#Most of my dragons are actually in the hibernal den.
tox-talks · 1 year
Coliseum traumatized me a few years ago and I've never been able to do it since, not that I can physically do it without hurting myself anyway. I spent 12 hours straight clicking during a bout of hyperfixation trying to get carpenter bees (or whichever bees the purple ones are), did not get the bees, and gave myself lifelong cubital tunnel and neuropathy in my hand. Clicking like that for any length of time aggravates it now and causes pain. I can't do coli anymore. That's why my dragons are always starving lmao. Gathering turns don't really do much for me.
It's also why I ask for food so often, because short of buying it, which I can't afford, I have a hard time keeping my dragons fed.
Thinking of reducing the number of dragons I have, but I'm not sure.
(if you want to donate to the food cause, my UN is toxictoxophilite)
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leviathanverse · 7 months
Another information dump about my HCD! au dragon species. Au belongs to @mylou-doodlesworld. All credit goes to them for the au!
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Species name:
Species name is: The Eclipse Wraith.
What they can't do:
They can't physically talk with their mouth.
What they can do:
They can go in the daytime.
They can go in the sun without getting burned.
They can go into the moon's gentle rays without freezing.
They can breathe a beautiful violet mist that can easy people's brain.
They can only eat a specific crystal.
They can make you fall asleep by humming a lullaby telepathically.
They can talk telepathically.
They can float like the other two.
They can control body temperatures like the Sun Wraith.
They can heal with the help of their mist.
They can walk in lava without burning.
Life expectancy:
They can reach ages of 20 000 years.
They are a bit more of a solitary species, unlike their other two counterparts.
Rarity, information locations:
They are actually a hybrid between the Sun- and Moon Wraith species.
But they happen to only have been introduced in the world some 2 087 years ago when a Sun- and Moon Wraith mated.
They are rare, but nowhere near extinction.
They lay eggs every time an Eclipse occurs.
They are known to lay up to 5 eggs.
Their eggs are the same shape like their other two counterparts.
Their eggs look almost like an eclipse, but in space.
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Egg colour spots and meaning:
No meaning.
Or that is what some people speculate.
How to tell an infertile and fertile egg apart:
Fertile eggs stay solid and are impossible to crack open.
Infertile eggs first turn into dust before burning into nothing.
Males and females:
Males are larger than females and have a small mist shaped like an eclipse float above their horn.
Females are smaller, and don't show themselves.
Very common to see.
They are lazy most of the time but can be useful to locate ore.
They are always watching baby dragons as if they were their own.
They do most of the guarding of their den.
What people get wrong:
People mistake them for the Moon- and Sun Wraith most of the time.
Incredibly trusting.
They often times save you when danger is near because they trust people and dragons too much.
Mating ritual:
They do the exact same mating ritual like the Moon Wraith, but only when there is a full moon.
They use soft leaves and rocks to build their nests.
Some nests have been recorded to be 3ft wide.
How they are during nesting season:
Personality and behaviour:
They share the same personality as their other two counterparts.
Fun facts:
Did you know that these dragons hibernate during the summer?
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so i'm someone who completely disregards offspring lists and parents when lore-ing dragons. as far as i'm concerned absolutely no dragons are related and no kids exist from them unless i say they exist manually, so by default my brain is set on "this dragon has no relatives and no childs" whether there's anything in the offspring lists or not to the point where i don't even really notice the offspring list exists even if the dragon is actively part of a specifically designed breeding pair that i breed all the time, just because my brain is hardwired that it's a purely game mechanic function that does nothing except generate more images of dragons to sell and ignore. by default i view dragons as nothing more than pretty images with some amusing site mechanics attached, and to view them as any kind of actual animal or person or anything more than a digital stamp collection of pretty images i can change by producing and selling more of them to get more parts to add to the pretty images, i have to add lore and try to think of them like that on purpose. in my mind dragon offspring lists and site relations exist on about the same level of relevance to lore canon as the dragon's rng length/weight/wingspan, onsite age in real time since hatching, id number, and number of likes.
i am also an extremely heavy breeding lair. every single dragon i have is either part of a specifically designed heavy breeding pair that's constantly on a nest to make me mindless money, or in the hibernal den waiting to be part of one. my hundreds of dragons have hundreds of offspring that in lore don't exist, with breeding pair partners that in lore they've never even met much less had kids with.
i also write lore. i'm not very creative so the easiest place for me to start on the fleshing out the personal life front is to figure out if the person in the story i'm choosing to attach to this pretty image has any in-story relatives. as i mentioned before, i don't by default view dragons as being anything more than images in the vein of collectable stamps and don't view them as being related to eachother at all unless it occurs to me to actively force myself to think that way, so in my mind every single character-ified dragon exists starting in a vacuum unless i decide they have any relatives manually. so since they start in a void with no history or family in my mind one of the first things i think of to make them feel more actually present in the world is to give them relatives and because i'm lazy and unimaginative and a lot better at worldbuilding than characters and so can't be bothered to scry a whole new dragon for the part, i usually just cast another dragon i have in the part. because it has the added benefit of giving me somewhere to start on making up a story for them too. and declaring dragons that by site mechanics have no relation to eachother to be siblings makes the most sense if you pick dragons that happen to look like eachother to do it.
so i ignore site mechanics entirely in lore, i default to considering all my breeding pairs entirely non canon to the point that it doesn't even register they COULD be taken as being a pair unless i'm actively thinking about it and out of my hundreds of paired dragons literally only TWO of them have ever even MET eachother in their lore much less had kids and their lineages in lore are very different from what the site mechanic says because i consider that just the game side of things, the simple programming mechanics that came together to produce this random stamp collection image i'm deciding to write a story about a character i based on the way it looks, and declaring dragons to be siblings/parents/ect in lore is more believable to me if they look like eachother. in a lair with lots of very specific, tight-range, rare combo pairs.
all this is a very long way to say i accidentally keep writing dragons i'm technically breeding as being siblings and only realizing weeks later that i am in fact still technically breeding them, and that the cultural atmosphere of fr is such that anyone who read that would automatically assume i think their kids exist in lore too and from THERE would automatically assume it was on purpose and a fetish thing and absolutely no one would ever believe me if i tried to explain that i genuinely just process the game and the lore as being entirely separate things and straight up don't think the site mechanic offspring list canonically exists. so basically i live in fear of people accusing me of being an "incest pedo freak" and getting me banned because i accidentally wrote lore that disregarded the game mechanics a little more than i thought it did and they noticed it before i did.
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commander-ledi · 3 years
unofficial list of frequently reported stuff you might be tempted to report on fr bug reports, but actually you do not need to report:
“multigaze is clipping through X ancient gene” - staff is aware of this, and there is currently nothing they can do about it without either reworking dragon generation system, or breaking absolutely everything in the process.
“i tried to create an item at baldwin, and i got an error message” - go back to the cauldron. chances are that its brewing, which means that you just double clicked the button. dot double click things. flight rising really hates that.
“i did not receive fiona bonus from bonding with a familiar equipped for my dragon” - your dragon is at hibernal den, and you are not supposed to get a bonus from these familiars.
“sickle kamaitachi / grouse basilisk / ashscale ophiotaurus / snowy owlynx does not show in coliseum/game database” - either your ad blocker or your antivirus extension sucks ass. basically they flag interactive content with multiple same numbers in row as malicious content, which means coliseum enemies with the id numbers 111, 222, 333 and 444. just get rid of that shit and get better one.
“familiar i have in hoard does not show when i try to equip it for dragon” - go to your bestiary and look it up. click on the brown wing icon. there is why you cant equip it. you cannot equip same familiar for multiple dragons at once
“i cant sell this thing for gems on auction house” - click on the circle next to the box where you type the price.
“dragons are not showing up in the breeding menu even though they are off the cooldown and they are compatible” - feed them. they cant fuck if they are starved.
also just fixes that fix most of issues: - if things looks weird, clear your cache, try disabling ALL extensions, and try another browser (not internet explorer tho, its broken and has not got proper updates for ages) - if shit lags, run trace route (yes, even if it happens only in flight rising), and ensure from task manager that nothing is running at 100% - if site layout is broken, clear your cache, ensure that your internet connection is stable, ensure that your zoom level is at 100%, disable all browser extensions, and try another browser (not internet explorer tho, its broken and has not got proper updates for ages)
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frillshark-fr · 3 years
Hace any hibernal den items that u need? Lmao
I have tons of hibden space but because 90% of my activities on FR these days is Breeding i can’t exactly put most of my dragons in there and call it a day but i can’t stop buying more pairs/dragons for randompairs so im basically fucked unless i get enough treasure for lair expansions
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ientina1234 · 3 years
Day 4: Monster
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Two months later, Yugi had stumbled upon a problem. The forest was infested, though this time it wasn't only one of the hazards, there were multiples, and all across the forest. Yugi fought off most of the monsters, but there has been one that would always weaken Yugi, which was a fire and something shiny looking griffin with 3 mouths. And that exact infested griffin made its was to their den, where Kaiba was hibernating.
"Oh you don't!" Yugi hissed as he fought with the creatures, firing multiple attacks and trying to make it back off from the den, but it seemed that it wanted to stay, firing back at Yugi with fire and metal, metal that Yugi was weak against since he also was half fairy.
He growled in annoyence and kept fighting with the creatures. Meanwhile, in the den, Kaiba was starting to hear something muffled. Something heavy hitting the ground, a growl, wind, and a voice.
His mind was becoming conscious of the surroundings and after a few minutes, he swore he was hearing Yugi outside yelping. He shook his head as he slowly opened his eyes and stood up. Was it already spring? He didn't know, but he felt good, no longer tired.
He decided to peek outside only to find Yugi having his wing stuck on the ground by what seemed to be a metal trap. Kaiba jumped out of the den in an instant and fired when he noticed the creature.
"S-Seto?!" Yugi was about to ask him a billion questions, he was sure, but he just hissed as he stood in front of Yugi with his wings half open and occasionally flapping them so the wind would knock the creature over.
In the meantime, Yugi kept bitting at the metal with his teeth until some of it broke and he was able to take it off of him, leaving a few burn-like scars on his jaws and outer layer of the wing. He flew next to Kaiba and that was Kaiba's signal to take off the ground as well.
"Let's give it a lesson! No one wakes Seto Kaiba up and gets away with it!" Kaiba roared and at the same time, both Yugi and him fired, their attacks intertwining and forming glowy crystals that when they touched the griffin, exploded in thousands of lightings and with them so did the creature.
Both landed back on the ground and Yugi could only watch in awe as Kaiba stood there perfectly awake, at temperature bellow freezing and even protected Yugi in the process.
Kaiba felt the stare and folded his wings against his body, walking back to the den. "I will tell you when you come back."
Kaiba screws the rules of nature and wakes up one month earlier. This could have some.. Consequences later hm?
Also this is why you should always practice open dragon mouths in 3rd perspective. It looks like absolute crap, I'm so sorry. I feel like this one didn't come out as good as all the other prompts I already did, but eh. The submission for tomorrow may come without an actual image, who knows.
As per usual, Kaiba comes to the rescue! No, he doesn't always do that, but you would guess by now he would do so for Yugi. Also I'm really trying my best to not make him too expensive either, as in, he still has a hard time expressing feelings, and is more direct then having small talks. I mean, you know what I mean!
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greatshell-rider · 3 years
[Chapter Index] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Tibia worked with quick, quiet efficiency, as she has for most of her life, ever since her father's passing away had required her to step up in being responsible for family duties at a young age. She knew now what she'd learned quickly then: this wasn't going to work unless she did something about it.
She finished attaching the last spell to the skeleton, then sat back a moment, letting her sore claws rest while she gave the skeleton a final look-over, making sure no bones would explode or rebound as a curse. That hadn't happened since her early days of teaching herself magic, but it was always good to make certain. As certain as one could be.
She flicked a glance at her nest of eggs, lying still for once as they'd gone into hibernation, then refocused and leaned over the skeleton again. A songbird's, which wasn't ideal with its brittle, hollow bones, but Tibia had used up all the "deluxe" bones in the days previous. These were the last full set.
Closing her eyes, her head bent close to the bird skull, she murmured the activation spell. Magic flowed from her to the bones, establishing a link, and a faint purple aura glowed around the joints. There was no leeching pull from the Other side, as Tibia hadn't called the bird's soul back to inhabit its bones. No, she had neither the time nor energy for that. Even this simple necro-animation, the sixth she'd made in two days, left her nearly drained.
But not completely. She scooped the necro-animation up and went to CS2's cubbyhole, touching the bird skeleton to the chipmunk's half crumbled one and muttering another spell. More magic left her, but this time she didn't feel a link form.
CS2?, Tibia prompted with a gentle mental nudge.
The chipmunk skeleton didn't move, and Tibia heard no clear transfer of thoughts, but she felt, dimly, an acknowledgement signal in her mind. Through patient trial and error, Tibia had managed to repair their mental communication only that far, but it would have to do. She simply didn't have any more time to spare.
"There you go," she said aloud. "That's the last. Can you test it?"
No distant acknowledgement, but the bird skeleton suddenly sat up and opened and closed its beak a few times.
"Excellent," Tibia said with relish, the satisfaction (and relief) of her magic working making her crest flare happily. This level of magic, the ability to let one of her servants command other servants, was new to Tibia, made possible only because, after all the many, many tests and experiments over the past few sleepless days and nights, she’d learned CS2’s soul now . . . stretched. Just a little. It no longer stayed attached solely to its own bones, but drifted . . . and could now extend its will over other skeletons Tibia linked to it. "And you can control all six at once?"
She heard Lamp yelp down the tunnel, then the scurrying of little claws hurrying towards her.
“Warn me next time, please!” Lamp called
“Sure thing, love,” she said as she turned to see the other five necro-animations, two squirrels, a gecko, a hare, and another bird, line up in the den before her. Despite the speed of their arrival, they now all stood perfectly still, hollow skulls edged with purple staring at her passively. After CS2's frequent chatter and easy jokes, Tibia found these skeletons' silence . . . eerie. She wouldn't say creepy, not after years of enduring teasing and lost friendships over her "weird magic", but they were unsettling. A little.
Her crest was flattening slightly. She perked it up and said again, "Excellent. CS2, this has worked better than I had hoped. I'm glad you have some way of moving again, even if it's different."
She waited, but none of the necro-animations moved. CS2 of old might've danced a little jig or done a cartwheel, but Tibia knew it was still hurting, four days after the accident. She'd just hoped it would be . . . feeling a little better now, with mobility restored. Six bodies to move now, not just one! . . . Tibia could imagine it wasn't exactly an improvement, not subjectively at least, but it was something. They could both be grateful for that.
"Alright then, to your posts," she said, and all six necro-animations scampered off.
Tibia lifted her wings to fly off the perch, repeating to herself all the protections she and Lamp and Atomic had worked to build into the lair while she and Atomic were gone. The sentinels, the traps, and a third den, dug lower than the rest, where the earth was cool and quiet so Lamp and the eggs could slumber without disturbance. The hibernal den would be sealed but for airholes, then disguised as just another part of the tunnel's wall. When the eggs were settled, and Lamp with them, two of CS2's skeleton sentinels would guard them from within. Two more inside the main lair with CS2, and the last two set just outside the lair entrance. They'd get buried by snow, but would help Tibia maintain the proximity ward she'd set around the hill as a perimeter warning if any creature got too close. Then, in case something did get inside, there were the—what was that scratch at the back of her mind? Oh!
"Yes, CS2?" Tibia said, turning back. "Do you want to test the . . ." Her words trailed away as she realized with a jolt that CS2 was moving, for the first time in days, yes just a single claw scratching at the hard dirt but! But! Still moving! "This is wonderful!" she cried, crest tingling. "I was starting to think there wasn't any hope, but you've surprised me yet again, CS2!"
Another signal to her brain, this one a plea. Tibia's crest stilled, and she looked closer at the necro-animation's scratchings. The tiny claw finished a line, then slumped back, exhaustion bleeding over its connection to Tibia.
Tibia opened her mouth, then closed it. She tilted her head, then stilled.
They weren’t just scratchings, but writing. Words. In Draconic.
"CS2," she whispered. "When did you . . ." How did a chipmunk, no, its reanimated bones, sentient for just six moons, learn to read and write the dragons' language?
She stared at those two words. IT HURTS.
Another tug on their link, with the same imploring tone.
Guilt stabbed through Tibia, twisting her guts into an uneasy knot. It's begging me, she thought. And maybe . . . but no. Again, Tibia looked to her eggs. It was already killing her to leave them like this, her mate going into hibernation to heal faster. Even with all she had prepared, she worried it wouldn't be enough, that Atomic would be killed by her kin, that Tibia would return—if she could, traveling in winter without a banescale’s heat—to a wrecked lair, her new family slaughtered in the ruins of their broken home.
"I know," Tibia whispered, even as the guilt and fear burrowed deeper and nestled together as one. "I know, and I promise when I get back I will do everything I can to help make it better. I swear, by all the deities. But until then." Tibia paused, steeling her emotions and wrestling with her crest to keep it from revealing them. "Please. I need this last thing from you, CS2. Protect my family. Then you can rest."
She waited, and it took a while but she would not leave without an acknowledgement—and she got it. Quiet, almost imperceivable, but affirmative.
Tibia's crest drooped with relief. "Thank you," she said quietly. Tied by her magic, CS2 still had to obey Tibia's commands, but she would much rather a willing necro-animation guarding her home. If CS2 decided not to care any longer, Tibia's lair defenses would be dangerously less effective. It was the keystone in all this, its mind the control unit for the rest of her bone magic while Tibia was too far away to command them directly.
After all the initial eruption of denials and disagreements that Atomic and Lamp had made after Tibia's announcement of her plan, Lamp had been adamant about not going into hibernation with their eggs. He couldn’t wrap his head around relying on an undead thing to serve as their main defender, not even when Tibia had explained mages might be sent who could detect active life sources and use that to determine the location of the lair and attack. He’d kept glancing at the necro-animation, eyes flicking worriedly over its shattered bones. But Atomic had defended the chipmunk skeleton, saying she knew its little soul was strong enough to accomplish anything it needed. Eventually Lamp had been swayed, if not convinced, and agreed to trust in his mate. And whether Atomic actually believed what she'd said or was merely desperate, it didn't matter. She and Atomic knew the same thing: this wouldn't work without CS2. And because they couldn't be certain, they just had to trust.
Atomic poked her head into the lair, snow dusting her scales after her most recent patrol. "Lamp says the den's just big enough now."
Tibia touched a claw to CS2's skull, sending gratitude and reassurance through their link, then flapped down to her nest. "Then let's get moving," she said calmly, in direct opposition to the fast beating of her heart. Atomic moved to help her pick up the eggs. "We haven't the time to lose."
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argothiasflight · 4 years
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30 Day Dragon Share Challenge -Day 7: Favorite Ice Dragons
Mask / Vraal / Sylvie / Xylia
Mask’s full title is The Dragon In The Iron Mask, it’s kind of like a boogieman figure, it’s very real but most people don’t know that. Dragon mothers will tell their hatchlings to behave or the Dragon in the Iron Mask will come take them away. (non-lore-wise it’s actually the dragon I originally named Zeus, but then I found that gorgeous replacement and didn’t want to get rid of ex-Zeus so I came up with an interesting story and kept the old dragon around in my Hibernal den).
Vraal is one of the Dreaming Ones’ most accomplished hunters, she’s quick and vicious and never speaks (like adoptive father like adopted daughter). She was the first random egg I ever scavenged and I worked my butt off to get her that Wildclaw scroll and gene her.
Sylvie was an adventurer but I’m rethinking her lore to match up with her cursed ice fairy look.
Xylia just kinda... is. I haven’t come up with any lore for her yet and I just bought her to be a mate to a dragon who didn’t have one. She’s gorgeous and I wanna come up with something cool for her but I haven’t managed it yet.
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zephyrnoodles · 5 years
Lair review for @pai-fr
Last but not least the review for Pai. Thank you so much for your patience and I hope it was worth the wait! Your clan is located in the tangled wood, but you have some light elements as well. It’s an interesting contrast. Your dragons are beautiful and most of them have at least a tiny bit of lore in progress: I’d love to learn more about them wheever you finish their lore. I really like that you have a lot of variety regarding your dragons and how you dressed them, this shows every derg’s individuality!
Now let’s start with the actual review:
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1. Yuuxli This beauty is ‘hidden’ in your hibernal den. I see why you are attached to her. Usually I’m not really into violet hues but she is gorgeous. The accent you gave her looks great on her as well. What convinced me to include her in this review are the song lyrics in her bio, which at first I didn’t even recognize as lyrics (I yet have to listen to that song, I haven’t found the time for it yet). The words really fit the shadow aesthetic and Yuuxli as well even though I can’t put my finger on the vague feeling behind my reasoning for that lol. I tried to google her name but got no results. I’m curious: is it a made up name or does it have a meaning?
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2. Nero Ooh, I love blue dragons. Her colors are a wonderful deep shade which makes me want to look at her forever. You kept her apparel simple and I appreciate it because it works so well on her. The red and gold of the lucky sage set break up the monotony of her blue colors which creates a nice accent. The lagoon wing silks soften the sharp edges of the bee gene in her wings. Her bio say that she is a smuggler and I feel like she must be very successful at her job considering her refined tastes in apparel. Maybe she is a person who stays in the shadows pulling strings and managing the black market, having grown out of the active part of the smuggling job? 
More under the cut:
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3. Drai Holy shit I love Drai so much. After seeing her I checked the ah if there is a copy of her accent but alas there was none. It works so well with her colors and damn she is a gen1? Jackpot. You dressed her well, she looks very much like the archivist her lore says she is. I don’t know why but the roses on her wings and feet just fit. She looks like the Sleeping Beauty who said fuck the prince and decided to become an archivist instead, following her passion. There is also something eerie about her and I love it so much. The Shawl makes her look very cozy.
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4. Xanu An undead king whose resurrection’s details lie in the dark. Who brought him back to live? And why? I’m a big fan of the color mint and also a big fan of the bee gene. It looks really good on him, providing some contrast to his brown-goldish apparel and accent. You dressed him like the royalty he is.  The moodboard in his bio is stunning. I want to print it out and hang it on my wall so I can keep looking at it. Did you make it yourself?
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5. Tau An old one! It even says in his bio! I’d say ancient but that term is reserved for the ancient breeds now lol. I rarely see dragons as old as him and I don’t know why but it makes me happy when I stumble over one, espcially if they aren’t in dead lairs. Tau is a wonderful dragon, his colors work amazing together, especially with this gene combination. The apparel you chose for him looks great, it all just fits together. His lore is fascinating and kinda relatable. I too prefer to be by myself and write stuff. His postition in his clan and all the rumours kinda make him the local cryptid, don’t it? And again: What a stunning moodboard aaah!
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6. Vitra I have a thing for smuggler characters it seems. This one looks more like a hands on person who does most of the dirty work herself. I’m in love with her aesthetic. Her colors combined with the stained gene make her look a bit dusty but in a good way.     love how the teal of the wing guard fits perfectly with the real of her pinstripe gene. The accent is gorgeous and her apparel fits a smuggler really well: Bags and pocket for smuggling goods and some armor for protection during her journeys.  She looks like she travels desert areas, maybe snatching some tech from the lightning flight selling it for good money? Also damn, her art is cute as hell!
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kog0ruhn · 5 years
Lair Review: Desmodium (302820)
This has been a long time coming because I’ve been having the hardest time concentrating, and for that, I am sorry. I have literally had the thumbnails for my choices sitting here in my review folder for twenty-one days.
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That said, the fact that I’ve taken so long is all the more reason for me to forego the Top 5 request you sent and bulk that shit up to a top ten because goddamn son, your lair is smokin’. You have some of the most vivid, unique, varied dragons I’ve seen with some of the cleverest apparel combos, beautiful color combinations, and in-your-face personalities that I have ever seen. Diversity is the spice of life and your lair needs a menu warning because it’s up there with the Carolina Reaper.
Also, I’m doing this for free because I am an asshole.
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Lyani was the first dragon in my lair that I selected, a nice and sleek astronomer with a mystical, ethereal vibe that just draws her to my attention. I’m typically not a huge fan of dragons who are too “flat” in terms of color, but in the case of Lyani, it pays off in spades. How her skin and her apparel match up is absolutely divine, and the lighter blues of her grasp match up majestically with her Lightning eyes. Everything about her is soft and “deep” looking, bringing to mind staring into deep water or blank twilight skies, and she’s simultaneously unnerving and relaxing to look at. I always feel like picking a dragon off the first row is cheating, but this lady is right in the spotlight where she needs to be.
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Ripley is unique in a lot of ways, with touches here and there that immediately make him an attention grabber. Firstly, he rocks those flowing silks and that gown way better than I ever thought such a bulky dragon would, with a soft and elegant touch that just screams sophistication. His accent, being more bluish-green, helps tie together his bright Wind eyes with his more watery/shadowy colors, and I love his smoke gene (which I never thought I’d say about a dragon) and how it seems to glow and build from said accent. All and all, he’s probably my favorite, fullstop, and I hope he keeps being amazing in your lair.
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Mesarthim is a walking dragon kaleidoscope, with beautiful natural colors and flowing genes that are complemented by his apparel and accent. Typically, I’d find such a dragon cluttered, but for whatever reason everything just seems so appropriately chaotic. The color coordination is on point, and the use of the more primastic touches help tie in colors on his apparel that just otherwise wouldn’t give, and help the purple of his shardhide and sage apparel clash less obviously with his darker blues. The layering is actually impressively done, and I like how you’ve managed to make it look like the shadhide and crystalhide are one and the same, extensions of his being that taper off and meld into his accent.
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I was hesitant to pick Valeraine because she’s in your Hibernal Den, in a section marked “Guest Rooms.” I figured that meant that you were holding her for somebody or she was a traveling dragon (addendum after this was originally written: She’s still there 20 days later so I guess she’s a permanent fixture??), but I can’t not pick something so beautiful. First of all, you have managed to use ringlets in a way that isn’t obnoxious, and have utilized her apparel to cover up more problematic areas in a way that made me bewildered about how she was using Shining Peacock Feathers as an accent. Her colors are gorgeous, he genes are beautiful, her apparel is elegant, and she has a beautiful but cutting appearance that makes me think femme fatale. 
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SommerRegen is another Hibernal Den dragon I couldn’t pass up, with beautiful colors, genes, and a lot of personality in a tiny package. I’m usually no fan of just cramming festival apparel on a dragon and then calling it a day, but I have not seen it look so cohesive on a dragon before. This is helped entirely by the stained glass appearance of her Bee gene and her beautiful secondary and tertiary gene, with a nice, dark primary to help colors pop. I’m also a huge fan of the little corn snake peeking out just above her scarf, and the layering of her mask and lantern so that there seems to be more wisps that usual emanating from the lantern itself. It’s a nice way to detract from the normally weird way the smoke from the mask typically curls around the wing.
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Azar is fuckin’ gorgeous. This is despite his troublesome tertiary color which, honestly, I’m surprised you made such good use of. He now has a bit of the same color scheme as the haunted flame candles, only subtle enough to not detract from the beautiful, night sky aesthetic that he has going on. The wisps of black from his hand/feet apparel add an air of etherealism to him, and I cannot think of a more fitting dragon to wear that accent than this beautiful boy with his perfectly matching midnight starmap.
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I... don’t remember Elif from my first sweep through your lair, but when I was going through for five extra to add, she immediately stood out. That filigree with that accent and those cyan NoN apparel bits? That is absolutely spot-on. I love how her tert flows into the blues of her accent and, with the aquatic aesthetic she has going, the smoke from her feet just seems to be whorls of water floating up from beneath her toes. The gold chains of her jewelry add enough warmth to detract away from the reds in her filigree, and all in all she’s a beauty to look at.
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Iseya is a simple dragon, but I got an appreciation for simple as much as I have an appreciation for snappers. First of all, I love the fact she’s simple; the single mantle keeps her from looking bare while, at the same time, not covering up her tertiary or her accent. The accent itself is adorable and matches surprisingly well with her noxtide, and gives her firefly gene a bit of life that firefly usually lacks. Essentially, it looks like those beautiful little bugs are interacting with the succulents themselves and that is just straight-up adorable. She’s just such a happy, cute, and calming dragon to look at, and well-thought-out to boot.
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Rashad is a boy that I wanted to pick for my original Top 5, but he didn’t make the cut against SommerRegen. Now that I have the chance to include him, holy smokes is this guy a beaut. Everything about him is just so perfectly laid out, from the coordination of his colors to helping integrate his accent into the rest of him with the use of the amber NotN apparel, which shares the same vividness. The Crystalcourt apparel looks like it was made with this dragon in mind, and that ghost gene? Everyone loves a good ghost gene, and the blueish tint (rather than the more neutral colors folks lean toward) was a wonderful choice for him (I say like you picked the color, but you know what I mean... I hope).
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And last and not least is Hades who I, well, I’m honestly surprised I like as much as I do. I’m usually not a fan of busy dragons and this guy keeps your eyes going constantly from nose to tail tip. I think what won me over is just how freakin’ fantastic that accent looks on him, how the colors and the patterning add to his lionfish gene and natural patterning/coloration instead of detracting. There’s no need to cover up problem areas because it all creates this wonderful pattern that brings to mind polished, striated stone. And considering his name is Hades, that’s very suiting. Ghostly colors like a king of the underworld should have, and a nice, mineral look to coincide with the fact the mythological figure governed precious stones and mineral wealth as well. He’s a great dragon!
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So I wrote this a while back. Its the first draft of a short story that’s going to end up in my WIP set of short stories about magic in the modern world. Let me know what you think!
Aaron heaved a breath as he rounded another bend in the track. He paused for a moment, to take stock of his surroundings; sunset was nearing and he'd never reach the peak of the mountain before it was dark. Groping through caves looking for a sleeping dragon in the dark didn't appeal much to the young mage so he began to cast about for somewhere to make camp for the night. He turned his head, focusing to cast his senses wider than mundane abilities allowed, and felt the aquatic life teeming nearby in a stream. He needed fresh water and so he set off in the direction of those little sparks of life generated by the fish and frogs and other water creatures that made the stream their home.
When he reached the stream, he bent to fill his water-skin (he really couldn't abide the taste of metal that modern flasks gave the water they carried) and, after taking several long pulls from it, began to make camp.
Aaron had been travelling now for some months, determined to make good on his desire to see at least one of every kind of dragon. Currently, he was on his way to the mountain top where local magic users had claimed a rare quartz dragon had made itself a home. Quartz dragons were very rare, but Aaron was determined to complete his quest and begin his research into his chosen field of study.
The last quartz dragon that Aaron had heard tales of had been sleeping deep within a mountain when a team of miners had unwittingly disturbed it. Assuming they'd found a quartz deposit, the miners were horrified when the deposit moved. The dragon had clawed its way out from the mountain burying the team of miners under what was later assumed to be an unfortunate rockfall due to one of the tunnels collapsing.
Aaron looked about at the somewhat basic camp he had fashioned. Unfortunately, his cridhe was water and, while it soothed him to be near a source of water should anything untoward approach in the night, this branch of magic didn't lend itself well towards making camp in the wilderness. Still, he had a basic shelter and a fire crackling and overall things could have been worse. Tomorrow, he would set off for the mountain peak and hopefully find a dragon that was willing to let him study it for a short while.
Dragons were notoriously highly intelligent, and as such it made convincing them to do anything that they considered pointless very difficult. A dragon is born with its instincts and its intelligence, which grows as it matures, and they live life governed by those instincts and their own desire - they therefore believe the study of dragons to be a somewhat pointless endeavour. They live long lives and spend much of it as close to a source of their species element as possible.
Aaron had found a water dragon living at the bottom of what mundane locals believed to be a very deep natural hot spring with restorative properties (in actual fact, it was the presence of the dragon that gave those waters a certain rejuvenating quality).
He had also found an ember dragon living inside a dormant volcano. His water cridhe had served him well on that occasion as he drew water around himself and over his skin to prevent blistering in the sweltering heat.
Dragons tended to prefer surroundings that reflected their elemental cridhe. As such, when Aaron had begun his journey, he'd had a good idea of where he might find examples of the 8 core dragons: Ice, Moon, Ember, Sun, Lightning, Wind, Crystal and Earth. However the gem dragons were much rarer than the core dragons. Being the infertile result of the coupling between a crystal dragon and one of the other 7 core types, they were produced infrequently and often lived in unusual surroundings; unlike the 8, they seemed to have no preference for a certain habitat, making them harder to find.
Aaron shook himself out of his musings and prepared to retire for the night. After eating some of the dried meat and bread he had with him, he bedded down inside the shelter and went to sleep. His dreams that night were filled with multi-coloured dragons, swooping and diving around him as he stood on the crest of a hill.
He woke when the sun's rays began to pierce the sky overhead. After foraging for some berries that were growing by the bank of the stream, he disassembled his shelter and scattered the ashes from his fire. Looking upwards at the terrain ahead, Aaron estimated that he could reach the peak within a few hours. From there, he'd have to rely on his senses, mundane and magical, and his common sense to locate the cave system that led deep within the mountain. If there was a dragon here, he had chosen his den well. Few would climb so high on this mountain, distanced as it was from any human population, and the cave system had no other entrances beyond the ones at the peak.
It was a gruelling climb. The mountain was covered in brush and trees that made moving in any one direction consistently impossible. Instead, Aaron was forced to follow a trail likely made by a group of deer passing through- if he found a dragon in the caves, Aaron would have to remember to ask it if it fed on the local wildlife. These types of dragon were so rare that the information that even the best libraries held were mostly deductions rather than confirmed facts. The trail that Aaron was following didn't lead straight to the top, instead it meandered across the side of the mountain, heading up in a route that twisted and turned frequently to avoid obstacles or too steep a path.
Finally, after three hours of climbing, the path broke out from the trees and Aaron was left standing in an open area at the peak of the mountain. After catching his breath, he cast his mind outwards, straining for anything that might lead him to the opening of the cave system that hopefully held a dragon. As he searched, he began to slowly walk forward. His range was fairly wide but it still might take several searches from different locations at the peak in order to locate the entrance. With his awareness spread like this, he could feel the life around him- he could feel everything from the nest of fledgling birds up a nearby tree to the herd of deer that grazed in a clearing further down the mountain, through the trees. He was looking for anything that might indicate a cave opening. Potentially a bear looking to use it for hibernation (it was, after all, nearly autumn) or an absence of plant life around the entrance. Anything that he could use to narrow his search.
Aaron was careful as he walked forwards- it was easier to focus on his widened senses and the sparks of life around him if he closed his eyes but he didn't want to trip and potentially dangerously injure himself on the mountainside. He was keeping half a mind on the ground in front of him, attempting to step around several large rocks, and so nearly missed the very sign he'd been looking for- to the north-east there was an area without any life, no animals and not even grass. That was his best bet for a cave entrance and so he set off in that direction.
As he strode in the direction of what was hopefully a cave's entrance, he focused his senses downwards, into the earth. This was a slightly risky endeavour- he'd encountered as many dragons that were keen to open their minds and share their knowledge as he had dragons that viewed it as an invasion of privacy and grew angry if they felt another mind brushing against their own. Aaron had no desire to come face to face with an angry dragon deep underground. After several minutes of walking and gently probing the area beneath the ground with his mind, Aaron felt a presence stirring in response to his. He experienced a curious brush against his mind and reached out in response, focusing hard on sending feelings of curiosity, friendliness and above all peace along the link.
The quartz dragon, for Aaron could at once sense that this was who was attempting the link, sent along feelings of surprise at encountering another individual capable of linking in this way and returned the curiosity. Aaron got the fleeting impression that it had been some time since this dragon had spoken to anyone. Dragons were not sociable creatures by nature, most tended to live solitary lives the majority of the time. The one exception was when a dragon reached the age where they could mate- then they tended to seek one another out and form huge hordes of hundreds of dragons. These hordes would fly from place to place, often staying as part of the group for several years before finally bonding with another dragon and leaving to begin the process of nesting and mating.
This dragon however was old, even by dragon standards. Aaron focused on a sense of curiosity at his (for it was indeed male) solitude and received the impression that the dragon's inability to produce hatchlings had left him an undesirable mate in the view of other dragons. It was at this point that the dragon's mind began to retreat from the link, leaving behind a final impression that Aaron should journey into the cave to speak properly. Though mind links were a good way to communicate ideas quickly and over distances, they were imprecise as only impressions and senses could be communicated, not specific words. Aaron was therefore as keen as the dragon to conduct a proper conversation and relieved that the dragon appeared to be open to speaking to him. And so, he began the descent through the cave system.
An hour later, after a veritable labyrinth of turns through the extensive subterranean cave system, Aaron was finally drawing close to the dragon. Without his senses to guide him in the dragon's direction, Aaron surely would have become lost- as it was, he had come to several dead ends and been forced to double back. Unfortunately, while he could tell the general direction of the dragon, this didn’t always correspond to the exact course through the caves. Nevertheless, he was finally near to his goal.
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whiteclericmaris · 5 years
I felt like someone was asking what it is I do that I am so rich in treasure in my vault.
I set up a system as there is a reason why Arialya is my Banker (because during May I spent all my treasure on Arialya's apparel to the point of being broke in one day)
Now doesn't it suck after you purchase X that you are below the daily bonus of 2000 treasures? (Oh yeah it always sucks after I make a payment for Lair space except when I sold the Phantom Gene where I had 100000+ left over.)
As one person in the forums wrote it better "As Arcane we are among the poorest because we don't dominate often and almost always have to pay Lair Space in full price" (Although we have the some of the highest members we each have to exalt much more extra compared to other flights).
So what did I do? Set up a system on how I spend treasure and Vault.
Originally this was the treasure I would set aside in order to purchase a Glimmer Gene for Treasure in AH for my Progen but now that I have the treasure I ask myself if it is really worth paying up for that Gene when it is basically the price that Lair Space is now. That's why I would save between Treasure and Gold to see which one would make it to the goal first.
So first: I put 100000 treasure in the vault and I always have to do this regardless of which day it is. (Originally my deadline was Saturday because Sunday starts the week again but now the deadline is as fast as I can)
Just to clarify it's not 100000 per day (No, and I don't recommend doing this).
It's 100000 per week.
Next up is purchases.
Although I do have my down days where I impulsively spend treasure when not feeling well. The gist is: I can only purchase 1 thing for the week that is above Lucky Streak.
Things that are under it? Like 50000? Yeah. 40000 yeah. It just can't be over 75000 from lucky streak.
"But then how will you finish your gene projects?"
Dude. I've been on this site for 3 years.
Staff updates with unexpected genes in some months. I know this because most of the dragons I buy for Festivals are based on genes that were recently added (hence why I buy dragons more for aesthetic with genes than to overdress them in like 20 layers of apparel) I buy them based on the gene I don't have or was recently added and by the time the festival starts too much breeding has been done with those genes to lower the price value of some dragons that are triple gened. I don't need to hurry up and gene a dragon right away and spend treasures when then I look at the update and scry my dragon with new gene and *weeps* it's so much better *cries*. (Like thank you staff for giving me a better gene I love for my earth week project. Please give a better tert for modern breeds too).
If I wasn't just loging in, feed, dragon, and actually gave my progens genes already? I would have been weeping when the genes they have now took a span of one 1-2 years for it to be released.
As I said before. The only constants in this game that don't change no matter what is: Lair Space and the addition of the Hibernal Den now.
You can change the dragons or get new ones as much as you want but in the end Lair Space and Hibernal Den are the must have and no matter what will always stay the same after you unlock all slots, tabs, (nests are optional for me because I don't have many breeding pairs and went without breeding for years on purpose because I didn't like having to exalt the babies since all I did was log in gather and feed dragons.)
Is it slow? Yes... but... my lair has no lore. All it has as lore is dragon's daily tasks and the objectives for the week. I don't really like showing off scry plans although I do list the genes I need for the dragons because I forget the scry plans a lot. That and an apparel that I have to wait for Night of the Nocturne to brew if it comes back because that price is yikes even if understandable.
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magichats-fr · 5 years
I hate that I’ve got, like ideas for other clans and things and chronically can’t seem to focus well on my main clan enough in comparison.
Clan Ibiliven, at least lorewise, is the most fleshed out comparitively of the four active clan ideas I have, with Helawen being second due to it’s nature (it was, at one point, a nuzlocke clan that started and went on an indefinite hiatus well before tabs were a thing) and Dreadweight Docks being third, and most of my other ideas either getting shunted off into Dreadweight docks or into it’s own hibernal den tab.
but now I want an entirely chthonic clan of dragons that’s either gonna be lightning or earth aligned. I’m probably going to wait until either a new breed arrives or a new ancient breed arrives before making a decision on that, but just like.
A whole clan who lives solely underground. Haven’t seen the sunlight in ages. I know it’s not the most original ideas, but my mind loves to make up cool conceptual clans. 
The real trick is how many of these clan concepts wind up actually sticking.
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whiteclericmaris · 5 years
I think the most annoying sells for me in AH when I have looked up Gen 1s and sometimes stuff like primal eyed dragons:
When the player puts their scry of what you can get with the dragon.
Like... for example the primal ice one I bought recently.
You are really telling me to spend 2000 gems on a Coatl and then brew a Capsule Gene (what is it with Capsule man? I'll take them for exalt fodder because they aren't staying [and I need to switch genes for the ones I have except Cow dragon. I can actually get behind Capsule in Cow dragon]).
No! I bought that because Nocturnes are basically Christmas Dragons in FR. And the paint gene already makes it look like snow and they got snowy eyes so yeah it's a Christmas Dragon already.
Can't place it in the Den until August but I still have the space for it because I always make sure to expand my Lair (Highest Priority to me because FR will always have a new update and in the case I plan to have a mass hatch of 99 eggs in the future I am going to need all those slots)
Once Lair is done (including Hibernal Den) I can freely work on geneing Dragons without worrying if I have space for it.
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