#Lalo Rodriguez
radiofauxshow · 14 days
Song of the Day: May 19, 2024
Eddie Palmieri and Friends featuring Lalo Rodriguez: Nada De Ti Nada De Ti on Amazon Prime Music Continuing my list of the Top 20 albums of 1974, coming in at #9 is The Sun of Latin Music by Eddie Palmieri. Sunday is jazz day, so this is the perfect song to select. This is my favorite salsa album of not only 1974, but all time. Palmieri is a living legend of salsa music. He is a master pianist,…
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boricuacherry-blog · 8 months
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zepskies · 10 months
Devour Me - Part 2
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized/Latina!Reader 
Summary: When you and Dean start to press each other’s buttons, both of your tempers ignite. To make up for it, you give him an impromptu salsa dancing lesson…one he didn’t exactly ask for. (18+)
AN: Here's Part 2! **Read Devour Me: Part 1
Song Inspo: “Yo No Se Mañana” by Luis Enrique. But really it’s “Ven Devórame Otra Ves” by Lalo Rodriguez. (You’ll see why.) 🤭
Word Count: 5,400
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Blood, character death and violence, smutty smut, angst, Dominican slang, and tons of sexy fluff.
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 2: "Telenovela Style"
Your resulting scream of agony is as unforgiving as the ground when your knees buckle, hitting the hard cement.
Andy grips you with the strength of a monster. 
Then he holds you down as he drinks your blood. 
No matter how you struggle and whimper, you can’t push him off, and you’re getting weaker by the second.
Until Andy is ripped away from your neck, and is taken care of the way all vampires must be. He doesn’t even feel the blade coming. 
When you’re able to look up, Dean stands above you with thinly veiled fury. He doesn’t have time to consider what he’s just done. 
He bends to gather you up into his arms, all the while trying to stamp down the panic clenching his heart. He calls your name, but you can only make weak sounds as your bleary eyes meet his. 
“Dean,” you manage. The ragged wound in your neck is bleeding profusely down your chest and shoulder, seeping into your shirt. He takes your hand and clamps it hard against your neck, even though it makes you whimper.
“Gotta stop the bleeding,” he says, apologetic but firm. “Keep pressing.”
In your stupor of pain, you don’t realize that your screech woke the entire nest. Dean has to lock up his worry; he looks up and finds his brother and Cas already fighting a hoard of angry vampires. 
Dean carries you over to them and lays you down against the wall with the other humans. He keeps a protective line in front of you, but he decapitates a vampire before she can sink her fangs into Sam next.
The two of them work together, and with Castiel’s smiting power behind them, the angel and the two men are able to clear the rest of the nest. 
By the end, only you and two of the women being held captive are still alive. The third girl’s heart just finally gave out. Sam takes the survivors to the nearest hospital. 
Meanwhile, Castiel approaches where you sit up against the inside of the barn, barely awake, while Dean kneels with you, holding you to his chest. He meet’s Cas’s blue-eyed request with a nod. So Cas stretches out a hand and touches two fingers to your forehead. 
You’re healed in an instant. Dean marvels, like he always does when Cas displays his power. Dean is able to breathe a little easier, the vice grip on his heart easing as he touches your neck.
The tan skin is once again smooth, if still stained with blood. You blink back into wakeful consciousness. 
He shifts so he can see your face. “You okay?” 
You meet his eyes but can only nod. His jaw is still tight and tense, and you can’t blame him. 
You know you’ve messed up. Big time. You nearly got everyone killed, including yourself…and now, you have to tell a mother that her son was dead. 
Dean helps you up, holding you by your arms and waist until you’re steady on your feet. You have a hard time meeting his eyes, but when open your mouth to apologize, he beats you to it. 
“I hope you’ve learned your damn lesson,” he says. 
Your gaze snaps up to his. “Excuse me?”
Dean’s hands go to his hips as his brows raise at you. 
“Next time, when I tell you to hang back, I mean that shit. Hang the hell back,” he all but growls. 
You tilt your head at him as your irritation begins to spark. Meanwhile, Castiel is the one who backs up as he glances between you and Dean uncertainly.
“I made a mistake, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do,” you shoot back. “I was a hunter long before I met you.” 
“Yeah, well, color me surprised that you’ve made it this long,” he snaps. 
Your temper flares hotter. “You know, you’re not so goddamn perfect either.” 
“Never said I was,” Dean says. “But when my gut tells me something ain’t right, I need you to fucking listen. Otherwise, we get a day like today.”
His words are edged with grit by the end of his little rant, and you don’t appreciate it. Your lips purse in anger.
“I don’t care what that legendary gut tells you,” you sass back. “I’m not a little girl, and you’re not my damn father!”
Dean raises incredulous brows at the way you’re shouting at him. He crosses his arms. 
“What’s this, some kind of Latina temper?” he asks snidely. 
You truly become incensed at that. 
“Oh, you want to take it there?” you ask, as your eyes narrow. “Que sin vergüenza tú eres, coño. Sigue jodiendo conmigo. Entonces tú vas a ver quien soy yo.”
Dean won’t admit it, but in that moment, he’s a bit intimidated by the quiet threat in your voice. Still, his fuse is lit, and he’s way beyond curbing his internal filter.
“Oh, I’m sorry, does this telenovela-style tongue lashing come with subtitles?” he snarks. 
You let out an incredulous breath. Your eyes begin to sting.
“You’re such an asshole!” you shout back. There, understand that?
You turn away from him before your frustrated tears can fall, but you stop short once you notice Castiel dragging out the bodies of the dead…including Andy. Your throat constricts, and you begin to stalk out of the barn. 
Dean calls your name in frustration. 
“What?” you hiss. 
The only thing that makes him hesitate is seeing the state of you when you turn back around. His anger crumbles, and maybe something in him breaks when he sees your tears. They’ve welled up in your eyes, and a few of them carve a path down your cheeks. 
You’re still covered in your own blood, and he hates it. He hates it more than anything. 
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Later, you see the state of yourself when Sam returns with the Impala. In the reflection on the backseat window, you see the blood dried down your neck, staining nearly half of your shirt.
You see the black rings of your mascara and eyeliner around your eyes. You look a mess, and you try to wipe underneath your eyes. It’s a fruitless effort.
After you all finish burning the bodies, Dean starts the long drive home. You insist on stopping to tell Rachel Campbell about her son, but Sam says he already took care of it when he drove into town. 
You frown, but you no longer have the energy to be angry. You further withdraw into yourself, and your lower lip trembles as you look out the window. Through the rearview mirror, Dean sees more tears slipping down your face.
What Sam told him (but he won’t tell you), is what one of the survivors said. One of the mated pairs had taken Andy…to “adopt” a son of their own. 
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That night is quiet and tense in Dean’s room. You have to wash your hair all over again, and scrub the blood and grime from your body until only your skin remains. But you don’t have the energy to do more than braid your wet hair afterwards and pull on your lucky Journey shirt, which is still full of holes. 
Dean knows that it’s bad when you need the “dreamcatcher,” as he’s called it in his head. You’ve never had a nightmare while wearing that shirt, or so you claimed a while back. 
You wear it over some long pajama pants instead of your usual shorts, or better yet, nothing at all. But he can see what kind of mood you’re in. Things are unsettled as you both get ready for bed in silence. 
He notes the way you turn to face the other side in bed, maybe to avoid him. Though if you really wanted to do that, you could’ve gone to your old room.
So in more ways than one, Dean takes some solace in the fact that you’re still next to him. And he decides to give you some time and space. 
He goes to bed and tries in vain to sleep.
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In the morning, Dean’s woken by the familiar smell of coffee…and the less familiar sound of loud salsa music. 
What the fuck?
After he brushes his teeth, he puts on his robe and slippers and heads down to the kitchen, where he finds you in a seemingly better mood. You’re mopping the floor, of all things. You’re out of your pajamas, instead wearing a loose shirt that falls off your shoulder and some spandex shorts. 
“Yo no se mañana…yo no se mañana. Si estaremos juntos, si se acaba el mundo,” you sing softly along with the music as you dance from the kitchen to the living room. Your phone is connected to a Bluetooth speaker on the coffee table. 
Dean starts to smile, crossing his arms as he leans against the doorway to watch you.
At an instrumental break with a run of conga drums and trumpets, you pause in your mopping to do a little twirl as you dance, with a soulful roll of hips and a flair of salsa steps. It makes Dean’s smile kick up into a smirk.
He walks in on purposefully light feet until he’s sidled up behind you in the living room.
“Nice moves, Shakira,” he quips. 
It startles a shriek of surprise out of you as you whirl around. Dean’s smile hikes up into a grin, but it soon fades when he remembers the way your scream rang through his ears last night. The way his heart dropped into his stomach, and his head swiveled at the sound. And he saw you go down hard. 
Then the rest of it tumbles through his mind—what he had to do afterwards in order to save you. How he’d did it without really thinking, his panic and determination blocking out almost everything else when he’d grabbed the kid. The monster, he forcibly reminds himself. 
“You trying to give me a heart attack?” you ask with a hand on your heart. 
Dean forces himself to smile a little. “Sorry. But might I remind you, not everyone here’s an early bird.”
You give him a wry look.
“You’re the only one around here who sleeps past 10 a.m. Cas dipped out a while ago, and Sam’s on a run.” 
But you graciously grab your phone to lower the music to a more bearable level. Dean doesn’t yet know this about you, but this—listening to music, dancing, cleaning—it’s all your way of coping…and releasing as much of your pain, terror, and regret from yesterday as possible. 
You then look up at him more guarded. The two of you exchanged a lot of unsavory words last night. In fact, it may just be the worst fight you two have ever had in almost three years of knowing one another.  
Dean senses the shift in you, and his amusement fades. He just can't let things stay like this. He won't.
He hazards drawing closer and touching your arm.
“Look…I’m sorry for snapping at you yesterday. I know I was being a dick,” he says. “You’ve just gotta understand something.”
You wait for him to continue with furrowed brows, sensing that whatever he’s about to say is hard for him. 
“There’s a reason I don’t do this. The uh, relationship thing,” Dean continues, clearing his throat. His thumb swipes along your arm. “It’s not just this job. It’s my fucked up life. I tried to warn you before—” 
“Dean,” you say with a sigh, but he raises his hand. 
“Please, just…let me say it,” he says. “You know the spiel. But things can change on a dime. Even on a damn milk run, like a dusty nest of vamps.”
You know that. You know you could’ve died yesterday, and he doesn’t need to remind you of that fact. Before you can start to get petulant again though, Dean continues. His jaw is working, like this next part is more difficult for him to admit.
“Trust me when I say, us being together is dangerous, for both of us,” he says. “For a while I…I started to think Sam and I were better off alone.”
…That casts you into dismay. Because you know Dean isn’t lying. He’s really contemplated spending the rest of his life devoid of love, so he won’t have to lose it. 
Dangerous, for both of us.
You realize then what Dean’s really saying. He’s afraid…afraid to lose you. You see it in his furrowed brows, the downturn of his lips, and whatever pain he’s trying to hide in the depths of his eyes. 
And just like that, the water works start. You can’t quite keep your tears at bay as you hold onto his shirt. He lets out a resigned sigh as he holds you by your arms. 
“You don’t have to cry for that,” he says, a bit teasing. 
“Have you met me?” you sniff. But you manage to look up at him with your glassy eyes. “I’m sorry too. God, I’m so sorry, Dean.” 
Your fist clenches in his shirt when you remember Andy, latched onto your neck, and how Dean had to save you. You know he’s remembering it too when his brows furrow, and his gaze falls away. You reach a hand for his cheek.
“I know I fucked up,” you admit. “I was working with my heart, not my head. I just…”
You wanted so badly to help that kid and his mother. You also know that Dean understands; you see it in his eyes. He holds your hand to his cheek and brushes his thumb across the back of your hand.
“I know,” he says. “I really am sorry, baby.” 
The problem is, you didn’t just see your own mother in Rachel. She hadn’t been much older than you. And when you imagine a life beyond hunting, more than anything (no matter how much you shove down the idea), you really do want a family of your own someday. 
It’s just…days like yesterday remind you why that could be a very bad idea. 
More of your tears bubble over, and you head willingly into Dean’s arms. “Me too…”
He holds you tighter than ever. His hands rub down your back, tangle in your hair, and he drops his lips onto your hair. You sniffle, wiping your face dry in his shirt. And for a while, the two of you have peace in the relative quiet. 
Music still plays from the speaker though. And when another salsa song starts to play on your playlist, you start swaying. A smile works its way onto Dean’s face. 
“You can’t help yourself, can you?” he teases.
You smile into his chest. “We should go dancing sometime.”
Dean just laughs. “Oooh, no.”
“Oh, yes,” you reply, batting your lashes up at him. You slip a hand on his shoulder and into one of his hands. He’s forced to hold you as if the two of you were about to start Fred Astair-ing across the living room. 
“Have you ever danced before?” you ask. “Like real dancing.” 
“Not salsa, I’ll tell you that,” he quips. 
“That’s okay. I’ll teach you,” you reply with a coquettish smile. “It’s just a few simple moves.”
Dean gives you a wan look. “You made it look anything but simple.”
You blush at that, but you meet him with a pout of disappointment. You don’t let up, even when Dean frowns. He huffs at you in resistance.
“No,” he insists. You just brush a gentle thumb along his neck, biting your lip in askance.  
But the longer he stares at your beautiful, hopeful eyes, the more cracks form in his resolve. 
Eventually, Dean breaks with a sigh, and a shake of his head. 
“You’re too much, you know that?” he mutters.
It’s then that you know you’ve won.
So with a happy squeal of excitement, you clap your hands and move to stand next to him so you can show him the basic steps of salsa dancing. 
You make him take off his robe and slippers, leaving in his shirt and plaid pajama pants. Then you instruct him for a few minutes, correcting his footing and getting him to move on a beat. You’re pleasantly surprised that he has some rhythm.  
Dean sighs once again. How the hell did we get here? Heat crawls up the back of his neck as embarrassment starts to set in. 
“This is fucking ridiculous,” he grumbles.
“You’re doing good,” you encourage, with a growing smile. “Now come on, feel the beat in threes. One, two, three. One, two, three…”
Once he sort of has the basic steps and turns down, you move to stand in front of him. There you show him how to hold you, how he’ll move forward, and you’ll move back. It takes a little while, but you slowly move through the combinations, then do a little twirl underneath his hand. 
When he pulls you back in without faltering, you give him a beaming smile. “Very good!”
A subtle grin raises his lips at your enthusiasm. He also feels his face heating up at the praise.
But you pause when a certain song filters through the speakers. It’s an old one (and it never fails to make you blush), but you love it.  
“Ooh, yes,” you exclaim with delight, and you turn up the volume.
“What’s this one?” Dean asks.
“Ven Devórame Otra Ves,” you inform him. Not that he knows what that means. You sing along a bit with the first couple of verses while you encourage Dean to lead you in the dance. 
This song is just slow enough for him to attempt it, and the funny thing is, he doesn’t feel all that uncomfortable with the steps now. He’s starting to get a feel for how to move, both with his feet, and with his hands as he guides you by your waist, holding your hand close to his chest. Still, Dean’s also curious about the lyrics you’re singing. 
“What does it mean?” he asks.
You huff in amusement. “You sure you want to know?”
Dean raises a brow. “Well, now I gotta know.” 
You giggle at that, though you correct his steps when he leads with the wrong foot. 
“Okay. It’s about a guy who’s pretty much a player,” you say with a smirk. “His bed has been a revolving door of hot ass, but he keeps thinking about this one woman who used to have him turned inside out…”
Dean’s lips curve at the familiar image you’re conjuring. He manages to turn you under his hand, then pull you back to him in one smooth motion. He looks down at you with a deeper gleam in his eyes. You bite your lip, soothing your hand from his shoulder and down his arm.
As the song’s verses come, you translate for him. And for Dean, your voice in itself is a spell.
“Even in my dreams, he says, I thought I had you devouring me. And I dampened my white sheets remembering you,” you begin. Your words are smooth like black velvet. “In my bed, no one is like you, who draws my body on every corner, without a piece of skin left over.”
Dean is getting hot under the collar as you push away, dragging your fingertips along his back as you turn around him. When you come back into his line of vision, his attention is attracted to the sway of your hips, clad just in those little spandex shorts. He has to clear his throat a bit. 
You eventually return to him with a warm hand against his chest. 
“Ven, devórame otra ves. It means, come devour me again,” you continue, looking up at him from under your lashes, “Come punish me more with your desire. Because I kept my love for you…because my mouth has the taste of your body.” 
You smile at the laser focus of his green-eyed gaze. “Come devour me again.”
You push off with another little spin. When you reach for his hand, Dean yanks you back into him, eliciting a gasp. The move disorients you for a moment, but you giggle and hold onto his arms. Your hands glide up to rest on his shoulders. 
He’s holding you flush against him, and as you shift a thigh between his legs, you unintentionally graze against his hardening length. You look up at him with a smirk.
“You’re a little…stiff,” you say, both flirtatious and teasing. “Let’s loosen you up.”
You shake his shoulders out and try to get him to relax. Dean raises a wry brow, because you know damn well whose fault it is that his body is coiled tight. But you place his hands on your hips as you move back into the dance. 
“Feel what I’m doing there?” you ask. He looks down on you with growing heat.
“If I could do that, we wouldn’t be together,” he rumbles. 
You try to stifle a laugh as he pulls you in close again, just swaying for a bit. Soon enough, you grin knowingly when his hands start to slide lower on your ass. His head bows to yours, ready to meet you with a kiss. 
You stop him with your finger on his lips.
“Question: do you consider yourself more of a tits or ass man?” you ask him. You’re half teasing, but still curious. Dean snorts at the question. 
“More of a connoisseur,” he replies, smirking. 
“Ah.” You nod sagely, and you point between him and yourself. “So this is like a ‘sample the menu’ situation.”
Dean’s smirk deepens. “Sweetheart, you’re a goddamn buffet.”
You splutter laughing…and that’s when he finally pounces. He claims your lips with greedy passion. His hand winds into your hair, gripping tight and ruining what’s left of your loose ponytail. The strands coil around his hand in messy curls while he also gets a healthy grip of your ass through your thin shorts. 
You smile into his lips, even as you acquiesce to him guiding your head to the side, so he can slip his tongue against yours. You grip his arms more for stability while he manhandles you, kneading soft flesh and making pleasant tingles run up your spine. 
After a little while, his mouth burns a hot path away from yours. He noses down your neck, skimming his lips across your skin. It sets your nerve endings on fire and gets you breathing more shallowly in his ear. You cling to the back of his shirt, holding him close. 
Often he’s one to leave love bites of varying degrees, wherever he sees fit. But for a moment he stops at the crook of your neck, just pressing a lingering kiss.
He lets out a deep breath, and you realize he’s probably thinking about where you were bitten. The wound is gone, but it doesn’t change what’s imprinted in both of your minds.  
A softer smile grows on your face. You trail your fingers up into his hair, massaging the back of his neck. 
“I’m okay,” you remind him. Dean hums deep in agreement. You know, however, that he’s still thinking far too much.
So you slide your hands down, slow between the dips and planes of muscle in his back, and rest at his hips. Your thumbs delve under the hem of his shirt and tease the skin there. 
And you start slow, pressing wet, nipping kisses of your own to his neck while you inch his shirt up. You feel his smile on your neck. His grip on your hip flares to life. Still, he lets you tug his shirt up and over his head. Your loose shirt comes next, revealing the same black satin and lace bra you wore the first time he ever got you topless in his arms. 
A fan favorite. Dean grins. He reaches around to go for the clasp, but your firm push on his chest takes him by surprise.
He falls back onto the couch with a grunt, looking up at you then with raised brows. You’ve got a mischievous little smirk on your face that heats his blood and makes his cock twitch.
You take out the rest of your falling ponytail, shaking your hair out wild. Then you let your hands drift down your neck, over your clothed breasts, and finally to your little shorts.
Dean rubs his palms down his thighs and watches. A smirk forms across his lips as you slide the fabric down the curve of your hips. It leaves you in a red thong, familiar to him by the little tear it has on the front. (Again, his fault.)
You climb aboard his strong thighs to straddle his lap, using his shoulders as leverage as you sink down. You make sure to rub yourself teasingly against his clothed erection. He groans in appreciation. His hands fly to your soft, thick thighs and squeeze. 
“Aw, I like this,” Dean says, half on another moan as you grind down a bit harder on him. 
“Yeah?” you tease. You take his face in your hands and capture his lips with your own. Your tongue invades his mouth, and he welcomes you with a deep hum. It’s slow and hot at first, but Dean feels the loss of you when you break from his lips.
Instead, you treat him with the same trail of kisses he gave you, along the curve of his jaw and down his neck. But you don’t stop there.
Your hands move over his chest with purpose, tweaking over each hard nipple while your mouth burns a wet line down and down his sternum. Dean groans at your ministrations, but lets you leave his lap to slide down to the ground, between his thighs. 
“What’re you up to, baby?” he asks, despite having a very good idea of it. He catches the playful, yet determined gleam in your eye. 
You pause, briefly leaning back up to give him a heated kiss. You part from him with a grin. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you ask. “I’m gonna devour you.”
Dean stares hard at you as goosebumps break out across his forearms. 
Oh, fuck yeah. 
A giggle bubbles in your throat at the expression on his face. But you continue, taking his pants down his legs first, before his boxer briefs. 
Dean’s body tenses in anticipation. You’ve gone down on him before, but somehow it’s different this time. He feels like every single one of his nerve endings stands at attention along with his dick. And you’re taking your sweet time working him up. 
Even when his cock is finally free, you sooth your hands down his legs first, maybe teasing him a bit as you drag your nails down his inner thighs. Dean makes a strained sound, though he tries to hide it by clearing his throat.
Your gaze flicks up to his with a little smile. He’s holding the back of the couch; his fingers are digging into the old cushion in effort to keep still for you. But his eyes stare into yours like a man starving. You know what you’re in for after you have your way with him, but for now, he’s quite literally under your control. 
So you take him in your hands first. Dean groans as you tease him with light touches, soft movements, your thumb slowly circling over the sensitive, weeping head of his cock. It's torturous enough to make him drop his head back against the couch, closing his eyes tight.
And suddenly, he blinks them open again.
“Shit,” he utters, when you finally take him into your mouth. Your tongue is soft and wet, your lips move over him steadily, and your hands caress whatever your mouth can’t take, even teasing his balls. 
You work him over relentlessly, until he can’t help but spill everything he has to give into your waiting mouth. When you suck off and swallow whatever remains, Dean’s heart stutters like syncopated conga drums. 
He shudders and gasps for breath afterwards, watching your every movement—from wiping your mouth to shooting him that satisfied little smirk. 
You press one last kiss to the inside of his thigh before you raise from where you’ve been kneeling on the hard ground. 
Dean manages to lean forward and helps you up by your elbows. But then he pulls you back into his lap and kisses you deeply. He doesn’t let up until you’re panting with him.
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetheart,” he manages to say. His voice is deep and laced with grit. 
He’s still struggling for breath. You giggle and press your warming face into his neck. 
“What, now you’re shy?” he remarks. And he has to laugh. “Come back here.”
He brings your face back to him with a hand on your cheek. For a second, he just looks at you. His thumb strokes across your full, thoroughly kissed bottom lip.  
“Say it,” you encourage softly. “Whatever you’re thinking. Right now.”
A smile tugs at his lips. He can’t help but oblige you. 
“You’re too damn much,” he says again, both gruff and fond. Despite how you drive him up the fucking wall sometimes, he doesn't think it'll ever be enough for him, what he has with you.
Because this is something he'd almost given up on. Didn't think he'd get to have it. And it almost scares him, how much he wants you. How much he...
“I love you,” he says. His thumb traces along the familiar curve of your cheek.
It hasn’t been all that long, but he knows. You weaseled your way in without even trying. The least he can do for you is be honest.
Your fingers curl around his wrist, holding his hand in place. You tilt your head at him.
“Oh, yeah?” you ask. 
Dean hesitates, but he nods. “Yeah.”
A smile grows across your face. “Eh, I’m still on the fence.”
At his flat look, you laugh and lean in for a kiss. He allows it, a little petulantly. But you make up for it with sweet affection. Your gentle hands stroke down the column of his neck, down his chest. You then lean back so he can see your face.
“Yo te amo,” you whisper. “Te amo y te quiero, más que tú puedes creer y entender.”
Dean smiles. He doesn’t understand all of it, but he gets the important bits. He hears it in the tone of your voice. He sees it in your eyes. They shine with emotion, but mainly with love. 
Dean kisses your hand. He lets go, just so he can slip his hands around you to finally unhook your bra. He tosses it across the room without bothering to see where it lands.
You do though, and you meet him with a slightly narrowed gaze. 
“Are you making a mess of my clean bunker?” you tease. 
His lips curve as he kisses you again, while his hands each get a generous handful of your breasts. 
“Ah, hello, ladies." He grins. "Miss me?”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s such a dork sometimes.
But you hum when his thumbs brush over hardened nipples, then drag deliberate circles over them, and pinch just hard enough to make you whimper in pleasure. The sensation zips through you, enhancing the flood between your legs. 
“I fucking love that sound,” Dean mutters, and licks a hot path in the valley between your breasts. His lips move against your dewy skin when he says, “Do that for me again.”
When he takes a nipple in his mouth and nips a bit hard, you have to oblige him. Your voice rising high is music to his ears.  
So he goes for your panties next. You help him get them off and return to his lap. With a breathy moan, you revel at the feeling of his fingers probing into your wet heat.  
However, you and Dean have been too engrossed in one another to notice the door of the bunker unlocking, and heavy steps down the spiral staircase. 
It’s Sam who’s back from his run. Unfortunately, he soon has to shield his eyes upon reaching the living room. 
“Damn it, Dean!”
You yelp in surprise, but Dean laughs and holds you close to shield you from view. As a bonus, it presses your breasts against his chest. 
“All right, Sammy. Go to your room,” he chides playfully (but he means it). “The adults are havin’ a moment.”
Sam scoffs. “You’re having a moment on the goddamn couch!”
“Sorry,” you say, though it’s muffled in Dean’s neck. Your face is red hot with embarrassment. 
Sam rolls his eyes heavenward and tries not to see anything else on his way to his room. 
But Dean’s chuckle reverberates through your chest as his hand goes to your cheek. He encourages you to pull back, so he can see your face again. 
When he does, he smirks at the scarlet blush dusting your cheeks and neck. You bite your lower lip, but despite your embarrassment, you’re happy.
Your own words replay in your mind when you lean in for another kiss.
I love you, you’d said. I love you and I love you, more than you can believe and understand. 
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AN: Yay! I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of the “Midnight Espresso”-verse! I loved writing this one so much. I know we're just doing fanfic here, but I genuinely put my heart and soul into this one. ❤️
Also, here are a couple of Spanish translations:
(Note: other Spanish-speaking countries may interpret certain words differently.)
[During their fight]: 
“Que sin vergüenza tú eres, coño. Sigue jodiendo conmigo. Entonces tú vas a ver quien soy yo.”
“You’re fucking shameless. Keep messing with me. Then you’re going to see who I am (<- This is Dominican slang. It essentially means fuck around and find out what I'm made of.).”
[Song lyrics: “Yo No Se Mañana” by Luis Enrique]: 
“Yo no se mañana…yo no se mañana. Si estaremos juntos, si se acaba el mundo.”
“I don’t know tomorrow. I don’t know tomorrow. If we’ll be together, if the world will end.”
Keep Reading:
Next in this series is "Chico Malo" ("Bad Boy"):
Summary: You catch Dean red-handed—with one of his favorite episodes of Casa Erotica.
▶️ Next Story: Bad Boy (Chico Malo)
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urmomsgnocchi · 1 month
big (18+, kinda explicit) thoughts of meeting Javi at a dark little sweaty bar and he buys you a drink and leans in close to hear you over the music. eventually he asks you to dance to some ancient salsa song your parents used to play and pulls you to the dance floor.
he'd wrap his massive hands around you, one tight on the curve of your hip and the other landing on the small of your back to pull you right up against him. he takes the lead, strong arms pushing and pulling your hips along with his. it's fun, playful at first, until you start to sweat, panting softly against each other, bodies melting together.
the song changes - "He llenado tu tiempo vacío de aventuras más.."
you're both so absorbed in the music and the intoxicating feeling of your bodies moving as one, pressed as close as possible, that you don't notice yourself singing along.
"y he mojado mis sabanas blancas recordándote.." a mumbled whisper into his cheek as he moves your body skillfully with his, a smile forming on his full lips. he slips his leg between your thighs to hoist you up and move you a bit better. having the wonderful side effect of pressure where you've been aching for it since he locked eyes with you at the bar.
"ay ven, devórame otra ves, ven, devórame otra ves" it now comes as a whimper, you're on another planet, his hands still gripping you tight, one moving lower on you hip, the other pressing your chest against his stronger, broader one.
you feel Javi shift, his mouth now up against your ear, "yeah baby?" a gentle kiss to your cheekbone to sweeten the dirty words he speaks over the music "¿quieres eso?¿quieres que te devore?" he pulls back to gauge your reaction but doesn't stop pulling your hips against his own and your heat against his thigh. the stiffness in those tight little jeans pushing hard into your tummy as you try to remind yourself that you're in a public place.
"shut up" you giggle attempting a playful slap to his chest but with his next shift against your core it ends up looking more like a desperate move to ground yourself as he continues to move.
the two of you smile like idiots, eyes glossy and faces flushed as Javi swiftly pulls your hand from behind his neck and twirls you around in front of him. he pulls you back to him so your ass is pressed right up against the obscenely hard tent in his jeans.
"ojos baby." he moves a hand to your chin and tilts your head up so you're looking right at the exit when you open your eyes. his hand trails down your neck and chest, softly tracing until it lands on your waist. he whispers in your ear, "my truck is right outside those doors. nice cushy backseat...what do you think baby?" he moves to your other ear and with one hand on your hip and the other wrapped around your middle, moves you against him, "devórame otra ves ay devórame otra ves"
later, when you're bare except for his leather jacket draped over your shoulders and the sticky sheen of his and your own sweat covering your body, you tell him he was right. the backseat is very comfy.
the song is Ven Devórame Otra Ves by Lalo Rodriguez, one of the best songs to dance to actually ever and very in tune with the trend of old salsa being casually horny asf.
ven devórame otra ves = come devour me again
he mojado mis sábanas blancas recordándote = I've soaked my white sheets remembering you
He llenado tu tiempo vacío de aventuras más = I've filled your spare time with many adventures
(little culture lesson! this kind of dancing is salsa pegado/pegadito/pegados. if you look it up it's very sensual and close, sometimes borders on dry humping to the beat!)
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secr3tlover · 1 year
Dancing with You
pairing: 1610!miles morales/fem!latina!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1,058
warnings: nothing that i can think of tbh?
summary: reader and miles are in an established relationship, there’s a roof party happening at miles’ house and they sneak out to a more private area :)
fyi: i’m latina so all the spanish should be absolutely correct 👍 i didn’t translate but google translate is only a couple clicks away for any non-spanish-speaking readers
“Ay! Mierda.” You exclaimed as you accidentally tripped over your shoelaces, climbing up the stars to the roof of the Morales’ building. You had gone downstairs to get a drink, only to find out that they were out of Coca-Cola, so you figured you’d just settle for the punch they had back on the roof—although you had a sneaking suspicion Tia Marta had spiked it.
Tying your shoes quickly you burst open through the door, out onto the fresh air of the roof. You were glad to get out of the tight staircase, filled with cob webs and bad energy. Not that you were doing much during the party anyways. You were waiting for Miles, your boyfriend, who was running a little late due to being held up by his Spider-Man duties.
He had revealed his identity to you a couple months ago, your immediate reaction being shock but then settling. You were very understanding, and when he confided in you that he was nervous about how his parents would react, you encouraged him to tell them. They’d reacted similarly to you at first, shocked, then a bit angry at the deception, but accepting. Telling them was better for him anyways, they understood his tardiness at times and his responsibilities not only as a student but as the caretaker of the city.
You were brought back out of your reverie by a buzzing coming from your back pocket. Pulling your phone out as you were walking to the drinks table, you saw the incoming message.
Almosr therd, ser yiu soom
Shaking your head at your boyfriend, you replied back.
oye! no swinging while texting!
As the message finally sent through, you heard the door bursting open behind you. Turning around, you saw Miles still fidgeting with his shoe, hopping on one leg in your direction.
“Miles!” You beamed happily, smiling and rolling your eyes at his foolishness.
“Hey baby.” He piped as he finally caught up to you. He slipped his hands around your waist and lower back, giving you a chaste kiss before pulling away.
“Where are our parents?” He questioned, looking around for them while still keeping his hands on your waist.
“They’re over there, making conversation I guess. Do you wanna go say hi to them?” You replied, offering the option.
He looked down at you, “I probably should… or,” He leaned in close to your ear, his breath tickling you, “we could sneak away?”
“Sneak away? Miles acabas de llegar!” You chastised.
“Not that far! Just up there. Cmon…” He pointed up to to a little area covered by a bulky-looking roof, away from everyone, trying to convince you.
Well… you guys didn’t have to be gone for that long, just a little while. Plus, once everybody saw he was here you’d never get any alone time with him…
“Fine.” You sighed, shaking your head at how easily you caved. “Awesome! Dale cmon, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers and pulling you through the crowd of people as quickly and discreetly as possible. As you were walking you saw him sneakily swipe a plate of croquetas and galletas de soda. Grinning and rolling your eyes, you continued to be pulled by him until you finally arrived to the little secluded area.
It was way quieter up here, although the low bustle of the party and the music could still be heard pretty clearly.
He set the plate of food down on the railing and leaned against it, pulling you into him. You placed your hands on his chest as he wrapped one hand around yours.
“You look pretty today, I mean-“ He stumbled over his words. “You look pretty everyday, but you look extra pretty today.” You smiled, your face getting red and leaned your head against his chest, your arms going to wrap around his middle.
“I missed you today.” You mumbled into his sweater. “Me too mi sol, me too.” He replied, sighing in content at having you in his arms, pressing a kiss onto your head. You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence.
Eventually you pried yourself from his arms, leaning against the railing next to him and munching on the food you brought. For a while you both talked about your day, making jokes about the people at the party, teasing each other, having an easy conversation.
“Wait why didn’t Ganke call dispatch again?” You reiterated in question.
“Something about not wanting to be my ‘guy in the chair’ because the old Spider-Man’s ‘guy in the chair’ turned into a lizard… I told him I wouldn’t let that happen but he just said Peter Parker said the same.” He said, frowning, obviously still a little salty about the situation.
You snorted, “Poor baby,” Going up to him to pinch his cheeks, you shot him a sympathetic smile “It’s okay, you don’t need a guy in the chair anyways. You’ve got me, and your parents.” He grabbed one of your hands, placing a light kiss on it. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He leaned forward and placed his forehead against yours, opening his mouth to say something before, “Oh my gosh! Miles! I love this song!” You shouted in joy as ‘Ven Devorame Otra Vez’ flooded your ears.
You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the center of the area, “Dance with me! Please…” You pleaded.
“Okay, okay!” He chuckled, letting you pull him. He placed one hand on your waist and held your other next to your shoulders, in the typical couple position for salsa. You guys started dancing to the simple salsa steps, him performing them with ease now as you had taught him not long ago, that whole day spent in your room with salsa music blasting, you both laughing and correcting his missteps.
As the song got more lively you started doing more intricate but fun turns and spins, laughing and dancing to the beat of the music. You continued dancing, him missing a couple steps every now and then but you just shaking your head at him.
“I think your salsa teacher wasn’t very good…” You joked, as he missed another step by accident.
As the end of the song approached, you did one last spin, him ending it with a dip, surprising you. “Nah, fue perfecta.”
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desceros · 2 months
i think about dancing salsa under the moonlight with leo way too often and as i was adding songs to my salsa playlist i rediscovered a favourite, ven devórame otra vez by lalo rodriguez
i immediately thought of lamb-chan and blurple villain leo. if you're willing to listen or translate if needed, do you have any thoughts?
the title does literally translate to "come devour me again"
and to translate a few lyrics (as close as possible with mediocre english syntax while also trying to keep it gender neutral):
i've had dreams about you devouring me
and i've soaked my sheets remembering you
there's no one like you in my bed
i couldn't find the one
who could trace my body in every corner
without a piece of skin left over
unrelated side note: i think i'd like to go by the moniker mycelium because this is not my first ask (a mild hyperbole) and i feel as though i might be a frequent appearance in your inbox despite online social anxiety
-mycelium <3
welcome formally to the inbox, mycelium!!
a lovely image!! the sensuality of his hand sliding to the small of your back as he pulls you close… hhhhhh….. a good one
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Blastin this in my dorm as I clean n imagining Miguel n I dancing salsa to this. In my señorita era Fr Fr, ya tu sabessss
(Go translate the lyrics for my non-Spanish speakers…. I dare u 😈)
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cherrykamado · 1 year
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 10 months
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#Repost @nwe
[EN] 🇺🇸 Clarence Avant, known as the "Black Godfather," passed away at 92. His influence spanned music, sports, entertainment, and politics. He started as a nightclub manager and went on to manage artists like Lalo Schifrin and Jimmy Smith. Avant founded record labels, supported artists like Bill Withers and Sixto Rodriguez, and played a key role in selling Stax Records. He became the first Afro-American board member at PolyGram, advised presidents, and mentored figures like L.A. Reid and Babyface. Avant's legacy celebrates his high-reaching achievements as an industry mentor and trailblazer.
[FR] 🇺🇸 Clarence Avant, également connu sous le nom de "Black Godfather", est décédé à 92 ans. Son influence a touché la musique, le sport, le divertissement et la politique. Il a débuté en tant que gérant de boîte de nuit avant de devenir manager d'artistes tels que Lalo Schifrin et Jimmy Smith. Avant a créé des maisons de disques, soutenu des artistes tels que Bill Withers et Sixto Rodriguez, et a joué un rôle crucial dans la vente de Stax Records. En tant que premier membre afro-américain du conseil d'administration de PolyGram, il a conseillé des présidents et guidé des figures comme L.A. Reid et Babyface. Son héritage célèbre ses réalisations audacieuses en tant que mentor et pionnier de l'industrie.
Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones. 🙏🏾🕊️
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dimagapi · 1 year
I plan on translating Rizal's satire
KATATAPOS KO LANG sa Life and Works of José Rizal course ko at sa isang banda ay naiinggit ako sa tatay kong tatlong beses itong kinuha. Nabitin ako! Hinayaan ako ng Rizal course na magiging madaldal about something that I'm passionate about, at na-challenge din akong mag-explore pa lalo.
Sa pag-e-explore na 'yun, napadpad ako sa collections ng wirtings ni Rizal, particularly Epistolario Rizalino at Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission (JRNCC) publications, and some other resources tulad ng La Senda del Sacrificio ni José Alejandrino (kung saan ni-recall ni Alejandrino 'yung time na sinabi ni Rizal na pinagsisihan niyang pinatay niya si Elias sa Noli me tangere).
Na-assign akong mag-report, along with two other groupmates, tungkol sa stay ni Rizal sa London at Paris at tungkol sa writings ni Rizal from around those times. Nababanggit lang talaga in passing sa mga discussion ang La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (Ang Pangitain ni Fray Rodriguez) at Por Teléfono (Sa Pamamagitan ng Telepono), mga satirical stories na sinulat ni Rizal bilang ganti sa mga prayleng kritiko ng Noli na sina José Rodriguez at Salvador Font.
Isiningit ko sa paghahanda ng report ang pag-skim sa mga kuwentong ito at na-fixate naman ako agad (because of course). Interesting ang premises ng dalawang kuwento. Sa La Vision, sinermunan ni San Agustin si Padre Rodriguez at pinarusahang magsulat ng nonsense habambuhay. I particularly like na isa sa reasons ng pagbaba ni San Agustin ay dahil kahiya-hiya na sa paningin ng ibang mga santo ang pinaggagagawa ng mga prayleng Agustino. Sa Por Teléfono naman, I love the sarcasm! May part sa may umpisa that goes like this: "Salamat sa perpektong pagkagawa sa telepono ay maririnig maging ang katahimikan sa komedor, at mababatid mula sa mga tunog ng pagnguya na maging ang pinakamatakaw na prayle ay hindi kumakai ng higit sa limang subo sa isang araw."
At the time, 'yung original Spanish pa lang ang nakita ko. May existing translations naman ng mga ito sa Filipino sa JNRCC publications, pero medyo luma na at sinusunod ang Spanish-style formatting na posibleng ikalito ng non-Spanish speaking readers. Gusto kong gumawa ng updated translations, para rin madali kong ma-share sa iba itong dalawang story na 'to. Hopefully, makapag-translate ako ng kahit isa sa dalawang ito habang sem break ko.
Gusto ko nga rin sanang gawan ang mga 'to ng komiks adaptation, pero siyempre, mas labor-intensive 'yun. Looking back at the content ng mga kuwento, tingin ko ay mas magandang gawing komiks ang La Vision—parang ang satisfying makita 'yung eksena kung saan pinalo ni San Agustin si Padre Rodriguez ng baston sa tiyan, hindi siya nakilala, kaya pinukol niya naman sa ulo at nabali ang baston dahil matigas ang ulo ng prayle. Literal na phone conversation lang at kaunting narration ang Por Teléfono, so I think this will stay as prose.
I'd really love for others to read these stories, sadyang (1) hindi lang ito accessible sa marami sa ngayonand (2) hindi lahat ay interested sa mga bagay-bagay na may kinalaan sa Philippine history. Hopefully, maging tulay itong plano ko para malagpasan kahit 'yung unang problema man lang.
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boricuacherry-blog · 8 months
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Un Nuevo Despertar
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aguajerord · 1 year
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Noticia | Muere Lalo Rodríguez, intérprete de “Ven, devórame otra vez” https://aguajero.com/muere-lalo-rodriguez-interprete-de-ven-devorame-otra-vez
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videostak · 1 year
oh ya i went to the thrift it was v chilly walking but it wasnt too bad and was bright out n stuff so that was nice i bought some cute tops and some jeans im hoping fit comfy. kinda gonna try to find some looser girl jeans even if theyre meh just cause i need stuff that i can wear with boxers lol. even tho now boxers make me feel  all stuffy and like i much prefer panties n stuff but i have lots of boxers so i wanna have clothes thats also loose and works with them and theyre still fun to wear. anyways ya i got that and also got a machito record which im excited to listen to cause i like his album with lalo rodriguez a lot (wanna get it on CD someday in the future) but ya the record i got is just by him so im excited to listen to it :D and then also got 2 national geographics they had a ton there and i specifically looked thru all of them hoping to find one abt bali and balinese gamelan (lol) but they didnt have any but they did have one abt java and i think very very very briefly mention javanese gamelan in passing and have a pic either way got it to check it out and then the other one i got waas abt china in the early 70s which has lots of cool pictures and whatnot.
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puertoricanflagsup · 1 year
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El velorio de Lalo Rodriguez el martes The wake of Lalo Rodriguez on Tuesday May he rest in peace . . #lalorodriguez #prflagsup #puertoricansflagsup https://www.instagram.com/p/CmfSB83pSjm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tazzmania2003 · 3 months
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karaoketracks · 5 months
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Ven, devórame otra vez by Lalo Rodriguez Custom Mix Backing Track
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