#Matt x Kari
hinagamoizaf · 2 years
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I may or may not have had a moment of weakness with the new art AI website. ‘Yamato Hikari wedding’ : I've never seen Special A but sometimes that comes up when I search for my babies ‘Yamato and Hikari dating digimon’: It's giving Naruto vibes / at least closer to Digi ‘Yamakari digimon’ : OMG IT'S THEIR LITERAL CHILD
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smol-tactician · 1 year
More brain mush
TK: do you support trans rights?
Tai: I am trans.
Patamon: He's dodging the question!
Matt: I'm bored, TK tell me something weird.
TK: Hospitals are the human spawn point.
Matt:.... oh my god
Joe: ask me out but make it sound like a weird sales pitch.
Sora: You ever kiss a girl on the back of a pickup truck? Because I have an offer you might me interested in, and it comes with free food.
Joe: I'm listening.
Kari: Hey Tai....
Tai: Yeah?
Kari: What do we do if the microwave melts?
Tai:.... I'm sorry if it fucking what?
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lonely-paracosmos · 2 years
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Digiweek day2: Relationships
"You're beautiful, you look just like the stars in the sky." "Tai you're so cheesy!"
"You love it!" "Of course, I love you,"
So um my favorite ship is Taishiro! I was always attached to Izzy and him with TAI?? Honestly they are perfect for each other, nerd x jock and they are just so soft to each other.
Koushiro ofc is trans masc and gay, Taichi is very much bisexual lol (btw the rianbow flag i used is the Baker flag)
Other ships that i enjoy (honourable mentions):
Mimi x meico, jyou x matt x sora, mimi x jyou, ken x daisuke, takeru x kari, koushiro x matt
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Maybe i should make this a sticker
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nami-moittli · 9 months
Alright, part two of explaining why I chose which digimon for each character in my twst x digimon AU! Part: Jack
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I first started out by deciding on Garurumon. It felt like an obvious choice to represent Jack being a wolf-beastman since in this AU things like beastmen/merfolk/fae don’t exist. Also, Garurumon could be used as a form of land transportation, like how you see in 02, when the kids would ride on the backs of their digimon partners.
After that, I decided on Gaomon because I didn’t want to make Jack’s line be the exact same as Matt’s from adventure. It’s also fun having Gaomon due to how he’s portrayed in Data Squad/Savers, as I feel that the two have a similar personality. (I did make a doodle for this, if you check my twst x digimon tag) and finally, I really like Gaomon because he’s described as being apart of the Gazimon family. Now, this AU focuses mostly on the freshman, however, if I were to give partners to the other twst characters, I would give Ruggie a Gazimon! Not only that, but one of Gazimon’s “main evolutions” (as shown by Wikimon’s bolded text) is Leomon! So, fun for the whole Savannaclaw family!
Moving on to the perfect stage, I wasn’t actually sure which I liked more. I first clicked on Caturamon’s page bc I thought it sounded like “cactus” and Jack really likes cacti and succulents (heh, imagine if I gave him a Togamon lol. I mean, both Togamon and Gaomon have boxing gloves, so who’s to say?) but then I realized who Caturamon was, and I feel like he fits in really well with the rest of the line! Of course, there is the issue of Caturamon being more of a “dog” than a “wolf”, but it’s not unforgivable. Plus, with Caturamon as the perfect level, the line separates itself further from Matt’s.
Though, I don’t really mind if it’s WereGarurumon either. First of all, the only difference between Epel’s Salamon line and Kari’s Gatomon line is that Salamon’s mega is Lovely Angemon and Gatomon’s is Magna/Holydramon and/or Ophanimon: Fall down mode. So clearly I don’t care to much about that as long as I can come up with a good reason for it to be so similar (though I do prefer differences to the (anime) protags), and, I can. Sure, it may not look as nice having Garurumon go from Quadrupedal to bipedal back to quadrupedal, but I don’t really care about that. In fact, I find that digimon evolution is so much fun because it’s so free and not afraid to make a line look bad as long as you can tell how you can get to point A from point B! Plus, I feel that going back to Jack, a werewolf is a very fitting partner for him, as he practically is one himself in canon, just a bit differently than normal. And I like how WereGarurumon is still a wolf, to once again, reference that Jack is a wolf beastman. So idk, I like both options so I just put them both for now. I probably will pick one or the other eventually, but for now, it’s just Caturamon or WereGarurumon.
Finally, the mega is MetalGarurumon. There’s no real “deep reasoning” for it like the previous picks, just, wolf mega that makes sense. That’s all.
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Four Years Edits Continue!
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Art above commissioned from Burbiart.
I’m back on my Four Years edits!  No brand new chapters right now, but I am cleaning up the oldest ones.  I cut over 3,000 words from the newest edited chapter, and it was all just- wordiness, lol!  Man.
If you’re new to Four Years, it’s an American college AU ensemble fic starring the oldest Adventure Chosen.  Personalities are English dub influenced.  Couples include: Izzy x Amy (OC), Matt x Sora, Joe x Mimi, Tai x ?, and some TK x Kari, with some future couples coming... someday, lol.  This is by far my steamiest/most romantic fic- the kiddos are college age, and they, ah, behave as such.  It’s rated M for the sporadic sexy bits.
Currently, there are 14 edited chapters on AO3.  The FFN version has 59 chapters, it’s a chonker at 366k words.  The story is incomplete right now.  Give it a read if you’re interested!  And don’t forget the story’s theme song!
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koumi-blog · 2 years
Digimon Adventure: Awaken - Primal - Chapter 6
by Silverwolf6266
The last chapter of Primal has arrived! Hope you guys all enjoy and see you in the next part: Evolution.
Words: 10480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Digimon Adventure: Awaken
Fandoms: Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure tri.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Agumon (Adventure), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida, Gabumon (Adventure), Takenouchi Sora, Piyomon | Biyomon (Adventure), Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi, Tentomon (Adventure), Tachikawa Mimi, Palmon (Adventure), Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Gomamon (Adventure), Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi, Patamon (Adventure), Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya, Tailmon | Gatomon (Adventure), Wallace | Willis, Terriermon (Adventure), Lopmon (Adventure), Mochizuki Meiko, Meicoomon, Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, V-mon | Veemon (Adventure), Ichijouji Ken, Wormmon (Adventure), Hida Iori | Cody Hida, Armadimon | Armadillomon (Adventure), Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Hawkmon (Adventure), Huckmon | Hackmon, Dorumon (Digimon), Alphamon (Digimon), Jesmon (Digimon), Seraphimon (Adventure), Ofanimon | Ophanimon (Digimon), Holydramon | Magnadramon, Pegasmon | Pegasusmon (Digimon), Nefertimon (Digimon), Rapidmon Armor (X-Antibody) | Rapidmon Armor X (Digimon), Cherubimon | Kerpymon (Digimon), Imperialdramon (Digimon), BlackTailmon | BlackGatomon (Digimon), Elecmon (Adventure), Ogremon (Digimon), Leomon (Adventure), Eaglemon, Tigervespamon, Kuwagamon (Digimon), Dark Gennai | Mysterious Man, Gennai (Digimon), Homeostasis (Digimon), Gesomon (Digimon), Slayerdramon, Lotosmon, Catherine Deneuve
Relationships: Mochizuki Meiko/Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida/Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi, Ichijouji Ken/Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Patamon/Tailmon | Gatomon, Agumon/Meicoomon
Additional Tags: Violence, Drowning, Fighting, Character Death, Blood, Crying, Concussions, Fan Characters, Aegismon
from AO3 works tagged 'Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi' https://archiveofourown.org/works/41004078
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sulan1809 · 16 days
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Davis Motomiya - Um garoto impulsivo, mas de bom coração
Em Digimon Adventure 2, um novo inimigo, o Imperador Digimon, está causando terror no DigiMundo. Davis Motomiya foi apontado por Taichi Kamiya como novo líder dos DigiEscolhidos, mas a verdade é que o rapaz é meio impulsivo e de sangue quente, e tende a tomar as piores decisões. Davis tem uma certa queda por Kari Kamiya, e frequentemente ele tenta impressioná-la, sem sucesso. Davis também costuma ter desavenças com T.K., pois ele acredita que T.K. tem afeições por Kari. No entanto, com o passar do tempo, Davis amadureceu para apenas focar no mais importante. No final, foi revelado que grande sonho deste rapaz na verdade era ser o maior cozinheiro de Ramen de todos os tempos.
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Veemon é o parceiro de Davis. Ao contrário de Davis, Veemon parece ser um pouco mais maduro que Davis. Ele foi derivado do DigiOvo da Coragem, que tem os poderes de Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon e Wargreymon. Mais tarde, Tai decidiu que iria apenas ser um conselheiro para Davis, Kari e T.K., apontando Davis como o novo líder dos DigiEscolhidos. Mais tarde, Yolei Inoue e Cody Hida iriam se juntar ao grupo... Assim como Ken Ichijouji, o Imperador Digimon.
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Flamedramon, a DigiEvolução de Veemon através do DigiOvo da Coragem, tem poderes de fogo herdados da linha evolutiva de Agumon. Este guerreiro surgiu no momento em que Davis se esforçava para proteger Kari do ataque de Monochromon.
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Lighdramon é a DigiEvolução que Veemon obteve com o poder do DigiOvo da Amizade, tem poderes de trovão, e ele é derivado de Gabumon, Garurumon, WereGarurumon e MetalGarurumon. Quando o Imperador Digimon(Ken Ichijouji) instalou uma espiral negra em Agumon e o forçou a se transformar em BlackMetalGreymon, Davis não sabia como ativar o DigiOvo da Amizade, pois naquele momento a única coisa que ele fazia era brigar com T.K., e para piorar, o pior inimigo deles, o Imperador Digimon, mantinha Agumon como um refém controlado mentalmente. Davis reconheceu ser patético e com a ajuda de Lighdramon, Matt e Garurumon, ele foi capaz de remover a espiral negra que controlava Agumon contra a vontade dele.
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Exveemon é a DigiEvolução de Veemon para a fase adulta. Davis obviamente fez Veemon evoluir pra essa forma justamente para tentar impressionar Kari. Exveemon é um dragonoide da mesma classe que o temido Charizard, no entanto, ele é azul e tem um "X" no torso dele. Desde a primeira aparição em diante, Exveemon substituiu Flamedramon e Lighdramon, tornando-se a forma de luta primordial de Veemon, até o momento em que Exveemon se fundiu com Stingmon para formar o poderoso Paildramon, que mais tarde foi ofuscado pelo poder do grandioso Imperialdramon, que tem duas formas, um dragão, e um guerreiro humanoide.
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Magnamon se manifestou como um brilho áureo quando Davis obteve um misterioso DigiOvo Dourado. Enquanto Davis e os outros DigiEscolhidos escapavam da fortaleza do Imperador Digimon, Magnamon se empenhava em lutar para deter Kimeramon. Quando Magnamon estava sendo duramente massacrado por Kimeramon, Wormmon tentava resgatar um ínfimo resquício de bondade que ainda residia em Ken, e para completar, ele dizia que o rapaz ainda era uma boa pessoa, mesmo posando de Imperador Digimon, antes de lhe dar cima cabeçada. Wormmon, em seus momentos finais, ele deu uma pequena parte da energia que lhe restou, para dar a Magnamon a abertura que ele precisava para desintegrar Kimeramon de uma vez por todas. Ao final da batalha, Davis notou que o DigiOvo dourado na verdade era um emblema, o Brasão da Bondade. No fim, Wormmon morreu, e Ken se lembrou com tristeza da morte do irmão dele. Era o fim do Imperador Digimon, no entanto, Ken estava arrasado com a morte de Wormmon. Ken renunciou ao caminho da vilania, mas ele ainda teria muito o que provar. Enquanto os outros DigiEscolhidos não tinham uma boa impressão sobre Ken, considerando as atrocidades que ele cometeu sob a alcunha de Imperador Digimon, ele e Wormmon foram aceitos de imediato por Davis e Veemon.
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Paildramon é a fusão de Exveemon e Stingmon. Ele tem o poder de um dragão e a defesa de um inseto, no entanto, ele mais parece um dragão do que um inseto. Quando Ken Ichijouji pretendia jogar fora a própria vida para desfazer os erros que ele cometeu como Imperador Digimon, Davis convenceu-lhe a superar o que ele fez no passado e que Ken deveria continuar vivendo para fazer o que é certo. Quando os corações de Davis e Ken ressoavam como um só, os parceiros de ambos, Exveemon e Stingmon, se fundiram para formar Paildramon, um Digimon híbrido de dragão e inseto.
Para finalizar, temos Imperialdramon, que é a forma mais poderosa de Exveemon e Stingmon. Imperialdramon é um digimon do tipo Dragão Imperial, como o nome sugere, e ele tem duas formas, um dragão, e um guerreiro. Imperialdramon também é capaz de transportar os DigiEscolhidos através do Planeta Terra inteiro, de forma que eles pudessem ajudar DigiEscolhidos em outros países, como EUA, Rússia, China, França, etc. Imperialdramon também tem uma forma mais poderosa, o Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, que teve poderes pegos emprestados de Omegamon.
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twistedropeshq · 2 months
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TwistedRopesHQ is looking for more active and friendly people to join our server! We are NON Kayfabe which means we do not write out matches as we are NOT an EFED.
Our server has group styles roleplay, private rooms for banter and para writing. We have social media channels such as Twitter “X” , Instagram etc. We do weekly tasks and monthly events!
here’s our current most wanted:
Damian Priest, Saraya, Lola Vice, Izzi Dame, Dominik Mysterio, Nikkita Lyons, Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Naomi, Iyo Sky, Kari Sane, Ludwig Kaiser, Gunther, AJ Lee, Kiana James, Miz, Johnny Gargano, Kayla Braxton, Jackie Redmond, Solo Sikoa, Jey Uso, Jamie Hayter, Eddie Kingston, Vipress, Matt Cardona, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Shotzi, Zoey Starks, Mandy Rose, Jacy Jayne, Sol Ruca, Sonya Deville, Zelina Vega, Malakai Black, Brody King, Kyle Fletcher, Will Ospreay, Roman Reigns and plenty more!
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pan-kuzu · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure fantasy AU
individual drawings | hq on da
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
Post-adventure ships headcanons for @ri-ships-takari!
Agreeing with me isn’t necessary but this is one of many AUs I see for them. If you guys have anything you wanna talk about, feel free to send a message! Who knows, right!
So there’s Taiora, Mimato, and Takari, all under the cut (unedited so...)...
Taichi didn’t want to make the first move but he did so anyway
Sora knew he was going to do it soon so she waited, though she did drop very subtle hints
Their relationship was a slow one
not in the sense that nothing happened at all
they’ve been friends for a really long time, despite their feelings, they had a little bit of a struggle to know what will happen next
Though they did still enjoy going to sport games, in fact, their first date was at a tennis match--Sora had a junior she trained and wanted to see their first professional game
Taichi knew that asking Agumon about what he should do when wanting to keep Sora happy would always lead to mishaps, but that doesn’t stop Sora from appreciating the gesture--she does the same with Piyomon, they just usually end up well
Sora had become closer to Hikari as Taichi and her relationship grew, aside from Piyomon, she confided in the young girl, too
Though both were not the most competitive people, when it comes to their children’s games, you would see them with their arms up and shouting words of encouragement
Taichi was a little disappointed that their son was more into volleyball, but was proud that their daughter wanted to join the soccer team--not that he was not proud of his son, they were both his pride and joy
Sora was more strict while Taichi spoiled them rotten
but when it comes to decisions that involve the safety, the two would team up
With Taichi being an ambassador, you would expect him to be so busy with everything, but he actually spends more time with his family--and anyway, Sora helped him in a lot of ways when he was stressed (take it as you want)
Taichi was also very fond of Sora’s designs, whether she was sketching clothes or arranging flowers, it calmed them both
Yamato was hesitant to start a relationship with Mimi, he always had a problem with letting people in, and if he were being honest with himself, it was because he was scared that what happened to his parents will happen to him as well
Mimi was a little dense so Yamato’s gestures were confused with friendly interaction--it is Yamato after all
It was when Mimi had invited Yamato to her cooking show, he was good at the kitchen after all, that she started to really see question how she felt about him--she watched him whip up a specialty of his, and as soon as the food touched her mouth, perhaps there was a love potion in it, she could not think about anyone but him
Their first date was in a jazz club, they both wanted to stay away from the limelight and Yamato found an underground club and decided that it was a great place to take her
Yamato and Gabumon’s first trip to outer space gave Mimi mixed feelings
she was very happy for them but at the same time, very worried
but she knew that it was his dream, she did not dare to say the latter, she knew he would choose another path
though Yamato knew, and he was, in fact, thinking of choosing another career, he was very torn but in the end, Mimi’s words of encouragement helped him go through with his initial plans
he would ask Palmon to take care of her and whispered in the digimon’s ear “I’ll always come back for her”
When their son was born, Yamato made a promise that the child will never experience what he and Takeru had, and just by looking at his smiling wife, he knew that child never will
Their son was more into music, but he was a big fan of eating--Takeru would tease that it was because they both knew how to cook and bake, which is not false
Many people expected Yamato to be the stricter parent, but to most people, it was a surprise when Mimi was just as strict--this started arguments from others who believed that their son would grow up too sheltered
Yamato and Mimi had assured them that they would change their lifestyle as soon as he was old enough
They also had fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, and Mimi was so sure that Yamato, their eldest son, and younger son would be very protective of the girl--it was in their nature
Yamato still strummed his guitar from time to time but now it was mostly used to help his children go to sleep--yay, more Mimi time (again, take it as you want) 
None of them made the first move, it just…happened
They were at a café when their first kiss happened, both were joking around, telling each other funny anecdotes to kill time as they waited for their brothers to come back from graduation rehearsals
Well, Takeru did sort of make the first move, he kissed her first, but she did not object, the next thing people knew was that they were holding hands as Hikari waved for Taichi and Yamato
Their first official date was during Sora’s first fashion show...Hikari had VIP tickets (thank you, onii-chan) and she thought it would be nice to show their support, he did not hesitate to say yes
When Takeru began to write, he would be too embarrassed to show Hikari his works, and she understood that, but he gradually opened up to her, even making her his first level editor
Hikari would always be exhausted after a day in the school, and Takeru would either pick her up and/or bring her favorite take-outs home, though he did cook sometimes, especially during special occasions--usually with the help of Tailmon
When their first son, Tenma, was born, he was a little jealous that the child enjoyed the company of Patamon and Taimon more than them, however Hikari found it amusing and would joke, “His digi-egg is coming soon, don’t worry”
Then their second son, Akihito, was born just two years after--Tenma adored him, he would constantly look for his little brother, wanting to play with him every time he can
A few years later, they had a daughter, Nozomi, and Tenma and Akhito instantly became the protective brothers they were
Takeru and Hikari loved to watch the sunset, but the loved setting up dates for Taichi and Sora, and Yamato and Mimi much more--tripple dates were really fun anyway
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hinagamoizaf · 10 months
She moves the same way stars dance in the night Chapter 11: Trading stories
An extract : We keep our gaze ahead,the owls are louder as the moon becomes the brightest it has been tonight. The Princess edges her hand close to mine, her little finger stretched out. I curl mine around hers,mimicking the many days we made promises as children. 
“There is some comfort in knowing that in another lifetime, we'd still choose each other despite the odds,” this private thought heard by an audience of only her ears has me coloured with the hues of a rose. “And past our time together,you're trying everything you could do to secure a path for us.”
“The witchly version of me is a fighter it seems,” the Princess says with a spark in her eyes.
“I didn’t get to thank you for your time today,Lord Ishida.” “I’m simply upholding my duties,Your Highness,” I utter, even with the intimacy of this night, I insist on putting forth the titles that divide us. “Perhaps if you were to train me so well,Prince Sora would be afraid to have me as his bride,” the Princess jests. “What a cowardly prince he would be if that be the reason,” I remark, tightening our little fingers as if this is how we can stay together, just the two of us and the promises we’ve yet to make from our hearts. “You’re at fault too. For writing such a letter,” she says with a slight tremble, then her tone follows the firmness of the vast seas. The Princess rests her head against my shoulder, and this moment becomes our eternity;solidifying itself in our memory. I turn my head slightly, daring for my parted lips to brush against the crown of the Princess’s head. “You're a princess to the world,but you'll always be the queen of my heart,” I whisper to Hikari.
“You're not being fair…my Lord,” I watch as her skin colours itself with the same hues of that rose.”But I wasn’t being fair either when I said you’re my lord.” “I pray to a higher being and follow your brother’s commands,” I breathe in the scent of her hair as the Princess tilts her head slightly as we lock eyes, “But you’re the only one I’ll bow to.” “My Lord,these nights and seconds spent together have pieces of us written all over it. Right now,a part of me lives in your heart as you do in mine,” the Princess says with grace. “But even during the days and hours we spend apart, I have told the stars to shower you with the love I cannot give in person.”
“Do we have any more news on my brother’s coronation?” she shifts the conversation into something else. “I know just as much as you do, Your Highness,” I answer. “It’s drawing so close.” The owls abruptly shriek and another flurry of winged creatures passes us. Hikari gasps. Her little finger uncurls itself from mine, the texture of the hollow log beneath us is replaced by a stone chair; and my heart sinks knowing this is another Hikari that an older Yamato has loved.
“Can’t you read a room?” I exhale deeply with the utmost frustration.
The witchly Hikari glides to a corner of the ill-lit room, gesturing to a pot of a warm beverage. I declined her hospitality during this vicious visit.
“Could you imagine if you were on that throne,the eldest son destined to rule,” she proposes this alternate lifetime. “And the status of your families have swapped,the house of Yagami nobles were indebted to the royal Ishidas. Would you change the rules, and take Hikari as your queen?”
I don’t answer her, because this hypothetical had never once crossed my mind,and fathoming it now would be lunacy.
“Well isn’t that the thing about new humans? You faithfully follow the rules of your long,gone elders who couldn’t care less about you,” the witchly Hikari continues. “Why,I studied witchcraft with my lost brother. The art of the devil as old wives called it.”
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smol-tactician · 1 year
Just, just take it because valentine's day was like forever ago
Kari: Answer the question! Do you have a crush on my brother?
Matt: What? No! I could never!
Kari now walking away: Good.
TK: Wow....
Matt: Ok now, how do I tell her me and Tai are dating?
TK: oh you just- wait... YOU'RE DATING TAI?!
Matt: ....Maybe.........
Meanwhile in nerd town
Izzy: Why'd you reject all those cards? Don't you want a girlfriend or something?
Tai not paying attention: No I don't think my boyfriend would like that.
Izzy: .... Does Matt know about him?
Tai: Matt is him.
Izzy: What?
Tai: What?
Izzy: Tai-
Tai: I wasn't supposed to tell you that.
Izzy: YOU WEREN'T??????
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 3 years
Time for my usual: yamaichi miyakari hugging
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Yes it's time for that again
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mlletempete · 2 years
Antes de Navidad IV
Después de aquella fiesta Tai y Sora habían podido verse un par de veces pero junto a todos los demás así que no podían hablar a solas, lo que tranquilizaba a Tai era que Sora ya no intentaba huir, y aparentemente las cosas habían vuelto a la normalidad, su mejor amiga no estaba enojada con él, pero por otro lado temía que Sora estuviera buscando la forma de que su relación de amistad no se viera afectada porque ella no sentía lo mismo que él y obviamente no quería perder su amistad, pensar en ello lo ponía ansioso, pero con su padre en casa y las salidas grupales no había tiempo para hablar, ahora extrañaba la escuela, al menos ahí era más sencillo poder estar a solas con Sora.
El ambiente navideño los había contagiado a todos, se respiraba paz y armonía, y el amor seguía floreciendo; Mimi y Matt por fin se decidieron a darles la noticia de su relación, todos estaban contentos por ellos, Yolei se había sentido un poco con Mimi porqué siendo amigas no le había dicho nada de lo que le estaba ocurriendo con Matt, pero la ojimiel pudo encontentar a Yolei diciéndole que no era su intención ocultar nada y que se lo compensaría, le pidió que la acompañará a hacer sus compras navideñas y elegir los obsequios para navidad, a Yolei le brillaron los ojos de la emoción, una tarde de chicas era lo que necesitaba.
Al llegar el 24 de Diciembre nuestros Digielegidos se reunieron a almorzar algo como su pequeña celebración de navidad en el departamento de Matt, entre todos cocinaron, fue una tarde agradable y fue hasta ese momento que Tk y Kari pudieron hablar sobre su pequeña discusión, mientras todos recogían los platos y ayudaban a poner todo en orden, Tk le pidió a Kari que lo siguiera hasta la habitación de su hermano.
Tk: Kari quiero pedirte de nuevo una disculpa, se que te lastime y no era mi intención, desde la fiesta no hemos podido hablar como antes y no quiero que sigamos así
La castaña se había recargado en la puerta de la habitación y miraba fijamente a Tk.
Kari: ¿y tú quieres que todo vuelva a ser como antes?
Tk: claro que sí
Kari: ¿como antes de ser novios?
Tk: Kari...
Kari: Porque, lo veo difícil sabes? Ya lo intente, cuando me pediste que fuéramos amigos de nuevo y llamaste un error a nuestra relación, yo trate de entender y de respetar tu decisión pero dolió y mucho, me esforcé porque nuestra amistad no se viera afectada y volver a ser los de antes de nuestro noviazgo pero tú tampoco me ayudaste mucho Tk, de inmediato comenzaste a salir con una y otra chica, haciéndome sentir como si no te hubiera importado para nada nuestra relación, como si jamás hubieras estado enamorado de mi, y tuve que tragarme los celos y aprender a lidiar con ello, y por lo que veo sería una actriz excelente porque ni siquiera te diste cuenta del dolor que me causabas, y aún así seguí ahí, jugando a ser tu mejor amiga para de alguna forma seguir a tu lado, pero lo de la fiesta fue la gota que derramó el vaso, no puedo volver a ser tu mejor amiga Tk lo siento, las cosas han cambiado y por mi propio bienestar no puedo seguir jugando ese juego...tal vez en un futuro, cuando haya podido superar mis sentimientos por ti podríamos ser mejores amigos de nuevo pero por ahora no puedo.- Kari hablaba decidida pero sus ojos reflejaban la enorme tristeza que cargaba, sus ojos amenazaban con dejar salir el llanto y al ver que Tk no decía nada, Kari abrió la puerta para salir de ahí pero antes de que está pudiera dar un paso Tk la abrazo por atrás.
Tk: Perdóname, Kari por favor perdóname, sonare egoísta pero no te voy a soltar, perdóname por todo lo que te he hecho pasar, por hacerte sufrir, por romper tu corazón, cuando te pedí que volviéramos a ser amigos no fue porque no estuviera enamorado de ti, me deje llevar por "consejos" y comentarios de otros chicos que decían que hacerce novio de la mejor amiga es un error, que eso jamás funciona y cuando la relación termina ya no es posible recuperar la amistad, tenía tanto miedo de meter la pata y perderte no solo como pareja, también como mejor amiga...sería perderte definitivamente y no podría soportar eso, y cometí el error de dejarte y ahora mi miedo se está haciendo realidad, te estoy perdiendo, no voy a soltarte, voy a luchar para recuperarte, cuando salía con otras chicas no quería hacerte daño, no pare a pensar en ello, lo que quería era de alguna forma superar mis sentimientos por tí, fue inútil, podían ser chicas muy lindas, divertidas pero no pasaba nada porque ninguna eras tú, yo seguía pensando en ti a cada momento, y cada que te veía solo quería poder besarte, lo de Davis me ayudó a terminar de darme cuenta de mi error.- Tk soltó suavemente a Kari y está se giró para mirar a Tk.
Kari: ¿Eso quiere decir que tú me amas?
Tk: Con toda el alma, creo que te amo desde la primera vez que te ví.
Kari abrazo a Tk, ambos eran de corazón puro y de nobles sentimientos y ahora que habían podido aclarar las cosas en el corazón de ambos no había lugar para rencores, después de unos segundos se separaron, Tk estiró su brazo y tomo la mano de Kari.
Tk: Kari quiero estar contigo, extraño tanto nuestra relación, se que he sido un completo idiota pero prometo esforzarme por mejorar ¿que dices, me aceptas?
Kari se quedó pensando un momento, pero al final sonrio
Kari: Con una condición
Tk: La que tú quieras
Kari: Si el miedo se hace presente, prométeme que lo hablaras conmigo, no es posible que como amigos nos contamos todo pero como pareja no puedas hablarme de tus inquietudes sobre la relación, tengo derecho a saberlo y tengo derecho a elegir.
Tk: Claro lo prometo, trabajaremos en ello- le respondió mirandola a los ojos y mostrando una gran sonrisa.
Kari: Y....no piensas besarme?- pregunto de manera tímida, su carita se había sonrojado.
Tk: Muero por hacerlo- respondió y rápidamente tomo a la castaña por la cintura, la acerco a él y después con más delicadeza acerco su rostro al de ella y lentamente la beso.
Por otro lado Tai había salido a atender una llamada de su mamá que le pedía que no tardarán mucho más tiempo, aún debían ayudarla a preparar la cena, cuando colgó la llamada Sora iba saliendo del departamento y se encontró con Tai en el pasillo
Sora: ¿Era tu mamá?
Tai: Si, quiere que regresemos pronto para ayudarla con la cena.
Sora: Si me lo imaginé, también mi mamá me mandó un mensaje para que regrese pronto y no se nos haga tarde para ir a tu casa.
Tai: Será divertido
Sora: Contigo ahí? Eso es un hecho, siempre sabes la forma exacta para que todos a tu alrededor se diviertan y la pasen bien, es una de tus cualidades.
Tai: Gracias, y tú...te la estás pasando bien?
La pelirroja se puso justo frente a su mejor amigo
Sora: Si, oye Tai....
Tai: Si dime?
Sora: ¿Ya te diste cuenta donde estamos parados?
Estaban a la mitad del pasillo, los vecinos habían adornado por navidad, Tai miro a los lados.
Tai: Si en el pasillo...
Sora no dijo nada, solo levanto la mirada y sonrió, cuando Tai se dió cuenta imitó a su amiga y levanto la mirada, se encontraban debajo de un muérdago.
Tai: Un muérdago...
Cuando Tai bajo la mirada, Sora estaba muy cerca y lo miraba fijamente, sus mejillas se habían sonrojado y había colocado sus manos en el cuello del moreno.
Sora: Así es...
No hubo tiempo de responder, no hubo tiempo de pensar, Tai coloco sus manos en la pequeña cintura de la pelirroja y sin más la beso, pudieron continuar con lo que habían dejado inconcluso en la enfermería, sus labios se acoplaban fácilmente a los del otro, lentamente, disfrutaron del contacto y la cercanía, del sabor de sus labios, del calor que les recorría el cuerpo y de la sensación de felicidad y emoción que producía su corazón con cada latido, cuando por fin pudieron interrumpir el beso, Sora dirigió sus manos al rostro de Tai y cuando este iba a decir algo Sora le puso el dedo anular en los labios para que no dijera nada, Tai se quedo mirando a Sora fijamente, está le plantó un tierno y pequeño beso y seguido de esto le dijo.
Sora: Se que tenemos que hablar, pero de nuevo el tiempo está en nuestra contra, te prometo que hablaremos solo se paciente, solo un poco más, por favor.
Tai se sentía en las nubes, ese largo beso lo había descolocado, y el pequeño beso que Sora le dió para pedirle que no dijera nada fue un gesto muy dulce que terminó dejandolo en un estado en el que haría lo que fuera que Sora le pidiera.
Sora: Será mejor que entremos, debo despedirme de los demás y regresar pronto a casa, mi mamá quiere llevarles algunas cosas para la cena y para ser honesta quiero apurarme para poder arreglarme, quiero que me veas bonita esta noche.- al terminar de decir esto, Sora le guiño un ojo y entro al departamento, Sora no solía mostrarse coqueta, pero que lo hiciera justo con él, emocionaba más a Tai.
Tai tomo aire para poder poner los pies en el suelo y que nadie lo viera en ese estado, después entro al departamento, en efecto Sora ya se estaba despidiendo y la mayoría también, al final todos debían regresar con sus familias para festejar, Tk y Matt también debían apurarse pues pasarían nochebuena y navidad con sus papá y este llegaría más tarde de trabajar así que ellos debían comenzar a preparar la cena.
Hubo intercambio de abrazos, felicitaciones por navidad y palabras emotivas por todos lados, cuando Sora se acercó para despedirse, abrazo fuertemente a Tai.
Sora: Ya quiero que sea de noche, te veré pronto.
Tai y Kari regresaron a apoyar a su mamá con los preparativos, Tai estaba feliz y ansioso porque llegará la noche, sería una noche buena muy especial.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Just for Laughs
Word Count: 2.7k
Request:  Could you do a Noah fanfic with either the sixth or eighth prompt on Fake Family!? :) - anon
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There were three things you knew about living in Los Angeles. The first was to never walk anywhere alone at night. Between the constant tourists and the fact that you were vertically challenged, it was easy for you to get lost in the crowd. The second was to never forget to bring your pepper spray with you--which you had. It was an honest mistake. In between rushing out of the house that morning and spilling lukewarm coffee on yourself, you figured you could allow that one slip up. 
The third thing you knew about living in Los Angeles, however, was that you could always call on your best friend to get you out of a sticky situation if you ever needed. 
So now, at two in the morning, you called him up and explained your situation. After wrapping up the closing shift at the bar, you realized that you had let the time slip away from you yet again. The trains stopped their service at one am, you knew that, but the tourists in the area didn’t. 
“Again,” you said, drawing your black cardigan closer to your body. “I’m really sorry about this, Noah. There were some late customers and Phil had already left for the night so I didn’t really know what to do and by the time I actually managed to kick them out, it was two.”
“It’s fine, Y/n,” he assured you over the phone. You heard the jangling of keys on the other side as a door closed, his car starting up not even a second later. “But you have to make this up to me.”
You shivered slightly in the November chill. While the weather during the day wasn’t terribly cold, the nights could prove hypothermic. 
“Fine,” you said, rubbing your arms to generate what little heat you could. “I’ll do whatever, thank you.”
“I’ll be there in ten,” he promised before hanging up. You slipped your phone back into the small bag you carried and drew your keys. If you didn’t have your pepper spray, you’d at least be able to defend yourself with the semi-sharp pieces of metal. 
Thankfully, you didn’t have to stab anyone that night. True to his word, Noah arrived ten minutes later, honking his horn twice. 
You clambered into his car, apologizing and thanking him profusely yet again. He waved you off, signaling to pull away from the curb. 
“It’s really okay, Y/n,” he said, setting off toward your apartment. “Besides, mom would kill me if I just left you to fend for yourself.”
You giggled. Mom. He was of course, referring to his own mother. After yours had died when you were very little, you had bonded with the strange boy that brought you flowers the day after the funeral. And while Denise couldn’t truly replace your own mother, she acted enough like her to gain the title. 
“So you know how I said you’d owe me?” Noah asked, finally pulling into his assigned parking space. 
You nodded. 
“Well…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re doing recording for a Smosh Pit video next week and Courtney’s bringing her sister and I was thinking…”
“You want me to be your sister for the video as well,” you guessed, getting out of the car. He killed the engine and got out as well, locking the doors before the two of you headed toward the building. 
It was lucky that the two of you had managed to find a place with two vacancies. You were separated only by an older woman named Barbara and her three cats, which neither of you minded considering you were both avid cat people. 
The two of you walked up to your floor, the elevator being out of service for the time being. He told you a little more about the premise of the video, in which you and Courtney’s sister would essentially be going through embarrassing moments and videos of the two from their childhood. 
“So basically I get to make fun of you to your fans while they all think that I’m your biological sister?” you asked, key already in the door. You already knew you were going to say yes, after all, you owed him. You twisted the handle and removed the key, opening the door. “Am I getting paid?”
“Uh, yes,” Noah said. “If you agree to it, Ian, my boss, will send all the information to you and the paperwork and stuff as well.”
You propped the door open with one foot, reaching in slightly to hang your keys on the hook just inside your door. You held your hand out to the man, who gladly shook it. 
“I’ll be there,” you promised, inching into your apartment. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I wish to no longer reek of alcohol.”
Noah laughed. “Yeah, and other things.”
You hit him with your bag, not hard enough to hurt, and laughed as well. 
“Goodnight, Noah,” you said, waving to him.
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
A week later and you were really feeling the nerves. You’d gone to the address that Noah had sent you and after a brief reunion with Keith, you were buzzed in and brought up to the studios. There, you said hello to a few people you remembered from an event Noah had hosted in his apartment before being directed to where Noah’s desk sat. 
It wasn’t long before your best friend came and gathered you, wrapping you in his arms and messing with your hair. You swatted at him, telling him to back off before using your phone’s camera to fix the rat’s nest that he had created atop your head. You were’;t really annoyed, having spent no time doing your hair. The most you’d done that day was put a bit of product in to contain the frizz. 
Humidity really was not your friend. 
“You ready to go?” he asked, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb. “They’re pretty much ready for us.”
You stood up from his seat, grabbing your phone but leaving your bag. “You never told me exactly what you guys were filming today, Noah. Like, you said it was a Smosh Pit video but didn’t really explain what it was.”
Noah rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, there was a reason why I told you to bring an extra set of clothes.” 
Right. Last minute that morning, Noah had texted for you to bring an extra set of clothes. Just in case, he had stressed. 
“Basically, it’s like newlyweds but with sisters,” he explained, weaving through various equipment pieces and clothing racks. You’d worked in entertainment before, you know how chaotic behind the scenes could get. This was clean for a production day. “Sarah, one of our producers will ask us questions that we’ll try and answer. If we answer the same, we get a point. If we don’t, we don’t get a point.”
You tried to think back to who Sarah was. You knew Keith and Courtney, two of Noah’s work friends, but knew none of the rest of them. Sarah… She must have been the bubbly half American, half-Korean producer and Social Media manager that appeared in videos from time to time. 
“Seems simple enough,” you replied, bouncing on the balls of your feet as you waited next to him. You had stopped outside of the studio doors to wait for Courtney and her sister, Kari. Between the two of you, Kari had more Smosh appearances under her belt than you did--not that you had any to begin with. 
It didn’t take long for the sisters to arrive, Courtney greeting you with a massive hug while you and Kari settled for the, “hey, we just met but this is polite,” hug. 
“You never really explained why I needed to bring an extra set of clothes,” you said, poking Noah in the side. They had allowed you into the studio at that point.
“The losing team gets pied,” Courtney supplied, looking at Noah. “Why didn’t you tell your sister that you were getting pied?”
You looked over at Noah with an incredulous look. “Noah! I think that would have been important to know.”
“It just slipped my mind!” he defended himself, laughing as you swatted at him. Neither of you bothered to correct Courtney’s claim that you were siblings. You figured she knew and just referred to what everyone else called you.
You chatted a bit longer, just getting to know each other and get more comfortable with each other when someone came over to attach microphones to your person. You let them do their job, thanking them when they backed away. 
Another woman came over, this time dressed a little more like a show hostess. 
“I’m Sarah,” she introduced herself, holding out a hand for you to shake. You gave her your name, laughing at the comment she made about how you and Noah had different last names. 
“It happens sometimes,” you joked, shrugging your shoulders. You figured that at this point, if they didn’t know you weren’t actually related, you wouldn’t try to correct them. 
Soon enough, filming started and you were handed a whiteboard and a marker, an eraser sitting on the table between you and Noah. You listened as Sarah explained the rules of the game. In order to gain a point, the answers had to be correct, or had to be similar or even the same. If you don’t answer it right, you didn’t get the point. At the end of the game of three rounds, the losing team would be getting pied. 
“First question is for the Grossmans!” Sarah announced, turning slightly so she was facing you and Noah. “What is their star sign?”
You scribbled ‘Aquarius,’ knowing it right off the top of your head. You kept your eyes on your own board, only looking up at Sarah when you were finished. She called time and you both revealed your answers. 
“Aquarius,” Sarah read, looking at your board before moving to Noah’s. She read out your star sign, which you confirmed was correct, gaining the two of your a point. You gave Noah a high five as you went to erase your board. 
The game continued on, you getting almost every question right while Courtney and Kari practically tied you at every question. 
“Okay!” Sarah said, setting her cards down. “Here’s a tie breaker for the two teams. Whoever wins this will not be getting pied and, in fact, will be receiving this ten-dollar gift card to Starbucks that I stole from Matt Raub’s wallet earlier today.”
You laughed at the joke, laughing even harder when Matt Raub himself yelled, “Hey!” and then, “Not sponsored!” from off-stage. 
“Our last question is…” Sarah opened the glued-together piece of paper, reading the question before saying, “What’s a secret that only the two of you know?”
You looked over at Noah, silently asking how that was a question valid to the newlywed game. He just shrugged and picked up his marker, writing down his answer. You picked up your own marker and jotted something down as well. 
A few moments later, Sarah called time and you recapped your marker, setting it down on the table.
“Okay,” she said, clapping her hands together. “Since we started with Noah and Y/n last time, we’ll let Courtney and Kari go first this time.”
You watched as Kari turned her board around first, her secret scrawled on the whiteboard. 
“Um,” she said looking down at her answer. “I said a secret that the two of us shared was a time when we were exploring one day and Courtney had dropped her phone over the cliff. We told our dad that she’d actually just dropped it while walking and didn’t tell them about how we scaled the cliff to get it back.”
“No!” Courtney cried, flipping her board. “I said the time when I drove into the fence and you lied and took the blame for it because I didn’t have my license yet!”
All five of you laughed as Courtney told the story, playing up the humor for the cameras. 
“Well, Courtney and Kari,” Sarah said, frowning, “sadly you did not answer this correctly so we’re going to go to Noah and Y/n.” She turned to face the two of you. “Noah, Y/n. If you get this right, you will be crowned the winners. Are you ready?”
You nodded nervously, picking at the corner of the whiteboard. 
“I’m ready,” you affirmed, looking at Noah who replied the same. 
“Okay,” Sarah said, holding a hand out to you. “Y/n, please reveal your answer.”
You flipped the board, letting the cameras and the room read the words written there. 
“What?” Sarah asked in disbelief, reading the board. “Is this real?” 
You laughed. “Yes, this is real. Noah and I aren’t actually siblings.”
Noah turned his board around too, revealing that he had written the same thing. He laughed as Sarah fanned herself, playing up her disbelief for the camera. 
“We always joke we’re siblings, but someone didn’t realize we were joking,” you explained, laughing. You set the whiteboard down on the table. “So we were seeing how far we can carry this out and apparently twenty years is the answer.”
“We would’ve kept it going but we thought you guys had already caught on,” Noah said. “Sarah even made the last name comment earlier.”
“I was joking!” Sarah said, laughing. “I thought Y/n was married or something, I don’t know!”
You shook your head. “Marriage will not be anytime soon, but I appreciate you taking it with stride, Sarah.”
Everyone laughed, Courtney and Noah doing part of the video’s outro before the video cut out so they could rearrange the room so they could pie Courtney and Kari.
“Wait,” Sarah and Courtney stopped you from moving too far away from them. “So Noah and you aren’t really related?”
You laughed. “No, but his mom is basically my mom. We grew up next door to each other and instead of falling madly in love I got a really cool older brother that brings me to his job and gets me into videos.” 
They called for Courtney and Kari to stand on the tarp in the middle of the room, setting up the pies on the table in front of them. You met back with Noah, who had disappeared to use the bathroom, and linked arms with him, standing to the side. 
“Can I just say, I am so glad we’re not the ones getting pied today,” you joked, watching as Courtney and Kari were given ponchos that would try to save their outfits. 
“Same here,” Noah said, grinning as Courtney looked upset as she slipped the plastic poncho over her head. 
When they were finally set, Sarah waved Noah and you back onto the set. She handed each of you a pie, positioning you both in front of the sisters. 
You were paired with Courtney while Noah was put in front of Kari, pies at the ready. You listened as they did a mass countdown, squeaking out an, “I’m so sorry,” before pushing the pie into Courtney’s face. You held it there for a moment, moving it back and forth before letting it fall off her face. 
It splattered onto the floor, getting a bit on your shoes. You kicked the pie away from yourself, laughing as Courtney tasted a bit of the whipped cream. 
“This is really good,” she joked, scraping a bit off her cheek and sucking her finger into her mouth. 
You helped her clean the pie off her shoulders while Noah pied Kari, both of you laughing when the entirety of the pie somehow fell out of the platter and over Kari’s shoulders. 
“Thank you for watching!” Noah said, still laughing as he tried to clean some of the pie off Kari’s shoulders. “You can find Kari on Instagram at Karimiller and you can find Y/n at [instagram handle]!” 
“Thank you guys for coming and hanging out with us!” Courtney said, reaching over to hug her sister. Noah grabbed you in for a hug as well, waving at the camera as Matt Raub yelled, “cut!”
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umishiqu · 4 years
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First of many concept arts... most of which I still need to do :p
Kari Kamiya, wielder of 1/3 of the Kingdom Key — AKA “Heaven’s Charm”.
Separated after being separated from her kingdom, her and her childhood friend, TK, meet a boy named Daisuke. Because of each of their light-filled hearts, on the day the Kingdom Key was needed, the Kingdom Key broke and split into three fragments — each being a keyblade for each of the three friends to wield. Now, they must figure out how to save the rest of the worlds from darkness — while avoiding to become tempted by it themselves.
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