#Pros and Cons of Apple Vision Pro
ronelgomes · 1 year
Apple Vision Pro: Features, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages.
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Apple vision pro is Apple’s first virtual reality headset. The Vision Pro has a completely three-dimensional interface that can be operated with your hands, voice, and eyes. It includes Apple’s first three-dimensional camera. And allowing users to record, relive, and fully immerse themselves in 3D spatial images and films. The headgear includes LiDAR + TrueDepth depth sensors, two high-resolution, one four-megapixel color camera, eye and facial tracking, and other capabilities. The gaming, media consumption, and communication-enabled visionOS software powers the gadget. The headset offers a 96Hz mode for specific usage cases and can refresh up to 90 Hz. Accessibility features for the gadget additionally include eye and hand motion control.
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thetechprint · 11 months
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viejospellejos · 4 months
Este usuario ha recreado el váter de Rick con las Apple Vision Pro:
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ghoulsanderson · 1 year
Furthering my Mike Wheeler gets vecna'd in s5 agenda
(also a corny will byers has powers entrance at the end) (also not so sneakily encouraging others to write more Vecna Possessing Mike Wheeler fics) (If you do pls tag me I'm addicted to them)
Vecna knew Michael Wheeler. Had known him since a fated night in 83' when he'd seen him through the lens of his Demogoron, fighting stubbornly for Will, for Eleven, for everyone.
He'd known him in the lab when terror shook him to his bones, but his feet stayed planted at Will's bedside like a stubborn weed. When he foiled his plans time and time again.
He'd known him in Starcourt when he threw himself in the line of fire for Eleven.
Vecna knew him as the wrench in his plans, the thorn in his side, the boy braver than most, which is why he thought this would be a lot harder. He expected Mike to fight, to yell, to escape, to writhe and struggle.
And he had, momentarily. Mike had run away, cursed him and spewed insults, but the instant the vines entrapped his arms and legs, he fell like a puppet with his strings cut in what looked like near-relief. Like the chase had been routine, robotic, and he'd never planned on surviving at all.
He'd been in the boy's head, so he thought he knew the ins and outs of Mike Wheeler. He knew the dark thoughts Mike had at night, the rare visits to the quarry, where he sat under the stars and weighed the pros and cons of jumping, the dreams he had that should be nightmares where El didn't save him at all.
He knew this.
And yet, in the end, he still expected more of a fight.
"Giving up so easily?" He taunted as his vines pulled Mike up to the pillar, wrapping around his neck, waist, and thighs, though he wasn't sure he needed that much security.
Mike scoffed, splattered with blood from his falls, covering his face like red freckles and spilt across his yellow hoodie, "You've got me. Fuck else can I do?"
Vecna chuckled, stroking a finger down Mike's cheek like he was endeared, "Not even a beg?"
"Like I'd beg to you." Mike rasped, the vine around his neck tightening until his eyes bulged, sure it was going to break him.
Vecna grinned, "You're letting me kill you?" He cocked his head and pinched Mike's chin, forcing the boy to face him, "You're going to make your friends and family watch you die?"
Mike convulsed with a raspy shout, "Fuck you!" He coughed, gasping for air, "I'm n-not doing s-shit!"
Vecna's beady eyes stared at him, dissecting him like a bug under a magnifying glass, "Did you hope for the hero way out?" He asked, sinister, mocking laughing bubbling in his throat, "Did you hope I'd kill you in some sad twist of fate and they'll mourn you and curse my name? Never knowing that you got what you wanted."
Mike tried to growl, to shout a refusal, but it broke into a litter of sobs, cracking out of his throat, his tears parting the blood on his face.
"I could." Vecna cooed, wiping away a tear, "I could kill you now and use your tragic willingness to kill William later."
"Fuck you!" Mike wailed, trying for the first time to tug his wrists free, "E-El w-will save me a-any... any min-minute now! Y-You won't tell t-them s-shit!"
He nearly gagged at the pressure on his adams apple, vision blurring as he failed to suck air into his lungs.
Vecna sighed, "But they already know, Mike." He leaned forward, watching pure horror start to mould its way onto Mike's face, "She's here... watching... she's been watching all this time... but she can't save you. I won't let her."
Mike's whimper broke, his struggling becoming weaker and weaker as his air ran thinner, "I-I'm sorry..." He sobbed, and Vecna knew he wasn't talking to him this time.
His caress on Mike's face morphed, becoming rough nails digging into his scalp, leaving crescent marks that bled, "It's time."
He leaned his head back, his power travelling like fire through Mike's body down to his ankles, his knees and his arms, where he started snapping them one by one.
Left leg, right arm, right leg-
"Get away from him!!"
Vecna roared as he was slammed through the wall of his decrepit house. He considered fighting back, but the force pinning him down was ignited such fury, pressing him down like he was being buried alive. He felt it on his fingertips, his legs, his body, and his face. He felt it crushing his neck and squeezing the air out of him.
In a spur of fear, he fled, disappearing to the safety of his demonic realm in a cloud of smoke.
Will panted, blood pouring from his nose and ears, but he found the strength to sprint, "Mike!" He wailed, catching the other boy's body as he fell like a ragdoll, bloodied, injured, and unconscious, "Mike! God, no, no, no, no, please! Please wake up-, please. I love you!"
El joined his side, sickened by her failure. Again. She'd failed again, "Mike!" She cried, collapsing onto his chest, hugging him where he lay in Will's lap, "Mike..."
The group was a wreck, everyone trying to comfort each other but falling apart themselves.
Lucas had thrown up into the grass, heaving with sobs. He felt useless, just standing by, but he couldn't- he couldn't do this again. And Dustin tried to comfort him, but he was crying so hard he couldn't even hug him.
Nancy couldn't cry. This didn't feel real, her brother hovering in the sky. She grasped her gun like it would help, standing frozen. No. This wasn't real. It couldn't be. In no universe could Mike die. He couldn't.
Her boyfriend was trying to comfort her, but he was a wreck himself. Mourning for Mike like he was his little brother. Nancy knew Mike was, to Jonathan, a brother in everything but blood. Mike knew Jonathan loved him, would do anything for him, would die for him.
Did he know Nancy would do that too?
El's eyes were rolling under her eyelids, Will had collapsed from the stress, and Mike was going to die-
Nancy screamed, falling into Robin's arms as Mike's leg snapped, and his arm, and his other leg, "No!" She wailed, on her knees, like she was praying to the deities, "No! No, please! Mike!"
"Mike!" Lucas screamed into the grass, the agony was driving him crazy, pulling at his mind like a knot, and Dustin wasn't fairing much better, anguished like he was staring into the face of his own death.
Not their paladin. Please.
But then Mike fell, spared by some miracle, into the arms of his family, "Mike!" Nancy shrieked, pulling her brother close and cradling him like a baby, "Mike- wake up, y-you're okay, you're okay, right? You're fine, wake up..." She whispered, pressing their heads together.
Mike's limbs bent at funny angles, and blood crusted in the creases of his eyebags, his complexion waxy grey, "Mike." She sobbed, "Mike, what am I supposed to tell Mom and Dad? Fuck... w-what a-am I supposed to tell H-Holly?"
Steve checked for a pulse with a hand that shook so hard his wrist ached, and slumped in relief to find one, "I-I'll call an ambulance!" He shouted and sprinted away.
As Dustin and Lucas cried over their friend, Will and El began to wake, their tears following into the unconscious.
Unfortunately, Mike woke too.
His eyelids lifted, and his usual midnight-brown eyes had paled to an unnatural copper, misted with white fog, "W-Will?" He rasped, blinking through his blurry haze, "O-Ouch- ouc- fuck!" He threw his head back, the pain hitting him like a truck, "W-Will?!"
Will wobbly crawled to him, "I-I'm here!" He wailed, "I'm here."
Sirens began to whisper in the distance, growing closer and closer, "Help is a-almost here." El stammered, taking Mike's hand, "You'll be okay!"
"I-It hurts..." Mike rasped, his chest heaving with rapid breaths, "I-It hurts."
Nancy sniffled, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "I-I know," She stroked his hair, "I know, but you just stay awake."
Mike whimpered, eyes searching for her desperately beyond the blur, "I-I do-don't think I-I want to g-go..." He whispered.
and I have to end it there for now, I gtg.
Hope you enjoyed!
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La muerte le pegó una patada a mi estantería y lo tiró todo. Ya volví a ordenarla, pero me falta algo: no encuentro a mi padre. Hace 2 semanas estaba perfecto, fue a hacerse un estudio de rutina, quedó internado porque le encontraron un tumor maligno en el pulmón. Apenas tuvimos tiempo para absorber el golpe: a la semana dejó de cagar, 5 días así, pero fuera de eso estaba muy bien. Dejamos el cáncer de lado un momento para enfocarnos en este nuevo misterio, hasta que empezó a cagar sin parar todo el día, demasiado. Se debilitó y descompensó por la noche, hizo un paro cardíaco, murió por primera vez, lo reanimaron, pasó la noche entubado y murió por segunda y definitiva vez. Todo lo que le pasó no tuvo nada que ver con el cáncer, no sabemos por qué no pudo cagar, por qué de repente cagó sin parar, por qué le bajó la presión a 9.6 cuando él tenía habitualmente 14.5. Cuando recibió el diagnóstico del tumor mentalmente empezó a desmoronarse, la ayuda psicológica que recibió lo estaba levantando hasta que tuvo que luchar en otro frente, y otro, y otro más. Supongo que cuando él sintió que su cuerpo colapsaba, que no tenía fuerzas ni para comunicarse, se empezó a asustar porque con estos temas siempre fue muy cagón y el infarto vino por ahí, por el miedo y el pánico y el shock y lo inevitable. Lo anterior a eso, el tema de la ausencia fecal al principio y la sobrepoblación de mierda posterior, no sabemos por qué apareció, y el cáncer más breve del mundo quedó como una anécdota satánica. 2023 sin padre, si gata blanca, sin trabajo, sin whisky, puedo concluir que vivo en una simulación construida por mi peor ex. Si alguna vez ven por ahí a alguien con unos apple vision pro injertados a la fuerza en el cráneo, soy yo. Me rescatan urgente y me devuelven (por favor) a ese mundo hermoso en el que mi madre no está a mi lado durmiendo en el sillón lo que no pudo dormir en estas últimas 2 semanas por viajar todos los días casi 40 km para ver desintegrarse a la persona que ama. Un mundo en el que mañana a las 9 a.m. no tenga que enterrar a nadie más. Uno en el que pueda escribir esto con más letras que lágrimas. Con más padre.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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pollicinor · 2 months
Emily Olman, responsabile marketing di Hopscotch Interactive, ha detto di aver avuto due “occhi neri e super scuri” dopo aver indossato Apple Vision Pro per la prima volta, probabilmente causati dal peso sulle guance. Ian Beacraft, amministratore delegato della società di consulenza Signal, ha invece riferito di avere dolori alla base del cranio e alla parte superiore della schiena. Ci sono state anche lamentele riguardo Apple Vision Pro su Reddit da parte di utenti che hanno riscontrato continui mal di testa, affaticamento degli occhi e dolore dovuto al peso del dispositivo. Alcuni hanno migliorato la situazione con cinturini modificati e prodotti di terze parti.
Dall'articolo "Apple Vision Pro: i proprietari lamentano mal di testa" di Martina Oliva
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
The Brain, Not The Heart. Spencer Reid x Black Fem!Reader
Genre; Angst/Fluff.
Warnings; Kidnap, Torture, Injury, Blood, Brief Mentions Of Sexual Assault, Maeve Supremacy (she and reid deserved better.)
Synopsis; Since Maeve’s death Reid has been closed off from love but when he met you? He saw a future he never thought was in the plans for him. When you’re kidnapped, the brain of the team is suddenly the most frazzled one there.
↳ ❤︎ Heaven’s Baked Goods (Masterlist) ❤︎
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↳ ❝The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again.❞⁣ -Jimi Hendrix
When I die there are people that I will mention. Few I will call family, some are my biggest supporters. I won’t throw the word family or friend around so carelessly as I did at the beginning of my lifetime. When I die, I won’t die as I’ve lived. I won’t die with regrets.
Love was a thing I thought was something out of a fairytail, it only happened to the royal and famous and I was neither. While, I had the brains I was still scraping from the bottom of a barrel white men had already wiped clean. It took years of hard work for my efforts to pay off- I was working two shifts as a grocery store and hostess at a “mexican” restaurant if you could call the “authentic mexican” food they sold Mexican. Meanwhile, I was studying to become a Detective. I worked in Homicide for 8 years before my eventual transfer to Quantico.
Now, Quantico. You’d think it was a modeling agency if you walked in and saw the faces of Morgan, Prentiss, and the rest. That’s not where my eyes fell, however. Spencer Reid was nothing if not interesting. The closest on the team to my age, apparently I had knocked him out of the “youngest member” of the BAU title. I don’t remember how it started, maybe it was when he sat down in front of me on that jet and started doing magic while telling me random facts about my favorite animals- Frogs. I would’ve questioned how he knew if I weren’t wearing my frog earrings and necklace. Our “young pretty” faces and both being nerds is why they dubbed us the pretty girl/boy crew when we finally got together. Finally, Morgan had said…The kids got someone to tell his overwhelming amount of “fun” facts to.
“Well, are you gonna keep reminiscing or fight”?
“Who are you”? I looked at the blurry vision of a ginger haired woman while my eyes struggled to focus.
“Spencer loves you…You can’t give up, Y/n”.
That’s when I tuned back into the nightmare at hand.
“Wake up, Princess. We’re not done yet”.
His leg shook, he held your locket tightly in his hand racking his brain trying to figure out why you’d been taken and by who.
“No”. Reid replies shortly, still focused on the task at hand. Kate sighed, she knew he meant well and that his frustration and coldness wasn’t due to her. Kate remembered Reid telling her about Maeve during one of their cases, and she knew this opened up old wounds and brought back difficult emotions, like fear. Kate was no stranger to the danger of the job, coming back after her niece was kidnapped was a situation her, Meg, and her husband had talked about thoroughly- weighing the risks, the pros and cons, especially when the new baby was added to the mix. Ultimately, they decided it was time for her return…What a helluva return that was.
“Reid… Hotch wants you to go home”.
Spencer eyes snapped quickly to Kate’s, he knew it’d be coming but he wasn’t ready, not yet. not when you were still out there probably being tortured, and he knew…It was all his fault.
“N-no, I’m not leaving”.
“Yes. You are”. Aaron walked in behind Kate with Morgan in tow, the genius was near tears, his adam’s apple bobbing when he swallows, looking at the board plastered with his girlfriends face all over it, “Morgan will take you home, We’ll keep you in the loop, Spencer but you can’t help Y/n in this condition. We need you, Reid”.
“Y/n needs you…” Kate finishes softly.
Reid sleep deprived raccoon eyes looked at everyone for a moment, trying to think of more ways to fight but he knew his team was right. He couldn’t help her like this, “Find her”.
~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~ + ~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~
I don’t know how long it’s been, I just know I was going to Quantico when I was snatched, I think they knocked me out because my head was pounding like I’d been knocked over the back of the head. When I came to I saw a woman sitting next to me. She wasn’t one of my captors, no. She was beautiful. I could only talk to her when I fell back unconscious, when I was awake she’d sit there quietly giving me a sweet reassuring smile, and squeezing my hand while my body was relentlessly tortured in a number of ways.
The way the tears fell from my cheek was as if they’d known what was happening, and wanted to crawl away. Figures. My tears escape before I do. Another blow to my stomach, and I double over.
“Oh look at that she’s back out like a light, ladies and gents. It’s about to be fun”.
The last thing I heard before I was in that field again by the creek, sitting on the ground wearing my dream dress, that ginger woman back by my side, “Who are you”?
“My names Maeve”.
Spencer’s late girlfriend. The one who’d been kidnapped and murdered before I was even in the BAU. She noticed the recognition on my face and nodded, “You’re beautiful, Y/n. Smart… Spencer always liked a woman who could keep up with him”.
“He does, doesn’t he”? My voice cracked to which Maeve scooted closer to me and let me sob into her arms.
“You’ll see him again”.
I could feel dreamland slip away again, and the pain returned. All I could think of was Spencer, hoping I’d get another chance to tell him I love him. To steal his jello, and then share it with him while he acted like he was annoyed but kept smiling.
“You and your boy toy should’ve minded your fucking business”. A gruff familiar voice rang out, I saw the burning hot iron written with “whore” on the very end, this time…I forced myself unconscious. I couldn’t deal with being branded by the very men I thought I’d put away.
It was about the time you found out who your captors were that the team did, that…Reid did.
Reid was known to do stupid things with emotions involved, he knew where they took you and hadn’t told the team yet who was currently struggling to find it themselves.
When no one could get ahold of Reid, Rossi and JJ were sent to his house where they found the door unlocked, and in disarray. It’s where they noticed Reid’s own crime board, and the newest circled word? Cabin.
“He beat us to it. Call Hotchner and let him know the kids gone off on his own”.
“You’re gonna fight this. Spencer loves you”.
“What if I can’t, Maeve? W-what if I’m not strong enough for this? They’re killing me…” My voice trembled, in all my years of catching criminals, dragging my way up from the bottom of the list of those expected to succeed- I’d never been so afraid. Maeve only giggled, putting a flower into my fro.
“You’ve already been saved, sweetheart. He came for you. You just need to make him proud, and come back..for him”.
“Come back”?
Pressing a kiss to my cheek, Maeve’s once pale skin now looks almost see-through, she speaks sweetly into my ear before finally disappearing, “Come back..”
~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~ + ~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~
I fought against the blankets, eventually winning and throwing them to the side. Frustrated. The memories and nightmares were fresh in my mind, and although Spencer’s been there every step of the way, he’s still been distant. This has taken a toll on both of us.
Lying on my back, I stared at the ceiling, daring my tears to fall. I thought about my captors; Eddie and his crew. Weren’t too happy when Spence and I shut down their kiddie assault club… I just want to know why they didn’t take him too? We were both equally as invested in this case, more so than anyone on the team. Why wasn’t he taken too?
Why was it only me that relived the torture and sexual abuse when I closed my eyes for only a second. Not only that but the scars were still healing on my body. I was still healing, my fingers curled into the bottom of my tank top- lifting it just enough to expose the word “whore” burnt into the flesh of my underbreast; made no better by the fact my skin was known to keloid. I’d live with the scars on my mind and body as long as I lived.
Sneaking out of bed, I glance at my boyfriend; I leave.
Spencer’s loft was his sacred place, the shelves were lined with books and the room had a worn but comfortable recliner in the corner. Papers were scattered about, and it looked a mess, but I knew it was on purpose. Why I went to his loft?
“Woah, is this your office”?
Reid chuckles nervously rubbing the back of his neck, “Ah, kinda? It’s moreso…My safespace”.
Your eyes scanned the books, shimmering with glee. You’d always wanted a book loft like this, with an excited exhale, you twirl around back to Reid; he notices the excitement in your eyes.
“You know. I wasn’t for sharing before, but Y/n”?
“Hmm”? You smile brightly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Whenever you need to feel safe or you just need to get away…My loft is always open for you”.
“I knew I’d find you here”
I could hear the tiredness in his voice, raspy and groggy. I never liked crying in front of others, but I could feel the tears pricking, “Yeah…Remember you told me I could”.
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing… What’re you looking for”?
I kept my eyes on the bookshelf, watching him sit in the recliner out of my peripheral. My heart tightened, I’m a profiler, yet I didn’t know what would happen next. I kept having those nightmares- Spencer leaves me because of my newfound trauma. I’m broken now. Who wants a broken doll?
“Come sit with me. Please”? Spencer held out his hand for me, it’d be a moment before I made a move but I was now in the lap of the Dr, and it all came crashing down the second I hit his lap; I loved burying my face in his neck, so why not sob into it as well?
Broken and pained sobbing. 15 minutes, Reid jokingly told me after I stopped crying. I’d been sobbing into his neck for 15 minutes- when I wiped my eyes, he was smiling at me while holding Charlottes Web in his hand, one of my childhood favorites.
“We haven’t read together in awhile, have we? Can I read to you”?
I nodded weakly, not even bothering to smile back- it’d be faked if I did, Spencer knew. His cologne, his voice, his body heat, and god his voice. I felt so safe and serene in the moment. I knew there wasn’t a danger in sight within his arms, I was thinking I might finally drift asleep; without nightmares, hopefully.
“I love you, from now on I’ll never let anyone hurt you”.
It was whispered into my hair as I fell asleep, and although I wasn’t awake enough to say it back, I scooch a little closer; I squeeze him a little tighter. He knows what it means.
“I know you do… I know…” were the last things I heard before falling into a deep slumber.
~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~ + ~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~
I was back at the creek, it looked different now. Happier. More Vibrant. I could see bunnies running around and butterflies flying low, and I could see a woman’s silhouette in the distance- I run to it. I know who it is immediately.
“I told you so, Y/n” Maeve says before I even greet her, I would act surprised if I wasn’t talking to my boyfriends dead girlfriend. Huh, what a strange 3 words to type.
“How did you know, Mae”? I hugged her tightly, and she giggled kissing my forehead.
“Because you’re too good for one another for you to leave him just yet… You need Spencer”.
“I-I do”? I stammered.
“Yes… and Spencer. Spencer needs you, Sweetheart. Keep him grounded, and take care of each other alright”?
Maeve pressed one last kiss to my forehead, her smile was contagious- I couldn’t stop smiling, tears rolling down my cheeks watching her walk away, disappearing into the distance.
Her ginger locks, and green and white sundress flowing as she walked.
An evanescent light of white and two hearts entwined left in her wake.
↳ ❝If life can remove someone you never thought of losing, it can replace them without someone you never dreamt of having.❞⁣ -Rachel Wolchin
~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~ + ~•~~•~•~~•~•~~•~
A/N: ight, it’s pride month. expect sapphic shit.
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cerebrodigital · 5 months
Apple anunció la preventa de las Apple Vision Pro, las gafas de realidad aumentada que rivalizarán con las Meta Quest de Facebook. Mira cómo reservarlas aquí 👇
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standardquip · 5 months
Video:Bakemonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Wolf's Rain, Haibanei Renmei (Charcoal Feathers Federation), Vision of Escaflowne, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Steins;Gate, Castlevania, Made In Abyss, Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies, Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 3: Rebellion, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 1: Beginnings, Patema Inverted, Demon Slayer, Big Fish & Begonia, Origin: Spirits of the Past, KARAS, Children of the Sea, Btooom!, Dorohedoro, Psycho Pass, Shinmai Maou no Testament, Flip Flappers, Dragon Dentist, Girl That Leapt Through Time, Golden Kamuy, Jyu Oh Sei Planet of Beast King, Puella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie Part 2: Eternal, Nisemonogatari, Mushi-Shi, Princess Kaguya, The Perfect Insider, Your Name, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Audio:Aurora – Apple Tree Premiere Date:2020 Status:Downloadable, Streamable Genre(s):Other, Artistic Cons/Awards: Anime Weekend Atlanta 2020 PRO contest finalist for Artistic and Best Video A-M-V.Org 2021 VCAs: won Best artistic Agamacon 2021: won Best Artistic Endeavor Outside Links:.org, AMVnews
I got weirdly defensive about my editing abilities in 2019 so decided to make something specifically to show that I could, in fact, make a really good edit. /shrug
Started: october 2019 during AWA PRO 2019 Finished: 12 August 2020 Spent countless hours on it during that time. Started keeping actual track of hours in Jan 2020. So total project time below is heavily UNDERstated.
Time spent: 94hr 3min 10s total. (again- understated. I normally just round up to 100 lol) 72hrs 38min 10sec for Premiere CS6. 18hr 42min for after effects CS6. 2hr 43min VLC (looping betas lmao).
Finalist in AWA PRO 2020: Best artistic, best video. No Awards won.
Many thanks to all my beta testers, for the editors on discord who actually tried to explain what flow was in esoteric ways so I could maybe understand it, and their help with footage procurement (searching for certain scene compositions in anime I didn’t know). Special shoutouts to TheLazyDaze for continuous hype and feedback, SeasonsAMV who showed me The Perfect Insider, which finished a big blank spot I was struggling with, and Niotex and Dr. Derpface who convinced me to just make my own butterflies in After Effects (Previously I had tried to mask them out of a Demon Slayer scene. It was awful).
Breakdown of the baby scene: (released 26 dec 2020)
My PC nearly died while I tried to make this, and it didn’t even render correctly in the end. I’m sorry for the glitchiness, but due to the difficulty this is likely the only thing like this I will do for Esoterra. [The gold mandala & meat pieces scenes show up later than they should, making accurate comparison pretty difficult. The other overlays seem mostly in sync. I apologize.] This is all the overlays involved for just the one part of the baby scene. The baby scene is not even the most complicated scene in the full AMV, but it is the one that is most obviously different and the one that seems to get most the positive remarks. Hope this is interesting to someone.
Breakdown of the whole thing: (released 6 Jan 2021)
Finally a breakdown that I’m semi-okay with. It’s not as detailed as I wanted, but I think it gets enough of the message across. It’s still a bit buggy in some areas (2 different video files stitched together to get all the video tracks on screen) but it’s in sync. This timeline is actually pretty organized. Any video that’s on it is actively being used in conjunction with an opacity/layer blending mode, masks, or keying. (But 80% of the time it’s a blending mode). Any nested sequences that seem to have the same clips repeated continually are due to the same reasons. On this timeline, Green is nested, Pink is an AE project. I didn’t do pop-ups for every nested sequence or AE project because most of them weren’t anything complicated. The others were either complicated or I just wanted to show off for whatever reason. Especially the butterfly segment. I hand-made and animated the butterfly swarm. All frames are shown on the tracks for informational purposes; I don’t edit like that. Anyway, this was submitted and made finals in AWA PRO 2020, but didn’t win anything (My other video, “Dysphoria,” did win best tech in the same contest though). Esoterra was the most complicated and tech-heavy video I’ve made. Also clocking in at the longest time I’ve ever spent on a project, nearly 100 hours. Feel free to ask any questions!
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kesvinuoc · 1 year
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UOC - PAC 3: Kevin Boix - Plataformas de Distribución de Contenido
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Vimeo, tiene un reproductor de vídeo bastante simple, creado en HTML5, donde podemos ver todas las features básicas que cumplen con las necesidades del usuario, controlar el volumen, pause and play, añadir subtítulos, configuración de calidad, maximizar y minimizar, todas estas funcionabilidades están en la parte inferior, pero en la parte superior derecha, tenemos el sharing, donde permite dar control al usuario: compartir, me gusta, guardar en listas personales.
2. Plataformas
Los navegadores compatibles son los siguientes:
Chrome 60 en adelante (tiene actualizaciones automáticas)
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wfuness · 9 months
iPhone 15 y iPhone 15 Plus:
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Ya tenemos nuevo iPhone 15. El nuevo smartphone de Apple llega acompañado de su hermanos mayor, el iPhone 15 Plus. Ambos siguen una estrategia similar a la del año anterior: más modestos, pero con un encanto especial que permite plantear una opción asequible frente a los poderosos iPhone 15 Pro y Pro Max.
A continuación todas las especificaciones y características de estos iPhone 15 y iPhone 15 Plus, dos móvil que mantiene la ya conocida pantalla con diagonal de 6,1 pulgadas y 6,7 pulgadas pero que dan varios saltos relevantes. Uno de los más destacados es la presencia de la isla dinámica, pero también contamos con nuevo SoC Apple A16 Bionic y, cómo no, el debut del conector USB-C aunque sea de un modo (bastante) descafeinado.
Hasta siempre, notch
El diseño de los nuevos iPhone 15 y 15 Plus cambia para heredar una de las características más novedosas de los móviles de Apple en los últimos tiempos: la isla dinámica, que debutó el año pasado en los modelos Pro, llega también en estos modelos base.
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La pantalla Super Retina XDR dispone de un brillo máximo de 2.000 nits (Dolby Vision con 1.600 nots), lo que supone el doble del brillo que ofrecían los iPhone 14. Los tamaños de la pantalla no cambian: 6,1 pulgadas para el iPhone 15, 6,7 pulgadas para el iPhone 15 Plus.
Esas pantallas están protegidas por un "escudo cerámico" que según Apple los hace "más duros que cualquier cristal para smartphones", probablemente en referencia a los cristales Gorilla Glass utilizados por otros fabricantes.
Hace 3 horasActualizado 12 Septiembre 2023, 20:52
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
The Fountain of Fair Fortune
The Fountain of Fair Fortune https://ift.tt/byG1xqs by wofwolwos Draco Malfoy spied Hermione Granger bathing in a fairy pool. It’s a vision he’ll never forget. In the summer before sixth year, Draco Malfoy, newly branded Death Eater, encountered a nude Hermione Granger in a fairy pool. Now, eight years later, Harry Potter is dead, and with him Voldemort’s Horcruxes. But Voldemort's reign continues on. Draco Malfoy, with recent success in Voldemort’s army, is given a mission — to find a book that Voldemort desires. A hermit for the past six years, Hermione Granger finds the newly promoted lieutenant half-dead in a marsh. “And why is Draco Malfoy, lieutenant of Death Eaters, a guest in my house?” Hermione mused in a sing-song voice. He flicked his eyes to her and back to the ceiling. He coughed and cleared his throat. “Taken on the role of swamp witch, Granger?” he sneered. “It’s a marsh. Swamps are primarily forest, this is mostly herbaceous plants,” she clarified with great deliberation. Her voice was rough, as if it hadn’t been used in a long time. “What a vulgar display of knowledge. Quite on form, swot. I always thought Muggles lived in hovels. The apple doesn’t fall far —” “I suppose that’s why I found you in the mud, then?” Words: 3023, Chapters: 2/52, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Percy Weasley, George Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Molly Weasley, James Potter, Teddy Lupin, Hermione Granger's Mother, Alecto Carrow, Dolores Umbridge, Marcus Flint, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Augustus Rookwood, Lavender Brown, Cormac McLaggen Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Harry Potter Dies, Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, War Fic, Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Smut, HEA, Enemies to Lovers, Death Eater Draco Malfoy, Swamp witch Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger is a BAMF, Draco Malfoy is a BAMF, politics and intrigue, Major character death - Freeform, Dubious Consent, dub/con, Accidental Pregnancy, Theodore Nott/Neville Longbottom - Freeform, Blaise Zabini/Luna Lovegood - Freeform, Ron-bashing for the plot sorry next time it'll be pro-Ron I swear, Ravens, dual-POV, Underage Masturbation, non/con voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Explicit Language, explicit potions misuse, Torture, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Grief/Mourning, Dark Magic Rituals (Harry Potter), Some BDSM, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Consensual Kink, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Banter via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/PordO79 May 07, 2023 at 07:41PM
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dedaandsons · 1 year
Apple augmented Reality/Virtual Reality headset Vision Pro what you need to know | Pros and Cons.
Key Take-outs: https://youtu.be/9AWQYBPZ_Hs
+ Apple Vision Pro Price. + Chipset. + Display. + Price. + More.
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viejospellejos · 4 months
Aspirar nunca fue más divertido con las Apple Vision Pro:
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ciarkat · 1 year
Super excited for this year. I haven’t drank in months, the cons outweighed any pros. It had a solid 1.5 year run. I’m good with sticking to occasional social outings but I’m trying to move away from the bar scene. I quit cigarettes about two months ago, I’ll miss it, we had a good run, maybe in the future if I go drinking or camping I’ll have an occasional one but full time was just not good for my health. I haven’t used any substances in a few months, I’m glad I never got hooked on anything, I’m good with sticking to green 🍃 we really need a cannabis leaf emoji, common apple. Rn I’m focused on work and school. How tf am I gonna get an applied science degree and I’m in remedial math. Pray for me. I met a girl at work who was telling me all about vision boards and manifestation. It took me back to my favorite holistic therapist who would have me bring in collage materials and coloring books. I’m moving away from social gaming to more creative gaming and I wanna expand my crafts so that I can create new hobbies that speak to my inner child. I want delta 9 and craft time. I think I needed the chaos that was the last two years of my life because I needed to finally let loose, it was cute but I’m so ready to get back to some sort of peace. I really should buy a diary. But tumblr is a place where I like to document stuff. Here or therapy. Anyways, super excited to see what this year brings, or rather, what I can achieve.
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karaokulta · 1 day
🌎🚀 ¡Prepárense, desarrolladores y tech-aficionados del mundo! La Vision Pro de Apple navegará al internacional muy pronto. 🕶️ Tres meses fue todo lo que tomó para que Apple nos teaseara con su aventura fuera de la frontera estadounidense con su headset de Realidad Virtual, la Vision Pro, justo a tiempo para hacer eco en el Worldwide Developers Conference. 📈 Prosigo con una predicción atrevida: * La globalización de Vision Pro será un punto de inflexión para la VR. Al ampliar horizontes, estamos ante el nacimiento de un nuevo parámetro de innovación y adopción en masa. * Los estudios como Owlchemy Labs, que ya están a bordo con títulos que enganchan como Job Simulator y Vacation Simulator, son los visionarios que cosecharán los frutos de este mercado. ¡Espérense a ver la cantidad de vacaciones digitales en camino! ✨ Pero, hablemos claro, ¿Veremos cómo ese punto de precio, nada modesto de $3,500 dólares, afectará la recepción del mercado global? Yo digo que es más que solo cachar un gadget... es capturar una experiencia. Los verdaderos ganadores serán aquellos que entiendan esto y jueguen sus cartas a favor de la innovación. 🔮 Mi bola de cristal me dice: * Adopción escalonada pero segura. No vamos a ver filas kilométricas (¡por ahora!), pero sí un crecimiento en 'devotees' de la alta tecnología. * Disruptores y desarrolladores estarán haciendo malabares para lanzar títas que maximicen esta nueva narrativa espacial en 3D. 🎉 Apple, bienvenida a la fiesta internacional VR. Toma asiento y veamos quién más se une al baile. 🚀 ##VR ##VisionPro ##Apple ##Innovación ##RealidadVirtual ##TechWorld 🎮 Yo digo que Frozenbyte o CD Projekt podrían sorprendernos pronto en este universo VR... ¿o tú con quién apuestas? 🕹️ Comenta, pregunta o etiqueta al gurú tecnológico de tu crew que no se querrá perder esto. ¡Y no olviden sus gafas de explorador digital! 🕵️‍♂️💬
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