#Nazi oligarchs own the gop
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communist-automaton · 5 years
Another “please vote” blog.
“Voting is a gimmick to keep you trapped in the two-party system!” they say.
Well, okay, but you know what works even less well than voting in this two-party shell game? “Raising awareness” and complaining real loud on the Internet but never actually doing anything.
You can be as woke as you want about the Democrats’ ineffectiveness, the GOP’s fascism, the corruption of both parties, and the backroom deals that keep oligarchs in power and us in the poorhouse. And that’s good! Those are things we can’t afford to lose sight of. But mere “awareness” changes nothing. Telling other people to “wake up” changes nothing. Sharing memes and blogs changes nothing.
Don’t misunderstand. Voting for Democrats also changes nothing, at least not by itself. But here are some tangible things Democrats do offer no matter how many times people insist they are “exactly the same” as Republicans:
Increased rather than restricted voter enfranchisement.
Parliamentary friction that halts, or at least slows, the most overtly and violently Fascist legislative tendencies of the modern GOP.
The power -- even corrupted power -- of Congressional inquiry, subpoena, and investigation.
And, of course, pissed off hillbillies, which is always a nice bonus.
Republicans work very hard all the time to disenfranchise voters. The question of whether or not voting matters is a moot one for more people every year because there are still politicians who fear their votes. Republicans wouldn’t go to the trouble of rigging electronic voting machines to swap Beto for Cruz if it didn’t matter. They wouldn’t pay lawyers to convince the 8th Circuit to lock Native Americans out of polls in North Dakota if it was all the same either way.
Democrats are not the ultimate good. But if you believe they won’t make the slightest difference, then you’ve been fooled. That doesn’t mean you are or have to be a fool. Who benefits from your slacktivism? Poor people? Refugees? Unarmed people being murdered by cops? When you skip an election because you can’t be bothered to “play their game”, who are you helping, aside from your own ego?
This is not a “grow the fuck up and swallow your pride and vote for [corporatist stooge]” message, as much as it might sound like one. I’m not telling you to actually support the Democrats or their useless pearl clutching agenda. Voting is not an expression of your belief. We are way past the idea that “representatives” represent anyone but themselves and whoever pays them to be there. Your vote isn’t a piece of free speech, and you’re not beholden to a party just because you voted for their candidate.
Voting is a strategic act, not an expressive one. Right now, the board is crawling with actual Nazis, not just the figurative exaggerated ones they’ve been talking about for 30 years. Our job isn’t to wait for some election where we can finally vote in a messiah to fix everything, because we’ll all be dead before that happens. Our job is to counter the GOP’s agenda. And we don’t do that by throwing up our hands in disgust and walking away. We are playing defense, not offense.
It comes down to the fact that the Right is organized and consolidating its power and its support, while the Left is disorganized, scattered, divided, and confused. Whether you’re on the side of the GOP and actively expanding openly Fascist policies, or you’ve disenfranchised yourself out of despair and decided to sit it out, the net result of your actions is the same: a net increase in power for anyone seeking a repressive rightwing state.
If you’re not ready to start throwing Molotov cocktails around, then do the bare minimum and stand in at least part of the Right’s way. Vote. You don’t need to believe it matters. You don’t even have to consider the idea that maybe you’re wrong about the futility of it all. Just cast the ballot someone else would have cast if their registration hadn’t been “lost” by “accident”. Vote to piss off that asshole in the super-lifted F-250. Vote to get a sticker. Vote to waste time. Whatever. Just chip in this bare minimum of effort.
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dragoni · 6 years
Russia was microtargeting alt-Right Nazis (GOP Base) to elect Putin’s candidate in 2016 #RussiaGate
While Columbus Nova claims it has never been “owned by any foreign entity,” it was recently listed as a subsidiary of Renova — a Russia-based conglomerate run by sanctioned oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
As NBC reported Wednesday morning, Columbus Nova also spent 2016 and 2017 registering a number of websites aimed at young white supremacists, or members of the so-called “alt-right.”
Among the URLs registered were domains like Alt-Right.co, Altrights.co, Alternate-rt.com, and Alt-rite.com. Some of the domains, like Alt-Right.com and Altrights.co, were registered in late August 2016 — just a few months before the American election — while others, like Alt-rite.com, were created in August 2017.
I can answer this question since I wrote that sentence. Here are some domains purchased by Columbus Nova:
alt-right (dot) co alternate-rt (dot) com alt-rite (dot) com (7 other variations on that theme)
Plus these! 1-800getalife (dot) com carlcuck (dot) com cnnjournal (dot) com https://t.co/LGQsTRBzuh
— Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) May 9, 2018
a number of the domains were registered with a specific Columbus Nova email address that appears to belong to a Columbus Nova employee named Frederick Intrater.
It is unclear how, or if, Frederick Intrater is related Columbus Nova CEO Andrew Intrater — who is Vekselberg’s cousin — but on his LinkedIn profile, Frederick Intrater lists himself as the Design Manager at Columbus Nova. CorporationWiki also lists Frederick Intrater as the “coordinator of marketing” for “Renova Unitedstates Management.”
Frederick Intrater did not respond to ThinkProgress’ request for comment via phone and email.
However, according to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, Intrater.com belonged to Frederick Intrater through at least March of this year, highlighting his design skills.
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fapangel · 6 years
Yeah, because Murrika playing the world's policeman always went SO well. *coughcoughvietnamcoughcoughIrakcoughcoughAfghanistancoughcough*
One thing that pisses me off no end about the knuckle-dragging fuckstains that pollute so much of the “alt-right” is this head-in-sand inability to distinguish between “world policing” and “defending our own fucking interests.” The first foreign war America ever fought where we went to war without a declaration of war, against stateless enemy combatants, and employed “private military corporations...” was the fucking Barbary Pirate War in 1801. We went over to a sandy place overseas, kicked the shit out of some chumps with our badass warships, and we even hired local mercenaries to put the screws to the local jackasses that dared to fuck with us. 
And you know why we did it? 
Because it benefited us. 
Much like the quasi-war with France, we did it to stop them from fucking with our merchant shipping, because trade was vital for our fledgling and mostly coastal nation. We did it for our own sake. And that’s what we do most things for, or should. Why the fuck do you think we perform Freedom of Navigation exercises to tell China to piss off with their fucking sandcastles and claims that the South China Sea is their own little lake? The entire world benefits from us defending those internationally-agreed limits - after all, international law is just a gentleman’s agreement unless someone is willing to enforce it - but we don’t take up that burden for shits and giggles or out of the boundless depths of kindness in our hearts. We do it because letting the Chinese fuck with the global economy by fucking up freedom of navigation will fuck US over, too. Every nation on fucking Earth has numerous interests outside of their own borders, even back before the mother-fucking telegraph was invented - since the first Polynesian asshole rowed to the next island over in his fucking dugout canoe. 
This is why it is mind-numbingly rage-inducing to watch simpering leftists call Republicans “isolationist” when they are the isolationists. Because “isolationism” has never been a fucking thing with America - that’d require actual xenophobia, like you see in Japan to this day. No, “isolationism,” much like “nationalist,” is a lie used by leftists to obscure the truth - just like they did before World War Two. Behold:
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Recognize the art style? That’s Dr. Fucking Seuss, there - before he wrote those cute children’s books, he was a savage political cartoonist before and during WWII. Back then, the simpering cowards whining about how Hitler wasn’t that bad and it wasn’t their job to be the “world police” were the likes of Neville Chamberlain. Had these craven fucking cowards got off their asses and actually adhered to their treaty obligations, they would’ve pushed in Germany’s shit when most of the Wehrmacht was still up to their asses in screaming Poles, and WWII would’ve been smothered in its goddamned crib. But nah, they didn’t want to police the world. 
Dr. Seuss wasn’t an idiot. He knew it’d go down that way, and because of that he had no damn use for the “America First Committee” in general and for their choir boy Charles Lindberg in particular - because he knew that non-interventionism was not putting America’s interests first. Unsurprisingly, the Communists did their best to infiltrate the America First Committee, only advocating for intervention after Germany turned on the Soviet Union. Thus it should be no surprise that the successors to this movement were the leftist fucks that apologized for, downplayed, and even defended the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, going so far as to re-write history to paint McCarthy as a foaming-at-the-mouth madman and inventing the term “Red Scare,” as if a fucking imperialist, Communist empire hell-bent on spreading their ideology - by force of arms and violence - across the known globe wasn’t “scary.” 
This is why the leftists current “Russia Conspiracy” shit should make anyone with a brain incandescent with rage - for the entire Cold War, they were the simpering, defeatist, apologist fifth-columnist bastards shilling for the enemy hell-bent on our destruction. And that’s why, right now, even as we speak, the Democrats are lying out their asses to claim that North Korea “just wants to defend themselves” and that war in Korea simply “isn’t an option.” They are pulling this shit not a year after Hillary spent months telling everybody that Trump was a pussy who’d abandon the free world to the barbaric aggression, pillaging and rape of the thuggish aggressors of the world. The hypocrisy is fucking staggering. 
And then there’s the alt-right, who listened to Hillary’s lies and shilling and said yep absolutely we’re everything Hillary said we are. Because some of the so-called “alt right” actually are. See, we’ve all been left in limbo by the vicious divorce between the rich oligarchic old-boys globalists club that runs the establishment GOP party, and the actual voters that make up the Republican base. And for a while, most of us thought that “alt-right” was as good a term for any to describe what was essentially a third party, under Trump (though it’s more that the Trump-supporters are the Republican base, and Trumpers are the only actual Republicans in office.) But there is an alt-right; the kind of fucksticks that shitpost on /pol/ a lot, that actually are “alt-right” as defined by Mr. Hitler Youth Haircut Spencer defines it, as “identity politics for the right.” Identity politics are the cancer that defines everything abhorrent about the left, and on top of that they also hate Jews (like the left does - look at how much they shit on Israel,) hate overseas intervention if it’ll benefit people they hate (like America itself, which they also hate,) and openly encourage violent leftist “revolution” overseas (like the “independence movement” in Catalonia.) 
As I’ve established many times before, there’s no real difference between Communists and Nazis besides a flag design - they’re both leftists. And along those same lines, there’s no real fucking difference between the alt-left and the alt-right, either, except that the alt-left has organized, violent militias and inherits a tradition of leftist (armed) revolutionary tactics over a hundred years old at this point, and the alt-right are a bunch of polo-shirt clad faggy-haircut sporting dickweeds carrying around fucking tiki torches. 
In case any of this has gone over your head, lemme boil it down for you: fuck off, Commie. 
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quakerjoe · 7 years
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An interesting notion to ponder. However, the radical right of this nation has drawn First Blood last weekend... AGAIN. They always do. They scream, they cry, they bitch, and then they get violent. However, when the Centrists and the Left defend themselves or, (gasp!) heaven forbid, they take retaliatory and hostile actions in return, (going from “turn the other cheek” to “an eye for an eye”) these yahoos from Y’all Qaeda scream even louder and SCREAM foul and throw all the blame towards the left. Their news outlets back their stories, cementing even more hostility and more of a divide. The question will be, in the not too far future (the way things are going), “How many more times must we let the Alt-Right draw blood and kill people before we consider them an actual terrorist organization and declare open war on them?” Just because they live in the US and are legally citizens, that doesn’t exclude them from being an enemy of the state, a dangerous terrorist group (they’ve killed more Americans than outside, non-American/Anti-American groups here on our own soil), and they should be dealt with in the same way we’re all hopped up to deal with ISIL/ISIS. How many more Americans will be shot in their churches? How many more anti-protesters will be run over and killed by right-wing-nutjobs in their cars looking to hunt and murder those who oppose their violent and oppressive views? When do we turn the tide and bring the war to them? How much longer will the citizens against Nazis and Fascists keep taking the punches before all hell breaks loose? These fucktards on the Alt-Right are a bunch of cowards and bullies. They’ll relentlessly keep hammering away until someone stands up to them and beats the shit out of them. Oh, they’ll cry big tears after, of course, all while crying “Foul! Foul! He/She hit me first!” They always do. They have, ever since the Civil War, which they clearly never got over. They could have kept slavery, did you know that? It’s not what the Civil War was initially fought over. But those whiny little bitches running the Ol’ South had to push things. They had to keep screaming and crying. They couldn’t bear the thought of slavery not being expanded into new US Territories, and they cried “State’s Rights!”, and exacerbated things by quite literally moving to new territories to essentially cheat the elections and turn them pro-slavery, even though those fuckwads didn’t even live there in the first place. After elections, they returned to Alabama and Georgia and Tennessee and Kentucky etc. When they couldn’t get their way (even through openly CHEATING) they STILL couldn’t keep their fucking mouths shut. They decided to split away from the Union. THAT is what the war was over, at least in the beginning- to PRESERVE the Union. Still, the Ol’ South wouldn’t back down, much the way a spoiled, angry child won’t. So the Union had enough and after years of war, they took away their precious slaves and ended the debate once and for all. Since then, the Ol’ South has sat in the corner in a puddle of its own piss, angrily plotting for the day that it would “rise again”. That move began somewhat quietly with the creation of the Ku Klux Klan. The lynchings. The burning of crosses and the terror that they spread. It was refortified in the 1960′s with the Dixiecrat movement which re-polarized the Republican Party with the “Southern Strategy”, turning them away from “The Party of Lincoln” and into the party that embraced segregation, Jim Crow Laws, Blind Eyes towards murder and rape of Blacks, and the Racists left the Democrats and joined the GOP while the Liberals that once were the GOP left to join the Democrats. Today’s GOP is NOT the “Party of Lincoln” anymore and hasn’t been for decades. They do NOT represent “We the People”, they represent Corporations first, and cater to their base which is an amalgamation of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, “Alt-Right” or whatever you want to call these hell-spawned racist, bigoted, “Kill everyone not white, ‘Christian’, heterosexual, and male (except for the women they OWN of course- there are no free women in the GOP base, they only believe they are). This is the 21st Century and THIS is where it now stands- if you’re aligned with the GOP, you ARE part of the Nazi/KKK/Fascist movement in the United States. The Elephant is only the hood ornament on a much larger vehicle, and if you don’t like it, then either leave it or be one of those silent people who go down in history as one of the many who let the atrocities happen. Watch and do nothing, if you will, but know this- YOU are a part of this. YOU are now considered by many to be a supporter of the KKK/Nazi uprising and a backer of Oligarchs (if you even know what that word means. You should look it up).  People are only going to put up with the radical right's violence, the rhetoric, and the  bullshit for so long. The question right now is "How long?"
-A.C. Stewart
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jeanjauthor · 7 years
So I saw the impeach trump thing on my local news and I thought, Ms (mrs? Your imperial highness?)Johnson will be posting this soon, and I was right.
Ms is fine, lol…and yeah.  I knew the moment Trump called for Russia to “find her emails” back during the campaign, in that moment I knew he was colluding with Russia.  Trump telegraphs his moves.  How so?  Several factors.
First, there’s a saying:  You see most often in others a reflection of what is actually in you.  Trump claims horrible things are being done by others, but they’re mostly things that he is doing himself.  Second, as an apparent narcissistic sociopath, he cannot help but gloat whenever he’s pulling a con on someone.  It’s evident in the way he smirks, the way he drawls…he gloats.  Third, he can’t lie for shit (pardon my language), because his innocence-look is too scripted, too studied, too acted…and fourth, he always tells such big bold-faced lies that he always has to walk them back at some point…but he tells them to conceal the biggest awful truths.
Calling upon a foreign government to hack into his poiltical opponent’s emails IS an act of treason.  Calling publicly for that treasonous act is so outrageously huge, “no one would believe it was true”…except those of us who’ve been studying this guy for years, even for decades.
Now, why have I been studying Trump?  For overblown villain traits, such as narcissism, egomaniac qualities, sociopathy, psychopathy, grifting, conman activities, schmoozing and oozing a trail of slime wherever he goes.  He’s the boldest liar in the world, mixing in fact and fantasy in such overblown quantities that you’d swear he’d be a laughingstock villain on the silver screen…but that’s part of his protective camouflage.  He uses glitter and gilded paint to spruce up the bullshit he sells, making it look attractively solid like gold-leafed concrete…but in the end, it’s just a wall made of shit.
Someone on Twitter pointed out that he sells false images of wealth and prestige to gullible poor folk who desperately want to be seen as “rich folks just having a minor, temporary setback right now.”  No one actually rich would bother buying a Trump Steak, for example. It’s not good enough quality as a meat to even poke a sterling silver fork at in disdain.
But Trump stages everything to make it seem attractive and emulation-worthy, and so you end up paying $40 for a mediocre chunk of meat that shouldn’t even cost you $8.  It’s the ultimate con, convincing you that if you eat his name-branded stuff, wear his name-branded clothes, sleep in his name-branded hotels, you’ll “lead a life just as exciting and wealthy!!” as his seems to be.
His wealth is based on lies, more lies, conning people, shortsheeting people, stiffing almost everyone who ever works with him, claiming all the glory even for the stuff he never touched (which is often why it succeeds) and blaming anyone but himself and his ideas if anything goes wrong, falls through, or winds up terrible in quality, etc.
He’s fascinating as a character study, but absolutely horrific as a leader.  He’s a conman who sold out America for shady deals with foreign enemies…who are so very, very much better at these games than him.
America, “…you in danger, girl.”
…And the really painful part?  The GOP is so wrapped up in trying to push their unwanted kleptocratic oligarchic agendas that they are aiding & abetting him, and thus colluding in his treason by not stopping it cold, hard and fast, right away.  They are so ass-over-heads deep into Party > Patriotism, that they don’t see they are being used horrifically by Trump’s puppetmaster, too.  The longer Trump stays in power, the more control over this nation Putin holds.
I’m deeply worried about the hundreds of mid-level officials that Trump’s Administration has settled into jobs in and around the capital and the Executive Branch, positions that don’t need congressional hearings for approval.  Are they neo-Nazi alt-righters?  Are they Russian spies & plants?  Are they both?  “Heyyy, Donny, we got some guys who’ll do good work for you, they’re solid white supremacists just like you, it’s just that they need some jobs in X and Y and H Departments.  You’ll do us a solid by appointing them, and then we’ll owe you one, right, comrade?”
Am I going overboard in my imagination?  …Maybe.Can we take the chance that this is not true?  …No.
No.  We cannot take that chance.
Do I think the impeachment will go anywhere right away?  No.  The GOP is so deep in the mud of their own wallowings that there’s no way for them to pull out of the slops and get ouf of their sty anytime soon.  They’re ripe for manipulating and for slaughtering by Russia…except Russia wants to keep them there, destroying the American government through partisan politics and neo-conservatism.
Russia’s just now starting to step up the shit-smearing campaigns once again.  Watch.  There’ll be all sorts of claims on the internet, articles and memes trying to sully the truth with the filth of doubt.  The whole “FakeNewsMedia” spiel is part and parcel of it.  All of it is gaslighting, a massive campaign to gaslight the nation’s perceptions of the facts, and thus the truth.
Some of this is frighteningly efficient in the way it’s being done.  I’d say that’s the work of Russian efforts at studying psychological warfare, to couple it with and render more effective their cyberwarfare attacks.  Some of this is unbelievably stupid…such as Trump Junior’s stupidly blatant confession of his intent to commit treason last summer.  Conmen–Trump & kids, save for maybe Barron–tend to trip themselves up at some point.  It’s a rare grifter who can invent the perfect, unassailable…and unimpeachable…lie.
So yes, long story short, I did post it.  Why?  Because if we flood Members of Congress with demands for impeachment, and remind them that their jobs are very much on the line, we might get it done.  Get out Trump, get out his adult kids, get out Mike Pence (who very much is a part of this, even if he’s desperately trying to play the ingenue), get out McConnell (who literally sold the nation to the enemy to secure his wife’s offered Cabinet position, a modern day #30silvercoins Judas), and so on and so forth…including, hopefully, everyone Trump appointed, and everyone they appointed into the government.
By the way, the concept of Marvel’s evil organization, Hydra, is very much alive and real…and the neoNazis are desperate to emulate it, because it is very, very effective.
But I’ll end the speculative ramblings here.  It sucks to be used to finding very uncomfortably plausible connections among seemingly disparate plot threads.  I’ve been a modern-day Cassandra for over a year now, weeping in grief every time my warnings pass by so blatantly ignored.  It’s exhausting finding out my top 10% worst fears are coming true day after day in slow chaotic unravelings.
…And we still have to fight for Net Neutrality, and we still have to fight for adequate healthcare, and we still have to fight for our Constitutional Rights, and we still have to fight for…
To be completely honest?  I’d be even more pissed if it had been HRC colluding with Russia.  I can understand why Trump is doing it.  Thinking about it hurts to think that way, but after studying him, and conmen in general, I understand.  Plus the whole Russia-is-flattering-him and the white-supremacy stuff...  It hurts to think that way, and I am angry about it.  But I’m not surprised he’s doing it.  HRC...would be a betrayal beyond words.  Except, she wouldn’t have done it.  She’s too smart, too savvy, too aware of the ramifications and the consequences...whereas the Trumps are too ignorant of what they’ve gotten themselves into, and too dumb to actually acquire and heed competent help.  And yet, too cunning not to get away with it, thanks to the GOP’s mindless party-over-national-interests.
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truthdogg · 7 years
Russia/Trump In Three Easy Steps
Russia didn’t hack the election.
Whenever we hear Russia “hacked” the election, we’re actually hearing something uncomfortably close to Sputnik/Trump framing that’s designed to downplay the unfolding Trump-Russia scandal.
It’s related to an “active measure” that was pushed by RT, Sputnik and Trump, that the election would be rigged. It wasn’t, and calling it “hacked” makes it sound like it was. It implies that votes in the machines were changed. That’s not the issue, and it’s not helpful in understanding what happened.
The issue here is not simply that Russia wanted Trump to win. That’s obvious, but no surprise or even a big deal. Putin has long despised Hillary Clinton, and she has been tough on Russia for years.
There are three serious Trump/Russia problems that need our focus. Each one of them is an impeachable offense on its own. Even before taking them all together, we are looking at scandals that eclipse any seen from any previous presidency.
Problem 1: The “hack” itself.
There was in fact a hack by agents for Russia, as we all know, to steal DNC and RNC emails. If Trump received those files, which appears to be the case, this is a violation of the law.
First of all, accepting material help or donations from foreign nationals in a political campaign is illegal. We know Trump illegally fundraised internationally during campaign. Foreign officials routinely complained about receiving the requests and published them online.
Second, stealing files for political use, as Nixon learned, is also illegal. Trump’s campaign clearly coordinated with Russian agents such as Guccifer 2.0–now known to be several Russians, Wikileaks–Assange has long sought to create a “counter” to US power, and others, in leaking the DNC emails (the hacked RNC emails have remained hidden). Trump officials knew what these groups had before they released them, when they were coming out, and alerted media to their contents every time.
While this is similar to the Watergate scandal, this is actually much, much worse. His supporters are trying to claim that this release of documents by Russia proves nothing, but the campaign’s direct involvement in their release, and Trump’s public “sarcastic” request for the hack is criminal.
Problem 2: The payoff to Russia.
We don’t know exactly what Russia is getting in return for their efforts.
We do know of two public benefits already: Hillary Clinton was a strong Putin critic, and Trump is an unabashed Putin fan, so naturally Putin preferred candidate Trump. Russia was also keenly interested in sowing doubt about the fairness of democratic elections, especially in the US, and has succeeded wildly in that effort. As noted above, Trump was calling the election “rigged,” just like Russian media, well before the vote took place.
We also know that Team Trump’s ONLY input in the Republican Platform before the GOP conventions was to change the language regarding Russia and the Ukraine. The Trump campaign revised the language in the platform to remove the pledge to arm the Ukraine in order to protect it from Russia. Cruz supporters and other Republicans had previously fought to increase Russian sanctions due to their moves against the Ukraine, but Trump’s team gutted that part.
We also know that Trump’s National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, was a paid foreign agent for Turkey, and was also receiving payments from Russia. The Foreign Agent Registration Act (originally an anti-Nazi measure) has very rigorous disclosure requirements that Flynn and the Trump campaign completely ignored.
We also know that Paul Manafort, campaign manager at the time, and longtime Trump friend (and neighbor in Trump Tower), was a paid lobbyist for the pro-Russian Ukrainian president for over a decade. In fact, the whole “lock her up” chant that was–and is still–so popular at Trump rallies was first used by Manafort in Yanukovich’s campaign. (And Yulia Tymoshenko was indeed locked up.)
Putin has already gotten an excellent deal from the Trump Administration in return for his support, but we do not know what is still remaining. As Putin cracks down on dissent across Russia, and his language mirrors that of Trump in terms of “paid protesters,” we can only guess what their collaboration might mean for American democracy. As they both push for “traditional” anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-brown-immigrant nominally-Christian white supremacy to consolidate their power, their place in the global fascist movement is becoming more and more prominent.
Problem 3: The payoff to Trump.
Donald Trump has been trying to do business in the Soviet Union and Russia since at least 1987, and by many accounts has been groomed as an asset for decades. The possibilities for mind-boggling profits for the well-connected are tremendous in Russia since the Soviet Union’s fall. For associates of Putin, as long as they stay in line, this has been the norm.
We have no reason to assume that Trump isn’t shifting US policy in Russia’s favor in exchange for money or deals. In fact, with his Russian government and Russian mob ties, it seems more likely than not. A highly-connected American asset could make millions, if not billions, of dollars from Russian deals.
We know that many operations of the Russian mafia in New York operated out of Trump Tower; this is why the FBI was monitoring the building and apparently picked up some of Trump’s communications. While Trump claimed that he himself was “tapped,” the FBI has stated that some of his communications might have been picked up in their surveillance of known criminals.
This isn’t much different than how Lindsey Graham, Jared Kushner and other Trump associates’ conversations were picked up while speaking with the Russian Ambassador, who was being surveilled as a suspected spy recruiter.
The closeness of Trump’s Administration to Putin and Russian associates, his business ties to wealthy Russian oligarchs, Russian banks and Russian mob leaders, his placement of family loyalists Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka into the White House itself, all appear to be a setup for Trump Organization profits. As Republicans in Congress continue to rebuff calls for Trump’s financial and tax information, it is difficult to imagine that Donald Trump isn’t selling our country’s policy to line his own pockets.
In fact, based on everything we have known about Trump for the past thirty years, it is extremely likely.
(you can watch the hearings again here)
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
Buying Republican Compliance Is Harder Than It Used To Be
all kinds of cool jewelry and no shipping or getting mobbed t the mall
It’s very easy to become myopic and lose yourself in the moment while existing in the digital pressure cooker. With the constant atmosphere of toxicity on social media, there are always controversies and fallouts that will suck you in. There is a new protest conflict, or some witch hunt, or some movement drama, or another thing that will get you enraged and cause you to waste your precious time on a daily basis. It is easy in this atmosphere to become exhausted and allow your enemies to gaslight you into feeling dejected when you should really be feeling optimistic.
While the alt-right has experienced turmoil resulting in a strategic shift and less of a public presence in 2017-18, its influence still can be felt throughout the country. The successes of 2016 continue to cascade throughout the political zeitgeist. ANTIFA is now attacking conservative Christians and hapless Proud Boys at events without any alt-right foes to kick around, which is sending many normies down the slippery slope from libertarian conservatism to race-conscious identitarianism. An enjoyable whitepill comes from the comments section of Reason Magazine where the big money can no longer grease over growing tensions.
Libertarians, as usual, are at each other’s throats, but it’s a little different this time. A clear majority of the readers have identified Trump as delivering on many key areas including sovereignty, taxes, regulation, immigration, and foreign policy. They are willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on other issues, not missing the forest for the trees. Other libertarian voices (ie. the bugmen who only want the state to legitimize their dope habit or their kid-fuck habit) have been forced to show their true leftist colors in opposing Drumpf and all he stands for. To do otherwise, after all, is the equivalent of being a real-life Nazi sympathizer or collaborator. The alt-right has drawn a line in the sand forcing libertarians to make a choice outside of the bounds of their dogmatic beliefs. It certainly drives libertarians insane that the alt-right is driving every conversation within what’s left of their listless movement.
Look and laugh as the feminist editors of Reason Magazine get BTFO’d by ordinary readers, who outnumber the sycophants roughly 10-to-1. It’s impossible to even keep together a functioning libertard echo chamber these days.
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Even basic right-wingers see Trump achieving results, and lip service from leather jacket-clad wannabes and measly ivory tower whiners no longer suffice. The reader consternation begs the following questions though: How come Reason is able to make these posts that are clearly offending the majority of its readership? How can it stay afloat with a business model of angering its own demographic? It is because Reason Magazine, which claims to uphold the so-called ‘free market,’ is not a market-based entity at all. It is bankrolled by oligarchs pushing the usual agenda of globalism, crony trade deals, open borders and corporatism.
The infamous Koch Brothers, who have been put on blast for supporting Democratic politicians by President Trump, bankroll Reason and much of the pro-‘free market’ right-wing. The Kochs had a bigger problem with Ron Paul than they did the neoconservatives. Their idea of a libertarian standard bearer is cosmopolitan pro-buttsex former Massachusetts Governor William Weld. If it seems like Reason is trending sharply to the left, it is not just you. This is a deliberate leftward shift of all Koch-affiliated organs. Because Trump colonized the political right by giving the people the leader they have yearned for, the Kochs can no longer wave the GOP flag with pride. The supposed libertarian Koch Brothers were happy to be partisan right for the last three decades, but that is no longer acceptable with Trump in charge. What does that tell you about their priorities?
Although the Kochs were very successful in co-opting the tea party – a movement that was not as explicitly pro-America as Trumpism – into espousing doctrinaire establishment views on economics, they aren’t able to do so with the Trumpists because Trump doesn’t care about the think-tank consensus. He doesn’t rely on CATO or Heritage to do his thinking for him like Paul Ryan tends to do. Trump wants what is best for Americans. He is a pragmatist, and a slavish devotion to the “free market” and a bunch of goofy esoteric principles doesn’t prevent him from winning. Whereas most GOP hacks undergo a soul-draining myriad of grassroots trainings from the Leadership Institute and similarly worthless organizations to indoctrinate them into the program, Trump was busy rocking boardrooms and grabbing pussies during the days of his youth. By his early 30s, he was already a tycoon and a burgeoning national star – not the soy-pumped, paper-pushing dweeb that the Kochs love as an underling.
Besides, Trump’s knowledge of the markets is far superior to what the swamp gives to us. This is not because he is some kind of an economic genius, but it is because he shoots from the hip and isn’t controlled by masters. The “free market” thinktanks of Washington D.C. conveniently omit information about massive tariffs that are applied to goods coming out of America. They understand these facts, but are not allowed to share them because to do so would not comply with their orders. These propaganda writers do not care about how American manufacturers are punished by globalist trade deals because the men who sign their paychecks are cronies who benefit from the status quo in trade. Some shabbily-made trinkets from a third-world shithole crafted by exploited child slaves along with a handful of some mind-numbing pills are meant to replace the fulfillment of hard-work, a family, a job, a functioning community, a wholesome culture, and everything else that has been raped from us through globalism. That’s Koch-brand libertarianism in a nutshell.
Reason Magazine is even failing to uphold their basic free market economic talking points because they are so desperate to oppose Trump. The Americans for Prosperity, an organization that sucked up tea party resources throughout that era with little to show for it, now refuse to support Republican legislators who can actually win against Democrats. Top Reason editors dox little boys who make silly social media jokes while CATO affiliates organize leftist mobs to harass anarcho-capitalist authors so they can’t put food on their family’s plate. We truly owe Trump a great debt of gratitude. It is because of his rise that these frauds were forced to show their own colors which in turn dumped rocket fuel on the white nationalist movement. So many poor souls would be still caught in their web who have now been liberated to the truth about race and culture, rather than cherry-picked economic facts mixed with corporate propaganda.
The Koch brothers and all who receive their blood money are co-conspirators in the planned takedown of America underway right now. All of this disgusting behavior – #MeToo, the Big Brother crackdown on social media, demonizing anyone to the right of John McCain as a Nazi, the lionization of ANTIFA communists, the normalization of terrorism against white men, the neo-McCarthyist hysteria regarding Russia, turning three-year-old children into transgender faggots, and so on – was going to happen regardless of who won in 2016. If Hillary Clinton was elected, the misery would be inflicted upon us by a transpartisan consensus with numerous public-private partnerships backing it. Because we made history, Trumpism has forced the system to expose itself as artificial, unpopular and rotten to its core. It has also shown there isn’t a dollar’s worth of difference between a degenerate Soros-funded communist lowlife of the Left and a dope-pushing Kochsucking pedo-creep of the Right. Both will likely be well-represented at the day of the rope.
from LIZ FASHION FEED https://ift.tt/2PUARpm via IFTTT
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ramrodd · 4 years
Democrats don't want public to know origins of Ukraine investigation like they didn't want public to know origins of Russia investigation
Byron York is an active agent in the GOP Shadow Agenda that has been revealed by Rudy Giuliani’s “drug deal”
My big problem with the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is that market place of ideas has become virtually bankrupted, morally, by the deliberate confusion employed by the GOP Deep State since 1970 to attain control of the mechanisms of the American economy totally unimpeded by any of the constraints of the rule of law necessary to the optimal performance of American and British constitutional capitalism. All the cultural metrics that the world depended upon in America since we nuked Japan in order to put a man on the moon has been systematically debased by everyone and anyone associated with Byron York, as an active agent in the cancer that was growing around Nixon’s Presidency that has matastasized into the dominant coalition of the GOP that is okay with the reality that Donny Duckass commited the High Crime of Treason to be elected. That’s not the problem: it’s that any never-Trumper and/or double-hater with buyers remorse or Pro-Choice Planned-Parenthood closet lesbian have not yet realized the raw treachery of everything associated with Byron York, Newt Gingrich, Steve Bannon and the House Freedom Caucus.
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is 99% correct from my perspective. I went through it in my own way and I know why I went to Vietnam and I haven’t changed my mind. And that extra 1% I have that Oliver Stowne is missing is the Shadow between the Idea that Conservatives represent the essence of American patriotism and the Reality that Donny Duckass committed treason to get elected.
In terms of commercial business processes, I don’t think the analytics the Russian Oligarchs hacked from the Clinton campaign and gave to the Trump campaign would be a crime. I don’t know: the American business culture can be brutal  and if it had been a corporate take-over or boardroom fight for control, opposition research is just another name for corporate espionage. This is what American businessmen complain about China, the theft of intellectual property. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs built their fortunes on intellectual property, stolen all nice and legal. A difference between the NASA and Soyuz moon programs is Democratic Socialism: we invented it and the Soviets stifled it. As a consequence, there was very little of the intellectual pollination among some of the smartest people in the world that is characteristic of a society where the theft of intellectual property is a business model more or less endorsed by Harvard.
So, in the run of a general business transaction in a totally Free Market, the lie, cheat and steal “Art of the Deal” business model of Duckass Donny may be declasse in some circles, unless you actually catch the Boss of All Bosses just at the moment he pulls the trigger and your body cam is on, he can confine the ripple effects of his business practices to the moment before he actually pulls the trigger.
This is Fascist Sophistry.  If it is characterized as Christian Stewardship in the manner of the Pro-Life Mega-Church Evangelicals (including the Kanya West synod of the SBC), you end up defining 30% of Donny Duckass’s core constituency, a fellow traveler with the Byron York crypto-Nazis and the Steve Bannon-Newt Gingrich subversion, sedition, sabotage and domestic terrorism “dismantling the administrative state” 60’s right-wing insurgency making up another 30% and then the Useful Idiots, the white males recruited by Gingrich to self-select into a storm-trooper presence in Congress for which treason is a virtue and not a High Crime.
The problem is, when you are running for a federal office, it is not business as usual. Collusion is a necessary element of successful business enterprise across organizational boundaries and, more often than not, in really successful inter-organizational relationships, Collaboration and a healthy working consensus does things like build a space rocket than can come out of orbit and land. But when an oath of office is required to do business, that collaboration is rigidly formal, in order to get the biggest bang for the tax payers invested buck. The sort of sloppy business practices of the Trump organization allows for scruples to adjust the ethical boundares to the transaction. The problem is, the Trump organization crossed a constitutionally defined inpenetrable boundry of foreign intervention with the express intent to pervert an election. Donny Duckass wasn’t just in the loop of the Russian hack: he was the loop. Just like the shake-down and bribery phone call to Zulinsky; in a purely commercial setting, it was a perfect call, so long as no one complained to law enforcement, business as usual. But Donny Duckass was closing a loop in a far larger complex of transactions, all of which satisfy the criteria for High Crimes in the original intent of the Framers of the US Constitution.
And the reason why the Never Trumpers cannot recognize the manifest treason is because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, which is to say, the Liberal PC/MASH (the series) version of Vietnam.
Let explain a cost of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam. Bill Clinton should have shared a Nobel Peace Prize with the French Foreign Legion United Nations Blue Helmet Peace Keepers for the Dayton Accords. The French Foreign Legion put on a practical demonstration of tactical peacemaking, a skill set at the absolute leading edge of the military arts. As a result of their professionalism, Clinton had what he needed to propose the UN/NATO task force that went in and put real muscle behind the peacemaking and ended the conflict, and then, followed up in Kosovo. It was a historic first.
Now, in order to actually implement this task force, they needed the forebearance of Putin in order to intervene in his sphere of influence. For reasons of his own, he recognized the utility of the arrangement and, as a direct consequence, the UN/NATO task force provided the basis for Clinton and the French Foreign Legion Blue Helments to share a Nobel Peace Prize.
Of course, this all happened while Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay were trying to emasculate Bill Clinton with the mother of all kangaroo courts, the Ken Starr Sexcapades Impeachment, so, the nominating process for the Nobel committee missed an opportunity to define the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine as a maturing relationship between NATO and Russia. After 911, we couldn’t have condubcted our war on terrorism without forward positioning in the Russian sphere of influence. A new, constructive, relationship between NATO and Russia was informally concluded when the Russian flying column handed over the keys to the Prestinka Airport to an unhappy Gen. Wesley Clark at the head of a UN/NATO column. At the end of the Clinton administration, the military horizon for both NATO and Russia shifted to Africa. 911 altered the time table for that combined peace keeping and stability operations mission of NATO and Russia, but it hasn’t modified Putin’s commitement to the diplomatic aspirations of the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine: the thing that has changed is that the Bush-Cheney administration abandoned the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine for Robert Kagan’s and Bill Kristol wet dream of the latter day neo-imperialism characteristic of Peter Navarro’s Free Market Trade War economics summarized in The Project for the New American Century that provided the regime-change rationalization for the invason of Iraq. America became an outlaw nation when we invaded Iraq, but, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Bush-Cheney was able to run America over the cliff of 19th Century colonialism.
But the real problem is that, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Obama-Clinton doubled-down on the regime-change element of the Project for a New America Century with the murder of Ghaddafi and the whole Lybia-Syria jug-fuck. The fact that Hillary Clinton still cannot see the moral equivalence between the murder of Ghaddafi and the assassination of the Diem brothers in 1963 is the 1% blind spot of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that prevents Never Trumpers from recognizing the treason Donny Duckass committed to get elected,
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam makes Never-Trumpers fellow travelers (and, in the case of the Obama-Clinton diplomatic axis, useful idiots) with Byron York and the GOP Shadow Agenda. You are helping to blow up the administrative state that put man on the moon and created Silicon Valley as a result.
If Donny Duckass was just doing business as usual (which defines his goverance model), his telephone call was, indeed, perfect: he made a deal that Zulinsky just couldn’t refuse. But, as POTUS, it was an offer he couldn’t make. Likewise, if he had gamed the Electoral College without any foreign contribution, no foul, but he let the Russian Oligarchs get across the blue line unchallenged when it was his duty to challenge them and that’s a Benedict Arnold kind of behavior.
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oldguardaudio · 6 years
Caitlin Johnstone Explains -> A Year Ago, Rachel Maddow Explained How MSM Will Use Russiagate To Escalate Cold War
Caitlin Johnstone Rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper. at HoaxAndChange.com
Caitlin Johnstone
Rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper.
Jan 23
A Year Ago, Maddow Explained How MSM Will Use Russiagate To Escalate Cold War
Russians POOPED in the hallway! at HoaxAndChange.com
Russia Hacks the Oscar’s – Is it Beatty or Kimmel? At HoaxAndChange.com
Crooked Hillary to Vlad, I could use a couple more Million for my Foundation – at HoaxAndChange.com
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I was just reminded by a reader that a few days ago marked the one year anniversary of Rachel Maddow announcing on MSNBC that Democratic party-aligned media outlets intended to use Russiagate and the infamous Steele Dossier to pressure the incoming Trump administration into escalating the new cold war with Russia. A year into the Trump administration and we can see plainly that this new president is already demonstrably more hawkish toward Russia than his predecessor.
Before I get into recapping Maddow’s seething neocon sleaze fest, please allow me to direct your attention to this excellent Truthdig article titled “How ‘Russiagate’ Helped Secure a Dangerous Arms Deal” by Max Blumenthal, which details the way neocons and Russia hawks on both sides of the political aisle have successfully used the Russiagate scandal to pressure this administration into selling weapons to Ukraine. As Blumenthal notes, this is an agenda these military-industrial complex lackeys have been aggressively pushing for years and one the Obama administration refused to bow to for fear of the dangerous escalations with Moscow that it would cause.
This administration has escalated cold war tensions with Russia in various other ways beyond that, forcing first RT and then Sputnik to register as foreign agents, expanding NATO with the addition of Montenegro, establishing a permanent military presence in Syria to effect regime change, assigning neoconservative Russia hawk Kurt Volker as special representative to Ukraine, shutting down a Russian consulate in San Francisco and throwing out Russian diplomats as part of continued back-and-forth hostile diplomatic exchanges, selling an anti-ballistic missile system to Japan in what Moscow has been calling a violation of international missile treaties, and signing the Russian sanctions bill despite loud protests from the Russian Federation.
Now back to Maddow.
Two days before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Rachel Maddow did one of the innumerable tinfoil hat Russiagate conspiracy segments that have become the singular distinguishing feature of her career — but this time with a little twist. In an elaborate monologue that was only believable to people who desperately wanted to believe it, Maddow paced her audience through some information about the way the Soviet Union’s KGB used to gather compromising footage of rivals in order to sabotage them politically or blackmail them. Using the hilarious argument that the FSB is only two letters different from the KGB, the fact that Vladimir Putin was in the KGB, and the incredible allegations in the Steele dossier about Trump’s erotic romp with a gaggle of well-hydrated Russian prostitutes, Maddow attempted to make it seem perfectly plausible that this same president whose alleged affair with a porn star is being dismissed with a shrug by most Americans could be blackmailed into treason with a sex tape.
She then launched into the chorus of her song.
Maddow lit up with glee when talking about how much Russia hates the fact that Obama amassed troops along its border in the final days of his administration, and then made the claim that if Trump ever withdraws those troops, it will prove that Russia “has something on” him and is using it to blackmail him into compliance.
“And here’s the question,” Maddow said. “Is the new President gonna take those troops out? After all the speculation, after all the worry, we are actually about to find out if Russia maybe has something on the new President? We’re about to find out if the new President of our country is going to do what Russia wants once he’s Commander-in-Chief of the US military starting noon on Friday. What is he gonna do with those deployments? Watch this space.”
Maddow spoke these words with an all-caps “WE’LL BE WATCHING” graphic displayed on the right side of the screen, plainly telling her audience (and the incoming administration) that if Trump doesn’t maintain Obama’s lame duck cold war escalations, it will be taken and reported as a sign that Trump is a treasonous Kremlin puppet, with no further evidence required.
A year has gone by and the neocons and Russia hawks on Capitol Hill have gotten the new cold war their military-industrial complex donors have so desperately craved, as have the oligarchs who own America’s mainstream media. Stephen Cohen, the renowned scholar on US-Russian relations, says that Russiagate has been used to escalate tensions with Russia to what could possibly be their most dangerous point ever due to the political pressures on the Trump administration to never back down against Moscow for any reason.
If Trump is indeed a treasonous Kremlin puppet, he is the very worst in history, and certainly not worth the billions of dollars in investment the Steele dossier alleges were spent on him. Believing the allegations of the Steele dossier (which even its MI6 author claims is 10 to 30 percent crap) is to believe that the Kremlin had the genius and foresight to predict years in advance that Trump would one day become president back when nobody else imagined such a thing was possible and invest unfathomable amounts of money and resources accordingly, but not enough genius and foresight to imagine that that investment might result in what has ultimately happened.
The US oligarchs do not believe that Donald Trump is a Kremlin asset. Rachel Maddow does not believe that Donald Trump is a Kremlin asset. The neocons on Capitol Hill do not believe that Donald Trump is a Kremlin asset. The only people who believe that are the victims of the mass media propaganda machine who have been paced into collaborating with the manufacture of public support for new cold war escalations, using a moral panic caused by that same mass media about a president they were told is somehow simultaneously a treasonous double agent, a secret Nazi, an incompetent moron, and a raving lunatic.
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There is no Trump-Russia collusion. There is a world-threatening and continually escalating the cold war with many unpredictable moving parts which have more and more probability of going catastrophically wrong the further things escalate.
Congratulations, Rachel.
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Caitlin Johnstone Explains -> A Year Ago, Rachel Maddow Explained How MSM Will Use Russiagate To Escalate Cold War Caitlin Johnstone Explains -> A Year Ago, Rachel Maddow Explained How MSM Will Use Russiagate To Escalate Cold War…
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succorcreek · 7 years
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Wake up Little Susie This is a snap shot of the cloud archive where there are several posts per topic. This was taken on Sept 26 2017 so check the front page topic cloud for the updated list. Here are the Series Articles You Need So Wake up little Susie!!!! A swift kick on the arse might help out here trump dictator (57) Donald Trump narcissistic personality disorder (42) russiagate (38) deceit (36) http://bit.ly/2rZ1vSp (30) trump psychopath (29) trump putin (26) daca (25) trump hitler kim jong-un (24) meme (23) series (21) putin (20) creative civil disobedience (18) lies (18) trump (17) divide conquer rule (16) minions (16) oligarchy (16) psychopath (16) bully (15) con artist (15) military campaign (15) racism (15) global warming (14) gop (14) white supremacy (14) complicit (13) evil clowns (13) heartless (13) russia (13) #Trumpnarcissisticpersonalitydisorder (12) bully lack of compassion (12) cycles of abuse (12) death by marginalization (12) trump gop vampires zombies (12) trump lack of compassion (12) Bannon (11) heart of stone (11) white house briefings (11) women (11) #evilclown (10) #trumpbully (10) #trumpmeme (10) 15 lies (10) con strategy (10) dictator trump (10) dictators (10) gangster trump gop (10) harvey (10) hitler (10) kellyanne conway (10) psychopath greed (10) ptsd (10) strategies (10) xenophobia (10) youtube (10) #ambassadormeme (9) #liarliar (9) #trumppirate (9) children (9) comey (9) computer games (9) congress (9) cruelty (9) epa (9) genocide (9) goals of psychopath (9) hates people (9) idaho (9) mar a lago (9) parody (9) political psychopaths (9) protest (9) stealing from poor giving to wealthy (9) syria (9) trump lies and deceit (9) white house (9) #archetypalpsychology (8) age regressed behavior goals thoughts language (8) bullies (8) complicit criminal melania bullied by trump (8) conned (8) donald trump machiavellian (8) end of compassion (8) gangsters (8) gays (8) gop reapeal (8) healthcare (8) investigation (8) judge roy cohn (8) liars (8) mccain (8) mythomania (8) no compassion no remorse (8) no is not enough (8) pelossi (8) poor and marginalized (8) propaganda (8) spicer (8) tricksters (8) trump blitzgrieg (8) trump bully (8) trump healthcare (8) vlad the impaler (8) #ambassador (7) #cohn (7) #hungergames (7) #katnis (7) #panem (7) #trumpputin (7) #trumprussia (7) #trumpsnow (7) Trump the Russian Oligarch (7) assad (7) books (7) bromance (7) civil rights (7) dark triad (7) donald trump jr. 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Wake up Little Susie
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noicon · 7 years
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It’s Already Happened Here Trump is a familiar figure, a manifestation of deep-seated will-to-Yurugu-male power
Sarah Kendzior is a journalist and scholar of authoritarian states.
It was 1855, and Abraham Lincoln was in a mood. “Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid,” he wrote to his friend Joshua Speed, describing the rise of the bigoted, anti-immigrant Know-Nothing party. “As a nation, we begin by declaring that ‘all men are created equal.’ We now practically read it ‘all men are created equal, except negroes.’ When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read ‘all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.’ When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty—to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.” As he characterized an American republic convulsed with heated debates about race, immigration, and political representation, Lincoln delivered an oddly prescient diagnosis of America in 2017, as we witness another series of bigoted, know-nothing assaults on our national unity.
How did it happen, pundits wonder, that a 240-year-old democracy has descended into the sort of authoritarian ethno-nationalist rancor normally associated with antidemocratic states like contemporary Uzbekistan or infamous totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany? How did a “nation built on immigration” come to propose a ban on Muslims and mass deportation of Mexicans? Why are White House cabinet posts now filled with executives seemingly selected to destroy the agencies they lead? Why are our legislative and judiciary branches on the verge of caving in to a power-hungry executive branch that resembles, as Daniel Webster wrote, in an 1832 warning of his own, “nothing else but pure despotism”? And, um, who is really running that executive branch anyway?
As I write this, Donald Trump has been president for seventeen days, and on the surface, our country seems to have taken a radical departure. We now have rogue national parks services, regular nationwide protests, and a series of impending humanitarian disasters that include the loss of health care for millions, the opening of new legal avenues into unfettered corporate corruption, unhinged aggression against both foreign adversaries and allies, together with assaults on freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and other core constitutional rights. There’s also an ongoing inquiry into whether our election was and president is corrupted by Russia. “Make America Great Again,” the dear leader bleats and tweets, as millions wish for America to simply resemble America again.
But as Lincoln’s letter reminds us, this has always been America. We have always vacillated between lofty precepts on paper and the refusal of why?te men  to apply them in practice. This refusal has resulted in slavery of African Americans, genocide against Native Americans, internment camps for ethnic minorities. It has also systematically denied most of the population the right to vote over most of our history, rationalized discrimination against and banning of immigrants on racial and ethnic lines, and shored up segregation and Jim Crow. Today, this same white male authoritarian outlook fuels a prison and police system that disproportionately targets non-white citizens.
These are American authoritarian policies, hypocritically upheld until contentiously overruled, and documented best by those whom they target: “But opportunity is real, and life is free/ Equality is in the air we breathe// (There’s never been equality for me/ Nor freedom in this ‘homeland of the free’),” Langston Hughes wrote in 1935. The specter of American authoritarianism has been waved away in polite circles of opinion with the mantra “It can’t happen here”—to name-check Sinclair Lewis’s political satire of the same year showing that indeed it can. And more to the point, it has happened here—just never so fast and so flagrantly. Americans are used to their leaders cloaking their anti-democratic and inhumane policies under the pretense of patriotism, instead of, like Trump, openly denigrating the country, its citizens, and its laws.
Since Trump’s insurgent presidential run started gaining serious traction last year, scholars have searched for parallels between Trump and foreign leaders, and have found them in dictators and demagogues abroad—Hitler, Milošević, Putin, Niyazov—and in predecessors at home, racist paranoiacs like George Wallace and Joseph McCarthy. But the search for just the right forerunner to explain the Trump phenomenon has ironically blinded us to just how familiar a figure Trump really is. For starters, he rose as all authoritarian demagogues do by exploiting the weak points in beleaguered democracies: exacerbating racial tension, manipulating the media, making exorbitant economic promises, and proffering himself as an exemplar of a nation whose best days are in the past.
That was Trump the candidate, whose nativist populism transformed, over the year, to a platform of open white supremacy, backed by neo-Nazis and the KKK. His campaign strategy was always to pull the fringes to the center, to make the extreme mainstream. As president, he shuns both the desperate pleas of citizens and of the law itself; he is taxation without representation, applied to our collective moral aspirations. But for all that, he’s nothing all that new on the American scene. Trump exemplifies the economic white privilege that viciously preyed on American civil liberties throughout our history. This pathologically destructive outlook is now turbocharged by a lack of shame, which feeds on the fierce, unapologetic resentment of anything deemed “politically correct.”
Those asking “Why?” as they seek to understand the motivation of the leader and his lackeys are better off asking “Why not?” There is little ideological coherency behind the Trump administration other than sadism, expressed most acutely through racism and xenophobia, and a kleptocratic desire to strip the country down and sell off its spare parts. Trump and his inner circle of trusted advisers will do what they like, regardless of what the law decrees—unless they are stopped by it. To understand what the country is facing under Trump, one needs to look beyond him to the administration, whose varying motives highlight the manifold ways democracy can be destroyed. If “Trumpism” is an ideology, it is a malleable one, suitable for opportunists ranging from neo-Nazis to corporate raiders to authoritarian theocrats.
Born into considerable wealth and privilege, Trump spent his formative adult years befriending the worst Americans he could find. As he launched into the Manhattan real estate business, his dearest friend was Roy Cohn, the brutal, unprincipled legal aide to Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon. Cohn taught a young Trump in how to bully, lie, and steal with impunity in the 1970s and 1980s. An anti-Semitic Jew, a homophobic closeted gay man, and a lawyer who abused the law, Cohn died bragging of tax evasion. When Trump found out Cohn had AIDS, he promptly abandoned him, prompting an anguished Cohn to declare that Trump “pisses ice water.”
In short, the student had become the master. Others have found Trump malleable as a provisional ally or business partner over the years: the mafia, the media, fellow corrupt millionaires and billionaires, politicians needing publicity, and oligarchs of the former Soviet Union, who frequently funded Trump’s flailing projects. But Trump typically emerges from these deals (artful or otherwise) as the self-promoting winner.
This is largely why the most powerful man in the world is, by all accounts, a person without any close friends. It’s also, in all likelihood, why his presidency is already marked by the routine breaching of traditional constitutional norms, from the assaults on the authority of the courts to his refusal to disclose his tax returns, or seriously address any of the conflicts of interest they would likely document. For someone mentored into adult business life by the likes of Roy Cohn, all that matters is the basic drama of individual conquest, replayed over and over again, in any available setting. And now, alas, the theater of conquest opening up before the Great Leader Trump is the world at large.
Meanwhile, in another classic authoritarian maneuver, the outsized ego at the heart of the Trumpist seizure of power has surrounded himself with an obliging retinue of enablers and quisling yes-men. Trump likes to divide people between “haters and losers”—a cheap shot that is actually a fairly useful way to categorize his own team. Haters, or string-pullers, include people like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and other Cohn associates, as well as Steve Bannon, who apparently promoted himself into a position on the National Security Council without Trump’s knowledge, and whose white supremacist, accelerationalist goals—he has bragged, repeatedly, of a desire to destroy the United States—remains a severe threat. Fellow bigots—racist Jeff Sessions, Islamophobic Michael Flynn—fit the “haters” mold: powerful players who disregard constitutional principles in order to force a narrow and cruel vision of America into practice.
The losers comprise the bulk of Trump’s cabinet appointees, who have each been assigned an institution about which they either know nothing, actively want to destroy, or both. Their inexperience is useful: one is less likely to fight against the violation of rights when one does not recognize them as under threat in the first place. The majority of the GOP, who bow to Trump even as he personally insults them, are behaving as lackeys in authoritarian states generally do, dutifully rubber-stamping policies and wondering when they will be let back in the loop.
At the center of all this executive-assured destruction, there is Trump, both a hater and a loser. Desperate for applause and enthusiastic about abusing executive power, he is driven by narcissism and need. His paranoia and megalomania is typical in foreign authoritarian leaders, yet Trump is a native archetype: he is the conman, the showman, the “Confidence Man” of Herman Melville, the President Stillson of Stephen King’s The Dead Zone. Unlike his products, Trump is made in America, and we have dealt with his kind before.
His bigotry, incompetence and intolerance were of the sort that better Americans, like the future president Lincoln, saw as a domestic threat. But never has such an execrable individual been given such power in our government, and never has a president been surrounded by so many who view America as little more than a playground for punishment and plunder. With this marauding manifestation of America’s deep-seated will-to-white-male power—steeped so deeply in the uglier American canons of self-assertion, exploitation, and plunder—our “progress in degeneracy,” centuries in the making, may have reached its peak.
Sarah Kendzior https://thebaffler.com/blog/its-already-happened-here-kendzior
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ramrodd · 4 years
Byron York is an active agent in the GOP Shadow Agenda that has been revealed by Rudy Giuliani’s “drug deal”
My big problem with the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is that market place of ideas has become virtually bankrupted, morally, by the deliberate confusion employed by the GOP Deep State since 1970 to attain control of the mechanisms of the American economy totally unimpeded by any of the constraints of the rule of law necessary to the optimal performance of American and British constitutional capitalism. All the cultural metrics that the world depended upon in America since we nuked Japan in order to put a man on the moon has been systematically debased by everyone and anyone associated with Byron York, as an active agent in the cancer that was growing around Nixon's Presidency that has matastasized into the dominant coalition of the GOP that is okay with the reality that Donny Duckass commited the High Crime of Treason to be elected. That's not the problem: it's that any never-Trumper and/or double-hater with buyers remorse or Pro-Choice Planned-Parenthood closet lesbian have not yet realized the raw treachery of everything associated with Byron York, Newt Gingrich, Steve Bannon and the House Freedom Caucus.
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is 99% correct from my perspective. I went through it in my own way and I know why I went to Vietnam and I haven't changed my mind. And that extra 1% I have that Oliver Stowne is missing is the Shadow between the Idea that Conservatives represent the essence of American patriotism and the Reality that Donny Duckass committed treason to get elected.
In terms of commercial business processes, I don't think the analytics the Russian Oligarchs hacked from the Clinton campaign and gave to the Trump campaign would be a crime. I don't know: the American business culture can be brutal  and if it had been a corporate take-over or boardroom fight for control, opposition research is just another name for corporate espionage. This is what American businessmen complain about China, the theft of intellectual property. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs built their fortunes on intellectual property, stolen all nice and legal. A difference between the NASA and Soyuz moon programs is Democratic Socialism: we invented it and the Soviets stifled it. As a consequence, there was very little of the intellectual pollination among some of the smartest people in the world that is characteristic of a society where the theft of intellectual property is a business model more or less endorsed by Harvard.
So, in the run of a general business transaction in a totally Free Market, the lie, cheat and steal "Art of the Deal" business model of Duckass Donny may be declasse in some circles, unless you actually catch the Boss of All Bosses just at the moment he pulls the trigger and your body cam is on, he can confine the ripple effects of his business practices to the moment before he actually pulls the trigger.
This is Fascist Sophistry.  If it is characterized as Christian Stewardship in the manner of the Pro-Life Mega-Church Evangelicals (including the Kanya West synod of the SBC), you end up defining 30% of Donny Duckass's core constituency, a fellow traveler with the Byron York crypto-Nazis and the Steve Bannon-Newt Gingrich subversion, sedition, sabotage and domestic terrorism "dismantling the administrative state" 60's right-wing insurgency making up another 30% and then the Useful Idiots, the white males recruited by Gingrich to self-select into a storm-trooper presence in Congress for which treason is a virtue and not a High Crime.
The problem is, when you are running for a federal office, it is not business as usual. Collusion is a necessary element of successful business enterprise across organizational boundaries and, more often than not, in really successful inter-organizational relationships, Collaboration and a healthy working consensus does things like build a space rocket than can come out of orbit and land. But when an oath of office is required to do business, that collaboration is rigidly formal, in order to get the biggest bang for the tax payers invested buck. The sort of sloppy business practices of the Trump organization allows for scruples to adjust the ethical boundares to the transaction. The problem is, the Trump organization crossed a constitutionally defined inpenetrable boundry of foreign intervention with the express intent to pervert an election. Donny Duckass wasn't just in the loop of the Russian hack: he was the loop. Just like the shake-down and bribery phone call to Zulinsky; in a purely commercial setting, it was a perfect call, so long as no one complained to law enforcement, business as usual. But Donny Duckass was closing a loop in a far larger complex of transactions, all of which satisfy the criteria for High Crimes in the original intent of the Framers of the US Constitution.
And the reason why the Never Trumpers cannot recognize the manifest treason is because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, which is to say, the Liberal PC/MASH (the series) version of Vietnam.
Let explain a cost of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam. Bill Clinton should have shared a Nobel Peace Prize with the French Foreign Legion United Nations Blue Helmet Peace Keepers for the Dayton Accords. The French Foreign Legion put on a practical demonstration of tactical peacemaking, a skill set at the absolute leading edge of the military arts. As a result of their professionalism, Clinton had what he needed to propose the UN/NATO task force that went in and put real muscle behind the peacemaking and ended the conflict, and then, followed up in Kosovo. It was a historic first.
Now, in order to actually implement this task force, they needed the forebearance of Putin in order to intervene in his sphere of influence. For reasons of his own, he recognized the utility of the arrangement and, as a direct consequence, the UN/NATO task force provided the basis for Clinton and the French Foreign Legion Blue Helments to share a Nobel Peace Prize.
Of course, this all happened while Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay were trying to emasculate Bill Clinton with the mother of all kangaroo courts, the Ken Starr Sexcapades Impeachment, so, the nominating process for the Nobel committee missed an opportunity to define the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine as a maturing relationship between NATO and Russia. After 911, we couldn't have condubcted our war on terrorism without forward positioning in the Russian sphere of influence. A new, constructive, relationship between NATO and Russia was informally concluded when the Russian flying column handed over the keys to the Prestinka Airport to an unhappy Gen. Wesley Clark at the head of a UN/NATO column. At the end of the Clinton administration, the military horizon for both NATO and Russia shifted to Africa. 911 altered the time table for that combined peace keeping and stability operations mission of NATO and Russia, but it hasn't modified Putin's commitement to the diplomatic aspirations of the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine: the thing that has changed is that the Bush-Cheney administration abandoned the (Bill) Clinton Doctrine for Robert Kagan's and Bill Kristol wet dream of the latter day neo-imperialism characteristic of Peter Navarro's Free Market Trade War economics summarized in The Project for the New American Century that provided the regime-change rationalization for the invason of Iraq. America became an outlaw nation when we invaded Iraq, but, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Bush-Cheney was able to run America over the cliff of 19th Century colonialism.
But the real problem is that, because of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, Obama-Clinton doubled-down on the regime-change element of the Project for a New America Century with the murder of Ghaddafi and the whole Lybia-Syria jug-fuck. The fact that Hillary Clinton still cannot see the moral equivalence between the murder of Ghaddafi and the assassination of the Diem brothers in 1963 is the 1% blind spot of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that prevents Never Trumpers from recognizing the treason Donny Duckass committed to get elected,
The Oliver Stone version of Vietnam makes Never-Trumpers fellow travelers (and, in the case of the Obama-Clinton diplomatic axis, useful idiots) with Byron York and the GOP Shadow Agenda. You are helping to blow up the administrative state that put man on the moon and created Silicon Valley as a result.
If Donny Duckass was just doing business as usual (which defines his goverance model), his telephone call was, indeed, perfect: he made a deal that Zulinsky just couldn't refuse. But, as POTUS, it was an offer he couldn't make. Likewise, if he had gamed the Electoral College without any foreign contribution, no foul, but he let the Russian Oligarchs get across the blue line unchallenged when it was his duty to challenge them and that's a Benedict Arnold kind of behavior.
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
Cash and Connections No Longer Buy Compliance in Trump’s GOP
all kinds of cool jewelry and no shipping or getting mobbed t the mall
by Jeb Sanderson
The successes of nationalism continue to cascade throughout the political zeitgeist. ANTIFA is now attacking conservative Christians at events without any alt-right foes to kick around, which is sending many normies down the slippery slope from libertarian conservatism to race-conscious identitarianism. An enjoyable whitepill comes from the comments section of Reason Magazine where the big money can no longer smooth over growing tensions.
Libertarians, as usual, are infighting, but it’s a little different this time. A clear majority of the readers have identified Trump as delivering on many of his promises, including sovereignty, taxes, regulation, immigration, and foreign policy. Many are willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on other issues. Other libertarian voices (i.e. the bugmen who only want the state to legitimize their dope or degenerate sexual habits) have been forced to show their true leftist colors in opposing Drumpf and all he stands for. To do otherwise, after all, is the equivalent of being a real-life Nazi sympathizer. The alt-right has drawn a line in the sand, forcing libertarians to make a choice outside of the bounds of their dogmatic beliefs. It certainly drives libertarians insane that the alt-right is driving every conversation within what’s left of their listless movement.
Look and laugh as the feminist editors of Reason Magazine get BTFO’d by ordinary commenters, who outnumber the sycophants roughly 10-to-1. It’s impossible to even keep together a functioning libertard echo chamber these days.
The rabble has gone off the reservation! They see Trump achieving results, and lip service from leather jacket-clad wannabes and measly ivory tower whiners no longer passes muster. The consternation from readers begs the following questions: why is Reason making these posts that are clearly offending the majority of its readership? How can it stay afloat with a business model of angering its own base? It is because Reason Magazine, which claims to uphold the so-called ‘free market,’ is either not a market-based organization, or they are not prepared to support America standing up for its own interests in the global market (read: they’re cucks). It is bankrolled by oligarchs pushing the usual agenda of globalism, crony trade deals, open borders and corporatism.
The infamous Koch Brothers, who were put on blast for supporting Democratic politicians by President Trump, bankroll Reason and much of the pro-‘free market’ right-wing. The Kochs had a bigger problem with Ron Paul than they did the neoconservatives. Their idea of a libertarian standard bearer is cosmopolitan pro-sodomy former Massachusetts Governor William Weld. If it seems like Reason is trending sharply to the left, it is not just you: this is part of a deliberate leftward shift of all Koch-affiliated organs. Because Trump galvanized the political right by giving the people the leader they have yearned for, the Kochs can no longer wave the GOP flag with pride. The supposed libertarian Koch Brothers were happy to be partisan right for the last three decades, but that is no longer acceptable with Trump in charge. What does that tell you about their priorities?
Although the Kochs were very successful in co-opting the tea party—a movement that was not as explicitly pro-America as Trumpism—into espousing doctrinare establishment views on economics, they are not able to do so with the Trumpists because Trump doesn’t care about the think-tank consensus. He doesn’t rely on CATO or Heritage to do his thinking for him like Paul Ryan tends to do. Trump wants what is best for Americans. He is a pragmatist, and a slavish devotion to the “free market” and a bunch of goofy esoteric principles doesn’t prevent him from winning. Whereas most GOP hacks undergo a morally worthless myriad of grassroots trainings from the Leadership Institute and other organizations to indoctrinate them into the program, Trump was busy rocking boardrooms and grabbing pussies during the days of his youth. By his early 30s, he was already a tycoon and a burgeoning national star, not the soy-pumped, paper-pushing dweeb that the Kochs love as an underling.
Trump’s knowledge of the markets is far superior to what the swamp gives to us. This is not because he is some kind of an economic genius, but it is because he shoots from the hip and is his own master. The “free market” think-tanks of Washington D.C. conveniently omit information about massive tariffs that are applied to goods coming out of America. They understand these policies, but are not allowed to share them because doing so would contravene their orders. These propaganda writers do not care about how American manufacturers are punished by globalist trade deals, because the men who sign their paychecks are cronies who benefit from the status quo in trade. Some shabbily-made trinkets from a third-world shithole crafted by exploited child slaves and mind-numbing pills are meant to replace the fulfillment of hard-work, a family, a job, a functioning community, a wholesome culture, and everything else that has been raped by globalism. That’s Koch-brand libertarianism in a nutshell.
Reason Magazine is failing to uphold their basic free market economic talking points because they are desperate to oppose Trump. The Americans for Prosperity, an organization that sucked up tea party resources throughout that era with little to show for it, now refuse to support Republican legislators who can actually win against Democrats. Top Reason editors dox little boys who make silly social media jokes while CATO affiliates organize leftist mobs to harass anarcho-capitalist authors so they can’t put food on their family’s table. We truly owe Trump a great debt of gratitude. It is because of his rise that these frauds were forced to show their own colors, which in turn dumped rocket fuel on the White nationalist movement. So many poor souls would be still caught in their web who have now been liberated to the truth about race and culture, rather than cherry-picked economic facts mixed with corporate propaganda.
The Koch brothers and all who receive their blood money are co-conspirators in the planned takedown of America underway right now. All of this disgusting behavior: #MeToo, the Big Brother crackdown on social media, demonizing anyone to the right of John McCain as a Nazi, the lionization of ANTIFA communists, the normalization of terrorism against White men, the neo-McCarthyist hysteria regarding Russia, and so on, was going to happen regardless of who won in 2016. If Hillary Clinton was elected, the misery would be inflicted upon us by a transpartisan consensus backed by numerous public-private partnerships. Because we made history, Trumpism has demonstrated that the system is artificial, unpopular and rotten to its core. It has also shown there is not a dollar’s worth of difference between a degenerate Soros-funded communist lowlife of the Left and a dope-pushing Koch creep of the Right.
from LIZ FASHION FEED https://ift.tt/2vZ0GvL via IFTTT
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ramrodd · 6 years
Why did Russia want Trump to win the elections instead of Clinton?
Well, I know that the conventional wisdom is that Putin intervened personally and directly in the election hack, but it’s a whole lot more complicated than that and Putin isn’t the villian in the scenario I think is actually playing out.
First of all, American foreign policy is being held hostage by Hillary Clinton’s Russian narrative, which is pretty well covered in the other answers to this question. Among other things, the assumption is that Russia is a hegemony under Putin’s domination just like the Soviet Union,
This is Cold War thinking and it is wrong, Russia is composed of at least 4 sectors, including the Russian Federation headed by Putin, the Oligarchs, the Russian Dark Web and the vast Russian middle class that has largely been left behind by the move from Soviet Marxist economics to the Free Market economy currently flourishing in a Wild West dystopia.
The people who actually conducted the election hack (and are responsible for the bots in the system) is a conspiracy composed of criminal elements in the Russian Dark Web, criminal elements in the GOP’s Deep State and various other international players including the coalition behind Brexit. The election hack has become the most apparent attack to us, but it is just an element in a far larger global attack against constitutional authority with the intent of destabilizing those economies for various criminal and political agendas, such as Steve Bannon’s dystopian aspirations.
One of the things I didn’t understand was the deterioration of the US-Russian relations beginning with the Ukrainian independence movement (from my perspective in retrospect). I really didn’t keep track of it except that I didn’t understand it because I was under the misapprehension that Obama’s State Department was re-invigorating the Clinton Doctrine inaugurated with the Dayton Accords.
From my perspective, the Dayton Accords represented a new, and better, American paradigm for foreign engagement, the Third Way stuff he was peddling. Speaking as a Eisenhower Republican who voted for Nixon before I went to Vietnam and who voted for Nixon when I got back from Vietnam, Clinton was on the right track. I’m in the Organization Transformation business and what he was doing was working.
The UN-NATO intervention in Bosnia was a historic military enterprise in that it put out an active civil war and made it possible for NGOs and the UN to go in their and begin to apply the lessons learned from the Marshall Plan to enable Sovereign Democracy to emerge from the citizens in that region. From the perspective of a professional soldier, it represents the leading edge of the military arts. I mean, this is HUGE. And I’m not entirely convinced the military realized how HUGE this is. I went to Vietnam so that something like that could happen.
Russia was an essential, and constructive, player in this mix. For one thing, they allowed NATO to move in relief of the UN Blue Helmet Peace Keepers who had sorted out the sociology of the conflict in coordination with 1st Amendment journalism of serious conflict journalists. In this case, the UN-NATO enterprise was a true neutral 3rd party facilitator that Russia simply couldn’t deliver. Russia, at least, the Russian Federation who allowed this easement to occur, are not operating according to ideology, but to what I call universal process theology.
This is the sector of Russia that Putin controls at present. This sector did not attack our election. The DEEP-DARK Syndication hit us and that’s what went sideways between Obama and Putin.
On their first meeting, Putin treated Obama like Kruschev treated JFK. Kruschev was the political officer for Stalingrad. He put pistols into the hands of generals in a “You’re fired!” kind of way. No matter how tough he thought Chicago politics is, Obama was a rookie in the majors during playoffs. Whatever Putin did to Obama the first time they met, it was Putin’s way of saying “Welcome to the NFL!”.
And the US-Russian relationship to begin to go sideways at that moment from what information I had entirely from public sources. I mean, after 911, the only way we could conduct extended operations in Afghanistan was because of the forward staging Russia provided. In addition to our common interest in separating the tribal interests from the Taliban, the collateral operations we were conductiing is a very viable operational model for Africa, which is the most constructive deployment of peace keeping , stability operations and nation building agendas of NATO-Russia like was started with the Dayton Accords and the Clinton Doctrine.
But it turns out more had changed between 911 and Obama’s inauguration, in particular, the organization of the intelligence community and the Patriot Act. Cheney was a master bureaucrat, like Stalin, and he engineered the information flow to produce a daily briefing that supported Cheney’s narrative du jour, but especially WMD. The current intelligence community is designed to cook the books for the current dominant narrative.
In 2009, that became the Hilliar Clinton Russia Narrative as the Obama Foreign Policy, As an Eisenhower Republican, I was lulled into assuming she would resurrect the Clinton Doctrine from the Dayton Accords, and she did, for a while, but, in retrospect, the wheels began to come off the US Russia relationship because of the Ukrainian indepence movement and the Kiev revolution.
We should have stayed out of it. A bunch of things happen all at the same time, including the Ukrainian independence movement, the Tea Party, the coalition behind Brexit and a bunch of similar things that have a common connection in the election hack and the attack against Zukerberg that the Senate has managed to misconstrue as his fault. I’m not a fan of Zuckerberg (it’s probably a generational jealousy thing) and the little IT trolls that monitor Facebook can be reliably obtuse, but it serves my needs and it is far more beneficial to mankind, generally, than both the Sinclair Group and anything connected to Robert Murdoch, combined. My definition of Hell is the FOX News Fair & Balanced narrative of the American Dream as the nocturnal emmissions of white, male crypto-Nazi Trump voters. Facebook runs a counter-narrative that’s actually a progressive celebration of diversity as a capitalist tool. The only thing that works better in America, on line. than Facebook is Family Feud.
But I digress. All these things set in motion by the DEEP-DARK Syndicate began to bear fruit with Brexit (there may have been other things, like Kim Jong-uns fireworks display, that represented something like sympathetic vibrations. Kim is not part of the Deep-Dark Syndicate, but his own hackers have probably run into it and Kim didn’t know what it was. Just a guess.
I ran into the Russian Dark Web in 2013. I needed some graphics done and I went on oDesk and contracted with a graphic artist from the Ukraine. We opened a contract for something I really wanted done by close of business the end of the week and he immediately disappeared for two weeks. It turns out he went to Kiev to be part of that thing on the independence side. I remember the Hungarian Revolution and he went to work on my deliverable and I got most of what I wanted but I won’t do it again. Among other things, he did some spooky stuff with my cyber-activity that irritated me mostly because it wasn’t time being spent on getting the job done.
He was part of that global attack. Now, in Russia, hacking is a serious cottage industry, sort of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo on steroids. Everybody does it. I had a business partner who was doing wifi in Moscow in 1992. The whole country is wired in a way that it makes America look like a Navaho reservation in contrast. I mean, wired. So, alot of what came across with the election hack were semi-pro mercenaries looking for an opportunity to suck as much of that Citizens United cash out of the GOP Deep State as possible. But these are just fellow travelers with the DEEP-DARK Syndication that is conducting these extended attacks against constitutional authority and putting the bots in Facebook.
The mistake Trump has made is that he has essentially adopted the Hillary Clinton Russian Narrative to obscure his business activities in Russia and, now, it turns out, the one way he can establish distance between the Trump Organization and the DEEP-DARK Syndication is to demonstrate his asociation with the Sovereign Democracy agenda that Putin inherited from Nixon-Breznev “Detente” by way of Gorbachev and Yeltsin before 2015. Trump may be very cozy with some very people but he, himself, is a free agent. He had to deal with the crime families to build Trump Tower, but Roy Cohn always provided a cut-out.
The thing that has convinced me of this was this fire in Trump Tower. This is a shot across Trump’s bow to get busy doing for the GOP Deep State what Cheney did for Haliburton and get a war started. The fire in Trump Tower was instead of breaking Don, Jr.s knees. And the people who did this are connected to the UK assassination false flag operation and people like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Eric Prince are up to their eyes with these people and I think Scott Pruitt wants all this security to protect him from whoever fire-bombed Trump Tower.
Putin is Trump’s most important source of mitigating evidence for Mueller to consider. Putin had nothing to do with the election hack, He knew it was going on, but he was using that activity to cover a sting operation he had working to shut down three major servers on the Russian Dark Web he conducted with Interpol-Sweden. Mueller doesn’t need Putin to connect the dots with the GOP Deep State to close in on Trump, but Putin does have Trump by the balls and, truth be told, that’s a good thing for America.
I don’t think Putin had a dog in the fight in the 2016 election. The conventional wisdom about Putin is mostly wrong and a projection of Hillary Clinton’s 60s knee jerk Nuclear Disarmament liberal bias. I don’t have a better portrait of him, but he isn’t the problem.
The problem for America is that impeachment brings up Mike Pence and Mike Pence is up to his eyeballs in the GOP Deep State, along with Roger Stone, Robert Murdoch, Eric Prince and the majority of the white male elected officials on Capitol Hill with an (R) behind their name. Joseph diGenova is a cut-out between the GOP Deep State composed mostly of career crypto-Nazi activists and the criminal elements of the GOP Deep State, the DEEP-DARK Syndication that fire-bombed Trump Tower. And killed Jimmy Hoffa. Roger Stone’s entire publishing career since his training in the Nixon Plumbers has been dedicated to diverting attention from these people.
Putin is not the problem and, if I was to blame anyone person for Trump’s victory, it would be Rahm Emanuel, who took more credit for Obama’s election than he actually contributed, which created a hole in Clinton’s Big Data model that Trump’s Deep Data intuitive sampling methods gave him the election. And the GOP Deep State had nothing to do with it except to keep it close enough with Citizens United and money laundering through hedge funds that any stumble Clinton made Trump could exploit and Comey provided.
And, if Comey hadn’t issued his letter and Clinton had won, Trey Gowdy would have drawn up Articles of Impeachment based on his extensive and conclusive examination of her dereliction in regards to Benghazi.
I don’t believe the outcome of the American election figured into Putin’s calculus in the least before the election.
Here’s one last thing to add into the mix. Putin engineered the results of the last election to demonstrate clearly to Trump the popular support for the Sovereign Democracy agenda in Russia. Putin was exactly correct in his observation that Marxism is a fairly tale, but it is a rigorously intellectual fairy tale. The Russians understand what Sovereign Democracy is and how it works. Russia has made the transition from a Soviet Marxist command economy (which, as it turns out, was a 70 year experiment in Trickle-Down economics) to a Free Market economy. It turns out a Free Market economy is a bit too cowboy wild west and the program now is to make the transition from a Free Market economy to a Free Enterprise economy closer to Vietnam than China in structure. That’s where Sovereign Democracy fits into the picture.
And the outcome of the 2016 election couldn’t influence that one way or another from Putin’s perspective.
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succorcreek · 7 years
Wake up Little Susie
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Gateway Articles linking to Article Series of 4-12 Parts:
Narcissists Use Military Strategies to: Divide Conquer and Rule 
Actors / Singers: New Civil Rights Suffragettes
Trump Builds The Mexico Wall but designs it Food Truck Wall with Ivanka Style, 6 articles
Golden Age of Pirates and Dictators, with documentary video links
Trump in Bed with Alt Business Right: ALEC alec.org Koch Brothers
Smaug from Lord of Rings, Smog: Trump to shred you if by his Gold Pile
Trump the Robin Hood that Steals from Poor Gives to Rich: 6 parts
Gidget and Donald Trump's Minions Spend Spring Break in Moscow
Can you repackage and Evil Clown like Trump?
Rise All Mocking Jays. Now. President Trump = President Snow of Hunger Games
Symbolism of Beheading: Trump removing the voice of people
Trump to Decompile Federal Government for Divide, Conquer, Rule
Trump and Minions: Fairy Tale Hen House Thieves, No eggs for you
Bully Enslavement of the Voice and Soul: Hoodwinked Defined
Trump Verbal Violence is intended to destroy Part 1 Cut your heart out http://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 2 http://ift.tt/2k1ZlRM Part 3, Refusing the kiss of the vampire http://ift.tt/2y5kyAz Part 4, Schumer took the Love Bait, will you? http://ift.tt/2k16oKR Part 5, We're all on his shit list, including ESPN http://ift.tt/2y67nj1 What is age 17 Regressed? It is an adult acting like a 17 year old boy, regressed to that age In: actions beliefs goals ideals and even language.... Bullies and psychopaths don't grow up, they become more skilled at what they do. And, we state in articles and books, we have nothing against 17 year old boys. They just should not be presidents, statesmen, and leaders.   These are the 12 Tools to stop bullies: catalog  Diverse articles on Age Regressed 17 Year Old behavior, ideals, goals, language Articles on the similar goals of Kim Jong-un, Putin, Dutarte, and Trump See more in the Topic Cloud Below Be sure to sign up for articles by email. See our confidential promise on submitting your email for this: we'll never give it out or EVEN see it. Sign up because we'll have many more posts on Bullies World Genocide Age Regressed Psychopaths and Narcissists Bullies: Pt 1 http://ift.tt/2jZReFG Pt 2 http://ift.tt/2y67on5 Pt 3 http://ift.tt/2k23HZd Pt 4 http://ift.tt/2y67oDB Pt 5 http://ift.tt/2k0xnpF Mythomania Part 1 When men think they are Savior Christ http://ift.tt/2y5kAZd Mythomania Part 2 When your president is Mythomanic http://ift.tt/2k0iAvh Mythomania Part 3 Trump psychopath but not psychotic http://ift.tt/2y5kBfJ Mythomania Part 4 Trump's fantastical inner story http://ift.tt/2k1ZnsS Mythomania Part 5 Mythomania in India: the rapist guru http://ift.tt/2y67qeH Mythomania Part 6 Juggaloes Counter to Evil Clown http://ift.tt/2k1EzBN Mythomania Part 7 Kim Jong-Un Dining http://ift.tt/2fPDJ6E other info on mythomania: 1. Two Books in catalog above on that: catalog of tools 2. other references here: http://ift.tt/2jYc73M
 . Heart of Stone: GOP and Trump Healthcare Article 1 Don't move to Idaho http://ift.tt/2y67qLJ Article 2 NO CBO http://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Article 3 Killing those you love http://ift.tt/2y5kErV Article 4 Psychopaths Delight in Depriving Others http://ift.tt/2hwqZlG Article 5 You're screwed if you live in one of these states  http://ift.tt/2huLEKm Article 6 Rape http://ift.tt/2k0rNU9 Article 7 America's poorest http://ift.tt/2y67rPN Article 8 Soup Nazi  http://ift.tt/2k0rLM1 Series When Wives and Lovers are "Turned" into junior vampires or co-criminals: Psychopaths (or Vampires) Select victims (Vampires "glamour" hypnotize prey, and select persons are "turned" into a vampire with drops of the vampire's blood) Groom them Punish and Reward cycles bring submission See in the Books by Dr. Bunch, this whole process, plus, there are different types of "minions" a. some just insanely jump on board, like Kellyanne Conway b. some are selected, groomed, and trained in the Abuse Cycle, like Donald Trump and most Psychopaths with their wives and lovers. But, the result from minions a or b is the same, despite a different origin and process of conversion: real death of others or death of the soul and the psychopath's famous scheme: death of all by marginalization Pick any key word above and search Books and Topic Cloud Below for more on that. Post 1: Melania and Forced Lies at the UN http://bit.ly/2xn8B7O Post 2 Melania Lies at UN Luncheon too http://bit.ly/2jOJiXD Post 3 Melania models both lies and disempowerment for women http://bit.ly/2xYbOMO Post 4 Twitter Blows up: Twilight Zone of Melania  http://bit.ly/2jQr3B3 Post 5 Complicit and Co-criminals: Breaking our hearts but must be stopped http://bit.ly/2xXLWAy Post 6 Lessons from film, Van Helsing, though a story of a werewolf relative brother mythology helps us understand human mental disorder http://bit.ly/2jPF7Lg Post 7 Complicit Women: Bonnie and Clyde and other criminals http://bit.ly/2xXFXLV Post 8 When girls grow up to be bullies and psychopaths http://bit.ly/2xxZ4cJ Psychopaths, Pirates, Vampires, and more:
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