#Ray the Mewtwo
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
I'm so dreadfully sorry this took so long been busy, my head is unfortunately a cheese so I forgot all the cool things I wanted to do for these guys but introducing Ray and Mue, fusion ship meme children of my May and @blues-sues's Rue! (and yes I did just do the classic letter swap switch for names fight me)
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So Ray takes a lot after Rue physically being pale with pink and inherited stripe but more orange on the scale from May and her horn style though obviously shorter than her silly huge ones and her short stubby tail. I imagine his orange stripe actually climbs up his back but below his chest piece.
Mue meanwhile is more color but slide to the pink spectrum like Rue and Rues horns but they're like longer along her head like how May's go all the way back with a kind of pink orange mix color tail, long like Rues but Mue got freckles she was gonna have stripes on her body made from freckles mixing those traits but decided not to steal that from Ray.
They also have like different stomach shapes, can't recall rn who's who.
So lore time!
After Rue and May escape in Rue!au, team rocket goes argh! Damn! Fuck! Lost another one. But in an attempt of recapture they manage to procure blood samples and go fine Rue clone it is. Unfortunately the samples were compromised mixing Rue and May's dna making fusion mix children.
Mue was the biggest healthiest when growing mixing Rues power and May's physical strengths making her very promising, she has boosted stats in HP, attack and defence so she hits hard and can take hits much like how May was significantly tanky if weak and Rues ability to hit hard, they figured they could train up her other stats later to make her even more powerful in future. She's the golden child for that having May's obedience and Rues enthusiasm for the organisation they're in, she's happy to be seen by whichever human caretaker is off screen rn. She was implanted with a mega X stone to compliment her hard hitting.
Ray however struggled more, being the only other survivor as the others unfortunately didn't last (probably due to May's bad genes) he needed to be removed from growth early to have surgery done on his second neck as due to its small size it had started to collapse which would've severely limited his psychic ability and usefulness probably he likely could've died from inadequate blood flow nerve damage stuff ect. He survived but his powers are while his wound healed still limited, being smaller and weaker and quieter he was more often ignored for the louder more promising Mue. He learnt to be quiet because no one heard him, only paid attention to when they checked on him so he's more withdrawn and insecure hence holding his own tail self comforting. His stats are boosted in Speed, sp defence and sp attack, while they do still train him as he gets older they obviously prefer Mue as she's stronger and with his limited psychic power the boost to his sp attack and defence doesn't do much. He's implanted with a mega Y to at least play on his speed.
While Mue is the golden child Ray begins to learn as they grow, especially after his psychic powers fully recover and bounce back (though to near overwhelming headache inducing degrees for him at first) that is he agrees to tests, agrees to experiments to trials and adjustments he gets attention, positive attention he gets praised he gets doted on showered in compliments. He's not dumb he knows they're only using him only saying how magnificent he is because he's letting them add machinery to his body but, it's a rush he's never had before and he gets stronger, armor to boost his defence that reduces the damage of hits and helps focus his powers to even more devastating effects. He gets powerful. He gets very powerful and very dangerous. Despite being the runt as he gets more tests done more experiments he gets more foods (and probably growth hormones) he gets bigger growing taller than Mue becoming a very tall lean mean harsh cold mewtwo covered in armor. He becomes very promising indeed.
Mue however, she starts to stagnate, she's powerful yes very powerful she hits hard and she does damage but she can't quite pull up her other stats to the same degree (they're still good stats probably just a touch below normal mewtwo stats), what's the point of hitting hard if her special attacks don't do as much damage as they should or she gets a chunk of health taken from a special attack. She starts to fall out of favor especially because she's used to being the favorite she's more confident and hot headed more self assured in a way she refuses experiments snaps she'll manage it herself. The golden child and the ignored child switch places slowly until she realises she's in her little brothers shadow and she doesn't know how to comprehend it. It's full cemented when they get into a fight that started as a simple spar, she can't get a hit on him but figured just one should do the trick to put her back on top. But she doesn't even get the chance to, he hits her first and he hits her with all he's got and she can't pull herself back up. It's from then she starts seeing the cracks in the organisation realising how she put blind faith into something that was untrue and even cruel as she gets pushed aside.
She tries to tell her brother of the horrors of it all that this wasn't good it was all bad and they needed to leave! But he just scoffs and looks at her behind his mask, "don't you think I already knew all that?" he'd snap coldly, "you may have not noticed before but I realised very quickly what was going on but I had to endure because I didn't have the same privilege you have now to be able to escape, it's all fine when little Mue gets whatever she wants but now little Mue isn't the favorite you want to call it quits? What about when I wasnt in favour huh?! When I cried and cried till my throat gave out because I was the disposable one?! You don't get to ruin this for me. You can run. I'll turn my back I'll let you I won't say a thing. But I'm not coming with you. And if they tell me to hunt you down and bring you back? I just hope I dont find you."
Ray at this point has put himself through too much to be able to leave, the augmentations potentially permanently fused to him (they don't want a repeat of the original mewtwo being able to simply remove it), validation is a hell of a drug and what could the outside possibly offer him? Being hunted chased hounded injured seen as some impossible capture, a sports trophy to boast about? He may not like what he's become but he's not going to become some humans prize.
And so Mue flees alone.
As you can tell I've thought a lot about Ray at least, Mue I struggle a bit with. Of course this is all hypothetical future stuff lmao, Blues you're absolutely free to go "um no actually stop being horrid to them" XD and if you'd like one you're free to claim. Sorry they're not as unique as some of the others, unfortunately May is #bland
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setratwo · 2 months
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distortionmewtwo · 1 year
(Ray @ Giratina & Ultraviolet)
"Huh... So you're the uh... One I've heard many tales about. Well, I'll be honest, I have a lot of questions but I'll limit it to one... How has UV adapted to the Distortion world? Has his genetic makeup or even abilities changed due to his surroundings?"
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-thinking- This must be Pip's current caretaker....
The Distortion World is a... special kind of world, one that has an effect on you if you remain for a long time. My father, being a god, hasn't experienced this, and it was a surprise to us both when I began changing too.
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But the abilities I've gained can be very helpful! I... don't know if they're out of the ordinary, as there are no other Mewtwos in my world... but beyond levitation and psychic, it's the Distortion World that's given me the ability to manipulate gravity in the original world, and travel easily between this world and the next. There may be more I can do because of here, but we haven't found out yet.
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Hey, uh, do you know if Mew evolves? Because I keep hearing rumors of a Pokémon that looks kinda like a bigger version of Mew, standing at around 6 feet tall, and is a very powerful psychic type. Do you know anything about this?
You must be on the younger side.
A few years back there were reports of a wild and incredibly powerful psychic type that caused some major damage, however it was calmed and just sort of disappeared.
Scientists eventually came clean and revealed the "Project Mewtwo" they had created.
It was widely encouraged to leave Mewtwo alone, as it was considered dangerous however it was dangerous towards those that had created it or believed they would harm it.
After enough people got injured trying to track it down and catch it, people just began to leave it alone, and let it live in peace.
A lot of younger trainers don't know much about these stories so it's always a nice surprise whenever they take an interest, however you should not try and pursue this pokemon, it's the greatest example of "understanding a pokemons trauma".
I do wonder if one day it will be more comfortable around people.
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xxtc-96xx · 4 months
So how's Pig supposed to beat a Shadow Mewtwo when she's quad weak to Dark?
My money would be on the squad of Ghost-types she's friends with. Sure, they won't fare much better vs Dark-types, but they only need to win once. And there's three of them to use Confuse Ray, Spite, Memento... Destint Bond.
considering how fast shadow mewtwo figured out how to overpower her, yeah she doesn't stand a chance on her own
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Jesse: [walking into the backyard on her phone] hey babe were out of poke tarts and ash isn't home to go buy any you want some [looks up from her phone and falls on her butt in shock] WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!
As jesse trembles on the ground delia can be seen patting the head of FUCKING RAYQUAZA!!!
Delia: huh? Oh hey jesse what's up
Delia: Oh you mean my little ray ray [gently scratches the large pokemons chin making it purring affectionately] don't worry he's a good boy, he won't bite
Jesse: ARE YOU SURE?!?!?!
James: [walks outside due to all the noise] what's with all the yelling can't a man drink his wine and watch his soap operas in peace and [sees Rayquaza and screams very manly (not really) and passes out]
Delia: oh my
Jesse: [having a mental breakdown] my girlfriend is a god tamer.....wait [remembers all the Legendary pokemon ash has befriended but never caught including ARCEUS and MEWTWO and has a second mental breakdown] OH GOD MY STEPSON AND GIRLFRIEND ARE GOD TAMERS!!!!!
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spicyvampire · 8 months
Compilation of the full names that came out of that post for the misbehaving boys
Sandcastle Elizabeth Kanaphan
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mewtwoandme · 29 days
Yeah cuz ur mewtwos are part-human, right? And humans don't have patterns very often, we're USUALLY pretty flat-colored in terms of both skin and hair, so it makes sense twos wouldn't have patterning that much
Well we do have those invisible Blaschko's lines that you can only see under concentrated ultraviolet rays. So even the twos are technically striped, you just can't see them with the naked eye.
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missashketchum · 3 months
God imagine the ghost bride event or groom. If it's a groom then either Ash's pokemon forced the nrc boys to help them of they'll destroy the dorms or they do it themselves cause they think the boys will be useless and no help at all. If Mewtwo was there then he'll translate how all of the Ashmons have little faith and trust in them to save Ash
Pikachu especially is panicking throughout it all (codependency, poor guy is having a full on panic attack :() so if any guys say no, Pikachu has no problem with zapping them
I still feel like Ortho would try and do the whole death ray pointed at the school, and like I said in the headcanons with the first years and Ash's Pokemon, Krookodile joins by powering up a Stone Edge lmao
Mewtwo is constantly translating for all the Pokemon, but when their reach their peak anger, they all begin just yelling, nd Mewtwo reuses to repeat such "crude words"
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blues-sues · 1 year
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The entire cast have refs!!! Finally!!!
Rue, Ray, Chip, Pip, Moo, Mewtwo, and Newtwo are all currently open for asks! (Banny is the only one not, due to no official introduction yet.)
(Ray is also the only one with a pride flag because nobody else has a confirmed sexuality. VAs are also all not decided.)
;)) the babs!
Story Chrono [REMASTERED]:
Part 1:
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duckapus · 5 months
What I imagine the in a nutshell chat shenanigans during the Pokémon Movies are in the Streamer Ash AU.
First movie: Actual chaos because wtf is going on. Also chat gets traumatized when Ash legit dies for a moment.
Second movie: Also pretty much chaos, but also members of the chat realize that the prophecy is referring to Ash the actual person so now Ash is known as the kid and actual prophecy is about.
Third movie: Everyone is terrified of Unown now. (Also referencing the entire Larvitar arc, imagine if due to Unown being bullshit chat is able to see Larvitar's mindscape. And like, in their memories whilst Ash's phone is colorized, his screen is grey scale because people.)
Fourth movie: Someone realizes Sam is Professor Oak from the past at the end of the events of the movie and promptly tells everyone. Also everyone has a new appreciation for Celebi and Suicune. And Celebi's temporary death sure was traumatic!
Fifth Movie: Everyone is traumatized by Latios's death and it fucking shows.
Sixth movie: So the fake Groudon was certainly a thing. A thing everyone is glad was dealt with VERY QUICKLY.
Seventh movie: Due to Deoxys destroying the power supply chat did not know anything that was happening until the very end when the robots went berserk and now they have questions.
Eighth movie: Good news. Aura guardians now know Ash has a powerful aura and thus can help train him. Bad news, the entire thing at the Tree of Life is traumatizing as fuck.
Ninth movie: Chat is screaming at Ash to have a sense of self preservation, and also Manaphy is now the favorite Mythical Pokémon of many people.
Tenth movie: During the distortion bubble everything was cut out, but afterwards chat was filled in and now people have a new appreciation for the Darkrai species.
Eleventh movie: Shaymin's sass promptly becomes a meme, Giratina becomes wildly respected upon everyone learning this Legendary is ensuring their world doesn't break apart, and that's about it.
Twelfth movie: Chaos and confusion and chat becomes concerned upon realizing Ash, Brock, Dawn, and Sheena accidentally rewrote the timeline.
Thirteenth movie: Plus side. Grings' control over the news via editing is very hampered by real time streaming. Bad news, dude knows this and is actively trying to suppress this and kill Ash.
Fourteenth movie: Everyone was so, SO HAPPY when Victini was revealed to be alive.
Fifteenth movie: The general reaction is "So, that certainly happened didn't it?" And also there's a new wave of respect and fear of Kyurem.
Sixteenth movie: The reveal of a second Mewtwo gave long time watchers flashbacks, and also the one friendly Genesect quickly gets declared a bean.
Seventeenth movie: Pikachu's temporary death gave everyone trauma again. Also there's a new appreciation for Diancie.
Eighteenth movie: Everyone has decided Hoopa needs therapy after everything that happened.
Nineteenth movie: Everyone is happy that when everything was said and done things were relatively calm.
Twentieth and twenty-first movies: All chat knows is that things happened and that they'll be given the basics later.
Yeah these seem pretty accurate. Apart from 19 because that's the Volcanion and Magearna movie and giant death ray powered by Robot Soul is not at all calm. Though in the case of the final three movies (I Choose You, Everyone's Story and Koko), they're blatantly noncanon to the main timeline and thus also blatantly noncanon to the Streamer Timeline (unless I can find somewhere to sneak ES and Koko in, but given how heavily ICY relies on being an alternate interpretation of Indigo League it's definitely out)
Also there may be butterfly effects from the Streams being a Thing that affect what exactly happen in the movies, especially the later ones.
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turojo · 6 months
Thinking about the underground and what he knows regarding that 🤔 in his timeline and time away from Paldea he has fallen into teams and organizations as a contractor, by work, or as a intern. He has no regard to morals, only that they have very sophisticated workspaces and there’s work that keeps him engaged (and most villain spaces have the high tech juiced up labs don’t they LMAO)
I’ll write a more in-depth and better looking timeline but it follows like:
Early 18-20s: Intern at Dr. Fuji’s company on genetics and engineering. He worked on Mewtwo’s armor and knows/has contact with Giovanni at one point professionally. Mildly understands Rocket as a syndicate but he only focuses on the work really.
If any of the admins were old enough at the time or around Mewtwo’s lab at New Island to accompany Giovanni or check in his stead with progress they might’ve crossed paths with a young Turo at some point.
He was off the week the lab was kinda uh…blown up and massacred cause he had finals. Close call—
Post Paldea: In his field and w/ Sada probably as either newly weds or deep in their relationship, he has collabed with Aether Labs because of how close their study fall into each other. Wormholes, the astrophysics and theoretical physics play into potential time travel scenarios and an infinite energy source to create these scenarios because of dark matter and science science science.
He knows Lusamine and Mohn on a personal and professional level. Probably mildly keep in touch between projects, was sympathetic to when Mohn was lost in a wormhole incident and tries to get back in touch just to say “hey I’m not dead” when he comes out of his ten years of hiding.
Post Alola plot if an Aether or a sumo muse is in that: he knows only that there was some conflict and wormholes tears were in the atmosphere (probably readings from his own technology, he keeps track). Doesn’t know intimate details and tbh…he wouldn’t bat an eye? More like: huh. …but the device and work behind it was a success..! And cryostasis as well? That’s quite an achievement-
Post Area Zero Accident: Left the labs, Sada and Paldea before the incident that kills her and sets up the events. Works covert for ten years with a very low profile.
- Worked with NEO Plasma on the ray gun technology. Knows of Ghetsis, maybe even crossed paths or spoken from a professional distance but primarily worked with Colress since he was far more prominent as the “leader”. Left post when his work was done and contract stipulated. Wasn’t there for the end of the BW2 plot.
- Fell into Flare to work on their own technology and understanding the ancient technology of the flower death ray thing. Near the end of the ten year period and he was really in the personal wringer. Like I’m talking rock bottom, doesn’t care about himself or what his work was being used for. Worked directly with Lysandre and Xerosic most likely. Probably has met some of the admins.
Either found a way out of his contract or escaped when he realizes he wants to go back home and fix the life he left behind. This was probably just before the day the weapon was going to go off and slipped away during the chaos.
- and currently in Paldea dealing with the consequences of his actions :’)
Again can work or omit certain details for muses. Just plot w/ me 👍 One thing muses outside the nuclear cast will know was that the second regional professor has come back after being gone for so long or even considered dead to take over Sada’s duties who passed in some accident. The details aren’t too clear how and why.
Closer colleagues will know about his theoretical physics, mechanical engineering and teracrystal studies and Area Zero Labs in Paldea. The Time Machine nor are the paradox Pokémon are really known. Maybe some rumors of strange happenings.
They know there was a falling out between him and Sada and they separated work wise as well, that the program went defunct after an incident, she passed and he came back to fall back into where things were left off.
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guynamedultimax · 1 year
Giving Sonic characters an anime fighter-style makeover + dream roster for said anime fighter
So not too long ago, probably a year-ish, I wanted for a Sonic fighting game with Arc System Works graphics and gameplay (basically Guilty Gear Strive but for Sonic characters) and I was like "oh, imagine if it took place in an AU which is basically just my own take on post-SGW Archie but with characters from EVERY continuity and they all wear outfits that make them more urban or smth" I didn't have a lot of ideas for this AU but basically one of them was to make Sonic wear something like a bomber jacket that's more reminiscent of plane pilots (considering the fact that he was the original owner of the Tornado). I should have the drawing somewhere in my room, I'd just have to find it. I then kinda took a step back when I saw this:
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(if someone is able to find who made the image above please send me the link to credit them, I know it's a Twitter image but I forgot the account)
This is a scrapped alt for Project M (for those of you living under a rock, the ORIGINAL Smash Bros. Brawl mod that made Brawl more like Melee and added Mewtwo and Roy back in the game) with Sonic wearing an outfit which is VERY CLOSE to that of his "humanized" version drawn by Uekawa. And after seeing this I'm like "y'know, he could wear this in Kingdom Hearts AND Guilty Gear and not bat an eye" (despite the fact that Guilty Gear designs have a shitload of belts).
I'd say a design like this could fit the vibe/aesthetic I'd be going for in a project that's essentially a Sonic fighting game in an AU which is made up of elements from all continuities. I know I also kept searching for a Shadow "equivalent" to this and I am so, SO torn between making essentially something similiar to the outfit above (so essentially either one of Shadow's outfits from Rivals) OR ramp up the edginess and make him wear something on the lines of this:
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Horrible 90's Attire but it's Sonic Adventure 2 by Yanimae on DeviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/yanimae/art/Horrible-90-s-Attire-But-it-s-Sonic-Adventure-2-705847763)
The cast would generally all have a clothes revamp and I'm gonna go over some of the most obvious ones:
-Tails should absolutely wear something that screams "I'm the smart prodigy" and I'm thinking he should get the bomber jacket I was gonna give to Sonic before seeing the PM scrapped alt -Treasure Hunter Knuckles like this is so obvious it's not even funny he fits perfectly with the tone, that's one of the top tier things Sonic Forces: Speed Battle did so far -same for Secret Agent Rouge (or alternatively her stealth outfit from Rivals 2 and Sonic X) and DJ Vector these are actually banger alts
-Amy wearing something on the lines of her Fleetway Comics outfit but with the colors of her more known outfit would rock ngl
-Eggman wearing an outfit similar to the one he wears in the first movie (so something like this https://twitter.com/RendersSSBU/status/1252674435342938113 ) -Metal Sonic having a new coat of paint that makes him more loyal to the Eggman Empire (essentially Chrome Metal from Speed Simulator) -Espio in his Ninja attire from Rivals 2 -Silver wearing some kind of Tron-esque time cop coat showcasing more that he's from the future or smth
-Blaze essentially wearing a more "regal" version of her regular outfit -Cream & Cheese dressed up like girl scout cookie sellers (its cute and it fits their personality) -ANGLER BIG ANGLER BIG ANGLER BIG ANGLER BI- -Omega possibly also receiving a coat of paint that shows he works for G.U.N with the rest of Team Dark
-Scrapnik Mecha Sonic and Scrapnik Mecha Knuckles enough said
-Surge cosplaying as Scourge. Hear me out on this one it makes SENSE-
This was more or less the roster I came up with for the fighting game itself
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Mighty, Sage, Mecha Sonic by ShadowLifeman on DeviantArt Ray by Prime-01 on DeviantArt Nack, Bark, Mephiles, Infinite, Honey, Mecha Knuckles, Fleetway SS by ??? Classic Sonic by Kidd Kai on DeviantArt Bean by E-122 Psi on DeviantArt Zavok by Solbliminal on Twitter
Everyone else is from official SEGA art or from artists who worked with SEGA, template used from the DBFZ roster
Here's also a few details on each character and on some of the thought process behind this roster and/or gameplay:
-I considered a three button system a-la BlazBlue with an equivalent for a Drive that I haven't really developed in my brain, plus a Ring mechanic like Sonic Smackdown, where if you get hit with a strong attack you lose Rings and if you get said Rings you can heal back some of your health -The starting roster would mostly be Teams Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix, Silver, Blaze, Gemerl, Eggman, Sage and Metal Sonic, with the final boss possibly being Mecha Sonic, the rest would be split among a few seasons of DLC -The only real characters I forced myself to include were Mimic and Rough & Tumble because I was running out of space to make a symmetric heroes-and-villains roster (and I originally considered for Surge & Kit to be a 2-in-1 deal like some of the Chaotix that would "mimic" a playstyle meant to evoke playing as both Sonic and Tails in Sonic 2) -Sonic himself would have a mix of moves between Frontiers and Smash Bros., but 90% of his Smash moveset would basically be used for Classic Sonic in general since he's 90% ball anyways there
-Everyone would have a movelist as big as that of the average Strive character (which makes sense when you look at how many unique techniques each character actually has from the wiki pages lol)
-Charmy and Ray are "built-in" assists like Android 17 for base DBFZ but I couldn't come up with full movesets for them sadly
-Super transformations are extremely hard installs to pull off (full meter stuff + super specific button inputs too) that make you utterly broken for a short amount of time at the cost of all your current red health (these include Super Sonic (both classic and modern), Super Shadow, Super Silver, Burning Blaze, Neo Metal Sonic and Super Mecha Sonic, possibly even Excalibur Sonic with the regular BK Sonic being instead used for the base form)
-I originally planned for Jet to call for Wave and Storm in battle but then I realized you could more or less flesh them out to be a bit more unique compared to him.
-Zavok is Ginyu from DBFZ, if you know you know
-Mephiles and Infinite LOOK LIKE they have the same "kit" but Mephiles' playstyle and game could and should definitely fit a shadow manipulator like him while Infinite is more of a guy who attacks aggressively at any distance
-Honey and the Hooligans would be essentially "translated" versions of their movesets from Fighting Vipers and Sonic the Fighters into an anime fighter environiment
-Emerl and Eggman Nega are alternate costumes for Gemerl and Eggman respectively (I did not use actual Emerl as the base because Gemerl has a cooler design and he does show up in comics these days) -I considered Lanolin to form a full Diamond Cutters team with Tangle and Whisper but I realized she hasn't done much so far action-wise to include her, so both her and Belle (for the same reason) could be assists for Whisper and Tangle respectively
-I ALSO considered Marine to be playable but she hasn't shown any actual powers beyond that one thing in the end of Sonic Rush Adventure which nobody ever really understood what it was- I recall Ian Flynn saying in the Encyclospeedia that it's water powers? eh, nobody really trusts that book anyways
-I'd find cute if other characters showed up in taunts and animations for the playables (like Chip for the Werehog, Vanilla for Cream, Froggy for Big, Tikal for Chaos, etc.) -Fleetway Super Sonic would essentially be the game's Omega Rugal (the extremely hard DLC boss you have to beat to unlock for playable use). Also he's voiced by Jacaris because I cannot picture any other voice for him at this point now sorry
-Instead of making Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles full blown villains I'd make them anti-villains/anti-heroes where in the game's plot they don't immediately side with the heroes because they just wanna live in peace on Scrapnik Island
-Didn't add Archie characters because of space but if I DID do it, I would've done Sally (and made her another Ginyu with the rest of the Freedom Fighters) and/or Eclipse the Darkling
-Other scrapped characters from even earlier takes on the idea are Tekno from the Fleetway comics, Shade from Chronicles (deleted because of a horrible human being) and Longclaw from the movies
-Plot would happen in an original universe, again, but heavily focused on games and IDW, and essentially be dealt with like how Guilty Gear Xrd handled it (with multiple iterations of the same game progressing the plot): in the first "Phase", the one with only the base roster, Eggman is attempting to mess around with Ancient technology and data from the Starfall Islands to replicate the Phantom Ruby's powers, somehow "resurrecting" and/or "summoning" in the second "Phase" past villains, which causes the heroes (and, begrudgingly, Eggman, Sage and Metal) to call in for reinforcements/allies, and to search for the Chaos Emeralds so that they could stop the villainous rampage, with everyone mostly deciding to gang up on Mephiles, Infinite and the Deadly Six as they pose the bigger threats when combined together. A third and final "phase" would focus on the aftermath of the event (but more so specifically on Starline and his Imposters because I want them to get better in the public eye, I know a lot of people don't like IDW but I love the idea of Sonic having a more detailed Rogues Gallery in official SEGA-endorsed media)
Oh and that edgy Fist Bump remix from the Sonic Sessions is absolutely the intro theme to this game i'm not sorry.
That is all, thank you for coming to my rambling and stay hydrated. Just don't drink Dasani, it'd be like drinking poison (if you know you know)
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dudeyuri · 10 months
only friends episode 1 spoilers below. my kneejerk reactions
it's gonna be a neomark late summer baby, it's happening, it's already here
i love the yolo bar take me to the yolo bar
ray and sand with the fight at first sight. ok you got me. i get the firstkhao hype i really do. i even forgive first for singing. he's that welcome on my screen.
“did we have sex last night? you’re actually kind of hot i’m cool with that” SOOO unbelievably GOOD and AWFUL. coupled especially with sand’s absolute eat the rich disdain. looking forward to more of their dynamic the most i think. you know i love when a pair starts out violently at odds. you KNOW i love a pathetic drunk rich rudeboy
all i want for mewtop (why do i want to write mewtwo every time) is for mew to keep his glasses through the end of the season. no makeover prayer circle. these two are very sweet it's going to be rough for them. i think book is going to have some emmy worthy high drama scenes
BOSTONNICK MEET CUTE BOSTONNICK MEET CUTE like. this is what we came for. boston trespassing behind the counter and mistakenly calling nick nong. the flirty 🏳️‍🌈🤨 eye contact. they're already thee hot mess i'm kvelling
nick leading boston to the back and hitting the lights. it's a neomark summer!! we're all just soaking up the sun!!!
btw i'm obsessed with the music that plays when a character has horny intentions
boston is the character i’m most intrigued by as of right now. not just saying this as a "neo has fourth's acting range and leading man charm but hasn't gotten to really shine yet" truther. boston is as slutty and messy and distant and unscrupulous as i could have possibly hoped for. take us to new lows baby boy
finally. my fave little moment. this response to the mewtop development:
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let them team up let them do terrible things
i have 0 hopes and expectations after ep1 but i wanna see more random gmmtv actor hookup cameos. you know I shouted DRAKE⁉️ at my screen.
also anxiously awaiting more core group backstory. and a dose of lesbianism pwease
FINALLY some good FUCKING FOOD thank you p'jojo
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3088: Carbink (Lost Thunder #143)
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The Fairy-type Carbink in Lost Thunder had only one notable trait. If it attacked, it got to block certain Pokemon from hitting it. This came with making very little progress damage-wise, so only stall decks could have any chance of using this. Stall had a lot to work with, and Carbink was a niche Pokemon at most. Luckily, these sorts of decks tended to like their niche Pokemon to block certain notable threats, so Carbink wasn't hopeless by any means.
The stats here weren't going to blow anyone away. 90 HP was low enough that many Pokemon that could get around Wonder Ray would threaten a quick KO. The Metal Weakness wasn't much to think about. The Darkness Resistance mattered only in rare spots. A Zoroark-GX couldn't hit Carbink, but a few of those decks did run Weavile, which needed to take advantage of 3 Pokemon with Abilities on your side of the field instead of 2. That was probably the main use for the Resistance, as it was otherwise just kind of there. The Retreat Cost was at least low at 1, though every Energy was precious in the kinds of decks you'd consider Carbink in.
Wonder Ray was a rather weak attack, doing just 30 damage for 2 Colorless Energy. The damage wasn't the draw here, however. During the opponent's next turn, all damage and effects of attacks done to Carbink were prevented as long as that Pokemon had an Ability. This blocked some notable attackers, like Necrozma-GX, Zoroark-GX, and Marshadow-GX, at least before so many Tag Teams showed up. While Mewtwo & Mew-GX did eventually provide another good target, Pikachu & Zekrom and Reshiram & Charizard meant that more decks just didn't care. Blacephalon-GX didn't even care before that, so you'd need to lean on other Pokemon like Hoopa or Shuckle-GX as backup. When Carbink did block most of a deck, of course, it could be annoying to stop without Ability canceling or multiple forced switches.
Power Gem was sad. 60 damage for a Fairy and 2 Colorless Energy was really low. Not worth using.
Carbink had a small role as an anti-Ability Pokemon, mostly in SUM-LOT where more Pokemon it could target were popular. It needed backup, whether with the Hoopa+Regigigas combo or the Sceptile/Shuckle-GX take that got the highest result back then. Carbink wasn't amazing because it was a complete match-up fish and it didn't always cover everything the main focus of the deck wanted to, so it only saw a little play. That being said, if you were running the wrong deck and saw a Carbink going for an attack, you were in for a really rough game sometimes. It was good enough to get results in the right situation.
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xxtc-96xx · 1 year
Profesor Oak: *ahem* mewtwo could you give me back my x-ray equipment and also my bed for checkups? and also Newtwo WHAT THE FUCK!? I hear you're shy when people say good things about you, BUT EAT A SOLID GOLD CROWN!? You are lucky that gold is biocompatible, that is, it does not represent a risk in terms of whether it is toxic or not.
Professor oak: alright Mewtwo your turn……..
……why are your organs sparkling
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