#Milagro Reyes
nico-di-genova · 10 months
Parts of Blue Beetle I cannot stop thinking about
Jaime’s Gotham U hoodie. I need it. I must buy it immediately. @ DC pls give it to me.
Milagro and Jaime sitting on the roof sharing a drink and just talking. It’s familiar for them, something they’ve probably been doing since they were kids
Milagro drinking too, which feels like SUCH a big brother move on Jaime’s part. Like yeah, sure you can drink, but only where I can keep an eye on you so you don’t do anything stupid.
The way Jaime feels like an adult in some ways and like a little kid still in others. They really nailed the early/mid twenties feeling of being a child trapped in an adults body.
No one pressuring Jaime to get a job and save the house/help his dad. It’s a pressure he’s solely placed upon himself, this sense of responsibility that he’s meant to pull them up and out, even though they never asked anything more from him then to be their Jaime.
The beetle merging scene, horrifying. Looked like something straight out of the exorcist.
When Jaime and Jenny almost kissed, and Jaime was left like half hard and embarrassed. So real of him. It was also another moment that just felt real, even if it was played for laughs.
Milagro during the entire Reyes house attack scene. Like Jesus she had me sobbing so hard. The way she was so visibly scared and crying for her mom, looking at Jaime and practically begging for his help. She was just a scared little kid who wanted her family, who wanted her big brother to come make everything better.
When Rudy was talking about Alberto bringing him over the border when he was ten and Alberto was 19. It’s such a short but emotional scene, and it really adds to the character dynamics. You see Alberto as more than Jaime’s dad, but this kid who also was once scared and overwhelmed by his responsibilities, but still shouldered them because it’s all he could do.
Milagro wearing her dads jacket for the rest of the movie :(. I love her, she deserves the world.
The absolute rage and fear on Jaime’s face as he was forcibly ripped away from his family, unable to do anything, as his father suffered a heart attack right in front of him. The sheer amount of terror he must have felt to realize in that moment that he was powerless and to see his sister sobbing over their father’s body while he couldn’t get to her. Jaime Reyes is a better man than I will ever be, because if I’d gotten my hands on Victoria or Carapax it would have been over for them. Also the way he just kept screaming dad/papa like a little kid calling for their parent after waking up from a nightmare :(. He’s just a kid, he thought he would come home and fix everything and instead he has to watch it all fall apart in front of him.
Jaime and Milagro in general, best siblings. I’d die for them :)
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motherloads · 10 months
Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight
Disclaimer: I absolutely love Jenny in the film! Too bad I like writing miscommunication. No bashing of Jenny!
The reader was supposed to be brooding and menacing? But she’s a wreck with a symbiote lol.
My spanish is also pretty meh in writing despite being Mexican myself. I speak better than I write! Pls keep that in mind ◡̈
Summary: The reader watches on the sidelines as Jenny and her longtime crush, Jaime Reyes become close to one another. Being Milagro's closest friend, she dreads when she has to come over and see the lovebirds.
But who says her little friend would allow this to happen? And who says what she sees is true?
->Pairings: Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
-> Use of (Name).
-> Marvel/DC crossover (mentioned Eddie Brock, Peter Parker, and relations to other fic)
->Warning: So much miscommunication, murder talk, and spinal cord removal :(
Once again, please ignore grammar mistakes.
I'm the sweetest girl in town so why are you so mean? When you gonna ditch that stupid, you got? It's me you should be seeing.
"Are you just going to continue to stare?" Milagro questions her close friend, who stares at her brother with a pair of love-sick eyes. "Dude, just go talk to him."
"Can't really do that," Her friend hums in response, "Look, Kord is walking over to him. Now he's going to have the brightest smile ever and then they'll hug Then she's going to pat him on the back and start helping him with your house remodel. Look! They're doing it!"
Exactly at that point, Jaime laughs as Jenny pushes him over, grabbing the paintbrush on her own and assisting him with the cream-colored outer walls. Jaime shakes his head in response, nudging her back.
"So what? I'm his sister, and what I can tell you is that they are NOT together. They're just really good friends!" Milagro explains, quieting down when Jaime looks over. "Come on, clear it up. I don't want to see my best friend so sad."
"I'm grieving," She pouts, lowering herself into the chair, "You don't see what I see. They are definitely together."
"Si no lo preguntas, nunca vas a saber," Another voice exclaims. Both girls turn their heads to her mother who shakes her head at them. "Don't be shy! I don't want my future daughter-in-law to lose her chance."
Feeling her face heat up, she looks away from the older woman's words. "I know he's your son, but I can't. I'm sorry."
Maybe if you weren't such a pussy, you would have gotten the guy. Does the K-dramas we watch together not mean anything?
The sudden voice caused her to jump straight into her seat. Narc had been quiet since she had arrive at the Reyes’ house hold. She hadn’t expected them to speak at all since he rarely did when she was at their residence. At first, it was off putting to never hear the familiar voice, but she slowly grew used to the silence.
Born out of wedlock from the original symbiote, Narc had been the symbiote who had begun their stay before she arrived in this Universe. They were the only connection she had to the life she once had. Or was it the other being stuck here as well? She wasn’t sure, she ignored all contact to the woman connected to her in more ways than one.
"K-Dramas are not real, idiot." She hissed under her breath.
"Did you say something, Mija?" Mrs. Reyes questions, resting her hand under the woman's chin. "You often talk to yourself, just like little Jaime."
"Mama!" Jaime calls out, "I'm not little anymore! Come on, don't tell her that!"
"You are little, cabrón. Don't you remember the incident? Naked con tus chiquito huevitos." His Uncle Rudy cackles, "Don't you remember that, ama?"
Their Nana shakes her head in response, smiling broadly at the memory. Milagro begins to laugh as well while Jenny sits beside the girls with a small nod in the direction of (Name). She returns the gesture, crossing her hands as she ignored how hard her heart hammered.
"I'm lost," (Name) murmurs, "So, so lost...But anyway, I have to head out. Thank you for having me!"
"Come by anytime, (Name)." Jaime grins, walking up to her and hugging the girl tightly, "Just remember to ignore anything they say about me, okay? Don't want them ruining anything."
"They're your family, I don't think they are capable of doing so," She pats his back, looking down at Milagro who fake kisses the air in front of her. Jenny seems to notice as she raises her eyebrows at the duo still hugging.
"You can let me go now, Jaime." (Name) murmurs into his ear, "Don't want her getting the wrong idea."
Jaime pulls away, smiling at the girl in front of him. His eyes flickered down for a second before he looked back at her, "Sorry?" She smiles sadly at him as she moves towards her vehicle. She refuses to look at the family behind her as she hears the conversation pick up again.
I think we should kill her.
"Absolutely not. There is a new hero here, Narc. We can't just murder a well-known figure and expect to get away with it." She groans, buckling her seat belt. She looks back at the family once more as she shifts her gear to drive.
We've done it once. And we can do it again.
"I don't think killing the Green Goblin counts for anything! He was already crazier than us, so the headlines were thanking us!" She exclaims.
His brain was nasty anyway.
"Do you think Blue Beetle is cool?" Milagro asks, absentmindedly moving her straw around in boredom. "Personally, I think he's a huge nerd. What do you think?"
"Who says you can bother me on my shift?" (Name) frowns, cleaning the bar top in front of her, "And how did they let you in?"
"I have my ways," Milagro grins, "Answer my question. I need to know."
"I think he's...unique? From the news I have seen of him, it's obvious he is of Hispanic Descent. His suit is otherworldly, so I'm assuming it's some kind of alien tech he is using. Definitely not Superman, though." (Name) shrugs, moving the alcoholic beverages aside as she begins assisting the bartenders alongside her.
"Do you think he's cute under his mask?" Milagro leans closer, "Would you date him?"
I would eat him.
"I wouldn't eat him," (Name) responds instead. She pauses as the conversation around her began to quiet down. Some stared at her while others whispered to their compadres nearby.
"I...didn't ask that? I asked if you think he's cute and if you would date him. Dude, where the hell is your mind thinking right now?" Milagro whispers, eyeing the men nearby, "God, I’ve always hated this bar. A bunch of chismosos who are almost always cheating on their wives here. They're always eyeing you too. How do you handle that?"
"First, I can't tell if Blue Beetle is cute based on his voice. Second, I wouldn't date him since I am sooo hung up on your brother." Milagro snorts. "Lastly, this is the only bar that offers the minimum wage. I can handle drunk men well, I've always had."
The conversation began to pick up again as most began focusing on the news displayed in front of them. Blue Beetle was shown on live television, fighting off rogue soldiers from Victoria Kord's force. Despite the woman being long gone, the impact she made had not quite disappeared.
"I knew you were still into him! I say you ask him out! You ain't a homewrecker if he isn't in a relationship!"
"Didn't you say Kord and Jaime kissed? That your whole family cheered for the couple?"
"A fluke! It's a fluke I swear, but it is complicated! Just ask Jaime, please? It would be so cool for us to be family."
"If our lives are ever in danger at this very bar, then I'll ask." (Name) turns away from Milagro's eyes, "That means it will never ha-"
Her voice gets cut off when bullets begin hitting the bar's windows, causing the occupants to duck down to safety. Many of the drunken men tried to escape but most were quickly shot down by the bullets.
Milagro screams, ducking down into a crouch as the bullets continue. (Name) ignores the danger as she maneuvers her way through the destruction. She grabs Milagro, forcing the girl to look her in the eyes. "I need you to hide behind the bar, okay? The bullets won't get you. We will protect you.”
"W-who's we?" Milagro cries as (Name) pushes her behind the bar. There was silence for a moment as screams echoed in the bar. "(Name)? Where are you going?" She pushed Milagro down, moving her way from the bar corner as she looked at the bodies around her. Many men stayed below tables, looking at her in fear as she counted the people alive.
"Nobody get up. It’s not ove-" Her words get cut off when bullets pierce through her whole body. She is flung against the countertop as a bullet pierces too close to her heart. She hears her name being called out as Milagro tries to find her way to the woman.
She smiles at the tear-stained face in her vision. The fear in the other girl's eyes was evident as she continued to scream her name. At that moment, smoke bombs are thrown through the window. The screams had begun to mesh together, the fog covering the vision of the little who were still alive.
She feels the blood oozing out of her mouth, the familiar metallic filling up her mouth. She sputters, not being able to breathe.
It's your turn.
My turn.
Shoes stepping on glass were all everyone heard as the perpetrators stepped through the mess they caused. They held their gun up in return, moving through the fog stealthily. As they communicated with one another, they grew unnoticed by the thing they had angered.
"Find the Reyes girl. She is to be left alive." One spoke up, "Kill every survivor." The main soldier calls out. They await the confirmation of the others but they hear nothing. "I need an affirmative."
The soldier gets smacked in response, feeling themselves recoil from the weight against their body. When they look down at the unfamiliar weight, they begin to scream.
The weight crushing them was there comrade. Left unrecognizable with no head in sight. The blood wafts through their mask. They begin to gag as they try to pull the body off of them. They freeze up when a bloodied helmet rolls closer. Empty and dented, the helmet hits their shoe with a loud clank.
The fog begins to clear up, displaying the mess left behind. The soldier tensed when they noticed the bodies presented around the room. Many hung from the lights, their necks cracking from the added weight of their helmet. Others were hazardously thrown against tables. One had a table leg pierced through their helmet.
"Why must humans be so selfish? Is this fun for you, you pathetic piece of shit?" The soldier whimpers in response, turning their eyes away from the figure crouching in front of their face.
The creature, despite crouching, was still overlooking the only soldier left alive. The disarray and multi-color of the night sky reflected back to the onlookers who began to murmur about the new being. They tilt their head and leaned closer to the soldier, their bright, soulless eyes stared into the helmet. They licked the sharp smile forming from the fear they felt radiating off the soldier.
"Unlike the Blue Beetle, we do not care about the lives of our victims. What do you think happens next?"
"W-What the hell are you?"
"If you must know, my host has named us Narc. Will you beg for your life now?"
The Soldier rips their helmet off, looking at Narc with a look of fear, "Please. Please. I'm sorry. I'll never do this again, please!"
"He had once told us the same. You are just like the others. Pathetic. Unworthy. A perfect meal."
A scream is ripped through his victim's vocal cords as Narc bites down. Blood seeped through their mouth as they ripped out the spinal cord in one sharp turn. Narc stands, spitting their leftovers to the side.
"Hey, ugly!" A voice called out, "What the hell are you doing, man?"
Narc cranes their neck towards the entrance of the bar, watching as Blue Beetle floated at his place. They both stared at each other, unmoving.
"Blue Beetle!" A voice calls out, Milagro moving from her hiding spot to the blue-and-black-clad hero. "My friend is gone! She was just--where is she?" She turns her head towards Narc, who stares down at the shaking girl.
"Get away from it!" Blue Beetle yells, flying through the bar as he centers himself between Milagro and Narc. "Take it up with me and not the civilians!"
"He just--he ate all the soldiers--" Milagro gasps, stepping behind Blue Beetle, "I saw what he did--"
"You--What the hell are you?" Blue Beetle points his palms toward Narc, who continues to stare in silence.
"Does my figure scare you? I can hear your heartbeat." Narc cranes their head towards Milagro. Blue Beetle blocks her from their eyesight. “Worry not, we do not hurt the innocent.”
With those words, Narc feels their familiar bulking figure die down to their less impending figure. The duo are lost for words at the new figure presented in front of them.
"I'm so sorry I think I misgendered you--" Milagro's eyes stayed pinned to the pair of boobs Narc had.
"Where's (Name)?" Blue Beetle turns his head around, "Khaji-Da says she is still here! She was working, right?" His questions are to Milagro.
None of the three seemed to notice the survivors running out of the bar.
"She is here. With me." Narc hums, moving closer to Blue Beetle, "Is Khaji-Da your symbiote?"
"Symb--what? What do you mean (Name) is with you?"
"Jaime Reyes. You are a host are you not?"
"Stop avoiding my questions! Where is she?! How do you know my name--That is not my name! I do not know Jaime Reyes. Do you?"
"I have known of the scarab on your back since the beginning. Do not worry, (Name) remains clueless, for now."
"Why are you saying her name as if you know her?" Milagro questions.
Narc purrs, tilting their head closer to Blue Beetle who stepped back hesitantly. "We have known each other for a long time. We are bonded together until she dies. She is my key to survival in your world. She is me. I am her. We are one. We are Narc."
“Like Narcotics? Did she get you from a drug? She doesn’t seem like the type to do drugs.” Milagro questions, stepping closer to the duo, “And why are you so close? I can smell you from here!”
“We are host and symbiote. We am not from here, you see. Your alien won’t know of us.”
Milagro and Blue Beetle share a look, communicating with silent words. Blue Beetle lowers his hand, allowing Narc to step closer. The symbiote smiles, their purrs growing louder.
“I see why she likes you.”
With those words, Narc sinks into (Name)'s skin, leaving the woman defenseless from the eyes of her long-time crush and friend. She drops to the floor, her wounds patching over themselves with a familiar goo.
Blue Beetle drops to the floor, bringing (Name) close to his body. He rocks her back and forth as Milagro stumbles beside him. Her eyes were bloodshot and the tears that disappeared has formed all over again.
"Why didn't she tell us? Why didn't she tell me?" Blue Beetle, now Jaime who removed his helmet. He leans his forehead on the woman and murmurs into her hair. He kisses her temple as Milagro continues to cry.
"Why didn't she tell us her hero name is literally short for Narcotics?!"
(Name) awakes to a horrible headache splintering her head. She groans as she shifts closer to the warmth of an unfamiliar body. She nuzzles in closer to the warmth, groaning at the light against her eyelids.
"Narc turn off the lights...I feel like I've just been shot." She moans, gripping her blanket tighter against her body, "I'm going out with Milagro later. I have to go buy cat food..."
"Milagro is taking care of Eddie, don't worry." A familiar voice whispers against her head, "Just go back to sleep. I'll block the sunlight."
"Thanks, Jaime..." Processing the name that came out, she jumps away from the warmth. She stares at Jaime, who stares back in equal shock and sleepiness. His hair was a mess, pointing in different directions. She presses her hand to her mouth, gasping behind it.
"Oh my god. We didn't have sex, did we? If so, that would be awkward because you are my best friend's brother and you literally have a girlfriend. I can't even get drunk so it's impossible for me to forget--oh my god am I in your house?"
"Hey, Hey," Jaime soothes her, smiling at the woman freaking out in his bed, "We didn't have sex and we were not drunk. You were...shot multiple times and some things came to light, but it's okay now, I promise."
"I'm still sleeping in your bed though! You could have left me, being shot doesn't stop me! We were holding each other?! What would Kord think if she saw this now?" She grips the unfamiliar sweater covering her body, feeling her legs shift through from under the sheets and hit against Jaime's.
"Jenny? What about Jenny? We aren't...We aren't dating if that's what you're worried about." Jaime grabbed her by the face, locking eyes with her who looked anywhere but him. "I can't just leave you when you were hurt."
"Milagro said you two kissed."
"We did once have feelings for each other. But it's long gone now, it was just a...heat of a moment kind of thing." Jaime brings her cheeks towards his chest, which she just noticed had nothing covering him from her eyes. Her hands stopped short on his stomach. She felt his stomach flutter in response.
"Besides, I like someone else. I like you."
She feels her heart stop at his confession.
Knew it.
"No shit." She exclaims, looking up at Jaime who smiles down at her doe-like look.
"I do." He whispers back. They both stared at one another until he leaned closer to her face. She felt his breath fan her face as she wrinkled her nose.
"You stink." She snorts, moving her hands to the back of his neck. He laughs at her words.
"Yours smells much worse. Now, come here--" She cuts him off, smashing her lips to his. He holds her waist, bringing her to sit on his lap. Her tongue finds his, leaning closer as her hand moves to stay on his chest. Biting his lip, she softly sucks it lightly. She opens her eyes to find his eyes half-lidded, enjoying the moment.
When she pulls away, her lips find his neck, kissing down to his collarbone. Pulling her hand back to his neck, she inhales his scent.
"Couldn't have waited until I was asleep. You are always like this. The same exact way with Peter Parker."
They both jump at the new voice, turning their heads towards Narc who floated their head around the room, reading the boxes that held different items. She turns her head to Jaime, eyes wide, waiting for him to begin screaming.
"Narc-uh. They explained more about your origins with each other. After finding them standing in a bloodbath, Milagro and I thought the worst had happened but someone--something told me to let Narc explain."
"They told you about our.... situationship?" She questions, gripping onto Jaime's bicep. "You're supposed to be running away--not making out with me!"
"And you! You aren't supposed to be out. You're grounded!" She growls, pulling Jaime's face into the crook of her neck, "You told him everything, huh? Why can't you ever keep secrets? She'll be angry our cover was blown!"
She ignored the look Narc gives, opting to continue her rant, “Asshole, is it because I’m not letting you meet Red Robin? You know it isn’t allowed!”
"The other youngling saw you get shot. Was I supposed to act as if I ate you instead?"
"Actually, yes! Nobody is supposed to know, you promised. We promised Eddie."
"You made a promise to your cat?" Jaime's muffled voice questions. Despite the situation, he bites her neck. "Who is Peter Parker?"
She glares at Narc, who innocently whistles. "No one Jaime, he is no one."
"Former boy toy." Narc responds instead, "Hell of an amateur kisser."
"You kissed him! Not me!" She turns to Jaime, pulling his head back to stare at him, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why they're acting this way. I'll go right now, seriously. I don't want you in our mess."
"Relax," Jaime comforts, grabbing her hand that stayed on his cheek. He smiles at her, "I can protect myself. Look--"
She felt him shift from under her, watching in shock as his body began to be covered by a familiar suit she had seen countlessly on television. Everything except his face was covered in armor. Whilst she analyzed the markings on his suit, Narc moved closer as well.
"Does your scarab only speak to you?" Narc asks, "It is unlike anything I have seen on my planet. Do you feed them as well?"
"They aren't really fed? They don't need sustenance. Khaji-Da only talks to me in my head so they're like a second voice...and planet?"
"This is going to be a long talk," She sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly, "At least you don't have to feed them human brains..."
"What?" Jaime recoils, looking at the two with wide eyes, "I'm sorry? Brains? Like Zombies? The Walking Dead? Like zombies from The Last of Us?!"
"I thought you told him everything!"
"I would never tell of my eating habits! Humans are judgemental!"
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wazzappp · 10 months
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harveyguillensource · 10 months
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Blue Beetle character posters by Millennial Lotería!
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hazelsmirrorball · 9 months
Spiderman’s Biggest Fan |  Jaime Reyes part 3
summary:  Jaime Reyes is the biggest spiderman fan. His girlfriend on the other hand is Spiderman's biggest hater. 
pairings: Jaime Reyes x Spiderman! FemReader 
a/n:  Part 3 baby! Hope you guys are enjoying this little series. There’s going to be one more part. I hope you guys enjoy it. Wrote this in my literature class. 
warning: English isn’t my main language. Angsty and kinda sad. Scenes taken out of No Way Home. Not edited
part one. part two  part four part five.
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Timing was never right when it came to Y/n’s life. Uncle Ben’s death, getting bit by the radioactive spider in the beginning of her relationship, Attempting to protect Palmera as she was surviving her teenage years. She finally wanted to scream to the world, well her world that she was Spiderman. But maybe the odds weren’t in her favor, maybe it was better if he didn’t know she was Spiderman. What he didn’t know couldn’t kill him. It was hard sometimes to understand what was good about being Spiderman. Don’t get her wrong she didn’t hate it but recently she wasn’t the biggest fan. But there was something positive about being Spiderman and keeping it a secret. Everyone was safe. Safe from danger and all the villains Palmera had to offer, but now with Doc Ock outside of her apartment she hesitated on what was actually safe for her family. No one besides the Justice League and Milagro knew her  identity. She had made it her job to be as discreet as possible making it impossible to trace Spiderman to her and her family. Aunt Marisol was the only thing she had left of the family. She couldn’t lose her. Y/n wasn’t going to lose her. 
Y/n snapped back to reality noticing who Jaime held onto both of her hands searching for her gaze to calm her down. Before Milagro could even speak again Y/n got up from the bed taking Jaime by the hand and Milagro by the arm. She led them  both as quickly as possible into their safe room, Marisol made in case any emergency would’ve happened. Ever since Uncle Ben died due to a robbery her aunt had become paranoid with the villains in Palmera city. Spiderman eased Marisol nerves, making her grateful for her doing patrol. Y/n never really thought it was important to have that, but now she was thankful of her Aunt’s paranoia. 
Y/n rushed the Reyes siblings into the room noticing that everyone else was  sitting inside panic filling their faces. As she paced back and forth trying to think what was best for them, Y/n looked towards the door and scanned the room once again, her eyes bumping into Jaime. 
“Get inside Jaime. It’s not safe outside” She responded seriously, not wanting to be questioned right now.  Right wasn’t the time for the family to find out about her secret identity but it also wasn’t the time for Jaime to get all protective. Marisol could be dead right now for all they know. 
“Get inside? Are you insane, Y/n! A literal murderer has your aunt and you want me to go inside, While you are there doing what, talking sense into him? Are you hearing yourself right now? I’m not letting you go. This isn’t a prick from your job. It’s a guy that could kill you just by blinking. ” Jaime replied, taking her by the arm. Y/n glared at him sternly. 
“I’m not asking for your input on my decision, Jaime. Now stay inside. ” Y/n responded using her super strength to push Jaime in the room locking the door behind her.  She could hear Jaime pounding on the door, but it was useless, he wasn’t able to break it down.
“Y/n! Please open the door before you do something stupid. You are going to get yourself hurt!”  Jaime yelled, still banging on the door. Y/n slipped on her suit that was hidden behind one of the bases as she heard Jaime’s bickering. 
“I’ll be back! I can’t let anything happen to Aunt Marisol.”  she said against the door before running towards the kitchen where she could see the broken windows. She slipped her body outside of their apartment searching around in an attempt to see her. 
On the other side of the door, Jaime continued to break the security door but he wasn’t able to do a thing. His family looked around in confusion, noticing how Khaji Da was nowhere to be found. 
“Khaji, I really need you right now.” Jaime replied, resting his forehead on the door stopping his constant banging, noticing the blood dripping from his knuckles. 
Jaime, Y/n is going to be fine. Follow her orders and stay here. 
Jaime felt his body drag against the door as he hid his face in his hands desperate tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Milagros slowly walked towards him, sitting by his side. 
 “We are safe here, don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen, I bet there’s a superhero on their way soon. Y/n and Marisol will be okay. ” Milagro replied, trying to ease the tension in the dark room. 
“I am the superhero Milly! I can’t wait here if I know that Marisol and Y/n are outside with a maniac.” 
Y/n climbed the tall building as fast as she could, finally reaching the top. She looked around desperately trying to find Doc Oc but  she wasn’t lucky, her view being blocked by smoke coming all around making it quite impossible for her to see. She turned around in her spot trying to discover what was going on as she felt her spider senses tingling. Before she could even process what was going to happen she felt herself being pushed towards the hard ceiling. She looked up to see the familiar pair of eyes looking at her. Y/n tried fighting back but the hold he had on her was strong. He was getting powerful. 
“Look who finally decided to show up. I thought Mister Spiderman has gotten big for Palmera City, I see. Forgot about his little friends in Palmera. I was starting to miss you terribly.” Green Goblin yelled as Y/n attempted to swing a punch but failed miserably.  Goblin laughed as she struggled under his touch. 
“I was taking a break from your bullshit. Might I add that I personally didn’t miss it at all” Y/n muttered moving side to side. Her suit scanned Goblin in an attempt to see how he had gotten so powerful the past two weeks. Her eyes wide as Karen told her the information. 
Target has upgraded his suit and he made more contributions to his DNA. Making him at least eighty percent stronger than before. I believe you should request for backup. 
Y/n rolled her eyes as she muttered a no towards Karen, noticing how she had Batman and Blue Beetle on speed dial. 
“What a pity. I wished we got a visit from the bat, to make things a little bit more interesting than having you around. It’s too easy to win a fight and now thanks to my new upgrades you can’t even fight back. What a shame. I think that your Justice league card should be revoked. They have you fighting the Joker when you aren’t even capable of getting out of my grip. Has Metropolis rubbed on you?” Green Goblin yelled at Y/n as she moved her body attempting to get out of his touch. 
“Whatever this is. You don’t have to involve that citizen. This is between the two of us.” Y/n's voice changed as the artificial intelligence from her suit made her voice sound more “masculine”. 
“Oh you mean your little aunty? Let me tell you she isn’t just a normal citizen. She is attached to you so that means it is a perfect way to get to you and might I add you are good at covering your identity couldn’t find anything aside the fact that she was your aunt. Marisol is a beaut don’t you think? What a shame she has to die. Maybe I could’ve been your new uncle Ben.” And with those words slipping out of Goblins mouth Y/n shoot her spider webs hitting a pipe in front of her while flipping the bodies making her have a hold on the villain in front of her.
 As she slammed through a few floors she could hear Green Goblin laughing as she went down floor by floor. Her anger took over, not even feeling the bricks scrapping her body. Y/n stopped looking down at the man  as she  heard her aunt yelling spiderman. She quickly looked up, noticing that Doc oc was near but Aunt Marisol was nowhere to be found. They were messing with her and it was working. 
Before she could shoot her webs to go to the other villain, Green Goblin took her by the waist throwing her against the crystal door smashing them. Y/n ran as fast trying to avoid another hit or even more damage to her neighbors apartment.  As she caught her breath, Green Goblin clapped slowly taunting her. As he stood a few steps away from her, he laughed looking at her directly. 
“Strong enough to have it all, L/n?” He asked and before he could make the next move. Y/n shoot her webs taking a piece of the door that flew off and slamming it into him. Before It could even hit him, Green Goblin broke it.
“Or too weak to take it” He continued as  Y/n got up trying to swing a punch but Green Goblin quickly caught it, throwing her to the other side of the long hallway. Y/n could feel her body start to weaken as she heard her name come out of his mouth. Green Goblin smashes Y/n  through a window but Y/n quickly  fires webs and pulls herself  back inside only to be flung  through another window, out onto the balcony. Green Goblin pounces onto Y/n. As she lets out a whimper in pain trying to hit him with hands falling miserably she webs the balcony above to flip himself on top of Green Goblin smashing him down to the balcony below. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Y/n tries to web herself away from him. Goblin grabs Y/n’s leg and throws her through a window. 
She limped towards him as she felt her mask breaking. Leaving part of her face visible. Green Goblin smirks at her excitedly as he sees her features
“Always thought you were a dude but now your shitty fighting skills make sense” He responded laughing as his laugh echoed through her ears. She ran towards him pushing him against all the floors of the apartment complex. When they reached the first floor, Y/n took her mask off, taking the man by his suit as she spit her blood on him. 
“I want you to see how well a girl beats your ass”   She responded slamming him against the floor. As every hit got stronger, he laughed harder, messing with her head. 
‘Did you forget who’s in control here? Kill me and your little miss aunt Marisol is dead. What’s it going to be, Y/n. ” He replied, smirking at her. Y/n slowly turned around hearing footsteps behind her. She felt her eyes shut in pain as she noticed Marisol’s body from afar. 
“Go! Please Marisol, run! Marisol please save yourself” As she hears her getting closer. Goblin gripped on her neck laughing maniacally. 
“Your weakness, L/n , is morality. It’s choking you! Can’t you feel it?”  Green Goblin gripped harder as she struggled to breath. 
“Marisol…Please go” Y/n replied, barely audible as she  noticed Green Goblins familiar booms coming towards her at full speed. Marisol, noticing her niece's face, froze dead in her tracks not believing what seeing but didn't notice the bomb that was coming at full speed towards her. Y/n let go of the green goblins body  running as fast as she could towards Marisol but before she could get a step closer her body flew towards the wall as the bomb exploded. 
“L/n,L/n , L/n. No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later” Green Goblin said as he left. Y/n tried to move her body as pain overtook her body. Pushing past the pieces of concrete Y/n slipped her body out of the blocks lipping towards Marisol. With all of  her strength she pushed the concrete off Marisol's body trying to see what conditions she was in. Y/n leaned in trying to clean the blood off her face as she noticed the small smile on her lips.  May tries to  get up slowly covered in dust, Y/n slowly caresses her face trying to get the dust out. Y/n clutched her side in pain 
“Marisol, Marisol, I’m here”  Y/n replied while sending her a pained smile. Marisol got up and pulled her into a tight hug. Y/n could feel her tears welding up. Marisol opens her mouth to talk but before a world could come out her body  slowly gave up stumbling back. Y/n quickly catches holding her body close as Marisol mumbles incoherent things as Y/n searches her eyes worriedly. 
“Marisol..it’s okay. We are okay, right? You are okay”’ Y/n replied her breathing changing drastically making her feel a wave of anxiety.
“Yeah, got knocked on my ass” Marisol replied softly letting out a light chuckle. Y/n gave her a side smile as she brushed Marisol hair out of her face.  
“Yeah, me too.” 
“That’s all,” May replied softly, dozing off a little bit. Y/n moved her softly trying to keep her awake.
“I think I broke my ribs” Y/n said trying to gain her attention. Marisol's eyes flutter open watching her wounded side. Y/n clutches to her side wincing as Marisol looks around taking in all the destruction around them. 
“I can’t believe that our nosy neighbors haven’t shown up by now. Haven’t they noticed that they don’t have an apartment anymore” Marisol responded, trying to lighten the mood. Y/n looked around noticing the mess she had made. She scrunched up her face in disgust and disappointed in herself. 
“This is all my fault, Marisol. I never wanted to get you in danger, that’s why I never told you. I wanted to keep you safe and I couldn’t even do that'' Y/n replied, warm tears falling onto her cheeks. Marisol shook her head holding her hand for comfort. 
“This isn’t your fault, Y/n. You are a hero! You did the right thing. That’s amazing.Now it makes so much sense the fact that you “outgrew” your asthma ” She said grinning. Y/n let out a teary laugh as she shook her head. Marisol was at the verge of death and she still managed to make jokes. 
“Still, Marisol. It’s not my responsibility, I should be like a normal adult working studying, not risking my family's life!” She exclaimed  as she squeezed Marisol's hand. 
“No, no, no, Y/n. You listen to me, You have a gift. You have power, and with great power, there must also come great responsibility.” Marisol replied seriously as Y/n nodded slowly, understanding her words. 
“Yeah, I know,” She said softly as she watched Marisol get up slowly. 
“Let’s get the hell out of here. We need to check on the  Reyes” Marisol said as she got up slowly. As Marisol got up she noticed the blood on her hands, she felt her body falling to the ground. Y/n quickly leans over her inspecting her body. 
“What happened? Are you okay” Y/n replied, inspecting her body all over. She knew something bad was going to happen. 
“I’m okay” Marisol replied softly trying not to worry, Y/n. Marisol closed her eyes for a few minutes before fluttering them open to look at her niece. 
“Yeah, you’re okay. What happened, Aunt Marisol?” Y/n replied  as she slowly inspected her, not wanting her to panic. 
“Just have to catch.. Just need to… catch my breath.”  Marisol replied, taking deep breaths. As she closed her eyes. 
“Okay, well catch your breath. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. We are going to take our time, you catch your breath, and then we’ll take you to a doctor okay” Y/n said as her eyes dropped noticing Marisol's side. She slowly touches it, noticing her hands covered in blood making her heart stop
“Are you okay, mi niña?” Marisol replied softly, rubbing her cheek. Y/n starts yelling loudly for help desperately. 
“Somebody help!  I need an ambulance, please! Someone help me. Please” She replied resting her hand on top of mays looking around for help. 
“What happened?” Marisol replied, already losing consciousness of what was happening. Y/n looked at her with teary eyes.She quickly rubs her tears away and looks at her. 
“Nothing happened. You’re okay..You're okay aunt Marisol” Y/n replied trying to  convince Marisol and herself. 
“I just need to catch my breath. I need a minute” May said as she closed her eyes this time longer than the last. Y/n watched quietly not wanting to let her go. 
“I’m right here. I’m right here, Aunt Marisol…We are okay, it’s just you and me.It’s always been you and me” She whispered, holding onto her hand. Y/n how Marisol smiled softly but her face fell when she noticed her hand let go of her cheek. 
“Marisol? Marisol? Will you look at me? Marisol. Please Marisol…Marisol, please wake up and talk to me! Please” Y/n said as she shook her softly every word becoming louder than the next. Her cries became sobs as she tried to get Marisol pulse. Y/n broke down falling on top of her crying into her chest. She could hear from a few blocks away the sirens coming their way. Before she could even have another minute to mourn she heard Karen speak. 
Miss L/n, I know this is hard but it’s time to go. They can’t catch you here, I already called for backup. 
Y/n let out a sigh as she cleaned her tears turning her back on Marisol not wanting to cry here, it wasn’t the time. Right now she wasn’t Y/n she was Spiderman and Spider had always agreed with the police that “he’ would leave before they got there and this sadly couldn’t be the exception. She felt herself push her body to move to  swing her body building to building. 
With great power comes great responsibility,even leaving loved ones behind. 
part 3
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thorinsbeard · 7 months
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Movies watched in 2023: Blue Beetle
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runeiio · 1 month
*puts a human kidney on the counter*
More age swap Green Lantern Milagro and Infiltrator Jaime please
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you can have the kidney back tho
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soranatus · 1 year
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Just another day in the life of your average teenage superhero! By Kiara | flxshdoodles!
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upsidedown-cats · 8 months
I firmly believe that Bart's knowledge of Spanish depends entirely on how much he wants to annoy Jaime at that given moment
He has absolutely had a fluent conversation with Milagro before immediately turning to Jaime and butchering "hermano"
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anindecisivespirit · 9 months
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This is one of my main takeaways, how about you guys?
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am-i-dead · 9 months
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blue beetle??
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thesingingnorwegian · 5 months
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xolo maridueña and belissa escobedo as JAIME REYES and MILAGRO REYES in dc's BLUE BEETLE
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wazzappp · 10 months
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Jaime: Khaji Da, I’m still technically human, right?
Khaji Da: lol. Lmao.
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dragonpyre · 9 months
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My man was non stop for like 48 hours, almost died three times, and had to fight a small army. He need a NAP
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sosoribro · 9 months
Milagro: Jaime, there's a bug on you.
Jaime: Oh, where?
Milagro: Your back.
Jaime: Is it big? Can you get-...
Jaime: ...oh ha ha very funny.
265 notes · View notes
hazelsmirrorball · 9 months
Spiderman’s Biggest Fan |  Jaime Reyes part 5 
summary:  Jaime Reyes is the biggest spiderman fan. His girlfriend on the other hand is Spiderman's biggest hater. 
pairings: Jaime Reyes x Spiderman! FemReader 
a/n:  Last part! Hope you guys enjoyed this little series. Thank you for all the support 
warning: English isn’t my main language. Angsty and kinda sad. Graphic Fights.  Scenes taken out of No Way Home.  Not edited
part one. part two  part three. part four.
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Two months. 
Two months after the unknown disappearance of Spiderman. The news outlets covered the lovable Spiderman and the mystery of his disappearance. Death? Retirement? Kidnaped? Everyone had their conclusions of what had happened to Spiderman in the last two months. He was nowhere to be seen, not a trace or spiderweb left behind. People were worried that Spiderman was dead, that he was killed and since no one knew his identity that they would never know what really happened to him. The Justice League had yet to say anything about the spider, making them not lose faith completely. People were desperate to see him, he represented hope for Palmera and without him Palmera was crumbling down. They needed their hope, they needed a hero, they needed Spiderman. 
Jaime Reyes needed Spiderman, he was going through the worst two months of his life. With his dad and Marisol gone, the house still in repair and him managing to balance his superhero life with his regular life was hard. He was kept on his toes barely being able to survive his day to day thanking God that his family was still around.  He was still attempting to cope with the fact that Y/n was not in his life anymore, he hadn’t heard a single thing from her which made him worry. He never felt as bad as he did right now. There was also one thing that could help him, but that was also a lost cause. 
Spiderman managed to disappear and Jaime waited patiently for his arrival knowing deep down that he couldn’t be dead, he knew he just wanted to make a big comeback after everything that was going on with Green Goblin. He knew that Spiderman wanted the villains to fear him to keep Palmera safe. But after waiting Jaime decided to take matters into his own hands. He was aware that he would never be able to fill his shoes but Palmera needed a hero and for now that hero was going to be Blue Beetle. 
The citizens of Palmera city weren’t far from the reality, Spiderman was dead, at least to Y/n.  She couldn’t live the double life anymore, she needed to do one more thing before Spiderman was left in the past. It was her last wish because with great power comes great responsibility. All she needed was two months, two months to get her things straight. Two months or hard work and investigation. It had been two months since the downfall of Y/n L/n life. No more work, no more grad school,no more relationships, no more regular adult life.
 It shouldn’t surprise her, Y/n was never intended to have a regular and normal life and she was aware of that. Y/n was getting what she deserved, being alone. She had lost herself and the last bits of things that brought her happiness. But she was also human, she could feel herself as the days passed slip into a deeper depression. 
But Y/n had one thing in mind, killing the Green Goblin. Y/n was going to make him suffer, he was going to die in her arms and she was going to enjoy every single minute of it. If that was going to be the last thing she did on this earth, she was going to love getting vengeance on every single person that he had killed. That was her responsibility. 
Whatever Green Goblin had against her was between Spiderman and Green Goblin, there was no need to bring Aunt Marisol in the mix. But if Green Goblin wanted to play dirty, Y/n was ready to win the war. No one was going to ruin that for her, she was going to end Green Goblin and with Green Goblin dying will finally be the end of her time as Spiderman. 
So Y/n went to work, day and night, without a day to rest. She may be MIA but she has been working every single day. She worked on her suit, making it as indestructible as possible. If she wanted to play  Goblins games she needed to have the upperhand. She needed to do her research. 
Y/n had left whatever she had with the Justice League, she couldn’t do the things she wanted under her wing. But before she left, she made it her mission to find the details on Green Goblin, which she succeeded with ease. That was the beginning of her two month plan. 
Doctor Norman Virgil Osborn. 
Norman Osborn was the founder and CEO of Oscorp down in Palmera which specialized in military research.  He had also worked with fellow scientists, Otto Octavius, Doc Ock. He had created a powerful yet unsuitable performance enhancer, that was intended to enhance strengths to individuals but as he tried it on himself his superhuman levels increased giving him Artificially enhanced physiology, superhuman durability, reflexes, regenerative healing factor, speed, stamina. Agility and strength. But everything has its consequences making him develop a dissociative identity disorder, that’s when the chaotically sadistic psychopath Green Goblin was born.  His skill sets include a genius level of intelligence making him a master engineer, businessman and scientist. Physically, he is an expert combatant ,marksman, pilot and knife. His main weapons include Razor bats and those damn Pumpkin bombs. 
The damn pumpkin bombs that had killed innocent people daily, the bomb that had killed  Marisol in the process. She wanted to make him suffer, like all the people that suffered under his hands. So she went to work analyzing the composure of the pumpkin bombs thanking herself for having a degree in science. It hadn't taken her that long to make a better spider bomb of her own. But she couldn’t end him that quickly, he had to suffer so with the help of the bomb she would be able to beat him to death. That was the plan. 
But there was one problem, Green Goblin was nowhere to be found. Criminals had managed to settle down which irked Y/n a little bit. Now that Blue Beetle had decided to show up to “save the day” after being MIA for God knows how long. He had things easy which pissed her off. The help of Kord Industries and the love of the public was on the blue beetle side. So if she wanted to get to Green Goblin she had to get through Blue Beetle. 
Green Goblin likes new blood, he always searched for that. Blue Beetle was new blood and a new challenge for him. So Y/n waited patiently for him to lurk out of the shadows to mess with Blue Beetle. Once he was out, he was all for Y/n. No one was getting in her way, not even Blue Beetle. 
Y/n  had managed to hack years ago the intercoms from the Palmera City Police department just to have an upper hand on the crimes surrounding the city. But now she waited patiently for Blue Beetle and Green Goblin  to make an appearance, so that her plan could finally conclude itself. 
But there was something that was getting in between both Spiderman and Blue Beetle's plans, both of them having the same thing in common, Milagro Reyes. 
Milagro was a smart girl. She was aware of both Blue Beetles and Spider Man's secret identity, one of them being his lovely brother and the other being his now ex girlfriend. It didn’t surprise Milagro that Spiderman was missing since Y/n was also off the grid. Both of them were suffering in different ways and she knew that they needed each other now more than ever. So Milagro did what she does best, meddling in their relationship, taking  matters in her own hands. 
So that’s how she found herself standing on top of the tallest building in Palmera City waiting for Green Goblin to show up at any moment. In retrospect, she knew this was the stupidest idea she had ever come up with, but she also knew that this was easier than calling Y/n and Jaime and attempting to get them in the same room. They weren’t on speaking terms so right now putting herself in the battle field was the best option. Milagro was also aware that Green Goblin could kill her with ease, he wasn’t like the other villains she had faced with Jaime. He was more than dangerous and the fact that she had gotten there without anything to protect herself made her chances to stay alive quite slim.But Milagro  had faith that putting herself in the front lines would make both Spiderman and Blue Beetle appear, or at least she hoped. 
The cold breeze hit Milagros' body, making her hug herself to warm herself up. She had been standing there for about half an hour and quite frankly her plan was failing miserably. Nor Blue Beetle, Spiderman or Green Goblin had shown up which made her lose a little faith in her plan. Why would he even show up in the first place? 
“What the hell do you think you're doing, Milagro?” Y/n whispered yelled at her as she looked at the shaking girl, pulling her mask off. Y/n eyes glared at Milagro as she headed towards her inspecting her body searching for any bruises of some sort. After noticing that nothing was wrong with her, Y/n hit the back of her head softly making Milagro gasp dramatically as she rubbed her head. 
“What the hell was that for? Are you trying to kill me” Milagro replied dramatically as she glared back at the girl in front of her. Y/n looked completely different in her eyes, the girl that was once filled with joy and hope reeked of darkness and vengeful aura. Milagro could see it in her eyes, the darkness surrounding them, something unfamiliar to Milagro. That wasn’t the Y/n she had known all her life, this was a version of her she had yet to see. She looked unhealthy, barely able to stay awake or stand straight.  
“Am I trying to kill you? I should be the one asking you that. You are literally putting yourself in danger right now and for what, to have a conversation with me? You have my number Milagro, you could’ve called me like a normal person instead of heading towards the tallest damn building in Palmera on the coldest day of the year, might I add.” She replied annoyed noticing how Milagros eyes flashed pity towards her but that quickly changed when those words slipped out of Y/n’s mouth. 
“ Called you? How can I call you if you don’t answer your damn phone. It wouldn’t surprise me if you blocked our entire family, Y/n. You moved to a God’s Knows where,  to do God knows what. Have you ever considered in the slightest  that our constant calls are to see if you are okay? Alive? We haven’t heard a thing from you since the funeral. I know you are hurting but pushing us away… Pushing Jaime away is the best answer, really? I know you don’t want him to know that you're Spiderman, but all of this is not necessary.  You are a part of our family and we can’t lose you because you don’t want to keep hiding things from us. So if I need to put myself on the verge of death just to get my family back together, I will.” Milagro yelled at her, as Y/n shook her head not wanting to talk about anything that was coming out of the girl's mouth. Y/n quickly slipped her mask back on avoiding Milagro's eyes, not wanting her to read her facial expressions anymore.
“Go home Milagro. Your mom has to be worried sick. Today is not the greatest day to play Mother Teresa. Green Goblin is on the loose doing god knows what and you being here puts you at risk. So the same way you got he…” Before Y/n could continue her scolding she felt goosebumps on the back of her neck. She quickly pushed Milagro down covering her body with her frame taking the hit as Blue Beetle was thrown against the wall next to them. Y/n let out a groan activating her voice enhancement as she looked inside the screen of her mask to check what was going on. From the looks of if Green Goblin had finally taken a liking towards Blue Beetle. 
“Oh, what a treat. My new little toy and my old little friend, together. What a great comeback for my career. I thought I killed you once and for all, two months ago, guess we are destined to be together forever or at least until one of us tragically dies.” Green Goblin laughed maniacally as he stared at Y/n as she helped Milagro up. For afar she could also hear Blue Beetle getting up and heading towards them. 
“Milagro, what the hell are you doing here? Are you crazy!” Blue Beetle exclaimed as she looked at her, not even noticing that his long-time idol was standing next to him. Milagros sent him a nervous side smile as she looked between Spiderman and Blue Beetle. 
“Wait…You fucking know Blue Beetle? What the hell, why didn’t you tell me.” Y/n exclaimed as she looked at Milagro searching for answers. Jaime turned to Spider Man, his heart stopping for a moment. Spider-Man knew of his existence.  If it weren’t for the fact that they were currently fighting Green Goblin he would’ve squealed and asked for a picture or an autograph or something. But all he could think about was how Milagro knew Spiderman. 
“ I don’t think right now is the best moment to discuss this if I’m being honest. Maybe you can pass by my house and we can talk peacefully without a psychopath trying to kill us, maybe with a side of coffee or tea, whichever you prefer, Spiderman” Milagro replied sarcastically, snapping Jaime out of his trance. 
Jaime, you need to concentrate if you want to keep Milagro safe. 
“I know ! But he is right here, you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this. Spiderman, sir. I Know this isn’t the right time or place but I wanted to tell you that I’m a really big fan. I’ve been following you since your first appearance and it’s an honor to fight by your side. It's like a huge privilege just to be near you right now. I can’t believe you are even real. I don’t know if you feel a little awkward about me taking your place these past few months but I  meant it with all the respect.” Jaime replied quickly as Milagro rolled her eyes because of his rambling. 
“First, we are not fighting together therefore you are not fighting by my side and second of all, you could never take spi…” Before Y/n could continue her words she felt her body being pushed against the wall looking up to see the damn man she had grown an obsession with the past two months. 
“Well, as of right now it  looks like you need my help, therefore we are fighting together.” Blue Beetle squealed  as he watched Spiderman fight back Goblin. 
“Right now you just need to get her back down safely! Can you possibly do that without bothering me.” Y/n replied as she slammed Norman down against the floor pinning him down. Jaime stared at him, noticing that the techniques he was using to fight back weren’t his usual ones, they were more deathly with more intention. 
“Well, Blue Beetle. You heard Spiderman take me down safe and sound” Milagro replied loudly gaining not only Jaime attention but Green Goblins two. 
“Oh but what the fun in that! It wouldn’t be a party if I didn’t injure a quote on an innocent citizen” As he threw one of his iconic pumpkin bombs towards Blue Beetles and Milagro’s direction Y/n  quickly let go of him running towards them to protect their bodies. As she held onto Milagro’s body waiting for her to get a hit she turned softly, noticing a force field protecting the trio. 
“You see, we are a good team” Blue Beetle said and Y/n would bet that under his suit he was smiling at her. Could he possibly get more annoying?  Milagro and Y/n got up, as she inspected her once again to check for any bruises but before she could even move her from the edge of the building, Norman spoke once again. 
“Can Spider-Man come out to play?! I’m kinda getting tired of these boring little games you call a fight.” Green Goblin replied on his glider, hovering over them. He wasted no time to throw a bomb towards the top of the roof. In a quick instant chaos unleashed a crumbling avalanche of twisted metal pushed Milagro backwards tumbling off the side of the tallest building in Palmera City. 
Blue Beetle and Spiderman don’t waste any time ruining towards her, yelling her name together. Y/n quickly dives after her, her hand almost graces Milagros as she reaches out but before she can get a hold of it, Green Goblin whams her with his glider carrying Spiderman towards the other direction. Milagro’s eyes go wide in horror as she plummets, Jaime quickly reacts  flying towards her catching her with ease as she gasps for air. 
As Y/n attempts to gain her balance back she slams him down against the pavement once again. She quickly reached in her suit for the spider bomb she had  created, placing it near his chest piece. She struggled to hold him down as she looked to the side to see if Milagro was already out of their view.  
“Could you stop being a pain in my ass, Norman?” Y/n spitted out, as Goblin smiled at her proudly. 
“I can see you did your research, I needed to trademark those bombs, could’ve ran a fortune with them. Just look what they did to that beauty you call an aunt” Goblin started but his words got cut off by Y/n slamming her fist against his mouth. One punch, became two and then five, which ended with Green Goblin sending her a bloody smile. 
“Keep her name out of your mouth you fucking asshole.” Y/n replied in between deep breaths. She looked down at her hands as a smile plastered behind her mask. This was what she wanted, what she had planned over the course of the two months. Distracted by the blood covering her suit, Green Goblin jolts upright pushing her body off him. Y/n quickly gains her balance keeping a safe distance away from him narrowing her eyes, seeing red. Green Goblin rises, rips off his goggles.
“This isn’t the Spiderman people love, L/n. This is the spiderman I made.” Green Goblin taunted her as he took off the spider bomb on his chest waving it towards her. 
“You didn’t make shit” She replied to gritted teeth as she felt the screen in front of her turn red. Not hearing the warnings Karen was shooting her way. All she wanted to do was make him suffer, even if she took herself out in the process. 
“Oh, really? Do you think your little mentor, Batman, would be proud of you hacking the system to get information on me? Or that you recreated my torture tools to get back at me? That’s not something a hero does, Spiderman. That’s Villain shit.” He said as he threw the bomb to the other side of the building staring down at her in fake pity. 
“Shut up” She replied as her breath got uneven, Green Goblin laughed knowing that his plan was working. 
“Can’t handle the heat?  Poor, Y/n. Too weak to send me home to die” Green Goblin replied, pouting at her. 
“No. I just want to kill you myself. Make you suffer like the piece of shit you are” 
“Attagirl, making things exciting for me.” Enraged, Y/n rushes towards Green Goblin not even letting another word slip out of his mouth. She clashes their bodies together as she pummels him with an unknown murderous intensity.  She had gotten powerful, maybe it was the fact she finally was able to avenge her aunt or being able to let out all the feelings she had been bottling up. But as of right now, it felt good. It felt good to make him suffer. Goblin surprisingly breaks free releasing his arm blades swinging them at Y/n as they battle it out. But Y/n  had the upper hand, brutally beating Goblin back, not giving him the chance to touch her. 
Spiderman batters Goblin until he’s down on his knees, begging for mercy. All she ever wanted was this, to make him suffer as much as she had. He deserved this, a barrage of punches. Norman collapses to the ground as Milagro and Jaime watch from afar, knowing that things were going too far. 
Y/n laughs maniacally as she lays on top of Goblin, who takes punch after punch after punch blood splattering all over.  She reaches for the bomb pressing it neatly on his chest smiling proudly at him. 
“Guess you made a perfect villain out of me. I want you to see my face, make you see what you made me become. ” She says, taking her mask off, grabbing his glider , crashing at the base of the shield. Spiderman catches his breath as she drifts towards him, murder clearly  evident in her eyes. She lifted the glider over his head, about to bring the gleaming blades down on Goblin when  Blue Beetle jumped between them, stopping Y/n. 
Y/n screams as she notices the pleading look coming from Milagro’s face.  Y/n takes a deep breath slowly relaxing looking at the scene before her. A wordless understanding between the two. As she slowly sets the glider down Goblin throws something towards Blue Beetle making him fall towards the floor scrunching down in pain. Milagro quickly ran towards him to help. 
Green Goblin staggers upright, eager for more taunting Y/n. He wanted to see her true potential, her potential to make Palmera City a living hell.
“You know. She was there because of you. You can’t keep blaming me for your mistakes. I may have struck the blow. But you... You are the one that killed her.” Green Goblin cackles with glee as Y/n falls towards her knees hugging her body.  He smiled to himself knowing that his work there was all done. Green Goblin gives his back towards them getting on his glider leaving the scene. 
It was her fault. It has always been her fault, not being truthful puts her at risk. But it was easier to blame someone else on her mistakes. As Y/n cried, she felt a  hand resting on her back. She slowly turned her head towards the person, noticing the familiar teary eyes staring at her.  Her eyes wandered over his face inspecting his features as her face fell. 
“Jaime, You are Blue Beetle?” 
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