#Portland State University
sayruq · 1 month
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fuck the portland police borough. i got pepper sprayed and my classmates were tear gassed. we're just students for fucks sake, there was no violence until the police showed up. i don't feel safe on campus anymore and it's not because of the protesters.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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Seen inside the Portland State University encampment.
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februaryberries · 1 month
PSU students in portland oregon protesting police presence on their campus in response to the encampment in the library. PPB used rubber bullets and pepper spray. you can see them dragging a protester in a wheelchair away from the crowd.
Several protesters were arrested if you can contribute to the defense fund their venmo is defensefundPDX
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carapaced · 1 month
Portland State University’s Pro Palestine protest encampment in the library has been declared unlawful and is in imminent danger of police action. Use this script to email Ann Cudd and PSU administration to let them know you do not support the police presence on campus.
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ghoulpoole · 1 month
some song lyrics about the palestine protests.
an old hard country song
is just the thing im needing.
i want you to move your bow
real hard and real slow
til you hear those strings aweeping;
i want you to hit those strings so hard
you coulda sworn you saw them bleeding,
because a hard old song of freedom
is just the thing im needing.
give me an old hard protest song.
i want you to shout your song
real loud and real long,
until your throat is croaking.
i want you out in pissing rain,
shouting til your bones are soaking.
i want you to holler loud and long for grace
while god spits right in
your goddamn face,
because i need the angry songs of
souls long since done and broken.
give me a good old fashioned protest song.
i want to see you here
on these genocidal streets,
to hear you tell those fucking cops
that til we get the justice we deserve,
they won't get a single ounce of peace.
i want you to bang a drum
with deep rage that will never cease.
because a song of POWER
is just the thing im needing.
because a fistful of four-letter words
are the only fucking words worth reading.
because a new type of country song
is just the thing i'm needing.
give me a strong new justice song.
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athleticperfection1 · 9 months
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Portland State Volleyball
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Anyone claiming these were "peaceful" protests is a pathological liar.
The spin and cope will be starting, if they haven't already. We'll hear that "it wasn't the true pro-Palestine protestors; some far-right people got in there and did this." That's what they said during the BLM riots in 2020. Again, they're lying.
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laindarko100 · 1 month
Solidarity with the Portland State University student protests
For months, we at PSU have been calling for our school to cut ties with Boeing, Intel, and other companies that support genocidal Israel. We, the students, do not want to receive blood money from a glorified weapons dealer. We do not want internship partnerships with them. We want the school to replace those working relationships with companies that match our values. We want them, as an institution, to call for a ceasefire and publicly stand in solidarity with Palestine. PSU has extensive anti-racist & diversity policy - we really just want them to put their money where their mouth is. It's frankly not a huge ask. Yet the Board of Trustees & Pres. Ann Cudd were silent on the matter... Until the encampments on the park blocks late last week.
Here's the thing. I've been to a peaceful free Palestine march in Portland that must have had hundreds of attendees. Nobody reported on it, nobody in government responded to it. I joined students to peacefully disrupt a finance meeting at PSU to voice concerns about Boeing & Intel. No reporting from the media, no response from PSU. They moved the meeting to Zoom before half of us even arrived for "safety reasons" - bear in mind, this was in response to a couple of students merely speaking during the first portion of the meeting to list their concerns. They did not address our concerns at all, they simply found a way to ignore us.
It's only after the encampments, only after the occupation of the library, the vandalism and trespassing, that the media is reporting, and that Pres. Ann Cudd is pausing relations with Boeing and addressing concerns (even if her responses are sub par and her promises are empty). The powers that be love to tout peaceful protest because they can easily ignore peaceful protest. And let me be clear: the occupations and encampments are not violent. They are breaking the law but that does not immediately mean they are making an unsafe environment - quite the contrary, they were taking care of each other, and making the library welcome to students who needed it for study, etc. A broken window and some graffiti - that's why the police have shown up in riot gear? Yeah, right. This isn't about safety. This is about control, it's about violently forcing the students into complacency.
I am proud of PSU's student activists and the occupants of the library. I support them and stand in solidarity with them. I admire them, and hope that I may one day be able to develop in myself the bravery they have displayed this week.
Much love. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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asexualfennekin · 1 month
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I need to be able to kill people through the screen
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archivlibrarianist · 28 days
There is damage in the library, but it's not to the books or special collections. Occupiers even helped the university's archivist/special collections librarian attend to some of the special collections, so that they'd be safe.
Concerning special collections:
"The next morning [after the initial April 29 occupation of the library, April 30, special collections librarian and archivist Cris] Paschild explained who she was to protesters guarding the entrance to the library. They eventually let her in and together they worked to clear out and secure the library’s special collections.
"'They actually were really receptive and seemed to hear what I was saying and what my concerns were,' Paschild told OPB. 'I appreciated that.'"
Concerning damage to the building versus to the library collection:
"...But [PSU Operations Assistant Director Cary] Morris, who has been overseeing parts of the cleanup since Friday, noticed the library’s books were largely undisturbed.
"'The book stacks seem pretty untouched,' Morris said. 'There was a lot of graffiti and signage that said, "leave the books alone" or "don’t touch the books."'
"The university’s Dark Horse Comics collection, which had originally been reported as missing or stolen, also appeared to be intact."
I've previously posted a timeline on this topic; this article is also linked there.
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amaditalks · 1 month
I defy anyone to explain to me how spray painting slogans on the walls and the books of the library and breaking glass and making this facility unusable and unsafe did anything whatsoever, a single damned thing for a single Palestinian life.
What you do has to actually match the things you claim to want. Otherwise it’s just wasted time, wasted energy, wasted resources AND LIES.
The lying has got to stop.
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paranormalfrogtivity · 4 months
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Hadn't seen anything here yet, but Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, is staging a die-in to urge PSU to divest from Boeing on February 21st!
[PSU SUPER Instagram]
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As protests start ramping up and violence escalates please remember:
It can and will cause infection due to bacteria. Flush with water, distilled if possible, and never EVER wear contact lenses to protests where there may be police retaliation.
Please reblog. It may save someone's sight.
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progressive-globe · 14 days
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ghoulpoole · 1 month
portland state president ann cudd should resign.
preferably, as soon as possible.
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