#Precision Internet Marketing
I clicked on a video essay about Snow White and off the rip, the guy called Snow White a "passive domestic weirdo with no personality" and quickly figured out he is one of THOSE critics. He also got one about Ariel and you bet your ass he is one of these "gave up her voice for a man", "The Little Mermaid is misogynistic" dipshits. I have yet to watch the video, but I know for a fact he is one of those guys. His videos reek of that smartass, sanctimonious, leftist bullshit just by reading the titles and looking at the thumbnails. This guy also has a video defending Twilight. You can't make this damn shit up.
#disney#video essay#txt#i'm sorry but i'm so sick of people ripping the princess movies apart#like holy fucking shit i have never seen a children's entertainment property be so fucking bashed and disrespected the way disney princesse#have been disrespected and so grossly misunderstood#all because fucking cunts on the internet didn't like certain aspects about the original movies#yet fucking bratz has never gotten NOWHERE NEAR the same amount of fucking hatred they have been and they are WAY WORSE role models#these are sexualized ass dolls and materialistic directly marketed at little girls#but no the princesses got married and saved only once so that means THEY ARE THE FUCKING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND DESERVE ALL THE DAMN SCORN#i hate you fucking cunts who made it popular to shit on them#i fucking loathe you with all my heart i can't stand you#there are faaaar worse “role models” for children including little girls than them yet are blamed for every fucking evil on the planet#“these are just characters” ok but it isn't them precisely that get me mad it's people not getting the messages of the movies#it's indicative of an on-going of shitting on everything that's feminine in a positive light. that's what's pissing me off about the#bashlack. y'all notice how the characters who are more tomboyish or less traditionally feminine are seen as superior#i will defend them with every fiber of my body. i do not give a fuck if people think i'm utterly insane for that#i'm so sick of all of you#like i said i have yet to see his analysis of tlm but i just know he is gonna say some bullshit about ariel#i find it funny how disney princesses and barbie have been blamed for years and years for every bad thing on the planet and repeatedly#bashed for all the supposed “bad” messages and themes they teach to little girls because of miserable grown ass women who projected their#anger onto these fictional women that are supposed to represent the best of not just women but humanity as a whole even if they have flaws#and all yet bratz gets nowhere near the same amount of bad press despite them being clearly sexualized and materialistic as hell. they are#more damaging to little girls than barbie and disney princesses ever were. barbie and dp's have taught good things but these bitches? they#were pretty bad role models yet don't get the same amount of flack#don't get me wrong i grew up loving bratz but now i clearly see the ugliness of those characters being promoted to children as “role models#they are everything dp's and barbie have been accused of for years but no hatred for them
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keywordriser1 · 7 months
Best SEO and Internet Marketing Company in Jaipur – KeywordRiser
When it comes to navigating the dynamic digital landscape, having the right partner by your side can make all the difference. In the heart of Rajasthan, Jaipur, KeywordRiser stands out as the best digital marketing agency to help you rise above the competition. Let's explore how KeywordRiser is redefining the digital marketing landscape in Jaipur and beyond.
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aiweirdness · 1 year
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When questioned, chatgpt doubles down on how it is definitely correct.
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But it's not relying on some weird glitchy interpretation of the art itself, a la adversarial turtle-gun. It just reports the drawing as definitely being of the word "lies" because that kind of self-consistency is what would happen in the kind of human-human conversations in its internet training data. I tested this by starting a brand new chat and then asking it what the art from the previous chat said.
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Google's bard, on the other hand, interprets it differently
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Bard has the same tendency to generate illegible ASCII art and then praise its legibility, except in its case, all its art is cows.
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Not to be outdone, bing chat (GPT-4) will also praise its own ASCII art - once you get it to admit it even can generate and rate ASCII art. For the "balanced" and "precise" versions I had to make my request all fancy and quantitative.
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With Bing chat I wasn't able to ask it to read its own ASCII art because it strips out all the formatting and is therefore illegible - oh wait, no, even the "precise" version tries to read it anyways.
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These language models are so unmoored from the truth that it's astonishing that people are marketing them as search engines.
More at AI Weirdness
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agaypsychicrat · 6 months
You can save Russian queers from genocide
A week ago the Russian Supreme Court made a ruling declaring LGBT community an extremist organization. The precise contents of the ruling, as well as the process, were made secret, so there’s no official information on what is being banned, but if we take into account previous cases of Russia using this tactic (Like with Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation), any kind of support, from saying things on the internet to financial support, or dissemination of information about LGBT is banned. It also basically criminalizes queer people’s existence. The sentences are up to 12 years in prison - harsher than for murder.
This has already led to majority of Russian LGBT organizations dissolving and evacuating or going into crisis mode and cutting offline support. A number of previously friendly endocrinologists have stopped working with trans people for self-preservation, even if they already changed the documents - a situation especially dangerous for trans masculine people, as while trans women can get HRT without a prescription or from gray market, testosterone is a heavily regulated substance. The entire support system is headed for collapse, it’s hard to predict what will happen when prosecutions begin. It’s important to notice that conversion therapy is legal in Russia, and the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has a database of transpeople who have changed their documents.
In light of this, a German queer organization Quarteera has launched a petition which will have to be considered by German government if it reaches 50 k signatures, regarding easing the asylum process for Russian LGBT people, particularly issuing humanitarian visas and residence permits not just for activists. While everything is in German, anyone from around the world can sign the petition, not only German citizens. The petition is here - http://quarteera.de/petition
Here’s the instruction in English: https://imgur.com/a/Fgi9yIh
Update the petition expired a few days ago so im not sure if you can still vote
I copied the post from r/196 https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/qcersiwxh1
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octuscle · 3 months
Hi, im a 19 yo nerd, yesterday some kids wre playing with a soccer ball in front of my house, the ball got into the garden of my house and when i threw it out, i didnt nlticed i threw it a bit far and it arrived into the house across the street, breaking a window, the neighbor, a single man, came to my house and told my parents what i did, he demands i repair the window by myself, i dont know how to do that, can you give me a little help?
First of all, you do what you do best. You sit down at your computer. Enter "repair soccer window" into Google. A lot of things come up that won't help you at all. Care tips for footballs. And advertisements for household contents and liability insurance. The soccer care thing doesn't look very helpful, but it might be interesting.
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Shit, you can waste a lot of time on the Internet very quickly. After half an hour, you're back to the current and upcoming match day in the Premier League. But you still don't know anything about repairing windows. "Repairing windows". Perhaps it would help to remove soccer from the search query. It doesn't matter why the window is broken. It just needs to be repaired.
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Now we're getting closer to the point. Lots of tutorials on youtube. Surely there's something there. Unfortunately, you don't even know what kind of window is broken. And what exactly is broken. Damn, just how many different types of window panes there are. You can find an article about German windows. They have a lot of damn cool features. I wonder if that would be a market to sell and install German ones here. What this tilt function is supposed to do is still not clear to you. But these shutters on the windows are hot shit. You'd like to install something like that at your parents' house.
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You're guaranteed not to install something from Schüco for a few thousand dollars in your neighbor's house… You're assuming that your neighbor will have vertical sliding windows in most of the rooms, just like you do. Probably made of aluminum. A shame, really. Horizontal sliding windows made of wood with glazing bars would fit the character of the house much better.
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Haven't you ever worked for your neighbor? You must still have plans and views from the street side. Or at least a photo. Yes, here. Where were you standing again? How hard did you throw the ball? What was the wind like? Just because you did an apprenticeship as a carpenter doesn't mean you're stupid. So it's probably the window of the study on the second floor. Yes, it must have been rotten, you can see that quite clearly in the photo. Just replacing the glass won't help much.
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Nowadays, working on the computer is half the battle. Calculating material requirements, programming saws for cutting. And downloading some porn in between. Hehehe, unlike your father, you don't need to hang up raunchy calendars in the workshop anymore. Your father is hardly ever seen here anyway. It's no longer his world. In his day, a carpenter needed a hammer and a saw, he used to say. Old man, those days are long gone.
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Before you start, you went to your neighbor's house across the street. Real life is sometimes more reliable than virtual life. But it was the right window, you measured it again with your laser measuring device. You had miscalculated by a few millimeters. You are a craftsman with passion and dedication. You don't mess around. You deliver precision work.
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"Mr. T, better than before my throw," you say with a grin. But it's the pure truth. But you know exactly why your neighbor insisted that you carry out the repair. He'll do anything to get you to fix things in his house. And when no more chairs tip over and no more doors squeak, you'll take care of Mr. T. yourself.
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He asks if you can have a look at the shower after the window. While you take off your dungarees, you say that you are a carpenter and not a plumber. You will probably need help. You don't have to ask Mr. T for long.
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visionoasis · 22 days
I’ve been getting waist deep back into Oddworld and Oddworld has been a franchise I would describe as the most beautiful ugly thing I’ve ever seen. I remember seeing the cutscenes as a kid and being absolutely mesmerized by them. I could only enjoy it by proxy. As an adult I love playing these games. There was a time I was worried this franchise had died and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy more depth from it.
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I came from a very sheltered home and it was one of the first gritty pieces of media I had ever really experienced. It was “my” secret experience. I ran across the cutscenes on accident on YouTube on my PSP. (Which my parents didn’t know could use wifi. It was in the early days of handheld internet.)
It has always had this beautiful rich detail and lore, even before Soulstorm. Classically everything from it looks like it came from a horror. Oddworld Soulstorm’s cutscenes are some of the beautiful on the market to date. I’ll die on that hill. Oddworld Soulstorm is stunning to look at. The art of Oddworld is so intense and precise. It’s also one of the most imaginative on the market visually to date as well. Looking at Oddworld is a spectacle in the best possible way. I wish more mainstream talked about how gorgeous Soulstorm is. Because it is an animated masterpiece. The main character Abe is also such a strange protagonist in the best way. I love this franchise.
Now. Oddworld is no secret. But if you haven’t seen Oddworld’s cutscenes ever, it’s something you should experience. Especially if you love animation like I do.
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sepal-sea · 8 months
I don't think zepotha is actually bad in the way ppl (on tumblr) think it is.
Ok so goncharov functions pretty much exactly like a real movie might. Chances are, if you weren't given context to the meme, you would legitimately think this obscure homoerotic mafia movie rocketed to internet fame by shipping obsessed tumblrites was real, because it's totally plausible! It's not a shallow meme either, people legitimately posted about it in the in-depth and realistic way an online fandom would post about it, even disagreeing or having bad takes about it. Goncharov is basically the acting-out of any other tumblr fandom but now with a movie that doesn't exist. Because tumblr is a text-based platform it's really easy to line out this kind of analysis and fan behavior, and to agree on an accepted canon. Goncharov is remarkably centralized, and bits of "canon" rarely go against each other, and instead add to each other. You could easily make a real movie out of the accepted canon.
Zepotha, meanwhile, shows only the most shallow understanding of it's genre or potential fanbase. It's all "you look like this girl" and "this reminds me of this scene". It doesn't feel like a legitimate fanbase. But I think that's not inaccurate to how things that are popular on tiktok function. An obscure horror movie rocketed to tiktok fame would one hundred percent have a fandom largedly composed of only the most surface-level, visual aspects of it (of course with a small group of freaks posting the most insanely detailed videos ever about it). In that way, the trick functions exactly as intended. Also, with tiktok being a video-based platform that is of course going to predispose ppl to the most visual elements of fan culture. That's not the main reason zepotha is worse though, because videos about zepotha were not actually the main form of content on tiktok. Commenting was. Even though zepotha SHOULD be more centralized, as it WAS actually organized by one person, it's not, precisely because it was based around commenting and spreading the meme. This makes it hard to find a solid line of "canon", as comments are attached to videos which are basically impossible to neatly string together and follow along with. That's why there was so much conflicting confirmation; there were a bunch of different "the girl"s in zepotha, a ton of different "the scene"s, but anything past that was unexplored. this is the reason I think that zepotha is worse, but it's also not really anyone's fault-this would have happened due to the medium no matter what. I still think it was really cool and fun how people decided to join in on this meme, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that it was being used to market a song. I appreciate the purity of goncharov as a labor of love, but I also don't think zepotha being a marketing scheme automatically makes it bad. Artists need all the help they can get, and it's nice that this person managed to make a viral meme that actually helped their song, entirely based on a fake horror movie bit. I probably would have thought zepotha was really funny and cool if goncharov didn't already exist (and was way better).
TLDR: it's not zepotha's fault it's worse than goncharov, it's tiktok's fault. Also, zepotha isn't even that bad, it's just not as good as goncharov, and we're overly defensive bc we see it as a cheap knockoff
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nurjahan774 · 8 months
Importance of digital marketing:
Reach your target audience where they spend their time. The average person spends over 6 hours a day on the internet, so it's important to be present where your potential customers are. Digital marketing allows you to reach your target audience on a variety of platforms, including search engines, social media, email,and websites.
Target your ideal audience. With digital marketing, you can target your ideal audience with laser precision. This is because digital marketing platforms allow you to collect data about your audience, such as their demographics, interests, and online behavior. Once you have this data, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to resonate with your ideal audience.
Measure your results and optimize your campaigns. Digital marketing is highly measurable. This means that you can track the performance of your campaigns and see what's working and what's not. This data allows you to make adjustments to your campaigns in real time to improve your results.
Cost-effectiveness. Digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business. There are a variety of free and low-cost digital marketing tools and platforms available. Additionally, you can scale your digital marketing campaigns up or down as needed, depending on your budget.
Compete with larger corporations. Digital marketing levels the playing field for businesses of all sizes. With digital marketing, you can compete with larger corporations for the same keywords and target audience. This is because digital marketing platforms rank your website or content based on relevancy, not budget.
In addition to these five importance, digital marketing can also help you to:
Build brand awareness
Generate leads and sales
Improve customer relationships
Increase website traffic
Boost SEO rankings
Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry
Overall, digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows you to reach your target audience, measure your results, and optimize your campaigns to achieve your business goals.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
In the last decade, cacti have exploded in popularity, becoming a mainstay of hipster decor around the world – from the homes of China’s growing middle class and the meticulous cactus gardens in Japan to the fashionable cafes of Europe.
In the US alone, sales of cacti and succulents surged 64% between 2012 and 2017; a market that is now estimated to be worth tens of millions. But rising demand has met a thorny problem: cacti are extremely slow-growing, with some species taking decades to grow from seed to full maturity. Hence, many opt for the shortcut: pulling them right out of the ground.
For land managers and scientists who work with cacti, the problem appears to be on the rise. While the precise scale is difficult to measure, and catching thieves red-handed in remote deserts is nearly impossible, major busts offer clues. In 2014, more than 2,600 stolen cacti were seized at US borders – up from 411 just a year before. But law enforcement officials and field scientists say that data represents only a tiny fraction of cactus actually being stolen.
“When I first started we rarely investigated cactus theft,” said one US Fish and Wildlife Service detective, who asked not to be named due to the undercover nature of his work. He has covered the south-west region for more than a decade and says the problem is increasing. “Now we are prosecuting cases involving thousands of plants at a time. The demand is so high that I fear we can’t stop the illegal trade going on.”
While many plants fall victim to underground cactus cartels, a seemingly more benign form of theft has become part of the problem, too. International visitors who come to the south-west specifically to view rare cactus in the wild sometimes take a souvenir home, and social media is exacerbating the problem.
“We’ve had Austrian, German and Italian collectors express strong interest on social media for these plants and they share GPS coordinates,” said Wendell “Woody” Minnich, the former president of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. “Some of these people come to steal, especially when a new species is identified. They hide the plants in their suitcase and take them back to their greenhouse in Europe.”
Minnich, 71, has been a cactus grower and nursery operator in New Mexico for 50 years. He said the internet had significantly accelerated theft of rare, slow-growing cactus species over the last decade. A case in point: Sclerocactus havasupaiensis, which is native to one drainage at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, was being auctioned on eBay in early January by a seller in Ukraine. It was just one of more than 365 internationally protected plant species that are openly traded on Amazon and eBay.
“Do a Google search on Sclerocactus and you can find people in Russia selling them,” said Minnich. “I have been on public lands in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado where years ago Sclerocactus were everywhere, and recently I found just a bunch of little holes in the ground.”
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elbiotipo · 3 months
One thing regarding videogame consoles in Campoestela is that by the time it takes place ("500 years after Gagarin") most physical videogame consoles, cartridges, disks, etc. are degraded to be unusuable except for those carefully preserved in museums and antique societies (and there must be countless online games that are just... lost). Most, or rather all games from our current console era(s) are preserved in emulation. Another thing that is always a theme in Campoestela, however, is cultural and species diversity, it's a setting with hundreds (thousands?) of different sentient species and each with their own countless languages and cultures. Things like that are common in Campoestela, most common use things like clothes, electronics, utensils, tools, have to be made with many species in mind and are often tailored, like going to a spacesuit tailor, an electronicman, etc
While this removes the idea of my characters rummaging through street markets in search of ancient videogames, it does open some interesting possibilites. So instead of mass-produced standarized consoles, videogaming in Campoestela resembles building a PC, except even more artisanal because you have to factor anatomical differences... someone like Ragua could work with a human controller "fine", but come on, you do like REAL gamers do and go to your local electronics shop in the big space station and ask them to build a controller and console for you. This has bearing in the plot because Ragua was a cringefail gamergirl in her ancient precursor civilization, and besides being thrown into an unknown time away from everything and everyone she ever knew, she's also concerned all her favorite fandoms and videogames are now only known to archeologists, if that. So she is trying to learn what kind of 'future' videogames are there (the graphics suck so much).
In the separate Biopunk Future setting (2143, more 'realistic' even with the talking dolphins), consoles are still produced, even if Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are long gone by successive global economic crises. In this setting, WW3 and the Ecocide managed to devastate global industries and telecommunication, lots of things preserved in the internet were lost and people are acutely aware of it, making physical media more important than ever. Melanie (the communist catgirl) was raised by her grandparents in one of the shops that dedicates precisely to recovering and emulating old media, with an especial focus on nerd and otaku culture. And that's one of the reasons why she's Like That. Overall, electronics have also taken in a more modular and conservative bent (almost back to brick phones), since the era of global commerce is reaching its twilight and society prefers things that are cheap and last long instead of flashy. Retro videogames are very much in, and since many characters have entered public domain and people are nostalgic for an era where things were simpler and half of the biosphere didn't die, there is a retro wave in the past decades. There was an era around the mid 21th century were lots of people were hooked to VR and AI characters and it was considered a global health crisis, but that was stupid and we don't talk about it.
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eccentric-nucleus · 3 months
so ellaguro/liz ryerson made a big blog post about games, nostalgia, let's plays, etc which touches on a lot of stuff i've been thinking about recently
i think a lot of what my feelings come down to is... videogames, the internet as a whole, used to be a scene. it was something new and weird that people weren't really sure about. how it fit into society or how it was possible to interact with it, nobody knew. you could do whatever. and as time has gone on the scene has ossified into a market: people know precisely what these things are for and they are for advertising and consumer products.
(that was definitely one of the weird moments i had when i was posting on royalroad. i thought i was trying out a writing exercise and sharing it with some people who might be interested, but lots of people reading were definitely assuming i was positioning a marketable offering for an initial release.)
and like, it doesn't really escape my notice that yeah the idyllic pre-capitalism time i'm ascribing to the earlier internet also took place when i was a kid and thus incidentally unaware of any monetary influence already there. you did, after all, have to pay to get a dial-up internet connection. there's no actual, like, prelapsarian state of grace here. there's just the world. & probably a big part of getting older is seeing the things you used to enjoy either fade away or be streamlined to fit with the rest of society. i used to be with it. now what i'm with isn't 'it'. it'll happen to youuuuuu
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itsmaferart · 2 years
SxF Theories #2 · · · Shadow Government
Since the last chapters have been so explosive I think it's time to talk a little about the secret government I clarified that this theory is made from my point of view, and I am completely based on the Spy x Family manga that is currently on the air, so in the future all this may be contradicted or changed on the fly. With that said, let's get started.
Although, from the beginning of the manga it is repeatedly explained to us that Yor is a hitwoman who is specifically hired by Shopkeeper, who assigns "specific clients" to whom she must "serve". But it is not until mission 44, when we have more precise information. Although, Garden is still a mystery, I will try to string together the elements that caught my attention throughout the manga to arrive at this theory:
According to what was said in Twilight and Franky's conversation in this same chapter: Garden is an organization of assassins that is in charge of "purging" those who are considered "traitors of the fatherland" in Ostania, and who work directly for the government of the shadows:
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Shadow governments (also known as invisible governments or secret governments) is a belief that is part of the field of conspiracy theories and is based on the notion that the real and true political power does not lie in the political representatives elected by the population (Definition I found on the internet)
Having all this context we can move on to chapter 44. After having the physical appearance of Shopkeeper, a man whose appearance is of a "gardener" who meticulously takes care of his garden who is about to assign Yor, his best assassin, the mission to protect Olka Gretcher and her youngest son.
Here, Shopkeeper gives us very little but very, very important information:
Olka is the only survivor of the family because her father, the head of the family, her two brothers and her husband were killed. This was the Family that managed the underworld for years honorably (from Shopkeeper's perspective). She and her baby are the last survivors
Shopkeeper, explains that the man, the current leader who seized control of the underworld (The man with glasses and a lock of hair) and is responsible for this division. Now he is after the Olka head and that is why he hired assassins from inside and outside of Ostania. Which implies that there is a third country at stake and that some murderers may come from this same country. Shopkeeper explains to Yor that he had a close relationship with Mr. Gretcher and because of them he feels the need to protect Olka.
I think the most important thing to note is that very possibly the shadow government is made up of the figures that control the black market, organized crime, arms trafficking, etc. Its jurisdiction covers everything that represents the crime of the shadows that is hidden from the outside world. Basically, criminals who never want to come out into the open or be openly wanted by the police. Ghosts of society.
In contrast to the SSS, who is directly related to public figures, politicians and attack threats that are made known to the entire society: like spies, who are openly wanted and denounced by civilians at the slightest suspicion. For this reason, the Garden agents themselves fear being caught by the police since it would expose their identity, that of the organization and of course they would make known the world that exists covered by darkness.
Possibly many figures of power are related to these movements under the table. But, the difference is that this should never come to light, and thus maintain a complete image in society, whether involved in crime, trafficking or secret experiments (similar to those that gave rise to Anya and Bond)
…Is that the name of the scientist with glasses?
I don't know if you have noticed, since I see that very few people have talked about this… but… during the trip on the Cruise we were mentioned three times the name (either a code name or real name) of "Hapoon", referring to the one who is leading all those assassins and who is the one who hired the terrorist they were looking for Olka. In fact, the latter mentions that "Hapoon would be very pleased with the idea that the bombs looked like a Westalis attack to frame this country"
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I believe that:
There is only one way for crime to coexist in a functional way and that is through "Rules"
Olka refers to her life of her family as that of gangster and the dangerous life they had to live, until eventually her husband and his entire family were killed, leaving her alone with her baby and the desire for a quiet life. This means that crime works through hierarchy: If the Gretcher family were the ones who were at the head of all these ramifications of groups, or they could be associated with other families and organizations, being high-caliber mobsters, and they were the ones who prevented these they will eventually fall into chaos over each other's personal ambitions.
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These being one of the main threats that the groups that wish to revive the war between Westalis and Ostania had to overthrow in order to assume command and fill themselves with fortune. What the man with glasses (or Hapoon) did, and wanting to eradicate all traces of the Gretcher family to prevent them from trying to regain control.
This division evidently arose from each side's perspective on the war. Based on a division of interest of those who want to enrich themselves and fill themselves with power causing the resurgence of a warlike conflict between East and West; and those, whose financial interests are ruined by the collateral effects of war and because they may understand the seriousness and tragedy that it brings to the lives of many innocents (Garden seems to belong to the latter). This makes more sense when we remember the words of Mr. Grey, who reminds Olka that her family, who ran the black market, were feeding him and helping him survive during the war. For this reason he lives grateful to the old boss and wants to thank him by saving Olka.
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Whether this is a recruitment strategy (offering them a chance at survival in exchange for working for them) or because they want to give genuine help to innocent people, they are clearly not in favor of more battles.
It may be that for all these reasons it is that Tendero refers to the Gretcher administration as "honorable", it was because they exercise sufficient control so that crime does not disturb the lives of normal civilians on a large scale, at least to the point of not reactivating a second war. For this reason, Mr. Gray refers to the opposing side as extremists, pro-war who directly enrich themselves from arms trafficking. Position that Director Mcmahon himself explains, who sees with contempt these other assassins who are negotiating with the integrity of all of Ostania as a simple business.
My possible theories:
I believe that at the current point in history, Garden is a consolidated, solid, and independent organization that runs its own agents: Despite this war in the underworld, assassins like Yor and Mcmahon continue to work regularly. It may be that in the past, during the years of war, the highest rulers were part of the foundation of this organization of murderers, or collaborated so that those who "control, regulate, and purge" internal crime, preserving this order, existed. In short, it is fighting fire against fire. Purging criminals who go beyond the rules and endanger the stability of Ostania. Which makes Garden's assassins military, (guardians) with their own ideology based on protecting the country and not a specific figure. Crime can exist as long as it does not interfere with the war and with their secret identities.
That scientist (whose name may be Hapoon) may come from another country, and this allied with some sector of Ostania (A radical sector that wants to destroy Westalis)
According to Anya and Bond's memoirs, they were both a by-product of their experiments.
So maybe the apple project was to produce "soldiers" or "animals with incredible abilities" that would serve in battle.
It may be that these projects lost funding, and I seek to obtain the power of the shadow government and the arms trade, in order to resume these experiments.
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If Anya was an "accidental" experiment, it implies that it wasn't on purpose. But why did they have Anya? Did her parents belong to the project? Did they kidnap children to test them?
Could Anya come from that third country just like that Hapoon scientist? Is that the reason why Anya has knowledge of another ancient language? Or will it be an Ostanina girl and did she learn that language from the environment where she grew up as Twilight supposed?
Bond was considered an experiment that failed. Possibly, as his power is "imperfect precognition", that is, seeing the future. Scientists couldn't know because they couldn't see the mind of a dog. That's why they sold it on the black market, until they reached the terrorists Which makes sense, since Happon now runs crime.
That is why Anya is the only one who realized that Bond has powers for being able to read minds, even of animals.
Is there a connection to Donovan Desmond?
Remembering that Handler mentioned in mission 17, that there have been suspicious financial transactions around Desmond.
Precisely, in mission 28. George's family has a pharmaceutical company that is adsorbed by the Desmonds
Many of Donovan's allies may not know what they're up to. Since being advocated by Desmond, they get lesser charges but at least they make a profit to maintain their status.
Although surely he also has allies from this war
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It makes me believe that Donovan's function has been to adsorb other companies that function as partners and financiers. Strengthening, not only the unitary party, but also being able to obtain resources for possible secret projects. And many of these power figures may be associated with Eden Academy based on their sons being Imperial scholars.
But what are these projects? Perhaps Donovan and Melinda could be associated and belong to the secret government, and with them, be allied with the scientist, Hapoon to resume the experiments and create acts of terrorism to incite both countries. Perhaps this organization can be represented by the symbol of the triangle with an eye? The jewelry that Melinda wears on her outfit
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If so, maybe behind the war there is a whole association of various sectors that seek to control both government figures: The outside and inside.
This would make sense of all the moves that Donovan has had under the curtain, the reason why they are a family so closed to the rest of the world, but which in turn, create the fame of saving so many companies.
The antagonistic nucleus
If we think about it for a moment, if there is a connection between the radical division of the shadow government and the Desmonds (Either, just with Donovan, or Melinda, or both) having Hapoon as an ally, we are gathering the enemies/antagonists of the Forgers.
Having the Desmonds (Donovan and Melinda) as the enemies of WISE, therefore Twilight; The radical government sector of the secret: including criminals, murderers, and terrorists as enemies of the garden, of the shopkeeper, and therefore of Yor/Thorn Princess; and to the scientists, Hapoon as the creator of Anya and Bond, whose powers are key elements in an information war (Predict the future and read the mind of the enemy)
Leaving the SSS, the secret police in the middle of this battle. Which side are they on? (According to Endo) very few members know that Garden exists. So, it may be that most of the police officers arrest the spies, informants and they do not know everything that they hide in the background. So surely the SSS supports the governments that are exposed to society… But, will they also support the rulers of the underworld even though they know very little about their existence?
Although each of these elements is dispersed. There have already been little connections and implications, which give us the idea that something very dark is going on and that there is not just one person wishing the war to happen or not. So it wouldn't surprise me if the Forgers, as a family, represent the search for peace. The Desmonds (except Damiand) represent the search for war. Having in all this, a third card (The experiments) playing in the shadows
What do you think?
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Hi! I was checking your blog and I noticed that you translated Ichika's new permissions on the use of her art, thank you very much for making that information more accessible, although I think she changed them again, well I got that impression from the last tweets she posted, tbh for me, who doesn't know much about copyright laws, it's starting to get a little confusing.I don't know if it's because of the way she writes it or if it's really a complicated matter.
I think perhaps I'm the one who's not being clear. So I will try to be as precise in my delivery as possible.
Ichika is not talking about legal copyright. She is not saying she'll come after people with a team of lawyers. She is an independent artist on the internet. She is simply talking about what she does and does not approve of people doing with her work, the work she is uploading to her personal artist accounts. She is asking very politely for people to respect these rules. I promise you, it is not complicated.
To go into her newest tweets--she is simply trying to use more clear and unambiguous wording in her permissions page. That's it. Like emphasizing that it is specifically the reupload/reposting of her work that's the problem, and that any acceptable uses of her work (like as icons/headers) ONLY applies to things SHE has posted on her own accounts. If, say, it was done as a commission such as on a video, then she gives no permission for its use.
According to the updated profcard wording:
Ichika does not want people reposting or reuploading her work onto the internet, regardless of whether or not they've made edits to it.
The only exception to this is that people can use her art for blog headers/icons/etc for their personal online accounts. However, this only applies to art that she, Ichika, has posted publicly herself. The only modifications people are allowed to do to these is to trim the art.
If these personal accounts contain any radical or problematic statements, however, she would prefer people did not use her art for them.
She is talking solely from the perspective of her personal approval. Again--the above points are not regarding copyright law, they are regarding her preferences for the way people use her art.
She clarifies at the end that people are allowed to use or reference her art in a manner consistent with basic copyright law.
The only time she mentions copyright law is in the end, and that's just her noting that the usual exceptions to copyright law also apply to her art.
Now, if you plan to do anything at all on the internet, ESPECIALLY in fandom spaces that deal with Japanese media, I would strongly advise you to go and familiarize yourself with said copyright law (again, I am aware that Evillious being Japanese exclusive makes this a piracy fandom by necessity, but that's no excuse not to be aware of what laws you are breaking when you, say, upload the entirety of the "Daughter of Evil" manga to a public drop box). The vast majority of infractions are allowed to happen because the rights holders are gone/aren't aware of them/deem it a waste of time and money to pursue/beneficial for creating a foreign market/etc etc, not because it isn't technically against the law to do.
But anyway I would say that what she's referring to here is something called Fair Use in the US (disclaimer again that I am NOT a lawyer, nor am I familiar with Japanese copyright law). Fair Use allows for limited use of copyright protected material for non-profit purposes. For example, uploading 2 minutes of a 2 hour movie for the purposes of reviewing it, or uploading a small sample of pages from an art book to discuss the contents. I'm less familiar with how one would go about applying Fair Use to just wholesale uploading Ichika's Twitter art solely to have it on your blog, so my advice would be to just not do that, hope that helps.
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jerrylewis-thekid · 6 months
What is the story behind the recording of “The Caddy” and where can I find it or can you tell me what it contains and do you think they threatened Dean and Jerry with this recording of a breakup?
HI! Here is the recording that the FBI (and the censors of the time) called "obscene". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e70LMeDfrDA
The boys were recording a promotional message for their film "The Caddy", perhaps they were bored, perhaps in private their language was always so "colourful" we don't know… but that recording caused them a lot of trouble. At one point Dean asked to delete what they were saying but someone didn't. That tape began to circulate in many living rooms and clubs, many copies were printed and sold on the black market. The FBI began to investigate them precisely because of this recording, and then also investigated backwards in time. Among the many things I wonder about them, I will also wonder HOW they didn't get arrested for this tape. As if… they were protected somehow, I don't know…
Sorry for the delay in replying but I still have no internet connection from my PC and I find it difficult to use Google Translate from my mobile phone.
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heatedpirate · 3 months
Why I think Wuthering Waves will NOT be the Genshin killer.
Before I get this post started, I just want to say that I believe competition is the best incentive to improve, which is what Wuthering Waves is the most suitable competitor in the open-world gacha scene.
However, I do believe we should refrain from calling it the Genshin killer. Because calling it a Genshin killer leads to high expectations, and eventual failure, much like Tower of Fantasy witnessed. Instead, we should either refer to it as a competitor of Genshin, or refer to it as its own thing.
Now, why do I think it's not the Genshin killer, or hell, sparingly think of it as Genshin's competitor? Simple; it boils down to a few monumental differences.
1. The intended audience.
This point is self explanatory in and of itself. However, it's a bit more complicated than that.
Genshin is marketed towards a predominantly casual audience, people that don't do challenging content; people who either have limited time on their hands or don't browse the same Internet websites that Wuthering Waves' intended audience tends to browse (gaming forums, discord, reddit, etc.)
Wuthering Waves is more so targeted towards the opposite audience, an audience that predominantly loves challenging endgame content, which is much less common than the intended Audience for Genshin.
2. The setting
Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves both have different settings. That much is obvious, HOWEVER-
Genshin's audience is more colorful and vibrant than Wuthering Waves. While Wuthering Waves has gotten more vibrant in its second beta test, there are still some areas that have the intended, monochromatic feel, such as Tacet Fields, for instance.
Genshin believes in a more classic heroes and villains framework, however, there is more to that than meets the eye. Wuthering Waves explores the main protagonist waking up and finding their true identity, while the major factions fight over the trust of the Rover. And finally:
3. The game mechanics
Genshin focuses on elemental reactions and a simple Basic Attack, Charged Attack, Skill, and Burst system, which has proved successful for the game's audience. Elemental reactions help fuel much of the game's combat, and they are complex on their own.
However, Wuthering Waves' combat is much more complex while lacking elemental reactions, with the need to time dodges, parry, intro and outro skills, memorize the bosses and stun the bosses themselves. This allows for a more in depth, complex and precise combat compared to Genshin's simpler combat system.
Wuthering Waves is not a genshin killer because, fundamentally, it differs from Genshin in terms of Audience, Gameplay and Setting. Calling it a Genshin killer holds it up to impossible standards, and would lead to its eventual failure when said expectations are not met.
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romdocitizen · 10 months
The rise of logistics is rapid. Indeed, to read today in the field of logistics is to read a booming field, a conquering field. In military science and in engineering of course, but also in business studies, in management research, logistics is everywhere. And beyond these classic capitalist sciences, its ascent is echoed ahistorically in the emerging fields of object-oriented philosophy and cognitive neuroscience, where the logistical conditions of knowledge production go unnoticed, but not the effects. In military science the world has been turned upside down. Traditionally strategy led and logistics followed. Battle plans dictated supply lines. No more. Strategy, traditional ally and partner of logisitics, is today increasingly reduced to collateral damage in the drive of logistics for dominance. In war without end, war without battles, only the ability to keep fighting, only logistics, matters.
And so too business innovation has become logistical and no longer strategic. Business innovation of course does not come from business. It is more often derived from military strategies of resistance to its own armies, transferred free to business. Once this consisted in transferring innovations like the line and the formation and the chain of command from military science to the factory and the office, or transferring psychological and propaganda warfare to human relations and marketing. These were free transfers of strategic innovation, requiring managers to instantiate and maintain them. No more. As everything from the internet to the shipping container testify, in keeping with cold wars and wars on terror that lead always to the failure of strategy, it is logistical free transfers that matter. Containerisation was failing as a business innovation until the American government used containers to try to supply its troops in South East Asia with enough weapons, booze, and drugs to keep them from killing their own officers, to keep a war going that could not be won strategically. Those who dreamt of the internet, if not those who built it, were precisely worried about the corruption of intelligence that the outbreak of democracy, as the Trilateral Commission thought of it, made possible in the 1970s. ARPANET as an intelligence gathering network could not have its head turned by sex or ideology, much less the powerful combination of the two. It would not be confused by the outbreak of democracy. And it assumed a never-ending accumulation of intelligence for a never-ending war that many would not want to fight. To Toni Negri’s challenge, show me a business innovation and I will show you a worker’s rebellion, we could add a pre-history the state fearing its own workforce.
-Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, "Fantasy In The Hold," The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study
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