#Like teehee that would be so cool
imminent-danger-came · 9 months
So, this parallel, right.
That parallel and the 4x11 shadowpeach fight as a whole:
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Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!" Sun Wukong: "You're not in this mess, you're still free! Everything I did was for us!" Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become like this, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone! He just does whatever he wants! You put yourself here, not me."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
A large part of Wukong's motivation to keep getting more power was the freedom of it—the more power you have the easier it is to do whatever you want. It's easier to ignore everyone else and focus solely on yourself. It's also easier to ensure yourself and your loved one's are protected and have the ability to do what they want.
So, a punishment where the great Monkey King is imprisoned and trapped for hundreds of years? It's effective and tragic and fitting. Wukong wanted to have the freedom to protect the people he cared about, and in trying to reach for the power to do that, he completely had his freedom removed. He went from the mountain, to then the circlet, and then all of a sudden he had morals and was bound to those.
And then I think about his end of s3 choice to go face the Lady Bone Demon alone. Once again Wukong was trying to protect his loved ones (not to mention the whole reason he went after the Samadhi fire to begin with was to have the power, the freedom to stop LBD (which in itself is another case of SWK believing he needed to be stronger for such freedom)), but he also wanted to make sure MK and himself both had agency. He didn't want MK to have to fight LBD, and he didn't want LBD to end the world.
This is exactly the sentiment he tells Macaque in the 4x11 flashback:
Sun Wukong: "It's so we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just living a lazy life, sitting in the sun, eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
But where does it all lead him?
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To possession, imprisonment. Once again Wukong no longer had the freedom to do what he wanted (which is to protect the people he cares about). Once again in his attempts to help his loved one's, he only hurt them.
This can be applied to his relationship with Macaque, to MK in s2, hell, even Wukong trying to get the map in the first place left him powerless, which then led to him and the gang being imprisoned in 3x02. It's a familiar pattern, one we see with antagonist and protagonist alike.
MK in s2 trained to become more powerful, which in the end only strengthened LBD and forced him and his friends on the run. Mei in 3x12 protects MK by letting herself get captured and placed into LBD's crystal. Mei in 4x05 goes to protect MK, breaking her sword and leaving her vulnerable to being captured by Kui Mulang ("How am I supposed to protect everyone without my sword?"). DBK reached for more power and then became possessed by LBD, hurting his wife and son. Azure reached for the Jade Emperor's power and bound himself to that role, jeopardizing Peng and Yellowtusk in the process.
It's a cycle of reaching for power, endangering others, and then being imprisoned.
So anyways, here's why MK is going to lose control (his agency) next season and hurt his friends with his own- *get's shot*
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lunarharp · 6 months
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just random silly stuff today . . qifrey being cool
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puppyeared · 8 months
puppy you are insane for wanting to put ice cubes in your milk!!!!! unacceptable!!!!! it melts and then thins the milk and then it mels some more and then you;re not longer drinking milk it;s just milk flavoured water!!!!!! /lh
i bet you use water to make your hot chocolate (also highly unacceptable) (booooo)
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i was witness to @crow-cap slapping hot sauce on an orange for "character immersion" purposes so i think i have reason to believe putting ice in milk wouldnt be out of the question /j
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niightfiend · 2 years
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Kaiba with his big fat Possum named Princess
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stuffed-x-arts · 2 months
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once read a thing where a character referred to pyro as firebug and after a moment or two trying to figure out how to draw the guys head i just figured. try to make the guy at least Vaguely bug-like if i can.
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floralovebot · 8 months
Ok I’m sorry if you’ve already answered this before but I saw some of your older posts talking about your headcanons regarding Helia’s Dynamic with Miele as well as Flora’s dynamic with Saladin and they were just so wholesome! I’m just a sucker for wholesome (future) in-law dynamics. So anyway, it made me wonder if you had any thoughts or headcanons on Helia’s dynamic/relationship with Flora’s parents, Rhodos and Alyssa. Its already a crime that we don’t get to see Flora’s family that much in canon (not to mention her parents don’t get introduced until season 6/7 of all things). Its an even bigger crime that we get practically zero interactions between Helia and Flora’s parents in canon (from what I remember). Like at least between him and Miele, we get a little something in the comics, but NOTHING with Rhodos and Alyssa! So yeah, I’d like to hear your thoughts
i have mentioned this before (teehee)! but it's not suuuper fleshed out so i'm taking advantage of your ask to talk about helia more ajdgkdag
you're so right it's an Absolute Crime that we didn't get to see her parents till the later seasons (and we don't even know if they're what rainbow/iginio originally intended her parents to be like either), but i actually really like her parents! rhodos being So Goofy and making a bunch of puns?? AMAZING also fully obsessed with both flora and her mother having strangling vines that grab everyone like we really see where flora gets it from aldhgjlg
anyway, with how friendly they both are, i think they would fully adore helia! especially since flora probably talks about him a lot or at the very least doesn't hide that she's in a relationship, i think they would end up knowing a lot more about him than he realizes ajhdgl i definitely don't think it would take till s7 for them to properly meet though! i can see flora officially introducing him near the end of s3 or sometime in s5 (considering the earth gap year)!
but Anyway, headcanons!!
rhodos and alyssa are absolutely devasted that helia has next to zero knowledge about plants and plant care, so rhodos takes it upon himself to teach helia every single time he visits
rhodos is also very excited to say every single pun/joke about plants he knows since he figures helia hasn't heard them yet (helia: takes one step outside - rhodos: well, I can't WHEAT to see you again ;;;;))
in ep6 it shows them taking care of the magiwolves and since i also hc that helia has some good medical knowledge, i like to think that he'd be able to impress them with that! i can see them comparing notes and maybe even asking for help with other animals!
in the comics, they mention that flora and helia played together when they were kids and i hc that it was actually alyssa who remembered him and told them!
rhodos is way too friendly and cheerfully tells helia that he can call him dad if he wants to. helia's too nervous to tell him he thinks that's weird as hell ajdgl
helia still calls them mr. rhodos and mrs. alyssa decades after meeting them aladhg
i mentioned in the miele post that she would eventually ask to know when he's going on missions, and i think after a couple years (probably around s7 time), rhodos and alyssa would also ask for that information. timmy helps him make a little timetable that he can just fill out and they can access whenever
i think i mentioned it in the first post but they absolutely try to subtly drop hints that they're okay with florelia getting married aldghl (they're not subtle At All but they're trying okay alhdgl)
helia would definitely be a little awkward and nervous around them at first, even more so after experiencing how nice they are to him. i can see him feeling like he doesn't deserve it or like he needs to earn their respect. that would last for a couple of years but eventually he would have a moment where it just kind of clicks that they literally don't care what he does as long as he treats flora with respect and love.
after that, he would randomly get a lot more comfortable with them and they get excited because they think it means florelia are getting married or something ajdhgl
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
the doom posting that comes around whenever a cash shop outfit comes out is deeply obnoxious at this point ngl
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sneakystorms · 1 year
It's such a missed opportunity that the set design for great comet didn't include a massive fuckoff portrait of Andrey looming over every scene
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shopcat · 2 months
i think if the real world a la weed city aang would tell all his friends that the airbenders embraced letting go of all earthly virtues and valued free-spiritedness and being able to express your emotions honestly by swearing in such precise and creative ways that it would stop everyone for a second or two the first time it happens. like he could silence a room. like i know people have discussed who deserves to be able to say fuck and toph and zuko are definitely contenders but imagine meeting not only a monk but a 12 year old boy and him blowing the kid who spent 3 years on a navy vessel + a rebellious tween who competed against in underground mma rings + a 15 year old boy who acts exactly like a 15 year old boy acts COMPLETELY out of the water it would be so fucking funny. i also think katara would be a runner up for both least shellshocked by it and most likely to call zuko a cunt at the drop of a hat. and anyone who disagrees has never been or known a 14 year old weird little girl who has to grow up too fast and be "mature" before...
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readymades2002 · 3 months
did say to my coworker at work something about how if i got injured at work in a way that left a gnarly and epic scar it would look so cool and she said in a very "well duh" kind of way "oh you WOULD say it would be cool" which is the funniest thing anyone's ever said about me
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callingcxrd · 3 months
I love buying things for my friends!!!!!!!!! I should have one million moneys just for buying things for my friends
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jils-things · 5 months
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so fucken true bestie (ugly sobbing)
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samiferboy · 7 months
taking a break from writing porn lest i get too cumbrained and i slipped and completely changed the setup of nyfic. oopsie! but it's fine it's better now
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bitzsclonehighmania · 7 months
god IDK if this thing will format right but just believe in me guys!!! This was supposed to be yesterday (day 5- mirrors) but unfortunately I got busy 😭
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kiethko · 9 months
ramble in my tags
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beeguillotine · 1 year
Hiiii it’s been a lil while since I did this here... so uh!!!! Send in some doodle requests!!!!!!! Some characters from things and such. Hopefully I’ll get back to more than one this time ahaha ^^’
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