#Married for millions of years
thecookieshop · 11 months
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funniest dynamic imaginable everyone else can go home
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art-question-mark · 1 year
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“"You almost shot me," Chirrut said.
"You're welcome," his partner replied. Without looking, he fired a bolt into the back of a stormtrooper crawling nearby.”
-Rogue One Novelisation by Alexander Freed
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nadox · 4 months
I found a new discovery
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Chimata Tenkyuu ( who is based on kamuoichihime) is married to Susanoo and had two children, a daughter (Ukanomitama) who's the god of agriculture, and a son (Toshigami) who's the god of harvest.
The son had a kid (Oyamakui) who's the god of good health.
She's a mother and grandmother to Gods who are more powerful than her.
Is she proud or jealous?
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stocktonwood · 1 month
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The Vigilante I/Greg Saunders commission by s.mscott
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 months
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TOS T'Pring should be able to live her 'I think I like this little life' dreams!!
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remyfire · 2 months
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These two came to the 4077th just to be gay and bitchy and judgmental and honestly I love that for them.
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
my most controversial opinion is that the most coupley scene in the tv show other than the fridge scene is when duck starts bitching in the friendship episode and red says “oh boo hoo, here we go, now we’re gonna-”
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
i just dont get the insistence that silver has to be the child or descendant of some other already existing character in general really ... like surely shadow amy and sonic arent the only hedgehogs that exist in the present? silver could just be some random guy you know. also i honestly think his whole deal is more interesting if hes not anyone special or related to anyone special. and hes just some random kid who was born into a shitty situation and one day decided hes had enough and hes gonna do something about it
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braceletofteeth · 19 days
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Today's trial, a summary
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nyoomfruits · 8 months
For the WIP word guessing game : SMILE. Thank you!
there were so many smiles and somehow like 99% of them were oscar smiling fondly at oscar lmao
Max and Logan start squabbling about rice, then, and Lando tunes them out, trying instead to tie his scarf around his neck. Somehow it got twisted into the hood of his coat and now he’s struggling with getting it undone again without taking of his coat, because it’s still fucking freezing. Eventually, Oscar takes pity on him, prying Lando’s fingers away from the scarf and untying it carefully, before wrapping it around Lando’s neck properly and tugging on the ends. “There you go,” he says, soft smile on his face. There’s no sun out, they’ve really chosen a dark and gloomy day to get married, but there’s still something about Oscar standing there, on the top step in front of the registry office, in his fancy little wool coat and his perfectly styled suit, his hair ever so slightly windswept, that makes Lando’s head spin a little.
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
Nina and I are unfortunately like dynamite and gunpowder. something happens and we’re just like oh yeah? You wanna go? Let’s go! Meet me in the ring bitch!
#part of our power is the insane SPEED and then reconciliation of our fights#we forgive and communicate as fast as we fight#but there is no one in the world who makes me just SAY the shit I shouldn’t say than her#like she just. she herself is so fast and so blunt and so ruthless and so bullying and so LOUD#that it fires me right up and it’s like okay well FINE the gloves are off#but then it makes me anxious after like. did I say something TOO hurtful#Nina and I always joke we have the RANGE#because for all of my we’re the struggling married couple of sisters#we also have times where the fun and exchange of ideas is flowing#and this ability to say and hear things to/from each other that most people don’t/can’t?#like. the level of rock-solid trust is SO high. but equally high is our wildly differing personalities and worldview#so there isn’t anything quite like it and it can be confusing from the outside#like I HAVE to meet her in the parking lot because she’ll be being the WORST#but also she thinks I am being the worst#but anyway I do hate when a fight seems like NEW territory#and then I always worry that I have done irreversible damage#I can hear Nina in my head mocking that very idea because she is so tough#and mocking the anxiety of me being like nothing can ever be okay again#but life and certain subjects have been traumatizing in the past year#so idk what is safe exactly right now#I am FULLY rambling and having a million thoughts at once#but yeah#SORRY FOR SWEARING#twice
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lobotomizedlady · 2 months
people often assume when we all go out together that I'm my half brothers mom (I'm 20 years older than him) & that his parents are his grandparents & it's so funny bc I know it bothers them. old ass idiots
#my dad was 49 & his wife was 45 when they had him#the story behind his birth is actually extremely fucked up like everything else about their relationship#so my dad left her like a million times to try to go back to my mom (who kept telling him no unless he sorted out his issues) then he#would always run right back to her & she always took him back. anyways i guess he said smth along the lines of#''my wife (he was still married to my mom) will always be the love of my life bc shes the mother of my kids''#and...she went off bc & on fertility treatments without telling him. then shes pregnant & he is still saying he wants to come back to us#so she said he will never see their kid & her son from a previous marraige THREATENED MY DAD AT GUNPOINT#and said if you ever leave my mom again ill fucking kill yoi#so then the divorce was finalized & they got married & my half brother was born. rest is history#for the record i dont feel sorry for my dad at all it was his fault too. the fucking hypocrite was having sex before marriage#and he knew she was nuts & far too attached to her#what a fucking idiot. all he had to do was get on meds & in therapy & admit he was wrong & he could have stayed with us#but he needed constant validation & to be in charge of everything & thats what his new wife gives him. she converted to his cult & now they#raise my brother in it. and she just does whatever my dad wants & lets him treat her like shit. i would actually feel sorry for her if sh#if she werent such a fucking awful person. and she tries to be all nicey nice w/us despite being a literal homewrecker.#and doing things like telling my dad he cant spend more than 50 dollars per year on each of us#while having him buy her a third car & a 1500 dollar fur coat. lol#theyre so much better off financially than us that its unreal. my mom doesnt get a penny despite how much we are struggling#but if i want a relationship with my half brother i just have to pretend none of this is weird or wrong.#anyways i just hope he never finds out the circumstances of his birth bc god can you fucking imagine
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aboutyoutoo · 2 months
this might be wildly tasteless but every so often i think about it and i am 100% convinced that if Mary Vetsera were born in the 21st century she would LOVE Lana Del Rey
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llycaons · 2 months
I'm going through my likes now and ran into a post about how jc never told wwx about the way he lost his core and yeah like thank GOD that never came up bc what would it have even done at that point. wwx already did everything humanely possible (and then some) to keep jc in power and to prevent the jiangs from crumbling. and jc did what he did. maybe it'll make wwx a bit more sympathetic in retrospect, maybe he'll thank him, but he's not going to drop everything and try to rejoin the sect bc of it. he's just not someone who lives in the past like that and at this point his relationship w jc is so mired in violence and pain that it's hardly going to overshadow all the damage jc has inflicted on him. and jc not telling him isn't 'one final tragic miscommunication between brothers who still love each other' it's a genuinely mature decision to let the past go and stop relying so heavily on debt and obligation as a basis for a relationship. like if jc told wwx and wwx felt bad enough that he returned to living under jc that would just be due to guilt and do these ppl really think jc wants THAT again?
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heart-shaped-chains · 4 months
Need a guy to love on and hug and cuddle and whisper sweet nothings into his ear and more
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urmomsfavelesbian · 1 year
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