#Matthew Parkinson
suugarbabe · 4 months
Roommate and I are gettting drunk. Someone send me little asks about the Slytherin or Marauders boys & my answers will slowly get unhinged as the night progresses
Seriously please do this I want to so bad
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mrsriddles-blog · 4 months
Reads of the Week: Jan 14-Jan 20
* indicates smut
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Morning Sunshine by @anawritez-posts
she’s thunderstorms by @lovelyela
she looks like fun by @lovelyela
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Dancing in the rain by @slytherins-journalist (mxm)
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For You by @mrsbarnesblog
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Spellbound by @anawritez-posts
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You can do better by @sapphicwhxre
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Secret Kisses* by @winterssecrett
Green and Blue* by @slytherins-journalist
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Slytherin Crew
Character Archive
I put this together for myself, to add more detail to the story, and I thought it was kinda cool, so I will share it in case you are interested
Draco Malfoy
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Personality: Incredibly smart, creative, loyal
Favorite subject: Potions
Least favorite subject: Divination
Extracurriculars: Quidditch
3 likes: Quidditch, reading, hanging out with his friends
3 dislikes: Gryffindors, fudge brownies, when days are cloudy
Clothes style: Classic
Familiar: Eagle Owl
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Ferret
Pansy Parkinson
Your girl BFF <3
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Personality: Fiercely loyal, brutally honest, funny
Favorite subject: Astronomy
Least favorite subject: Potions
Extracurriculars: Art 
3 likes: Fashion, art, music
3 dislikes: when colors don’t match, gryffindors, reading 
Clothes style: Dark academia, chic
Familiar: Barn owl
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be: Rottweiler
Matthew Gaunt
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Personality: Unpredictable, chaotic, funny
Favorite subject: Astronomy (will never admit it, but loves the peace and quiet and star-gazing)
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Extracurriculars: None
3 likes: You, Weasley’s products, playing pranks on Filch
3 dislikes: The library, curfew, Being put on the spot 
Familiar: Bay Owl
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Snake
Daphne Greengrass
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Personality: Calm, Superficial, kind
Favorite subject: Herbology
Least favorite subject: Care of magical creatures (didn’t take it) 
Extracurriculars: Chorus! 
3 likes: Singing, pink, self care
3 dislikes: wild animals, Potions classroom, bad weather
Clothes style: “Old money” style
Familiar: Siamese cat 
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/patronus: Cat
Theodore Nott
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Personality: Sneaky, courteous, easy-going
Favorite subject: Defense against the dark arts
Least favorite subject: Potions
Extracurriculars: None
3 likes: Astronomy tower, coffee, reading
3 dislikes: Thestrals, Divination class, the mornings after a long night
Clothes style: Classic
Familiar: Cat 
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Fox
Milicent Bullstrode
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Personality: determined, mean, sensitive
Favorite subject: Charms
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Extracurriculars: None
3 likes: Trifle, cats, music
3 dislikes: Hermione Granger, studying, dancing
Clothes style: 90’s classic
Familiar: Cat
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Hedgehog
Blaise Zabini
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Personality: Serious, sneaky, generous 
Favorite subject: Potions
Least favorite subject: Divination
Extracurriculars: None, future: Quidditch
3 likes: Quidditch, gossiping, chess
3 dislikes: Messes, winter in the dungeons, Extremists
Clothes style: formal
Familiar: Barn Owl
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Wolf
Tracy Davies
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Personality: Misterious, clever, determined 
Favorite subject: Divination & Herbology
Least favorite subject: History of Magic
Extracurriculars: Xylomancy
3 likes: Night Time, paint her nails, french fries
3 dislikes: crowds, meats, Peeves
Clothes style: Boho
Familiar: Cat named Moon
If she/he would turn into an animal, it would be/ patronus: Owl
And our boys Vince & Greg
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movie--posters · 1 year
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fulfillingbineeds · 30 days
Misfits Series Three Episode Thumbnails (from Apple TV)
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filmpalette · 2 years
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Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) dir. Travis Knight
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upthelagan · 2 years
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Dot Cottan. Line of Duty.
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twitchywoman · 5 months
Seeking Joy!
One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar. Helen Keller, The Story of My Life To add some joy to the holiday season, I have some good things from 2023 to share with you. Good Stuff Happening in the Parkinson’s World! The Fox Foundation has been at the forefront of Advocacy for Parkinson’s in 2023. Their efforts have paid off big with the passage of the National Plan to…
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veryslowreader · 5 months
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Saint Overboard by Leslie Charteris
The Sea
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gemstarb · 7 months
Watch "Hope for Alzheimer's & Parkinson's with Metabolic Neurology - Matthew Phillips, MD" on YouTube
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Opening today in limited release in theaters in New York, L.A. and several other cities (not Phoenix); also streaming on demand...
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The Secret Kingdom--A troubled family moves into a beautiful old manse. The early scenes here have an unsteady feel; the period detail (it's supposedly the early '60s) is somehow unconvincing, and the atmosphere almost seems closer to that of a '70s scary-house movie, like Burnt Offerings or The Amityville Horror.
But then the two kids (Sam Everingham and Alyla Browne) drop through the bedroom floor into a fantasy world called the Below. A tribe of armored talking pangolins immediately sends them on a quest across this land of chatty animals and Maxfield Parrish ruins to acquire parts of some magical thingy or other that will save the realm from some sort of shapeless evil. Something like that.
After that unpromising real-world beginning, this Australian family film, written and directed by Matthew Drummond, starts to take hold, with images of considerable fanciful splendor. Along with the pangolins, who have an endearing habit of dropping to their sides and curling up when they feel threatened, Drummond gives us a clockwork oracle operated by a tarsier-like creature, a mechanical lightning bug, a freaky army of clockwork-doll soldiers, a bickering two-headed pack rat turtle, a lair of giant talking gauntlets and an impressive dragon with a T-Rex-like body, among other striking, whimsical imaginings.
It's reminiscent of 1984's The NeverEnding Story and of the Narnia flicks, but The Secret Kingdom nonetheless has its own invigorating flavor. The kids--Everingham as the fretful brother; Browne as the carefree sister--are agreeable, and the film rings a touching twist on the tiresome "Chosen One" prophecy trope from stories of this sort; I appreciated that the ultimate criteria for a Chosen One here was simply friendship.
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wornoutspines · 2 years
Black Adam (Movie Review) | Don't Think Too Much About It
I almost skipped this one, and debated even writing this review for #BlackAdam but I did. #DCEU
The long-awaited Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lead superhero movie is here, directed by Jaume Collet-Serra who has assembled quite the cast to star alongside Johnson: Aldis Hodge, Pierce Brosnan, Noah Centineo, Quintessa Swindell, Sarah Shashi, and Marwan Kenzari to name a few. Premise: Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods-and imprisoned just as…
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
The Lifeaters (I.6)
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VI. Christmas with the Malfoys
Chapter Summary: You winter holidays couldn’t be better, well… maybe they could, but still they were pretty good
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, might miss some warnings, you got to know, this is placed in a very “high class” wizard society so we will deal with classist comments and other things. 
Wordcount: 3,1 k
Notes: Maybe i can make the ten chapters, no promises though hehe
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You wasted no time in redecorating your room with everything that you could find that was of an emerald green color, like the canopy in your bed, you were so happy, and your aunt seemed so proud
You admired a photo that you had atop your dresser, of her with your mother, both in their slytherin uniforms outside the gates at Hogwarts, you looked just like her, according to anyone who had met her.
Your father had also been in Slytherin, but you had no picture of him that you know of.
Soon it was Christmass eve, the 24th, and you were excited for the presents, but also, for the rest of the traditions, you had been at it since the 21st, the log had been burning in your chimney, beautiful arrangements of mistletoe, pine, ivy and others were hanging from the chandeliers and over the doors, to bring  fortune in the year to come
It was a pagan celebration
You wore a crown made from the same plants, as did your aunt, as you had a wonderful dinner on Christmas Eve
“It arrived a huge cradle with gifts from France”, she said with a wide smile as she wiped her mouth with a silk handkerchief
“Are we going in the Summer?”, you asked
“If you’d like to”
“I would”, you answered quickly 
“Great, because I need to test the creams I have been making in the lab”
“The ones that help with the recovery of the skin after catching Dragonpox?”, you asked softly
“Yes, exactly”, she answered with a smile. You admired your aunt, she was so talented and smart, and breathtakingly beautiful
Normally, you would be at the Malfoys for the 24th, but your aunt insisted to spend it just the two of you, maybe you preferred this way too
“So… is there anyone you like in your class?”, she asked with a giggle
“Well… not really”, you whispered sadly
“Oh no… I know that look”, she teased gently
“There is this boy that is cute, but he is a bit… of an idiot”, she snorted out a laugh, “and there’s this other one, who is also cute but… he is… very mean”
“Well, let’s just start by the idiot”
“I say he is an idiot because when they asked him why he was studying with me so much he blamed it on me, and said that it was probably because I fancied him, and it was because he didn’t undersnt it”, you told him upset
“No he didn’t!”, she screeched
“Yes he did! can you believe that? he is not THAT cute, besides… I don’t think he is an idiot because he doesn’t understand potions… but because of how he lied!”
“How is he like?”, she asked back
“Well, he had like.. dark, very dark blonde hair, with big green eyes that are shaped in a way that looks a bit sad”, you told her
“He sounds like a cutie”, she encouraged, “what’s his name?”
“Theodore Nott”, you answered
“Oh yeah, that rings a bell”, she whispered, with concern, “what about the other?”
“Matthew Gaunt”, you answered, and again she frowned, “he is very handsome but.. he is kind of mean…he has like chocolate brown curls, and big brown eyes and… thick eyelashes that flutters when he does something mischieving”
“Mischieving?”, she asked, entertained
“He put a exploding potion underneath the desk of Mr Filch, and his cat’s tail caught fire”
“Can’t believe that old mop is still alive!”
“Hey, she is a pretty cat!”, you defended
“I was referring to Mr Filch”, she laughed back 
“Yeah, I guess he always looks like he is going to have a fit or something”, you murmured 
“So… what about Matthew then?”, her sparkle in her eyes had dwindled 
“I don’t know he… is strange”
“How strange?”, she pressed
“We were carving pumpkins and bringing them to life, but he… brought him to life and then started carving”, you whispered the last part
“Oh Merlin”, she whispered
“And he is mean… to others, and bothers the ones that do well in class, like, if you study or anything…”
“Well, love you don’t have to be friends with everybody…”, she said with a simple smile, “and that is perfectly alright”
“I know but he is in Slytherin, and in all my classes, and hangs out with Draco and the others”
“Well, that’s the thing about first semester, some groups form, then they mutate, more people come in, a few may drop, and it will happen through the years”, she said caressing your arm over the table, “it happens, don’t be sad, you’ll have plenty of friends, but don’t ever doubt about protecting them, right?”
“Right”, you said surely
“Follow your heart”, she encouraged, “we might not be Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs, but Slytherins are fiercely loyal to their own”
“You are right!”, you giggled 
“besides, you can still meet nice people from other houses”
“They always treat us poorly because we are in Slytherin”, you said with a frown
“That can’t be true!”
“Sometimes it is, besides, Harry Potter…”
“Harry Potter is in your year? so it was true!”, she said with a honest surprise
“Yeah he is, everything is about him! is so annoying”
“How is he doing? in his classes and all?”
“He is playing as a Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team”
“Yeah and it's so annoying, Professor Mcgonaggal even gifted him a Nimbus 2000! Can you believe that? Is that even fair?”
“A professor got him a professional racing broom?, you are right that does seem sketchy, but cut him some slack he… doesn’t have any parents, he is alone…”
“Neither do I!”, you answered
“He was raised by muggles! far from magic, until he got his letter he probably didn’t know ANYTHING!”, she defended, she made you feel a bit guilty
“Yeah, you are right, but he is still annoying”, she laughed, “Draco hates him very much”
“Do you hate him very much?”, she asked then
“No, you told me to never hate anyone”
“Well it's true”, she answered back with a soft smile, “don’t ever forget that”, she muttered, you shook your head
“Can we open presents?”, you asked then
“Tomorrow morning”
“Yes”, she insisted with a soft smile, “it’s tradition”
So the very next morning, your aunt and you were sitting on the livingroom floor, with matching pajamas, going through the big box of presents, so far you had gotten the set of this season body creams and lotions, a silk pajama, and a silver jewelry set, of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet, from a famous parisian jeweler 
The funny part is that your aunt has gotten the same things but in her size and tastes.
“Alright, this one’s from me”, she said, giving you a heavy looking package, it wasn’t big enough to fit a broom, and you were getting discouraged 
“And this one from me”, you answered sweetly, giving her back a smaller package
You opened the big box and you laughed wholeheartedly when you saw it, the entire official gear of the best French Quidditch team, the Quiberon Quafflepunchers. It was world renowned because the robe was hot pink, with small details in black and white
“I know you said Holyhead Harpies, but…”
“This is so much better!”, you laughed
“Remember when we went to that game when you were little?”
“With the french ministry of magic, how could I forget?”, you said fondly. It was one of the first and fondest memories you ever had. The best game they have ever played
“I had it autographed”, she said, grabbing the robe and sure enough, on the inside with gold letters were the signatures of the current team. “And it will grow with you, as will adapt to your size”, she said excitedly
“This is so much better”, you said sincerely
“Well, it had to be French instead, you know? our family in France are going to think that I’m educating you poorly”, she laughed
“You are not!”, you giggled, “your turn!”, you said excitedly, and she opened hers
She opened her present, it wasn’t much but you had make it yourself, it was a scrapbook filled with pictures of the two of you
“I love it”, she said with a wide smile, she looked at you and sighed, “I know you were expecting something else”
“No I’m not”, you said quickly
“First years are not allowed a broom and they are dangerous, alright? next year when you make the team…”
“If i make the team”, you corrected
“When you make the team”, she corrected back, “I’ll think about it, alright?”, she insisted, you nodded, “and a dragon… well… apparently, you need a special dispensation, ministry-issued to have one, even if it is small, apparently, just as easy as you can make them small, you can make them big again”, you laughed
“It’s fine, and I don’t think Umbra would appreciate a little sibling that could set her feathers on fire”
“That’s my girl”, she whispered, “how about we put this spa supplies for good use? we have a nice calm girl’s day until the ball?”
“I thought we were invited to spend the day”, you murmured
“We were, but they will have other friends over”, that was odd, it was, but you didn’t say anything as you smiled at her and nodded enthusiastically
So all day you spend it in your pajamas, eating delicious food, reading Yule stories, and doing a spa day. 
The night came pretty quickly actually, and even though it was more of an adult party, you were excited to see your best friend, and the rest of your friends. 
“You look so beautiful, my sweet little girl”, your aunt was dressed with crimson red silk robes, and you in turn, she had dressed you in all an shimmering white glitter dress, you didn’t like it, you felt like you couldn’t eat with this on, but she looked so happy to see you dressed like this you didn't say anything. She even put a big glittery bow in your head the same color
The chimney had been clean to perfection, but that was not going to be the method of transportation for the evening, she grabbed your hand and walked you out of the house, and even further, out of the guards around them, and then, you apparated.
You didn’t like it, you always felt like you were some sort of gum someone just grabbed and stretch, but soon, it was over, and you apparate in a hill, just feet away from the guards of the Malfoy manor, it only took a couple of steps, and then the huge mansion was right there in front of you, hidden from muggles and people who were ignorant to its location
It was roaring with life, you could tell, every single room in that house was lit up, and you could hear the music from even outside the grounds
You walked towards the entrance, your feet making a sound you liked over the grabble. 
Once you were received by a house-elf, the entire atmosphere changed, the loud music, and delicious smell hit you hard as soon as you crossed the threshold 
Something was off, you could tell because when Narcissa saw you both, she actually had a look of relief on her face. Hugging your aunt tightly and then her eyes thrifted to you, and lit up when she saw you
“You look so beautiful”, she said with a long sigh, kissing the top of your head
“We brought you something”, your aunt said, delivering a huge basket with your family’s products, “Happy Yule”
“Happy Yule”, she said back, promising your gifts for when you go back home so you didn’t have to have them on hand all night. Draco came rushing as soon as she saw you 
“Happy Yule!”, he said quickly, hugging you
“Happy Yule Draco”, and you offered him your gift you had bought for him
“Thank you, let’s go play”, he said, grabbing your hand and leading you away almost running 
“Everyone is here!”, he said, “the Notts, the Parkinsons, the Bullstrodes”, all pure bloods you thought, “You look like a snowflake”
“oh wow, thanks”, you said sarcastically, “you look like your hair had been licked backwards by a grindylow”, you answered defensively, he frowned back at you
“Hey at least mine was a compliment”, well snowflakes were beautiful
“Sorry, I’m a bit uncomfortable”, the beads on your dress tickled your belly and under your arms. “you don’t look like you were licked by a grindylow”, he looked like always, his hair meticulously combed backwards. “You look nice”, he was dressed in classical robes, with a white shirt
“Did you get the Nimbus 2000?”, you asked Draco, drastically changing subjects before your reached the others in the other room, he barely shook his head
“No”, that truly did surprised you, “He said that until I was in the Quidditch team I could get it”
“My aunt said something similar”, you muttered, that next year maybe
“I got like a thousand new robes though”, he said with a look in his eyes that told you he didn’t want you to tell anyone, “what did you get?”
“Just some jewelry, a pajama, and the best present ever”, you giggled
“Did you get your dragon?”, he asked, truly interested
“No, but I got the riding gear of the Quiberon Quafflepunchers”
“What, really?”, he asked
“Yes! It's still pink! gorgeous!”
“That’s awesome”, he admired, “but I thought you wanted the one of the Holyhead Harpies”
“The Holyhead Harpies had a terrible season and they are not France’s champions for ten years straight”, you mocked back, and he laughed
“Good point”
“And their uniform is pink!”, you insisted
In the other room, next to the Ballroom, there was another receiving room, which was nice as well, but today is where you all were hanging out in
Gregory and Goyle were standing next to the table with the snacks, and in the center, sitting around in the armchairs and sofas were the others of Slytherin, Matthew, Theodore, Pansy, Milicent, Daphne, almost everyone, Blaise was missing, he was nice.
“Basilik!”, called Matthew, a smile on his face and a non-alcoholic butterbeer in his hand
“Happy Yule!”, you greeted, Vince smiled warmly at you, and he offered you from his plate a chocolate muffin
“Thank you!”, you said kindly, and he smiled warmly at you
“Happy Yule”, they were all looking their best for the occasion, even MIlicent that was wearing a beautiful silvery “muggle dress” according to her
Don’t tell anyone, but you didn’t see the difference
Perhaps between older people’s clothes, they wore robes, and muggle wore separate pieces of clothing, but, in children? not so much for what you had seen, at least not in dresses
“You all look beautiful”, Matthew had a scowl on his face at this, his robes didn’t fit him well, you believed they were Draco’s, and he was smaller than Matt
Of all the people that were here, Draco never mentioned the Gaunt family, where they here? if Matthew was spending christmas with the malfoys maybe they were on vacation like Blaise’s mother
People started leaving, but a couple stayed, since the Manor was huge, it had many rooms, your aunt, living so close, wanted you both to leave, but Narcissa grabbed onto her arm and looked her into her eyes to ask her to let you stay at your request, so she agreed, she summoned with her wand your new pajama set, kissed your forehead goodbye, and promised to be back tomorrow for brunch like it was custom
Greg and Vince stayed, so they took Matthew to their room, Draco and you, on the other hand, sneaked to his room, to exchange your presents
He got you a beautiful jewelry box
“My mom chose the present”, he said carefully, you opened to reveal a beautiful song, and a small mermaid inside, brushing her hair and singing, the entire interior of the box was dark blue velvet, and the rest seemed to be some sort of a precious black stone, “but I chose the color and the type, see? I knew you’d like it”
“I love it!”, you said with a wide smile. He opened his own present, it was a pair of riding gloves, made with dragon skin, they were supposed to be the best ones for seekers, and you had them monogrammed with his initials in each thumb.
“I love them!”, he said smiling back, “the best ones in the market, the ones Roderick Pumpton uses!”, he admired
“You’ll need them to be seeker next year, there are the ones that grow with you, and regenerate when they break”
“Thank you”, he said sincerely
The door opened suddenly and the boys entered
“Are we interrupting?”, Matthew teased, “Are you kissing?”, you and Draco both reacted with your best disgusted faces
“No we are not kissing!”, he answered quickly
“Who wants to hear some scary stories?”, asked Greg, and you were not convinced, but you didn’t want to be considered a coward, so you accepted 
You shouldn’t have
You couldn’t sleep even if you left the door open letting all the light from the hallway into the room, fearing the headless troll was going to come inside your room at any moment, impossibly sneaking into the Manor looking for little children to decapitate. So you sneaked into Draco’s room and hugged him tightly 
The very next day your aunt came back for brunch as promised, and you were relieved to see her, but no time, in the daytime you couldn’t see headless trolls decapitating children, so you and Draco, with Gregory, Vince and Matt, used your new Quidditch gear to go play in the huge ground behind the Manor, where Uncle Lucius had installed the hoops for you both to practice. 
So your aunt summoned for you your new gear and your Quicksilver 2.0
You looked like a firework, with your hot pink robe flying around trying to score, you were playing all against Vince, who had to stay in the gate as a keeper
You had no snitches so Draco couldn’t quite practice his coveted position, but he was a fair good chaser, Matthew was too determined to hit you with a bludger but you managed to dodge them all
It was a fun Winter break 
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priniya · 5 months
requests guidelines ⭐️
hello everyone! after a year (and a half?) i’ve finally got to myself to show all the things i could write for. it’s gonna be updated regularly as soon as i obsess over something new.
so . . .
i’m not sure if i’m a good person to write smut so… request if u want, but might take a long time before i post it! (i haven’t really written anything smut related so that might be bad)
please, if you request something, write a small blurb of what you’ll like to read!
i mainly write for a female reader with she/her pronouns and all that, but i’m up for gender neutral as well if you feel like it :)
i might add sth here if i think of it, but the most important part is who do i write for. bold stands for my favs, italics is like… second fav, i guess!
✩ harry potter — slytherin boys (theodore nott, mattheo riddle, lorenzo berkshire, draco malfoy + pansy parkinson and daphne greengrass), marauders (james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black, evan rosier, barty crouch jr.), golden era (harry potter, ron weasley, cedric diggory, weasley twins, ginny weasley).
✩ percy jackson — greek demigods (percy jackson, leo valdez, annabeth chase, luke castellan, grover underwood, hood brothers, clarisse la rue, piper mclean), roman demigods (frank zhang, jason grace, hazel lavasque).
✩ books — the inheritance games (jameson hawthorne, grayson hawthorne, xander hawthorne, avery kylie grambs, thea laughlin), a good girl’s guide to murder (pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh), hockey boyfriends (nate hawkins, garret graham, john logan, dean di laurenti, john tucker, hunter davenport, henry turner, russ callaghan)
✩ miscellaneous series — jenny han universes (conrad fisher, peter kavinsky, kitty song covey, cam cameron, steven conklin, minho), criminal minds (spencer reid, aaron hotchner, jennifer jareau, derek morgan), outer banks (jj maybank, pope heyward, rafe cameron), my life with the walter boys (alex walter, cole walter, isaac garcia, kailey)
✩ anime — haikyuu (kageyama, tsukishima, osamu, atsumu, suna, oikawa, bokuto, akaashi, kuroo, kenma, semi + the rest😭).
✩ people i don’t know how to classify — zuko + sokka, steve harrington, matthew gray gubler, drew starkey, louis partridge, timothee chalamet, peter parker, nct members.
if you don’t see someone, just ask! there’s a high chance i just forgot about them xx
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An Account of the First Aërial Voyage in England – Vincent Lunardi // A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains – Gideon Algernon Mantell, James Parkinson, Edmund Tyrell Artis // Potorous Platyops – John Gould // Thylacinus Cynocephalus, Juvenile – Joseph Wolf // Choeropus Castanotis – John Gould // Hippotragus Leucophaeus – Joseph Smit, Joseph Wolf // Hapalotis Albipipes – John Gould // Pyrenean Ibex – Richard Lydekker, Joseph Wolf // Eastern Elk – John James Audubon // Royigerygone Insularis – Gregory Macalister Matthews, Henrik Grönvold // Sceloglaux Albifacies – John Gerrard Keulemans // Leporillus Apicalis – John Gould // Columba Migratoria – John James Audubon, J. T. Bowen // Moho Apicalis – John Gerrard Keulmans // ...Familiar Place – Lucy Dacus
for @artists-ache 💙🌹 📖
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dear-indies · 11 months
Disabled actors with ungiffed roles (of course any roles are welcomed) for disability pride month:
Michael J. Fox (1961) - has Parkinson's Disease - Designated Survivor (2018), See You Yesterday (2019).
Mat Fraser (1962) - has thalidomide-induced phocomelia - Loudermilk (2017-2020).
Daryl Mitchell (1965) African-American - is paraplegic - Fear the Walking Dead (2018-2023).
Warwick Davis (1970) - has spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita - Willow (2022-2023).
Selene Luna (1971) Mexican - has dwarfism - Mayans M.C (2022-2023).
Cherylee Houston (1974) - has Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - Coronation Street (2010-2023).
Callan Mulvey (1975) ¼ Maori, ¾ Scottish - is blind in one eye - has been in a lot of things including Last King of the Cross (2023), Firebite (2021-2022), Till Death (2021), and Mystery Road (2020).
Shannon Murray (1976) - is paraplegic - Viewpoint (2021), Get Even (2020).
Kurt Yaeger (1977) - is a leg amputee - Another Life (2021).
Katy Sullivan (1979) - is a double leg amputee - Dexter: New Blood (2021-2022).
Jamie-Lynn Sigler (1981) Cuban / Ashkenazi Jewish, Romaniote Jewish, Sephardi - has multiple sclerosis - Big Sky (2021-2023).
Prince Amponsah (1985 or 1986) Ghanaian - is a double arm amputee, with his right arm amputated above the elbow and his left arm amputated below the elbow - Avacado Toast the series (2022) and Station Eleven (2021-2022).
Rana Daggubati (1984) Telugu Indian - is blind in one eye - Rana Naidu (2023).
Rick Glassman (1984) Jewish / Italian - is autistic - As We See It (2022), Not Dead Yet (2023).
Ali Stroker (1987) - is paraplegic and bisexual - Echos (2022), Only Murders in the Building (2021-2022), Ozark (2022).
Josh Thomas (1987) - is autistic, has ADHD, and is gay - Everything’s Gonna Be Okay (2020-2021).
Jillian Mercado (1987) Domincian - has spastic muscular dystrophy - The L Word: Generation Q. (2019-2023).
Ruth Madeley (1987) - has spina bifida - The Almond and the Seahorse (2022).
Tim Renkow (1989) Mexican Jewish - has cerebral palsy - Jerk (2019-2021).
Melissa Johns (1990) - is an arm amputee - Grantchester (2021-2022).
Steve Way (1990) - has muscular dystrophy - Ramy (2019-2022).
James Moore (1992) - has cerebral palsy - Emmerdale (2018-2023).
Arthur Hughes (1992) - has an upper limb indifference - The Innocents (2018).
Madison Ferris (1992) - has muscular dystrophy - Panic (2021).
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy - The Unseen (2023).
Mei Kayama (1994) Japanese - has cerebral palsy - 37 Seconds (2019).
Ryan J. Haddad (1995) Lebanese - has cerebral palsy - The Politian (2019-2020).
Lauren Spencer / Sitting Pretty Lolo (1996) African-American - has Lou-Gehrig’s disease - The Sex Lives of College Girls (Season 2).
Annabelle Davis (1997) - has dwarfism - Hollyoaks (2023).
Kayla Cromer (1998) - is autistic - Everything’s Gonna Be Okay (2020-2021).
Micah Fowler (1998) - has cerebral palsy - Speechless (the latter seasons!)
Daniel Monks (?) - is quadriplegic - Sissy (2022).
Matthew Jeffers (?) - has dwarfism - New Amsterdam (2018-2023).
Ben Mehl (?) - has macular degeneration called Stargardt's disease, which causes one to lose central vision- You (2021).
Gloria May Eshkibok (?) Mohawk, Ottawa, Irish, French - is Two-Spirit (she/her) and has one eye - OChiSkwaCho (2018).
Zack Weinstein (?) - is quadriplegic - Sing It! (2016).
Angel Giuffria (?) - is a congenital arm amputee - To the Dust (2022), Good Trouble (2022), Impulse (2019).
Joci Scott (?) - is paraplegic - Smash or Pass (2023).
Jacob Mundell (?) - congenital hand amputee - The Expanse (2021-2022).
+ let me know if you have suggestions!
+ let me know if anybody wants suggestions with youtube content!
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