apesoformythoughts · 3 hours
“The more truly we can see life as a fairy-tale, the more clearly the tale resolves itself into war with the Dragon who is wasting fairyland.”
— G.K. Chesterton: The New Jerusalem
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apesoformythoughts · 5 hours
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apesoformythoughts · 22 hours
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via Catholic Memes
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“He’s a slut, your honor” - Foggy Nelson about Matt Murdock in a courtroom probably
Marvel’s Daredevil | S01xE01, Into the Ring
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«Mientras tanto, mis años van transcurriendo entre gemidos; y Tú, mi Padre y mi consuelo, eres Eterno. Yo me he desbaratado en tiempos cuyo orden desconozco, y en tumultuosas vicisitudes se desgarran mis pensamientos en la médula de mi alma; y así será hasta que fluya yo en Ti, purificado y fundido por el Fuego de tu Amor».
— San Agustín: Confesiones
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apesoformythoughts · 2 days
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¿Con qué rimaba mi temeridad de entonces para osar una continuación del Don Juan de Molière y del Don Giovanni de Mozart? ¿Cuáles eran mis motivaciones para lanzarme a una obra resueltamente clásica, no sólo por su lenguaje, demasiado rico o demasiado demostrativo, sino también por su respeto de las tres unidades de lugar, de tiempo, y de acción? Ya no lo sé muy bien. Me acuerdo de que había leído otras continuaciones: el Saint Don Juan de Delteil me había encantado; el Miguel Mañara de Milosz me había decepcionado; la novela de Mérimé, Las Almas del Purgatorio me había abierto nuevas perspectivas. Creí que todavía había espacio para intentar algo, en el que la conversión no fuese el fin de la comedia, sino el comienzo de lo trágico.
(Del post-scriptum de Fabrice Hadjadj)
Año 1600. El Oro del Siglo comienza a ennegrecer. En una noche en que la Media Luna brilla por encima de las cruces de nuestras iglesias, cual presagio del fin de la cristiandad triunfante de los Austrias, amenazada gravemente por su desmoronamiento interno desde la crisis protestante y por la amenaza turca, se reúnen casualmente en Salamanca, en el claustro de un convento carmelita, los seis protagonistas de la obra. La conversión de Don Juan de Mañara, el burlador de Sevilla, su ingreso en los carmelitas descalzos y la dignidad sacerdotal recibida no deja indiferente a ninguno de ellos, quienes le creían muerto desde hacía una década. ¿Será esta conversión un siniestro augurio del paso de una cristiandad triunfante a un cristianismo místico? ¿Será verdadera esta conversión, o una nueva estrategia del mujeriego para atrapar nuevas presas? Y si fuese sincera ¿aguantaría las tentaciones de una de sus antiguas víctimas que busca revancha?
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apesoformythoughts · 2 days
I know pro-life people are not above moral reproach, but has anyone heard of someone actually threatening abortionists, as in throwing bricks through their windows, mailing them pig fetuses, etc.? At least everything I’ve seen in my life has been done in a peaceful manner, and I can’t shake the feeling this author created her own cartoon of pro-lifers. But it could be just my limited experience.
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apesoformythoughts · 2 days
TIL the words in Spanish tinca, tincar.
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apesoformythoughts · 2 days
i love awkwardly replying to mutuals' posts like some kind of lost grandpa
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apesoformythoughts · 3 days
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apesoformythoughts · 3 days
“…fishing gives a person a lot more wisdom and understanding than painting does, yes, fishing contains a beautiful truth, I say, because you never know what's going to happen, whether you'll catch a fish or not, I say, it all comes down to luck, just like life, I say and Åsleik says I may be right about that but the important thing you need to do to catch fish is go fishing and it's not blind luck that decides whether or not you go fishing, it's something you decide to do, fishing is, it's something you do, a task, a mission, see he can use big words like that too, he says, and when someone undertakes this mission, namely fishing, when he does it for the first time, because one of those times is going to be the first time, there's always a first time, and later if he does it again and again, yes, you have to admit that too, he'll end up really knowing how to fish, and where the fish are, and if they're biting, and he'll learn the various landmarks and seamarks for various fishing grounds, each has its own qualities, some grounds are good when the tide is rising and some when the tide is falling, not to mention the currents! and how much it depends on the season, the month, the moon, even the week! how much fish you'll catch, yes, of course that's not something you can talk about, because it's obvious, it's self-evident, Äsleik says, but he emphasizes the word self-evident, and then repeats it, self-evident, yes, it's self-evident, he says and I say yes it certainly is
So no it's not all just blind luck, it isn't, he says
No but in life it's not all just blind luck either, that's obvious too, I say
Of course, Åsleik says”
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apesoformythoughts · 3 days
Are these social dance nights the closest thing I have to the balls of old? Perhaps.
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apesoformythoughts · 3 days
“I face the contradiction of my existence squarely, for I know that the matter into which I want to sink a definitive form will not hold up, whether it be the matter with which I am working as a craftsman or the matter of my hours ticking away, and it will be taken away from me on my last day with absolute certainty. What I will be able to say then at best is: in my clearest moments, in my positive basic decisions, I would have liked to make of my existence something lasting, valid, even though I knew that most of this existence would at last disintegrate into trash and decay. Not only my biological, but also my personal life, which I have tried to shape into something meaningful, will end; I see in no way how this task would have been solvable at all; but I will not claim, either, that I have done everything I could have done; however, would I not have arrived at the same point even if I had applied myself in a better way?”
— Hans Urs von Balthasar: Life out of Death: Meditations on the Paschal Mystery
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apesoformythoughts · 3 days
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Wang Yu Yuan(汪钰元 Chinese, born 1943)
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apesoformythoughts · 4 days
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I never got gold 
Bones - Paris, France (3/3/2018)
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apesoformythoughts · 4 days
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A solar eclipse and the Milky  Way seen from the ISS
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