samuelswatts · 3 months
Sam had been grateful to have school (read: football) to focus on again. This summer had threatened to tear down everything he'd built. So much for staying 'drama free', right? But he'd made it now. 'Gossip Girl' had made another attack but it wasn't on him (it was Jake- he cringed from the guilt). Distraction had led him to Caisson Andrews' birthday party. He was only gonna stay for an hour, tops.
That's when he saw her: Nilay Levent.
It couldn't have been a good idea to walk over to her but Sam seemed to be doing it anyway. Without thinking, an easy smile fell on his face, tone clearly teasing--- "Nilay Levent... Are you having fun?"
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filthy-reckless-rp · 4 months
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Johnny Akana Pronouns: He/Him Age: 50 years old Hometown: Up To Player Occupation: Actor Social Status: Insider Faceclaim suggestion: Keanu Reeves
Who Is Johnny?
“I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I’m wanted dead or alive.”
Is that the elusive Johnny Akana or am I hallucinating? Where have you been hiding for the last decade? Back in the day, you were on the tip of everyone’s tongue. The ‘bad boy’ of Hollywood, the original heart throb. Getting into trouble was second nature to you (along with paying for the damages, literally and figuratively). Over the years, you started to resent the fame and you managed to burn through most of the fortune. It’s a good thing you have your own ‘non-judging breakfast club’ to help you out, even now: the iconic ‘brat pack’. The past is the past but I wonder if your sudden return to the spotlight will stir up old drama, and feelings. You might have played the part of the broody, tortured soul but I bet there’s a heart in there somewhere. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
UTP (two paragraphs of biography; helpful key points listed below - message  if you’d like to make any changes or note in the app if you’d rather the bio written up  for you!)  
Johnny Akana is an iconic actor and a member of the incredibly famous ‘brat pack’. Johnny, Diana, Rebecca and Jamie were the up-and-coming stars of their time. They all had their biggest break on a soapy teen drama that had more twists and turns than you could keep up with. At the time, Johnny wasn’t the kindest about the show, smearing it in the press. Looking back now though, it was some of the best fun he ever had and part of the reason he agreed to the new role in ‘Friday Night Bites’.
The other part of the reason he decided to return to acting after roughly a decade off, are his friends. His found family, his greatest loves. When he found out Jamie, Di and even Becca had agreed... it was a no-brainer. Johnny doesn’t know how their on-screen reunion will go but secretly hopes it’ll be like nothing has changed.
When it comes to getting in his own way, Johnny is a pro. He never learns, he always self-sabotages. Johnny’s made a million mistakes, played into being ‘just a dirtbag’ a million times but he wants to be better. He wants to not ruin everything he touches, everything he loves. It’s been a lifetime of learning for him and it’s still going.
Has a reputation for being a bit wild, you know? Scandal followed Johnny around but he wasn’t afraid to swing at the paparazzi when needed. There are several hotels he’s still banned from and about a million hearts left broken in his wake.
While on hiatus from acting, Johnny became a bit of recluse. He stayed in touch with Jamie the most, then Di but hasn’t heard from Becca in a long time. He tried to slow things down, take time for himself. Write, play guitar. Hell, he’s even been making his own sangria. Returning to public scrutiny won’t be easy but here he is.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
UTP (if applicable; alternatively you can note their thoughts on Gossip Girl’s return!)
Nilay and Latife Levent - Johnny’s best friend growing up was Nilay and Latife’s dad. He became the unofficial ‘uncle’ to the girls and still keeps in touch even if he hasn’t stopped by in a while.
Jamie Park - ‘brat pack’ member and a hot mess. Johnny and Jamie were famously married for exactly 16 days before calling it quits (just long enough to have the wildest honeymoon ever!). They’re both screw ups and soulmates, y’know?
Rebecca Ravenwood - ‘brat pack’ member, Johnny and Becca were always at each other’s throats when they were young. They were either arguing or laughing, screaming or dancing together. Johnny hasn’t spoken to her since her daughter was little.
Diana Watts - ‘brat pack member’. Johnny and Di were actually married (really married, not like with Jamie). She was everything good in this world and Johnny screwed it up. Some people just can’t be saved, right? Misses her like hell.
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#nilay #istanbul (Istanbul Türkiye) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0qEyTsO-r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegazeisfemale · 1 month
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nilay eren
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yurekbali · 1 year
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Öfkeden ve acıdan yanarak bir yandan adım adım olup bitenleri izliyor bir yandan da uzaktan neler yapabiliriz, yediğimizden uyuduğumuzdan daha az nasıl utanabiliriz diye uğraşıyoruz. Üç gündür çok yazıldı çizildi. Tarihsel bir felaketle karşı karşıyayız. Art arda iki büyük deprem ve on farklı bölgeye yayılmış, şehirleri yok etmiş bir yıkım. Akıldan, bilimden, teknolojiden, erdemli siyasetçilerden ve her ne yapıyorsa etiğe uygun yapan insanlardan yoksun olmanın bedelini ödüyoruz. Yozlaşma ve çürüme öyle büyük, öyle uzun zamandır var ki üstüne bir de devletin ve kurumların çöküşü ile gelen organizasyon sorunları eklenince afetlerde görmeye alışkın olduğumuz hizmetler bile aksadı. Masum insanlar, büyük mağduriyet içindeki bu halk böyle terk edilmeyi hak etmemişti. Kendi yaramızı kendimiz sarıyoruz yine. İmam Hatip ve İlahiyat mezunu, tasavvuf yüksek lisansı yapmış afetlere müdahale müdürümüz afetlerle çok da ilgili olmadığından organizasyonu yine deneyimli, bildik isimler ve STK’lar yapıyor. Herkes tek yürek olmuş çabalıyor. Büyük kısmı fay hatları üzerinde olan bu şehirlerde bir daha asla benzer bir yapı stoku yükselmemeli. Yatay mimari, çelik konstrüksiyon, sekiz dokuz şiddetinde depreme dayanıklı özel teknolojiler kullanılmalı. Konunun uzmanı değilim, uzmanları bilir. Bu ülkeye, bizim ekonomik koşullarımıza uygun bir depreme göre yapı rejimi ortaya çıkarılmak zorunda. Aynı rant çevrelerine asla yol verilmemeli buralarda. Yoksulluğun sonuçlarını görüyoruz. Hepimizi yeniden politize etmesi gerek bu depremin. İşçi hareketine/partisine, yeşiller hareketine/partisine destek verebilir, üye olabiliriz. Siyasetin iyiden doğrudan yana bir şekle, kıvama girmesi için daha politik yaşamaya odaklanmamız gerektiğini derinden hissediyorum. Nitelikli eğitim ve siyasi katılım için çabalamalı. Geleneksel siyasetin bize asla sağlıklı kaliteli barınma hizmeti vermeyeceğini, asla çağdaş akılcı ve barışçıl bir dünya kurmayacağını idrak etme vakti. Yeni binalar, güya deprem sözleşmesine göre yapılmış binalar çöktü. Bazıları sahtekârlık nedeniyle bazıları zemin çürük olduğu için. Ölümden sonra yaşam olabilir olmayabilir ama doğumdan sonra iyi bir yaşam olmalı. O bebekler, çocuklar, o çaresiz insanlar bunu hak etmiyor. Değerliyiz ve değerli olduğumuz bir dünyayı kurmak zorundayız. - Nilay Özer (8 Şubat 2023) - Fotoğraf: Khalil Hamra (Nurdağı, Gaziantep, 7 Şubat 2023)
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pepetheking · 1 month
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latifesweetlevent · 3 months
day of birth
The thing about birthdays is that they should be special. But being twins it always felt like hers had to be shared, well in a way it was shared due to Nilay having the same date of birth. So when she walked into her condo, she bumped into her sister soon enough. Giving her three kisses on the cheek, she asked:" So what do we want our birthday to look like this year - whose invited - who isn't invited, and most importantly, can I choose the cake flavor?"
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vivisufi · 1 year
Dunia ini penuh dengan angka
Berapa usiamu?
Berapa hartamu?
Berapa nomer rumahmu?
Berapa nomer sepatumu?
Terjawab dengan angka terukur dengan angka
Jadi angka berapa favoritmu?
Aku suka angka 0
Yang suka diajak angka lain
Yang semakin banyak 0nya semakin tinggi nilainya
Tapi ini bukan tentang usia, harta, atau nomer
Ini tentang nilai hidup
Merasa 0 kemampuan semakin banyak butuh belajar
Semakin 0 tuntutan semakin ikhlas menjalani kehidupan
Semakin 0 sebagai hamba semakin berserah pada Tuhan
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dizi-maniac · 2 years
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Kızım ben seninle her şeye varım biliyorsun sen değil mi? || I'm ready for anything with you, girl, you know that right?
yasemin x demir ⇢ çatı katı aşk (2020)
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female-buckets · 1 year
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Latife Levent Pronouns: She/Her Age: 20 years old   Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: N/A Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Sila Turkoglu
Who Is Latife?
“Everybody knows she’s on the move with her six inch heels and an attitude to seal the deal, she shoots to kill.”
If it isn’t the star of the show! Latife Levent, be still my beating heart. You love being in the spotlight even if you have to ‘accidentally’ shove someone else out of it. Sure, you might be selfish but it’s not a crime. As you once said: selfish people live longer and that’s just, like, science. You love drama. If it’s boring, you leave. If someone’s boring, you leave them. You need to be surprised and entertained. Life is for living and if you’re not taking at least one risk per day, you’re not doing it right. Overreactions are your favourite kind of reactions and you, Latife Levent, are not afraid to cause a scene. You’ll fight dirty when the occasion calls and almost all your break ups have been via text. Your twinsie, Nilay, does her best to reign in your more destructive tendencies but let’s be honest, you simply cannot be contained. XOXO --Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Drama has always run through Latife’s veins and telling her something like ‘it’s not that big of a deal’ will earn you an Emmy winning slap across the face. She isn’t above throwing tantrums when she doesn’t get her own way. If Latife has to, she has no problem with fighting dirty, especially when it comes to any who crosses them. Vapid, selfish and incredibly stylish, Latife Levent won’t apologise for who she is. It’s not like she doesn’t care, it’s not like she doesn’t j’adore her nearest and dearest it’s just, y’know, hard to remember to have a filter. The single most important person to Latife (after, well, Latife) is her twin Nilay Levent. They’re pretty much polar opposites but they’re also a team. 
Latife is the loud, bubbly and adventurous one who drags Nilay along here and there. Nilay is the book smart and sensible one who makes sure they both get home in one piece. Their bond is unbreakable. Latife wants to burn bright, burn as bright as she possibly can even if that means ultimately she’s going to burn out. Latife needs things to be loud because when they get quiet, that horrible self doubt starts to creep in. That dread. Latife never dwells on that too long though. Even if she doesn’t know what the future holds, she knows it’s going to be okay. As long as Mercury is in retrograde, the coffee is iced and the heels match the handbag then everything will be okay. Everything will continue to come up Latife. 
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Latife lived for getting on Gossip Girl! Every party Latife was at, they needed their cute outfit posted and ‘XOXO’d. Every messy relationship, every spat, Latife knew that being talked about was better than not being talked about. A secret though? She’s been mixed up with the wrong crowd- a dangerous crowd- more than once.
Nilay Levent - the twinsie! Nilay is Latife’s favourite person in the world not including themselves. They might be polar opposites but they complement each other. Nilay would do anything for Latife and Latife would do the same for her. If Latife wasn’t busy, obvi.
Serena van der Woodsen - the ‘old’ Serena van der Woodsen was totally legendary in Latife’s eyes. Serena was the funnest person ever at parties! Miss her.
Jake Hunter - Latife ended up offering to tutor Jake back in high school because he was totally hot. Did Latife  know what the hell they were talking about? Not at all. Did she pretend to be her sister to sell the story? Sure did! Did she get bored and ghost, meaning the real Nilay had to break up with him? Yup.
Camille Hunter - did Latife meet Camille when they over trying to tutor Jake? Yes but that’s so besides the point. They had a thing. They actually had a really good thing and Latife totally ruined it. RIP.
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turkishcelebritynews · 10 months
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Gülcemal Turkis Series Cast
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alectoperdita · 1 year
Twitter is a disaster clown car company that is successful despite itself, and there is no possible way to grow users and revenue without making a series of enormous compromises that will ultimately destroy your reputation and possibly cause grievous damage to your other companies.
I say this with utter confidence because the problems with Twitter are not engineering problems. They are political problems. Twitter, the company, makes very little interesting technology; the tech stack is not the valuable asset. The asset is the user base: hopelessly addicted politicians, reporters, celebrities, and other people who should know better but keep posting anyway. You! You, Elon Musk, are addicted to Twitter. You’re the asset. You just bought yourself for $44 billion dollars.
The problem when the asset is people is that people are intensely complicated, and trying to regulate how people behave is historically a miserable experience, especially when that authority is vested in a single powerful individual.
What I mean is that you are now the King of Twitter, and people think that you, personally, are responsible for everything that happens on Twitter now. It also turns out that absolute monarchs usually get murdered when shit goes sideways.
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vanillaarrow · 1 year
03/01/23 all for one sebuah pemikiran dari multi faktor kedalam sebuah event! Disclaimer banyak kaitan dalam tulisan ini mengarah kepada value tertentu. Ga semua orang harus setuju. Happy read my mind.
Jadi beberapa hari lalu nonton film judulnya :
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Terus jadi ada pemikiran kalau...
There are so many things important in life
Tapi kadang,daily routine makes us busy with this mundane life and forget how simple life can be, and our self awareness gets distracted, we forget how we can be so loving to our family members or spouse. We forgot that our life has only a goal to go home to our creator, jadi malah ngejar hal hal lain dan bikin ribet hidup kita sendiri. Banyak event di hidup ini yg mestinya bikin kita bisa berenti dan mikir buat ngelurusin tujuan hidup kita, biar bisa mendalami lagi yang kurang dari kita sekarang. Agar kita menjadi orang yang kind and full of compassion, orang yang lebih focus
Kita mesti sadar that our time is tight, and the time is the only reason that makes our life full of meaning, karena kita ga selamanya didunia ini.
Sering kali kita lupa bukannya nyiapin bekal tapi malah kedistract sama hal duniawi, dan lupa atau malah nggak memilih untuk do the right thing, many of us choose what easy rather than the right thing to do.
To make a count with every second left supaya ga wasted, After healing process aku sadar sih bahwa yg paling penting di proses pendewasaan ini sebenernya ya self awareness. Aware kalo kita itu siapa, kita itu mau ngapain didunia ini, untuk apa kita diciptain, awareness itu jadi bikin kita lebih enak buat jalanin hari harinya.
Pas jadi dewasa role kita makin banyak, jadi anak, jadi pasangan suami atau istri siapa gatau dimasa depan, jadi warga negara, jadi profesi pekerjaan nanti, atau banyak role yang bakal kita jalanin. Tapi itu semua tujuannya cuma mengisi waktu kita yang sebenernya role utama kita itu jadi seorang hambanya Allah. Semua role kalo dipikirin ujungnya ya cuma karena mengharap apa yang kita kerjain bakal dibales amalnya sama Allah sebagai amal baik kita supaya bisa masuk surganya.
Tapi ya itu as human kita bisa lupa bisa kedistracted jadi yg tadinya punya role kayak anak deh contohnya, kalo mau dibales amal baik sama Allah jadi anak yang bakti sama ortu tapi kalo kedistract kita jadi anak durhaka. Kalo suami istri yang mau dikasih amal baik sama Allah ya rukun, loving each other, stay kind to each other, learn that we need to always try to fall in love again and again until death seperate us. Cielah. Uhuyy. But seriously without that kind of attitude pasti bakal bosen bakal jadi fokus sama yg jelek jeleknya pasangan kita. Tentunya kita tidak mau hal tersebut terjadi bukan? Tapi sering kali orang kedistract malah cheating, lupa kalo hubungan itu kalo bukan kita yang nyiptain always to fall in love with each other ya bakal bosen apalagi pernikahan yg udah bertahun-tahun, kedistract dan melenceng dari jalan yang Allah ridhain malah Allah jadi marah dan ngga ridha sama Kita.
Misal yang lain, dokter. Bisa jadi dokter yang Allah ridhain prakteknya sesuai gak telat waktu praktek, gak ngeboongin pasien atau ngebisnisin prakteknya, tapi ada juga dokter yang jadi ngasih pasiennya obat obat yang ngga sesuai indikasi, atau mal praktik, ke distract jadinya, Padahal semua yg dilakuin semata mata cuma bakal balik lagi ke Allah karena semua dari kita pasti mati
Tapi sering kali ya namanya manusia jadi distracted, itu mungkin yg aku pelajarin dari semua hal yg aku kaitin kefilm tadi Everything Everywhere all at once.
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lemonsherbett · 1 year
Ben cuma günlerinin derslerini çok seviyorum ve cuma günü dershane olmadığı için saat ona kadar falan uyuyorum ama yarına yine deneme koymuşlar dokuz bucuga tek serbest günüm zaten cuma var neden böyle yapıyorsunuz ki gerçekten
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balkongunlukleri · 1 year
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: okan bayülgen’in richard tiyatrosundan sonra nilay örnek’in katıldığı programı gördüm ve nasıl olunur serisine başlamış oldum.
: iş-ev-okul döngüsü içinde toplu taşımalarda sürekli oturamadığımdan kitap okumaya mecalim kalmıyordu ve bende sürekli müzik dinleyerek vakit geçirmek istemiyordum da. önceden dinlediğim başka podcastler oldu ama beni içine çeken bu kadar olmamıştı. bir de nilaycım çok güzel hazırlandığı gibi konuklarına nitelikli sorular sorup çok daha başka yönleriyle kişileri tanıtıyor bizlere.
: her birini dinlerken ayrı merakla dinledim büyük ihtimalle de uzun bir süre de başka programlarını dinlemeye devam edeceğim.
: 2023 öncesi 22 önerisi✌️
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