johannesviii · 1 month
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Be careful what you wish for
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spacejunker · 8 months
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lessendless · 5 months
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I could last days saying nothing but Sad-One's quotes
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inbarfink · 9 months
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manzanamarim · 2 years
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I loved Infinity Train! have some main casts boy I sure do wish there were twice as many seasons
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eshbaal · 3 months
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It was starting to feel like I haven't drawn anything just for fun in a while. But I also didn't wanna sit down and work on a big piece right this moment. So instead, I dug through old files and found a bunch of quick little sketches I never actualyl finished and decided to work on those. Some of these are based on sketches from over a year ago! 
I have more of them, so I will probably do this again. it was fun to touch them up a bit and see that, yes, I have actually improved at least a little.
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nymphacae · 2 years
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Happy Halloween everyone!! This was a collab with Tommie (@KEENZIPPER on Twitter) who did the coloring : ] let the record show I advocated for vriska tulip
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whatwouldtheindiansdo · 4 months
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"A ringmaster's like a conductor for a circus, innit?"
My besty and I collabed on this piece together! I did the flat colors, Caine's irises, and colored the lines, she did... literally everything else! One-One and Caine might have a lot in common! Perhaps they'd even be good friends!
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spiritmoodboards · 15 days
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Moodboard for One-One (Infinity Train) cottagecore/flower fields themes For @shawnaise :) Hope you like the look! ^^
We're closed for now, thank you!
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lake-cosay · 2 years
thinkin about how so far, none of the infinity train protags have had a normal train journey.
tulip stopped amelia and got one-one back to being the conductor, essentially saving a huge number of passengers from amelia's lack of guidance. remember how scared tulip was when she first got on? how she thought she was going to die, didn't understand what the number was for? but she fixed that, or rather, she helped one-one fix that., effectively "reforming" the train for the better, if you will.
jesse of course met lake, who the train refuses to acknlodge even really exists but is very obviously there. he's presumably the first person to ever get back on the train. he got woken up in the number car, a place most passengers don't even know exists. he's probably also the first or maybe one of a rare few people who ever had an irrational number.
grace and simon have some of the highest numbers, and probably hold the record for the longest time spent on the train. obviously we know your number isn't supposed to go up, yet that's their goal. we also know you're not supposed to start a cult. you're not supposed to get eaten by a gohm. plus, we never get to see an exit throughout book 3.
ryan and min got on the train together. shared a pod, shared a number. they got the jumpsuit and boots. got to experience first-hand amelia in the midst of her usurping one-one. ryan reach 0 twice (of course, so did jesse). and then ryan and min-gi finally exited the train together.
we really only know how the train is supposed to work because we know how it's not.
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I’m sure this has been thought about before, but man does it interest me how One-One’s mechanics work.
One as we see him from Book 4 didn’t have the split eyes that One-One has, and presumably only had the four legs as One-One normally has. But with the ability to split himself as One-One, both halves somehow get a second pair of legs that more or less seem to come from nowhere to have a total of eight legs between Sad-One and Glad-One. And on top of that, the intersection of their hemispheres is completely flush and white colored, which is it’s own bag of weirdness.
I mean, if we extrapolate from from the concept storyboards in the crew yearbook that were used to try pitching Book 5, the actual plans for Book 5 and how Amelia turned One into One-One might have involved literally ripping him in half. If we presume that that really is what the crew decided for the full Book 5 script and not just for pitching the idea of a Book 5, then the unusually flush surfaces at the interlock between Sad-One and Glad-One’s halves could carry some fascinating implications about how he was designed in the first place.
After all, you’d expect a machine being torn in half to have a bunch of broken wires and other exposed internals at the point of breakage, not the flush surfaces Sad-One and Glad-One sport.
Did One always have the ability to physically split himself in half, aka being designed with such a capability from the very start but which operated much differently than it is utilized now before Amelia broke him (and the mechanism by extension)? Or is it that when split, that’s how his internal damage ‘healed’ itself at the point of breakage via ‘something something advanced technology’? If splitting in half was something that One could do, then what intended function did it serve?
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randommstufff · 1 year
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vrisjake · 2 years
Oh he,s a little bit fucked up actually…
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lessendless · 4 months
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Me unable to fall asleep at 3am
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mx-mongoose · 1 year
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When you go through the Aperture Car and you find some weirdos
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Dissociation Swag Competition - Round 1!
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The entirety of the bracket, including all other characters, as well as links to their own matches, can be found here!
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