#Natalie Scatorccio x you
joelsdolly · 4 months
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warnings: nothing !!
notes: ahhhh I'm finally writing for nattt>_< I love her sm so I'm glad I finally got the motivation to do this(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
gf!nat who still gets flustered when you touch or kiss her, even tho you've been together for months
gf!nat who's mean and cold to everyone accept you, no matter where you are her attitude changes when you walk into the room
gf!nat who loves to buy you gifts, she'll find any excuse to buy you stuff . like if she's proud of you she'll buy you something !!
gf!nat who let's you wear her jersey all the time, the thought of you being hers and hers only makes her whole body hot
gf!nat who's soooo protective over you, she doesn't let anyone talk to you at parties except the team ofc
gf!nat who adores when you make her lunches with a cute little notes in them:3 she gets called whipped when she's caught smiling at them
gf!nat who for your anniversary takes you to a small local restaurant, she gives you your present there so she can see you open it !!
gf!nat who's a soft dom . she's very dominant but makes sure never to be rough with you
gf!nat who loves casual dominance, she always has her arm around your waist or hips, she like when you look at her when she's talking
'hey look at me' you felt her thumb and pointer finger slip under your chin, forcing you to look up at her
gf!nat who makes sure you're at all her games, she loves when you run onto the field to hug and kiss her when they win
gf!nat who makes you a basket with your favorite snacks when you're on your period!!
gf!nat who's the sweetest gf you could ever ask for and who always makes you happy<333
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ultrone · 1 year
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𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗣𝗔𝗟𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 ┊ 𝖿𝗐𝖻 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌
+ best friends jackie and lottie
synopsis. after the crash, your friends with benefits arrangement with nat takes an unexpected turn. the two of you become inseparable, seeking solace in each other's company and ignoring the past that tied the two of you together — will the feelings you once concealed resurface, or remain hidden under the surface? (click here to see request)
cw. minor nsfw — descriptive hook-up session & mentions of masturbation, — jealousy, cursing.
wc. 4.4k
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It had been a few weeks since the crash, and to say it had been tough would be an understatement. One day, you were brimming with excitement, ready to head to nationals with your team. The next day, you found yourselves stranded in the heart of the woods, far from any signs of civilization. However, amidst this dire situation, you were grateful to be surrounded by familiar faces — your teammates and your closest friends.
The crash had deeply affected the group, leaving everyone shaken to their core. In the aftermath, everyone clung to each other for consolation and support. For you, Jackie, Lottie, and Nat became your closest sources of comfort.
Jackie was quite the character. From being the team captain and wielding great influence, she had become the most "useless" member of the group. Although she made attempts to lift everyone's spirits, she showed little effort in actually assisting with any of the tasks. Even the simplest chores, like fetching water from the lake, made her pull a face and inwardly complain. You loved her a lot, as she was one of your closest friends along with Lottie, whom you've known since middle school. But her behaviour could be irritating at times, and you often felt burdened by her childlike demeanour.
“Jackie, you have to push it harder,” you told her, observing how she struggled to cut the meat with the knife. "And don't bend your wrist like that; you might hurt yourself," you advised.
“I am pushing,” She responded. She made another attempt, applying slightly more force, but her posture clearly revealed her lack of genuine effort. Holding the knife with one hand, barely gripping the back end, and raising her other arm in a nonchalant manner, she was far from giving it her all.
"No, you're not," you asserted, taking the knife from her grasp. “You have to push it ‘till it pops, just like Shauna taught us yesterday,” you demonstrated, doing it correctly.
“Yuck, gross,” she exclaimed, cringing and chuckling, moving away in disgust. “Ew.”
"It's not that bad," you replied, washing your hands in a bucket of lukewarm water placed on the table.
“Yeah, I’m not doing that,” she declared while crossing her arms, causing you to roll your eyes at her.
It wasn’t always bad though, after all, Jackie had always been the kind of person who knew how to brighten everyone up. Whenever you felt down or hopeless about the whole situation, she would find a way to comfort you, even if she herself felt the same. Whether it was through uplifting words or coming up with fun distractions, she always knew how to make you feel better.
But there was this one time when things took a turn. Around two weeks ago, Jackie came up with an idea for a spiritual game, similar to Charlie Charlie, and everyone agreed to play — except for Tai, Laura Lee, and coach Ben. The rest of you gathered on the second floor of the cabin, forming a circle and lighting candles in a sort of ritualistic manner. Shauna took on the role of the "messenger" or something like that, holding a pendulum to contact the spirit of the dead man who had been in the cabin when you arrived.
At first, it was fun, with questions about crushes and gossip floating around. However, as time went on, the tone shifted dramatically. Javi's question about the possibility of death out in the wilderness cast a somber cloud over the group, plunging everyone into a more serious mindset. And that's when everything took a turn for the worse. The ambiance abruptly shifted when all the candles extinguished simultaneously, and Lottie appeared to be possessed. She muttered incomprehensible words in French and injured her forehead, causing it to bleed. The situation became so alarming that Laura Lee instinctively grabbed a Bible and threw it at Lottie, which eventually snapped her back to reality. However, she was never the same after that incident.
Looking back, Lottie and you became friends back in middle school. One day, while you were playing alone on the swings, a young Taissa suddenly pushed you and ran off, laughing mischievously. You ended up falling on your knees and scraping them, causing a small amount of bleeding. Trying to hold back your tears, you heard a gentle voice coming from behind you.
"Are you okay?" You glanced up and saw a girl with long brown hair cascading over her shoulders. She had two strands of hair tied up at the back with a pink bow.
You nodded shyly, trying to keep a tear from falling as you rubbed your eye.
"Don't cry!" she said with concern. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up," she suggested, extending her hand toward you with a warm smile.
You slowly smiled back and took her hand. "Thank you," you said softly. She assisted you in standing up and then guided you carefully towards the bathroom.
"By the way, my name is Charlotte, but everyone calls me Lottie," she introduced herself with a wide grin. "What's your name?" she asked, curiosity evident in her eyes.
"My name is Y/n," you replied, returning her smile.
Ever since you were young, Lottie had always been an incredibly caring and loyal friend. She was full of fun and wit, and if anything bad ever happened, she would defend you as if her life depended on it. But after the incident at the cabin, something changed within her. It was hard to put into words. She was still the same Lottie you had always known, yet somehow different at the same time.
You had been aware of Lottie's struggle with schizophrenia for a few years now. She had entrusted you with this information, being the only friend she had opened up to about it. After the crash, you became increasingly concerned because you knew it was only a matter of time before she ran out of her medication. Gradually, you began to notice peculiar behaviour from her, and she acknowledged it as well. Still, you tried to reassure her, believing that her odd actions were merely a result of adjusting to a lower dosage of her pills.
However, after the incident, strange occurrences started happening that left you questioning whether Lottie's diagnosis of schizophrenia was accurate. How could she have stopped Tai's sleepwalking problem and even attracted a bear to the cabin when everyone was on the verge of starvation? It felt too coincidental to ignore.
Nevertheless, despite any of these events, your relationship with both Jackie and Lottie remained intact. If anything, those experiences only strengthened the bond you shared with them. However, if you were being completely honest, the person who provided you with the most comfort at the moment was Nat. She seemed like the only stable presence in your life, unaffected by childlike behavior or unpredictable episodes. She was simply the same old Nat you had always known, perhaps a bit more apprehensive, but still maintaining her usual chill and nonchalant demeanour. 
Nat and you had an unusual story, if you could even call it that. You first met during soccer practice, although you didn't interact much at the time. You held the co-captain position while Jackie excelled as the team's captain. Though you weren't as skilled at leading as Jackie was, you were known for being one of the kindest souls on the team, getting along with pretty much everybody — and of course, your skills on the field were top-notch, — which led to your selection as co-captain.
On the other hand, Nat wasn't as involved in the team dynamics as you were. She was a talented player and got along well with most of your teammates, but she spent most of her time hanging out with Kevyn or her own group of friends, usually getting high or drunk during school hours. The only moments you really shared with her were in the empty locker room, either before anyone else arrived or right after everyone else had left. Interestingly, many of your memories together involved her grabbing your ass and sticking her tongue in your mouth. Not that it bothered you in the slightest.
“Fuck Nat—,” you groaned faintly as the girl attacked your mouth with her tongue, tenderly biting your bottom lip. She was pressing you against the wall, and your hands were tangled in her hair as her hands slowly worked her way up your abdomen, seeking your breasts.
Just as she was about to grab them, a loud whistle from outside the locker rooms interrupted the moment, followed by a grunt from Nat.
"Fuck, we've got to go," you said hastily.
"Do we really?" she responded casually, pushing you harder against the wall and sliding her hands to your breasts, holding them tightly. She peppered open-mouthed kisses along your neck, eliciting soft moans from you. But mustering all your strength, you gently pushed her away.
"Yes, we do," you said, giving her a quick peck on the lips before darting out of the room. Glancing back at her, you motioned for her to follow. She rolled her eyes but quickly caught up with you.
Before the crash, you never imagined Nat and you would become close friends. In fact, if someone had told you that you would spend most of your time together, doing things and just hanging out, you would have probably laughed at them. Both of you came from completely different worlds, and while you didn't actively avoid each other, she was seen as an outcast while you were considered popular. The fact that the two of you were secretly involved with each other was already a big boundary crossed. But the crash changed everything. It not only took away your innocence, but also erased any social barriers that had previously prevented you from interacting.
And so you did.
The first time you interacted with each other was right after the crash. You woke up in the galley, trapped under a fallen food cart. Panicked and surrounded by the increasing flames, you struggled to free yourself. No matter how hard you pushed, the cart wouldn't budge in the narrow space. It felt like the end. But then, in a swift move, Nat appeared and managed to move the cart aside. She reached out her hand, and you grabbed it, escaping just seconds before an explosion engulfed the area.
You owed her your life, and a simple thank you didn't seem sufficient. So, you started assisting her with tasks and accompanying her on hunts, as a way to repay her. But what began as gratitude quickly became something more. Spending time together became your favourite activity. The more you talked, the closer you grew, finding solace and comfort in each other's company. Yet, you both consciously avoided discussing your pre-crash relationship, as if you had made an unspoken agreement to forget the past and start anew, as if you had only met in the aftermath of the crash.
However, you couldn't deny that sometimes you found yourself staring at her lips for longer than you should, or imagining the sensation of her hands against your skin. Even mundane tasks like watching her handle equipment or lift something heavy would trigger images of her effortlessly carrying you or holding you against a wall. Initially, you indulged in these memories, closing your eyes and relishing in them while trying to find release on your own. But as time went on, these memories intertwined with your growing feelings for her. What was once a simple burning in your core, started to evolve into butterflies in your stomach and a persistent ache in your heart.
So you stopped.
You made a conscious decision to stop dwelling on those thoughts. You went cold turkey, cutting off any mental imagery or fantasies that surpassed the boundaries of friendship. And so far, this self-imposed restraint seemed to be working.
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It had been a chill day, with everyone finishing their tasks ahead of time and not much else to do but engage in conversations or let their minds wander. Jackie, as always, came up with an idea to make the evening more special. Instead of having dinner at the cabin as usual, she proposed building a cozy bonfire by the river and enjoying quality time together, reminiscent of the day of the plane crash when all of you gathered around a bonfire on that first night, sharing stories and laughing. Everyone readily agreed, and it was decided to meet at the designated spot once darkness had fully descended upon the sky.
As Shauna took charge of preparing the meat, Van and Tai pitched in by gathering wood for the bonfire. Lottie, Mari and you took on the task of gathering blankets to ensure everyone would be warm and comfortable. The remaining members of the group found various tasks to assist with, each contributing to the preparations in their own way.
When the moment arrived, all of you met at the designated spot and settled into your seats. Jackie positioned herself between Shauna and Lottie, and you found yourself sandwiched between Lottie and Nat. The rest of the team took their seats accordingly, creating a circle around the fire. Each person grabbed a stick and skewered a piece of meat, holding it above the flames to cook it to perfection before taking a bite.
"The things I'd do to have a working walkman right now," Tai said with a sigh, chewing a piece of her meat.
"It's okay, we’ve got Crystal to bless our ears, right you guys?" Van joked, making everyone chuckle, except Crystal, who blushed in embarrassment.
"What was that song Y/n was obsessed with? The one she always played in the shower after practice," Jackie asked while laughing at the memory.
"Wasn't it Pump Up The Jam?" Shauna asked, trying to remember.
"No, it was—" You got interrupted by Lottie and Nat, who spoke up at the same time.
"Be My Lover," both of them said with smiles on their faces. They looked at each other and chuckled when they realized they said the same thing. However, you noticed that Nat's smile fell too quickly to be genuine, but you didn't mention anything.
"And then she stopped listening to it because the last time she did, she slipped while dancing in the showers and pulled the curtain down with her as she fell," Van began, laughing loudly.
"And then Coach Ben walked in and saw her on the floor," Jackie finished, laughing along with everyone else.
“And now that image is forever ingrained in my memory,” Coach Ben said with a hint of humour, making a grimace.
“I thought we all agreed not to speak of this ever again,” you said with an embarrassed huff, unable to hide your growing smile.
For the rest of the evening, all of you continued to joke around and share stories, until all the meat had been eaten and the firewood was nearly depleted. Eventually, everyone returned to the cabin, ready to catch some sleep.
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You had been lying down with your eyes closed for an hour already, but for some reason, sleep eluded you. Growing impatient, you wondered whether a walk to the lake could help you relax. 
In stark contrast to the city, the sky here remained untainted, free from any traces of pollution, affording you an unobstructed view of the shimmering stars. Not only that, but the hush and serenity of the night filled you with a sense of tranquility; there was something enchanting about being awake while the rest of the girls — and the world — slumbered.
While lost in thought, you caught a faint sound of sheets shifting. You turned to your left and saw Nat moving under the covers. She scratched her head, indicating that she was still awake. You moved closer to her and softly rested your hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump a little.
"Hey, Nat," you whispered, softly calling out her name, ensuring only she could hear you. She turned towards you, her weary eyes showing a hint of concern.
"What's up? You good?" she asked, her brow slightly furrowed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't seem to fall asleep," you confessed, toying with the edge of the pillow using your fingers.
"Same here," she admitted, biting her lip.
"Wanna come outside with me?" you asked, a glimmer of excitement in your eyes.
"And do what?" she inquired, curiosity evident in her tone.
"Just come," you replied confidently. Without hesitation, you gingerly slid the blanket off your body and rose to your feet, moving stealthily towards the door, careful not to make a sound. Nat quietly trailed behind you, mirroring your every move.
As soon as you stepped outside, the autumn weather greeted you with a contrasting mix of warmth and a chilly breeze caressing your skin. Walking ahead, Nat followed closely behind you, the sound of fallen leaves crackling beneath your shoes as you made your way towards the lake.
"Are we heading to the lake?" Nat inquired.
"No, we're actually going to Seven Eleven," you responded in a sarcastic tone.
"Ha ha," she chuckled in the same tone, nudging your shoulder with a grin.
You continued walking until you reached the edge of the lake, coming to a halt. Closing your eyes and inhaling deeply, you felt a wave of relaxation wash over you, as if the scenery before you had a calming effect. Opening your eyes, you swiftly removed your pants, letting them fall to the ground, and proceeded to take off your shirt while making your way towards the water.
"It’s like three in the morning, Y/n. Are you insane?” She asked incredulously.
“What? You scared?” You playfully teased, dashing into the water.
She let out a huff, a chuckle escaping her lips as she watched you. Unable to resist the temptation, she stripped off her own clothes and followed closely behind you, a smile lighting up her face as she raced towards you.
As she drew closer, the water already lapping at both of your knees, she playfully gave you a shove, causing you to tumble into the water with her falling on top of you. Laughter erupted from both of you as you playfully wrestled in the water. Eventually, you managed to wriggle free from her grasp and swam farther into the lake, the water gradually rising until it reached your neck. It had a pleasant temperature, neither cold nor warm, just perfect.
Submerging your head underwater, you emerged with a graceful backward flick, water droplets cascading from your fluttering eyelashes. As your vision cleared, you spotted Nat floating in the water right in front of you. Her platinum-white hair floated gracefully around her head, her eyes peacefully closed, and her lips slightly parted as her breathing slowed down after all the splashing around. The moonlight above you cast a gentle glow, reflecting off her wet body, creating an ethereal illumination that highlighted her features.
Under the soft glow of the moon, her body appeared breathtakingly beautiful, captivating you completely. You found yourself unable to tear your gaze away, consumed by a feeling of longing. You swam closer to her, mirroring her position but facing the opposite direction, aligning your head next to hers. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and exhaled, relishing the gentle caress of the water against your body. The only sounds that filled the air were the rhythm of your breaths and the tranquil melodies of nature. Amidst the aftermath of the plane crash, there were small moments like this that held a special allure—dashing to a lake in the dead of night, immersing yourselves in the water, far from the flickering lights and urban clamour. It was just the two of you and the tranquil embrace of nature.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," you murmured, your voice filled with yearning. Nat simply hummed in response, fully engrossed in the moment and not even bothering to muster a reply.
A couple of minutes passed in peaceful silence before you broke it once again. "You were acting weird today," you remarked, your tone tinged with curiosity.
"What do you mean?" she asked calmly, her voice a little raspy from not having spoken for a while.
"I don't know, your energy just felt off," you explained. "You seemed somewhat uncomfortable when Lottie and you coincidentally named my song at the same time."
Her eyes slowly fluttered open at your words, unsure of how to respond. She gazed up at the twinkling stars, momentarily losing herself in their beauty.
"That's quite a specific observation," she chuckled lightly.
You joined in with a soft laugh. "I guess I just noticed." You started, "Whenever the three of us are together, you seem to grow tense, but I can't really explain it," you continued. "Did you and Lottie have a fight or something?"
"No, it's not that..." she replied, her voice laced with uncertainty.
"Then what is it?" you pressed, looking for an answer.
"I don't know," she replied, her voice uncertain. "I guess she's always talking about you and wanting to be around you," she trailed off.
"But we're best friends, isn't that normal?" you asked, genuinely puzzled.
"Well, yeah, but she's annoying about it," she continued, frustration creeping into her voice. "She acts like she knows you better than anyone else, and-"
You interrupted her. "So you're jealous," you said, a playful smile forming on your lips.
"What? No," she replied incredulously, chuckling nervously.
"Mhm," you teased.
"I am not jealous," she insisted, her voice firm.
"Then why are you blushing?" you asked, turning to look at her and noticing a faint red hue on her cheeks.
"What?" she exclaimed, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her flushed cheeks. Realizing how warm they felt, she abruptly stopped floating and stood still, swiftly moving her hand and splashing water onto your face.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, water rushing up your nose. Coughing lightly, you stood up and retaliated by splashing water back at her. Anticipating your comeback, she quickly covered her face, but you managed to splash water at her again.
Laughter erupted from both of you as you continued wrestling in the water, playfully throwing water at each other. She reached for your arms to halt your assault, but you surprised her by submerging her head underwater briefly before releasing her.
"You little...," she laughed, coughing and rubbing her nose with her hand.
Seeking revenge, she pulled you closer, causing your legs to instinctively wrap around her as her hands gripped your waist tightly, and she sank the both of you beneath the water's surface. After a few seconds, your need for air grew too strong, and you began pushing her shoulder, signalling for her to surface, which she did.
With your legs still secured around her waist, you used your hands to push your wet hair back and rub your eyes. As your vision cleared, you rested your hands on her shoulders and suddenly realized how close you were. Your legs held tight, and you felt the lingering touch of her left hand on your body as she rubbed her eyes and nose with her other hand. When she finished, she met your gaze, slowly placing her hand back on your waist.
Both of you locked eyes, your breaths and heartbeats increasing in sync. The suppressed thoughts and desires you had kept hidden for so long began resurfacing, and this time, you made no attempt to suppress them. Her intense gaze lingered on you, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her dilated pupils captivated you with each flutter of her wet eyelashes, and her half-open, moist lips tingled with anticipation. Fuck it, you thought. Without a second thought, you swiftly pressed your lips together in a passionate kiss, leaving no room to breathe. It was a slow and fervent kiss, conveying the depth of your longing and how much you had yearned for this moment, for her. Your hands traveled from her shoulders to her hair, while your lips captured her bottom lip, gently sucking on it. She loosened her grip and instead embraced you, pulling you closer against her body, craving the warmth of your body against hers. Reasserting her dominance, she lightly nibbled on your lip, silently asking for entrance. It only took a slight pressure of her centre against yours under the water for your mouth to part slightly, allowing her agile tongue to explore your mouth as you let out a groan. 
Your lips continued their rhythmic movements, growing plump and red, pulsating with a delightful ache, while your lungs screamed for much-needed air. Finally, the two of you reluctantly broke apart, the silence broken by your words.
"Fuck... You don’t know how much I've missed this," you confessed, locking eyes with her, your fingers tenderly caressing the nape of her neck.
"Me too," she breathed, her gaze fixated on your lips. Her hands moved from your waist to your cheeks, gently cupping them as she pulled you into another kiss, this time filled with tenderness and love. You wrapped your arms around her neck, drawing her closer, fully immersing yourself in the moment.
She pulled back slightly, her breath caressing your lips. "I'm so fucking jealous of Lottie," she admitted with a raspy voice. "She makes me so mad," she confessed, before capturing your lips in another soft kiss, laced with a hint of frustration. "I hate it when she makes you laugh," she murmured between kisses, "And I hate that she's always following you around like a lost puppy." She gave you one last kiss before pulling away, her face just a few centimeters away from yours, and using one of her thumbs to softly caress your swollen bottom lip.
Her words left you puzzled, but deep down, they were everything you had ever longed to hear from her. Gathering your thoughts, you responded, "Well, you don't have to worry about that too much."
She slowly shifted her gaze from your lips to your eyes, her brows furrowing slightly as she stared at you with a perplexed expression.
"Because I love you," you confessed, causing Nat's heart to skip a beat at your unexpected declaration.
"What?" she stammered, her eyes searching yours for any signs of deceit.
"I love you, Nat," you repeated, your voice brimming with sincerity and honesty. "I've loved you for so long that I honestly don't know how I've kept it to myself all this time," you confessed. "I love you," you reiterated once more.
"Fuck, Y/n," Nat uttered, her face reflecting disbelief and astonishment. "I love you too," she finally said, unable to contain her emotions, before pulling you into another tender kiss. The two of you stood there, savoring each other's embrace, only illuminated by the soft glow of the pale moonlight.
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shaunashipmansgf · 8 months
— 𝘥𝘪𝘻𝘻𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦!
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saturday with your girlfriend. (wc: 612)
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it was a peaceful saturday, the rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds covering your bedroom window, seeping onto the blankets that adorned your bed. your parents were out of the house, creating the perfect opportunity to have your girlfriend over.
“nat, i swear to god if you try and steal 𝘰𝘯𝘦 more fry–” you were cut off by the bleached blonde doing exactly that, smirking at you smugly as she popped the fry in her mouth. “you were saying?” she couldn’t help the snicker that left her lips as you gently swatted her arm. “you already finished yours! leave mine alone!” you pouted at her, making her roll her eyes.
“fine, fine. we can share this instead,” she leaned over to grab her bag, unzipping it to pull a joint out, along with a lighter. narrowing your eyes at her you crossed your arms. “we weren’t sharing my fries, and you know it.”
“just take a hit, would you?” nat handed you the joint after lighting it and taking the first two puffs. you obliged, and passed the blunt back and forth as you watched youtube videos.
a couple of hours had passed at this point, with you laying on your back, your head hanging off the edge of the bed, and natalie’s head resting on your stomach. the two of you were giggling as you chatted about everything and nothing, when suddenly, an idea popped into your head. “i bet i could beat you at gang beasts,” you smirked as she sat up, looking down at you. “in your dreams, babe. you’re on.” she stood up to turn on your xbox, grabbing two controllers and handing one to you as you rolled over onto your stomach, sitting up now.
you took the controller and started up the game, as nat came to sit down next to you. the first few rounds, nat was winning, but you were determined to beat her. the next six rounds you had won, ultimately beating your girlfriend. “yes!” you cheered, throwing your arms up with a grin on your face. the blonde looked at you, rolling her eyes at your enthusiasm. but she couldn’t help the smile peeking through her lips. “you’re just lucky you’re cute.” she went to poke your side, and a small yelp left your lips before you could stop it.
natalie’s eyes instantly lit up as she moved to straddle you, laying you down on the bed now. “nat, wh–what are you doing?” you asked, feeling your face grow warm. nat just smirked, and without warning her hands shot to your sides, starting to tickle you. it caused you to squeal as you squirmed underneath her, giggling uncontrollably. “n–nat! sto– stop it!” you tried to flip her over, but it was no use. “it’s payback!” she teased, her fingers finding your stomach and tickling there now. “i-i won! fair and square!” you managed to speak through your laughter, tears in your eyes at this point. they were happy tears, of course. you absolutely loved this playful side of natalie, and would gladly endure some tickling torture if it meant you got see more of that.
after a few more seconds she let up, rolling off of you. it gave you the chance to catch your breath, before shifting onto your side to snuggle into your girlfriend, resting your head on her chest. kissing your forehead, she began running her fingers through your hair, looking down at you. “go to sleep, baby, i’ll be here.” she reassured you, noticing how your eyelids were drooping closed. so you nodded, cuddling in closer to her as you dozed off, feeling safe in her arms.
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bumblesimagines · 20 days
Secretly seeing Natalie Scatorccio
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Request: Yes or No
Kind of a sequel
"Your music taste sucks."
"As if yours is any better." 
"At least you've got some decent choices."
Things felt oddly... nice. Most times when he invited someone over to his place for a quick hookup (which was a rarity in and of itself), they'd leave right after or he'd drop them off back at their place. But Natalie lingered, slipping his shirt on and exploring his room, going through the things he had scattered around and exposed. Things like his vinyl records, open notebooks, his Walkman, some of his clothes. He watched her from his comfortable spot on the bed, lungs exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air and eyes trailing over the shirt she wore that reached just around her upper thighs. 
Natalie glanced at him over her shoulder, taking notice of where his gaze went, and rolled her eyes, setting down the Blondie record back on the drawer and turning around to face him. "Like what you see?" She asked teasingly and walked forward until her knees bumped against the edge of the bed, moving down to crawl on it. Once she reached him, she snatched the cigarette from his fingers and brought it to her lips, settling comfortably on his lap. His hand moved to her hip, giving it a squeeze when she blew smoke into his face. 
"You excited for Nationals?" (Y/N) asked, waving away the smoke with a small scowl. Natalie chuckled and leaned over, pressing the cigarette into the ashtray on his nightstand and slipping her arms around his shoulders, a bright twinkle appearing in her eyes at the mention of Nationals. A bright smile spread across her cheeks, her body slumping over his. 
"Definitely." She exhaled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Everyone's excited. Lottie's dad is lending us a private jet, too."
"I've never been on a private jet before. First time for everything, I guess." (Y/N) said, resisting the urge to laugh when Natalie shot up, her hands pressing against his chest and widened eyes flickering between his. Her lips began to twitch up, forming a pleased smile.
"You're going? Holy shit!"
"Ben doesn't want to leave me home alone so Coach Martinez told him to bring me along since he'll be taking his two sons." (Y/N) explained, barely finishing his sentence when Natalie swooped forward, mushing their lips together. (Y/N) chuckled against her lips, his arms coiling around her waist as a warm unfamiliar feeling bubbled up in his chest. "You know," He broke apart from her. "Most girls I hook up with aren't usually this excited to know I'll be around."
"Oh, please. You're just not an unbearable dick, is all." Natalie rolled her eyes, lightly shoving his shoulders. (Y/N) released an unconvinced hum, watching Natalie's cheeks turn a soft red as her eyes rolled again, this time more dramatically and forced. He leaned in, planting a kiss on her throat and feeling the vibrations when she giggled. Her fingers moved over the sides of his face, palms pressing against his cheeks and tilting his head back to kiss him again. They both froze when the family dog, Princess, began yapping loudly, the sound of the front door opening and Ben's voice following soon after.
"Shit." (Y/N) hissed and the two scrambled off the bed, almost tripping over themselves and trying to keep their snickers quiet. Natalie whispered a sharp 'fuck it' under her breath, snatching her checkered pants off the floor and wiggling them on as quickly as possible. She grabbed her backpack next, glancing up at him when he almost toppled over while putting his own pants on, a soft giggle escaping her. (Y/N) reached down, grabbing her vibrant red bra and shirt off the floor and tossing them in her direction. Natalie shoved them into her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "Hurry up!" 
"I'm trying!" Natalie stuck her feet halfway into her boots, glancing frantically toward the bedroom door as Ben's footsteps grew closer and closer. She successfully shoved her feet into her boots all the way and darted toward the window (Y/N) opened, planting a swift kiss on his cheek before she began climbing out.
"My shirt, Nat-"
"I'll return it later!" She assured, hopping down the short distance just as the door swung open and Ben's wide smile greeted him, though it promptly fell when he smelled the air. (Y/N) faced his older brother, folding his arms over his stomach and leaning against the wall by the window with a small smile. 
"What'd I say about smoking? And in the house? Your room's going to stink for ages, (Y/N)." Ben let out a disappointed sigh, his eyes shifting to look at his brother. His brows furrowed slightly and (Y/N) swallowed thickly, giving a casual shrug and turning to shut the window again. He caught Natalie making her way off the lawn and onto the sidewalk, letting a small smile slip before he closed the curtains and climbed into bed.
"Sorry," He replied. "It was the last pack, I swear." 
"Uh-huh." Ben pursed his lips, his head lightly shaking and body shifting to leave his room. He stopped in the doorway and craned his neck to look at him over his shoulder, his brow quirking. "I brought burgers from that diner you really like. And, uh, you've got a hickey on your neck. I'll see you in the kitchen."
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mvlders222 · 7 months
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰
based off of the pixies song with the same name
pairing ; natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
wordcount ; 1.3k
summary ; while the yellowjackets team has plans to set up their own homecoming party, "doomcoming" if you will, natalie sneaks off only to find you. left alone with your thoughts and a bottle of alcohol, you have no choice but to confront each other about what was left unhandled before the crash.
warnings ; travis slander!!! alcohol, underage drinking, mention of nausea, angst, fluffy at the end. centered around episode s1xe9 "doomcoming." lowercase intended
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"what are you doin' out here?" you looked up to see natalie pushing her way through bushes to get to you. you were sitting on the dirt close to the large tree that stood behind you. the roots were too uncomfortable to sit on properly.
you had previously held your head to your knees and away from the others, the world, and anyone who may've been watching. natalie glimpsed at your tear-stained cheeks in disdain, a sour taste left in her mouth as she tried to swallow it down.
you looked up to meet her gaze, quickly wiping the tears away. you didn't want her to see you like this. vulnerable. nothing seemed to have come from your efforts, however. lighter tears still emitting from your eyes. "nothing," you responded.
that clearly didn't work, as now she'd made her way closer. "doesn't seem like nothin'," her thick accent pushing through. it was one of the many features you had always loved about her. she sat down next to you, avoiding the tough roots that had grown their way underneath the ground and rock.
"i don't wanna talk to you right now," you sniffled a bit.
"you're not the first. i feel like everyone hates me right now." she looked down at the ground before her. her tone made it seem like she didn't care, but she had been hurt by your words.
you and natalie had had a past. it was full of hidden love for one another. skipping class to go makeout in the janitor's closets, having girl's nights whenever your parents were out of town. nothing had ever been official, and while you had feelings for her, you still believed that she had just been using you. but if this was the closest you two would ever get, you'd take that over ruining your friendship.
she was like a drug, though. you loved being around her, and the risk of getting caught was thrilling. but when you were apart, you were left alone with your thoughts and that was more horrifying than any boogeyman hiding under a child's bed.
everything changed after the crash, she had been going on longer hunts with travis and it had been hard to hide your dates. you started seeing her less and less and hated that she left you for a boy.
"what about travis?" you glanced at her slightly, secretly hopeful for her answer, although the thought of them made you want to vomit. "i thought you two were, um, together..?"
"i thought so too. actually, i thought i had feelings for him. he just thinks i'm a slut because i don't fit his perfect image," she laughed at this. "seriously, i don't know what i was thinking."
"he's a dick." that was all you could come out with. natalie laughed at the lone sentence. "he's more than a dick," she responded.
"do you remeber us? when we were happy?" you stared at her with those sad eyes. god, those eyes. she could never lie to you.
"yeah," she said without thinking. "i'm... sorry... about all of this."
it was silent after that. an eternity of awkward silence and you didn't exactly know how to break it. "just go back to the party, okay? i'm not ready yet."
"it was getting boring anyway." she pulled your attention to the bottle of what looked like cheap bourbon. "you want some?" she uncapped it and held it out to you.
without a word, you grabbed the bottle and took a swig. after a couple gulps, you handed it back to the girl and wiped your chin of any drink that dribbled down.
"jesus, do you have nothing to live for?" she teased while grabbing the bottle. her smile slightly dropped when she saw the look on your face. it was one of hopelessness, and your eyes, empty.
"not anymore." you rubbed your nose and sniffled. you turned to face her fully now. "i was gonna go to college, you know. i don't wanna be a housewife who hates my husband, dropping my kids off at soccer practice." tears started to well up in your eyes again at the very thought of this.
"you're overthinking. trust me, that's not gonna happen." natalie brought the bottle away from her lips and looked at you again.
after a couple of sips from the both of you, the bottle was now nearly empty. while that conversation was long forgotten by natalie, it still remained in the back of your mind, taunting you.
"how do you know?" it wasn't meant to be mean, it was a genuine question.
natalie had no idea what you were talking about. as her laughing died down from some stupid joke she made, confusion quickly took over. "huh?"
"how do you know what's gonna happen? after all this?" natalie looked deeply into your eyes and reached out to grab your hand.
"'cause giving yourself away to a man doesn't give you purpose. you're throwing your life away!" she was talking like you were out of your mind. and maybe you were, or maybe it was just the alcohol. because the next thing you did you would've never been able to have the courage to do.
you wrapped your hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close to you. your lips landed on hers and she kissed back without hesitation. in that moment, time stopped. the earth stopped spinning and you were the only two people on the planet.
after a while, you pulled back, much to her dismay, and rested your forehead against hers. she was left speechless at how forward it was. "i, um, wow..."
"tell me, how that one kiss was different than the thousands we've shared?" you teased her, filled with confidence knowing that you're the one that had left her flustered.
"it's been... a while," she finally pulled her head away from yours and stared at you earnestly. "you never know what you have until you've lost it, yeah?"
you smiled at her words. it may have not been the best thing to say in that moment, it may have been sort of dopey, but in that moment it had made your heart full again.
"i regret ever leaving you." natalie shook her head and she seemed ut of breath. "even if we never had anything before now. it hurts to think about."
"i love you," you startled yourself with your own words. now it was your turn to be flustered. "sorry," you laughed awkwardly.
natalie giggled, now feeling happier than ever. she kissed you deeply once more. she didn't have to say it back for you to understand that she really did love you back.
you didn't know what was going to happen next, or if you were going to remember this in the morning, but it didn't matter because she was all yours and you were hers.
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Ok, how about Natalie X reader, the scene where they find the lake, but reader is too self conscious to strip down in front of everyone and go for a swim?
Pretty Girls
Anon this is a lovely request but imma be so Fr I can't remember the exact dialogue so enjoy my bullshit <3
Warnings: insecure reader, mentions of body image issues, no smut but a bit of a heated make out, not proofread and also written on my phone <3
"I found a lake," Taissa announced as she returned from her hike,"It's about four miles from here. We should hike it."
"We aren't leaving. What if the rescue team comes?" Jackie responded, clearly annoyed.
"I hate to break it to you, but it's been three days. They aren't coming, and we're running out of water. We need to head to the lake." Taissa's voice was firm.
Secretly, you agreed with Tai, but you weren't going to get in the middle of this argument. The last thing you needed was Jackie pissed at you. There was enough division as it was.
"We should put it to a vote," Jackie announced. So much for no more division, "All for staying here, raise your hands."
Three people agreed. Jackie, Lottie, and Laura Lee all raised their hands.
"Okay, all for heading to the lake?" Taissa asked now, and nearly all of the group put up their hands. Even Shauna, which was shocking. Who knew she'd go against Jackie like that.
"Looks like we're heading to the lake. Get your shit." Wit that, everyone began packing up any belongings not already in their suitcases.
About twenty minutes later, you all were ready to start your hike. You fell into step beside Lottie as you walked.
"Hey. I know you didn't want to do this," you said.
"Honestly, I was more worried about Jackie's reaction than actually leaving the plane." Lottie smiled at you. You laughed lightly in response.
The two of you walked in silence for a while, listening to everyone chatter on and on. A few girls had started complaining, and you heard Jackie say something about how Tai must have been wrong about the distance from the crash site.
That's when Van saw the lake.
"Hell yeah bitches!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. Soon, everyone was racing down to the water, stripping off tee shirts and shorts. You hung back, not entirely wanting everyone to see your bare stomach.
"You don't want to swim?" Natalie spoke softly into your ear. You jumped at the unexpected closeness. The two of you hadn't really had time to spend together since the crash.
Your relationship to Natalie was a complicated one. You had began hanging out with her because Van and Tai had started spending more time with each other, leaving the two of you with each other. You'd had a crush on Natalie for a while, and you enjoyed spending time with her. Recently, though, she'd begun to flirt with you. Nothing major, just jokes about how pretty you were, or messing with your hair, or good-natured teasing about your interests. You weren't entirely clear on where you stood.
"Just not totally sure how I feel about stripping in front of everyone." You laughed as you spoke, as if trying to convince both Natalie and yourself that it really was a joke. Even if you knew it wasn't.
"You afraid they'll stare?" She teased.
"Yeah, actually. Just not for the reason you think." You giggled again, but it was harder to be convincing this time.
"Hey, if you're set on not swimming, that's fine. But no one is going to judge you for the way you look. I think we've moved past that point."
"Yeah, well, the rest of you have been changing in front of each other for ages. This kind of thing is new to me."
"Whatever you say, gorgeous. I'm swimming. You should too. I know I wouldn't judge you." She smirked at you in a way that made heat rise to your cheeks.
"Mm. And you've also never seen me naked, so I don't think you can say that yet."
"Okay, y/n." With that, she walked to the edge of the lake, stripping her shirt and pants as she walked across the pebbles.
You didn't stare. You in fact made a point not to stare. But it seemed that as soon as you looked up at her, she moved her head to catch you looking. She smiled at you, and nodded her head toward the lake.
As you looked back at her, you rolled your eyes and shook your head. There was no way you were getting in that water. The whole team didn't need to see your stomach and stretch marks.
Well... maybe you'd take off your shirt. You had a sports bra on. That was full coverage enough, right? Plus, your jeans had a high waist on them. Not much would be on display.
Cautiously, you peeled off your t-shirt, hoping no one would notice. Or care. As you shook your hair free from the confines of the fabric, you felt eyes on you.
In the middle of the lake, you caught Natalie staring at you this time. When she saw that you caught her, she averted her eyes. But something about her eyes on you made you feel good.
Not good enough to take your pants off, but you'd take what you could get.
You balled up your shirt and put it down on the rocky beach so you'd be able to lie down. If nothing else, you were going to enjoy the sun. Maybe not in the same way as everyone else, but you were going to enjoy it.
You lay in the sun for a bit, letting it warm you and only worrying a little bit about the sun damage that was occurring to you. You survived a damn place crash. Cancer seemed so irrelevant now.
It was nice, you thought, that even after what had happened, you were all able to have fun like this.
"Y/n! Get your ass in here!" Van called.
"No!" You yelled back, laughing.
"Lame ass," she responded.
"That's me." With that, you went back to your sunbathing and daydreaming. The only thing that would make this better would be-
"What the fuck!" You exclaimed, dripping water. Somehow, someone had managed to dump a whole bucket of water on you.
You looked up to see it was Van and Taissa. You'd expected Van, but Tai was a low blow. Although, best friends would do that kind of shit to you.
"Taissa Turner I swear to god. I could kill you right now." Your hair was soaked, your mascara was running, and your pants... well, wet jeans aren't ever the move.
"Now you have to swim," Van said, clearly not sensing your anger.
"No, now I have to fucking change out of one of the few pieces of clothing that's actually clean. Thanks for that."
"Whoa, sorry. We didn't think you'd be upset about it. We just wanted you to have fun." Taissa looked at you apologetically. You found yourself forgiving them almost immediately. They were just trying to get you to have fun. There hadn't been much of that lately.
"Still a little pissed at you. But it's fine. I'll just change." You started getting up to find your suitcase.
"Or... hear us out... you come swim with us. It'll be fun." Van looked at you expectantly, hoping you'd say yes.
No. You couldn't. What if they stared at you. What if Natalie stared at you. What if she saw you in your underwear and decided she was done flirting with you.
"Y/n, come on. We all know each other here. No need to be a prude," Van teased.
"Oh, well in that case." You rolled your eyes.
"You know you want to." Taissa poked your shoulder. And she was right. You did want to swim. You just didn't want to swim in front of everyone.
But it would feel so nice. And you'd be able to wash away some of the dirt and sweat from the last few days. Maybe you'd feel less... disgusting.
"Fine." You began to peel off your wet jeans.
Deep breaths, you thought, as the warm spring air hit your thighs. No one was looking at you. Right? Well, except Taissa and Van. But they'd seen you change before. You surveyed the rest of the team. No one was looking at you. Except-
She just kept staring as you stripped down to your underwear. Luckily for you, you were wearing something full coverage.
The way she was looking at you was almost hungry, like she was drinking in your entire body. Nothing would take her eyes off you.
This was it. This was when she decided all the flirting was over. She didn't like the way you looked under the sweaters and baggy pants. She-
Was walking towards you. Out of the water. Away from everyone else.
"Tai-" you started, before you realized that she and Van had walked away. Shit. Shit shit shit.
Without thinking, you started walking towards the lake. The sooner you were submerged, the better. And you really didn't want to talk to Natalie when you were this exposed.
As you passed Natalie, you wrapped your hand around her wrist and drug her along with you.
"Come on. We're swimming. You can't get out as soon as I decide to get in." She doesn't resist as you pull her behind you, back into the lake.
"Whatever you say. I'm glad you decided to get in."
"Well, Taissa thought it was a good idea to dump water all over me. I would've had to change in front of everyone anyways. Might as well suck it up and get into the water while I'm at it."
"I told you no one would stare." She smirked and pushed the water toward you, splashing you a bit.
"Mm. Someone was staring," you responded, trying to get her to tell you why she had looked at you the way she did.
"Who?" She asked. You couldn't tell if she really didn't know who you were talking about, or if she was feigning innocence.
"Um. You?" You replied, looking at her with a quizzical look on your face.
"That was because I wanted to see if you were really going to swim. Not to judge you."
"Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say."
"Did you want me to be judging you? Because I wouldn't do that. To anyone. But especially you. You're like, really pretty or whatever."
"Really pretty or whatever? Such a romantic, Scatorccio." With as much force as you can, you splash her.
After she recovers from the shock of the water being splashed in her face, she looks at you with a challenge.
"No Nat please I didn't-"
Before you could finish your sentence, finish apologizing, she shoved you under the surface of the lake. You didn't have time to do much, except inhale right before she pushed you down.
When you resurfaced, the first thing you heard was her laughter.
"Wow. That was a bit excessive," you said, once you had caught your breath. She was still giggling.
"Had to retaliate somehow." She shrugged, but she did look slightly apologetic.
"It's how I show my love."
"Awww, you love me?" You mocked.
"Oh, fuck off."
You just laughed at her.
She was doing it again. Staring at you. Subconsciously, you tried to cover yourself up with your arms. It didn't really have the desired effect.
"You're gorgeous," she said, eyes still on you.
"You don't have to say that." You tried to be nonchalant, but you felt your cheeks heating up.
"I'm not just saying that." She moved closer to you. When she reached you, she gently moved your arms out of the way of your body, leaving you more exposed than you'd like.
She looked at you straight in the eyes. Something about it made your knees weak. There was so much love in her face. She was looking at you like you were the only girl in the world.
"I want to kiss you so bad," she whispered in your ear. You shivered at the closeness.
"Maybe not in front of everyone," you whispered back.
"Embarrassed of me?" She joked.
"No," you laughed, "I just hate PDA"
"I have an idea then." She beckoned for you to follow her out of the lake.
You walked behind her as she led you across the beach. The only person that seemed to notice you was Taissa, and she just smiled as you passed.
Natalie continued to lead you to the edge of the woods, in a place just secluded enough. You could still hear everyone, but they wouldn't be able to see you.
Before you knew it, you were pressed up against a tree, the bark scratching your bare back.
"Can I kiss you?" Natalie asked, brushing your hair out of your eyes.
You nodded, and as soon as she got your consent, her mouth was on yours. Her lips were slightly chapped, and you appreciated the roughness of them. But her movements were soft.
Her hands rested on your hips, and her fingers were cold. Her lips felt too good on yours for you to care. You tangled your fingers into her damp hair, pulling her closer.
She pulled away for a moment to whisper to you.
"Do you believe me about you being gorgeous now?" She asked, looking at you with her pupils blown out and lips puffy from kissing.
You laughed, "I guess."
Seemingly satisfied with your response, she went back to kissing you. But now, she was kissing any inch of skin available to her. Your forehead. Your jawline. Your ear. Your neck. She didn't go any lower than that, which you appreciated. You weren't sure how ready you were for anything more. Especially in the woods.
"Y/n? Natalie?" You heard Tai's voice from a distance. "Lottie saw something. We're going to go see what it is. Come back, please."
With that, Natalie looked at you again, eyes full of hunger and want.
"Do this again later?"
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vanpalmr · 1 year
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TAISSA & VAN (FEAT. NATALIE) YELLOWJACKETS 1.02 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 2.03
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gl1tter-claire · 2 months
๋࣭ ⭑ᡣ𐭩𝖬𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖭𝖺𝗍 ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
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༘⋆₊˚ෆ i 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 be your 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ
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She loves physical contact when they are alone
Your relationship is not perfect and you have to accept that
They've had a lot of arguments because of Nat's addictions, she doesn't really understand that all you're doing is worrying about her
Nat is very impulsive when she is angry and is capable of doing things she regrets later, for example, she once yelled at you during an argument and made you cry
𝑺𝑯𝑬 is like a phrase from the Arctic monkeys song 505, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑟𝑦 ← she fits this so 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ
Nat will literally fight anyone who makes you cry
S𝒉e loves it when you steal his leather 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡
She learned insults in Italian just to insult people without them realizing it
She loves it when you go to see her at soccer team practice and she does a lot of things to try to impress 𝒚𝒐𝒖
I repeat, she is very insecure and is very afraid that you will find someone better than her, that is why after every argument because of her addictions she tries to stop taking drugs too often or not drink beer much (the poor girl just doesn't want to lose you for its 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔😭)
She literally keeps everything you give her in a drawer that she named as her favorite drawer just because that's where she keeps all the gifts and letters you give
when you are sad she hugs you all day and cuddles you
If you cry Nat is going to start kissing your entire face to distract you and believe me she doesn't mind wetting her lips with your tears if that makes you stop crying
She likes it when you kiss her whole face and your lipstick leaves kiss marks on her 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆
She will flirt with you in the most ridiculous way in the world just to see your smile
Hey, are you going to give me the money now? Since I met you, you have been living in my heart for 8 months without paying rent
"You're so silly" you said, laughing, blushing as you gave Nat a little push
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𝑨/𝒏: Hello pookies, I'm back ​​<3
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lacyscabinet · 5 months
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mayasaurusss · 3 months
Blood hive.
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Vampire Natalie x fem! reader.
Warnings: not proofread, spelling mistakes (big time I'm so sorry).
A/n: kindly requested by @l0tt1emy (she bullied me into doing this). This is the first time I've ever wrote some full-smut head canons and I feel so embarrassed but I need validation.
She founds herself hungry for blood one lonely summer night.
She has ben carving blood for a while now, nothing had been under her fangs for a long time. From deep within her body she feels the stomach churn in hunger.
The encounter with you had been an unplanned accident.
She was at her limit, without even realizing she had stumbled outside of her home, hungry for blood. Her hair was disheveled and she had dark circles under her eyes.
You were just an unwilling victim, having just started walking back home from a party you attended.
You were drunk off your ass, legs swaying beneath you and alcohol flowing in your veins and head.
She had gotten out of her house in the dark night, her natural environment but today made her feel cold and left hungry.
Then she saw you. You were just a girl walking alone at night, unknowing of the dangers that laid in the night, both human and inhuman.
The way your dress fell perfectly so your shoulder was exposed to the night's chill made her shiver.
She stalked you, like a wolf would, moving in the night with an inhumane precision and stealth, hiding in the dark like she was part of it. The white of her eyes was tinted a light red and drool was forming inside her mouth.
You're feeling hot, the heat of alcohol burned through you. You slow down more, your house is just around the corner. As you search for your keys you feel a pair of cold hands gripping your stomach from behind.
For a second the world stops, then you start to realize: someone is trying to hurt you. You start screaming and kicking at whoever was on top of you and for a moment, you manage to throw them off your body.
High on adrenaline you start to run towards your house, still scrambling to search for the keys but they were far stronger and faster than you.
In a matter of seconds they're on top of you again, this time their hands are gripping your wrists and cutting through the flesh.
Just when you think this couldn't be worse, you feel two pointy fangs carve deep in your flesh.
Blood flows freely from the wound and stains clothes and skin. Some of it has remained stuck into their teeth.
Natalie's mouth was red with blood, she begun to lap at your wounds in an effort to clean as much of your blood as possible and finally eat. She laps and bites and scar and tear flesh off of you like a rabid dog.
You feel your body begun to cool down, every essence for heat leaves you and you're left without a thought. You let your attacker feeds on you.
The blood flowing in her mouth gaves Natalie a thrill like never before. It tastes sweet, sweet and had a tinge of alcohol. She can't get enough of you.
She feels herself regain her senses and understand what she has done: she has attacked a stranger and drained them of their life. She eyes you thinking that maybe she has killed you, she's already planning on where to hide your body when you groan lowly and stir in your coma.
She thinks that maybe this is an opportunity. Maybe she can feed from you when she hits her limit, just to have you and your precious blood near her.
You find yourself in a unknown home, she has you cuffed by the bedpost and you can't move your body at all. She stalks over to you like a wolf and you try to scream and kick but to no avail.
"If you ever say anything of this to anyone, I'll kill you and everyone and everything you love" she whispers in your ear, seductively tracing your skin. "Let's make a deal. I'll let you live in exchange for your blood".
From then on, you and the stranger which you had come to know as Natalie start what could only be described as a purely practical relationship.
She gets a fill of your blood and you get to live another week.
One day you come to her apartment. She has been drinking like she always had, small hiccups leave her every now and then. She looks over at you with those deep eyes of hers, a faint blush covering her cheeks.
She comes to you and grips on your body, trying to stabilize herself on you. She closes her mouth on your neck but doesn't bite down, a surprise to you. She can't physically bite down on you and instead opts to lightly move her lips on your neck.
She starts to muble something. "Please...p-llleease... So good just... Just a taste...o-one...p...".
She tries to hold on you and continues to muble incoherently, you have to drag her to her bedroom trying to not step over all the beer bottles left.
You think about leaving her and walking away from this strange relationship, but you can't. You're sure that if you actually leave without her having her fill she would hunt you down and keep her promise, but you also feel bad for her in a way. She has been living in this precarious way, in a cold and dark house without anyone to be with her or keep her company.
She sits on the bed and hugs you close to her, whispering to you, her breath tickling your neck and making you shiver in anticipation of what she might do to you.
Her touch lingers on your skin, tracing patterns on it; the look in her eyes is suggestive and her cheeks are rosy.
She stalks once again to her favorite spot on your neck but at the last minute, she pulls away and devours your mouth in a kiss.
Before you can process what has happened, she gets on top if you and deepens the kiss. She has your wrists in her hands and her legs is in between yours.
She makes you gasp for breath and kisses you again, exploring every inch of you.
She moves her knee up and down on your sex, making you get wetter by the minute. At last she decides to strip down of her clothes and get rid of yours as well.
Chest naked, you stare up at her in fear and arousal. Emotions bloom inside of you and you feel high when her mouth latching on your chest.
Her fingers trace your skin down to your legs. She doesn't have to prepare you for the intrusion because you're already wet, she notices with a smile.
She circles your clit, stimulating it and continuing to kiss you.
Her cheeks become red, blood pumps faster in her veins and inside her heart, some feeling starts born. She feels so happy, for the first time in years, since what happened back in the forest, so so happy. There isn't alcohol, there isn't hunger and there isn't cold; there's just heat and skin and you.
Her eyes water as she starts to pump her fingers inside you. She hears your moans and whines and she feels so... complete. Her mouth close to your ear, she whispers sweet words to you while guiding you to your orgasm.
Right as you come, she regains all her strength and bites down on your neck, blood sweeter than ever before. Metallic and sweet flavours swirl inside her mouth and get her on high, coming too with you.
Her body collapses on yours, the sound of both of you fill the room. Her eyes find yours and with surprising gentleness she cups your face in her hand, strokes your cheecks and whispers "I'm never letting you go".
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
Hey :)
Can you do some headcanons about jealous!nat please? (I can't stop thinking about how this was probably the only reason she confessed her feelings for Reader... she was just so tired of other people flirting with R and her not being able to do anything about it)
i think that only like pre-relationship nat would be like jealous. i think relationship nat would be more like sad/upset more than jealous if that makes sense
Nat gets super passive aggressive when she's jealous and hates herself for it. hits you with a “i don't know. why don't you ask Lottie" and visibly cringes as she realizes she sounds like Jackie
makes backhanded compliments about whoever it is all night if you know them. if you don't know them she's insulting their shoes, their hair, the way they're holding their cup, how they stand, the frames of their glasses, etc. 
staring at you so broodily while you're talking to someone that Shauna starts to feel like her title is being threatened
taking sips of her beer off by herself while doing high pitched impressions of your conversation. “oh you're so funny”/”no you're so funny,” while mocking their laugh
quotes the conversation later to you after she gets drunk enough that she doesn't remember it didn't actually happen. all like “i think you're funnier than she does, just so you know,” and you're like “huh???”
modern au nat def trying to get them canceled for sure. walks off to talk to whoever she was jealous about and says some shit like “what? you don't like Italians? wowwwwww” loud enough that the whole party can hear her. looks cartoonishly smug as she walks back to you
“do you think I'm pretty, y/n?”/ “what??”/ “shut up. no one asked you.” 
Nat does so much reckless shit when she's jealous, knowing that it'll immediately get your attention. catching Kevin lifting her onto the roof out of the corner of your eye sends you running away from whoever you were talking to. she insists that everything was under control till you came over and yelled at her, but her bruises from when Kevin almost immediately dropped her say otherwise
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joelsdolly · 4 months
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summery: your best friend offers to take your virginity 🍁
warnings: virgin!reader, oral (r!receiving) fingering (r!receiving)
notes: hai everypony more smut, once again please do not harass me or interact with me if it bothers you that I'm a minor and write smut !!!!
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you laid in your comfortable bed as you and your best friend natalie played truth or dare, it was a rainy lazy day and you had nothing else to do . you saw this game as a fun activity with your friend , meanwhile natalie saw this as an opportunity to ask you more and more questions that she couldn't normally ask
'truth or dare' she asked, you thought about it before choosing truth, 'mhhh truth', she sat up and giggled, 'okay when did you lose your virginity' her question made you freeze up, the truth is you hadn't lost it yet . 'i haven't lost it yet' you mumbled, she leaned in closer and cocked her head to the side
'what was that?' you sighed and sat up with her, 'i haven't lost it yet okay?' you said as you laid your head between your hands, 'really? I think a pretty girl like you would have lost it by now' her comment made your cheeks hot and your breath unsteady . 'you want me to change that?' she slowly moved close to you, 'wait really? you're not like messing with me?' she nodded and grinned
'i want to, it's normal, I mean I'm your best friend' the thought of her taking your virginity sounded weird to you, but she said it was normal and you trusted her with your life . 'okay nat' you nodded and sighed, you were scared, very scared, but she seemed like she knew what she was doing
she laid you down and crawled on top of you, she straddled your lap and started peppering kisses on your neck, once she got to your mouth she smiled at you before connecting your lips, not only was she taking your virginity but she was also your first kiss
when she slipped her tongue into your mouth the feeling was odd, but at the same time it felt nice, 'nat' you moaned into the kiss, she lifted your skirt and pushed your panties to the side . she went face level with your cunt and kissed your thighs, she ran her tongue up and down your slit, you grabbed into her hair and whimpered, she latched her mouth onto your clit and gently sucked it
you moaned at the feeling and tugged on her hair, she chuckled, she slipped two of her digits in your wet core and your hips bucked . 'mhh nat', she felt you pussy flutter around her fingers, she pumped her digets in and out of you, pushing you closer and closer to the edge
'ahh! nat!' with one finish thrust you came all over her fingers, when you came down from your high she pulled out and licked her fingers clean . she put your panties back in place and crawled up to you, 'how was that?' she asked, 'good' you mumbled, she looked at you in awe as you were completely fucked out
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ultrone · 1 year
i only write for young nat. she’s +18 in all smut content.
click here to see yellowjackets masterlist.
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⋆ ꉂ one-shots — 2k+ wc
hunting lessons : post-crash — nat teaches you how to hunt.
black star : pre-crash — nat and you hate each other, and it's starting to annoy the rest of the team. so, they decide to forge an intervention by locking y'all up in a room together.
under the pale moonlight : post-crash — after the crash, your friends with benefits arrangement with nat takes an unexpected turn. the two of you become inseparable, seeking solace in each other's company and ignoring the past that tied the two of you together—will the feelings you once concealed resurface, or remain hidden under the surface?
all eyes on you — jealous!perv!nat spies on u through the gym’s surveillance cameras and gets jealous of lottie.
⋆ ꉂ drabbles — 1k to 2k wc
spider lottie x black cat nat x ordinary reader : au
settle down
⋆ ꉂ blurbs — wc less than 1k
soft make-out sesh with nat : pre-crash
nat comforting you late at night
mean girl lottie and bsf nat
⋆ ꉂ headcanons — bulletpoints
dating nat scatorccio : pre-crash
her reaction to being jealous, simping and angry
yandere nat scatorccio : pre-crash to post-crash
drummer!gf!nat : au
older sister nat : pre-crash or modern au
nat scatorccio with soft princess-like gf
fuckgirl!nat / fuckgirl!nat falling in love w reader
protective!nat x pregnant!reader
⋆ ꉂ tags
nat scatorccio thoughts — contains every ask i’ve answered that is related to her.
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maddzroks · 9 months
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stealing glances...
lil bonus sketch under cut!!
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bumblesimagines · 20 days
Dating Natalie Scatorccio
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
Natalie Scatorccio is a complicated girl. She puts up this tough, hardened, sarcastic exterior for others, especially those who look down on her for living in a trailer park, her sense of style, or her drinking and occasional drug usage. Natalie's used to the insults, the jabs, being constantly undermined or ignored. Despite what she's been through and how others perceive her, Natalie has a kind heart and a strong set of ethics that come out when someone needs protecting. As such, Natalie needs someone who looks past her hard exterior (and the rumors surrounding her) and embraces everything she is.
Natalie isn't much of a relationship kind of girl. Sure, she'd like one, just as anyone else would, but she knows most people at school apart from a select few only see her as trailer trash. She lets her eyes wander often and sometimes lets her mind do too, but there's always some insecurity or negative thought ready to bring her down. 
Until she meets you and she gets that fluttery, mouth-drying, heart-racing feeling in her stomach for the first time in a while.
Natalie has a love-hate relationship with crushes. They can be distracting, and depending on the person, heart-achingly annoying. But with you it's different. Her worries vanish when she meets your gaze and she smiles despite herself, even if it means enduring teasing from the other Yellowjackets. 
Natalie pretends to be confident when you first begin dating. She tries being the cool, chill, no-problem girlfriend most would expect her to be. Except she's not. She worries a lot, whether about you, how you feel about her, or how the relationship is, Natalie worries to hell and back. She half-expects you to change your mind about everything, to take back everything you've said and believe the rumors about her sleeping around or being this or that. 
Her anxieties ease with time and reassurance, although she despises feeling like a burden when she admits her worries to you. Some parts even feel guilty and not good enough when you kiss her and tell her everything's alright. Her father's nasty words echo in the back of her mind but just one warm, gentle touch from you silences him and she relaxes, turning putty in your hands. 
Natalie's an attentive girlfriend. She's an observer of sorts and she keeps all your interests in mind, locking away in her brain to remember for later. After practice, she enjoys going to your favorite place to eat and chat about school, the Yellowjackets, and anything else that comes to mind.
Natalie opens up gradually, letting you see a softer more vulnerable side that not many get the opportunity to see. She dances around the subject of bringing you home with her since the last time she brought someone over, it ended in her father's accidental death. But she embraces the fear and the memories hand-in-hand with you and takes you home, even if it's just briefly. Natalie finds it difficult to speak of her father, of her childhood, but she trusts you enough to do so and appreciates your soothing words and loving gestures.
Natalie is big on physical touch and quality time. She loves touching you, although most of the time she prefers it in private and out of sight. However, even in public, she'll try to find a way, whether it's through hand holding, being close enough to brush shoulders, fixing an article of clothing for you, resting her head on your shoulder. Sometimes you'll even be granted a kiss on the cheek. Behind closed doors, Natalie's all over you. As much as she enjoys talking, she likes making out a whole lot more and you'll often find her on your lap or curled up at your side.
Natalie likes cupping your face when she kisses you, one could say it's a habit of hers. You already know what she wants when she places her hands on your cheeks and gives you one of those cheeky smiles. 
Being with Natalie means going to the WHS Yellowjacket games. It means a lot to her when she finds you seated in the stands cheering them on, cheering her on. She always gives it her all during games, lest she wants a lecture from Taissa or Coach Martinez, but she tries even harder when she knows you're there watching her. Each time the game ends with them as victors, she'll rush over to you and envelope you in a hug, thanking you for being there and giving promises of spending time alone together. 
The Yellowjackets are a family as well as a team. No matter how many times they fight or argue or have their disagreements or literally break each other's legs, they're family and love each other. Despite that, Natalie takes her time introducing you to the team. Most of them already know from simply watching or overhearing gossip, and while Mari or Jackie may ask once or twice, they try to respect the distance. When Natalie finally officially introduces you as her partner, many girls jump at the chance to ask you questions, ranging from sweet ones to rude or offensive ones that have Natalie scowling and dragging you in the opposite direction. Regardless, the girls begin inviting you to things or greeting you in the halls and generally treating you as one of their own. You put Natalie in a better mood and the girls appreciate it. 
Despite the rumors of Natalie sleeping around, she's only ever slept with two guys, something she admits to you with worry that you soothe away without even meaning to. Once past the rumor mill, Natalie often initiates sex, sometimes in the most random of private places. Sometimes in a car, on school grounds, at your place, or the bathroom of some random party. She's a hormonal teenage girl who's head over heels. Who could blame her? Though, expect her to be putty in your hands if you make the first move. She'll get all giggly and blush red like a tomato.
All in all, Natalie makes for a good girlfriend, despite her troubles and tragic childhood. She tries her best and she'll always consider you one of her first priorities in life, even if it means putting you before herself. You're the first one she runs to with news, the first person she thinks of when she wakes up in the morning, the first person she seeks out in school. She'll protect you with her life if needed and will defend you against anyone.
But everything changes when Flight 2525 crashes in the wilderness.
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mvlders222 · 5 months
hii, could you write about Natalie scatorccio and a reader with anxiety problems?
I know it's a sensitive topic and I will understand if you don't want to write about this.
(sorry if I don't express myself well, English is not my native language)
a/n; hi!! thank you for the request. i hope i wrote this well and to your liking. reader's gender is female. i have a handful of people in my life with clinical anxiety, but i also did my research before diving into this topic. if the way i describe these feelings isn't accurate, please let me know so i can edit/rewrite this fic.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
pairing ; natalie scatorccio x fem!reader
wordcount ; 1.1k
summary ; nat invites you to one more party, and you typically never accept. she reasons that this would be the last one before your guys’ flight tomorrow for nationals. this however doesn’t seem to go as planned…
warnings ; anxiety, overthinking, sorta angst to fluff, alcohol, underage drinking, mention of smoking (let me know if there's any more!)
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You and Natalie had been dating for two months now. And you knew each other even earlier than that. But throughout your time knowing her, she had never not invited you to any event whether it be a smoke sesh or a bonfire.
And you had always turned her down. This wasn’t your way of rejecting her, but it wasn’t exactly your crowd. You could only conjure up the most ridiculous and almost impossible situations that would happen because you just showed up in a social setting.
Your guys’ first date in your backyard where you guys shared a pizza and your first kiss (probably not a good kiss with the pizza). The point was that it was in the privacy of your own home.
You know Nat would never force you to do anything you wouldn’t want to do. But considering how she felt going to these parties without you, you decided you finally show. So she came to your house minutes before the party to help you prepare.
There you stood in front of your mirror, Natalie behind you looking at your guys’ reflection. She had her hands on your shoulders and smiled at you through the mirror.
She was dressed in a leather jacket and worn in Doc Martins. She had a red pleated skirt and ripped fishnets and a plethora of rings adorned her fingers. She had smudged eyeliner around her eyes but it was meant to look like that.
You were simply wearing a long sleeve since it was chilled out. A pair of thrifted jeans that were your favorite pair, despite them already being worn.
“Are you ready?” She smiled at you and you nodded. She kissed your cheek and grabbed your hand to drag you out of your bedroom and your house.
It wasn’t a far walk, just further out into the woods so you both walked there, hand in hand.
“Have you ever been to one of these before?” Nat smirked. It wasn’t mean, it was a genuine question. “You just never wanna come with me when I offer.”
“Not really to any parties. I’ve been to the football games but I never have any fun there,” you shrugged. You were the type to stay in and enjoy a movie, rather than agree with people who speak in majority filler words. It was exhausting to try and find any way to talk to these people without absolutely crumbling.
“I thought it’d be nice though. Since we leave tomorrow,” you smiled. You looked at the dead leaves on the ground as the two of you walked together.
As you got closer and closer to the bonfire, you could see the light and hear a mix of chatter, laughter, and music. A heavy feeling started to settle in your stomach, but you tried to push it down because what would Nat think if you wanted to turn around?
When you started to catch up with people and run into the couples sucking faces, it was like a middle school dance. People were spread out across the woods, but no one was dancing to the music. All talking in their small groups, holding red solo cups full of something.
“I’m gonna go find a keg.” Natalie let your hand go and walked away from you, walking through different circles of people to find a buzz.
You tried following her, but her trail was too spontaneous. She would push people apart from each other, even when they were invested in a full-on conversation. She would split trees and walk through bushes.
So afraid of losing her, you weren’t paying attention to the others around you, mumbling different “sorry”s to several strangers. Maybe you had been paying too much attention to the people around you and that’s how you lost your girlfriend in the crowds.
You couldn’t ask anyone for help, they seemed to look at you like you snuck onto earth. Whether it was the anxiety or the plethora of circles you’d made searching for Natalie, your nausea was starting to set in.
Your stomach was tied in knots and you suddenly felt like you couldn’t move. Your breathing became shallow. The lights were too bright and the music was too loud, it was hard to even think in a setting like this.
An unexpected hand grasped at your shoulder and tugged you around. Trying not to fall over your own feet, you grabbed at anything physical in front of you.
Your eyes came into focus. “Natty!” You let out what felt like the last breath you’d ever take. You pulled her toward you in a great embrace. You felt a splash at your feet and arms wrap around you hesitantly.
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” she apologized earnestly. You both pulled away slightly. “I completely forgot and I feel like a complete jerk-“
“You dropped your beer,” you interrupted her. Your monotone made her smile and laugh. It was something so simple that didn’t compare to the situation that was happening.
“I hadn’t even noticed.” She smiled and pecked the corner of your lips. She looked down at your hand and held it gently with her own, toying with the tips of your fingers. Looking back up to meet your eyes, her face became soft. “Do you wanna go?”
You took a deep breath and looked at her as if she had confused you for someone else. “No, it’s okay! But if you wanna stay. I’ll just go–”
She quickly shushed you and held your face in her hands. “Shh, baby… I love you more than some… party.” She giggled at the situation.
“Are you sure? Have you even talked to your friends yet?” All of your questions made her shut you up again, pressing her lips to yours, trying to get you to stop mumbling into your kiss.
She pulled away and gave you a knowing look. You just replied with a small smile on your lips. Natalie furrowed her brows as she licked her lips once over. “Is that cherry?”
“Yeah, it came in, like, a pack of four.” You giggled in response to her behavior.
“That gives us one more reason to leave,” She moved her hands to grab yours, pulling you away from the rest of the party. “We have to try all of them. If they’re as good as they taste, ya know.”
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