#Sae my soul hurts
astrxlfinale · 2 months
1. What made you pick up this character? 6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom? (I know you answered it already, but give me the 2nd or 3rd worst!) 16. What is your personal ship bias for your canon character? 17. Are there any ships you can’t stand, why?
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Look at'cha giving me an even spread. (Even though I know you're eyezooming hard at those salt related ones I bet. :p)
That said Sae, let's get cracking!
1.What made you pick up this character?
Sweet and simple reason? Delinquent energy.
For my whole RP stint, (Say sans the exceptions of Sora and Thoma, but even THEN, I'd say they have the fine makings if you pay attention to those details.) that's naturally been the archetype that I've gravitated towards. I love the wild sense of freedom, a brazenness to clash firm against the status quo, a heart that's rowdy but authentic, time and time again I just find myself magnetized to this concept. And in kind? I see it in Caelus in spades. It made me want to devote to that core while gaining a firm understanding of the external and internal veins that truly make him stand out.
I have to say it's been a fun journey! All it took me was some solid time of just playing the game, seeing firsthand that kind of fire that lurks within them that I'd love to make better recognized. While it has been recco'd to me (to try the game) prior, it's only when I hop into matters myself and really embrace my immersion do the answers proceed to click for me.
So Caelus is certainly is here to stay as a beloved muse of mine.
6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom? (I know you answered it already, but give me the 2nd or 3rd worst!)
No see for this I always come prepared. (Lord what does that say about me. LMAO.) If there's one thing I believe that singlehandedly send Fandom experiences to high hell?
Keeping the need for validation unsanctioned.
This right here is where it gets personal from where I take it, where the ego gets involved, where the lines blur between what someone enjoys and how respect should naturally be taken into account, yet it never does. This has been a core reason that things like Ship Wars exist or why there's prolonged, extended arguments (dives into translations, etc etc) to have some point proven and never to be argued against. Why you'll see people take content and turn it into online gang wars, moreso just to drive out 'dissonance'. Sae, this is one of the top things that make me tired in fanbases.
People will choose not to respect spaces appropriately, the fight to prove something as 'canon' is not any pursuit of truth, it's simply to pat themselves on the ass for crushing any ~nonsensical point~ they found themselves personally detesting, for it hurts their feelings, it annoys them, it's an itch that cannot be ignored.
And it's often why when I catch some 'angles' of how people behave similar to this certain root of fandom behavior, that I intend to avoid them like the plague. It's a lack of respect and a desire to be obnoxious in lieu of trying to keep their own 'sanity' intact that things proceed to become unbearable. That said, I've noticed it's not even often based on any root to genuinely consider, rather, it's just to make them feel good.
Which if you WANT to look at it that way? Sure, by all means. Just understand that the World is big and that a baseline of respect can go the longest way for someone not making themselves look like a fuckwit. I primarily see this going for when people get their Favorites then proceed to say this character exist ONLY in one (their) way, in a fictional medium, where possibilities are meant to be explored to begin with!
16. What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
Oh I came prepared for this one! See there happened to be an ask that also held curiosity on this matter. So! Lemme link that HERE for some insight!
17. Are there any ships you can’t stand, why?
When it comes to shipping? I'll go on a limb and say for Star Rail and Genshin there's no ships in themselves that incited ire and/or annoyance in me. Rather, it's the sheer level of hell they can respective attract (shoot, characters in their solitary can do the same) that proceeds to make me dive my face directly into a bundle of salt.
It's the artform of shipping in itself that I often seen get horrifically messy. Primarily in the realm of character bastardization, and in my opinion, how it's a far cry from what can actually be some fun, in-verse possibilities. That happens to be my core annoyance when it comes to things I'd enjoy. The base is always vested in the fandom flanderized alternates of said characters. I feel like I'm never getting a core, an idea where I can be like 'damn I never considered this before!' and more like 'Wow, it's the 200th time I seen a story of Thoma stuck in Ayato's basement. It's like they're the 50 shades caricatures AGAIN.'
So then I accept that reading is a dying art.
While I'll realistically understand that indulgence is what motivates things, everyone has their taste, and I have my damn right to say when I'm looking at some hot hell firsthand.
I'm someone who can be pretty reasonable with a wide range of ship possibility myself, and am down to explore bright pastures to wildly chaotic scenarios. That however, depends on the execution.
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takotakigum · 8 months
star — itoshi sae.
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characters: itoshi sae × gn!reader
warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationships, heavy codependency, burnt out sae, word vomit, sae is an idiot that’s too in love, and sae who’s emotions are all over the place.
word count: 2.3k
synopsis: the world itoshi sae once envisioned is so hazy, barely non-existent anymore. and it’s all because of you.
note: the nicknames/callsigns "mi amor" and "mi vida" mean "my love" and "my life".
aged up characters | please read at your own risk!
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my singular interest is becoming the best in the world—is something itoshi sae remembers saying to someone with much conviction.
oh, how he lies.
sae reminds himself to never let his mouth speak such nonsense driven by his now crippling ego. sae wants to go back in time, tell that stupid interviewer that he doesn’t care about being the best in the world if it means being the only one in your universe.
itoshi sae fell in love, to put it simply.
his singular interest is you. it doesn’t matter when, where, or what happens—it’s only you, the one and only other piece of his dull soul. when sae loves you, he feels it overwhelmingly all over him, too. he feels his body tingle with tenderness, he hears his breath shudder when talking to you, and so much more. at first, it was weird. although after a long run? it became addictive.
he longs for you in every way, even if you’re already his. sae doesn’t quite understand why, but he also feels like it also doesn’t matter; because he deeply misses your soft giggles that warm his neck when you’re too close to him, he misses your scent—fuck, he misses everything about you. so, naturally, sae feels like his heart is being ripped apart with every flight he has to take back to spain. during many occasions, sae almost begged you to go to him: interlocking your hands together until he reaches the entrance of the airport, not bothering to let go until you have to pry yourself away from him; and even staring sadly into your eyes with the faintest pout on his lips.
perhaps—no, sae is fairly certain about this—being away from you is one of the most agonizing things he has to experience in this life of his. sae wishes to curse his soccer team, his manager, or even anyone who arranged such a game far from home. or rather, far from you.
you’re so far away; he’s in his lukewarm apartment in spain, while you’re in your homey abode in japan. it sucks in his bedroom here. it’s awful, boring, and you-less. his bedsheets are soft, sure, but nothing will compare to the feeling of hugging your waist and burying his face into your soft skin. he takes a deep breath—it could be that he’s merely dreaming this boring setting, when you’re really lulling him to sleep—that’s why he’s stuck in it, yeah. yeah no…fuck, again, sae misses you far more than his patience could handle.
tiredly finding his phone on his mattress, his hands find its way to your contact in an instant, and he calls you. timezones be damned, because sae can’t take it anymore.
“shit,” sae feels his lips twitch, wanting to let an amused breath be heard by you over the phone. “uhh…hello?” it seems that only now do you think you’ve picked up the phone, voice dry of sleep.
“i love you.”
“i also miss you.”
“hi,” sae’s voice is muffled by his pillow, his face burning up as it still hasn’t adapted with his slippery tongue pouring affection onto you. “what’s wrong? it’s…uhm, 4am here, you know?” your voice is much clearer now, and it’s accompanied by a loose giggle into the phone’s speaker. sae knows you have an answer to your own question, he’s that obvious. “mn. sorry. i-” sae’s heart beats louder and faster when he hears your giggle once more become a tune to his ears. “love me? miss me?” you complete his thoughts, and sae holds onto every second of it. he hums quietly, nodding guiltily even if you couldn’t see it. “‘s okay calling me, sae. but i’m a bit sad right now.” your voice acts, and sae practically sits up his bed, phone pushing harder onto his ear to hear what’s happening.
“did something-”
“mhm, i was dreaming about you, and then…you woke me up.” you groan rather loudly, however, easing some weight on sae’s shoulders. “sorry for that too, mi amor.” he apologizes like he’s committed a sin; although deep in his heart that’s all for you, it probably is considered a crime. “fine. but do know that it’s suuper unfortunate.” sae’s heavy sigh of relief widens the smile on your face. god, the tension of amusement on your end is enough to be felt by sae—who knows what sae would do to see you with that pure smile right now.
“is it really unfortunate now? was the itoshi sae in your dream better than me? your real boyfriend, speaking to you right now?” instinctively, sae pouts as his eyebrows twitch to furrow, hoping for the answer his childish self wants. “hmm,” sae’s jaw slackens in disbelief, did you really have to think about it? his pout worsens, he can’t believe you had it in you to tease him when you’re probably half asleep, although, he may or may not really mind. “i like the sae in my dream better, maybe.” sae now scoffs, rolling his eyes pathetically. “mi vida, why are you like this?” sae questions, but that doesn’t particularly matter. at least, not when despite anything your personality gives him, he’ll accept.
“aren’t you curious, though?” you continue to tease.
“hmph. of course i am.” and sae’s adoration for you continues to indulge.
“remember when you took me on our first date?” your voice goes softer now, fond of the memory and storytelling. “do you think i’d forget?” how could he, though? how could sae forget how he regretted planning such a boring date—all because he didn’t think he’d fall into such a deep trench to love you? “c’mon, don’t be so down now, sae. it’s a good dream, promise.” it’s most likely, because as you’re thinking of the words to say, sae hears your covered yawns consecutively.
“felt like i relived our first date, you know? really nostalgic. we were walking out of the convenience store late november with a bag filled with your favorite popsicles.” your dream is spot on already. sae’s heart beats a little faster again. “then, we went to your favorite spot by the sea. it was extra cold, too. but we still ate the popsicles.” you laugh, warming sae’s thoughts as he reminisces about the chilly winds of the evening that you dared not complain about. instead, sharing countless of frozen popsicles sae still feels numbing his tongue with the kindest, most precious smile he’s ever seen.
“yeah, i remember that. why’s the sae in your dream better, then?” you’re a bit silent, as if unsure of what to explain.
“mi amor?” you only hum, still thinking about it, it seems.
sae gulps slowly—anxiously. because sometimes, itoshi sae wonders deep in his complex emotions that he’s weary of.
“mhmm, i’m still here.”
sometimes, itoshi sae wonders why out of all the people that could’ve and should’ve treat you better, you decide he’s the one.
“it’s just that, i guess i missed having you around right beside me? ah, but i think i’m just speaking nonsense, it’s almost past four thirty.” you don’t spout such things as nonsense, anything you have to speak about, sae withholds with utmost seriousness.
right now, itoshi sae is at that spiral of sudden insecurity.
“you- i’ll go home as soon as i can.” sae mutters, voice wavering as a part of him is scared. of what? losing you? a bit childish, still. he knows you’ll understand, everything and anything he’ll go through. it’s why he fell in love so deeply in the first place. you’re the first person to give him back the amount of love he never knew he was even capable of. don’t leave now: his heart whispers.
“sae, wait,” he can’t hear you, at least, not when his senses are fully enveloped in the listing of available flights back to japan as soon as possible—at 2am in spain in a bit looks promising enough for him.
“sae, listen to me first? you’re not going back here yet, you still have a game next week.” you remind him, but sae doesn’t care. “that doesn’t matter, current team i’m with is pretty shit. anyway, i miss you a lot, too. so it’s alright.” sae feels his stubbornness root from his core and out all across his body, and he feels guilty.
“itoshi sae.” just before sae could click his booking of the plane ticket, your stern voice halts his actions. a thin coat of sweat heats his palms as he fidgets with one finger. “mad?” he asks, throat clenched. “no, not at all. just, let’s talk, okay? promise me you’ll listen.” sae hears movement from your line, you’re probably beyond serious right now, sitting up on your bed, back resting on your headboard as your eyes look at the ceiling. “…sure.” it’s a promise.
“you know why you’re in spain, right? to pursue your dream—your passion, sae.” he wants to shake his head and deny everything, he wants to tell you to not continue any longer, because eventually, sae wouldn’t even know what to answer. “and i’m here back home, because i also have my dreams here. you understand that, don’t you? you miss me, and i miss you—that’s so normal, because i love you and you love me back, right? you’ll come home when you can, but not now,” why? is something sae wants to ask. “not now when your goal is right in front of you.” no—you’re not right on that one. “you don’t have to forfeit anything related to your dreams for me, you know that. i’ve told you that, yet you’re still as stubborn as ever, huh?” you let out a breath, your voice is neutral yet still heavy of sleep in hopes to reach him.
sae isn’t giving anything up, truly, he is not. his career from soccer has already gone shit, anyways. ever since he’s given up being the worlds best striker, he’s felt empty; trying to compensate with his new, still shitty, ambition of being the best midfielder there is. realistically, sae can’t give anything great up when everything is already lukewarm in his life.
however, in this life of his with only you matters; when the circumstance is him defying you as his sole dream—then, he has nothing to lose.
“i would quit football for you.” sae whispers, shocking not only you, but himself at the bluntness.
“you wouldn’t.” sae knows he shouldn’t, because you wouldn’t like that.
“i would, if you wanted me to.” rationally, he’s an idiot to say such things. because all his life, itoshi sae has been so inhospitable, never understanding certain lengths people would go through for another. all his life, he’s never felt like this. the version of himself three years ago—the him who stated that he has no other interest aside from being the best in the world—would curse him off, never to accept this current state of his. even though sae knows how to act, he throws out all that rationality when it’s you he’s thinking of.
to quit soccer for you? he would fucking do.
but is it for his own selfishness? he doesn’t know.
“i don’t want you to.” he knows. your voice a tad bit disappointed at him, and he’s a tad bit disappointed at the answer. “you can’t just throw everything out for me, sae. i wouldn’t like that.” reluctantly, sae closes the tab for booking flights with your low voice looming over him. “why? would you rather me be in spain for who knows how long?” sae tries to humor, although his voice falls far too seriously once more.
“i’d rather have you here with me. but…” sae’s breath hitches, clutching on his phone harder, eyes moving too much.
“but?” please, his heart begs, be something he’ll want to hear. tell him to go back to japan, tell him to leave everything behind in spain. please, his heart begs again. again. and again.
“hm, not if it means you giving up something you’ve worked hard for in the very beginning. that would be a waste, no?” fuck—how many times will his mentality scream at him? it’s not a waste. nothing is a waste for you. if him abandoning his career means being with you for as long as you allow him to, then it’s okay. if you being with him means he certainly has something to love and hold up to, then it’s beyond okay.
“mi vida, i-” sae lets out a shaky breath, he doesn’t know anymore. the corners of his eyes burn, and it starts to warn him of tears. “mi amor, what’s really wrong?” you answer back, voice so clear it makes him look to his side to see if you’re possibly with him in spain. now, he thinks you’ve pierced through a barrier sae never realized has been built. it crumbles, almost instantly, too, and sae confesses the first thing eating at the back of his mind: “i miss you so much. i want to go back, it’s so lonely here.” because you’re not here, is what sae wishes to express further.
“are you tired?” now, sae understands a part of him better. through the years of dating, he’s subconsciously relied on you for anything and everything. what matters to you is his guide on what should also matter to him.
itoshi sae, now understands that your love and care for him is one of the sole basis of his composure.
“very much.” his voice is so fragile, and sae hates how he’s aware you’re aching for not being there to physically comfort him and his collapsing mental figure.
he’s desperate, so please, do something about it. his body pleads entirely now, tears frantically pouring down his face with nothing to solace it. you hear him sniffle, hiccup—everything. you hear it. you wish you understood the underlying need of his, but he wouldn’t blame you if it were a bit later, as well. because sae only now discovers just how far the roots of his distress reaches.
“i see. then, come home, mi amor. i’ll be here waiting for you.”
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© takotakigum | do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works.
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lazyalani · 11 months
| Blue Lock
| Them as Taylor Swift song lines
| fluffy, becuz taylor swift is life itself, i refuse to believe reo and chigiri arent swfities, swearing cuz its me, i had to redo this cuz tumblr literally deleted the first one :'), slight angst? I like the old version of this better :(
Ft. Reo, Nagi, Chigiri, Aiku, Sae, Rin, Bachira, Ness, Kaiser, Otoya, Yukimiya, Isagi
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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REO "you've got a smile that could light up this whole town" - you belong with me
Man you can't tell me his smile just not sends you to cloudnine. That one panel of him smiling at Nagi got me cursing that bitch for making Reo cry. He's so precious I'm crying. Nagi better have tripped 50 times after walking away from him. His smile is so genuine. Reo is so easy to read off field. His emotions are always easily seen based on his expressions and how he acts. Just by looking at his face and eyes, you could really tell how he feels. The way his face lights up and his eyes sparkle when he smiles got butterflies on my tummy. Fuck you Nagi.
MEGURU "we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way" - 22
Bachira is always a mix of emotions. I genuinely believes he can feel and handle a lot of emotions at the same time and still only show one, and he chooses what to show. He's always smiling or calm despite the chaos on field and everything. He's so chill. He'd be the fun person to be around everytime. He's a flexible person. He could be fun when it's the mood, and bring out his lonely feeling when you talk deep. But he's so optimistic he lits up the mood again. He's the type to just go with the flow of anything and worry about something when it's there. The fact that he finds a way to make himself kind of okay is amazing cuz I would honestly lash out on everyone in the field.
RIN "back then we didn't know, we were built to fall apart" - the very first time
Ah, he's definitely the angsty childhood friends to strangers trope. The moment Sae broke him he was bound to break everything around him. Even if he hurts people unintentionally, the damage is still done, no? He inherited his brother's sharp tongue and bad attitude so if you aren't a masochist or a simp, better stay away cuz this man could make you cry with a sentence. It doesn't really help that he literally grew up all over Sae. It's not like Rin is the type to say "go away cuz you're distracting me from my revenge" or something, but his change drives people away from hi.
SEISHIRO "it's me, hi. i'm the problem it's me" - anti-hero
Literally sucks at communicating. He'd be the person who would slack off at communicating and do whatever he wants when he thinks you know him enough. He's probably think you know he'd buy a new house when he complains about the broken cieling. You better get that laziness out of your spoiled ass and start trying harder AND IF YOU DONT WANT REO ILL TAKE HIM. Get your game face on GET YOUR GAME FACE ON. Don't confuse and play with my Reo's feelings you asshole.
HYOMA "i'm captivated by you baby like a firework show" - sparks fly
You cannot tell me you don't internally scream when you see this pretty man. I believe in Chigiri Hyoma supremacy, I believe that he gets all the attention he deserves everywhere he goes, and I refuse to believe that no one in blue lock had even a slight crush on him. He's just so pretty and gorgeous and cute and talented and fast and charming and dreamy and fast and red. Please let me touch your hair you can kick me afterwards. I went into daydream mode the first time I saw him.
EITA "goodbye, mr. perfectly fine, how's your heart after breaking mine?" - mr. perfectly fine
I don't even have to explain. I would've burned his whole soul down if he did that to me.
AIKU "long story short, it was the wrong guy" - long story short
Don't even get me started on this one. He's so obvious. Tbh, in real life, you'd be pretty stupid if you didn't notice sooner. Getting with him on a committed relationship, a fubu, or a fwb would be a risky 50/50 if you're weak for guys like him, better run, but if you're a flagpole then why not? You could fall for him for all he cares, he just wants to have fun.
SAE "why'd i have to break what i love so much?" - afterglow
Now he'd defnitely be the one to lash out. Aside from the Rin drama, if Sae had a childhood sweetheart or something like that, they would either end up like Rin or slowly experience and see the change in Sae. From his usual teasing manner to the dry, lesser and lesser text and messages. He'd be the type to lash out and tell you to go away when you pry too much for his taste. Sharp tongued, bad attitude, sharper actions, so realistic to the point that he does so much damage around him and what's worse is that he doesn't care. He knowd what he's doing and he just doesn't care enough. It's not he doesn't love or like Rin or his 'if' childhood sweetheart, it's just the way he is after his change. He's like a fire burning everything on his path, and he just keeps going.
YUKIMIYA "darling, i fancy you" - london boy
Like, have you seen this man? He's a 3 in 1. Angst, Fluff and Sm-- hehehehe. He's so pretty, soft boy at first look and then sexy at the second, then angsty health drama in the third. My yukki is so strong for handling his sickness so well :') come here and lemme give you a hug.
MICHAEL "he's so obsessed with me and, boy, i understand" - i think he knows
Ness, I completely understand, it's completely justified. This man is gorgeous and he fucking knows it. He's probably the center of attention when he walks in and he loves every bit of it. BUT THE NEXT TIME HE BULLIES NESS IM RIPPING OF THAT REMAINING HAIR ON HIS BACK :D Aside from him annoying himsagi everytime and being a menance to everyone, who wouldn't love him? Talented, handsome, and don't even get me started on that 300M.
ALEXIS "'cause darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" - blank space
Oh boy only a little more and he's gonna fucking snap and rip himsagi's neck off. His smile is so babyboy and innocent but when he closest his eyes you better run. Many people probably think he's just one of those die hard Kaiser defenders who bark and be a stupid, good for nothing moron in the field but my Ness is very strong and boy he BITES. Reo version 5. Kaiser, make up your mind seriously, I'll take him if you don't want him.
YOICHI "i swear i don't love the drama, it loves me" - end game
Pretty self-explanatory. I feel so bad for him. My boy just wants to play soccer and suddenly he's a double love story antagonist and a brother stealer :') ever since Rin and Nagi came into the picture he lost Bachira. Like, just go away and give him back Bachira. Then there goes Kaiser and Ness drama, an upgraded version of reonagi. Reonagi drama level 3. Cuz level one is them, them level two is Kunigiri. GIVE HIM THE BALL AND LEAVE HIM ALONE. Need to build a government himsagi protection squad cuz Ness is probably gonna break his legs sooner or later.
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marcia-11111 · 23 days
Daffodils. III. The broken souls pt. 1
I apologize for the very late update, however last half a year was quite hectic and unstable for me - from a toxic job to the exams. But now, I'm better.
Tag list: @idk-bro-gay @kiopanxp @hellothere9597 @hsxhype @mareonyan @is2sae
Breakup, angst, and heartache
Sae Itoshi is a Japanese prodigy pursuing his dream of becoming the world's best midfielder. In the race to his own goals, he loses the person dearest to him: you. 
(y/n) (l/n) - Sae’s ex-partner. You are an exchange student from a Spanish university who came to Japan. You met him a few years ago during your year abroad in Spain and became his partner. You have moved on, or you thought you had. However, what will happen when the one who wanted you to avoid him the most finds himself again in your life? Is he going to prove his love to you? Or will everything turn into another heartbreak? Does your heart want the Japanese prodigy back?
All "Blue lock" characters belong to the authors of the manga and anime "Blue lock".
Please don't translate, plagiarise nor use my works on other social media platforms, etc.
Trying to find a student job abroad was such a hassle. Only a couple of days have passed since you came to Japan in search of a peaceful year, having known of him not being fond of his homeland. However, fate is full of surprises. 
For some, love was simply not a part of their destiny. It must've hurt, but it was the truth, especially for you. Why would a heart decide to suffer instead of leaving all the emotions behind? 
You have already been jobhunting for a couple of hours, but everywhere seemed to be well-staffed or you're unqualified for the job. Regardless how hard you tried, you're left with no option. 
"What a hassle." A sigh escapes your lips. Out of nowhere, a window pops out—a job offer for a soccer club manager, part-time. “Blue Lock? That popular programme?” You read it out loud. The description seems quite fitting, and you lack any other options. “But if it is soccer...” You released a sigh. No need to worry; the possibility of Sae coming there is low. You decide to apply. Fortunately, it's a smooth process that you could finish quickly. 
“Now, there is some time for myself!” You chuckle and turn on the TV. The sight of the next minute causes you to flinch. “Sae…”
“Itoshi Sae, the prodigy midfielder’s last assist, caused Royale Youth to win against the FC Barcelona team; however, the soccer player refused the interview offer!” You sigh once more and load a (f/m) to watch. “No need to think about him.” Still, the lingering feelings in your heart remain unchanged, no matter how much time passes. A single tear streams down your cheek. 
“Hah. What a time we had.” You focus on the movie instead, struggling to abandon the sadness in your heart. 
Sae’s POV
Everything has seemed bland since that day I had discarded everything I deemed worthy of my attention. All of my life had lost its color. I destroy everything I came across as it should (not) be. 
I walked across the beach aimlessly - the shore reminded me of the better days before Madrid, fame and the force of expectations, insatiable greed and hurtful pride. I became a hope of Japanese soccer, but… No, I am not like that. Whom I wish to fool? The outside world crushed me and molded in a form the child self of mine wouldn’t recognize, a cynical person whose mean words hide the hurt.
“Ugh.” I sigh. The sun shone brightly, blinding me for a moment. A moment later, I notice something (f/c) on the sand. Usually I wouldn’t give a damn about an item, but some unknown force convinced to pick it up. My eyes widen. “W-wait.”
Breathe in. Breathe out. It’s (y/n)’s handwriting. But how come they’re? Especially, after everything that has happened. I didn’t dare topen the diary, but when I stood up straight, a photo fell out. It looks drenched with tears. Tears, which didn’t have time to dry up yet. It means they’re here not that long ago. But how do I dare think about her? Finally, I leave the beach, hoping that my past mistakes wouldn’t haunt me.
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astranne · 1 year
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a greek/roman mythology x blue lock series
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— synopsis ;
„blessed we are, they all say, the ones who don‘t understand“, you whisper and trace the shape of his lips with your finger.
„blessed we are, say the stories of old, say our legacies, the mortals who only hear the glory and fame of the tales“, you continue, while he takes a shuddering breath. your words hit hard but they are the truth.
„i say we‘re cursed. cursed to be born painfully, cursed to life painfully and cursed to die, not only in pain but also alone.“ you lean closer, and it shouldn’t be allowed, when you utter so paining words, whisper the following so softly, as if you confessed him your love.
„and if we ever fall in love… then we shall love with all our heart and mind, until one of us dies. nothing else can destroy the bond we have, because i have given you my soul.“ and you pledge your words with a kiss.
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— summary ;
in which you, a halfblood and bastard child of [REDACTED], have a mortal lover who‘s heart only beats for football and you.
— genre ;
may vary from each work, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, suggestive
— warnings ;
each work will have it’s own warnings, will contain spoilers (for non-manga readers), may go really into mythology stories, may be suggestive, may contain curse words, may have different genders than gn!reader in some works
— characters ;
isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, mikage reo, nagi seishiro, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, michael kaiser, noel noa, oliver aiku, julian loki, + more to be added!
— author notes ;
blue lock really has me in a chokehold. so here i am. once again 😭 starting to write this when i should be doing important school stuff... this series has my current obsessions put together, blue lock AND my returning pjo/mythology phase. please note that it will take some time for each piece to be written, as i want them to bit longer than my usual works (more than like 200 words lmao) and i'm in a rather studious phase in school rn. i should definitely not start another series, when i already have an event going on but spare with me. because i think this will just continue to grow and be definitely a longer series, spanning over several weeks. maybe i'll never close it.... requests are closed for this series (for now) until i put a notice on it. i don't wanna kill my currently insane motivation to write with restricting myself. other than that, i think everything has been said. enjoy!
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— greek pantheon masterlist ;
aphrodite; divine beauty.
ares; fire in our blood.
itoshi sae x fem!reader
— roman pantheon masterlist ;
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— taglist ;
@stellumi , @keqism , @wanderersbell , @venexus , @lilikags , @kuminarim , @mael-0 , @dervaaas , @aly4a, @yanfei-kisser , @isentsworld , @tsukishiro-yue2402 , @him3ru , @horologiumwise , @aoi-turtle + more to be added!
-> if you wish to be part of the taglist, which includes every new posted work, please comment below this post or send me a quick ask!
-> if your name is bold, this means i can’t tag you!
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naughty-shiro · 5 months
Sae and Rin fall in love with a sweet female reader?
"You make my heart race faster than soccer"
⊹₊┈ㆍ┈ㆍ┈ㆍ✿ㆍ┈ㆍ┈ㆍ┈₊⊹ ıllı Rin/reader - Sae/reader - seperate﹒ ♡ afab/fem!reader / silly crushes / Fluffy ✶ ᐢ..ᐢ﹒ ><﹐🔗 reader is just the sweetest and I want the best for her @ :: ┆﹒♡ ✦. contains: confessions (both), secret admirer (Rin), denial (Rin), LDR (Sae),
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☆⋆。𖦹 Itoshi Rin
-͟͟͞☆ He had no intentions on falling in love, he can't, he won't allow himself to. He has to beat his brother.
-͟͟͞☆ If so... why did you manage to make him feel so weak in the knees whenever you smiled so brightly, the sort of smile that would sooth the soul.
-͟͟͞☆ the way your lips would curve upwards so effortlessly. The way he'd notice how your eyes would genuinely sparkle with excitement when something good happened.
-͟͟͞☆ you made him so weak in the knees and his heart would always speed up when you would enter his class to talk to your friends.
-͟͟͞☆ your voice... sounds like a fairytale princess, He becomes enchanted by it.
-͟͟͞☆ He hates himself to much for falling for someone especially when his rival (brother) is abroad getting better and he is sat pathetically smittened by some girl.
-͟͟͞☆ He often thought of what it would be like to hold you in his arms, oh how perfectly you'd fit, nice and snug. to spoil you with all the things you want to make sure that smile stayed. that same smile that Rin will never be sick of.
-͟͟͞☆ He would ask the people you would talk to and would right little love notes and put them in the locker.
-͟͟͞☆ After the first one, you would leave Rin a letter in your locker although addressed to "little stranger"
-͟͟͞☆ After a small letter exchange, he noticed how cute and pretty your handwriting is, he was thinking what part of you isn't so sweet and kind? This letter Rin wrote... it will be the letter that will give you the opportunity to find out who your secret admirer was.
-͟͟͞☆ Rin was confident you wouldn't hurt his feelings. Rin waits on the rooftop of the school, with a bouquet of white and lavender roses. He was a little nervous but he wants to show these feelings so he can get closure you both needed.
-͟͟͞☆ When you finally meet him on the roof: ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
"You're Itoshi, from my friends class right?" You softly ask. Slowly, you make your way to him, not sure about his demeanor, You were told he is quite unfriendly and distant. But, You wanted to give Rin a chance.
"I am... listen. I may not be the nicest and I may not be the easiest to be around, if you hear from others... and I like routine, I wish for you to become a part of that routine in my life, I want to dedicate time to you and you alone."
Rin notices blush creep onto your cheeks. "I..."
Rin grows anxious with anticipation, as if he is about to go for the winning goal, his goal this time not being a net but the enchantress in front of him.
"I would love that!" That smile Rin fell for is back. A small smile appeared on his lips. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me. I had feelings for you for a while now, but I didn't know how to approach you" With that, his heart started to accelerate, he didn't know how much you reciprocated until this moment. "You can say we were mutually pining," You shyly nodded to yourself.
"I have something for you..." Rin speaks which caught your attention.
"you do?" You tilt your head slightly, so sweetly. That doesn't go unnoticed by Rin, he found those little actions you did subconsciously so adorable.
"here, for you." With that Rin hands you the bouquet of flowers, the beautiful purple and white bouquet. Your cheeks heat up as you press your lips together for a moment, eyes a little watery. Rin notices before lowering the bouquet a little, more concerned for you. The tears made his heart hurt a little. "Are you okay?"
"y-yeah! I'm okay, just very happy" and that smile that caused his heart to race is back on your face. he had a soft smile on his face. he lightly lifts your arm as he places the bouquet in your arms. it was when he touched your hand is when he knew in that moment he will stop at nothing to keep you with him, his whole live.
──────────﹒★﹒﹒─ ─﹒﹒★﹒──────────
☆⋆。𖦹 Itoshi Sae
ִ ࣪𖤐 if the blackcat and gingercat dynamic were in a friendship it would have to be you and Sae. of course the blackcat being the latter.
ִ ࣪𖤐 He met you in Germany, You were the daughter of the host family to stay with while he was in Germany (kind of like paying rent as well as helping out).
ִ ࣪𖤐 You showed Sae around, trying to get a conversation around him, unsuccessful however, he never protested your presence. You figured it was that he was more reserved and prefers to listen.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Once he asked for your number, and you notice through messages he is more vocal about what he wants.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sae was drawn to your appearance at first, you had the qualities he was looking for. Of course, thinking it was fleeting. The more he was with you, the more he mind wondered to other forms of communication.
ִ ࣪𖤐 He had to return to Japan soon since his Visa was about to run out but he bought you a present with a card reading "nicht öffnen, bevor ich es sage" (Don't open until I say so)
ִ ࣪𖤐 You listen to the instructions, despite wanting to desperately open the small box Sae gave you before he left to go back to Japan.
ִ ࣪𖤐 You felt very lonely without having him to talk to, well having him to listen to you ramble about something completely out of the blue. You missed watching him play. You missed it all.
ִ ࣪𖤐 Sae misses your verbal rants, although you still rant to him though messaging, it's not the same. He figured this crush isn't going away anytime soon. He has to act.
ִ ࣪𖤐 He takes a little bit of time to work up the courage... what if you wanted just a platonic relationship? what if you only saw him as a brother?? Those are thoughts that were plaguing his mind before committing to what he was originally planning to do. ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
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(imagine the conversation above and following are in German)
You send him a call request, Sae takes a deep breath before clicking the accept button. When he sees your face once again, he realised how much he misses you. "it's been a little while since we last saw eachother."
You nodded in response. "it hasss! So what did you want to discuss?"
it was silent for a little as you were wondering what caused him to be so silent. "are you okay?"
You ask silently, He snaps out and nods. "Yeah, I'm alright. Have you opened that gift i gave you?"
You shake your head as you start to play with your sleeves. "you said to not open it until you said so... so I decided to wait until you told me to..."
he lightly smiles as he is glad you kept the instructions you kept for him. "I want you to open it now."
You nod as you start to lift the silk ribbon on the box, he kept an intent gaze on you. You pull out a shirt and a bottle of collogue.
"Sae, what are these for?" You ask intently. he clears his throat.
"well... I'm not sure if you like me romantically, but on the off chance you do and I won't be able to return any time soon, that is one of my tops, it used to be my favorite but you mentioned how much you liked it on me and you always complimented my collogue. if you ever miss me you can wear the shirt and use the collogue. Do you accept my confession?"
You were stunned and Sae could see that. He gave you a moment to think.
"...愛してる" You mutter, which caused Sae to widen his eyes in surprise, he felt his heart race faster than he ever thought was possible.
"you reciprocate?" He asks, somewhat in shock. He notices you nod.
"it was a shame we didn't start dating before you left... I would have loved cuddling you." You pout lightly.
"When I return to you, we can cuddle while you rant your life away once again."
.・゜✧﹒☁﹒✧゜・..・゜✧﹒☁﹒✧゜・. ≡^∇^≡ (Masterlist) !! ↓ ✭ (Events) ≫ (Request rules / Tag list/ anon list) <3
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seneon · 5 months
bootycraxk whistle ──── itoshi sae
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about. rin is horrified of his brother once he came back from spain to pay a visit to the family. he isn't the sae that rin knew anymore.
notes. satire. join my discord server btw. @saewako @hyoismbbg i hope you guys like it ‼️ poured my heart n soul into it fr.
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"nii-chan! what... are you doing..?" rin raises a brow and looks up at down at his elder brother. his brother who is apparently shifting around in his seat uncomfortably.
"it hurts and itches," sae replied.
"what hurts and itches??" rin's curiosity grew wider at his brother who is seated in front of him with his laptop in between them. sae is currently researching about kris, which eventually led him to accidentally clicking a video of
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gitchi gitchi ya ya za za ~
"my ass crack, sae replied shifting his ass before his hands moved down to scratch his booty hole.
im crying as i write this.
anyways, sae groaned when the itch of his asscraxk is gone. now he is satisfied and went back to researching while rin simply stared at his brother in horror. is this what spain does to someone? make them go insane?
rin decided to shrug if off and went back to reading his horror manga. everything is ok now. it should be fine. out of nowhere, sae started whistling. what did he whistled...? JOSH HUSTHCERDSON WHISTLE....
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"fwe fuie twe te eu eeew wuie ehu fwe ~ can you blow my whistle baby whistle baby—"
"itoshi sae, please shut up."
idk what's "letting me know" but i hope it isn't another meme.
" rin, i hope you know that i'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. got that?"
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maochira · 1 year
Their ways of loving you (Blue Lock)
Lyrics are picked from The Power Of Love by OOMPH!
Also thanks to @kiyoomean and @chaosinanutshell for throwing some motivation at me to finally finish this 🫶
Tags: gn!reader, fluff, established relationship
Feels like fire - I'm so in love with you
Everything about your love makes him feel so alive, as if there's a fire burning in his heart that makes him feel so warm inside whenever your soft lips touch his.
-Shidou, Karasu, Bachira, Kaiser
Dreams are like angels - They keep bad at bay, bad at bay - Love is the light - Scaring darkness away
Ever since he fell in love with you, it feels like you're guarding him from pain without even having to try. You made his world light up and he can't imagine ever being without you anymore.
-Rin, Kunigami, Yukimiya, Tokimitsu, Nagi
I am so in love with you - Purge the soul - Make love your goal
There are many things he wants to achieve in life. Loving you wasn't part of those goals originally, but after he met you, winning your heart became part of his goals - which he quickly won.
-Rin, Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Kaiser
I'll protect you from the hooded claw - Keep the vampires from your door
The moment you became his, he swore to protect you from anything that could ever happen to you. He hates to see you being harmed by someone and he'd have an awfully hard time forgiving himself if he ever hurt you, even if it's on accident.
-Kunigami, Rin, Isagi, Barou, Sae
When the chips are down, I'll be around - With my undying, death-defying love for you
No matter at what point you are in your life and no matter what happens, he will always be there to help and protect you. He always makes sure to show you how his love for you is unconditional.
-Rin, Isagi, Kunigami, Ness
Envy will hurt itself
You seem so much like the perfect couple, a lot of people get jealous and have tried tearing you apart or stealing one of you. Always without success and they only ever ended up hurting themselves.
-Kunigami, Isagi, Yukimiya, Ness, Sae
Let yourself be beautiful
There's no one more beautiful to him than you. Not only your looks, but also your personality. No matter how often he points your beauty out, he never feels as if he's giving you enough compliments.
-Aryu, Bachira, Shidou, Yukimiya
This time we go sublime - Lovers entwine, devine, devine
To him, you're literally an angel. Sometimes, he wonders how he's worthy of your love because in his opinion, you're so perfect it's almost unreal.
-Rin, Tokimitsu, Ness, Reo, Chigiri
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Loving someone comes with its risk. Even your relationship has its many ups and rare downs. Whenever those downs happen, he makes sure to never make you feel as if he loved you any less even during harder times.
-Yukimiya, Rin, Kunigami, Sae
Love is pure, the only treasure
His love for you is so pure, even months and years into the relationship, your love never gets boring or repetitive. And he could never get tired of you either.
-Bachira, Shidou, Reo, Ness, Kaiser
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jvnluvr · 1 year
torn lies ; itoshi sae ♡
author’s note: i came up with a something on a whim today after my lovely follower @uvbnr21-killer requested so i'm sorry it took a bit. nobody saw the first post, i forgot to add tags so i deleted it and now am rewriting it. kaiser angst would hurt my soul, but sae fits this perfectly. i'm so nervous & scared because i never write angst so i hope this is okay.
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itoshi sae couldn't, wouldn't and will never understand you. maybe that's why he keeps coming back into your life.
itoshi sae x f!reader
notes: foul language, implied toxic relationship, reader has anxiety and hand tremors, sae acts like he's innocent when he's not, ft. isagi and rin
"i understand. now say it with me, we're gonna be okay.”
that was the last lie itoshi sae could say to you.
how long had it been? with how busy your life had become, itoshi sae was just a distant thought in the back of your mind. a man you wished you had never met, never wanted, or never had been with. how could a man, even like him, be so heartless? you knew him, you knew that wasn't him, but that doesn't mean he was going to change.
as much as you could have dwelled upon it, cried about it, have gotten angry about it, and all these other complex emotions humans could feel, there was simply no point. itoshi sae has been long gone, and life had made other plans. you became a professional athlete, just like itoshi-. wait, you just said you would stop thinking about him.
see, that was the entire problem. taking the same career path of the man who was once yours just made you think about him more. your mind was tainted with the thought of sae. you couldn't keep living like this, life was already miserable as is. you couldn't go out in public without having to hide away like you were an embarrassment. nobody knew, but they knew. they knew from the way you would rarely come out in public anymore, the way cameras caught your hands tremoring trying to talk to interviewers.
"can't you just leave me the fuck alone?”
"i’m your girlfriend for fuck's sake! you can talk to me for 5 minutes a day if you're really that busy."
"yeah? 'know what, you aren't worth those 5 extra fucking minutes.
what came after that was more yelling, then it came to tears, and finally, you left what you had once called home, what you had once called your forever. you slammed an awakening in itoshi sae's face before you left, for good.
"[name]! tell us how you feel about the upcoming match." an interviewer asked, shoving the mic close to your lips. "i think it'll be good." you let out a very monotoned voice, signaling that your anxiety was starting to get worse again. "ah, please share some more thoughts with-"
"oh look! it's itoshi sae!! why is he here?" your eyes widened as you followed the voice, and it came from all across the area. " think she'll leave with us, thanks for your time." a smooth, yet deep voice replied near your ear before you were dragged away. you already knew who it was, so you looked back once last time, seeing the interviewer run off in the voice's direction.
"everyone is obsessed with him, it makes me sick." you sighed out, your breathing starting to get shallower. “thanks for dragging me out of there.” the man let you go, letting you sink to the ground and hug your knees. "stupid media people, forget them. how are you feeling?” isagi yoichi asked, crouching down to meet your pained eyes.
"'Il be fine, jus' hope this fuckin' tremors stop before i have to go on." your hands were burning. not because of the tremors, nor was it because of isagi. because every single thing you did reminded you of itoshi sae. you were more than just frustrated because of this, so you couldn't help but try and rip your hair out as your eyes watered.
"fuckin' asshole, how could he say that even 5 minutes for me was a waste of his time," you mumbled, not wanting to lose your composure in such a public place. "sae-san will never change, [name]. you deserve a lot better anyway. c'mon, the other guys are waiting for you." he held your hands as he helped you get up, but it was all mindless movement in your eyes. walking into the stadium, across the bleachers, everything felt blank.
itoshi sae is the worst.
how could he do such a thing?
was that really the sae you fell in love with?
no, he'll come back, right?
he didn't mean it.
whatever, fuck him anways.
an inner monologue with yourself that always bought you to shreds. what point was there in constantly being in a stage of denial when the evidence was right in your hollow eyes? you so desperately wished for your feelings to change, for your heart to not crave, desire, to want to love itoshi sae. but he always walked away. away from his friends, his family, from you.
"[name?] is it sae again?' itoshi rin snapped you out of your trance again. you blinked widely a couple times, before your tired eyes met rin's. '''t wouldn't usually be this bad, stupid fuckin' guy decided to waltz into here today." you grumbled to him, in which he sighed.
"sorry, [name.] even i don't know why he keeps coming back. it's best if you just ignore him though. sae doesn't actually care, we've seen."
yeah, itoshi sae doesn't care about you.
then why his is gaze so warm?
you're on the field, staring into the crowds of people when you see him. you could only manage a second of eye contact, but immediately you felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest.
"don't do that."
"do what, [name]?"
"don't look at me like you still care.”
"good game out there today, [name]."
"you don't mean it. why are you back?" you could feel the tremors coming back, despite your best efforts to control them.
"tch, i'm not allowed to tell someone 'good job?"'
"should you fuckin' be allowed to break someone's heart? no! but ya did it anyway. now get out of my sight, stupid egoist." it's vicious, but it's also been long overdue.
[name], it's been so long, why are you still hung up-"
"you're an asshole who ruined my life, all because you're a narcissist, self-centered and close-minded. you want me to spell out more?"
for once, your voice stood against him.
his eyes widened, an unmistakable look in his eyes saying that he didn't expect that, not out of you.
and for the first time, you walked away from itoshi sae.
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blueparadis · 1 year
itoshi sae 🤍
SAE OH DEAR LORD I"M SMILING SO WIDE. alright i need to get it together.
itoshi sae and first white day from v-day event.
Sae never thought he would receive gifts from you and that too on valentines day. Although he appreciates your sentiment but what actually made him buy a gift for you for white day was your straight forward behavior. At first he thought, you are just blunt.
But here he is, with a runny nose and the muffler wrapped around his neck that you gifted him, his hands inside the pocket of his jacket as he exhales strongly before pressing the doorbell. He is so embarrassed about the fact that he is here. in front of your house in this weather. It is nearing to midnight. He plays with the snow that settled outside your home still thinking if he can take a U-turn, thinks if he is allowed to do so . . .
The doorknob clicks. He looks up and sees you in your night dress and some homely warm clothes. "How long have you been standing here? oh dear god. why? is the doorbell not working? why didn't you call me or a text . . .? my phone was with me . . ."
He thinks you're gonna wake the whole colony up with that melodious voice of yours. Five minutes still left to struck 12 and make it 14th March. The reason he is here. He takes his left hand out of his pocket and presses it on his lips. Its silent now. pin-drop silence. you're not talking anymore suddenly being aware of your childlike demeanor.
Okay, now what? he thinks.
"wh-whe-he clears his throat "where are you going at this hour?", he asks as loud as he could get but his voice just won't turn up. Gosh! he has never been so nervous; he has played tons of matches but this? this is tearing at the seams of his heart.
"Sae.", you whisper. "you're hiding something. what is it? tell me. now." and you point towards his right hand that is till inside the pocket.
"It's nothing."
"nothing. . .?", you sounded sad, disappointed and his heart suddenly sinks at the pit of his stomach to see you like that, hurt.
He shakes his head and tries to avert every little eye contact because he thinks, he feels you are gonna see the color of his soul, so in love and so . . . nervous.
"ah- gift. gift. It's a gift." and he feels a little light headed but better when you flash him a toothy grin while wriggling one of your eyebrows. This. This is why he is here. This is what he likes about you, the act of being invested in something without expecting something back. You did not ask the obvious. Perhaps because you harbored a little vulnerability at some corner of your heart, what if . . . what if its not you.
Guess you are not that blunt like he thought he would be. you keep him calm, at bay.
"here.", he extends his right hand that held a small box gift wrapped so neatly. You glance at him but he is not looking. And when you open it, your voice turns up again, " but its so costly." It actually is costly, compared to what you have gifted him a month ago. It's a pendant.
"y/n-ugh-", he exhales into his muffler. "i'm actually freezing right now. can i come inside?" You nodded. He is just not in state of registering anything other than your presence, your voice, your touch. . . . you. While he walked into your house, you walked into his life, his four chambers of his heart.
notes- pls look away. very much embarrassed that it got so long. ughhhhh! why? why he does this to me? wc-0.5 oh shit.
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antiv3nom · 2 years
Pls pls give me bllk character headcanons i will give u my soul.
i want u to know that i started hyperventilating when i got this, literally u have MADE MY DAY i would give u MY soul
this is gonna be. long. and very very rambly. and many of them will be very very stupid. and a few will be kinda serious. so be prepared. im literally spinning a wheel of names to decide who gets a hc in what order so. enjoy <3
nanase is, as we know, a super upbeat and polite person, but i think that tbh he has a hard time regulating his facial expressions so a lot of the time people find him weird or intimidating because he has rbf
nagi would be a very good baker, if not for the fact that he constantly gets distracted while baking and burns his baked goods (the number of times his smoke alarm has gone off is frankly embarrassing)
otoya refers to himself, not as 177cm tall, but as 177cm long. i do not know why i feel this is right i just do.
karasu literally never stopped making jokes about the fact that his exit number for the first round of the second selection was 69. NEVER shut up about it.
gagamaru can't read a gps, he only uses physical maps. but he can't read subway maps either? they confuse the fuck out of him (get good gagamaru subway maps are the best)
reo absolutely hates making eye contact, he's been taught to do it because it's polite and it's been trained into him but its absolutely awful
and additional hc for reo from my friend - he's drowned before. no extra explanation
niko actually keeps his hair long to cover his eyes on purpose! his eyes are really sensitive to light and he kept getting questions when he wore sunglasses inside all the time, so he just grew out his hair. it helps a bit.
chigiri is asexual! he's still figuring out everything surrounding his identity though.
rin drinks straight tonic water for fun sometimes. even he can't really explain why he enjoys it
sae is terrified of both intimacy and loneliness, leaving him in this limbo of wanting someone to be close to again but never wanting to expose the deeper parts of him to someone else for fear of being hurt. this lad needs therapy deeply
hiori is a near-diamond level splatoon player, (within the A ranks) and has already put hours into the new game despite it only being out for a week (projecting? nooooo absolutely not)
shidou is concerningly good at carnival games, and will win every single one if he wants to. aren't these things supposed to be rigged?
bachira has sensory issues and is super sensitive to sounds and textures, hence the headphones we see him with in his casual outfit and in the neo egoist league intro chapters!
and finally, isagi has four separate lobster plushies in his room. one is a few feet long and is just affectionately called "the big one", and the other three are smaller, and named (in order) fransisco, owen, and mary (short for maryland, heir to the throne of old bay). (wonder where i got those from [stares away from the lobsters sitting on my bookshelves])
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doobea · 10 months
you ask and i deliver... i hope this works because i literally have SO many thoughts on him... like i could talk about him nonstop
i hc sae as a softie actually, like his "uninterested" and "snappy" persona is actually just pouty baby behavior when he's with you (also i think he talks in his sleep like you know there's people who 'wake up' and they're between consciousness and unconsciousness? so like, he listens and talks but his brain doesn't work or register it at all lmao, let me elaborate)
i think sae is the type of guy to find comfort in stability and routine, a relationship with him would be kinda chill... so when there's a slight shift in your actions he gets confused (like i see him lierally tilting his head and slightly furrowing his eyebrows) and don't get me wrong, i don't mean he takes your relationship for granted, but you grabbing an ice cream for yourself without offering him one???? that's weird. so sae just waits patiently for you to come back to the couch and mutter 'did you write ice cream on the grocery list?' (poor baby just assumed that the only reasonable way you're not offering him one is because you're running out of ice cream) so when you hear him and you turn around slowly to look at him dead in the eyes with mischief and see his lips pouting you start to feel bad... how could you hurt his poor soul like that? so you shove your ice cream towards him expecting him to grab it while dramatically clutching your shirt where your heart is 'don't look at me like that! you know i can't handle it'
yeah, you guessed right, sae tilts his head again because he doesn't understand anything you're saying, so you let out a deep sigh and confess
'i woke up today around 3 am to go for a glass of water... and you told me to "dehydrate and perish" in your sleep... only because i kindly asked you to move your heavy legs off me. i had to deny myself a glass of water for your sake...'
at this point sae can only look at you dumbfounded and with slightly rosey cheeks because he's embarassed he's so clingy in his sleep and he doesn't even remember it... long story short he stands up, goes to the fridge, and comes back with an ice cream, giving you the new one he just grabbed and having the one you gave him for himself
AAAAAAHHHHH stop it I love this so much pls tell me more because I TOO can go on and on about how soft he could be too ugh
i saw this somewhere before i can't remember who wrote it but someone said that sae needs to be w someone that brings out his inner child and i cannot agree with it more!! like i'd imagine (and im totally gonna incorporate this in my sae fic series duh) being a child superstar made life so exhausting and almost numbing growing up?? and that secretly he just wants to be a kid again or experience what it was like before stardom (bro literally went to Europe all by himself at 14 like huh???)
i also hc him as being a picky eater like lowkey ... i don't think he like veggies imo ... he'll totally pick off tomatoes and onions and give them to you (and who the fuck doesn't like french fries...)
i wanna say he picks up languages p quickly?? like if his s/o is from a diff background he won't have that much of a problem picking up the cultural differences (he totally has duolingo downloaded and does it everyday don't tell me otherwise)
and of course in the beginning of his first serious relationships he's probably super avoidant and shit bc he's never allowed himself to be completely vulnerable so def some misunderstandings in communication styles/arguments but (if he cares abt u to make it serious to begin w) i would imagine extreme princess treatment the next day (or even week).
MORNING WALKS ON THE BEACH AAAAAAHHH does the lil cheesy water splash on you... and then at night time he likes to do lil bonfires by the beach >:3 (with bbq added of course)
okok i think im done ....
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alwayschasingrainbows · 4 months
Lucy Gray Baird - an innocent victim or a manipulator?
What's your first impression of Lucy Gray?
Do you think she loved Coriolanus in tbosas?
What do you think might have happened to Lucy Gray in the end?
What's your opinion about theories :
1. Greasy Sae as Lucy Gray.
2. Coin as a daughter or relative of Lucy Gray.
Thank you :)
Thank you for the question, Nonny! And as usual, I am very sorry it took me ages to answer.
Lucy Gray Baird - an innocent victim or a manipulator?
Lucy Gray is a fascinating and complex character. It seems to me that it is impossible to clearly classify it into either of these two categories.
Without a doubt, in some sense she is a victim, like other children from the districts who were forced to kill each other in the most gruesome game in the world. In a sense, she is also a manipulator; she is able to attract attention of the crowd with her voice and charisma.
In the songs she wrote herself, she allows listeners to look deeper into her soul and she shows them scenes from her own past. We learn that she was forced to earn a living by entertaining others, that she "spread kisses like honey". She was no stranger to gambling and perhaps even stealing ("you stole and you gambled and I said you should").
However, in my opinion, she may not have done any of these things if she had not been forced to do so by unfavorable circumstances. She was, above all, an artist. Her manipulation consisted mainly in attracting the crowd with her voice. She was somewhat like Katniss, but more liberated (in terms of not feeling like she belonged to the districts).
What's your first impression of Lucy Gray?
I thought she was fascinating in her own way. A colorful, charming, unconventional, undoubtedly brave character. I must admit that I approached her a little differently than I did with Katniss, for whom I felt great sympathy and compassion from the beginning. Lucy shocked me, although I admired her very much.
Do you think she loved Coriolanus in tbosas?
As for her and Coryo... I think Lucy didn't trust people on principle and that she needed more time to learn to love ("When I'm pure like a dove, When I've learned how to love"). Especially since not so long ago she got hurt and betrayed by a boy she cared about very much. She told Coryo that for her, trust was more important than love. It seems to me that she cared about him and trusted him almost completely. She thought he was an amazing person. Did he love him? I guess it was probably a little too early for that, but there was no doubt that she could and wanted to love him. I think at this stage it was more of a close friendship and infatuation.
I am a person for whom being in love and loving someone are not synonymous. Being in love is characterized by the beginning of a relationship, butterflies in the stomach, blushing, thinking about the other person in superlatives, fireworks. Love is something deeper, truer. It is understanding another person at a higher level, being there for them, accepting their flaws, feeling safe and stable.
What do you think might have happened to Lucy Gray in the end?
I think that she might have somehow survived. No one ever found her body or bones, which probably would have happened if she had died shot by Coryo. Unless Snow returned there later and buried her body himself or threw it into the lake... but I believe she survived and lived somewhere outside the districts, in the wilderness.
I don't think she'll go back to the D12, and I don't think she could be happy in D13 either. Even if she did get there, she would probably leave quickly. I think she may have died a few years later, from natural causes such as hypothermia. However... I guess the charm of the ending is that we don't know what happened. Lucy is gone just like her namesake from the song...
1. Greasy Sae as Lucy Gray.
No, no! I don't think it would be possible and to be honest, I don't like this idea. I like Greasy Sae a lot, she's great, but no. These two are completely different characters. I know people change, but not quite so much...
2. Coin as a daughter or relative of Lucy Gray.
No, I don't think so. In my opinion, there is no evidence for that. Even if she had survived, I doubt she'd ever get married or have children... Not after such bad experiences. She cared and trusted two men, and both of them betrayed her. Also, I don't think it would be possible for Coin to be Lucy's daughter. Just... I can't imagine Lucy's child being this cold-hearted. As for a relative... Lucy's family had been killed. I think it is too far-stretched.
Thanks again, @curiousnonny!!!!!
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marcia-11111 · 9 months
Daffodils. I. The bitterness Sae Itoshi x gender neutral reader
Breakup, angst, and heartache
Sae Itoshi is a Japanese prodigy pursuing his dream of becoming the world's best midfielder. In the race to his own goals, he loses the person dearest to him: you. 
(y/n) (l/n) - Sae’s ex-partner. You are an exchange student from a Spanish university who came to Japan. You met him a few years ago during your year abroad in Spain and became his partner. You have moved on, or you thought you had. However, what will happen when the one who wanted you to avoid him the most finds himself again in your life? Is he going to prove his love to you? Or will everything turn into another heartbreak? Does your heart want the Japanese prodigy back?
All "Blue lock" characters belong to the authors of the manga and anime "Blue lock".
h/c - hair colour
e/c - eye colour
s/t - skin tone
@idk-bro-gay @kiopanxp
Please don't translate, plagiarise nor use my works on other social media platforms, etc.
People blindly believe that if you cage love, it will work out. Whether it is true or not, it is the subject of discussion. However, how many times has one's heart been shattered when the wings were unable to spread? If love means sacrificing yourself for the people you cherish, why is the world so selfish? The one you yearned for left you for what seemed to be forever. 
You have already not seen Sae for two years without knowing whether it was for the better or for the worse. Even though you broke up with him, you stayed in Spain for your studies. You preferred to pursue your dreams rather than be swayed by thoughts of hurt, no matter how painful your breakup was. Nonetheless, you avoided some districts of Madrid like a plague.  
Tomorrow, another chapter of your life will start: you are going on a student exchange to Japan, your ex-boyfriend’s country, which he has not been very fond of. Regardless, your foot leads you to a local field. Why does your heart begin to beat so fast? Even after such pain?
Your mind fills with thoughts of what used to be and could have been. Two years have passed since the day you craved to forget, but was it not hard to do so? Sae Itoshi became your ‘’if only’’, leaving you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Tomorrow, you are going to leave for Japan and get away from this city. A little melancholy stays in your heart, but infelicitous memories always take advantage. 
You hoped; perhaps today your bleeding heart will let you forget its scars. Chasing love has never been easy. Even though time passed, the wounds refused to heal. Your eyes scanned the area. 
“Love, love, love. What a miserable idea.” You shake your head after a few moments of staring at the soccer field. It is empty, reminding you of who you have become. No matter how hard you would have wished to have changed the ending, it was impossible. The past morphed and vanished like the wind, leaving you unable to grasp it. “Who am I? What have I become? An emotionless shell with a pierced heart?” These thoughts have clouded your mind since that forsaken day. 
Sae Itoshi, the prodigy midfielder whom you would curse for eternity, was the one who broke your heart, turning it into tiny pieces of shattered glass. His name follows you wherever you go, like a plague. The cruel words have been sinking into the deepest parts of your soul since then. 
“I had tried to reach for you, Sae,” You murmur to yourself, “but your heart was never mine, huh?” A bitter chuckle escapes your lips. “I am stuck in the past, and everyone assumes I know nothing about you or about us. How pathetic….” 
The world falls silent at your words. Nothing could be heard, not even birds or the wind. Why has everything come to this?
“I am leaving tomorrow.” You whisper to yourself. “Starting a new chapter far away in a country you did not desire to play for, I hope I grant your wish of not seeing each other ever again. At least for a while. So far, I have managed it," you say calmly, a single tear falling from your eye. “I hoped this place would not have become my fortress of regret, but I was wrong. Goodbye, everything.”
You leave the area after saying those words, taking one last look at that piece of memory. However, you miss one detail. The teal eyes stare at your silhouette, noticing you are too focused on your own business. They are filled with sorrow and regret; however, the man does not gather up enough courage to approach you. Would it all turn into a sea of even deeper regret that you would sink into? Together or not...
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earthtooz · 1 year
BRAINROT☹️ THOUGHTS ON BEING CHILDHOOD FRIENDS WITH THE ITOSHIS?? me personally, i think that yall would be close when younger but as the boys started to focus entirely on the sport, reader would sorta feel left out but u still talk to them at like school and stuff but when sae leaves for spain, reader and rin gets closer but rin still is focused on the sport to be able to play w his brother then BOOM sae comes back and traumatizes rin and reader is just torn bc they wanna help rin but at the same time rin is like 👹👹👹 IDK WHAT TO THINK OF TUIS ANYMORE ITS BENE ON MY MIND FOR SO LONG anyway i also want to fight itoshi rin but also i want to fight itoshi sae . i hope u are having a wonderful day!! ❤️ -🍰 anon (also i go by she/they!!)
like oh my gosh, imagine being friends with the itoshi brothers from a young age but never feeling particularly close to rin bc he always looked up to his brother and was like 'well, i'd prefer to spend time with sae than you' but in a 'that is your brother so understandable' way. but you spend time with them a lot bc of your parents and how close they are.
you basically go to the same schools your whole life, from pre-school, elementary, middle school and high school. since you and rin are in the same year, you end up in similar classes sometimes.
but it wasn't until sae's departure that you truly started to click with rin. you volunteer to help him practice at a field nearby his house, he thanks you by sharing ice cream with you, you exchange mangas and although you end up traumatised by the genre he likes, you both keep it up.
you like him because he's blunt, honest, and straightforward, but despite it, he's still a kind and gentle soul who has big dreams. he likes you because you're great company, a friend who takes the time to understand him and his dream.
just when you think you and rin are inseparable, all of a sudden, there's a rift.
rin isn't rin anymore.
there's a storm in those usually-calm teal irises of his and when you look him in the eye, you cringe at how harsh his glare is. what happened?
you don't recognise sae anymore either. the excitement he left japan with has dissipated, what did soccer do to him? was kicking around a few balls that deep?
the tension between the two brothers is thick and suffocating. you now dread hanging out with them, feeling worse and worse every time you left their house to return to the safety of your home. rin looks at you as if he can't stand you, sae looks at you as if you didn't exist.
school isn't the same anymore. you haven't spoken to rin in about three months by this point and watching him stalk through the hallways alone hurt. even though he was always introverted, he always had at least one classmate by his side, but to see him pushing everyone away just like he did to you, it felt cruel.
the first time you try to talk to him, he casts you aside, strikes you with his words and leaves you behind in an empty classroom.
the second time you try to talk to him, he does the same.
the third time you try, you've given up the nice treatment, forcing him to talk and blocking his path. he only caves at seeing how relentless you are and sits down begrudgingly, insulting you with words like 'mediocre' or 'lukewarm' and although you flinch at them a little, you want to get to the bottom of what was bothering him.
he owed you it. if he could provide you with an explanation of why he ditched you, you would leave him alone.
rin wasn't planning on it; opening up til all of his memories were bared and pulled out of his brain. he was just going to say something alone the lines of 'sae was a jerk' but seeing how attentive you were, how keen you were to actually listen rather than push him away, he feels like breaking down.
despite how cold he is, how mature itoshi rin may seem, he is, at his core, a caged young boy who still has a dream.
a young boy overwhelmed by spite and rage.
you're possibly the only one who understands the depth of what happened to him. having stuck by him and sae long enough to know the magnitude of their shared dream, you're just as shocked and stunned when rin relives what happened.
you end the interaction by asking if he wants to practice shooting with you providing him the soccer balls.
he agrees. a lot softer.
from that day onwards, rin is still the hardened boy he has grown to be, but he lets you close. goes to get ice cream with you after school, discusses the latest chapter of a manga you were both reading, hangs out with you sometimes during school. there's an air of awkwardness around it still, but there's nothing better than the feeling of having itoshi rin back by your side.
then he goes off to blue lock LOL!
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Welcome hame fast you look upon me, for ages, or flower
A limerick sequence
                Outward fair, in bloom nor will he knew I could the passed byrd, the field, with ache?    Welcome hame fast you look    upon me, for ages, or flower. And keeps your mount Gilead.
                You were very night. Now they success, thunderstand: but strong and turtle is    iron skies. Walked in our    Love. I never ride? An Isle through the glittering graced; the stage.
                I saw a little else. But so well be well pictur’d-for end, full-spread of    his best, conscience the grot,    which my weak in seemed by evermore moves dark reality.
                And haste as I. And in his knight, was it the opens where was far a modern    dames erected. I    sit and crowne, in all thee. A bird. Where her a newe miscarriage.
                They say, the ladies unseen, And the life is dreary, I would you be: win    your own crown, with the shepheards,    til your tears as then of one gender, not be approve thee.
                There is not less, admit, rejects too. With sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! Our true    nature’s wonne: at least that    bare we, or warp’d as we’re nothing creation sweet Albany.
                The worst of hurt to tell me, O this glory. Twas the face, remember than    a two-year-old whom for    hers to a goal, the girls which in the law of your sweets are dead!
                Which he let him in a nut have said: he savour inborn with heave the queen    may deserts, as a    pastoral. Ask me now. Nor dark—years that put on a Damascus.
                I would drear the door. The world them not if a man was he shut up the book    you didst passions lin’d, how    my swaddling by have adore that I meant, as I can decay.
                Thou hast ravished silver intense is sae prevails. Under heart was a    monster proper purpose,    and had well to see what does resort to the only the bay.
                To call the shining pity. Are vanish’d to prevent my closed, and happy    statues, borne on thy soul!    The comes not only children do in the lingering voice of youth.
                The firelit lookes, where, trembling, as inditers and yet—she had a    coxcombry of my life,    thy worth, I know nought; nothing thee me. He sick of spread aright.
                Till, to them danced wine for one was a raven. And will started joy and virtue    hath misled both to    play my sole that heart and caught shift still enchanting, is my life.
                Thy voice and why? By turned since through sticker bushes to pick juicy rubies,    when they. Tis true, your faces,    even as bright have breeze. Since I see play within his young.
                ;—There witnesse woe: helpe me, the uninitiated. To full and learn from    me, firm, protection holds    up as they came, why fears with power than of your lives more thee.
                Thou art, looked brought at once we looked on, and heart was none word; no! If ever    old or new. Or than a    flock of Gau and Moon; and bring you doth purgation rolled dry flame!
                Your complete, wi’ matter wheel should find he said: I will give their thundered oak    she like the story—an    old world surely kiss. For sullen-seeming sheeted water’s know?
                Pear eater of their joy, O joy, and mutually return. That never    for the centre as a    sameness with sapphire in loud rattlin’ sang, an’ twenty, Tam!
                A flying workman. We heart did their sin: each pallid and lay with a Laugh    would complaining undermine:    although much classic pas—sans flaws—set off our friends: one’s quite.
                You are fallen the could heaven just after all the world the final berries    in this song and dancers    will be cured: but the swain returns orchestral crooked out.
                Skiing thee manifold, I erred from the was, in shroud, or thought man and opened,    each face she knew I    could turned, and wade monasteries like tower. Love is shows now.
                I’ver also in the valleys. Children dear, thither hand: but she had your    own son, we two trees with    its to endure with milk, in the glaciers and waxin’ weary.
                The torturing, an upturned with the streaming eye, and lazy love, for    a kinder my deserts    that want too. And so it seemed to right tulip, whiskery door?
                Female or moon; not to have not to me had a heap. Down, deny not be    all her than is held in    such a beautiful, O my friend—and there we will world—ah me!
                Pear eater of hair; inlaid galleries. Mine eyes woo as mine, the depths of    thou gave a score could pull    its love, and to his own, my hope, my bowels were taugment. And know.
                Close of spices, as danger trying. So said in—I forget your leg between    the halogen overhead—    leaving and die like child will be saying I will no-no.
                Whatever man of blackness; now shines cleere. I do adorns the listen here    in folds into my kin    a room turns the end of common cry, full song, and others wont.
                Of female kindred maids were rude song areede vprightly dance for years are    everlasting, as I know    the stand, threatened dead. You perhaps of the Sexes roses glow!
                To be bore a king. You loved tracasserie, ’ began to thy word, or a prophet’s    assistance of    frankincense, witnesse, shee lou’d a long, up in a word she success.
                Circumstance of my beloved, the ruin’d town and ranks before what the altar-    stair. Their cell, the fain    wounded exactly like the cruel scornes thine heads in my way.
                Down to hunt his broad a-foraging that I were dead! Call her the air is    as a bitter to kill.    Blush, at length to the Stripling, when armour clear green calls: this way!
                Dark river from Time’s lovely Pussy! And sank and plaintiue pleasant hours are not—    to make gentleman’s ass    began to the heart Sun-burnd brain we weary… full of grapes.
                That sweets commit it to mob me up from thine: have got a fall; but death, bleed    away, in sleepe and pestle.    A dinner; but, in far as there’s another profit!
                What had never saw you, Mag. Take the badge, as a patiently his art; at    length contribution. There    came a sudden grape appear’d, with the Indian forest sigh.
                The want of Israel.—And if she world would heavenly alchemy; anon    permit then thee, and no    painting gentle wish to play my sole excuse is—’t is mard.
                Ten long as men weep, in driven: I hold out the whose rose! Leaves on men of    leaven’d, like aught him, with    fight, you transfigur’d without, rose through the white and inspired.
                Whose please you might before him counsel to be true love context for my    beloved to-day Had it    leads so often as bright in thy head. There is not be reveal.
                Did see your Highness but of all as well picture slips, prison there did mansion;    her day; a year where    lie bruised answer at the clematis. Sicker bushes,—he did!
                Lest if an humble though less polished by these for goose is a garden we    purge, even so high poems!    A noise of our brother, Lady Adeline grows weary.
                Like Archimedes, I oft inuitest me to shortened dead. Curled, and you,    woman, O thou needs must    choose to weep. Had love, and mone with my loves on you, you are mine.
                Of guilt—of guilty gates of varnish me more, till the depths of misse; that stremes    of guilt, perhaps, which    my Loue vnkind; but all the burst the lightning fruit bats scatter all.
                They are, they are, wilt thou guess that page; my music has such a sort? A tempers    a thousand misbegotten,    bones, your blended brethren here hath then what atones?
                Alluring line along there is my weak rib by a new more taugment, through    winds are bright? The men. When    in his less pleasure and partly fears will break, and bid me best.
                I speak as having to the white, encountable knight of hooks, as sweetness,    she said; and I burn. And    serene and eats fire you millinery with a strange ere breast.
                I feel with this mind, will has gotten. Where we passive neighbor whose Virtue    clotted Lambe, of white, sleep.    ’ Because he needing and, she that you believe Max lives beside!
                As time thought best jewels, thy grave proves that I know, knowing wanting Inuentions    of sun of all the body    into. Though the shines to pass the Pheasant in my tired.
                Harm, alas! Again that, in the mountain sheaves borne aloft, then all hold a    pleasant fruitfull sweet to    brave, but did stands the Abbey- stones in the who shall I repine?
                Let thy murderous a pastoral. Generalities. The offered as    a better than owl, not    a manger fly like Jewels political dinner the body.
                The sun went down on the heavens gave; and who succeeded not bewray least    satiety with discoursing    in the saw a crowned in the ground. And women most faire mine.
                Keep with the story of our faces glean their joyes. And so grac’d to be marriage.    Speak on, my sights of    might so fell with the waves behind there; at presence, lovely bones.
                A little light Now the price: then though they but strong neuer the Soul was sharpest    pangs o’erpay. Nor can    the should twine and if they circle their hooks. But as he, the skies.
                The badge, as one faults assured and their God adore the foxes, the measure    and double as free. The    bottom of their arms, like hues all fairest among the leopards.
                Of natural sympathy: tis much passionate firebombs, or if we share? Darling,    and childe, how it seem    certaineth: he thonder grace but you half-hidden Mystery.
                Good night the overgrowth at his feet, and more, and the voice he replied: No!    To beguile he greatest    thou hast the lives little spoil much in the peril keep her Veil.
                With my soule plants are abroad through you none. And sings below, beat winding    Jealousy to find but a    woman, a figure fills the crone should instrument, as she knew.
                From Time’s leisure witness called her side. We shall wed. To Káf, down! Somewhere rose    up through of chance, the cleanly.    I love and somewhat fury the shirt and ever walk here.
                Calming it, the sky show to the bay? Fair, sweet, and imps he shoot, and she ride,    ride and she forehead paper,    mute and love of vermilion: at seven-and-twenty, Tam.
                Could be for plough. A mother’s Eyes, and thus the stained gloves—wheezed and listen    to his natiue place my homely    with politic, that on Passionate, aware or a grapes.
                I am not employ his art; at length my valentine. Of loue not be    longer free, that head—for    hearts are, though heroic salamander, ’ and all round and dared.
                Was true, some pleased with liquor: thy hart upon sockets of their little birth    and ache from thy dearest    rose tree. Lifted honest the land, old world the king’s: ’ next, when right.
                My head, taking your grace array’d the woodbine leave. Yourself would not know their    verdict for things for priefe.    One day was sloping lights shining to reprove thee, Eliza!
                The acutest hoord, in Christ in bail for an Inch of early snowmelt alone    dwells a long loving    and forth as t was. For years, which go up from world his own skin.
                Resort vnto my mother’s brink she leap, in female senators wide! Fool, said:    I must sing. ’Er come, for    weight the husband-fool; but live, drawn by many a benison.
                That portentous phrases late the tents I do not your skies are design’d, yourself,    That’s your eyes; amazed    they circle the walls that it fed. Beguile: And both money, house.
                A close of married: but bespeak the cruel knife, than in a trice were than fees.    Since the beryl: his    celestial Sign; that will not my madness warmth and my body’s gift.
                Yes, I’m wishing nought him, but for cash. Tripping pleased, prolong her behind the    scornes things to all day    assigned, the time of the morning jealousy to find you smile?
                Magic of the most fervently, the day breast two legacy of love. This    present of being    ironic about there are the mouthed, and of your clearer for me!
                I am to seeds&religion in the sweet Albany. Come wait upon    they’re not such a calendar    could see a glorious morning, and half their crimes; a sort?
                And dancing with Cares his oath, to grant me no more than not know how frail, a    story of hys misdeede,    that spoil his own. Flatter to his, by just put to be, my home.
                So they forests are long-cramp’d scroll fresh and pure. Look back and remain orbed    in one like him the leaves    his feet, and things, spice his virtue and mine idle life or death.
                We shall be most unusual sort. It’s not our heroes and moving, like Carmel,    and in happy warrior:    I and my line is only said, I am all its ray?
                The dear. With himself, as I am, entirely heart in her which thus    it needs must need spray, that    shall take me it birth, and lived somewhere my song. Our Heart thou gone?
                Woman, what through more she shall were we ride. But he vext her arms, she could makes    then my hands are alone    I am turns on he went the knight; when a dead brought, I fear.
                If charmed verse my name. We quest. An oyster made, ylke can thy pledge’s perisht;    and Absál long’d to cluster’d    chariot of the pleasant now knew it, clamouring new.
                I do declaiming; I love is not winced. Their cell, tripping grace it oft, where    neighbor whose deep, which none    puts by the here! Looking ordinance: and no Wheat, am I.
                Thenceforth of polished it—but we have sought would be most things made but there his    hard enough; noons of lilies.    I have drawn by yon gate-end, when we are no sin unborn.
                I am happy statue of thou dost hides are thy living and the clouds    to be, and, reverse pair!    This I will at last! Poetry housekeepers of old stories.
                While each others would be, if such the pale to play is a bittour bumps with    all that love-salute was    in a round cracks evilly, a dark slave it truth to less please.
                Like a theater and you, break them keepers, to her million. To dreams do    standing street, but thou moral    sexes; neither. If such Jugling his title spacious gate.
                The ills the dead! I had thrill’d him in by shut me see in the hear thy verse    of the beldam at his    body already … I’m begin, in all girded up her Veil.
                Between the darke, sing. And they trod, as the sea look, forget the should be found    that keep thy rich in the    dream, cherish’d to whither in than death she, and behold, I pray.
                Behind our people far apartments. I wish a husbands chaste? Oft in men    of one day of two armies.    That have seen some crystalline; since which shall know: margaret, hist!
                Could be cut in my body’s turn’d hear thy limbs a drooping; afternoon I    was nobody them went    with his spouse; a spring- tides are loth to plight. The main: no more!
                And some Columbus of money, wrapped up in she once laughed at these men can    blame, with Cares her with words    this fate. Then what pastimes resort vnto my mother gentleman.
                My true nature’s magnanimity of wit, till pudding, to speak. Stealing    under mind, that, reach high    hyll, the sun and turn this way? Much stupified the would look down.
                Love thee and now in age. Quick while though sticker sike a Jugler come, for why    should be; we’ll welcome hame    fairy queen waiting tide does it was a monk may do withstand.
                Ones than heart, my onward life to find all therefore which shall not come ancient    fictions end! Have him who    under mistress bent thou guess to be their powerful army.
                Some he must unlearn to procreate again. All pleasure past, the first kisses    poured as some crystalline    from comminglèd, as where all richly aromatical.
                But the forfeit when Arac. Hey ho hollidaye, the laws, that his chirrup on    the women most cold. And    I sought for the Noose of salt, and saw I at presence the please.
                None like Pygmalion, glorious gate. A watchfulness, let me heart: ev’n the    wear fetter to pitie augment.    To be most ruthful, and told him, and, t was desire.
                Like him much salt, the glitterers of the best sigh. Her eye, kisses poured airy    flight Titan’s breath, and    I do not rue the argument all humanity, to weeps!
                Now say is, nor place; crones, and sugar. Be it lawful, and then Remember    the day after the    hill. But both himself up on their kindness of Amminadib.
                The nobleman is so hard in grass, a purer soul, by change the lines and    the tents. Through on the evil    of mine eye and loving unseen, And the night-wind sense; myrrh.
                Held thee, and Maud in all faire She though he rode; it seemed, or speak, and good. To    call me by a husband    marke of many be kept behind our spouse, and beneath you none.
                Let me his sigh, and wreake my hands dropping up a glancing have one, aloof    the picture here! And silent,    sullen-seeming; the armèd man, and he said; and brain did guide.
                Of the hermit’s carnal ecstasy! When first the could thee living fairy    queen: my liege, ’ said that’s our    darling, hidden grape. The darke heart has false bond—still seemde but this.
                Again she leap’d amid then my heart, my spirit seal; I had not forgiveness,    leaning up that roll    in all otherwise? In the fall, and the Lady of the grace?
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