#Promise Place
amg3xik · 5 months
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シュレーディンガー/Secret Code/99% LIBERTY/X-Day/Before Dawn/Through the night/BANANA/アン/ペア/もう君以外愛せない/Solitude〜真実のサヨナラ〜/銀色 暗号/硝子の少年/Kissからはじまるミステリー/Happy Happy Greeting(お誕生日お祝い&あけおめ)/SNOW TEARS/パズル(日替わりうろ覚え曲成仏コーナー)/世界中をI LOVE YOU/愛のかたまり/スワンソング/やめないで、PURE/愛されるより愛したい/全部だきしめて/フラワー/シュレーディンガー/無重力みたいな愛/Amazing Love
これは自慢ですが、ぼくはEndless SHOCKを2階の最前列で観たことがあります、今までそれが光一さんを最も近くで観る機会で、そのときも全く生きているようには思えなかったのですが、この日はああ、このひとこんな嘘みたいな美しさのままで生きているんだと思ってしまった。
音響、文句なしで非常に聴きやすく……いや二人はアリーナ降りてきて中心辺りにいるときは必ずと言っていいほどズレていたのだけれどそれは仕方ないのかも、歌い辛そうだった あとマイクが飛んだのか歌詞を飛ばしたのかももう分かりませんでした
Through the nightのつよしくん、……すぎる
『世界中をI LOVE YOU』のこと、まだ「ギャグなの?マジなの?どっち?」と思ってる光一さん、わろた
8000万の車マジで買ったのかと思ってオタクはビビっちゃった つよしくんならやりかねないかもとか思ってこわかったです
💩スウェットからのもう君以外愛せないの流れひどすぎて怒られ必至だったが、周水ごめ〜ん😂みたいな雰囲気でかなりゆるかった あと先日の東京公演に周水が来てたことを教えてくれた
つよしくんが特にこのくだりを何度も何度も光一さんに思い出させて引きずっていた 「君が一瞬でも…」の歌詞から新幹線のトイレの物真似が始まり、そこから火が付いて結局最後の挨拶まで引きずってた
この日は『パズル』でした🧩。道は手ずから〜カップリングならPure Soulがよかったな……と思ってしまいました涙。でもPure Soulちゃんと歌えない二人見るの普通に嫌かもしれない、しかしここで選抜されればYouTubeで歌ってもらえる確約あるしな……(悶悶)
KinKi Kidsさん全体的に楽しそうで良かった なにより
何をかは忘れましたがMCいきなりつよしくんが噛んで顔どアップに映されて可愛かった はい
つよしくん、光一さんが言った「幅広い」→「はーばーひろい」→ハーバード大学……🤔?になってたのが多分この日一好きなやつだった くだらないので……。
KinKi Kidsがなんで人気なのかよく分かってないKinKi Kidsさん「なんで人気なんやろな……🤔」
「本当に色々考えているが、何も進まない」と。俳優業だけでなく音楽もやっていると権利やら会社やら色々あって話が進みづらいらしいですね キンキは活動歴も長いし、ソロワークも活発で、色々と大変だろうな〜と思うなどしました
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inkskinned · 3 months
will you be enough for her, though. little slip child. you hated every time you had to scream to be heard, so you stopped screaming. it feels so fucking demeaning, 16 and shivering, saying please! father! look at me! and having him say in a minute sweetie.
online they're back to making fun of self-harm scars. isn't that funny. we have dropped the silver pretense of empathy and are walking around without any shred of humanity.
are you still shouting? how can anybody love you, then, siren. error signal. your voice so quiet and desperate. nobody is going to help you, stop begging. how can anybody actually look down at you without squashing you flat. oh, darling. you once bit into the back of your hand to stop from crying out, and discovered that it felt too dramatic for repeating.
people like you aren't supposed to cry, because you are too much. you have never meant to, but you take the air out of a room just by walking in. other people can take up room like a sunbeam. you blurt out all your wickedness in oilslicks, everyone can feel it. you slosh yourself over their hands and demand their flinch. you are a bone stuck in the throat.
be more beautiful, more perfect. if you can earn it, they won't abhor you. they might even tolerate you, if you turn the right way and never stand up straight.
but love? her life is a silver fish, a cat paw. your life is a long, thin, impossible desire - angry like a blade. your life is a crack in the floortile. you cannot bring your rotted fruit heart into the church of her hands. you will ruin her. you will overtake everything good for her.
or worse - you will have to beg her look at me. and that moment of desperation will ruin you forever. completely.
deleted scene from body's a bad monster, 9.24.2024
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solarmorrigan · 2 months
Saw someone mention how Steve tends to get defensive when he's anxious and it stuck with me, so here's my take on the "Steve breaks a dish and has a panic attack about it" trope
cw: descriptions of nonstandard panic attack, implied/referenced child abuse
The distinct sound of shattering porcelain is followed by a vehemently hissed, “shit,” and then silence.
“Steve?” Eddie calls from the couch into the kitchen. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve calls back, but his voice sounds tight in the way it does when something definitely isn’t okay.
Eddie pushes himself up and moves to the doorway, looking in to see what the trouble is. The kitchen of the house he and Wayne had been “gifted” by the government isn’t exactly huge, and he has a straight line of sight to where Steve is standing by the sink, eyes squeezed shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose, and to the red and white shards of porcelain on the floor by his feet.
“Hey,” Eddie says, but Steve doesn’t look up; if anything, his posture only gets tenser. “You’re not cut or anything, are you?”
“No,” Steve says, and his tone is still a little off, but he doesn’t sound like he’s lying.
“What was that, anyway?” Eddie asks.
Finally, Steve takes a deep breath in and opens his eyes, looking down at the mess on the laminate. “Mug.”
As soon as he says it, Eddie recognizes the colors for what the design must have been. “Shit, the Campbell’s one?”
Steve doesn’t say a word, just gives one sharp nod.
Eddie sucks a hiss of breath in through his teeth. “Shit,” he says again. “That was Wayne’s favorite.”
“I know,” Steve says tersely. “I’m sorry.”
His tone is definitely weird. “I mean, I’m sure it was an accident, Steve–” Eddie starts.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says again, almost snapping this time. “I’ll clean it up.”
“O-kay,” Eddie says slowly, watching as Steve jerks into motion and moves over to the corner where they stash the broom and dust pan.
“I’ll apologize to Wayne when he gets home,” Steve says as he starts sweeping up, even though Eddie hasn’t said a word.
“He gets home at, like, six in the morning.”
“I’ll make sure I’m up,” Steve says shortly.
“Steve, you can just tell him what happened later, he’s not going to stand around demanding an explanation. I mean, seriously, you think Wayne is gonna be pissed if you’re not there, immediately scraping at his feet when he comes through the door?” Eddie scoffs, but Steve remains silent. Eddie watches as he finishes sweeping in short, sharp motions, brows pulling together as Steve apparently fails to pick up on the joke. “…he won’t be, y’know.”
Steve shrugs. His expression has gone eerily blank, and he takes the dustpan over to the garbage can to dump it.
“Hey, don’t–” Eddie reaches out, and Steve jerks to a stop just in time. “You don’t have to toss it, man, we might be able to glue it back together.”
Steve sends Eddie a sharp look. “I’m not gonna be able to hide that it was broken, Eddie,” he says slowly, as though this should be painfully obvious.
“I’m not suggesting we hide it, I’m just saying we might still be able to use it,” Eddie answers in the same slow manner. “It’s not junk until you’re sure you can’t fix it.”
“Right,” Steve snaps, dropping the dustpan on the counter so sharply that the shards of porcelain clink against each other. “Can’t even clean up right.”
Eddie frowns, stirrings of defensiveness rising up in his gut at Steve’s continued sour mood. “I didn’t say that. I just said we might be able to fix it.”
“Fine. We’ll try to fix it,” Steve bites out, turning away from Eddie so he can put the broom back in the corner.
Eddie shakes his head, unwilling to engage with whatever snit Steve’s got himself worked into. “What happened, anyway?” he asks instead.
Apparently, this is the wrong tactic.
“What happened is, I’m too stupid to even do the dishes right,” Steve declares as he whirls back around. “Is that what you want to hear?”
“What?” Eddie is baffled, suddenly caught in the middle of an argument he hadn’t even realized was happening. “No! Why would I want to hear that?”
Steve throws his arms up, a demonstration of giving in. “Well I already said I’m sorry, and I am, and I don’t know what else you want from me!”
The heat of Eddie’s own temper is beginning to flare, but he does his best to shake it away because he still doesn’t know what the hell is going on and he doesn’t think getting angry will help. “I don’t want anything else from you! Why are you acting like I’m yelling at you? I’m not, I’m not even upset about the stupid mug, so what the hell is your deal?”
He takes a couple of steps into the kitchen, reaching out for Steve, hoping just to touch some part of him. Physical contact has always been grounding, has always been a comfort for them both; it almost seems like they can communicate better if they can just be in contact somehow. Instead of reaching back, though, Steve tenses up; it’s not exactly a flinch, but it’s as if he’s bracing himself, as if he’s waiting for Eddie to–
Eddie takes in the painfully blank expression on Steve’s pale face, the way his chest is rising and falling in quick, shallow breaths that he can’t quite seem to control, the way he’s angled himself just slightly away from Eddie, and suddenly Eddie feels cold.
It’s as if he’s waiting for Eddie to hit him.
Eddie wonders how the hell he hadn’t realized he was walking through a minefield until he was already standing in the middle of it.
(It still takes him by surprise, sometimes, that Steve’s anxiety, his panic, tends to look more like anger. That he tends to lash out like a wounded animal when he feels backed into a corner, hurt too many times in moments of vulnerability to do otherwise.)
(It takes him by surprise, but he’s learning.)
“Steve,” Eddie says softly, dropping his hand slowly back to his side, “I’m not angry.”
Steve stares at him, almost confused, like Eddie’s not doing it right, like this isn’t what’s supposed to come next. Eddie sort of wants to break something (he thinks, briefly, that he’d like to start with the fingers on Mr. Harrington’s right hand, and then move on to his left).
“It’s just a mug, Steve, it’s okay. No one’s upset about it,” Eddie says. “I’m preemptively speaking for Wayne, because I know he’s not gonna be mad at you. Seriously, getting upset over a broken cup? Does that sound like something Wayne would do?”
Slowly, once he seems to realize that Eddie is waiting for an answer, Steve shakes his head.
“Does that sound like something I would do?” Eddie asks.
Steve shakes his head again, though he’s still watching Eddie with something approaching trepidation.
“I promise it’s fine. I’m not angry,” Eddie repeats, and chances a couple of steps closer to Steve.
Steve doesn’t react this time, no tensing, no flinching, no verbally lashing out, and so Eddie lifts a hand again, reaching slowly for Steve’s. Steve lets him.
When he gets his fingers wrapped around Steve’s own, Eddie can feel how cold they’ve gone, can feel the fine tremble of adrenaline working through them, and can’t quite choke down the noise of sympathy in his throat. He tugs on Steve’s hand.
“C’mere,” Eddie says, invites him by lifting his other arm, but leaves it up to Steve.
It only takes a moment for Steve to step in close, and when Eddie lets go of his hand to wrap his arms around Steve’s shoulders, Steve reciprocates by cinching his own arms tight around Eddie’s waist. He takes one sharp breath, and then another, and Eddie can hear the way they shake going in and out.
“There you go,” Eddie says quietly, rubbing Steve’s back.
“I just dropped it,” Steve says, his voice a little hoarse. “It was an accident.”
“I know it was,” Eddie assures him. “It’s okay.”
“It was an accident,” Steve says again, and Eddie wonders how often someone has believed him – how often he’d ever even been given a chance to explain.
“It was an accident,” Eddie agrees. “You’re okay, Steve.”
Steve lets out a little noise, like maybe he’s trying to laugh, but then he pulls in another shuddery breath and rests his chin on Eddie’s shoulder. “Okay.”
In a little bit, Eddie might lead Steve to sit down on the couch, or maybe just take them both up to bed, because fuck doing the dishes after this anyway; he’ll make sure to leave a note for Wayne about the mug (ask him not to bring it up until Steve does, to not even jokingly make a thing about it), but for now, he concentrates on holding Steve close.
He’ll stand with him as long as it takes for the shaking to stop, for his breathing to even out, for him to relax even just a little against Eddie, and he'll promise, as many times as Steve needs to hear it, that it’s okay. Things will be okay.
[Prompt: Embracing your partner]
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As it turns out, Danny makes a pretty good leader. His little gang of homeless children has grown immensely, both from picking up strays and from assimilating other gangs into his group.
Danny might only be 10 and still figuring out his powers but dang, intangibility and flight are over powered even before you add invisibility and laser blasts. At first he regretted sneaking into the lab alone to check out the portal his parents made in this basement. Waking up in a cold alley in a city you've never heard of is a terrifying experience even without the corrupt cops trying to sell you into human trafficking, but finding out he had powers and could do whatever he wanted? That was great. It no longer mattered that adults didn't listen to him or chased him around. He could do anything now. Be anything. Take anything.
He and the people under his protection often robbed places, never banks or anything but high class restaurants and stores that usually wouldn't even let them in through the front doors. Yeah, Danny can admit most of thier robberies were because of grudges the other kids had because of how they were treated but Danny being ten thought this was fine.
The real issue was Gothams Paw Patrol (who absolutely hate being called that :3 ) they were always on thier case, Dannys especially. They kept insisting that the system could help them -Danny called bull. No one helped him or Jazz back in Amity and it was waaaay nicer that Gotham- and kept getting him and his fellow kids arrested. That didn't really matter. Anti-meta stuff never worked on him so getting himself the other kids out was no big deal.
After overhearing a conversation between Nightwing and one of the other bats a kid came into thier current secret base announcing that Nightwing was poor and the other bats weren't. This caught everyone attention. Appearently Nightwing was trying to establish himself outside of the colony cause he didn't get along great with whoever the bats super daddy was, which was fair. A lot of them were runaways for one reason or another and knew a bunch of reasons why you wouldn't want to except "free" money.
This led to them fetching Nightwings "wingdings" and batarangs instead of keeping them/selling them like they do with the others, sharing some of thier spoils with him like the groceries, jewelry, fancy clothes, ect that they stole.
Dick even catches one of the kids in his apartment in Bludhaven filling up his fridge which has him panicking about his secret id being compromised. Luckly the kids had only followed him there and didn't think to check who was on the lease or anything cause they assumed it would be a fake name or something.
Just Dick getting forcibly adopted by a child gang.
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quess-art · 2 months
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I need D'Urge to be a companion 😭 Especially since he's canonical even when you create a custom Tav
(Some headcanons, some based on little snippets of dialogue from the game)
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konigsblog · 1 month
overprotective older-boyfriend könig.
tw/cw; age difference/gap, possessiveness, slight dub-con, intoxication, blowjobs. MDNI 18+
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older-boyfriend könig doesn't like the way younger men look at his girlfriend. he views them as competition, believes they'll snatch you away and take you for themselves.
könig can be pretty clingy, perhaps even needy depending on how you look at it. he craves your attention and love, will follow you around at parties to make sure you're protected, and will drag you into the bathroom for a quick blowy. he'll record you while you suck him off, your fingers barely meeting when they're wrapped around his girthy length, coating könig's dick in your sticky split and saliva.
“good job, little one. show me how in love you are with my cock, mäusi, please— there we go...” könig growls out drunkenly, perversely watching as you greedily swallow more than half of his meaty cock, his breathing heavy and laboured as he records.
older-boyfriend könig will shame and lecture you for coming home drunk, stumbling over your words and barely able to string a proper, coherent sentence together. you apologise profusely through tears and giggles, hiccuping and sniffling as könig orders you to lay down on the couch.
it's nearly a daily occurrence for könig to check your holes. he has to make sure you're not getting up to anything while he's gone, or that someone hasn't taken advantage of you while you're drunk.
“present yourself to me, liebling. c’mon, don’t be shy.” he encourages you with a greedy, perverted grin plastered on his face. you're so sensitive while you're drunk, he knows you'll obey him and will listen to whatever he says.
he'll push your damp panties to the side, wet with your sweet arousal, your folds slick and your sensitive clit sticky. he'll bury his face between your soft thighs, cleaning up the sticky, sloppy mess with his tongue, gazing up at you with heavy eyelids and lustful eyes, drunk off of the taste of your pleasure.
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fudgecake-charlie · 2 months
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"rebelle painter has an in depth brush engine to simulate traditional painting techniques" is all well and good until you only use your digital painting method. at least the impasto is really pretty
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It's actually so important to me how flawed Penelope is you don't get it. She's complex and she's kind and sweet and caring and loving and bitter and manipulative and insecure and she's young and hurt and fucking up and making mistakes and hurting people and loving people and handling things in the worst way possible with the resources she has on hand and she's allowed to.
So often for a fat (and I say that within the context of the show, Pen is a fat/pus sized character within the narrative even if Nicola isn't) character to have any storyline outside of mother or joke they have to be the perfect victim. To be fat is to be victimised by society to some degree, it is to be told you are unloved and unwanted and unworthy without anyone saying those exact words, we all know this even if we don't want to except it. It's why almost every fat character is bullied in some way even if it's passed off as a joke, and they are just expected to take it because to actually acknowledge the pain and hurt and damage that causes is to acknowledge their humanity.
There is no space for complexity when you do not recognise the humanity of a character, there is no room for mistakes or grace or forgiveness in a narrative when the character is presented as lucky to simply be there. This goes doubly so for romance, as rare as it is to even see plus sized girls as a romantic lead, when they are there is no room for mistakes, the standards they are held to are so vastly different because they can't fuck it all up, they have no room to make mistakes when people question why they're even there in the first place.
But not Penelope. She fucks up so many times over, she creates half her own problems trying to fix things or make herself feel better. It dose not shy away from the damage and underlining issues and insecurities the life she has lead has left her with, and it's sympathetic to be sure, but what she dose with it isn't. Because fat people do not have to be the perfect victim and honestly most of the time are not. Because when you tell someone how little they are worth and how out of place and undesirable they are at every turn and expect them to internalise that, especially a young girl with very little power at her immediate despoil, it doesn't always come out in a very nice palatable way. It doesn't always create nice sweet uncomplicated people who cry a little when insulted but otherwise brush it off. It creates people like Penelope, it creates anger and resentment and bitterness and a need for control.
Whistledown is so many things, not all of them negative, but it is the cause of so many problems in her life after she made it as an attempt at a solution. It has caused her to hurt people and betray people and lose some of the very few genuine connections she actually has. She manipulates people and misleads them to keep her secret, because keeping a secret like that will always result in that. Her motives are sympathetic, she rarely dose anything to bad without reasoning, she has all the excuses in the world and still at the end of the day she fucked up. Her and Eloise are the second love story of the season for a reason. She adores that girl so much and she is absolutely miserable without her, as Eloise is without her. They love each other so much and there is so much pain between them now, they're practically crying every time they look at each other. And even tho the situation was complicated an messy and not completely her fault, she did in a way cause it. She's hurt people and she's hurt herself. And I love that.
Because she's a main character. We know her and Eloise will make up even if it isn't the way it was before (arguably a good thing but that's a different post.) Because she's a romantic lead, because we know, even if we don't know how they get there yet, that she will get her happy ending with the man she absolutely adores and who loves her just as much. It will not be easy I don't want it to be easy, Colin has every right to be angry and hurt and betrayed and he deserves to have the space to say whatever it is he's feeling and to have a negative reaction, but he will forgive her. Part of that is just because of who he is and the relationship he has to her (mandatory Colin appreciation moment) but it's also because the narrative has given her room and grace to be flawed.
There is so much to love about Penelope. She's so intelligent, and she's funny, she's a good listener, she makes people feel heard and important, she's kind, she's attentive, she's romantic, she's creative, she's beautiful. She is a victim and people and society do hurt her, but that's not all she is. She's given the space to be more and still be forgiven and loved just like anyone else. Because her actions is what she's apologising for not her existence. She dose not need to earn her place in a love story just because she's fat, it's her actually flaws and mistakes that exist in abundance no matter how sympathetic some of them might be, that she has to make up for. And I adore that and her.
You take away so much of her character and her agency and her complexity when you say she did nothing wrong or that she's the absolute devil. Let her be flawed, let her be someone trying their best and failing at it, let her make mistakes. But give her some grace, for once the narrative is. Her happy ending will come Bridgerton is a romance show, but she'll have to work for it. Colin and her will work for and earn their happy ending together, because they love each other and because of who they are and what they mean to each other they will find a way to make it work, but also because the writers let them and her find it.
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captain-flint · 23 days
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Tommy skipped one (1) date with Buck, made him sad, then said I'm never doing that again
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edorazzi · 17 days
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Page 15 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! With a fleeting glance at some previous Miraculous holders... 👀
Index | Start | Prev | Next
Weekly updates each Sunday! You can also read ahead early on Patreon (which is getting THREE brand new pages tonight!), and/or buy me a Ko-fi if you'd like to support my work! 💖
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Doctor Who + Reductress Headlines (10/?)
I am not ready for the 60th! Have some reductress headlines I made to cope.
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amg3xik · 6 months
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KinKi Kids Concert 2023-2024 Promise Placeへ。色々ありすぎた2023年の締め、そして年明けへ……
シュレーディンガー/Secret Code/99% LIBERTY/X-Day/Before Dawn/Through the night/BANANA/アン/ペア/もう君以外愛せない/Solitude~真実のサヨナラ~/銀色 暗号/硝子の少年/Kissからはじまるミステリー/シンデレラ・クリスマス/SNOW TEARS/さよならのエトランゼ(日替わりうろ覚え曲成仏コーナー)/世界中をI LOVE YOU/愛のかたまり/スワンソング/やめないで、PURE/愛されるより愛したい/全部だきしめて/フラワー/シュレーディンガー/無重力みたいな愛/Amazing Love
開演前の洋楽、中心に見慣れたダサフォント、King & Princeみたいなタイトルロゴ、サイドに金色に輝く噴水と絵画フレームのようなものがあった。セットと同様にペンライトもシュレーディンガー仕様です。
あと、今年の堂本兄弟、久しぶりに光一さんがギター弾くところ観たなあという感じだったんですがそれがめちゃくちゃよかったので光一さんにもギター弾いてほしいです よろしくお願いします
「SNOW TEARS」という報われない曲も輝きを取り戻していたので、今後も報われないうろ覚え曲たちを積極的に披露して欲しい……と星に願った
薔薇と太陽が落選した一方で、Amazing Loveは早くもセトリ常連みたいな顔をしてトリで披露されていた。達郎曲のキンキコンセトリの食いっぷり、いやうれしいんですよ、うれしいんだけども、その分うろ覚え曲がまた増えていくということでもある。
KinKi Kidsさんへ いつも精神の隣にいてくれて、ありがとう……
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melly-artes · 2 months
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Everytime i see someone post a Kieran with a big candy apple I’m reminded of propeller hat kid with big swirly lollipop so I made him real
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tangledinink · 10 months
Is there a usagi in Gemini Au?
If there is, is leo and usagi together?
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the gemini.
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buggachat · 1 year
Hmm, sorry guys, I might skip posting beau today. Had an arm cramp last night and it’s not too bad, but I think I’d like a day to recover a little
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mrtequilasunset · 8 months
Whenever I talk about Kim and Harry getting married I inevitably get people in my notes saying things like "they wouldn't get married because no one is married in Revachol anymore" which like sure but also that is definitely a doomer hyperbole. Judit is married, plaisance is married, and Billie and Tommy. Lilienne was married too, and so was Trant. Plenty of people get married in Revachol, and besides that, we know that Harry *wants* to be married. He wanted Dora to be his wife. He still refers to her as his ex-wife and is so incredibly disappointed when he finds out she wasn't. Jean said "no one is married anymore" and that's become like some irrefutable Canon people have adopted but you have to remember Jean is one of the most miserable cunts in the game, of course he's gonna be pessimistic about this *especially* since it was said to Harry, the guy he spends most of the game antagonizing.
I guess my point is that I refuse to believe Harry wouldn't want Kim to wife him up first chance they get just because of a grumpy ass comment made by a dude with the world record for largest stick up ass.
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