#Pieper Lewis
mysharona1987 · 2 years
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Remember if you live in Iowa and you suddenly spot this girl:
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
She did it! She escaped!
An Iowa sex-trafficking victim who at age 15 killed her alleged rapist escaped custody on Friday, violating the probation she was ordered to serve at a correctional facility after pleading guilty to manslaughter, according to reports.
Pieper Lewis, who is now 18, could face up to two decades behind bars after this alleged probation violation. Authorities have issued a warrant for her arrest, the Des Moines Register newspaper reported.
Lewis pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and willful injury for fatally stabbing Zachary Brooks in a fit of rage in June 2020. Lewis said that Brooks, 37, sexually assaulted her multiple times, according to the newspaper.
Prosecutors and police have not denied that Lewis was trafficked and sexually assaulted. The prosecution contended that Brooks was sleeping when he was stabbed and that he did not present a danger to Lewis at that moment.
Unlike dozens of other US states, Iowa does not have a law providing trafficking victims even a minimal level of criminal immunity. In September, Judge David M Porter sentenced Lewis to five years’ probation, to be served at a women’s correctional facility, the Register reported.
The sentence was handed down as a deferred judgment, meaning that if Lewis violated any terms of her probation, she could face 20 years’ imprisonment on the charges, the newspaper added. After her alleged escape, probation authorities reportedly asked for the revocation of Lewis’s deferred judgment and the imposition of her “original sentence”.
Lewis’s alleged escape unfolded around 6am local time Friday. Someone opened a door at the women’s correctional facility, which triggered an alarm. An on-duty officer at the facility allegedly saw Lewis leaving, the Register said.
Probation authorities also claimed in a report that Lewis’s GPS monitor was cut off Friday. They also reported that Lewis had been cited for a variety of infractions, such as not taking a direct bus route back to the facility, and they said there were four hours where she was not accounted for during a three-week period.
Lewis’s sentence spurred controversy not just because she was a victim of human trafficking. The court also ruled that she had to pay Brooks’s family $150,000 restitution. Porter said “this court is presented with no other option” due to an Iowa state law which makes restitution in such cases mandatory.
Donors to a GoFundMe campaign contributed enough money to pay the restitution so that she would not have to. “I am overjoyed with the prospect of removing this burden from Pieper,” said the campaign’s organizer, Leland Schipper, one of Lewis’ former teachers. “A child who was raped, under no circumstances, should owe the rapist’s family money.”
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I hope she's on her way to a small fishing village in Mexico.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
hi lovely, one question I've been meaning to ask, who is the woman on your pfp?
I get this ask a lot and it confuses me bc her name is right above my icon in the banner. BUT I'm glad I get this ask a lot bc that means more people will see this:
Look up Pieper Lewis. She is unjustly incarcerated for liberating herself from her trafficker.
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whatevergreen · 2 years
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Given 5 years probation and ordered to pay $150K to her rap*sts family?!
This is outrageous. It should be zero probation and the family of her abuser being made to pay compensation to Pieper.
The so-called justice system is racist misogynistic god-damned joke.
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disorderedgem · 2 years
Please read. A 17-year old girl was sex trafficked by a man who preyed on her vulnerabilities, sexually assaulted her, and trafficked her for money. She was raped repeatedly by one client multiple times and when she refused to meet with him again, her trafficker grabbed a knife and held it to her throat. It was only after she ‘agreed’ to meet with him that the trafficker let her go. After the client forced her to drink vodka and smoke marijuana, the man raped her again. Once she woke up and realized what happened, she repeatedly stabbed her 37-year old rapist. She snapped. And now she could be facing up to 20 years in prison.
She would be the same or around the same age as her rapist when she is finally free for the first time since she was trafficked. This is Cyntoia Brown all over again. In 2022. The prosecutors haven’t disputed the claims that she was a victim of sex trafficking or sexual assault, yet still push to have her put away in prison for years. Pieper Lewis recently graduated high school in the juvenile detention center.
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
CW: Pedophilia.
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covergirlnay · 2 years
Credit: Lynae Vanee- Parking lot pimpin
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
An interesting thing about Pieper Lewis is the police or prosecutors have never once actually disputed she was human trafficked at 15 and repeatedly raped by the man she killed. They acknowledge she was.
Why is it super cool when tough action movie guy Liam Neeson kills human traffickers and rapists in all the Taken movies, but not when a terrified 15 year old girl does the same thing?
What, so if Kim had killed that guy at the end of the first film instead of Bryan, the authorities would have been like: “Sorry, girl. You are going to jail. No happy Hollywood ending.”
And, shit. Poor Pieper only murdered one person. Bryan ended like 961 people in all the trilogy. (OK, I am exaggerating, but not by much.)
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h0neyriver · 2 years
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
who is the woman in your icon? sorry if this has been answered before
Pieper Lewis. Currently incarcerated unjustly for killing her trafficker (as a MINOR). She's also been ordered to pay his family $150k in "restitution."
I would support her and be infuriated by this regardless, but I feel it even more intensely as a result of the additional solidarity I feel with women and girls who have killed men - especially rapists and the like; I named my self defense weapons after women like them (my first conceal carry gun was Aileen).
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claudia1829things · 2 years
Iowa teen ordered to pay $150K
An Iowa teen named Pieper Lewis has been ordered to pay $150,000 restitution to the family of the man who had repeatedly raped her and whom she had killed - ARTICLE.
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queenvlion · 2 years
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apesoformythoughts · 2 years
«Shift, to be certain, is a peculiar kind of miscreant, but his sin is the foundational sin of all intellectual creatures, of any “Talking Beast”—namely, an abuse of words. Such a thing may not sound uniquely horrible—couldn’t we name a host of more horrendous crimes?—but it is the distortion of language, and so of truth itself, that lays at the root of all destruction. And it is this abuse that Lewis has in mind to name as the cause of the world’s end.»
— Anthony Pagliarini, “The Last Battle: The End of Narnia's Beginning”
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