#Macgyver fic
ash5monster01 · 2 months
Ground Rules
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Pairing: Angus Macgyver x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, just two first time parents trying to figure it out
Summary: Much to your dismay your shared child seems to take after Mac and his curious ways. You had heard the stories about his unique childhood and if you didn’t get it under control soon, your daughter was bound to follow right in his foot steps.
word count: 1.5k
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When you had first started dating Mac there had never really been any rules. It wasn’t until you moved in together you finally had to put some in place. You had tripped over one to many contraptions and been a little too close to some minor explosions that had you deciding on no experiments in the house. After a minor fight he finally agreed and Mac followed that rule to the best of his abilities and you appreciated him for it.
What you had never expected was having a kid just like him. You don’t know why it never crossed your mind that it was possible for your child to have Mac’s intelligence. To be honest you wished you would’ve and you could’ve prepared yourself for all that was to come with a curious mind desperate to learn. You had heard all those stories about Mac when he was a kid, blowing up football fields and smoking out labs, but none of it ever really felt real until now. They finally felt real because your daughter had now taken it upon herself to do science experiments anywhere she can.
You had left for only ten minutes. That was it. Ten peaceful minutes to go out and do some minor yard work. She was reading a Nancy Drew book on the couch when you left but when you had returned, the eight year old girl had covered the kitchen in what looked like some sort of green foam. It takes your mind only a second to go haywire, panic setting in, fear of chemicals, and misdirected anger at your husband.
“Jackie! What is going on?” you rush towards her, making quick work of pulling her away from the mess.
“Elephant toothpaste, I saw it on TV and Dad told me how to make it” you were sure smoke was steaming out of your ears by now. As proud as you were for how smart your daughter was, these actions could become hazardous.
“Honey, I need you to tell me what exactly is in elephant toothpaste?” you ask as calmly as you can, keeping your voice even as if to not scare her off.
“Hydrogen peroxide, yeast, dish soap, water, and food coloring for some fun!” she claps excitedly, eyeing that very mixture on the kitchen counter. Now calming over the harmless ingredients you look at where she has some foam now stuck in her curly blonde hair.
“All that made a huge mess in my kitchen?” you ask, reaching for a dish towel and wiping away as much as you can in her hair.
“Well I tripled the recipe for a bigger explosion” she says as if the sentence alone doesn’t make your heart stutter. Letting out a deep sigh you stand back up and start to guide her to the bathroom.
“You definitely are you father’s daughter” you mutter, hands squeezing her shoulders.
“You should’ve seen it Mom, it was huge!” she cheers excitedly as you start down the hallway.
“Let’s get you in the bath” you tell her and she just smiles wide, clearly content with what she had just accomplished and you now had to clean up.
Once filling the tub with warm water you help your daughter step out of her elephant toothpaste splattered dress and into the bath. Offering her a bath bomb she keeps her curious mind occupied as you step out and figure out how to prepare yourself for the cleaning you had ahead of you.
“What happened here?” you find your blonde husband with an amused smile on his face, eyes scanning the green foam.
“Someone decided to make elephant toothpaste, have any idea where she got that from?” you ask crossing your arms and Mac looks up to find you are not as amused as him in this situation.
“Shit baby I’m so sorry. I didn’t think she��d actually attempt it, much less inside the house” he says walking over to you and you sigh, trying your best to not place all the blame on him.
“It’s fine, I just have to figure out how to clean it now” you say, hands reaching up to push the hair out of your face. It had already been a long day and the last thing you needed was this.
“It’s okay, I got it. I’ve done elephant toothpaste a time or two” he says, hands reaching to squeeze each of your arms, and you offer a weak smile.
“She’s gonna be trouble, just like you” you say with an accusing finger and Mac smiles before pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Maybe, but at least I know how to handle it. When I was blowing things up I never had anyone who understood me” Mac says and you give him a panicked look.
“I didn’t say anything about blowing things up” you tell him, head beginning to shake and Mac quickly stops you.
“I know but I happened to remove an entire football field once in my life. Maybe I can keep hers contained to a small park or something” he teases but you give him a stern look that says you’re not ready to joke about this just quite yet.
“How about no explosions and no more experiments in our home?” you say and Mac clearly mulls it over. You know he wants to cater to his daughter’s curious mind, provide her with every opportunity he could to learn, but could that be done at the expense of your kitchen?
“One explosion and experiments in the yard?” he counter offers and you sigh.
“No explosions and experiments small enough to not alert neighbors in the yard” you finalize and he nods with a grin.
“I can accept that” he says before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “Now where’s our little scientist, I want to applaud her”
“She’s taking a bath, you can say hi after you clean up this mess” you tell him, hands pressing against his chest and in the direction of the green foam.
“And what about you?” he asks, a small pout to his lips and you slowly press a kiss to them. The pout gone in seconds.
“I’m going to help her out of the bath and then we’re going to set some rules” you tell him and he nods, saluting you as you walk back to the bathroom to find Jackie hadn’t even washed her hair yet.
It’s only an hour later you finally have the small girl in fresh pajamas, damp hair combed, and sat between you and Mac on the couch. The Nancy Drew book from before is open on her lap and you finally give Mac a look to tell him it’s time to set some rules and create boundaries for her.
“Jackie honey?” you coo, fingers reaching to push away the book for a moment.
“Yeah Mom?” she says, half distracted and trying to chase the page as it moves away from her.
“We wanted to talk to you about your little experiment today” you tell her and Mac nodded, blue eyes finding his daughter’s matching ones.
“Yeah honey, just a quick chat” and at her father’s words she finally closes the book on her lap.
“We love that you enjoy learning new things. It’s amazing the things you already understand, but we need to set some rules” you tell her and a sad look flashes across her features in seconds.
“You made a big mess today, one that worried your Mom. So there can’t be anymore experiments in the house” Mac says and the girls is instantly defeated, a gasp leaving her mouth.
“But Dad, it was just elephant toothpaste. It wasn’t dangerous!” she whines and Mac shakes his head, staying firm and on your side.
“Yeah but your Mom didn’t know that. So there is going to be no more experiments in this house unless approved and supervised by one of us” he tells her and her lip instantly quivers as her arms cross over her chest.
“But you and Dad can do as many experiments in the yard as you want and he’s also agreed to bring you to his lab at work once a week to learn something new” you comfort the sad girl, arm wrapping around her.
“You promise?” she asks, hopeful eyes looking up at her Dad.
“Of course honey, pinky promise. We want you to grow and learn but science can be dangerous and it’s important we treat every experiment as that” he tells her and she nods even though you know she’s not entirely on board yet.
“Does that mean I have to tell you about the habitat I’m growing in my closet?” she whispers and you flash a worried look to Mac who is trying his best not to laugh.
“Well, why don’t we go find out” he says, standing and lifting the girl to dangle over his shoulder. The giggles and squeals she lets out are a stark contrast to the somber mood she was just in and you can’t help but smile as you watch them disappear down the hallway.
“Is that a toad?!” you hear Mac’s voice bellow down the hallway and you are quick to stand to your feet and rush down the hallway.
“Oh hell no”
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Taglist: @mayfieldss
Comment if you want to be tagged in any upcoming Macgyver fics <3
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strange-relics · 3 months
I'm trying my best to finish at least one fic for Cairo Day next month, and one scene involves needing to crack a safe, something I was trying to do in a way that was heavily improvised and very much on brand for our boy Mac.
Well I decided to bring it up to my grandfather (former EOD, named Jack) during our weekly coffee date today, and not only did he tell me exactly how to crack that safe (using explosives and a wine bottle, no less) he even sketched a diagram of the whole process for me.
Once again I am reminded why the show hits so close to home for me, whose irl nickname is Mac, and whose father-figure is named Jack. Role reversal with the EOD stuff, but this fic just became so, so special to me!
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lailuhhh · 9 days
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Your wish is my command bestie @bold-and-nosy
Mac didn’t know how long they’d been walking. Too long and not long enough. The op had turned bad real fast, and he and Jack had been forced to abandon the whole thing, in hope of another team taking up the head on it.
They’d lost any and all communication they had when they started running, so there was no help coming any time soon. If Mac was more coherent, he would’ve been able to rig something up out of whatever they had left of their stuff, but if he was being completely honest with himself, could barely keep up with Jack’s pace.
Getting shot did tend to make people lag behind.
“Come on, bud. I know it sucks, but we gotta keep goin.”
Maybe if he actually told Jack he got shot and it wasn’t just a graze, they could slow down a bit.
“Just a little longer. We can settle when the sun goes down.”
Those seemed like some of the most agonizing hours of Mac’s life. And when the sun did manage to finally set, Mac stopped, and didn’t start again.
He was hunched over, hands resting on his knees, heaving breaths more than he should have. “Can we settle?”
Jack looked at Mac, a slight frown on his face. Usually it was the other way around; Mac would be the one to keep pushing forward and Jack would be complaining his ear off.
“Alright. This place is most likely safe and far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to find us. We’re lucky it ain’t really cold, otherwise a fire would give us away in an instant.”
He watched as Mac nearly let himself fall. He couldn’t blame him. Jack had been posted on the outside while Mac had gone in. He had all that extra adrenaline that was probably starting to exit his system and cause him to crash. Jack also didn’t miss the jolts and flinches at every sound when Mac thought he wasn’t looking.
“You wanna crash?”
“Please. I’m so tired.”
“The sleep. I’ll stand guard.” Jack could see Mac trying to make sense of whatever was being said. The words looked like they were heard but not registering.
“I thought you said it was safe here?” Mac sent him a confused look
“It is.” Jack knew something was wrong. Mac wasn’t one to question Jack’s judgement when it came to survival. “But ya don’t feel safe here, do ya?”
Mac looked startled, and a bit ashamed that Jack could see through him and call him out on something so trivial as being scared. His voice was small, barely louder than a whisper when he answered. “Not yet…”
It was against Jack’s better judgement to ignore what he saw, but they had nothing. Jack had nothing to help Mac deal with whatever was happening at that moment. The only thing he could do was speak to him, and hope they were found soon. “Then sleep. I’ll stand guard til ya can feel safe.”
Mac blinked slowly until his eyes finally shut, back leaning against a tree so he wasn’t in the dirt. “Always feel safe with you.”
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fesweetpea · 5 months
*sheepish wave*
Been a while. Let me just jump right into this WIP Wednesday with no explanation for my absence.
A little sequel I'm still thinking about...
He’s standing, weight on one foot, at the kitchen sink when he hears soft footsteps, the sound of skin shuffling against the wooden floor and then squeaking to a stop. He turns his head and torso and catches Jack drawing a hand down his face and then pushing his fingers through this hair. Mac isn’t quick enough to cap the orange tinted bottle. Hell, he’s still got the glass of water in one hand and the other one is gripping the edge of the counter, helping him balance.
“Hey, sorry I woke you,” Mac says softly, turning back towards the sink. He snaps the lid back on the bottle, pills rattling against each other and the plastic walls of the container when he slides it into his pocket.
“ ‘s OK,” Jack yawns. “You hurtin’?”
“A little.” It’s too late, or too early, to figure out how to lie.
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reywritesstuff · 10 months
For the drabbles: "You're burning up."
HO HO!!! Let’s seeee, how about good ol’ Mac and Jack. Definitely not a Drabble because I can’t write only 100 words to save my life. I think this is nearly 300 words lolll
“I’m fine, Jack, it’s nothing,” Mac lies, turning away from the doorway and hoping Jack hasn’t noticed the flush in his cheeks or the feverish look in his eyes. But he’s got no such luck. Jack is through the doorway and stepping in front of Mac in seconds.
“I know you’re lyin’ to me, Mac, would you just look at me for a sec?” Jack says firmly, an almost pleading tone to his voice, and Mac sighs. He looks up at Jack slowly, and he sees the way Jack’s brow furrows in a mix of concern and anger. “Mac… you look like shit, kid. You really expect me to let you go to work like this?” Jack says, raising one eyebrow and waving a hand at all of Mac to prove a point. But Mac is stubborn, and he hates the idea of Jack having driven all the way here to pick him up for work for nothing, so he sets his shoulders and looks away.
“I’m fine, Jack. Just a cold,” he sniffles, trying not to let Jack know just how much his body is aching. And then Jack steps closer and before Mac can even react, he’s pressing the back of his hand to Mac’s forehead. Jack instantly pulls away with a hiss.
“You’re burning up!” He accuses, and Mac knows he’s lost. Jack shakes his head and grabs Mac by the shoulders, maneuvering him towards the living room and kicking the front door closed behind them. “That’s it, I’m calling Maddie, you’re on bed rest today and I’m taking care of you. No arguments!!”
And honestly, Mac couldn’t even complain if he wanted to, because the second he sinks onto the couch, he’s out like a light.
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paperxcrowns · 5 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis Additional Tags: Missions Gone Wrong, Drowning, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Hypothermia, Restraints, Whump, Protective Jack Dalton (MacGyver 2016), Worried Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Temporary Character Death, Concussions, Blood and Injury, i can't believe locked in a trunk isn't a tag on ao3 yet. oh well., Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, CPR, Broken Bones, performing cpr is traumatic yall, Hurt Riley Davis, Blood Loss, shes okay, mostly edited we still die like men Summary:
Another pair of hands wrap around Mac's other arm and heave him bodily into the open trunk.
He starts struggling again when the realization hits him. He kicks out with his legs when they’re maneuvered into the trunk and he gets a slap in the face for it that makes his vision go gray and fizzle out briefly.
When he comes back to his senses, the trunk slams shut and he’s in the dark, the confined space lit red by the taillights. The brightness of the lights makes the sharp pain in his skull spike fiercely and he cringes inward.
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ao3feed-macdesi · 1 year
by Anonymous
Post 4x08, Mac slips away during Oversight’s wake. Desi does her best to be there for him.
Words: 1492, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of A Tender Touch, A Silent Word
Fandoms: MacGyver (TV 2016)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Desiree "Desi" Nguyen, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016)
Relationships: Angus MacGyver/Desiree "Desi" Nguyen
Additional Tags: Wakes & Funerals, Grief/Mourning, James is mentioned (and dead), Jack is mentioned (and alive!), Post-Episode: s04e08 Father + Son + Father + Matriarch, Episode: s04e08 Father + Son + Father + Matriarch
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pendragonsandbuckleys · 6 months
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Long Lost Papa Bear. Summary: James MacGyver – Oversight to those within the Phoenix Foundation – left his son at the mere age of ten in a pragmatic attempt at protecting him from the growing list of enemies making their way to his door. But walking out and abandoning are two different things, and when his son goes from estranged family to current employee, his methods of keeping an eye on him are only made easier. - A look into James’ time as the boss of the Phoenix Foundation, knowing full well that his own son is working beneath him. Word Count: 4,903 [Also on AO3]
When I was first recruited, I thought I could keep family and work separate and for a while, I did. But the more I worked, the more enemies I racked up and I knew one day they’d come after me like Murdoc came after you. I’d already lost your mother and I wasn’t about to risk losing you. 
Your grandfather helped me keep tabs on you. I was never really gone, son. I mean, you think you ended up working for me by accident? I was always in the background, nudging you in the right direction.
— James MacGyver, Season 2 Episode 23.
Teeth grinding together; a low hiss escaped past his tongue as he dabbed away the blood with a saline-soaked cotton ball. Of all the places his target had to get a hit in, of course it was right on his temple – not an easy spot to hide from an inquisitive nine-year-old.
He should be relived. A major terror attempt thwarted, the culprits locked up under high security, and – glancing at his watch – the promise of two uninterrupted days with his boy. So why was it the last thought, the thought of being close to his son, that left an uncomfortable pit in his stomach?
It amazed him how bright Angus was, always curious and eager to learn. So much like his mother—
His palms pressed into the cool ceramic of the sink; head bent low as he let out a long breath. He would have given anything for Ellen to see her son now. To see the intelligent little man he was growing into. But beautifully big-brained or not, Angus was still just a boy and he needed his father to protect him. And what better way to keep him safe than to draw the enemies away from his door.
The terrorists, the gunmen, the psychopaths intent on murder. Every day they drew nearer and eventually, whether he prepared for it or not, someone was going to infiltrate his defences and get too close to the thing he loved most in the world. 
So if staying away kept his son safe, then so be it.
Matilda Webber was a force of nature. Fierce and determined. With only seven years on the job under her belt her reputation preceded her, accomplishing twice as much as half of his agents and he wanted her on his team.
Her assignment was simple: investigate him.
Interrogation, surveillance, snooping though information she shouldn’t be privy to using methods she had spent years honing. 
Show him what all the hype was about.
Show him any flaws in his security that would need to be patched.
She was incredible, winning him over halfway through the first day, and by the end of the week he had made a firm decision: she would be his handler. She would keep him in check and help lead his team and
– when she found information on his son, his stomach dropped – 
she would help him hide deeper within this organisation where even his name would not see the light of day. 
MAY 2002
…was the headline he had spent days waiting to see plastered across the front page each time he passed the newspaper stand.
Those bold black letters would never be printed of course. Regardless of his hand in the containment of the incident, his son was much too loved in that school for them to let him come into any harm over it. 
Only Angus.
And Wilt, he supposed. Though he had a feeling that his son’s best friend had been an innocent – if not eager – bystander as usual. What happened to the days of Angus being satisfied with dismantling a car or stripping a DVD player for parts?
He bet the teachers were wishing they had provided something a little more stimulating for the boy genius. If they had, the giant patch of charcoaled grass might still have a football field in its place. 
Then again, this was the same boy who had almost set his gym alight a few months prior with his homemade indoor lightning.
Yeah…there would have been no stopping this. He just hoped for their sake they had some good insurance in place.
For next time.
His phone vibrated once against the desk as he was midway through a report. Fingers flying across the keys, he let himself finish his sentence before taking a look.
No words, just a photo.
He appreciated Harry’s lack of small talk but sometimes he did wonder if his father’s straight-to-the-point messages were born more out of annoyance than convenience. His father understood why he had to leave all those years ago, but it didn’t mean he agreed with it. 
He tapped on the photo, opening it to full screen.
Dear Angus, 
On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the MIT Class of 2008…
A warm feeling he probably didn’t deserve to be having suddenly crept into his chest. Seventeen years old no less and his son had been accepted into one of the most prestigious schools in the country.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He had dreamt of this day. His son’s excitement at reading those words aloud. His bittersweet sorrow as his son moved far away from home and into his dorm. His pride as Angus donned his graduation cap and gown after three hard years of work.
Only, in his dream, he had been there at his son’s side.
Without a word he closed the photo, returned his phone to the desk and continued with his report.
MARCH 2011
He smiled politely at the gaggle of agents as they passed him in the hallway after a meeting, recognising their faces even if some of their names escaped him. As Oversight, it was his duty to supervise the inner workings of his organisation and he’d grown very familiar with the different teams within DXS and the expertise that each operative brought to the table.
Rather basic as a code name, but conveniently self-explanatory he supposed. To oversee something. 
He was aware of all active missions, all new recruits, all ongoing disputes. And though it came with a heavy sense of responsibility, he happily carried it with both hands. DXS was his pride and joy, and he was privileged to be its commander. 
Which is why he felt it crucial to employ only the best.
Recruitment came from all over the country; individuals on their radar, fellow Intelligence agencies, his reach even went as far as the US military. Which is why he had been able to pull some strings to get his son paired together with a one Jack Dalton during their time in Afghanistan.
The partnership between scientists and soldiers in the field was something their organisation had been the first to introduce way back after the Second World War. Something he had thought beneficial to every team under his command. He had looked into several servicemen, but Sergeant Dalton – a former associate of Matilda Webber, no less – seemed the best counterbalance to Angus’ scientific prowess. On paper at least.
He had given them the push, but now it was up to them to form the bond that would be pivotal for their eventual enrolment into DXS.
A stolen bioweapon.
A failed mission.
A dead agent; two more injured.
Patricia Thornton’s carefully crafted team had been operating under him for a few years now. A world class computer analyst, a deadly skilled ex-Delta operative and an EOD tech come scientific genius. Far from the first mission they had ever faced, he had expected better from them during their time in Lake Como, Italy. They had been warned of the dangers of the device, the effects it could have on thousands of people if it ended up in the wrong hands.
And still, they let it slip through their grasp.
He paced his office as his eyes scanned the medical report that had worked its way up the chain to him.
Agent Dalton suffered a grade one concussion and scalp laceration following a blow to the occipital bone. Four stitches were required. No swelling of the brain identified and minimal blood loss occurred. 
Minor cuts and bruises to the face and scalp also identified, not requiring treatment.
Recovery time estimated at 7 days.
Not ideal, but not the end of the world. One week, maybe five days at a push, and he’d be back in the field.
Agent MacGyver suffered a GSW to the upper left thorax causing approx. 1.5 litre blood loss at scene. Surgery to remove bullet and close wound was successful. Further blood loss managed effectively. 
Intervention to reduce water in lungs also successful.
4 units blood transfusion in progress. Blood type: AB Negative.
Recovery time estimated at 4 weeks.
One month recovery time.
Also not ideal. But then, Angus wasn’t hired solely for his physical capability. Even while recovering at home, his brain could still be of use to them.
GSW to upper left thorax.
He let out a grunt as his hip connected with the corner of his desk, inattention to his surroundings prevalent as his eyes were drawn to that point over and over. The chest was a dangerous place for any injury with multiple vital organs and arteries at risk. 
He rubbed his thumb over the sore spot, releasing a long breath through his nose as he placed the report on the desk.
Not only was the bioweapon now firmly in the wind, they had also come this close to losing one of their top assets. And all because DXS had allowed two of their agents to cross the line of professionalism. 
Angus would never have lost focus and allowed the mission to fail so terribly if only they had reinforced the no-relationship-between-agents rule.
Whilst most people would be spending their weekends navigating busy malls in an attempt to get their holiday shopping underway, he was fielding multiple calls from multiple divisions demanding to know what was happening in an embassy building 5.6 thousand miles from his office.
He was keeping up with it all, of course. All comms, all decisions being made, The team on the ground were more than capable of handling it but it was a delicate situation and he had to be ready to step in if needed.
He had just ended his latest call when the phone immediately chimed in his hand.
“Yes?” He greeted, no time for pleasantries. 
It was a swift conversation, barely move than five words needed from his end, as the agent provided an update.
Three hours.
He felt his stomach drop.
Three hours until exfil could reach the embassy. Three hours that the boots on the ground would need to hold the fort against the Dieva Roka and their barrage of gunfire. He couldn’t lose—
They couldn’t lose this embassy. It was too important to the inner workings of international relationships between multiple territories.
He was certain that the team would come up with a sure-fire way of keeping everyone safe until backup arrived, but in the meantime, he had a few more phone calls to make. 
He had eyes and ears everywhere. He knew about the mole lurking within the US government, he knew they had been feeding information to an outside terror organisation, that they had even gone as far as ordering the deaths of innocents to keep their secret safe.
What he was ashamed to have not known was that the mole was an agent within his own establishment. Instead, the privilege of identifying them had fallen on his own son’s team no less.
Patricia Thornton had been the trusted Head of DXS for many years and the transformation into the Phoenix Foundation had seen her shift in roles to the Director of Operations. A role that, he now realised, suited her agenda perfectly.
How had he missed it? A mole so high up in their agency.
He would be running thorough checks on all of his employees over the next few days. And the new director? He knew exactly who to bring in for that role. Someone who had worked closely with him for several years. Someone he trusted exceedingly.
As the Head of the Phoenix Foundation, it was well within his right to delegate all missions to the various teams on the ground but where was the fun in that? He hadn’t spent all these years honing his skills as a covert operative just to sit in an office all day once he’d reached the top.
It was a juicy assignment. Reports of a cartel leader operating out of Pasadena had led to weeks of surveillance, days of planning and finally this morning, the successful detainment of said leader and seventeen members, effectively shutting down that chapter of the cartel for good.
A few hours with his operatives and those members would spill enough intel to have them taking down the entire operation. No casualties, 100% success – it felt good to end his morning on a high. And just in time for lunch at his favourite diner.
The drive back had been a breeze in the late-morning, low-level traffic and he had just navigated his car into one of many empty parking spots when his phone began to ring from where it was clipped to the dashboard. Only a select few people had his number, and they wouldn’t be calling unless it was urgent.
He wasn’t sure what to think when glanced down to see the screen lit with Director Webber’s name. As of this morning, she wasn’t scheduled to have sent her team out on any assignments. He answered the call swiftly and let her do most of the talking, grateful that she was as to-the-point as ever with her updates.
Murdoc had returned from whatever dark hole he had last crawled into.
Agent MacGyver had been kidnapped.
Agents Dalton, Cage and Bozer had followed the trail as far as possible before it had run too cold to be of any use.
As her words washed over him, leaving an uncomfortable chill in their wake, his eyes were drawn to a young boy exiting the diner with a man that he could only assume was his father. As the boy lifted his hand for his father to hold onto, he was reminded of the reason he had stayed hidden away from Angus for all of these years.
To stop this very thing from happening. To keep his family out of enemy crosshairs. He should have known that guiding Angus into the same profession would eventually have him racking up enemies of his own.
It sent a shiver down his spine; the known murderer breaking into his father’s old house. Phoenix’s previous dealings with Murdoc had been enough for them to get a clear idea of the man’s psychopathic tendencies and Angus had been in his clutches for a good few hours now if Matilda’s timeline was correct. 
Why his son hadn’t secured the house more thoroughly after Murdoc’s previous infiltration was a mystery to him. He thought he’d taught his son better than that.
Dalton, Cage and Bozer were returning to the Phoenix but he trusted that their search wouldn’t end there. And as the young boy and his father disappeared down the street, Director Webber finished her update with a promise to keep him notified as the situation progressed. He ended the call with a thanks and reversed out of the parking spot, heading straight for his office. He didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.
“Thank you, Director Webber.” He dismissed her succinctly.
Keeping his eyes locked on his computer screen, he could pretend that his Handler wasn’t lingering in his provisional, hesitating with only one foot out of his office door.
He’d been here before, the great mystery of Schrödinger’s scowl. If he didn’t look up, then maybe daggers weren’t really being glared in his direction. But if anyone was going to win a stubbornness contest…
“Was there something else, Director Webber?” He asked coolly, raising his head and accepting the harsh eye contact. 
Matilda lifted her chin defiantly, glower only deepening the longer the silence lingered between them. She rolled her eyes with a huff, stepping back into the room to close the door behind her.
“He’s only six floors down, you know. If you fancied checking in on him.”
He knew. Of course he knew. Where else would his son have been taken after being exposed to a lethal nerve gas if not the Phoenix Foundation’s impressive infirmary. The high tech, state of the art medical floor of their building was often overlooked on the day-to-day basis of many agents who successfully made it through missions with barely a scratch on them. But for the more dangerous endings to otherwise fruitful assignments; the gunshot wounds, the poisonings, the injuries that would raise all the wrong questions at a normal hospital; their infirmary was fully manned and copiously stocked for anything that came through their doors.
As head of the organisation, he had access to the running log of those being treated at any one time and often liked to check that his agents were recovering well. That report had been open on his screen for two hours today, only closing once Angus’ name had appeared at the top of the list.
Matilda crossed her arms with more flourish than was strictly necessary, head tilting perfectly to the side. He was obviously taking too long to reply.
“They’ve sedated him so he wouldn’t even have to know you were there.”
Sedated. Made sense. Nerve agents could cause havoc on the body; difficulty breathing, painful muscle spasms, severe headaches, coma, death—
He’d read the report. They’d gotten Angus back to the Phoenix before his condition had turned critical, administered the atropine and pralidoxime before anything irreversible played out. Several words had stood out from the page to leave an uneasiness sitting in his chest though – respiratory distress and seizure amongst them – but considering the devastation the VX gas could have caused to the entirety of New York had it been dropped into the water supply; they had gotten off lightly.
Another roll of the eyes.
“You’re not going to be able to hide away forever.” She said sadly. Though he had a feeling that was more on his son’s behalf than anything else. “For the past few months that boy has spent every waking moment he has hunting for clues that could lead him to you.”
He pushed himself up from his chair as she spoke, moving to stand by the window. It was much easier to hear her words without the scrutinous stare that accompanied them. Even as a young boy, Angus was relentless when he put his mind to something, eager to solve every problem he came across. But this was different. This wasn’t some old television set that could be ripped apart and screwed back together, this was life or death. And he had been perfecting the art of hiding a lot longer than Angus had been alive. His son was going to have to admit defeat soon enough.
“I’m staying away for—”
“—for his own protection, yes, so you keep saying. But whether you like it or not, your son is far too clever not to succeed in this.”
The sun was setting now, long shadows being cast behind trees as the evening took hold. His window was open slightly and the eventide air seeping through was cool against his skin. Angus would be kept in for a few days, at least, medical staff checking in on him regularly to ensure his symptoms were under control and improving. The recovery statistics from such poisonings were typically very good when treated in time – which it had been – so he should be back to normal, and back to work, by the end of the week.
Wordlessly, Matilda moved back to the door, taking his reluctance to answer as her cue to leave and suddenly the question he’d been dying to ask forced its way out before he could think twice. He couldn’t hide behind the impersonal technical jargon of the report, he needed to hear it from the mouth of someone who had been there, on direct comms with the team.
“Was it bad?”
He watched as her faint window reflection paused, took a breath, and turned her head just enough to speak into the room.
“Yeah Jim. It was bad.”
She left the room this time, the door clicking shut behind her, leaving a sickly feeling settling in his stomach and his mind drifting downwards to six floors below. It wasn’t the first time Angus had found himself there and, in their line of work, it likely wouldn’t be the last.
He just didn’t want to know how many more ways his son could think of to try and get himself killed.
Okay, Angus really needed to up his security system; or better yet, move out. He knew the appeal of a safe space – especially one with an already paid off mortgage – but if multiple criminals have been able to break in and threaten your life, maybe it was time to find somewhere new.
He was halfway through his prep for a meeting when his comms completely blew up (…possibly an inappropriate turn of phrase to use under the circumstances). He had already been dealing with two failed missions, three agents stranded on foreign soil without exfil, and an agent in the hospital after being shot by a psychopath that appeared to be haunting their organisation. And now, two of his men had found themselves trapped in their own house alongside a giant bomb.
Director Webber was on the ground liaising with LAPD and the FBI, and he was happy to stay in the shadows, watching from afar while she coordinated their movements. Agents Bozer and Davies were assisting, and he was grateful for their constant communications that he was able to listen in to over the radio.
The staticky chatter filled the room with background noise while he made some calls to keep TV crews and reporters away. The last thing they needed were swarms of nosy individuals crowding the area and putting themselves in danger. That, and the mass panic that would no doubt ensue if it was revealed that there was a bomb primed to explode in the centre of Los Angeles.
His forefinger tapped impatiently against the desk. There was nothing more maddening than someone taking their time to relay information to him when there was an ongoing crisis at hand. It was a tricky situation to navigate and time was ticking. There were a lot of variables to consider when dealing with a threat situation such as this and though his team on the ground were handling the investigation of the bomb with meticulousness, he still had his part to play.
Though if he stepped back and took in the whole picture, he’d be able to see that this bomb-maker, the Ghost, had already taken the hard choice out of their hands should the worst come to the worst. Phoenix had been made aware of the threat and had, so far, been able to clear the suspected blast vicinity, keeping potentially hundreds of innocents safe. Leaving only two to be affected.
The lives of the many, outweighed the lives of the few, but it was harder to be impartial when the few included someone very important – not just to him, but to the whole world. 
If Director Webber were standing next to him, she would have zero reservations whatsoever about calling him a coward.
And maybe he was.
But if anything, it was her fault for putting the idea in his head. It really was easier to face someone if they didn’t know that you were there. If anything, this at least made him a better father than the man two months ago who had refused to step foot into the Phoenix infirmary for fear of…something. What exactly he hadn’t quite worked out. Being seen? Being recognised? Being forced to have an adult conversation with the son he left all those years ago?
So, now here he was, lingering in the long stretch of hallway, paying the medical staff no attention as they wandered past. He was stood close enough to Angus’ room to see in, but far enough away to keep it from being obvious why he was there.
The distance wasn’t necessary. Not anymore. Not after Angus’ list of enemies had long since outnumbered his own. But hiding was second nature to him now and it seemed not even his son could reverse the trait that had been so strongly ingrained into his very DNA.
Angus wasn’t alone in his room, accompanied only by his overwatch who, up until half an hour ago, had been pacing so restlessly he was sure the man would wear a hole into the polished floor. Now he was sitting in the single chair positioned next to the bed, hand periodically reaching up to run through his mess of hair or across the stubble of his chin. 
He could remember that feeling all too well. A mission gone bad. A partner injured in the field. The long night waiting for news. 
Angus was asleep in the bed, pale blue sheets pulled high up to his chest exposing a heavily bandaged shoulder. It was a successful surgery, he’d been informed. Bullet removed and skin stitched up with minimal issues. They would let him stay the night but by morning he’d be good to return home with an abundance of painkillers and the instruction to take it easy.
How was it that his son had been shot more times under his leadership than he ever had in an active war zone?
Though when he had hired Angus, he hadn’t expected a crazed admirer to quickly be included in the package. Murdoc had been popping up on his radar repeatedly since the Phoenix Foundation’s first encounter with him a year prior and his obsession with Agent MacGyver was concerning to say the least. They were lucky he had been feeling generous today, inflicting a non-fatal flesh wound with his bullet instead of anything more permanent.
And now to top it off, he’d received word that Murdoc had escaped from custody, again… 
Once Angus found out, that instruction to take it easy was going to need to be a strongly worded command from Director Webber for his son to even consider following it seriously. Though he was sure the team could handle the stubborn ways of their fellow agent.
Glancing through the window, he took one final look at the pair before wordlessly slipping away to get a head start on the search.
MAY 2018
He’d been imagining this day for years. 
He just didn’t know why Angus had to decide to quit on the one day he finally got the intel he had been waiting months for. Time sensitive intel too. He couldn’t waste this opportunity to take down Jonah Walsh just because Agent MacGyver had been having doubts about his place of work. 
When Director Webber had called to inform him, he’d told her to send Angus his way. Two birds, one stone and all that.
The large country house had been mostly empty when he’d arrived, only one gun-wielding thug who, after a bit of a tumble, had been easily incapacitated. He was having a nice nap in the pantry now, safely out of the way. 
It was a big, open house with high ceilings and polished furniture. Not exactly the backdrop he was expecting when notified of the cartel’s latest bolt hole. But honestly, he didn’t care if it was a 5-star hotel or an underground sewer, he wasn’t staying long. As soon as he cracked the safe and grabbed what was inside, he was gone.
Careful footsteps approached from behind and he couldn’t help but smile to himself. 
Just in time.
The dial clicked beneath his fingers and as he began rotating it to the left to continue the combination, it occurred to him that he hadn’t actually considered what his first words to his son would be after fifteen years.
“Wouldn’t take another step if I were you.” He said without thinking as Angus softly trod right on the loose board he’d noticed earlier. Good enough start as any he supposed. He never could do things normally. “That weak floorboard is actually a pressure plate attached to an IED.”
“…You’re lying.” Angus replied sceptically, which was…surprising. Not the tone of voice— no, Angus was far too smart to not see through that. But the words. Zero comment, zero recognition of his father’s voice. Maybe it had been too long.
“Maybe. Take another step and we’ll see.” The dial clicked again. “What do you want.”
“Director Webber sent me here to speak with Oversight.” Angus’ voice was steady, if not a little frustrated. Unfazed by the situation he had walked into. Unprepared for what he was about to discover.
“Oh, then you got him.” He turned around to look over at the man standing behind him.
Time for the moment of truth…
Thanks for reading! 🖤
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Whumptober No. 1
Prompt: adverse effects + "this wasn't supposed to happen"
Summary: “Did it work?” She asked. “Is he--?”
Mac, on all fours, choked out a long string of coughs before he shoved the mask off of Ralph’s face. The mask Mac had been wearing, Riley realized.
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rosieblogstuff · 2 years
Sooo hey I’ve banned myself from starting any new WIPs to force myself to finish some WIPs but does my brain want to finish any of the WIPs I’ve actually been psoting recenlty? Nope it does not. 
Welcome back to Mac & Jack’s undercover adventure as ranch hands. 😅
Mac thought he heard a third shot, but by then the horse was over the rise and speeding across the open ground like the devil himself was on its tail. Mac crouched low, holding on for dear life. It wasn’t a smooth ride; the horse didn’t seem to have a particular destination in mind, and the open terrain was covered with a scattering of rocks, scrubby bushes, and the occasional dip, and the horse charger on, over, or through them all.
Eventually he managed to get a better grip on the reins and tug at them, but the horse just jerked its head, swerving like it was trying to shake him off, and kept on going.
It’s not like the animal had really wanted to listen to Mac before, why would it start now?
He was feeling like he might actually have a chance of getting some control back when the horse got a second wind...
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
It's Only Fair
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Pairing: MacGyver x Reader
Warnings: nothing but fluff
Summary: There is a new mailman that keeps switching up you and your neighbor, Macgyver's mail.
word count: 600+
a/n: this is my very first, very short, Macgyver imagine I ever wrote. I’m in the process of moving some of them from my original wattpad to here, to find a broader audience. I hope you enjoy x I know it’s not very good, I was seventeen when I wrote it
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The cool breeze from outside drifted in the house and gave it a light glow. The weather had been absolutely gorgeous the past few days, warm with a light breeze paired with it. It was what caused you to open all the windows and allow it to flood the home. With the day off from work you spent your time in the kitchen, enjoying the breeze, and baking for what felt like the first time in months. Just as you started pulling out some cookies from the oven the doorbell sounded throughout the house.
"Come in!" you called out as you shut the oven with your foot and started to walk towards the opposing counter to set the trays down.
"Wow it smells great in here" you looked up to spot your blonde neighbor standing in the entry way of the kitchen, holding up a stack of mail. "The new guy gave me your mail again"
"I think he's doing it on purpose now" you chuckled and he smiled and nodded as he walked further in and set it on the counter. You quickly removed the oven mitts and grabbed the stack.
"Well that or he really has no clue he's mixing it up" Mac suggested and you nodded as you shuffled through some bills which honestly could've stayed at his house.
"Well we can't totally complain. We've lived next to each other for years and I finally know your name from the amount of times I've received your letters" Mac laughed at the comment as you set the mail down.
"Yeah I definitely can't complain" Mac's gaze hardened on you and you struggled to keep your composure. The suggestive look in his ocean blue eyes made your skin crawl.
"Would you like some cookies. I've been bored baking all day and I think I should start offering before I gain five pounds" you moved over towards the cookies to distract yourself from the close proximity between you and the oddly handsome neighbor.
"Bored baking?" Mac questioned as he leaned against the counter. You shrugged as you started to cool one off to hand to him.
"It’s a thing, trust me. It keeps me occupied" you said handing the now cooled and gooey cookie to the boy, he rose his eyebrows as he grabbed it from your hand. Slowly he took a bite out of it and then smiled. "What?"
"Nothing it's just this cookie is really good. Better than Bozer's but don't tell him I said that" you chuckled and grabbed one for yourself as he finished his.
"Well then I guess I did something right?" Mac brushed his hands on his pants and stared at the gorgeous girl beside him and he wondered how he had never noticed you before. If he was being completely honest, two weeks ago he practically camped out on his front porch to corner the new mail man and tell him to keep mixing up your mail. It was the perfect excuse to keep coming over and seeing you.
"Well now that you've let me try one of your delicious cookies how about you try one of my delicious dinners?" your eyes widened as you looked up at the boy. He offered a small smile, the dimple in his left cheek catching your attention.
"And what makes them so delicious?" a smirk graced your lips as you looked up to him and he chuckled softly.
"I have a secret weapon named Bozer" a large laugh fell past your lips at his answer and when your laughter quieted down he looked at you just like he did before. "So what do you say?"
"Well, I mean it's only fair"
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Taglist: @mayfieldss
if you want to be tagged in upcoming Macgyver fics please let me know <3
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erinsworld · 2 years
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Jack was back. Back where he belonged. Back where he was meant to be.
A fix-it fic to episode 05x15, Abduction + Memory + Time + Fireworks + Dispersal, because Jack lived and came back to watch over and protect his kids.
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lailuhhh · 4 months
Happy Valentines besties have some wip
If he survived, Jack was definitely going to make him start hand-to-hand over from the beginning.
His struggles became weaker as the man pushed his thumbs into Mac’s throat. He tried to buck and kick him off, but he didn’t have the strength. Only when his hands lost their grip on his wrists and slowly fell did the pressure release, but not because he thought Mac was dead.
The sudden lack of pressure anywhere startled him. His eyes opened and his mouth was agape but he still couldn’t draw in a breath. He rolled to his side in an attempt of maybe having a new position would help but it didn’t. Ragged coughing took over any breathing attempt.
He could feel hands on him, pulling him into a sitting position and his back being braced against something. It took a minute for him to realize someone was holding him, even longer for his ears to clear out to hear someone speaking to him.
“…out. Come on, I know you feel it.”
They were telling him to breathe, letting him feel the over exaggerated intake of air from their chest. Mac wanted to follow, wanted to take a breath just like he was being told, but the pain from the kick to his chest and punch to his throat made even the smallest breaths painful. It felt like there was something caught in it, but no matter how much he coughed, it wouldn’t dislodge it.
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fesweetpea · 1 year
Last sentence tag game
damn you @rosieblogstuff, I stopped mid sentence like 2 hours ago....so had to finish it because you tagged me.
"How the hell am I sweating when it’s drier than a popcorn fart?”
I'm late to the party, so I'm sure y'all been tagged already but...
@appalachianapologies, @authorangelita, @blackwidowrising, @harvestleaves, @impossiblepluto, @lailuhhh, @nativestarwrites, @plague-of-insomnia, @rogerzsteven, @saplesss-tree, @siickdays,
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racerchix21 · 1 year
5. Would you ever collab with another writer for a fic?
6. What character(s) do you find it most difficult to write?
5. I’d definitely consider it if someone ever wanted to!!
6. MacGyver: Matty Weber & Riley Davis
Wrestling: The Usos, Solo Sikoa, Cody Rhodes & Matt Jackson
Hawaii Five-O: I’m struggling with Grover, Junior and surprisingly Danny 🥴 (mostly because I’m writing McDanno 🤦🏻‍♀️)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riley Davis/Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Riley Davis, Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Matilda "Matty" Webber, Desiree "Desi" Nguyen Additional Tags: Riley-centric, Episode Tag, Introspection, I'm Bad At Tagging, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Feelings, Riley is going to get Mac back, Riley has faith in Mac, Family, Found Family
An hour or so ago – she’s not really sure how long it has been so better not take her word for it – life as they knew it at the Phoenix completely changed.
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