scatterbrainedbot · 6 months
allow me to plant this thought that i've been thinking about all morning (and excuse me if this has been brought up): the rat king in your rat boys au. that's all.
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sessa23 · 2 years
Okay so we know that the time lords can choose their face when they regenerate (subconsciously at least). So what if the master uses that to their advantage. Imagine, one season we see the Doctor reunite with one of their old companions only to later be revealed that the "companion" was the Master the entire time and they decided to do that to mess with the Doctor.
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mrparable · 1 year
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Another fellow Athos enjoyer??? 👀👀
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9xyzt · 1 month
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hungryheiress · 2 years
M!A: Feferi is always a *liiiitle* tipsy, and super sensitive to any drinks she gets…
Running her hands up and down her newly ballooned curves, taking in the immense weight and thickness of her body, Feferi starts to feel... funny. Things seem to blur a little, everything becoming softer and warmer, and she staggers upright with a wobble that isn't entirely weight-related. Her plush figure jiggles immensely as she puts one titanic thigh in front of the other, waddling in a hazy daze towards the boardwalk.
Oo)(, t)(is is nice... hic!
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1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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Phew, this guy
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spn2006 · 3 months
theres people out there that dont think sam winchester is gay and thats really the problem with our society today. people look at the guy who feels ostracised for his psychic powers and struggles to connect with his family members and dont immediately think oh its a gay metaphor. now thats just not right
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heatwavering · 10 months
rewatched TG:M all the way through for the first time in a couple months, and god. hans zimmer did not have to put everything he owned into that singular swell. and neither did literally everyone else.
maverick: terrified and alone, realizing his son basically just blew up in front of him
cyclone warlock and hondo: different levels of hopelessness, expediting the mourning process so they can continue with the mission
hangman: physically stops breathing. can’t focus. he has to hyperventilate to get oxygen back in his body. all he’s thinking about is bradley seven summers ago, when they were still okay. and now he’s never going to be able to apologize for everything. it’s his fault. he’s the better pilot, everyone knows it, but bradley had the winning hand, the ace in the hole. so he should’ve tried harder with maverick, not picked as many fights, flown better, flown faster, fought harder, been different, done everything different. you can physically pinpoint something inside himself dying alongside bradley.
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medicalunprofessional · 5 months
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life is wasted
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vinnyandthephenomena · 2 months
i like to think of jam as such a “would you love me in another universe” type of relationship. or what could’ve been? that’s what feels so tragic to me. like - jay could’ve been the only other somewhat close relationship tim had in his life other than brian. or if they had met under different circumstances, would it have been healthier? or even how jay felt? he said it himself he wasn’t exactly doing anything pre-mh. hmm. he felt less alone; but i can only wonder how else it could’ve gone if they were close in another scenario. or ; if they could’ve met in a less depressing part of their lives. they are like a book with the last pages ripped out!
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xxrat--punkxx · 2 years
obsessed w the resurrection beasts istfg its so gender, based off of @briarwickart’s design
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eight-pointed-star · 2 months
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silentwalrus1 · 1 year
FMA is a perfect manga bc in the scene where Roy Mustang is standing over the grave of his freshly buried best friend, and he puts his hat on his head, and with a single tear rolling down his cheek tells Riza Hawkeye, it’s raining - 
Arakawa could have made it this perfectly poignant moment of Roy telling Riza, with those two words: i’m helpless, my friend is dead, this feels as inexorable and uncontrollable as the weather, and just as the terrible power of alchemy you shared with me which had so much effect on the world around us can be denied by something as simple as rain, so is all my self useless when it comes to what matters - 
but instead, Arakawa had Riza go HUH? NO IT’S NOT 
and roy had to go YES IT IS YOU STUPID BI- 
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delicourse · 2 years
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zhivchik · 3 months
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