lenvelope · 8 months
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“No necesitas agua para sentir que te ahogas, pero no necesitas aire para sentir que estás vivo.”
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¡Finalmente ha llegado! Como conmemoración por los 8 años de esta hermosa historia creada por @rousselv, las estrellitas les traemos cordialmente la colaboración de arte de Tell Me Horoscope-sama. ¡Nuestros mayores agradecimientos a la señorita A-ya por haber creado THS y permitirnos juntar nuestros corazones en este vasto universo! Recuerden apoyar a los artistas participantes, esto fue posible gracias a su gran esfuerzo y no habría sido posible sin la participación de cada uno. 🌟
© Los personajes originales de este collab son pertenecientes a RousselV de su historia Tell Me Horoscope-sama. Muéstrenle mucho amor. ❤️
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• Artista: Haru/Julian
• Personaje: Aries
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• @mizu450
• Artista: Michu/Mizu
• Usuario: Mizu450
• Personaje: Tauro
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• Artista: Cleamsy/De-mom
• Usuario: Cleamsy
• Personaje: Géminis
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• Artista: Haru/Julian
• Personaje: Cáncer
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• @dion-blast
• Artista: Dai
• Usuario: Daion_
• Personaje: Leo
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• @vofiart
• Artista: Vofi
• Usuario: Vofi.art
• Personaje: Virgo
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• @sweetiecandypop11
• Artista: Mandioca
• Usuario: MilkyWay11
• Personaje: Libra
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• @mir-mape
• Artista: Mape
• Usuario: mirmape
• Personaje: Escorpio
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• @sunlitatelier (su servidor)
• Artista: Lenny
• Usuario: SunlitAtelier
• Personaje: Sagitario
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• @exidone
• Artista: Exidone
• Usuario: Exidone
• Personaje: Capricornio
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• @lucid-burritos
• Artista: Lucid
• Usuario: Lucidburritos
• Personaje: Acuario
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• @solunades
• Artista: Marijo
• Usuario: Jorima
• Personaje: Piscis
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• @xhinataqlia
• Artista: Hina
• Usuario: ps_vita_4
• Personaje: Ofiuco
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• Artista: Ritsu
• Usuario: Ririitsuka
• Personaje: Cetus
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• @harumfao
• Artista: Haru
• Usuario: Harumfao
• Personaje: Orión
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• Artista: Cleamsy/De-mom
• Usuario: Cleamsy
• Personaje: Monoceros
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¡Feliz aniversario 8 de Tell Me Horoscope-Sama! 30/08/2023
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atte-piscis · 10 months
¿Qué es el amor para los signos?
El amor para Cáncer
El amor, simplemente es entregar mi cariño sin esperar nada a cambio. Sin nada más. El resto no es amar, es solo querer. El amor es que alguien mire todo lo bueno que hay en ti y por eso te quiera. Pero también que vea todo lo malo y a pesar de eso se quede contigo.
En el amor no hay leyes, no hay reglas solo debes amar.
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A partir del 1 de enero entró en vigor el nuevo calendario oficial para los signos Zodiacales.
No olvides actualizar tu carta astral y revisar tus proyecciones para 2023 si es que cambió tu signo.
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OFIUCO, tu nuevo signo del zodíaco si naciste entre el 29 de noviembre y el 17 de diciembre.
Ofiuco sería considerado como un signo de agua. Lo que quiere decir que las personas nacidas bajo este signo tendrían mayor capacidad para mutar. Serían personas idealistas, soñadoras y humanistas con grandes valores. Mientras que en su lado negativo se mostrarían irresponsables e hirientes.
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Astronómicamente hablado, Ofiuco es una constelación existente en el firmamento.
Es real.
Está ubicada entre la de Escorpio y la de Sagitario, según ha confirmado la mismísima NASA. Es una más de las cientos que ya han sido descubiertas, pero con la diferencia de que esta sí se sitúa en la eclíptica.
¿Qué es esto? La línea que sigue el Sol en su movimiento aparente alrededor de la Tierra (tranqui, que no nos hemos vuelta locas y sabemos perfectamente que es la Tierra quien da la vuelta al Sol, pero recuerda que la astrología toma nuestro planeta como el centro del universo y, por tanto, todo lo demás orbita alrededor de nosotros, ¿sí?). Pues en este camino o trayectoria que mencionamos se encuentran los signos del zodiaco que conocemos (con sus correspondientes características) y los que se van sucediendo según avanza el astro mayor con los meses (es decir, las fechas que todos conocemos). Entonces, si Ofiuco se encuentra en esta ‘línea’ que utilizan los astrólogos para las predicciones del horóscopo, ¿por qué no se considera un signo del zodiaco?
Siguiendo las explicaciones que ha dado la NASA respecto al tema, Ofiuco no se añade al horóscopo porque ‘‘los babilonios, quienes inventaron los signos del zodiaco hace 3000 años, decidieron dejar fuera a este decimotercero.
Las constelaciones son de diferentes tamaños y formas, por lo que el Sol pasa distintos períodos de tiempo en cada una.
Por ejemplo, visto desde la Tierra, Virgo dura 45 días, mientras que Escorpio solo siete días. Lo que hicieron en Babilonia, para hacer una combinación ordenada con el calendario de 12 meses, fue ignorar el hecho de que el Sol realmente se mueve a través de 13 constelaciones. No 12. Luego asignaron a cada una de esas 12 constelaciones la misma cantidad de tiempo
Esto no es nuevo, ya hablamos de ello hace un par de años y aunque Ofiuco exista (a pesar de muchos) seguirá estando fuera de las predicciones del Zodiaco, porque así lo decidieron los babilonios hace 3.000 años por conveniencia propia ...pero que conste que sigue ahí aunque no queramos verlo.
Si en un futuro esta nueva constelación se admitiera como signo del Zodiaco, obviamente podría cambiar nuestro horóscopo, de momento ,seguimos como estamos.
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Shaina & Marin
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Mais um pedido de casais sugerido no twitter
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eyeathenenoctua · 1 year
El primer Almanake de #cieloreal en Español
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terrazaurio · 1 year
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Ofiuco, new character, just a lil evil, likes justice a lil bit too much 🫡
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luigiviazzo · 8 months
Ofiuco o Serpentario: approfittiamo degli ultimi scampoli d’estate per scoprire insieme i gioielli che popolano questo angolo di cielo o plaga celeste.
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ciencias-ocultas · 1 year
Hablamos sobre el bulo que está circulando por las redes acerca de la existencia de un nuevo signo zodiacal llamado Ofiuco.
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saga-camus · 5 months
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sunsage · 1 year
Okay, fine, Monkey King can admit that he didn't really want to get down into the hole, dark and bottomless and underground as it is. But Sun really wanted to "go again" and letting him go there by himself seemed like an even worse idea. So yeah, he allowed himself to be dragged there and didn't even complain about it. Out loud.
(And if he asked to hold Sun's hand while they were descending down in the elevator, well, that's just gonna stay between two of them.)
But honestly? This isn't too bad. The jungle is little too humid for his tastes and the fact that he can feel some of his powers lock up when he enters isn't fun even when he's used to it. But there's a lot of trees for them to swing on and the traps are a fun challenge. All in all, it is a good spot to get some training in.
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"Alright, here's the rules." He sways a little as he hangs upside down, holding onto a branch with his tail. "On three I am going to start running thataway and you will have to catch me and not get caught into any traps yourself. You are free to use any powers you have. If you get caught in a trap and can't get out, you scream and I'll come and get you out."
Of course, screaming to trick him into turning back is also allowed, as is using traps to catch him, but that Sun will have to figure out on his own.
"You ready, bud?"
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underteika · 1 year
Oh, they hated going into the city's center. It's not a place they liked to visit, given the central train station not too far from here. Were it not the middle of the night, when few trains were running, the empath wouldn't even be in the area.
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("We really have to go down there...?")
Well. Not have to. And as far as the Stars were concerned, Anda hardly cared about any of them or their 'experiment' here! (Especially considering all the hell they put their friends and family through.) But the resident AI of the city, they had a bit of a soft spot for. They could feel her sorrow when she ached for the city, and the concern she gave for the ones like Anda who were whisked away here... that was real.
So, here they were. Shovel in hand, gazing down into the hole, not feeling that odd oncoming madness one usually experienced when looking at it...
Onto the lift, they stepped.
("Alright. I'll go. But if they put me in another zombie-filled factory somewhere I'm gonna submit a complaint. Like, a whole bunch of complaints.")
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blanquitagb · 1 year
Acabo de publicar " Prólogo. Primer encuentro (Primera Parte) " de mi historia " Saint Seiya: Sombría Ambición ". https://www.wattpad.com/1292758764?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Shiroi_Tsubaki&wp_originator=PqgfZasyAls56M8bu%2FGVPRHrr9wpF%2B6kjwYOZOymjUlirffOT3VRNWCJjaaszf0zB%2FwLP4fsNWONfv6qC4hOM3p%2Bly7LKAXWIgF4CpLOQxx20CzOy9scj7tO4kUMuKXM
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isolaradiale · 2 months
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"The subject of humanity has been a hotly debated one for a long time, in fact. For example: Ofiuco is not "human" but she had developed "humanity". One doesn't simply need to be a human to exhibit it. So under what circumstances might that "humanity" be tested? Perhaps... an event that must be survived at all costs? And can this humanity be retained if one's container is changed?"
It finally seemed like the cold winter's grasp was finally beginning to loosen its hold over the city. How was it that an island that had to be so relatively close to the equator even experienced winter in the way that it did? A question that plenty had asked themselves who lived in the city and yet the only answer was just to not worry about an answer.
At the stroke of midnight on that Friday night things began to seem odd. Had a new chill set in? Things became very cold very quickly, with frost gathering on windows and a terrible blizzard raging. But to make matters worse? Power across the entire city flickered and immediately shut off and communications were powered down. It became concerning because how would they brave the cold if it continued? Maybe things would look better in the morning?
It might have. If the morning ever came.
6am came and went. Then 8am. And 10am. And while the blizzard had finally calmed and opened up the sky, the Northern Lights that had emerged merely continued to dance across the starry sky. The city was frozen over and blanketed in an excess of snow. Everyone's lives were clearly at risk.
Everyone's phones should have been drained of their power and yet a voice called out from the phone's speaker. The screen would flicker to life it taken out, and options were displayed. Creatures. Animals. Were these supposed to be the "Guardians"? What did they do? Could they help? Who had sent them? With little other option, many began to make their choices and were rewarded with a warmth that allowed them to go on.
But with time? More than mere warmth would be provided to them. Accepting the help of a Guardian came with an undisclosed cost.
How much of your humanity are you willing to shed to survive?
Haunted by an eternal night, the entire island has fallen to a deep, dangerous cold overnight while simultaneously being buried in a heavy snow. The city's power and communications systems have also gone down with no signs of being restored anytime soon, making things rather dicey since temperatures are dropping as low as -37F (-35C). Adding to all of this? Abilities don't seem to be working. Needless to say this is a matter of survival.
But the city and the surrounding branches have become a proper arctic biome. While powerless buildings still tower high above, wildlife typical of a frozen climate that couldn't have even existed before thrives. And the night sky is filled with stars and the Northern Lights when not covered with snowy clouds.
And so it's a good thing that a mysterious benefactor has prepared a way for the citizens to survive. Taking temporary control of the otherwise inactive cellphones, they offer the people a choice. Choose a Guardian. And beneath that text? A list of animals that thrive in cold climates.
Upon selecting one of these animals you'll receive a number of benefits:
the extreme cold feels significantly less taxing, making surviving easier
you'll be able to sense others who have chosen a guardian nearby, making it easier to find and collaborate with others
you'll be able to sense sources of food, although in some cases it will need to be hunted
This all sounds convenient. Maybe a little too convenient for there not to be a trade off and, typical of the antics of the Stars, there is. As the minutes, hours, and days tick on it becomes difficult to ignore the signs. Perhaps your ears become similar to those of the Guardian you have selected, or maybe you grow similar fur at first. But with time these traits spread and worsen. And some instincts begin to develop that could hardly be considered "human". Seemingly you have borrowed the power of your guardian...
...But at the risk of becoming the very same critter you've selected. Because what can survive better in the extreme cold than a creature who evolved to thrive within it?
Which animals can be chosen for our characters? You can select any animal so long as they survive in cold climates normally! Things like arctic foxes, snowy owls, seals, whales, penguins... You aren't limited to mammals alone so long as you abide by that rule when picking them! However they must be real animals that actually exist, not things like dragons or yetis.
How quickly do the side effects occur? It's up to you! You could have them onset immediately, or have them develop gradually over the event's course. There's no timeline beyond what you personally would like to do with them!
Can we choose more than one animal? Can we switch them mid-event? You cannot select more than one animal at a time. However you can swap your Guardian one time during the event if you aren't feeling it, or if you want to try something else.
What if my animal is already not a human and aren't affected by the cold enough to select a Guardian? The cold is so deep that it should be enough to bring about substantial risk for most citizens even if they aren't made uncomfortable by the cold itself. Machine lifeforms would function less efficiently, and even the more adept to the cold might struggle with all of the snow. If you need a reason to make your character select one, you can always speak with some friends or contact the masterlist for an idea in a worst case!
Do I need to select a Guardian for event participation? You don't! You could have your character not pick one at all. That said, you could also have them pick one and not show any side effects, as...
What is the minimum and maximum amount of side effects we can inflict on our characters? As mentioned previously side effects aren't required and you could leave your character unaltered! On the opposite end, you could completely shift your character into their Guardian animal if you'd like. Anything in between is fine too, so go as little or as hard as you would like!
"Instincts" are also mentioned. What would those entail? Essentially these would be things that would make them act more like the animal they are becoming. Like burying food in the snow to keep it safe, or hunting using certain methods if their animal is a born hunter. Again, these are optional and you could shift your character into an animal's form while retaining their human sense.
So powers aren't working during this event? Nope! But any weapons your character has retained are still available!
Would characters who are non-biological in nature gradually become biological? That's up to you! If that's an angle you'd like to explore with your character becoming flesh and blood then feel free!
Will the event have a part 2? No! However we will be posting "weather events" over the event's course that will change the conditions in the city in extreme ways temporarily, be it a blizzard or an even deeper chill. It isn't necessary to acknowledge these if you don't want to though!
When does the event end? The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, March 29th.
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elirosecodes · 6 months
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Cuarto code del #codember2023 gracias a @elalmacen-rp.
Favor no quitar los créditos ni usar la tablilla como base.
Iconos por Capuccicons
Primero, vamos todos a ignorar que Sanemi no nació un 31 de Diciembre del 92. Segundo, la verdad es que esto es un code que había hecho hace muuuucho pero siempre lo odie así que lo renové y ahora quedó bonito. Y tercero, formo parte del consenso general que ignora que Ofiuco existe.
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A serpente caiu no canto da sereia
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eyeathenenoctua · 2 years
Palas en conjunción con Algol en la constelación de Tauro ♉️
Sobre los juicios: “ ...diré que yo, en mi interior, discierno personalmente el centro de mi confesión...”
- Gurdjieff
#constelaciones #estrellasfijas #cieloreal #sidereal
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