antaripirate · 1 year
soft kellila as cats i found saved in my camera roll:
the ‘rhy and alucard made us come to this event, we do not want to be here, please leave us alone’ :
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the ‘kell watching lila touch stuff in fletcher’s shop after he specifically told her not to’ :
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the ‘kell ‘i know i’m an idiot but idc bc i’m your idiot’ maresh’ :
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the ‘i don’t need to sleep with my back to the wall and a knife on my knee anymore’ :
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the ‘you’ve been steering the ship all night and i’m half asleep and don’t know much about sailing but i’m here to hold you for moral support’ :
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the ‘finally arrived back in london after a long ass journey, time to collapse’ :
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and finally, the ‘anoshe’ :
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the-artsy-plant · 9 months
An Egregious Error || Alpha! Silva x Transmasc! Omega Reader TEASER
Ok so I woke up and decided that I would write an alpha silva x omega reader fic (I did not in fact wake up, this was an indulgent distraction from my 200+ pages of course readings *pls save me*), so here's a little teasing preview of the first part while I take my sweet time writing the smutsy bits >:)) enjoyyyyy
TW: omegaverse, alphom dynamics, a little bit of physical violence cause Silva would do that, pre-heat symptoms, implied sexual content (and some horny ahh descriptions), a little bit of omegaverse style dubcon, ya know, all the works >:)
without further ado, enjoy!
You let out a shaky sob, hands resting atop your lower abdomen as you hid in your dorm within the servants’ chamber. Your body was so desperately hot; your boxers were entirely soaked through; your blood was pumping loudly in your ears. The paperwork you were supposed to take to Master Silva’s office was scattered across the tile floor, your duty long forgotten as your pre heat symptoms fell upon you. 
Out of all the days your heat could have started, it just had to happen today. Not during your two weeks of paid leave, oh no, it just had to start the day before. It had to start while you were working closely with an alpha.  
Truly, you were terrified. This was your first heat cycle far from your home, a safe haven for omegas. Rather than having the luxury of spending your two weeks of heat in a safe, isolated room far from the presence of alphas, you had to spend it in the territory of your boss, Silva Zoldyck, the definitive paragon of alphas. 
Silva was a tall, incredibly well-built specimen. He easily towered over you, even more so than most alphas. His presence was so overwhelmingly dominant. His rumbling baritone voice was erotically commanding. He embodied the role of alpha perfectly. 
You knew that the second he found you, it would be over. His pheromones would easily trigger your heat; your resolve would die and you would find yourself perched atop his lap, desperately begging to be bred by him. 
Such was the reason why you were sobbing upon your floor. You weren’t ready for this. You weren’t ready to throw away your autonomy in order to serve your biology. You weren’t ready to be bred until you couldn’t walk any longer. You weren’t ready to serve your duty as an omega. 
You foolishly hoped Silva would forget about the papers. You hoped he would stay in his office far far away from your quarters. You hoped you would be able to make it out before your heat finally crashed down on you.  
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Any shred of desperate hope within your being died when you heard the rhythmic pounding on your door. There was no mistake; it was Silva knocking. 
You took a deep breath, desperately scurrying back to the farthest corner of your room. After you were pressed firmly against the wall, a safe distance from the alpha on the other side of your door, you willed yourself to speak. 
“Y-yes?” You shakily cried out, praying that your voice sounded somewhat normal. 
“(Y/N), I asked for those papers an hour ago,” Silva’s deep voice sounded. You grimaced as you felt the effects of his sensual tone dampen your boxers even more, the thin grey fabric thoroughly soaked through now. 
“Where are they?” He demanded, a hint of an annoyed growl present in his throat. 
“I-I’m sorry, sir, I w-wasn’t feeling well earlier!” You replied, trying to suppress the whimpering whines that swelled in the back of your throat. “I-I’ll try to get those papers to you soon.”
“I need them now, (Y/N),” Silva replied, his annoyance crescendoing with your non-compliance. “Either you open this door and hand them to me right now or I will break down this door myself.”
You whimpered softly at his words, rushing onto your hands and knees. You could barely even move to grab the papers as your preheat was forcing you to succumb to your innate desires. The only movement that even felt feasible was to scramble to your bed and create a nest; moving all the way to the door to the other side of the room was out of the question.
But nonetheless, you grabbed each and every paper, whimpering as you accidentally creased one of them in your trembling palms. You shakily rose to your feet, wishing to still maintain a vague air of professionalism before being met with your irate boss. 
With each wobbling footstep, you steadily made your way to the door. Though each step felt like a mile, you were determined to reach your goal. 
You were only halfway across the room when your door burst in two. You felt your heart plunge into your stomach when the two halves of your door fell down. With that, Silva furiously strode inside.
Instantly, against your better judgement, you fell to your knees, letting out a pathetic whimper as you held your papers above your head. 
Silva snarled as he snatched the papers from your hands. You shakily breathed as you slowly looked up at the alpha before you, watching anxiously as he looked over the files in hand.
When he came across the paper you had pathetically crumpled, he let out an unadulterated, furiously primal growl. He threw the papers to the floor and immediately snatched you up by your wrists, dangling your pathetic little body above the ground so that his piercing blue eyes could bore into your soul. 
“What the hell is the meaning of this, (Y/N)?” Silva snarled as he glared at you, his fury evident by the tight clench of his grasp around your wrists. You tried your best not to think of how absolutely hot it was that he could grasp both of your wrists within just one hand. 
“Do you know how important these papers were?!” Silva shouted. “Two of those contracts were for our most prestigious clients. We have been in partnership with them for generations. It is most disrespectful and dishonorable to present such a client with crumpled, torn up pages of a contract!”
“I’m sorry, Master Silva! I promised, I didn't mean to crumple it!” You pleaded. 
“(Y/N), you are a Zoldyck Butler. Out of hundreds, you were selected for your precision, dexterity, grace, stamina, and efficiency. What the hell could possibly be your excuse for such an egregiously stupid, infantile mistake?”
“I-I’m sorry, Master Silva! Fuck, none of t-this was supposed to, fuck, happen. I was scheduled to leave tomorrow, but…um, my, uh, my…you know, it, uh, came…”
“Your what came?” Silva growled, shaking you slightly to emphasize just how pissed he was. 
“My pre-heat,” you finally, pathetically whimpered out, tears beading in your eyes as you desperately prayed that nothing would happen to you. “It just started a few hours ago…”
Silva fell silent. He blinked slowly as he processed your words. He gently pulled your smaller form close to him, giving your neck an experimental sniff, groaning as a wave of pheromones ensnared his senses. 
You let out an agitated whine, cursing yourself for letting his dominant display unleash your heat. Your scent glands felt hot and throbbed as Silva breathed in your delicate, sweet, but fearful pheromones. 
“I see…” Silva muttered. 
You were absolutely bewildered at your boss’s reaction. What the actual fuck was this supposed to mean? You desperately squeezed your eyes shut, unable to look your boss in the eye at this moment. You prayed desperately to any higher power there was for salvation, grace, and clarity in this moment. 
You let out a quick, frightened gasp as your boss suddenly released you from his grasp, only to immediately scoop you up into his arms. You let out a confused hum as you looked up at him. Now you were really praying for clarity. 
“Gotoh!” Silva suddenly barked. You heard the head butler’s footsteps sound as he entered your room. 
“Yes, Master Zoldyck?” Gotoh replied, bowing before Silva. 
“Straighten those papers out for me,” Silva said, watching as Gotoh picked them up from the floor. 
“I expect these on my desk, pressed and restored, by tomorrow morning. And send out word to the Aguiló and Jarjay households, letting them know that their contracts will be delayed. And that we express our sincerest apology for this oversight.”
“As you wish,” Gotoh nodded. 
With that, Silva began carrying you out of your quarters, acting as if he hadn’t just shattered your door before interrogating you. 
“And Gotoh?” 
“Yes, Master Zoldyck?” 
“Be sure to order the omegas on our staff heat suppressants next time,” Silva commanded before leaving the room with you tenderly tucked against his chest.
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acrosstobear · 3 years
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WALLPAPER WEDNESDAY Mick Schumacher | Callum Ilott | Lando Norris like or reblog if you save
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