#Perfect Pangram
alphabetcompletionist · 11 months
did you know that the alphabet is a perfect pangram? try it out!
oh really?
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perdvivly · 5 months
Also do a🌻
I think it’s a shame that “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is the best known pangram. It’s both rather inefficient as pangrams go (35 letters) and not particularly creative to make up for it.
Consider this pangrammatic autogram for example: “This pangram contains four As, one B, two Cs, one D, thirty Es, six Fs, five Gs, seven Hs, eleven Is, one J, one K, two Ls, two Ms, eighteen Ns, fifteen Os, two Ps, one Q, five Rs, twenty-seven Ss, eighteen Ts, two Us, seven Vs, eight Ws, two Xs, three Ys, & one Z.” Which is massively inefficient of course, but creative enough to make up for that.
I do really like the tumblr-famous pangram “Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow” but not quite as much as “waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex” (both of which are more efficient than the more famous jumping fox).
There aren’t known perfect pangrams in English that don’t have some glaring defect. Sure there’s “Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx” which doesn’t make sense as a sentence and uses abbreviations, and “Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz” which is frankly too arcane and only makes sense if you really squint.
There is a famous perfect pangram in Japanese. *And* it’s a really pretty Buddhist poem too. There are a few caveats like the first record of its existence comes from 1079 and so it has some obsolete and historical hiragana and there have been phonological changes over time etc. but check it out, it’s really neat: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroha
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rowanthestrange · 6 months
you like fountain pens? tell me about your favorite inks!
i'll tell you about mine in exchange :)
Okay, but I’m a fresh newbie to it all, having once again been autistic and gone ‘oooh tactile experiences with colours’, and made the mistake of touching something that has ensnared autistics for centuries.
I’ve got Diamine inks because they’re so cheap here with a good range.
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Colour corrected as best as possible. Cerise is a brighter pinkier pink when it gets going, and Amber is yellow when you start but goes orange in the nib by the second time you pick it up, hence the unexpected Golden Sands purchase.
I like pangrams that feel fitting to the colours, which ended up with me having to make them up now lol - Celadon Cat and Golden Sands.
Pen wise…the community will probably hate me but there were these wooden pens that came with refillable cartridges and they were only five bucks. So that meant I could slowly acquire more and more for each ink, and colour them, and the wood feels nice in my hand cus i hate the feel of plastic it’s like school and-
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(Washi tape on the glitter ones Blue Flame Shimmer (blue and gold glitter), and Golden Ivy Shimmer (you can guess) to mark them as separate. …And on Mondobbos Hat because apparently my eyes really struggle with the difference between their dark purple and Macassar brown in low light, and I keep making the mistake.)
When people didn’t know what to get me for a present this year, I just pointed them at the pens and… I have been enabled.
They’re not all perfect, there’s some variability in nib width - I’ve got one that needs squeezing before attempting to write (Golden Ivy one, but at least the glitter doesn’t clump) and one scratchy. But for the price, eh, that’s an alright percentage. Did need to seal the barrel metal with an all-purpose finish though, cus someone skimped on anti-oxidising costs, but I’m alright with that.
My main problem was finding notebooks that worked. Avocado And Spice have changed their branding and with it apparently their damn paper, so they were a bust. Surprisingly the very cheap Amazon Notebooks are perfectly good with no bleeding or real bleedthrough. But my favourite are these, because when I got it I went: *sigh*, okay let’s set up a test page at the back…and it already had one. Marked Test Page. Has a contents and numbered pages too, with great paper with no bleed or bleedthrough, and a nice feeling cover. Bargain.
At the moment it’s my chill-out hobby, or something to do when my heart starts acting up (god that makes me sound old). I’m currently writing out the first pages of my favourite books. It’s a cool exercise to try. Shows you how little consistency there is in grammar and punctuation choices, and how little they matter. As well as getting the creative juices flowing.
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skia-inc · 10 months
Exercise to do with python :
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Write a Python program to print "Hello, World!"
This is a basic Python program that uses the print statement to display the text "Hello, World!" on the console.
Write a Python program to find the sum of two numbers.
This program takes two numbers as input from the user, adds them together, and then prints the result.
Write a Python function to check if a number is even or odd.
This exercise requires you to define a function that takes a number as input and returns a message indicating whether it is even or odd.
Write a Python program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
This program prompts the user to enter a temperature in Celsius and then converts it to Fahrenheit using the conversion formula.
Write a Python function to check if a given year is a leap year.
In this exercise, you'll define a function that checks if a year is a leap year or not, based on leap year rules.
Write a Python function to calculate the factorial of a number.
You'll create a function that calculates the factorial of a given non-negative integer using recursion.
Write a Python program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
This program checks whether a given string is the same when read backward and forward, ignoring spaces and capitalization.
Write a Python program to find the largest element in a list.
The program takes a list of numbers as input and finds the largest element in the list.
Write a Python program to calculate the area of a circle.
This program takes the radius of a circle as input and calculates its area using the formula: area = π * radius^2.
Write a Python function to check if a string is an anagram of another string.
This exercise involves writing a function that checks if two given strings are anagrams of each other.
Write a Python program to sort a list of strings in alphabetical order.
The program takes a list of strings as input and sorts it in alphabetical order.
Write a Python function to find the second largest element in a list.
In this exercise, you'll create a function that finds the second largest element in a list of numbers.
Write a Python program to remove duplicate elements from a list.
This program takes a list as input and removes any duplicate elements from it.
Write a Python function to reverse a list.
You'll define a function that takes a list as input and returns the reversed version of the list.
Write a Python program to check if a given number is a prime number.
The program checks if a given positive integer is a prime number (greater than 1 and divisible only by 1 and itself).
Write a Python function to calculate the nth Fibonacci number.
In this exercise, you'll create a function that returns the nth Fibonacci number using recursion.
Write a Python program to find the length of the longest word in a sentence.
The program takes a sentence as input and finds the length of the longest word in it.
Write a Python function to check if a given string is a pangram.
This function checks if a given string contains all the letters of the alphabet at least once.
Write a Python program to find the intersection of two lists.
The program takes two lists as input and finds their intersection, i.e., the common elements between the two lists.
Write a Python function to calculate the power of a number using recursion.
This function calculates the power of a given number with a specified exponent using recursion.
Write a Python program to find the sum of the digits of a given number.
The program takes an integer as input and finds the sum of its digits.
Write a Python function to find the median of a list of numbers.
In this exercise, you'll create a function that finds the median (middle value) of a list of numbers.
Write a Python program to find the factors of a given number.
The program takes a positive integer as input and finds all its factors.
Write a Python function to check if a number is a perfect square.
You'll define a function that checks whether a given number is a perfect square (i.e., the square root is an integer).
Write a Python program to check if a number is a perfect number.
The program checks whether a given number is a perfect number (the sum of its proper divisors equals the number itself).
Write a Python function to count the number of vowels in a given string.
In this exercise, you'll create a function that counts the number of vowels in a given string.
Write a Python program to find the sum of all the multiples of 3 and 5 below 1000.
The program calculates the sum of all multiples of 3 and 5 that are less than 1000.
Write a Python function to calculate the area of a triangle given its base and height.
This function calculates the area of a triangle using the formula: area = 0.5 * base * height.
Write a Python program to check if a given string is a valid palindrome ignoring spaces and punctuation.
The program checks if a given string is a palindrome after removing spaces and punctuation.
Write a Python program to find the common elements between two lists.
The program takes two lists as input and finds the elements that appear in both lists.
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green-cargaytions · 2 months
perfect connections. mini in 48 seconds. pangram in 2 words. wordle in three guesses. i think i'm an ancient deity
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collection-of-flowers · 3 months
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Type 2 - (Re)design a typeface
Type 2 Assignment 2
Make a typeface / letter forms, if we want we can use the previously made type specimen tracings or outlines.
A) A full set of upper-case letters
B) A full set of lowercase letters
customize an existing typeface that has been used locally AT LEAST 40 years old (or more)
for examples and reference look at - Old signs, architecture, products 
Finding the perfect typeface for your project isn't always straightforward; sometimes, you may not find exactly what you're seeking. Explore the process of creating a typeface by approaching it as a solution to a problem.
Creating a 17 x 23 Poster - using a grid structure, with the name of the typeface, include a pangram (a sentence using every letter of the alphabet) - with the sentence using correct baseline and kerning. I decided to recreate a typeface commonly seen on highway signage
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afactaday · 5 months
wow yeah. 2024. insane.
for the past couple of years, there's been a little gimmick, linking facts to their neighbours. last year, each fact had to be linked to the previous in some way, forming a long chain of 364 facts walking through the months, ambling round different themes (see the finale if you haven't already!!!!!). this year, it's going to be no less than the polar opposite: each fact must have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the previous fact. if you spot even the most tenuous of links between adjacent facts, call me out on it!! let's see where this takes us.
i'm planning on adding a little thing or two more in february ;) stay tuned!
#1096: a pangram is a sentence that contains every character in an alphabet. the most famous is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" (which even has its own wikipedia page), but it's certainly not the shortest (that would be "Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx") or the coolest (that would be "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.")
after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the first message sent over the new Moscow-Washington hotline was "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG'S BACK 1234567890". the Russian translators replied "What does it mean when your people say 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'?"
"Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx" is a perfect pangram because it contains each letter only once (even if it has to cheat a little), making it also a heterogram (which has no duplicate letters). "Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is also one but you really have to try hard to understand it. i'm not quite sure which bit's meant to be the verb.
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visualpractitioner · 2 years
How Lettering Can Help You
It’s sounds a bit melodramatic when I say lettering saved my life. But I do give it a lot of credit for making it better.
After giving up my dream as a fine art, alternative process photographer (due to the symptoms related to the chemicals I was using), I deeply grieved my loss and threw myself into a career of becoming a visual practitioner. 
While being a visual practitioner didn’t give me the creative freedom I had as an artist, what I loved about it was the way writing down ideas manifested quickly into reality. Me writing down other people’s visions became true for them. Strategic visualization, coupled with Appreciative Inquiry became a very powerful tool I used in my work as a Visioneer and Visual Coach. But it didn’t become meaningful for me until I focused on my lettering. I didn’t start out with especially good handwriting, and I didn’t understand the letterforms beyond what I was taught in the 3rd grade.
I want to share 3 things I did to improve my lettering and my life that you can do too:
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Make Your Own Exemplars

After learning a new lettering style, the practice of making your own exemplar will not only help you master the lettering style, but also help you make it your own. 
Mimicking someone’s handwriting can be dangerous on a psychological level. So first learn the attributes, how to hold the marker or pen (angle), stroke order and letterform. Then write some words and a pangram, and dive into making your own exemplar to use as reference. 

It will increase your ability and your confidence.
After being asked to be a Neuland Ambassador, I created a series of exemplars that other visual practitioners could use in their work and published a free online course called: Unlock Your Neuland Markers. Guido also translated my exemplars in German. You can find them here.
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Practice Like You are Performing

Avoid practicing a page full of the same letter and write words as soon as possible. Practicing rote can help but only if you are are perfecting a form at a slow speed. For visual practitioners, it’s important to see the letter and transform it into a form that you can easily write with consistency at the speed you work. Yes, start at tabletop and go slow to get the letterform into your hand. When it’s time to take it to the wall, be sure to start out slow, stay grounded in your body, and speed up until you find your natural rhythm. Each marker has a speed, each lettering style has a speed, and you have a speed. Working to find that rhythm will help you when you get in front of your client.

Shortly after the Pandemic started, I offered lettering meditations sessions. No audio, we just lettered together. These were slow meditative sessions. By working slow, I am able to build a strong foundation so I can go fast. You can learn more here: https://youtu.be/fCKQ9xopjEE
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Letter With Others

That means take lettering classes and workshops and letter with family, co-workers and friends. Just like letters: they are meaningless until they live in relationship with other letters. The same goes for us too. We all have lettering in common, or we did at some point. Bring it back to life and bring life to your letters by allowing yourself to learn and be influenced by others.

I highly recommend taking classes that align with your lettering goals. I offer a variety of classes for visual practitioners and calligraphers at www.LetsLetterTogether.com and one of my mentors, Carol DuBosch (www.CarolDuBosch.com) offers several lettering classes and she is an excellent teacher.
What else is new?
Well I haven’t been active lately as I caught the Coronavirus. You can read about that adventure here.
I had to cancel my in-person classes for the month but will be starting up again in July. You can learn more and sign up on AirBnB Experiences here.
Since Covid took me down and I'm working to automate a few of my classes, there is still time to get in on the introductory offer at Tech Host Academy before I automate my marketing plan.
I'd love to hear what's new with you. Having Covid changed how I look at the world and my place in it. I'm looking forward to feeling better and getting back into the studio to letter.
Hope to letter with you soon!
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english-time · 2 years
What is a Pangram sentence?
As hard and challenging as it already is to be learning a new language, a pangram sentence makes it a little more interesting. Wondering what it means? A pangram sentence is a sentence that has all the 26 letters of the Alphabet. Isn't that interesting! A less common name for pangram sentences is holoalphabetic sentence; personally I like the term pangram more.
These types of sentences are mostly used in testing equipment, handwriting and even typewriting skills. Calligraphists often practice with these types of sentences to improve their skills. A very common example of a pangram is - The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This sentence has all the letters of the Alphabet from A to Z. It is a very well recognised sentence, especially by typewriters and font developers. A font is often tested on sentences like these. Another pangram sentence but less often used is - Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.
There are many other pangrams, most of which don't make much sense. A perfect pangram is a sentence that has all the letters of the Alphabet but exactly once. There isn't a sentence like this that makes great sense. An example of this is - Quickly Nez Ford, what's JPG BMX V. Doesn't make sense right? But it is still used in testing English Alphabet based technology.
One more pangram sentence type is the phonetic pangram. The sentence - 'Are those shy Eurasian footwear, cowboy chaps, or jolly earthmoving headgear? ' is usually used to test British English pronunciation. This sentence caters to all the basic British pronunciations needed.
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The font I have used for this project is PP Pangram Sans in Bold, with it’s height shrunk to 88%. The reason why I have done this is because it directly links to the fonts that can be found on numerous watch faces. Having short and wide lettering (normally for the name of the brand) is consistent on essentially all watch faces that have ever been made, so this felt like a perfect fit for the type.
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alphabetcompletionist · 9 months
Do you know about "Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz."?
everyone always sends me either this or the mr. jock perfect pangrams. nobody ever brings up J.Q. Vandz struck my big fox whelp. the erasure
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kelimeoyunu · 2 years
Mükemmel Pangramlar - #2
Bulduğum yeni mükemmel pangramları birazdan paylaşacağım; ama ondan önce, ilk denemelerimde ulaştıklarımı şöyle bir toparlayayım:
Blöf huy, jant zevk, cips düş, çığ morg.
Cips, jant zevk, drog huy, çığ blöfmüş.
Burçcağzım jips, gonk, flüt, şeyh döv!
Genç, yüz; cılk jips, brom şaft, huğ döv!
Hişt, gönç plajcım, Fürs boğ, zevk duy!
Fevç, hişt plajcık, duy, göğsüm bronz!
Höst bronz plajcım, fiğ güç; şevk duy!
Hırt zevç, duy; jips cağ, gonk blöfmüş.
Spazm, jig trend; blöfcük huy; çığ şov.
Hınç, vect, blöf, dağ, gürz, jips yokmuş.
“Hınç ,vect, blöf, yağ, gürz, jips” kodmuş.
İlk çalışmamda içinde bir dörtlü barındıran, yedi harf uzunluğundaki steyşın, bovling, şezlong, pöhrenk, sfagnum vb. ilginç sözcükleri gereğince hesaba katmamıştım. Bu kelimelerin her birini bir dörtlü + bir üçlü gibi alarak, 5 dörtlü + 3 üçlü vb. formüllerde kullansam atladığım bir mükemmel pangrama ulaşabilir miydim acaba? Sonra, henüz kullanmadığım dörtlüler de olabilir miydi? "Ganj" mesela? Bu düşüncelerle ikinci bir mükemmel pangram avına çıkmaya karar verdim. Neyleyeyim ki ava giden avlandı! Derlediğim yedi harfli sözcük listesinde hiçbir "yedili" çifti, mükemmel pangram oluşturacak şekilde diğer beşli, dörtlü veya üçlülerle yan yana gelemedi. "Hamburg" ile [ 'hamburg', 'cönk', 'flüt', 'jips', 'zevç', 'dış-yoğ' ] gibi garip bir sonuç aldım, hepsi o. Sonuçta ilk bulduklarımdan daha iyi pangramlara ulaşamadım sanırım. Gene de enteresan bazı bulgularım oldu; bu kez sözü uzatmadan o tümceleri sıralayayım:
"Yağmış" ile:
Züht yağmış; golf cenk; Burç jips döv!
Fevç züht yağmış; jips, drog, cönk bul.
"Dağcım" ile:
Dağcım, tunç gürz, jips blöf; şeyh kov!
"Boğmuş" ile:
Hınç, gayz, dev jips, flörtcük boğmuş.
"Göçmüş" ile:
Bronz, cılk jips, tayf, dev huğ göçmüş.
"Plajcım" ile:
Fiks plajcım, şeyh boğ, tunç gürz döv!
Höst bronz plajcım, fiğ güç; şevk duy!
"Blöfmüş" ile:
Zevç, gardcık blöfmüş; jips, huğ yont!
Hınç zevk, jips cağ blöfmüş; drog yut!
Ganj blöfmüş dost; cip zevk, hurç yığ!
Tunç, hac zevk, drog blöfmüş; jips yığ!
Hırt zevç, duy, gonk, jips cağ blöfmüş!
"Şeyh" ile:
Şeyh, fablcım, jips konç, tuğ, gürz döv!
Gönç doğ, şeyh; cılk jips, müft buz var.
Şeyh, montcuk fabl; jips çığ, gürz döv!
Bronzcuk, plaj sığ; güm çift şeyh döv!
Tunç, cılk şeyh boğ, farz; güm jips döv!
Söz, plaj müft; Şeyh Dinç, cıv, gurk boğ!
"Hoşt" ile:
Hoşt blöfçüm, dur, cips yığ, Ganj zevk!
Hoşt fevç, gram jips yığ, düz cönk bul!
Hoşt zevç, jips yığ; füg, cönk, dram bul!
"Zevç" ile:
Zevç, gard hoş; müft cönk bul, jips yığ!
Zevç, şah, müft cönk, drog bul, jips yığ!
Zevç, jips yığ, müft cönk, hoş gard bul!
Zevç, dük, blöf, Ganj hoş; cips, murt yığ!
Zevç, hamt düş, gonk blöf; ruj, cips yığ!
"Burç" ve "Cenk" ile:
Burç gayz hoş; Cenk müft lığ, jips döv!
Hoşt Cenk, düz göm; Burç, jips valf yığ!
"Frenk" ile:
Frenk, hamt güç; coş, jips döv, bluz yığ!
Hoşt Frenk, bluz güç; cam yığ, jips döv!
"Şuh Gey" ile:
Şuh gey, çağ bronz; müft cılk jips döv!
"Jöncük" ile:
Hişt jöncük, fevç spazm; drog bul, yığ!
"Gözcüm" ile:
Gözcüm Tunç, bold harf şevk; jips yığ!
"Gönç" ile:
Gönç, jüt zevk, harf boldmuş; cips yığ!
"Boğunç" ile:
Gayz, şerh boğunç; müft cılk jips döv!
Şu 29. harf olmayaydı iyiydi!
"F" harfine yer aranıyor:
Vah cılk jips dört yüz genç boğmuş!
"H" harfine yer aranıyor:
Jips valfcık dört yüz genç boğmuş!
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rye-in-a-coat · 2 years
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More cursive practice: Four pangrams (sentences that have all of the letters of an alphabet) in four languages (from top to bottom: french, english, spanish and russian.)
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kittoforos · 6 years
@reyneclaw tagged me in the handwriting meme, so here it is: behold: my handwriting
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i tag @theminism, @badimirputin, @alliluyevas, @ptactwo, @eisbecherovka and whoever else wants to do it!
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lucres · 4 years
Handwriting Tag
I was tagged by lovely @radio-chatter ♥️ thank you! I love handwritings so much, so this is perfect!
1. Write upper and lowercase letters A-Z and digits 0-9.
2. Write your URL.
3. Write the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." (I added a german pangram as well because of ä, ö, ü and ß.)
4. Write a quote and/or some song lyrics.
5. Tag some people and write their URLs.
Tagging @smugfacebitchell @yasisworld @stillamess22 @tylerjblackburn @bqnmitchell @thefancyspin @khanthasmin @oceandawning @ballumory @benfreakingmitchell
(only if you want to of course ♥️)
And I am tagging everyone who reads this! I would love to see more handwritings 🎉
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katsujiiccfinds · 5 years
Spooky Similish Fonts
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by Franzilla
To celebrate the spookiest time of the year, here are a bunch of Halloween-themed Simlish fonts! Enjoy... if you dare! Zombie Holiday - A Simlish edit of the creepy, thorny, slithery Zombie Holocaust by Sinister Fonts Bewitching Bezier - A fun, odd experiment of circles, swirls, and funky kerning. Simply Shattered - A broken, glass-shattered version of another font of mine, Simply There How Charming - A Simlish edit of fiendishly charming A Charming Font by GemFonts Harold Plumbob and The Elixir of Life - Simlish versions of Harry P and Lumos by Phoenix Phonts and CarpeSaponem , respectively. Perfect for Sims with a passion for witchcraft and wizardry! Scribblenotes - Simlish handwriting hastily scribbled out from the beyond! Comes in 4 flavors of Simlish: Original, FreePlay, S3, and Sixam Scramble. Spider Cider (+Tidier) - A stringy, webby, creepy, crawly handwritten font. Spider Cider works best when its characters are mixed with those of its feather duster-beaten twin, Spider Cider Tidier. Spoozy - A wide font oozing with spook! Comes in 2 flavors of Simlish: Original and S3. Nose Syrup - A drippy font best described as Simlish Comic Sans with a runny nose. Comes in 2 flavors of Simlish: Original and S3 Rediscovered Runes - Two versions of Simlish in a style inspired by Younger Futhark runes. Flavors of Simlish: Original and Scramble Haunting Point (+Shadow) - A Simlish edit of the pointedly menacing Haunting Attraction Font by Sinister Fonts The ~{Sample Text}~ at the bottom of the preview pictures reads as follows: OMG, what the pl*m?! || 23 January 1992 || I <3 The Sims! Franzilla quickly jots down her list of sixty-five bad pangrams. A shy pink quail flew over the jinxed cyborg maze. Cover Egyptian jukeboxes with frozen denim quilts. Additional Credits: MLys on Tumblr for the Harold Plumbob and The Elixir of Life font names shesahhskeeze and kinkajou888 on COLOURLovers for the adorable BOO! pattern Software Used: Gimp Inkscape FontForge
Download at ModTheSims
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