#Online Gaming Laws Near Me
shieldlawfirm · 1 month
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Online Gaming Laws Near Me
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mightyoctopus · 9 months
Library posts on here have me so conflicted.
On one hand, libraries can provide a lot of value to a lot of people, and it's good to inform people of this. Like, I was recently talking to a friend (grown man in his 40s) who didn't know that you could read books for free at a library. The more people are informed about this matter, the better.
And of course, some libraries also provide other services such as movies, board games, internet, printers, 3D printers, cheap coffee, meeting rooms, courses, etc. Talking about this is also good, because many people can benefit from these services! Especially people who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford them.
But (and here comes the but), I feel like some people on this site are really insistent on claiming that all libraries offer all these services for free, always. And that no library has any flaws at all. And that anyone can access a library at any time. And if you don't, you're a traitor for not supporting your local library.
And like... there is so much wrong with that. First of all, not all libraries offer all these services. And if they do, they might not be available in minority languages. (Spanish in the USA, Turkish in Germany, etc.) And if they do, they're not always free. And this can vary greatly on region and country, too. Not the whole world is the USA. There's places where libraries are rare and spaced very far apart. There's places where libraries are "mobile", meaning they're a car filled with books. Or sometimes a donkey. I think it's great that mobile libraries exist! It's great that people in villages near me can get free books that way. But also, it's absurd to claim that they have the same type of access as someone from a big city. It's absurd to claim that they're class traitors and it's their own fault because they didn't "create demand" and "support their local library." They do not have a "local" library. Not everyone has a local library!
And even if there is a library near you, it's very possibly inaccessible! Most countries do not have laws regarding accessible design, and if they do, they're rarely enforced. Before you go on praising how all libraries are perfect and wonderful, ask yourself, how many are accessible to disabled people? Which disabled people? Wheelchair users? Blind and visually impaired people? Immunocompromised people? There's so many of us. Yet we are so often left out.
Some countries have libraries specifically for disabled people, but most often you need to qualify and prove your disability. I have a membership in such a library. A lot of them will only accept visual impairment and no other disability. I was lucky I was in occupational therapy at the time of my enrollment, because my therapist could approve my paperwork for me. Otherwise I might not have been able to join. It's online only and costs money. It's not free. A lot of books are region-locked since I'm not in the USA. And yet I am so grateful everyday for this opportunity, for this access to books. I know many disabled people aren't so lucky.
My point is not that libraries are bad, but that libraries are very diverse. Pretending like all libraries are not only perfectly alike, but also perfect, helps no one. Libraries can provide vital services, but they do not provide these services equally around the world, and they do not provide these services equally to all people.
If you truly love libraries so much, fight to make them better, fight to make them accessible. Don't silence those of us who are left out.
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apteryxparvus · 11 months
L ♡ V E R ⇌ L ⦻ S E R — pov: you’re my therapist
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Group chat — pov: you’re my therapist
masterlist • next
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Y/N L/N Occupation: first-year bachelor of Civil Engineering at Sumeru Akademiya. Bartender at Lambad's Tavern and library assistant at House of Daena.
Living situation: currently crashing at Alhaitam’s place, enjoying alcohol and horror movie marathons with her second roommate Kaveh.
Due to her mother's job, she grew up used to frequent relocations.
After her parents divorced, she moved with her father to Sumeru.
Youngest member of her friend group at Sumeru Akademiya.
Closest to Alhaitam, often pretending to simp over him to make Kaveh annoyed (= jealous).
Kaveh Occupation: third-year bachelor student of Architectural Science, with a minor in Fine Arts at Sumeru Akademiya. Works as a freelance architect and a TA for small tutorial groups for the course Linear algebra; occasionally opens commission slots online.
Living situation: Alhaitam’s roommate since the start of the academic year. Both of his roommates have to endure his late-night tinkering sessions.
Both parents are renowned Sumeru Akademiya alumni.
After his father's passing, his mother moved to Fontaine and remarried.
In his late teens, he was forced to sell the family home.
Proud owner of an orange tabby cat called Mehrak.
Living with Alhaitam is tough, but despite their frequent arguments and debates, Kaveh recognizes that his friend holds a significant presence in his life.
Alhaitam Occupation: second-year bachelor student double majoring in Linguistics and Semiotics; works part-time as a junior library administrator and assistant at the House of Daena.
Living situation: owns an apartment close to the main campus of Sumeru Akademiya, sharing it with his roommates Kaveh and Y/N.
Lost both is parents at a young age; raised by his grandmother.
His passion for literature and science led him to graduating a year before his peers.
While he takes pleasures in engaging in debates his Kaveh, he feels genuine concern for his friend's well-being. 
Cyno Occupation: third-year bachelor student of Laws, interning as an Academic Misconduct Officer at Sumeru Akademiya. He’s an internationally known Genius Invocation TCG champion.
Living situation: resides in a small, cozy house with his long-term boyfriend Tighnari and their adopted sister Collei.
Born in the Great Red Sand desert, he defied the odds and got accepted at Sumeru Akademiya to study law.
Stoic and emotionless, often intimidating others, but his friends know his true character.
Regular customer at the board game café in near the Akademiya, always challenging the other patrons to a duel.
Tighnari Occupation: second-year bachelor student of Environmental Science at Sumeru Akademiya; weekend help at a nursery garden and renowned plant vlogger with a devoted following.
Living situation: lives in a small rented house with his boyfriend and their adopted sibling, hoping to buy their own place after graduation.
Grew up in Gandharva Ville and witnessed the devastating effects of pollution and deforestation.
Has a YouTube channel where he shares insights about the flora and fauna of Teyvat.
Frequently complains to his online followers about having to take care of hikers who consume psychedelic mushrooms from the Avidya Forest National Park.
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Author's note: hoping to post the rest of the profiles sometime over the weekend, if work doesn't mentally destroy me that is 🤷‍♀️
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petertingle-yipyip · 7 months
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five - build god then we'll talk
tags: n/a // four // six // masterlist
Pairing: Billy x Reader ; Frank x Reader
Word Count: 7,008
Summary: Temporary alliances form on one side before fighting off an ambush from the other. All the while, dots are connecting for more than one player as the game grows more and more dangerous.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” She smiled as she came into the conference room. You stood from your chair and shook her hand, noticing a slight wince as she sat across from you. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I’m acting SAC Dinah Madani.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You nodded. “I heard about the crash at the docks. I commend you for coming into the office so soon but I guess it’s no surprise as you’re the acting SAC.”
“You heard?” Her brows raised.
“Word travels fast between bureaus.”
“Ah.” She nodded. “Of course, you recently completed FBI training at Quantico. How was that?”
“It was good. I’m excited to start and get to work with my partner.”
“You have a partner already?”
“He recommended me. I wouldn’t have pursued the FBI if I hadn’t met him.”
“Sounds like a good foundation for a partnership.”
“I’m sure it will be, but I don’t think that’s what you called me in for, is it?”
“No.” She shook her head with a small smile as if she had been caught. “It’s about your previous employment.”
“Oh, Anvil!” You nodded, feigning understanding. “Of course. Billy told me about the Homeland group that came through a few days ago. He said you really stuck out.”
“If this is about Billy-“ You leaned your elbows on the table as if you two were high schoolers gossiping at the lunch tables. “-I say you should go for it.” You continued when you noticed she was taken by surprise. “I don’t blame you, he’s real good-looking and you’re beautiful. And, between us, the sex is good too if you’re interested in that.”
“Ms. Y/L/N.”
“You guys had good banter the other night so you should go out with him again, on a real date.”
“I’m sorry, the other night? He told you about that?”
“No, I saw you two.” Your brows furrowed as you played dumb and leaned back in your seat. “I walked right past you? …. This isn’t about Billy, is it?”
“Your employment at Nelson and Murdock, actually.”
“Oh… That feels like a lifetime ago.”
“Wasn’t too long ago.”
“A lot has changed since then.”
“Since college too, I assume.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, naturally, I looked into your academics, and may I say, you’re brilliant. Columbia Law, summa cum laude, alongside the two partners at the firm you’d later work at. Only you took some time between your senior semesters. Completed your degree online and you were able to skip internship. A near-perfect Bar score as well. Looking at it all together, it’s truly impressive.”
“Thank you.” You nodded. “Although I’m not sure why the firm is relevant. It’s disbanded. Franklin Nelson is thriving at HC&B and Matthew Murdock is on a Catholic Retreat at the Vatican.”
“Are you religious?”
“You go ahead and build God yourself then we’ll talk religion.” You scoffed. “Any God isn’t relevant here anyway, right? Considering the whole Church and State separation.”
“Hmm.” She nodded before coming around to your side of the table. “Before Columbia, there’s practically nothing. Like you didn’t exist.”
“Yes, well, my father dumped me at an orphanage overseas.”
“Your mother didn’t protect you?”
“Died when I was an infant, may she rest in peace. Hence the whole orphan thing”
“You were a ghost before law school, Ms. Y/L/N. Forgive me, Agent Y/L/N. And yet you have made quite a life for yourself.”
“What are you implying?”
“Someone intentionally wanted to keep your existence a secret… Leaves room to speculate on what you were before, but no one ever seemed to.” You saw her focus stay on your eye for a moment and you mentally cursed yourself for not having dealt with it that morning. “Yet you’ve still gotten everything you wanted out of life, didn’t you?”
“You can ask Mr. Russo about that. He can give you the gist, off the record of course. Just as I assume this entire conversation is.”
“Anvil hires ex-military.” She challenged rather than acknowledging your last comment.
“You were never a soldier.”
“Correct, I never served in the US Military or any nation’s traditional military.”
“But you have some training?”
“Enough to get in at Anvil and be one of his most trusted/most consistent and earn his respect from the first time I met him. But with all due respect, Agent Madani, what does this have to do with Nelson and Murdock?”
“You’re an interesting woman, Agent Y/L/N.”
“Yes, you’ve said that.” You said sharply. “Please make your point, Madani, or I’m leaving.”
“I just wonder why you’d throw away such a promising career on the Castle case.”
“And this conversation makes me wonder why you’d want to disturb a dead man.”
“I’ve read through the transcripts and you were a real powerhouse in that courtroom. You were a fierce advocate for the man. Your work ethic is rather admirable.”
“It was my idea to take the case in the first place. It was only right to give it my best.”
“Why take it at all? I’m sure the partners didn’t agree.”
“Not at first.” You agreed. “But it wasn’t supposed to go to trial. Our plan was to negotiate a better plea deal but Frank had other plans. Why is any of this relevant?”
“What interested me the most was the testimony of the medical examiner that got thrown out.” She flipped open her folder and trailed her finger down the page as if she was searching for something before tapping the page a few times.
“And how do you know about that?”
“The testimony was stricken from official record.”
“Public record, maybe. A case that major would’ve had everything available to departments like mine or yours, if you talk to the right people.  What stood out to me was the woman he mentioned, wearing a mask with an accent. The woman Mr. Tepper said coerced him into his confession.”
Elektra. Even in death, she haunted you. Same way Matt did.
“Yes.” You nodded as the Midland explosion rumbled deep in your chest when she shut the folder. “But the defense had nothing to do with that. To this day we have no idea who that woman was nor do any of us care at this point. We’ve moved on.”
“Would it be fair to assume it was a local vigilante? I’ve heard there’s one who fits that description, worked alongside Daredevil - who you know well - and even did a short stint with the Punisher.”
“Excalibur. No wait, that’s the sword.. Was it Extremis?”
“Exodus.” She corrected.
“Right! I don’t know, I heard she died.”
“Did you know her?”
“Allegedly.” You shrugged.
“And how exactly does that work?”
“The last time I saw either of them alive, they came to me and said there was some organization targeting their loved ones. They made it seem like they knew me without their suits but never said their names. Then they fought their fight and everyone else that was hiding out with me had their friends come back but those two never did… Nothing was ever uncovered from the rubble either.”
“Rubble?” Her head tilted slightly.
“Some building went down a few months ago. I’m sorry, but I’m still lost. I don’t understand what you’re asking me.”
“Why advocate for Frank Castle at all? And if Exodus was your friend, why throw her to the wolves in the trial?”
“Are we still off the record?”
“Of course.” She gestured to the lack of cameras in the room.
“Frank Castle was the victim of a sting operation gone back. When DA Reyes was in office, she planned to catch the Blacksmith, who turned out to be his old C.O., at Central Park. Only she neglected to - Actually, she opted to not clear civilians, which ended with Lisa, Maria, and Frankie Castle being shot dead on what was supposed to be a celebratory outing. Frank Castle endured a tragedy, Agent Madani. Now it’s not justification for a full-blown killing spree across my neighborhood but it’s some sort of explanation as to why he was so goddamned angry.”
“And are you angry, Agent Y/L/N?” She asked carefully.
“Yeah, I am.” You said after a minute of contemplation. “I’m angry that he’s gone. I’m angry that my firm fell apart. And I’m angry that I’m here, digging up stories on a dead man that I let down.”
The heat that lived in your veins rose and you felt it burning through your skin. You had to take a few steadying breaths to force it back where it belonged.
“I’m sorry to have upset you.” She offered, and there was an attempt at sincerity, but you could tell it was learned. Forced, even. “I didn’t know it was so important to you.”
“At Columbia and Quantico - They probably talk about it at the FLETC too, body language. Facial expressions. Inflections in people’s voices. Helps to figure out if someone’s lying and whether you can trust the words they’re saying. Almost everybody has a tell and I see one from you when you talk about Frank Castle. Like a kid in a candy store, just waiting to hear the right words from her parents…  What words are you hoping to hear, Agent Madani?”
“Did he ever tell you about his time in Afghanistan? Specifically Kandahar.” She asked finally and you had to keep your smirk to yourself. For an acting SAC, she was easy enough to work. “I was in Kandahar myself before this. Turns out Frank Castle might’ve been the man I needed to talk to.”
“What’s important about Kandahar?”
“Do you know anything?”
“Depends on what you’re looking for.”
“Ahmed Zubhair, a man I worked with. Tortured and executed by his unit. Tell me, what kind of man was Frank Castle?”
“Decent. Angry, but honest. I had nothing to fear from him. He treated me with respect and I did the same. And I regret how I let him down… If Kandahar is something that could’ve had something to do with what happened to Frank’s family, I’ll see what I can find.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” She shook her head slightly. “I doubt your SAC at the FBI will let you open a case based on intuition and a personal stake.”
“You’re not asking.” You said simply. “When you talk to Billy about me, which I know you will, I’m sure he can fill you in on some of my capabilities outside of my bureau… If his old C.O. was behind Central Park because of Kandahar, I owe it to him and his family to find out why and find out who pulled Schoonover’s strings.”
“You think there was someone above him?” Her eyes lit up.
“Operation Cerberus wasn’t forgotten in the records.” You clarified. “It had to be on purpose. Someone kept it off. And that leaves room to speculate, remember?”
“Do you have any leads?”
“I will. I was a ghost before Columbia for good reason. Oh, and feel free to call if you need any sort of freelance in your investigation.”
“Off the record?”
“It’s how I do my best work. Enjoy your speculation in the meantime.” You shrugged with a small smile as you stood and she gave you a slight smirk and a nod.
You and Madani would likely not find yourselves being friends by the end of your endeavors. Her mission ran counter to your own, though slight parallels existed. By seemingly agreeing to get her information about Kandahar, it allowed you a certain leeway regarding your own business. She wouldn’t be keeping a watchful eye over you so long as she believed you were on her side. And by planting the ideas of Billy’s knowledge of your past, you knew that it would create a direct line as to what she was asking and what she was being told.
The only way you would’ve crafted the situation any better would be if she was running solely on speculation and didn’t know Frank was alive. But you saw it in her eyes, that spark of a reignited passion project. Just days before she, like the rest of the world, knew Frank Castle to be dead. But now having seen his face, heard his voice, she couldn’t believe that ruse any longer. And that knowledge just might be the bump in your otherwise unobstructed path.
Before heading back to Lieberman’s hideout, you stopped back at your apartment. You pulled your gym bag from your room and dumped the contents across your bed. You took it over to the locked closet and took a deep breath, noticing your hand was shaking as you reached for the lock. You forced the hesitation to that familiar gap in your chest and opened it to reveal your bloodied clump of material, your case, and Matt’s case - kicked into the back corner.
You went straight for yours and dug through until you found what you were looking for, one of your very first suits. One before the alterations and additional protections. One that had the bright red emblem of the Red Room still embedded at the neck. It was a suit designed from a time before you were a vigilante before Exodus was ever created. It was born before Y/N had her own identity, before she met Matt and Foggy. The suit was created for the nameless, faceless Widow. The spy, the child raised to be an assassin. One that was good at it and hated herself for it. The suit was what your father traded his daughter for. The suit killed the little girl your mother gave birth to, erased her name, just to put a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. The suit, what it truly stood for, might’ve been all that was left for you.
You shoved it into the bag with a set of Bites, your other mask last used at Midland, boots, belt packed with all your usual tricks, and two handguns with an additional clip for each. You paused at your two torso protections, the recent vest newly adorned with scratches or the original long-sleeve top that was a gift from Matt before your first fight with Fisk. Neither felt right so you threw them both to the side. You tossed it on the table before rummaging around the kitchen to put together a few sets of to-go meals. Whether or not Frank had pissed you off, it was going to be a long drive so you made quick burritos and wrapped them up before placing them in the bag, along with your car charger for your phone. You grabbed a couple of waters and sodas, even threw in a couple of energy drinks for good measure, before heading over.
“Oh.” Lieberman said as you approached the two stocking the van. “I didn’t think you were coming.”
“I started something. I need to see it through.” You answered. “So are we doing this or what?”
Frank made a small noise in agreement and nodded for you to get in. He moved over to the driver's side and Lieberman offered you the passenger. You shook your head and dropped your bag into the back before you climbed up, yanking the doors shut behind you.
You were quiet for most of the drive, trying to drown out Lieberman’s blabbering about anything and everything. You laid out on your back and saw a message from Billy asking you to call him. You sat up quickly and turned to see the guys were now talking about the root of the word Cerberus. You scooted to the far corner and dialed the number, taking one more glance to ensure no one was paying attention to you.
“Hey, Pretty Lady. How you feeling today?” He asked when he answered and you noticed you almost smiled.
“Uh, yeah, I’m doing fine.” You answered quietly, though your voice earned a questioning look from Frank in the rearview. You just waved him off and he rolled his eyes. “What’s going on?”
“I wanted to see how you were feeling cause I just had something come across my desk that I thought you might wanna head up.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Thing is, it’s an out-of-town job.”
“Since when do you take those on?”
“Since it’s an old friend.” You knew he would’ve shrugged with a little head tilt. “He’s got some property in Kentucky he needs to clear out.”
“Sounds like a job for the Sheriff’s department out there, not you.”
“Look, he came to me so I’m assuming he tried all that.”
“Assuming…” You nodded to yourself. “So you didn’t bother to ask?”
He sighed slightly and you pictured the face he was making. Things with Billy were getting too familiar, too predictable. That small patch of vulnerability on your heart liked it and wanted to keep it, but the hardened reality urged you to push away.
“I guess it doesn’t matter. If it was a little closer, I’d do it but I’m not trying to go that far right now.” You said simply, which was true. You didn’t want to go to Kentucky but that’s where the job took you.
“Hey, not a problem.” He answered, no doubt with a smile. “I just had to offer it to my best girl.”
“As if there was anyone else. You gonna take it instead?”
“No, I’ll just let the guys run it themselves. I can’t get away right now.”
You nodded to yourself in slight relief, knowing you wouldn’t have to worry about him showing up out of the blue and being a problem. It did interest you a bit more as to who would be able to pull Schoonover’s strings and get to Billy. You knew it had to be Agent Orange but it did nothing to answer who the hell that man was.
“You still there?” He asked and you realized you had been quiet for too long.
“Yeah, sorry. Just thinking.” You admitted. “I gotta go, alright? I got some work I gotta get started on.”
“No worries. Take care of yourself for me, yeah?”
“Mhmm.. Bye.”
“The hell was all that?” Frank asked as soon as you had set your phone in your lap. You pulled your knees up and blew out a sigh, pushing your hands through your hair. You glanced over and saw him looking between the road and you from the rearview. You simply shrugged and scooted to be closer to them.
You leaned between the seats and saw Lieberman pass Frank a packet of tuna, at which you made a face. You were wildly confused as to why he would bring something so cheap and seeing Lieberman pull out a full sub made it worse for you. The meal choice confused Frank as well, and you had to laugh at the response from them both.
“Where’d you get that?” Frank asked in bewilderment, almost jealous as well.
“I made it.” He answered honestly.
“What do you mean, you made it?”
“Yeah... This stuff was in the fridge.”
“You make me one?”
“No... No, I thought you liked that stuff.”
You reached between them and grabbed the tuna out of Frank’s hand. Before he could complain, you replaced it with one of the burritos from your bag. He looked between the new food and you before he nodded in thanks. You offered a small smile and then dropped a water bottle into the cup holder. Lieberman looked between you and Frank with a clear question in his eyes, though if you had to guess what he was wondering, you’d have a list a mile long.
You knew how odd your dynamic with Frank would seem from the outside, both within and outside the law. As vigilantes, you two were partners who held each other in a certain respect. It was similar to you and Daredevil but with more aligned viewpoints. As regular people, you two were allegedly just a lawyer and her client, hardly friends or even acquaintances. So when looking at the way you two would interact, ensuring the other was alive and taking care of each other, it was something to question. How did you two get so close? Why were you two the seemingly only exception for the other? And realistically, there was no real answer other than you were too stubborn to let Frank, or the Punisher for that matter, do something stupid in your neighborhood alone.
Maybe it started as damage control or a way to piss off Matt and Daredevil, but it grew into a real friendship. A real partnership. It grew to be equivalent to family.
Lieberman talked some more during the drive, most of which you tuned out. Instead, you ate your food and rubbed the temple of your red eye with the intent of clearing it away. You almost felt the repair and you pictured it like using a squeegee on a window or using a magnet to play with flecks of iron. As your fingers moved in small circles, the redness would follow like a little trail until it diluted away.
You took a short nap on the drive as well before you all arrived. You ensured to kick the guys out before you changed into your suit. As you unfolded the material, your retractable fell into your lap. You hadn’t even realized you had grabbed it but there it was, tangled in the fabric of your suit and still caked in the blood of the Hand. You thought for a moment if you had done it on purpose but at that point, you didn’t think it mattered so you slipped it onto your wrist. Fitting all of your equipment into place felt like you were fixing the puzzle pieces of your life, replacing what seemingly always should’ve been. As you were finishing, you wondered absently if your bones had reshaped to allow the perfect little niches for your Bites and mask.
“I don’t wanna hear from you unless you hear from me, got it?” Frank warned as he took the walkie from Lieberman and you came around the van.
“Turn it on.” You nodded as your finger slid to your scar. The device beeped in your ear and you kept a light pressure as you shifted along until the static died and you were in the loop. “Got it, thanks.”
“Stay in the van.” He pointed to Lieberman before he began climbing the fence. “No getting your hands dirty this time.”
“Or trying to get someone killed.” You muttered as you hauled yourself over. You tapped your mask upon landing and followed behind Frank.
You were thinking about telling him that you had a theory an Anvil team would be sent in, but there was no good way to explain it. Explaining how you knew meant you had to explain your relationship with Billy, which meant he would connect the dots that you were sleeping with one of his closest friends, and that may or may not go over well. So you kept your mouth shut about it but your head remained on a swivel. You listened for anything that would cut into your communications with Lieberman or anything unusual through your lenses.
Your walk to the cabin was mostly clear - and unsettlingly quiet - save for the lone trip wire. When you two got to the small cabin, Frank began to rid himself of his backpack and gun. He gestured for you to do the same but you hesitated. You didn’t like the idea of being defenseless against whatever team Billy was sending your way. You knew you would have to kill them first, and the team likely would’ve expected to die or at least fight, so you didn’t necessarily feel bad about what was going to happen. But you did feel a little guilty for keeping it to yourself, for no other reason than to keep Billy your little secret.
With a small sigh, you untucked your guns and set them with Frank’s. You took the blade out of your belt as well, but you slipped a finger around your wrist and found the retractable blade was in its position. With your Bites and that, you should be fine to get back to your gun. You turned to Frank and put your hands up in slight surrender, to which he gestured to your wrists. You simply shook your head and moved back to his side.
You were adjusting your lens to see further when it picked up the faint outline of a figure far off. You tried to make it clearer and you could see the shape of a weapon. Your brows furrowed as you stared when you realized it was a bow and arrow. You grabbed Frank’s sleeve to move him but the arrow pierced him before you could. A secondary arrow zipped by and dragged across your chest, slicing a shallow gash from one collarbone to the other, taking a chunk of your shoulder with it.
You shoved him behind one of the bigger trees before you gripped the arrow with one hand and braced his shoulder with the other. He groaned in pain but ultimately nodded for you to do it. You yanked hard and the arrow snapped. He yelled loudly and you looked over your shoulder to see the figure was aiming at you two again. You cursed to yourself, grabbed the front of Frank’s jacket, and yanked him to the side. As you two were moving, the arrow came whizzing past your shoulder and buried itself at what you assumed would’ve been the center of your back.
“Gunner, goddamit, it’s Frank Castle.” Frank tried again after ducking behind another tree. You peeked around and saw Gunner coming closer, setting sights on you two again. You looked at Frank for confirmation but he held steady. You would just have to trust him.
“Come on. I’m not a part of it, brother. I never have been.” He continued.
You watched carefully and felt his slight hesitation. Despite it all, he still trusted Frank. And you could use that. You pulled that to the forefront, allowing that trust to be his focus. You also projected Frank’s trust in you and the two began to meld easily enough. You couldn’t completely beat the suspicion so you didn’t try to. You just had to make sure he didn’t fire another arrow because you weren’t gonna be able to dodge it.
“Сукин сын.” You said to yourself before stepping around the tree with your hands up in surrender. (Son of a bitch.)
“I know you don’t know me and you have no reason to trust me.” You said simply as you dropped to your knees, hands still raised as his arrow set a course to the center of your chest. If you said one wrong thing, you’d be dead. “A woman in a black suit and a mask shows up out of the blue, I wouldn’t trust me either if I were you.”
“The hell are you doing?” Frank asked in a hushed tone as he got to your side, falling into the same position you were in.
“Trying something.” You answered before returning your focus to Gunner. “You don’t have to trust me, but I’m willing to bet you trust him… And he wouldn’t bring me if I wasn’t on his side. That’s gotta be worth something.”
Gunner looked between you and Frank, an uncertainty in his eyes but his hands never faltered as Frank gave a quick explanation of what brought you two there. The arrow was still on course for your chest and you could picture how quick it would come, if it would be the same as feeling Elektra’s weapon in your dream. But the piercing never came. Instead, you heard the sound of the arrow relaxing and footsteps coming closer.
You helped Gunner get Frank to lean against one of the trees.
“I’m sorry about your family.” Gunner said honestly and you kept glancing around, anxiously awaiting for the figures to reveal themselves in your lenses.
“Agent Orange.” You said simply. “You know anything about who he is? Maybe a name.”
“No.” Gunner answered.
“So why’d you do it, man? Why’d you… Why’d you make the tape?” Frank asked and while Gunner explained it, you focused on your belt. You found the gauze you kept and unrolled some to pack his wound. You gently reached under his jacket and carefully stuffed the hole with the tissue when Gunner’s words stole your attention and your hands froze.
“They were putting bags of drugs in his body.” He explained.
“That’s why he was never caught.” You realized. “When she was first trying to catch him, the DA at the time didn’t know how he was getting that much product into the country… I never would’ve guessed.”
“Treated him like an empty carcass.” Gunner continued and he was both disgusted and heartbroken over it. “Jim and all the rest of them in there.”
“Who was it?” You continued when you noticed Frank was growing tense. “Who was in the room, Gunner?”
“The colonel, Bennett - the guy who ran the mortuary - and Orange… I didn’t know who was in on it. I didn’t know who I could trust.”
You heard the feedback before you saw them. When the high-pitched sound rang in your ears, you spun behind you to see the incoming helicopter.
“We gotta go.” You said quickly, adjusting your lens to try and see further. “Now.”
“They with you?” Gunner asked as he hauled Frank to his feet.
“Shit, no.” He answered. “Y/N, who are they?”
“A problem.” You muttered and saw the row of soldiers coming your way. “They’ve got body cams, live feedback but I can’t figure out where it’s going.”
“Time to go to work.” Frank told you, offering a small nod to you. You returned the gesture and peeled away from the group, habitually reaching for a gun, only to come up empty.
You cursed quietly when you remembered that you had ditched them back near the cabin as a show of allegiance. You sighed quietly and armed your Bites while you ducked behind a fallen tree trunk. While remaining hidden, you scanned the area to see a trio coming your way. You noted the rifles in each of their hands as they stayed on alert as they crept forward. You had to acknowledge that they had the weaponry advantage but you had the element of surprise. And you were rather resourceful.
When the first one landed in front of you, you hooked one foot around his ankle and slammed the other into the side of his knee. There was a sick ripping sound as he collapsed with a loud scream. You moved quickly to cover his mouth with your knee and the more weight you leaned onto him, you began to hear a crunch and you weren’t sure if it was the branches beneath you or his jaw.
You saw the knife handle at the soldier’s belt so you snatched it quickly. First, you slammed the butt end against the body cam and the lens shattered, but your mask told you it was still functioning. You shrugged it off and raised your arm in anticipation of the next soldier. When he finally showed, you flicked the blade quickly and it buried itself at the base of his throat and a deep red stream of blood shot out. Instincively you closed your eyes and the warm liquid splattered across your cheek and mask. You wiped it away quickly and noticed the soldier beneath you had stopped squirming.
You climbed off and removed his rifle, slinging the weapon over your own shoulder before leaning closer to the body cam.
“Наслаждаетесь шоу?” You said lowly, seeing the red light blink to show that it was currently being watched from the other end. “Не волнуйся.” You smiled slightly as that thick stream of blood trailed down. “Мы тоже придем за тобой.” (Enjoying the show? Don’t worry. We’ll come for you, too.)
You heard the crunch of footsteps against the leaves and lifted the gun quickly. You lined your shot and as soon as the third soldier faced you, you fired straight through his eyeball and he fell limp immediately. You pushed yourself up, nudging the first soldier with your foot and getting no response. You gave a small, indifferent shrug before you began searching for Frank and Gunner. There was a sharp whistle and you saw the man waving you over.
You took your position next to Frank, Gunner stationed on the opposite side, and you three began firing against the next wave from the team. You and Frank alternated shots, popping out from your covers for seconds at a time to take someone down. Gunner leaned over to fire an arrow and you heard the shout. You glanced over and saw a second shot pierce his chest.
“I got it.” You said quickly, drawing Frank’s attention. You nodded towards Gunner before you two switched positions, allowing Frank to go to his friend. Though Frank was stubborn and refused to stay down, which got him shot in the side. “Get some cover. I’ll find you.”
You nudged him aside with your shoulder and jumped over the fallen tree, landing in a low crouch as the shots hit the tree. You kept your head down until the bullets paused and you fired back, hearing two different voices shouting. You surveyed the area quickly and saw two more coming at you, hopping over a log not too far away from you.
You hurried to your feet and got behind a tree, lining the weapon with your body to keep it hidden. You flicked out the blade at your wrist and looked over to see neither soldier had noted your position. Either that or they didn’t care. Regardless, it worked in your favor. You crept behind the one closest to you and jammed the knife through the side of his neck, the other hand covering his mouth to hide his gurgled shout. 
You lowered him carefully to the ground and yanked your blade out, freeing your bloodied hand. Looking down at it, you saw the stream of blood coming from your own shoulder. You glanced at your chest and saw the long line across it. The sight made you groan slightly but you made a mental note to deal with it later.
You moved after the other from the pair, careful to match your steps to his. When you were close enough, you jammed the short blade through his back and heard the squelching sound of his now severed spine. You twisted and pulled out, letting his body fall unceremoniously to the ground. You knelt to take the knife from his belt and heard Lieberman giving Frank directions.
You heard small shouts as Frank and Gunner dealt with the pair that was closest, and you used your lens to see the secondary pair that Lieberman was referring to. You made your way to your friend quickly and Frank’s hand closed around your arm to bring you with him. Despite your mild pulling away, Frank dragged you along.
Once there was enough space, Frank gestured for you to try and help Gunner. Gunner leaned against a fallen tree and Frank took position with the rifle. You knelt beside his friend and inspected the wound, though you weren’t sure if you would’ve rather found an exit wound or not. Two quick shots sounded, followed by the thud of limp bodies. Given what you had already taken out, there should be only one pair left.
Frank helped you get Gunner to his feet and you moved ahead of them. Gunner muttered something about you and where Frank found you but you kept your focus forward. Your mask picked up the drone above, which showed the same origination as the comms channel, so you trusted it. You led your trio around the last pair until you were able to watch them pass you. Once they did, you felt their anxiety.
They must’ve known their team was being picked off, one by one. They had walked into a slaughter, though they expected to be the ones ambushing. Their small team, likely even friends, were being left in pools of their own blood, by three figures in the shadows. They didn’t know who they were facing, but they knew their opposition was better. You, Frank, and Gunner were better than them, despite their likely elite or at least high-ranking status. But something about them, their vibrating hesitation and drumline for heartbeats, led you to wonder if it was actually an Anvil team.
But if it wasn’t, why would Billy bring it up to you?
You realized quickly that something wasn’t adding up the way it should and it led you to some tricky speculations that Billy was still in contact with Agent Orange. While it would be an overall useful connection, it did seem to disappoint you a bit. You made a small noise of disgust to yourself before raising your Bite, the bright red glow momentarily illuminating your vision.
You fired on one of the last pair before disappearing out of sight, just before the bullets came in. The man fired aimlessly, shouting his plan to kill you. You scoffed quietly and threw the borrowed knife, watching it bury itself into the man’s leg. He cried out before Frank grabbed him and slammed his own blade into the man’s throat.
Once he fell limp, you two retrieved Gunner and attempted to get him back to his cabin.
The walk felt like an eternity and you knew - Gunner knew it too - that Frank’s friend wouldn’t make it. The two collapsed against one of the trunks and you knelt on Gunner’s other side. You felt awkward, out of place beside a dying man you didn’t know. While they exchanged last words, Gunner reached out and took one of your hands. Your brows furrowed and your first thought was to pull away, but you decided quickly that you could offer comfort to a man who was now dying after fighting beside you.
Maybe you really were a curse.
“Promise me you’ll bury me, okay?” Gunner managed and the words were as desperate as they could be.
“Okay.” Frank answered, looking over at you for the same commitment.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Just stay here, okay? We’ll be back.”
“We’ll be back.” Frank repeated.
You two stood and you were quick to recognize that Frank wouldn’t make it very far. You cursed quietly as you caught him just before he fell over. 
“Goddammit, Frank.” You complained as he leaned more of his weight on you. “You don’t get to die on me in the middle of fucking Kentucky.”
You reached up and pressed on your scar.
“I can’t get him back on my own.” You said quickly, carefully lowering him to the ground. “Get your ass over here, now.”
You yanked your mask down to hang around your neck and reached under Frank’s jacket. The gentle pressure you applied caused fresh blood to bubble out and coat your hand. Your other hand patted your belt and the gauze you kept wasn’t enough. It wouldn’t be able to pack the wound enough to be of real help. It was too dark to fully see the extent of the damage and the leaves and branches around were going to do you no favors.
You had two choices. Wait for Lieberman to show up - assuming he would be able to find you two - or leave Frank to find Lieberman and bring him back. The second option was contingent on you being able to find your own way back in the dark so you decided you wouldn’t move. You wouldn’t abandon the one friend you hadn’t been able to push away.
Using your teeth, you pulled off a glove and allowed your exposed hand to cover the wound instead. You shoved your glove into your belt and leaned more weight into Frank, feeling the thump steady against your hand. You weren’t entirely convinced it was a good thing, to feel less of his pulse, but you had to keep faith in the resiliency of Frank Castle.
If a bullet to the head wasn’t going to kill him, neither would a bullet to his side.
After you didn’t know how long, you saw Lieberman’s flashlight. He helped you load Frank into the van and offered you a small collection of items to help. He drove quickly as you worked in the back, though you had to straddle Frank in an effort to allow some stability during the trip. You carefully dressed the wound on his side and managed to insert the IV for fluids and antibiotics without problems.
“You’ll need to get Curtis Hoyle.” You explained as LIeberman drove frantically and you climbed off, reaching for your sweater from your bag.
“What? Wha- Why? What’s wrong with him?” He answered quickly, the anxiety in his words bouncing off the empty walls of the van which made you shiver as you undid the zipper down the front of your suit. You peeled the bloody material down your arms and rubbed some of the excess off with a cleaner area before pulling your sweater over your head, letting out a sharp hiss as you stretched the cut across your chest.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly before yanking your boots off. “I’m not a doctor but could be from blood loss. Could be the beginning of an infection. Could be something bloodborne that got passed during the fight. That’s why you need to get Curtis when we get back.”
“You can’t help him?”
“I’ve done all I can, Spook.” You groaned and shimmied out of the rest of the suit to change for your regular pants.
“Is he gonna die?”
“No… He’s too stubborn.”
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sibyl-of-space · 2 months
The San Francisco tech scene is completely beyond satire. I'm in a discord server for game developers based in SF because even though I don't live in the bay area anymore it's still the closest hub for indie developers near me. I went to one of their meetups once, the talk itself was completely useless and I left about 30 mins in, but I did get two people to playtest my demo beforehand so it was still worthwhile. One of those things where you're in a sea of 50 people who annoy you and are able to find maybe one or two people who are cool to talk to.
Anyway, I just received a ping about their next meetup, which is-- I literally could not make up something more on the nose than this if I tried--
brought to you
✨ J.P. Morgan ✨
Actual quote from the event page:
Are you a developer looking to accept payments and monetize your users effectively? We are excited to announce this unique opportunity to get in on the ground floor and learn about how to monetize your payment flow for your gaming applications at scale. As you may be aware, the Apple App Store and other stores are now allowing outside payment methods within iPhone apps due to "anti-competitive" laws in the EU. As a result, if you are part of Apples small business program, you may be eligible for a discounted percentage fee on IAP instead of the normal 30% fee. We hope you can attend to explore these concepts and learn how you can save money on payment processing fees with J.P. Morgan Payments.
Food is sponsored by J.P. Morgan and drinks are available for purchase at the DNA Lounge bar. All proceeds from drink sales go directly to the venue which helps them keep the lights on, and also helps us continue to host events in their space. DNA Lounge is over 3,000 sqft and is the largest venue we've ever hosted our events at. Speakers will go on stage at 7:00pm. This is an all ages event, is open to the public and is a professional networking event for game developers, artists, students, indies, or really anyone interested in game development. ASL Interpretation services available upon request via email.
Speaker Lineup:
Alan Lee | Developer Relations at J.P. Morgan Payments
Enhance your Payment Experience with J.P Morgan’s Payment Developer Platform
In this session, The J.P Morgan Payments developer relations team will showcase how the Online Payments API allows you to seamlessly accept, process and settle payments from the large suite of supported payment methods. We’ll explore the extended capabilities like tools for fraud prevention, recurring payments and demonstrate how these features can help you improve authorization rates, secure transactions, and gain valuable insights into your payment flow.
so anyway if anybody needs me I will be basically anywhere except at this particular event
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iheartchv · 3 months
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod matchup? Sorry in advance for the yapping
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” in my early twenties. I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but definitely more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of  the language. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😭😅 thanks 
Sorry again 
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Captain John Price 🚬
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Price might be the one to fall for you
If you ever decide/decided to join the military, him and Laswell will look through files and find you
He can't help but feel that you would bring something to the table
Recruiting you, along with many others, he'd be watching you
Through the tests, he'd be silently hoping you'd pass
When he asks to see you, you think you've done something wrong
Instead he just tells you that you've done a good job with all the training and tests he's put you through
"I admit, I thought you would call it quits anytime soon... but... you're determination surprised me."
"You've got guts, spirit. I like that"
He wants to take you under his wing and train you
He was right about you; there was something special there
Though he didn't know just how special you would be to him later on 🤭
After many months and near death experiences later, he'd come to realize he cares about you... a lot
When off duty, he will take you somewhere to talk
Price doesn't play games, you know that
So... he tells you that he really likes you
All this time he'd spent getting to know you, he felt something he hadn't in a long time
One time, when he looked like he was about to fall asleep he was surprised that you showed so much concern for him; You wanted to do something, anything, for him
His hand gently held yours, showing how gentle he can be
"If you'll have me, love, I can make you happy... even if it takes my whole life to"
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alertarchitect · 4 months
I genuinely do not understand The Discourse around Palworld. Now, for full transparency, I don't really particularly care about the game, I've not played it, nor do I plan to. I'd rather stick with my FPS games and metroidvanias. I'm probably the closest to being a neutral party on the issue you can find in the gaming community. That being said...
Stop with all of the "[Megacompany X] needs to call their lawyers!!" nonsense. Yes, they have designs that look like Pokémon. Yes, they have designs that look like Monster Hunter monsters. However, I have one important question here...
Why the hell do you care?
First off, we're talking ripoff designs of IPs owned by companies that make profits in the billions. These companies, especially Nintendo, have - or at least have access to - very good lawyers. Do you really think Palworld - a game made by a company based in Japan, the SAME COUNTRY as the companies I see people saying are having their designs stolen, meaning this theoretical lawsuit would be 100% domestic instead of bringing the headaches associated with an international suit - would have made it to release if Nintendo, Capcom, or any other company had standing for a plagiarism lawsuit? Especially when Japan doesn't have fair use laws? That, to me, already tells me these designs are clearly in the "legally distinct ripoff" category, and that's okay. Obviously plagiarism isn't a good thing, but if this was close enough to be considered such under laws that don't include fair use provisions, it's FINE. Even if it's not the most ethical, ripoffs and bootlegs are gonna happen. This one is just has more publicity than most.
Second, these are - again - billion-dollar companies that make more money than most people can even truly comprehend. Why are you defending them so much? No matter how much I may like the older Pokémon games, such as Platinum, we are talking about one of, if not the single most profitable franchise on the fucking PLANET. Not only does it not need Random Schmuck #582183 to defend it online, the people behind it likely don't fucking CARE. The Pikémon Company is like 50% or more owned by Nintendo, which is a company that - as we've seen time and again with their takedowns of passionate fan projects with 0 profit incentive such as AM2R as well as their draconian YouTube content policies for creators - doesn't care about their fans at the best of times, and is actively hostile towards them more often than not. Why do so many people defend these large corporations like doing so is going to get you a "thank you" letter from Miyamoto? Why are you supporting massive billionaires like your life depends on it over some 3D models that, as previously established, are more in the "legally distinct ripoff" category than anything else? Are you so invested in their corporate wellbeing that you feel the need to try and do their PR & legal teams' jobs for them?
At the end of the day, Palworld is a game made by a team that seems genuinely passionate about their craft, that has been a fun experience for many people across the world. Let those people have their fun. And if the designs being ripoffs is such a problem for you, just don't buy the game. Simple as that. If you're that worried, let the notoriously litigious companies like Nintendo handle it. Don't try to be an ass to people just having fun in a video game. Hell, if you're so convinced this is a case of direct plagiarism, just stop supporting the people making stuff about it like we did with the people who played the Shitty Wizard Game. Obviously this issue is nowhere near as bad, as it's just a case of ripoff designs instead of people financially supporting an anti-semitic, racist TERF who sees financial support of her franchise as support for her ideals and uses the platform that gives to call for things like trans genocide, but the principle is the same in practice - just don't support it or anything to do with it, and chill the hell out.
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sktls-ig · 8 months
would you like to tell us about your current hyperfixation?
Why yes I would
OKay so recently I've been getting into red dead redemption 2, so far I think I"m on chapter 6, maybe five, and boy oh boy this game has me by the balls, I've even taken to playing the online version (where all my horses happen to magically "die at war*")
Basically it's about a gang of outlaws trying to escape the law and (mainly arthur, the character you play) their past, you go around the game making choices to increase or decrease honour and such with side missions and random npcs you find while riding, the main storyline consists of you trying to get away from the pinkertons, who are being paid by a man named leviticus cornwall to find you and kill you, and you have to keep moving camp
Personally my favorite characters are hosea matthews, javier esculla, and charles smith, hosea is (one of) the father figures in the game who kind of keeps dutch sane and all, majourly gay those two, in words of the game 'the curious couple and their unruly son' , then followed by the fact you can find this at seans party
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Throughout the story your gangs leader who is (the other one of) your father figures slowly loses his damn mind and now he wants to flee to tahiti and become farmers but not without making some noise, he wants you to have some damn faith because he always has a plan, though for this one you needa rob a bank in saint denis and I won't spoil much but it goes shit and now you're trapped on an island near cuba, which also does not go the greatest, but you get home and then run into eagle flies and rains fall who need help with their troubles with the army, which I think goes better but that's about as far as I am, I also recommend reading arthurs journal when you can because i think that's pretty fuckin neat
I fucking hate micah bell he's such a prick like actually, little racist dill weed, wish he would stay alive when he needed to (like main missions) and die for the rest of it
I love this game so much, it's so much fun to play the storyline is amazing, it's a tad glitchy every now and then but it is fantastic, seriously I do not recommend getting attached to the characters, it will make you cry
Oh also when you buy horses in story mode it lets you name them so now I have two horses named too much mayo and second cumming, overall fantastic game tbh it is very pretty as well, tumblr won't let me post images rn I assume it's the wifi but it is very pretty, can't wait to get the first because that's a sequel to the second
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todayimgonnaplay · 10 months
Today I'm gonna play: Tales of Arise
I'm not too familiar with the Tales series. I've heard of Tales of Symphonia and I've played the demo of Tales of Vesperia, but I had a friend suggest this title to me, so I'm giving this a go.
I've reached near the end of the game so far, and I have to say what a blast it's been! From story to gameplay, Arise as a lot to offer.
A lot of the JRPGs I've seen tend to be very tropey, and this one shows it too, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how they subverted it. A young boy that's high spirited would usually be just that, but in this he has to deal with loss of a struggling relationship; a tsundere would typically constantly put their love interest on edge by assaulting them with violence and love, but here we have a woman from a ''superior'' race being the way she is because of a side effect and her people. The entire game revolves around the whole theme of discrimination between races and within races, and I think they've definitely pulled it off well. Everytime I thought "They didn't bring x topic up, is that a plothole? " they actually do, and I really appreciate an rpg that goes in depth to explain everything with their world and characters through gameplay. The last time I experienced this sort of depth was with Final Fantasy X, which is another game that also deals with racism as a subplot. And even with its depth, I felt it was done rather tastefully and not because there simply should be a conflict in the story. I really wonder who wrote the game because I could find no such info online.. Maybe I'll try again once I'm done with the game. However, I do find the villains so far to be somewhat weak, there are 3 that I can think of in the first half of the game that were interesting and gave a feeling of genuine intimidation, but the rest haven't hit as well as them.
Next up is the gameplay. I'm more of a fan of quick, responsive and flashy combat these days when it comes to action. My gold standard is the Kingdom Hearts series because of this. Initial impressions for Arise were just okay, but as the game progressed and you unlock more features, it definitely checks all boxes. I also appreciate that the game respects my time, (as RPGs do require a good level of commitment) where I never had to grind in excess and always stayed in par with my leveling pace. It also helps that there are items you can cook to increase your exp rate. Exploration is fun and rewarding as you find tons of items, and it's not too linear either! However I must say that the second half of the game has been falling off in regards to that. Including fighting the same bosses and backtracking all the way to the beginning for lore purposes, but this also thins out exploration of the few levels that are new near endgame, making them barren and plain. I can understand for budgetary reasons they probably couldn't add more, but a change to the plot could fix this while still maintaining what's been shown, as the game's lore focuses on the relationship between two races and two worlds. One cool addition for the narrative are the skits and overworld/combat dialogue that plays amongst characters. Seeing their chemistry and filling in bits of the plot is a huge plus. It feels like there's actual chemistry within the cast rather than just people that happen to band together because the share similar goals.
Character designs are a hit or miss. The main stars Alphen and Shionne do get lucky and have various wardrobe changes as the game progresses that represent their journey, but the same cannot be said with every character. Dohalim, a party member is one example of a character that gets the short stick. He is the only dark skinned character of the main cast, and is dressed up in what looks to be Egyptian inspired clothing. This looks fine and dandy until I have realized I've seen 0 connection between his attire and his origins and setting, so this leaves me confused. The same goes for Law, another party member who has clothing that resembles what video game characters wear for martial arts. But I've not seen anything that explains why it should look that way, other than because he fights with his fists. For a game that's been subverting tropes in terms of characterization, it hasn't done too well in terms of design. But on the plus side, I do appreciate Kisara's design (another party member) for dressing like an actual knight and not having to skimp out on armor for the sake of fanservice. The game does have outfit and accessory options however, which helps improve their appearances, but depending on the character you can either get great outfits, or very average ones. However I do appreciate the choices of colours and the use of contrast depicting themes and relationships for the characters. Alphen and Shionne contrast each other in way that complements them as the hero and heroine, for instance. And regardless of how they look, I still love them as characters (especially Dohalim and Alphen!) Music goes pretty grand, with orchestral feats all around, so it always sounds epic. You also get vocals for special moments such as openings and credits in Japanese, which are nice enough to hang around in your head. I couldn't hear much variety with it though, with the different landscapes the game offers, making it sound a bit too similar. Sound effect choices are good enough to let the player know if they're low on CP (Cure Points) or they can do a special attack. One big thing I like about the game is the overall navigation. Inputs are quick, shortcuts are (mostly) easy to access with some neat features like switching party members or leaders, and the menu tends to change based on where you are in the game which is a nice touch. Cutscenes can also be progressed through with a button which is probably for those who want to rush the game for any reason, or just want combat.
For a game that has a lot stuffed in but still have some minor gripes with, I think I can safely say that this is a great JRPG, and possibly my favourite fantasy-based anime JRPG. (specific I know, I tend to group my favourites like that). I'm looking forward to finishing it off!
Terms exclusive to the game: Skits - Optional voice cutscenes that the tales games have that revolve around the characters and/or their world Cure Points (CP) - The mana system in this game used for healing and buffs.
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tanadrin · 2 years
if you would be so kind, I'm doing a strange little survey. can you give me roughly one sentence opinions on each of the following things:
the holy trinity
the market
swimming (as in, the sport)
the indie game dev scene
the orang pendek
the tv show "the x files"
recreational contraband
if you don't have strong opinions on any of them, feel free to hazard a guess but please don't skip any.
uhhh sure.
the result of an effort to impose univocality on disparate texts, and to understand how Jesus could invoke the authority and power of God in those texts, although one that was unnecessary--first century judaism already had a framework for that, the idea of a name-bearing agent, which was itself the result of a renegotiation of texts that had been amended to flatten the polytheistic divine hierarchy of ancient northwest semitic peoples into one that was more monotheistic in structure. the christian version seems strictly inferior: while you can construct a statement like "jesus is not the holy spirit, who is not god the father, but all three are god" in natural language, that doesn't mean it's not a contradiction. you can construct lots of nonsense statements as well-formed structures in natural language, without them being meaningful. the trinity is also not supported by any biblical texts. but christianity itself has a problem with trying to cast as the jewish messiah someone who clearly doesn't fit the bill; all in all i would say this particular philosophical incoherence is only one of many philosophical incoherences in traditional chalcedonian doctrine.
seems strictly better than taqlid if you have to pick one or the other, but based on my very, very limited knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, as a standalone principle it does not seem very useful. if the assumptions you start from when performing any kind of reasoning are unsound, you will struggle to reach sound conclusions; this is as true of the law as anything else. it certainly isn't going to save you from the problem of being overly deferential to high-status authorities, and from skimming the Wikipedia article it looks like this is what the whole "closure of the gates" controversy is about--just like the principle of deference to earlier scholars of the law in Judaism, religious traditions that emphasize continuity with the past will tend to be bogged down by the fact that a lot of crappy conclusions made their way into the canon for political reasons, and also sometimes people in the past were actually just terrible.
contra the lassez-faire viewpoint, states create markets. they don't arise naturally. the state of nature for human systems of value exchange seem to be various kinds of gift economy with extremely limited scalability. proabably there will never be a coherent theory of value in market economies that doesn't account for the role states have in creating value by levying taxes in some form, whether in kind or as money or as corvee labor. markets are a useful tool to accomplish certain tasks, but they're certainly not optimal for all things, or intrinsically good or holy or w/e as some libertarians seem to think. a properly redistributive market economy, while not Real Socialism™, would be close enough that the handful of marxists fuming about it would be unable to get anyone to care.
never listened to it, but i support weird extremely online niche creative genres.
humans be liking water
a friend of mine worked in singapore for six months. apparently the equatorial belt is surprisingly overcast a lot of the time, which makes sense given how much it rains there, though in my head it's very sunny. also the sun sets super quickly. i hate hot, humid weather, so i suspect i wouldn't like living near the equator very much. also, i think it's funny how historically culturally and economically contiguous regions have these deep rifts created in them by colonialism. like, indonesia and malaysia could conceivably have become one country after independence from the dutch and british respectively, but the postcolonial elites of those countries certainly didn't want to compromise and share power with another group of postcolonial elites, so they ended up on very different trajectories; and i wonder if in 200 years we'll have a situation like austria and germany where actual distinct cultural and national identities have started to develop, or if eventually the cultural similarities will overwhelm the differences and promote closer cooperation. given the expansionist and authoritarian bent of indonesia's government in much of the post-independence period, it's hard to imagine, but indonesia + malaysia + singapore + philippines is a huge chunk of the world's population--indonesia alone has a population about that of the United States!--and i can't help but think strong regional collaboration, in such a historically important part of the world, could really create a ton of prosperity and give those countries outsized influence on the global stage.
has produced some real gems. like most fields of human creative endeavor, you get a lot of dross, but all the mechanical and narrative innovation in games these days seems to come from this quarter. hard to make a living in, though--the returns on independent creative enterprises are pretty low these days, regardless of sector.
had to google this. seems like it could pretty easily be an unknown or misidentified primate? also seems pretty mundane by cryptozoological standards. like if you told me there was an unknown primate living in the jungles of sumatra and borneo, i would go "yeah, sure, seems plausible."
absolute classic of 90s culture. i think there's some explication to be done of the different ways conspiracy culture and ideas were received in the 90s vs now, drawing on the X-Files, the original Deus Ex, transitional fossils like John Titor, and modern conspiracy theories like Q Anon and resurgent Flat Earthers. They were always right-wing and allied with christian nationalism, but i think that was only partly understood in the 90s; 9/11 was a major inflection point in that it gave the Bush years their most salient features and laid the groundwork for the politics of the 2010s onward. in some ways pre-9/11 conspiracy media anticipated those shifts; in others, it fundamentally misunderstood its source material. i think it's all very interesting.
it's hard to disentangle historical heresies from the bullshit opponents of those heresies made up about them, but what we call gnosticism is plainly a Christian movement and a strongly anti-Jewish one, reflecting one early version of a current of anti-Jewishness that is perennial within various forms of Christianity across the last two millennia. but it also has interesting resonances with mystical religious movements from far-flung parts of the world, because Humans Be Enjoying Mystery Cults, and which i think are an attempt to spackle over some of the holes in early christian soteriology.
i wish i knew fortran and cobol so i could say i knew some fortran and cobol, but let's be realistic, i will never seriously study either fortran or cobol. you can't make good RTS games with them.
a major cultural hinge of the 2000s internet, and anthropologically, socially, culturally, and politically compelling, despite or because of its anthropological, social, cultural, and political pathologies.
i don't know what this means. drugs? pirated dvds? tap shoes in that town from footloose where dancing is illegal? strongly "pro" in all cases, though.
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Shout out to that time when i just completed the main dawnguard mission and needed a pick me up because the vale is pretty but SUPER LONG AND IRRITATING so i decided to go to the nearby orc stronghold, brawl the chief and marry one of the chiefs daughters, Borgakh the Steel Heart and she was excited to leave with me. So excited that for some reason, she said i do and turned and left the temple of mara before my little argonian nerd man could answer yeah or nay or marriage. Then i got nervous, rushed the ceremony and tried to follow her outside cause she didnt ask where she could go live and when i looked at the dispersing crowd of loved ones, she was fucking no where. So now im running around to all my houses; shes not at vindrell hall, shes not a breezehome, shes not at honeyside and by this point,i dont have the home from windhelm or solitude. Ik i have a modded in castle house(cause i need the space, this is an archival run) so maybe the a.i got confused and went there. Nope. Shes not at dragonblood castle. Idk where my wife went.
So i say fuck it and assume maybe she went back to her stronghold and i still have to pay her dowry. As i arrive, its night time and dark asf. I have no follower but im just here to check for wife. No wife, infact, nobody is here other than her mom. So i sigh and start looking up what could of happend online. I see something that says that a glitch can occur where they leave(this has NEVER happened to me before and ive married easily on all 3 of my previous playthroughs) and it might be fixed if you wait outside the temple for a day and then re-enter.
As im about to fast travel from an area next to solitude(farthest northwest of the large map) alllll the way back to riften(farthest southeast of the large map) i get taken out of my map to my horse next to me freaking out and in cheeky little white writing at the top left of my screen, a tiny little message pops up " you can not fast travel with enemies near by". Im sorry WHAT?? I look up and cinamatically captured by my camera angle, i see an elder dragon, blowing a stomache full of fire, swoop over the orc stronghold that singularly holds my new wife's father, grandmother and mother.
So yeah.. I fight and kill the dragon. Im lvl 42 by this point, dragons dont really phase me much. Are they scary and big? Yes but not something i couldnt handle with a couple of iron arrows, 5 poisons and good aim. I see arrows that arnt mine being shot at the dragon while i kill it and i see my new mother in law running into the longhouse of the stronghold after its dead so i just assume, everything is alright. Dragon's dead, i saved my in laws but i still cant find my fuckin wife. So i follow what the guide says and fast travel to riften.
I choose to appear infront of the gates of riften instead of the much closer jarls house thing because i just got a bunch of Dragon bones and scales, im overencumbered, i wanna make some money. As im about to start walking and turn to go to the pawned prawn, shit you not, up comes padding the fucking courier. See, awhile back, i started the portion of the white phial mission and (spoilers) ive been waiting for neurelion to just die already so i can get the phial. I assume "finally! I can get the phial!" Nope. The courier tells me i have some inheritance, sorry for your loss, leaves. Now im abit sad, cause see i assume its one of the beggars in the game as i like to walk up and give them the gold everytime im in town. I have an absurd amount of gold so i dont really mind. However, if the beggar dies in the game, they can give you the inheritance. I was sad cause i like the beggar characters and it'll suck to go to a shopping district without paying them a visit.
As im reading through the inheritance letter thing, i notice the name is not one i recognize. Its chief ka-something. Im thinking " who tf is that?" Then it hits me. The orc stonghold that just got attacked, my new wife is the daughter of the chief... Did my father in law just die?? I didnt see his body?? So i say fuck this shit and fast travel right back to the stronghold. Im looking around and i see the mom up and walking around and as i turn the cornor of the fence, in typical skyrim fashion, theres dead grandma all proped up on her knees and leaning back like shes about to do a sick slide. Then i glance to my right and right infront of the door to the long house is, shit you not, the body of my missing wife's dad.
I may get too much into character when i play skyrim cause all i can imagen is that this orc stronghold was peachy till this hot shot little nerdy argonian boy came trottn in. He arm wrestled the chief and offered to marry his daughter so he could get the resources and she could get her freedom. Everything is fine until after the wedding and suddenly their daughter fuckin gose missing after silently leaving her own ceremony. The family just returns the stronghold confused and late that night, the new son in law pops up just outside the gate and peaks in then looks like hes about to leave before, what they can only assume, is the boy's pissed dragon-uncle, comes swooping in and kills their leader and matriarch. The boy kills the dragon then just fucking leaves without saying anything. They file the death. The chief wanted somethin to be left for his daughter's new non-traditional family so 100g gets drained from the bank account. Then a day later he shows up and starts standing over the corpses looking incredibly confused.
Oh and to top it all off, just when i was about to go back and try the waiting outside thing, my game crashes :) everything resets to the moment i finished the dawnguard mission. I have never met my wife or this family i brought dragony harm upon and ive elected to take that as a sign that perhaps i am not to marry that orc woman and will infact, never return to their stronghold again :)
Is ok, my character has known and interacted with Vivienne from solitude more so now i get rp as my guy building a house for them(windsetd) and everyone around them knowing my guy has a massive crush and will propose anyday and they knkw because hes been around the potion shop more often and hes been buying ALOT of building materials suddenly :)
He(i) also got to directly save her from a dragon attack by killing a dragon that was in the shopping district of solitude. :) i cant wait to marry those two
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Headcanons of my Danganronpa OT8-9
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Firstly, Shuichi is I believe canonically bi but I could be wrong
He works as a detective after the events of Danganronpa, working along side Makoto and Hajime and Kyoko
He's married to Kokichi Oma to the public eye
Will wear suits but often wear more comfy sweaters or hoodies when he's not in the office or impressing anyone
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Not the biggest fan of his edit but whatever
Was raised in the foster system after his parents were deemed unfit to raise him
His D.I.C.E. goons are actually fellow foster kids or once foster siblings who swore to protect the little gremlin without fail, they all lived a life like Robin Hood and Lil John or better yet like Peter Pan and his Lost Boys
This is their songs
Is ftm transgender and often all his clothes were stolen by one of his "henchmen"
Fell for Shuichi and Rantaro at first sight
Is bi but has a male preference that never stopped so he just says gay "with some exceptions"
Shops at Clair's
Works in a found business selling things with Miu
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Is gay
Has known she he was REAL young
Actually does have a lot of siblings just knew of the twelve we got in the game
Is the second most in love out off the whole poly pile
Has scars he hides from his adventures and surviving Danganronpa now and before, his newest is the scar where the ball crushed his head in V3
Takes pictures of his partners a lot
Is the stay at home husband who cooks and cares for all of them
Looks damn good with grown out hair he says
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Canonically Pan-tastic (lol)
Is nonbinary who uses mostly he/they pronouns
Married to Angie by law and public
The second big spoon when cuddling happens
After talking with everyone after the killing game sought help from his trauma and cut his family out his life officially when he began to date Angie
In real life his sister was alive but was the clear golden child who didn't get punished for what she done to Korekiyo
Works as a real anthropologist as an adult
He wears his wedding ring around his neck to make sure he doesn't lose it or it breaks
Does wear his mask and bandages still out of comforting habit as the killing game made him feel comfort in a weird way cause, as he says it, "Without it I would never met my beloveds" so he does it as a reminder
But also cause he still has anxiety related to the mask
Cut his hair with help from Kokichi a month after the game ended
Refused to touch rope for a while but would use it as an anxiety calmer after a bit
Had Himiko saved as "mummy" as a joke on his phone (based off this fic) and had to change it after a coworker saw it
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Like Korekiyo she wears her ring around her neck
When they got married she cut her hair shorter for him
Does have the best relationship with her family but won't cut them out unless they say something about her dears
Owns a art studio where she does online and physicals art classes with paint and clay
Is kind of like Tamaki from OHSHC where she's a bastard affair child from a wealthy Japanese man who only came to Japan after he wouldn't produce an heir with his wife
Her school was down the road from Korekiyo's and they met before the killing game
Very opening and unapologetically pan
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Like Angie she is out and proud of her being pan
Will publicly talk about her being poly
Works as a workshop turned co-owner with Kokichi in their business
Loses her shit the fastest when her partners are cute or doing something cute/amazing
She's a kiss attacker, hide your cheeks if she's near cause she will kiss attack
Is as openly dirty talking as in the killing game but was embarrassed half the shit she said and done especially towards Kiibo
"It's your birthday we are doing what you want GET IN THE CAR!"
Wants kids badly
Was raised by just her dad
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Demisexual biromantic KING
Has bug related nicknames for all his loves
Is autistic
Actually never met his family, they left him at a young age but was taken in by a nice elderly couple
Is a real life entomologist as a job
is that husband who shoes coworkers his phone of his family while praising then to no end
Does talk like how he talks in the game and got shit on it growing up but now praise, just pure praise
Has a whole rack of weird ties and socks
Innocent roll baby TwT
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Bi Queen!
Loves her single mama to bits!
Kind of is like Will from W.I.T.C.H. with Irma elements
Is writing fantasy novels in her free time
Was first to marry out of the married groups
Married to Gonta by law
Tall husband short wife adore!
Is a clingy gremlin when she's tired or needy
Has all the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter books
Randomly quotes Hermine at sudden times
Loves her dears deeply
Sneezes like a kitten
Actually had a cold during the killing game so her being tired was cause of that
Was iffy being around korekiyo after the game but fell for him fast after they talked
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Joined much later
Is bisexual and nonbinary but doesn't care about pronouns
I like to think he's based off a real boy like Astro Boy and Ortho so he has some memories of that time
Talks about his partners a lot the most with Gonta
As years go by both his creator and Miu helped him add thinks he wants like certain functions and feelings
Likes My Life As A Teenage Robot (yall remember that shit???)
Wants to be a parent with his partners
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mariacallous · 2 years
Story by Paula Erizanu. Edited by Eilish Hart.
The autonomous region of Gagauzia in southern Moldova is home to roughly 160,000 people. Also known as Gagauz Yeri, the region is mainly populated by Gagauz: a Turkic minority that is predominantly Orthodox Christian and, as a lasting consequence of Soviet hegemony, Russian speaking. Like the more famous breakaway region of Transnistria, Gagauzia declared itself independent in 1990 amid the USSR’s slow-motion collapse. And although it reintegrated with Moldova just four years later, Gagauzia’s relationship with the central government in Chișinău remains tense. In a dispatch for The Beet, Moldovan journalist Paula Erizanu reports on how this autonomous region, which was established to safeguard the Gagauz language and culture, has retained its Soviet-era Russification and Moscow’s political influence. 
This article first appeared in The Beet, a new email dispatch from Meduza featuring original reporting on Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Sign up here to get our next issue delivered directly to your inbox.
As I arrive in Comrat, the capital of the autonomous Gagauz Yeri region in southern Moldova, I see a boutique near the bus station advertising consultancy services for getting Romanian citizenship — in Russian, the lingua franca of the region. Most of the ads posted on pillars around town offer job opportunities in the European Union. 
Like all state institutions here, the town hall has three inscriptions, written in Gagauz, Romanian, and Russian (the region’s official languages). A granite monument out front informs passersby about a 250,000-euro ($245,000) EU project that created a tourist information office inside the multipurpose building. (The office is empty, as the person who runs it is on holiday, according to the person in charge of the legal consultancy office next door).
A 77-year-old woman is resting in the hallway. “How am I supposed to live on a 2,300-lei [$118 monthly] pension while prices are skyrocketing?” Vasilisa asks with tears in her eyes. The ongoing energy crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine has led to an astonishing 34 percent inflation in Moldova. 
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Lidia Ostaș, an energetic, 34-year-old woman working for Gagauzia’s education department and as a Romanian language teacher, arrives at the town hall to take me to a couple of trilingual kindergartens to observe the learning process there. I assist in two classes with children aged five to six, learning the days of the week in Romanian and Gagauz, respectively. The 20-minute lessons involve games, singing, and dancing to keep the children engaged, entertained, and learning. The kindergarten is mainly run in Russian, but children alternate Romanian and Gagauz language activities every day. 
In theory, the trilingual kindergarten program has existed since 1994, when Moldova adopted a law granting Gagauzia autonomy. “But we had no materials to work with, and no method to guide us,” Lidia recalls. Since 2021, after a four-year pilot program, all 57 state kindergartens in Gagauzia now share the same curriculum and books based on modern teaching methods. The teachers I meet are passionate about their jobs and go beyond their textbooks: they look for nursery rhymes and games online, or even translate or write new ones themselves. “While this is much better than what we had before, we can only do so much if there's no linguistic environment for them to practice their skills,” Lidia explains. 
Indeed, most people in Comrat speak to me in Russian and admit to knowing only a bit of Gagauz and even less Romanian, Moldova's official language. At her office in Gagauzia’s education department, even Lidia’s colleagues come to her for help with Romanian language documents destined for the capital, Chișinău. “There have been free programs to learn Romanian before, but they have to be complemented by career-progression incentives,” she says. “For instance, if you can't speak Romanian, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to become the head of a [public] institution.” 
‘The kids speak Russian with their families’
Despite the region’s autonomous status, the Gagauz language seems to have been dying rather than flourishing since 1994. Lidia’s mother is also a kindergarten teacher in Congazcicul de Sus, a village near Comrat. “When she first started working during the Soviet era, all the kids spoke Gagauz at home and she had to teach them Russian from scratch — ‘this is how you say hand, eye,’” Lidia tells me. “Now, the kids speak Russian with their families and she has to teach them how to say ‘hand’ and ‘eye’ in Gagauz.”
In response to the deliberate Soviet policy of Russification, the Gagauz language underwent a revival during the Glasnost era. In the late 1980s, as Romanian speakers across Moldova reclaimed their language and culture, the Gagauz also advocated for a return to their own heritage. The Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University in Chișinău launched a popular Gagauz language degree program. But in 2005, after Comrat State University successfully fought for a monopoly over the study of Gagauz, the department was closed down. Today, Gagauz is only taught there as a Master’s degree for teachers of the language. 
The Russian language’s dominance comes with political implications: it means Gagauz people consume more Russian than Moldovan media and tend to have pro-Kremlin political allegiances, despite the fact that most investment in local infrastructure comes from Chișinău, Turkey, and the European Union. “Our princess,” says one corner shop vendor, referring to Moldovan President Maia Sandu, “has gone to New York to ask for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria.” The breakaway region in Moldova’s east has had some 20,000 tons of Soviet ammunition and 1,500 Russian soldiers stationed there as “peacekeeping troops” since the Transnistria War in 1992. “But they have been there for 30 years, since we were one country, [the USSR],” the vendor adds.
Like Transnistria, but unlike the rest of Moldova, Gagauzia has preserved its Lenin statue in the center of Comrat, as well as its Soviet-era street names. Three years after Moldova gained independence from Moscow in 1991, the southern region was given autonomy following tensions and clashes between Chișinău and Comrat, which the Kremlin had fueled since the Soviet Union’s final years. (According to former MPs Ion Hadârcă and Alexandru Arseni, the last head of the USSR’s Supreme Soviet Anatoly Lukyanov threatened Moldova's officials with “two autonomies” if they didn't participate in the 1991 referendum, which would have legalized the 1940 Soviet annexation of present-day Moldova.) 
Speaking at Comrat State University in September, President Sandu announced a 2023 Romanian language program for adults in Gagauzia. Later that same day, during a meeting at Gagauzia’s legislature, the representatives of the People’s Assembly asked her why she calls her native tongue Romanian rather than “Moldovan” (as the Soviets called it, to promote a new national identity, separate from Romania). They also asked why she wasn’t going to Moscow to negotiate cheaper gas prices — a question popularized by pro-Kremlin political parties in Moldova, in an attempt to blame Sandu’s administration for rising energy prices and the ensuing inflation. Gagauz and Moldovan media affiliated with pro-Russian parties presented the visit as a defeat for Sandu.
A couple of weeks later, the Turkish Parliamentary Speaker Mustafa Şentop came to Comrat. He encouraged Gagauz people to learn Romanian and condemned Russia's aggression towards Ukraine. The Gagauz government-affiliated press did not report on these statements. 
‘I don’t want to lose my culture’
“In Gagauzia, all politicians are pro-Russian because Russia is financing these political projects. There is no pro-European political offer,” says journalistMihail Sirkeli, from the independent regional media portal nokta.md. (In Comrat, I counted at least four billboards advertising his Russian-language political show, The Cost of Freedom.) 
Having Gagauz as a native tongue and speaking both Russian and Romanian fluently, Mihail argues that the solution is for political parties entering Gagauzia’s People’s Assembly to be subsidized by the state budget, just like the parties that make it into the national parliament in Chișinău. “We need autonomy for Gagauzia to represent Gagauz interests and help with regional socio-economic and cultural development, not in order to promote Kremlin interests and Soviet nostalgia,” he underscores. “But Gagauz people are currently not demanding this. They don't care about Gagauz language or history. Formally, we have three official languages in Gagauzia, but all the laws are adopted and published in Russian only.”
One man who does care deeply about Gagauz heritage is hip-hop artist and producer Vitalii Manjul. In the early 1990s, Vitalii discovered hip-hop on MTV and started rapping in Gagauz. “I was rapping about money, cars, authority. Now I try to use humor to speak about more important issues, like spirituality, love,” the 51-year-old tells me. For the past 15 years, Vitalii has also been collecting old Gagauz songs and reinterpreting them with modern R&B and pop elements. “Young people think these are new songs, but I tell them these lyrics are 100 years old,” he says. 
In his mission to promote Gagauz culture among the new generations, Vitalii collaborates with other young singers at his Comrat studio, called Kolay. Kolay means “easy” in Gagauz, Vitalii, who is slowly transitioning from rap to reggae, explains. “I wish for there to be no war, no national misunderstanding, I want everything to be easy,” he says, alluding to his “Rastaman outlook to life.”
Vitalii declares himself a cosmopolitan with plenty of cultural influences from across the globe, but he still feels rooted in his Gagauz heritage. “I don't want to lose my culture,” he says. “Imagine if I forget my native tongue — who will I be?”
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taibaholding916 · 1 month
Finding the Best Abroad Consultancy Near Me: Essential Tips
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Are you considering studying or working abroad but feeling overwhelmed by the process? Seeking professional guidance from an abroad consultancy near you can be a game-changer. These services provide invaluable support, from selecting the right program to navigating visa processes. If you're wondering how to locate the best "abroad consultancy near me," here are some expert tips to guide you through the process.
1. Research Local Consultancies
Start your search by researching consultancies in your area that specialize in international education or work opportunities. Use online platforms, such as Google Maps, to find consultancies closest to you. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their credibility and service quality.
2. Check Expertise and Services
Once you identify potential consultancies, delve deeper into their expertise and the range of services they offer. Some key aspects to consider include:
- Program Selection: Ensure they assist with choosing the right study or work program based on your goals and qualifications.
- Visa Assistance: Verify if they provide guidance on visa applications, including documentation and interview preparation.
- Test Preparation: If needed, inquire whether they offer support for standardized tests like the TOEFL or GRE.
- Financial Guidance: Determine if they assist with scholarship applications or financial planning for studying abroad.
- Post-Arrival Support: Check if they provide assistance after your arrival, such as orientation or accommodation help.
3. Assess Consultants' Qualifications
Look into the qualifications and experience of the consultants at each agency. Experienced consultants with a background in international education or immigration law can provide more accurate and reliable advice. Ensure they are knowledgeable about the destinations and programs you're interested in.
4. Seek Recommendations
Ask friends, colleagues, or alumni who have used consultancy services for their recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and reliability of a consultancy. They can also share their experiences and highlight any standout features of the services they received.
5. Schedule Consultations
Once you've shortlisted a few consultancies, schedule consultations with them. This will allow you to interact directly with the consultants, discuss your aspirations, and evaluate their approach. During these consultations:
- Ask Relevant Questions: Inquire about the application process, timelines, and potential challenges you may face.
- Assess Communication: Evaluate their communication style and responsiveness to your queries.
- Evaluate Comfort Level: Determine if you feel comfortable and confident in their guidance and expertise.
Navigating the complexities of studying or working abroad can be daunting, but with the right "abroad consultancy near me," you can streamline the process and make informed decisions. By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to find a consultancy that aligns with your needs and aspirations. Remember, a reliable consultancy can be your partner in turning your international dreams into reality. So, take the time to research, assess, and choose wisely, and soon you'll be on your way to an exciting global adventure!
Finding the best "abroad consultancy near me" is the first step towards making your international aspirations a reality. With the right guidance and support, you can navigate the complexities of studying or working abroad more confidently and efficiently.
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growmyfirmonline · 6 months
Best Legal Leads for Lawyers: Content Marketing & SEO
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In the highly competitive realm of legal services, expertise alone is not enough to attract clients; visibility is key. This article explores how lawyers can leverage content marketing and SEO to amplify their client base, with a focus on the best legal leads for lawyers. I'm Ready To Grow My Firm!
Crafting a Compelling Narrative
Content marketing plays a pivotal role in bolstering a law firm’s online presence. It goes beyond informative blog posts and newsletters, encompassing engaging narratives through case studies, legal guides, and thought-provoking articles. This approach positions your firm as an authority in the legal sphere.
Seamless Integration of Keywords
Optimization is crucial in content marketing. Skillfully incorporating terms like “trusted legal advisors near me” and “top-rated legal representation in [your city]” enhances visibility in search results without resorting to intrusive or repetitive phrasing. Understanding the phrases potential clients might use when searching for legal services ensures your content aligns seamlessly with their queries. Targeting the appropriate keywords helps attract the best legal leads for attorneys.
The journey doesn’t end with content creation and optimization. Effective content promotion is essential for elevating your firm’s SEO game. Utilize social media platforms, industry-specific forums, and legal directories. Networking with other professionals can broaden your reach and cultivate invaluable backlinks, acting as endorsements that signal search engines about your credibility and relevance.
Elevating Your Law Firm's Visibility
In conclusion, the convergence of content marketing and SEO is pivotal for lawyers aspiring to secure the best legal leads. Crafting compelling content, optimizing it judiciously, and promoting it strategically are the cornerstones of elevating your law firm’s visibility and attracting quality leads.
The Best Legal Leads For Lawyers, Without The Hassle!
Get high-quality legal leads from GrowMyFirmOnline, the ideal source of the best legal leads for lawyers. Our performance-focused approach has helped thousands of lawyers attract more clients and grow their law firms faster. With GrowMyFirmOnline, you can expect:High-quality leads that are relevant to your practice area and location. A dedicated team of experts who work with you to create a customized lead generation plan. Regular reporting and analysis so you can track your results and optimize your campaigns. A pay-per-lead model, so you pay for results.
Contact us today to learn more about how GrowMyFirmOnline can help you get the best legal leads for your law firm.
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