#OCTAfan's writing
octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Asterism Borealis: Chapter 1
How did I get into this situation?
Or, Sakari and Sonnet's misadventures to the Northern lands begins.
Warnings: Body Horror (Upcoming), TBA
Characters: Sakari (OC), Sonnet (Worldless OC), Styx (OC), Otis (OC)
"Are you sure that you know where you're going?" Sonnet asked, a bit confused.
Sakari has just arrived at the Town's main market, full of people trying to get everyone's attention in order to sell their goods. It was crowded, and pretty busy too, the sound of people shouting out their goods and the blending together of the crowd was somewhat disorienting for her, but she needed to find answers.
Answers on how to get Sonnet out of their prison.
In fact, Sonnet was there with her, stuck inside their own weapon. An absolutely massive scythe, pure white and glittering in the hot sunlight, with a cyan diamond-shape piece near the blade's base, and below the staff as well. It was a magnificent and somewhat terrifying weapon, although Sakari knew better about it's origins... and the fact that she managed to meet them in a yard sale, out of all the ways to find a weapon that had an eldritch being stuck inside of it.
"Not too sure, won't hurt to stick around here for a bit," she replied, mentally of course. "But then, it's hard to start, knowing that there's so many potential places to look for clues," Sonnet continued, "I'm not too sure where to even start with this, it's overwhelming." "I know, we just have to take it in baby steps," Sakari assured them, still focusing on the crowd ahead of her.
With a sigh, she looked around. There seemed to be several parties buying things, preparing to go on the next adventure. For some reason, her home country somehow turned into a rest stop for adventurers, not that she minded. Thankful, weapons are allowed here, although they must be covered with protective gear to avoid injuries, or must not be any type of firearm whatsoever. So she gets to carry Sonnet around as they browsed the myriad of items in each stall.
There were clothes, weapons, books, practically everything under the sun that is needed for trips. "Even if it's the modern day, people still love a good adventure", Sakari thought to herself. As she was walking, her eyes caught something interesting: A booth that seemed to be... an oracle stall? The person had dark purple hair, fading into a much brighter shade, and was wearing a royal purple top with black Bell bottoms, with a golden brown fanny pack filled with various goods. "Wait..." Sakari thought, "That's an alchemy station!"
Alchemy stations were pretty rare in her country, even if potions and such is always in demand due to parties needing a good way to heal quickly... or any other effect that could not be provided by modern science, including turning your opponent into a frog. In her distracted haze, she noticed something odd about the person: She doesn't remember humans' eye colours including a bright shade of purple... plus that golden necklace with a purple dragon emblem looks a bit... strange.
Then, she felt someone ram into her.
With a startled yelp, she tumbled to the floor, with Sonnet's scythe clattering to the ground. "Oh shoot!" A voice rang out, "Are you okay?" Sakari glanced to the source of the voice, and was staring right at a mousefolk, with a Boreal Elf standing next to them. There was also a lot of books scattered round them.. and her.
Realising what she has done, she scrambled to her feet, being careful as to not accidentally expose the fact that her legs aren't like a regular person, pointed and fading to white at the tips, and began picking up the book. "I'm so sorry," she lamented, "I was distracted and I didn't notice you and-".
"It's okay," the mousefolk said, their big, brown eyes lighting up in a warm smile, "Anyways, where are my manners, I'm Otis." The mousefolk then pointed to the elf, who Sakari noticed was unusually pale, even for a Boreal Elf, with dirty white hair and deep brown eyes, "And this is Styx."
"Greetings," Styx spoke with a bow, "Pleasure to meet you." Sakari stared at the two, before speaking, "Hello... my name is Sakari... Nice to meet you?"
Okay, she is absolutely horrendous at social interactions.
"So, Sakari," Styx continued, picking up the scythe from the floor, "You dropped this." "Oh, thank you," she chimed back, "I would have possibly forgotten to pick it up."
"Sakari, I would have yelled if you did leave without me," Sonnet popped in, completely unprompted. "Sorry, I don't know how to talk to people without the risk of accidentally exposing both of us!" Sakari murmured to Sonnet. "Oh, let me not distract you from the conversation going on, sorry," Sonnet continued, before "leaving."
"Nice scythe, where did you get it?" Styx then continued, handing her the scythe, "I always try to look for anyone willing to custom forge a scythe, but they're usually closed, don't accept those or they are filled with requests already!" Sakari thought for a moment, before speaking, "I got it in a yard sale."
It's the true though, she did literally found Sonnet's scythe in a yard sale. She also promptly blanked out due to Sonnet being so excited to talk to someone, but she usually leave that part out... usually.
Otis promptly burst into a fit of laughter, causing some of the other parties to stare at them in confusion. "Seriously," he blurted out, "A yard sale? Styx, had you ever tried that before?" "Come on, it's not my fault for wanting a custom made one!" Styx hollered at Otis, also laughing. Sakari could tell that the two had a close bond with each other, and frankly, it made her feel a bit more lonely... although it does remind her of her bond with Sonnet.
"Oh yes," Otis suddenly stated after the laughing fit, "I almost forgot my books." Sonnet quickly picked up the few books that were remaining on the floor, before giving them to the mousefolk. "Anyways, you seem like you don't have any party, or are you waiting for someone?" Styx then asked, arms folded. "I don't have a party... although I could join you if you want," she replied, "I mean... I want to go on an adventure, but I do not know where to start."
"That's alright, we have plenty of space," the elf chimed, "Plus, we're pretty experienced if we say so. Right Otis?" Otis gave Styx the most mischievous glance, before speaking, "Yep, unless you count that one time you accidentally scared your own Draught Unicorn and ended up running around in circles before I managed to stop it with my tiny self!"
Styx went quiet for a moment, chuckling to herself. "So, are you willing to join us?" She then continued, "We're heading North to find something incredibly intriguing, a legendary race of beings from Boreal Elves' folklore."
Sakari thought about it, she didn't know where to start with her exploration, and she might get some clues this way. Plus, it would be nice to experience new places, people and things for the first time. So she finally answered, "Yes, absolutely. I think I could start with this." "Me too," Sonnet chimed in, audible only to Sakari, "I think this would be nice."
With arms outstretched, Styx and Otis both cheered, "Welcome to the party, Sakari!"
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empyrean-demise · 4 months
Hello there!
[Plain text: Hello there! /End ID]
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[Image ID: A bunch of white jagged lines, with the top teeth of a dog in the center.]
I'm Aven, although I'm also known as OCTAfan (Or just Octa for short). I also go by Electra, Sprite, Elve or Lorelei, although I don't mind if you don't use those names. I use they/it/he/she pronouns, as well as a lot of neos, but those are optional.
I'm a minor, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please leave. I'm also Aroace and don't like flirting that much, so keep that in mind too! As for gender orientation, I'm Gendervoid and Xenogender (Manistatic and Dark Grimstaric, both are my coins).
We also realised that we're a system! Aven is the host, and we collectively refer to ourselves as Paraluxx Nebula.
More stuff about me under the cut:
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[Image ID: A bunch of white jagged lines, with the bottom teeth of a dog in the center.]
As said in the Blog's bio, this is my Alterhuman blog! Usually for my fictotype, but I have others! Here's a list!
[Plain text: Kintypes /End ID]
Aven (Worldless)
Thunder manifestation (Genshin Impact)
Jersey Devil
COCOON (2023) Protagonist's species
Runalong (*Moth, not Aven)
[Plain Text: Fictives /End ID]
Edda (Worldless/ Canon divergent)
Starfall (Worldless/ Canon divergent. Is our equivalent of Angel)
Summum (Worldless/ Canon divergent. All the Worldless characters are from the same source as Aven fictotype (?), which is known as "Paraluxx Verse" for easy reference)
Moth (Literally a canon Worldless moth...)
Aven/ Umbro (Worldless: Duality AU fictive. He's unfortunately from a fanfic so now we're freaking out about this as of 1/4/2024 as to whether or not to tag the Author of said fic here)
Edda/ Akari (Worldless: Duality AU fictive)
Judgement (Worldless: Duality AU fictive. Was the light warden)
V2 (Ultrakill/ slightly canon divergent?)
Protagonist (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition/ Goes by "Veetragoul")
[Plain text: Hearttypes /End ID]
Pari (Genshin Impact)
[Plain text: Hearthomes /End ID]
Creepy Grasslands/ Midwest Gothic-eque settings
Almost all realms from Worldless
Veetragoul (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition)
Kinsidering/ Fictionflicker (?)
[Plain Text: Kinsidering/ Fictionflicker (?) /End ID]
King of Saxony Bird of Paradise (Pteridophora Alberti) nonhuman, most likely otherhearted?
The vast majority of these (With the potential exception for Aven) are psychological in nature, since I'm potentially neurodivergent (ASD).
Anyways, you'll be seeing a lot of memes, ramblings, art, pictures and more here! I might also post my requests for stimboards and stuff here, but I'm not too sure.I'm not comfortable with interacting with everyone, so here's a DNI... as well as a Please Do Interact (PDI?!)
[Plain Text: DNI /End ID]
Terfs, transphobes, etc
Lgbtphobes, racists, exclusionists, etc
Pro-shipper or anti-anti
MAPS, anyone who is attracted to minors
NSFW/18+ only blogs
Participate in cringe culture
Anti voidpunk (furries, alterhuman, etc)
Is generally a bad person
Please Do Interact
[Plain Text: Please Do Interact /End ID]
Other fictionkins, especially Worldless ones!
Other peeps with obscure kintypes
Literally any alterhuman peeps
Worldless fans
Fellow Astronomy enjoyers
Literally anyone who's interested in my rambling
Oh! I almost forgot! Here's my tag list:
Tag List
[Plain Text: Tag List /End ID]
Avenposting - Whenever I talk
Aven's art - My drawings and stuff!
Aven's Writing - For any poetry, fanfic (?!) or other writing stuff that I might post here?
Aven's pictures - Aesthetics images that are made by me
Aven Answers - For inbox stuff
Solarstorm starfolk - For Aven stuff/ Aesthetics
Thunderous Rage - For Thunder Manifestation stuff/ Aesthetics
Pine Barrens Thing - For Jersey Devil stuff/ Aesthetics
Geometric Moth-Critter - For COCOON protagonist's species (Atimoth?) stuff/ Aesthetics
Electric Grace - For Edda stuff/ Aesthetics
Starfallen Seraph - For Starfall (Angel) stuff/ Aesthetics
Starwards Heights - For Summum stuff/ Aesthetics
Shadowy Starmoth - For Moth stuff/ Aesthetics
Fatal Ordeal - For Duality! Aven stuff/ Aesthetics
Choosen Arrow - For Duality! Edda stuff/ Aesthetics
Guardian Seraph (Holy Spear) - For Judgement stuff/ Aesthetics
Crimson Robot-Angel - For V2 stuff/ Aesthetics
Geometric Ascension - For Veetragoul (OCTAHEDRON Protagonist) stuff/ Aesthetics
Endling Corinna - For Thylacine stuff/ Aesthetics
Little Bird-spirit - For Pari stuff/ Aesthetics
Cryptic Fields/ Hidden Forests - For Midwest gothic- eque hearthome stuff
Beyond the Cosmos/ At the Beginning - For Worldless Realms hearthomes stuff
Underground Realm/ Arcade's Light - For Veetragoul hearthome stuff
Potentially triggering stuff would be tagged as "tw [Blank]".
Anyways, that's it for now! I might add on to this post if I forgot about anything.
Dividers credit: 🔶️
Icon credit: Made by Me
Banner credit: Ending cutscene of Worldless.
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solarclock-lepigriffs · 11 months
Hello! Welcome to OCTAfan's sideblog for a little story/ worldbuilding project of mine; Solarclock Lepigriffs and Moonmoth Clockworks!
What is Solarclock Lepigriffs and Moonmoth Clockworks?
Solarclock Lepigriffs is a fantasy worldbuilding project that's basically a heavily solarpunk and clockwork inspired world where moth/ bird like creatures called Lepigriffs are the sapient beings. It'll have a lot of stained glass, art deco and nouveau and plants, but also slight biopunk and microbiology/ virology motifs.
Moonmoth Clockworks is a potential short story (?) set in this world where we follow Sula, an anxious and somewhat introverted lepigriff artist, as well as Ashworth, her partner, as they both get into silly daily shenanigans.
Can we make stuff based in this setting?
Sure thing! Just make sure to credit me... in fact, if you made any fanart or even fan character, please tag me so I can see them!
Where can we follow you besides here?
I run several other blogs! My main being @octahedral-chaos.
I also have a YouTube channel, and a spacehey... although that's pretty dead (Maybe I'll revive it into a Solarclock Lepigriffs-themed blog where I post stuff relating to it, as well as other fun stuff?
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your visit here, don't forget to ask questions and stuff! Have fun!
Oh! And tag list under the cut:
OCTAfan says stuff - General tag for whenever I talk about stuff
OCTAfan's art - Art tag
OCTAfan's writing - Writing tag
OCTAfan answers - For asks/ inbox stuff
Lepigriff aesthetics - Aesthetic for the general world of Solarclock Lepigriffs
Character// [Blank] - Stuff about any characters, for example, 'Character//Sula' would be everything relating to Sula.
[Blank] aesthetics - Aesthetics stuff for any character
Other stuff and picture credits
(Temporary) Icon credit: 🦋
(Temporary) Banner credit: 🦋
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octastims · 3 years
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Luna, from the PA level series Heartstrings, stimboard with moths and space themed stuff for me! I love this moth girl. Also someone send this to Noodlekin please
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
I wrote a Worldless fanfic! I might update this with a second chapter soon (Stares at unfinished HoB novel)-
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octahedral-chaos · 8 months
Okay so I decided to fix that little Drabble I made in 2nd person POV, and now I decided that it'll possibly be the first chapter in a novel that I'll write!
It's still unnamed (Originally called Project Cybersong when it was supposed to be a video game), but I'll hope you enjoy it! Feel free to ask questions about this btw, I'll love it!
Every single thing was a blur.
With a disoriented sigh, you tried to open your eyes. Wherever you were, it was so bright, blindingly so. You winced a bit at the sudden brightness.
Everything was hazy, even your memories were dim, vague images of the past. You couldn't even remember your own name.
Okay, attempt number two, you thought to yourself, bracing for how bright this.. place was. With a few good blinks, the area you were in was a lot clearer (and less blinding! How nice!). It seemed to be... a large room? Strange... you couldn't remember being here when you blanked out (Blanked out?).
It was a rather dusty gray, with wooden floor and ceiling tiles with somewhat complicated patterns.
Still a bit curious, you tried to get up, and that's when you noticed it,
You have claws.
Granted, it looks more like bird talons, but it's still claws. Your... hands have five digits, two of those being "thumbs" and were mainly cloud burst blue, with onyx claws glittering in the dim lighting. You stared in shock for a little bit. Before shrugging it off.
You have more important things to focus on, like figuring out where on... whatever this place is you are. You managed to get up, a tad bit awkwardly as if this is the first time you stood up.
Your legs were also weird, to say the least. They seemed talon-like. They were the same shade of blue as your hands, with curved Onyx claws that can easily slice things into shreds.
You also have a... tail? It was rather long and somewhat thick, almost kangaroo-like, with a fan of feathers at the tip. It was Danube blue, with darker tips and stripes. You attempted to wag it... for some reason, but it was rather stiff.
You also notice something that felt much more familiar: You were wearing a fuel yellow dress with black triangles near the tips, as well as Black long pants. Frankly, it's a lot more comforting than the off-putting traits you have... to your current knowledge. You can't remember anything, but this felt familiar.
Maybe you could try to find a mirror to look at yourself?
After a few awkward steps, near-falls and fumbling in dark places, you managed to find the bathroom. Of course, it was run-down and dusky, but you wiped off the dust from the mirror and braced yourself for the potential nightmare that would be your face.
Half-expecting something horrifying, you opened your eyes, and was greeted by... a plain Aqua blue hexagon, with two pairs of small diamonds hovering above it. That's it? That's your face? You leaned forward, staring at yourself in shock. Your... ears flicked back a bit.
No, this isn't right, that's not how you're supposed to look.
You stepped back, somewhat confused yet horrified. No, no, no, that's not what you're supposed to look like.
You were so preoccupied with your face, that you haven't noticed the strange pair of glowing things on your shoulder. Wait, no...
Those are wings .
A small, somewhat pathetic-looking pair of feathered wings, glowing a brilliant Aqua blue. They were... tiny, but they still shone like a star.
What am I? Who am I?
Questions relentlessly circled around your head, too many left unanswered. It felt... overwhelming. You just wanted to scream and shout, but you just can't. You... don't even know who you are.
Trying to stifle the thoughts, you need to find the exit. Maybe that's how you'll get answers. After what felt like eternity wandering around (And almost falling through a gaping hole in the floor), you managed to get outside. It was... night? Yet everything was so bright.
Then you realize that it's in the middle of a city that seemingly stretches for miles on end. There was a lot of gray, yet many of the signs, billboards and other such objects were ablaze in neon glow. It was weirdly beautiful, yet there was something wrong about this place.
Was it the lack of plants? Or the fact that there's not even a single sound of any living things? Was it the fact that there's not even a single person in sight, and when there is someone, they act a bit too... robotic, oddly stiff and seemingly lifeless? You couldn't tell, but there's something incredibly wrong with this place.
Despite this, you must march on, figure out who you are and what this place is. And with that, you headed off into the night, not even the higher ones could know off to where .
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Finally! It's here!
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octahedral-chaos · 6 months
Binary Stars' Impact: AKA have a random drabble based on a Worldless × Genshin Crossover Idea I had.
@arandompeep this is based off our conversation we had... and I had to write a little thingy based on this, so I hope you enjoy!
She's still alive?
Disoriented, Edda glanced around, noting how... bright this place was. Even if it was somewhat dark, she could still tell that it was much more colourful than all the places she's been to. She also noticed that there was no eye watching from above, were They dead? How long has it been both her and Aven's battle with that god? Instead, she noticed a small, silver crescent-shaped thing in the sky.
She got up, still a bit disoriented and looked around, she seemed to be in some sort of field near a cliff, with a giant tree directly in front of said cliff. This... didn't really looked like any place she knew, and the last thing she remembered was fighting They with Aven. Wait...
Aven! Where was he? She remembered watching him sacrificing himself to save her, yet she still couldn't believe that he's mostly likely dead. She looked around, looking for any fluttering scarf or a clawed hand, anything. But she couldn't see anything. Defeated, she slumped to the floor with a sign, she didn't want to be alone here! She doesn't even know what this place is, nor the danger that lurks here, There could be things that could very well kill her!
Then she heard a very faint, yet familiar, chirp.
A bit startled, she glanced around, trying to find the source of the sound, then she noticed a dim orange glow near the gigantic tree. A bit relieved yet confused, she carefully walked towards the tree. It was a bit of a trek, but she managed to get there rather quickly.
It was Aven! Albeit he looked to be in pretty bad shape, lying in a fetal position and some orange sparks still appearing from the area he was stabbed. She tried to walk towards him as quietly as possibly, before chirping. He looked towards her, stiff and weak, before letting out a soft, hoarse chirp. Okay, he's not in any shape to be able to stand up or even walk with his injury. So Edda decided on the second best thing, maybe she could set camp here, since they're both safe from the weather due to the tree, and there's most likely stuff for making a campfire here too.
So she went out to collect stones and sticks, making sure to not stray too far from Aven, she didn't want anything sneaking up on neither Aven nor herself, and she definitely didn't want anything to hurt him. After a surprising successful trip (Turns out if the stones and sticks are a different colour from the grass, they're much easier to find), she immediately started preparing the campfire.
While placing the sticks in the ring of stones, Aven chirped again. "What's wrong?" She chirped in reply. "Nothing much," he replied, "Just a bit freaked out about this place, and still in a bit of pain." "Well, at least we have each other," Edda chirped, placing the final sticks into the campfire, "Even in unfamiliar lands, we won't be separated and I will try to find help if you need it." Aven gave a soft chuckle, before chirping, "You're still as determined as always, and that made me feel a bit better. Thank you." "You're welcome," she chirped in replied, finally starting the fire, "I'll stand guard to make sure there's no threats, you can rest for tonight. You're injured, so please don't do anything dumb if I do accidentally fall asleep." "Alright, alright!" He laughed a bit, "I'll fall asleep. Good night."
With that, he curled up, stab wound still sparking slightly. Granted, he already looks a lot better now, but she won't risk him trying to walk with that sort of injury still. Edda stared at him for a moment, before turning her gaze towards the campfire, before finally looking out at the scenery. This place was oddly beautiful, the grasses and trees were swaying gently in the wind, and the unfamiliar sky sparkles with dots of light. There's also the quiet chirping of some sort of creature, and some vaguely void butterfly-like creatures glowing a soft cyan. It almost reminded her of home, but that feels to far away now, so she should try to focus on the present. So she looked out into the beyond for the night, watching for danger as her only friend rests in an unfamiliar world.
Although, it did seemed as if she did fell asleep, as next thing she knew, she was hearing the sounding of Aven's fire abilities, clanking of metal and yelling. Startled, she got up and was immediately greeted by the sight of a bunch of weird creatures trying to attack Aven, while Aven is desperately trying to defend himself using his fire skills and claws. She quickly summoned her sword and shield, and darted towards the floating, red-and-black creature with the pointy face. It yelled something in an oddly watery-sounding voice, before summoning a sphere that is almost certainly a shield. Of course, she guessed what to do and decided on one option: Use her ice abilities, and the moment that shield goes down, use her sword and all other attacks to get rid of that one quickly, especially since it seemed to be the one in charged.
She summoned a brush of Frost aimed at that creature, catching it off-guard and almost instantly breaking its shield, before almost finishing it off with a few blows from her sword. Of course, she tried to use her absorption skill on it as usual. Except... nothing happened. That's weird, maybe she wasn't focusing enough? She tried again, but it also didn't work. Okay, seems like creatures from this world can't be absorbed. So she decided to finish it off for good using her lightning skill.
One down, at least 5 more to go.
She then turned her attention towards the maned, brown creatures without faces. They seemed to have a lot of weapons, including axes, bows and weird... red blob things? Okay, she was in a unfamiliar world so she should had expected that... but still. She immediately targeted the blob throwing ones, as they seemed the most dangerous out of the bunch. With a lot of ice attacks, sword slashes and arrows, she managed to take them down one at a time, while Aven himself also use his fire, wind and claws attacks to prevent them from getting to close.
Then right as she was about to finish off one of the blob-throwers, a large, almost vortex-like gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, sending her flying into the tree. Great.
They noticed the creatures immediately turned their attention to whatever (or whoever) created said vortex and before they knew it, all they could see within the frenzy was blades seemingly made from cyan energy, bursts of water and a black and purple bird seemingly able to conduct electricity.
And as suddenly as it happened, it stopped. Edda looked to where the commotion was, and there were four figure, all seemingly wearing something covering almost their entire bodies and definitely not shapes, unlike Aven and herself. They seemed to be discussing something, and seemed to be pointing at the sky, before pointing towards the cliffs she woke up at. Ah great, they managed to get the locals attention!
She stared at the strange beings for a second, before cautiously walking out from the tree's shade and giving a soft chirp. The beings all proceeded to stare right at her, their... eyes being rather confused and shocked? They looks so much like her kind yet are so different at the same time it's almost... scary. Neither party haven't moved nor spoke, only staring at each other for a very long time. It's only when Aven made a rather curious yet stressed chirped was Edda's attention drawn to him, and the beings finally said something.
"There's two of them?!" The one with light yellow hair shouted, that one reminds her of Aven, especially in appearance. Wait no, that's not the one with the light hair. Instead, it's a extremely small, floating being with a halo on their head, their voice extremely high-pitched and squeaky, "You know, didn't Katheryne and Jean mentioned that there were two meteors a few nights ago that were blue and orange?"
Wait... they've both been in this place for a few days?! How did nothing happened to either of them?
The one with long, light yellow hair and dark cloth-things, walked towards her, before they bowed and spoke, "I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, welcome you. Are you two travellers from another world? If so, tell us what to call you." "She means 'hello, can you tell us who you are?', if you couldn't tell," the black-and-purple bird translated with one wing pointed at "Fischl." She stared all of them for a moment, wondering if they could understand her, before chirping, "My name is Edda."
"Tsk, it can't talk," said the one with the large cyan hat, with arms folded, "Are you even sure that these two are the weird meteors people have seen?" "Shut it! They could possibly understand us!" The one with two different eye shades barked. Of course, she can understand them, it's just that there's a very big language barrier, and it's definitely one-sided.
Aven, who was clutching his chest and panting slightly, seemed to perked up a bit as the strangers talk about them. He stared at them for a moment, before getting an idea: Since they can "talk" to the ancients easily even though there's a somewhat difficult language barrier via "mind talking", he could theoretically use it on them... although that could freak them out a bit.
So gathering all his courage and energy, he chirped, "Her name is Edda, and we CAN understand you!"
Everyone went dead silent, Edda staring at him in confusion and the strangers seemingly a bit startled. The small floating one was the first to break the silence, "You... can talk?" "Yes, I can," he replied, leaning against the tree and checking if he accidentally made his wound worse, "Edda could as well, but I guess it might be a bit scary, considering that it's like you suddenly hear a strange voice inside your head, and it's not yours."
"Okay... so... What's your name?" The floating one continued, floating a bit closer to them. "I'm Aven," he replied, "Of course, Edda is the one that's standing in front of you. Who are you?"
The little being floated back to the group before introducing themself, "This is Paimon!" She then points to the others, "That's Aether, Fischl, Furina and Wanderer." The blue hat one, named Wanderer, then commented, "So... you're the only one that can talk here or can 'Edda' also talk? Plus, you can call me anything you want, just don't disappoint me." The way he phrased that made Aven tensed up a little bit, but granted, they all seemed to be pretty good people, so maybe 'Wanderer' is a little blunt.
He chirped to Edda, "They can understand us if we mind-talk to them." She nodded, before introducing herself, "I am Edda, and it's nice to meet all of you." Aven could tell that she cringed a little bit at the last part, but at least that's a start?
Paimon waved at them, before talking, "If you'll like, we can carry you to Mondstadt so you can rest and we can help Aven!" Edda was a bit glad that they caught on to Aven's injury, but she didn't know if she could risk accidentally causing further damage to him while carrying him. "That sounds nice... how far is it though?"
"It's not too far from here!" Paimon chimed, "In fact, it's a very straightforward trip: you only have to travel Northwest. Although if you'll like, we can show you the path!" Edda thought about it for a moment, before chiming back, "Okay, I guess we'll go with you. Every one of you seem to know this land well, so I trust all of you that there would be not much danger, especially since my friend here is injured."
"Don't worry! We all have it covered!" Paimon beamed, Edda could get used to her squeaky voice, she seemed to be rather excited for everything. Edda walked towards Aven, before chirping, "Aven, I know this would be a but awkward, but I might have to carry you all the way to Mondstadt. Would that be okay?" "Of course, if it means help, then I'm in!" He replied.
With a sign, she hefted Aven onto her shoulder, before turning around and chirping, "Okay, we're ready." As they trekked to the city with their new companions, Edda couldn't help but be thankful that even in a scary world that's nothing like her homeland, she still have her friend, Aven, and people who would gladly help them even if they seemed strange compared to them.
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octahedral-chaos · 3 months
*Ungodly screeching*
It's finished! It's finally finished! Chapter 2 is up, and you'll finally met some of the characters of Runalongs!!
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octahedral-chaos · 8 months
Have a very random 2nd Person POV drabble I wrote. I really wanted to write something in 2nd person because it's such a cool POV and I also wanted to write about some non-human being that's not who they looks like... and maybe angst...
Every single thing was a blur.
With a disoriented sigh, you tried to open your eyes. Wherever you were, it was so bright, blindingly so. You whinced at bit at the sudden brightness.
Everything was hazy, even your memories were dim, vague images of the past. You couldn't even remember your own name.
"Okay, attempt number two," you thought to yourself, bracing for how bright this.. place was. With a few good blinks, the area you were in was a lot clearer (and less blinding! How nice!). It seemed to be... a large room? Strange... you couldn't remember being here when you blanked out (Blanked out?).
It was a rather dusty grey, with wooden floor and ceiling tiles with somewhat complicated patterns.
Still a bit curious, you tried to get up, and that's when you noticed it,
You have claws.
Granted, it looks more like bird talons, but it's still claws. Your... hands have five digits, two of those being "thumbs" and were mainly cloud burst blue, with oynx claws glittering in the dim lighting. You stared in shock for a little bit. Before shrugging it off.
You have more important things to focus on, like figuring out where on... whatever this place is you are. You managed to get up, a tad bit awkwardly as if this is the first time you stood up.
Your legs were, also weird, to say the least. They seemed talon-like. They were the same shade of blue as your hands, with curved Onyx claws that can easily slice things into shreds.
You also have a... tail? It was rather long and somewhat thick, almost kangaroo-like, with a fan of feathers at the tip. It was Danube blue, with darker tip and stripes. You attempted to wag it... for some reason, but it was rather stiff.
You also notice something that felt much more familiar: You were wearing a fuel yellow dress with black triangles near the tips, as well as Black long pants. Frankly, it's a lot more comforting than the off-putting traits you have... to your current knowledge. You can't remember anything, but this felt familiar.
Maybe you could try to find a mirror to look at yourself?
After a few awkward steps, near-falls and fumbling in dark places, you managed to find the bathroom. Of course, it was run-down and dusky, but you wiped off the dust from the mirror and braced yourself for the potential nightmare that would be your face.
Half-expecting something horrifying, you opened your eyes, and was greeted by... a plain Aqua blue hexagon, with two pairs of small diamonds hovering above it. That's it? That's your face? You leaned forward, staring at yourself in shock. Your... ears flicked backwards a bit.
No, this isn't right, that's not how you're supposed to look.
You stepped back, somewhat confused yet horrified. No, no, no, that's not what you're supposed to look like.
You were so preoccupied with your face, that you haven't noticed the strange pair of glowing things on your shoulder. Wait, no...
Those are wings.
A small, somewhat pathetic-looking pair of feathered wings, glowing a brilliant Aqua blue. They were... tiny, but they still shone like a star.
What am I? Who am I?
Questions relentlessly circled around your head, too many left unanswered. It felt... overwhelming. You just wanted to scream and shout, but you just can't. You... don't even know who you are.
Trying to stifle the thoughts, you need to find the exit. Maybe that's how you'll get answers. After what felt like eternity wandering around (And almost falling though a gaping hole in the floor), you managed to get outside. It was... night? Yet everything was so bright.
Then you realise that it's in the middle of a city that seemingly stretched for miles on end. There was a lot of grey, yet many of the signs, billboards and other such objects were ablaze in neon glow. It was weirdly beautiful, yet there was something wrong about this place.
Was it the lack of plants? Or the fact that there's not even a single sound of any living things? Was it the fact that there's not even a single person in sight, and when there is someone, they acted a bit too... robotic, oddly stiff and seemingly lifeless? You couldn't tell, but there's something incredibly wrong with this place.
Despite this, you must march on, figure out who you are and what this place is. And with that, you headed off into the night, not even the higher ones could know off to where.
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octahedral-chaos · 10 months
First part of the HoB novelization is up! Feel free to add any constructive criticism and/or thoughts on it.
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octahedral-chaos · 29 days
Lorelei Firethorn, Outlaw of the Stars
A mysterious gunslinger, she often appears in towns suddenly, stay for a few days and leave as suddenly as she came. No one has seen what is behind her hat and bandana, and no one has heard her utter a single word.
In fact, her almost supernatural skills with her revolvers and sheer agility suggest that this Silent Hunter is more than she seems, especially since she can seemingly use fire magic on her own...
Lorelei Firethorn is an oddity, that's all everyone knows. A bright orange light for a face, almost Obsidian-black gradients on her limbs, pointy ears, claws and small raven-wings definitely points to her being a half-something... that's for sure.
No one knows who her parents are, she just appeared one day at the Orphanage's doorsteps, scared and alone. They never gotten a chance to know what her real name was (She just shook her head when they asked for her name), so they named her Lorelei, after the rock near the River Rhine, and one of the nurses took her in, giving her that strange surname.
In fact, she seemingly could not talk, her voice being a series of chirps, hums and chimes instead. She understands the others, but she just couldn't talk. This, combined with her chimeric characteristics, made her feel alienated compared to her peers.
But, the caretakers and many of the children love her all the same.
Now, she wanders the plains, looking for answers to her past and taking out thieves and other dangers of the West. Her skills with her dual revolvers and her agility, coupled with her fire magic, made her a force to be reckon with.
The hidden past still tries to hunt her, beings both familiar yet alien chasing her down like specters. Maybe these beings has answers to her heritage... and maybe those strange "Angels of the Shadows" are a bit more familiar than she initially thought...
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octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Okay I accepted chaos and I am finally making an Aster backstory thingy
This might be long so it goes under a read more
Ah. The early universe, only just have been created by They, perfect in all regards to the balance of polarities amongst the starfolks.
Until They noticed an anomaly.
Two dark starfolks, twins, sharing a single light opposite.
They didn't know if this would result in disaster, nor if this would break Their perfect universe, only seconds old. So, They took one of the twins and sealed them off, never to see Their gaze ever again.
They didn't care, that star could have ruined a perfectly balanced universe, right?
Until They died, and one of the perfect dual starfolks absorbed Them. The light starfolk whose polar opposite was the Sealed Twin's brother. She recreated the universe, bringing the end of pain and anguish, and bringing forth hope and new opportunities for the beings who shall emerge in this one.
Including the Forgotten Twin, now unsealed, yet asleep.
For eons, they floated around, oblivious and unaware of who, what and where he was. Until he landed on a specific... Realm?
Skyworld. Land of Gods, Overlooking the land of Angels.
Finally, he awakes.
Confused, alone and only experiencing awareness for the very first time of their existence. He does not know what he is, he does not know who he is, and he does not know that his kin is dead.
As he learn and grew in the lands foreign and unbelievable to his kin, they developed traits to make exploration and survival easier. Large wings, perfect for soaring endlessly, a tail for steering and sharp talons to strike his opponents down.
He was more curious than anything, observing the beings who called this place home. He even learnt how to "talk" by mimicking their voices, deciding on a specific voice to call his own. He still doesn't have a name, nor know what he is.
Then she saw them.
The Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena, spotted the strange being, alone yet curious. Out of mercy and pity for the lonely star, she took him under her wings and finally gave him a name:
Aster, or simply "Star"
Quite fitting, for even if his glow is dimmer than most starfolks, he still shine brilliant against the night sky, a orange comet amongst the clouds.
Now his is one of the Guards of Palutena, protecting Skyworld and Angel Land from evil, and soaring high amongst the clouds and stars.
Maybe he will never know their past, nor his kin, but at least he have a family and home who they will fight for.
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octahedral-chaos · 22 days
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octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Also @sleepless-tea, have some of my Worldless fanfics that I wrote, as well as some of my favourites!
Weight Of Living
Icarus is Flying Too Close to the Sun
Something Beautiful
Here's some of my favourite fanfics
Duality by @mystic-131
A Different Avenue by @paleodictyoptera
A Moment's Respite by @sporadic-doodles
Helpless by @h0ped3lusion
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octahedral-chaos · 2 months
Asterism Borealis: Chapter 2
Getting To Know Each Other... And A Plan
Sakari learns more about her newfound party, and spend some time with Sonnet.
Warnings: Body Horror (Upcoming), TBA
Characters: Sakari (OC), Sonnet (Worldless OC), Styx (OC), Otis (OC)
"So... where exactly are we going?"
Sakari queried, following her newfound group into their motel room. They had just gotten two rooms for the night, after days of traveling across several countries in their quest.
"Like I said a few days ago, North," Styx spoke, unlocking the door to her, as well as Otis', room, "Specifically, far North. Further than the Boreal Elf settlements and definitely almost at the very top of the Earth."
This, of course, made Sakari a little nervous. She never left the country, not counting when she was a little kid, and even then it made her weirdly scared to go so far. It's not like this was going to be horrible, right?
"And why exactly are we going to the North Pole? Are we going to find Santa Claus or something?"
"Not that, but something even better," Otis chimed, ears raised in excitement, "we're looking for star people."
"Star people?" Sakari asked, somehow even more confused.
"Well, the Boreal Elves, specifically my culture, call them the 'Children of the Stars," Styx explained, "They're mystical beings who appearance varies. Sometimes they are described as being pure white with glowing blue eyes, or pure black with glowing orange eyes, like embers. Sometimes they don't even have a face at all, but a bright light where it should be!"
"Rumour has it, there's a grand city at the top of the Earth, where the Children of the Stars live, where they can play and dance to their heart's content. But they are also described to be skilled warriors, who fierceness and speed is not to be underestimated."
"... Oh," Sakari said, not knowing how to respond, "That seems pretty cool, I guess? But what if they're just myths-"
"We already have evidence, in the form of several pictures taken by Elven hunting parties, lots of Eyewitness accounts and even a video caught by a research crew, and that video is in high quality too!"
"Really? Could I see said video if it's okay?"
Honestly, Sakari felt incredibly awkward at that moment. She really did not know what she was getting into.
"Sure thing!" Styx chirped, taking out her laptop (Since when did she brought a laptop?) And placing it on the desk. After a few moments of awkwardly staring at Styx find a document, Sakari finally saw what Styx and Otis was looking for. And it was exactly what she was also looking for.
Starfolks. They were unintentionally looking for Sonnet's kin.
She stared at the text, well-researched and written, about every single detail that Styx could have found by herself. She stared at the, admittedly absolutely-horrible-potato-quality pictures, before glancing to the higher definition ones. They clearly depict strangely humanoid beings, some with wings, some with horns, some with long ears and tails, yet they all have the shared similarities of being roughly humanoid with black or white skin and blue or orange eyes, or face... glow?
Then one thing caught her attention.
A clip of an almost dog-like one trotting along the ice on all fours, it's white fur almost blending into the scenery, and the only thing visible was it's blue glowing face.
"How interesting..." She finally spoke, "I mean... with the amount of evidence here, they could surely exist." "I know right?" Styx happily laughed, "I always thought that they were so cool. It gotten even better when I decided to get into paranormal stuff, especially cryptids. I think it's cool how one of my favourite mythological creature turns out to be a sort of cryptid too!"
Sakari silently cringed at the mention of "cryptids." She knew Styx didn't mean harm in thinking starfolks are mystical undiscovered creatures, but knowing she had one with her made it somewhat awkward.
"It's getting late now, so goodnight I guess?" Sakari finally stated, before walking to the door. "I mean, you have a point, we should sleep now," Otis sleepily yawned, "Makes no sense trying to hussle to get out early when you wake up late."
After saying their good nights, Sakari walked into her room, unpacked all her belongings and got ready for bed. But before she go to sleep, she needed to check up on Sonnet.
Meditating, she got into Sonnet's... void-place thing. It was hard to describe, except as an almost blank and endless void with the only permanent object being a mirror where one could see the outside world. She couldn't imagined how lonely and boring it must have been for Sonnet, to be unable to do anything for billions of years.
And there was Sonnet, curled up like a cat, sleeping.
Quietly, Sakari walked up to Sonnet, before gently nudging them, "Wakie Wakie!"
With a grumble, Sonnet woke up, before murmuring, "Seriously, when I now managed to take a nap?"
"I know you're a bit grumpy about being woken up late in the night," Sakari spoke, "but it's about something really important."
"Okay," Sonnet continued, sitting up and ear-wings folded neatly, "So... what's this important thing you're talking about?"
"Basically, I learnt about what Otis and Styx are looking for," Sakari explained, "and it's exactly what we needed."
"What do you mean?"
"They're unintentionally trying to look for starfolks. Apparently, they might be living at the North Pole, or something like that."
"Really? I could see my kind again?"
"I guess? Plus, we could get closer to breaking your curse. And it won't hurt to learn about your kind even more."
"So... we're basically going to far, FAR North in order to find my kin? That sounds kind of dangerous, isn't it?"
"I know, but when we're together... we'll make it through. I know it."
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