#Malcolm Turnball
akajustmerry · 1 year
couldn’t find anything about the murdochs suppressing press freedom would you mind sharing links please
ooooooft okay. i do forget that not everyone is aware of these things. but!! if you wanna know why dominant news media in the global north sucks / wanna be more aware of media influence on politics / wanna appreciate succession more - here is a 'fuck the murdochs' reading list
a recent article on the current court case between Fox News (founded by Rupert Murdoch) and Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion is claiming defamation after Fox News pushed the lie the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, which led to the Jan 6 riots.
Opinion piece by former Aus PM Malcolm Turnball on why he's leading a campaign requesting a Royal Commission into Murdoch's monopoly over Australia's press and Murdoch's unjust influence on Australian politics
here is a podcast breaking down how Lachlan Murdoch (irl Kendall) is suing an independent paper here in Aus for connecting the Jan 6 insurrection to fearmongering of Murdoch press in the States. like, he is literally suing journalists for accurate reporting. that *is* suppressing freedom of the press by definition.
The Murdochs: Empire of Influence (2022). 6 part documentary featuring historians, journalists, ex-employees etc. covers everything there is to know about the family's role in press and politics from world war 1 up to 2022.
Book: Breaking News: Sex, Lies and the Murdoch Succession by veteran anti-Murdoch journalist Paul Barry. The book is from 2013, but is a thoroughly accessible analysis of on the family's rise
Vanity Fair also recently published this hugeeeeee investigation: Inside Rupert Murdoch's Succession Drama
The official Succession podcast is free and discusses the show's influences pretty openly. it doesn't go super in-depth (probably because they don't want to be sued) but it makes mention and discussion of real events and people that influence the show.
just for good measure: here is a list of every news outlet and publisher and media outlet the Murdoch family own across the US, UK, Europe and Asia. handy for when you do your own research, which you should so you're not reading from *their* sources. The whole reason you have trouble finding this kind of information on them is because they suppress it, or make it hard to find.
like... i know a lot of people don't know this, but Succession is a political satire and is about a very specific group of people who are actively shaping the world for the worst so they can become rich and never live with the consequences. the majority of Jesse Armstrong's work is about how internal dynamics between people in powerful institutions literally shape society. if you don't understand that's what Succession is then you're actually missing a huge part of it. so i hope you, and anyone else who needs it, take a gander at these resources because you won't only understand Succession more, but the state of your local politics and media too.
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Oh course, the moment in try and update my rules page is when the WiFi craps itself.
Thanks, Uncle Tony X. thanks, Malcolm Turnball. Not like Australia needs a decent national broadband network or anything. No that's fine, break it, see what I care. Break it.
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gettothestabbing · 3 years
In 2001, amidst surging unauthorized maritime arrivals, Australian Prime Minister John Howard launched a package of legislative changes and strict border control policies called the Pacific Solution to curb illegal boat arrivals and human trafficking. These changes excised islands around Australia from the migration zone, deployed the Royal Australian Navy and customs officials to turn back boats, and processed asylum seekers in mandatory offshore detention centers on Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island.
The catalyst was the Norwegian freighter Tampa’s attempt to unlawfully enter Australian territorial waters and drop off hundreds of illegal, mostly Afghan migrants rescued at sea. Howard found the violation unwarranted, and the justification exaggerated. Special forces were dispatched to board the Tampa and prevent it from sailing any closer to Australian territory.
Howard’s insistence that a government must control “who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come” received resounding public support across middle Australia. Howard maintained his actions weren’t just about public opinion, but also about defending the national interest.
While Australia’s border policies have been targets of controversy — owing largely to reports of abuse in offshore detention centers and concerns about the lengthy detention of children — the numbers indicate discouraging human traffickers has been effective in stopping the boats. The number of illegal boats plummeted from dozens of vessels with thousands of passengers arriving each year to precisely one vessel carrying a single person in 2002.
When the subsequent Labor government began reversing those policies in 2008, human traffickers came back and illegal boat arrivals surged. Five years of left-wing incompetence and handwringing resulted in the arrival of more than 50,000 migrants in unauthorized boats and the deaths of more than 1,100 migrants at sea.
Within 18 months of the implementation of Howard’s Pacific Solution, the share of asylum applicants who arrived illegally by boat (instead of by air) had dropped sharply from 24 percent to 1 percent. Under successive Labor governments, that number skyrocketed to 68 percent by 2013.
When Tony Abbott was elected prime minister in 2013, his center-right coalition reinstated many Howard-era policies. Under successive prime ministers since then, the Australian government has maintained its tough stance. Illegal boat arrivals fell to zero between 2015 and 2016, and the drownings have ended.
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thehappyvet · 4 years
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Don't you love when two ex prime minister's from opposing parties come together to roast the current prime minister on his lackluster approach to climate change and also staunch him on how biased the Murdoch monopoly media is?? Honestly, they are my new favourite old guy besties 🥰🥰
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digital5arah-blog · 5 years
Politics and Social Media: #Auspol
The somewhat infamous hashtag, #Auspol, is the digital hub for all things Australian politics. Where all the politically engaged and wary individuals vested in Australian politics network together and perform political participation and communication. The hashtag is among one of the most profound and used in the world. Boasting over a million tweets on the global platform Twitter and may be described as a ’technology of engagement’, a tangible, material tool for people to relate to themselves and to others. Often crude, often not for the faint hearted and sometimes described as a ‘bloodbath’, the hashtag rated third among trending political topics on twitter in 2015 and was the only Australian trend to make it into the global top 30 trends, a year-end analysis of what or who was talked about the most on social media platforms.
Short for Australian politics, #auspol is often used for rumour spreading and commentary for both citizens and members of parliament to voice their opinion and has quickly become a ‘part of the political furniture in Australia’, a virtual object that contributes to the unfolding of social and political reality on a daily basis. The hashtag originated from America where it actually began as a compound word for Austin Politics, '(Aus)tin (Pol)tics’. Australia quickly took over the compound hashtag in 2010, which took off after two independent members of parliament, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott announced they would be joining with the then prime minister Julia Gillard to allow the Labor Party to form a minority government on September 7th. On September 7th, 241 tweets were sent using the hashtag #Auspol, with 1,500+ tweets on the days following. Now, the hashtag is mentioned 9,000+ posts a day, which grows or is influenced dependent on political disruption and day to day political events.
This weeks most talked about topics and issue/s via #Auspol:
Malcolm Turnbull is calling for Peter Dutton to explain himself, following reports that a Chinese billionaire, who was seeking a passport, paid a Liberal lobbyist tens of thousands of dollars to secure a private meeting with the then Immigration Minister.
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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has used $600,000+ of taxpayers money on advertising for the election.
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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison did a Borat impression during Parliament.
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jezzacorbyn · 6 years
catch malcolm turnball crying n comfort eating in bed tonight but instead of eating normal food he’ll be knocking back the raw onions
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blueberrymayrose · 3 years
The derision the conservative men on Q&A show to fellow female guests is actually shocking.
It’s rude. It’s often overt. It’s petty.
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itneedsmoresalt · 7 years
@ malcolm, the second i find out that you’re shacking up with that huge bag of orange, balless dicks, you better start sleeping with one fucking eye open mate 
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theshapeofagua · 4 years
its so funny that malcolm turnball is finally doing something like where was this energy when u were the pm
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matterconcern-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Matter Concern
New Post has been published on https://matterconcern.com/2017/02/17/malcolm-turnbull-and-bill-english-called-on-to-discuss-australias-immigration-laws/
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill English called on to discuss Australia's immigration laws
PM Bill English had his first official meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Queenstown with trade with the United States is likely to be the hot topic of conversation. But New Zealanders in detention centres in Australia urged the pair to reconsider immigration laws which...
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prettybirdy979 · 6 years
Turmoil in Aussie Politics... Again.
I don’t know how many of my followers have been following Aussie politics but today is a huge fucking deal for our conservative party the Liberals - or the Coaltion cause they’re technically two parties but we all just call them by the bigger party - because today they had a by-election. For Malcolm Turnball’s old seat. 
You know, the latest Prime Minister of ours to fall vicitim to the Defence Against the Dark Arts style curse our PM position has. He quit the same week and triggered a by-election, held today. Polls have been closed just over two hours now.
And the ABC analyst feels secure enough in the results so far to call the by-election the independent candidate. Not the Liberal one. Firstly this is a BIG deal for that seat because it’s been Liberal (or equivalent) since Federation. In 1901. That’s a very safe seat that Liberal might just have lost.
But more importantly, with that, our government’s one seat majority becomes a hung parliament and puts us into minority government time. 
Now this probably won’t change anything funtionally. One independent is a Nationals MP - the Nationals being the other party in the Coalition I mentioned - so he’s not likely to vote against the government on anything critical. But it is something major.
We have to go to the polls for the federal government before May next year. And by the look of things, we might be in for a new PM before next year is out...
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sleepymccoy · 7 years
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Eric Abetz looks like a face merge of Malcolm Turnball and Peter Dutton
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leesh · 7 years
well, all major governments are fucked aren't they RIP (truly rest in pieces we have no good leadership)
i’m just really mad specfically atm because malcolm turnball tweeted a video of him and his wife voting yes and saying how they support same sex marriage and its important.............. WHY DID YOU WASTE TWO MILLION DOLLARS ON A VOTE THEN THIS COULD’VE BEEN DONE ANOTHER WAY AND NOT CAUSED SO MUCH STRESS AND ANXIETY FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY
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keirookie · 7 years
Ayooo another Aussie I'm so happy! SA represent and I am always devastated there is only like, 3 Cons here a year.. and comic con wasn't that great... The east side get everything! XC (And politics suck i hate that Turnball is literally kissing Trump's gross cheeto feet ugh)
AYYY!! yeah, supanova and comiccon here but like a few other really small ones and i’m not sure if those are still going??? and they are so shit now :^) only 2 days, no raves and hardly any stalls now it’s actually crap. also more expensive to get in??? what??? Yeah tru Malcolm is literally spouting shit at this point wtf 
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In and out like a revolving door 
Our political debate regarding who is Prime Minister is like playing a game of guess who, as it changes so frequently. However, do we have social media to blame for this reoccurring change or was it inevitable due to the everchanging needs of the public which is somewhat impossible to achieve?
The first political change occurred with Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard at the prime time of the social media uprising in 2010. Through the use of media, it was apparent that Rudd wasn’t appealing to the people’s needs and hence had to promote a new face, one which was for the people and understood how to respond to their requests (Summers 2012). This, though a seemingly one-time occurrence, has now occurred for three more prime minister changeovers overs since 2010 including Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott, and Malcolm Turnball. This comes under the idea of the public sphere which interconnects state and society and the idea of how one cannot work without the others influence, showing how the citizen's input plays an important part in how the government pick and choose, kicking their own staff out of their cabinet (Rasmussen 2014, p.1319).
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The use of participatory media now allows people to produce their own content, which then can be shared with countless users who share similar views between political debates whether you're labor, liberal or independent. The use of social media particularly Twitter and Facebook has played a pivotal part in how society communicates with one another, specifically about issues they care deeply about, allowing both outlets and the public to voice their point of view, and in turn change the way we are influenced (Chen 2013, p.34). Although this is a good thing for users like myself as it allows us to get involved, it also makes it simpler for media outlets to degrade, fabricate and ambush a situation or person in the media, manipulating users into seeing a political figure in a specific way even if it only has an ounce of truth, which predominantly happened with Julia (Summers 2012). 
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Personally, I understand as a voter that the person in charge is not only what they display in the political sphere, it’s how they act in public, online and with the community which is seen specifically with the likes of politicians like Peter Dutton, losing support in an instant based off personal circumstances. However, at what point do we stop from taking it too far? In my opinion, there will be no way to stop it, we will only have to filter out what is not important to keep someone we as a society voted in for their whole term and to stop this game of survivor, winner takes all once and for all. 
Chen, P.J 2013, Australian politics in a digital age, ANU E Press, Canberra.
Rasmussen, T 2014, ‘Internet and the Political Public Sphere’, Sociology Compass, Vol.8, No.12, pp.1315-1329.
Summers, A 2012,'Her Rights at Work: The Political Persecution of Australia's First Female Prime Minister’, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 115-126. 
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topofreddit · 7 years
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnball says "The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia." Essentially Australia doesn't comply with the laws of maths apparently
Original post | Reddit thread
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