bethiewhimsy · 11 months
overwhelmed with my love for bsd this fine day
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chiliyue-archived · 11 months
My head is deep in bsd rn
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krustybob · 2 years
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i already made it to beautiful world lol so... a bunch of cute screencaps i took during my rewatch so far
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conundrumoftime · 9 months
Fandom grandma tales: how I survived canon ruining two of the ships I liked.
(Written after a discussion with some of my TROP fan pals about how canon can break your heart re: shipping, and how fandom manages. There are spoilers here for the entire run of Babylon 5, and for one story JMS wrote after it. yes, that story. sorry.)
Babylon 5 was a sci-fi space opera show that ran from 1993 to 1998. It is sci-fi of the era of 22-episode seasons, of huge ensemble casts with characters who get their own B- and C-plots, with an effects and casting budget that doesn’t always match its ambition, and - something it was quite pioneering in, at the time - grand pre-planned story arcs. 
It’s the first fandom that I was involved with in internet spaces as it was running, or at least when its final season was (there’s Discourse and drama from earlier years that I missed). Its showrunner, J. Michael Straczynski - ‘JMS’ - was very active in (non-fanfic) fan community spaces, and you always knew exactly what he was thinking about things because he was part of the discussion around them. There was also fanfic, which he didn’t stop but didn’t go near on the grounds of legal liability for story ideas. 
Most of the fanfic in the early days as the show was airing was focused around two big ships, of which one was canon endgame (Delenn/Sheridan) and one was canon all-ends-in-despair (Marcus/Ivanova). I, as a teenager discovering a developing online fandom for the first time with all the overwhelm and excitement that causes (ask me anything about what reading fic was like before the days of tags/ratings/warnings!) got into Marcus/Ivanova and also into one of the minor ships, Delenn/Lennier.
Delenn/Lennier was never, ever going to happen in canon. This is obvious; it clashes with Delenn/Sheridan which was JMS’s baby darling OTP, the show’s big love story. Delenn is married for the later part of the show. Lennier is her diplomatic aide, is absolutely devoted to her, and they have a very intense mentor/student relationship, which it seems is kind of standard in their culture (when Delenn’s own mentor died she went briefly insane with grief and started a genocidal war over it) but is still Very Intense. He is canonically in love with her, but that’s as far as the explicit canon statements go.
However. HowEVER. Canon also gives us, for that relationship, some wonderful ship fuel. Lennier knows about every bad thing Delenn has done, including all the stuff she doesn’t/can’t tell her husband. He’s her link to her previous world and culture and stands by her even when they kick her out. She says at one point, “without him, I would stumble and fall and never get up again.” 
And then… we had Season 5, the final season.
Season 5, for various complicated production reasons, was operating a little outside of pre-planned story arcs and in this season the Delenn/Lennier stuff ramped up about three gears in one go. It was still very obviously never, ever going to be canon, and was almost certainly not intended by the creator (who wrote most of the episodes himself) to look like there was even anything there. At this point Delenn is married; any relationship with her aide would not only be going against the show’s OTP, but going against it in the sense where she’s cheating on her husband, and there is Just No Way JMS would have gone there. And yet! Season 5 gave us:
A scene where Lennier says he can’t stay, it’s too painful to be around her now she’s married, and she’s devastated and has the following conversation with her husband about it:
S: I got your message about Lennier. Is there anything I can do?
D [snapping]: Almost certainly not.
S: Is it because of me?
D: In part, I think so.
S: Yeah, I was afraid of that. Well, as we say back on Earth, three’s a crowd.
D: On Minbar, three is sacred.
S [slightly uncomfortable laugh]: Well, I don’t think I’m ready to handle that one, Delenn.
Delenn then calling Lennier back to the station to do some secret mission thing for her, which involves her sneaking out of her bed while her husband sleeps to meet Lennier in a darkened alley behind a bar, where she tenderly strokes his face and they have a whole conversation about whether her husband understands her or not.
A scene where Lennier comes back from his secret mission to meet both Delenn and Sheridan, Delenn goes to greet him with a hug, and Lennier does this very pointed step back and nod in the direction of her husband, and she pulls back and just sort of pats him on the arms instead. 
But, the issue here is not what fans did about it but what canon did about it. Canon did the canon equivalent of dragging that ship outside and shooting it in the head. 
In the final few episodes of the entire series, Lennier tries to kill Sheridan, runs away in shame, and then someone finds his diary in which he’d been writing for ages about what a bad decision he thought Delenn had made and how her whole marriage was an awful idea. Even to this day, it’s fun/awful watching people go through a first-time watch when they get to season 5 and hit that. ‘Character assassination in the form of a diary’ was a whole thing for a while. It’s been 20+ years and the actor who played Lennier is stilll mad about it (not because of shippy stuff, but because he - correctly! - thinks Lennier absolutely would not have done that). 
What *fandom* did, on the other hand, was Fixed The Problem.
Delenn/Lennier was not at all a big ship when the series was airing, and for a few years after. Then the fandom dynamics started to change. With less pressure on what canon was going to do, it felt like fandom had more space to play around with things it didn’t do. Fanfic got less interested in trying to fit within the overall story being told and started spinning off in all its own directions. And *this* ship started getting bigger and bigger. People did really interesting things with it, canon divergence went in all directions, everyone wrote a fix-it story of some variety, some authors did a great series of connected stories based on an idea that Minbari have three genders, the quality of the writing has been brilliant. And I think without that absolute whiplash feeling of what happened in canon, there would never have been this feeling of “well I’m not having THAT” which led to all this.
We did not need canon! Canon had done its thing. And canon had broken our hearts enough ways with many of the other stories it told (entirely on purpose) and we weren’t just going to sit back and let it ruin us forever.
By comparison, the other ship I was into was Marcus/Ivanova. This is entirely doomed. Susan Ivanova’s love life is just perpetually doomed. The first partner of hers we meet is an ex who’s interested in getting back together, but then it turns out he’s just using her to infiltrate the station for the fascist terrorist group he’s secretly joined. Then she falls for an archrival of hers, Talia, who works for Psi Corps, the organisation she loathes most of all things - but it’s okay because it turns out Talia is starting to question them too! Maybe these crazy kids can make it work! They have one night together and then OOPS turns out Talia was being secretly controlled by a sleeper personality implanted in her by Psi Corps the whole time. Ivanova’s love life is doomed. 
So for two seasons, she has this sort-of-flirty, sort-of-bickery, sort-of-friendship going with Marcus, who is on the surface of it very much “why not fall in love at first sight like a true romantic, YOLO!” but it turns out is actually deeply messed up himself and full of survivor’s guilt and pain and, you get the clear impression, would have died of shock if she’d actually called his bluff on the OTT flirting and said “yeah, let’s go for it”. And then he sacrifices himself to save her life. It is a very tragic ending, it is absolutely the way he would have wanted to go, she wakes up both furious and absolutely distraught, says that the last thing she heard was him saying “I love you”, says she wishes she’d at least slept with him once, and says that in a way all love is unrequited. PAIN. 
So, lots of fix-it fanfic, lots of ‘Marcus comes back to life’, lots of canon divergence AUs where he doesn’t die and they live happily ever after and both get over their huge levels of unresolved pain. Pretty standard for that kind of pairing. And as a pairing it doesn’t get in the way of any big canon pairings, it doesn’t imply anything icky like mentor/student power imbalances or adultery. And JMS clearly quite liked it. So that’s better, right?
NO. It was WORSE.
JMS wrote an Marcus/Ivanova story himself, published in one of the sci-fi magazines, to try to give them a happy ending. This happy ending involves Marcus, many many years in the future, waking up from the cryogenic suspension he’s in (it’s sci-fi, keep up, keep up). Ivanova is long dead, but he isn’t about to let this get in the way, so what he does is to *create a new Ivanova* by getting some kind of DNA + computerised memory/personality bank thing, finding a doctor who will clone her, putting himself back into animated sleep until the clone reaches the age Ivanova was when she died, then - THEN, I’M STILL GOING - takes her to a distant planet where, with her memories wiped and their spaceship having deliberately been crashed BY HIM so there’s no way back, they live out their lives in peace.
That pairing still does okay in fandom but it’s not really taken on a post-show world of headcanons and riffing on other people’s ideas and tropes in the way that Delenn/Lennier has (and we all just pretend that story never existed). 
So! This has been my experiences in the field of What We Do When The Show Has Thoughts On That Non-Endgame Ship We’re Into. Fandom manages. Fandom will see you through. And in the words of Susan Ivanova:
Babylon Five was the last of the Babylon stations; there would never be another. It changed the future, and it changed us. It taught us that we have to create the future, or others will do it for us. It showed us that we have to care for one another, for if we don’t, who will? And that true strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. Mostly though, I think it gave us hope that there can always be new beginnings - even for people like us.
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Helluva Boss Season 2 trailer break down. Pt 3: Ghost Fuckers!
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Ive been so fucking excited for this one since Brandon said it is his favorite episode he's worked on yet!!
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Okay so this might honestly just be me being crazy, but I have to talk about it. Blitzø is giving Taako so hard here. For everyone who has no clue what I'm talking about (which I assume is a lot, I doubt there's much cross over between these fandoms) Taako is a character from The Adventure Zone: Balance, a DnD actual play podcast done by the McElroy family. He is a fan favorite, him and other aspects of the series have been referenced in a lot of other animated shows.
I'm making this connection for a few reasons, most notably is the outfit, which is very reminiscent to the general fanon depiction of Taako, as well as how Blitzø's voice gets really high and sounds almost like Brandon's impression of Taako. All of this might be me reading into something that isn't there, trying to connect two of my favorite pieces of media.
Back to the actual episode:
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A few shots are scattered around the trailer of Blitzø and Millie fighting in two distinct scenes. The first is present day, It looks like Blitzø has been possessed and attacks Millie.
The second I believe is a flashback to when they met. Millie has long hair like we have seen her have in the past, most notably her and Moxxie's wedding photo. Their first encounter i believe is this fight, we will see this as well as some more with them properly meeting, like Blitzø being insanely impressed by how skilled Millie is, and offer her a job at I.M.P.
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I am just now noticing this on my final edits with these posts, I believe the scene where Blitzø crashes the van happens either early in this episode, or in the last two somewhere. because it looks here to be the van but extreamly damaged
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Here we see the owner of the hotel, still unnamed to my knowledge, having the same glowing eyes Blitzø has when he's possessed. I believe that means one of two things. Either here he is also possessed by the same or similar being. Or its him that is who possess Blitzø. I personlly suspect the latter. This episode is clearly going to have a strong Scooby Doo vibe, so the big bad really being the guy that brought them there in the first place makes the most sense.
Again I am sorry for the shit photo quality, and possible bad grammar and spelling. I currently have the posts for the rest of the episodes nearly done so expect those in the next few hours ♡ Id love to hear any other ideas or theories about the upcoming episodes, or anything I missed/got wrong!
Pt. 1: The Full Moon | Pt. 2 :Apology Tour | Pt. 3: Ghostfuckers | Pt. 4: Mastermind | Pt. 5: Sinsmas
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angelfirstclass · 10 days
X-men finale reaction...
OMG, hell yes. This was epic, this was a triumph and looking at all of the ten episodes together, THE best X-men adaptation ever. It did honor to the source material and was the best decision to keep it in the 90s and not modernize it And it took it beyond and super deep. The music was epic- I want the soundtrack or would attend a live concert of the music. Then the plot and fan service done to the viewers was chef's kiss perfection. There may be detractors out there and I may come down from this cloud and be able to nitpick but not now. I'm too excited and thrilled.
Firstly, I love that Disney is promoting X-men on the main page and was the first thing I saw when I opened the app. Yes, Disney! Disney/Marvel, congrats. You helped create a masterpiece of modern storytelling that revived an old almost forgotten piece of comic cartoon history and pulled it into the modern age. It was perfect timing and us old fans who grew up on TAS was thirsting after, but you also brought in new viewers and viewers like my husband who could care less about cartoon superheroes. But the storylines were compelling and the writing was deep, X-men 97 deserves its flowers. (Spoilers ahead).
Secondly, the writing and character development in this episode was fan service, it was perfection, and it was very well written. Starting with Cherik which I had some objections to last week due to feeling that Xavier was being holier than thou and not understanding Erik. But in this episode seeing the lengths that Xavier would go for Erik melted my heart. I still have some thoughts about Erik "making his X-men turn on each other" as I feel that they are grownups with their own minds, but the rest of the episode with Xavier cradling Erik and willing to go down with the ship with him is gold. Then they busted out the Badass X-women and I loved it! I am a huge Rogue fan and they did right by her- she was accepted back into the team no questions asked and she was so fierce. I teared up when she attacked Bastion with the "Remember it" line and I loved the whole team stepping up, working together to battle Bastion. I also loved the Cable/Scott/Jean storyline and we even got some Morpherine!
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Thirdly, some of my predictions came true! I predicted in a previous post that the Avengers and other Marvel characters would make cameos in the finale and I was right! It was a veritable who's who of Marvel characters and I cackled in delight when they popped up! Predictably, Iron Man and Captain America were in the White House with the President. I knew that they weren't sitting out on this one! Then we saw Daredevil, Silver Samurai, Black Panther and Dora Milaje, Psylocke and many more!
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Last but certainly not least, Apocalypse and more importantly DEATHBIT! As a ROMY shipper, I squeed so much at this! The fans have been dreaming about this since ep 5 as it gives us even a sliver of having some part of Gambit back and now it's confirmed with that Queen of Hearts cliffhanger. Oooh yes! Even if it's not the Real Remy back, just having Deathbit and a glimmer of Remy back in the storyline is juicy and desired indeed. There are a LOT of Romy and Gambit fans out there and this satisfies us and has us wanting more. Even if it's crazy and complicated, fans are going to eat up a Deathbit storyline, so yes please! And beyond Gambit, Apocalypse is a badass villain- kudos for the writers going here. Comic and Cartoon fans alike can agree that time travel is interesting and will come up with many cool, fascinating new storylines.
I can't wait until Season 2, but until then I will be rewatching the finale a million times. I am so glad that the writers understood the assignment and gave us this masterpiece. It calmed my Romy heart, gave us amazing battle sequences, had fun Marvel cameos, and perfectly set up next season.
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awfulwriter123 · 7 months
JumpScare ( Rhea Ripley X Reader One-shot)
Okay, i know i said i was not going to any one-shot's yes and i was going to start small, but its the spooky season and this came to mind with it being Halloween and with the Five Night's At Freddy's movie coming out, (anyone excited for that btw!?) so bare with me. As always criticism and tips are appreciated and happy reading everyone!! ❤️❤️
Warning's: Short and rhea being a dick....and not in that way...ya weirdo's
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-No one's pov-
"Oh god, why did i have to do this to myself!?" you said to yourself as you had the Five Night's At Freddy's (1) game opened and ready to go. Deciding to give it a shot since the first couple of game's were on sale for Halloween you thought "why not?" now you regret this decision.
"Okay, deep breath. First night should be fine right?! It's after that i gotta worry, you got this!" You hyped yourself up as you clicked 'New Game' and Night One 12:00 AM flashed across your screen. "Okay here we go."
-Meanwhile downstairs-
Rhea deiced to take a brake after cleaning up the house a bit, Considering you did it alot while she was on the road. She told you "Go find something to do love, let me clean for you, you've done enough." To which you kissed her on the cheek and thanked her multiple times while practically sprinting up the stairs.
Now here she was sitting on the couch with Barry's head in her lap, and Luna lounging around on the other side of the couch. Scrolling through her phone trying to find something to entertain herself during this mini break she was having.
"AHH!" You mother fucker!!" She heard coming from upstairs. She raised her eyebrow as she shot a look at the dogs, who obviously heard you considering both there head's and ear's were perked up and listening closely now.
"You fucken rabbit! Fuck off please I need the power!!!" She heard again. She chuckled to herself as she deiced to see what you were up to.
She slowly and as quietly as possible crept up the stair's and peered into your work room. She saw you playing....Five Night's At Freddy's!? She never knew you were into the games, let alone willing to PLAY them, but then she saw how tense you were and decided to have a bit of fun.
So as slowly and as quietly as she could she crept over, As Chica appeared at the door causing you to close it. "Great the gang's all here!! Now it's a party!! Go away!!!" You shouted basically at the monitor.
Rhea had to cover her mouth to stifle her laugh, as it would've blow her cover. She almost didn't scare you cause she felt bad. Almost.
"Oh come on 6 AM, Im almost out of power!" Rhea looked over to the top left side of the screen and saw 'Power 1%'. She waited for the right moment. 'Power 0%' all of the lights in the game went out and the door's opened.
"RAHHHHGGG!!!" "AHHHHH!!!!" You quickly spun around in your chair and threw your headphones off as you felt someone grab your shoulder's, only to find your lovable eradicator standing there dying of laughter.
"OH MY GOD!!! HA! HA! HA! THAT WAS GREAT!!!! SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!!! HA! HA!" She wiped a tear from her eye as you pouted and crossed your arms as your turned red from embarrassment.
"Your such a dick for that Rhea!" You smacked her arm, to which just giggled from it, trying not to laugh anymore. You then saw her eye's look behind you towards you monitor. "Im sorry babe, but i dont think your making it out of that one."
You looked behind you to see Freddy's face flashing in the doorway. You threw your hands up in aggravation and plopped back down into your chair. "Aw great you fucken bear, just killed me and get it over with!"
When the lights flickered off, you braced yourself for the jumpscare. Which never came cause you could hear the music start to play and your screen showed 5:59 AM switch to 6:00 AM.
You quickly squealed in excitement and hugged rhea as well, and who was she to reject one of your hug's? As you pulled away and looked at her. "I did it! i did it!!" You then proceeded to start doing a mini happy dance.
"What night was that anyways?" You paused your dancing as rhea asked that. "Uhhhhh....well you see.." Your screen flashed, '12:00 AM 2nd Night'.
Rhea just stared at you with a look of amusement and was about to say something when you pointed at her. "Not. A. Word." And sat back down in your chair and put your headset back on to try and beat the 2nd night.
You quickly looked to your left to see rhea pull up a spare chair and sit next to you to watch you play. You gave her a look of confusion and gratitude as you didn't have to suffer this alone.
When she looked at you and saw the look you were giving her, all she said was. "Ah i owe you, since i was a dick and scared you." She gave you a big smile. Which gave right back before giving her a quick kiss on the lips and then quickly turn back to the game to try and beat the 2nd night.
Now you just had to figure out how to get rhea back for that jumpscare.
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animebw · 2 months
Seasonal Reflection: Winter 2024 Anime
My feelings on the first anime season of 2024 can be summed up thusly: Most of my favorite shows from winter 2024 were continuations of shows that were already great from last season, not new entries. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and there were plenty of new anime I at least enjoyed watching. But it became clear about halfway through the season that aside from a couple fall 2023 holdovers, there was barely anything truly exciting going on here. Most of the adaptations I watched didn't do much to truly elevate their source material, and most of the few original series we got ended up the worst of the bunch. I can't say nothing good came out of winter 2024, but if this is any sign of how the rest of the year is gonna go, we may be in for a slog. For now, though, let's take stock of the anime I watched this season, and which ones are worth your time.
Metallic Rouge: 3/10
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If you asked me what the worst show I finished this season would be at the start, I never would've guessed Metallic Rouge. I mean, it's a cool-ass original sci-fi anime from Bones with slick 2D mecha animation, surely that's gotta be at least a little cool, right? Sadly, no. Because this is, without question, one of the most baffling scripts I've ever seen in anime. Almost every single detail of its world and plot are barely explained, if at all, and the mechanics of what's even supposed to be going on are so nebulous that every attempt at a plot twist feels like a twist on something that never actually existed. Characters are plopped into the story without even an introduction. At times it feels like whole scenes have been cut out entirely. The only thing I can compare it to is the original Suicide Squad movie from 2016: a story so cut to the bone in the editing room that you can barely tell what's supposed to be happening half the time, and yet enough of the original story remains to suggest it was never any good in the first place. The one thing it gets right is the prickly chemistry between its two leads, and then it fucking keeps them separated for like half the damn runtime! How do you even unforced error that badly?
Bucchigiri: 3.5/10
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Man, this was not a good season for original anime. Bucchigiri might not have been as staggering a writing trainwreck as Metallic Rouge, but its sin is arguably even worse; it's boring. It's a wacky, colorful high school delinquent romp with rainbow-haired Jojo's punks beating the snot out of each other with genie powers, it's sort of a re-imagining of Aladdin, it's got freaking Hiroko Utsumi at the helm, and it's boring. Why? Because this show gets absolutely stuck in the quicksand of its own status quo and refuses to budge an inch. Character growth is nonexistent, the protagonist is an aggravating loser wimp who never learns his lesson, and nothing of actual meaning happens from the first episode to the end. Literally everything you think is setting up a character arc where someone learns a lesson or grows as a person, all of it amounts to nothing. It's a limp, inert world that perpetuates the same overdone jokes and contrived, misunderstanding-based drama over and over again until all the outsized Utsumi visual personality feels like a tacky coat thrown on top of a lifeless corpse. What an utter waste.
Urusei Yatsura Season 2 (1st Cours): 5/10
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I'm still not quite sure what to make of the Urusei Yatsura remake. is it charmingly dated? Annoyingly dated? A welcome throwback or a sign that some things should stay in the past? If nothing else, it never fails to get at least a couple chuckles out of me every episode. But the more it tries to lean into being actually sincere, the more its inherent cheesiness and lack of depth starts becoming a problem. I'm sorry, this cast of characters is just too abrasive and purposefully insane to take seriously, and none of their relationships are healthy enough to unironically root for. Lum and Ataru are not a couple I want to see actually get together, at least not unless Ataru stops being such a fucking shithead. And if him being a jackass could be charming in season 1, then this season is really starting to test my patience with him. It's one thing to be a serial skirt chaser, but his actions this season regularly cross a line from womanizing to unambiguous sex pest, and there's only so many wooden mallets he can get knocked over the head with before it stops feeling like like he's getting punished as much as he deserves to be.
Undead Unluck (2nd Cours): 5/10
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Good news, everyone: Undead Unluck finally gave up on those awful groping gags that were ruining its central romance! Bad news: at the same time, it spontaneously developed one of the worst cases of recap padding I've ever seen! I'm not just talking overlong recap segments at the start of the episode, I'm talking constant flashbacks to events we just saw just moments before, straight up playing the same footage again just minutes apart, all climaxing in a truly unforgivable episode that spends seven goddamn minutes on recycled footage. Not even Tokyo Revengers was this bad with its time-wasting. And to add insult to injury, once it finally gets its feet unstuck and returns to a reasonable amount of recap for the final arc, it's probably the best arc of the entire show! It's some of the most bonkers high-concept emotional storytelling I've ever seen attempted, let alone pulled off so spectacularly. It's proof that there is so much brilliance to Undead Unluck, if it could just get out of its own way. But as long as it continues suffering from such massive systemic flaws, it's only ever going to be an also-ran.
Solo Leveling: 5.5/10
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Okay, look; is this show dumb as a bag of rocks? Absolutely. Is it as nakedly an adolescent power fantasy as any anime has ever been? Ditto. Does it solely exist for dweeby incels to feel like swaggering douchebag chads getting revenge on all the normies who looked down on them by becoming The Bestest Strongest Chadliest Awesomest Of All Time? You know it. But god dammit, it's actually fun. I cannot pretend I'm too mature and sophisticated to enjoy a big, helping heaping of dumb edgy schlock when it's actually done well. I'm the one person on the face of the earth who still caries water for Akame ga Kill, for crying out loud. And Solo Leveling makes two really smart storytelling choices that keep it (mostly) on the entertaining side of dumb fun: building a genuinely interesting and intricate world that exists well beyond the scope of the protagonist's actions (for now, at least), and making sure that no matter how stupidly overpowered Jinwoo gets, his opponents are always just a little bit even more stupidly overpowered, so he's still pushed to his absolute breaking point and barely scraping together a win by the skin of his teeth every time. There is an art to edge that's too often taken for granted, and this show is proof that being the living embodiment of a twelve-year-old boy's wet dreams is no excuse not to be at least a decent version of that. That said, let's be real, Jinwoo was so much more attractive before his supposed glow-up. Give my boy back his scraggly rat locks, you cowards.
Bang Brave Bang Bravern: 6/10
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What happens when a campy, cartoony 70s-style super robot anime crashes headfirst into a much grittier real robot anime? Well, what happens is Bang Brave Bang Bravern, the latest ten-car pileup of mismatched genres from the Cygames masterminds behind "What if horse racing but idols?" Take a desperate war story of survival against impossible odds, airdrop a skyscraper-sized superhero into the mix, and watch him completely shatter the original tone one cheekily ironic powerup and power-of-friendship speech at a time. It's a beautifully bonkers sendup of mecha tropes that has some of the funniest individual moments in this entire anime season, and the absolutely wild twist it pulls with the titular robot's identity in the back half is more than worth the price of admission on its own. Unfortunately, if it wanted to be as perfect a parody-until-it-isn't mecha series as Akiba Maid War was a parody-until-it-isn't mob flick, it probably should've tried being as long as most mecha series tend to be, i.e. more than just twelve measly episodes. There's just not enough time to develop any of the characters or world beyond the most essential parts, resulting in huge chunks of the supporting cast hanging around with nothing to do but take up space. And it leads to this show, which is trying to be so big and over the top, instead feeling so small and half-formed. Also, the secondary romance is gross. Like, really gross.
A Sign of Affection: 6/10
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I think this show has helped clarify something for me: I'm really getting tired of how quickly modern romance anime get their main couple together. As much as we rag on the endless will-they-won't-they of ages past, taking so much time to build up the characters and their relationship before they finally make it official can result in some truly one-of-a-kind storytelling when done right. I might agonize over how long Sawako and Kuronoma take to get together in Kimi ni Todoke, but the payoff is so transcendent that none of those complaints matter. Whereas Yuki and Itsuomi getting together so quickly in A Sign of Affection... I mean, they're cute, I guess? His cool demeanor plays off her sincerity very well? But it feels like the show's in such a rush to get to the good stuff- and so determined to make Istuomi the dreamiest, most perfect boyfriend ever- that it skips over so much of the careful character-building that makes all the best anime romances so special. It's a sugary sweet confection, but wipe the frosting away and there's just not that much cake underneath. Honestly, I find the side characters a lot more interesting because they're allowed to have messy internal conflicts with a bit more meat on their bones. But hey, props for putting a deaf heroine at the center of your shoujo romance and taking so much time to explore how that affects the way she interacts with the world. That's a cause well worth celebrating.
Sengoku Youko: 6.5/10
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Rejoice, everyone, we finally have an adaptation of a Satoshi Mizukami work that doesn't look like absolute garbage! After the flaming disaster that was Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer's barely animated hackjob production, Sengoku Youko has arrived to give the cult fave manga artist a chance for his work to actually shine on the silver screen. As someone who only knows him through Planet With, I've always wondered if Mizukami deserved the reputation his manga gets, and with White Fox delivering as tight and intense a production as they gave Re:Zero, I guess it's time to finally find out. And the answer is... mostly? Like, the biggest problems in this sci-fi/feudal fantasy mashup are the characters being a little too eager to state the themes out loud and one pretty crummy death that's about as hamfisted and over-telegraphed as I've seen in a while. But there's a shockingly gripping narrative underlying it all, a story about the scars trauma leaves on people, of characters making bad decisions and facing real consequences for them, of hatred and poisonous ideology forced to reckon with the more complex reality of the world as a whole. And it all climaxes in an absolute barn-burner final episode that knocked my score up a half point all on its own. If future seasons can make good on all the potential this first season has set up, then I may just end up a Mizukami fan myself when all is said and done.
Blue Exorcist Season 3: 6.5/10
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I'm of two minds about Blue Exorcist's second return after a six-year gap between seasons. On one hand, it's clear the new staff is just nowhere near as talented as the folks who first brought this series to life at A-1 Pictures. The action is abysmal, the storyboarding is clunky, and the animation feels like it's constantly fighting for its life to maintain a passable standard. And it sucks that a series that once brought such great life to its story is now held back by such a mediocre production. But on the other hand... holy fuck, am I glad Blue Exorcist is back. I once described The Devil is a Part-Timer as the mathematical average of anime as a concept, but if you were to ask me what the best possible version of that mathematical average looks like? It would be Blue Exorcist. This is, hands down, one of the best straightforward shonen action stories in the whole medium, a reminder of why all the most generic and overused tropes were once powerful enough to become generic and overused in the first place. It's proof that even the simplest of "superpowered teens kick demon butt with the power of friendship" concepts can result in a wonderful goddamn series when handled with good old-fashioned storytelling fundamentals. And not even the rough-as-hell production is enough to keep season 3 from delivering on the thrills, tears, laughs, and cheers that make this series so magical. Just, please, give the next season more time in the oven so it doesn't feel like it's wading through molasses to hit those heights. Okay?
Delicious in Dungeon (1st Cours): 7/10
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Delicious in Dungeon's biggest problem is that it takes a while to really settle into itself. The opening scene of the protagonist's sister being devoured by a dragon sets the tone for an intense and desperate rescue mission, but the actual series that follows this harrowing opening is as lackadaisical as can be. And it's jarring to be thrust into a gag-filled, character-driven fantasy cooking comedy where the harsh tone of that opening scene and the ticking clock of Falin's digestion completely disappear from the characters' heads in favor of how beast to cook and eat the various fantasy monsters they encounter in the dungeon. Yes, it makes a little more sense once the mechanics of death and resurrection are explained later on, but it's a weird note to start on. Which is a shame, because once Delicious in Dungeon gets a handle on what kind of story it's trying to be, it's really fun! Its sense of deadpan comedy coupled with Trigger's expressive animation makes for some really unexpected gags, and the way it explores its fantasy cuisine is genuinely some of the most creative stuff I've ever seen in the cooking anime genre. Plus, with the dark tone coming back in at the end of the first cours- and landing much more naturally this time- I have high hopes for how this series will marry those two sides of itself moving forward. If the manga fans' reactions are any indication, I think we're in for a damn good time.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2nd Cours): 8/10
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So remember in my last post how I said that it was kind of disappointing whenever Frieren turned into an action show because of how disconnected the fights were from the beating heart that makes this show so special? Well, apparently the writers heard me and decided what I meant was I wanted this peaceful, meditative tale about grief, change and the passage of time to turn into the goddamn Hunter Exams for ten episodes straight. It's one of the most shockingly ill-advised storytelling swerves I've seen in an otherwise good show, discarding all this series' strengths in favor of a half-baked tournament arc with tonally jarring grimdark elements and a bland, overstuffed cast of characters who only start becoming interesting in the rare moments they're allowed to stop slinging spells at each other and just, like, talk about life? You know, the stuff that Frieren's actually good at? Not this brainless slice of shonen envy that only avoids being a complete slog thanks to how spectacular the action is across the board? Ugh. Look, Frieren is officially the most beloved anime on the goddamn planet right now, and its best moments are so incredible that I wish I could join that chorus as well. But it's so disappointing to me that a show this singular and special has so often chosen to be the least interesting version of itself.
The Dangers in My Heart Season 2: 8.5/10
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It's official: director Hiroaki Akagi is the master of middle school rom-coms. No other creator so perfectly grasps the specific blend of immaturity, awkwardness, cringe, and heart-on-sleeve sincerity that defines the love stories of early adolescence. That was already clear with his work on Teasing Master Takagi-san, but now that he's pulled it off twice, there's no room left for argument. And just like with Takagi-san, the second season of The Dangers in My Heart takes a show that was already shockingly good and catapults it into all-time greatness. This is a coming-of-age triumph, a soaring tribute to embracing your own cringeworthy self, flaws and all, and sharing that self openly with the people who matter most to you. Ichikawa's journey toward maturity, Yamada's journey toward self-love, and the way their romance sparks the best in both of them is the stuff that dreams are made of. I laughed, I cried, I squealed like a little girl, and I felt my heart grow three sizes by the time it was done. This is a new gold standard for anime rom-coms, and if you can stomach a bit of groanworthy fanservice, it more than deserves your attention.
The Apothecary Diaries (2nd Cours): 8.5/10
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Most of the time when I cover a two-cours show on these seasonal reflections, I end up in a pretty different place by the end of the second cours than I did at the first. Either it sort of fell apart in the second half, or found its footing and took it to the next level, or it changed in some interesting way that affects how I view the show as a whole. But The Apothecary Diaries has stayed the course from the first episode all the way to the end. Start to finish, it's remained pretty much the same show, with the same ideas and attitude, exploring the same themes in the same ways. And you know what? When you're as good as The Apothecary Diaries ended up being, there's nothing wrong with that. This is a spectacular historical drama that builds such a rich, compelling world for its equally rich, compelling characters to inhabit. It's a powerful exploration of how old society treated the disadvantaged- women, poor people, people with all severities of disability- and how one deeply abnormal girl carves her way through this viper's den with her body and soul intact. It's the kind of mature, thoughtful series we so rarely seen done this well, and with the announcement of a season 2 already confirmed, we may well end up with close to 50 episodes when all is said and done. That, folks, is what a true shoujo/josei renaissance looks like. And I'm so happy such a deserving series is leading the way in reminding us how damn good women's stories can be when they're given a chance to shine this brightly.
Cherry Magic: Dropped at 2 episodes for looking like butt and the central romance feeling pretty lifeless.
High Card Season 2: Dropped at 1 episode because I realized I didn't care anymore.
Ninja Kamui: Dropped at 2 episodes for being dull tryhard edgy bullshit with overdone fight scenes that are impossible to follow.
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5-pp-man · 3 months
another tierlist because ppl actually liked that first one;
the crème de la crop;
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the first 2 eps i thought it was fine, but it didnt really captivate me as much as id hoped. but then ep 3 changed everything for me. i started to think "how could living armour work logically? everything so far has been edible, so this must be too, right?" i actually managed to think of the exact thing that this series did. that really made me realise the worldbuilding in this was something unique, and it only got better and better with each episode. its really managed to captivate me and i look forward to "delicious donderdag" every week :)
ANIME ORIGINAL LETS GOOOO absolutely bonkers show that almost slipped by me because it initially tried to fool its audience into thinking it was a regular dramatic military show. it still is but theres also a giant robot who plays by saturday morning cartoon giant robot rules. if that sounds like tonal whiplash to you, trust me, it is. and its amazing. have i mentioned how homoerotic this one is as well? yeah. originally a tier below this one, but immediately after finishing this post i watched the newest ep. i had to make an exception and edit the list because ep 9 changes everything. i havent been gobsmacked by a show this hard in a while.
(return of the) show(s) that execute their own premise very well;
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i havent read the manga for yubisaki to renren so i cant compare, but the quality of this adaptation has been very consistent. you need a little sweet romance every once in a while :) this is one of those series where the characters really grew on me the longer it went on. im always a fan of mixing realistic struggles with romance and this one has been doing it well so far
adaptations that are ok (i read the manga for both of these);
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i've been a mashle fan since before s1 aired. and the anime has some good changes and additions here and there! but its not very consistent in terms of quality, it does that shonen thing where the animation quality suddenly spikes for certain action sequences, but it also frequently had a lot of scenes where they recycle shots a lot and nothing interesting happens on the screen for a considerable amount of time. still! its a fine adaptation. and yeah the op for this. blew tf up lmao? very strange to see happen in real time
i actually rlly like the manga for this one. i read the whole thing up until vol.6 before the season started (all that was available back then) and it made me cry multiple times throughout. i was sort of missing that connection with the show, though some of the later episodes still hit. its mostly to do with the animation quality, which isnt that great unfortunately. the voice actors are knocking it out of the park though
wghere am i;
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is this show good? i. uh. will you hate me if i say yes...? objectively, i know its not that good. especially in the animation department. but if you like other Umatani shows, you'll like this one. it's got the same brand of goofy reactionary humour mixed with gimmicky tacky characters and crazy stupid plot twists. ive been faithfully watching this one each week and I'm afraid i've become very invested. overscientific indeed
bro you fell off...;
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i was so beyond excited for this one. i replayed the op a million times, watched each preview, rewatched multiple episodes. and then. ep 5 happened. and i started to realise. oh this show kind of sucks doesnt it? the pacing of the first ep was great, but the rest? way too fast. it became clear with ep 6 that theyre trying to do a double cour show with half the length, which is why they started hauling ass plot-wise. now. i was an arajin apologist for the longest time. but at that point i honestly started to loathe him. even when he stepped up, his praise still felt sort of unearned. and to top it all off, shindou's motivation sucked so he felt like a lousy antagonist. ep6 was better than 5, but it really made me lose my enthusiasm and hope for the series. and right as we were talking about them probably not having time for a filler ep, ep7 happened. feels like a waste of time to do an ep like that when you've still got a whole 2nd arc to go through. but who am i
it started off pretty good honestly. but then chris went to the hospital and it kind of just dwindled from there. this season does so much with characters that have not even been properly introduced like how am i supposed to care about these people if i barely know who they are. the stuff with finn and leo respectively was good though. but the lore dump? lord help me. also vijay just kind of. exists to be there in the background huh? i would not call him a main character they never give him any attention. wendy had another ep again and he didnt get shit. again. also i think finn was stupid as fuck for not listening to lala but again. who am i. i know we cant destroy high card because we need a show but. cmon man.
i am severely behind on these;
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reason why im behind is because most of the eps are a bit heavy so i kept. not watching them. its starting to get rlly interesting though so i'm def gonna catch up this is one of those robo-racism shows so i have to really watch out to see where its going. dont want another marginal service situation...
sorry this is just. a little too boring for me. its charming, sure. but i think this wouldve worked better as something with an 11 min timeslot instead of 23 min. theres just a bit too mu- or well, too little for me to rlly get into this. i think reading it would be more fun for me personally
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lovesickry · 8 months
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- come out and play.
┈⋆⭒ daniel ricciardo x fem!reader [3.1k] ┈⋆⭒ part 5 !
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ find all parts here! ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ contains: 18+, minors dni, bitchy reader, bitchy Daniel, unnecessary angst .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⎯ a/n: its getting juicy don't fear
the start to the season was approaching and you weren’t sad as such but part of you was feeling a little bit almost left out that they’d be leaving and you’d be staying. they’d be living their life flying from different countries every week and you’d be here. in london working and studying and only seeing your one friend. it was a little bit hard to stomach how isolated that made you feel. they had both been such a big part of your life in the recent weeks or months, you hadn’t kept count of the time that had flown by. it was late early march now and the first race of the season was the 29th. you’d knew they’d be leaving soon. you'd called Daniel and Lando seperately on the day they were leaving, they both expressed their discontent that you wouldn't be present. you laughed it off, tuning in every practice session and on Sunday. Daniel was struggling more than Lando and you had the urge to call him or something, something that just friends wouldn't do, but it hurt he was miserable most of the time, in those interviews he looked completely worn down. it had a week since they'd both been gone and you'd mostly got on with it, you liked a fair amount of mundanity but you weren't unhappy when Daniel reach out.
tuesday morning (following week)
(1) new message: Daniel Ricciardo
hey wasn’t sure if lando has already reached out, and i know that you have uni work and stuff (geek). BUT, if you were interested in coming to Italy for the race, i can get you a pass? we’d both love it if you came. 😉
it was a no brainer. yes of course. a fucking f1 race and a paddock pass from a driver, obviously. yes you had uni but come on you have a laptop for that and you can do it on the train. you composed yourself and went to grace, who was thrown across the couch. your smile told her everything she needed to know. daniel. you showed her the text and she was as happy as you were, pushing and shoving you. insisting you go.
“i know i know” your insisting, slightly encouraging her to calm down slightly, but enjoying the justification of your emotions. after the debrief of packing and transport and all the boring stuff, you texted him back. of course you would love to come, do you meet him there or go there together, what happens? you were basically asking a lot of questions but overall starting with a very firm, yes. obviously.
trying to curb your sheer excitement you went to work on one of your recent assignments. figuring if you were pathetic to obsess over a man who was quite literally a formula one driver, you could channel that energy into your uni work that you wouldn’t be doing over the weekend, since you were in a different country. what you hadn’t expected was reaching for your phone an hour and a half later and seeing that daniel had replied. (you had changed his contact name in your phone, figuring you're on first name basis now.)
(1) new message from: danny
oh yeah, well i mean we’ll figure out all the lil things later but you can come with the team, with me and lando. we’re allowed a guest each so, if that sounds good with you i can get a car to pick you up wednesday morning for the flight. we have a few days before we race so we can have some fun.
is that all okay?
yes omg, but are you sure?
yeah of course!
you were shamelessly blushing looking down at your phone. you were giddy and you loved it. your assignment lay unedited on your bed as you flicked through your closet debating what to pack, enlisting graces help as you always do. Trying to relay to her the exact niche of what you wear to a formula one race. You think she understood? Or at least had a clearer mind than you did. packing was a lengthy and drawn out endeavour, one which resulted in the complete disregard of a suitcase but rather just a pile of clothing options on the floor that were the "options". so as far to say went well.
you only had 2 days before you left and you wondered if you should bother calling your parents, you decided against it, they never really cared anyway. they barely called you once a month, let alone to announce their coming's and going's. the next 2 days pass in a blur of preparing to go to Austria and uni and work, you're glad someone could take your shift, because they didn't love you enough to not get mad for just flaking.
Wednesday morning, 6:38am
(1) new message from: danny
the driver is outside whenever you're ready
you said goodbye to grace and drag yourself and your bag outside, hoping your state is acceptable enough. the man gets out of the car and greets you with a smile taking the luggage from you and putting it in the back of the car. it was all so fucking fancy. you sent Daniel a text
I forgot you were rich this is insane, you might be my favourite person ever.
im telling lando you said that
don't you dare
you arrive at the airport just as the sun rises and thank the driver profusely before going to the departures terminal. you arrive at bologna at around 1pm Italian time. lando had promised to pick you up and sure enough as you walked out of the terminal they were both standing there, boyish and bright and nudging each other. joking and pointing, seeing who would spot you first. neither of them did. when they finally do they feign shock and you walk towards them . they both engulf you with a hug and you can't help but laugh, Daniel holds your gaze as you pull away and get lead to the car.
the drive isn't too long to where they're staying near Imola and the scenery is so beautiful, you send grace a few pictures and post one on your story. you figure you fell asleep because you don't remember pulling up to the hotel but you remember Lando's face in yours and Daniel standing back laughing, you rub your eyes and glare at him.
"how'd you sleep" lando says with a snort.
"shove off" you say, getting your stuff out of the back seat and pushing him out of the way.
"you're a snorer did you know?' Daniel says looking between you and lando.
your eyes widen for a second before realising hes joking.
"no I am not" you say, quite matter of factly as you walk into the foyer of the hotel. trying not to drop your jaw as you're met with one of the swankiest hotels you've ever seen. your room is equally impressive as Daniel and lando insist to give you a grand tour. you settle in and receive a text from both of them, inviting you for dinner with the other drivers and some friends. you say yes and they say they'll be at yours around 7 and to dress semi-casual, whatever that meant. there wasn't much to watch on the TV seeing as it was all in Italian so you settled on the repetition of a few favourite albums as you were getting ready, settling on a long skirt and a nice fitting top. the skirt was long and loose and the top was short and tight, complementary you thought. you had only packed one pair of heels so settled on that pair, they were reasonably comfortable and were a favourite of yours. you'd finished getting ready at 6:45, needing a 15 minute period of silence to get ready to interact with people who you'd literally only ever seen on TV. you honestly could've taken another nap before leaving, you were exhausted.
Lando and Daniel show up right on time and in sheer gentlemanly fashion fight over who gets shotgun. you step back and after having a heated, whispered conversation look over at you to say, "who should drive".
"do scissors, paper, rock."
they nod at that statement and continue, lando winning and Daniel storming towards you in a faux sulk.
"you'll be okay" you say jokingly, patting Daniel on the back.
"ill never get over it" he says, closing his eyes and turning away in a kind of show to Lando.
"okay children lets go" a shocking line said by Lando who in most situations is the child but you oblige.
the restaurant is magical, the only words you can come up with, its a big long table all set up outside and its in a winery and its all so beautiful, shamelessly taking photos of everything and quite literally anything. you're not the first to arrive but it seems that others haven't yet arrived. you sit down next to Charles who is sat next to Pierre and Kika. his face is nearly jarring, how just absolutely perfect it is. you weren't attracted to him like that, but oh my god he was definitely something nice to look at. he shakes your hand quite formally and introduces himself before asking what you do, you respond that you're studying, to which his interest peaks and you get into a conversation about that. the conversation ebbs and flows as more people arrive and Daniel and Lando drift out of your vision to go talk to other drivers. its getting dark and you're on your third drink when kika and Pierre come over and introduce themselves to you, you're already in a group with Carlos, Charles, Alex and lily. Kika seems lovely and while you don't seem to be a massive fan of Pierre he seems to be close with Charles so he doesn't speak to you much. lily is just about the sweetest person you'll ever meet and you talk to her and Kika for a while before you excuse yourself to go find Lando or Daniel, having not seen either of them in a while. you stop by the bar first and manage to spot Daniel chatting on the phone just off to the side, you don't meant to be nosy but with the rigidity of his posture you're guessing he's not too happy and you don't want to make him feel like he's all alone, that's the last thing you want him to feel.
you approach, with slight caution trying to wave before you get to close as to say, "promise im not eavesdropping". your effort is futile as he hangs up the phone and turns around swiftly coming face to face with you. his eyes are red and his jaw is tense. his eyes slightly widen at the proximity of you both.
"what are you-"
"are you okay?" hoping these words project the sincerity that you mean to.
he smiles at you, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
"im just fucking angry to be honest, work shit is killing me"
you tilt your head, squinting your eyes slightly before returning a small grin.
"wanna talk about it"
"you're drunk Dylan"
"this is only my third, so no im not and you're avoiding the question"
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"okay then ill just go back to talking to Charles then" you say dramatically and turn to leave, he grabs your wrist and you turn towards him with a puzzled look.
"don't" he says softly.
you meet his eyes, softer now, his jaw still clenched. moments like these you notice how beautiful he is. he is always beautiful, but away from the crowds and the fans when he is at ease and his face is shadowed in the moonlight you notice and not only do you notice but you look and its hard to draw yourself away from it to respond.
"I thought you didn't want to talk"
"I don't" he grunts out
you roll your eyes.
before he can finish what he is saying, lando comes upon from behind you, scaring you. you jump and turn around, slapping him in the shoulders. he's still recovering when he tries to speak.
"so you were just going to abandon me, you guys suck"
Daniel waits for you to answer, head turned towards you.
"Daniel just wanted to run away from you" pointing at lando.
you turn towards Daniel giving him a sympathetic look.
"I swear im coming back, just give me a sec"
lando smirks at you and Daniel before walking off.
"well" you say lowly, awaiting his complete response since he was cut off by Lando.
"nothing" blankness filled his features
"oh come on if you're angry wouldn't you rather let it out"
"no" his gaze hardens.
your shoulders drop, honestly fairly fed.
"go back and talk to Charles"
"go back and flirt with Charles "
there's now words, the most you can do is scoff in his fucking smug face.
"yeah okay dickhead" you more confused at his outburst than angry but it gets you riled up nonetheless.
you meet Lando back at the table and he presents you with your fourth drink and some appetisers as the night cools down and people loosen up. Daniel returns shortly after, though notably less content then when he left, he inserts himself into a conversation with Sebastian and Lance and seems reasonably talkative, though you don't ignore the look he gives you from across the table.
somehow you find yourself with a fifth drink at the corner of the table between Carlos and Charles, its completely harmless, you're really not flirting, or at least not trying to, but the burning look that Daniel continues to give you is getting unavoidable. Carlos and Charles are talking about something irrelevant while you make small side comments every now and again before again, excusing yourself for another drink. if Daniel was going to say you're drunk, the least you could do was get drunk. you meet with Lando at the bar who you stay a while to chat with, its easy talking to Lando and he's fun, you take a few shots and some other drivers join you though next to Lando so you're not too sure exactly who they were. on the third round of shots nearly every driver is at the bar and you notice Daniel's presence more than anyones.
you go outside for some air and you wish you could say you were surprised when you turn around and see Daniels coming after you.
your leant up against the wall when he finally opens his mouth.
"im sorry"
you wait for him to continue.
"about before, im sorry"
"which part?"
"all of it"
"are you still angry?"
"you do a good job at hiding it" genuinely impressed with his composure.
"not healthy though" he scoffs
"fair enough"
"should probably go punch something"
"not a fan of talking?" you say
"no I love talking, just not about this shit"
"this shit?" you question.
"work shit, meaningless shit, shit that makes my blood fucking boil"
you nod and he moves next to you, occupying the space next to you.
"I wasn't flirting with Charles you know?"
he turns and looks at you.
"I know. Charles thought you were though"
"but you know I wasn't"
"but he didn't"
"so he wanted you, that made me angrier, the way he looked at you" he's grimacing now, as he speaks out.
"I made you angry?" you move infant of him, wanting to read his emotions slightly.
"I wish you didn't" he says honestly and then continues
"you shouldn't, I shouldn't be angry, I shouldn't be this fucking angry about my mate just talking to you" he's tensing his jaw now, and shaking his leg, avoiding your gaze.
"take it out on me" the words leave your mouth before you can stop it and his heads perks up.
"what" he breaths out, gulping.
"you know what I mean"
"I shouldn't"
you move closer to him, touching the skin of his neck with the tips of your fingers, he inhales sharply at your touch and closes your eyes.
"fuck" he says.
your hand moves up and down his neck and goes to cup his jaw, he moves into your touch, unknowingly. though he appears to still be fighting himself, refusing to touch you, hands clenched at his sides. eyes screwed shut.
his eyes open at his name and you give him a wanton look.
“don’t” he says, nostrils flaring, hands open and closing again.
“fuck” his hands stretch out and grasp your waist, pulling you into him. he moves his head to your neck, breath fanning there for a while, before moving one of his hands to your lower back. you close your eyes at his touch, succumbing to it as his hands move up and down the side of your body. moving your shirt up so his hands are on your bare waist.
"you feel so good"
his words make you weak, spineless, boneless. just for him. your already on fire and he hasn't even kissed you. yeah lets change that.
there's animosity in the force that brings you two together, he kisses with a kind of breathlessness you weren't ready for. your hands grasping at his hair as he pulls you impossibly closer to him hands both resting on the small of your back. you both break for air and his pupils are blown, in a swift motion you are now the one against the wall and Daniel is covering his whole body with yours, kissing down your neck, licking the place he dwells over and the places which seem to have you squirming. you're tilting your neck for more access as he seems to not get enough of you, having to pull his face up in line with yours and kiss him just to get his attention. he moans into the kiss as you bite his bottom lip softly, his hand is tangled in your hair as you feel his hips buck into yours. fuck you were so warm. the heat from everything happening nearly becoming too much. he feels so fucking go-.
"Dylan, Daniel where are you" the voice sounds distant but loud enough and your eyes snap open at the source. Daniels body is off yours in a second and he looks like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as he smooths his hair and adjusts his pants. you're not too sure what to do, gain composure is your only choice. you follow Daniel after a bit and walk back inside, the crew is now slightly more drunk than when you left and Daniel is nowhere to be seen.
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chemtrailsovertheccs · 9 months
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I don’t like sour candy
carl grimes imagine
I don't even know if anyone even reads these but I write for fun so here I am . August is ALMOSt over and the spirit of the pumpkin spice and apple cider has already tangled itself on me. So this one will be fall themed! If you're not in the mood for a sparkle of autumn you can read this one later on. For the ones obsessed with fall this is for you. Really hope you enjoy!
the crisp air whirled around the town and made its way trough the now maroon, ginger, orange and some bald trees. the fallen leaves had painted the streets of Alexandria, every now and then collecting into piles children love to jump into. harvest season was here! that was the main event in fall. meant the town will have food to spare, to the Hilltop, to the Kingdom, to Oceanside. trades are important. all this joy inside the walls of your town even made you forget about the creepiest of halloween monsters: the walkers. you barely went on runs now, everyone was set for a while. speaking of which, you had planned a run with Carl to search for a candy shop, to make a surprise for the kids in town. crazy, runs are risky and you're doing this for some sweets? plus, they'll be expired and produce some serious tummy aches. as long as they taste good! you've decided you really wanted to top the cake with a cherry and do this. imagine the faces of the kids when they find out!
you had convinced the people in charge of the crops to plant some pumpkins a few months ago, not just for the decorations, but you were sure Carol could really make some nice pumpkin pie. they were now ready to reap and you couldn't feel happier.
it was morning now, a very cozy morning wrapped around in some really thick blanket with Carl right by your side. you were so excited to go on this run that you've decided to wake up at 6 in the morning, when even the sun wasn't awake yet. you opened your eyes, and took a long look at what was surrounding you. the smell of musky pine and wood was all around the room, like if someone had sprinkled the scent around. the warmth of the blanket AND your boyfriend kinda made you not want to wake up just yet. you turned around to find a deep-sleeping Carl who was probably peacefully dreaming about you. the sight of him sleeping so carelessly made your eyelids feel as heavy as fridges and you feel asleep again, for a couple of hours.
8 AM now, you noticed the weak rays of sun make their way trough your curtains and you stood on your elbows, just now acknowledging that you had fallen asleep again. you found your Carl obviously still sleeping, in the same exact position you had seen him just two hours ago. you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to wake him up. he took his time to wake up (you were actually very very happy about this, because you know not long ago he hadn't been able to sleep more than 3 hours a night which wasn't good at all; and nowadays he sleeps very well). he opened his eyes a little, adjusting to the not-so-strong light of the sun. he smiled and rolled over. "5 more minutes, love" he managed to say, but it came out muffled because his face was in a pillow. "we have the candy run today love. you can have 5 more minutes though, I'm going to the bathroom to start getting ready" you spoke and got up, freezing a bit due to the change from underneath the warmth to the chilly room. you washed your face, brushed your teeth, did your hair in the comfiest and most practical way you can wear it, and wore your cosiest run-approved clothes.
when you were about to leave the bathroom, half asleep Carl entered and gave you a big hug with no words exchanged. his hair was a bit messy but that's how you liked it the most. this man also sleeps in his underwear every day of the year. just underwear for the lower part of his body. spring, summer, fall and winter. oh, but of course he had this big grandpa sweater on which made no sense to you but it didn't matter (that changes to a t-shirt when the weather is warm). you'd love this man even if he slept with nothing on. "it's just too hot for my legs! i can't wear those long pants" he said to you when u asked the first night this happened. undeniably the no-pants rule wasn't around when he couldn't sleep at night, he was too scared that something will happen and he'd have to wake up fast and leave. now the pants are on his nightstand, near. just in case.
"how was your sleep?" you asked while the hug was still going on. "it was incredible. I slept like a rock. yours?" he replied, still hugging you. "very nice. I woke up once but fell asleep right after" you answered. "so glad to hear that love. I'll be ready in ten minutes, you can wait for me downstairs" he then smiled and you broke the hug, you gave him a quick kiss and ran downstairs, not before hearing a disappointed "hey!" because it happened all too fast.
in less than ten minutes, because this man is desperate, he was downstairs and ready to go. "what about breakfast?" you stopped him right before he was about to kiss you. "oh, yeah right" he embraced you with his arms a planted a long kiss on you, so full of love that even his cowboy hat fell off his head. you laughed a bit and grabbed a couple of cookies Carol had given to you just yesterday and a few clementines. you had everything you needed because you had been so excited about this run that you got everything ready the night before. you grabbed your things and left the house. Rick and Michonne knew about this run and they probably thought there was more to it than just a bunch of candy, otherwise they wouldn't have let you guys go for sure. they were waiting at the gate, along with Eugene and Aaron. "be safe alright?" Rick insisted. he didn't like any of you, Carl or yourself, going on your own to runs for your own safety, but he knew you were capable of this and more, so he just hugged you both and wished you good luck on your searching journey. Michonne did the same and Eugene and Aaron opened the gate and said goodbye. you entered the car and after a few minutes, you were already on the go.
you enjoyed so much spending time with Carl, not like you barely did, you took every chance you could to spend time with him, so you were together most of the time, but just never got tired of it.
you love him and he loves you, deeply, like an old 1950's love.
"I'm really hoping we stumble across a big can of chocolate pudding, or chocolate bars" Carl added. "yeah I thought that's what you were craving. I was thinking about some sour gummies, like the ones they used to sell for trick or treating when that was a thing." you excitedly spoke. " I don't think I've ever told you, even though you know almost everything about me. I'm not a huge fan of anything sour, but especially candy. like, it's supposed to be sweet, not lip-puckering." he explained. "but if that's what you like, I promise we're not leaving before we find at least a tiny bag of them" he said before you could even think of an answer for what he said before. you just smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "love you to the moon and to Saturn" he smiled and replied with the same quote. "love you to the moon and to Saturn"
-will make a part 2 if requested (or not) <3
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jjunsolos · 10 months
LET ME IN! - youre special
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synopsis - jeon yn is a mysterious human being. people only know her as “kazuhas silent buddy”. this makes beomgyu curious. curious enough to try and befriend yn himself. if only she wasnt so stubborn…
warnings - written, angst (ish), they kiss, mentions of food, mentions of blood (no ones bleeding), i think thats it but lmk if im mistaken
wc - around 1k (i rlly dont know what happened😭 it was supposed to be like 748 words)
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‘seasons’ by wave to earth plays on the radio as you drive down the street, about a block away from beomgyu’s house. youd be wrong to deny that youre a little excited to hang out with beomgyu. maybe its because you missed the feeling of having fun with beomgyu. or maybe youre just excited to go out. nothing to do with beomgyu, right? … we both know thats not the truth.
soon enough, you find yourself in front of beomgyus house. he lives with his parents but theyre usually at work around this time of day. seeing that he wasnt outside already, you decide to pull out your phone and text him.
‘im outside’ you send.
read 1:04 pm
‘omw☺️’ he replies. you chuckle, putting the car in park and then wait patiently for beomgyu to come out.
‘candy rain’ by soul for real plays as you sit in the cool car. then from the corner of your eye, you see beomgyu rushing out the door. a little scoff escapes your lips as you let a small smile spread across your face. beomgyu reaches for the door and yanks it open, out of breath. before you could scold him for almost breaking your car (that you nearly sold your soul for), he speaks first.
“hey~” he says, an attempt to flirt with you. his arms are resting against the roof of your car, a smirk displayed on his lips. despite the blood that rushes to your cheeks, you give him an unamused look.
“you better sit down before i speed off without you” hearing this, beomgyu rushes into the passenger seat, closing the door behind him. you both buckle up at the same, sitting in awkward silence for a hot minute.
you take a small glance at beomgyu before quickly averting your gaze back to your lap. clearing your throat, you decide to speak up.
“do.. do you wanna connect?” beomgyu snaps his head to you and nods excitedly, like a little kid. as he proceeds to connect, you start to drive away from his house.
‘one wish’ by ray j plays as beomgyu immediately starts to sing along. he rolls down his window and starts passionately singing the lyrics to random strangers on the street. some laugh, some look at him weirdly. meanwhile you do both. its hard to focus on driving when beomgyus next to you, shouting “if i had one wish” off tune.
when you arrived to an amusement park, beomgyu started to shout and jump excitedly in his seat, ‘always’ playing quietly in the back. you chuckle at beomgyus energy.
“excited much?” you tease. beomgyu freezes and turns to you.
“me? pffsh,” he waves you off “i dont get excited over such.. childish things”
from excited to unbothered, beomgyu sits, acting as if he isnt about to pass out due to excitement.
“so.. should we go somehwere else?” it was just a joke. but beomgyu looked like he would actually start crying if you backed out from the parking lot.
“please no..” he nearly whimpers. puppy eyes on full display. you roll your eyes and rush him out the car.
the air smells of greasy hotdogs and cotton candy. youve been here multiple times with soo and kazuha, but this is your first time going with beomgyu.
“lets go!” beomgyu exclaims. and before you know it, youre being dragged by the arm.
10 rollercoasters, 2 cotton candy cones, 3 hotdogs (cause beomgyu ate his AND yours), and at least 5 bathroom breaks later, you and beomgyu find yourselves in line for the ferris wheel. the sun is starting to set, giving you a perfect opportunity to take a picture and post it on your instagram story.
“im so excited!!” beomgyu says, basically vibrating due to how quickly hes moving. he must be hyper.
“i am too.. but if you move a single muscle while we’re up there, im gonna push you off” you joke. soon its your guys’ turn to get onto the ferris wheel.
beomgyu is on your left. your phone clutched in your right hand, ready to take some photos once you reach the top. once you make it up, the ride pauses. you let out a relaxed sigh, seeing such a beautiful sight in front of you.
“wow..” it barely comes out as a whisper, but beomgyu hears it. he smiles as he admires you. though youre not facing him, he thinks youre the prettiest view. no sunset, or pretty lights could compare to your beauty, he thinks. he pulls out his phone and secretly takes a photo of you. smiling, he tucks his phone back into his pocket and sighs.
“thank you..” he says lowly. this causes you to turn to him. you chuckle.
“for what?” beomgyu shrugs.
“for bringing me here.. its been a while since we’ve hung out and this feels.. refreshing” you stay silent at beomgyus words. but you continue to stare at him.
““i dont know.. but im glad we’re making progress. you know.. rebuilding our friendship and everything. what i did was stupid but im willing to do about anything to make it up to you. youre very special to me, yn..”
silence fills the atmosphere. beomgyu looks down at his hands, and you turn to look at the view again. it isnt until the ride slowly starts moving again that you speak.
“..really? you really feel that way?” beomgyu looks at your figure, despite the fact that youre still not facing him.
“yeah.. i really do, yn. its okay if you dont feel the same tho-“
he wasnt able to finish his sentence because you suddenly turn around, hands swiftly grabbing his face and then.. you connect your lips to his.
beomgyus eyes widen. just two seconds ago, he thought you were gonna slap him. yell at him. laugh at his face or SOMETHING. never did he think that your lips would be on top of his… but damn did it feel good.
you dont pull away until the ride comes to a complete stop, both of your guys’ cheeks turning red by the second. once you both are on the ground again, beomgyu clears his throat.
“lets go?” he asks, blush still on his cheeks in which you smile at him.
“lets go.”
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taglist [open] - (bold = couldnt mention)
@forever-in-the-sky2 @londonchuu @erin-calli ng @boomboomcat @itzxvaxella @letapostropheesgo @captivq @curly-fr13s @strawbrinkofdeath @ukitouu @ineedaherosavemeenow @wonioml @enhapocketz @ghostfacefricker6969 @kpoprhia @softcabur @ch-choerry @faelyncore @emohazuzworld @zuzu-the-simp @luvsoobs @heyanonymous123 @browniestraykidshiteu @lqbeorecs @lmaonada @aernx @il0vebeomgyu @ja4hyvn @chaeey @mangobee @cryingforgyu @dilfjk @rikislady @ahnneyong @marshmelle @l0ve-joy @minkyunseokie @pussyslayerhd @flrtsbin @soobsfairy444 @sofia-rom @iikyomii @choi-beomgyulvr @moa4lifeee @acidicloveee @txtmetonight @sam-andher-tales @rainbowszi @jype2papi @cha0thicpisces
author’s note - LMAO I JS REALIZED THAT HE NVR ACTUALLY SAYS THE WORDS “youre special”😭😭
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todayintokyo · 10 months
Hi there! Hope you’re well and not melting away in the humidity. I am super excited to be planning a trip to Japan again after almost four years away. Considering I lived 1) in Kansai-ish territory and 2) near Nagoya, I never got much chance to explore Tokyo outside of the usual tourist places. I already have Jinbocho on my list (along with one of the Aoyama flower market tea houses and Nakano Broadway)— do you have any suggestions for what’s fun in Tokyo for someone who is a little more experienced with the area?
Welcome back!
Now here's a challenge! I don’t know whether you're looking for new & trendy, or old & traditional, and a lot depends on the season, but…
1) Stroll from Ueno Park or Nezu to Yanaka and Sendagi. See if you can find Snake Street and follow its curves. Yanaka is as Kyoto as Tokyo gets. Yanaka and Kagurazaka.
2) Shibamata for more old Edo vibes. Cross the river on the ferry. Only ferry in Tokyo.
3) Sunamachi Ginza Shopping District in Koto-ku: another old area that's being transformed by gentrification.
4) Get lost in Shibuya Station, just for fun, but take tranquilizers with you. Walk from Shibuya via Shoto to Yoyogi Park. Shoto is one of the wealthiest areas in Tokyo, but it's not as famous as, say, Azabu-Juban or Denenchofu. Stop at Levain for bread and Fuglen for coffee.
5) Explore the swanky, hipsterish areas of Kichijōji, Shimokitazawa, Daikanyama. Take the Setagaya Tram Line from Sangenjaya to Gotokuji and visit the temple birthplace of the famous maneki-neko. Lots of tiny shops and quaint shopping streets in a relatively upmarket area along the way.
6) Okutama. Walk along the Mitake Valley Riverside Trail, from Ikusabata to Sawai, stop for sake at the Sawanoi Sake Brewery, visit the Gyokudo Museum. You can continue past Mitake to the Okutama Fishing Centre. If you are here in autumn, you'll see breathtaking autumn colours.
7) Yokohama! Not exactly Tokyo, but a nice day trip. Minato-Mirai, Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery (no, seriously, Google it), Sankeien Gardens.
I'm not a food expert, but there are really nice restaurants in all these areas. Add Yakitori Alley in Yurakucho to your list: great atmosphere. (There's a maze under the tracks between Yurakucho and Shimbashi. Well worth a visit, but it gets a bit dystopian.) Museums? Fukagawa Edo Museum in Kiyosumi, all the art museums in Ueno Park. Plants 'n stuff? Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome. Shinjuku Gyoen remains my favourite Tokyo park/garden.
It's very touristy, but so iconic that it's really worth it: New York Bar and Grill in the Park Hyatt Tokyo. Expensive though. Cocktail Works is a craft gin bar in Kanda (close to Jimbocho), and a very good alternative (but without the glorious view) (which is the whole point) (actually).
Oh, by the way, Piss Alley in Shinjuku? So yesterday. Try Sankaku Chitai in Sangenjaya or Nogecho in Yokohama instead. Shh, don't tell anyone.
Best free and still relatively uncrowded view of skyline: Bunkyo Civic Center observation lounge. Shh again.
Would this suffice? If you send more details about your timing and what you're interested in, I'll happily add more.
Enjoy the planning as much as the trip! 😊
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Hello to the almost same jacket for Eddie!!! Aisha and Anirudh really are the A team today - giving us all the goods!!! Aisha is doing gods work making sure we all understand that wardrobe really do think of everything and that colour and fit is very carefully chosen - Thank you queen!
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the cuffs are different, so it isn’t the same jacket (also the fabric is a bit different - its hard to tell from the IG live still, but it isn’t herringbone weave like the 6x05 one is) but its close enough to draw a few parallels 🤓😎
first things first though - No watch Eddie 👀👀👀👀👀
Right jackets - fun things!! the khaki olive drab green is a very Eddie colour, but the fact we have a jacket cut in aa very similar style to the one form 6x05 is very interesting. the scene we see the 6x05 one in is very focused on Eddie being with Hen and Karen and them displaying their love and pride in one another. Obviously the scene is very much centred on hen moving on from firefighting (setting up 6x06 and her changing her mind) but the Eddie part of that scene is centred on the joyful expression of Queer love and him witnessing it. 
One of the key things about this colour way on Eddie when he’s wearing it as a jacket is that it is both his comfort blanket and an indicator of his mental health. Eddie has only really started wearing these olive drab jackets in season 5 - the one exception being 3x12 when he goes to apologise to Ana for overreacting about Chris!
as a result we invariably see Eddie in the olive drab colour jackets when he’s either struggling mentally  - 5x10 quitting the 118, 5x11 not going to the bar or at the Equestrian centre in 5x14 - or when he’s not necessarily struggling mentally per say, but something in the scene is important for Eddies storyline in connection with his mental health - such as in the scene from 6x05. The difference in them to be found is in the fit - the silhouette - the ones from season 5 are all much more loose fitting - oversized, and help make him look either ill (Equestrian centre jacket I’m looking at you!!) or like he’s trying to protect himself in some way. this makes total sense when you combine the choice of olive drab as a colour and Eddies military background!
So I am going to go out on a bit of a limb (as I have zero script context to work with here which always makes costume speculating a bit more difficult) and say that this new but slightly different jacket will be bringing us something in the same ball park as that one from 6x05 - especially if we are getting a firefam leaving at the end of the day or arriving in the morning scene from this - or something similar (because they wouldn’t be in the firehouse if that wasn’t the case!!) because it is better fitted than the season 5 ones, but its still olive drab. This being for either 6x17 or 6x18 is pretty important - Love is in the air, or pay it forward - really plays into that idea of something in a scene being important for Eddies journey in connection with his mental health - if its some form of coming out arc for him then I will be partying hard over the fact that the wardrobe team have subtly been showing us the way through Eddies olive drab jackets!!!
Then of course there is the fact that Buck is back in light blue - for the millionth time in season 6!!! If you’ve been reading my other costume metas from season 6 you will know I’ve been fascinated by the use of Blue on Buck in this season (metas can be found on my pinned post if you want a read!), especially pale blues and I’m very 👀👀 over the fact he’s still in pale blue at the end of the season! Also the white high tops are still there and they mean Buck moving forward on his journey - so combined with the pale blue - I’m very very excited!!!
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punknerdblog · 8 months
ofmd episode 5 spoilers ahead!! you have been warned!!!!
and the conversation afterwards was so important!!!! i’m so excited to see where they go from here i love them so much!
i am also loving how much attention the rest of the crew is getting and that it’s not just ed and stede. which tbh, is as expected from ofmd, they all had really good development and screen time last season too and i guess it’s just that typical thing of other shows the romance becomes tbe makn focus and its almost it. but i love all these characters and their arcs SO much.
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adeapamela · 11 months
₊‧.°.⋆ Blog Entry: THREE ₊‧.°.⋆
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"Third time is a charm," they said, but this wasn't the case in this project. I'm curious about what kind of dessert I should make today, but one thing's for sure is that mango should be present since it's its season. As an indecisive person, I was torn between mango sticky rice and mango crepe, but the crepe won, obviously. I didn't make any fuss about it cause I believed that it was easy. I've made tons of crepe before, and I have this confidence and familiarity inside me. But who am I kidding? The last time I made this was 2 years ago.
I gathered up all the equipment and ingredients and started pouring the first candidate of mother of crepes. I scattered the butter all over the pan and ran the mixture in, and boy, I knew I had already messed up. I put way too much on the pan, and the consistency of the batter itself was too thick. The moment I was about to flip the ⋆⁺₊ crepe ₊⁺⋆ it kept sticking on the pan and in the spatula. Take note that I am using a nonstick pan in this.
Nevertheless, I always believed that "the first crepe is always the ugliest" to cheer myself up. I then switched pans; I replaced them with a pan with four circles divider. I said, "Maybe I should make mini crepes instead; it would be easier to flip." There again, my intuition failed me because the crepe that I was making had turned into some kind of horrible-looking pale omelet. My hopes were slowly crashing because after how many times I tried, it always resulted in the same until the doors of heaven sent me mercy. I JUST DID MY FIRST SUCCESSFUL PIECE OF CREPE ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞBelow are the ingredients and the procedures:
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It wasn't an easy journey; there were many trials, errors, and frustrations. I have realized these mistakes and learned lessons during the process.
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1. On my first crepe, I put too much butter on the pan, considering that it is a nonstick pan, so the crepe suddenly learned to skate because the pan's surface was too slippery.
So, I got myself a paper towel to remove the excess butter from the pan. This is also helpful in applying the butter evenly without burning it.
2. The batter I made was too thick and dense to glide smoothly through the pan's surface.
So, I adjusted some measurements and ingredients to have a runny consistency. This resulted in a light mixture, leaving a smooth, thin crepe.
3. I am too excited to pour the mixture without realizing the pan needs to be hot enough.
So, I waited for the pan to be hot and left the crepe alone. Yes, the crepe has social anxiety and needs to have its own space for a while. Once I saw that the top surface had dried out, that was my queue to flip it.
4. I was so impatient that I wanted to flip the crepe too quickly, so it kept sticking in the spatula and turning into a hideous omelet.
So, I realized that the spatula was only the sidekick here because my fingers were the real heroes on this journey. It burns my pointer and thumb a little (A LOT), but it's the only way to flip it without ripping the crepe.
5. I poured too much of the mixture into the pan, which resulted a pancake, and I was already rethinking my life choices here.
So, I got a small ladle to scoop the batter, similar to half a cup. This made the perfect decent-looking and uniform crepe.
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Crepe 。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ˎˊ˗
Mix together the instant pancake mix (flour, egg, salt, and oil/butter) and the water (milk). Make sure that your batter is runny before pouring it into the pan. The pan should be on low heat to avoid having a burnt lumpiang shanghai wrapper. Filling 。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ˎˊ˗ Whisk or whip together the cream and sweetener for the filling, and then you're done.
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I almost quit making this and thought I should've created something less complex. But that's the point of being alive. Having to feel pain, sadness, and happiness. Sometimes we have to face hardships to get better. It will not be easy, the process might hurt, but you will eventually learn to endure and find ways to improve it because that's the pain of learning.
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