmost confidence that Raph getting his whole fist stuck in his mouth was something that you and Leo could have dealt with on your own.”
“You say that but you were also the one to get his fist unstuck. And we were trying! Really trying! For like, fifteen minutes.” Michelangelo whined then turned into jelly bones in the chair, “Sorry, Dee.”
Donatello waves his hand and furrows his brow, “It’s okay, Angelo. I’ll get another chance at it.”
Michelangelo nods with a smile, “You could always text them now just to get it over with, but I think it’d probably be best in person. It’s kind of a big reveal, yenno?” Donatello nods in agreeance before reaching for a small remote inside a desk drawer.
Michelangelo’s eyes sparkled as he perked up in his seat, “Hell yeah, baby! Fashion show!”
A bookshelf rotated to reveal a seemingly empty large room. Donatello pushes a button on his remote and the floor opens to reveal a stage which emerges from the floor with a metallic pole in the middle that connected itself into the ceiling. The stage is accompanied by multiple revolving clothes rack controlled by a remote. The lights for the stage and clothing rack automatically turn on to provide optimal lighting for impromptu fashion shows.
“Alright, Dee, let’s see what we’re working with!”
Donatello struts up to his stage and reaches for the stripper pole in the middle before swinging himself around, one foot perched and one hand holding on, “We’re playing it casual and comfortable!”  
“Boo! Boring! What about this?”
“Fashion is cyclical and while the shoulder landing pads are most definitely in at the very moment, I’m not going as new and improved Dynamite Don.”
“Valid, it’s a bit busy for Albeartos, even though the original Dynamite Don outfit was debuted there. Ok, ok, this?”
Golden flare bell bottoms with a purple floral-patterned shirt, tucked in with the first three buttons undone. Donatello struck a pose, akin to a disco dancer and nodded his head downwards so his shades covered his eyes. “Great choice, I do look fabulous in florals- but not what we’re going for. Maybe a roller-skating slash disco themed date?” He rips the outfit off himself and holds a new top and a bottom on his person, “What about this?”
“So, it is a date?” Michelangelo waggles his brows at him completely ignoring his follow up question.
Donatello pinches the bridge of his nose, “Angelo, ‘a date’ can mean many things as I said earlier. This is closer to a social interaction and gathering of two individuals than a romantic endeavor.” Donatello turns to face himself in the mirror holding up the next outfit choice, a collared shirt paired with a purple pullover sweater and slacks. He struck a pose and shook his head, “Too formal.” He put the fit to the side to hang up later.
“Google would say otherwise.”
“I doubt Google would have anything to say about my exemplary wardrobe.”
His younger brother clears his throat and begins to recite off his phone, “‘What is a date?’, the first answer doesn’t count because it’s ‘the day of the month or year as specified by a number’ but the second result on Google is ‘a social or romantic appointment or engagement.’” Michelangelo puts heavy emphasis on the word ‘romantic’ then turns the phone around so Donatello can read the words himself.
Donatello stumbles over his feet in a dash to get to his younger brother and snatches the phone out of his hand. His eyes scan the Google results page rapidly as his thumb scrolls down the page.
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in an activity together, most often with the intention of evaluating each other's suitability as a partner in a future intimate relationship. It falls into the category of courtship, consisting of social events carried out by the couple either alone or with others. 
go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested)
Dating is fun and physical intimacy is definitely achievable during those kinds of casual relationships, however in a certified relationship, it is easier to maintain physical and emotional intimacy. 
A date is where two people get together to get to know each other, to see if they’re compatible, often with the hopes of getting into a romantic-sexual relationship with each other.
Donatello’s brain goes full blue screen.
Donnie.exe no longer functioning.
“Uh….Dee? Are you feeling ok?” Michelangelo approaches his brother slowly, his hand gripping the phone so tight he was surprised it didn’t snap in half. Donatellos form hunched over and staring intently as his eye followed the text on the screen over and over again.
“Perchance is Dr.Feelings available for an appointment?”
Donatello is sitting stiff as a board in front of a projector that materializes suddenly in the lab. His younger brother suddenly in round frame glasses (they reminded him of Violet, but what didn’t remind him of her these days?) and a mustard-colored turtleneck, he stands next to the projector, the screen reading: ‘Dating for Dum-Dum Turtles 101’.
“Can we skip to the chapter about lying about your physical appearance due to a mystic artifact?”
“Nope! But there’s an easy answer to that and you already know it, which is…” the smaller turtles points to him to finish the answer.
‘To….ignore them for as long as I breathe so I never have to admit that I’ve made a mistake in regards to not being forthcoming about who I am physically because I’m deeply insecure about not only what I look like as a mutant, but also about who I am personally because what if she’s disappointed upon finding out who I am.’
“To tell them the truth.” Donatello settled on this for his answer. Michelangelo nods encouragingly, “Exactly! Didn’t you say your friend already knew everything about you except your physical appearance? I get that it’s scary, especially after all this time, but I’m sure she’ll love you the way you are!”
His heart jumps at the choice words Michelangelo uses, love, has he ever loved anyone that wasn’t family or considered family? Did he even know what that felt like? How is an emotion as visceral as that quantified when everyone had a different meaning for it? He tucked those questions very far away under some mind cabinets to maybe unpack with Dr.Feelings at a different time.
Donatello played it cool and shrugs, looking over his cuticles, “Thanks Angelo, can we move on to ‘Dating for Dum-Dums’?”
Nodding, he changes the slide again, “What I originally wanted to ask was, did you want to take her on a date?”
It’s not that he was adverse by the idea of…. potentially exploring romantic advances toward Violet, it just didn’t seem morally just given the circumstances. Ironically, he was the most morally ambiguous amongst his brothers regarding most things, but Donatello was a generally honest person. He was also aware that starting romantic relations with them while not being forthright was very problematic. April always said he was horrible at lying but here he was, head barely over the water line, drowning in his so-called ‘little white lie’.
Did Violet think he was taking her on a romantic escapade? He’d be offended if that is, in fact, what she thought. He had such better taste than a first date at Albearto’s.
Donatello chewed at his bottom lip, “No, I don’t want to take her on a date.” Speaking it out loud felt like a lie.
“Okay, so you don’t have feelings for her?”
Michelangelo facepalms and sighs, “Okay. I’m not going to meddle with that big brain of yours because I know what you’re like when you’re in denial and there probably isn’t anything I can say to change your mind.”
“Denial!?” his hands grip the side of the armchair he’s in. Donatello Hamato was not in denial.
Dr.Feelings pulls at the bottom of the projector screen and lets go letting the screen roll up and into itself and the set up magically disappears. “I know you don’t like being under prepared and whether you want to recognize this is a romantic-date or not is on you, but what I suggest is that you get her flowers! That way you’re prepared for any circumstance! If anything, she’ll perceive it as a nice gesture from a friend.”
Were ‘friend bouquets’ a real concept? There were instances where friends would send each other flowers, but normally for special occasions.
“You are right, I do like being prepared for any and all circumstances.” He mused thoughtfully, he could take a visit to his greenhouse and pick out a personalized arrangement just for them.
“Perfect, I’ll pick out your outfit for tonight and you go make an arrangement for her. You need to leave,” Michelangelo looks at his empty wrist, “in an hour.”
Donatello bolts out of the lab to leave Michael with his selection of fine clothing for any occasion. The doors to his greenhouse were attached to his lab, the doors making a whoosh sound as they open then closed behind him once he fully entered.
The greenhouse was Donatello’s safe space, his brothers knew not to come in here (unless explicitly invited) and he often lost himself in tilling and pruning when he needed a moment away. He didn’t use the space for fresh produce and mostly focused on flowers, shrubs, and fruit trees.
He took a gander checking the temperatures for the day, adjusted a few and moved around a few grow lights to optimize space and growth for a few of his lemon trees before moving onto rows and rows of flowers organized by annual versus perennials, where they were in growth, hybrids (flowers he’d grafted together) size and temperature needed to thrive.
Picking up shears he gravitated towards the Asters, a perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. He gently thumbed over the thin purple petals and cut a few of the stems at an angle before setting them aside. Dainty blue flowers catch his eye next, Forget-Me-Not’s, genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae, he takes extra care into handling and setting them down the flower so much smaller than his hands. Followed up with a larger white petaled flower with a yellow centre, Gardenias, genus of flowering plants in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Flower language could vary widely, but he knew the most common iterations of it for most, if not all, of the specimens he carried in the greenhouse.
Asters, love and patience.
Forget-Me-Nots, fidelity and loyalty in a relationship, despite challenges. (He pretends to not know that the classic tiny blue flower also represented ‘growing affection between two people’.)
Gardenias, Trust, respect and clarity. (He also pretends to not know that the alternative meaning is ‘secret crush’. He has his emotionally unavailable bad boy image to uphold.)
He barely had to think about the flowers he wanted in the arrangement. Donatello added in a few leafy steams to fill it out, placed it perfectly in the middle of a brown papered square, bundled it then tied it off with a purple ribbon. He holds the bouquet at an arms length and gingerly inspects his work looking for imperfections- the bouquet had to be perfect. It wasn’t the prettiest arrangement he’s put together given the variance in shapes and colors, but it would have to do. What did April tell him? It’s the thought that counts? He nods as he recounts the memory, he liked being calculated. He brings the flowers to his chest careful to not squish any and makes his way out of the greenhouse.
“Donnie! I thought you’d gotten lost,” his little brother jokes and lays out an outfit on the desk, “Here, you have to dress for the occasion.”
Donatello sets the arrangement down on a chair and rubs the fabric of the button down between his fingers, “Thank you Mikey, I shan’t ruin tonight!”
There’s a hand on his wrist to halt him as he picks up the button down, “You know, I think you owe me, Dee. I’ve been helping you out with this mystery person….and I think I deserve to know my new best friends name that I have yet to meet, but will be meeting soon.”
Donatello rolls his eyes; he supposed his brother did deserve to know. “Violet.”  
“Violet,” Michelangelo softly repeats, “Oooo, I can’t wait to meet her! Dee, you gotta bring them around when you’ve told her the truth!” He claps excitedly and throws himself onto his older brother to engulf him in a hug, “I’m so glad you found someone.”
Donatello chokes on his spit in the most inelegant way, “Mikey, she’s just a friend.” He shrugs him off and puts his focus towards the clothes laid out in front of him as his younger brother giggles around him.
“A ‘just a friend’ that you made a personalized bouquet for?” He wiggled his brows suggestively. The purple terrapins’ cheeks glow, “You’ve been banned from the lab starting now.” Mechanical arms pop out of his battle shell to hoist him up and carry him towards the door.
“Have fun on your date, I’ll keep Raph busy, hurry up and sneak through the garage,” his voice sounds far away before he yells out, “Love you, Dee!” The mechanical doors whoosh shut and Donatello makes quick work of clipping the brooch on, getting dressed in slacks, a button down (the top three buttons undone to be scandalous, a tip he learned from Warren Stone) and a coat. He does a double take at his mask, wraps and tech bo before shrugging, ‘they’ll be safe in the lab’, he didn’t need them tonight.
He checks the clock, ‘perfect timing’, and hustles towards the garage and zips away before anyone can notice.
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, the sensation no longer unfamiliar considering how often he was in his brooch form. Given all the video chats and in person time he has with Violet, he’d argue that he actively wore his brooch around fifty percent of the time. He’s never gotten so much use out of the mystic artifact.
The car slows to a step as he parks next to the curb in front of her apartment. Anxiety crept up his spine and made itself home in his throat.
Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
He steadied his breathing then squeezed his fists together tightly to help ground him. There was barely a reason to be nervous, even though he had yet to decide if he was going with tonights ‘date’. Donatello’s stares at the flowers gently set down with car in the passenger seat. He could just put them in the trunk and forget about them, pretend they didn’t exist.
He sighs, that didn’t feel right.
He checks the digital clock in the car, T-minus three minutes to pick up. He had three minutes to decide where he was going with this. Frustration threatens to boil over as he smacks the steering wheel, “Okay, if she doesn’t ask, it’s not a date- easy! We will be just two people ‘hanging out’.”
“But if she does ask…..pull over, do the reveal? And then say yes?”
He tapped into his tech gauntlet and ran his Genuis Built, trademark pending, dialogue simulator, typed into it and waited for the results. The gauntlet glows purple and holographic results begin to filter through for every possible way the conversation could go.
Donatello scowls as he reaches the end of the page, it was a 50/50 chance that Violet would get upset about him omitting the truth, the alternate being she wouldn’t be upset at all, albeit surprised. That didn’t help him at all! That gave him even less to work with given the percentage chance of them getting mad, and never forgiving him effectively erasing her from his life. It could swing either way and it was too risky to do the reveal now before Albeartos. Pulling down the visor in the front seat he fluffs his hair out with a hand then gives himself a once over in the small mirror.
He steels himself, cursing under his breath he presses the ‘call’ button to alert Violet of his presence. It goes to voicemail and he pockets the phone. Donatello exits the vehicle with bouquet in hand and leans against the passenger door facing the apartment building.
The tight feeling in his chest returns tenfold but he doesn’t have time to log it on his spreadsheet before Violet flounces downstairs, a bounce to her step as she nears him. She looked as close to perfection as humanly possible. Violet stops in front of him, her hands clasped behind her back as she rocks on the balls of her feet, “Lookit you, wow!” she tucks a few stray hairs behind her ear, the same thing she did when she first met him at the coffee shop, “You look amazing, Don. Maybe a bit over dressed for an amusement park?” She winks then giggles with a doe eyed look. Her pupils dilate as she holds his eye contact, a physical tell of the oxytocin and dopamine, the ‘love hormones’, running through her system. The disguised turtle is stunned into silence at his friends flushed cheeks and pushes the bouquet into her hands. He catalogues the way her face is framed by flowers he picked for her and squirrels it away to look at later.  
‘Say something. Anything!’
“Michael insisted I dress for the occasion.”
‘Oh gods, anything but that!’
Donatello catches a slight quirk to her brow out of curiosity then rapidly bends at the waist hiding a wince, “After you!” He felt like he was going to combust. If he wasn’t careful steam would go flying out of his ears and nose at his own blunder. 
“So, ‘for the occasion’, huh?” Violet has a leading tone to her voice but avoids his gaze. The bouquet resting on its rightful owners’ lap as she fingers the ribbon holding the arrangement together. He almost misses the way she tugs on a lock of hair as he pulls the seatbelt taut over himself.
This was it. He was never so unprepared in his entire life; he would like to think he was better than this but the way his mind went blank as everything around him constricted said otherwise. Donatello set his mouth in a thin line and started to slow the car down to park it, he would tell her now even if he wasn’t ready to lose his best friend.
“Just kidding! I know we’re just going as friends, relax.”
“Right!” he chimes in mechanically, “You and me? A couple?” a forced laugh rips from his throat, “What a laughable notion.” Saving face never hurt so bad before.
Perfect. Having Violet confirm they were only friends took the pressure off him immensely. This is exactly what he wanted, so why was it so hard for him to breath. He even admitted to Mikey that he didn’t want to go on a date with them. He felt his tech gauntlet vibrate against his arm, most likely to tell him he’s lightheaded and to take his blood pressure.
“That’s me, a joker! Super hilarious.” Violet says steadily, keeping herself occupied as she looks out the window.  
Deep breaths, nothing could possibly go wrong after this. Everything was sorted (mostly) and tonight would be like any other time he’d been with Violet. It would be easy smiles and banter the rest of the night.
Donatello reaches for the volume button on the dashboard and turns the volume up slightly, the silence in the car beginning to feel like suffocation.
“Gigachad Theme – Phonk House Version? Exquisite taste, good sir.” Violet remarks playfully. The thrum of the bass washes over them both, it was an instrumental piece he often put on in the background when tinkering and even had it on ambiently while playing Minecraft.
“I’m not a fan of the song title being ‘Gigachad’ but it is a groovy beat. The beat is addictive.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve had a nightcore phase.”
“I’ll keep my mouth shut then.”
She laughs, and Donatello loosens the grip on the steering wheel for the first time since he’s started driving. He turns his head to smile at his companion, relieved at the mood turning around. Violet averts her gaze quickly as the traffic light turns green and he starts driving again. The knot in his stomach was slowly leaving him the closer he got to Albeartos.
“I’m a musical theatre connoisseur.” He pitches to bring back the conversation.
“You? Donatello ‘knows all the words to Hamilton’ Hamato? Who would’ve thought.” Violet jokes as he pulls into a parking spot. Donatello hurriedly steps out of the car to open the door for her and as he reaches for the handle, she lets herself out of the vehicle. “It’s not a date, Don. No need to play the part.” The pat on his shoulder burns like rejection and all he can do is nod as he follows her to the entrance to Albeartos.
“Okay, well where do we start?” Violet twirls, her hair whipping around her face, she adjusts her curly hair, so they don’t get stuck on her glasses frames. This was going to be the best not-date he’d ever taken anyone on. Violet’s friends would be so jealous to hear about it afterwards.
“Based on our previous conversation, you’re the one who seems to love amusement parks. I figured this would be best suited for your discretion!” he folds at the waist and outstretches his arm in grandeur, as if to offer the whole park to her. He banishes the thought of offering the world on a silver platter to her if she’d only ask.
“Letting me take the wheel, huh? Alright! Rides first!” Violets hands nearly brush against his palms before wrapping around his wrist to pull him along.
There was a system to the madness, his Violet was so clever, they started off with the most intense rides, only taking small breaks in between for some sips of water to avoid any ‘TummyTello’ incidents. He begrudgingly had to indulge her in a less exaggerated ‘TummyTello’ story to get her off his back about needing smaller breaks in between rides as his stomach was doing somersaults in between the low gravity and merely glancing at his friend (more data for the spreadsheet). Donatello didn’t have much of a sweet tooth but did indulge in sharing some popcorn in line, their fingers brushing against each other occasionally sending a shock to his senses. Violet catches herself on the bars after one of the more extreme coasters, her cheeks flushed, and the sound of her laugh causes him to break into a grin himself as he watches her adjust her glasses before reaching for him to ground herself as she leaves the steel bars.  
He stares at Violet fondly and adjusts her grip to his bicep to keep moving, “Are the animatronics ruining it for you yet?”
Violet shakes her head before giving his bicep a light squeeze, “Nah, the animatronics I guess give the park a bit of flare. I think it’s time for some churros though! You promised.”
Donatello’s eyes catch something off in the distance on a coaster across the way. He glances at Violet to ensure she isn’t paying attention and turns back around to look harder at the coaster, squinting his eyes. He wished he had his goggles with him to see farther away. Holding in a groan he recognizes the mechanical bug wings and flat top fade. It was the fake Youtuber and wannabe Twitch streamer, Baxter Stockboy, online alias Stockboii. Whatever he’s up to, it isn’t good.
Turning his attention back to Violet, he moves slightly to obscure her vision, “Churros! That’s right, absolutely. I’ll go get them for us!”
“Sure thing, bud. You alright?”
“Yes! I am simply ecstatic to retrieve a churro. The churro I promised to get you.” Hands on her shoulders, he spins her around and gently pushes her in the opposite direction, “You’ll have to wait all the way over here though, okay?” he gives her a pat, pat and then a firm squeeze to her shoulders, “And face this way! There’s a lovely view of the pier!” risking a glance he notices Baxter attach himself to the tracks, “I’ll be right back!”
Violet tries to turn her head to face him and, in an effort, to stop her from catching on, his hands find both sides of her head and rights her to look forward. Donatello’s face is dangerously close to hers, the smell of vanilla clouding his senses as he lowers his voice, “You don’t want to miss the pretty lights at the pier, right?”
She stiffens as her breath catches in her throat and nods.
Spirits, he’d do that to her forever if it meant getting that reaction.
Donatello takes a few walking steps while watching over his shoulder to ensure Violet doesn’t turn around, then moves into a light jog and starts scanning the area for a bathroom or a booth to hide behind.
‘Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, c’mon….bathroom!’
“Yes!” he exclaims and makes a dive to reach the door before someone else does, “Occupado!” Donatello slams the door in front of the next person in line, “My sincerest apologies! I’d recommend using a different bathroom.” He listens to the disgruntled person slam on the door and take their leave.
All he needed was ten minutes to sort this and get back to Violet.
7:00pm, Grimacing at the tiles of the public bathroom he delicately strips out of his slack being very careful to ensure none of it touches the floor. He hangs them over a stall door and makes quick work out of his button up before hanging it over the door as well leaving him in his compression shorts and socks and shoes. Pulling his feet out he takes his socks off and steps on his shoes before taking the brooch off.
Reprimanding himself for being grossly underprepared for something like this to happen as he was sans mask, goggles, wrappings and tech-bo currently, but not for long as he uses his gauntlet to summon his battle shell. He luckily had back ups stored in something akin to safe houses around New York for emergencies. He shoves the brooch in his pants pocket and steps outside the bathroom, luckily no one is outside. By some miracle he finds a spare ‘closed for maintenance’ sign nearby and he sticks it on the door.
Hearing the telltale whir of his battle shell, he leaps up in the air as it attaches itself to his soft shell. A spare tech-bo sprouts out of a smaller compartment along with a mask with already drawn on brows.
7:03pm, opening his tech gauntlet he goes through his contacts as he makes his way towards the coaster. The first five people that pop up are his brothers and April, he decides against this, he didn’t have time to entertain or create a congruent story, even with Mikeys help, to why he was here ‘by himself’. He scrolls further down quickly to the Joneses’ and rings Junior instead.
“Pick up, pick up.”
“Junior!” the relief he feels when he picks up on the first ring is almost enough to forget the stress he’s under.
“What’s up? You don’t normally call me.”
“Baxter Stockboy is interfering with one of the coasters at Albeartos, how fast can you get here?”
“Five minutes, but why did you call me? I’m sure Leo can make a portal and get there immediately to help.” There’s shuffling on Casey’s end of the call signaling Donatello that he’s getting ready anyways to come out.
“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite nephew slash friend slash family member who is capable of keeping a secret and who travelled back in time to save the world?”
“…No..but thank you? What’s the secret?”
“I’m accompanying a friend here on a casual excursion and I’d rather not let my brothers know.”
“Master Donatello, are you on a date?” The suggestive tone to his voice is hard to miss and he facepalms.
“You have three minutes left to get here, it’s the coaster at the far end of the park, not near the pier, the other direction. I’ll apprehend Stockboy and you take him to the station for me. Don’t tell my brothers.”
“Already on the way!”
“You’re the best, Junior!”
There’s a crowd gathering around the coaster as Baxter seems to be hovering over the tracks dismantling portions of it. The workers try their best to disperse the crowd and evacuate the ride as his battle shell whirs to life lifting him up face Stockboy.
Donatello’s mechanical arms spring forth and grab Stockboys wings and pulls him off the coaster. His other two mechanical arms start to piece together the tracks at rapid speed.
“My rival! Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?! I’m going to film the greatest clickbait video you’ve ever seen! I’ll hit a million views on Youtube!” Baxter wriggles to get lose with no avail, “It’ll be called ‘not clickbait: crazy rollercoaster goes off the tracks’!” his hands move farther apart from one another as he says the title.
The last bolt goes in and Donatello quickly descends and looks for Casey in the crowd. “While I most definitely would love to school you on the way algorithm and clickbait works, I do not have the time nor the energy. Insert clever monologue here.” Baxter clutches at his chest and gasps for air in dramatic fanfare as he’s lowered directly into Casey’s grip.
Catching Casey in the crowd he dives directly to him, Baxter swinging in the wind being held by the wings by his mech arm.
“I got it from here, Donatello. Go on and enjoy your date!” Casey dismantles Baxter’s wings and cuffs his wrists behind his back.
“Not a date! And consider your hockey stick upgraded by next week, Junior!” Donatello speeds off to the bathroom and flings himself into the stall.
7:08pm, he had two minutes left.
Exiting the building he ensures the signage remains outside and uses a lockpick to lock the doors just as a precaution and to keep his battle shell safe while in his brooch form.
7:10pm, ‘right on time’, rounding the corner he deftly weaves through the crowds and slows his steps down to maintain the air of ease. Running a hand through his hair to tussle he speaks up, “I’m back, my sincerest apology for the intermission on our evening.” Donatello feels the slight flush up his neck and cheeks.
“Did you eat the churro on the way back, or?”
“The churro!” he exclaims, “I knew I was forgetting something.” How could he forget the one thing he was meant to retrieve!? Even if Stockboy served as a mid evening distraction, he should’ve known better. It was one of two conditions that needed to be met in order for Violet to go to Albeartos’ in the first place. Internally he scolded himself to be more mindful of the requirements set for a successful evening.
He counts himself lucky as Violet waves him off dismissively, “Hey, it’s not problem. Were you having like a, TummyTello moment?”
His face burns with embarrassment, “Yes. I was most definitely having a TummyTello moment, I was using the…. lavatory and just…. forgot.” He wanted the ground to swallow him whole, maybe Stockboy could dismantle the ride with him on it so he’d plummet to his death.
The lightness of Violet’s laugh brings him back, “Gross, I hope you washed your hands after. All good, lets just go get a churro now.”
Violet stops abruptly and reaches into her fanny pack, “Here, it’s an Imodium.” She presses the tiny white pill into his palm, “It’ll help so you don’t have any more TummyTello moments. Happens to the best of us.” Nodding dutifully, he thanks her and takes a swig of water pretending to take the pill before tossing it discreetly over his shoulder as Violet makes her way to the nearest churro booth.
“It’s ok Don, when we need to go, we need to go! I’m not judging you.” A mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she teases him.
“That’s enough.”
“Donnie,” she turns to face him and uses her hands to make a funnel around her mouth as if to whisper something, Donatello leans much farther forward than he needs to meet her face, “everybody poops, it’s okay, buddy.”
“I am begging you to release me from the chains of my mortal body.”
Violet bursts into giggles while leaning her weight into the space unoccupied where his arm and body meets. Was she always this warm? Warmth flows from his chest up to his neck as his hand hesitantly finds purchase by her waist. Had she always fit so nicely into his arms? This is casual, he reminds himself. Friends did indulge in physical affection; he can’t count the number of times he and April cuddled. Even himself and Cassandra had shared an occasional cuddle, their shoulder pressed against each other during a movie marathon or while reading comics. There’s a distinct mood change as Violet sighs and pulls away, his hand now cold and a bitter taste in his mouth he ignored from the rejection.
After a short wait, Donatello says a quick ‘thank you’ and hands his friend the sugary snack. Violet lights up and squeals before taking a first bite, “Thanks, Don!” He returns her thanks with a smile, mentally checking off ‘Acquire Churro’ in his mental list. One out of two done. A bit of a hiccup with Stockboy, but he was back on track and nothing else could possibly ruin this….excursion. Donatello only needed to complete one more task, winning a carnival prize, to ensure victory for the best not-date slash friend-excursion Violet ever had.
“Bite.” She offers the stick to him and he plays into his disinterest to earn a pout and a glare before encasing her hand gently with his own to steady it before taking a smaller bite. Violet’s hands were small compared to his human ones; he could barely imagine how petite they’d be against his mutant ones. The thought alone makes him bite down on his lip to conceal a groan while a flush dances up his neck. He does a double take at his own reaction and stamps that down quickly. Friends didn’t think about other friends like that, he’d have to reference the friendship to romantic interest pipeline later to confirm.
“The sugar granules sticking to everything really makes this a treat.” He busies himself looking anywhere but Violet and willing his mind to clear itself.
“Oh, fuck off, more for me then! Wouldn’t want you to have another TummyTello moment anyways.” His brain is still rebooting and fails to produce a witty remark.
Gathering his wits, he trails after you to a standing table occupied by none other than Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant, sharing…. a candy apple and a soda? Immediately his senses are sharpened as he takes in his surroundings and the nearest exist as well as the restroom he had used for his battle shell if needed.
“C’mere. There’s some room.” A hand pulls his sleeve to place him beside her and he makes an effort to set himself between her and the table instead, his gaze not leaving the two Foot clan members. Violet furrows her brows trying to catch why there was such a distinct shift in his mood but finds nothing. Who does he call if it goes south? Mikey? He already knew where he was and it’d be an easy cover if Raph or Leo found out. Call Casey again? He’d most likely be close by and would most likely have his hands free if he passed Stockboy off to someone else.
In his peripheral he sees the churro and takes a bite wordlessly while glaring, the two didn’t seem to recognize him (why would they?), and he wasn’t the most intimidating either as his human self but he was steadfast. Feeling a jab in his ribs he shifts his attention to his counterpart, “Dude. Knock it off. Sorry about him, he has no manners!” Violet scowls at him before laughing sheepishly to cover up for his ‘poor manners’. Foot Lieutenant quirks an eyebrow at him before taking a bite of his apple slice menacingly.
Donatello puts an arm protectively around Violet’s shoulder without breaking his gaze, “Lets pick another table.”
“Donatello!” Violet scolds him and it feels like his knuckles have been thwacked with a ruler. His grip loosens but doesn’t leave, he tries a different way to prompt an escape by pushing into Violet to get her to walk. Violet angerly shrugs his hand off her shoulder and glares up at him with a fire in her eyes, “It’s fine! You’re worked up over nothing.”
Foot Brute shrugs nonchalantly, “We look a lil funny, we get it.” He wants to scoff, as if they didn’t nearly cause the end of the world a few years back. He bites his tongue so he doesn’t chime in with a ‘yeah, you do!’ to upset Violet further. Foot Lieutenant pipes up, “Yes, we’re an odd sight to see indeed.” He waves his hand in the air dismissively and continues eating.
“There are weirder things in New York.” Violet responds politely with a smile.
Discreetly, Donatello pulls his phone from his pocket and opens a text thread to Michelangelo.
‘Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant @ Albeartos. Churro booth, west side, by pirate ship. ASAP. No shell. Brooch on.’  
‘OTW, hang tight!’
The cold shoulder and blatant dismissal of his concern makes him flustered with anger more than it stings with rejection. Did she not trust him?
He scowls and keeps his eye out for Michael, his body still in front of hers but turned away with his arms over his chest. There’s light conversation at the table he doesn’t pay attention to.
His acts on instinct.
“Don’t touch her.” He latches onto the offending wrist so tight his knuckles turn white. His thoughts spiral, Violet was going to get hurt, if he let his guard down for a moment longer, she would’ve gotten hurt. His chest is tight and he wills his breathing to even out and taking slower breaths lest he gasp for air. How dare this cretin who was almost responsible for the apocalypse reach for his Violet? How dare he, how dare he, how dare he-
He’s brought back to reality; his grip loosens immediately at her voice. Liquid drips off the table and churro long forgotten on the ground. “Violet, I-“ Frantically he reaches for spare napkins on the table realizing the mess he’s gotten himself into.
“Save it, Don.” The napkins are snatched out of his hands and he curls in on himself, dejected. Your hands touch briefly but it isn’t warm this time. “Apologize to them if you’re going to apologize to anyone.” Violet didn’t understand, they were going to harm her. That’s what the Foot Clan did, they harmed. She didn’t know what they were capable of, what they’d done. If he could just explain himself-
“I’ll be right back.” Violet glares icily in his direction, pools of hazel brimming with tears.
Violet disappears from view and a flash of orange and red make their appearance. He knew his brothers ninpos like the back of his hand. There’s no time to dawdle, reflect on his thoughts or chase after his friend.
The youngest brother swoops down beside him and Donatello makes a b-line to the washroom he’d used last, fingers already working on his buttons. He’d help his brothers to take the Foot down and then run after Violet. There was only two of them, so it’d be quick.
He changes into his gear, pockets his brooch on his person for easy access before storming out of the bathroom and catching up to Raphael and Michelangelo.
“Why’d you bring Raph?” whispering through his teeth to the orange terrapin.
“Sorry, Dee! He caught me sneaking out and came with. I said you were taking a ‘self care day’.”
Foot Brute and Lieutenant raise their hands palms facing up, “We can’t have a single day off without you turtles harassing us?”
“Day off? Crime doesn’t take a day off!” Raphael does a Superman pose.
“Why aren’t you in uniform?” Michelangelo interjects and points at their winter clothes.
“We’re doing a staycation!”
Donatello checks the time on his tech gauntlet, “You don’t expect us to seriously believe that do you?”
Raph scratches his chin uncertainly, “Well, they are bundled up in regular clothes. Maybe they’re telling the truth?”  
Michelangelo lowers his weapon, “Dee…”
Donatello scoffs, he didn’t just “ruin” the entire evening for two criminals on a ‘staycation’. “Even if they were on a ‘staycation’,” he makes air quotes, “they had rudely interrupted my da-“ Michelangelos’ hand slaps over his mouth, the words hanging in the air.
“Interrupted his day!” Michelangelo covers for him. “Remember? I told you Raph, he’s having a self care day. His day has been ruined.” Donatello nods tight lipped. Spirits, he was so stupid. The eldest brother nods slowly and shrugs then turns back around, “We can’t fight them over nothing though, they haven’t technically done anything.”
Foot Lieutenant moves around the table slowly with his hands up, “Are we good to go, folks? You heard the big guy we haven’t done anything.”
Raphael eyes them cautiously but side steps to let them pass, Michelangelo following suit casting a furrowed browed look at Donatello. Donatello clenches his fists as he begrudgingly side-steps, but not fast enough as Lieutenant trips over a table leg and stumbles into him before righting himself and walking off with Foot Brute in tow.
Donatello lets a ‘tsk’ fall from his lips as he glares holes into the pair walking away. All this trouble for what? For nothing? He wanted the ground to swallow him whole. He must look crestfallen since a large hand rests itself on his shoulder, “Don’t worry Donnie! Your self care day isn’t ruined with us around! Let Miguel and Rapharoni take care of ya!”
He needed to find Violet.
Michelangelo is on it before Donatello even needs to spare him a glance, “Raph, a self care day is usually done by yourself! Dr.Feelings prescribed it. I’m sure Donnie-boy can continue on with his day in peace.”
Raphael strokes his chin thoughtfully, “You sure you don’t want us to stick around?”
Donatello’s already making steps away from them, “Ah, yeah I think so Raph.” His hand makes a move for his pants pocket and feels the flat expanse of his thigh instead of a telltale feeling of the brooch underneath fabric. Immediately his eyes are searching for the perpetrators frantically as he pats himself down to ensure he didn’t just place the brooch in a different area. “Mikey, they took my cloaking brooch.” He feels as though his head been dunked under ice water. Raphael’s voice is warbly and he can’t make out quite what he’s saying.
“Mikey, I need the brooch. They must’ve grabbed it when they bumped into me. We have to get it back, I can’t- Violet, she-“  
Donatello feels Raphael’s squeeze around him firmly while dragging his hands along his battle shell, “I don’t know what’s going on, but Raph’s got you, ‘right? We’ll get it back.” Donatello presses his snout against the comforting presence of his brother and inhales deeply, feeling himself relax head to toe.
Michelangelo’s gives an affectionate head bump and nuzzles his snout into his forehead, “We got you, Dee.”
Inhale. Exhale.
His family has him.
Raphael slowly releases his arms around the smaller frame, “Okay, we know they went vaguely that way, so they can’t be far. Mad Dogz, lets roll out and get that brooch!”
If he was in a better frame of mind, he’d let the warm fuzzies wash over him. However, right now, he doesn’t let that distract him. Checking his tech gauntlet, 7:50pm, which meant it had roughly been ten minutes since Violet stormed off. If she was cleaning herself off, it probably gave them another ten, fifteen at most, to get the brooch, change and then meet her back here at this table.
The three of them split up, Donatello taking an aerial approach, scouring the nearby areas. Pulling his goggles down he let them do the work to finding the culprits.
“Gottem!” Michelangelo’s voice rings in his ears, his voice projecting from an internal speaker attached to his goggles. His tech gauntlet glows to life, and he follows the moving dot on the interface to his brother. He zips down and joins the fray with his brothers.
Golden chains whiz by him and encircle Lieutenant of the pair while Raphael battles Foot Brute off to the side, his sais equipped and swinging. Lieutenant manages to origami and summon a few origami foot ninjas that all pounce towards Donatello at alarming speeds. Goggles still equipped he lets his scanners run over Lieutenant to pick out the mystic energy of his brooch and his screen hones in on his front pocket in his coat. Found it.
Deftly he moves from one foot to the other dodging the ninjas dust kicking up from every step as he approaches the struggling Lieutenant in Michelangelo’s chains. His hand reaches forward and grazes the fabric of the jacket, and he goes flying as a large body collides with his side throwing him a few feet from the action as he tumble rolls in the ground.
Donatello coughs as his battle shell takes most of the brunt landing on his back then glares at Raphael who’s already spewing sheepish apologies while he strides over to come help him to his feet. Using his tech-bo he swipes at Foot Brute to launch him farther from him and Raphael helps him up.
“Donnie, catch!”
His hand flies up and he grasps around the tiny artifact with a grin, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Flappy hands ensue for only a moment before he faces his oldest brother, “I’m guessing you guys got this?”
Raphael salutes, “We got it, Donnie.” A comforting hand on his shoulder, “And whenever you’re ready, Raph is ready to listen. We’ll keep this a secret for now.” He winks with his signature snaggle toothed grin and Donatello isn’t sure what he did in his past life to deserve his brothers in this life.
Donatello knocks his head against Raphael’s and tosses an up-nod to Michelangelo and darts off tripping over his feet on his way to the bathroom for what felt like the hundredth time.
8:20pm, he slams the door behind him and curses his luck for tonight. He chants a mantra of ‘don’t panic’ in his head as he pulls his legs through leg holes and arms through sleeves along with everything else then bypassing a mirror and running out.
Violet is oh so conveniently not by the churro stand he curses under his breath as he runs down the path to the exit, weaving through the thinning crowd. He wished he had his goggles and battle shell equipped to fly; it would be so much easier.
He sees curly hair and an oversized coat in a purposeful stride to the exit and the anxiety comes back full force. “Wait! Letty!”
He knows that she hears him as she stops abruptly and turns around to face him with her shoulder back and her chin held high with glossy eyes and a scowl, “What is it now, Donatello? You ditch me and-“ her breathing is ragged as she stops mid-sentence and gestures wildly at him. His hand flies to his chest, no, the brooch is on. That’s not what she’s staring at. “What the fuck is going on!?” She all but shrieks at him.
He looks down and does a double take as the humiliation hits him like a truck. It sinks into his skin and holds him his chest and throat in a vice. Shirt rumpled, inside out and with the buttons were mismatched to the wrong hole which led to the bottom of his shirt being wildly uneven. His pants equipped but backwards. He remembered his socks, but not his shoes. Of course, he remembers the socks. But not the shoes. Mutant turtles did not wear shoes.
“Ha ha, I can totally explain this!”
He can totally explain this.
His hand is still hovering over his chest, all he needs to do is pull the brooch off.
Violet stares holes into him and waits for his explanation.
The Violet of his mind yells at him for lying and he never hears from her again, and so his hand finds his buttons to fumble with instead to buy him time. “Okay, listen. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while and-“
Just like it did the other night, his tech gauntlet glows underneath his sleeve and he knows she can see it to. He catches the slight exhale she does as she tries not to deflate, and he tries to start over but his phone buzzes in his now front pocket.
He opens his mouth to start over but closes it as his phone starts to ring. His brothers needed him. They wouldn’t call him if they didn’t.
Was it too much of an assumption to think Violet needed him too? Wanted him? Even as a mutant turtle? Was it too far-fetched? Was the danger associated with his hero duties ‘too much’ for Violet? Was it safer for her if they just parted ways here instead?
The thought makes him breathless, and he decides he can’t bare with that idea. He needed her too.
He memorizes the way his favorite strand of curly hair fell between her eyes, the way she always needed to brush it out of the way because it was too long and a nuisance to you, but you also never wanted to cut. The soft curve of the apple of her cheeks and the arch of her cupids bow when she smiles for him. The scent of lilacs and vanilla swarmed him, encircled and held him close. Her gaze was hardened and targeted at him, but Spirits, her eyes were his favorite. They reminded him of lightning, even as they shone with unshed tears (that he caused, and it makes him ill to think about too long). He liked to think he could recognize her gaze anywhere.
“I’m really sorry, I have to take this.” He hopes she can hear the regret laced in his tone as he sprints in the other direction.
The Violet of his mind smiles at him and tells him to go, says that she’ll wait for him and that it’s okay with a wave and a lighthearted grin.
Not bothering with undressing his backwards pants (the texture was driving him insane now they he knew the seams were all wrong), he pulls the brooch off and summons his battle shell, equips his goggles and abandons his shirt on the way and quickly reaches his brothers and unleashes the rage.
The Foot had called for reinforcements in the time he’d gone and come back. He assisted with the fight, clearing his mind of everything but using his skills to ensure his and his brothers’ safety. Zipping around the battlefield he shares space with Michelangelo who swings a foot ninja in the sky for Raphael to smack down mid-air.
“Didn’t go too well, huh?”
Donatello hated how easy he was to read.
He dodges and flips a ninja over his shoulder, “I think that’s the understatement of the century.”
“It’ll work itself out, Dee!” Ah. The optimist of the family. “You just gotta hope!”
Donatello rolls his eyes so far back into his head he’s surprised he still has the ability to see once he’s blinked.
Raphael sends Foot Brute into a nearby stand, stuffed toys that were meant for prizes scatter amongst the ground, a stuffed corduroy frog with a tiny crown sewn atop his head hits him in the shoulder.  “Hope hasn’t failed us yet, Donnie!” He clocks that Raphael really doesn’t know what’s going on but is just as supportive.
“Just win me something at one of those rigged carnival games.”
“You’re a genius, Raph!”
He picks up the stuffed frog with a mechanical arm and it’s tucked safely away in a compartment in his battle shell. He didn’t really win it, but it still counted if he shifted the requirements mildly. Winning against the Foot Clan warranted a prize and the stuffed frog that laid in his mechanical shell was prize enough for him.
He could still turn this around.
A grandeur apology, from the heart, with the second half of the requirement. Followed up by the truth.
Donatello effortlessly dodges and parries his way through enemies, and on the third call to Violet she finally picks up.
“What?” Her voice feeds clear in his ears from the goggles. She’s mad. Noted and very reasonable.
“There are not enough words to express how deeply apologetic I am for how tonight went. Let me make it up to you.” From the heart, that part is important. Something Dr.Feelings had told him long ago. The silence on the other end is weighted and he’s mildly distracted as he ducks and uses his tech-bo to block with a grunt.
“….Okay, where are you?” He couldn’t believe that she’d be willing to meet with him still, after everything and the thought makes him feel fuzzy. He’d go up to her in his mutant form, just rip the band aid off.
His attention is needed elsewhere for but a moment and he swings down, his ninpo materializing at the end of his tech-bo in the form of a three-digit hand and slams down on the opposing forces coming closer to Raphael, “Phalange sandwich!”
How many of these stupid little origami ninjas were there!? He felt like he’d been fighting for a lifetime.
“I-….is there… like, a finger sandwich place at Albeartos? Do you want me to turn around and meet you there?”
He facepalms hard forgetting Violet could hear him and yells in frustration to himself, “No!”  
“Ok! I won’t turn around then.” She huffs annoyed.
Frustration was building quickly, and he was running out of patience for this, “Er, yes! Turn around! I was…speaking to someone else!” Can’t he do anything right?
“Who’re you talking to? Who else is there?”
There’s a looming presence behind him that takes Donatello by surprise as Foot Lieutenant tries to take a peak at his tech gauntlet over his shoulder while simultaneously throwing a punch he narrowly dodges, “Trouble in paradise?”  
“It’s none of your business!” He yells and promptly slaps a hand over his mouth realizing his mistake.
“Excuse me!?”
Scratch that, he could not turn this around.
The ringing in his ears is sudden and incessant. Chest constricting uncomfortably, time slows down as he watches his brothers continue to dwindle the Foot Clans numbers, the park guests long gone from the area.
“Listen, if this is your weird way of doubling down that you don’t have feelings for me, this is in crazy bad taste.”
Why was he breathing so fast? The rhythmic thumping in his ears was too loud. Everything was too loud, so why did Violet sound so far away? He’s in an out of focus but he manages to fight the breathlessness for a moment, “No! No, of course not.” What was the question again? Feelings? Bad taste? He can’t remember.
In the peripheral, Foot Lieutenant and Foot Brute tied back-to-back on a large pole to hold them there. Good riddance. The rumble of Raphael’s footsteps is what he grounds himself to first, then Michaels concerned expression comes into view. His tech-bo is gently taken from his hand as he gently shoves Michael backwards, he’s too close. He could barely make out the words Michael was saying to him, their eyes wide and pupils dilated. Raphael’s mouth moves but he can’t hear him either over the thumping in his ears.
“Can you just tell me what’s going on!?” Her voice is clear and concise. She’s upset with him, but he’s thankful as it’s the only voice that brings him out of it.
“Galileo, Newton and the stars above, just shut up for two seconds! I can’t even think!”
Raphaels’ and Michelangelos’ hands retract from him as he catches his breath.
“‘Shut up’? ‘Shut up’!? You literally called me! Fuck you Donatello!”
The line goes dead.
He indistinctly hears Raphael ask what was going on. Asks if he’s okay. Is he? He doesn’t think he is. He needed to get to Violet. Raphael urges gently for him to talk to them. He can’t, words still escape his dry mouth.
His hand hangs limply beside him, tech gauntlet still on the screen for Violet’s contact. Michelangelo’s hand finds his elbow, calloused fingers rub on the inside of his elbow in an attempt to soothe him.
There’s more mumbling and he can’t quite remember how he got to his car, but Michael loads him into the back seat. The younger brother buckles himself in and turns to him, “Raph is just going to take care of the Foot clan guys, okay Donnie?” His voice is soft, the way an adult speaks to a child after a nightmare.
He concludes he must’ve nodded since Michael smiles and adds on, “I’m going to take you home, ok?”
His mind goes to his lab, then to the couch in the living room, well loved from numerous turtle piles and movie nights. There was a purple beanbag for him with a bundle of fleece blankets folded for him- the perfect texture against his shell. It quickly pans over to the kitchen cabinet where all the teas and coffees are stored. Leo would always go for hibiscus, something sweet for a tea. Raphael liked herbal teas and Michael would drink anything given he could put too much sugar in it. He kept the coffee pods in there, he loved the convenience.
Donatello’s startled at how quickly the visage morphs into coasters placed on top of the fridge, fluffy slippers (just for him) and the sound of a Keurig as background noise paired with the soft citrus smell of a Clementine. The TV is running, there’s a gentle breeze from the balcony door accompanied by the soft yellow glow of fairy lights. There are too many trinkets everywhere, too messy for his taste to leave everything out, but showed that the space was well lived in. Everything is cozy.
His hand brushes against paper and he straightens up, startled out of his thoughts, before glancing down.
Asters, Forget-me-nots and Gardenias. Wrapped in paper and fastened together in a bouquet with a purple ribbon.
His vision is blurry, his eyes glassy but he doesn’t let the tears fall.
He’s never felt so homesick.
A/N okay, good god this took me AGES to write and mainly because i dont think i characterize donnie very well and it puts me in my head alot. SIGH. but anyways this turned out alright, i suppose. LOL i hope yall enjoy it atleast! 
If you read this chapter and the last one back to back, you’ll notice I’ve written the way Letty and Donnie see eachother different. There are portions where in the last chapter it’ll say that Violet chuckles and from Donnies POV, he views it as her giggling. It’s kind of a play on how you see people with rose colored glasses when you have a crush on them lmao. I pepper these in the chapter and I’ve also peppered in the same verbage Letty uses in Donnies POV too to display how they’re vaguely thinking the same things as well. 
I’m not sure if anyone has ever been in such much denial with being in-like or in-love with someone but I have and I’m drawing directly from the experience (dw i got there lmao my person and I are together not for two years and counting haha). But being in denial of your feelings the way Donnie is makes him a horrible narrator (thus all the crossed out dialogue he perceives as intrusive thoughts he should not even entertain) and makes him extremely inconsistent in terms of referring to him hanging out with Letty as romantic or not. So I hope that makes sense on why he’s so all over the place. He literally can’t keep it together LMAO I hope Donnie isn’t becoming to repetitive but HES GOING TO RESOLVE IT SOON. You know our boy needs to think really hard. 
I’d also like to say Violet is also conflicted in terms of coming clean, but I feel like it doesn’t hit her as hard as she’s practically pretty much always had a soft spot for him. Her reveal also isn’t as “large” in terms of the fact that she physically still has the same face etc and her rose colored glasses just aren’t as pink because she can admit that she does /like/ him. Donnie is literally changing into a completely different person and species whenever he uses his cloak and this ilicits a much larger concern for him. He also can’t quite pin down /why/ he continues to lie (obvi bc he likes her but lmfao hes getting there), which adds onto his stress. 
If this “date” had gone well, they would have made the reveal this night but I still want to write these two fucking idiots so I needed to make this horrible for both of them so I can continue to write them. (: LOL 
@maribatshipper @goldenpanda16 @moonlightmarauder​ @samilucas67​
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Maru (Stardew Valley)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Maru is a Roboticist, Medic (Nurse), Biologist and has an interest in Astronomy!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
"She is interested in robotics and even builds a giant robot in one of her special events if the player is close enough friends with her. Her father was the one who introduced her to STEM in general, as he is researching the environment in game and I believe it's stated or implied that she often helps him with his research (I'm pretty sure, at least, but it has been a while since I've played and this event is at the very beginning of the game)"
"She's this teenager who is just brilliant despite, you know, living god knows where in a tiny town. She built an actual robot and then it immediately gained sentience so she just set it free. So she's like a scientist with morals!!! Also she can be a love interest in the game. So you can romance this scientist girl, and some of her fav gifts are battery packs and gold bars which she uses for building robots <3"
"She lives with her mom and dad and loves science, she made an entire robot to help her parents because she was worried about them not having help when she's not around. She let the robot go because the robot didn't want to to serve it's "purpose." She loves cheesy cauliflower, literally the perfect woman"
"You can have a lesbian wedding with her! UwU"
"She’s interested in lots of general sciences, but she does plant biology with her father, nursing as a job (so medical sciences), and for fun she likes astronomy and robotics! Her whole personality is literally built around being an STEM girlboss! Her father is a scientist and her mother is a carpenter and and her brother is a programmer…. Autistic nerd family frfr"
"She literally builds a sentient robot who comes to life and leaves to explore the stars. Very skilled in her chosen field!!! AND she acts as a nurse TOO? Very busy, very smart. If you marry her, she suggests you automate your farm. It's always funny because I already have."
"She helps her dad with his biological research into the valley's native flora and fauna. When she's not doing that, she loves inventing things and tinkering around. Her favored gifts are almost all things that can be used in her inventions. At the end of her route she builds A SENTIENT ROBOT. She also works as a nurse part-time."
""Maru acquired a passion for creating gadgets at a young age. When she isn’t in her room, fiddling with tools and machinery, she sometimes does odd jobs at the local clinic." super cool and very pretty"
"Robotics, but she also works in healthcare and dabbles in astronomy :) Literally built an AI beneath her childhood bedroom. I married her one playthrough but tbh she belongs w Penny."
"she is a nurse and the biracial queen we love to see. i married her in all my stardew valley worlds"
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plaguery · 6 months
on my main ocs and pronouns
siv - theoretically she would like pronouns and if she actually took the effort to consider it she would like he/she and would like people to regularly flip it around. but in reality she doesnt want to think about anything ever and isnt bothered or intrigued enough to consider anything but the default. but i also think she subconsciously enjoys not addressing her gender through language and forcing people to just Experience it with no clarification or answers. wants to be an enigma above all. oblivious to the fact that other pronouns did in fact come with her xbox.
romy - romy cant tell you anything about her identity outside of her interests and abilities and in inverse to siv, this is not out of aversion to thinking about it. she very much does think about it and every few years becomes very invested in testing things out like she can scientific method her way to the truth and ends up making zero conclusions because she sees some sort of merit in many options and is too stubborn to consider that multiple things can be true at once. or that possibly one specific truth is not a thing that exists. her theoretical is that she would probably LOVE it/its pronouns but doesnt know that its even a choice yet and also she is so used to modelling herself off of old starlets and this makes her think she Has to use she/her. plagued by black and white thinking
pomene - starts off with she/her, ends the narrative with they/she (the she/her part being very much in moderation). her narrative is highly contingent on the constructs and constraints of gender (moreso than the previous two here) and her original conformity to social and structural impositions. it tortures her and she tortures others through it and she is very much Part of The Problem as much as she is victim to it. to be reductive, after she nearly destroys everything including herself, they realize that--wait... are those THEY/THEM PRONOUNS? Diversity Win: Second Pronoun Slot Unlocked!
lurley - also starts off with she/her, ends the narrative with they/he/she. her and pomene parallel each other in their shackling under cisnormative gender roles, with lurley's attempts at conformity informed further by her transfemininity and her being a lowblood typically surrounded by mids or higher. she internalizes all the damage and desperately tries to mold herself in a neverending cycle. until they do end it as they start to find more agency outside of the boxed in world and find understanding with themself past a caste contingent binary. gender and identity is a rollercoaster and boy is he on it.
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limestoner · 9 months
stonytime movies presents:
The Land Beforr Time
I started having thoughts I wanted to writhe down, lol write partway through web. The snowman hit me.
I remember Petti being my favorite when j was a kid, bhr jm not sure why: nothing wrong with Peetri just not sure why I remember it hat way.
I never how noticed the heavy sounding music comes on when Soike is doing something heavy.
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So many trippy backgrounds in this movie. The bars thing about movies form me is that sometimes multiple events are occurring at the same time and I’m trying to keep both active in mj head because if I have to stop and n likl, “Oh yeah that’s still going on,” I miss something else happening and then I forget the first thing i was supposed to pay atetbtiin to.
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Cora’s head here reminds me of a judges head. Cera I mean. Like Pink Floyd à la Gumball. Pink Dloyd with a sprinkle of GumballZ.
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These two things are happening at the same time: Littledoor vs. Cera; and Soike, Duky and Petri. (who always comes to nind when I hear the term petri dish).
Beautiplfe cave.
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When characters said things in this movie, I believed them. The sharp tooth is Alive. The sharp toon is dess. “Three horns mmm very danger mmm.” I didn’t understand that.
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Littlefoot daid he didn’t remember the way but when he played back his memory of his mktherhe she remember. I want what k think to b understood but when maybe misunderstanding jt will be funnier.
Another beahrjfhm scene. I thought the herds of dinosaurs looked like grains of rjce
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I listened to the words in the ending song because they were words I hndersrkks. Understood. But then they started to not make sense and then they started to not even be words that I coud separate into different words. Here is how I hear the lurkis:
Don’t lose your way
With each passing day
You’ve come so far
Don’t throw in a way
Limpy living
Dreams are for winning
Wanders a waiting to start
Live your story
Faith hope and glory [I didn’t understand the real words at the tim so I I made my own: “Hope it’s not gory” and that’s how I remembered the song frin when I last saw this as a kid until present day]
Hold to the truth in your heart
Souls in the wind
Learn how to bend
Seek out a star
Hold onto the end
Valley miubtaib
“There is a fountain!”
Washes our tears away
Worlds are saying sineonbe is lthe whiny
Plews let us come home to stay
I forgot how awesome this song was. And the movie!
Judith Barsi 💚
{Grammar demon: it should be “clouds roll by for you and me. You don’t say “for I” unless you’re saying, “Fear not, ‘for I’ have a plan!” And you say “please do this for me.” Not for I. Different pronoun case I think.}
These mind adventures I’ve been going on make me feel physically like I did when I had a cold or something as a Child, but in a great way. My head has no ache, my stomach is settled and hungry. Muscles are calm. Stretchy. Electric. I felt safe knowing things were getting better. Being grateful for that safe feeling.
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lulu-nightbon · 2 years
im not posting this on the Baleful Melody tumblr because its so bad lmfao BUT it is the pfp
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i just wanted to draw a pic of Húlíjīng Xiānzhī (Lulilial/Lulu, the self-insert) with Macaque, Wukong, and Nezha! dont mind the pic in the upper right of the image, its a meme for a different thing
for colors (aside from shirt + shorts) on Lulu, this is the original ref (drawn by a friend who im not able to contact rn due to irl issues with my stuff)
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this is post season 3 (the fic follows the original plotline fairly closely), after some spoilery things occur (ill put it at the bottom of the post). these four are thesquad™ in-universe, mainly because Lulu may or may not have. almost killed them. and almost died for them. multiple times. there's other reasons of course but if you don't want spoilers i shall not
if you want to see the meme in the upper right corner (the digitalized version my lovely friend over on twitter did, as it's MUCH cleaner), lmk, this is just a doodle page for my sona and there is one more image, but i can share that one too (basic gist- i saw a sad cat meme and decided to draw them super caked up on a thursday afternoon)
please do not mind the state my sketchbook is in, and thanks for looking at this!
are the non-spoiler people gone?
they are?
here we go!
Lulu was originally named Cháng Zhǐ (Zhouei), and she was just a human girl. sometime post-season 3, haven't decided the EXACT circumstances of this yet (whether they're training, battling, etc), but a spark of the samadhi fire escapes Mei and sets her on fire, burning her alive (for those noticing the pronoun difference- part of her struggle in the story is figuring out she's NOT cis, and also her closeted lesbianism, but that second one is a bit more obvious). the last thing she heard was sirens as no trace was left of her... supposedly. she reincarnated into a demon family (before you get on my ass about time continuity- nezha, in his original legend, was gestated for like 42 months a normal pregnancy is 9, came out as a ball of flesh, and then popped out of said ball at like... age 12. princess iron fan didn't want red son to grow past like 8 in his original mythology he's quite obviously older in lmk, im just trying to prove a point here, and wukong was literally born full-grown from a rock. fast aging isn't unbelievable for a demon), who named them Húlíjīng Xiānzhī. they found the group, and became a large antagonist for that portion of the story due to being mad with revenge, but they also have severe amnesia. however, their soul is still there, and wukong can see them crying out when using his golden eyes of truth on Húlíjīng Xiānzhī. eventually, they do restore their memory and at some point after that is when that image would've taken place. they first met macaque (as mk had to relay the message that wukong said she couldn't watch them train when she was still Cháng Zhǐ), who gave her a place to stay when she was Cháng Zhǐ (she does start out homeless, and was an orphaned child), then wukong either a little before or when going to try to rescue Wukong from Spider Queen (who then smashed the side of her head into the ground while she was simping, severely injuring her. macaque shadowed her away to flower fruit mountain, where he knew they'd both be safe while he took care of her again), and lastly Nezha during the Lady Bone Demon incident (she willingly became a host for lbd, as she wanted to trade herself for macaque, and just ended up upsetting the latter while being used). i will HAPPILY spoil more if you ask, im really excited about this fic!!!!!!!!! ^^
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fridayflores · 11 months
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** A MAL TIEMPO, BUENA CARA ** ⟨ alba "friday" ovejero-flores ⟩, the ⟨ 33 ⟩ year old ⟨ raider (scientist) ⟩. don’t dare and confuse her with ⟨ christian serratos ⟩. she is a ⟨ former marine and global-1 scientist ⟩, born on ⟨ august 28th ⟩. she is ⟨ cisgender female ⟩ and uses ⟨ she/her⟩ pronouns. she has been in ⟨ redwood ⟩ for ⟨ 2 months ⟩. ( as written by thea. she/her. CET. )
The person/s who found her when she first arrived in Redwood, wounded and alone.
People she knows from before the Outbreak.
"Flores. Line up."
Spiking pain shot through her legs with every step she made. She followed curtsy, then instructions, just to end up standing in front of her commanding officer. He's a kind-looking Colonel called Bricks, but Caleda doesn't dare to underestimate the hardness of his punishments.
"Alba Obejero-Flores. Callsign "Friday". 31 years old. Graduated High School at 16. Competed in numerous competitions and won numerous awards. Got scholarships offered for seven out of eight Ivy League's, including one Full Ride from Cornell. Graduated Cornell's Multiple Science Program at 22. 90 percent on the Enlistment test. Joined the Marines right after graduation, spent two years of your service in various countries, serving abroad. Let me ask you one good question, Sergeant Flores." The man almost slammed her file on his wooden desk, then finally looked her into the eyes. "Why the hell are you here? Why would you become a Marine, with this degree? The military has science corps, too. You could have joined one of those and still gotten the training, if you're that keen on enlisting."
Taken aback, Alba stood there, frozen to the ground like a block of ice. She has no direct answer to his question, none of which she can say out loud. "The money's good, Sir."
The Colonel yells at her for a solid five minutes, before she's allowed to apologize and redeem her answer. "That's bullshit.", he says, "Tell me the truth." Alba breaks her posture, leans forward and puts her hands on his desk. He doesn't do anything about it, too curious to hear what she has to say. She would get her punishment later, rightfully so. "Because I was sick of working in a field that had more monsters than I was able to defend myself from." Colonel Bricks laughs a bitter laugh, shakes his head. "And the military doesn't have monsters? Cruel men and women?" Alba takes a step back into standing at attention, her dark eyes following his movements and reactions. "Oh, it does, Sir. But at least they taught me how to fight back and kick ass before trying me."
Bricks stayed silent, then slammed another file on the table. This time it included a contract. "Someone saw and liked you, Flores. They're offering you a way out of this hellhole." Alba looked down at the file, read the name of the company listed on top, and shook her head. "Not a chance."
The year's 2035, and the not a chance has long turned into if they pay me enough. Alba's not keen on putting her hopes into finding mostly useless cures for diseases that will likely always find a way to return, anyway, but the money Global-1 offered is good, and the work she has to do is fine, too. It's come down to a compromise with the Marine Corps, three months of the year she helps training the newbies, and the other nine months she's stuck in laboratories, helping surprisingly competent scientist finding cures and meds.
That is, until she's approached by one of the leading scientists, and he asks her if she's sick and tired of working on currently hopeless cures already. Of course, she's too curious to say no, so her answer is "Yes", and of course he already has a different program offer to make. Her badge leads her further down the building, deep into the somewhat cellar, levels below earth. This place I'll never get out alive, she knows, either because something will kill her, or someone. She has no choice - now she knows about what Global-1 is truly doing, and she can either contribute and possibly find a way to destroy the system from within, or die.
In 2037, Alba spends one day out of the laboratory. She's currently working on a bacteria, manufactured to break down miles of agriculture with one single infected plant (and she has been ever since she signed her second contract, purposely not making real progress). That's when something goes horribly wrong. She gets her letter of dismissal in the mail the same day, and is told to never go back to the laboratories ever.
Alba's not dumb, so all she does is listen, and Colonel Bricks is not dumb either, so when she asks for her old position in training back, he gives it back to her, no questions asked. The outbreak happens and she's with the military for a good three years, but it doesn't take long until she gets separated from the rest of her legion, along with a group of fifteen others.
They fight their way through the wild and through the zombies, but the group minimizes rapidly, and in the end, Alba is crawling over the ground, bullet stuck in her left shoulder. There's no bite, but blood all over her, her military jacket in bad condition, but her machine and sniping gun are perfectly fine. And so are the contents of her backpack - things a scientist needs, various knifes, a compass, a few maps.
The wound on her shoulder heals badly in the cell she's thrown into, and her soul doesn't start healing at all, and likely never will.
But Alba hasn't only seen and done bad things. Before she started working on bacteria that destroy, she had worked on cures for seemingly incurable diseases - so she starts searching for something, something that defends, something that cures, now that she is finally safe.
Or is she?
While Alba has openly admitted to being a Scientist and trying to find a cure, she told the Council and everyone else that she's not and has never been affiliated with the company Global-1. She claims that her materials come from a fellow scientist that was with her group, and that she hasn't worked in the Science Field since she's graduated college, but joined the Marines instead, because she was fleeing from violent family. It is possible that other's might find out, though, given she keeps her keycard badge and other things beneath a loose tile in her small hut.
Since arriving, Alba has been trying to figure out biological defenses to keep everyone safe, including ones to put into the wall, meaning she has been working on wall security as well, but she hasn't made progress with that yet. But on one of her raiding trips, Alba has collected foxglove. The only progress she has been making so far is creating a numbing cream out of said foxglove, but users often experience immense side effects, such as dizziness and sickness for days.
Alba speaks with a spanish accent, and mainly uses spanish curse words.
She never mentions her origins, or her family. Nobody knows where she came from, the only information she will share is that she was born and grew up in Nashville.
Alba received her callsign through the saying "Friday, Funday", because on Friday's, she'd often pick up fights with touchy men in military bars, while being drunk herself.
( " radio call | threadnumberthreadname )
( " secret invasion | alba florers. ) / musings
( " true personas revealed | event name )
( " xy | person name )
( " xy | visual )
( " xy | task )
( " xy | questions answered. )
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