renaultmograine · 1 year
Explain in the tags I love reading people's thought processes.
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lothirielswan · 1 year
"They’re glorified gophers."
— Genn Greymane on dwarves.
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Hearthstone Art Challenge 2020 - Muradin by Vittorio80
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viktorsabbath · 2 years
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Muradin Bronzebeard
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druidonity2 · 5 months
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For The Alliance.
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nightmarist · 2 years
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Evil Arthas my beloved…..
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dukku-of-catempty · 1 year
Puppetry trailer of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a collaboration between WoW and Pili (team behind Thunderbolt Fantasy) was released today! Both the trailer and behind the scenes were uploaded onto the two companies’ YouTube channels.
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The trailer is voiced, as of Taiwanese glove puppetry tradition, entirely in Taiwanese. Judging by the behind the scenes, the puppet heads were 3D printed based on their character models.
This post by gnn reveals many details of the collaboration and close shots of the puppets. The puppets will be on exhibit in Taipei and Taichung this weekend.
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This post by Pili also shows Alexstrasza traveling in Taipei.
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scourge-lover · 10 months
Arthas Timeline, from Paladin to Lich King
 A friend asked me to summarize Arthas’s induction as a paladin all the way to his defeat as Lich King in a more convienent way than the wiki, so I decided to oblige them. It’s kind of fun summarizing it in my own words mostly! 
This first part is when Arthas becomes a Paladin, to when he becomes a deathknight. More Parts to Follow. 
Part One
At 19 years old, Arthas went to Stormwind to become a Knight of the Silverhand. This is when he met baby Anduin. Sometime after is when he saw Thrall in Durnholde Keep still as a gladiator. After, Invincible suffered the fatal accident and Arthas had to put him down. Arthas visited Dalaran and spent time with Jaina. This went on for some time, and Arthas invited Jaina to Lordaeron to celebrate both NobleGarden and Hallow's End. Their relationship basically became public at that point. They slept together during Hallow's End. For the Winter Veil Party, Arthas realized things were moving too fast and ended the relationship. Arthas was one of the jurors during Tirion's trial that ended in the old paladin's excommunication and exile. Orcs started to break free from the internment camps and Arthas went to Strahnbrad with Uther to defend the town from raiding orcs. This is when Arthas killed the black dragon Searinox. They defeated the blackrock clan leader who was leading the raids. A plague started to effect Lordaeron and there is official confirmation that Arthas is 24 years old at this time. Jaina comes to join him because the Archmage thinks the plague is magical in nature. They discover undead and an infested granary which lead them to Brill and Kel'thuzad, whom they pursue to Andorhal. Andorhal's grain is discovered to have been already shipped out to outer villages. This is where Arthas kills Kelthuzad but not before he is warned about the dreadlord leading the Scourge, Mal'ganis. They stop at Hearthglen to rest, but there is news of undead coming. Jaina leaves to warn Uther and bring back help. Arthas discovers the villagers of Hearthglen have eaten infected grain and are directly turning into undead. Arthas and his forces barely hang on until Uther comes to save them. Arthas travels to Stratholme and meets Medivh, who fails to convince Arthas to leave Lordaeron to the undead and go to Kalimdor. Jaina had been following him and tries to tell him that Medivh might be right, but Arthas ignores her advice, determined to defend his home and people. Stratholme's grain has already been distributed and baked for the townspeople to consume. Uther catches up in time for Arthas to order a purge of the entire city. Uther refuses and Arthas strips him of command. Uther and Jaina leave Arthas. After killing some of the people of Stratholme, Mal'ganis shows himself and vows to meet in Northrend, spurring Arthas to chase after him. Arthas burns Stratholme and takes the royal fleet, but not before meeting with Jaina one more time and ignoring her warnings. Arthas and his men leave to Northrend, landing in Daggercap Bay. They look for a place to set up base and are attacked by Muradin Bronzebeard's explorer expedition. He tells Arthas they were looking for a rare artifact called Frostmourne when they were attacked by undead. They join forces and start searrching for any signs of Mal'ganis An emmissary comes via Zeppelin and tell Arthas's men they have been ordered to return home. The men are happy to abandon their posts and head through the forests to the ships to go home. Arthas is furious when he gets back, and they are gone. He goes and finds some mercenaries to hire and manage to reach the ships first. Then he sents fire to them but when the men finally reach the ships, they are upset. So, Arthas accuses the mercenaries of burning the ships and lets the men kill the mercenaries, much to Muradin's disgust. The only way they were leaving, Arthas said, was when they were victorious. They continue to search for Mal'ganis, who taunts Arthas about his impending death and has the undead attack the base. Muradin and Arthas leave in desperation to find Frostmourne. They manage to track it down and the Guardian attacks them not to protect the blade from them, but to protect them from the blade. They reach Frostmourne and after reading the inscription at the pedestal, realizes its cursed but Arthas declares he'll suffer any curse to protect Lordaeron and asks for the sword to be released. The ice breaks and a piece hits Muradin in the head, knocking him unconscious but Arthas assumes he is dead. He leaves with Frostmourne in hand. He easily defeats Mal'gani's army and the dreadlord himself who is shocked when Arthas tells him the Lich King is instructing Arthas to kill him. Afterwards, Arthas leaves his men and runs off into the wilderness, but later the men search for him one by one. Falric and Marwyn are killed first, and then Thassarian, and then the rest of them.
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Sour Apple Painkaton
A Fusion of: Sour Apple Kandy King Muradin (Heroes of the Storm), Pain-Yatta (Skylanders) and Tinkaton (Pokemon)
Gender: Only Female
Element: Magic, Normal, Fairy, Steel, Fighting, Bug, Dark, Ground, Rock, Psychic, Electric, and Ice
Capabilities: Lollipop-Hammer Slam, Candy Barf, Piñata Summon, Everybody Dance Now, Mold Breaker, Own Tempo, and Pickpocket
Upgrades: Break It Down!, Piñata Posse, You Are What You Eat, Rock Candy!, After Party!, Candy Laser, Sour Sucker, Sugar Rush, and Party Mode!
Resident to: Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dark, and Fairy
Immune to: Poison and Dragon
Natural Diet: They're Omnivores. But mostly prefers sweets
Hunted by: Candy-Eaters. Even when they're cannibal kinds of Painkatons
Natural Habitat: Grassy Areas, Rugged Areas, Rocky Areas, Deserts, Valleys, Caverns, Nearing Lakes, and Dream Manipulation in Science Observatory
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esperanta-dragon · 1 year
And one more question, sorry for pestering you! This one will be about Shadowmourne. In your work, the axe is guarded by dk, and Anduin caught a panic attack (which is understandable) just being in it's presence. Only three classes can use Shadowmourne, and if there are no questions with a dk and a warrior, then how can a paladin decide to take an axe and not comparing himself to arthas?
The biggest issues I see with these things and why people struggle understanding lore or they can't decide how something work is...
In-game mechanic doesn't mean it's canon
Ask yourself:
Would powerful and important lore characters ask for help heroes all the time? Why they don't do stuff themselves?
Why Forsaken priests can use the Light?
How healers of any kind can heal death knights or Forsaken when they are dead already? How paladins or priests can heal them when the Light is hurting undead of any kind?
Why Darion or Sylvanas, Varian or Muradin were not up there on the Frozen Throne with Tirion to put an end to Arthas when they wanted to do it for years? Why they were suddenly not present?
Easy. In-game mechanic. Lore characters probably do all the important tasks themselves. But then players would have nothing to do. They wouldn't even kill some of the raid bosses because lore characters would do it themselves. Forsaken or Death knights would be dying all the time during raids because you would be damaging them instead of healing them. Death knights can even drown in-game which is stupid because they no longer need to breathe.
Same goes for Shadowmourne.
Darion went through a lot to forge it. He knows the weapon the best. Why would he give it to some random hero? If you would want to explain it in a book, then you would have to create a character with own goals, history, etc. Why would he not hold it himself against the Lich King? He was driven to kill the Lich King, that's why he forged the Shadowmourne. And suddenly he stayed in Light's Hammer and gave the Shadowmourne somebody else when he barely trusts anybody outside of his order.
In-game mechanic. Because players need the legendary weapon. Lorewise? Darion would not give Shadowmourne to anybody because he forged it, he wanted to kill the Lich King himself and he wouldn't trust anybody to hold it. But it's still very volatile weapon so Darion decided to keep it under the lock and key and he is using his swords instead. I still have a headcanon he took the Shadowmourne when he went to Shadowlands. Not sure if I will use it as I am trying to delete SL from my head.
Saronite has the amazing ability: living can hear whispers and it can drive them mad. It also absorbs Light. So imagine giving weapon forged from primal saronite to a paladin. Or a warrior who is not undead. Lorewise, living can't wear saronite armor or use saronite weapons because of that. Also that's why the undead or death knights wear it. It's lighter than steel and absorbs Light so it protects them from it.
I am talking all the time that I hate breaking canon and I like filling out gaps instead and still not twisting canon.
But I've learned to distinquish lore from in-game mechanics and asking myself what would make sense if in-game mechanic was not present.
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silver-tangent · 1 year
So I'm in the process of worldbuilding a little bit, and decided to share a tidbit about catfolk to a group chat... what followed, I think deserves to be immortalized both in my future manuscripts and on Tumblr...
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[Transcript: A screenshot of text that reads, 'to catfolk, flirting means fighting. This can be confusing for outsiders, especially if they hear a catfolk speak of the male, "overpowering the female as if they were wild cats," however it's a very consensual affair. Forcing ones self upon another is grounds for execution in their society, but if one wanted to bed a cat woman, he would have to defeat her in open combat. When two catfolk are interested in each other, the first- traditionally the woman- verbally taunts her would-be mate. If interested the mate then responds with a rebuttal, and if that rebuttal is met with a challenge, that is seen as consent. They then partake in a contest named by the challenger- traditionally unarmed combat, and if the challenger loses, then the challenged has won their courtship. Obviously this has led to a lot of confusion between catfolk and other humanoids' -courtship ideals, catfolk. By me
'Traditionally this contest is unarmed combat, but in modern society it can be any contest. A game of darts, ping pong, a board game...'
/.End Transcript]
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[Transcript: someone says, 'a good ambassador would be priceless in the world you speak of.'
response, 'Best part of that, and I hadn’t even thought of this, their closest non-furry neighbors are the dwarves… Which means, yes… a handful of dwarves have indeed woken up confused to discover they’re married to a cat… a cat that they remember drinking under the table after it said something about his fortitude… And yes, Drogan 'Pussybeard' Bjornsson did honor their marriage and really does love his cat wife… he was just really confused about the whole ordeal at first' /.End Transcript]
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[Transcript: continued, 'Drogan wakes up, takes a big yawn and stretch, smacks his lips a couple of times, removes hair from his mouth, and goes 'that’s not me beard hair…' Cat wife: 'morning Hun!' Drogan: hard reboot
Later, Drogan: 'so yer saying that by your traditions we’re married.' Cat wife: 'well technically we’re just mates. It’s an open courtship that you’re free to end at any time.' Dwarf: 'oh noh, lass! Yer in me bed, and yer hair is in me mouth… I’d be a damn dishonorable dwarf if I din’t make ye a proper bride!!” Cat wife: “you… you don’t have to if you don’t want… there’s no obligation…' Drogan: 'nuh uh. Drunk Drogan is a better judge of character than sober Drogan. Yer a proper pretty woman ye are, an I am a man of the cloth. By muh oath to Muradin I insist ye let us be wed posthaste, if ye be consentin to it. You can say no, I ain’t kidnapping ye… but I have a mind to court the women I kiss, and marry the women I… err… kiss harder… so I’m invested in this relationship if you are…' Cat wife: blushing emojii, 'that was adorable, let’s go on a date first…'
/.End Transcript]
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[Transcript: Continued, 'Alternatively. Cat wife: 'and what if I'm not a woman?' Drogan: 'all of my people have beards below our bellybuttons, do ye think we give two shits about heteronormativity??' /.End Transcript]
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[Transcript] Question, 'Would the, ah, natural method of reproduction bear any fruit?'
Answer, 'They would be munchkin Scottish Folds...' /.End Transcript]
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[Image ID: Someone asks, 'will they have long fur or have large that just keeps growing?'
In response to the question is an image of an extremely hairy kitten with eyes looking in either direction. They are more fur than kitten. /.End ID]
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renaultmograine · 2 years
Saw this again while looking through the voice lines. Think it's pertinent considering Dragonflight.
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aynodndr · 10 months
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Dil ne bilir,sekeri serbeti,
Aldigin lezzeti,baldan mi sandin!
Ne ari,ne de agaç verir nimeti
Elmayi,nari daldan mi sandin!
Bahari gönderir al gelin gibi,
Bir hazine ki görünmez dibi,
O Cemil'dir Cemal O'nun tecellisi
Güzeli yesilden,aldan mi sandin!
Çok istesen de inadin olmaz,
Takdirden öte muradin olmaz,
O uçurursa,senin kanadin olmaz,
Uçmayi kustan,kartaldan mi sandin!
O'nun emriyle göktedir varliklar,
O'nun emriyle yerde kalabaliklar
O dilerse,kavaga çikar baliklar
Su düzenli hayati faldan mi sandin!
Gördügün,göremedigin...göz O'nun
Bildigin,bilemedigin...öz O'nun
Dedigin,diyemedigin...söz O'nun
Kelami dudaktan,dilden mi sandin!
O dilerse, azlar çok olur,
O dilerse varlar yok olur,
O dilerse açlar tok olur,
Toklugu paradan puldan mi sandin!
Ibrahim duada Nemrut'un atesinde,
Atesler gülzar olur,türlü esrar isinde,
Ogul razi kurbandir babasinin pesinde,
Kesmeyen biçagi Ismail'den mi sandin!
Zulmün kucaginda Musalar dogar,
Açilir Bahr-i Ahmer küffari bogar,
Sükut edince esbap bildircin yagar,
Yoksa nusreti ebabilden mi sandin!
Kah gülersin,kah dilhunsun gözyasina,
Gün olur tuz bulamazsin asina,
Dün,bugün ne geldiyse basina,
Eden O'dur,eyleyen O...kuldan mi sandin!!
Atesini söndürdün,suyunda kaldin
Sütünü içtin de,koyunda kaldin,
Dünyayi evlattan maldan mi sandin,
Bülbülün zarini gülden mi sandin!
O'nun sanati varligin nakisinda,
O'nun sefkati ananin bakisinda,
O'nun rahmeti suyun akisinda,
Suyu pinardan gölden mi sandin!
Ellerin titrer,fer kesilir gözde,
Kapılırsınn pek amansız bir derde,
Maraz,musibet ancak bir perde,
Kul!Eceli Azrail'den mi sandin!
Amele bakarsin atesi tartar,
Rahmete bakarsin ümidi artar,
Kurtar beni ALLAH'IM kurtar,
Gönül Necati amelden mi sandin!
Ey gönül sen kurtuluşu amelinden mi sandın ?
İbrahim SAYAR
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worldofwarcraftart · 2 years
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Muradin Bronzebeard by Alexey Kruglov Source: https://ift.tt/JhecmQf New news website for furry fans: http://awoonews.com
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Muradin - Dwarf Paladin
By SilkyNoire
On Deviantart
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necroarchy · 1 year
The thing about Zoen is that Arthas never actually reckoned with her. He didn't think he'd have to --- as far as he saw, she perished in Capital City's razing. He lost her so early in his damnation, during those difficult days when he was still convincing himself this was the correct path, that it was incredibly easy to just ... not think about her. Ever again. To turn around, and leave everything of his child in the ashes. She simply isn't.
( In a similar manner, he notably thinks about Calia exactly once after taking up Frostmourne.
Finally he reached his quarters and the secret exit built into the wall. He, his parents, and Calia each had one … known only to them, Uther, and the bishop. All were gone now, save he ...
His sister is gone. And there the story ends. )
When he's finally confronted with Zoen's corpse, nine years later and mere hours too late, he's really perfected all the self-justifications that he was just laying the foundation for in Rise --- and anyway, he can and does easily translate the same justifications for Invincible's death onto her.
It hadn’t been a mistake, seven years ago; he hadn’t been wrong. Not then, not now. Not ever. And this was proof.
She had to "die" then! The Scourge was no place for an eight-year-old; presuming her gone gave her time to grow up and now look at them, reunited once she's finally old enough to be raised as a death knight and unlive happily ever after with him! Right? Right! This was destiny. It's perfect.
And if he has ..... moments .... where he starts to think about missing his child's entire life and death, well. He has a lot of practice shoving those thoughts into a box and burying it deep underground, doesn't he.
All of this contributes to why he's so .... forgiving, for lack of a better term, of Zo turning against him. Everyone else from his mortal past, he's had a very long time to nurture his grievances against. He's let his pain at the "betrayals" of Jaina, Uther, Muradin and his father fester for so long he's embraced the rot as blood. But Zoen was a child. Zoen is a child, now and forever more.
Because no matter how long they exist, Arthas is always going to see her as a child dying in flames and a child dead on a slab. He has never once been honest with himself about how agonizing it was to watch Zoen "die." To years later recover her fresh corpse from a pile. He is frozen in those moments forever.
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