#Lyrics venus in furs the velvet underground
tonkiinnovation · 2 years
Lyrics venus in furs the velvet underground
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The sin is they never consummated their love. She married to find happiness which is what he wanted for her. Scopri il testo di Venus In Furs di Velvet Underground: Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather Whiplash girlchild in the dark Comes in bells, your servant. It was the genuine love they had years ago. What they did yesterday is not an affair. She's saying he had value (she loved him) but he never did anything. You've always had the wrong idea – down for you is up. She says to him that their relationship is like money- it's worth something but it's inert and can't stand up. He meets her years later after they have both lived a life. She was everything to him but the problem wasn't her but the world, If he could make the world like the strange enchanting vision he has in his mind they would be together. She was everything to him but could never be his. Well enough to be pleased saddened and maddened by her. Fully consistent with the style of the film, this composition includes bells, minor guitar and. For me it is the sad musings of an older man about meeting someone he hopelessly loved in his youth. I have a different reaction now to this song to when I was 18. General CommentSetting aside the fact that this song is about the sweet balm of heroin it is also about love and life.īeing about the same age as Lou (would be). Velvet Underground - Venus In Furs Lyrics (reed) Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather Whiplash girlchild in the dark Clubs and bells, your servant, dont. She is an ideal and ultimately unkeepable love for him on pedestal and he's doomed to be haunted by her Pale blue eyes. It can't last.Ī very sad and beautiful song. What they are doing is backwards "lies but can't stand up, down for you is up". But that is not to be: "skip a life completely, stuff it in a cup". He imagines a world "pure and strange" where they could be together, where only love matters and not inconvenient facts like that she's married to someone else. But since it's an affair it's something he "had but couldn't keep", because she'll never truly be his. As mentioned above, fans of The Velvet Underground will enjoy the EP Extended Play. Those songs could be considered the hits of Venus in Furs. Admirers of synthesizers should give the tracks ‘Almost’, ‘Love Lies’ and ‘Sondown’ a listen. "Thought of you as my mountain top" "my peak". The songs ‘Majordomo’ and ‘Platonic Love’ are epic and slow, in the vein of Joy Division’s ‘Atmosphere’. When you have an affair, you get very infatuated. "The fact that you are married, only proves that you're my best friend" - I think this means she wanted be with him so much, they have such a connection, she was willing to step over the fact that she's married. They had sex and he at least would do it again (even though "It's truly, truly a sin"). Venus in Furs Lyrics von Velvet Underground mit Video: Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather / Whiplash girlchild in the dark / Comes in bells, your servant. "It was good what we did yesterday and I'd do it once again". The man and woman in this song had a love affair. This isn't about a guy who wants a girl or wants her back and now she's married. My InterpretationThis is not a song about unrequited love, rather it's about impossible love.
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massgrav · 1 year
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Strike, dear Mistress
And cure his heart
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sunthroughdarkclouds · 10 months
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I am tired, I am weary I could sleep four thousand years A thousand dreams that would awake me Different colors made of tears.
Lou Reed
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mafaldaknows · 2 years
The picture that’s giving you Johnny Rotten vibes...look closely at the top he’s wearing. I’m sure it’s the cover artwork to The Velvet Underground’s Venus In Furs. I haven’t seen this picked up elsewhere yet - please look up the lyrics to that song if you’re not familiar with it. Very interesting choice, Timmy! 😏🥵❤️
Hello, Anon:
The image on Timmy’s shirt is actually the cover of a book by sexologist Michael Leigh, published nearly 60 years ago, which inspired the name of the legendary band, when a friend of the band found a copy of it lying in the street.
The Universe speaks. ❣️✨🤘✨❣️😜😉
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Instagram: britishvogue
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So here’s where it gets interesting. Let’s hop down the rabbit hole, shall we? 🐇🕳👇👇
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par·a·phil·i·a: a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities.
And here’s the connection to Venus In Furs, thanks to the random luck of TheUniverse™️
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And here are the lyrics:
The Velvet Underground & Nico album which featured “Venus In Furs” featured the iconic Andy Warhol banana, which is another saucy rabbit hole in itself:
But this particular rabbit hole would not be complete without the book that inspired the song, so here you go:
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This was a particularly fascinating trip down the rabbit hole. I think we’ve found plenty of dots to connect, don’t you, Anon?
Thanks for your comment. ☺️🖤✨🤘🔥😏
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weimarblues · 2 months
was tagged by @loureedpiss
the NO-SKIP albums: a tag game
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
, bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules:1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track!
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blood on the tracks - bob dylan
fav track - idiot wind
fav lyric - basically the whole album so I'll throw one out at random (I like your smile and your fingertips/I like the way that you move your hips/I like the cool way you look at me/Everything about you is bringing me misery)
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swoon - prefab sprout
fav track - cue fanfare
fav lyric - (But I don't know how to describe the modern rose / when I can't refer to her shape against her clothes/ with the fever of purple prose)
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hunky dory - david bowie
fav song - quicksand
fav lyric - (im tethered to the logic of homo sapien/can't take my eyes from the great salvation of bullshit faith)
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the smiths - the smiths
fav song - suffer little children
fav lyric - (I don't want a lover I just want to be tied / to the back of your car)
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sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band - the beatles
fav track - a day in the life
fav lyric - (what do you see when you turn out the light?/i can't tell you but i know it's mine)
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the velvet underground and nico - tvu
fav track - venus in furs
fav lyric - (watch out, the world's behind you)
i tag @fuckyername and @dumpsterfireofsubtext ok byeeee
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plaguery · 7 months
an incredibly long web weaving of song lyrics from my oc, pomene alecto's playlist
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it’s a fire - portishead / little sister - siouxie and the banshees / lovely head - goldfrapp / the only ones - moloko / purple people - tori amos / wallflower - the shroud / bloodstain - unkle (voice samples) / walk on vanity ruins - akira yamaoka / black milk - massive attack / repent now confess now - lingua ignota / in the meadow - all about eve / venus in furs - the velvet underground / doomsday serenade - jill tracy / bonfire - lamb / the red crown - faith and the muse / for i am the light (and mine is the only way) - lingua ignota / the sacred linament of judgment - lingua ignota / 1,000 years - swans
if anyone is curious, here are links: spotify / youtube
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suspendedinbush · 1 year
interview music tag game
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!) xx
@serethereal & @boydykepdf thank you for the tag xo
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
some say day-dreaming is for all the lazy-minded fools with nothing else to do
may this be love - jimi hendrix
2. What kind of [libra] are you?
i am human and i need to be loved
how soon is now? - the smiths
3. You're visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
tonight i think i'll walk alone i'll find my soul as i go home
temptation - new order
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
i've been let down
I've been let down - mazzy star
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
psycho-delicate girl
because you're young - david bowie
6. What would you say about your best friends?
where have you been? if you go i will surely die
hey - the pixies
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
this kind of experience is necessary for her learning
baby's on fire - brian eno
8. Describe your aesthetic now:
i am tired, i am weary i could sleep for a thousand years
venus in furs - the velvet underground
9. What's a lyric that they'll quote in your eulogy?
there's a world thats waiting for you i'm down if you want to go out
nice out - kilo kish
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
now i don't hardly know her
crimson and clover - tommy james and the shondells
tagging @pomegranate-pill @steelycunt @shipsnsails @fastasyoucan1999 @pancakehouse @bone-machine
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watusichris · 7 months
Lou Reed (Variety, 10/27/13)
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Lou Reed died on this date 10 years ago, and Variety asked me to write an appreciation, which I re-post here. **********
From the remove of 47 years, it is difficult to adequately calibrate the impact of “The Velvet Underground and Nico,” the debut album by the New York band fronted by Lou Reed, who died Sunday at 71. Bearing a cover by Andy Warhol that could literally denude itself (“peel slowly and see,” the legend read), the LP was a shock to popular music’s system. It addressed topics – heroin addiction, sexual aberration – that had hitherto been taboo in popular music, and mounted Reed’s literally stunning lyrics in a matrix of molecule-rearranging noise. It is one of those few records of which this can be said: Nothing like it had ever been heard before, and it permanently altered notions of what was possible, and permissible, in rock music.
While Reed was capable of shaking the foundations of propriety with compositions like “Heroin,” ‘I’m Waiting For the Man” and “Venus in Furs,” and would push the boundaries even further with subsequent outbursts like “White Light/White Heat,” “I Heard Her Call My Name” and the orgiastic “Sister Ray,” he proved he was no one-trick pony. He was capable of penning the most tender and empathetic ballads in the rock canon – “I’ll Be Your Mirror,” “Pale Blue Eyes,” “I’m Set Free,” the astonishing “Jesus.” He also proved that he was a rock classicist at heart with such much-covered standards as “Sweet Jane” and “Rock and Roll,” the latter of which may be the definitive statement of the joy that lies at the heart of the music.
After Reed exited the Velvet Underground after years of infighting and discord in 1970, he embarked on a solo career that was characterized over its course by periods of extreme risk, infuriating sloth and intermittent brilliance. He wrested glam from the British with “Transformer”; took his own stab at rock opera with the lush, depressive “Berlin”; ground ears to pulp with his two-LP noise extravaganza “Metal Machine Music.” Using more conventional elements of rock music but seasoning them with his hectoring style, he forged such highly personal latter-day works as “Street Hassle,” “The Bells,” “The Blue Mask,” “New York” and “Magic and Loss.”
Because he was a thorny, restless and often reckless spirit who proceeded to the tattoo of his own drum, his work could succumb to abject failure: Witness his Edgar Allan Poe homage “The Raven,” his misbegotten collection of guitar pieces “Hudson River Wind Meditations” and his last release, 2011’s “Lulu,” a much-maligned collaboration with Metallica.
But such failures were ultimately understandable and could even be anticipated, since from the start of his career Reed’s rep, and ultimately his import, rested on his willingness to take chances. That was never a sure way to conquer the charts, but it was a route to change, and Lou Reed permanently altered the musical landscape. Seemingly answerable to no one and nothing other than himself and his own artistic impulses, he became, to his discomfort, an exemplary figure. His influence has long been a given; especially in the punk and post-punk era, dozens of bands embraced his sound and style. Watching early sets by such groups as L.A.’s Dream Syndicate was like watching young, half-formed performers groping towards their own essence, with Reed’s work as a road map.
As a personality, he could be prickly, harsh, forbidding; his confrontations with music journalists held the status of legend. The caricature is maintained in “CBGB,” the recent film about the New York punk club, in which a character called “Lou Reed” makes a cameo appearance, with fangs out. Reed played himself best. In Allan Arkush’s 1983 rock movie “Get Crazy,” he portrayed a rock star named Auden. It is not a great picture, but he elevated it with his presence. He gets the last word in the film, under the credits, singing, in his wobbling, drawling voice, a song called “Little Sister” – a heart-on-the-sleeve number with a corking, lyrical solo at its end.
It’s surprising, sweet, loving. But then, he was an artist of many dimensions, and surprise was so much of what Lou Reed was all about.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
“I am tired, I am weary / I could sleep for a thousand years / A thousand dreams that would awake me / Different colors made of tears.”
lyrics from Venus in Furs, a song by The Velvet Underground written by Lou Reed.
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vwnusinfurs · 7 months
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The Velvet Underground & Nico - Album Review
Sunday Morning: a soft lo-fi song that sweetly opens the album. the lyrics can have many interpretations, although it's more visible that the character is suffering of a hangover in a sunday morning, which causes a depression, sad and no-future feeling.
I'm Waiting For The Man: probably the most upbeat song; and also one of the most obscure. With, at the time, groundbreaking 125 BPM (or 250, depending how you play), the song narrates the insane waiting that a boy passes while trying to get drugs from his drug dealer. we can clearly hear cale's repetitive but crazy piano pattern looping all over the song, representing the wait for the 'smack'.
Femme Fatale: one of the velvets most famous song, a ballad that express a very known type of woman: femme fatales, the 'heart-breaking women'. it is one of the few songs Nico sang and showed how strange but comforting could be her voice.
Venus In Furs: with no doubt the most hallucinating song in the album. John Cale play his viola using the drone technic, while doing some 'shots', representing either moans or whiplashes during the whole track. Reed practically narrates a classic sadomasochism scene, with whips, costumes, tears and abuse, discomforting the listeners but also bringing them to the world underneath - the real 'velvet underground'.
Run Run Run: with, again, a repetitive guitar pattern, Lou sings about some kind of race between various people, with the 'prize' being drugs - or maybe the 'gypsy death', as the song says. the track also gives us insane guitar solos, disturbing our eardrums even in lower volumes.
All Tomorrow's Parties: Nico being the chanteuse again, combined with an ethereal piano and guitar, showing a confuse lyrics. many interpretations can be made up for this song, although it may be better for the listener to make his own analysis.
Heroin: probably the 'holy grail' of VU. Heroin is a protest song, a depressed song, a non sense song; it all depends on how you see it. the character clearly suffers from a severe heroin addiction, while apparently trying to get over it. but, even with 'sweet pretty girls' with 'sweet pretty talk', the character can't save himself and falls for the drug again, having a meltdown with Cale's viola violently depicting the scene.
There She Goes Again: the song narrates the mind of someone, clearly not psychological stable, after a break up with his girlfriend. Lou ironically sings about all the feelings and thoughts passing by the character mind, representing physical abuse and the 'fear of being left behind'. although upbeat, the track shows how terrifying the mind of a person can turn over relationships and feelings.
I'll Be Your Mirror: the track consists in someone trying to prove to it's partner how beautiful and special they are by being their mirror - reflecting what they are. Nico sings again, giving a more soft and deep vibe to the song, followed by Reed and Sterling's sweet guitars.
The Black Angel's Death Song: if you don't understand the meaning of the title or the lyrics, so do i. but, apparently, Lou Reed made a non sense lyrics using various words that just sound 'cool' together. it's main part could be Cale's screeching viola and spray-like sounds looping between the verses.
European Son: it's like noise rock but before this was a thing. with long but intense 7 minutes, a jam using all the instruments available (except the viola) strikes. the haunting sounds of the guitars plus the strange mixing made this the perfect ending to The Velvet Underground & Nico.
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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I posted 10,784 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the fact that this is a small film with a tiny ensemble - there would be no place to hide - him and taylor had to carry the film in a way he
Just FYI: ☝️This tag was one that I kept from a reblog. I know that didn’t write this since I haven’t seen the movie yet 🙃
Also, look at tumblr being cute and making suggestions 🤭😜
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My Top Posts in 2022:
The picture that’s giving you Johnny Rotten vibes...look closely at the top he’s wearing. I’m sure it’s the cover artwork to The Velvet Underground’s Venus In Furs. I haven’t seen this picked up elsewhere yet - please look up the lyrics to that song if you’re not familiar with it. Very interesting choice, Timmy! 😏🥵❤️
Hello, Anon:
The image on Timmy’s shirt is actually the cover of a book by sexologist Michael Leigh, published nearly 60 years ago, which inspired the name of the legendary band, when a friend of the band found a copy of it lying in the street.
The Universe speaks. ❣️✨🤘✨❣️😜😉
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Instagram: britishvogue
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181 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
But how can we be part of the solution for charmie to come out? What is my pebble look like?
Hello, Anon:
I think it’s up to you to decide how to best utilize your own special gifts and talents to support Charmie in the way that speaks to you most clearly, to help the solution happen. We are all hands on deck, each with our own contributions, all of which are significant and valuable in maintaining course on this ship. Steady as she goes.
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It might be helpful to define your purpose as a Charmie by identifying the values that are most meaningful to you, and to write them in a simple mission statement.
My values are beauty, truth, and love, in no particular order or hierarchy. In my mind and in my heart, they are all equally important. I also enjoy a good laugh and do not always take things so seriously.
I like to use my Charmie pebble to find and share signs of hope and possibilities, to help lift our spirits, and to seek out and defend beauty, truth, and love wherever and whenever I can, with kindness and good humor.
This is my mission statement, as seen in my Instagram bio:
“Noodle-centric seeker of truth & beauty, believer in random luck and the power of LOVE. Call me by your noodle and I’ll call you by mine.”
It may sound silly, but it also helps keep me focused on the values that guide my purpose as a Charmie, which is simply to enjoy the voyage on this beautiful ship powered by love, with all of my Charmie shipmates, come what may.
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182 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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The Night Porter, 1974
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201 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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Instagram: readytimmywear
230 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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ril-ard · 9 months
The Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground, Nico(1967 Review)
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What can I say about the Velvet Underground and Nico that hasn't been said already? Despite not selling well initially, this album overtime became a main influence for various styles of music to follow; there's an old saying that "Whoever bought their album went out and start a band" and for good reason. The Velvet Underground was doing stuff that was unheard of in the music world at the time in the 1967. How experimental is this album you ask? Well diving into the album and it's song it becomes much clearer.
The album starts off strong with two songs, Sunday Morning and I'm Waiting For The Man; how different those tracks are may throw the listener off guard. Listeners in 1967 might've been surprised at the brash experimentation of I'm Waiting For my Man, and modern listeners probably won't get how this band is experimental right off the bat. Why it was like this is because Tom Wilson, who was one of the producers of this album, wanted another potential successful single off the album with Nico providing lead vocals, but Nico ended up providing backup instead and Lou Reed took up the lead duties. This song about paranoia is also the only song on the album that has more professional sounding production than the rest of the album. If this never happened then the album would've jumped right into I'm Waiting for the Man: a proto-punk song also fronted by Lou Reed that tells the story of his Heroin purchasing from a certain drug dealer. Keep Heroin in mind as we continue. The lyrics of the song also hint at Reed's homosexuality with lines in the Second Verse Such as, "Hey White Boy, you chasing' our women around? Oh, pardon me, sir, it's furthest from my mind.", which in itself can also mean that Reed's objective is to buy smack, which can cause Men to have a lack of sexual interest when high. The next track is Femme Fatale, the first Nico fronted song on the album that has a more laid back pop sound in the same vain as, but not as lush and dreamy, as Sunday Morning. The Lyrics tell the story of Edie Sedgwick, an infamous Warhol Star who had an enchanting allure to her seductive nature, which was only climaxed by her death of a drug overdose at 28 years old.
Track 4, Venus in Furs, is a droning song that could almost be proto-gothic rock. The Droning nature of the song comes from what's called Ostrich Tunning, where Lou Reed tuned all of his strings to E. The Lyrics however, get much darker and deeper. This song and the title is based on 1870 novella of the same name by author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Both the Song and Novella talk about topics relating to sexual masochism, the song especially celebrating it out in the open, which was a bold move and thus challenged conventions at the time about songwriting. Track 5, Run Run Run, is an electric folk song that tells a tale about how four characters are seeking or engaging in acts of drug use. Teenage Mary sells her soul to try and be saved but still gets invested in drug use anyway. Margret Passion experiences a series of withdrawals as a drug addict stops using their drugs for a longer period of time. Seasick Sarah cocaine dealt and overdosed, and Beardless Harry is a trans male(hence his name),who's life ends after he couldn't get a single hit. Track 6, All Tomorrow's Parties, a 7 minute droning song that's the second song on this album that's fronted by Nico. This song tells about a nursery rhyme character named Thursday's Child, from the story Monday's Child. They are described as having "far to go", meaning she is a lost soul and before being happy she has much to encounter. This also ends Side 1.
Side 2 begins with Track 7, another proto-punk tune, once again about Heroin, Lou Reed describes the effects of the titular drug, with each verse getting more energetic as they progress, culminating to the end when the energy builds up so much it's the equivalent of an overdose. Track 8, There She Goes Again, is one of the more typical 60s Garage Rock sounding songs of the album, with the song describing a prostitute who is steadfast in her profession. Track 9, I'll Be Your Mirror, is the third and final track Nico appears on; it's also the shortest track on the album at just above two minutes long. This song is about a person who sees the beauty possessed by a loved one and wishes to share that beauty with them. Fun Fact this song was not written for Nico originally, Lou Reed wrote it before they even met, but Warhol requested Nico to sing it on the record and Lou Reed reluctantly allowed her.
Track 10, The Black Angel's Death, is the only track on the album where I don't think is perfect, but it almost is. This is a song that has more meaning in the context of other songs on the album, as this is another song that signifies that Lou Reed presents topics such as Drugs and Prostitution in a matter of fact way. One thing about this song that's upfront is the viola shrills done by John Cale, especially in the song's outro. The band would often play this song live much MUCH longer then what we hear on the record, however it wasn't a favorite at clubs. One time, when the band was told by a manager to not play the song again, they responded by playing it anyway with a "furious vengeance", the band were sacked anyway- I guess it was worth it. And the final track, track 11, European Son, really puts the Avant-Garde into the Avant-Garde of this album. This song is dedicated to Delmore Schwartz, who was Reed's teacher at Syracuse University. Apparently Delmore despised songs with words, especially rock and roll lyrics, so this big instrumental closer was dedicated to him. The sounds of this musique concrete composition were meticulously rehearsed, paying close attention to detail, with sounds ranging from Lou Reed scrapping a chair across the floor to John Cale smashing a pile of aluminum dishes. Ending the album
To say this album changed everything would be an understatement. This album is pretty much the ground zero for any alternative, experimental or indie genre to come after. Punk, dream pop, jangle, noise rock, post punk, the list goes on. The musician ship on this album as well as the lyrics and song topics on this album were unheard of in 1967. Basically put, if this album or band never happened, what would modern music be like today? 10
Listen to the album here
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citymousesd · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 827 Velvet Underground Upcycled Vintage Tee.
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Album #91: “The Velvet Underground & Nico” by the Velvet Underground (1967)
i’ve been looking forward to finally sitting down and properly listening to the Velvet Underground for quite some time now.
this record was largely ignored upon release, and it’s not hard to understand why as some of the songs get pretty out there, sonically and lyrically. “Venus In Furs” is the standout track, with a strong and specific Middle Eastern vibe in it’s instrumentation. the subject matter of that track was controversial, dealing with themes of sadomasochism, bondage. i found it interesting that this was controversial in 1967, as it probably still would be today, over 50 years later. “All Tomorrow’s Parties” is another standout, a gently thumping piece (one of the first pop songs to make us of prepared piano, reportedly) and paints a specific picture of Andy Warhol’s clique. 
i liked the handful of Nico tracks on here, more so than the cuts on her debut solo album which i talked about a few records back. ultimately, much like my feelings towards Bob Dylan,  i can appreciate how this is an incredibly influential record, even though i didn’t love it as much as i thought i might.
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gradje · 3 years
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arnold-layne · 6 years
i'm tired, i'm weary
i could sleep for a thousand years
a thousand dreams that would awake me
different colors made of tears
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