#Online Payments Africa
elnaabara5891 · 1 year
Simplify Your Payments with a Virtual Card
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Looking for a secure and convenient way to make online purchases? A virtual card could be the solution you need. With its unique, one-time use number, a virtual card offers enhanced security and fraud protection. Plus, since it's not tied to your physical credit card, you can use it for online purchases without worrying about your credit card information being compromised. Whether you're buying goods or services, a virtual card can simplify your payments and give you peace of mind.
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peenballs3000 · 2 months
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Hey guys! This is a QR code thats takes you to a GoFundMe, and its for refugees over in Africa! Its run by Muwonge Quotaish and they’re trying to gather money to feed and care for the people in Kakuma camp. Even a dollar or two would help a lot!
If I see an increase in money and donations i’ll draw whatever you people desire, just donate and then comment what you’d like to see!
Here’s the link if needed too: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-lgbtiq-refugees-in-kuakuma-turkana-kenya
Anything helps!!! Even just sharing to have more people see it.
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edulearnweb · 1 year
Paystack.com online payment platform: Africa's best for African businesses
Paystack.com online payment platform: Africa’s best for African businesses
Have you not heard of Paystack.com as an online payment platform that is Africa’s best for African businesses? Businesses of all sizes in Africa can now sell online & receive payment online in Africa using Paystack.com. The business started in Nigeria, but its services are widely used in other African countries, including Ghana and South Africa.   Paystack.com online payment platform and the…
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harmonyd · 2 years
How to Make Money Online Fast and Free No Scams 2022
How to Make Money Online Fast and Free No Scams 2022
If you want to earn money online just by watching some ads, Star Clicks is the right option for you. Although there are many platforms through which you can earn money by watching ads, Star Clicks is the best because it is a reliable source and payments are 100% secure. Most importantly, it is totally free to sign up and the payment rates are higher compared to other pay-per-click…
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bitchinbarzal · 8 months
Always Our Daughter | N Hischier
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summary; even after you split, his mom will always consider you her daughter.
In all of your time with Nico, you’d always been close to his mother. Katja had treated you like a second daughter from the moment Nico had brought you home.
So when you split up she was heartbroken. You felt sorry to be loosing a second family but you knew this was best for you both.
Nina reached out a few times to check on you but they all went radio silent for a few weeks until you got a text from his mom.
hi sweetheart, just checking in! you’ve been busy! it’s been so strange not having you around, we’re so proud of you! Please reach out if you ever need anything — you’ll always be our daughter.
It felt nice that she thought about you.
It was a little sad how you felt. You missed them.
Everything was changing; you’d moved out of your shared apartment in Hoboken and up to Buffalo for cheaper rent. Your mom had taken all of your belongings out of your shared home back in Bern.
She’d sent you a picture of the house almost completely empty, considering you’d bought the house together in the off season you were the only one who was able to stay in Switzerland to decorate and Nico didn’t get much of a say.
you moved! your mother showed us pictures of your new house, it’s gorgeous! please let us know if you’ll be visiting us on your trip back to Bern this Christmas, we miss you so much.
When you finally found a place you got to work making it yours, trying to make it home.
you’d never lived alone, constantly moving from rental to rental in Jersey to accommodate Nico’s lifestyle. Your first apartment was perfect and you’d considered buying it but as the internet does, fans had shared your address online and you then had to move a further seven times for the same reasons.
When you’d finally settled on your home in Bern you had planned to make it your own, you made countless Pinterest boards for each room.
You stayed up late nights in the bedroom, laying on the mattress on the floor holding one another while you spoke about all of the things you’d do to the house and all of the memories it would hold.
You spoke about how you’d get married in the garden, how you’d bring your children home here and how you’d decorate their nursery’s.
you went to South Africa?! how was it, sweetheart? you always said you wanted to go… I saw on facebook you’re dating someone new, is he nice? We’d love to meet him. miss you sweetheart.
When Nico had finally settled payment and given you your half of the money for the house you decided to go on vacation. A vacation you’d spoken about going on with Nico countless times but hadn’t gotten around to it.
On the plane you’d been sat next to a guy who you got chatting with. He told you he was headed to Johannesburg to do work, he worked with a non profit.
The two of you spent the entire flight chatting away, getting to know one another and before you parted ways at the airport you exchanged phone numbers with the promise to call when you got back to the US.
hi sweetheart, your mother told us you got a new job! Congratulations sweetheart you’ll be great.
After you’d gotten home and Alex called you, he showed you all the stuff he’d done in South Africa and you were enamoured with it and began complaining about your job and how you wanted to help more people.
Being the captains girlfriend in New Jersey meant you took lead on fundraisers and community events, you missed it.
So Alex told you about an event organiser position that was open in his company so you went for the interview and got it.
It felt nice to be helping make a difference again.
happy new year love. it was so nice to see you last week, congratulations to you and alex. you’re going to be an amazing mother, nobody deserves this more than you. can’t wait to meet this little one! don’t become a stranger please…. we love you! x
Things with Alex moved quickly. He moved into your apartment, the two of you settled into a routine and only a few months in you found out you were pregnant.
It was a massive shock and you were something bordering excited and disappointed. You liked Alex, truly you did and it was nice to be sharing your life with someone again but this was all a lot happening in such a short period of time.
Whenever you thought about having babies you always imagined them with brunette hair, Nico’s nose crinkle and his beautiful big eyes.
You called your mom and cried for a little bit, she tried her very best to soothe you. At one point you considered calling Nico, just wanting someone who would make you feel better.
it’s been a while! A little girl…. congratulations sweetheart, not long until she’s here. nico sends his well wishes, Nina shared your photos with him I hope you don’t mind. let us know if you got our gift in the mail.
A little girl.
You posted it on instagram, a heart shaped cake with pink icing inside with the caption ‘my sweet slice of heaven ☁️🩷’
Nico saw it, everyone saw it. They all tried avoiding the conversation in the locker room but Nina sent it straight to him ‘HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?!? THAT SHOULD BE YOURS!!!’
Things with Alex hadn’t been so smooth sailing, he’d been making off handed comments about your body and you guys had been arguing about finances, with the additional costs of a baby coming you were trying to be smart. That wasn’t something you’d ever had to worry about with Nico, he’d fight you to keep your credit card in your purse. He always said his money was the least he could give you for everything you’d ever given him.
oh sweetheart. claudia is just perfect. she looks exactly like you and she’s got the chubbiest little cheeks. your mom told us what’s happened the past few months, I’m so sorry sweetheart, someday someone will come into your lives for you both and change it for the best. one day claudia will know just how strong her mommy is. we’re always here to support you; we’re so glad you reconnected with nico. he’s been showing us all the pictures and videos you send him, we’re so excited to meet her someday. take care of yourself schatz, we’ll see you when you come home x
Claudia, the love of your life.
Your babygirl was born and she was perfect. Everyone said she looked like you which you were grateful for, not a reminder of Alex who had taken off just before she was born.
You freaked out when you went into labour, all alone with nobody to call so you called the only person you knew you could rely on.
He was by your side, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement in your ear.
“I can’t do it! I can’t!”
“You can Schatz, you can. You’re so strong you can” you cried out in pain, squeezing his hand tighter.
He named her.
“Does she have a name?” He asks, stroking the little girls cheek.
“Alex wanted to call her Emma but I don’t like it” you scrunched your nose in discontent “My mom gave me a book of Swiss names but Alex wouldn’t even let me look at it he didn’t like-“
“How about Claudia?” He asks and your eyes go wide before you give a soft smile, remembering back to the first night in your house, holding one another while you said
“and our babies! if it’s a girl, Claudia and if it’s a boy I’d like to use Luca”
You nod, eyes full of tears “Claudia… hi babygirl”
Even after you’d gotten home and settled into life with your little girl you kept in contact with Nico. He asked for updates at least four times a day and you would FaceTime when he was on the road.
The devils last game of the season was against the sabres and you took Claudia to her first NHL game.
Nico found you both, standing next to the ice he waved to the baby through the plexi
“Hi, Chäferli!”
happy birthday to Claudia! we can’t wait to give her gift, we may have gone a little overboard but you can’t blame us… she’s our first grandbaby!! love you and we’ll see you three later at her party.
“Happy birthday Chäferli!” Nico shouted, peppering kisses all over the one year olds face as she sat in her high chair eating her cupcake delivered specially from the team.
Your camera shutter caught both of their attention, the two looking over at you with smiles and you shrugged “Capturing the memories”
Nico shakes his head, unclipping Claudia from her high chair and waltzing over to where you stood in the kitchen with your camera pushing the camera down from your face to kiss you softly
“Best day of our lives” he mumbled and you stroked Claudia’s cheek while nodding
“Our precious girl, you made this family”
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bumblee-stumblee · 4 months
Sextortion training materials found on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, according to new report
Sextortion is “a crime that involves adults coercing kids and teens into sending explicit images online,” according to the FBI. The criminals threaten their victims with wide distribution of the explicit images, including to the victims’ friends and family, unless the victims pay them, repeatedly, through a variety of peer-to-peer payment apps, cryptocurrency transfers and gift cards.
Please read the entire article.
It happens a lot. It is also not just strangers that do this. People you considered friends and family can be capable of doing this as well.
Do not send nudes of yourself to anyone. Do not pay anyone if they threaten and tell you they want money to not post them.
In the U.S., people who have experienced sextortion (or their parents or guardians) can report it via the FBI’s cybercrime portal IC3.gov online or a local FBI field office. Sextortion incidents involving a minor should also be reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children or NCMEC Cypertipline at report.cybertip.org or by phone at 800–843–5678.
Please keep yourselves safe.
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amiasfitaccw · 3 months
Veronica, Miss Silesto, whatever you prefer
Part 3rd - (Last)
To those that have concerns about bigger studio porn, what would you say to them to alliviate some of their concerns.
You probably didn't ask about that, but I would like to tell you about the fears of viewers about harassment for watching the zoo. Many visitors to our sites ask how safe it is to watch my videos from the point of view of surveillance and police harassment. We have checked and can convincingly state that no country in the world prohibits viewing zooporono. In other words, if you found a video on a zoo website and clicked "play", you didn't break any laws, no matter where you lived. Citizens of some countries, mainly Africa, should be a little more careful with storing copies of the zoo on their devices.  Citizens of some US states, such as Oregon, Nevada, Texas, should also be cautious. There, for owning a physical copy of zoo porn, you can get a serious fine or even go to jail.
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Therefore, our distribution model is unlimited online video streaming, stream. You pay money and enjoy the video as many times as you want, from any device, 100% safe. It is impossible to condemn a person for visiting the site, if only because he might not know the content, and it is impossible to prove the opposite.
And another pitfall in our field, a good reason for reasonable fears is fraud. In 2 years, my team has calculated and closed more than 100 sites, social media accounts with generous offers of fantastic discounts on my videos. "The whole Veronica Silesto collection for €200" and the like. The only way to get my movies for resale is to steal by making a screen copy of the worst quality. This is time-consuming and not everyone can do it, so scammers prefer to just take your money and not give anything in return.
There is extra money – donate to shelters for abandoned animals, do not give a dollar to scammers. The only place where you can buy my videos is the website silesto.com
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If there's a reader out there that's looking to getting into creating this kinda content, what advice would you have for them?
If we are talking about amateur content for home use, there are no secrets. Put the camera on and fuck, then you'll take into account your mistakes and make it better.
And if you're talking about a big commercial movie for money, it's not that simple. I advise you to familiarize yourself with the criminal law of your state to begin with. It is good to train a dog so that it is not just a piquant erotic game, but real hardcore pornography. Take care of privacy, of course. Haters will destroy you if you keep your footprints in social networks.
If you want to make money, be prepared for the fact that the only payment method that is safe for the client is cryptocurrency. At the same time, no more than 2% of the audience is ready to deal with this. You also need an operator, because video from one point and without a close-up is very boring and not in demand. We need a video editor and a sound engineer to get a really high-quality product in the end. In general, there is a lot of work to do if you want to turn your movies into money.
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Do you have any projects coming up that you can tease for our readers?
The nearest project is "Wedding Party". With a palace, a limousine, a bride, a groom and a best man. Lots of nature, lots of scenery, lots of sex! And a little later there will definitely be a "Party on the yacht". While there are difficulties with this: dogs need to be accustomed to pitching on board, it's not easy at all. It should turn out to be a very beautiful and dynamic film. Among the ideas there is also a "Gym Party"6 I dream of making a movie in a sports club. Sport is my second passion after sex and it is strange that there is still no such movie in my collection.
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Are there any final remarks you'd like to leave our readers with?
Do not try to restrain your desires and passions, this is a destructive force if you keep them within the boundaries of your own body. You will not change your energy with nature, it will simply crush you with ailments and bad luck. I literally share my body and soul with nature and am so happy that I rarely touch the Ground with my feet. What I wish you!
///The End\\\
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melbetindia · 6 months
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
A Turkish firm has cut power supplies to Guinea-Bissau's capital over an unpaid bill of at least $15m (£12m), plunging the city into darkness.
It has severely disrupted daily life, with hospitals affected and radio stations off-air.
Economy Minister Suleimane Seidi acknowledged the arrears, saying most of the bill would be paid in 15 days.
Karpowership is one of the world's biggest floating power plant operators, supplying several African states.
But it has taken a tough line over non-payment. Last month, it cut power to Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, over an unpaid bill of $40m.
The Turkish company has also signed a deal to supply power to South Africa, saying it will cover more than 5% of the country's total electricity needs.
South Africa has been hit by a wave of power cuts with people going without electricity for up to 10 hours a day.
Power was cut in Bissau, a city with a population of more than 400,000, in the early hours of Tuesday and has not been restored, a resident told the BBC.
Some public hospitals are now using generators to carry out surgery, local journalist Assana Sambu told the BBC.
But they don't have running water because there is not enough electricity, and hospital directors have appealed for power in order to cook food for their patients.
Another journalist, Alberto Dabo, said he was drinking water from a well because water supplies had been cut amid the sweltering heat which reaches 40C.
"Our houses are very hot. Most families stay outside till 4am before entering their houses to spend the rest of the night. You can't stay indoors because of the heat."
State-run Rádio Nacional is among media outlets that have stopped broadcasting, while the private radio station where Sambu works is only partially operating, he added.
Karpowership says it has been supplying 100% of Guinea-Bissau's electricity since signing a five-year agreement with the state-owned electricity and water utility company in 2019.
The country is one of the poorest in the world and has been beset by instability since independence.
"Unfortunately, following a protracted period of non-payment, our [floating power plant] is now unable to continue operating," a Karpowership spokesperson was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying.
"We are working around the clock with officials to resolve this issue and we aim to have generation back online as soon as possible," the spokesperson added.
Energy Minister Isuf Baldé said $6m of the $15m bill had been paid.
"In a small and poor country like Guinea-Bissau, carrying out a transfer operation of this level, $10m, takes time," he said.
He added that the contract with Karpowership needed to be renegotiated because costs had almost doubled since it began, to a level Guinea-Bissau could no longer afford.
The company also supplies electricity to six other African countries - Ghana, The Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
The company prides itself as "the owner, operator and builder of the world's only Powership (floating power plant)".
Its involvement in the electricity sector is the latest example of Tukey's growing influence in Africa.
Although access to electricity has increased in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years, it still remains low, with more than 50% of the region's population having no grid connection, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad).
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elnaabara5891 · 1 year
E-commerce payment gateway provides numerous benefits, including increased transaction security, streamlined payment processing, wider payment options for customers, and reduced payment processing fees. With a payment gateway, businesses can enhance customer trust, improve sales, and simplify the payment process. Read this blog to know more benefits of E-commerce Payment Gateway.
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yourreddancer · 2 years
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The distinguished American actor, Mark Ruffalo, calls for a boycott of the online payment platform “Paypal”, which refuses to provide service to the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and succeeds in collecting 205 thousand signatures to pressure the platform to undo the cessation of discrimination against Palestinians.
Dalia Shurrab, a content writer and translator based in Gaza, receives payment for her work through online money transfer platforms, like many freelancers around the world.
But she can’t use PayPal. Despite serving nearly 200 million users in 203 countries, PayPal denies its service to Palestinians – though not Israeli settlers – in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
“PayPal’s restrictions majorly disadvantage Palestinian startup and tech companies,” Shurrab told The Electronic Intifada, “essentially rigging the game in favor of their competitors in the rest of the Middle East and North Africa.”
The company cites regulatory concerns as the reason it denies service to Palestinians, although this ignores an established working relationship between the US Treasury and the Palestine Monetary Authority.
It also works in jurisdictions far less stable than Palestine, including Somalia and Yemen.
PayPal’s policy involves discrimination. Israelis living in settlements in the West Bank can use PayPal, while Palestinians are unable to. All of Israel’s settlements are illegal under international law.
The company did not respond to The Electronic Intifada’s repeated requests for comment.
Shurrab, who lives in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, is – like Gaza’s two million other residents – subject to Israel’s 10-year blockade of the territory. This makes it almost impossible for her to leave Gaza through any Israeli-controlled checkpoint.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Over the past decade, Beijing has invested heavily in trying to upgrade its major state media outlets such as China Global Television Network (CGTN), Xinhua News Agency, and China Radio International (CRI), and to make them seem more professional. It has tried to normalize them to audiences as little different from the BBC, CNN, or Al Jazeera—most likely Beijing’s preferred model—a station based in an authoritarian state but producing respected work.
For years in the 2010s, China hired respected foreign reporters to staff bureaus of outlets such as CGTN in the United States, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, and other places, and initially gave them a bit of room to cover interesting stories—as long as those did not directly affect China. The global journalism market is terrible: Between 2001 and 2016, newspaper publishing in the United States lost more than half the jobs in the industry, a higher rate of loss than in coal mining, not exactly an industry of the future. China’s outlets found many willing and credentialed reporters to join. Today, the Chinese government’s funding for state media dwarfs that of any other country’s state media funding, including that of the United States. In 2018, CGTN reportedly spent around $500 million to promote the network in Australia alone; it has also engaged in extensive promotion in Europe and North America.
In an effort to expand its influence within the domestic politics and societies of other countries, China in the past decade dramatically expanded other tools of influence as well, which I chronicle in my new book, Beijing’s Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World. These have included the use of disinformation online, payments to politicians to spout pro-China ideas, control of Chinese student associations in many countries, the funding of programs at universities, and other tactics.
But state media has been central to China’s efforts to influence other countries, control information about and protect the party, and gain what Chinese leaders and officials have called “discourse power” to amplify China’s narratives about its policies, its party, its leader, and its role in the world. Beijing’s cause is helped by a global environment in which resources for quality media are decreasing, democratic and authoritarian leaders alike are demonizing media, and publics’ trust in journalism is falling. Such a set of circumstances would seemingly make it easier for Chinese outlets to win readers, listeners, and viewers.
Yet China’s state media (excluding local-language Chinese media within specific countries), other than Xinhua, has hardly been a triumph for President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), even with money gushing in.
Indeed, Xi’s bold goal to wield state media power globally, a priority noted in CCP documents, has not worked to great effect—and that goal is fading even faster as the world sees the failure of Xi’s China model, which was heavily advertised in state media abroad. China’s global influence efforts, fueled in part by state media, have not prevented publics in many countries from souring on Beijing’s increasingly assertive diplomacy; being angry at the initial cover-up of COVID-19; fuming at how China increasingly uses economic coercion against other states, even tiny ones like Lithuania; or seeing the flaws in China’s own politics. In public opinion studies released in 2020, 2021, and 2022, such as those conducted by Pew, opinions of China in states from Sweden to South Korea to Australia turned sharply negative. Negative views of China reached historic highs in many states.
What evidence shows how China has failed to use state media effectively? China’s biggest state media outlets, other than Xinhua, have not sold many programs abroad or gained noticeable audience shares in most countries. China’s training programs for journalists, while rapidly expanding (at least before zero-COVID), have not created a shift in how foreign reporters cover China.
Take one example, the appeal of Chinese TV show exports globally. South Korea, a far smaller country, regularly outpaces the value of Chinese TV show exports. South Korea also has exported increasingly successful films and scripted shows—as well, of course, as one of the most popular bands in the world.
Similarly, while China ranked second in the Lowy Institute’s annual Asia Power Index, Beijing’s lofty numbers come mostly from its high rankings in economic relationships, diplomatic influence, and future power. The Asia Power Index’s measures of China’s influence over the region’s information landscape, including the influence from state media, show far less impressive results. The Lowy study uses influence maps based on internet search trends to assess Asians’ interest in regional media outlets. These maps have shown that CGTN is only the 10th-most popular broadcaster in the Asia-Pacific, and its reach is a fraction of outlets such as CNN. The maps show that CGTN’s “reach is inconsequential,” as noted by the coordinator of the influence maps. Other Chinese outlets save Xinhua also fare badly on these influence maps.
Using the Freedom of Information Act, I obtained more than 20 studies, produced by Gallup as a contractor for the U.S. government, of viewing habits in countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, and South and Central Asia, among other regions. They generally show that even though Chinese state media are widely available in many countries, they usually attract minuscule viewership or listening numbers. In Laos, for instance, a country on China’s border with a growing population of Chinese speakers, one Gallup study of viewership in Laos found only 1.2 percent of the country’s population regularly watched Chinese broadcasting, a much lower figure than those who watched Voice of America or Radio Free Asia or Thai channels.
Chinese media outlets’ audience shares and perceived credibility lag behind local news sources, the BBC, and other Western broadcasters even in regions like Africa, where public opinion toward China is not as negative. In Ivory Coast, for instance, CRI has expanded its programming, but the Gallup study I obtained shows that CRI was listened to by less than 1 percent of Ivorians weekly, among the worst figures of any radio station’s reach in the country. (The BBC was listened to by 13.7 percent of Ivorians.) In Nigeria, a bigger target for Chinese state media, both CGTN and CRI performed abysmally in a similar Gallup study. In Nigeria, CGTN had 3.7 percent viewership, a quarter the audience of the BBC.
Even in Kenya, the hub of CGTN operations in East Africa, Chinese outlets have fared poorly. Studies suggest most Kenyans who consume news do not even utilize Chinese state media.
These figures are consistent with the still-low audience shares of CGTN, CRI, and state media outlets, save Xinhua, in many other regions of the world. In Asia, Chinese broadcast and radio state media outlets have not reached a large audience. A Gallup study of the weekly reach of television stations in Vietnam found that CGTN was only watched by 0.7 percent of Vietnamese adults, far less than the BBC, CNN, France’s TV5 Monde Asie, and South Korea’s Arirang TV. Two-thirds of Vietnamese who watched the BBC said they trusted that outlet a great deal, but only about 7 percent who watched CGTN said the same.
In Western democracies, too, in Europe and North America, CGTN has largely fizzled. In the United Kingdom, which has a sizable audience of people who are fluent in Chinese, a study found that CGTN was being watched by a minimal number of Britons—even before the British government kicked CGTN off the air in 2021 because it did not have autonomy from the Chinese state. Similarly, though CGTN launched a European subsidiary in 2019 via its London hub, it has made few inroads into the continental European market. And throughout Latin America, including in several large democracies, CGTN’s Spanish-language channel has significantly expanded the number of households in which it is available over the past decade but has not proved popular. A comprehensive study of CGTN-Español, CGTN’s Spanish-language channel, by Peilei Ye and Luis A. Albornoz, suggests that the Chinese government usually releases information only about the size of the audience CGTN potentially reaches—the number of households it is available in—and not the actual audience, most likely because the actual audience size is embarrassingly low.
Why has China’s state media—other than Xinhua, which I’ll come to later—failed so badly? It simply produces, in the Xi era, content that is too boring, staid, and timid. In an era more restricted than the 1990s, one in which China has today become much more authoritarian, state media reporters now instinctively tailor their stories to ensure they do not anger anyone at headquarters back in Beijing, which makes for weak and bland reporting.
CGTN reporters note that while they had more freedoms six or seven years ago, now the biggest focus in their minds is whether the stories will prove acceptable to the top leadership in Beijing rather than news consumers in foreign countries. This is “domestic signaling,” as the Guardian called it in an exposé of China’s soft- and sharp-power efforts—“telegraphing messages [via reporting in state media] that demonstrated loyalty to the party line in order to curry favor with senior officials.”
This does not make for exciting journalism. Further, a considerable part of the state media’s efforts to reach foreign audiences was designed to advertise China as a developmental success story—Xi was the first recent Chinese leader to openly embrace a Chinese model of development. But the past three years of China’s disastrous zero-COVID strategy, protests, supply chain disruptions, and serious economic slowdowns—all visible to the world, and even more so now that protests are raging in China—have undermined that main prong of the state media’s foreign messaging.
Chinese state outlets are going to find it harder to gain audiences as many leading democracies put roadblocks in their way. These have included the United Kingdom pulling CGTN’s license and the United States forcing state media to register as agents of foreign influence, which drives away U.S. national and Chinese national reporters who do not want to be tagged as influence agents. Some democracies have created commissions or legislation designed to closely examine foreign investment and influence inside their borders, such as Australia and Singapore. European states, too, are assessing ways to better monitor foreign investment and influence in media and information sectors.
Xinhua, alone among China’s biggest state media outlets, has expanded significantly while also boosting its global audience and gaining some credibility. Beijing has placed a high premium on modernizing Xinhua and getting foreign news outlets to use Xinhua stories by signing content-sharing deals, in the process legitimizing Xinhua to some editors and readers. Xinhua has inked many such deals, including for stories in many languages other than Chinese, and because it covers so many topics unrelated to China, its reporters sometimes have more room from Beijing to operate. It is likely that, in the next decade, with the pandemic forcing more outlets to cut staff, and with media outlets around the globe continuing to suffer financially, the appeal of signing deals with Xinhua, a cheap or free newswire, will only increase. Indeed, Xinhua could become China’s most powerful information weapon.
As of this writing, Xinhua has not yet forged enough connections to consistently write the first draft of global news stories, as wires do. Since some major outlets such as the BBC and the New York Times do not regularly use Xinhua stories, distrusting them, Xinhua still does not circulate as widely among elite publications as stories from Reuters or The Associated Press or Bloomberg. But that may be changing rapidly. In recent years, Xinhua has inked cooperation agreements with major global and regional newswires, including Agence France-Presse; news services in Australia; Germany’s Deutsche Presse-Agentur; Poland’s Polish News Agency; Class Editori in Italy; Le Soir in Belgium; Athens News Agency in Greece; RAI, Italy’s public broadcaster; and ANSA, Italy’s leading wire service.
And on many occasions, in places where it has a massive manpower advantage, like Southeast Asia and, of course, China itself, Xinhua is beating competitors to stories or is covering stories competitors do not have the resources to cover. As Xinhua grows (and offers its service free to many outlets in developing countries), and as other newswires struggle financially, the Chinese newswire will get to more stories first—and earn editors’ and publishers’ trust. It is rapidly opening bureaus. By early 2021, Xinhua had a reported 181 bureaus globally. This would give Xinhua a reach close to that of The Associated Press, which has around 250 bureaus worldwide, or the BBC, which is a giant in Africa, Asia, and other regions. Meanwhile, the Chinese newswire has a massive advantage over most of its competitors in that it does not have to make a profit.
Xinhua also is attempting to boost its credibility in other ways in Southeast Asia and other areas physically close to China or where populations have relatively positive images of China. In Southeast Asia and Africa, where Xinhua has poured resources into expansion, the Chinese state newswire can cover stories that may not get mentioned by other media organizations such as Reuters, The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, or large international newspapers with foreign staffs. One former U.S. official analyzing China’s expanding state media called this a “hyperlocal approach,” a strategy focused on offering detailed stories in regions that some global outlets ignore.
Eventually, if governments and news organizations do not put roadblocks in its place, Xinhua copy, via content-sharing deals, will appear in more and more news outlets, shaping public and elite opinion in a growing number of countries, as it already does in places such as Thailand. A range of evidence shows Xinhua’s growth in size and influence. There, Xinhua has signed content-sharing deals with many top Thai publications, including those of the Matichon Group, the most-respected Thai-language news organization. These deals have allowed China to shape news narratives in Thailand, where many more Thai outlets now run Xinhua copy. Overall, not only is China portrayed more positively in the Thai media than in the past, according to many Thai journalists, but serious critiques of China are vanishing from many Thai outlets.
A range of evidence shows Xinhua’s growth in size and influence. The Lowy Institute’s maps of digital influence in Asia show Xinhua is making inroads across the region. Indeed, the maps show that Xinhua has become the second-most-influential news agency regionally, behind only The Associated Press, and that Xinhua is making significant gains in influence in the media environment of several Northeast Asian and Southeast Asian states. And unlike with, say, a television station that a viewer has to actively turn on, and probably knows the channel, most print or online readers do not check the bylines of news articles—making it easier for Xinhua copy to slip through to readers.
Notably, media outlets have been signing deals to carry Xinhua even in countries where the U.S. government—and private nonprofits hailing from democratic states—have invested heavily in promoting the creation of a vibrant local media. In Afghanistan, for instance, where donors including the United States have plowed money into the local media, an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) report shows that Xinhua has inked contracts with 25 to 30 Afghan media outlets. These deals include ones with the biggest television stations and websites in the country.
The IFJ report notes that China’s content-sharing deals have helped reshape journalists’ messaging about Beijing in multiple countries, including those known for robust local journalism. Its survey of Philippine journalists found that China’s increasingly close links with the Philippines’ state television, the Philippine News Agency, and the Philippine Information Agency, built through content-sharing and training programs, are having an effect on Philippine news outlets’ coverage of China.
Indeed, China’s closer links to Philippine media, and the spreading use of Xinhua in the Philippines, are depriving Philippine news consumers of independent reporting on Beijing. These shifts are depriving Filipinos of independent coverage even as Beijing squeezes the Philippines in the South China Sea, and even though the population as a whole in the Philippines has not become markedly more pro-China. “The way they write their stories now, they reflect the way how Xinhua or how the state media in China is writing their stories,” one Philippine journalist told IFJ. “It’s normally propaganda.” Another told IFJ, “Instead of getting insights on journalism from free countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Western Europe and even Japan, they [journalists in the Philippines] are learning state control.”
Xinhua is gaining readership in many states through such content-sharing deals, or simply because more news outlets are choosing to use Xinhua stories. And as Xinhua buys access—and gets into more websites, newspapers, and magazines—its stories will become as ubiquitous as those of The Associated Press. Then Xinhua, still a state company, still a propaganda organ that provides intelligence briefings to top Chinese leaders, will be able to shape even more of the world’s news coverage. It is indeed the only true weapon, among China’s state media, that has come of Xi’s grand desire for more control over global “discourse power.”
If Xinhua, inking more and more content-sharing deals, is able to write the first draft about stories outside of China, which is what wires provide, and set the tone and parameters for international coverage by other outlets, as wires do, it could have a huge effect on how the global public understands the news. As The Associated Press and Reuters have done for years, Xinhua would be able to initially define many news stories for the world—a dangerous proposition for free and independent media and for honest coverage of China.
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payrupofficial · 2 years
Landline Bill Online Payment With Payrup | Payments Made Easy & Safe.
A landline is a phone that transmits data over a metal wire or optical fiber telephone line, as opposed to a mobile cellular network, which transmits data over radio waves. Landlines were the first mode of telecommunications established in India. As per TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), there are more than 100 crores of people using landline services in India. Landlines are less complex than mobile phones and are easy to use for adults.
Landlines are also known as:
main line
house phone
How to Pay a Landline Bill Online?
Open https://payrup.com/
Click on the Landline Bill. It leads to https://payrup.com/landline-bill-payment-online
Select your operator.
Enter your Telephone Number
Enter the amount or else give the fetch bill.
Click on Proceed to Pay
Online payment platforms like Payrup, Paytm, Bhim, etc. have made payment of landline bills easy. It is easy to pay a landline bill online rather than paying it by going to the office.
Landline Service Providers in India
Airtel Landline Services:
Airtel is a telecommunications company founded by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Headquartered in New Delhi, they service 18 countries across Asia and Africa. As per wikipedia, they are the second largest provider of fixed telephone in India. Payrup provides the facility to pay Airtel Landline Bill Online. Airtel is one of the main providers of prepaid, postpaid, broadband and DTH services.
BSNL(Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) Landline Services:
BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited), is a telecommunications service provider owned by the Government of India. Launched in the early 1990s, BSNL was the only fixed telephone service in the country. BSNL is the largest provider of landline services in India. BSNL provides two plans for landline- for individuals and for businesses. BSNL also provides prepaid, postpaid, and broadband services in addition to landline services.
MTNL (Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited) Landline Services:
MTNL is a subsidiary of BSNL, currently operating in two metro cities, New Delhi and Mumbai. MTNL also provides fixed line services or landline services in New Delhi and Mumbai.
Tata Teleservices:
Tata Tele Business Services Ltd, earlier known as Tata Tele Services Limited is a Mumbai based telecommunication service provider. Tata Teleservices is a subsidiary of Tata Group. They provide fixed line services mainly in Maharashtra.
Benefits of Paying Landline Bill Online:
There are many benefits to paying the landline bills online. Some of these benefits are listed below:
Online Portals usually save our details such as service provider and landline number so that you don’t have to type it each month.
Online Portals send you a monthly reminder when it is time to pay your landline bill.
Online Portals like Payrup offer cashback and other discount coupons and offers most of the time. So it is always beneficial to make your landline bill payment online.
Main point for doing online bill payment for landlines is the same as all other payment services. It is easier, convenient and saves time and effort.
Concluding Thoughts:
In conclusion it is safe to say that a large part of our population still uses landline services. So most of the payment platforms in India offer landline bill payment services online. In addition to being easy and convenient, this method offers cash back and discount coupons. This makes landline bill payment online one of the most preferred methods for landline bill payment.
1. What is a landline connection?
A landline connection is also known as fixed line service. Landline service is provided through metal wire or optical fibre.
2. What will happen if you did not pay your landline bill?
If you did not pay your landline bill, then firstly, the service provider will give you reminders, after which there will be a late fee. If you ignore that also, they will be forced to cut your connection till you make the payment.
3. What will happen if the amount is deducted from my account and landline bill payment fails?
If in case the landline bill payment fails and the amount gets deducted from your account, then the amount will be returned to your account within 24 hours.
4. Is there any method to check landline bills other than checking in Payrup?
You can check your landline bill online on your service provider's website. Other than that, most service providers send paper bills as well as send reminders to you till the payment is made.
Final Thoughts…
Popular bill payment facilities are available on Payrup!
Payrup has a host of facilities that can all be paid online using our platform.
Choose to make payments for mobile prepaid, mobile postpaid, dth, electricity, landline bills, piped gas, broadband bills, water bills, e-gift cards purchases, cable tv bills, credit card bills, health insurance purchase, housing society payments, life insurance premium purchases, loan repayments, hospital payments, subscriptions, education fees, fastag payments, LPG gas bills, municipal services and municipal taxes’ payments Payrup has it all covered for our users under one roof.
To check about Airtel Landline Bill Payment visit https://payrup.com/blogs/how-to-do-landline-bill-payment-airtel-at-payrup
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Business Name: Advertising Solutions Web Design
Street Address: 51 Rietfontein Road
City: Boksburg
State: Gauteng
Zip Code: 1459
Country: South Africa
Business Phone: 081 507 9810
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://advertisingsolutions.co.za/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aswdza/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aswdza/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/advertising-solutions-web-design
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aswdza/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpwJuDCN208vsWNHF2E1ZPw
Business Description: We are a web design, hosting, and SEO company based in Boksburg, Gauteng. We cover the entire Johannesburg, East Rand, West Rand, Tshwane, Sedibeng, and Pretoria regions. We provide a range of online services designed to keep you at the forefront of your customer and potential customers' mind. Building websites that exceed market expectations and work with your business's support infrastructure.
Whether you’re looking for a simple responsive business website or an eCommerce website with a whole range of features, we’ve got you covered. We’ll help you identify your core business objectives – what you need from your website – and work with you to get the results your business needs, whether that’s increased exposure, better search engine rankings, or more sales.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3605090741239359726
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 09:00am to 04:00pm Tuesday 09:00am to 04:00pm Wednesday 09:00am to 04:00pm Thursday 09:00am to 04:00pm Friday 09:00am to 04:00pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash Bank Transfer Payfast Debit/Credit Card Payments
Services: Website Design, Web Hosting, SEO, Online Marketing
Keywords: web design, web design boksburg, web design gauteng, web designer, affordable website design
Business/Company Establishment Date: 08-01-2015
Business Slogan: Quick, Easy & Affordable
Number of Employees: 2-5
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Kevin Ras, [email protected], 081 507 9810
Service Areas:
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b2bbusiness · 9 hours
South Africa's Cards and Payments Market: Poised for Takeoff
South Africa's cards and payments market is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by a growing preference for convenient and secure payment methods. While cash remains a dominant force, the winds of change are undeniable. This article delves into the current landscape, key trends, and future prospects of this dynamic market.
Market Snapshot: A Legacy of Cash, Embracing Digital
South Africa has traditionally been a cash-reliant society. However, recent years have witnessed a surge in card payments, fueled by factors like:
Increased smartphone and internet penetration: Wider access to technology has empowered consumers to explore digital payment options.
E-commerce boom: The flourishing e-commerce sector necessitates secure online payment gateways, propelling card usage.
Government initiatives: Government programs promoting financial inclusion and cashless transactions are nudging citizens towards digital payments.
Card Payment Growth: A Positive Trajectory
Despite a sluggish 2020 due to the pandemic, card payments in South Africa are expected to exhibit a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.1% between 2021 and 2025 [1]. This growth is attributed to:
Economic recovery: As economic activity picks up, consumer spending is anticipated to rise, positively impacting card transactions.
Enhanced payment infrastructure: Investments in secure and efficient payment networks are bolstering consumer confidence in using cards.
Contactless and e-commerce adoption: The growing popularity of contactless payments (through chips and digital wallets) and the e-commerce boom are driving card usage.
Key Players in the Arena
The South African cards and payments market is a competitive landscape with established players like:
Banks: Major South African banks, including Standard Bank, FNB, and Absa, are key issuers of credit and debit cards.
Payments processors: Companies like Visa and Mastercard act as processors, facilitating card transactions between banks and merchants.
Fintech startups: Innovative fintech companies are introducing new payment solutions like mobile wallets and digital payment apps, challenging traditional players.
Emerging Trends: Shaping the Future
Several trends are shaping the future of South Africa's cards and payments market:
The rise of contactless payments: Contactless payments through chips and digital wallets offer speed and convenience, fostering their widespread adoption.
Instant payments: The emergence of real-time payment solutions like Instant EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is enabling faster and more efficient transactions.
Mobile wallets: Mobile wallets stored on smartphones are gaining traction, offering a secure and convenient way to pay in stores and online.
Biometric authentication: Fingerprint and facial recognition technologies are being explored for secure and user-friendly card payments.
Open banking: Open banking regulations are paving the way for collaboration between banks and fintech companies, fostering innovation in payment solutions.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the positive outlook, the South African cards and payments market faces certain challenges:
Financial literacy: Educating the population about the benefits and security of digital payments is crucial for wider adoption.
Cybersecurity concerns: Mitigating the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches is essential to maintain consumer trust in card payments.
Infrastructure limitations: Uneven internet access, particularly in rural areas, can hinder the growth of digital payments.
For more insights on the report, download a free sample
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