#Riff Fanfic
auspicious-manner · 2 years
Hi! You’re such a fantastic writer!! I was wondering if you could maybe write a story where Riff survives the rumble, but needs medical attention and the reader is there to comfort him. (If it’s not too much to ask) Thank you!
thank you! i appreciate it so much ❤️ i love writing for my boy riff
fem reader x riff
warnings: injury, talk of wanting to die/death, weapons
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Death Wish
“happy rumble day, Y/N,” riff said excitedly as he came out of Y/N’s small bedroom and into the kitchen where Y/N was preparing breakfast in the middle of the afternoon.
“you know i’m not a fan of this, riff.”
she kept her back to him, and he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around the tops of her shoulders.
Y/N was the complete opposite of riff. she wasn’t even sure how she fell in love with him in the first place. they had opposing views, as she was constantly promoting peace between the two gangs in the city. but, they did have something in common. Y/N was outspoken, and brave, and stood up for herself. she was a good girl who liked bad guys, because bad guys brought out a fiery personality in her. and riff fit that definition perfectly.
riff squeezed Y/N’s body a little tighter. “come on girly, you know me. i’m going to be safe. those sharks can’t lay a finger on me,” he said quietly, kissing the back of her head before stepping away.
“i know you, you can hold your own. that’s not what i’m against. i don’t like the idea of this rumble in general,” she stated.
riff’s calm demeanor was growing into an impatient one. “it’s necessary. this is our turf, and no one gets to come into this city and steal what we worked so hard to build.”
Y/N noticed a complete switch in his tone. he went from being sweet to being sharp all in a matter of seconds. she turned around to find riff’s cold eyes fixated on her own.
she walked closer to him, and he looked down at her. “the sharks can’t steal land that was already previously stolen.”
riff frowned, his accent getting thicker with every word. “we were here first.”
“were you?” Y/N replied sassily.
riff’s playful side smile came back once more. “why are we arguing? i love you, and you love me, and you’re making me breakfast,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. Y/N couldn’t help but fall into his trance. “we can agree to disagree.”
she rolled her eyes. “fine. that’s not going to stop me from trying to prevent this though.”
“i know it won’t.”
Y/N went back to her spot at the stove and continued to cook the meal. she finished it up, and split it into two for both her and riff. they sat down together at the small table, awkward silence thick between them.
“what time do you have to go tonight?” she asked, breaking the silence.
“it starts at midnight in the salt shed,” he replied.
“are you worried?” Y/N questioned quietly.
riff shook his head. “no. the sharks can’t do anything to me and my boys. we have the upper hand.”
she knew it was better to stay quiet than fight riff again, so she silently nodded her head and continued to eat. eventually, they finished eating and they cleaned up their messes.
“i’m going to go out, gotta see my boys before the big night,” riff said, smiling to himself. he stepped closer to her. “i’ll see you tonight, right?”
Y/N nodded. “yeah, i’ll meet you before you go to the shed,” she said back, her voice almost monotone.
riff rested his hands on her hips. “good,” he replied before placing a loving kiss on her lips. “see you later.”
he excitedly ran out the door, and Y/N watched as her one love walked out of her apartment to go make the most stupid decision he’s made yet. which, considering the amount of dumb decisions he’s made, truly says something.
she didn’t have the greatest feeling about tonight. maybe that was just because she was prone to excessive worrying. regardless, something didn’t feel right about what riff was doing. she tried her hardest to ignore the gut feeling that was making it’s presence known.
Y/N tried to keep herself occupied for the rest of the afternoon. her anxious thoughts kept her from going anywhere, so she decided to release her crowded thoughts into deep cleaning the entire apartment. it was long overdue, and she figured keeping busy would help calm her racing mind. by the time she had completed her task, it was nearing six o’clock. she decided to go out and meet riff at his jets group spot in the city.
she took a walk in the cool summer air as the sun began to fall behind the skyline. she arrived at the spot, and her quiet footsteps alerted baby john.
“riff, you’ve got a visitor,” he stated, causing the rest of the jets to flick their eyes to whoever it may be.
riff rounded a corner, and Y/N took notice of his appearance. he looked like he was ready for war in his vest covering his cream colored shirt, and his icy eyes widened when he saw her. she wondered why riff was so surprised, until she glanced down and saw a gun in his hand. he quickly slid his hand behind his back to hide it.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he asked almost frantically, stepping closer to her. every few steps he made, she would take a step back.
“riff, why the hell do you have a gun?” she asked, her voice cracking. “what do you think you’re going to do with it?”
“it’s just a precaution, darling,” he reassured, trying to calm her down. she shook her head. “the sharks are bringing heat, so i gotta bring heat.”
“oh yeah? and what happens if you get hurt? you and your boys are going to shoot them? what if they take your gun and shoot you?”
“that’s not going to happen, Y/N, i know what i’m doing,” riff said back, dropping the gun and finally approaching Y/N. he held her shoulders tightly.
“please riff, don’t do this,” she said in response, her eyes brimming with tears.
riff sighed. he considered it, but eventually removed his hands. “i’m going to bring it, but i won’t use it. okay?”
Y/N wasn’t happy with that either, but she nodded nonetheless. she felt a little bit better knowing riff wouldn’t be using it.
riff kissed her forehead. “the boys and i are goin’ out soon. i’ll see you when the rumble is over, yeah?”
“yeah. i love you,” she said quietly, resting her head on riff’s chest. his calm heartbeat immediately relaxed her. he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
“i love you too, girly. it’ll be over before we know it.”
Y/N left, not sure what to do with herself in the meantime. she decided that since she wanted to be awake when riff came home, she would take a short nap back at her apartment. she walked home without a sound, and immediately went to her bedroom and went to sleep.
before she knew it, her body shot up out of bed and she checked the clock on the wall, which read 11:30. she paced around the room a little bit, and came to the conclusion that she couldn’t wait at the apartment for riff to come home; she had to see him.
Y/N threw on a sweater and hurriedly walked out the door, running down the streets to the salt shed. she kept a close eye on her watch, knowing that the rumble would start at midnight.
as she approached the shed, she heard the familiar sounds of footsteps down the pavement, and she spun around a building to hide from the jets. she held her breath as she watched the boys prepare for war and wait outside the shed. riff didn’t look like the sweet boy she knew and loved, he seemed almost animalistic.
then, right as her watch showed her that it was midnight, the boys walked in, and she knew the sharks had arrived. Y/N made her way closer to the shed when she knew the coast was clear, but on her way, a figure ran past her vision.
she tilted her head, and ran closer. that’s when she saw anybodys trying to get into the shed.
“anybodys!” she whisper yelled, catching their attention.
“Y/N, what are you doin’ here?” anybodys asked, catching the closing shed door.
Y/N ran up to the door. “i’m here for riff.”
Y/N always liked anybodys. she knew riff and the rest of the jets wouldn’t let anybodys in the gang, and quite frankly, they treated him like garbage. if Y/N caught this behavior, she would try her best to put a stop to it. anybodys was a great friend to her.
“it ain’t safe for you here!” anybodys whisper yelled back.
“i gotta be here, i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i wasn’t.”
anybodys finally gave in, and together they slid under the door and gently closed it, hiding together behind a pile of salt. not long later, the door began to make noises from the outside, as if someone was trying to get in.
Y/N and anybodys sunk further down, until tony and chino slid their way under the door as well. she knew tony didn’t want the rumble to happen just as much as she did.
her eyes then stayed fixated on riff. Y/N could see from a mile away the reckless abandonment that was ever present in riff’s demeanor. he was prepared for anything.
“why are they talking so much?” Y/N asked to herself quietly. then, she watched as riff slid tony his gun. at least he was keeping his word.
they all talked more and more, and tony shared some words with bernardo. she couldn’t make out what was being said.
then, bernardo sent a punch to tony. Y/N gasped, and covered her mouth. tony didn’t fight back. bernardo flung his fists repeatedly at tony as the sharks and jets simultaneously yelled.
tony quietly said something to bernardo, and a full out brawl started between the boys.
“i can’t watch,” Y/N whispered, not being able to pry her eyes off the sight in front of her.
tony pinned bernardo and sent punches as the boys roared. then, as bernardo was nearing a blackout, he stopped. Y/N knew tony didn’t want to fight. he stood up and saw the outcome of what he was doing.
Y/N looked away for a split second, and when she turned around, bernardo and riff had knives in their hands and were eyeing each other.
“oh dear god,” she whispered. her face went pale as she watched riff.
she could tell riff didn’t want to do this anymore. there was fear in his eyes that wasn’t there before. bernardo and riff were afraid of each other.
they swung around the knives like it was choreographed. tony caught riff, leaving his back open for attack from bernardo. Y/N felt like yelling to tony to let him go. riff struggled to get out of his grasp.
then, he freed himself and turned around right into bernardo’s knife, which impaled him in his upper leg.
Y/N screamed. she didn’t care if she was caught at this point. she heard anybodys exclaim her name, but her world went silent. she came out behind the salt pile when she saw riff fall to the ground. tony took the knife and in return stabbed bernardo.
Y/N gasped again and took a step back. the room froze, confused as to what had happened. in a matter of seconds, two rival gang leaders lay injured on the ground, one being sprawled out dead.
Y/N ran into the action, and her footsteps alerted the group. their shock didn’t last long, for red and blue lights began to shine in through the windows.
the boys scattered, and tony backed away slowly, realizing what he had done.
“Y/N! tony! we have to go, now!” anybodys yelled trying to stop Y/N.
she ran to riff’s side and bent down next to him. he was still alive, but losing a lot of blood.
“Y/N… w-why are you here?” riff asked quietly.
“don’t talk about me, i’m here to help you, okay? we’re going to get you out of here.” she rested her hand on his cheek, and riff gently held her wrist.
“i can’t walk. you can’t get me out of here yourself. besides…” he took a deep breath in. “you’ve got company coming. you need to go now, Y/N.”
she began to cry. “i’m not leaving you riff,” she looked up to see anybodys ushering tony out.
“anybodys, tony! help me get riff out of here!”
tony left, and anybodys hesitated before running to riff’s side to help Y/N.
“Y/N, don’t do this. you’ll be caught,” he said again.
“you’re an idiot if you think i’m going to leave you here to die,” she fired back. she took off her socks and quickly tied them into a makeshift tourniquet to wrap around his leg. the pair stood him up on his good leg and he wrapped his arms around Y/N and anybodys’ shoulders, and together they hobbled out of the shed just in the nick of time.
anybodys and Y/N guided him into an alley not far from the shed, but far enough to stay out of the eyes of the police. they laid him down against the wall as he faded in and out of consciousness. “stay with me riff, please!” Y/N said as anybodys sent her a look. “thank you anybodys, i owe you one. i can take it from here,” she said hurriedly. anybodys nodded before running off to find tony.
“i’m going to fix you up, okay?” she told him frantically. luckily, she brought her purse which contained gauze, alcohol, and tape.
“y-you’re not a nurse,” riff said quietly.
“i know i’m not, but i’m not going to leave you alone to die. i can’t.”
she used the tourniquet around his leg to dab up the blood after untying it, and then she took the alcohol out of her purse and poured it over the wound. riff grimaced and squeezed Y/N’s arm tight.
she finished it off by wrapping it in gauze tightly and taping it down. “this won’t last you long, you need stitches.”
“we gotta wait until the heat dies down, Y/N. they’ll know this is from the rumble,” he pleaded.
“riff, we can’t wait any longer. that gauze can only hold you off for so long. i know the people that work the emergency room, they know i don’t get involved with the rumbles. it wouldn’t make sense for me to even be at the rumble. trust me, i know what i’m doing. they won’t know a thing.”
riff rolled his eyes, complying with the plan. Y/N helped him stand, and they hobbled a few blocks away to the nearest emergency room.
they walked in, and immediately the nurses took action. they took riff back and got to work on fixing his wound. Y/N knew them, for her mom actually used to work with these ladies in the same emergency room.
“how did this happen?” one of them asked, writing on a clipboard. riff looked to Y/N for an answer.
“um…he was getting ready for the big rumble tonight. when him and one of his gang members were practicing, he accidentally jabbed him in the leg before the rumble even began,” Y/N said, hoping the excuse was good enough. “riff just now decided to tell me.”
“he wasn’t at the rumble?” the nurse asked. Y/N shook her head.
“looks like your buddy got you pretty deep there. Y/N did everything right though to take care of you,” one said to riff, peeling away the soaked gauze to unveil the wound.
“we’re going to go get the equipment we need to fix him up,” another said before all of them piled out of the room.
“i don’t want to get stitches,” riff said as Y/N pulled over a seat next to him.
“you would have died, riff. it’s kind of a miracle you’re still here. the stitches are going to save your life.”
“what if i didn’t want to be saved?” riff said loudly, causing Y/N to be taken aback.
“what?” she questioned.
riff avoided eye contact. “why do you think i wanted you to leave me there? my death wish was obvious to everyone but you, Y/N. i kept it from you because of this exact reason. i always knew the outcome of today, i was supposed to die.”
tears formed in Y/N’s eyes. “riff, i-”
“what do i have to live for? tony’s no longer a jet, i’m losin’ my territory, you deserve better than me, so what do i have?”
Y/N took riff’s hand. “you have me. i don’t need anything better.”
riff finally made eye contact with her. he squeezed her hand back, and tears formed in his eyes as well. “you’ve been there for me more than anyone else, and here i am treatin’ you like shit.”
“i don’t care, riff. i’ll always love you regardless of anything. i love you more than you’ll ever know. i couldn’t bear to lose you today.”
riff smiled and rested his hand on Y/N’s cheek. “i don’t deserve you.”
the nurses came back in and gave him pain medications while also numbing the area around and in his wound to prepare to stitch it up.
“i’m scared, Y/N,” he said quietly. she went to the free side of the bed and took his hand.
the nurses quickly stitched him up, and riff pressed his eyes closed the entire time. he held on to Y/N’s hand tightly.
“all done!” the nurse said, stepping away from the bed. “we’ll keep you here for a while longer to monitor you and make sure everything is okay, but you should be able to leave later tonight.”
they thanked the nurses and Y/N and riff were left alone again.
“thank you for not giving up on me,” riff said, admiration in his eyes.
“i would never.”
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
Taking care of you
I wrote both Riff and Dodge, because I had a cute scenario for Dodge already in mind, but I also wanted to write again for Riff so... yeah. Hope you like it🤞
Chapter summary: And I was wondering if you could do a oneshot with Riff or Dodge about the reader being sick and him taking care of them? If not that’s okay :)
For @Charliedelancey
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Let's make a list, shall we?
Nausea, headache AND vomit... what a wonderful day.
Today was supposed to be a good day: breakfast, shower and a date with Dodge.
He would've taught me how to ride a horse.. fuck.
I have to warn him we gotta postpone it so I grab my phone and call him.
"Hey babe" he quickly picks up the phone.
"Hi" I weakly say.
"Hey hey.. you okay? What's wrong?" He ask worriedly.
"Just.. this morning I woke up and I felt nauseous, my head feels like it would explode anytime and I threw up what I think was also last month meals..I don't think we're gonna see each other today" I tell him.
"Oh baby... don't you worry okay? Just rest, we'll see each other soon. Promise me you would rest" he says sweetly.
"I promise. See you soon"
"See you, baby"
And I hang up the phone.
I decide to make some tea, maybe it would help a little.
In the meantime the headache stopped, thankfully, but I still feel like throwing up anytime.
I go to the couch and just lay down closing my eyes focusing on my breathing and trying to relax.
After a while I hear the doorbell.
What. The actual. Fuck.
Who could be now?
I groan standing up and go to the door.
I smile as soon as my eyes land on Dodge's.
"What are you doing here?" I ask surprised.
"My baby isn't feeling well... what else was I supposed to do?" He asks rhetorically and let himself in closing the door behind him.
"Wh-" I start.
"Nah uh, you now go to bed and I'll make some food" he states walking up to me and moving his hands to frame my face.
"I will just throw it up.." I whine.
"You need something in your stomach, love. No complaints. Go upstairs and lay down, I'll be there soon" he kisses my nose, giving me a small push towards the stairs.
I do as he say and walk to my room to lay down on the bed.
After a few minutes he comes in and sits on the bed with me.
"The soup will be ready in a few minutes." He informs me, stroking my leg under the cover.
"You didn't have to come" I say to him.
"I know" he smiles. "We got a date, remember?"
"And what a wonderful date this is" I sarcastically reply.
"Well.. let's see: I'm with you, you can't get away from my cuddles and I get to take care of you... I'd say it's pretty wonderful" he explains.
"I..." I'm speechless.
"See? Can't argue, I'm right" he says proudly.
"Fine" I say trying to hide a smile.
"Good girl. Now rest and I will fetch your lunch, my lady" he dramatically says.
"Thank you, kins sir" I reply.
He just smiles and come up to kiss me sweetly.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
My head is killing me...
My stomach is killing me...
Just my luck..
I promised Valentina I'd help her at the store, so here I am, hiding my pain ad much as I can.
"You sure you're okay, querida? You look pale" Valentina asks me worriedly.
"Yeah.. I'm fine" I lie.
"If you meed to go home, go. No te preocupes, okay? Don't worry."
"I'm fine" I lie again.
She sends me a sceptical look and just goes downstairs.
While I'm cleaning the counter the doorbell jingles I look up and roll my eyes seeing Riff entering the store.
"You know you can't be here" I tell him.
"Hi to you too, beautiful" he replies.
"You're okay?" He asks.
"Yeah" I say quickly.. or way too quickly.
"You're clearly not" he states. "Come, I'll walk you home"
"I'm fine. It's nothing" I tell him as I keep cleaning, avoiding his stare.
Then all of a sudden I feel my head spinning like crazy, I have to grab the counter to keep myself standing.
"It's clearly not nothing." He says, he's worried, I've never seen him this worried.
"I'm... I'm fine" I weakly say.
"Yeah sure and I'm a billionaire. Where the witch, I'll tell her I'm walking you home" he asks, already heading for the basement.
He comes back soon after, followed by Valentina.
"Ay ay, mi niña, go home. I can manage today" she reassures me.
"I'll send Tony to help. Is that okay?" He asks Valentina, who just nods.
"No buts" Riff cuts me off "Let's go"
He gently grabs my arm and lead me out of the store, heading home.
After he made me lay down, he made tea and brought it to me.
"You're burning, pretty girl" he says touching my forehead.
"You always say that" I try to joke.
"True. But this time literally. Give me a second" he says getting up and walking round the bathroom.
He comes back with a wet cloth, that he put on my forehead.
"There" he says and slightly caresses my face.
"Why are you so worried?" I ask.
"Isn't it obvious? I like you, a lot. Why else do you think I come to the store this often?"
"To annoy me" I guess.
"Yeah.. also that, but that's because you look cute while mad" he says with a grin.
He gently grabs my hand stroking my knuckles.
"So.. what do you say.. would you let me take care of you?" He asks, hope filling his eyes.
I look at him and I see sincerity.
I smile at him.
"Yeah, Riff. I'll let you take care of me"
He seems surprised, but leans down to press a small kiss on my lips.
"And... when you get better... I hope you'll let me take care of you I'm other, more fun, ways" he says with a smirk.
"You're the worst" I slightly push him and he laughs.
"Oh as if you never thought about it" he jokes.
I laugh.
"You're denying!" He exclaims.
"Maybe" I say.
He smile at me and kisses me again.
"Try to sleep. I'll be here the whole time if you need me" he tells me.
I smile and close my eyes trying to get some rest, knowing he will take care of me... in any way apparently.
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xriff-raffx · 2 years
Do Over - Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: Pry & Protect Masterlist
“Have you always lived around here?” I asked Riff, as we walked through the entrance of my apartment. 
“Born and raised,” he shrugged, closing the door behind him, “you’re talkin’ to a real New Yorker.” He gave me a wink and a toothy grin before he continued walking over to the couch. I followed him, taking a seat on the chair across from him. 
“Are you close with your family? Do you have any siblings? Do you still see them?” I blurted out questions faster than my brain could process and I could see the surprise on Riff’s face. 
“Slow down,” he replied with a chuckle. “I can’t answer that fast.” I shrunk down a little in my chair, looking at the floor causing him to sigh at me. “What did ya say? Am I close with my family?” I nodded my head and he continued, “I don’t have any real family left.” 
Riff looked at my face, trying to gauge my reaction. I nodded again slowly, still looking down. I couldn’t help but feel sad at the idea of Riff alone with no family, but I could relate in a way. My only family was my little sister and I couldn’t imagine being without her. 
“My Ma was a saint but she died when I was 15, no real siblings, only chosen ones.” Riff leaned back into the couch as he spoke, his eyes were fixated on the wall in front of him. “And my dad was a real asshole,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Slept all day, drank all night. He’d leave us for days or weeks at a time doing who knows what. One day he just didn’t come back.” I watched as Riff’s eyes began to glass over slightly and I couldn’t help but picture a young Riff waiting and looking for his dad to come back home. I didn’t realize but my eyes had started to water and soon I was wiping back a tear that had shed. “Anyway, that's when my Ma got sick.” Riff finally looked over to me and saw that I was crying. “Hey, we can stop talkin’ about it. I don’t want to make you cry.”
“I just can’t believe he left you both,” I mumbled out, doing my best to recompose myself. 
“If ya ask me it was a good thing.” His words confused me and I think he could tell. “My old man wasn’t exactly a nice guy. He didn’t treat my Ma right and as I got older he didn’t like that I noticed.” I nodded, understanding what he was talking about immediately. 
“I guess that’s where all your anger comes from,” I spoke aloud more to myself but he nodded in agreement. 
“My dad didn’t teach me much but he taught me to fight. Let’s just say he stopped teachin’ me when I got better than him.” Riff was staring at me intensely, trying to see if I truly understood what he meant. 
“Tell me about your mom,” I spoke a little softer, not being able to read his expression and I was worried I’d upset him somehow. 
“Nicest person I ever met. She’d help anyone, doesn’t matter if she couldn’t, she’d find a way. Everyone that met her, loved her. How she ended up with my dad I’ll never know.” Riff looked down at the floor for a moment. His smile returned briefly as he began to speak again, “Ma was always singin’ while she cooked but she wasn’t a great cook.” He let out a laugh, “I remember one time I told her about this sandwich I dreamed about so she tried to make it for me. It was disgusting and she made a huge mess makin’ it too.”
I couldn’t help but join in the laughter, it was nice to forget about the bad stuff in the past for a moment. Riff smiled at me and gestured for me to sit beside him on the couch. I moved next to him and he slid his arm around my waist pulling me in closer. 
“That’s why I care about my Jets. They’re my guys. All of ‘em come from shitty homes and people who don’t care about ‘em.” His tone was more serious, “that’s when they come to me,” he shrugged, “I look after ‘em like they’re blood.” 
“That’s why you’re so protective of Baby John.”
“You got it, doll. He’s a good kid, but he ain’t got no one lookin’ out for him. Or at least he didn’t till I made him a Jet.” 
“You’re a good person, Riff.” He raised an eyebrow at me, questioningly. “No, really! You take care of all those kids like it’s nothing.” 
He shrugged again, “ya well, half the time they don’t listen to me anyway,” he gave me his signature wink and smirk combo. “So are ya done grilling’ me? Do I get to know about you?” 
My breathing hitched and my body stiffened. I usually try to avoid talking about myself with others but I guess I started this conversation, so it’s only fair. 
“Well,” I muttered, “I’m from Santa Monica, California. Jo and I moved here about a month ago.” I looked up to see him waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath before continuing, “Our Mama was a dancer at a club that was really popular and I never met my dad. Jo has a different dad, who we don’t talk about.” I watched as Riff took in my words, clearly wanting me to elaborate. “He was like your dad. Not very nice.” I could feel my palms sweat slightly and my voice became shaky. “He used to get angry a lot and when he wasn’t angry he was drunk. Mama would always try to calm him but it never worked and it just got worse.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, “he would hurt me and mama anyway you could think of. He always had a soft spot for Jo though, until one day he didn’t.” I felt tears begin to fall as the memory flashed before my eyes. 
I felt Riff grip on me tighten slightly as he leaned in to whisper, “I’m here now, nothing like that will ever happen.” All I could do was nod while I began to sob in his arms. 
We stayed like that for a few minutes before I was able to regain composure. Our breathing was synced and our fingers were intertwined. His free hand was rubbing my back, tenderly, while he placed gentle kisses on the top of my head. 
“He didn’t hurt her.” Riff’s movements stopped as I began to speak again, “I got home in time to stop him.” I sat up and looked at Riff, “well not stop him, but I grabbed Jo and took her out of there. She didn’t even know what was going on. The next day my mama tried to kick him out, even changed the locks on him but it only made him more angry.” I swallowed hard, “He killed her that night.” I could feel Riff tense up next to me. I took another deep breath, gripping his hand tighter. “I haven’t talked about that night in years. Not since police came with questions. He’s in jail now.” Riff nodded his head at my words. “Ever since then it’s been just the two of us.”
“I can see why you’re so protective,” he replied quietly. “But why don’t ya let me do the protectin’ from now on. I’ll keep ya both safe, I promise.” 
I smiled up at him, wiping away the last of my tears. He leaned in slowly, looking deep into my eyes before letting them flutter close and connecting our lips. My hands found their way to his hair and his hands rested on my hips. Our kiss was long and passionate, full of all the emotions we just dug up and exposed to each other. It wasn’t long before he was on top of me on the couch. 
“Wait,” I said, putting my hand on his chest. “I have a small request.” 
“Alright,” he raised an eyebrow at me, “what can I do for ya girly?”
“If you’re going to be using your Jets to protect us then shouldn’t I know what’s going on with them?” 
Riff let out a sigh, “you’re just goin’ to keep buggin’ me till I tell ya, aren’t ya?” I made a pouty face up at him and he rolled his eyes in response before smiling. “If it concerns ya in any way I’ll tell ya. But this doesn’t.”
I groaned, “you’ll just say nothing concerns me.”
“You’re right,” he smirked. I glared up at him, causing him to laugh again. “C’mon, don’t ya trust me?”
“How can I trust you if you won’t tell me what’s happening?” 
“I know what I’m doing.” He let out a groan and ran a hand through his hair in frustration, “If you think I’m going to check in with you about the ins and outs of my gang,” he started to pull himself off of me and I reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him back slightly. 
“I just want to know you are safe,” I said quickly, cutting him off. His gaze softened again, I placed a gentle kiss on his lips, “I’m not going to tell you what to do, I know you can handle it. Just please tell me where you’re running off to before you go.”
We just stared at each other for a moment, his blue eyes were pouring into my green ones. He nodded slightly before connecting our lips again. It wasn’t like before, this kiss was slow and tender. I had never felt Riff touch me so delicately, as if I was glass. His fingers ghosted over my hips, trailing up and down my torso. My hands slipped around his neck and I pulled him in, deepening our kiss. 
He pulled himself back, letting out a sigh, “It’s been awhile since I’ve had someone care about me like that.” He stared at the floor, eyebrows furrowed in thought. 
“Well get used to it,” I said, sitting up to look at him. A small smile made its way to his lips as he turned towards me. “Riff,” I paused for a moment, looking deep into his eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek, “I don’t think I’ve ever felt as safe as I do when I’m with you.” 
His smile grew, “Ever since I laid eyes on ya, that’s all I’ve wanted to do.”
“Oh really?” My eyebrows rose in question, my tone playful. “That’s all you want to do?”
His smirked returned, “Alright, that’s not all. Just my number one priority.” He leaned and whispered in my ear, “Making you feel good is just a perk of the job, sweetheart.” I felt Riff’s hand rest on my thigh, making my breathing hitch. He began to pepper my neck with kisses and I rolled my head back to give him more access. A moan left my mouth and he let out a light chuckle in response, “careful doll. You keep moaning like that and I may not be able to control myself.”
“You could never hurt me,” I placed my hand over his crotch and began to rub him gently through his jeans.
“You’re right but that don’t mean I won’t get carried away.” 
I giggled at his words, “sounds like fun to me.”  
We were interrupted by the sound of the door opening and I immediately pulled my hand back and pushed Riff off me. I looked over to see Jo, throwing her school bag down, not bothering to look over or not noticing us.
“Hey,” I said, doing my best to not draw suspicion to what we're just doing. She finally looked over to reveal red cheeks and puffy eyes, she’d been crying. I jumped up from the couch, “What happened?”
Jo came over quickly and engulfed me into a hug, beginning to cry quietly. I looked over my shoulder to see a confused look on Riff’s face, I gave him a shrug before turning my attention back to my sister. I squeezed her back and began to rub her back soothingly. She mumbled something out but between her sobs and tight embrace, I couldn’t make it out.
“Jo,” I pulled her off me to look at her, “What’s going on?”
“He dumped me.” I nodded at her words and pulled her back into a hug. “I don’t understand, he told me he liked me yesterday and then today he just dumped me.”
“Well what did he say?”
“He said I’m not right for him, he can’t be with someone like me.” My brows furrowed in confusion at her words. “His parents didn’t think I was worth his time.”
“He said what?!” I just about yelled. I could feel my face turning red with anger, which only made Jo cry harder. “Don’t cry over him, Jo,” I pulled her face up to look at me, “what does he know? He’s an idiot.” 
“No he isn’t! He’s one of the smartest people in my class!” 
“Doesn’t mean he’s not an idiot,” I rolled my eyes at her. “Books don’t make someone smart.” She nodded at my words slightly, using the back of her to wipe away her tears. 
“Well,” Riff sighed, getting up from the couch, “if ya ask me, you could do a whole lot better anyway.” He awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets, “and believe me, his parents aren’t the greatest people either.” 
Jo nodded at his words slowly, “I just liked having someone who cared about me.”
“Aw Jo,” I sighed, pulling her back into a hug. “I care about you and Riff does too, right Riff?” I looked over at him. 
“Ya, don’t worry kid.” 
“Stop,” Jo pushed me away. “I’m not a kid,” she huffed, crossing her arms. “He was the only person at that school that would even acknowledge me and now I have no one.” Her eyes began to water again and she turned away from us. 
“You’ll meet other people Jo,” I said but was quickly cut off by my sister storming off to her room, slamming the door behind her. 
“Why are all girls so dramatic?” Riff asked. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him, “hey! What was that for?” He laughed out loud and I tried not to smile. 
“It’s not funny, I’m worried about her.” I sighed sitting back down on the couch, “I didn’t know she didn’t have any friends.” 
“I know people her age, I could introduce her if ya want,” 
“Absolutely not!” Riff raised an eyebrow at me, so I continued, “I don’t want her around dangerous people.” 
“It won’t be anyone dangerous,” he said, rolling his eyes again. “What about Baby John?” 
“He’s in a gang!” My eyes were wide, I could hardly believe what he was saying. “You just told me you would protect us and now you’re saying she should be hanging out with some gang!”
“Ya, my gang.” I could tell he was getting irritated with me, but the thought of Jo hanging out with a gang member made me sick. “You saw him, he’s not even scary.” He did have a point, Baby John was hardly threatening.
“Riff, she’s my little sister,” I began to rub my temples in an attempt to ease my growing headache. “I can’t just let her hang out with whoever.” 
“Maggie,” he breathed out, his tone calm but I could see rage building in his eyes. “I wouldn’t let her hang out with just anyone. He’s a good kid!” His voice began to rise slightly, in defence of Baby John. We stared at each other, both seething with anger. 
“I don’t want her associating with criminals.” 
“And what am I?” His words cut the air like a knife. He raised his eyebrows at me, expecting an answer. 
“You’re different,” I said quietly, in almost a whisper. 
“I’m more dangerous than any of The Jets.” 
“But you wouldn’t hurt us.” 
“They do what I say Margaret! They won’t do anything, she’s a kid!” 
“I just don’t want her getting hurt,” I sighed, knowing he was right and flopped back on the couch. He looked at me and his gaze softened. Sitting down next to me, Riff pulled my hand into his and planted a small kiss on it. 
“I know you want what’s best, and so do I. I’m not trying to set them up, I’m trying to get her friends. She doesn’t even have to know he’s a member!” I nodded at his words, reluctantly. 
“Okay but I want to be there when they meet Riff,” I said sternly looking at him. “No other gang members, just us and them, okay?” 
“Sure thing doll, I’ll set it up.” He pulled me in for a kiss before hopping up from the couch. “I’ll go find him now,” he said, making his way towards the door. 
“You’ll come back right?” My voice was a little more panicked sounding than I had hoped. 
Riff turned around on his heels, “how’s about I do ya one better? You and Jo meet us at Doc’s in 2 hours,” I nodded in agreement and he smiled back. “Great, then I’ll get to walk ya home after,” he smirked at me, “besides I couldn’t stay away from you even if I tried, girly girl.” With one last wink, he was gone out the door.
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raggellion · 2 years
Morals: Chapter 8
Riff Lorton
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Words: 1.7k
Warnings: maybe some cursing
“What on earth are you staring at?” Val asked me with a concerned look on her face. I snap out of my trance with a ‘huh?’
“You were staring at the door with that look of impending doom.”
“Oh.. um,” I start, trying to think of any other excuse I could give as to why I was staring off into space with a frown on my face. “I was jus-“ Fortunately for me, I didn’t have to think of an excuse; not that Val would buy it anyway. Riff and Diesel come walking through Doc’s.
“What do you want?” Val asks them, narrowing her eyes.
This is awkward. This is very awkward.
“Hey princess.” Diesel says with a wink, ignoring Val. Normally it would be cute, but somehow the nickname made my insides turn. “Hey,” I said awkwardly, giving a small smile. If I’m being honest, I totally forgot about Diesel. Sure the dance was fun with him and all, but I don’t really know if I’m all that interested anymore.
My eyes flicker to Riff, who doesn’t even acknowledge my presence. “We’re here for Tony.” He says.
Valentina sighed. “I told you to leave him alone. Tony is trying to better himself. It’s time you do the same, Ri-“ “I didn’t come here for this, I came here for Tony.” He interrupts. His voice is strict. Riff picks a toothpick from the shaker on the counter and inserts it into his mouth. Jeez what is his problem today?
“I’ll go get ‘em.” Diesel signs, disappearing into the basement. Valentina chases after him, “Ay, you’re not allowed down there.” She says, her voice fades away as she enters the basement.
I shuffle awkwardly as Riff stands in silence. “Hi,” I say, breaking the uncomfortable silence that was in the room.
“What’s up, kid.” He said nonchalantly, not daring to look at me. My face burned. Kid? That’s what you call the person who sucked your dick only a night ago without even kissing you? If you’re wondering what happened last night when he came over again, he didn’t. He simply didn’t show up. Now he’s calling me kid? Leave it to me to do something intimate with a literal gang leader, only for him to like never talk to me again.
“I thought you were coming over last night,” I said quietly. He kept playing with the toothpick in his mouth so I went on. “You sa-“ “I dunno what ya want me to do, Lily.” He said, sternly.
I stood up from my stool. “I want you to talk to talk to me!” I say, whisper-shouting. He turns away again. “Why won’t you just talk to me?” I say quietly, my voice breaking a bit. My eyes stung with shame, welling up.
“I’m talking to ya right now, kid.” He said, head still facing another direction.
“I’m right here. Why won’t you even look at me or have a normal conversation with me?” I whisper.
“I really don’t got nothin‘ to say to ya, Lilianna. We ain’t dating.” If he wants to play like that, so can I.
“Don’t come to my window anymore.” I say with anger and hurt in my tone. I rush upstairs before the tears spill, not that he would actually care to look at me and see them anyway.
I felt bad for Val, of course. I didn’t come out for the rest of the day. She must have known it was Riff, though. Val always knows.
I stayed curled up in my bed. A small fraction of my innocence just…. Gone.
A small knock on my window drew my attention away. My heart filled with joy. Despite what I told Riff earlier, I’d actually been hopeful that he would show up again.
I rushed over to the blurry window and unlatched it, however it was not Riff. It was Diesel.
“Hey,” he said, entering through the window. “I came to ask ya somethin’” he said cheerfully. I faked a smile, hoping he wouldn’t see through me. He couldn’t; I didn’t even really know the guy that well.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“So when I came up from the basement, you disappeared. What happened?” He asked. My heart leapt in my chest. Was it that obvious that we were having a moment up there? “Uhh, I don’t know.. I guess I just wanted to go upstairs for a bit. Why do you ask?” I said, slightly stammering. He pondered for a bit before speaking.
“Ahh it’s probably nothin’. I came up and the guy seemed… off.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I don’t wanna assume nothin’ but he seemed like he was on the verge a’ tears. An’ that ain’t like Riff, y’know?”
I nod slowly. Verge of tears? That’s some bullshit. Did he send Diesel here to try and make me feel bad? He wouldn’t. So maybe he was actually about to cry. It doesn’t change the fact that he was literally such an asshole today.
Despite what happened today, my heart really did ache for him. I so desperately wanted to press my cheek against his chest and go to sleep again. It all seemed like so long ago that I was able to do so.
“I also came to ask ya something else.” He said nervously. Oh no…
“Would you be up for another dance tomorrow? Some of the gang will be there and I think it’ll be a good time.” He said, meekly. Jesus, how many dances does this place have?
I sighed. “Listen Diesel,” “We can just go as friends.” He interrupts quickly, a rosy blush spreading on his face. “I’m usually pretty good at telling when a girl ain’t into it. The gang’s cooled down now too, so ya don’t gotta worry about that.”
I smile at him, “Then that sounds lovely. I’m in.”
His eyes light up in excitement. “I’ll pick ya up same time as last time. Goodnight Lily.” He said, kissing my cheek. I wished him a ‘goodnight’ as he exited back out through the window.
My sleep was troubled that night. How could someone who acted like they adored me, just turn their back the day after doing something intimate.
“Val! Do you know where I put my silver earrings?“ I called down to Valentina. Diesel would be here any moment and I still don’t have my jewelry ready yet.
I catch sight of myself in the mirror and twirl my red dress at the sight of myself. “Si, amor,” Valentina answered my previous question, coming up the stairs to deliver me the earrings.
She gasped when she saw me. “You look beautiful as always.” She said affectionately as she handed me the earrings.
I gently slipped them on.
Diesel arrived not too long after, clad in a grey suit and tie. We arrived to the dance without Tony tonight. He and Maria decided to go for milkshakes before stopping by the dance.
“Ya wanna dance? I promise there won’t be any gunshots.” Diesel asked, chuckling. I can’t promise.
I smile at him and grab his hand. He wraps me in a tight position as we slowly dance to the sentimental music. Diesel’s hands tightly wrapped around my waist.
If I was being totally honest, I couldn’t help but wish they were Riff’s hands. That he was Riff, and he was coming to tell me he felt the same. But that wouldn’t happen.
It didn’t take too long to spot Riff in the crowd of dancers. It was who I spotted him with that caused bile to rise up to my throat. Was he dating her the entire time when I was in my attic, obliviously sucking him off? Was he with her when he told me I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen? When I slept peacefully on his chest?
Riff seemed to notice me too, and the anxious look on my face. His gaze was empty, void of any emotions.
“Ya seem distracted,” Diesel says, his thumb rubbing soft circles around my hip. Oh god. No matter how light-hearted the action was, it made my skin crawl a bit. I snap my attention back to him. “Let’s try this again,” he said with a small smirk. No. “I thought we were here as friends…” I tell him as he leans in close to me. His face was so close and my heart leapt in my chest. “Diesel stop,” I whisper, but he doesn’t budge. “Please Lily. Ever since I saw ya I’ve been dyin’ to kiss ya.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Riff storm out of the gym. I back away from Diesel. A ‘WTF’ look was written on my face and I leave, immediately going outside to follow Riff.
“Riff!” I call. The light from the sunset blinds me as I quickly run down the school steps. The boy turns around, a defeated look on his face. “Ya were right y’know.” He said quietly. I didn’t answer, waiting for him to continue.
“I shoulda talked to ya. I dont even know why I did it. I couldn’t bear to hurt ya anymore- Seeing ya kiss him-“ he stuttered, stopping before a loud sob/ breath escaped his lips.
“Woah, woah, Diesel and I never kissed,” I whisper, inching toward him.
“What do you mean hurt me?” I asked softly.
“Ya got so much ahead… and I’m just a street boy slowly losing my territory. I’m only gonna drag ya down, Lils.” He choked out. Tears pricked my eyes. “Graziella made sure I was aware a’ that. Told me I’d ruin yer innocence, being so infatuated with ya the way that I am. Didn’t take me long to realize I was already starting to.” He said softly, reaching up to cup my cheek.
I smiled softly. “You’re not ruining my innocence Riff. Do you really think I want to stay a virgin forever?” I asked with humor lacing my tone.
“Yer the only thing I need.” He whispered.
The bright glow of the sunset lit up his face, and mine. His blue eyes shine bright, that little patch of brown turning honey in the sunset.
Riff quickly pressed his lips to mine, engulfing us both in a sweet state of bliss. A content sigh left my mouth as our mouths worked together in perfect unison.
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raggelslendy · 2 years
notes: I’ve mainly been working on my other blog because of my ongoing story but I’ll try to write some fun one shots here and there. There isn’t much right now but this is still in progress
Riff Lorton-
Klaus Mikaelson-
Say the word (smut)
NSFW Alphabet (smut)
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Hey!!!!! Long time i know life has been crazy not much time to write but i promise i have stuff in the works!! i plan on writing for
Riff (again)
Dodge Mason
Jeremiah Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty)
also i went to a Big Time Rush concert so i’m in a frenzy and may write something but that’s a big IF😂.
Let me know if you guys are interested in any of these characters❤️. Hope you’re all doing well!!!!
@roythespeedy @whisperofsong @mikefaistwasinnewsies @mikefaistmiamor @jeremiah-fisher
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summer-tano · 2 years
I saw a post advertising this fic, read it, and it was one of the best fanfiction I’ve ever read. Truly had tears coming from my eyes from the parallels within it.
beautiful fanfiction by https://mahmahmahmysharona.tumblr.com/
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sl-newsie · 5 months
Normal people: look up an actor to see what other shows they've been in
Me: sees a hot character and immediately researches for fanfiction about them
It's an instinct now.
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laurenluvss · 1 month
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not to be that type of person but i already called dibs on him ages ago so... 😒 xx
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jesuistrestriste · 10 months
♡ You're Such A Loser pt. 2; Art Donaldson x Reader ♡
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nsfw (18+) cw: switch(dom)!art donaldson, switch(sub)!reader, reader guiding art through domming, begging, brief choking, slight hate fucking themes, orgasm denial, slight bit of tears/crying (he’s okay), oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, praise, degradation, creampie.
all that frustration from losing his matches has built up in him, and now Art is ready to let it all out. only because you’re letting him, of course.
word count - 2.9k
note : part twoo (part one) !! i hope that those who liked pt. one will like this part just as much :) it’s a lil bit of a switch in dynamic (pun not intended)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆.
He’s diving back into your cunt without hesitation, lapping at the remnants of your orgasm that have spilled and sprayed down your inner thighs. His arms are hooking under your legs so that he can bury his tongue deeper and deeper into you.
You groan deeply, running your fingers through his hair before pulling the locks taut in your fist.
“Yes, baby, just like that.. your mouth always feels so damn good,” you breathe out, moaning at his expert tongue skills.
As you gaze down at him, you can see the way that his eyes are squeezing shut and his brows are turned up in arousal as he licks at your insides. He lets out a pathetic whimper at your words of praise, which shoots a mouthful of vibrations up through your form. Your knees tremble, clamping down on his flushed cheeks, and you use your grip on his hair to guide him gently up to your clit. He takes notice of your cue, and moves his mouth up to suck your sensitive bundle of nerves. You gasp brokenly and toss your head back, before looking down again to see his face.. and god, he is beautiful. His brows are still knitted up, but now his big aquamarine eyes are watery and looking up at you like a lost puppy. He was all yours. Just yours, and he knew it too -- in fact, he loved it.
“That’s it, sweetheart, doing so--mmf!--so well,” you moan out, using your hand to now stroke at the back of his head and give him a bit more physical stimulation. His eyes flutter closed at the feeling of your fingers brushing against his scalp, and out of habit he reaches up with one of his free hands and uses his middle and ring finger to brush against your dripping hole. Immediately, you wince at the contact, and he lets out a drawn out groan that you can tell is an incoherent plea for permission. You nod.
He wastes no time in turning his wrist so that his hand is palm-side up, and then his fingers are gliding into you without any resistance whatsoever. Your body is absolutely starved for him at this point, and you can’t do a thing to hide it. As he feels your insides wrap warmly around his digits, his eyes prick with tears while he continues to mouth at your clit.
He brings his head back, detaching his mouth from your body, and moves to look longingly at the way your fingers are sucking him in every time he pulls them back. Your slick is covering his chin and his lips, which are currently parted in arousal as he huffs and puffs from desperation. He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you, relishing in the way that he can feel you clench and twitch.
“You’re so hot,” he whispers, not breaking eye contact with the point of connection between your body and his. He then decides to bury his two fingers so deep inside of you that they actually completely disappear. Next thing you know, he’s curling his fingers repeatedly in the “come hither” motion while he’s still buried up to the hilt. About thirty seconds of this is all it takes for you to get there.
“SHIT-! Oh my god, Art, don’t fucking stop, don’t stop, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m g’na-”
You manage to moan out a quick warning before your hips are arching into his touch, going completely still for a few moments. Then, wave after wave of your orgasm washes over you, causing your pelvis to spasm rapidly as you babble incoherent phrases of praise to your partner.
Art’s mouth is now completely agape, his eyes lidded, as he takes in the show of your orgasm, not stopping the movements of his fingers. You couldn’t really tell over the sound of your own vocality, but he was letting out tiny whines and whimpers from the way that your body was making his cock leak pathetically in his already-soiled boxers. He could barely hold his second orgasm off.. it was so damn hard.
After you collapse fully on the bed in an attempt to recover in your afterglow, sticky with sweat and panting heavily, you are now able to fully hear Art’s pure and unfiltered anguish. He’s moaning lowly as he glances from your cunt down to his clothed cock, which is jumping over and over in his underwear -- begging for attention. He then moves to pull his wet fingers from inside of your pussy, which allows for a few drops of viscous wetness to spill from your hole. Without hesitation, he lurches forward with his pretty tongue sitting gently on top of his bottom lip so that he can gulp down the taste of your release. He sucks and licks greedily at your hole, letting his eyes flutter closed as he grips his own thighs. He doesn’t want to touch himself yet. After all, you never gave him permission.
“You’re such a good boy, baby.. so needy and hungry for me, aren’t you?”
He nods quickly but shakily, his nose brushing against your clit as his mouth continues to relentlessly engulf your heat.
“You want me to let you cum?” you ask, knowing from his track record that he’s probably already on the edge.
He pulls back, licking at his bottom lip to not waste any of your taste, before he removes his hands from gripping his legs and instead places them to your waist. He digs his fingers into your soft flesh as he looks up at you from his position on the floor.
“Please, please, I’m already there-- just tell me I can and I will! I promise,” he gasps out, drawing out the second half of ‘promise’ to emphasize his sheer closeness. His brows are still turned up as tears start to well in his eyes. He’d cry if you said no, you knew that. The real question was: did you want to keep punishing him tonight? Had he had enough?
“Tell me how bad you want it, love.”
You could stand to be cruel a little bit longer.
He whines, his fingers clenching around the skin of your hips, as his pelvis continues to buck involuntarily.
“I want it so badly- I wanna cum- I’m so close, please please please.. I don’t know if I can stop it,” he moans, the slight friction of his cock against his wet boxers pushing him closer and closer to the point of no return.
“What if I said no?”
“Nooo, god, please don’t.. I’ve already made you cum.. I could prob’ly cum just from you telling me that I can.. can I? Oh shit, please-”
“I’ll tell you what: I’ll let you cum if you can take control for once.” 
He looks at you, confused, before trying to stave off his orgasm by biting down on your thigh as he lets out a broken whimper. You yelp, before stroking his hair, knowing that he was deep in an animalistic state of mind -- he didn’t mean to hurt you, he just was trying so hard to be good.
“Use your words, Art.” 
He releases you from between his teeth, before tears are spilling down his cheeks.
“I,” he sobs, “I can try.. but you know that I’m not like that..”
“I know, baby, I know. I want to teach you. Would you like to try that?”
He nods. He’d do anything to cum at this point.
You use your hands to push yourself farther back onto the bed so that your head is now close to the headboard. Art watches your every move, but stays as still as he can. He still wanted to please you, and didn’t want to do anything without your say-so. This was going to have to change within the next ten minutes.
You pat the bed’s comforter, and he immediately crawls up onto the bed and hovers over your form. His breathing remains uneven as his cheeks continue to flush with the torment of his delayed release. The erection in his boxers is still as stiff as ever, and you eye the way that it visibly jumps with anticipation.
One of your hands reaches up to comfortingly caress his face, and he leans into your touch.
“Breathe, honey, breathe. You’ll get what you want soon.”
He sighs, which almost turns into a moan, but he cuts himself off as you start to give instruction.
“Okay, first I want you to take off my top and bra. Undress me, understand?”
“Yeah,” he responds breathlessly, moving to pull your shirt over your head and unclasp your bra in under a minute. You were now completely naked, and he allowed himself the pleasure of drinking in the sight of your uncovered body. You were so gorgeous, it made his dick twitch.
“Good. Now, take off your boxers and shirt. I wanna see you,” you couldn’t help staying in a dominant headspace for a few seconds more.. it was just so fun to boss him around. He was so quick to follow directions, too.
He unsurprisingly does as he’s told, swiftly removing his gray tee and pulling down his boxers. At the sight of his bare cock, you bite your lower lip and place a hand on the back of his neck to guide him down to meet your mouth. You kiss him deeply, letting your own tongue lick his as he reciprocates with equal ferocity. He’s mashing his lips with yours, moaning into your open mouth when you pull back to switch the angle of your head. You bite down on his bottom lip before sucking it, which causes him to groan deep in his chest. Your hands snake to his lower back and you pull him down in one swift motion so that his body is now pressed flushed to yours as you continue to make out. A few more moments of this go by before Art knows that he has to speak up.. 
“I th-think I’m gonna c-cum,” he stutters, rubbing his hard cock against your lower stomach, “I can’t hold it, I cannn’t-!”
You reach down quickly and grasp his dick, which makes his eyes roll back into his low lids, and then you’re sliding it inside of your tight hole without warning.
“Nnghh-! I’m--fuck!” he sobs out, immediately spilling a thick, warm load inside of you. You let him thrust shallowly into you as he pumps you full of cum.
“Ah hah hah haah-!” he cries as he overstimulates his cock by continuing to fuck himself through his long-awaited orgasm.
As you watch his face with a smile and feel his throbbing dick inside of you, Art suddenly pushes himself up onto his hands so that he’s looking down at you. He’s gasping for more air but his brows are sitting low on his face and he looks weirdly upset.
You reach a hand up to his face, but he grabs your wrist with one hand and shakes his head without breaking eye contact with you.
“Don’t,” he breathes out, before beginning to thrust his spent cock more forcefully inside of you. Was he pissed that you had initially denied him..?
“Don’t say anything, please,” he cuts you off, “just let me fuck you some more..” 
You close your mouth, feeling a new kind of heat swirl in your gut. There was something about his tone that was new for him.. there was a bit of authority in it. Art hangs his head as he groans, pulling his cock all the way out to the tip before slamming it back into you. The wind feels like it just got knocked completely out of your lungs, and you squirm on the sheets.
“You feel so good.. f-fuck, I’m already hard again,” he moans, a growl beginning to creep up his throat.
A moan escapes your lungs as you let your head fall back into the plush pillow, and then before you can fully comprehend what he’s doing, his hand is over your mouth. His elbow is resting by your neck as his palm covers the lower half of your face and muffles your sounds.
“I said to be quiet,” he says gruffly, now speeding up the movements of his hips. They snap back and forth with a renewed sense of fervor, filling you up with his heavy cock with every thrust inside of you. You moan, although muffled, and you can tell that your stifled sounds were driving him crazy.
“You did a lot of talking tonight, babe, now let me say something--” 
You drool under his hand, your mouth open and panting, as you try to focus on his words,
“I don’t get why you called me a loser when you’re my coach.. my loss is your loss- shit!” 
The tip of his cock hits your cervix as you clench around him, causing him to briefly lose his train of thought. He finds it quicker than you thought he would, though.
“So that means that you’re a loser too, aren’t you?” he spits out with gritted teeth, leaning down close to your face and looking deep into your eyes. You compulsively whimper and buck your hips up to meet his.
“Use your words, baby,” he mocks you from earlier, anger laced potently in his command.
He knows that you can’t talk coherently right now, and it’s not his hand that’s stopping you. He knows damn well that if he removed his hand from your mouth, you’d still be a slurring mess of moans and pleas for more beneath him. His cock was fucking you so well, and it was hitting all of the right places at all of the right times. You weren’t sure you were going to last much longer, and neither was he to be honest..
Before, he was in the mindset of a defeated, washed-up tennis champ, but now he was taking on the same persona that he did when he was in his prime. When he won back-to-back matches. He was a fucking beast.
“Mmmph-! Mm-!” your moans rolled around in your chest and were muffled by Art’s large palm as he continued to fuck mercilessly into you. You felt the cord in your gut being pulled taut.. ready to snap at any moment..
Suddenly, he pulls his hand from your mouth and groans, bringing it up to his mouth as he licks depravedly at your drool left behind on his skin. You whimper at the sight, and he follows it up with a similar vocalization before speaking down to you.
“You taste so good, baby, fuck fuck...” he pants, the movements of his hips becoming sloppier by the second.
he places his wet palm down across the center of your collarbones, and you groan lowly at the feeling, before you take his wrist and manually move his hand up to the base of your throat.
“please,” you whimpered. 
and he readily obliged.
Art squeezes gently at the sides of your throat, stifling the blood flow to your brain and initiating the spread of a pleasant fuzziness throughout your body and head that made your impending orgasm feel that-much-more intense. 
“you like that? you like when i choke you, baby..?” he moans, clearly enjoying the switch in dynamic as much as you were.
you nod immediately, trying to take in more oxygen as his fingers pressed deliberately against your pulse. then, he released you from his grasp like a lion drops a gazelle from its mouth before feasting upon it.
you take a huge, broken breath into your lungs before everything begins to feel like it’s getting too much .. everything feels too good right now.. 
“Honeyimgonna-mffphh!-imgonnacumpleaseohmygod” you couldn’t stop the slurry of nonsensical pleas and whines as you felt your orgasm getting ready to wash over you.
“I’m gonna give it to you so good.. i wanna fill you up.. you’d be nowhere without me, let’s face it.. if i didn’t win any matches we’d have no income.. so i’m not a goddamn loser.. i’m not.. i’m.. i..”
Art was becoming more and more incomprehensible the closer he got, and then he felt everything crash down around him once your orgasm started to rip through you and pulse around him.
“OH GOD! HOLY SH- OH FFFUCK! I’M CUMMING I’M CUMMING!” he shouts, unable to hold anything back as he fills you up again.
You feel the warmth and tingly pressure of his release spread throughout your cunt as you cum on his throbbing cock, your eyes rolling as your head tips back against the bed. You whimper and groan as you take in the feeling of your second orgasm of the night, and relish in the heat and aftermath of your partner’s third one.
After you both come down slightly from your highs, Art collapses in a sticky, sweaty mess on top of you as his chest heaves against yours. You close your eyes, smiling, as your hands move to rub lovingly at his lower back. As his head rests heavily in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent, he slowly pulls his hips back and you whimper as the feeling of emptiness starts to rush through you in the absence of his length.
You could feel his cum oozing down your pussy, and you laughed softly at the sudden realization of the reality of your situation.
“You know,” you huffed, still trying to catch your breath, “i think you just came inside of me again.” 
he laughs.
“i don’t think i could have stopped that from happening..” he smirks, rubbing his soft but sensitive cockhead against the inner part of your right thigh.
“right, right.. all i’m saying is that you better not get me pregnant. you’re already a handful as it is.”
“You love it,” he whispers, picking up his head slightly to bite at your neck.
“Whatever you say, loser.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆.
guys, this took so long to finally finish up and that’s on me lmaoo
writer’s block had me in a firm chokehold n i didn’t like it
i feel like i ended this fic a bit quickly, but i think that can mostly be chalked up to sleep deprivation.
anyways, hope this quenched ur mike faist thirst for the moment, but i have more ideas that i want to write about asap.. so there’s definitely some more hot stuff coming soon hehe
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metalheads-trash-bin · 5 months
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I love gay men especially that metal fuck he makes me UGHHHH
This issss another scene from my fliff fanfic! Enjoy a taste of what’s to come <3
Fun fact: the image on the computer is my Fliff playlist on spotify!
Read the fic below!!
See this shit in HD on my insta: _.metalheads.trash.bin._!!
I want Riff sloppy style right on that bed-
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auspicious-manner · 2 years
riff x short!latina!reader who has a very heavy accent and is extremely shy. riff and her are secretly dating and he teases her a lot and it's all cute and fluff? ty, love ur writing!
i’ve missed writing for riff 🥲
female reader x riff
warnings: none
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Confidential Couple
“good afternoon, riff.” Y/N said in her thick puerto rican accent, meeting up with him in a secluded alleyway.
riff looked up from lighting his cigarette. “hey Y/N, how’s my lady feeling today?”
“good. and you?”
“my day has gotten a whole hell of a lot better now that you’re here.” riff replied.
riff and Y/N both knew how bizarre of a partnership their relationship was. gringos weren’t supposed to like puerto ricans, and vice versa. especially when riff is the leader of the jets, infamously known for being overprotective of their territory.
Y/N and riff met completely on accident. one day, riff stumbled across a group of puerto rican men beating up on a girl who he believed to be white at first. when he scared the men away and saw that the girl was, in fact, not white, he felt the need to help her anyway. normally, in any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have helped. but she seemed different than all the girls he’d been betrayed by in the past. she carried herself differently, and riff took note of that right away.
riff tried not to become friends with Y/N. and Y/N tried not to become friends with riff. she was extremely shy, and she didn’t want to let her walls down for riff. when Y/N mentioned to him that it was a regular occurrence for the group of older men to beat her up, riff couldn’t help but feel remorse for her. that was a weird feeling for him, as he had never truly experienced it before, especially with a puerto rican girl. given her inherited introverted nature, riff wanted to keep the men that hurt Y/N at bay for as long as possible.
riff tried his hardest to avoid Y/N because he knew if any of the jets saw him anywhere near a puerto rican, he’d practically be exiled. however, something about her kept drawing him back. maybe it was because he desperately craved an escape from living his life as a gang leader. whatever it may be, as more and more time passed, the more often he found himself with Y/N. eventually, a casual friendship developed into a secret romance.
riff opened his arm to give Y/N a hug. given her small stature, she rested her head just below his shoulder in the hug, and riff reached down to reciprocate it.
“what would you like to do today?” Y/N asked, pulling away.
“not like we can go many places, right?” riff replied, taking a puff from his cigarette.
Y/N loved her relationship with riff, despite hating how secretive it had to be. she completely understood why he needed to keep it a secret, it was just a downside to falling in love with a gang leader.
she shrugged in response, looking down.
“you’re extra quiet today, what’s wrong?” riff asked bluntly, stepping closer to her.
“i’m always quiet, riff.”
he laughed and ruffled her hair playfully. “i know that, i just thought you seemed even more quiet than usual, that’s all.”
Y/N shrugged. “i know, i just wish we could do more together. i wish we didn’t have to hide.”
riff sighed, rubbing her shoulders with his hands. “i know girly girl, but it’s safer for the both of us if we keep it a secret. my boys find out, i’m dead. your people find out, you’re dead. the more secretive we are, the better.”
Y/N looked down, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “we can still have fun today.”
after more discussing, the couple decided on playing card games, eating snacks, and resting for the whole day at riff’s place.
riff’s hang out spot was an abandoned train car in the junkyard. he had set up a small table and a bed for him to rest on. for him, it was home. Y/N liked the simplicity of his “house”. she wasn’t into everything lavish and grand.
Y/N couldn’t decide if riff let her win at cards over and over again, or if she was actually really good at them. but, she also figured riff would actually play every so often so she would lose, and riff could tease her about being bad at cards. regardless of the outcome, she enjoyed this valuable time with him.
after a few hours into one of their last games, riff sat up in his spot, holding up a finger that silenced Y/N.
“riff, what-”
“shhh!” he interrupted, listening. Y/N sunk back in her chair a bit.
then, she heard it too. it was the sound of footsteps growing closer and closer to riff’s train car.
“shit,” riff started, standing up. “you gotta hide.”
“hide, seriously?” she whispered back.
“yes, i mean it. these people will not approve of you, and i don’t want them to hurt you, now hide!”
Y/N scrambled to find a sufficient spot to hide in riff’s small abode. suddenly, she realized there was just enough space under his bed for her to hide.
“go, go!” riff said, helping her under the bed. when she disappeared, he sat quietly at his table when a knock sounded on the metal outside his home. Y/N held her breath, trying to keep anxious tears from spilling out of her eyes.
“who is it?” riff asked monotonously.
“a-rab and tiger.”
riff lit a cigarette and took a quick puff. “come in.”
they stepped into his train car and looked around. “who were you talking to in here, riff?” a-rab asked.
riff kept the cigarette he was smoking resting on his lips. “no one.”
“so you were talking to yourself?” tiger asked, not believing riff for a second.
“yes.” riff said coldly, with a sharp “s”.
a-rab squinted at him, before smiling playfully. “you hidin’ a girl here, riff?”
“then how ‘bout we have a look around?” asked tiger.
“not like you can even look around much, this is a small place.” riff replied.
meanwhile, Y/N watched the feet from outside the bed walk past multiple times, and it took all of her energy to not make a noise. she was frightened of riff’s friends.
she watched as a pair of shoes stopped in front of the bed, and before she knew it, a pair of eyes that weren’t riff’s caught sight of Y/N. she snapped her own eyes shut, hoping that if she didn’t see him, he wouldn’t see her.
“oh tiger, i think i found something.”
“a lady?” tiger asked, bending down to take a look.
“yep, riff’s hiding a lady.”
“and for good reason too,” riff started harshly. “there’s a reason she had to hide when she heard you two. she doesn’t want anything to do with you.”
“we just want to meet the lucky gal.” tiger said.
“no means no, tiger. now leave.” riff said with a very stern tone.
tiger and a-rab exchanged looks, before going on either side of the makeshift bed and lifting it to the side before riff could stop them.
tiger and a-rab gawked at the sight before them. “woah.” they both saw that Y/N was puerto rican, and not white like they had expected. she had light tear marks on her face.
Y/N looked up to the men and saw their confused, angry, and hurt faces before backing herself as close to the wall as possible.
“you assholes!” riff yelled, storming over to the two jets.
“riff, what the hell is this?” tiger asked.
“how could you do this to the jets? how could you betray us like this?” a-rab continued. “she’s puerto rican!”
“you guys didn’t have to see this. i kept this a secret for a reason. you guys stormed in here and did your own thing, and now we’re all angry. you two need to leave. as your leader, that is an order.” riff yelled, stepping closer to the boys.
Y/N watched the scene unfold in front of her in horror. tiger turned to her, and began to speak. “what have you done to riff?” he started. “he used to be like us. what kind of puerto rican witch shit did you do to make him like you?”
Y/N froze, trying to find words. she stuttered as more slow tears fell out of her eyes. she hated that she was so shy.
“look, she can’t even speak when spoken to, lousy pig!” a-rab yelled.
“hey!” riff yelled again, pushing the boys towards the opening of his train car. “the only person that gets to say anything about Y/N, positive or negative, is me, you hear? now scram before i take a chain to your head.”
he pushed them again and they ran out, not looking back. riff watched as they ran far away.
riff whipped his head around and saw Y/N crying on the floor. he walked over to her, sat down next to her, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. she leaned her head in and rested her head on his chest, and riff kissed the top of her head.
“i’m sorry, Y/N. i’m so, so sorry.” riff said quietly, gently rubbing her arm.
Y/N lifted her head up and looked at riff. he turned his head so his eyes met hers. “i was scared, that’s all. i guess this crying is a little over dramatic, isn’t it?” she said, laughing a bit.
riff wiped her tears away. “yeah, it is.” he teased.
Y/N giggled, and riff laughed back. “i’m kidding, you handled it just fine. i’m happy they didn’t do anything to you.”
the two sat comfortably together until Y/N fully calmed down. when she did, they stood up, and riff looked down on her. he held her hands in his own for a moment, and then he let go of one and placed it on the side of her face, tilting her head up so she looked at him.
“you know, i always forget how short you are.” riff whispered.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “riff, ni siquiera vayas allí. don’t even go there.”
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
Part 12
Here's part 12 everyone!
Also.. I had a riff/Dodge request, but I can't find it anymore so whoever asked please send it again, if you want 😅🥰
I hope you'll like this new chapter, we're almost at the end.
Tell me what you think and have a good one ❤️
Chapter summary: it's time for the individual challenge, also some secrets are discovered.
Chapter warnings: panic attack, mention of abuse.
Tag list: @shenevertricks1831 @mixed-theater-faisty-tings @stuckinthesmalldoor @girlygirl-20 @jillo0315 @one-edgy-bitch
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Panic shouldn't scare you, nothing is real, or is not supposed to be real, it's all a big fat trick... the scam is when the thing that scares you the most is a memory in your head, everything is real.
I arrive at the school right on time, letting out a big sigh of relief when I spot Diggins, he's probably the one to 'host' my individual challenge.
"Welcome to your individual challenge, princess" he says. I can feel the tension in his voice as he speaks.
"I'll let you call me that, just tonight, so you feel better" I say.
"At least you didn't lose your humor" he says. "Ready?"
He nods towards the School's door.
Together we walk down the hallway, heading to the school basement, stopping in front of a small closet. Big enough for a person to fit in, but too small still.
"Okay... you get 10 points for each hour you spend in there. You spend the whole night you get 50 points bonus." He explains, I can feel his eyes watching me, but mine are focused on the closet.
I nod.
"Usually the most common strategy would be asking me to leave and come back in the morning, to let you out. So you'll get all the points" he says.
"No" I quickly says. "Please" I turn to look at him. "You won't hear me scream, you won't hear a noise from me, the moment I scream you let me out. Okay?"
"Anything" he nods. "So.. when you're ready, princess"
I take a deep breath and walk into the closet.
I sit on the ground, old habit...
"Good luck" he says closing the door.
The door closes and I hear the lock.
Okay... it's me and my thoughts now...
It's fine, I tell myself, Diggins is just outside.. nothing is gonna happen.
I take deep breaths, fidgeting with my hand. It's dark. Very dark. I can't even tell the difference between having my eyes closed or not.
Just breath.
Some time passes, I don't know how long it's been.
I try to control my breathing, trying to think about anything else.. but wandering thoughts are interrupted by a noise. It sounds like a growl, a deep growl.
I sit up straight, trying to hear it better, to understand if it's my mind playing tricks on me or not.
The noise gets louder.
It does sound like a monster. Just like when I was a kid...
Adding to the growl I hear cracking noises too, like a bed or something. Just. Like. Then.
What the hell is happening?
I can no longer control my breathing, it got faster, I'm l having trouble breathing now.
Just breath, I repeat in my head, nothing is real, you're fine. Diggins is right outside. I'm safe.
But the noises just get louder and louder.
I cover my ears, trying to muffle the noise, but it's useless.
I want to scream, but my voice refuses to come out. I'm frozen.
Everything is just like then. Just like it was when I was a kid.
It's the same nightmare again.
I try to take a deep breath, but I can't, I feel like I can't breath anymore.
I start to cry, covering my ears as much as I can, but the noise is in my head now. I can't get it out... I can't stop it.. I can't.. I.. I can't. 
I scream Diggins' name and in less than a second the door is being open.
I feel Diggins kneeling beside me, try to help me up. As soon as I'm on my feet I just hug him, tightly and he reciprocate immediately.
"It's okay, it's okay, you did great, princess" he says on repeat. "You're safe, you're safe"
"I.. I.."
"Sshh don't worry, you're safe, nothing's gonna hurt you. It's okay" he whispers.
I can't tell whose voice is that. I don't want to turn around, I feel Diggins hands rubbing my back to calm me down.
"Princess, Dodge's here" Diggins whispers. 
I finally turn my head to see a worried Dodge on the stairs, looking at me.
I fully turn around and walk to him, he comes down the stairs completely to hold me in his arms.
"I'm here, love" he holds me tight, kissing my head. "You're okay, it's over"
He then turns to Diggins.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
"I.. couldn't.. I don't have a choice either here, Dodge" Diggins says.
"It's okay" I softly say.
"No. It's not. This is.. sick"
"Can we please not talk about it now?" I weakly ask.
"Y/n, you're shaking" Dodge says and Diggins comes quickly beside us.
"I'm fine" I say, to convince myself, I don't want to have a panic attack right now. "I just need to sit"
"Here" Diggins grabs a chair and help me sit, my breathing gets more elaborate.
"Breath with me, love" Dodge kneels in front of me. "Copy me, okay?"
"Grab my hand too, hold it as tight as you want, you won't hurt me" Diggins holds his hand out for me to take and I do.
"Eyes on me. You're fine, okay? It can't hurt you" Dodge's words manage to calm me enough to breath properly again.
I keep taking deep breath, mimicking Dodge's breathing, all this while holding Diggins' hand.
"Amazing, princess. You're doing great" Diggins says.
They both help me calm down, I can breath again and I'm no longer shaking so I let go Diggins hand.
"There, love, you're safe" Dodge kisses my cheek.
"You did amazing, princess. You were in there for 4 hours, almost 5"
"I didn't make the whole night though" I say disappointed. 
"You're right, but before you would've never made it for 5 minutes. You did amazing" he repeats.
"My brave girl" Dodge whispers, I look at him, I see sincerity in his eyes. "I'm sorry" he mouths and I nod.
"Can we go home please?" I ask.
"Yes love" he says, helping me up.
I'm sitting in the kitchen while Dodge make some tea.
"There you go" he says handing me the cup.
"Thanks" I say. "What about you?"
"Me?" He asks confused.
"Yeah, you had your individual challenge too so.. how are you?" I ask again, my eyes fixed on the cup in my hands. I'm still mad at him, but I'm too worried to not ask.
"I had to find a key."
"A key?"
"Yeah, there were some random keys hanging from the ceiling, so I thought that was it. But then I heard Dayna's voice" he explains.
"Dayna's voice?" I finally look at him, more confused. 
"Yeah, Dayna's voice screaming, it was like she was trapped. She was screaming about 'them' finding out about our plan and she seemed like she was scared"
"But.. it was just a recording" he finishes.
"What?... how.. how did they get her voice recorded?" I ask.
"I have no idea. I also have no idea how they found out about Dayna" he sighs.
I shrug, not knowing what to say, but then I realised... there's only one other person to have found out about Dayna: Natalie.
She told me she had to answer some questions about Shawna, she must've lied, of course!
"Oh god..." I look at him in the eyes.
"Natalie" I say.
"Fuck..." he smack his hand on the counter.
"She lied to me, told me that during the crossing challenge they asked her about Shawna... I should've known" I sigh lowering my eyes. 
"It's not your fault. It's hers" he grabs my hand.
"Yeah, but still. She's also the only other person to know about my 'monsters' sounds"
He walk up to me, hugging me.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n." He whispers.
"I know" I say hugging him back.
"I should've told you. I trust you so much, I don't know... I.."
I cut him off by simply kissing him.
"Shut up"
He gives me a small smile. "Sorry"
"It's okay"
"I do love you"
"I know" I say with a smirk, not saying it back is good enough as a punishment for him.
"Yeah.. I deserve to not hear it.. yeah" he chuckles.
"Oh definitely"
"I just want you to know that I started talking to you because I always found you extremely interesting. You never cared about everybody's opinion and you were always so kind, but never naive.. I had to get to know you. The game had nothing to do with me talking to you." He explains. 
"Okay. I trust you... but I still won't say it" I tell him.
"Yeah I know. I tried" he laughs. The sound is contagious and in no time we're laughing together like nothing happened. 
"You okay?" He then asks.
"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine. Thank you"
"Want me to stay the night?" He asks.
"You don't want to check on Dayna or something?" I ask.
"She's fine, I texted her before texting Diggins" he answers. 
"That's why you knew where I was" I say.
"Yeah.. I was worried about what your individual challenge could be so I had to check. He was quick to answer. Luckily."
As if saying his name summoned him, I get a call from Diggins.
"Speaking of the devil" I say to Dodge, who just chuckles stroking my sides as I put Diggins on speaker.
"Hey, are you okay?" He says, voice full of concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to you too"
"I'm so sorry about that.. I didn't know.."
"It's okay. It's not your fault, Diggins"
"It's the Judges' " Dodge intervenes.
"I know. Sick game. I would've never done it, if I knew"
"I know, man I know"
"I'm sorry, princess"
"Don't take advantage of it. I allowed you so you would feel better. Don't push it"
"The humour is back! Thank god!" He dramatically exclaims. 
I roll my eyes.
"I made sure if that" Dodge says.
"You better, man. Also... now that we're on it. I didn't get the chance to have a word with you" he starts
"Oh god" I laugh. "Now?"
"Yeah yeah, now and later on, because this needs a face to face conversation too"
"Tell me everything" Dodge smiles.
"Okay, listen here, my man, you got muscles, you look like a strong one, you could easily knock me off... BUT if you dare hurt my princess here... you're a dead man" he warns.
"I'd never do it, not again" Dodge replies.
"Wait... again? What did I miss?"
"Don't worry, it's all good, you don't need to kill him" I laugh at his surprised tone.
"You sure?"
"Yeah yeah I am"
"Mh... just tell me if I have to"
"I will"
"Okay, I'll let you two lovebirds be, I'll see you tomorrow, at the reunion to draw some conclusions" he says.
"Goodnight Diggins"
"Night, man"
"Goodnight Princess, Dodge"
With that he hangs up.
"So?" Dodge looks at me.
"Want me to stay the night?"
I just nod and together we head to my room.
"Friends, players, former Contestants, the results of the individual challenge have been tallied." Diggins speaks. We're all sitting listening to him. "All the points have been scored. Shawna quit, so she's out of the game. Y/n score not enough points to stay in the competition. Dodge is on first place and will be heading to the Joust. The player competing against him is as yet undetermined."
"What?! Why? I mean I stayer long enough in that shithole cooler, didn't I?" Ray snaps.
"Not long enough to beat Dodge's time." Summer answers him.
"The individual challenges aren't done yet, Ray." Diggins points out "by order of the judges Natalie Williams is disqualified for reason of false representation and failure to complete the required challenges. As punishment,  the Player's points have been retroactively invalidated"
I look at Dodge, who's dead serious, he just holds my hand.
"In English?" Drew scoffs.
"Apparently the judges wiped Natalie's score because she cheated" I explain, simply.
There's some murmuring in the room, but Ray's laugher is loud enough to hear. I look around to see Heather, a mad look on her face. I bet.
"She was never in Spurlock's house. Shouldn't have even made it to Graybill, let alone the final four." Diggins says dryly.
"That's.. that's bullshit. All right, that's hearsay." Natalie tries to defend herself.
"True. We heard you say it" Summer says.
"That's a good one, Summer" Natalie snaps back.
"No you admitted it in your video that you trapped me underground. That's nowhere near the house, right?" Heather's voice is fu of venom.
What happened? She must've found out about Natalie's strategy, but how.
"That was you?!" I ask surprised.
Natalie just sends me an annoyed look and I scoff.
"Plus someone ratted you out to the judges." Diggins adds
Natalie immediately looks at Dodge, who doesn't look back at her.
"All right, fuck you guys" she says while getting up.
"You were outside watching the house. Dodge covered for you." Diggins continues.
"Wait wait wait hold on, wait a second, if Dodge helped Natalie get through the last challenge, then why is he still playing?" Ray asks.
"Well, he was stealing for two. Lucky he didn't get double the points."
"All right, settle down, settle down. At the time of the judges' selection of the final Three, excluding Natalie, the players in order were Dodge, Ray and Heather." Diggins declares.
"But Heather missed a challenge" Drew points out.
"Well she still has her immunity" Summer says.
"Given that and Natalie's disqualification, an exception has been made." Diggins says, then refers to Heather "Congratulations, Heather. The judges rule you may move k  to your individual challenge. Good luck"
I turn around to send her an encouraging smile.
As everyone walk out I feel someone grabbing my arm, I turn to see Ray looking at me with worried eyes.
"Can I talk to you?" He asks.
"Sure" I say, I look at Dodge to let him know I'm fine and see him walking out.
"I know what happened during your challenge. I just wanted to see if you were okay" he says, rather sweeter than I expected.
"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine. Diggins was there and Dodge too, they helped a lot." I answer.
"That's good" he lets out a sigh of relief. "I was kinda worried"
"Well, no need to, I'm safe and sound" I tell him with a smile.
"You made it almost 5 hours, Diggins told me... Good job, that's a lot"
"You made it longer though.. must've been terrifying too"
"Same as you, but we're too strong to be beaten like this, right?" He smiles, a warm sweet smile.
"Of course"
"And... uhm.. one more thing"
"Sure, tell me"
"Are you happy with the new kid?" He ask out of the blue, catching me a but off guard. 
"Oh.. yeah.. yeah, I am" I tell him honestly.
I saw him smile, unexpected.
"Our bet... it's over." He says.
"Wha.. really?" I ask incredulously. 
"Yeah, I mean I would've never forced you in the first place, sure I would've demanded a few dates, but never more than those" he says with a sincere chuckle.
"Yeah.. I know" I laugh.
" if you got a kink though, I'd still indulge, obviously" he teases.
"Oh I'm sure"
"I'd still flirt with you. I mean.. my crush on you won't just go away like this" he says snapping his fingers.
"Thank you" I say.
"For what?" He looks a bit taken aback.
"For not being the complete asshole you pretend you are" I simply state.
"Don't say that out loud" he jokes.
"Your secret is safe with me."
"Cool, and... if he hurts you.."
"Let me guess" I cut him off "You're killing him? Yeah, Diggins would need some help if that happens" I joke and he laughs.
We look at each other for a moment, in his eyes I see sincerity, some sadness maybe, but genuine words nonetheless.
So I walk up to kiss his cheek.
"Good luck Ray!" I say walking out to Dodge.
"What did he want?" He immediately asks.
"Nothing to worry about" I tell him.
"Don't be jealous, now" I say walking up in front of him.
"I'm not" he defends.
"He just wanted to make sure I was happy with you, and he called the bet off" I say.
"Really?" He asks surprised.
"Yeah, I mean he might act like an asshole but he's not one to force anyone" I say grabbing Dodge's hand.
"Yeah.. yeah.. it makes sense" he says with a smile.
"C'mon, jealous boy, let's go home" I tell him getting in the car.
We got to Dodge's home, so we can talk with Dayna and find out how the judges got her voice.
"How did the judges get your voice recorded?" Dodge asks.
"Natalie said it was for an audition. She asked me to read lines with her the day before the Derby" Dayna explains.
"She lied" Dodge tells her.
"She often does that these days... apparently" I add.
"She needed your voice to help the judges rig my individual challenge. The question is, why would she help the judges?" He then asks, looking at me.
"She would say she had no choice, that she had to do it in order to stay in the competition.. or some bullshit" I say.
"She just asked me to meet her in the stockroom at the pharmacy. That's where she keeps everything she doesn't want her dad to find" Dayna explains "I remember thinking how crowded it was with all her Panic stuff."
Me and Dodge share a look.
"What Panic stuff?" He asks.
"I saw a Panic scrapbook when she knocked over one of the boxes. A scrapbook of notes and all her photos and maps and things. It was super detailed...what little I say of it"
Oh shit.
I look at Dodge, a focused expression on his face, he definitely understands it too.
"Oh, but please don't tell her I told you. She seemed really embarrassed. I mean, I guess she doesn't want anyone knowing how hard she studied for Panic.." she asks us.
I let out a small scoff and Dodge laughs dryly.
"She hasn't been studying. She's been planning." He says.
Dayna looks at him confused, then at me asking for explanation.
"Natalie's one of the Judges." I say. "This explains also how the 'judges' knew exactly what sounds to play..."
"That explains everything"
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raggellion · 2 years
Morals: Chapter 7
Riff Lorton
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Notes: hehehe this was… interesting to write.
Warnings: swearing, explicit smut
Words: 2.2k
I decided to sleep in some more, after all, I didn’t have work and I kinda wanted to continue my dream, that included some details about last night… maybe even some extras. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to wipe the grin off my face. A loud bang to my attic door forced my eyes open.
“Lily, are ya’ awake and decent?” Asked Tony from the other side of the door. Part of me wanted to pretend to be asleep but he probably would barge in anyway. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Wanna go get a milkshake at Cubby’s?”
Ok, a milkshake doesn’t sound too bad right about now…
“Yeah, sure. Give me a couple minutes to get ready.” I called out to him and quickly sprinted to my bathroom.
The outfit I chose was a simple black top with some shorts. My hair was styled in a high ponytail and I didn’t bother to apply any makeup to my face.
I walked downstairs as Tony looked at me with a sheepish grin. “What?” I asked defensively, to which he also puts his hands up in defense. “Nothin’, nothin’.”
We exit Docs with an awkward tension in the air. I feel Tony stealing glances at me from time to time, lips still pressed into that stupid smile. I turn to him, annoyed. “Tell me what’s going on, Tony.” I snap. He starts to laugh and my face burns bright red. “How about ya tell me what going on instead… either you was watching a movie with someone that sounds exactly like Riff, or the guy was in yer room last night.”
My face flushes with embarrassment. He continues, “God that's so weird to think my best guy friend and my best girl friend sleeping togetha’.”
I nearly choke at his words. “We did not sleep together!” Tony raises his eyebrow at me.
“I mean we slept… But that's all we did.”
“But why?”
“That’s a great question, Tone.” I say, cracking a genuine smile. “I know Val tells me that he’s dangerous and I should stay away but… when I’m with him, I-“ “feel like you’re falling?” He interrupts and I softly nod.
“We haven’t done anything yet… not even kissed and somehow I just feel this.. connection to him. But I’m half Puerto Rican and he’s a jet and- I don’t know where to go from here.” I confess and Tony slightly smiles. “How ‘bout I introduce ya’ to Maria? She’ll tell ya all about it.” He laughed and I found myself laughing along. “Look,” he continues. “I may not know what’s goin’ on in Riff’s brain 24/7, but I do know that he is absolutely smitten with ya. Known it from the first day ya met.” He says rather proudly.
Tony and I enter the restaurant and take a seat at a free table. “Hey Lily,” Tony starts and I hum in response, still looking over the choices of milkshake flavors. “How come I’ve lived here all my life, yet I’ve never really met you before all this?” He asked softly.
“Well… my family lived in an apartment in the same building as Valentina,” I explain. Neither the jets or the sharks went there. While I was able to see Tony or Riff from afar, they never saw me.
I continue,”When my parents died, I moved in with her. And then when tío Doc passed, things would get a little hectic so I volunteered to move in at Doc’s… which exposed me to all sorts of… trouble.” I say the last part teasingly.
“Do you remember ‘em? Yer parents?” Tony asked softly. “I was 7 so the memory comes and goes. I have one specific memory of my father and I. I was on his shoulders and I just remember laughing at the way eyes would look when he looked up at me.”
Images of my father, lovingly looking up at me flashed through my mind; eyes shining the same green color as my own.
A pretty waitress with short brown curls came over to take our order. “Hi! Welcome to Cubby’s, what can I get ya today?” She said with a bright smile on her face.
“I’ll get a chocolate shake.” Tony says. I look at the menu for the first time, instantly knowing what I want. “I’ll get a berry blast shake with extra whipped cream please.” I say and Tony starts laughing. “What?” I ask, defensively.
“Berry blast, huh? Make that two chocolate shakes.” A familiar voice taunts from behind me. Oh gosh. Riff motions for me to scoot over in the booth, taking a seat as I did so.
Tony meets him with a fist bump. “Yo what’s up man. Glad ya made it.” He invited Riff?
Riff turns his head to look at me but I keep my gaze straight in front of me. “Yeah me too, buddy boy. Had a great night. Only fitting to start off with a bang.” He says as his eyes burn holes into me.
Tony eyes us with humor in his gaze. The waitress comes back over with our shakes and I’m relieved that the focus between us 3 is now located elsewhere.
The woman hands me my drink and I immediately take the straw out and use it to spoon whipped cream into my mouth.
“Woahh. This is all going in here.” Tony whistles, pointing to his stomach. He begins to greedily slurp at the drink.
I swiftly twirl the red and white straw between my fingers as I continue to pick up a bit of whipped cream and plop it in my mouth, awkwardly lapping the cream off the straw. Riff’s eyes stayed glued to me, and I couldn’t help but notice he hadn’t touched his shake. His hand was in a tight fist that popped his veins out. My eyes slowly reached up to meet his. His jaw clenched, eyes stayed focus on my every move. He looks uncomfortable… or sick. What did I do now? “Are you okay?” I ask, softly.
He lightly nods and looks away after screwing his eyes shut for a few moments. A gnawing feeling built up in my lower stomach. Did I make him feel upset? He was fine a moment ago. My gaze dropped to my lap. What di- then I noticed it.
His trousers restricted his growing arousal as a tent formed in his crotch area. I avert my eyes quickly, but it’s too late. I watch as Riff smirks at me from the corner of my eye. A rosy blush spreads, confirming my embarrassment.
“Yo… María!” Tony calls, staring past us to the glass window. Great. Just great. “I’ll see ya guys later.” He said and rushed out the door, slapping a 20 dollar bill on the table. Well at least he covered for our bill too. I steadily sipped at my blue drink as Riff and I both stayed silent. He quickly gulped his down within a couple seconds.
“Can we go?“ I ask quietly. He nods and stands up from the booth, offering me a space to slide out. I pretended not to notice as Riff subtly covers his obvious erection, that he knows I saw.
The silence nearly swallowed me whole as we walked, shoulder to shoulder. I’ve never been in a situation where a boy has this type of reaction to me. It ignited a flame somewhere inside of me and tingled all the way down to my core.
I practically shoved Riff in my attic the second we got to Doc’s. I was particularly grateful that Valentina was in the basement at the moment. She didn’t have to witness him entering my room, trying to cover up what looked like a painful erection.
I pressed Riff up against the door, leaning closer with every passing second. I’ve never wanted him more. The desire, the hunger for him gnawed at my core, my lips, my most intimate areas.
“Lily,” he said, stopping me. He lightly grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. What is he doing? Did he stop being attracted to me within the 24 hours we were last together? My face stung with shame and I walked away, taking a seat on the bed. My eyes met with the ground and they dared not to look up any more.
Riff rushed over to me, crouching right in front and cupping my face with his hands. He tilts my chin up to look at him. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to just because you saw.” He says softly. He doesn’t understand. I’ve never felt this way before. Fully consumed with desire for him. To taste him, feel him, smell him, see him, hear him.
He stands up straight now, ready to walk away, but I grab his hand. My face is eye level with his crotch.
My heart thuds in my chest. I’ve never done this before. What if I get it wrong? What if I can’t make him feel good? What if I’m just bad at everything all together.
My hand shakily comes up to palm Riff through his trousers. A groan comes from his throat. I look up for any sign of protest, but there weren’t any. Riff’s eyes were glued on me, filled with lust. He gives me a small nod. I continue to palm him through the trousers, small stifled groans unleashing here and there.
I trail my hands up, my fingers dancing around the waistband of his trousers. My heart pounds in my chest as I get bolder. I slowly dip my fingers below the waistband, slowly pushing my hand into the warmth underneath.
I wrap my fingers around his manhood and slowly start to pump him, still from inside his trousers. My eyes widened at the size. Woah, that’s big.
I was frightened to pull the trousers down, to see what was underneath.
My hands continued massaging the soft, warm skin. It moved easily, with each back and forth motion that I performed. Riff’s groans were louder now, he struggled to silence them, clenching his jaw every now and then.
It’s time. I slowly pull down the trousers, firstly revealing a patch of light blond, curly hair on his pubic bone. I go further, pulling his trousers down even more to reveal his throbbing erection. The veins showed his arousal even more as his hard dick pointed straight out, facing me.
“God you’re so beautiful,” he whispered, breathlessly.
I wrap my hand around the base of his dick and continue to pump faster now. His groans grow consistent and faster. Here goes nothing.
I take the soft pink head of his cock between my lips, slowly pushing him further and further into my mouth. The taste of his skin was satisfying, soothing every urge that previously told me to jump his bones. Every urge except one… my core throbbed and ached for him. Riff moaned, loud and vocal this time.
I broadened my tongue as I bobbed my head back and forth, brushing against the underside of his dick. Riff’s fingers played with the ponytail on my head.
“Lils… I-I’m about to finish. Ya don’t g-gotta swallow if ya don’t wanna.” He struggled to make out, but my mouth remained on him, sucking and licking to give him the pleasure he needed.
His breathing became irregular, quickening as he finished, spurting his hot liquid down my throat. I coughed, choking on the liquid as he fixed himself into his trousers and collapsed on the bed.
“God damn Lils. Where’d ya learn to do that?”
“Heard about it, I guess.”
The truth is, before moving into Docs, my friends would tell me all about their experiences with various different shark members. I’d always feel different from them, like I was the only one who hadn’t done those things… but hey, at least I picked up some experience for my firsts.
“Ya never done somethin’ like that before, have ya?” He asked softly and I shook my head.
“Well then I gue-“ “Lily!” Tony interrupted from downstairs. “Come down! I got a surprise for ya.”
“I’ll be right down!” I yell back, silently urging Riff to get up. He makes his way toward the window.
“Wait,” I call to him and he turns around to face me. “I’ll see you later?”
A bright smile pulls at the corners of his lips. “That you will, Lils.” He says and then disappears through the window.
I sigh, a small grin forming on my lips. What just happened?
I make my way downstairs to see what Tony has to show me. There he stands, smiling near the counter. As I get further downstairs, I see someone is with him. A pretty girl with a tan complexion and the prettiest thick black hair. Maria. I could tell why he was so smitten with her. She’s beautiful. “Lily,” Tony said giddily.
“This is Maria. Maria, this is Lily.”
Maria smiles brightly at me and I reciprocate. “Hi! I’ve heard so many great things about you!” She says. Her accent is strong and melodic. “I can say the same about you as well! Nice to meet you.” I say, complying as she extends for a hug.
Maria is lively, funny, smart, witty. As I talked to her, it seemed like she brought out the best in Tony. However I couldn’t say my mind was fully with the conversation. How could it be, with the lingering taste in my mouth and the new vivid memories that made my core ache and clench uncontrollably.
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4-orest · 4 months
Trolls if they had twitter cause I’m bored :3 pt 1
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If you have any headcanons or anything do let me know them 🤭
Personal headcanons for this au
- Riff is psychology major
- Barb has mommy issues
-Poppy has daddy issues lowkey but hides them with optimism and shit
-Trollex is a barb hater mostly cause he couldn’t just “rebuild” like everyone else could.
- Sid fret is Amps older brother (this is Amp btw)
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-Poppy doesn’t believe in shame.
-Branch has tons of it
-Barb is a Mitski Stan
-Riff is a man hoe to his core
-Carol has known Barb since she was 3 she somehow doesn’t know that she and Barb are bffs , the day she finds out she will be the most hyper she’s ever been
-Riff is Barbs make shift therapist against her will 99.9% of the time.
-Barb has BPD
-John Dory has OCD
- Branch has autism
-Poppy has ADHD
-Poppy often times gets jealous cause branch is “hot” in pop village , sometimes she wishes he stayed gray so she’s the only one who would like him. Poppy has voiced this to Barb , Barb told her too go talk to Riff.
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Day 27 of Kinktober: Sneaking Around With Riff
pairing: Michael ‘Riff’ Tamblyn x fem!reader
warning: dirty talk, eating out, getting caught, unprotected sex, violence
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Riff and I have been sneaking around for quite sometime but the Jets have been getting suspicious lately of Riff coming to their meetings late or him not showing up when Riff is needed when the Sharks are around the Jets.
I invited Riff to come to a spot that no one knows except for him and I but I want to do something different. When Riff found me, I was sitting on a crate naked with my legs spread out, I can tell he wanted me so bad but he just stood there staring.
“What’s the matter Riff, I don’t bite.” I said in a sweet voice he’s heard before.
“I wish we were married so I can this all the time.” He says approaching me.
“You know that my dad thinks you’re dangerous.” I said wrapping my legs around Riff’s waist.
“And the Jets don’t know about us.” He whispers in my ear.
“But that’s the fun part of it.” I whisper. “You can have me whatever you want, and you can always come to me when you’re having a rough day because I love it when you get rough.” I whisper again while trailing my finger on his body.
“Why’s that doll?” He said making us do nose to nose.
“The way you fuck me, you just go in and out, making me beg but you want to keep going and making me scream and moan until I cum, and then you take control on eating me out. But the way you fuck me, it’s different than you normally do, harder and rougher than usual.” I whisper in his ear.
“Where do you want to go hide and maybe, I can be rough with you.” He smirks.
“Wherever you want to hide.” I say.
Riff looks around and takes us to a different spot then where we not normally go to.
“This is different.” I say when Riff sets me down on a bench in a fort.
“Just want to make my baby feel good.” Riff says going down where my pussy is at.
I feel his tongue inside me, I gasp for a second, I tug on his hair which made him grab my legs so I couldn’t move them.
“I’m about to cum.” I moan.
He moans into me which made me moan again, fuck I need him inside me.
“Riff.” I make him look at me by tugging his head up to look at me. “Just fuck me.” I say.
He smirks and takes his pants off including his boxers off, he so huge. I lean towards him to make him be on top of me so we can make out. He positions himself so can fuck me. He goes in and out of me and I scream and starts to scratch his back, I can tell the Jets are going to make fun of him.
He keeps on fucking me until we hear the cat whistle. Riff and I look where the whistle came from and it’s the Jets, fuck! They found us.
“Well, well, well boys, look what we have here, our leader with a whore.” Joyboy says.
Riff covers me and himself up, but he tries to keep me behind him.
“So this is where you’ve been going to Riff isn’t?” Tiger says approaching us.
“Yeah, what about it?” Riff says.
I get scared so I hold on to Riff’s arm.
“Look boys, the whore is scared.” Joyboy says. The Jets chuckle.
“If you get near her I swear to god I’ll kill you.” Riff says.
“You’re defending the whore but you couldn’t be at the fights with the Sharks.” Mouthface confronts Riff.
“Stop calling me that.” I said.
“The whore speaks, did you blow hi-“ Riff slaps Tiger’s face.
“You son of a-“ Tiger and Riff begins to fight.
I try to hide but one of the Jets tries to grab me but Riff notices so he protects me from them. I find a knife so I hold it to in front of Balkan, Riff takes the knife out of my hand, Balkan looks smug and looks at the rest of the Jets and Riff ends the fight by punching Balkan in the face.
When the Jets leaves, Riff checks my body if there are any scars on my body. I check on his wounds, I help him sit down.
“Thank you for protecting me.” I smile.
“Anything for my girl, can you patch me up? I’ll try to patch you up as well.” Riff says.
I giggle, I try to find something to cover his wounds, I found an old t-shirt and I rip it apart so I can wrap the fabric around Riff’s wounds.
“You’re not a whore, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He says holding still for me.
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me too.” I say wrapping some fabric around one of his wounds.
I give a look, I lean in to kiss him and he kisses me back. Sneaking around with Riff has been really fun but terrifying because of the Jets finding out about us but Riff protected me through all of this mess, and Riff knows what he’s doing when he’s in control.
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