#Past garmasako
akariarda · 16 days
Misako comes to talk to Garmadon who is in prison. (Before Lloyd in March of the Oni) Mostly angst.
@ch3rryfl0wr -Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the request, I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you like it.
"Here we are, mrs.Garmadon." The police officer led Misako to a separate cell in Kryptarium Prison. "All the highest security measures have been taken."
"I see." Misako looked at various cameras that were recording them as they walked down the hallway.
"Here we are," the officer swallowed. "Cell number one. Are you sure you want to be alone, ma'am?"
"Of course," Misako replied, when she saw a concerned look on the officer's face, she smiled slightly.
"Don't worry, I have faith in you and your security measures." Saying that, she let the officer open the door.
"Good luck," he said and hurried away as fast as he could without embarrassing himself.
Misako smiled at that for a few moments before she remembered he had every reason to be afraid.
She took a deep breath and entered the cell.
The room was huge and in the middle was a small cell where Garmadon was located.
He didn't pay attention to her because he was silent. She pulled the handle as a pathway opened.
As she slowly approached the cell where Garmadon was, he looked at her skeptically.
"Garmadon," Misako sighed and said as she reached him.
"What do you want, Misako?" He replied in a cold tone with a hint of surprise.
"I would like to talk," Misako replied. She had so many emotions swirling inside her that she couldn't contain them.
"With whom?" Garmadon asked mockingly.
"I only see one person in the room besides me." Misako retorted angrily.
He had almost provoked her.
"Then you came for no reason," Garmadon said and turned back to his work.
"Garmadon," Misako repeated in a pleading tone and put her hands on the glass.
"What?" Garmadon yelled and turned around. "Leave me alone!"
"Just talk to me!" Misako shouted back at him.
"Why did you even come to talk?" Garmadon angrily asked. "We are on different sides again."
The word 'again' hurt her.
"Yes, but I believe..." Misako started, but Garmadon interrupted her.
"What do you believe, that I can change?" Garmadon asked. "I won't change."
Misako lost her patience. "I think you're not as bad as everyone thinks, that there's still something in you..."
"You're lying!" Garmadon got angry at her and punched the glass with his fists.
"I am not that man anymore. I am my own person. Leave me alone with that! What's done is done, the past! I am not a fool anymore."
When he finished, Misako turned a few steps behind him.
"Do you mean you're glad for everything you've done?" She asked with disbelief.
"I did everything to save Ninjago," Garmadon said.
"You're lying!" Misako approached again. "You almost destroyed it."
"You don't understand anything!" Garmadon yelled at her. "Just like you never understood anything."
Those words stung her so much that tears almost came to her eyes.
'Don't be angry with him,' she reminded herself. 'He is not the same person.'
"You're maybe not a fool anymore," her suppressed anger was stronger than her.
"But do you know who is? Me, because I believed in you and gave you chances all your life!"
"Are you saying that marrying me was a mistake?" Garmadon raised an eyebrow.
She didn't answer, just turned and walked away to hold back her tears.
When she reached the end, she couldn't resist turning around and looking at him.
Garmadon was looking in the other direction and was distracted by what he had read before.
She couldn't see that, but emotions were swirling inside him.
When she got home, she threw the closest thing she could grab as hard as she could against the wall before collapsing onto the bed.
Misako put her head in her hands and cried.
Sensei Garmadon and their life together kept flashing before her eyes. She kept reminding herself not to be angry at the good side of him, the man she knew and loved.
At the same time,Garmadon was looking in the direction she left.
He knew that the old him would never allow this to happen.
He also knew that now he felt emotions that would make him sad and broken. Instead of that, he felt a little bit of nostalgia and a feeling that he didn't even understand anymore.
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iloveacronix · 14 days
Boutta go sleep cuz my brain be lacking neurons rn but guys PLEASE hear me out
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Supportive brothers for life. Also taggin the historyshipping queen @kyokittymeow
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riptidesblog · 1 month
No Longer You(EPIC:The Musical)fits Garmadon's character so well:
I see a song of past romance(Garmasako)
I see the sacrifice of men(Serpentine war)
I see portrayals of betrayal(Chen turning members of the Elemental Alliance against each-other and the venom fully corrupting Garm)
And a brother's final stand(Garm getting banished to the Underworld)
I see you on the brink of death
I see you drew your final breath(s4 ending)
I see a man who gets to make it home alive,but it's no longer...you(Oni trilogy)
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greenninjaren · 5 months
Sweet Burnout (Garmasako Drabble)
Garmadon never thought he’d be in a situation like this; holding the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his arms. He had always felt he was destined for a life of solitude and misery, especially since his father liked to remind him that no one would love him with his… condition. 
Regardless of his past, here he was.
Misako lay sleeping in his embrace. He had finally convinced her to rest after she nearly collapsed from exhaustion. University was kicking her ass, Garmadon was sure she would’ve died if he wasn’t here to remind her that her health mattered more than her grades. He stroked her messy, unbraided hair with a smile. Misako was a stubborn woman, almost as much as he was. Although it was an admirable trait to be stubborn and stand your ground Garmadon felt like it was possibly getting out of hand. He noted the dark circles under her eyes, her chapped lips and messy hair. Finals were approaching; Misako spent sun-up and sun-down studying at her desk, working on her thesis. He couldn’t help but miss the Misako he had grown accustomed to. 
The fun-loving Misako who wouldn’t hesitate to throw her books down to go on all kinds of crazy adventures with him. The romantic Misako who always wanted to go on dates with him, or stay in bed with him all day. Garmadon knew he was being a bit selfish in his thinking, but it didn’t change how he felt. With a sigh, he pulled her sleeping body closer to his chest and closed his eyes. The semester would be over for her soon, he just had to make it through the next two weeks. He felt proud of her, kissing the top of her head and letting himself doze off into sleep.
Authors' note: Hey, thanks for reading! I'm dipping my toes into fanfic writing after years of writers block haha. More to come in the future.
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parachutingkitten · 7 months
For context I stopped watching Ninjago as a kid around the beginning of Hands of Time.
So I was on Ao3 looking to see if the current fandom I was invest in had updated. I went through the same tags that I usually do. But nothing new showed up. I decided to look at old shows I used to watch, which is Ninjago.
I looked through the fanfiction (filtered with the most kudos at the top) and one of the first fics was about Oni Lloyd. I tried reading it, but because I haven't seen past Hands of Time I understood nothing. But, I looked at the tags and the ship in the tags was "Garmadon/Misako"
My memory from years ago was fuzzy, but I associated this ship with a great tragedy. (Some romance well written romance about two well developed characters. People who loved eachother so much, but couldn't be together due to their circumstances) I clicked on it and searched through Garmasako fics. But I didn't have enough.
This led to me using ChatGPT to see if it'd write me Garmasako fan fiction. (I repeat, this is before I started rewatching the show) These were so trashy, but I kept making. I just couldn't stop.
But they were so bad. (When they'd have a kid, they would name the child "Kai") So, I decided to call it quits and just start rewatching Ninjago.
In summary, I rewatched Ninjago for Garmasako because ChatGPT and Ao3 weren't satisfactory.
Now I change my mind about Garmasako. After Tournament of Elements, I watched the show because I wanted to. Does this count? Is this sinful or stupid? Will you ever have faith in humanity again? Because this is something I'm so ashamed of it makes me angry.
In summary, I rewatched Ninjago for Garmasako because ChatGPT and Ao3 weren't satisfactory.
this is... the most insane sentence I think i've gotten yet? Yes this is a sin. what the heck are you doing?
obviously, chat gpt fanfic is off the table for you, but as penance, I recommend you write your own fanfic involving garmasako. Doesn't have to be pro if you're not into that anymore, but if what drove you to this place is the lack of garmasako content, it only sees fit you add some to the world.
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senseiwu · 2 years
Sees that would be enough song fanart of garmasako. I also raise all I ask of you from phantom of the opera for their early years as a couple and then past the point of no return for the dark island arc. (You can tell I’m a phantom of the opera nut)
I'm afraid I don't know Phantom of the Opera, so I'll have to take your word for it 😅
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akariarda · 8 days
Part 1.
A few days later, Garmadon wants to see Misako again..
@ch3rryfl0wr - Thank you so much for the request!!!
"What is it?" Misako asked as she approached Garmadon's cell, trying to appear as indifferent as possible.
It surprised her a lot when Garmadon called her to come, as their last conversation hadn't been very pleasant.
She had debated whether to come, but her curiosity got her.At least she wanted to believe it.
"Why did you call me?" Misako asked again, playing the card of indifference.
Out of pure pride, she didn't want to show that she cared when it was obvious he didn't.
"Last time we didn't finish our,let's call it conversation," Garmadon said, turning towards her.
"Do you have anything else to add or?" Misako questioned him.
"You didn't answer my question," Garmadon insisted.
"What question?"
"Do you think marrying me was a mistake?"
This question caught her off guard.
She paused to think for a moment. She didn't want to say no, not for the sake of good old Garmadon.
"I don't know, you tell me," Misako said, looking at him.
After that, Garmadon sighed.
"Misako, my old self would never have allowed this to happen, but I have changed. Whatever you think, I have nothing against you, but I also have nothing with you."
Just a son and a life in marriage," Misako thought but didn't say anything.
"Is that all then? Do you really think you have changed forever?" Misako couldn't contain her emotions completely.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
Garmadon took a deep breath.
"Yes," he avoided looking her in the eyes. "I have to build my own story, my own path. You too, move on. Get your head out of the past. I won't bother you anymore, and you won't bother me."
'Easy for you,'Misako thought. 'You haven't spent your whole life with me like I have with you, always waiting for you,loving you no matter what.'
Of course, she didn't say this out loud; obviously, he didn't care.
"What about Lloyd?" she asked him.
"He also has to find his own path."
"How can he find another father?" Misako was very angry.
"He's grown up, if he's been able to so far, he can from now on!" Garmadon said, starting to move things around the room.
"Okay then," Misako said coldly, turning away.
For the first time in a long time, she felt completely indifferent, although it might have been a burst of anger.
She hoped it wasn't; she couldn't bear to still be suffering for him.
She no longer recognized him.
"Wait," Garmadon said to her, and she turned around.
Somehow, she hoped he would say something sweet,heartfelt, show that he cared.
Give a hint that it wasn't over yet.
"Bring Lloyd here," Garmadon said. Her heart skipped a beat; maybe he still cared for Lloyd.
"I need to talk to him about how we can save Ninjago."
This time, Misako truly snapped. She turned rolled her eyes. "Since when do you care about Ninjago?"
"I care," Garmadon replied sharply, biting his lip to stop an angry response.
She didn't want to look at him anymore; she couldn't stand how repulsive he had become to her.
She left again.
As she left, she just waved her hand as a sign that the conversation was truly over. He just nodded back at her.
He hoped what he was doing was really the right thing because deep down, it still hurted.
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akariarda · 8 months
"My fear of losing Misako controlled me and led me down a dangerous path. A path I hope to one day make peace with."
Like this line that Garmadon said kills me.After all these years, he's afraid of losing Misako.
Misako forgave him everything and returned to him. And he is acting like she don't really loves him!
People can say what they want but I think Misako really loves Garmadon.
If she loved Wu she wouldn't have gone back to Garmadon after season 2. Especially because of everything he did.
"As I've told you, there are things in my past I'm not proud of, but I have no regrets. You wouldn't be here otherwise."
It's sad that Garmadon thinks that Misako would never have loved him if he hadn't stole that letter.
I personally think there was something more between them, before that with Chen, but I'll talk about that in another post.
Misako never said that she married Garmadon because of that letter.
She just said that it was the reason why she fell in love with him. She didn't seem as angry as Wu at all. At least not because of the act of theft itself but because of what he did to his brother.
Basically, I don't think they gave us enough garmasako nor their past.
I know it's a show about ninjas but still they are Lloyd's parents.
I hope there will be more in Dragons rising. I have some hard evidence for that, so if you haven't see, feel free to look at my posts and comment.
Please comment and give your opinion.
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