#Rod Chow
scottwellsmagic · 11 months
771: S.A.M. 2023 Convention in New Orleans - Day One Report
Sunday, July 23rd
8:00 AM REGISTRATION Open Vieux Carre Foyer
9:00 AM SAM National Council Mtg “Thurston Lecture Hall” SYM Youth Academy “William Andrews Classroom”
11:00 AM Exhibitors Grand Opening “Kellar Exhibitor Hall”
1:00 PM SHOW 1: Exhibitors Showcase Show “Thurston Lecture Hall”
2:15 PM Convention Welcome “Thurston Lecture Hall”
2:30 PM Lecture 1: Bruce Kalver – Tech Tips & Tricks “Thurston Lecture Hall”
4:00 PM Lecture 2: Barry Mitchell Focus on Funny for Kids “Thurston Lecture Hall”
4:00 PM REGISTRATION Closed Vieux Carre Foyer
6:00 PM Exhibitors Close “Kellar Exhibitor Hall” 8:00 PM PARTY 1: Mardi Gras Welcome Party. Join the 2nd line Parade –   with the Crecent City Conjourers (Warpo, Doug Conn, Devon Faul, Steve Reynolds, Winston Helling Jr, Michael Dardant) and Variety Talent by Frenchman Street Productions Promenade/Courtyard/Martinkas Backroom and balcony
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basofy · 1 year
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ac dump!!! gonna divide this into 2 posts
part 2
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typhonserpent · 1 year
Anders can't cook worth a shit. The circles never gave him good food and the Grey Wardens usually ate hard tack and jerky on the road.
Isabela and Merrill also can't cook, they both lived nomadic lifestyles before Kirkwall. They caught what they ate and spit roasted it at best.
Aveline was the breadwinner in her marriage. Wesley had to take care of dinner and usually ran her lunch to her lest she neglect to eat until evening.
Leandra cooked for all her kids. She had chronic mom syndrome like that. Hawke might have picked up a thing or two but generally didn't worry about cooking.
Varric CAN cook... A little. If boiling water can be considered cooking, he's an expert. Most of his meals come from The Hanged Man anyway
The only, and I mean this, ONLY member of the Kirkwall crew who can cook is Fenris. Not only did he learn what a good dish tastes like through living among Tevinter upper class, he also rubbed elbows with all the kitchen slaves. Danaris certainly didn't put up with any half assed cooking, either. The dishes that Fenris saw cooked were extravagant and delectable.
So Fenris sees Isabela and Merrill chow down on dry ASF unseasoned fish, and sees Hawke bake the densest, dryest, most burnt bread he's ever seen, or god forbid sees that Anders and Aveline will go days without eating anything, and is driven absolutely, positively insane. Until finally, he sits every single one of them down and cooks them a proper dinner. A glazed roast with seasoned vegetables, mashed potatoes, bread and jam for an appetizer, and shortcake for desert, which is quite frankly the simplest meal he can think of. And he all but forces everyone to clean their plates, because maker forbid any amount of flavor pass your lips.
And anytime he sees Anders reach for the hard tack, or Hawke approach the stove, or Isabela head to the docks with her fishing rod, he is the first person to slap their respective hands and herd them directly to the nearest chair and sit their assess down while he goes to the kitchen.
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cosmic-spider · 2 months
Lake cryptic
<< Welcome to Gravity falls Gideon >>
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After a week of being in Gravity Falls you noticed that were was always glow of magic around the area. There was a low and high. Low being in the town it's self and slowly getting higher the more into the woods you went.
But there was always some spots of it in the town. Like small puddles of weirdness that leaguers.
The Mystery shake was one of only a few buildings that had a big spike in that weird magical abilities.
It was weird but even the journal had that same weird felling in a different way. It had more of a opening fell to it. Like a door or a portal that allowed you to get in contact with anything of a higher level.
You felt like the journal only told of what the things here were or how to find/ summon them.
It made you think to make your own version of the journal. But a bit more organized from how dangerous they are to.
What to do if you are in a situation with one of the things. But it was going to take time to make a copy. With all the Pages of the journal. You were only able to look throw only half of it.
》━━━━━━━━━━ ⊱✫⊰━━━━━━━━━《
As you went over to the Mystery Shack it was a closed day. You were currently being the refry for the twins syrup race.
"Ok and go!" You said as you then both haled a bottle of syrup over there head thigh there mouth open.
"Go Sir syrup!"Mable  yelled
"Go Mountie Man!" Dipper said
After a few seconds  amable than patted her bottle making its syrup drip down onto her mouth first.
She the chowed and coughed a bit." I won!"
Dipper then grabbed the news paper next to him. " wow no way. Hey look at this." He then showed up the news paper.
" A human sized hamster balls. Huh I'm human size!" Mable said as she looked at the news paper."
" no no Mable this!" Dipper pointed to the other side of the paper. That had a monster photo contest. That hada fake picture that looked from a cartoon.
"We see weirder stuff than that everyday. We don't have any photos of the gnome now do we?"
" nope no photos just memories. Plus this beard hair." Mable said as she held out a  bit of hair.
" eww why do you have that?" Both me and Dipper say as we back away weirded out.
" why do you even have that?" Dipper asked.
Mable only shrugged as she put it away.
" good morning knuckle heads you all know what today is?" Grunckle Stan said as he came into the room.
As the twins gave there reply. Grunckle Stan then told them it's family fun day. As he the. Suggested they get blindfolded on and get in the car.
You desired to join them since you have nothing else to do.
As the twins asked questions about the what there were going to do you just zoned out as you out your head phones on.
After a bit you three were outside. Stan then said to take the blindfold off. As the three of you did you all see Stan in finding gear standing in front of a banner that had fusing season on it.
The twins then questioned  on what Stan was up to. You on the other hand looks salí de the lake to see how everyone was.
Lady Sanan had a fishing rod in one hand and a pan in the other. You then see Wendys dad Manly Dan and her brothers in another boat. As Manly Dan  grabs a fish with his hands as he then punched it on the boat.
" Guys just give Stan a chance you don't know it could be fun." You told the twins as they haled the fishing hats Stan gave them.
Then Old Man Mcgucket came running around yelling about a gobblewonker.  As the twins and Stan argued about going to the the island.
You look to the lake we're  Mc gucket  said he saw the lake monster. You then see some bobbles out in the water and a few ripples.
"Hey y/n , so are you coming with us to the monster hunt?." Dipper asked as he  got some fishing supplies.
" naw I'm good I'm a bit tired from getting my home ready. So I'll just go fish off on the shore somewhere." You told him ad you took off your headphones.
"Ok then suit yourself then y/n" Mable said as they walked of and got onto Soos's boat. While Stan went of somewhere else.
You then went into the small fishing shop. And saw the guy that sprayed Mcgucket with a water.
You head him mumbled some stuff under his breath. You ignored it as you got a good looking fishing rod, hook, and a few buckets. You then went up to the register.
" Hi I'll just be getting this. Do you have any live bait?" You asked as you put your stuff on the register.
" yes we do miss I have a few Minos and a small bass or two." The worker said as he then walked over to a container behind him.
" ok then I'll have those last few Bass as well as a two pounds of Minos." You told him. "So what was that about with Mc Goucket?" You asked as he got the live fish into a container.
" That's just my old crazy dad that keeps coming up with things to scare off my costumers." He said as he then started o scanted the items.
We'll do you ever think that he's doing it to try to get your attention? You asked him as he calculated the total.
"What makes you think he's going that? All I see is my old man ding something to get attention to make me look bad." He asked.
Well I'm with the Pines family for the summer, and Stan Pines took his great niece and nephew Mable and Dipper. He took them here instead of opening the Shake.
It was suspicious at first but when I asked him why. He told me that he wanted to take a break from work.
Plus he wanted to have some time to bond with them. It may not be the best, but he's trying.
"Hmm that's true it surprises almost everyone here that he's not at work. But that's nice he wants to spend time with them."
"I don't know if that's what he's trying to do. But it has been months since I talked to him properly and Hera since we spent time together." Your total is also $67.37.
You got your money out and payed." Well you'll never know if you don't give it a try. Trust me I've never had my dad in my live. So I can kinda understand the want to spend time with someone you haven't been with in a bit."
Well ether way just give you Mc Goucket a shoot you never know it could be fun." You said as you got your stuff and walk out the shop.
After a bit of walking around you decided to go off to a more farther out area of the lake away from every one else.
As you looked around you got to a cliff off to the side. That was hidden in the forest around the corner of the lake.
After a few hours of fishing you had goiter a good amount of fish. But then you hear the roar of something off in the distance.
As you then walked over to see what it was. You ended up on the other side of we're you were. You then see something off to the side at the shore of the lake.
As you get closer you see that it looked like some type of creature. Then you realized that it looked like lake monster.
When you got closer to it you then see that it's tail and front fin we're fought up in a fishing net and had a a few hocks in its body.
It roared at you and It moved around making some of its blood go into the water. Wow there it's ok I'm not going to hurt you. You healed you hand up as you walked over to the front of it were it's head was laying down.
The lake monster then roared in your face, you only stud your ground as you them walked closer to it. The gooblewonker then stoped roaring but did look at you carefully in case you did anything.
You then got to it front tied up fin grabbing the fish net. It then gave you a low growl. You then looked around the place and then made a circle in the ground.
Then you started to cut the net and got it off. As well as pulling off the hooks from its body.
The monster only looks at you at first in caution, but over time it calmed down and watched what you did.
As you went around it cutting the net and taking hooks out. You then saw that it's tail was bleeding and was basically getting cut off it's tail.
You took of the net and saw the blood that was coming out you then. Got your jacket off and ripped of a arm of it and ripped it around the tails covering up the wound.
After a bit you then see Soos's boat speed by as Mable, Dipper, and Soos ran way from another gobblewonker.
" that's weird is there another one of you?" The gobblewonker shook its head no. "So it's a fake or something?" It's nods its head as its then rubbed its head on top of yours.
"Aww is this a thank you for helping you? Hahaha!" You laughed as it splashed you with a bit of water.
After a bit you gobblewonker then started to move and got into a more deeper area of the lake.
"Well your more of a kinder cryptic that I've known of." You then continued to walk back to were you were fishing.
As you continued to fish you then see that the gobblewonker would catch a few fish then go off somewhere else.
After a bit you see something smaller swim of in the distance where some of the town's people were fishing.
The gobble wonker then swam in the same detection. And then tipped over the people's boat. After a bit it swam back to were you were with someone next to it.
"Hmm? What do you have there Ness? Is it ok if I can you Ness? Since your kinda the louckness cryptic." You asked as you relied back your fishing hook.
Ness noodles as it then lifted up its body a bit above the water. On top of its bobby it shows a smaller version of its self a baby ness.
"Aww is that your baby." You asked as the baby slid into the water and swam around a bit.
A bit later you saw that the baby was malnourished. "Aww poor little guy. Here you can have my bait and a few of the fish I caught." You throw them into the lake as the baby ate them.
After a few hours you played a bit with he baby and healed up Ness. But it was eventually time to call the day over.
As you walked your way back to the shore we're everyone was. The feeling of being watched was always there.
You couldn't point it out where it was coming from. But after a bit you could point out that it was coming from the Burch trees that you passed.
You brushed it off, and continued to walk back to the main area. As you did you saw that the pines we're packing up there things.
"Hey guys so how was the monster hunt?" You asked then as they put there things in Stans car.
" oh the wobblewoncker was fake, but he did spend some time with Stan." Dipper said as he put the fishing rods in the truck of the car.
" Yeah, but we caught a few fish." Mable came tuning over to you tackling you to the ground." Grunckle Stan said we were going to eat then. But I'm going to convince him to keep them as pets.
"That's cool Mabel  I didn't catch that much only a few to eat for dinner." You told her as you put your own fish in the cooler. Then closing the trunk in the back of the Stans car before getting in.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Time Skip
After you all got back to the shack you got out the fish you had left and went off you your home.
As you walked throw the forest you keep feeling like you were being watched.
It was unset but at the same time it was more like something was only looking at you and not going to hurt you.
You then see a yellow butterfly on a tree a bit ahead of you. It had a single brownish black spot in the middle.
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"Hmm that's weird" you mumbled a bit under your breath as you got to your cottage.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
The Stranded and The Scaly
Chapter 2 Day 2: Losing optimism.
Geoff awoke to Chris McLean's obnoxious camper-wake-up-call and groaned in annoyance as he covered his ears and tried to get some more sleep. However, he was hungry and he needed to find something edible for breakfast, so he reluctantly got up.
As he stretched, he felt and heard his spine pop a bit. "Aw, fuck..." He breathed. He'll definitely think twice before sleeping in an uncomfortable position again like he did last night. Man, he wished he brought his duffel bag with him.
Wait..... His duffel bag! He must have left it around the docks somewhere! He had a sleeping bag in that thing, after all!
Breakfast could wait, he needed to find that duffel bag!
Granted, he had to stay out of sight so neither Chris or the contestants would spot him.
As Geoff ran through the woods, he kept an eye out for anyone who could alert him to Chris, and when he finally got to where he left his duffel bag, he was panting and seriously out of breath. He hugged the duffel bag and slumped down against a rock. Okay, he found his duffel bag, now he needed to find something to chow down on. Maybe he could find some berries? Nah, too risky. He had zero clue which ones were edible or not. Maybe he could practice his fishing skills? That shouldn't be too hard. He'd already eaten the protein bar he had in his pocket last night, and he wanted to save the extras in his duffel bag for when he couldn't find anything else.
So, fishing it was.
First of all, he needed to put together a makeshift fishing rod. Chris had made them put together tons of cruddy things during their first season! Duncan was great at that kind of thing! And Izzy was great at finding all sorts of things!
....But they weren't here right now, and he missed them.
Geoff sighed sadly as he broke a long, thin branch off a tree. That should make for a decent rod! "Now for the fishing line..." he mumbled to himself as he rummaged through his duffel bag for the little container of dental floss he had packed. Once he found it, he tied one end of the floss to the end of the stick and grinned, he was proud of his handiwork, even if it wasn't much. The tricky part of this little project was finding a decent hook. There wasn't much Geoff could think of using, as there weren't many options.
He eventually gave up on looking for a hook to use and started inspecting the ground to see if he could find a grub or worm to use as bait. Fish liked that kind of stuff, right? As he scouted the ground, he listened to the new contestants doing their challenge of the day. He felt bad for them, stuck in Chris's shitty games.
Soon enough, Geoff was standing on the shore with his fishing rod in action, he really hoped this would work.
After an hour of two of impatience and hunger, he caught a fish and put together a campfire to cook it with. Despite the radiation in the air, the fish seemed pretty normal, and tasted normal! Though, he did wish it had some kind of seasoning.
After his breakfast, Geoff went for a hike in the woods to clear his mind and find somewhere nice to rest when night fell.
Okay, this island was NOT normal in the slightest. The animals were all mutated! While he didn't really like the island, Chris had NO right to disrespect the wildlife like that! The poor things... Bridgette and DJ wouldn't stand for this stuff!
He missed Bridgette and DJ...
He sniffled a bit and wiped any possible tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "Where ARE you guys?.." he spoke to himself quietly as he kept walking.
As night fell once more, Geoff bundled up in his sleeping bag and rested his head on the duffel bag. At least this was better than yesterday!
He held back tears as he closed his eyes and let sleep reclaim him once more. -----
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turtlethon · 1 year
“Donatello Trashes Slash”
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Season 6, Episode 11 First US Airdate: November 21, 1992
Evil mutant turtle Slash returns from Dimension X.
The sixth season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues with “Donatello Trashes Slash”. This is the second of four episodes in a row written by David Wise and serves as a sequel to the earlier adventure “Slash - The Evil Turtle from Dimension X”.
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We kick things off today with Leonardo and Raphael waiting for Michaelangelo to emerge from the kitchen with pizzas. If you’ve been keeping track of the occasional instances of friction between this pair then here’s another one to take note of, as Leo condescendingly points out that “a ninja is always patient”, leading Raph to give him what I can only describe as a Death Stare.
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Mikey arrives and begins serving the goods as expected, but before Leo and Raph can chow down, Donatello arrives, keen to try out his new automatic pizza slicer machine. The wheeled contraption soon goes haywire, splattering pizza across the walls of the Lair and destroying the furniture. Even Donatello’s own Bo staff gets destroyed in the process of de-activating his invention (marking the second episode in a row where this has happened). Frustrated by Donnie’s machine ruining their meal, the other Turtles head off to Vinnie’s, leaving the team’s resident inventor to clean up his creation’s mess.
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Later, Splinter arrives to find Donatello mopping up the living room floor. Donnie confides in his Sensei that this is the third time this week one of his inventions has malfunctioned, making him begin to doubt his role within the team. He’s ready to destroy the pizza cutter machine but Splinter offers words of reassurance, suggesting that he shouldn’t act too hastily.
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With his cleaning done, Donatello settles down to watch some TV. Vernon is broadcasting from a reptile house about the opening of a new turtle habitat. In the report, April’s rival gushes about how this facility will be a great help in preserving endangered species of turtles and create greater awareness about their plight with the public.
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The façade abruptly ends when Vernon thinks the broadcast is over, and he begins complaining about tax dollars being spent on “dirty, smelly reptiles”. As it turns out, the feed is still live, all of Vernon’s true feelings about turtles going out on the air. Donnie is infuriated by this, in fact I don’t recall ever seeing him this livid before. He’s about to head down to Channel 6 to confront Vernon – what's he going to do, beat him up? - when April appears on TV with a breaking story. An alien spacecraft has arrived in the city, and reports say that a large turtle emerged from it wielding advanced weaponry. Donnie briefly considers that the description given sounds like “Slash - The Evil Turtle from Dimension X” (referencing the title of the evil mutant’s prior appearance), but swiftly dismisses this idea.
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During my break between writing about seasons five and six, I rewatched the first season of TMNT, rewriting and expanding the Turtlethon entries for those episodes. One of the observations that I made in that second go-around was that the payphone elevators seen in “Hot-Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X” were almost immediately abandoned, manhole covers and ladders to the surface quickly becoming established as the main way that the Turtles enter and exit the sewers. We get a quasi-return for that idea here as Donatello is seen emerging onto the street via a concealed rising platform, minus the phone booth. He sneaks past a crowd and underneath a police barrier to see that the trash ship sent to Dimension X, “The Space Scow”, has indeed made it back to Earth.
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Donnie – now wielding his bo, which he apparently had concealed under his trenchcoat since leaving the Lair – confronts Slash, who is in the process of raiding an electrical supply store. This isn’t the same dopey foe that the Turtles battled before, however, as Slash now speaks like an erudite Englishman and wields an advanced laser blaster. Figuring perhaps brute force might work more effectively, Donatello tries to strike Slash with his staff, but gets hurled into a wall for his efforts. Seeing that he’s outmatched, he flees the building as Slash decimates a good portion of it.
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Slash pursues Donatello outside, destroying the car that the smaller turtle was taking refuge behind with a single laser blast. The returning villain declares his intention to become the dominant turtle in the city, hurling Donnie into the path of a group of collapsing logs in a construction site as the first act ends.
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We pick things up following the commercial break as Slash has buried Donatello under a pile of debris from the construction site. Announcing that this marks one Turtle down, three to go, the villainous mutant goes on to reveal he’s heading to Channel 6 to complete the construction of his trans-frequency flux oscillator. Wondering where Donnie is, the other Turtles reach him via Turtlecom, and after learning of his predicament, leave the Lair to dig him out.
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Slash goes on to set up a forcefield around the Channel 6 building, and after going inside confronts a receptionist. She rejects his request for access to the roof’s broadcast antenna and is sent skyward (along with her desk) after being hit with a ray from Slash’s anti-gravity gun. Two security guards are taken out with an Immobiliser blaster, and a further group of employees are handled with a gust of cold air from a third weapon the evil turtle has invented.
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At the construction site, the other Turtles free Donatello from the pile of girders and assorted junk pinning him down. The team find the idea of Slash beating Donatello incredulous – I don’t know why, he had no problem defeating all four of them before – and laugh in Donnie’s face after he tells them the deranged mutant is now super-intelligent.
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Burne is entirely unfazed upon discovering that the alien Turtle reported to be on a rampage is now in the Channel 6 building, figuring that it’ll make a fantastic story. He soon ropes Vernon into joining him in investigating the situation. Meanwhile the Turtles reach the station’s premises and discover the forcefield that’s been put into place. As the dome only extends halfway up, our heroes use a grappling hook to gain entry via an open window.
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An older lady is hosting a cooking show when Slash arrives on-set, scaring the crew off. He goes on to imagine the world populated by turtles that will exist after his plan has been implemented, leading to an extended fantasy sequence: a turtle equivalent of the cooking show host goes through the motions, before we see turtle news from “TNN”, a turtle home shopping pitchman and a jowly turtle providing a weather report.
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Slash’s dream is interrupted by the arrival of the Ninja Turtles, but he hits back by opening fire upon a roof-mounted lighting rig, pinning down our heroes. The Turtles quiz Slash as to how he became so smart, which leads to another cutaway, this time for a flashback. We see the Space Scow crash land on an alien world, where a variety of creatures with differing goofy designs would take pity upon Slash, performing a procedure on him that would dramatically increase his intelligence. The evil mutant would take it upon himself to return to Earth and turn everyone into a turtle with his new animalizer ray, with himself positioned as the most powerful turtle of all. Listening in on this recollection of events are Vernon and Burne, who manage to attract Slash’s attention and become the first victims of the animalizer, now resembling pet turtle versions of themselves (but retaining the ability to talk).
[NOTE: During Slash’s flashback, Michaelangelo notes that the episode where the Space Scow was launched was show #74. I don’t know where this number came from, as it was the 83rd to be broadcast and the mid-seventies would place it during the syndicated stretch. Granted, both the syndicated and network portions of S4 had a super-screwy broadcast order that generated all kinds of continuity goofs – perhaps David Wise had it earmarked early on as being episode 74 and that never got updated once the final running order had been finalised, but it’s just as likely that he pulled a random number out of nowhere here.]
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The Ninja Turtles attack Slash, who counters by jumping on a floorboard to send the team flying. More confusion abounds here with the line “And Slash fights with brain power!” being delivered out of nowhere – presumably Leonardo was supposed to utter his “Turtles fight with honour!” catchphrase when the group were attacking, and this wound up on the cutting room floor. Slash uses his ice gun against the Turtles as the second act wraps up.
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Having frozen the Ninja Turtles, Slash scoops up the transformed Vernon and Burne, declaring them to be his first subjects and placing them in a shoebox before heading for the roof. As he begins work on amending the station’s transmitter, April finds the frozen Turtles. Back and forth scenes follow of the Turtles slowly being thawed out, alongside Burne and Vernon’s long journey back downstairs after escaping from their shoebox. April is astonished to see what’s become of both her old rival and her boss, who take turns in explaining Slash’s current plan. Vernon pleads to be offered protection and turned back to his old form alongside Burne, but Donatello continues to hold a grudge for the reporter’s earlier remarks. Nevertheless, our heroes agree to let them tag along.
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The Turtles confront Slash on the roof, but his modifications have allowed him to turn the transmitter into a flying platform that he uses to escape. It becomes apparent to the team that Slash is heading in the direction of the Trumpet Tower apartment building, a giant golden skyscraper which we’re told is “the tallest structure in the city”. (This implies the existence of yet another Donald Trump expy in the TMNT universe, which is wild given that two prior Trump stand-ins were present in the first Slash episode alone, and one of those guys was Donald J. Lofty, whose own Lofty Tower was introduced as “the world’s tallest skyscraper” in “The Big Zipp Attack” - why not just incorporate that into this story?) Slash intends to use this vantage point to gain maximum coverage for his transmitter, and so the Turtles must act quickly.
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A throwaway scene follows in which Donatello rushes back to the Lair, carrying Burne and Vernon in his hands as he passes the same building six times. Meanwhile the other Turtles confront Slash atop Trumpet Tower, only to be met with a wave of small, wheeled enemy robots. The outlook is bleak for our heroes until Donnie arrives with his pizza cutting robot, originally retrieved with the intent of disconnecting the antenna. The contraption easily decimates Slash’s machines, but the problem of the animalizer remains. Donnie goads Slash into using it on him and his team-mates, as turning them into humans would leave Slash the only mutant turtle in the city. When Slash opens fire, Donatello hurls Vernon and Burne into the path of the blast, reverting them back to human form.
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Slash is furious at being tricked, and charges at the Turtles after his equipment is destroyed, knocking himself, Leo, Mikey and Raph off the side of Trumpet Tower. While our heroes are saved from impact thanks to Michaelangelo’s grappling hook, Slash isn’t so lucky. The Turtles assemble around their enemy and find that, while still alive, the impact has reverted him back to his former self. Donnie announces that the team will take Slash to his spaceship and send him on his way again.
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Back in the Lair, Michaelangelo reveals to Leonardo and Raphael that while he’s relieved the day was saved, he feels ill-at-ease as every other adventure has always climaxed with a “big, humungous explosion”. This plainly isn’t true at all, but in any event, Donatello arrives with another innovation, an automatic cheese grater. I’m sure you can see where this is going, as after a single piece of parmesan is placed inside, an enormous explosion follows.
Slash’s first outing established him as a fan-favourite villain, and wisely – no pun intended – left the door open for his potential return. Two years on, we finally get that here, but I suspect that this isn’t the sequel that anyone imagined, much less wanted. The demented, chaotic energy that made the character so entertaining in his first go-around, coupled with the comedic tragedy of his origin and his endless quest for his “binky” don’t factor into this story at all, and instead we see him acting and talking like every mad scientist villain the Turtles have battled over the course of the last three seasons. Since this is a David Wise episode, there’s plenty to enjoy here regardless, but I can’t shake the feeling that this story denied us the chance to see more of Slash as Slash. That’s particularly disappointing as he’ll only appear in the series once more next season, in “Night of the Rogues”.
In prior episodes, Michaelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo each went through the process of doubting their value to the team and confiding in Splinter about their feelings. This of course only left Donatello, and had me joking that given how integral his intelligence is – coupled with his growing ego over the last few seasons – he wasn’t about to go through this rite of passage. Clearly, I was wrong, as that’s exactly what happens here. Though Donatello’s crisis of confidence does tie into the conclusion of this adventure, I do get the sense that we never fully got to explore these themes as Slash’s antics consumed so much screen time. It’s clear that some things were rushed through in this story to squeeze everything into twenty-two minutes – the extended fantasy sequence about turtles hosting TV shows certainly didn’t help.
Vernon’s increasing prominence isn’t something I ever would have predicted heading into season six, but aside from “Phantom of the Sewers” he’s been a notable factor in every recent episode going all the way back to “Return of the Turtleoid”, where he had a memorable interaction with the departing Big Louie. Subsequent outings have seen him plotting to steal April’s new office, attempt to impress the boss’s son and of course show off his nephew Foster to his co-workers in one of his biggest roles to date. Here, Vernon is back at his sneering best, getting in trouble repeatedly in an outing where April is barely seen at all. Even more strangely for a Channel 6-focused episode, Irma is nowhere to be seen, although as anyone who remembers the curious case of Mildred will know, this isn’t entirely unprecedented.
An entire month in TV time has passed since we last checked in with Shredder and his bunch, and there’s a real sense that while the Technodrome crew remain the show’s foremost villains, they’re not quite the dominant bad guys that they were in the heyday of the first three seasons. We’ll see if Shreds can turn things around next time as he returns with the rest of the Foot Clan regulars in “Leonardo is Missing”.
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The next three rounds have been scheduled 🪻
You might notice that Friday and Saturday's polls are missing big sister rounds. That's due to an uneven amount of characters per type, so there are going to be a couple extras we'll see later on in Prelims Round 11.
Preliminary Round 4: Thurs 3/9/23 @1:00pm
Big sister: Mira, Frita, Hazel, Flo, Fuchsia, Diva
Cranky: Roscoe, Spike, Marlo, Curt, Apollo, Static
Jock: Leonardo, Hamlet, Inkwell, Holden, Scoot, Samson
Lazy: Beau, Punchy, Marty, Stu, Clyde, Paolo
Normal: Skye, Celia, Fauna, Lolly, Eunice, Stella
Peppy: Tammi, Candi, Piper, Bunnie, Patty, Peggy
Smug: Lopez, Ed, Henry, Beardo, Marshal, Chops
Snooty: Purrl, Blaire, Bree, Yuka, Julia, Soleil
Special: Daisy Mae, Porter, Booker, Don Resetti, Flick, Mabel
Preliminary Round 5: Fri 3/10/23 @2:00pm
Cranky: Croque, Chow, Elvis, Frank, Grizzly, Vladimir
Jock: Mott, Jay, Peck, Curly, Kid Cat, Tad
Lazy: Ozzie, Biskit, Sasha, Deli, Derwin, Filbert
Normal: Melba, Vesta, Bertha, Ava, Ellie, Gayle
Peppy: Cece, Peanut, Pippy, Tangy, Cookie, Bluebear
Smug: Tex, Raymond, Hippeux, Eugene, Shep, Phil
Snooty: Gigi, Gloria, Tipper, Violet, Greta, Astrid
Special: Gulliver, Tom Nook, Lyle, Katie, Phineas, Copper
Preliminary Round 6: Sat 3/11/23 @3:00pm
Cranky: Rocco, Wart Jr., Rolf, Gruff, Cesar, Peewee
Jock: Boots, Rory, Bud, Ace, Rod, Stinky
Lazy: Jeremiah, Dizzy, Prince, Rex, Raddle, Alfonso
Normal: Pekoe, June, Marcie, Lucy, Bettina, Maple
Peppy: Merry, Agent S, Victoria, Twiggy, Nibbles, Ketchup
Smug: W. Link, Hans, Kyle, Lucha, Chadder, Quillson
Snooty: Pecan, Rio, Whitney, Ankha, Monique, Bitty
Special: Wilbur, Reese, Kapp’n, Pascal, Nat, Harvey
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The Reviews Are In!
"Thanks for having me on, and it was a pleasure to open your show! You did a fabulous job producing and hosting your show! Well done!"
-Rod Chow, Past National President, Society of American Magicians
"Thank you for such an enjoyable event that is sure to increase in attendance as the word gets out.
Thank you for all that you have done, and continue to do, for the Art and our community of Magic."
-Mike McClure
"It was a great show! I’m looking forward to next month's show!"
-John Zenkewich
"Magic is in good hands. Thank you for all that made this possible."
-John O'Riordan
"Hi Michael, good show."
-Kevin Peel
​"Great Show!"
-Tommy Burnett
"Thank you Michael and all. You work tirelessly to bring this to the masses. Keep up the good work!"
-Phil Ackerly
"Thank you for the show. It is a highlight. You bring out the best of the performers you have on."
-Ian Fenn
​"Wonderful show! Thanks to all the performers and fun to see some of my friends on (Ray and Lon).
Thanks to Dr. Michael for hosting and bringing this to us!
Always a must watch and highlight of my month."
-Wiley Allen
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ironifiicd · 12 days
Continued from here: xXXx
The shouting of commands and orders from his teammates rings loudly in the Avenger's ear over their shared communicator, the Iron Man doing his best to calmly clear the streets as he noticed one schmuck just standing there.
Didn't he not just tell this guy to bail and to get his ass out of there? What was he doing still standing there? Did this man have a death wish? whatever it was the mechanic had work to do and unfortunately this was only making his job harder, it was difficult to save civilians who did not want to save themselves.
"Do I have a weapon on me?" Tony is bemused by the line of questioning, being asked if he's armed as if this individual has no idea exactly what and who he is talking to. The watch on the billionaire's wrist comes apart and metallic plates begin to mould and rearrange as they lock into place upon his form, hot rod red and bright gold in colour as the assemble his suit of armour and the man gets into a battle ready stance. "Buddy I am a weapon."
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The creature looms over the city streets and crushing everything in its path, a long tongue whips out of the lizard-like beasts toothy maw as it seems to taste the air trying to locate its prey.
"Thor, don't have all the fun without me. That's so rude, send your ol' buddy Tony an invite." As his helmet pulls over his face and within it screens alight with images of the devastation and any info possible on the creature does Tony call out to his friend as out of the corner of his vision he spots a streak of lightning before the booming of thunder immediately follows.
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"Look pal I told you to get out of here, I strongly recommend that you do so now unless you want to be monster chow. This is Avengers business, can't just have anyone be here for this shit."
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scottwellsmagic · 1 year
757: MAWNY 2023 - One Day Convention Report
Sunday, April 30th
Registration Opens - 9:00 am
Auction (NO BOOKS OR MAGAZINES) - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
(NOTE: All auction items must be checked-in no later than 10:15 am)
Lunch and Mingle with Your Fellow Magicians - 12:00 pm
Close-Up Performers - 2:00-ish pm hosted by Eric Decamps with Bernardo Sedlacek, Jimmy C., Michael Ammar, Quentin Reynolds, Aaron Isaac, Alexandra Duvivier
Lecture - 3:30-ish pm
Dinner Buffet - 5:00 pm
(Doors open at 6:30 pm) (Time subject to change) for Dealers
International Evening Show - 7:00 pm (Time subject to change) hosted by Christian and Katalina with Martin Braessas, Michael Dardant, Darryl Rose, Sara Crasson, Greg Frewin, Christian Mocia, Meadow Perry, and Juliana Chen.
Time stamps for this episode:
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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We hit Summer Monday in the Chill Valicer Save in this episode, and once again the focus is heading to the store and seeing what they can do to fill some more shelves! Though, as usual, it took the gang a little while to get there. . .
-->Start of the day saw a hungry (and specter-sprinkled) Alice heading out to grab some more raw meat, Smiler going out to repair a broken water collector and add another lightning rod to a wind turbine, and Victor chatting with Guidry for a bit (gotta keep the ghost occupied) before decamping to the barn to experiment at his cauldron! Because he hadn’t really used the one at home yet, and I was hoping that he’d learn another potion recipe. No dice, sadly, but the spellcaster XP is always good!
-->Alice came back from her hunt with a couple of plates of meat, as per the usual -- she sat with Guidry and chowed down while I put the spare in the fridge, then settled in for a wolf nap. Smiler took advantage of the power being on to actually hit their video-creation station and answer some comments (probably explaining why they haven’t posted in a while), before heading down to tend to the animals -- throwing feed out for the chickens (it’s a full coop with all the little chicks, as you can see!) and heading into Moory’s shed to make sure it was nice and clean. Victor, for his part, finished his experimenting, and got sent to the woodworking bench to make some new planters for the greenhouse! Because I was determined to get THAT sorted, and having a few spare planters would NOT go amiss. . .
-->And then, as Alice woke up from her nap, I spotted a random fox just -- running around in the house. O.o Excuse you! Isn’t it bad enough you torment my chickens on the regular? Fortunately it ran outside as Alice headed out herself (making it look like she was escorting it out), but damn. Darn wild foxes, always getting where they’re not wanted!)
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amarketedcandybar · 1 year
"FUEL ROD" Fuel rod the sex master said while inside ham.
"Hello brother." Prince Fuel rod said.
The tension was high as Fuel rod and prime fuel rod looked at each other wanting Ham. Ham laid there wondering what was gonna happened next.
"H-h-hello...?" said blackberry as she walked through the door "is everything alright Prince Fuel Rod?"
"Oh... Blackberry... yes dear everything is fine. I just found my long lost brother fucking some slut with her legs wide open. You know that you're the only one for me blackberry right?" Prince fuel rod said with an angry and begging tone.
"Yes dear, I know" Blackberry said. Little does Prince Fuel Rod know, Blackberry is actually in love with Fuel Rod, the brother of the Prince. She longed for him, but seeing Fuel Rod sleeping with another crush put her into a deep depression.
Ham watched as Prince Fuel Rod and Blackberry talked to each other, wondering why Fuel Rod never talked to her like that. Ham gives up her wet and sopping ham sandwich for free just to get that electric feeling but Fuel Rod doesn't do anything for her besides sex. Now falling in love with his brother Prince Fuel Rod hoping to get the chance to be treated as a real woman and not just some sex toy.
"Ofc you're here, always at the worse time" Fuel Rod said to his Brother.
"I just know perfect timing to see what bitch you're fucking" He says cockily.
"HAM IS NOT A FUCKING BITCH" Fuel Rod yells angrily at Prince Fuel Rod.
"THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK TO YOUR BROTHER" Prince Fuel Rod yelling back.
"FINE!" Prince Fuel Rod slapped the door while walking out leaving Blackberry behind.
Blackberry just stood there timidly, until she slowly leaves too after Prince Fuel Rod.
Fuel Rod sighs and looks at Hams scared face.
"I'm sorry beautiful I didn't mean to scared you, it's just me and my brother have been like that since I can remember" Fuel Rods says with a disappointed voice.
"It's okay I understand." Ham murmured sweetly while hugging Fuel Rod. "Oh! I can see that your solider is up... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), shall.. w-"
Fuel Rod forces Ham down before she could finish her sentence, quickly turning the conversation into a hot and passionate slippery kiss.
"c-c-can I... s-s-suck on your o-o-one eyed monster." Ham quakes.
"Ofc you can my love" Fuel Rod says smirking, watching ham get down on her knees with no clothes on.
"mm~" Fuel Rod thinks "Ham has the curves of a godly goddess. Her perky C cups and her astonishing beauty. Her nipples a light pink, that become red when you tease her, her pink wet pussy, dripping for more. She was all mine" Fuel Rods comprehends inside his mind.
Ham looks up at him and see fuel rod smiling at her, she blushes, her nipples turning redder. With his thrill drill pounding deep into hams enchilada of love, the sensation of her masters ceremony smashing my cervix made ham quake like a tasered slab of chopped liver. The feeling of his love mayonnaise weeping down hams throat has tuna tunnel tears flowing quicker than a gay friend group fucking each other.
Ham conceives from her mind: "My mouth was so full of devil's bagpipe and love mayonnaise, the steamin'
semen was dripping down my chin and onto my tatas. I can't wait to chow down on the steamin' semen from his one-eyed monster." as she starts to beg for more.
"come here baby girl" Fuel Rods states while dragging Ham up onto him. His meaty meat stick at again at full standing. He slid it into her drenched vajussy.
"gasp" Ham moans.
"It was bliss having his piss pipe slid inside me again; stuffing my hatchet wound with a barbie doll just didn't get my fuck trench squirting like it used to." Ham determines inside her consciousness.
Fuel Rod starts to lose battery...
"fuel rod?" Ham quakens, shaking Fuel Rods body "FUEL ROD??"
fuel rod faints...
"FUEL ROD!" Ham yells
To be continued...
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savagenewcanaan · 1 year
Savage New Canaan How to Prep as well as Shop Your Muscular Tissue Vehicle For Winter Months
Winter is upon us, so if you live in snow nation it's time to put the hot rod away for winter months. This can occasionally be a sad time for true car-guys, but the bright side of the circumstance is that you can eat your Christmas dinner gladly understanding that your automobile is tucked away from the snow, salt, and also any wicked sand that might injure it. Besides, springtime is simply around the bend.
 Right here are a couple of ideas that will certainly make your springtime time access of the vehicle a happy get-together instead of one full of four-letter words.
 1. Put it away clean
 This step going without saying ... so we'll proceed and state it anyway. Any type of dirt you leave on the outside of the auto will certainly set during the chilly winter months, and also it will be a serious discomfort to take off in the spring. If you remain in a rush as well as can't obtain this done do not stress; it won't be difficult to obtain the waste off in the springtime, just bothersome. Keep in mind, similar to your mom informed you, a little time spent currently will certainly conserve you a great deal of time later.
 Make sure to clean the interior as well, primarily to get rid of the motivation of any kind of computer mice seeking some chow. And also, it's always wonderful to jump in a tidy auto in the springtime.
Savage New Canaan
 2. Store it on concrete in a tidy garage
 A tidy concrete garage is the excellent storage place for 2 factors: 1) Unlike a dirt or gravel surface, wetness can not quickly move up with the concrete into your vehicle, as well as 2) unclean/cluttered garages bring in varmints.
 Wetness that gets involved in your cars and truck may cause all type of little electrical issues come spring time (believe cap, rotor, plug cords, etc), and each and every single screw on the cars and truck that had a little bit of exposed metal will certainly not have a wonderful slim layer of surface corrosion on it
 The varmint concern must be a quite apparent one. The less factor they need to be near your vehicle in the winter season, the far better. An empty garage with a concrete flooring that just contains your cars and truck is your best choice to avoiding them.
 3. Put a cover on it.
 An auto cover will certainly maintain your automobile covered from the inescapable dirt that will certainly pick it. If you have actually been adhering to the actions detailed thus far (i.e. the cars and truck is tidy and in a tidy concrete floored garage), a basic cheapo breathable automobile cover is all you'll need. It's just a dust cover.
 If you actually can't get it on the concrete for wintertime, your following ideal wager is to either leave the auto entirely exposed (so the wetness won't be entraped under the car cover) or to obtain a sandwich-bag style cover. These are extra pricey than regular covers, however they're primarily big automobile cover bags that you lay on the floor, drive your automobile onto, and after that zip it up within. Wonderful as well as simple.
 As an option, you can make your very own using a huge plastic ground cloth (to drive the cars and truck onto) as well as a regular breathable automobile cover. The ground cloth will be your vapor barrier, so put it up right into the cars and truck cover and also hold it there with duct tape (you'll basically develop a cocoon where the drop cloth is the base, and also the vehicle cover is the top).
 4. Fill up the container as well as change the oil
Savage New Canaan
 A full gas storage tank is a satisfied gas container ... as well as it additionally means that there will certainly be no room for air in the tank (which would certainly bring about moisture in the tank). Just fill it up at the pump and include a little fuel stabilizer as well as gas-line antifreeze (like HEET) for good procedure.
 An oil adjustment is simply a good approach to ensure the oil frying pan will not end up being loaded with sludge. It will additionally see to it that the engine parts aren't covered in old contaminated oil for a number of months without moving. Make sure to transform the oil as soon as you draw it out of storage space in the springtime though as wetness can develop in the crank situation. It's inexpensive insurance.
 5. (Optional) Put it on jack stands as well as squirt the cyndrical tubes
 For the hardcore auto storer, it used to be a gold requirement to place the automobile up on jack stands and to spray every one of the cylinders with a little shot of oil.
 With contemporary tires this isn't so much a requirement any longer as the large reason to get the car off of the ground was to stop flat finding the tires. If you're running bias ply tires on your cars and truck, it's still an excellent idea to put the auto on stands. For those of you running modern-day radial tires that have actually never had any kind of air leakage issues, feel free to avoid this action.
 Spraying the cylinders with oil is often done to obtain a little extra lubrication in the cyndrical tube chamber. For those of you running initial spec engines, this step actually can't hurt. Simply pull each ignition system out, spray a little shot of oil in (making use of an oil can with a pipe) as well as put the plug back in. That's it.
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windjeep67 · 2 years
Remdesivir Synthase and also Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Disorder within Alzheimer's
Scientific testing on people can also change within the wellness analytics explored, since there is out there many wellness effect stop details frequently calculated. On this assessment, all of us put together mini testimonials of the most popular noninvasive wellbeing result conclusion points which might be well suited for panel research involving smog, broken into aerobic end items, respiratory system end points, and also biomarkers regarding impact through natural types. Important information regarding each wellness end level and the recommended methods for cell assortment within the discipline are usually assessed. In addition #Link# , the medical significance for each and every well being finish position are usually made clear, with the components determined that can alter each way of measuring. Ultimately, quite research conclusions regarding each and every wellness conclusion point and air pollutant exposures have been evaluated. The idea appeared that most with the negative wellbeing outcomes conclusion details explored put together to be able to favorably correlate along with pollutant ranges, despite the fact that variations in review layout, pollutants calculated, and study populace put together just to walk the particular size of those results. As a result, this particular review should work as helpful tips regarding research workers thinking about completing human being direct exposure scientific studies associated with atmosphere pollutants while in the area, nevertheless, there can be a wider request for using these kind of finish details in many epidemiological study patterns.With this review, many of us looked into the particular antiproliferative connection between S-trityl-L-cysteine (STLC) throughout CML K562 cellular traces. Many of us #Link# noticed that this levels involving IC50 price creating important hang-up associated with mobile or portable development along with All day and, Forty eight as well as 72 l treatment ended up Five, 12 and 1 mu Meters, respectively, utilizing chemosensitivity assay. STLC specifically caught the cells' routine progression at Ersus levels in A dozen or All day and l as well as did not hinder G2/M advancement. Subsequent scientific studies demonstrated that STLC additionally brought on deep G2/M police arrest following a detected early on involving apoptosis. These kind of results were consistent with various other observations that the enhancement involving monopolar spindles ended up being with a band associated with chromosomes received by confocal microscopy, recommending which STLC-induced apoptosis is outside of AIF in K562 tissue. These bits of information could be beneficial in identifying this sort of STLC small-molecular inhibitors because possessing anti-leukemic activity prior to numerous studies down the road.The particular fat-1 gene cloned coming from H. elegans encodes the n-3 fatty acid desaturase which converts n-6 for you to n-3 PUFA. Rats holding the fat-1 transgene as well as wild-type settings had been given the n-3-deficient/n-6-enriched diet regime [fat-1-safflower oil (SFO) as well as wt-SFO, respectively]. Essential fatty acid single profiles involving fishing rod exterior sectors (ROS), cerebellum, plasma tv's, and liver proven drastically reduced n-6/n-3 percentages and better docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ranges in fat-1-SFO in comparison with wt-SFO. Any time rodents ended up subjected to light anxiety: One) your outer atomic covering (ONL) width was lowered; Two) amplitudes in the electroretinogram (ERG) ended up reduced; Three) the volume of apoptotic photoreceptor tissue has been greater; and also Four) changes associated with retinal protein through 4-hydroxyhexenal (4-HHE), a good end-product regarding n-3 PUFA corrosion was elevated in both fat-1-SFO along with wt these animals fed a normal science lab chow diet regime compared with wt-SFO. The final results indicate an optimistic link between the amount of DHA, just how much #Link# n-3 PUFA lipid peroxidation, and the weeknesses from the retina to be able to photooxidative anxiety.
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alexanderhwang6 · 2 years
At that place whitethorn give been clock when you wanted to examine fishing, just were afraid you didn't ingest the know-how. Enough of hoi polloi wealthy person already disclosed the simple-minded gladden and rest that fishing tin provide. If you see a snatch more nigh the use by indication this article, you Crataegus oxycantha regain yourself Thomas More eagre to go tabu and throw it a seek yourself.
Precisely as in other sports, it is lively to receive the proper geared wheel. In that location are many dissimilar types of fishing and apiece ace requires unlike equipment. If you go fly fishing with a normal rod, you volition promptly discover yourself place into a status where it is very unmanageable to Pisces right. A somebody sportfishing with lure would be Wise to manipulation a bob or roughly kind of indicator patch fishing. It bottom be punishing to evidence when you fix a burn at times, and a thoroughly index will eradicate that job. Prefer unrivaled that is easy seeable to you on the airfoil of the piddle. Seem at the birds as you Pisces. Birds bum blemish angle from far outside up in the flip. If you pass off to discover a geta of where the birds are transmissible fish, and then you whitethorn desire to propel in that universal area. Birds have sex to wipe out fish, and therefore are unforced to shit plunge dives to bewilder them. Close watch their behaviour and they power enable you to know a proficient fishing mean solar day. If you observe that you are losing as well many Fish from a pet lure, be certainly you check out your hooks. Often, fishermen draw a blank that maulers butt get straight-from-the-shoulder or twisted, which makes espial recently Fish a challenge. To spend a penny indisputable your lures lot cleanly and quickly, substitution out or taper your meat hooks. If you are sportfishing on a river, you must understand that at that place is departure to be a current that you moldiness accompany. Rivers are crushed pour down into respective pockets of fish, where you should emplacement yourself to capture the highest bulk. Aligning your boat in an domain that is still bequeath help oneself maximize your results. When you are choosing your fishing rod, be sure as shooting the eyelets that concur the dividing line are quiet. They should not receive whatsoever variety of abrasive material tone. Whatever rough water with the trace could causa it to counteract or to snatch at that lively sharpen when you consume caught that swelled Pisces. Earlier fishing, you should empathise or so canonical procedures. Become familiar spirit with sure tasks, including adding the sportfishing ride on the hooks, cast knocked out your line, and ligature knots. Erudition these introductory procedures is necessity if you are lacking to discover how to fish in the just about good mode so that you tin can throw succeeder. When you are exploitation grubs and are victimization a operose short letter to Fish with, pass water for certain your chow has a incisive and inviolable lift. Detain departed from hooks made with amercement conducting wire because sea bass keister easily straighten these maulers. You put up employment thin out telegraph hooks when sportfishing with lightheaded delineate because they are punter suitable for softer crochet sets. When houseboat roof coating should retrieve that in that location is no particular proposition typecast of tempt that kit and caboodle for each and every tolerant of Pisces the Fishes. Ilk people, for each one Fish has its possess orientation for intellectual nourishment. You demand to enquiry in front you go sportfishing so that you crapper trusted to hook your abstract with food for thought that bequeath entreaty to the eccentric of Fish you are nerve-racking to get. If you are pickings a nestling with you on a sportfishing head trip then you require to stool the travel very much shorter than the ones that you are commonly victimised to pickings. If you take a leak the trigger off likewise farsighted and the kid gets bored and so they will not wish to go on some other sportfishing travel in the succeeding. By recital this article, you butt straightaway construe how many different things fishing entails. You necessitate to lie with just about equipment, acquisition levels, Fish types and locations in ordain to really become a successful fisherman. Fishing is both well-heeled and complex, which makes it pleading to a quite a little of populate. The next sentence you go fishing, employ the advice provided to you and you bequeath discovery climax habitation with a heavy Fish to be exciting.
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shilo-sumac · 2 years
Pokémon Care Guide #10, The Pichu Line
Evolution Method: Bond Level, elementally charged stone (thunder)
The Pichu line is an electric mammalian Pokémon that is quite popular due to its evolved form being a mascot for multiple companies.  Alolan Raichu have psychic as their secondary typing. These Pokémon live in tight knit colonies in forested areas, and are quite elusive to outsiders.  Despite being called the mouse Pokémon, they are more closely related to weasels, having sharp pointed teeth rather than the traditional constantly growing rodent buck teeth.
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These Pokémon use their electric abilities to fry berries to tenderize them. Adult Pikachu and Raichu will do this for the young Pichu who don't yet have control over their abilities.  A captive member of this line can eat almost everything. Fruits, meats, vegetables, Pokémon chow, poffins, and some human foods. It's best to keep them on a diet of Pokémon food specially formulated for electric omnivores and supplement it with berries.  While they can eat people food without many ill effects, it's best to limit this so that they do not become overweight. They have a fondness for ketchup especially. 
A healthy member of this line will be full of energy with bright eyes and attentive ears.  They can occasionally suffer from the “electric flu,” a catch-all term for any illness in which their electrical powers become hard to control and sometimes dangerously overpowered and prone to random bursts.  It’s best to bring them to the Pokémon center for this, for the sake of everyone around you and the Pokémon itself.  These Pokémon also need at least 14-18 hours of sleep a day to charge their electricity stores, otherwise they will be weak and unable to defend themselves or battle.
Pichu are baby Pokémon, and thus need a lot of supervision in captivity.  They can easily hurt themselves by trying to overexert their electric abilities during times of high emotion.  It’s highly recommended that you either have a well trained ground type or a Pokémon with the lightning rod ability to accompany you, or to at least be sure to wear special equipment for handling electric types when it comes to babies, even a very happy and friendly Pichu cannot control outbursts of shocks when handled.  Adult Pikachu and Raichu know how to safely discharge their excess electricity via their tails or cheek pouches.
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Using a thunderstone on a Pikachu in Alola will trigger an evolution into an Alolan Raichu rather than a traditional Kantonian Raichu.  In Alolan, they are known as “hodad.”  Scientists aren’t 100% sure what exactly causes this besides possibly a higher in sugar diet and the difference of climate.  Locals suggest it may be from pancakes.  It probably is not actually from the pancakes.  Alolan Raichu take a bit of time to learn to balance on their tails using their brand new psychic power and may end up wiping out a few times before they get the motion down right.
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Pikachu is an extremely intelligent and trainable Pokémon.  They can learn a number of different non battling tricks, one popular example being the surfing or “flying” Pikachu that have been taught to use human tools to surf and fly.  Pichu and Raichu are just as trainable, but it just so happens that the most famous examples are Pikachu, which causes a lot of people to wrongly think Pikachu is the smarter of the other two.
In captivity, the Pichu line will need a place to safely discharge electricity (either through battle or in a safe area,) or they will get extremely stressed and even aggressive.  They are quite wonderful and charming pets to have, Pikachu especially being very popular in the pet trade.  Unfortunately, this makes it so that there are many unethical breeders of Pichu.  It’s especially important to be sure you only buy from breeders you research thoroughly and are sure are ethical.  These Pokémon can happily live in a house as pets, and can even be litterbox trained.
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The Pichu line are popular for a reason!  They are loyal and friendly and receptive to training by trainers of all ages.  Their powerful electric attacks and agility allow them to excel in both competitive battling and contests, and their friendly demeanor allow them to be great companions in their off time.  Provided you can find one in the wild or find a good breeder, they are a very solid choice for any team. 
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