#Renzo Rosso
booksinantwerp · 6 months
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5 b/w designer portraits (part II) 1. Nicolas Ghesquiére (portrait by David Sims) 2. Bernhard Willhelm (portrait by Willy Vanderperre) 3. Helmut Lang (portrait by Anthony Ward) 4. Renzo Rosso (portrait courtesy by Renzo Rosso) 5. Olivier Theyskens (portrait by Willy Vanderperre) follow on Instagram for more
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jeremy renner and renzo rosso
hollywood life breakthrough of the year awards 2003 (with gina gershon)
diesel black gold show,  florence 2014
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svt-interactions · 1 year
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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The Amazing Story of Renzo Rosso and Diesel
A book by the Diesel Creative Team, Art direction, graphic design and kayout : Vasava, Main text and captions: Mark Tangate
Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2005, 212 pages +DVD, 30 x 37,7 cm, ISBN  9783899550955
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Diesel is a brand known worldwide for its creative, groundbreaking fashion and marketing. To celebrate the 50th birthday of its president founder Renzo Rosso, we are proud to present Fifty a book that sums up and displays the unique Diesel attitude and lifestyle reflected in its collections, its business approach and its creativity applied to virtually anything, from communication to interior design. For the first time, the story of a company whose success has been built and thrives on creativity is offered in one publication. Fifty is made up of five chapters that convey the Diesel lifestyle and philosophy in an unconventional way. The book’s first chapter features an insightful portrait of company visionary Renzo Rosso, followed by a second dedicated to the key moments in Diesel’s history, from its jeans & workwear beginnings to its current premium positioning. The third chapter presents the brand’s innovative communication and retail approach while the fourth focuses on the company s long-lasting support of young creative talent worldwide. A concluding chapter presenting Diesel s views of the future rounds out the book. Each section ends with a face-to-face interview between Rosso and a prestigious (or, in pure Diesel style, simply unconventional) personality, including the Dalai Lama, i-D magazine founder Terry Jones, Alexander McQueen and a few, well kept, secrets. The combination of its rich graphic visuals and innovative design a joint effort of Diesel’s internal creative team and Spanish creative collective Vasava with texts written by Renzo Rosso and international guest authors and compiled by English writer Mark Tungate make Fifty an inspiring portrait of one of the most inventive and successful companies in the fashion industry the world over. The book itself is a real heavyweight featuring a large hardcover format, impressive double gatefolds and an enclosed DVD a true collectors object. Contributors: Dalai Lama, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Alexander McQueen, Martin Margiela, Bono Vox, Vincent Gallo, Naomi Cambell , Terry Jones, Kevin Roberts, Peter Saville, Dazed & Confused, Style & The Family Tunes, Vanidad, Vogue.
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lanadelreyly · 1 year
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albertayebisackey · 1 year
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Monday 30th January 2023 - In fashion, I think I make mistakes every day.-Renzo Rosso
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spiritofdiesel · 11 months
Alta costura
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Imagen de campaña publicitaria Be Stupid de Diesel. 2010. Creative Criminals.
Diesel es una firma italiana de alta moda fundada en Molvena por Renzo Rosso en 1978. Hace años la marca figura en pasarelas como la Fashion Week y se identifica con sus exóticos looks disruptivos, rebeldes y urbanos a base de denim de alta calidad.
Este martes 7 de septiembre ha sacado una campaña primavera - verano que se ha catalogado como la más polémica hasta ahora caracterizada por abarcar imágenes sexuales explícitas.
El cartel publicitario se encuentra ubicado en el barrio de Palermo, CABA, en Av Libertador y Scalabrini Ortiz. Utiliza colores vibrantes y una imagen explícitamente sexual, que incluye dos mujeres y dos hombres adolescentes. Esta campaña "Be Stupid"si bien ha generado revuelvo y foco en la marca, fue un ejemplo de la estupidez misma de Diesel por haber lanzado una publicidad tan arriesgada y malinterpretable.
Me parece terrible el anuncio ya que los niños lo pueden ver en la vía pública y no es contenido apto para esa edad, o por lo menos, no de esa forma tan explicita. No puedo entender cómo una marca multinacional como Diesel sería capaz de publicarlo, sin tener en cuenta a los menores de edad. Se podría haber publicado ese mismo anuncio en Facebook y en vía publica uno mas ameno e indirecto. Además muchos padres comentaron su opinión negativa al respecto en Facebook.
Por otra parte, el lema "Be stupid" para las personas que no conocen en profundidad a la marca, suena confuso. El 30% de los individuos en comentarios en Facebook sobre la publicidad piensan "¿Por qué una marca impulsaría y apoyaría la estupidez?".
A pesar de todo, veo que se mantiene la característica identidad de Diesel de ser disruptiva, loca y rebelde. La campaña “Be Stupid” me resulta intrigante, ya que la nota destaca cómo se captura la naturaleza controvertida de la publicidad de Diesel al desafiar las convenciones sociales con imágenes y frases provocativas. Además, se muestra cómo hay quienes la consideran ingeniosa y creativa, mientras que otros pueden tener opiniones diferentes acerca de su contenido inapropiado y las potenciales consecuencias negativas. Sostengo que Diesel debería tener en cuenta para las próximas campañas que según su target, adolescentes, le es conveniente publicar sus anuncios en Facebook, para así, evitar que menores de edad la vean.
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Imagen de campaña publicitaria Be Stupid de Diesel. 2010. Creative Criminals.
Artículo de opinión escrito por Sol Bianciotto
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crazy-so-na-sega · 14 days
In realtà, dai combattenti comunisti, non fu mai accettata l'idea che la lotta partigiana dovesse essere combattuta solo per tornare alla "democrazia parlamentare borghese" prefascista. L'obiettivo ultimo del Pci, fino alla fine, rimase la "democrazia popolare" o
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come si preferì chiamarla nella versione italiana, la "democrazia progressiva", fondata sull'unità della Resistenza intesa come fase di passaggio verso il mito irrinunciabile della dittatura del proletariato.
-Renzo De Felice (Rosso e Nero)
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gett-merkedd · 1 year
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“I do not want to unite with the multitude of those who flatter the proletariat, excusing them, praising them, adorning them with wreathes. No, oh distinguished windbags, your verve disguises nothing. The “people” is always there, idiotic, cowardly, resigned. And I, who consider myself superior, desire to be so, and both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will pay for my superiority”
— Bruno Filippi, The Rebels Dark Laughter
Bruno Filippi was born in Livorno, Italy, into a large family, the first of six brothers, and his father was a typographer. His family moved to Milan when he was still a child and in 1915, he already had trouble with the local police forces. That same year, he was arrested during an anti-militarist demonstration where he had a warm gun without bullets.
While still an adolescent he discovered the philosophy of Max Stirner and so he embraced it. Filippi was a regular contributor to the Italian individualist anarchist journal Iconoclasta! where he collaborated with the notorious individualist anarchist Renzo Novatore. In 1920, the editors of the paper printed a booklet with many of his articles entitled Posthumous Writings of Bruno Filippi.
After the war, in 1919, the biennio rosso events exploded in which he participated. On September 7, 1919, he died in Milan, while trying to explode a bomb directed at a meeting of the richest people in the city. Renzo Novatore wrote an article dedicated to him called "In The Circle of Life. In Memory of Bruno Filippi." There he said that Filippi "immolated himself in a fruitful embrace with death because he madly loved Life. We have the need and the entitlement to. say of him that which was said of the D'Annunzian hero: “That the slaves of the marketplace turn around and remember!”"
Contemporary American insurrectionary anarchist Wolfi Landstreicher translated some of his writings into English in a collection he titled The rebel's dark laughter: the writings of Bruno Filippi. Landstreicher says about Filippi that "His essays, stories and prose poems show no mercy for either domination or subservience in any form, and he was as harsh in his assessment of the slaves who resigned themselves to their slavery as to the masters who exploited and oppressed them. He could be faulted, like — Renzo Novatore, for his lack of class analysis. But when watching the masses of the poor and working people go out without protest to slaughter each other at the orders of their masters, it must have been difficult for the few who did refuse this slaughter not to be disgusted by such sheep — like behavior. In 1919, when there was an uprising in Italy, Filippi was out there fighting with the insurgent exploited, clear about who was the enemy."
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sporcafaccenda · 2 years
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Guerra e Sesso (Barone Rosso -Jada)
Série de fumetti format poche présentant des récits de guerre à tonalité érotique. Le contenu est en-deça de l'intitulé "Guerre et Sexe" tout en le débordant. C'est à dire sobre, tout en donnant davantage que du massacre et de la fornication. Loin d'être dénué d'intérêt. Il y eut 11 numéros entre juin 1973 et mars 1974. Des n.s 1 à 8, les numéros impairs sont consacrés au BARONE ROSSO, un allemand (dessins de Ferdinando Tacconi) et les numéros pairs à JADA, une japonaise (dessins de Mario Uggeri, n.s 2 et 4; Studio Montanari pour le n.6). A partir du n. 9, GUERRA & SESSO comprendra les deux personnages (toujours dessinés par Tacconi et Uggeri) puis des récits de la même tonalité mais sans Baron Rouge , ni Jada (n.s 10 et 11). Un hors-série “Sangue e gloria”, paru comme supplément à la série SCIACALLO et contient un épisode du BARONE ROSSO (dessins de Tacconi) et un autre récit de la même veine (dessin de Giancarlo Tenenti).
Il y eut au moins une traduction en français titrée "Le Baron Rouge" chez Elvifrance (Série Bleue n.65, dessin de Tacconi)
Editeur: Geis Via Nino Bixio 38 - Milano Directeur de la Publication: Renzo Barbieri
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#fumetti #guerra #guerra e sesso
#baron rouge #barone rosso #jada
#Ferdinando Tacconi #Mario Uggeri
#Renzo Barbieri #Alessandro Biffignandi
#comics #WW2
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gaazehistory · 2 years
John Galliano
Nacido en Gibraltar en 1960.
Es un diseñador de moda conocido por encabezar las firmas de Givenchy y Christian Dior.
Su nombre es Juan Carlos Antonio y de padre gibraltareño y madre española, se trasladó a Londres siendo un niño. Pronto decidió cambiar su nombre por el de John. 
En 1984 se graduó en la Central Saint Martins de Londres con una colección inspirada en la Revolución francesa.
El nombramiento de Galliano en 1997 fue una de las apuestas más radicales por la renovación de una marca.
Durante los 15 años que fue director creativo de Dior, Galliano elevó el sentido de la moda con una propuesta sofisticada, extravagante, teatral e irreverente , tanto o más que él mismo.
De torero, capitán pirata o indio, sus salidas al final del show se convirtieron en marca de la casa. Entre sus musas, mujeres con carácter como Charlize Theron o Sarah Jessica Parker .
Galliano asoció su conducta a su adicción al alcohol y las pastillas. Tras dejar la bebida y pedir perdón en reiteradas ocasiones – "Es lo peor que he dicho en mi vida" , declaró–, salió del purgatorio en 2014 para tomar las riendas de Maison Margiela .
En esta segunda oportunidad, Galliano se caracterizó por tener un perfil bajo de cara al público, pasando de tener una relación tóxica a una relación sana con la industria . En cuanto al diseño, sus piezas en la firma son emocionales y combinan la tradición con la alta tecnología .
Desde que llegó a Margiela, los ingresos de la maison se han duplicado impulsados por el crecimiento de la división de accesorios. El Snatched, visto en la colección primavera-verano 2020, fue su primer bolso para la firma. También en 2019 lanzó una nueva fragancia, Mutiny, al tiempo que se ultimaba el rediseño de las tiendas.
“Estoy muy feliz de enfrentarme a este nuevo episodio y estoy agradecido a Renzo [Rosso] por haber confiado en mí para seguir al frente de Maison Margiela”, declaraba .
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booksinantwerp · 9 months
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Triphop artist Tricky for Diesel. Editorial was shot by Juergen Teller for the July 2001 issue of i-D Magazine. follow on Instagram for more
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Stefano Rosso è stato nominato nuovo amministratore delegato di Marni
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Stefano Rosso succederà a Barbara Calò alla guida di Marni, che supporterà Rosso nel periodo di transizione, e riporterà a Ubaldo Minelli, ceo del gruppo. «Marni è un brand unico che negli ultimi anni è stato capace di creare un solido posizionamento globale e una community speciale di creativi, artisti e brand lover che seguono il marchio in tutto il mondo - ha dichiarato Renzo Rosso, presidente del Gruppo Otb -. Stefano avrà la grande responsabilità di accelerare il posizionamento di Marni nel mercato del lusso e questo nuovo incarico testimonia un ulteriore step di crescita nella sua carriera professionale. Sono certo che la sua esperienza internazionale e la sua visione innovativa saranno determinanti per rendere Marni sempre più iconico e raggiungere un pubblico ancora più vasto di clienti». «Con la nomina di Stefano a ceo di Marni abbiamo voluto ulteriormente rafforzare la leadership di un brand che rappresenta un driver fondamentale per la crescita dell’intero Gruppo Otb - ha aggiunto Ubaldo Minelli, ad del gruppo -. Marni ha ancora un notevole potenziale da esplorare e siamo convinti che Stefano sia la persona giusta per guidare il brand in questa direzione. Desidero ringraziare Barbara Calò per aver accompagnato il percorso di sviluppo di Marni in questi anni e per il lavoro svolto all’interno del nostro Gruppo». Stefano Rosso, 44 anni, è il secondogenito di Renzo Rosso: il fratello maggiore, Andrea, 47 anni, si occupa di temi legati alla sostenibilità per il gruppo di famiglia, mentre la sorella minore, Alessia, di 36 anni, di marketing. Il fatturato consolidato di gruppo nel 2023 ha raggiunto gli 1,9 miliardi di euro, in crescita del 10,2% sul 2022, con un Ebit di 140 milioni e un volume totale degli investimenti superiore a 200 milioni. Nel 2023 Marni ha registrato ricavi a +8,6% a cambi costanti, e l’apertura di 16 nuovi punti vendita. Dallo scorso febbraio le sfilate delle sue collezioni sono tornate in calendario a Milano. All’inizio dell’anno il marchio ha firmato un accordo di licenza ventennale con Coty per lo sviluppo, produzione e distribuzione di prodotti beauty e fragranze. Read the full article
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svt-interactions · 7 months
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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A Book by Diesel Creative Team
Main text and captions : Mark Tungate, Art Dir.GraphicDesign Layout : Vasava
Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2005, 222 pages, 31,8x38,7, Bonus DVD, ISBN 3-89955-095-1
euro 180,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Diesel is a brand known worldwide for its creative, groundbreaking fashion and marketing. To celebrate the 50th birthday of its president founder Renzo Rosso, we are proud to present Fifty : a book that sums up and displays the unique Diesel attitude and lifestyle reflected in its collections, its business approach and its creativity applied to virtually anything, from communication to interior design. For the first time, the story of a company whose success has been built and thrives on creativity is offered in one publication. Fifty is made up of five chapters that convey the Diesel lifestyle and philosophy in an unconventional way. The book's first chapter features an insightful portrait of company visionary Renzo Rosso, followed by a second dedicated to the key moments in Diesel's history, from its 'jeans & workwear' beginnings to its current premium positioning. The third chapter presents the brand nnovative communication and retail approach while the fourth focuses on the company's long-lasting support of young creative talent worldwide. A concluding chapter presenting Diesel's views of the future rounds out the book. Each section ends with a face-to-face interview between Rosso and a prestigious (or, in pure Diesel style, simply unconventional) personality, including the Dalai Lama, i-D magazine founder Terry Jones, Alexander McQueen and a few, well kept, secrets.The combination of its rich graphic visuals and innovative design (a joint effort of Diesel's internal creative team and Spanish creative collective Vasava) with texts written by Renzo Rosso and international guest authors and compiled by English writer Mark Tungate make Fifty an inspiring portrait of one of the most inventive and successful companies in the fashion industry the world over. The book itself is a real 'heavyweight' featuring a large hardcover format, impressive double gatefolds and an enclosed DVD – (a true collectors object).Contributors: Dalai Lama, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Alexander McQueen, Martin Margiela, Bono Vox, Vincent Gallo, Naomi Cambell , Terry Jones, Kevin Roberts, Peter Saville, Dazed & Confused, Style & The Family Tunes, Vanidad, Vogue.
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ekingsnewscom · 1 month
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10 Pemilik Klub Terkaya Liga Italia :
Hartono Bersaudara (Como) – 47,3 miliar euro (Rp815 triliun)
Rocco Commisso (Fiorentina) – 8 miliar euro (Rp137,89 triliun)
Dan Friedkin (AS Roma) – 6,4 miliar euro (Rp110 triliun)
Keluarga Saputo (Bologna) – 4,3 miliar euro (Rp74,1 triliun)
Keluarga Berlusconi (Monza) – 4,2 miliar euro (Rp72,39 triliun)
Renzo Rosso (Vicenza) – 3,7 miliar euro (Rp63,78 triliun)
Squinzi/Giorgetta (Sassuolo) – 3,3 miliar euro (Rp56,8 triliun)
John Elkann (Juventus) – 2,6 miliar euro (Rp44,82 triliun)
Giovanni Arvedi (Cremonese) – 1,8 miliar euro (Rp31 triliun)
Antonio Percassi (Atalanta) – 1,6 miliar euro (Rp25,56 triliun)
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