hawberries · 1 year
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so. haikaveh
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celestianstar · 1 year
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call them the autism polycule
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i usually don't post art here, but i'm unfortunately shadow banned on my normal apps since i reposted too many palestine updates. oops! i'll try my luck here instead
there's a fem!haikaveh takeover lead on twitter rn and one of the loudest champions of this is my lovely mutual who inspired this outfit by giving me femveh brainworms :3 she is a WOMAN IN STEM!!!!!
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lusnimri · 1 year
Im screaming
I was about to make a post regarding the feather in Kaveh’s hair when I noticed @jujuunikitty​‘s post noticed it was oddly striking too BUT I’D ALSO LIKE TO ADD THIS:
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According to The Lay of Al-Ahmar, King Deshret had three "kings” under him. Considering that Cyno, Alhaitham and Dehya were the featured characters isolated in the King Deshret’s sage’s tomb during the “King Deshret and the Three Magi” quest, I’m pretty sure they represent the three magi of modern Sumeru. By this logic, Alhaitham definitely suits The Ibis King best, being The Akademiya’s Scribe and all. And seeing that King Ibis or Thoth’s wife, Ma’at, was known to wear one feather on her hair... Kaveh could very well be a representation of Alhaitham’s wife!!
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
Sumeru ships are really ticking off all the tropes huh
Cynonari: highschool sweethearts / that one disgustingly sweet married couple
Dehyarzad: forbidden romance, master x knight
Haikaveh: Roommates to lovers / Exes with lots of baggage
NiLumi/LumiLou: Art kid x Jock
Candehya: Mutual pining with a dash of slow burn lmao
Kazuscara: "I was emotionally attached to your dead ancestor so now I'm trying to get close to you but accidentally caught feelings" au
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alhaitham-kaveh · 1 year
"P-Please Alha...Alhaitham!"
genre : explicit, nsfw - MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
haikaveh ( top alhaitham x bottom kaveh )
slight dominant alhaitham and submissive kaveh
To see the art click here.
He moaned, he couldn't think straight anymore.
He, who was usually the one who spoke the most of all, was at a loss for words.
He also felt like he couldn't breathe for how many emotions he was feeling all together.
His gaze moved behind him, where the other man stood and was literally destroying him.
He closed his eyes.
He could feel the other’s entire member being thrust into his body and another moan escaped his lips.
The boy laughed.
Damned smart guy.
And as if he was replying him, he pushed even more vigorously, so that Kaveh could do nothing but lie down more on the bed and moan even more. He felt the scribe's hand caressing his back and gradually climbing, until it reached his hair that was pulled and Kaveh could only get up again, coming to rest his back against Alhaitham's muscular chest.
"No more talking, huh?" he didn't need to look at him to know he was smiling, he was teasing him!
The problem? He couldn't get too mad with the other’s cock up on his ass.
“F-Fuck you…” was just a whisper between moans, Alhaitham had actually managed to shut him up despite trying to deny it. The only response he received from Alhaitham was a bite on the shoulder, another that added to the already numerous bites on his skin.
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princess-starscourge · 5 months
I was reading (one of) my feral Haikaveh posts again and remember how Alhaitham told Kaveh where the books he left anecdotes in were located, probably knowing good and well about that one glowing review, then proceeded to brag about how easily he could cheer up his husband? He didn’t even really make fun of Kaveh for brightening up so quickly…all he said was “it really doesn’t take much to make you happy, huh?” Maybe I’m insane (I am) but he just sounded real smug to me, not judgy or critical or anything 🤷🏽‍♀️ He was preening like a goddamn peacock about how well he knows Kaveh.
He’s so in love with that man it makes me ill
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enden-k · 10 months
Okay but maybe drawing something for this bit of information? (I hope this is an actual haikaveh crumb in the game)
But the one buying wine is Haitham? And Kaveh receiving the wine?
If you don't want to do it, that's okay! Feel free to discard! Love your art btw 💚💚
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??? of course it is an actual thing. kaveh and haitham have interactions/mentions all over sumeru basically lmao (npcs, message boards,.....), this is why theyre so obvious, among their other overall interactions/etc akjbc
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haitham (who is part of the mahamata) did buy a case of wine for kaveh as an apology aye
(on the topic of wine, haitham ordered several crates of wine only for kaveh to snatch them in his name akjcbsjk)
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reminds me of the event where kaveh complained haitham just takes his beer. they rlly be just taking each others stuff freely huh
(anw several more boards show that haitham pays kavehs monthly tab of coffee and drinks regularly. its all true)
(rest is them having heated discussions over their different views on stuff and bantering in public)
anw ill see if i wanna draw this. thanks tho for liking my art !
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69misato69 · 1 year
KaveTham / HaiKaveh Valentine Week 2023 ✦ 8 prompts, 10k words in total
archive of our own ✦ twitter
masterlist pinned on my profile !
please keep in mind that i chose all prompts from the NSFW section (@/kavetham_week on twitter) and that i included BOTH dynamics. also, they are trans occasionally, it happens to the best of us. they are always trans guys though, all 8 of these are MLM kaveh and haytham.
prompts chosen
day 1 - thigh riding - haikaveh
day 2 - fingerfucking and kitchen sex - kavetham
day 3 - dirty talk - kavetham (implied)
day 4 - food play - haikaveh (implied)
day 5 - free day, i chose hair pulling - haikaveh
day 6 - overstimulation - kavetham
day 7 - aftercare - kavetham
day 8 - orgasm denial - haikaveh
writer's note: explicit +18 content, please view at your own risk. thank you, have fun !
day 1 - thigh riding
Kaveh coos, he shifts his weight on the divan with lazy movements, still drowsy from the afternoon nap he had taken, and straddles Alhaitham’s leg. 
He calls out again, but his roommate doesn’t seem to hear, his eyes remain fixated on the book in his hand. 
His headphones are on, and apparently so is noise canceling, even when Kaveh is sleeping. How obnoxious. The frustration alone is enough to fully wake Kaveh up.
“Come on, pay attention to me.” he whines, knowing it's a futile effort, well aware that Alhaitham doesn’t hear a word he’s saying. 
The heavy, humid summer heat weighs down on him, creating an utterly undesirable combination with the itching between his legs. The house is so warm that Kaveh walks around in his boxers all season, but Alhaitham is, at least he seems to be, unfazed by it.
He still sits with the usual, long-sleeved top that he always puts on. 
The only difference is the dark pair of shorts he’s wearing, Kaveh slides the fabric even higher up to his groin so he can feel him, skin to skin as he settles over Alhaitham’s thigh, making sure his presence makes the weather even more unbearable for him.
Kaveh squeezes his leg in between his soft thighs, moaning at the pressure that forms against his cunt. He feels himself pulsate against Alhaitham’s leg, a wet spot already forming on his boxers. 
Though, when Kaveh looks up, he finds his roommate is still preoccupied with the book, uninterested and unbothered by him. 
Kaveh lifts his hips and slides his underwear off, one leg at a time. 
And when he settles back down—
He squirms. It’s so delightful, how Alhaitham’s skin is cooler against his, but is no longer dry with the way Kaveh leaks on his thigh. He stays put, taking in the heap of sensations for a few moments before sliding forward. 
His cheeks turn red. 
Why does it feel so good? 
He slides back, lips already cheekily curved up with desire.
Kaveh feels perverted, desperately grinding against Alhaitham’s leg and drawing so much pleasure from it that moans spill uncontrollably from his lips. 
He shifts forward slightly, placing pressure on his clit with a whimper. His eyes widen as he repeats the motion, again and again. 
Alhaitham’s stoic exterior remains intact despite all of this. Everytime Kaveh pulls away, it elicits a squelch, he’s soaking wet, tearful and oversensitive and Alhaitham doesn’t even look at him. 
“You’re missing out on so much by being a stubborn dickhead.” Kaveh scoffs, “I know you’re even wetter than I am.” 
He examines Alhaitham’s face, blank, lacking emotion, completely null. Yet, he looks beautiful. His eyes roam the page while his delicate fingers turn it away. Kaveh stares at his hands, imagining them traveling down to his hips and spreading the glistening, dripping wet lips of his cunt before sliding in. 
The thought of it makes his legs tremble. He feels dangerously close to a release. 
“Fuck—” he sighs, “I guess I shouldn’t.”
“You absolutely should.” Alhaitham breaks his silence. 
Kaveh panics, his body jolts up with surprise.
“Huh? You can hear me?!”
Alhaitham turns the page, “Why would I turn on noise canceling when you’re asleep?” he asks as if he hasn’t been purposefully leading Kaveh to think that way the entire time. 
Kaveh gasps, “You—you piece of shit.”
“Go ahead. Finish.” 
“I won’t. I’d rather go fuck myself.” Kaveh hisses and attempts to get up, but Alhaitham holds him in place by the waist with his unoccupied hand. His fingers brush against Kaveh’s ribs and caress his hips. 
Alhaitham closes the book and sets it aside, “Finish, Kaveh. I’ll help you out with the second one.”
Kaveh’s eyes widen, “Help me out with what now?” 
Alhaitham’s other hand begins to slither over him as well, pulling him close. Not too tight, not too loose. A grip as possessive yet comfortable as always. He finally locks eyes with Kaveh, “Your second one.” he restates and slides him away, only to pull him back again, so close that their lips almost touch. 
“And then a third, and maybe a fourth.” Alhaitham finds joy in Kaveh’s stunned expression. He presses a kiss on his lips. 
Kaveh’s heart skips a beat, he wraps his arms around his roommate’s neck, arching his back even more to accommodate how Alhaitham sinks him lower and fucks him on his leg. 
“Is that up to your standards?” he inquires with a voice far softer, knowing how it tickles his roommate’s insides deliciously. 
Kaveh moans needily, he lets his forehead fall on Alhaitham’s shoulder and allows him to handle him. Alhaitham holds his molten body in his grasp, he makes Kaveh fall apart, yet also pulls him back together with every slide. 
Kaveh’s teeth lightly sink into his neck as he releases shakily, his hips spasm and release, leaving him in a state of relaxation. Alhaitham’s fingers entangle themselves in his golden locks, leaving soothing touches all over his back. 
Kaveh lets out a deep exhale as Alhaitham carries him inside to their bedroom and lays him down on the sheets. 
He spreads Kaveh’s legs and leans forward, leaving a trail of kisses from his chest all the way down to his groin. Alhaitham drinks up the mesmerizing sight that lays under him, the most beautiful man in Sumeru squirming with rosy cheeks and needy whimpers, yearning for the sweet and addictive touch of his roommate.
“Now…” his warm breath hovers over Kaveh’s sensitive, swollen clit, “...as I promised.”
day 2 - fingerfucking and kitchen sex
Kaveh sighed. He lightly dropped his pencil on the kitchen table and rubbed his temples in desperation. The plan in front of him almost looked sad to be given up on. It was a hopeless case, wheels turned inside Kaveh’s mind as noises from the counter filled the kitchen. 
“No luck?” Alhaitham asked without looking away from the vegetables he was slicing on the wooden cutting board. Kaveh crumpled up the paper into a ball and tossed it away in the trash can beside him as it bordered on overflowing.
“Not really.” he scoffed and turned away to crack his spine and stretch his arms, catching a glimpse of the kitchen clearly for the first time in the past three hours. Neatly prepared ingredients were laid out over the counter next to a flask of oil and cut up bundles of raw chicken. 
But what caught Kaveh’s attention was Alhaitham. 
Bent over the counter, patiently waiting by the stove for the water to boil as he hummed softly. 
He leaned on his elbows, occasionally swaying left and right lightly with the front parts of his hair pinned up by crimson hair clips. 
Kaveh picked his jaw off the floor. It was rare to see Alhaitham so comfortable even within the confines of his own home. He wouldn’t slouch or lean, hum a tune to pass the time, put his hair up or walk around in baggy clothes. Kaveh was the only person that had the privilege of seeing him like this, and at the moment, he was unable to take his eyes off of Alhaitham. 
He moved away from the table, gently wrapping his arms around the scribe’s waist. 
“You okay?” Kaveh asked in slight embarrassment, worried that he had been neglecting him for too long. But Alhaitham didn’t seem to have a problem with it, he raised his face up and back towards Kaveh, eyes closing as his roommate pressed a kiss onto his bare forehead. 
He didn’t mind staying apart, minding their own business even when they were in the same room. 
“Yes, just my back. I’m alright.” Alhaitham eased his worries. 
Kaveh pulled away, sliding his hand inside the scribe’s shirt as his fingers moved up and drew circles along his spine. Alhaitham hissed, feeling solid knots underneath Kaveh’s fingertips that began to unravel slowly. 
Kaveh pressed his lips right behind his ear, continuing to massage his back, waist and shoulders. 
“I’m sorry that I haven’t been helping out lately.” he cooed. Alhaitham’s head was hanging forward, sighs of relaxation escaped his lips and Kaveh’s worry was the last thing on his mind. 
“You’re—busy. I don’t mind, Kaveh.” 
He nuzzled his nose in Alhaitham’s nape, taking in his scent that was now mixed with the smell of spices overtaking the room. “I know you don’t.” Kaveh’s fingers traveled down to his lower back, clutching his waist with both hands and massaging the tense muscles with his thumbs. 
“But, I should take better care of you.”
Kaveh’s voice rang in his sensitive ears, lighting a fire in his stomach. Even after years of living together, Alhaitham still couldn’t get used to how it felt being cared for by Kaveh. He had been self-reliant since he was young, able to satisfy his physical and intellectual needs to a great extent without the help of others.
He certainly didn’t need anything from anyone, but being coddled by Kaveh, cared for and loved by the only person Alhaitham felt addicted to, though he didn’t like admitting to it, had become a need. 
As Kaveh’s slender fingers worked their way through the tense spots all over the scribe’s body, his lips left a bundle of kisses along his shoulders. Alhaitham grew weaker and weaker within his grasp, sinking deeper on his elbows and pushing up into Kaveh’s hips involuntarily. 
Kaveh raised one hand to straighten Alhaitham’s neck and tilt his chin towards the side. He finally got a good look at his hair, pinned up rather sloppily towards the top of his head. 
“Are those mine?” he asked with a smile. 
Alhaitham brushed his nose against Kaveh’s, “Maybe.” 
Their lips met with a strange sense of yearning that lingered between them. Alhaitham licked into his mouth needily, but Kaveh pulled away. He was desperate to see more, to look at his pretty face and gaze into his eyes. He cupped Alhaitham’s cheek lovingly and peppered kisses along his cheeks, his forehead and his nose as the scribe looked up, almost mesmerized. 
Kaveh’s hand slid down, all the way to his stomach and hovered over his crotch. Alhaitham shuddered, he instinctively looked over to the stove. 
“It’ll take a while.” Kaveh chuckled, “I can help you pass the time, if you’d like?” 
Alhaitham uttered the oddest possible answer to his question.
“This is very unsanitary.” 
Yet, his body language suggested otherwise. He was heating up under Kaveh, grinding between him and the counter. 
“I’ll clean up.” Kaveh spoke hoarsely, impatient, and slipped his hand inside his pants. Alhaitham was already dripping in his underwear, his clit throbbed with anticipation as Kaveh’s fingers lapped over it, drawing small circles with two digits. 
Alhaitham moaned over his lips with a lustful gaze, crumbling under Kaveh’s touch but refusing to look away. He clutched the counter tight, fighting the urge to rock back into Kaveh’s erection even when his thighs trembled for more. 
He spread his legs to the best of his ability and allowed Kaveh to slide one finger in. The expression on his face was priceless, weak yet demanding, happily giving up control.
“Don’t look away.” Kaveh placed his unoccupied hand over Alhaitham’s and pressed it into the marble, “You look beautiful.”
A whimper he failed to muffle escaped into the air and painted a grin over Kaveh’s lips.
“Be grateful that this project is taking so long, or I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” he added a second finger and Alhaitham’s eyes widened at the stretch. 
“Finish it sooner, then.” he said breathily, feeling his heart sink down while Kaveh reached back into his soft spot and pushed in and out continuously, eliciting lewd noises with every flick of his wrist. 
“You’re bold as always, Haytham.” Kaveh chuckled. He abruptly retracted his fingers.
“Unfortunately for you, the water’s already boiling.” 
Alhaitham looked over the stove to notice bubbles rising to the surface of the pot. He felt depraved at the loss, hollow inside, pent-up and frustrated. He swiftly reached and turned the heat off. 
The sizzle continued, losing its intensity, and eventually quieted down. 
“No it’s not.” he stated. 
Kaveh’s hands were still wrapped around him, grabbing at his hips and squeezing the insides of his thighs. 
“I stand corrected.” he smirked, quickly stuffing Alhaitham once again and attaining a faster pace. He dug all the way inside and drove his roommate even messier than before until he was unable to speak coherently. 
With a third finger, Alhaitham collapsed down on the counter, he rested his cheek on the cold, harsh stone as his cunt coated Kaveh’s fingers generously. 
Kaveh leaned over him, never failing to run his tongue along every exposed spot on Alhaitham’s neck and angling his wrist upward no matter how close they stood to each other. 
Alhaitham no longer worried about his movements as he desperately pushed himself onto Kaveh’s dick, begging without words, pleading for more only with mewls and whimpers. 
Kaveh felt his hips contract under him, he picked up the pace, working his roommate out until he reached his climax with a raspy moan. 
Alhaitham was letting out short, sharp exhales when he felt fluid seep out of him. Kaveh let himself weigh down on him over the counter, taking out his fingers and pushing them into his own mouth. 
Alhaitham’s eyes closed, all he could feel was Kaveh licking his fingers clean and his cock pushing in between his thighs. 
“Do you still have concerns about hygiene?” Kaveh jested as he unzipped his pants and let them pool around his ankles. 
Alhaitham spread his legs even further and settled comfortably on the surface, “We’ll worry about it later.”
day 3 - dirty talk
"Care for a refill?" the waiter chirped. The tavern was awfully crowded for a weekday evening. Luckily, Alhaitham could get a table towards the corner, the location strategically shielding at least some of the noise raising from the bustling crowd. He handed his glass over with a nod. 
Kaveh rolled his eyes as he stared at the empty glass in front of him. He rested his head on the scribe's shoulder in exhaustion. “Let’s—hicc—go home… Hmm?” he slurred. 
“Why? I’m enjoying myself.” 
“You never enjoy yourself.”
The waiter returned with a full glass, laying it down and swiftly returning to serve the other customers.
“That’s entirely untrue.” Alhaitham stated blankly.
Kaveh leaned off again, turning his face towards Alhaitham with a sly expression, “Well then, you can enjoy yourself at home too.”
“Please do not elaborate.” Alhaitham raised the glass to his lips. Kaveh was banned from having any more wine for the night. He licked his lips hungrily, failing to distinguish whether it was the wine or the man sipping it that he desired. 
“Why not? Would it be bad if we returned? It would be a lot more comfortable, we could lay down. I could...kiss you all over. It's surely an upgrade from this wooden bench.” he kept provoking. 
Alhaitham's body tensed up, unrecognizable to anyone but the one person that could read his physical cues perfectly no matter how much he hid them. 
“I guess that answers my question." Kaveh smirked, "You look uncomfortable in those tight clothes."
Alhaitham pulled himself together before taking another sip, “I’m not solely an object of your desire, you know.” he quipped.
“Yes you are.” Kaveh said bluntly. Alhaitham's brows raised.
“You don’t get to say that after begging me to cum inside you every night.” 
The scribe’s eyes widened, he almost choked on the wine he was attempting to swallow, gulping audibly as he fought to push it down. Kaveh leaned into his ear, turning his voice more hoarse to imitate Alhaitham.
“Kaveh—don’t pull out… Kaveh, please… Breed me, Kaveh—ahh—I need you.” he whimpered, eventually bursting into laughter. 
“Shut up, I don’t talk like that.”
“Oh, but you do.” Kaveh wrapped himself around his arm, “Not that I dislike it.” 
“It's cute when you’re needy and desperate like that.” He slid his hand down, trailing his fingers lightly over Alhaitham's thigh, occasionally looking around, testing those around them and making sure there's no attention drawn towards their table. 
“Poor Haytham, so grumpy when no one is filling him up...” Kaveh purred close to his ear, sending a tingle down his spine as Alhaitham's legs jolted.
“Can’t even go to sleep…” 
Alhaitham dug his nails into his own skin.
“...without a cock between his thighs. Isn’t that right, Sir Grand Sage?"
He didn't need the earphones wrapped around his neck anymore, the noise around was already becoming muffled as Alhaitham attempted to maintain composure. It was unfortunate that he was right, and the amount of times that Kaveh put him to sleep by stuffing him inches deep was embarrassing.
Kaveh was daring, blunt and bold, even more so when he was intoxicated, to the extent that Alhaitham would find his mind drifting off during the day to obscenities Kaveh whispered into his ear late at night. 
“You’re too drunk to be right.” he finally spat out.
“Then why are you blushing?” Kaveh reached from behind him and tangled his fingers along Alhaitham's hair.
“I’m not.” he said confidently, fully aware that his cheeks were heating up, hoping that Kaveh couldn't see it under the dim lighting of the tavern but was only taking a guess.
Kaveh hummed, he examined every line and curve on the scribe's face as he refused to look at Kaveh.
Looking at him would break Alhaitham. 
He felt a drop of sweat trickle down from his forehead.
“It’s okay to admit to your needs, Haytham.” Kaveh's hand moved up from his leg and over to his crotch, “Don’t mind me joking, I don’t think twice before gladly making a mess out of you.” 
He was glad to feel an erection form between his legs, sliding his fingers over the fabric. “Because, you see, I need it as much as you do.” 
Kaveh brushed his nose against Alhaitham’s neck, strategically, finding the perfect moment to do so and pressed a quick yet deep kiss on his blushing skin, “I need you to feel good… Someone should take care of the most important man in Sumeru.” 
Alhaitham’s gaze fell to his lap, watching Kaveh’s fingers slither all over him when he tugged on the back of his hair harshly.
“Ah, we wouldn’t want to alarm anyone, would we, Haytham?” Kaveh smiled innocently, refusing to loosen his grip on the scribe’s soft, gray locks. 
"You might be fooling everyone else with the smart-ass bullshit, but I know that there’s only one thing that’s constantly on your mind.” Kaveh was vicious, hanging onto Alhaitham as tears pooled around his eyes. If he attempted to speak, the only thing that would escape him would be needy cries.
“I know it eats away at your brain. I can even taste it on you when you return home." Kaveh’s motions accelerated, rubbing Alhaitham’s cock harder and faster over his pants. 
Alhaitham wished he had said yes to his offer earlier, he wished they were home, where he didn’t have to bite the insides of his cheeks to stay quiet. 
"Maybe it’s easy to forget about it for a while sometimes, but as soon as it reminds itself…" Kaveh pressed his palm on his base and slid forward all the way where his tip was squeezed against, "I imagine it would be like…an itch you have to scratch.” 
The crack in his voice was delicious to Kaveh, he sounded broken already. 
“You’re gonna cream your pants in the middle of the tavern? I’m not even touching you.”
Alhaitham was gripping the seat below him so tightly, enough to turn his knuckles white and send an ache stinging into his wrists. 
“Let’s go home, and I’ll give you what you need, generously.” Kaveh offered for the final time. Alhaitham didn’t know whether he had it in him to get up. He nodded to the best of his ability with his strained neck. 
Kaveh slowly retracted his hands with a satisfied, triumphant smile. 
“Good. Go pick up the tab.”
day 4 - food play
“We still have leftovers?” Alhaitham questioned his roommate holding the plate. The cake wasn’t as shapely and beautiful as it was two days ago on the scribe’s birthday celebration, but the strong, alluring scent of vanilla still lingered in the air when Kaveh sat down next to him with the final portion of it. 
“It’s the only good thing to ever come out of your birthday.” Kaveh sighed. 
Alhaitham wanted to snap back out of habit, soon realizing that it truly was the only significant thing about the anniversary of his birth, “I agree, actually.” 
Kaveh leaned into the plate on his lap for a sniff, making an obnoxious sound as if he hadn't praised Nilou all night for her baking skills already.
“Nilou is an angel. I would never go through all this trouble for you.” 
“Your loving words never fail to warm my heart.” Alhaitham jested blankly without looking away from the page. 
“You know what I mean.” Kaveh dipped his index finger in the icing, “You don’t like birthdays, after all.” 
“That is true. But at least we have cake.” 
Alhaitham turned towards him when he noticed the muffled hum of agreement, and found Kaveh licking it off his finger. 
“Do you want some?” Kaveh took another drag and extended his hand to Alhaitham's mouth.
“Suit yourself.”
Alhaitham returned to his book, usually it was hard to distract him, even for those who knew how to push his buttons. But somehow, compared to all the times Kaveh purposefully did his absolute worst to ruin his state of concentration, this time it was actually working. Without him even trying to do so. 
He was minding his own business, taking small bites off the cake with a fork and shoving the icing into his mouth with his finger. It was always enjoyable to watch Kaveh eat, with his weird antics about the use of utensils and how he focused so much on his plate that even if the world was going up in flames, he wouldn’t notice until after the meal was swept off his plate. 
Only this time, he could feel Alhaitham’s piercing gaze hovering over him. Kaveh hadn’t heard him turn a page for a while, and from the corner of his eye he could see the scribe facing him. 
“Something wrong?” Kaveh turned to him. 
Alhaitham’s mouth parted, but the words didn’t follow, it was also rare for him to start speaking without carefully calculating what he was going to say. 
“It’s…all over your face.” he finally stated. 
Kaveh with white cream all over his face, Alhaitham was certainly familiar with the sight, rather fond of it actually. 
Alhaitham leaned in without a word, scooping the remains on the sides of his mouth with his tongue while avoiding his lips.  
“You said you didn’t want any.” Kaveh grinned. 
Alhaitham cupped his cheek with a softer gaze, he brushed away the golden locks falling upon his face, “Yes. Regarding the cake.” 
Kaveh hummed, “So how about now, then?”, he dipped his finger in the icing again, smearing it on his tongue and sticking it out for him to see. 
Alhaitham didn’t think twice before gladly taking the bait. He gently sucked on Kaveh’s tongue, for long after he had already swallowed the icing. Kaveh tasted as sweet as always, with or without the sugar, inviting and warm, cunning yet oblivious. 
Alhaitham pulled away, having left both of them breathless. 
“Can’t believe you fell for it.” Kaveh sighed with glossy eyes. 
Alhaitham smirked, “It’s hardly my fault that you have the dining skills of a toddler.” 
“Hey! It’s fun to eat it with your fingers, you joyless toad.” 
Alhaitham was flabbergasted at the insult. Joyless? Sure, expected. Kaveh uttered words along the same line towards him whenever they had a disagreement, but ‘toad’ was definitely a new and interesting addition. 
“Toad? Wouldn’t kissing you turn me into a prince, then?” 
“No. You’re not a magical toad. You’re a—uhh—normal toad. Also, that’s a frog. Read some stories instead of your usual boring bullshit some time.” Kaveh said, confident that it was a perfectly normal thing to say and not insane rambling. 
“As articulate as always.” Alhaitham set his book aside with a mocking tone. 
“Shut up and let me enjoy my cake in peace.” 
Kaveh turned to his lap again and picked up the plate, readying his hands when Alhaitham intruded on him again. 
“I’ll give you something else to suck on.” 
Kaveh turned away so fast that his neck cracked.
“You have my undivided attention.” he finished licking his fingers clean, trying to make out whether he was serious or just playing around. 
Alhaitham chuckled, he patted the edge of his seat, “Come here.” 
Kaveh was still suspicious, trying not to embarrass himself on the slim chance that the scribe was setting him up. Regardless, he still settled on the floor between his legs. He put his palms on top of Alhaitham’s thighs and rose on them to examine his face closely. 
He had a serious yet affectionate expression that turned Kaveh’s cheeks rosy right before Alhaitham began to pepper kisses all over them. 
Kaveh deemed it appropriate to unbuckle his belt and slide his hand inside the scribe’s pants while his kisses turned sloppier, he licked into Kaveh’s mouth passionately as nimble fingers wrapped around his cock. 
Kaveh left slow strokes all over, teasing the slit over his tip with his thumb and pressing down as his roommate moaned into his mouth. The plate was set aside on the table, unattended, ignored. There was something else that Kaveh couldn’t wait to get a taste of. 
His lips traveled down, pressing onto Alhaitham’s groin, then trailing to the tip of his cock. 
He dragged his tongue all the way down to the base as Alhaitham’s legs jolted under his palms. 
Kaveh smirked before moving up again, swirling his tongue all over and wrapping his lips around to feel his roommate get harder and harder inside his mouth. 
It was rare for Alhaitham to get worked up so easily, usually Kaveh would be the one losing control early on, and the scribe would always make sure to make the wait as unbearable as he possibly could. 
Only this time, Alhaitham was the overly forward one, impatient and reactive, sensitive to Kaveh’s touch. His head was leaning back, eyes closed and fingers gripping the furniture he was sitting on. 
Kaveh inspected the state he was in, so blissful and euphoric that it made him painfully hard as well. Alhaitham’s back arched when Kaveh pushed the tip down his throat, squeezing with a loud gulp that almost sent him over the edge.
Kaveh reached inside his pants, stroking his cock that was begging for attention and losing his balance momentarily. 
“Keep going.” Alhaitham pleaded when his movements slowed down. Kaveh stabilized himself by holding onto the foot of the table as the plate clanked with the impact. 
And it finally dawned on him. 
How Alhaitham watched him devour the cake and stared at his lips smeared in vanilla frosting before sticking his tongue deep inside Kaveh’s mouth. 
He let out a muffled sound and tugged on the scribe’s shirt. 
“Hm?” Alhaitham’s eyes fluttered open, he looked down at Kaveh pointing to his cheek.
“On your face?” 
Kaveh nodded and made an affirming sound. 
Alhaitham leaned forward, grabbing the front part of his hair, “Gladly.” he cooed. 
Kaveh loosened his jaw, allowing Alhaitham to slide him back and forth as he pleased, moaning with his lips stretched everytime the tip knocked against the back of his throat while Alhaitham fucked his mouth. 
And he never looked away. Not even for a second did he stop staring up daringly until Alhaitham hissed—
“Close your eyes.” 
Kaveh protested, his brows furrowed at the thought of closing his eyes. He wanted to see Alhaitham, and to see his expression while he painted Kaveh’s face white. 
A set of noises left his lips that roughly translated to ‘Aim properly, then.’
Alhaitham didn’t have much of a choice as he held himself to the best of his ability. Eventually he slid out and pulled Kaveh closer by his hair, giving himself a few, final, harsh tugs before releasing all over his cheeks and lips. 
He moaned and exhaled sharply and shakily. Kaveh drew more and more pleasure just by watching his face turn redder as a thin coat settled over his skin. 
Kaveh licked away the last drop off his tip, eliciting a sensitive groan. Alhaitham released his hair, instead holding his chin and turning it to the side slightly to examine the sight sitting in front of him.
Kaveh’s face glistened, a stream of his own spit mixed with Alhaitham’s cum almost rolled down his chin as he caught it with his finger and licked it off, a lot more slowly and passionately than he did with the cake, letting out lewd sounds at the bitter taste he couldn’t get enough of.  
Alhaitham’s fingers brushed through his hair as Kaveh kept going, wiping his face clean without letting a single drop go to waste. He rested his face on Alhaitham’s thigh in bliss like a lazy cat and looked up, “Clean?” 
Alhaitham leaned down to press a kiss on his forehead, “Quite the opposite.”
day 5 - free (hair-pulling)
Alhaitham buries his head in Kaveh's nape. He nuzzles against the beautiful, golden strands that drape over his shoulders.
Kaveh looks beautiful, like a lion with his fluffy mane, all the colors around them reflecting off of the alluring, blonde locks that gently sway back and forth with every thrust Alhaitham initiates.
He loves holding Kaveh, late at night and burying his head in his hair to take in the dizzying smell of padisarahs, entangling his fingers within it, placing the crimson clips over Kaveh's hair neatly every morning and taking them off when he returns home. 
Alhaitham pets and cleans it, puts it in ponytails and braids, fancy up-dos for important events, he wakes up lazily when a few loose strands tickle him on the nose and brushes them away from Kaveh's pretty face.
But, even for Alhaitham, there are some things he never thought of trying before. And he looks forward to doing so in about a minute.
Kaveh is under him on the bed on all fours, gripping at the sheets and arching his waist down every time he feels Alhaitham push back into him. 
He's all stretched out, bare shoulders and back covered in marks left by Alhaitham, legs trembling so badly that the support of his roommate on his waist is necessary so that he doesn't collapse on the bed.
And his voice.
Soft and needy, with silent cries and desperate moans. Crying over Alhaitham's cock, crying for him. Crying because he needs more, as if he can handle what he has now.
His voice, the thing that weakens Alhaitham the most. Sounds so lewd that it causes him to stop himself mid-orgasm at least a few times every time they fuck. 
A few drops that seep prematurely into Kaveh as Alhaitham holds himself off, but Kaveh is already more than ready for it.
Yes, Haytham he pleads every time. Come on, don't hold it off. Alhaitham has to, at least for a little bit longer. Fill me up, Haytham. Breed me. Make me yours, won't you?
And it usually works like a charm. Kaveh works him out expertly even with his arms and legs tied, even if his face is muffled against a pillow.
As long as he can move at least a single muscle, he has the power to lead the scribe into total submission. It baffles Alhaitham, being dominated by a man impaled on his cock, a man that squirms and moans for him. Yet Kaveh plays him like a fiddle, he leads Alhaitham until he gets it his way, breaks the scribe until he is nothing but a servant to him, a worshipper, an obedient caretaker. 
Give me what I deserve, Haytham. Am I not so perfect for you?
He always is. Always so tight, warm and inviting. He sucks Alhaitham in and slithers over him like a snake, writhing at the waist, squirming all over the sheets, teasing his own nipples and grinding into Alhaitham with his hair scattered all over the pillow.
His hair.
Alhaitham reaches to grab a handful. He first brushes through it, gathering a bunch and wrapping it around his fist. 
Kaveh faces down, he isn't able to hold his neck in place any longer. Though he is certainly intrigued as slender fingers land on his hair. 
Alhaitham tugs on it lightly. 
No response. 
He tries again, this time a little harsher. 
Kaveh's rhythmic breathing continues. 
Alhaitham adjusts his grip, and yanks his hair back roughly.
And he finally hears something. A faint—
A fond noise.
Alhaitham repeats the motion and receives a similar response. 
"No need to be so gentle, Haytham." Kaveh pushes his ass even deeper into his hips, "Do your worst." he hisses. 
Alhaitham feels a spark in his lower abdomen as his heart sinks down. He looks down at Kaveh's body with a feral gaze.
And he yanks on his hair. Over and over again, mercilessly, viciously, pulling him back with every thrust as Kaveh cries out, he whimpers and screams, body overflowing with lust.
Alhaitham raises the hand on Kaveh's waist and opens his palm. A viridescent, small and reflective object appears out of thin air.
A mirror. 
It hovers in his palm before he sends it forward. The mirror lands right before Kaveh's face and expands. 
Alhaitham is struck by the sight of Kaveh drooling with an open mouth, tongue sticking over his lips and cheeks red and puffy from crying. 
No matter how demolished he feels, Kaveh still raises his gaze to meet eyes with Alhaitham in the mirror he manifested before them. 
"Ah, you wanna see how you ruined me?" Kaveh asks with a mischievous grin, but Alhaitham is speechless. He keeps railing Kaveh with a blank expression, focused on his face. 
Kaveh raises one hand, trembling, to wipe the tears off his face. "You missed the first two but…" his fingers wrap around his cock, "...you can watch me cum a third time." Alhaitham wants to speak, he wants to beg him to cum so he can see, but the words simply refuse to leave his throat. 
Kaveh leans into the mirror, "Treating me so well… Such a good boy." he presses his lips over the smooth surface. 
Alhaitham can swear that he feels the kiss on his cheek. Kaveh's lips leave a steamy spot, a wet mark on the light mirror.
He enjoys leaving Alhaitham speechless, rendering him silent though he never shuts up in daily life whenever they have a disagreement. 
"Talk to me, Haytham." 
It comes off as a firm request, borderline an order, but Kaveh needs to make sure he's okay.
Alhaitham finally snaps back and shakes his head left and right lightly. "Yes—I'm sorry." he leans forward, pressing wet kisses along Kaveh's spine while squeezing him even closer by the waist. 
Kaveh moans blissfully, their gazes occasionally meeting in the mirror whenever Alhaitham looks up.
"No need to apologize." Kaveh speaks into the mirror as if it's the real thing and not a reflection, "You discovered something new, I understand the fixation."
His words are understanding but his tone is demeaning, it humiliates Alhaitham, points out how incompetent he is that he always needs a nudge from Kaveh to function properly when they're intimate. How he needs Kaveh to order him around and ask him if he's alright, tell him to pull himself together even if it's the exact opposite outside of their bedroom. Alhaitham can't help but get flustered as he feels himself draw near. 
"Can I cum, please?" he asks, knowing the answer is always yes. Kaveh isn't the kind to deprave him of anything, generous and sympathetic. 
"Of course, go ahead." he purrs. 
Alhaitham grunts as his voice vibrates his skull and shoots directly into his cock. He hovers over Kaveh and pulls him back, all the way so he faces up looking at Alhaitham. He cries out in pain, pupils rolling back to the back of his head in agony and pleasure as he releases a third time all over the sheets with a jolt. 
"Haytham—" his voice cracks while tears stream down, and it tips Alhaitham off the edge, he thrusts in deep for a final time, trembling with the impact of a shaky orgasm. He fills up Kaveh until his cum drips down his thighs while he moans at the warmth. 
Alhaitham gently releases his hair, holding him by the throat so his head doesn't fall off. Kaveh's breaths remain unsteady, his mind is at a blank when Alhaitham moves him down to sit on his knees. A sharp wave of pain ripples through his wrists and his neck. Kaveh feels arms wrap around him, Alhaitham sits right behind, cuddling his beloved and peppering kisses all over his shoulders. The mirror dissipates into thin air. 
day 6 - overstimulation
“I told you not to touch yourself, didn’t I?” Kaveh looks down at Alhaitham in mild annoyance. 
It’s true, he has warned the scribe a handful of times already. Regardless, Alhaitham’s fingers kept running along his own body, twisting his own nipples, cupping his breasts, even lapping over his clit daringly. 
It ruins Kaveh’s fun, his plans to slowly work Alhaitham out and watch him grow needier by the minute. He enjoys sliding two fingers in, the stretch and his slow movements far from satisfactory, and chuckling at Alhaitham who always attempts to grind down or take the matters into his own hands. 
But the scribe looks even more impatient than usual, so he has no choice but to disregard Kaveh’s warnings, simply because he is physically unable to resist the temptation. 
Luckily, Kaveh is never out of options. He pulls out his fingers entirely, taking away the already underwhelming amount of stimulation and causing Alhaitham to whine in protest. 
He reaches for the drawer, taking out a bundle of rope with a sinister expression. 
“Can’t you ever listen to me so we can fuck like normal people?”
Alhaitham’s eyes widen as the soft material wraps around his wrists, tying them together above his head. 
“Answer me, Haytham.” 
Kaveh sounds firm, demanding. At times like these he realizes how much he has spoilt Alhaitham, to the extent that even this stoic man acts immaturely and lacks self-control when they’re intimate. 
“Okay, well if you’re not gonna talk.” 
Kaveh reaches for a green, thick kerchief and swiftly circles it around his head, gagging his mouth while the scribe protests with muffled sounds. 
“Ah, too late. Should’ve spoken when you had the chance.” Kaveh seems pleased with the arrangement. His fingers spread Alhaitham’s lips once again, grazing over his glistening slit. 
“It’s a lot better when you shut up.” Kaveh slides one finger in and leans down, “Just lay there looking handsome as always.” 
Alhaitham’s toes curl at how Kaveh’s tongue circles over his clit, he thrusts in and out with his fingers, sucking on the hardened, swollen bundle of nerves right above his quivering hole. Alhaitham gives in, he grinds himself into Kaveh’s mouth but is met with a quick, harsh bite on his inner thigh. 
His screams escape onto the cloth as Kaveh returns to hover over his cunt. 
“I don’t know what makes you so disobedient.” he leaves a long lick and a gentle suck while watching Alhaitham struggle. 
“You think you’re entitled to this for some reason.” Kaveh digs his fingers deep and rough, forcing out the second orgasm of the night so far, “Well, you’re not.” 
Alhaitham squirms at how his breath warms up his soaking wet core, words humiliating in all the right ways. “You can only deserve it.” Kaveh continues, “But since you apparently find my performance so underwhelming that you have to play with yourself…”
A sinister spark emits from his eyes.
“Why don’t we test out how many times you can cum before you pass out?” 
Alhaitham’s eyes widen, he feels sore and numb just by the thought of it, though also, inevitably intrigued. 
Kaveh retracts his hand, leaving the scribe trembling during his fall from grace. He settles on top of Alhaitham and straddles his hips, placing his hand on his chin to simulate a state of deep thought, “Let’s see, that’s two already. I place my bet for… Hmm… About fifteen times. Seems reasonable.” 
Alhaitham is petrified by the calculation and excited by Kaveh’s tip teasing his entrance. “That means you’d have to take… thirteen more.” Kaveh presses a kiss on his shoulder, “Unless, of course, it knocks you out before that.”  
Alhaitham fails to describe what he feels at the moment. He crumbles under Kaveh’s gaze, a cunning grin that gives him the chills and simultaneously, leads him to leak over the sheets in desperation. 
Kaveh chuckles at his expression, “Don’t look so anxious now. You couldn’t wait to cum just five minutes ago.”  
He lusts over Alhaitham and the idea of teaching him a lesson. 
After a few moments of silence, Alhaitham blinks, he squints his eyes a single time. It’s a yes, a go ahead between them compared to the multiple blinks that mean stop. Kaveh smiles at the cooperation as he pushes into Alhaitham. 
And he stays faithful to his experiment. 
He works tirelessly, until Alhaitham cums all over his cock and squeezes him so tight every single time that Kaveh bites on his lower lip harsh enough to draw blood, fighting back his own release.
Until Alhaitham unravels over his lips, Kaveh eats him out with sheer fluid dripping down his chin, devouring every last drop.
Until his fingertips turn pale from being stuffed deep inside his beloved roommate for too long.
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen… and fourteen.
Eventually, Alhaitham drives near the fifteenth. The most he had ever orgasmed in one day. The most overwhelming sensation he had ever felt in his entire life. Sensitive, swollen and vulnerable. He trembles with pleasure, and sobs with sheer lust. 
“One more.” he faintly hears Kaveh’s voice and squeezes his hips with his legs, with everything he’s got, the last ounce of his strength. 
He can’t.
He can’t possibly take one more.
“Yes you can.” Kaveh says nonchalantly as if he can read the scribe’s mind. Alhaitham keeps squeezing him in, so hard even when he’s exhausted that it prevents Kaveh from moving. 
“Behave, Haytham. My patience is running out.” he hisses. Alhaitham knows how to stop Kaveh, and it certainly isn’t by immobilizing him. It fills Kaveh with rage, how he still manages to play with him even on the verge of fainting. 
Alhaitham’s wrists get shoved against the pillow with a tight grip and an angry growl.
Kaveh looks vicious, he begins to slam even harder into Alhaitham, thinking that he overrid the strong legs wrapped around his waist. It takes him a few more thrusts to realize how they aren’t even wrapped around him anymore. 
Instead, Alhaitham lays under him obediently, still twitching but no longer struggling. He doesn’t attempt to free his wrists or pull Kaveh in. He just—
Takes it. 
He nuzzles against Kaveh’s chest, as if someone had replaced him with a clone within the span of a minute. 
Kaveh scoffs.
“Only good when you want to be.” 
Alhaitham gives a weak nod, Kaveh knows that if he could move his mouth, there’d be a sly grin on his face. He reaches behind to undo the knot and set the piece of cloth aside. 
It’s a surrender, a failed lesson. Yet, the first word that leaves Alhaitham’s mouth is—
Broken and needy, but still unyielding in his own way. 
“It—h—hurts…” he states, not in protest, but with gratitude and a blissful expression. 
Thank you, for making it hurt. Just the way I like it.
Kaveh is constantly reminded of the hold Alhaitham has on him, because even hearing how sweet he sounds is enough to warm his heart. “I know.” he coos sympathetically. It all goes out the window, how he acts like a spoiled brat, how he pushes Kaveh’s buttons just to have it his way. 
Kaveh can call him out for all of those, work him out until the morning if he wants to. But instead he cups Alhaitham’s cheek lovingly and presses a kiss on his lips. 
“You’re doing so well. I’m proud of you.”
Alhaitham’s lips quiver as he feels himself lose control for real this time. Consciousness slips away from his grasp, only Kaveh remains in his vision. 
“One last time, Haytham. Can you do that for me?” 
Alhaitham fights to keep his eyelids open, “Together…” he mumbles. 
“Yes." Kaveh holds him close to his chest, "Together, my love.”
day 7 - aftercare
Kaveh’s eyes shut off tight with the orgasm that ripples through his body. He hisses, under what feels like a lightning bolt traveling down his spine. When he finally musters up the strength to open his eyes, he finds Alhaitham looking up at him, almost as if he’s mesmerized, he appears stunned and speechless. 
Uneven breaths from each of them meet in the space between. Kaveh reaches up, with shaky hands he loosens the tight knots around Alhaitham’s wrists as they fall on the sides of his head with a graceful thud. 
Only then, Kaveh realizes his cheeks are as damp as the man laying under him. He feels no clogging in his nose or burning in his eyes, concluding them to be tears of pleasure, likely from only a few minutes ago. 
His arms feel on the verge of collapsing, wrists still carrying his entire body weight. Still sucked in by Alhaitham’s walls, he feels himself go softer and lightly slides his hips back. The scribe moans as they both stare down and watch white liquid seep out.
Alhaitham raises his hand, though he’s unable to control the shakiness, he still pushes through to lower Kaveh’s head. With that, Kaveh settles over him, his face buried in Alhaitham’s neck as the scribe cages his body with his arms. 
They sink into the mattress in a gentle embrace with minimal movements to comfort each other. Kaveh avoids anywhere potentially sensitive, he draws circles on Alhaitham’s shoulder with his fingers. 
They rest in silence, nothing but their breathing and the low rustling of Kaveh’s hair tangled between Alhaitham’s fingers. 
After what feels like hours, Kaveh gets up, having restored a portion of his strength. He guides Alhaitham off the bed while supporting him with one hand on his waist and the other on his neck. 
The only downside to weakening Alhaitham to this extent is that Kaveh is not strong enough to carry him afterwards. Alhaitham takes his arm, hanging on with trembling legs as they make their way into the bathroom. 
Kaveh sits him over the toilet and draws the bath. Alhaitham winces with the initial sting, and what follows makes both of them burst into laughter.
The loudest peeing sound ever known to humankind.
It’s a running joke between them, how Alhaitham pees so loud after they fuck, every single time. 
And the funniest part is that they still don’t know what causes it even after a heated drunken debate they had over human anatomy one night.
Alhaitham had even pulled up to the house with biology textbooks as Kaveh had drawn schemes of a vagina on his board for about three hours, labeling it about a thousand time that he had become competent enough to teach it at the Akademiya. 
“Okay, Haytham, I finally cracked it. It’s because my dick is too big so like… it opens you up, you know? Like it’s normally a river and then it turns into a waterfall.” Kaveh simulates the two flaps with his palms. 
Alhaitham chugs his second full bottle of the night with a groan, “My piss is a waterfall?”
He takes up the book in his hands once again, pointing to the text while he squints to see regardless of how blurry his vision has grown. 
“No but see, that’s not what it says here. Instead it says ‘While the usual opening is about 2 to 3 inches, it is expected for women to stretch up to—”
“And men.” Kaveh lays down his marker and places his hands on his waist with an angry look. 
Alhaitham chuckles when he finds his roommate ready to fight the book within his grip, “Yes, Kaveh. And men.”
As a scholar and an avid reader, Alhaitham is used to how scientists refer to these matters. Even though he isn’t fond of the portrayal, he knows he has to work around it and refrain from taking things personally.
But Kaveh is, and always has been, the exact opposite. He doesn’t back down from fights at the bazaar when the sellers eye him up and down for picking out the most flamboyant item of clothing laid over the counter.
“I know it’s for women. I read the tag and I’ll look damn pretty in it, so hand it over.” he hisses whenever someone slyly mocks him for falling in love with a beautiful piece. 
And to this day, no one can forget the summer where Nilou accidentally fried her hair with bleach and had to cut it short so Kaveh smacked everyone that called her a boy on the head. 
“Is your son old enough to enter the tavern, Kaveh?”
“Hey! That's my daughter—I mean… Nilou’s a girl. Shut the fuck up, Nabati. Go back to reading ‘till you become a decent fucking human being.” 
Whether Kaveh knows about their true feelings or not, he never backs down from a fight when it comes to protecting how his loved ones present their identities to the outside world. Even if they learn to shut out the hostile voices and suppress their emotions, Kaveh is always there, verbally strangling those voices and waving his finger at everyone he deems disrespectful towards his friends. 
A fighter for everyone’s rights, because he’ll never forgive those around him for confining him to a box while growing up, and never forsake the freedom of finding the courage to live by his own ideals. 
It’s instinctive, even during a mock debate that features a concerningly drunk Kaveh and Alhaitham, it still gets on his nerves. 
“Hey, this guy obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Put it away because I already cracked the case.” he diverts with a dramatic eye-roll. 
Alhaitham smiles at one of the many things that remind him how much he loves Kaveh. When he thinks back to their Akademiya days, all he remembers is the haircuts Kaveh gave him every month, how he dressed him up in his own clothes on the weekends and brought extra underwear from home because Alhaitham felt wildly uncomfortable with the ones his mom used to buy. 
Alhaitham shakes his head to the sides slightly at the fond memories and looks up at Kaveh again, “So my loud peeing is caused by…”
“My huge dick, yes.” Kaveh hums with a serious expression. 
“You’re average at best.”
Kaveh gasps at the betrayal, “You take that back!” 
Regardless of the true reason behind it, the occurrence never fails to make them laugh. Even when Alhaitham is collected enough to clean himself up alone, Kaveh wheezes from the bed at how loud he is, rolling around while he simply can't wait for the scribe to be back so he can throw new water-related puns at him. 
When he’s done, Kaveh helps him off and sits him down in the tub. Warmth surrounds Alhaitham, he sinks into the water, keeping his eyes closed until he hears a splash with Kaveh joining him. 
They lay down, facing each other and relaxing in the bubbles that engulf them. Kaveh presses kisses over his bent knees, the only thing left out of the water besides his head. Alhaitham sighs in relief. 
The world is quiet and Kaveh is by his side.
After soaking for a bit, Kaveh moves closer between his legs and dampens the loofah, dribbling liquid soap over it. He rubs it off, creating even more bubbles while some escape into the air, floating above them until they pop upon encountering a surface. 
Kaveh takes his time cleaning every spot on Alhaitham’s body. He rolls the loofah around his shoulders and back, over his lower abdomen and along his legs. He intertwines his soapy fingers with Alhaitham’s, pulling on them gently to wash away the dirt and the small particles stuck to his wrist from the straps. 
With smooth and gentle movements he massages Alhaitham’s neck, the tensed up muscles on his lower back, his breasts and hips, his calves that are strained from clinging onto him. 
Kaveh unravels all the tension, mentally and physically until Alhaitham feels nothing but pure bliss and comfort. He feels light as a feather as Kaveh wraps him up in warm towels and lays him on the bed. 
When Kaveh is done cleaning and dressing them both, he returns with a cream, moisturizing and soothing, and he spreads some over Alhaitham’s bruised wrists and the marks along his hips. 
It immediately cools off the area, releasing the pressure and putting the scribe at ease.
Kaveh lays down next to him, both of them exhausted and relaxed all at once. They snuggle together like two wet kittens, soon falling into deep slumber as night falls on the hills and valleys of Sumeru.
day 8 - orgasm denial
“What’s in the box?” Alhaitham returns to the living room with a wooden box in his hand, one that he had come across in the wardrobe while changing out of his work attire. 
“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Kaveh says nonchalantly, hiding his excitement to the best of his ability. 
Alhaitham sits beside him, sliding the lid off to reveal a toy, attached to a strap. Compared to the ones they normally use together, it looks much more realistic with carved veins and a simulated natural curve.
“Kaveh, this is getting out of hand, we already have three—” Alhaitham freezes when he turns it around and notices an unconventional part.
He comes across a jut, right behind the base. “This is—Where does it—” 
Kaveh watches him struggle to make sense of it, not supplying any valuable input so that Alhaitham figures it out on his own. 
“It goes… inside me?” Alhaitham presents his conclusion after tracing his fingers over the elongated bump. 
“Yes.” Kaveh finds joy in the adorable confusion written all over the scribe’s face, “I know you say my pleasure is your pleasure, but still.” 
“That’s why you’ve been hiding your plans?”
It is a keen observation, Kaveh is usually so messy that Alhaitham has to beg him to put away his sketches, notebooks and models. However, for the past week everything had been clean and tidy, with not even one piece of paper out of place. 
Kaveh laughs, “Yes, I was drawing dicks everywhere.” 
Alhaitham is still staring down at the toy, examining every corner and crevice carefully with his fingers, “That’s brilliant, and very thoughtful.” 
He seems genuinely impressed by the design, and touched by his lover putting time and effort into it.
“Thank you, Kaveh.” he leans in to press a kiss on his forehead. 
“Let’s not get sentimental, it’s still a dick, you know.” 
“That you crafted with love.” Alhaitham teases with a smirk. 
Kaveh is quick to reach for the nearest pillow and smack him on the face with a chuckle, “Shut up.” 
They laugh, bathing in the sunlight that penetrates from the windows as the exhaustion wanes from Alhaitham’s body. 
“It would be a shame not to test it out.” he looks at Kaveh with an innocent and curious look.
“Mhmm, I mean… I’m not perfect, you know? There could be some fundamental flaws that need fixing. We can’t know unless we try.” Kaveh agrees. Of course he does. 
He sits on the floor in between Alhaitham’s legs and rids him of his clothes, not sparing even a second before gently circling his fingers over his clit. 
He rises on his knees, kissing up at the scribe while he stretches him out with a finger. While Alhaitham is preoccupied with licking into his mouth, Kaveh reaches for the toy and inserts it gently into his hole. 
Alhaitham pulls away, tying the strap around his hips and pulling Kaveh to his lap hungrily. 
“I’m—close.” Kaveh moans.
It takes him a second to process Alhaitham’s answer.
“Well, I’m not done with the test run yet.” 
Kaveh’s eyes widen, it’s rare for Alhaitham to deprive him of an orgasm, and when he does, it’s usually in the form of a punishment.
“Is this—revenge for last week?” Kaveh connects the dots rather swiftly. 
He holds onto Alhaitham’s shoulders, trying to weaken how he rocks him up and down to cool himself off a bit, “But…I—allowed you to cum! Only maybe…too many times but—”
“Precisely. It’s time you exert some self-control.” 
Kaveh feels helpless, even shallow thrusts are enough to make him squirm now that he’s fighting back the spark lit on his lower abdomen. But, Alhaitham doesn’t seem to mind. He fucks Kaveh over his lap mercilessly, eyes rolling back occasionally when the toy digs deep inside him as well. 
Kaveh trembles, attempting to steady himself and convince the scribe to let him go. “Haytham, please. My dick hurts. I can't keep going like this.” 
“Hm? Strange. Mine doesn’t.” Alhaitham smirks. 
“Haytham… I’ll do whatever you want—please.”
Kaveh seems desperate and sounds broken. It’s too much, especially without preparing himself to hold back beforehand. He often feels a few drops seep out and immediately stops himself mid-orgasm, sending the worst ache he has ever felt to his groin. 
“Go ahead.”
“Really?” Kaveh’s eyes sparkle. 
The expectant look vanishes from his face, “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” Alhaitham adjusts his grip, instead of the two hands he had placed on Kaveh’s hips, he wraps his arms around him while thrusting up with his hips. 
Kaveh is squeezed inside his arms, their bodies now glued together as Alhaitham nibbles on the sensitive area just below his ear. 
“I do! I hate your… stupid face and your—hah—strong arms and your…” Kaveh grows weaker, suddenly feeling warm and fuzzy inside as a wet trail runs along his neck, hot breath tickling him provocatively. 
“My what?” Alhaitham encourages him to go on. 
“Everything.” Kaveh says breathily, “I’ll marry you just so I can hate on you everyday ‘till I die.” 
“Are you proposing to me so I’ll let you cum?”
“Is it…working?” he asks, tired yet hopeful. 
Alhaitham bites down on his neck, eliciting a moan from Kaveh’s lips and a twitch from his hips.
“Just a bit longer. Hang on, for me, okay?”
For him. His hoarse voice sends a tingle down Kaveh’s spine as he gains the resolve to hold himself back. Alhaitham can see him turn softer and more submissive with every thrust and every word of encouragement. 
“Think of how good it’ll feel, Kaveh.” he says into his ear, “I’m soaking wet just by watching you.” 
A feral growl overtakes his voice as he holds his beloved close, “So beautiful.” 
Kaveh feels broken and utterly confused, one of the best feelings he has ever experienced, tainted by the inability to indulge in it fully. 
But he wants to show Alhaitham, no matter how fussy he gets, he wants the scribe to know that he can obey him. Kaveh wants to be deserving of his praise, and to hear more about how Alhaitham finds him beautiful. 
“I’m here. Let me take care of you.” 
And Kaveh does exactly that. Knowing how Alhaitham will be there for him, he lets go, his limbs no longer tense up around him as his head falls on the scribe’s shoulder. 
He allows Alhaitham to have his way with him, doing nothing but arching his back and whimpering on his shoulder. 
Kaveh moans out his name, whispering how well Alhaitham fucks him, how he perfectly fills him up and destroys his insides deliciously. 
Though it’s still hard to resist, Kaveh finds comfort in his arms, holding out until he finally hears the words he has been longing for—
“Go ahead, cum for me.”
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vellhandle · 11 months
𝑶𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈
When Alhaitham was a child, his grandma would often ask him to do her hair, and teach him how to do a neat updo. Alhaitham didn't really know what's the point in doing it when he knew that his grandma could easily do it on her own, but the more often she asked him to updo her hair, the more he cherished those moments as one of those trivial things he kept close to his heart.
When she passed away, Alhaitham figured that the skill he had only just learned was going to wear away, as he was not interested in growing out his hair. But during his time in the House of Daena, his senior, Kaveh, was busy carrying books and blueprints back and forth, his messily tied hair clinging to his neck as he scuffled around.
Alhaitham, bothered by those unruly locks, was reminded by how his grandma would chide at him at how annoying it was to have your hair cling onto a sweaty neck.
The boy shuddered at the thought.
"Kaveh, hang on a moment." Alhaitham called out, pulling out the hair tie in the blonde's hair. A look of confusion was evident on Kaveh's face, but he let the gray-haired boy do his thing.
With skilled hands, he brushed up the stranded bits of hair into a neat bunch and tied them up. Kaveh's hair was a little too short for a proper bun, so Alhaitham improvised a low updo that fitted quite nicely with Kaveh's image.
"Huh, you're actually really good at this!" Kaveh remarked, touching Alhaitham's work carefully. He didn't want to ruin such a neat hairstyle, after all. "Where did you learn who to do this kind of thing? Let's do it more often!"
For a moment, a small smile tugged onto Alhaitham's lips, before he quickly cleared his throat with a shrug. "I'm simply good at picking up new skills. But sure, just tell me when."
Turned out that there was a reason to learn hairstyling after all.
-I hope this is a good sacrifice for the Haikaveh shipdom. I still don't know how to use Tumblr.
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l00106 · 6 months
HELLO !!! ^__^ here’s a funny story: coincidentally, every time i join a new fandom, you’re already making art for said fandom <3 so, i’ve been here since your kazutora days HAHA and after that your stsg days and after that your genshin days and after that the haikaveh era and after that your honkai days and after that your wriolette era !!! and i want to say i have loved every single piece you’ve put out :’3 there was this one art piece you had (a tiny suguru with a dragonfly, sorta a beige background, grayish black kimono type of outfit, hair at shoulder length ueue! it was a companion piece to a gojo art - i’m pretty sure it was posted on tiktok too - but i found you on instagram first lawlz. anyway,) and it was my home screen for the longest time T__T and rly !!! it has been such a ride to see your growth since the beginning (at least when i first met you hehe) it’s been a while huh !!! i also saw you didn’t like your art (?) / art style for your stsg posts and i would like to say i hold them very close to my heart ☹️💖 it is like one of the first things that really had me in a chokehold AKAJAKA in regards to this fandom but also as art in general !! you were one of my motivators / celebrities i looked up to while i was still making art <3 i don’t so much anymore, but you’re still someone i look up to !!! x3 i just wanted to remind you to not be to harsh on yourself oki ^__^ take plenty of rest and do your best !! stay safe and healthy for always !!! smooches . . but only if you want to 🫦
GRRAAAAHH TWINNING ASGSKSL ISTG I swore i would not play any games yall but then i got sucked in ASFAJSKS BUT HEY IM IMPROVING THO SO ITS GOOD!! ALSO OMG TYSM FOR STAYING FOR SO LONG 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏 U R TOO KIND!!! Also stay healthy and hydrated too 😋☝🏻
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crystallinestars · 21 days
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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h4iklvr · 11 months
❥->From the start💌
(Part two)
Kavetham/haikaveh fluff,some angst,mentions kaveh’s past,he also have issues with opening up cuz I do and I said so
Edit: I changed some of the parts again..
Academy au!
Every since that day Kaveh was always looking for chances to sit near alhaitham but not too close,sometimes asking about him when he was brought up but trying not be vague,glancing at him then quickly then looking away when he looks in his direction,although Kaveh did this he played it off as a ‘platonic interest’ and nothing more than wanting to befriend the man.
Though deep down he knew that he was crushing on him,purposefully gaslighting himself and pushing his thoughts away to deny it. He was afraid of love and the affect it could have on him,ever since his fathers passing and his mother moving away he was used to being isolated and strangly found comfort in it,he didn’t want to open up or lose someone again,trying to protect himself and prevent his heart from completely shattering.
He walked to the house of daena again expecting haitham to be in his usual spot or rummaging through the nearby bookshelves except he was no where to be seen,Kaveh stopped and looked around for a good minute.
‘He’s not here,huh?’ He acknowledged,a little sad that he wouldn’t get to see him,he found a spot and sat while he studied and noted a few things in the books.
As time went on he eventually forgot about alhaitham and focused on getting his work done,when he was done he checked to see if haitham had arrived and much to his surprise he still wasn’t there,after a few minutes he went to return the books when he heard a familiar voice-
‘Hello there,do you need help carrying those books?’ Kaveh looked up from the pile that was stacked all the way up to his chin,it was indeed alhaitham,he was a bit shocked but tried to keep his balance and composure.
‘Yes please.’ He accepted the help as haitham grabbed half of the books,Kaveh felt his heart race and his face heating up as he walked side by side with the gentleman and placed the books back.
‘You’re..alhaitham right? Nice to meet you.’ He managed to utter trying not to seem nervous at all but it was written all over his face and the way he was awkwardly standing there.
‘The pleasure is mine,senior.’ He smirked back at the blond,keeping a gentleman demeanor trying to seem confident,though he knew he was blushing so much.
The two sat together at a nearby desk,chatting and getting to know eachother when Kaveh finally got the courage to ask—
‘So..do you maybe wanna study together later?’ He casually suggested to him while smiling charmingly at the man while tilting his head a little to the side.
‘Sure,that’d be nice.’ Haitham answered Kaveh before giving him a warm smile.the blond was a bit shocked he accepted,since he didn’t have high expectations for it to work,not only his thoughts- but his heart was racing as well.
‘Alright then! let’s meet here tomorrow after classes.’ and after that one day they’ve met up for studies more often and eventually hanging out,going out to eat or just having fun in general,they were great friends,but Kaveh felt the weight on his chest grow heavier and he wanted to deny it so bad but it was near impossible when he’s clearly so Inlove with his dear friend that everyone could tell,though he couldn’t tell anyone directly because he wasn’t good at expressing it,he didn’t understand it himself anyway.each day he becomes more observant of alhaitham. What food he likes and dislikes,if he wants something Kaveh will save up for it,his slight gestures helped him tell what mood he was in no matter if he was putting on an act or not.as well as looking out for him,alhaitham’s hair was out of place? He’d fix it. Lint on alhaitham’s clothes? He got it. Forgetting something? Kaveh reminded him.
This made alhaitham fall harder for Kaveh,he always knew Kaveh was nice but seeing how he was always caring and attentive to his loved ones putting other’s needs before his own,not to mention whenever Kaveh made him forget the stress and made his day better simply by just being there,he truly appreciated kaveh’s existence and admired him so much..he didn’t admire him cuz he was a senior or cuz of his status or whatever. He admired him because he was Kaveh.
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adhd-kaveh · 6 months
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(( ooc )) ((I didn't know what to make him say so take the silly image))
THIS IS A FAN ACCOUNT not affiliated with Hoyoverse or whatever legal mumbo jumbo
secondly hi I'm Mel I go by they/he
my hcs for Kaveh are that he's trans masc/genderfluid/uses all pronouns mf, bisexual and has audhd (autism and adhd) and also OCD, for the spice /j
most ships are okay with me besides pro-ships (my favorites are HaiKaveh... yeah that's really it with Kaveh huh) if you want to rp a ship besides that, please let me know beforehand. He's pretty shippable so there's a large chance I'll say yes.
please use tone tags if you're unsure if I'll get your tone, especially if you're not trying to be rude
no racism, homophobia, transphobia or ableism is allowed on this page, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all
NO NSFW, while I'm an adult I'd rather not rp anything that... scandalous. It's just not my cup of tea plus I can't really... write it well. If you want them to fuck just do what I do in my writing and just write ~they fucked ;) (this is in a joking way I am the silly... for real though I'm more of a romance and platonic kinda rper idk)
double parentheses or (( )) will be used for ooc/when I say something
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gumasantan · 1 year
home: a three-part haikaveh fic (3/3)
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about: a haikaveh modern treasure hunt AU.
word count: ~2.6k words (i think i've got the hang of it!)
a/n: this one can work as a standalone too! but it would be much better for a reading experience if you've read the first two chapters, i invite you to do so! for past readers of the fic, thank you for reading it all the way through!
first chapter: the hallway
second chapter: the chamber
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“Can’t you at least organize your books in one place?! It’s defiling my drafting table!”
The man was beyond furious at a messed pile of books in front of him. Obviously, there’s nothing more annoying than being interrupted when you’re so focused at your work.
“And can’t you calm down? It hasn’t damaged your paper, you’re overreacting.”
An unexpected breeze of calmness washes over the heated conversation. The raging waves of the sea have been temporarily pacified by a voice akin to an archon powerful enough to gust the grey clouds away.
“Overreacting? Don’t you see the fine lines of stain made obvious by the white blueprint?”
Such an inconvenience isn't just a little matter to be brushed off for someone that’s as perfectionist and attentive to detail like the famed architect of the academy, who has considered his only finished work so far as his masterpiece.
“What is it that you’re working on anyway? I’ve always assumed that none have ever approached you because of your attitude.”
What a shame. He recognizes his peer’s greatness but he just can’t help see it go to waste from a man who clearly possesses such a gift in the discipline, yet chooses to overshadow it with his attitude that aspires to be ‘rightful’ and ‘fair’.
“It’s a project! I have to draw up this two-story wooden house for a client, and further details are none of your business!”
Peeking through his shoulders, unknowledgeable he may be when it comes to architecture but he has developed some taste that he developed during his travels and adventures. He could tell that although there was a lot of work needed to be done, he could envision what his roommate is trying to draw.
“Hmm…from the initial look of it, you need to incorporate an inclined shape to the roof of your house, so you won’t have any problems with a boring symmetrical height design. Also, the second floor is too high up, wouldn’t want your visitor to feel like he hiked the summit of Devantaka, would you?”
Coming from him, this was a surprisingly well-articulated advice that would be received well.
“Huh, didn’t expect you to know that much, considering how ignorant you’ve been towards my work.”
The now-critic simply squinted his eyes at him.
“Enough with this chitchat, rearrange the books vertically upon that wall and your little problem would be solved. And your rent has been long overdue for a week, two days after you’ve promised to pay me.”
“Are you alright?”
A startling squeaky airy voice followed by sounds of pure breathlessness came out of Alhaitham, which was very uncharacteristic of him.
“Yes, I’m not hurt or anything.”
Kaveh mirrored his junior’s appearance: Sweaty, out of breath, dirty, and quite frankly, smelly.
“Well, it’s good that we’re still alive.” Alhaitham tries to compose himself, he is known for always being stern-looking and appearing unaffected after all.
“You have me to thank for having the luck of a rabbit. Without me, you wouldn’t have finished the task unscathed.” Classic Kaveh, still managing to be pompous no matter his wellbeing as long as Alhaitham is within his area.
Luckily for him, Alhaitham didn’t quite manage to properly hear what he said.
Out of the chamber and into the outside on a sand dune, the adventurers stopped talking and just basked in what’s left of the sunset, the sun descending into the horizon. It was an impressive sight: The desert greeting the invading night. It has been a long day.
And they have been successful in their task.
“And so, that’s why we were there for?” Kaveh pointed out the shiny object in Alhaitham’s right hand, completely coated in gold.
“Apparently, the Academy has treasured this for quite a long time now ever since they heard of it from one of the ancient documents I’ve verified.” Alhaitham succinctly answered.
“So you were the one responsible for all of these occurring in the first place?” Kaveh raised his brows at him, not wanting to feel disappointment in partaking in a task his peer is responsible for.
“Accidentally. I do not care for such prized artifacts, regardless of their value. I’m only there to record and archive, not read. Exceptions count when their usually uninteresting titles pique my attention, and in this case, no.” Alhaitham emphasized his tone within his first few words. It shouldn’t have been no question to his longtime acquaintance that he simply doesn’t pursue anything that involves hunting for relics he find worthless in today’s time.
“Ah. Did they ever brief you how important is this to them?” Kaveh recognizes that the both of them were on the same wavelength. In the end, they were just two men that was ordered by the academy to fetch them something that they do not care nor understand.
Alhaitham raised the treasure he held, observing it closely.
“Legally, we cannot ever have this for ourselves. They marked this as one of Sumeru’s greatest treasures, protected by the law. Perhaps this will help them trace back something? Yet, it’s just plain, not even a single ounce of knowledge in forms of pictures or words engraved on it.” Alhaitham was unimpressed. They risked their lives for how many times, and wherefore?
Kaveh could see what Alhaitham’s trying to imply. He smirked at him.
“Tell me, is it heavy?” Kaveh innocently asked like a young child.
“Yes, very much so. But this is what I expected when something is just purely made out of gold.” Alhaitham didn’t catch Kaveh’s temporarily change in behavior.
“Do you think…that they’ll keep it in the museum like they promised to do to the other artifacts that are yet to be displayed there? What do you reckon?” Kaveh continued his cheekiness.
“What are you trying to say?” Alhaitham stared at his junior who’s acting out of his usual self.
Needless to say, Kaveh was put off by Alhaitham’s naivety, or was it just because his thick-skinned partner is naturally incapable of making out implied thoughts? His expression turned to blank.
“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.” Kaveh sighed after.
“I think it’s just the fact that I senselessly had to spend a lot of my valuable time with you today that could have been better spent if I had just stayed alone, continuing my project. Knowing that you agreed to do this only because you were only told to? I’m disappointed…at myself for agreeing to do this.” Kaveh admitted the underwhelming conclusion.
Alhaitham couldn’t say anything. He knows that it was something personal for Kaveh, and he would not dare play with him at his own game.
He could only remain silent.
“But hey, it was fun.” Kaveh had to acknowledge that bright side of it too. He said it himself, there was not a whole lot of anything uniquely interesting that happens in his everyday life.
“I agree.” Out of the blue, him which who does not look for entertainment thought Kaveh was right. What a surprise!
Kaveh looked at the sunset, and to Alhaitham. Whether Alhaitham was honest or not, that short moment at the day’s end was something sentimental.
“Come, let’s go to the Academy so we could finally get some well-earned rest.” Kaveh gestured to Alhaitham to start moving. He had to stop briefly, thinking that he shouldn’t be this nice to him, but he was too tired to resist being honest.
But Alhaitham didn’t move.
Kaveh noticed him.
“Hey, didn’t you hear me? Come on, I want to rest already, don’t you too?” Kaveh sounded like he was getting a little bit frustrated.
Yet Alhaitham remained still.
Kaveh just stared. Why isn’t he moving?
“I suppose I should have stated the full reason why I agreed with them to do this.” Alhaitham finally started talk, but he seemed to be hinting at something different that Kaveh wasn’t expecting.
“What is this again?” Kaveh blatantly looked annoyed.
“My task here is not yet complete.” Alhaitham appeared to get more serious by the second.
“Your task? Did it ever occur to you that I’m not interested at whatever you do, and want to? We’re here because the Academy told us so, that’s it! Please, spare me if you have something else in mind and let me go.” Kaveh was out of it. He had his fill of Alhaitham today, and he wouldn’t tolerate him for much longer.
“You were right. The law just serves as a ruse so they could get their bad-intentioned hands on this artifact and have it for themselves. Although I work for them, I knew I could never trust them.”
That was no news. Alhaitham was just that kind of person.
Kaveh started becoming suspicious of his junior, what else was he thinking?
“So, have this instead.”
Alhaitham threw the artifact towards Kaveh’s hands. The latter caught it with a bewildered look on his face. Needless to say, his suspicion immediately turned to confusion.
“What?! What do you mean?” Kaveh asked, expecting a reasonable answer from Alhaitham.
“It’s yours now. It’s always been yours.” Alhaitham effortlessly admitted.
Kaveh fidgeted his fingers around the artifact as he heard what his partner said.
“Mine? Since when? What in the archon’s name are you saying? This belongs to the Academy, not to me!” Kaveh was essentially scolding his junior.
“Ever since they tasked me to retrieve it.” Alhaitham started to uncover something he hid from Kaveh.
“Do you ever listen to yourself talk sometimes? Why do this? We’ll get arrested since this is basically theft, thirty years at the very least! And what are you going to tell the Academy when they’ve assumed you took your leave from work today to finish their task only to come up with nothing at the end of it? You’ll look stupid!” The perplexed blonde kept questioning the actions of Alhaitham.
“Unlike you, the Academy holds me in high regard. With that reputation of mine, trust me when I say that I could tell them anything and they would have no problem believing me. No harm no foul.” Who says that being intelligent is not synonymous with being cunning?
“Have you been meaning to tell me that you’re going to deceive the Academy instead to get us out of this? With me? Are you serio—“
“I wanted to help you.”
Alhaitham silenced Kaveh, leaving him thunderstruck.
“This has been my opportunity, probably the only one I’ll ever get in helping you.” Alhaitham softened his look.
“Help me where? Do I look helpless? I can manage my own!” Kaveh’s stubbornness is not rooted from logic, rather, from saying anything he can to have a reason to refuse Alhaitham’s help.
Alhaitham sighed.
“Give it to the woman you’re indebted to. She’s got eyes for artifacts, and I can assure you, you will have more than enough.”
Kaveh just looked at the distance as he gripped on the artifact harder.
“And your rent?” He asked, the most important thing that should be paid first.
“Forget about the rent. I could pay it myself for this last time. I don’t intend to take anything away from your fortune, even if it’s just a miniscule amount.”
Kaveh noticed that the dusk has surrounded them.
“I’m well aware that I’m not an emotionally expressive person nor am I easily swayed by it, but I could…feel how much you despise me. And to think we share the same room, that’s why I’ve long decided to give you your own place to stay, because staying with someone that fills you with so much hate…”
Kaveh closed his eyes, a different kind of darkness enveloping him.
“…It’s not healthy. It took long for that decision to come into effect. Now, I’m letting you go so you can be more, uplifting, as what they’d say. I know that’s what you’ve been hoping for.”
His senior didn’t react, he stood still, partially blocking the view of the rising moon behind him.
“You can pack up later or tomorrow. And you know what? I feel satisfaction within myself that I managed to do this. For the fact that you can finally live in your palace, or in another place. Have your own home.”
Kaveh opened his eyes and faced his junior, who was…smiling towards him.
The sight was pleasantly surprising.
“Do you hate me too?” Kaveh asked.
“Not quite. I hope you’ve noticed that I’ve never gone out of my way to actually insult you or anything similar to that. It’s no question that my personality can be a bit…too much for you.”
Kaveh approached Alhaitham closely.
“I’m surprised. Some of the things I’ve said, they weren’t honest at all.”
Kaveh gave him a sorry look.
“I feel bad. I’m sorry.”
“I deserve it, no need for any more apologies.”
The two men just stood, facing each other. They looked at each other in the eyes, unafraid and not acting suspicious around each other. It was a comforting silence.
“So, let’s go now?” Alhaitham was the first to ask.
In the empty desert, nature finally breathed some wind to soothe the hot air out.
“Do you remember the riddle? The last one?” Kaveh was the second to ask.
Alhaitham shook his head, prompting a sigh from Kaveh.
“The breathing walls emanate a warm gust of comfort, gusting past the naked bleeding… something. Eternal healing by the imperfect being. In each word lie each of the good. That’s what I remember.”
“What about the riddle?”
“Did you ever caught on what tablet I slotted in so that we could get the treasure?”
“I still remember that ‘shelter’ was the answer you told me, but no tablet matched up with it. What did you do?”
Kaveh silently laughed.
“The answer was not the one with ‘shelter’ or ‘home’ in it. The answer was the one with ‘person’.”
Alhaitham tilted his head with a curious look.
“Yes, person. That’s—that’s home.” Yet, that still wasn’t understood by Alhaitham.
Kaveh carefully put the artifact down under their feet…
…and immediately hugged him, pushing him backwards by a little.
“Thank you for your assistance, but I still very much hate your guts.”
Alhaitham didn’t know what to do as the hug grew tighter, should he imitate Kaveh and wrap his arms around him? Seeing that it was the only logical decision to be made, he slowly did the same, earning a chuckle from Kaveh who, he knew, was already mocking him inside his mind.
“Were you surprised?” Kaveh cheekily asked.
“Well, yes. I haven’t been hugged by anyone for so long, and to have it come from you…you got me.” Alhaitham formed a smile on his face.
Kaveh got his mouth close to Alhaitham’s ears, wanting to whisper something.
“I want us to bicker eternally.”
He pulled from the hug, seeing Alhaitham’s astonished face, mouth slightly agape.
“What? I thought…”
“Now, now, shut it. I’ve decided it for the both of us.”
“Hmm…alright. I won’t protest.”
“Besides, your place wouldn’t do. In fact, I’ve drawn up something for us that’s far more charming than the palace and more elegant than the room we share. I know you’ll like it because I’ve taken your advices.”
The rivals smiled at each other, desiring something new with their time together.
“Okay, let’s get going then, let me just get the artifact.”
“Where is it? It’s not here.”
“I just put it under our feet.”
“There it is! It’s all the way down this dune!”
“How in Celestia’s name did it got there?”
“You little rascal. You must’ve pushed it down there when you hugged me!”
“Then why did you let me push you that hard? It’s not my fault that you got startled that bad by a normal expression of human appreciation!”
The moon finally rose above at the center of the night sky.
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hungnitan · 11 months
Hello again! I'm the former Genshin anon and I come here to admit my defeat now that the Fontaine trailer has dropped lol xD I forgot to thank you for your reply and advise last time! So me not pulling for newer characters as they release... Well I played myself right into that one lol. As a fellow ikemen collector, I simply cannot bring myself to not pull for Neuvillette and Wriothesley, especially since their VAs are none other than Hiroshi Kamiya and Daisuke Ono! As soon as I heard their voices my primogems had two owners lmao xD But other than them, I also really want Freminet (his design is simply adorable!) and the electro gunslinger girl whose name I don't remember u.u
Anyways, sorry for the long fangirling ramble ( ̄ω ̄;) and have a great day! <3
Hahahahaha hello previous anon I remember you no worries ! Seems with Fontaine teaser drop, you won't pull for Kokomi huh (well don't know maybe you already pull for Kazuha as now lol). Yeah I agree, almost fontaine new chara looks promising in term of design so far but the suprising one for me is funny enough the old leaks chara (like Focalors Lyney Lynette) feels like short stick after watching the teaser (lol). How should I say, maybe lack a cluster than newer chara...
And let's just say those ikemen duo as Fontaine pairs for now since their names pretty long (lol)
Since hoyo choose Daisuke Ono and Hiroshi Kamiya for Fontaine duo which in AoT and Durarara already have their own pairs, of course we can't deny their gay relationships eventhough we still not saw anything (lol). And since HaiKaveh we should know that hoyo pretty supportive to female fanbase to the point making hidden scene just for them !
Seems ikemen collector have a same taste huh, me too like Freminet and Clorinde and to added Navia !
But don't forget to calculate your gems and don't used irl money too much. And don't forget too if leak doesn't lie, Wriothesley will be include in normal pull later while Freminet is just *4 and there's chance Clorinde release at pretty late version ! In which I guess if you exclude Freminet I think your gems still save if you want to pull for Kokomi (lol)
PS : Even if in teaser Clorinde used gunslinger, there's chance she won't used it as main like Tartaglia so don't get baited too much~ (lol)
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