#Rude but on-brand
sysig · 2 years
Just keep on drawing through the pain
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kris-mage-fics · 28 days
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[image ID in ALT] Had this idea yesterday because seasonal allergies are hitting me like a truck right now. So this is for all my fellow allergy sufferers.
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gael-garcia · 4 days
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he could've said if it bothered him it's fine!
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kenobihater · 3 months
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the duality of man........ . ... .
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aeide-thea · 2 years
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Debonair Sweater | Gyles & George
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hella1975 · 2 months
they call my job cuntenserven the way i serve cunts 9 to 5
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carmello-matcha · 7 months
Dragon's Deck aka Shouren's Trial
Eughhh ohhhh boy... Okay I'm going to be forward with this. You really NEED the chinese fireball card bc AT BEST you'll get to stage 2 with this deck bc jfc shouren is an absolute TANK Im not even joking oml
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Additional Note Added at Nov 17 [Every 30 seconds Shouren will do his Dragon's Flame ability keep your ears open either way] ECHOES: Hagrid is your best bet as the dragon has a dmg boost in his trial so the quicker you can get them out the better. Neville is a close second and Dobby is fine as well if you want to avoid his attacks.
A big if is Luna for the chance of getting the chinese fireball card to appear but I heavily don't recommend her as its too rng based to be consistent and I don't want you to go through what I went through.
Summons: Opaleye/Ridgeback(Egg) - they have a dmg boost you it to your advantage. you can use both if you can handle it.
Niffler/Snitch - Shouren only targets you assuming you're not inside of nebulus that is
Stunners: Inflatus and Expelilarmus are your best bet with Dragon's flame,
Stupefy and Accio works as well but I don't recommend it even more so with Accio as the time frame between casting it and the dragon is too small for my liking
Confringo - is a massive need to deal dmg to his umbrellas as shouren has dmg reduction when they're around.
Episkey and Essence of Dittany - either for Lottie or the egg if you're going with ridgeback.
Opugno - When you panic fart bc shouren dashed in front of you and in need of a spell to cast
Prior Incantato - Do I need to explain?
Lottie - You're gonna need her the dragon's aren't exactly a harry main's best friend.
You're 3rd companion can be interchangeable, summon harry if you want but im sure the time will be up by the time his resurrect animation is completed.
I would say some encouragement but sincerely start fucking praying bc I AM FUCKING DONE WITH HIM
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shatouto · 11 months
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fenris the wireless portable charger
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inloveanddepth · 10 months
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love these guys
#i like how cringe they all are. like all of them are flawed & immensely cringe. no one's main is safe#they're cringe in different ways & some more than others but they're all cringe. love it#why are the fans for my two favourite soul fighter champions the autistic-coded ones !!#why are the autistic-coded ones the most unhinged....#though tbh i think you could make an argument for all 5 of them being autistic 😭#sommer's homemade jhin cosplay is so cute#they somehow managed to capture the exact brand of weird that jhin fans are. bravo#i think the funniest part about him is that jhin would not be able to stand him lmao#him wearing a shirt with the same art that's on the print he's holding makes me crack up for some reason#obsessed with the jacked yordle named rizz.... she's everything#also can i just say i love the crop top on guy. fantastic creative decision. so many crop tops in soul fighter i love it#kiri is crazy though what do you mean she's literally selling rpf at an event that the people she's writing rpf about are at#her repeatedly trying to get samira to read her fanfiction is kind of hilarious#& then she tells samira she's going to write fanfic about her. which is kiri's way of praising her. she is nuts (affectionate)#the way she keeps casually mentioning pyke totally kills people in this universe & she still adores him#she's the worst kind of fangirl (which is the point. they're all parodies) but it's hard to hate her lol she's so silly#my only issue with her is that she's a jhin hater.... how rude#i know her tumblr game goes crazy#the only character i'm confused by is jade. the lux fangirling felt really forced to me#it's not reflected in her design at all; honestly she looks more like evelynn#especially when riki guy & rizz & sommer are all clearly emulating gwen sett & jhin respectively#plus jade's shtick was more about parodying true crime & political content creators it seemed. the lux stuff felt tacked on#i guess it was because dema is after lux & jade doesn't like dema but it felt over the top at least#on top of the fact that it's pretty hard to make sjw characters actually funny#they should've made a dema bootlicker character tbh. for funzies#i think riot should publish some of kiri's fanfiction on the universe site. wouldn't that be silly#they could do one for each of them! a transcription of one of jade's podcast episodes; guy & rizz's training regimen; a poem from sommer#hope some of them show up in LoR sometime. just for fun#league of legends#soul fighter
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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no one talk to me i’m thinking about taylor swift and byler again (and the national!)
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rotisseries · 5 months
you would think going on a fic to comment "hey can you please update your OTHER FIC i just love it so much" with no acknowledgement of the fic you're actually commenting on, AND THEN when the author explains, far more kindly than you deserve, that this is not polite, and then when someone else ALSO tells you point blank that it's rude, you double down and go "well I just wanted to let them know I like the other fic I didn't know if they were checking comments :/ I'm not going to comment anymore though the author is always "rude" on her tumblr to people "kindly" (🙄) asking if she's still continuing the fic. which makes me sad :///" you would think. this would all commonly be understood as an asshole move. and yet. and. yet. people will do this and wholeheartedly believe they're getting unfairly dogged on
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californiagoddess · 7 months
If I get the fancy place job the money is probably going to be really great but I'm also going to hate it. I already know this based on what my libra friend has told me. Everyone is really sexist, the customers are mean armenians who tip like shit (tips are still good due to the bills being so high but percentage wise they're shit), the manager is mean and sexist. So yeah not the kind of place I'm going to stay for years no matter how good the tips are.
And then is there really any restaurant job where I'd last for years? No way in hell. That would be my hell. So if I get it I give myself maybe 3 months or maybe until whenever the industry really picks up again. It's easier if I don't feel bad about quitting. At my current place at least the managers are mostly nice so I'll feel a little bad about leaving. But just a little. There's tons of women who've worked there for YEARS like ages and they're not exactly rewarded for it. Sometimes it feels like a pit of quicksand and most of the people there are sunk deep
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asexualbookbird · 6 months
top five birds please :)
piping plovers <3
eastern screech owls :)
Steller's Jay
obligatory Raven
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chernobog13 · 9 months
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Steve Rude's rendition of Deadman.
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snavian · 11 months
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hell is real and it's a haz 4 elimination mission with a korlok at the start with a wall between the heart and the rest of it so you can't reach the healing pods and your team keeps reviving each other instead of killing the things shooting at them because they're greenbeards who don't know any better but then the korlok pops a dreadnought cocoon which spawns the twins and your teammates get so frustrated they leave and new people keep joining because it's a double xp mission but they're ALSO greenbears who see the shit going on and leave right after getting downed and by now you're out of ammo but you don't have enough nitra for a resupply so you desperately dig into the next cave with a slither of health left and run straight into a contagion spike and two spitballers but you have no ammo so you keep running and finally at last you find a lootbug and dash back to molly and finally call a resupply
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