#Ronin x Hatch
theunchainedmelody · 2 years
The Kiss beneath the Sea - A Fem Ronin x Hatch fic. Smut. Part 2 of 2.
Note: This Part 2 of the fic. This is an explicit lemon so be warned! Click here for Part One!
Several weeks after the battle with the Baron, outside the village of Tanimura…
Following her tantrum in front of Hatch, Akane had settled back into her usual laidback demeanor. Her mind still felt pangs of guilt from time to time, none more so than when she realized Hatch had become distant since her confession. As she feared, she had destroyed yet another friendship.
It was a small consolation when Hatch, at last, asked to join her on an afternoon outing. Akane had revealed her plans to meditate and train beneath a nearby waterfall. She wished to feel close to her spirit animal, and a free bath was a welcome retreat. As for Hatch, he was wishing for what any heroic type wishes: to get stronger. Akane could not hold it against him nor deny his request for she too wished to protect the villagers from General Shatao’s oppression.
Of course, she suspected him of a secondary reason to want to get stronger. For it was in Tanimura that Hatch repeated history, falling for the first pretty woman that gave him even a morsel of kindness, this being the chief’s daughter Kuniko. Even so, Akane decided to support them. If Hatch had no interest in her, then she’d just silently pine for him and move on in time. From now on, she’d seek not to hurt him but to be the best friend he needed in his life.
Akane smirked leisurely as she sat beneath the brunt of the waterfall’s might. Her long hair was out of its wrappings, her shimmering black bangs obscuring her eyes like a veil and the tresses behind her sticking to her bare back. At the moment, she was wearing very little, save for the sarashi on her chest and the wrappings on her waist. Her eyes wandered leisurely to the left and she felt her body grow hot. Hatch was stripping out of his pants, leaving him nearly naked. All that remained was his fundoshi, currently covering something rather exciting to Akane. Her muscular friend’s chest was glistening with fresh mist from the overflowing basin above them, and she took in the sight of his delectable stomach muscles that seemed impossibly chiseled. His messy dark hair was thoroughly soaked and so for once in his life, his spiky hair fell over his eyes.
Handsome as always, Hatch.
“Heh heh.”
She laughed sinfully under her breath.
“Careful now, Hatch,” she said leisurely, “The waterfall is as cold as death. It’s merciless. It’s for this reason, warriors come here to overcome their body’s weaknesses.”
Hatch took a single step towards Akane and like a cat, wanted to retreat. She saw him grit his teeth and bring his bulging arms tightly to his pecs, trying adorably not to shiver. He then slapped his hands together and shouted, “Alright!!!”
Akane giggled again as he drew on his warrior spirit to endure it. The swordsman now stood up for a moment and faced him.
She said, “You’ll get used to it. Don’t worry, big guy.”
With an outstretched hand, Akane offered him a seat beside her. It was then that Hatch’s gaze accidentally wandered over her frame. He wasn’t able to deny it any longer. Her long damp hair, her fox-like face, her curvaceous frame, and her rather well-endowed chest were all on full display. Of course, it wasn’t as if they were normally invisible given her baggy kimono was often lazily left undone. Nonetheless, he found himself red in the face, trying to hold in a nosebleed from gushing out like a broken dam. Akane’s eyes were quick to take notice of his uncharacteristic reaction, and she grinned mischievously. Nevertheless, she seized his hand and brought him under the full brunt of the waterfall’s wrath. She giggled as he tried to suppress a groan of agony, choosing instead to bear it and squat down beside her.
However, meditation was quickly proving impossible for Hatch.
His eyes were aching to take one more glance at the manslayer, even if he wasn’t sure why. Finally, Hatch dared to peak and hoped dearly it would end without her cracking her sword’s sheath over his head, not realizing the furthest she’d ever abused him was grabbing him by the collar once. His eyes fell upon her glistening cleavage, her bandages well soaked and ready to slip off. Hatch gulped down hard, before tightening his mighty fists. His eyes fell in horror as he saw his loincloth was beginning to stretch upwards between his legs. He calmed his breathing yet again.
What am I doing? Akane is a friend. Was it something in Kuniko’s cooking?
Hatch tried to think of anything else but his best friend. It proved fruitless. He thought of Kuniko’s warm meals. Ah yes, Kuniko and her bright cheerful smile… The village girl he would one day marry. He watched in horror as the pure maiden in his fantasies transformed into the manslayer. Akane was flashing a sly grin, welcoming him playfully into her cleavage. It was no use. His erection showed no signs of retreating. Hurriedly, he decided to take one last fleeting glance at Akane before purging his mind of all impure thoughts. His eyes flickered rapidly to her presence, only to find her bosom had yet to shrink. Hatch felt his cock ready to burst out of his pants. Squatting had deprived him of a method for concealing his bulge. Despite being under a frozen torrent of water, he felt as if he was feverish and hellishly perspiring. He would need to make an excuse to turn away from her.
“Oh? What is it? Are you done sneaking peaks at my breasts?”
“Wha-What? I-I wasn’t!”
“Relax, Hatch. I don’t mind. Besides, there is no point in lying. Your friend down there seems happy to see me too. Heh heh.”
She grinned wickedly and pointed to the point of interest where his blood was currently flowing. Hatch’s own face was quite crimson, and he felt as if he was about to die.
Instead, Akane sprang limberly onto her feet and rinsed out her water-logged length of hair.
She said, “I thought maybe you had no interest. I really was willing to back down for the sake of our friendship. Yet if this is so distracting, then I’m more than happy to entertain you. Go ahead and touch wherever you like.”
“W-Wait… Are you serious?” he asked while blinking rapidly.
“Of course. I’m not some tease. Go ahead and feel me up to your heart’s content.”
Akane felt her heartbeat racing as the man she desired reached out with a calloused hand, so close to seizing her breast. How far would he go? A pinch? A squeeze? Would he start licking too, continuing until he was sucking hungrily with his lips? Just another inch more remained before she was victorious…
His hand froze entirely and then he took a few steps away from the falls.
“I- I can’t.”
“I can’t do that to you.”
“I see… Damn, I… Forgive me, Hatch. I went too far.”
“No… You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just… I don’t want to treat you like that, Akane. I’d be taking advantage of you. You deserve a man who loves you and makes you feel good. I couldn’t do that unless… we were in love.”
“Hatch… You’re quite the romantic. I always imagined you’d jump at the first broad who offered. Heh heh. Well, any but mine.”
“I.. I don’t know why I couldn’t see you that way, Akane. I think… I think it was because when we first met, you took my breath away. You were so fearless the way you beat up those thugs and rescued me. I’d never met a woman like you, so I knew right away… You were out of my league. No way was I strong enough to be worthy of an onna bugeisha like you.”
“Out of your league? You’re ruggedly handsome, you know. Besides, you go after Momoko and Kuniko just fine. Wait. That means…”
Her sun-kissed skin burned scarlet, and her eyes were suddenly quite shy.
Hatch said, “Yeah. You were even more unobtainable to me. I just… I guess we became friends so fast that I forgot how I first felt. You were so disarming. So easy to joke with. I… I couldn’t imagine...”
“Bedding your best friend?”
“Yeah… If I… Because you’re precious to me. More than anyone.”
“I’ve not been able to forget what you said. About us kissing. Can we try again? I… I want to make you feel like a woman. If it’s okay, with you?”
“Oh? Sure. Go ahead and kiss me, Hatch.”
Akane watched as Hatch fumbled forward, sending a boiling-hot hand sliding over her scarred cheek. He leaned up to her face until she could feel his nose tickling her own. At last, his lips came down on her, chapped and hungry. Her head was spinning His kiss was far less shy than what suited his current demeanor. Hatch remained utterly honest, revealing his feelings not just to her but the world. His light beard tickled. His lips were almost forceful, as if he was wrestling with himself to simply part from her own.
After a breathless moment, Hatch slowly drew back, his eyes heavily lidded. He then looked down at her with tenderness. As for Akane, she was left utterly mesmerized experiencing this with Hatch, something out of a dream.
Gently, he asked, “Was it… okay?”
“Mmmn. It sure was. Now go ahead and enjoy me, Hatch. With you, I’m more than happy to go all the way. Truth be told, you can do whatever you want to me.”
Her permission was something granted sultrily in an airy whisper in his ear that made his manhood spring up against his stomach.
“A-Ah…. Okay!!!”
His words had become an awkward shout, one that rung through her ears. At the same moment, his body became strangely stiff. It was as if he were an unseasoned soldier acknowledging the command of a strict samurai general. The situation made Akane giggle lightly under her breath. Yet she could not remain amused for long as Hatch’s fingers slid over her sides, down from her ribs to her hips, his fingernails digging beneath her bandages to feel the bare flesh of her waist. His lips began to press against her cleavage, sending steam flickering over her. The manslayer’s heart was racing for him. He was awkward. Boyish even. But undoubtedly a man, one whose every touch and every muscle drew her into a state of lust.
Akane now wrapped her arms around his back, letting her fingers trace over the indentation of his spine. She felt how his shoulder muscles flexed and heaved with every movement. His flesh was warm, tough, and had a light musk to it. She began to kiss his shoulder, letting her lips offer admiration as they lay pecks upon his bicep until she was upon his wrist. Hatch blushed madly as she then took a finger of his into her mouth. The man was shocked at first, but as she offered him bedroom eyes, he began to slide it in and out of her mouth boldly. Her lips wrapped around it tightly and her tongues sucked on it, almost begging for it to be a dick. At last, it popped out of her mouth, coated in her saliva.
“I can’t get enough of your body, Hatch.”
As he awkwardly nodded, she asked, “Anything, in particular, you’d like?”
Hatch said, “No. I… Maybe… Nothing really, I guess.”
“Hmm? It sounded like you had something on the tip of your tongue. Don’t be shy now, Hatch.”
“Well, I saw it in a… book where the woman sits on a man’s face and-”
“My my. How naughty.”
“I… Is that weird? I take it back then!”
“It’s fine,” she said, “I already took a bath so go and lay on your back. I see some moss down on the path that looks comfy.”
“On your back. Now.”
Akane’s index finger curved downward; an order Hatch didn’t dare refuse.
Hatch gulped as he prepared himself mentally for what was to come. Her well-soaked bandages fell to her ankles before she kicked them away and stood over him. Akane gazed down lovingly at his handsome face, so fragile and yet that body of his was anything but. Indeed, Hatch was as hot-blooded as they came, and perfect for breeding her.
She spun around and let her plump ass spread out over his face. Carefully, she rested her weight onto her knees to avoid suffocating the poor man. She moaned as his hands squeezed her butt enthusiastically and his hot breath permeated her sensitive regions. His lips began to kiss and taste her, a powerful tongue taking scandalous swipes at her juices. She bit down gently on her finger as she relished in the pleasure of it all. Akane could not help it any longer. She leaned forward and slid down his undergarments. His shaft sprung forward, bumping against her nose. She inhaled the scent of it. Her tongue was sliding up and down it instinctively, desperate to taste every inch of his hard, fertile flesh. The manslayer’s lips tightened around it hungrily as Hatch’s legs buckled from the raw pleasure. Now it was a race to see who came first.
Akane’s back arched as she felt herself splash poor Hatch in the face, drenching him much as the waterfall had mere moments ago. Immediately, fate retaliated by firing his hot load into her mouth. She sucked on it enthusiastically, guzzling down the fine elixir. Her weight suddenly lifted off of him, and the poor brawler panted for air, having nearly suffocated in his lust. They both stood up now to let the waterfall cleanse them of their sexual fluids. The manslayer watched adoringly as he began stretching his arms and chest with a groan.
“God, I love your muscles, Hatch.”
“Damn right. I doubt I’m the only lady that does either.”
“Hmm. Well, I do try to keep in shape.”
He began to stretch his arms for her, clearly proud of the results of his training. His biceps were bulging as his muscle fibers constricted madly. What a sight. Akane began to approach him eagerly. Before he could suspect at her nefarious intentions, she spun around and let her back rest against his firm chest. Hatch lay his chin atop her head and began to sigh. His arms wrapped around her, just below her bosom as he hugged her tightly. Akane felt something strange now, something she had not known in years. Safe. In his powerful arms, Akane did not feel naked without her sword. It was not long until his arms became more preoccupied, wrapping clumsily around her tits and sliding down her bandages. She gasped in approval as he began to knead them like mochi. Powerful digits poked and prodded at her nipples before squeezing tightly. He then began to seize her breasts more violently. Hatch was…. growling.
Her eyes widened in shock. She felt his hard mast sliding between her butt repeatedly, so eager to claim her. So eager to make her his woman and spear her deep. The gesture alone was enough for Akane to fall into a state of utter arousal. Her mind could think of nothing but him impaling her and firing off every ounce of his passion. No longer could she stifle her moan.
She continued, “Go ahead. Fill me up.”
She felt his cock sliding up her ass crack, then lowering to rub over her lower lips happily. However, as she shook her hips against him teasingly, Hatch seemed to lose his bearings. His manhood suddenly speared her in an entirely different hole altogether. Akane’s lips grit as she shut an eye, feeling the pain overwhelm her.
“Ack,” she said, “It’s been a while since I’ve taken it up the ass.”
“I am so sorry, Akane. I’ll pull it out.”
“Just keep thrusting, handsome,” she said as she reached around to cradle his chin, feeling the itch of his stubble.
Hatch began to crash into the ronin from behind, his powerful legs like wood ramming into a futon. The pain of being stretched out subsided as pleasure ran through Akane’s body. As he hammered her mercilessly, Hatch began to pinch at her nipples. It was a dangerous combination bringing her ever closer to the brink of heaven. His hands then released their grip on her chest only to seize her wrists and pull them behind her back as if he were an officer restraining her for misconduct.
“It’s okay, right, Akane?”
“Mmmnn. Do as you like, idiot. Fuck.”
Akane arched her back as he had his way with her, relentlessly pumping her while his burly hands easily forced her to submit like a prisoner. She found it all incredible. He was dominating her. The innocent, boyish fighter was no longer in control of his senses. Like an animal in heat, he was giving in to the need to be inside of her, a feeling she reflected as she instinctively sought to remain connected with him. Akane’s pleasure reached its climax as it streamed down the legs of the two lovers. Hatch then slammed her hard and deep, the impact making her butt jiggle violently as if a battering ram were trying to breach her. He was relentlessly pouring out shot after shot of seed. Her cheeks were turning a new shade of red as he continued to thrust as if a man possessed. Like a small stream, it seemed to pour into her endlessly. If he had taken her other entrance, what hope did her womb have against it? She’d definitely wind up pregnant as long as she continued this debauchery with her best friend.
“Mmmn. Akane… You-You’re incredible.”
“You too, Hatch. Fuck.”
At last, he slid out of her. Both were breathing heavily as if they had just had a friendly spar. Well, in a certain manner, she had engaged in the friendliest spar imaginable with a man.
She continued, “By the way, it’s fine if you just want to stay friends. Although I’m not sharing you with your village princess. And if you want to be more with me… I’ll be here. I’ll always be your friend, Hatch. Now get your handsome head back under that waterfall and wash off. We have another hour of meditation ahead of us.”
“Understood. Ah, Akane…chan?”
“Yes, Hatch?”
“You’re… you’re really beautiful.”
His confession made Akane’s head feel fuzzy as a warmth crept over her. Akane grinned happily before settling into a soft smirk and huddling up next to him behind the crest of the river’s downpour. Their shoulders were lovingly touching, having settled into a comfortable intimacy. It would be a lie to say they were in love, and yet simply being friends no longer suited them. Never again, could the pair be called simple drinking buddies or brothers-in-arms. From now on, after a battle, Akane would be on her knees sucking him off or having his seed fill up her womb late at night when the others were asleep. Hatch would be touching and groping her amidst their jokes and conversations. And just as the cherry blossom must eventually come into bloom, so would feelings between them slowly grow into a love most beautiful, born of friendship and romance. Amidst the horrors that lay ahead for her in the village of Tanimura, there was no man Akane wanted to journey on this path with more than her beloved Hatch.  
The End
Fem. Ronin x Bashō | Fem. Ronin x Tamaki
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Peace Talk (Fluff/Angst) (18+)
TLR!Donatello x reader
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A/N: I’ve had this idea for a while, so I finally decided to write. And in true The Last Ronin style, it gets angsty. Real angsty towards the end. I cried while writing that😭
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Donnie and the reader are 24.
Warnings: Long, a slight feeling of impending doom, from friends to lovers, sex, death, loss of loved ones, cry warning at the end.
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The quiet silence of the village broke, when the aircraft all you had been waiting for slowly descended down towards the open space, landing just on top of the large symbols of the Hamato clan, carved in stone and set into the ground. You felt the fabric of your clothes flap in the wind, squinting your eyes, trying to hide your face behind your hand as dust started flowing up from the ground, flying over you, your father, and all the other men and women that stood outside waiting.
Once the aircraft reached the ground, the hatch opened with a puff of air, before slowly lowering down towards the ground. And out the open hatch of the aircraft, came a pair of familiar faces. Faces you hadn’t seen for a long time, yet being excited to finally see again.
Your father greeted Master Splinter, bowing politely before him, you and all the other’s quickly following his lead.
“Master Shinichiro”, the old rat greeted your father, bowing in return. “It is good to see you and your family, my old friend. It has been far too long! You remember my son, Donatello?” Splinter turned his attention to the mutant turtle by his side, Donatello bowing for you and your father.
You felt your stomach tingle as you bowed for him. It has been around ten years since you last saw Donnie and his family. Back then you had been nothing but 14 year old teenagers, already far from the small kids you used to be, running around the Hamato village whenever he and his brothers came to visit the clan. The memories of hide and seek was still clear in your head, remembering how hard it used to be playing such a game with four ninjas in training. Not just any ninjas, but four mutant turtles with super strength and speed.
But you could still clearly remember that time ten years ago, where the first signs of maturity had started showing in Donnie and his brothers. Or most of his brothers. Leo, Raph and Mikey had found it hilarious to tease you and Donnie that summer, often making kissy noises whenever you and bow staff wielding would talk, all culminating with Donnie’s brothers trying to push Donnie into your arms by the river, ending with you and the purple clad turtle getting soaking wet and muddy. Master Splinter and your father had not been very pleased by that.
Back then you hadn’t thought much of the way the others would tease you, getting flustered when they wouldn’t listen to you and Donnie’s calls for them to quit, as there was nothing between the two of you. But now, as you stood before a 24 year old Donatello, you could not deny that you were in awe. Back then Donnie had been taller than his brothers and much skinnier, with a pair of glasses too big for his face. But now, he was not just tall but broad, the outline of muscles faintly showing through his black clothing. He had ditched the comically large glasses, opting for no glasses at all, his face ten years older with stronger features. Donnie was a man now. An incredibly handsome man. And as he stood up to his full height after bowing, his eyes meeting yours, you almost forgot how to breathe in the cold winter air, his now strong gaze holding yours, the hint of a smile playing on the corner of his lip.
“Of course. Greetings to both of you!”, your father said, waking you up from your small daze, reminding you of the time and place. “I look forward to a long and detailed chat once we have concluded the business at hand”.
“Ah, yes. The business of peace”, Master Splinter said, walking with your father, leading the way to your home down in the valley. You and Donnie walked behind them, listening in on their conversation about the peace talk that would take place with Oroku Hiroto and the Foot clan in the morning. Normally, it was during this walk to your family’s home, that you would catch up with the turtles. But not a single word was spoken between you and Donnie. Instead you would glance at each other, avoiding each other’s gaze once you noticed the other was looking. You felt heat spread across your face.
You listened as your father talked with Master Splinter about the celebrations the village would hold, once the peace talks were over, welcoming Splinter and Donnie to the village once more. However, something seemed off. There was a heaviness in the air. A darkness in the horizon, and though you could not yet see it, you could feel it. As if the light the morning should bring wouldn’t come the same way it used to. Donnie seemed to feel it too, his eyes flickering from you to the big bright full moon. There was something in the air of the Hamato village.
Over dinner, your father and Master Splinter continued their conversation about the peace talk with the Foot, with your father’s counselors and the other masters around them. You sat in silence and listened, and once again, you got that strange feeling that something was off. It felt like a pit in your stomach that just wouldn’t stop growing, making the rice in your mouth lose its taste.
As you lowered the small bowl of rice, you lifted your gaze and looked over the crowd of men before you, all deep in their discussion, none of them seeming to have the same strange feeling as you did. It was unnerving, making you shiver slightly, as if the room was getting colder as they spoke. You did not like the feeling.
You continued to watch the men as they talked, before you caught the eye of Donatello, sitting by his father’s side, resting his elbows on his folded legs, listening along in silence, the food in front of him untouched. Your eyes lingered for a moment, not a muscle moving in his face. You looked away, suddenly finding interest in the rice in front of you, poking slightly at it with your chopsticks, trying to figure out that growing pit inside of you.
Disappearing into your thoughts, you were suddenly surprised to feel someone sit down next to you. You looked up to find Donnie in the middle of crossing his legs beside you, his rice bowl and chopsticks in hand.
“Hey”, he smiled shyly at you, the sight almost making you forget that you were in fact surrounded by people.
“Hey”, you smiled back, feeling the heat in your cheeks once more, and the pit in your stomach becoming smaller.
“Long time no see”, Donnie smiled, nervously rubbing his thigh with one hand. You smiled when you noticed. It was a habit he had picked up back when he was young, often during so whenever you and he would talk alone together. Though he was a man now, he was still the Donnie you had known ever since you were young.
“Were long”, you smiled, trying not to let your smile overwhelm your face, already feeling your cheeks starting to hurt. “How have you been, Donnie?”, you asked, finally happy to be talking with him again.
“You know, I’ve had ups and downs”, Donnie said, staring at his bowl of rice for a moment, before giving you a genuine heartfelt smile. “But it’s really nice to see you again, (Y/N)”.
You bit your bottom lip, feeling light air fill your lungs. “It’s really nice to see you too, Donnie”, you smiled, watching in delight as his smile grew brighter, the two of you disappearing into your own world in the corner, looking into each other’s eyes. Memories of your summers coming back. The time at six years old, where you jumped around on your futon mattress in the middle of the night, screaming and laughing at the flies that gathered outside your fly net. When you were ten and climbed the threes in the forest. When you were twelve and you laid together on the floor, reading the same book together. Or when you were fourteen, and his brothers pushed the two of you into the river…
There was a loud eruption of laughter from the men, causing you and Donnie to return to reality, watching as they continued their descustions in a light hearted manner.
The strange pit returned in your stomach, and from the look on Donnie’s face, you knew that he felt it too.
“Have you heard where Hiroto wants to meet?”, Donnie asked you, leaning closer into your space so he could keep his voice low.
“No”, you answered, leaning your shoulder against his, listening keenly to what he had to say. “Where?”
Donnie threw a quick glance at the others, his unease clear before he turned to you once more. “A resting place”.
You felt the pit widen, just like your eyes. “I… don’t like that”, you muttered.
“Neither do I”, Donnie said, poking at his rice once more. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since we got the message”.
“What does your father think about it?”, you asked, throwing a quick glance in the direction of Master Splinter.
“He calls Hiroto young. He thinks it’s because his young and a little ignorant”, Donnie answered.
“Doesn’t sound wrong”, you muttered.
“No, it doesn’t”, Donnie said, resting his shoulder against yours while looking at the large group of men. “But I still don’t like it”.
And those words that Donnie spoke, which would stick with you in a way you had never thought possible…
That evening you tossed and turned on your futon bed, unable to fall asleep. Over and over you kept thinking about what Donnie had said. A resting place. Was Hiroto really ignorant that he would want to have a peace talk at a resting place? A resting place for the dead? It did not sound right. And the thought of letting Donnie, Splinter and your father leave in the morning with the other men made you feel uneasy. So uneasy that you ended up getting out of your futon bed, wrapping yourself in your warm night time kimono, feeling the cold winter air sweeping through the shoji walls.
Slipping out of your room, you slided the shoji shut, before walking down the narrow hall in your bare feet. You quietly passed your father’s room, continuing on past Splinter’s room, continuing til you came to the room Donnie was sleeping in. The same room he and his brothers used to share when they came to visit…
“Donnie?...”, you called out softly, hoping he could hear you. “Donnie, are you awake?”
You heard the sound of light footsteps against the wooden floor, before Donnie slided the shoji door open, rubbing his eyes with a tired expression, his night time hanging loosely onto him and his muscular form. That sight had you caught by surprise, staring a little too long.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?”, he asked.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry…”, you said, shaking your head back to reality. “No, sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I’m a little nervous about the whole thing tomorrow”.
Donnie looked at you for a moment, his warm and friendly eyes taking in your features. A friendly yet tired smile making its way to his lips. “Wanna come in and have a sleepover?”, he asked. “Just like the old days?”
You smiled softly, nodding happily at his suggestion, remembering how fun it used to be, having sleepovers with him and his brothers when you were young.
Donnie moved from the door, letting you in, before sliding it shut behind you. It was strange being back in the room with Donnie without his brothers. Normally there would be four smaller futon mattresses scattered around on the floor, usually with a fifth one in case all you had made plans for you to spend the night with them. But now there was only one in the room. One large one, that proved just how much Donnie had grown over the last ten years.
Donnie noticed your quiet demeanor and the way you stared at the mattress, fearing that you were growing uncomfortable.
“If you want, I can go get another mattress for you?”, he offered, but you stopped him before he could go anywhere.
“No, no”, you said, not wishing your childhood best friend to go through any trouble for you. Especially not with tomorrow waiting for him. You shot him a smile, letting him know that you were in fact okay, also with the sleeping arrangement. “I was just caught up in my head for a moment”.
You went over to his large futon mattress, pulling back the covers in order for both of you to slided under it, getting comfortable in the mattress facing each other. It was like the good old days, when you and Donnie would go to bed before the others, laying beside each other with a book.
You looked at each other for a moment, before the two of you broke into a smile each, chuckling and giggling like you used to do, the position you found yourself in bringing memories from your childhood back like it was yesterday.
“Do you remember the last time we had a sleepover?”, you asked, your voice soft and low, not needing it to be higher with the small distance between you and Donnie.
Donnie chuckled with a nod. “Yes”, he smiled. “It was the night before the river”.
You laughed at the way he said it, enjoying the way his smile made it tingle in your stomach, with butterflies fluttering everywhere, making the pit of anxiety disappear. “I was so mad after that. So mad that I would stay in the same room with them the last night they were here”.
“I remember”, Donnie smiled. “I’ve never seen someone make them so scared just by yelling. They were terrified!”
“I was not that bad!”, you laughed, shaking your head.
“Not that bad? You even made Raph run and hide!”, he laughed, instinctively reaching out for you under the covers, letting his bag hand rest on your arm. “Even Mikey fell into the water when you started yelling”.
“Okay! Okay! Okay!”, you laughed, tapping a hand against his chest in a playful push, not moving his large form an inch. “Maybe I was that bad”.
“Yeah”, Donnie hummed, looking at you for a moment, his smile still genuine. “But I still liked it. It was fun”.
“It was”, you chuckled, thinking back on how you made Raph jump into the arms of Leo, before you and Donnie chased all of them back to your home, where your father and Master Splinter was enjoying tea outside.
Silence fell over the two of you for a moment, your hand still resting on his chest, in the open spot his loose kimono had created, showing you just how large and broad his plastron had grown. Broad and hard, almost in the same shape of a human man’s chest, with small dips and curves, along with scars from many battles. With your soft index finger, looking so small against his chest, you felt the old slashes, not noticing how your touch made Donnie tense up for a moment.
The thumb on your arm started to stroke your skin through the kimono in tender motions, as Donnie got a thoughtful look on his face, taking in your features while your soft warm finger moved over the lines on his chest.
“I’ve really missed you, (Y/N)”, he muttered, avoiding your eyes as he spoke. “So much has happened. Raph… That still hurts sometimes”. You felt the pain in your chest as he mentioned it. You still remembered the day you and your father got a message from New York City, telling you that Raph had been killed by the Foot. That had been a dark day in your life, but you could only imagine how dark it had been for Donnie and his family. “But seeing you again-”, he continued. “-it makes everything better again. It’s like being young again. Young and happy”.
“You make it sound like you’re in your last days”, you chuckled.
“Might as well be”, Donnie smiled, shaking his head at you in a playful manner, poking at you like he used to do when you were younger, making you laugh as it tickled. “24 hits hard”.
“Oh, how nice it was!”, you said in a dramatic manner, falling against Donnie in an even more dramatic way. “To be young!”
“Young and in love”, Donnie finished, freezing up the same way as you did when he said those words out loud. There was a long silence, before you dared to ask him what he meant by that.
“In love?”
Donnie let out a small unsure laugh, thinking his words through before he spoke. “Yeah”, he chuckled. “You didn’t notice?”
You bite your lip, shaking your head. You never noticed. You never noticed how he started to look at you when you were 10, how his brothers would tease him when you were reading alone, or that they decided to push you and Donnie into that river, in the hopes that it finally would bring you and Donnie the last bits closer. And just to tease him in general.
Normally Donnie would get flustered in a situation like this. He would try to hide, divert your attention, or maybe even try to tell you that he was just joking. But he did not. Instead he chuckled, slowly slipping his arm around you, pulling you a little closer, making your heart melt.
“Well, now you know”, he said. “Only took me, what, 14 years to tell you”.
You giggled, letting him pull you closer, continuing to trace shapes on his hard plastron. You could not deny that you had always found Donnie a little interesting, with his sweet personality absolutely charming. But it wasn’t until you saw Donnie step out of that aircraft that day, that you noticed how attractive he was. He had grown a lot over the past ten years, just like red wine. His strong jaw, his strong yet caring stare and big arms that hugged you closely. It made butterflies erupt in your stomach, warmth spreading through your body.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”, Donnie asked in a low voice, watching you for any negative reactions, even as you were giggling.
“No”, you smiled, smiling up at his face. “I could never get mad at you, Donnie”.
Donnie bit his lip with a happy smile, feeling his confidence grow at your words. The arm wrapped around you dared tracing shapes on your hip and the small of your back, creating goosebumps under your kimono.
Silence fell upon both of you once again, as you were looking into each other’s eyes, enjoying this peaceful moment together, finally coming to grasps with the developing feelings that have been growing over several years.
Donnie’s head moved a little closer to you, and you found yourself leaning in, your eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips.
“Can I kiss you, (Y/N)?”, Donnie asked, his heart beating through his plastron and into the palm of your hand, his voice almost sounding like he was out of breath.
His question almost made you shriek in a happy surprise, but his close proximity to your face had you in a trance, with his deep brown eyes staring into yours. All you could do was nod with a small “yes”, almost forgetting how to breathe when he started closing the distance between you.
Donnie’s lips felt soft and warm against yours, as he met you in a tender and sweet kiss, your lips lingering for a moment, before you dived back in for another. And another. And then another. Soon you and Donnie found yourselves wrapped up in each other’s arms under the covers, your lips and tongues moving together as the kiss slowly became more and more heated.
A satisfied hum espaced Donnie, as one of your hands slided down his front, loosening his already loose night kimono in the movement. This caused him to pull you firmer against him, making you hike your leg up over his hip, feeling the fabric around you getting loose as well. Donnie let out a small rumble like growl, when he noticed how your chest was now almost revealed for him. A big three fingered hand made its way from your hip and up to your chest, sliding his hand under your kimono and grabbing onto your breast, making you moan against his lips.
With the hand on your chest, Donnie slowly pushed you backwards, until you were laying flat on your back. From here he sat up on his knees, towarding up over you, the cover following with him. From his position he looked down on you with an intense look, making heat flow straight to your core, the sweet scent of your arousal reaching his nose. With a small smile he started to undo what little of his kimono still clung to his body, before letting it drop onto the floor beside you. Excitement built up in you at the sight of Donnie towering naked before you. The toned muscles you had expected to be hiding underneath his clothes, flexing under your gaze, traveling over his body. Shoulders, arms, hands, thighs, torso and his now leaking cloaca.
With a smug smile, Donnie’s firm hands grabbed onto your thighs, spreading them apart as he pulled you closer to him with a small yelp, making your kimono ride up when he scooted you towards him, exposing your most intimate parts to him. A deep churring vibrated from his chest, his eyes scanning your face and body. Your lips plump and red, eyes blown wide with lust, and blushing cheeks. Covered with nothing but the remains of your night kimono around your waist and arms, your breast out in the open, your legs open wide, giving Donnie a full view of your slick flower, glistening at him.
Donnie leaned down over you, his face getting close to yours once again. “You’re beautiful, (Y/N)”, he whispered, before his lips met yours once more. You hummed into the kiss, meeting him with eagerness, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
One of Donnie’s hands moved down your side, reaching for your core, smiling into the kiss as you lifted your hips in order to meet his hand. He kneaded the skin of your thigh, before letting his finger slide between your slick folds, before slowly letting his thumb rub your clit in small light circles.
You pulled from the kiss with a pleasured sigh, looking down at what Donnie’s thumb was doing to you. It was an erotic sight. His large thumb on your small pearl, sending small waves of pleasure through your body, only getting stronger with every circle he formed on you.
“That feels good, Donnie”, you whimpered, spreading your legs even further for him, giving him even more space to work with.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined you saying that”, Donnie said in a low voice, his lips meeting yours again, his fingers moving from your clit and down to your entrance, gathering your wetness on the way. Once at your entrance, he slowly pushed his finger into you, stretching you out over his thick digit. You gasped out loud, grabbing onto Donnie’s shoulder as he pushed into you.
Placing a kiss on your cheekbone, Donnie rested his forehead against yours. “You okay?”
“Yes”, you breathed out with a shy smile. “Your finger is just big”.
Donnie chuckled, placing yet another kiss to your forehead. “If you think my finger’s big, just wait for what else I have waiting for you”.
Before you could ask Donnie what he meant, he started moving his finger in and out of you, making you whimper. The wet noises of Donnie’s finger moving in and out of you only made you even more excited, thinking of you the situation you were in. You were laying in the guest room of your childhood best friend, with your legs wide open for him while he fingered. You were being fingered by Donnie. That thought sent another rush of heat to your cure, with Donnie’s heightened scent picking up on it straight away.
“You smell so good”, Donnie groaned, hitting his face in the crock of your neck, pressing kisses over your skin. You moaned when he started nibbling at your skin, making you squirm under him.
“Please, Donnie…”, you whimpered, your hips chasing his finger as you felt the small pressure build up inside of you.
“Please what, (Y/N)?”, Donnie asked into your ear, his voice low and raspy, making your head spin, unable to speak for a moment. “Use your pretty words, sweetheart”.
That new nickname made you whimper once more. You felt Donnie push out a puff of air against your skin, most likely in a chuckle at your reaction.
“Please, Donnie”, you whimpered. “I want you inside…”
“But I am inside of you”, Donnie chuckled, leaning back to look at your face, clearly enjoying having you whimpering under him. Curling his finger inside of you, he watched your finger contort in pleasure. “Or do you want something else inside of you? Tell me, (Y/N)”.
Your walls clung around his finger, every time he said your name. It was like you were high, with his words only bringing you higher.
“I need your cock”, you blurted out, making Donnie smile. You should have been flustered, and maybe even embarrassed by your words. But instead you found yourself desperate for Donnie to fill you up, even more than his finger was already doing. “Donnie, please”.
Donnie retracted his finger from you with a playful smile, before placing a passionate kiss to your lips. “Anything for you, (Y/N)”.
Positioning himself between your legs, wrapping them as far around his hips as they would go, before pulling you in for another passionate kiss, your tongues dancing together once again. Rubbing his cloaca up against your soaked folds, Donnie lined up with your entrance, getting ready to drop into you.
Taking one of your hands in his, Donnie placed them down on the mattress next to your head, stroking your hand with his thumb, looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you, (Y/N)”, he whispered, his hot breath fanning over your face. “I always have”.
“I love you too, Donnie”, you whimpered, grinding yourself against him, chasing his lips. “And I will do so for the rest of my life”.
Donnie gave you a bright smile, before connecting your lips once again, moaning as the two of you continued to grind against each other. It didn’t take long before Donnie dropped into you, his large member stretching you out much further than his finger ever did. Your moan way loud against Donnie’s mouth, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. Donnie in turn groaned as he made his way between your tight walls, hugging him in a way he never thought possible, making his head spin in happiness, his churring getting louder.
Once Donnie was sure you had adjusted to his size, he slowly began to pull out of you, making you moan as he pushed back in.
“Fuck, you feel good, (Y/N)”, Donnie groaned, slowly spreading up his thrusting, making you hold onto his shoulders for dear life.
“Faster, Donnie”, you whimpered. “Fuck, please, Donnie”.
Donnie did as you asked, adjusting his hold on you, before thrusting into you at a rabbit speed, causing the sound of your skin slapping together to echo through the room. For a moment you feared that anybody would hear you, but all those fears disappeared when Donnie hooked one of your legs over his arm, continuing his attack on your sweet spot deep inside you.
You cried out in pleasure, feeling your climax getting closer, begging Donnie not to stop as your walls continued to close in around him.
Much to your displeasure, Donnie suddenly pulled out of you, but before you could complain, he quickly turned you over, placing you on your stomach. Lifting up the back of your kimono, Donnie laid himself on your back, wrapping his arm around your neck, using the other to slide under you, in order to lift your hip up off the floor, before reentering you from behind, nuzzling his head into the back of your neck, breathing directly into your ear.
Moaning you clawed onto the arm around your neck, your legs and toes curling as Donnie continued where he left off, thrusting into you at rabbit speed, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“I’m gonna cum”, you whimpered against his big muscular arm. “Fuck, Donnie, I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it, sweetheart”, he breathed into your ear, his low voice making you shiver. “Cum for me, (Y/N)”.
It only took a few more thrust before you came with a cry of pleasure, forcing Donnie to cover your mouth as he continued to fuck you through your high. His thrust became more and more frantic, before he came too, emptying himself inside of you.
With his last thrust, Donnie placed a kiss on your cheek, before slowly pulling out of you. You whimpered at the emptiness between your walls, as Donnie rolled over onto his shell, resting beside you, before pulling you in for a warm hug, pulling the covers back over both of you.
You snuggled up against his broad chest, feeling warm and comfortable in his strong arms. Donnie placed a hand on your face, tilting your head up to meet him in a sweet tender kiss, making you smile from ear to ear. But then he asked you a question that made your heart skip a beat.
“Do you want to come with me to New York once all of this is over?”, Donnie asked, holding his breath in anticipation as he waited for your answer.
You let out a shriek, not caring if you woke up your father, Master Splinter or anybody else for that matter. Throwing your arms around him, you pulled Donnie in for a happy hug, showering his face with kisses.
“I would love to, Donnie!”, you yelled, placing a long happy kiss on his lips, through his chuckle and laughter.
That night you and Donnie fell asleep in each other’s arms, dreaming of a life together in New York City. A life where you could be happy together, with no Foot clan or clan wars. Just you and him, enjoying the last of your youth, building up a life together. It was a dream you would never forget.
You waited in anticipation, watching over the snow covered landscape, waiting for the moment the men of the Hamato clan would return. Your father, Master Splinter, and most importantly, Donatello.
It felt like an eternity had passed since they left. That morning, you and Donnie had woken up together, hugging and kissing for as long as possible, before the two of you finally had to get up and get dressed. And now, as you waited for him and the others to return, you wanted to do nothing more but hug and kiss him once again.
The pit in your stomach from yesterday had disappeared, and now you were filled with happiness, waiting for the moment Donnie would come back, so the two of you could break the news to your father, letting him know that you would be moving to New York with Donnie.
You were excited. A life with Donatello. Your childhood best friend, and the love of your life. And you were more than excited to tell your father, knowing he would be happy that you had decided to get together with a member of the Hamato clan. But the waiting was killing you.
With the sun standing high in the sky, you finally saw movement in the forest, followed by men walking out between the trees, following the path that led from the forest to the Hamato village, pulling wagons and horses behind them.
Excitement flowed through you and many other people of the village. You were quick on your feet, running down the path to meet the men as they came. You were quick to notice your father in the front, but no signs of either Donnie or Master Splinter. But that did not stop you from running to your father with a big smile, excited for the news you and Donnie would be telling him in a short moment. But first you needed to find Donnie.
“Where’s Donnie?”, you asked your father, trying to look over his shoulder for the large mutant turtle. But your father did not answer. Instead he grabbed a soft hold of your shoulders, making you stand still on your feet, his glossy eyes looking into yours. Your shoulders tensed, a horrible thought trying to spring up from the back of your head, and the pit returning to your stomach once again, this time much stronger than before. “Dad, where’s Donnie?” But your father still did not answer you. Instead he swallowed, his mouth opening and closing with no words, as if they weren’t able to form.
With your father not giving you any answers, your fears started swirling in your head, the pit starting to burn a hole inside of you. You pushed past him, running through the men, looking left and right for your childhood friend and his father. Then you saw the wagon, covered with a mat, a large form underneath it, dark red blood dripping from the wagon and onto the white snow underneath.
With your cold breath forming clouds as you breathed, you slowly walked to the wagon, ignoring the distant calls from your father. At this point you could not hear them, with the fears lingering in the back of your mind. With a shaking hand and breath, you held onto the mat, pulling it back in a small yet jerky move.
The sound that escaped you made the birds fly from the trees, and the men jump in fear. Donnie’s limp body laid in the wagon next to his father, arrows covering every inch of their bodies, with their clothes soaked in their red blood. You clung onto Donnie, screaming and crying, tapping his cheeks as if there were a change it would wake him up. But nothing happened. No matter how loud you screamed his name, nothing happened. His cold body stayed lifeless next to Splinters, only Donnie’s arrow infested bo staff rolling out of the wagon and onto the snow covered ground, due to your rocking of his body.
You continued to scream as your father tried to get you away from the wagon, tears rolling down your cheeks in streams. You fought against your fathers arms, clinging onto the cold ones of Donnie, screaming as if you were in pain.
“I’m sorry”, your father tried to say as he finally managed to pull you away from the wagon, even though you fought to get back. He sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek as he pulled you into a hug, letting you cry and scream into his chest. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). Hiroto tricked us. I’m sorry…”
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nom-noms-things · 1 year
Okay so fic recommendations from me! Also absolutely no t*cst some of you are ew
Crossovers and 2012 fics
When the world crumbles - by Starryeyedace3/@tmnt-obsessed-ace (if you are uncomfortable with getting tagged then please tell me)
Quick explanation: 2012 and rise crossover which the 2012 kraang do another Invasion and the boys go through the portal to get to dimension x but they get to the rise dimension and leonardo is going through it
Sunshine of the woods - again by Starryeyedace3 or their tumblr name
Quick explanation: rise!mikey gets sent into the 2012 dimension in early season 3 and the boys will help him get back home when they get back to New York
Lost but never found - again by Starryeyedace3 or the same tumblr name
Quick explanation: 2012!Leonardo gets sent into the rise dimension and gets amnesia and rise leo quickly becomes his new friend and basically wants to protect him
They also have another au called same story different font in their blog check it out!
The algae is always greener on the other side - by ObsidianCreates on ao3/@obsidiancreates (if you are uncomfortable with getting tagged then please tell me)
Quick explanation: crossover between rise and 2012 and they watch their own shows that's basically it
The last ronin becomes a discord admin - by MelonPalooza/@melonpalooza (if you feel uncomfortable with getting tagged please tell me)
Quick explanation: ronin becomes a discord admin and 2012, 2003 and rise are there too its just a silly discord fic
Wedding bells and magic portals - again by MelonPalooza
Quick explanation: capriltello wedding and rapmona have babies that are gonna hatch, then a portal thing happens and they are in the rise dimension
We are infinite - by celestron_oOo on ao3!
Quick explanation: 2012!leo gets sent to the rise dimension and meets his counterpart but it's good! Also gram-gram training!
The question is violence and the answer is pizza - by anonymous on ao3!
Quick explanation: 2012!donnie makes a group chat with rise because he lost a bet and then he quickly realizes that making the group chat was a good thing, also 2012 crew are like parental figures for rise
Sunset linings - by @iamheretemporarly (if you are uncomfortable with being tagged please tell me)
Quick explanation: 2012 boys have to defuse the mutagen bomb but get sent into ronin's dimension
Shredder's Vendetta - by Cass_Phoenix on ao3!
Quick explanation: super shredder tries to posses leon and the 2012 boys help him and his brothers to get rid of super shredder
Two souls - by virgilisspidey on ao3! Also in tumblr
Quick explanation: 2012! Leo fucking dies in his own dimension and is now a parental/brother/mother figure and only rise!leo can see him, he renamed himself aoi, also they sometimes rewrite some of the rise episodes with aoi in them!
Now to the non crossover fics! 2012 time!
Fusions - by AmevelloBlue on ao3!
Quick explanation: after the episode of plan 10 a weird device appears and I just love this idea
What is wrong with me - by averie_sol on ao3!
Quick explanation: 2012!Leonardo has autism (just like me frrr) and is transfem, also aprilnardo!!!
Deadweight - by MorikoTheHalfAngel on ao3!
Quick explanation: 2012 season 3 fix it fic where Leo's healing is more realistic its good!
Breaks And Cracks In The Surface - by Deiohx on ao3!
Quick explanation: another season 3 fix-it-fic!
Fuse box - by alltheyears on ao3!
Quick explanation: leonardo centric but his brothers are worried about him
Terminator - by KawaiiNinja on ao3!
Quick explanation: mikey's T-phone gets accidentally mutated and sends the boys to the among us game, also this is after season 4 (also it has a lot of violence)
The shock of victory - by sailor_the_robot on ao3!
Quick explanation: they get back to the lair after beating super shredder, raph helps leo get the blood off
Ashes - by sklyully on ao3!
Quick explanation: timeline takes place at "follow the leader" but it's with leonardo almost dying, read it! It's good!
All that bends also breaks - by runen on ao3!
Quick explanation: leonardo with ptsd and trauma almost dies in the lair if he didn't call mikey, so basically leonardo tries to heal himself
Never love an anchor - by ILOVEDYOULIKETHESUN
Quick explanation: 2012 season 1 finale which leonardo almost drowns if the brothers didn't save her, also uses she/he Pronouns!
Blah Blah Blah - by WhaleSharkPrince on ao3!
Quick explanation: I know the name of the fic is missliding but the fic is very angsty and uh I cried yes, also leo uses she/her Pronouns! Uh hahah yeah..where's the tissues
Fearless leader - by Evesbese on ao3!
Quick explanation: after splinter passed away leo just suggest they go to the farmhouse and uh the others and him are not taking it very well
Where it all began - by @probably-not-a-rutabaga on tumblr and their ao3 is TinyPotato02
Quick explanation: I don't wanna explain the whole fic so I'll just say that splinter raised leo as a soldier instead of a son and told him to ignore his brothers
Late night conversations (In a Bathroom from the 1980s) - by hopefullysimple on ao3!
Quick explanation: the brothers are just chatting in the bathroom and share childhood memories
Drifting away - by fireworksinthenight on ao3!
Quick explanation: follow the leader episode fic!! A lot of self doubt, depression and wating to not lead anymore, leonardo just goes through a hard time
So yeah I'm a dad now - by RavagedRed on ao3!
Quick explanation: 2012!raph becomes a dad to a 4 year old girl who got mutated into a turtle tot and her name is Lita
New Stars (happy hearts) by Tirayed on ao3!
Quick explanation: transfem leo fic! She tells raph first and gets so scared to tell the others but they're just happy they have a sister, also!! Leo's knee injury!
Whoa this took so long and I just love those fics!
Now I'm gonna go and take a snack goodbye! <33
210 notes · View notes
iliumheightnights · 2 years
Um...Hey | Clint Barton x Male Reader
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Fandom: Marvel, Hawkeye Pairing: Clint Barton x Male Reader Summary: After a run in with the Tracksuits, Clint gets injured. Even though he doesn’t like it, he has to get help from someone he doesn’t really want to. A/N: Who's excited for the Finale of Hawkeye!? I know I am! I NEED to know what's going on and who's going to show up. I have an idea, but I don't wanna get my hopes up.
Kate watched as one of the cars chasing them was launched into the sky with a fiery explosion. “THAT WAS AN EXPLOSION ARROW!” She screamed at Clint. “Here!” The man said handing her another arrow. “Careful with that one! Make your shot!”
“Yeah! Yeah!” Kate said loading the arrow before letting it lose. The arrow flew threw the sky until it hit the other car. Instantly the car dwindled down until it was the size of a hot wheels car. “WOAH!” Clint laughed and shook his head. “Thanks Scott!”
“That was a Pym arrow!?”
“Duh! Didn’t you read the arrow head?” Clint asked keeping his eyes on the road.
“Um NO! I was focusing on getting the cars off of u-” Kate didn’t get to finish her sentence as another car came smashing into them. The force sent their car flying, the contents inside following the same. You know what they say, contents in motion and all that. “Ugh…I’m okay! I’m okay!” Kate said.
“Good.” Clint said before flinching at a feeling in his side. “I’ve been better.” He moved his hand to where he felt the pain and realized he was bleeding. “Shit…” He was brought out of it when he heard Kate screaming his name. He looked back up in time to watch more cars heading their way. When he tried to start the car again, it wasn’t starting. “SHIT! Out of the car! Subway!”
Kate was quick to kick open the door and hop out. Clint wasn’t far behind her. What? Yeah he was injured, but he wasn’t out of it yet. He still had enough energy and awareness to get him out of harms way. He wasn’t dying before Christmas, that’s for sure.
Clint and Kate ran through the station and boarded the train JUST in time. Seriously, as soon as Clint got on the doors had closed. “Oh my god, we actually did it!” Kate said catching her breath. As she had a tiny freak out, Clint fell onto one of the seats. “Uughh.”
“Oh god Clint! Sorry…oh man you’re bleeding. What can I do?” Kate tried her best, she really did. Clint laughed and shook his head. “Nothing you can. Just need to put some bandages on it for now, but we need to get to an actual doctor. This can’t be solved with bandaids. Luckily…” Clint looked at the next stop. “I know someone.”
*Knock. Knock.*
“Coming!” M/n sat his cup down and walked over to the door. Before he even unlocked the first hatch he took a peek through the peephole. “Oh, you’ve got to be shitting me…” He backed away from the hole before unlocking the door and opening it up. “Really?”
Clint was leaning against the door frame holding his side. “Hey…” Kate gave a little wave next to him. “Hi.”
M/n helped carry Clint to the couch where he laid the man down. “You disappear for a few days and the next thing I know you’re seriously injured. I should have known better honestly.” M/n said as he stood up and reached for his first aid kit and medical bag.
“You know me, I just love to surprise you.” Clint said with a grin.
“You surprise me enough, Clint.” M/n said getting to work on patching the archer up. While he was doing that, Kate looked around the apartment. “Speaking of surprises…who’s the girl?” He worked his magic on cleaning the cut. That of course made Clint grit his teeth, he always hated this part especially.
“Name’s Kate. She’s the reason for my disappearance.”
“Oh man. Here I was thinking it was because you were out getting me a really good gift.” That made both men laugh. M/n continued to patch Clint up. He made sure to take extra care when it came to the really sensitive bits. “So tell me…why is she the reason?”
He could feel Clint stiffen. “Ronin.”
“Ah.” He quickly did some stitches making Clint wince. He knew he had to be quick since Clint HATED that part the most. “So someone finally found the suit? I thought you got rid of it?” Clint nodded. “I did…not good enough apparently. Anyway, she put it on and now the Tracksuits are after her.”
“Oh god, not them. They’re such idiots.”
“Yeah, but dangerous idiots. They’re the ones who did this and they’re with…someone.” He looked away before looking into M/n’s eyes. “I’m sorry I went away only to come back like this. I wasn’t trying to. I just…I don’t want to put you into any danger.”
M/n smiled and took Clint’s head in his hands. “Clint…with our line of work we’ll always be in danger somehow. The important thing is that we have each other’s backs and look out for each other.” Clint’s face finally gained a smile as he held M/n’s hand and rubbed it.
“So…I’m guessing you two know each other?” Both men turned to see Kate smirking at them.
“Kate…this is M/n, my husband.” Clint said, M/n waving at her.
“Oh! I-I didn’t know you…had a husband.” Kate said nodding her head. “Is that a problem? I thought you kids were more…’pc’ these days.” Both Kate and M/n groaned at Clint. “Okay Grandpa, settle down. It’s not like you’re out to the world.” M/n said before motioning for Clint to scootch over. “You. Sit. Your turn.” He pointed at Kate.
“Oh! Oh, I’m okay.”
“That cut on your head says otherwise.”
“We took care of-”
“You have two tiny bandaids barely sticking to a big cut…on your HEAD. Sit down and let me take care of it.” M/n said with a tone of authority. Clint laughed. “Better listen to him. He’s the doctor here and he means business. He will ACTUALLY take your bow away until you listen.” Kate walked forward and sat on the couch. “Okay.”
M/n got to work helping Kate then. During that time he talked with her, getting to know who this new mystery person was. Both Clint and Kate told him about everything going on. “I have to say…props for you kid. You didn’t even hesitate to put on that suit and help people. I know Clint’s probably already given you the ‘guilty’ talk about it, but good work. Only someone with a good heart would risk what you did.” He smiled as he finished patching up Kate.
“Thank you. You know…it feels really good to hear someone say that.”
“Well SOMEONE has to. But don’t get used to it, and don’t let it get to your head.” M/n said with a chuckle before taking his medical bags and standing up to put them away. “Now, you BOTH need to rest. YOU especially.” He pointed at Clint. “Though I know both of you really don’t want to. So as an order and favor from me, at least stay here for the night. Relax, let things cool down, then you can both continue with your mission tomorrow. Deal?”
Clint sighed but Kate nodded. “Deal. Easy. Um…you have any food? I’m starving.” M/n nodded and pointed towards the kitchen. “Thanks!” She quickly got up and went to get some food. M/n sat on the couch next to Clint and let his hands rub his husband’s back. “So…you going to take her as your student?”
Clint sighed at that and rubbed his nose. “I don’t know. I wasn’t going to, wasn’t even in the books…” M/n continued his conversation for him. “But…?” The archer nodded. “She’s a talented kid. Can fire an arrow from really far and hit a bullseye. I can see the potential.” M/n cuddled up next to Clint even more. “Then you should do it. She’s obviously going to continue this hero gig after you finish this. You might as well teach her everything you know so she’ll have a better chance. At some point…we DO have to leave it to the kids.”
“God, you’re making me feel old.”
“You’re still sexy to me.” M/n giggled kissing Clint.
Both men were unaware Kate had been listening in on the conversation from the kitchen and was smiling like an idiot.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Is Star Wars: Visions Canon? The Anime’s Timeline Explained
This Star Wars: Visions article contains spoilers.
Seven animation studios have come together to create Star Wars: Visions, a collection of nine anime short films that reimagines the galaxy far, far away through the lens of Japanese culture and aesthetics. It’s one of the most ambitious projects Lucasfilm has ever embarked on with the saga, and it’s an experiment that largely pays off, as it not only brings fresh perspectives to Star Wars but also new characters, from the mysterious swordsman known only as Ronin to a little droid named T0-B1 who wants nothing more than to become a real Jedi Knight.
The stories in Visions take place across several eras of the Star Wars saga, including after The Rise of Skywalker, but are these tales part of the official Disney canon? Here’s what you need to know.
Is Star Wars: Visions Canon?
First of all, who cares? Good Star Wars is good Star Wars, whether it’s part of Disney canon or Legends (the old Expanded Universe before the timeline reboot) or somewhere in between. You should be able to enjoy a Star Wars book or TV show or video game simply because it is a good story with characters you love and not because it fits into whatever the official continuity is that day. Go read Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston’s X-Wing books, they’re great! Want more Clone Wars in your life? Genndy Tartakovky’s non-canon Clone Wars microseries is spectacular.
But if you must know the answer, Star Wars: Visions falls in that third category: “somewhere in between” canon and non-canon. Our own Star Wars reporter Megan Crouse said it best: “Visions sits just to the side of Disney’s Star Wars canon.” None of the stories of characters really clash with anything on the timeline, so they could all be considered Disney canon in theory. But Lucasfilm isn’t really thinking about Visions that way.
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“I think these shorts are all authentic Star Wars storytelling,” executive producer James Waugh told Digital Spy. “But some are less on the timeline than others. Some could very much fit within our timeline. But Visions, as a whole, is more of a celebration of Star Wars, through this unique perspective, this unique form, this medium and culture. And that was really the intention.”
Okay, so which stories are canon?
“Some stories like ‘Tatooine Rhapsody’ or ‘The Elder’ can very easily fit within certain canonical points,” Waugh said. “But that’s not really the point of the initiative. We needed this to be something different, and we needed it to be really from the hearts of all these creators, to not try and answer questions in Star Wars. Instead, you have Star Wars as an amazing palette to tell stories through.”
While Lucasfilm hasn’t officially labeled which anime shorts are canon and which aren’t, most of them do occupy a specific era in the Star Wars timeline if you want to map out what happens when in Visions.
Where Does Each Episode Fit in the Star Wars Timeline?
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Here is a guide to each of the stories and roughly when they take place on the timeline, according to their creators, who previewed the episodes for IGN ahead of the premiere.
The Duel
Kamikaze Douga’s “The Duel” follows Ronin, an enigmatic warrior who wanders from one part of the galaxy to the other with his trusty droid companion B5. When a village in the Outer Rim comes under attack by Sith, Ronin must choose whether to defend this place or continue on his journey.
When Does It Take Place: Described as an “alternate history pulled from Japanese lore,” the short takes place after the “Sith rebellion,” a conflict which saw a sect of Jedi break off from the rest of the clans. This sounds a lot like a period on the canon timeline known as the “Hundred-Year Darkness,” an era thousands of years before The Phantom Menace that led to the formation of the Sith.
Tatooine Rhapsody
A runaway Jedi padawan forms a rock band with a former member of the Hutt clan in this short by Studio Colorido. When they’re captured by the infamous Boba Fett and brought to Tatooine for their execution, the band hatches a plan to play to best show of their lives in the hopes that Jabba the Hutt will spare them.
When Does It Take Place: Since “Tatooine Rhapsody” begins with a padawan running for his life on Coruscant, it’s very likely the bulk of the short takes place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, with Jabba still at the height of his power on Tatooine.
The Twins
Twins Karre and Am were raised as children of the dark side so that they could one day rule the galaxy as one. But when one of the siblings begins questioning the dark path that’s been decided for them, it splits the twins right down the middle.
When Does It Take Place: “‘The Twins’ is set after Episode IX, after the Empire has been vanquished by the Resistance,” Trigger studio co-founder Hiroyuki Imaishi told IGN. “The remnants of the Imperial Army have raised a pair of twins on the Dark Side of the Force, and the story goes from there.” But where’s Rey?
The Village Bride
In Kinema Citrus’ short, a peaceful village prepares for a big wedding party, while a cruel warlord plans an attack. A fallen Jedi must decide whether to get involved or do nothing.
When Does It Take Place: While “The Village Bridge” is meant to evoke feudal Japan, the B1-series battle droid puts it squarely in the Prequel era, likely during the Clone Wars.
The Ninth Jedi
The daughter of a legendary sword smith might be the only hope for restoring the Jedi Order at a time when the Sith rule the galaxy once again.
When Does It Take Place: “The Ninth Jedi” is another story set after The Rise of Skywalker. Director Kenji Kamiyama of Production I.G told IGN: “I wondered, after Episode IX, has the galaxy settled into peace? We all love stories of the Jedi and lightsabers, but what became of the Jedi Knights after the movie series? My story is about that.”
Read more
How Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ First Episode Showed the Darker Side of the Jedi
By Zoe Kaiser
How The Mandalorian Resurrected a Jedi to Cover Luke’s Surprise Role
By Joseph Baxter
A little droid is on a mission to terraform a barren planet, all while learning the ways of the Jedi and defending this world from the Empire.
When Does It Take Place: This Science SARU short takes place at some point between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, when what remains of the Jedi Order is still being hunted down by the Empire’s cruel Inquisitors.
The Elder
A Jedi Knight and his padawan encounter great evil in the fringes of space: an aging sword master who wanders the galaxy looking for a worthy opponent.
When Does It Take Place: This story is set some time before The Phantom Menace. “For some viewers, this series might be their first Star Wars experience, so I wanted to make something that you can enjoy without any knowledge of the rest of the story,” Trigger co-founder Masahiko Otsuka told IGN. “So our story is not directly connected to any of the characters from the films, but it explores the idea of the Jedi Knights and the master and padawan dynamic in an older setting.”
Lop and Ocho
Two sisters must decide the fate of their planet. Should they join the Empire or fight to preserve the natural beauty of their home world? This short also introduces fans to Lop, a new hero inspired by a classic Marvel character.
When Does It Take Place: “The story is set between Episode III and IV of the Star Wars movie series,” said director Yuki Igarashi of Geno Studio. “The Galactic Empire is expanding throughout space.”
Billed as “a painful love story,” a Jedi will do anything to protect a princess when a Sith warlord threatens the peace.
When Does It Take Place: The second Science SARU short is the most difficult to place in the timeline. But Wookieepedia has done some detective work: since the installment features a B-wing starfighter, that means it must takes place at some point after the first B-wing prototype was created in Rebels (4 years before A New Hope). And since there are Jedi are around again, that must mean “Akakiri” happens after The Rise of Skywalker during an era when the Order has been restored. Unless this is an alternate history and none of those clues matter…
Star Wars: Visions is streaming now on Disney+.
The post Is Star Wars: Visions Canon? The Anime’s Timeline Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3zx3r63
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brainyxbat · 6 years
Ticklish Leafwoman
Summary: Venus is feeling depressed, and Finn's not having it. He wants his little, green angel to be happy. Fandom: Epic (Blue Sky Studios) Couple: Finn x Venus (OC) Genre: Humor, Romance Rating: G(PG?) Warnings: Does OC x Canon count? Tickling too, in case you couldn’t tell by the title
Venus Woods laid face down on her bed, feeling blue. She was on her way to Leafman training with her twin sister, Mars, and big brother figure, Nod, when Tracy approached her without the two noticing. The blonde bully said something to Venus that emotionally injured her so harshly, that after she was left alone, the tiny girl walked back to her hut without Mars and Nod realizing that one of them was suddenly missing. As she laid silently, Tracy's words echoed in her head: “Nobody likes you, Venus. Ronin let you join the army because he feels sorry for you, not because you're a good warrior. Not to mention Finn, that handsome boy toy of yours; he actually thinks you're a hideous little mushroom, but won't say it out loud to spare your feelings. He prefers pretty girls like me. You're an ugly witch, who's going to die alone.” Finn was everything to her; she would die for him. Did he really think the way Tracy said? She didn't make a sound as tears fell down her cheeks, dampening her pillow. Although, she did wonder if anyone knew she was gone... or cared. At the training grounds, Mars and Nod arrived on their respective hummingbirds, and met up with Ronin and Finn. “Good morning, sir,” Mars greeted the general. “Morning, Ronin,” Nod added more casually. “Where's your sister, Mars?” Ronin asked the pale redhead after looking at either side of the two. “Oh, she's right...” She was about to respond, only to see that her little twin sister was nowhere to be found. “What the...? That's weird; she was right behind us, wasn't she, Nod?” “Yeah, I thought,” The brunette boy looked around for the little green-eyed girl, “Maybe she's sick?” Mars shook her head. “We would've known sooner.” Finn's worry for Venus grew. She was everything to him, and he didn't know what he'd do if she was in any kind of danger. She was his princess, his angel, his reason for living, the apple of his eye, you name it. He didn't know what he'd do without her in his life. “Sir?” He turned to Ronin. “If it's alright, I'd like to check on Venus. She might just be running late.” Ronin was hesitant to just let him leave in the middle of training, but he saw how genuinely concerned he was for the girl he adored more than anything. “You may go, Finn.” “Thank you, sir.” Finn sprinted to his bird, and with a snap of the reins, he flew to his girlfriend's home. He hoped that she was okay; Venus never missed training, at all. She was occasionally late, although not on Nod's level, but she never ditched altogether. There had to be something wrong with her. After landing his bird, Finn ran to the familiar hut that he visited a thousand times at least, and after he listened for any signs of his precious girlfriend, only to hear none, he gently knocked on the door. “Venus? Are you okay, sweetheart?” “Go away,” He heard her sweet little voice, and it sounded sad. “Come on, Ven,” He gently insisted, “I'm here for...” “I SAID GO AWAY!!” She suddenly screamed, before a harsh thump on the door made him jump back. “Why would you want to be with an ugly mushroom like me, anyway?!” “What?!” Now Finn was confused. He never thought she was ugly! He thought, no, knew that she was the most beautiful girl in all of Moonhaven. “When did I ever...?” “Just leave me alone!” He heard her flop down on her bed. Finn softly pushed the door open, surprised that it was unlocked, and as he walked in, he saw his petite girlfriend face-down on her bed, quiet as a firefly. Her long, two-colored hair was spread out on her back and leaf bed covers, so her face was completely hidden. Her Leafwoman armor was lazily laid on her sister's bed, as she was wearing her pajamas: green shorts and a black tank top. He took off his own helmet, revealing his long, orange hair, and set it with hers. “Venus?” The only response he got was her muffled, inaudible voice. “Come on, babe. I don't think you're ugly at all.” When she was quiet, he sat on the bed by her left leg, and stroked her soft, silky hair. “You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen.” Her reply sounded like “No, I'm not.” “Yes you are,” He insisted, and she didn't say a word. “Whoever told you otherwise is wrong.” Nothing; she didn't budge. “Venus, you know me. I would never say anything that awful about you. I love you so much.” He ran his gentle hand along her back and shoulders over her thick tresses in a comforting manner, as he leaned down and kissed her head by her ear. She still didn't move a muscle. When he soothingly scratched her neck, he was surprised at her squirming and muffled protests, and her shoulders suddenly hunching up to her cheeks for a moment. He smirked as an idea hatched in his brain; if this doesn't cheer her up, then nothing will. He lowered both hands to her head, brushed her hair back, then started tickling her neck with his fingertips. Her shoulders shot back up, as he smiled at hearing cute, albeit muffled giggles from his girlfriend. He heard and felt her legs kick, and her small hands trying to shove his away, but due to his training for the Leafmen, he was too strong for her. Her tiny fists pounded the bed when he moved his tickling fingers along her back, her giggles growing louder. Finn had a feeling that Ronin wouldn't exactly approve of this silly, childish behavior, but he wasn't there with them, so what was the harm? Plus he wanted to see his lovely princess smile again, and snap her out of her depression. And this seemed to be doing the trick. Among her giggles, Venus struggled to roll over, so he saw her face. Her flushed cheeks seemed to have tearstains on them, and the pale skin around her squeezed shut eyes, including her green facial markings, looked red, as if she had been crying earlier. That broke his heart, and urged him to keep going. “Finn, stohohohop! Hehehehehe!” She tried to curl up for protection, but his hands were already on her flat stomach, tickling over the thin, black fabric of her shirt. As he scribbled his fingers on and in between her slender ribs, Venus squirmed wildly on her bed, trying to protect herself. Finn's heart swelled at seeing his favorite girl smile, even if it was against her will, but this would make her grin on her own. “Eheheheheahahaha!” Her giggles sprouted into laughter. “Stohohohop ihehehet!” Her struggling made her shirt push up to show more of her stomach than usual, including her belly button. Upon noticing this, Finn dove one hand to her bare belly, as his other hand moved along her shoulders and collar bone, tickling her soft, pale skin. “Fihehehehehenn!” She laughed, her cheeks blushing deeper. Deciding that she had enough, he drew his hands back as she panted, while still giggling and hugging herself. “Hehe, th-thanks,” She stuttered, “I... I needed a good laugh.” “What were you so sad about?” He asked her in concern. “Well... before I could head out, Tracy came up to me, and said that nobody likes me, and that I'm going to die alone.” Her tiny bottom lip started trembling as she recalled the emotionally painful moment. “And Ronin only let me in the army out of sympathy for me, n-not confidence in my abilities. And...” A lump grew in her throat as she struggled to keep explaining. “A-and that you think I'm hideous,” She finished with a heartbreaking sob in her hands. “Oh, Venus,” Finn pulled her into a hug, and stroked her hair as she cried in his chest, “I absolutely do not think that. Tracy was wrong about your sister's weight, and she's wrong about you overall.” He kissed the side of her head. “Trust me, sweetheart; you're the most beautiful girl in all of Moonhaven. No one, especially not Tracy, compares to you.” Despite his sweet words, she was still sobbing. It always took a while for Venus to recover from any case of depression, no matter how bad. He started lightly rubbing her sides with his fingers over her shirt, and smirked at her slim body twitching, and her shoulders shaking with already hysterical giggles. Without a word, he started tickling up and down her sides. Her squeal was muffled, before she burst into a fit of laughter. “Gyaahahahahaha! Fihehehenn, nohohoho! Nohohohot myehehehehe sahahahahahaha!” She fell on her back again, trying to protect herself as he leaned over his struggling girlfriend, and continued her playful, harmless assault. Her sides are her worst tickle spots out of them all; even pokes drove her to hysteria. Her laughs were heard throughout the entire tree- maybe further. As he wiggled his fingers over every inch of ticklish flesh that he could reach under her shirt, he carefully sat on her legs, so she couldn't kick. When he reached up to her smooth, bare armpits, carefully pushing her arms up, a fresh new set of tears fell down her red cheeks, only these were of laughter instead of somberness. “Fihehehehenn, pleheheahase stohohop!” She begged through screams of laughter. “Ihehehe-I'm gohohoing tohohohoho...!” Finn quickly stopped, as she hugged herself again, panting and giggling as her skin tingled from the ticklish feelings lingering. “You okay, Ven?” He asked her. “Y-yeah,” She nodded, “Um, thanks again.” “You're feeling better?” He wanted to make sure his angel was truly cured of her depression. “I don't have to tickle you again?” “No!” She squeaked, tightening her grip on herself. Finn chuckled as he picked her up, and set her in his lap in a comforting embrace. “Venus, if Tracy, or anyone tries to put you down, don't let them. You're stronger than them.” “O-okay,” Her voice was a little low in volume once again, like normal, with her head on his shoulder. “I... I love you.” “I love you too,” He kissed her forehead over her bangs, “Forever and always.” Venus shifted herself, so she was face-to-face with Finn, and planted her little lips on his, her hands on his cheeks. He gladly reciprocated, with his hands on her shoulders over her soft hair. They separated after a few seconds, and he rested his forehead on hers. “Don't ever change, Venus. Don't listen to anyone who pressures you to. You're perfect the way you are.” A shy smile grew on her face. “Don't you change either, Finn. You're perfect too.” She pecked his lips. They stayed quiet for a few seconds, before Finn spoke up. “Um, I-I bet that Ronin's wondering where we are. We should....” “Right!” Venus jumped down, and grabbed her armor to change in her dressing stall. Finn put his helmet back on his head as he waited patiently for her to finish. After a couple minutes, she came out in her armor that made her look tinier, with her hair in a low ponytail draping down her back, and her helmet on her head. “Okay, let's get to it!” The couple rushed outside to where their birds were waiting, but Finn stopped Venus before she could reach hers. “I'll take you there. You need a little rest.” She blushed deeper. “Thanks.” They hopped on the saddle, her sitting behind him with her slender arms around his waist, and they headed for the training area. Finn smiled when he felt Venus rest her head on his back as he flew his bird carefully. He loved his green-haired princess, and will for the rest of his life. Soon, they arrived at the training area, where Ronin was waiting for them as Finn landed his bird. “Where have you been, Venus?” Ronin asked her, his tone strict but genuinely concerned. “I... had a personal dilemma,” She replied hesitantly, “But I'm better now, thanks to Finn.” She glanced up at her boyfriend with a smile. “Alright, as long as you're not in any danger. Just don't let it happen again. You may go to the archery targets.” “Yes sir,” She nodded, and made a beeline for that area. Finn smiled as he watched Venus run off. She was truly amazing.
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old-ron-inn · 7 years
have any of you come up with ship names for the soh crew? like, for ronin x momoko, ronin x tosh, ronin x hatch, etc.?
Ohhh!! I actually haven’t thought it that way! It would be MUCH easier to identify ships with your ronin that way. I’m very bad at coming up with names, unfortunately. 
If anyone wants to share any suggestions to what to tag for the ships, we’d like to hear some thoughts on it! 
-Mod Hatch
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theunchainedmelody · 2 years
The Kiss beneath the Sea - A Fem Ronin x Hatch fic. Smut. Part 1 of 2.
Note: This is another Samurai of Hyuga one-shot smut. This AU scene takes place at some point during Book 3, after the Baron is defeated. This story uses a female Ronin called Akane with the perverted, brutal, charming, protective, and impulsive traits. Unlike the previous stories, Akane isn’t pursuing Toshio or Jun, but another man instead. Also, Akane didn’t lose her memory in this one. Warning: This is a lemon! Very explicit. >:3
Hatch and Akane were linked shoulder to shoulder, walking down the congested streets of Tonogasha late at night, each with a bottle of saké dangling at their fingertips. Both had drunken themselves into a blissful stupor and were laughing merrily at the other’s jokes.
“Akane, I know I mess up sometimes but… You know you can count on me, right?!”
The ronin beamed happily at him and said, “Damn right. You’ve got my back and I have yours. There isn’t anything ever that is going to come between us.”
How wrong Akane was. Something was about to create a rift between the best of friends.
A woman.
The night Momoko confronted the manslayer, everything began falling apart. No, perhaps much sooner than that. Perhaps it was months back when they met the doctor in Jijinto and Hatch fell immediately under her spell. In any case, the Emperor’s divine mission had led them to an island in another blind demon hunt. It was upon the sea surrounding a certain fox’s mansion that Hatch found his rowboat capsizing. He received a kiss beneath the sea not from his beloved Momoko but from the one he considered a brother. Akane’s lips had saved him from a nautical grave as her mouth offered him life-saving oxygen. She had expected it to be what finally won his heart. Instead, she found herself at his mercy as all secrets were revealed in the Baron’s game. That night, she was cornered by a bitter, jealous Hatch.
Silver waves were breaking upon the lonely shore. The air carried the scent of blood.  Akane had been victorious over the island’s kitsune in both wits and battle. Having slain the Baron, the fog upon his mansion had faded, leaving a beautiful blue sea to enjoy at their leisure. They needed only wait until Bashō returned for them. In the meantime, the lady ronin and Toshio were escorting Masashi around the grounds.
Masashi said, “You two could have let me in on your little game. I almost… I almost thought Toshio-dono was guilty.”
His eyes were somber. Masashi’s silken black hair obscured them as a breeze from the sea sent it swaying. Akane slid her fingers atop his bangs, sweeping them to the side. His face was red, flustered from the gesture. She smiled at his reaction, only for him to give her another outburst which left her confused.
“Don’t touch me, you ruffian! You smell like that kitsune.”
‘That kitsune’…
He meant the Baron. It was a strange thought that Akane had been entertained and seduced by none other than her target, a demon she was charged with slaying. Her heart pained a bit at the memory of the tenderness they shared, of his passionate kisses in the bedroom, and the lovely blue kimono he had gifted her. What a shame it came to this. Even so, that was a mere spur of the moment meant to relieve her sexual frustration. The real trouble was Hatch. It seemed as if they had repaired their friendship, yet Hatch was nowhere to be found all of the sudden. It left her uneasy.
Toshio said, “Akane-san, are you unwell? Did the battle with the fox take its toll on you?”
Akane beamed warmly at him and said, “That was a hell of a fight. Best I’ve had in ages. But I was victorious. Not a scratch on me.”
“Even so…” said Toshio worriedly.
“Yes! Go and rest you fool!” said Masashi as he waved his little fists around cutely, “I can’t have my bodyguard collapsing on me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” said Akane as she rubbed her ear lobe, his verbal assault having left her eardrum ringing.
Akane then added, “I’ll see you good men later.”
Masashi blushed and whispered, “‘G-Good men?’ She sees me as a-a man?”
Toshio laughed lightly at Masashi’s crush before mimicking the ronin and rubbing a hand through the young shugenja’s locks. The boy blushed and accepted the gesture more readily than he had with Akane, who at the moment was sauntering off towards the estate. A lazy hand was on her rattling katana, a gift from her ex-boyfriend Jun.
Her cold eyes were searching for Hatch, scouring the empty mansion as she would for her targets back in her days as a manslayer. It was strange to think she had come so far, so far from the demon she used to be. How else would someone as loving as Hatch look at her with admiration, like she was a big sister? He hadn’t a clue of the true horror of her hell release, of the black sores that marked her very soul, beckoning her to the underworld for her sins.
Sins that could never be atoned.
I-I didn’t have a choice.
What would you think, Hatch? I’m not like your sweet doctor, healing wounds and saving lives.
Making opium.
Akane immediately chided herself. There was no reason to be so cruel to Momoko. Well, other than all the unwanted advances. Even so, her involvement with opium production in the Jijinto underworld was a rather low blow. And Momoko was far from here, likely in a far better place where Akane and her could no longer hurt each other.
Up ahead, Akane found her brawler, as handsome as she had left him. Shoulders as broad as a bear and arms as thick as logs. They were sure to feel amazing wrapped around her. Bare chest heaving with hard firm flesh. One day, she intended to bury her face against it. A mess of hair and stubble complimenting a cheeky grin. Fitting of an innocent man she desired to corrupt. Such innocence drew her in yet again. It was unfair that they could be the closest of comrades, to laugh and down saké together, when such warmth could not be followed by a kiss.
At the moment, Hatch was standing in the kitchen, the floor still covered in a trail of blood. The body of the cook was long removed but the device of which Hatch had peered into the past remained. The manslayer tilted her head, the two feet of hair in her ponytail shifting to the side. She blinked in confusion, knowing the device was a sham. The illusion master, the memory thief… was dead.
Akane asked, “Hatch… Still dwelling on bad memories?”
He turned hurriedly to look at her.
“Ah, Akane… I… yeah. I thought maybe I could get it working again.”
“Doubtful, big guy. That’s just a hunk of metal.”
“But you already knew that. So what then? Are you reminiscing?”
“Yeah… I,” his once lively eyes were downcast again, “I guess I keep thinking about it.”
Akane said, “You really shouldn’t. The Baron… he cut bits out of the memory. Momoko and I never took you for a fool, you know. I don’t think there’s anything funny about what happened.”
“I know… I just… I guess I wish the entire thing was an illusion.”
“So do I, Hatch. So do I.”
She drew up a hand and lovingly slapped it on his back. Damn, Hatch’s back sure felt nice. That dip in the spine. Would it be okay to slide her fingers over it? Akane shook away the thought, not wanting to be some lech, especially to a man with a broken heart.
Hatch now said, “Thanks. I’m glad we patched up. I’d hate for us to stay mad at each other!”
Hatch offered her a charming grin of pearly white teeth. A winning smile if ever there was one. Unfortunately, Akane was having none of it. The ronin stopped in her tracks, as Hatch leisurely walked on past, only noticing a few moments later that he had lost sight of his ally.
He turned and asked, “Eh? Something wrong?”
Akane grit her teeth and asked, “You said ‘mad at each other’. Why would I be mad at you?”
“Well, I suppose you wouldn’t.”
Her voice was dry and bewildered. Hatch choked. Akane was clearly fuming, that much was certain. The poor man was bewildered by her sudden change of mood. He hadn’t a clue what he had said to garner her wrath, wrath rarely aimed at him. Hatch broke into a cold sweat as he again lamented that the heavens would not bestow upon him the ability to read a woman’s mind.
Akane continued, “You... bastard. You think I don’t have any reason to be mad?”
“Well, I… Did I do something wrong?”
Akane’s eyes were narrow under furrowing brows and fangs that were tightening into a grip that could cleave through bone.
“You can’t be serious… Weren’t you the one who was shouting at me like you wanted to murder me?”
“Ah, right. I got way too worked up ab-”
The manslayer launched forward and grabbed him by the collar of his martial arts jacket. Despite her being several heads shorter than the giant, Hatch felt his shoes almost lift off the ground.
Akane snapped back, “Did I get an apology for that? No. What about for saving you from drowning? Huh?”
“And the worst part is…. You didn’t blame me just for Momoko falling in love with me. You really have the balls to blame me for NOT reciprocating it? Are you fucking serious, Hatch?”
“I-I-I’m sorry,” said Hatch, “I wanted what would make her happy, even if it wasn’t with me. I thought… You’d be happy too. I was trying to do the right thing for both of you.”
Her eyes dilated and her neck nearly cracked as she twisted it in a vicious head tilt.
Akane continued, “’Happy?’ How could I be happy with Momoko? I never loved her. I’m not even attracted to women, you fucking idiot.”
“You’re not?”
“Hatch! You’re dead. This is because you don’t pay attention to a damn thing about me. You haven’t a damn clue what I want or what makes me happy! I don’t even think you thought I was gay. You know what it is? You look at me like I’m a man and assume I have the same tastes as you. Well heads up, Hatch! Just because I share drinks and can throw a punch, doesn’t mean I’m not a woman. So for once, why don’t you look at me like I am one? You piss me off so much!”
At this point, Akane’s fury was mixed with tears.
She said, “I didn’t want Momoko’s love. I wanted to be her friend, but it all fell apart and it’s my fault. And the most humiliating part is that I was so jealous of her. Jealous of how your eyes were only on her from the very start. But I never intended to come between you two. I would have just accepted it if you were happy. I would have.”
Akane continued, “But she’s gone. And I won’t bring her back. I… miss her but… I don’t want to see her ever again.”
Simply admitting it stung well enough.
Hatch remained utterly speechless.
“Say something!”
Akane seethed and asked, “Why? Why did you have to fall in love with her? I know she saved you from the poison, but it was my kiss that saved you when you drowned.”
Akane stormed off as she grit her teeth fervently, eyes pooling with water. She was utterly infuriated. Not just with Hatch, but with everything. With how she had to see Gensai’s face again, the face of the man who struck her daily… With how Momoko had tried to ambush her, not even once caring about Akane’s discomfort. With how Toshio seemed so broken these days but would never share why. With how Masashi was nearly killed, and Jun was still stalking her. With how Hatch’s inability to notice her reflected the slight jealousy she had not just of Momoko, but of every woman.  
I know…
I know I’m not pretty.
Her own confession hurt more than any man ever could. For Akane, she was barely a woman and she was certainly not a man. She was a mere walking corpse that knew only how to kill. And to be called “beautiful” was certainly not a compliment any man had paid her intimidating face. Not even Jun called her beautiful, likely because he found nothing worthy of the definition. As for the Baron, his praise was likely a lie to marinate and toy with his prey, much like every aspect of Roderico.
As she vanished, Hatch wanted nothing more than to reach out to her. However, his feet felt strangely heavy, as if they were being weighed down. The sensation was not unfamiliar to him. It reminded him of the weighted belts he wore during martial arts training. There was a strange pain in his heart, an ache not brought on by Momoko alone.
He vividly recalled Akane yelling at him, tears welling in her eyes. Begging to be seen.
His calloused fingers pressed to his lips as he thought upon her kiss. It was then he felt his cheeks suddenly flush.
He had kissed Akane of all women?
The strongest swordsman he knew had kissed him and was longing for him?
It was a strange concept to wrap his mind around.
Akane was storming back to the shoreline, eager to feel the cool of the sea breeze on her face. To hear the ocean’s gentle waves crashing against the sand. It was soothing. It healed the humiliating rage bleeding out of her. Even if this place was a trap where the fox took his victims, it was still a reprieve from the hell that was Hyuga. From the dark memories buried there. Perhaps that was the truth. Perhaps it was the memories the Baron had unearthed that were the real reason she took her frustrations out on poor Hatch.
She whispered, “Damn it, I’ve got to apologize.”
Akane turned around, only to find Hatch was already waiting for her. How odd. No one ever was fortunate enough to sneak up on her.
“Me first. I’m sorry. For a lot of things. I’ve been a bad friend. I didn’t realize it.”
“Hatch, wait. You’re the one suffering from heartbreak. Please forget what I said. It was wrong to guilt you with that. I really am… sorry.”
“I’ve never seen you cry,” he said softly, his deep baritone becoming suddenly gentle.
He continued, “I don’t know why I couldn’t see you like that. I… I guess I looked up to you too much. I never thought I was your type.”
Akane laughed and said, “No shit.”
“Akane, forgive me?”
“Of course,” she said, “I could never stay mad at you, Hatch.”
Her arms wrapped tightly around his back as they embraced. Those mighty muscles that even managed to overpower Akane’s monstrous strength were now gently pressed against her, offering her solace amidst the frozen sea air. Her eyes shut in her state of bliss. In his arms, she found tranquility. Forever, Hatch would have her back. And that was what she loved most about him.
Click here for Part Two
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